Trainingcourse artcam jewelsmith

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ArtCAM JewelSmith 2009 Training Course

Delcam plc, Talbot Way, Small Heath Business Park, Birmingham, B10 0HJ.

Important Notice This document is supplied as part of a Delcam Training Course. It is not intended to be distance learning material: rather as an aid for Tutors when presenting material to course delegates and as a subsequent aid memoir to those delegates. Delcam does not accept responsibility for any personal belongings / valuables whilst on the premises. Delegates are advised to keep their belongings on their person at all times. Delcam plc. has no control over the use of the software described in this document and cannot accept any responsibility for any loss or damage howsoever caused as a result of using the software. Users are advised that all results from the software are checked by a competent person in accordance with good quality control procedures. The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement and may be used only in accordance with the terms of such license. Copyright  2009 – Delcam plc. All rights reserved

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ArtCAM JewelSmith Contents


Page No.

1. Introduction

1-1 to 1-6

2. Generating Vectors

2-1 to 2-26

3. Vector Editing

3-1 to 3-10

4. Generating a Relief

4-1 to 4-10

5. Projects

5-1 to 5-8

6. Pictures

6-1 to 6-22

7. Advanced Relief Creation

7-1 to 7-28

8. 3D Clipart and Texturing

8-1 to 8-10

9. Sculpting and Face Wizard

9-1 to 9-10

10. Relief Layers

10-1 to 10-6

11. Pendant Design with Weaves

11-1 to 11-4

12. Multi-Sided Flat Machining

12-1 to 12-6

13. Basic Ring Design

10-1 to 10-14

14. Back Reliefs

14-1 to 14-6

15. Multi-Sided Ring Machining

15-1 to 15-4

16. Heart Pave Pendant

16-1 to 16-20

17. Signet Ring

17-1 to 17-12

18. Ear Ring

18-1 to 18-10

19. Eternity Ring

19-1 to 19-6

20. Shank Library

20-1 to 20-8

21. Component Library

21-1 to 21-6

Continued on next page‌‌.. Issue JewelSmith 2009


Further Exercises • 3 Gems Ring • Celtic Ring • Oval Ring • Pendants • Cluster Ring • Rotary Flush Settings • Flat Machining • Ring Machining

Appendix •

Machining Set-up

Keyboard Shortcuts

ArtCAM Cursors

Issue JewelSmith 2009


1. Introduction


1. Introduction Introduction ArtCAM JewelSmith 2009 is a complete 3D design and manufacturing solution. Based on the ArtCAM Pro framework, JewelSmith provides further tools specifically for Jewellery designers and manufacturers. With ArtCAM JewelSmith a wide range of complex 3D rings, pendants and other items of jewellery can be generated. These items can be machined rotary, flat, indexed or inside by a combination to produce the finished model. They can be displayed in a variety of metals with the gemstones to show the final piece.

ArtCAM Models (*.art) An ArtCAM Model will contain all entities created within the session such as Bitmaps (image files), Vectors (2D geometry) Reliefs (3D models) and Machining data (Toolpaths). This ArtCAM file is identifiable by having an .art extension and can be saved or exported as a whole. It is also possible to save/export independent entity types from within the ArtCAM Model. These include the Vectors (mainly .eps .dxf .dgk .pic formats), Reliefs (.rlf), Triangle Models (.stl .dmt) and Machining Output (.tap). For more advanced applications where it is required to create an assembled group of separate Relief models (.rlf), an ArtCAM Project is first opened in which several ArtCAM Models can be created and combined as required for an assembled item. When saved, the Artcam Project is identifiable by a .3dp extension. To enable the Reliefs to co-exist together, the individual components are converted within the Assembly as Triangle Mesh models. ArtCAM JewelSmith 2008 can now also import surface models directly into an assembly.

ArtCAM JewelSmith Projects (*.3DP) To allow greater freedom and complex 3D design, ArtCAM JewelSmith adopts a unique process of model making, where by all associated files or components are created and stored within a single Project folder (* 3DP). The Project folder can be best described as a repository for all the finished components or Assemblies . Each Assembly within this Project Folder can then be freely positioned, combined and manipulated (e.g. shaded, scaled) in 3D space.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


1. Introduction


Assemblies Each of these Assemblies is created from ArtCAM model or imported as a triangular mesh replica (*.3da, *.stl, *.obj, *.dmt) or alternatively imported directly as a surface model (all major 3D modeling formats including *iges, *3dm, *dgk). Providing that a replica mesh has been created from an ArtCAM model stored as part of the same project, it also hosts a link to the ArtCAM model file from which it originates. A single assembly hosts any number of replica meshes and/or gems or further assemblies along with their own associated replica meshes and gems. You can create a relief layer in an open ArtCAM model directly from a replica mesh, or an assembly providing that it has an associated replica mesh. Assemblies are useful for a number of reasons. Firstly they are very useful for visualization, as they allow you to view both the front and back surfaces of a piece simultaneously. In addition, they can be replicated, scaled, positioned and rotated. Although an assembly can be manipulated in three-dimensional space, you cannot edit the actual shape of the assembly itself. The main advantage of using this system of creating and storing is that it allows assembly of separate components. For example, gems, settings and a ring shank can be created separately but then assembled in the Project Folder to create a finished piece. This finished piece can then be machined as a whole using the powerful Multi-Sided Machining Wizard.

Design ArtCAM Reliefs (*.rlf) or simply the 3D models are created from 2D vectors or bitmaps. These vectors (2D artwork) and bitmaps (images) can be generated within ArtCAM or imported from other systems. ArtCAM can generate reliefs from an imported model. When dealing with bitmaps and Reliefs it is important to understanding Resolution, which will influence the overall surface detail of the relief and ultimately the final piece.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

1. Introduction


Resolution The dragon model shows the 2D view of the model broken up into a number of squares (pixels). Each square is given a height in ArtCAM dependent upon the command used. The first relief uses a low resolution, which means a loss of fine detail in the resulting 3D relief.

If a higher resolution is chosen, the model is broken into many more pixels and therefore the fine detail can be shown in the relief.

Note: The trade-off with having a high resolution can normally result in larger file sizes, calculation and machine cutting times.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


1. Introduction


Manufacture The final stage for most ArtCAM Projects is to manufacture the 3D relief as a real object. Currently there are two major routes to production: via CNC machining or Rapid Prototyping. JewelSmith can realise its models using either method. JewelSmith can calculate the toolpaths required to machine the individual relief or final assembly. The calculated toolpaths can be then sent directly to the machine (via postprocessing) ready for cutting. Most Rapid Prototyping machines require a specific type of 3D model. These models are made up of a small triangular mesh, which defines its whole surface shape. This type of file is commonly known as an STL, file format. JewelSmith allows you to export the final assembly or relief in the STL format, ready for manufacture.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

1. Introduction


Mouse buttons application Each of the three mouse buttons performs a different operation in ArtCAM JS 3D View (F3). By using the ALT, Ctrl or Shift key on your keyboard, these operations can be extended as the following details explain.

Left mouse button: Picking and selecting This button is used for selecting items off the main pull down menus, inputting data and selecting parts of the model.

Middle mouse button or wheel: Dynamics



Hold down the CTRL key and button/wheel and move the mouse up and down to zoom in and out of the view. Hold down the CTRL, Shift Key and button/wheel to select a framed area to zoom into. You can Zoom also in the 2D View. Panning


Hold down the SHIFT key with the button/wheel moving the mouse, to move the view across the component. Rotating


Hold down the middle button/wheel and move the mouse. A tracker ball appears at the centre of rotation, as does the view orientation axis in the bottom left corner of the screen. If View Spinning is switched on (Tools - Options - Views) the view will spin around until the user executes a further mouse click.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


1. Introduction



Issue JewelSmith 2009

2. Generating Vectors


2. Generating Vectors. Generating Vectors In this example, the vectors for a flat pendant will be generated.

Square Pendant Example • Double click the ArtCAM JewelSmith icon on the desktop screen with the Left mouse button.

ArtCAM is loaded and the first user menu is displayed. At this stage, we can either create a Project folder

(*.3dp) or a single ArtCAM model


Note: The JewelSmith file structure was discussed in chapter 1.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


2. Generating Vectors


• Select Create New Model

A new model (*.art) must have a defined area in Y and X to work in, an origin (datum) position, and a resolution (The total number of squares within the working area). Each square defined by the resolution will either, stay put or extrude up or down to produce a tiny part of the 3D Relief (*.rlf) form. The resolution can still be changed later When working with bitmaps, the Resolution is inherited from the imported image file. As a result it is important to use as higher quality image as possible.

• • • • •

Enter the Width of 25 and Height of 25. Enter a Resolution of 796 x 796 points. Select the centre of the page to set the origin. Select mm for the units to be used. Select OK.

An ArtCAM model is loaded based on the settings entered.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

2. Generating Vectors


Menu Bar

Assistant Tab

2D view Layers assistant

ArtCAM opens up displaying the 2D view, with the 3D relief view hidden beneath Transfer between is achieved via the 3D or 2D icon located at the top left of the respective window. Alternatively pressing the F2 or F3 shortcut key can be used to toggle the views. ArtCAM commands are accessed from the Menu Bar options or direct from the Assistant area.

Menu Bar At the top of the Main window, there is a Menu Bar.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


2. Generating Vectors


Clicking on a menu item opens a pull-down menu that contains submenus and commands. If a menu item does not apply to the currently active view it will be greyed out. For example the top part of the Model menu appears as in the illustration to the right. Sub menus are indicated and selected via the arrow at the right hand side (where applicable).

ArtCAM Assistant Tab The ArtCAM Assistant is the main tab for the creation and editing of models. Information can be hidden or shown by clicking the arrows up or down. Favourites – Assign favourite icons to hide/show. Project Information - this shows the actual size of the artwork and height of the relief File – These options are applied when creating new, or opening existing ArtCAM models. Model - This controls, the editing of the model attributes and also includes Lights and Materials for shading the relief.

Bitmap Tools - These bitmap commands work with colours, directly on the defined resolution.

Vector Tools - Vectors are flat 2D lines, independent of resolution. These command control the creation of the vectors.

Position, Combine, Trim Vectors - These are the tools to modify vectors.

Relief Tools- These are the tools for generating the relief.

Back Relief Tools.

Gem Tools – These are the tools for the generation of gems and pave. Other Tabs – Give access to the Project and Toolpath tabs.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

2. Generating Vectors


Fly - out menus Some menu options are hidden within a fly - out menu to save space. They are accessed via an arrow located to the right of an existing icon. To lock them in positon, click the pin at the end of the fly out menu.


Fly – out menus will change dependant upon the last command you used in the menu. For example, if you select a star, then the star moves to the left side of the menu, so when the fly out is closed, the star icon is the one shown.

To hide a fly-out menu reselect the pin.

2D and 3D views If required the 2D and 3D views can be shown side by side by selecting either Tile Vertically or Tile Horizontally from the Window menu.

• Select Window  Tile Vertically.

The 2D view is required when working on the bitmaps, vectors, and applying them to create the ongoing relief model.

The 3D view is required for a more realistic view of the relief model as well as the simulation of the toolpaths. F2 and F3 are shortcut keys used to switch between the 2D view (F2) and the 3D view (F3).

Issue JewelSmith 2009


2. Generating Vectors


Status Bar The Status Bar is at the bottom of the main window.

As the cursor moves over the 2D or 3D Views, the X, Y, Z co-ordinates of the current cursor position are displayed in the Status Bar. If a vector is selected, the current Width and Height are also displayed here. If the cursor passes over a relief model then the current Z height of the model at that position is displayed.

Layers Assistant

The Layers Assistant contains 3 different types of Layer categories that the user is able to assign Vectors, Bitmaps, and Reliefs to. This is to assist selection or temporary visual removal of entities displayed that are currently not required and are in the way. If required, the Layers Assistant can be switched on and off using the shortcut key F7. This will provide a larger area for the graphics.

Help By selecting Help - Index from the top Menu bar (or by pressing the F1 shortcut key) a Help Page will open over the graphics area.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

2. Generating Vectors


In the 2D view, the model area is shown as a white square with X0 Y0 is set in the centre of the model. Note: the grey area can be used to create vectors, but they need to be moved into the model space to be made 3D.

Vectors can now be generated in this model.

• Select Create Rectangle

from Vector tools.

The rectangle creation page appears, showing the options available. The rectangle can be created by clicking in the screen and dragging to a size, or by entering in the values. Several rectangles can be created without closing down the page.

Each Assistant Page has help available, indicated by the word Show Help.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


2. Generating Vectors


• Press Show Help.

The Assistant displays help at the side of each option. Typically, this increases the length of the page and you will have to move the page down to see further instructions, by moving the bar down.

Some commands have a video clip to show the command in use. Just press the video icon.

Once help is switched on it is displayed for each command. To switch this off, you need to Hide the Help.

• Select Hide Help. • Select the option Square, a Height of 20 and a Corner Radii of 5. • Leave Invert corners unticked and Centre Point is at X 0 Y 0 and Angle at 0. • Select Preview and then Create and then Close.

The vector is generated to the stated values and is shown pink, which means it is selected. A vector can be un-selected by clicking on the white or grey area away from the vector edge. The vector is then shown in the vector colour, usually black. To select a vector you must click it right on the edge of the vector, or drag a box over the whole vector.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

2. Generating Vectors


• Select Create Stars.

The star creation form appears with the different options to generate the stars, such as number of points.

The size of stars are determined by the radius on each point.

• Set No. of Points as 5 and Angle of 0. • Set the Star Centre as X –5 and Y –7, Radius of First Points as 2.5 and Radius of Second Points as 1. • Select Preview and then Create and then Close.

The star has been generated in the lower left hand corner. Another two star vectors are required, so this vector can be block copied.

• With the star vector selected, press Block Copy/Rotate.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


2. Generating Vectors


The Block Copy Rotate command appears, with the option to copy as a block or copy around available. This command can be used on one vector or several picked vectors. The option offsets is measured from the centre of one copy to the centre of the next. The gaps option is to set the gap between each vector copy. The number of copies selected includes the original vector.

• Select the option Block Copy. • Select distances are offsets. Select an X offset as 5 with Number of Columns as 3. • Select a Y offset as 0 with Number of Rows as 1. • Select Apply and then Close.

The copies have been generated and are automatically selected. The centre detail can now be generated.

• Select Create Ellipse.

Ellipses are defined by their overall height and width and are located by their centre position. They can also be given an angle.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

2. Generating Vectors


• Enter a Start Point of X 0 Y 2.5, an Ellipse Height of 3, an Ellipse Width of 0.5 with an Angle of 0. • Select Preview and then Create and then Close. The ellipse has been created just above the centre point. To see the ellipse larger, you can use the zoom in tool the 2D view. To see the whole model, select window fit view

at the top of

from the top of the 2D

This ellipse can be rotated around to make a flower effect.

• With the ellipse vector selected, press Block Copy/Rotate. • Select the option Rotate Copy. • Set the Rotation Centre as X 0 Y 0. • Select Angle to be Total and 360 degrees with Number of Objects and select 36. • Press only Apply.

The copies are generated around the X0 Y0. However as the page is still open, then we can change the design by un-doing the copy command and altering the number of objects.

• From the top menu bar, select Edit – Undo (or CTRL+Z) • On the Block Copy page, set the Number of Objects to 24. • Press Apply and then Close.

The flower design is complete. A circle vector will be generated for the centre and another for the hole for the chain to go through.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


2. Generating Vectors


• Select Create Circles. Circles are generated from a circle centre and a radius or diameter. The option, create with arcs is mainly used if you are going to offset the circle, or for machining purposes. The centre of the flower, the circle for wrapping text and the hole for the chain will be produced.

• Set the Circle Centre as X 0 Y 0. Select Radius and enter 1mm. • Untick Create with arcs and press Create. • Leave Circle Centre as X 0 Y 0 and enter a radius of 5.5mm. • Press Create. • Set the Circle Centre as X 0 Y 8.5. Select Radius and enter 1mm. • Press Create and then Close.

The circles are added. A polygon, for the side details, will be generated and then mirrored to the other side.

• Select Create Polygons.

A polygon is created from the number of sides chosen and the radius of the circle to generate it.

The polygon is located from its centre and can be given an angle.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

2. Generating Vectors


• Select No. of Sides to be 3 and Angle to be 70. • Set Polygon Centre as X -6 Y 6 and Radius to be 2 and press Create and then Close.

The triangle has been generated. This can be mirrored over to the other side of the model using the mirror vector command and the vertical locked vector.

• Select the vertical centre line and hold down shift and select (called shift-select) the triangle vector. • Select Mirror Vectors.

Vectors can be mirrored about themselves or by a line. The option to generate a copy is also available which will leave the original in its current location. The command can be issued by clicking the picture or the text.

• Tick Copy the Original Vectors and press About Line. • Select Close. The vector has been mirrored. When you are mirroring about a line, the mirror vector needs to be selected first.

Text to wrap around the curve will now be generated.

• Select Create Vector Text.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


2. Generating Vectors


The text tool, will list all of the fonts loaded into your computer from single vector fonts

to true-type fonts


The single vector fonts are useful for machining along and the true type are useful for machining within.

There are a lot of options available for the generation and modification of text. Note: The last font you selected is automatically chosen.

• Select Font TrueType Arial with a Size of 1.5mm. • Click in the 2D window, near the large circle and type ArtCAM JS. • Press Done. Where the text is located does not actually matter, as it will be wrapped around the large circle.

• Select the text and press Shift and Select the large circle. • Select wrap text round a curve.

Text Position controls the relative position of the text across the curve. Text on other side puts it on the other side of the curve. Text Alignment includes options that control the flow of the text along the curve. Text Spacing allows the user to vary the spacing between the individual characters.

Editing Style allows the user to set individual Words or Letters to be repositioned around the curve independently.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

2. Generating Vectors


The text should be automatically wrapped, as it was pre-selected in the order text and then curve.

The text is placed around the curve in the setting of the command. As the settings are changed the text updates. The text can also be manually dragged around the curve. Once the command is accepted, the text cannot be changed. If alterations are required, the text has to be re- wrapped.

• Select from Text position Centre on Strikeout. • Select from Editing Style Single Words and drag the text as shown.

Once the text is in the correct place the command can be closed.

• Select OK.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


2. Generating Vectors


The large circle that was used for wrapping the text can be deleted.

• Select the large circle vector only. • Select Cut. keyboard).

(Alternatively you can select the delete key on the

The vectors for this pendant have been generated.

These are saved when the model is saved.

• Select Save menu bar.

from the File tab or from the top

• Enter the file name Square Pendant. • Save in location D:\users\Training\COURSEWORK\ArtCAMJewelSmithJobs

• Close the model from the top File menu bar.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

2. Generating Vectors


Earring Example This example generates vectors for an earring.

• Select Create New Model

• Enter the width of 20 and height of 50. • Enter a Resolution as 796 x 1990. Select OK. The model is now open to begin generating vectors. The model size needs to be a bit bigger than the actual model to allow for machining.

• Select the Assistant tab. • Select Create Polyline.

A poly-line is a continuous line made up of two or more points. These points can be entered by clicking on the screen, clicking on the end of lines or by entering the actual or relative co-ordinates. By holding down the mouse button and moving the mouse, freehand sketching is generated.

The ability to smooth poly-lines when creating turns the lines into curves as you enter the points.

• Untick Draw Smooth polylines. Enter X –7 and Y –20 and press Add.

This is the starting point of the poly-line and nothing is seen in the 2D view. Issue JewelSmith 2009


2. Generating Vectors


• Enter X 7 and Y –20 and press Add. • Enter X 0 and Y 35 and press Add. • Click on the end of the first line to close the shape. Press Close.

The polyline has been generated and the top is outside the model area. To soften the edges, a radius can be put at each corner and this will bring the new shape into the model area.

• Select Fillet vector with an arc. The fillet vector will fillet two straight spans with the specified radius. This command can also be used to make lines meet by extending them.

• Select Insert Fillet and enter a Fillet Radius of 2. • Select the top two angles lines, near the top point. The Fillet radius has been produced. You can also select the point on the polyline to generate the fillet. The bottom two fillets can now be generated.

• Enter a Fillet Radius of 3. Select the bottom left point of the vector. • Enter a Fillet Radius of 5. Select the bottom right point of the vector. • Select Close.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

2. Generating Vectors


The outer shape of the earring is complete. To generate a rim this vector can be offset inwards.

• Select the vector. Select Offset vectors.

The offset distance is the constant thickness the vector will be offset by. The offset is either inwards or outwards or both sides. For an open vector, then the left or right option is used depending on whether the vector is clockwise or anticlockwise.

How an offset vector behaves at sharp external corners depends on the options selected.

This command comes with an option to delete the original vectors, which is useful for small offset values.

• Select an Offset Distance of 1. Select Inwards. • Select Radiused and press Offset and then Close.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


2. Generating Vectors


The offset vector has been generated. For a design in the middle some vectors will be joined together.

• Select Create Stars. • Set No. of Points as 7 and Angle of 0. • Set the Star Centre as X 0 and Y –14, Radius of First Points as 5 and Radius of Second Points as 1. • Select Create and then Close.

• Select Create Circles. • Set the Circle Centre as X 0 Y -14. Select Radius and enter 1.5mm. • Untick Create with arcs and press Create and then Close.

Two or more vectors can be welded together. This means that a new vector of the outer boundaries is produced.

• Select the star and the circle vector and select Weld Vectors.

The new vector has been produced. More vectors will be created for the inner design.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

2. Generating Vectors


• Select Create Circles. • Set the Circle Centre as X 0 Y 0. Select Radius and enter 2mm. • Untick Create with arcs and press Create and then Close. • Select Create Stars. • Set No. of Points as 5 and Angle of 0. • Set the Star Centre as X 0 and Y 0, Radius of First Points as 3 and Radius of Second Points as 1. • Select Create and then Close. • Select the star and the circle vector and select Intersect Vectors.

The new vector is created from an intersection of the two closed vectors. A circle is going to be generated, moved and then trimmed.

• Select Create Circles. • Set the Circle Centre as X 0 Y -3. Select Radius and enter 2mm. • Untick Create with arcs and press Create and then Close. • Select Copy

and then Paste.

This has pasted a copy of the circle vector on top of the original. This can be moved manually with the mouse or by using Transform Vectors.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


2. Generating Vectors


• Select Transform Vectors

from the Vector tools Tab.

This form allows you to change the vector by position, size, angle or shear around the centre of the selected vector or another location.

When this command is selected it automatically draws additional control handles on the vector.

These allow you to make the modifications manually, rather than typing in a value.

• In Move Y enter 2.5 and press Apply and then Close.

The copy has been moved up the Y by a value of 2.5. This circle can be trimmed with the other one to produce two separate shapes. This top shape can then be moved upwards.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

2. Generating Vectors


• Select the two circles and select Trim Vectors • Select ONLY the top vector and select Transform Vectors. • In Move Y enter 3.5 and press Apply and then Close.

The two circles have been split into two separate closed vectors at their intersection. The top trimmed circle vector has been moved up. The next part of the design can now be generated.

• Select Create Rectangle. • Select the option Rectangle, a Width of 6 a Height of 2 and a Corner Radii of 0. • Leave Invert corners unticked and Centre Point is at X 0 Y -7 and Angle at 0. • Select Create. • Change the Width to 4, Height to 1.5 and Centre Point to X 0 Y –6.5. • Select Create and then Close. The smaller vector is going to be removed from the larger rectangle using subtract vectors. For this command they need to be selected in the correct order.

• Select the larger rectangle and the shift-select the smaller rectangle. • Select Subtract Vectors. The new vector is generated. Two circles are required at the top to produce a loop for the earring.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


2. Generating Vectors • • • •


Select Create Circles. Set the Circle Centre as X0 Y22. Select Radius and enter 1mm. Untick Create with arcs and press Create. Select a Radius of 0.5mm and press Create and then Close.

In this case the outer circle will not be welded onto the outer design, as it needs to be separate to create the 3D model. Additional detail can be produced by copying a circle vector along the offset vector.

• Select Create Circles. • Set the Circle Centre as X 0 Y7. Select Radius and enter 0.25mm. • Untick Create with arcs and press Create and then Close. • Select the circle and then hold shift and select the inner offset vector. • Select Paste along Curve.

This command takes the first selected vector and pastes it equally along the curve by the number given. The first vector needs to be the correct size before starting this command. By rotating the vector before using this command different effects can be obtained.

• Select Specify Number and enter 80 and press Paste and then Close. • Select the first circle and the inner offset vector. • Select Cut. keyboard).


(Alternatively you can select the delete key on the

Issue JewelSmith 2009

2. Generating Vectors


The vectors are complete and the model can now be saved.

• Select Save. • Enter the file name Earring. • Save in location D:\users\Training\COURSEWORK\ArtCAMJewelSmithJobs

Locket Exercise • Create a new ArtCAM Model of height 60, width 40. • Generate the vectors for this locket.

• Save and Close the model as Locket exercise.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


2. Generating Vectors



Issue JewelSmith 2009

3. Vector Editing


3. Vector Editing Introduction Vectors can be trimmed, opened and closed to produce the desired effect. Other commands such as layers and grids assist with the creation and management of vectors.

Brooch Exercise • Select Create New Model . • • Enter a Width of 45mm, a Height of 45mm, a resolution of 796 x 796 points and set the Origin centre in the middle. • Select OK. To help with the creation of the shape, you can switch the Grid on.

• From the main Menu Bar, select Bitmaps – Views - Snap Grid settings… • Select the options Draw Snap Grid and Snap to Grid, set the Grid Spacing to 1mm, followed by OK. • Select Create Ellipse . • Enter a Start Point of X0 Y5, Height of 24mm, Width of 38mm and Angle 0 degrees. • Select Create and Close. • Select Node Editing

(or press N for shortcut on keyboard). When a single vector is selected, the option Node Editing will display the points (nodes) that are used in the vector. In this mode the individual points can be moved manually by dragging them to a new position or the curve shape altered by moving one of the control points (shown as empty squares on a dotted line).

• Drag a box with the left mouse button over the top and bottom blue node.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


3. Vector Editing


These two nodes will turn red. This means they can be moved together by dragging, by using the arrow keys on the keyboard or by pressing X to align with the X-axis or Y to align with the Y-axis.

• Move the mouse to the lower red node and hold down the left mouse button and drag down slowly about 10 grid spaces. • Release the mouse button.

As the red node points are moved together, this has generated a heart shaped vector. To exit out of Node mode, you’ll have to select the Select Vectors button.

• Select Select Vectors


You will now use a large Grid to define some Polylines which will be trimmed back.

• Select 2D View - Snap Grid settings… • Set the Grid Spacing to 3 and select OK. . • Select Create Polyline • De-select Draw smooth polylines. • Snap to the Grid points to produce the lines as shown. Hint: press the space bar to finish a Polyline and start a new one without closing the command.

• Select Close.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

3. Vector Editing


To make a new outer shape, you’ll trim the vectors where they intersect each other. You’ll use the Trim vector to intersections command.

• Select Bitmaps – Views - Snap Grid settings… • Untick Draw Snap Grid and Snap To Grid and select OK. • Select Trim vector to intersections The mouse arrow is replaced by a scissors icon scissors

. . This dynamic icon changes to open

when it has found some vectors it can trim back.

• Move the scissors onto the vector edges and where it opens, click the Left mouse button.

When a vector is trimmed at the intersection, the remaining vectors are just touching. To join them all back into one vector, you’ll use the Join command.

• Select Close. • Select all of the outer vectors. • Select Join vectors with coincident start or end points


• Select Save . • Enter a File name as Heart Brooch. • Save in location: D:\users\Training\COURSEWORK\ArtCAMJewelSmithJobs. • Select File - Close Model.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


3. Vector Editing


Enamel-Pin Exercise • Select Create New Model . • Enter a Width of 60mm and a Height of 20mm. • Select OK. • • • •

Select Create Polyline . Enter X as –25mm, Y as 1mm. Untick Draw smooth polylines and select Add. Enter dx as 35, select Add and then Close.

• Select Create Polyline . • Enter X as –25mm, Y as –1mm. • Untick Draw smooth polylines and select Add. • Enter dx as 35, select Add and then Close. These two vectors can be joined together with either an arc, straight line or by moving the end points.

• Select both vectors. • Select Join Vectors With A Curve

. You’ve join the two vectors together to make a new vector. You’ll close the open vector.

• Select the new vector. • Select Close Vector With A Line

. You’ll now modify an Ellipse to produce a leaf shape.

• Select Create Ellipse . • Enter a Start Point of X -4 Y 4, an Ellipse Height of 3mm, an Ellipse Width of 12mm with an Angle of 340 degrees. • Select Create and then Close.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

3. Vector Editing


• Select Node Editing

. Using N on the keyboard on a selected vector will switch between Node Editing mode and Select Vectors mode. You’ll open up the Ellipse halfway by removing spans using the right mouse button menu.

• Right mouse click over the bottom right span of the Ellipse.

The part of the vector between two node points is called a span. If a span is removed, the vector will become open. In Node Editing mode, if you move you mouse over a node point and click the right mouse button a different set of menus appears.

• Select Remove Span from the menu.

The Ellipse vector is open at the required area. You must delete the other lower span.

• Right mouse click over the left bottom span of the Ellipse and select Remove Span from the menu.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


3. Vector Editing


Only half of the original Ellipse remains. In Select Vectors mode this half Ellipse will closed with a Line.

• Select Select Vectors


• With the vector selected, select Close Vector With A Line


You’ll create a Polyline to mirror the vector around.

• • • •

Select Create Polyline . Enter X as –10.3, Y as 1.5 and select Add. Enter X as 3.6, Y as 6.6 and select Add. Select Close.

• Select the Polyline and the leaf shape and select Mirror Vectors • Select Copy the Original Vectors and About Line. • Select Close. • Select the Polyline and select Cut



The leaf shape has been generated. A copy is required over the other side.

• Select the horizontal locked vector and the leaf shapes and select Mirror Vectors . • Select Copy the Original Vectors and About Line.

For the other design a you’ll have to modify a Circle.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

3. Vector Editing


• • • • •

Select Create Circles . Set the Circle Centre at X 10 Y 0, select Radius and enter 1.5mm. Untick Create with arcs and select Create. Set the Circle Centre as X 16 Y 0, select Radius and enter 6mm. Select Create and then Close.

You’ll subtract the smaller circle from the larger circle.

• Select the larger circle and then shift select the smaller circle. • Select Subtract Vectors


. • Select Node Editing • Move the mouse over the top marked area and from the right mouse menu select Insert a point. • Move the mouse over the bottom marked area and from the right mouse menu select Insert a point.

The addition of these extra node points will allow you to move the node point in between the new points and it will only stretch the vector within that region.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


3. Vector Editing


• Select the middle node. • Drag the point along the horizontal vector and release the mouse at a suitable position as shown. The design has been changed.

You’ll have to drag these two control points to produce a more realistic curve.

• Select each control point and move around as shown.

The shape is complete. You’ll have to create a Polyline for the inner part, using the smooth option.

• Select Select Vectors • • • • •


Select Create Polyline . Select the option Draw smooth polylines. Click on several points on the model to make the shape as shown. Click on the start point to finish off the vector. Select Close. The last point is not smoothed when it is joined. This can be achieved in Node Editing mode by smoothing the point. When you are in node mode a smooth point is shown as blue and a non-smooth point is shown as black. All of the vectors can now be offset.

• Select Select Vectors



Issue JewelSmith 2009

3. Vector Editing


• Stretch a box over all of the vectors. • • • •

. Select Offset vectors Select an Offset Distance of 1mm. Select Outwards. Select Radiused, followed by Offset and then Close.

The design has now been finished.

You’ll now fill in the closed vectors with bitmap colour to give an idea of what the design will look like before the Relief is made.

• Select the new offset vector and the gold coloured square at the bottom of the 2D View with the left mouse button. • Select Flood Fill Vectors


The whole inside of the vector is filled with a colour. The colour is a bitmap. You can select other vectors and fill them in to overwrite the colour.

• Select the leaf and stalk vectors and the green coloured square at the bottom of the 2D View. • Select Flood Fill Vectors . • Select the petal vectors and the red coloured square at the bottom of the 2D View. • Select Flood Fill Vectors


If the vectors were altered, the colours need to be recreated.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


3. Vector Editing


• Select File – Save, enter the file name Pin and save in: D:\users\Training\COURSEWORK\ArtCAMJewelSmithJobs. • Select File - Close Model.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

4. Generating a Relief


4. Generating a Relief Relief A Relief (*.rlf) is the actual 3D model that ArtCAM produces and is generated from Vectors, Bitmaps or by combining Reliefs. Basic Reliefs are generated from a closed vector using the Shape Editor. Double clicking on the selected vectors will bring up the Shape Editor.

There are three main types of Shapes to generate Reliefs: Dome, Pyramid and Flat Plane. By selecting a shape, other options to control the height become available.

Relief Generation Exercise This example creates simple vectors and generates reliefs.

• • • • •

Select Create New Model . Enter a Width of 20mm, a Height of 50mm and a resolution of 796x1990 points. Select OK Create a Circle at X0 Y0 with a Radius of 4mm. Right mouse click on the edge of the vector and press F12 to call the Shape Editor. The Shape Editor appears. The red Line indicates that a vector has been selected and the default Flat Plane shape has been selected.

Note: ‘Double-clicking’ with the left mouse button on the vector edge or shortcut F12 key, can also activate the Shape Editor.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


4. Generating a Relief


Flat Plane Shape This option raises the Relief in Z within the vectors to the Start Height specified.

Dome Shape This option raises the Relief in Z to a Dome shape dependant on the angle specified from the horizontal.

Pyramid Shape This option raises the Relief in Z to an Angled shape dependant on the angle specified on the horizontal.

• On the Shape Editor, select Flat Plane shape. • Enter a Start Height of 5mm and select Add. • Select Close and press F3 to display the 3D View.

The Add command produces the Relief within this area. To delete only the Relief, you must select the command Reset Relief. This does not delete the vectors.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

4. Generating a Relief


• Select Reset Relief from the Relief Tools area. • Select the 2D View. • Right mouse click on the edge of the vector and press F12, to display the Shape Editor. • On the Shape Editor, select a Pyramid shape. • Enter an Angle of 35mm and Start Height of 0 and select Add. • Select Close and press F3.

You’ve generated a Pyramid shape.

• • • • • •

Select Reset Relief . Select the 2D View. On the Shape Editor, select a Dome shape. Enter an Angle of 90 degrees and Start Height of 0. Select Add and then Close. Press F3.

You’ve generated a Domed Relief, with a maximum Z of 4mm in Height, as displayed at the top of the Assistant.

Further Reliefs are automatically combined with the underlying Relief. There are 6 options: Add, Subtract, Merge High, Merge Low, Zero and Zero Rest. To combine a new Relief, you’ll need to create a new vector.

• • • • • •

Press F2. Create a Rectangle at X0 Y0 with a Width of 15mm and a Height of 3mm. Right mouse click on the edge of the new vector and press F12. On the Shape Editor, select a Flat Plane shape. Enter a Start Height of 1mm, select Add and then Close. Press F3. Issue JewelSmith 2009


4. Generating a Relief


The Add command adds the new Relief on top of the current Relief, giving the following effect. You can Undo the operation by pressing Ctrl+Z on your keyboard.

• Select Undo . • Press F2. • Open the Shape Editor, and the shape last defined for the Rectangle vector (Flat, Start height of 1mm) is already selected. • Select Subtract and then Close. • Press F3.

The Subtract command removes the new Relief from the current Relief, giving the following effect.

• • • • •

Select Undo . Press F2. Press F12. Select Zero and then Close. Press F3.

By using Zero the area inside the vector will be given a Z Height of zero even if it was higher or lower than Z0.

• • • • •

Select Undo . Press F2. Open the Shape Editor. Select Merge High and then Close. Press F3.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

4. Generating a Relief


The new relief is checked against the current relief and where the new relief is higher in Z it will be displayed. This gives the effect of the new Relief merging into the current Relief.

• • • • •

Select Undo . Press F2. Open the Shape Editor. Select Merge Low and then Close. Press F3.

The new relief is checked against the current relief and where the new relief is lower in Z (such as the zero plane) it will be displayed.

• • • • •

Select Undo . Press F2. Open the Shape Editor. Select Zero Rest and then Close. Press F3.

By using Zero Rest the area outside the vector will be unchanged and the rest of the Relief flattened to the zero plane.

• Close the model without saving.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


4. Generating a Relief


Earring Exercise This exercise will show you how to open an existing model and generate the relief, using the earring exercise created in the previous chapter.

• Select Open Existing Model . • Select the ArtCAM file Earring from: D:\users\Training\COURSEWORK\ArtCAMJewelSmithJobs. The model is opened and the vectors are displayed.

• Double left mouse click on the outer vector. The Shape Editor form appears.

• Select a Flat Plane with a Start Height of 1mm. • Select Add and then Close. • From the top of the 2D View select Preview Relief Layer


The Preview Relief Layer is very useful as it indicates where a Relief and automatically updates with every change that is made. The yellow becomes lighter in the higher areas and darker in the lower areas of the relief giving a quick indication of heights. This View can be switched on or off as desired. If you want to start building your Relief again, you can easily flatten it by using the option Reset Relief


• Select Reset Relief . • Double left mouse click on the outer vector. • Select a Dome shape with an Angle of 75 degrees, a Start Height of 1mm and Limit To Height 1mm. • Select Add and then Close. • Press F3.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

4. Generating a Relief


The Earring has a raised platform of 1mm and then a nice curved edge to a height of 1 mm on top. This gives an overall height of 2mm.

• • • • •

Press F2. Double click the welded vector. Select Zero in the Shape Editor form. Select the outer circles group. Select a Dome shape with an Angle of 90 degrees, a Start Height of 0 and the option No Limit selected. • Select Add and then Close. • Press F3.

You’ve removed the sun burst shape and added a series of dimples.

• Press F2. Select both cut-out circles shapes. • Double left mouse click on the vectors. • Select a Dome shape with an Angle of -40 degrees, a Start Height of 0, the option No Limit selected. • Select Add. • Select the trimmed star-vector. • Select a Pyramid shape with an Angle of 25 degrees, a Start Height of 0, the option No Limit selected. • Select Add and then Close. Issue JewelSmith 2009


4. Generating a Relief


• Press F3.

You’ve added the inner details. At this stage the Rectangle will be ignored. If the vectors are moved after the Relief has been generated, the Relief does not automatically move with it. This allows you to make use of a vector many times without having to make multiple copies. The loop at the top of the earring will be merged onto the design.

• • • •

Press F2. Select both circles at the top of the Earring. Double left mouse click on the vectors. Select a Dome shape with an Angle of 60 degrees, a Start Height of 0.5mm, the option No Limit selected. • Select Merge High and then Close. • Press F3. The hook has been added. To aid visualisation, you can shade the model in more realistic colours.

• Select Lights and Material


These commands set how the 3D Relief is displayed. The Shading Setup has over 20 standard materials automatically loaded inside which can be picked to suit.

Once you pick a Shading Setup you can alter it further by moving lights around, selecting different colours or by applying a different background or reflection map.

You can Save the new Shading Setup and name it for later use.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

4. Generating a Relief


• In the Shading Setup area, select 24ct Polished Gold.

The 3D Relief is now displayed as if it was made out of 24ct Polished Gold.

• Select Save • Select Done.


Angel Exercise • Select Create New Model with a Width of 30mm and a Height of 60mm. • Import the vector data angel.eps from: D:\users\training\ArtCAM Data.

• Create a Relief from the closed vectors. • Save and Close the model.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


4. Generating a Relief



Issue JewelSmith 2009

5. Projects


5. Projects ArtCAM Projects An ArtCAM Project allows more than one ArtCAM Model (*.art) to co-exist as an Assembly. A Project (*.3DP) enables you to perform such tasks as to re-orientate and reposition separate assembly items to put together a complete or final 3D Assembled Component. The Assembly items in the Project are a Surface or Triangular Mesh (generated from the Relief (*.rlf in the model), or they can also be directly Imported as a separate Assembly/Surface item.

Project Exercise You will create simple vectors and generate Reliefs (from the Shape Editor) in the following exercise. You will also create a Triangle Mesh of these Reliefs and Add it to the Project, assemble those Reliefs and assign them Materials.

• Select Create New Project


A JewelSmith project is created with the Project tree displayed on the left hand side.

This icon represents the Project (root). It is named (Untitled) by default. You can rename it when you save a Project for the first time. This icon represents the Models folder. This folder will represent any number of ArtCAM models (*.art) that are created within the Project or imported directly. This icon represents the Assembly folder. This hosts any number of Assemblies and their associated Triangle meshes. Either from a Relief in a model or imported directly as Surface data.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


5. Projects



is selected from the Project tree, the following options are available.

You can create Blank models for Flat and Rotary settings.

You can also create quickly, different Shanks (as Models).


is selected from the Project tree, the following options are available.

Positioning and Scaling the Assemblies.

Tools to Mirror, Copy Block/Rotate, Emboss, Add Gems, Create Movies and the 3D Machining Wizard.

Model Information and Shading.

JewelSmith Libraries (Shanks and settings).


Issue JewelSmith 2009

5. Projects


• Select 3-Axis Flat from the New Blanks options. • In the Flat 3-Axis page, enter the settings as shown in the image below.

• Select Accept. To help with the creation of the shape, you’re going to switch on Grids and use them in conjunction with the smooth command within Create Polyline.

• From the top main menu select Bitmaps – Views - Snap Grid Settings. • Enter a Grid Spacing of 5mm, select the options Draw Snap Grid and Snap To Grid, followed by OK. . • Select Create Polyline • Select the option Draw smooth polylines. • Snap to the Grid points as shown in the image below.

You’ve produced a smooth Curve. As you’ll require another Curve, by selecting the space bar on the keyboard it finishes this Curve and the next click would be the creation of a new Curve.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


5. Projects


• Select the Space bar to start a new smooth Polyline. • Snap to the Grid points as shown in the image below.

You’ve generated a second smooth Polyline. You’ll now join these two individual curves together to make a single closed vector so that you can use the Shape Editor.

• • • •

Select Close. Select Bitmaps – Views – Snap Grid Settings. Deselect Draw Snap Grid and Snap To Grid and select OK. Select both vectors and select Join vectors with coincident start or end

points . • Select Join and then Close.

The Assistant changes to show the command and shows that you’ve selected the two vectors and the result of the command would be one vector.

The Join Multiple Vectors command will not bridge any gaps so each end of the vector must touch the other end.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

5. Projects


• Right mouse click on the edge of the vector and press F12. • On the Shape Editor, select a Dome shape. • Enter an Angle of 45 degrees with a Start Height of 0.5mm, select Add and then Close. • Press F3.

You’ve generated the Relief. You’ll now add it to the Project, by using the Create Triangle Mesh command.

• • • • •

Select Create Triangle Mesh . Select the option Close with A Flat Plane and then select Create Triangles. Enter the Assembly Name as Silver. Select the option Add To Project. Select Close.

Only the Relief is shown. To make another separate model, you’ll need to Reset the Relief is and generate a new one.

• Select Reset Relief


• Select the vector and select Mirror Vectors . • Select Copy and then mirror Horizontal Centre and then Close.

This new mirrored vector will be given a different Relief.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


5. Projects

• • • • •


Right mouse click on the edge of the vector and press F12. On the Shape Editor, select a Pyramid shape. Enter an Angle of 25mm with a Start Height of 0.5mm. Select Add and then Close. Press F3.

You’ve produced a new Relief that needs to be added to the project.

• • • •

Select Create Triangle Mesh . Select the option Close With A Flat Plane and then select Create Triangles. Change the Assembly Name to Gold. Select the option Add To Project and then Close the Mesh Creator page.

The Relief is shown. To see the items Project, without closing down the relief model, you can toggle the component view.

• From the 3D View window, select Toggle Assembly Visibility


The master model is shown with the two components. To edit them in the master model, you’ll have to close the Relief model.

• Select File - Close Model.

The Relief model is closed, leaving you in the Project view.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

5. Projects


The two components are shown and can be treated individually.

• Select the component Silver (select the name). • Select Edit Object Shading • Select Polished Silver.


• Select Nudge . • Enter a Step value of 5 and select –X


• Enter an Angle of 7 degrees, around Z and select Nudge Clockwise


• Select the component Gold (select the name). • Select Nudge


• Enter an Angle of 7 degrees, around Z and select Nudge Anti-Clockwise •


Each part of the Assembly model is now in the desired position. You can now Save it.

• Select File - Save As. • Browse: D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmith-Jobs. • Enter as File name - Projects and select Save.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


5. Projects



Issue JewelSmith 2009

6. Pictures


6. Pictures Introduction Coloured Pictures can be generated or edited within ArtCAM using the Bitmap toolbar or they can be loaded in using any of the following formats bmp, .tif, .pcx, .gif, and .jpg. Pictures can be turned into Reliefs by giving assigning shapes to the selected colour. This way of Relief generation breaks the colours into tiny squares, dependent on the resolution, which is given a height. The higher the resolution is, the smaller the squares, giving a smoother relief. ArtCAM can also generate Vectors of the boundaries of the selected Colour, which enables you to use the vector generation methods to generate a smoother Relief. ArtCAM has the power to link colours together temporarily which enables you to define different areas, to make a vector from, without destroying the picture. This is called Colour linking. Pictures (*.gif *.tif *.jpg or *.bmp) can be turned into ArtCAM Reliefs by either assigning shapes to the selected coloured areas or by creating a vector from the colours and using the vectors with the Shape Editor. Pictures are loaded directly into ArtCAM by using File Open and selecting the Picture.

Trace Vectors Coloured Pictures can be used to trace vectors.

Locket Exercise • Select Open Existing Model


• Select Bitmap Files from the drop down menu for Files of Type.

• • • •

From: D:\users\trainingArtCAM Data, select the 300dpi locket.jpg image file. Select Open. Change the image Height to 50 mm and the Origin to the centre. Select OK.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


6. Pictures


This New Model contains a scanned in bitmap image. The bitmap was scanned in at 300 dpi and is a very rough pencil sketch of the intended design. When the image is scanned in it has picked up several colours. The number of colours can be reduced by automatically linking like colours together by using the command Reduce Number…

• From Bitmaps - Colour top pull down menu select Reduce number…

The current number of colours found in this scan is 255. You can enter a lower number of colours and the similar colours will be grouped together. If the number entered was worn, select undo and try another number.

• Enter 4 and select OK. • Select Yes to reset attributes and then OK.

The design is shown clearly with less colours. You can give Shapes to these Colours or Vectors can be traced over the design, either by freehand or by editing standard shapes.

To help generate vectors, the bitmap picture can be ghosted out using the 2D bitmap contrast bar at the top of the 2D View.

Full contrast (bitmap showed in full colour)

Little contrast (bitmap shown very faintly)


Issue JewelSmith 2009

6. Pictures


• • • •

Slide the contrast toolbar to around the middle. Select Create Ellipse . Drag the Ellipse shape to match the bitmap as shown. Select Create and then Close.

If the shape doesn’t match the design accurately, you can smooth it.

The Ellipse can be modified in Node Editing mode to stretch up the top shape to produce a teardrop shape.

• • • •

Select Node Editing . Move the top node of the Ellipse up to match the design. Right mouse on the node and untick Smooth Point (press S on the keyboard). Move the control points on the black node to change the shape as shown.

You’ve produced the tear shape. You can now Offset it to create the inner tear shape.

• Select the Select Vectors mode


. • Select Offset Vector • Set an Offset Distance of 2.2mm (measured using the measuring command). • Select Inwards, Sharp and select Offset, followed by Close.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


6. Pictures


You will create the inner details by sketching, using Create Polyline and then either holding down the mouse key and drawing freehand or by clicking on points with the draw smooth Polyline selected. For a sharp edge the Node needs to be black (smooth unticked).

• Select Create Polyline

to create the inner details.

You can edit the Polylines once created to make the shape smoother. If the Polylines are longer than required you can trim them easily using the scissors. You can switch the Bitmap Layer view on and off to see how the vectors look.

• Select F7 to show the Layer assistant.

• Select Toggle All Visibility


You can now see the vectors clearly.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

6. Pictures


• Trim the vectors using Trim vector to intersections . • Select the vectors, and join them by selecting the Join vectors with coincident start or end points


The vectors are complete and you can now make a locket shape from this.

• Select the vector and press F12. • Select a Dome shape, Angle of 75 degrees, Start Height of 0, Limit to Height of 0.5mm. • Select Add and then Close. • Press F3.

The model has been generated.

• Select Save from the File area. • Save in: D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmith-Jobs. • Enter the File name style-locket and select Save.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


6. Pictures


Colour linking - Spider Coin Example In this example a bitmap has already been opened, modified and saved as an ArtCAM model.

• Select Open Existing Model


• Select ArtCAM Files from the drop down menu for Files of Type.

• From D:\users\trainingArtCAM Data, select and Open

The picture is made up of several colours, displayed at the bottom of the 2D View. Some of these colours have shapes already assigned to them. Like Vectors, each colour can be given a shape. Colours can be temporarily merged together by using colour linking to select particular areas. Colour linking is a safe way of changing the colours of a picture, as it does not destroy the original picture. Note: if you run out of colours you can create a new view from the project tab.

• Using the left mouse button click on the yellow square at the bottom of the 2D View. This will make yellow the Primary colour.

• Select the white square using the right mouse button. This is now assigned as the secondary colour. • From the top pull down menu, select Bitmaps – Colour - Link All Colours. This will turn the complete picture yellow and will link all of the coloured squares in the 2D View. The yellow area can now be raised as one unit.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

6. Pictures


• Double left mouse click on the yellow colour in the 2D View. • In the Shape Editor, select a Flat Plane with a Height of 1.5mm. • Select Add and the Close. You’ve created coin shape. To produce the Rim, you need to unlink the colours and then relink them to include only the purple text.

• From the top pull down menu, select Bitmaps – Colour - Reset All Links. • Double right mouse click on the purple square at the bottom of the 2D View. Double clicking with the right mouse button makes the colour become the Secondary colour and links it to the Primary colour. So in this case the purple text will become yellow.

• Double left mouse click on the yellow colour in the 2D View. • In the Shape Editor, select a Flat Plane with a Height of 2mm and select Merge High. • From the top pull down menu select Bitmaps – Colour - Reset All Links. You’ve created the Rim and the purple text is available.

• Double left mouse click on the purple colour in the 2D View. • In the Shape Editor, select a Pyramid shape with an Angle of –25 degrees, Start Height of 0 and select Add.

You can now generate the inner details.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


6. Pictures


• Double left mouse click on the dark green colour in the 2D View. • In the Shape Editor, select a Dome shape with an Angle of –10 degrees, Start Height of 0 and select Add.

This shallow removal has exposed the web detail and the spider outline. You can now add the spider and web shapes.

All of the colours of the spider could be linked together and raised to produce a spider effect.

For a realistic spider effect the colours need to be added in order and a little bit of colour linking as the area shown as (3) belongs to the black head and the blue antennae.

• Double left mouse click on the colour 1 in the 2D View. • In the Shape Editor, select a Dome shape with an Angle of 24 degrees, Start Height of 0 and select Add. • Double left mouse click on the colour 2 in the 2D View. • In the Shape Editor, select a Dome Shape with an Angle of 24 degrees, Start Height of 0 and select Add. The black is linked with the light blue, as part of the antennae area is part of the head.

• Double left mouse click on the colour black in the 2D View. • Double right mouse click on the light blue square at the bottom of the 2D View.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

6. Pictures


• In the Shape Editor, select a Dome shape with an Angle of 30 degrees, Start Height of 0 and select Add. • From the top menu bar, select Bitmaps – Colour - Reset All Links. Link the dark blue with the light blue, to complete the antennae area.

• Double left mouse click on the colour dark blue in the 2D View. • Double right mouse click on the light blue square at the bottom of the 2D View. • In the Shape Editor, select a Dome shape with an Angle of 45 degrees, Start Height of 0 and select Add. • From the top menu select Bitmaps – Colour - Reset All Links.

You’ve generated the body of the spider. You need to add the legs in order to make the spider look realistic.

• Double left mouse click on the colour 4 in the 2D View. • In the Shape Editor, select a Dome shape with an Angle of 45 degrees, Start Height of 0 and select Add. • Repeat the process for colours 5, 6, 7 and the colour pink (webbing).

Issue JewelSmith 2009


6. Pictures


The coin is now complete.

• Select File - Save As from the top menu bar. • Save in: D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmith-Jobs. • Change the File name to spider and select Save.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

6. Pictures


Colour Linking – Griffins Exercise • Select Open Existing Model


• Select Bitmap Files from the drop down menu for Files of Type.

• From: D:\users\trainingArtCAM Data, select the file Griffins.bmp and select Open. • Change the Height to 50mm and select OK.

The Bitmap is loaded into ArtCAM, with the colour palette showing 4 colours that make the image.

An additional colour will be required as white is defined on the inside (eyes) and outside of the picture. The outside will therefore be allocated its own colour.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


6. Pictures


• From the Bitmap Tools area select Add colour • Select Blue then OK.


You will now fill in the area outside the Griffins with the new colour.

• Ensure Blue is the Primary colour and then select Flood Fill Tools area.

from the Bitmap

• Pick the areas outside the Griffins to apply the new colour. You’ll use the Colour linking to create the Relief for the Griffins.

• Select the Brown colour with the left mouse button to define the Primary colour. • Double right mouse click on the Grey, White and Black squares to link them to the Primary colour. The complete Griffin should now be a single brown colour.

• Double left mouse click on the Brown colour in the 2D View. • In the Shape Editor, select a Dome shape with an Angle of 45 degrees, Start Height of 0, select Add then OK.

You’ve given the whole image a Dome shape. This forms the base of the design and now can be developed further using the individual colours.

• From the top pull down menu, select Bitmaps – Colour - Reset All Links. • Double left mouse click on the Brown colour in the 2D View.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

6. Pictures


• In the Shape Editor, select a Dome shape with an Angle of 45 and select Add. (Do not close the Shape Editor form) • Double left mouse click on the Grey colour in the 2D View. • In the Shape Editor, select a Pyramid shape with an Angle of 45 degrees, Start Height of 0 and select Add. • Double left mouse click on the White colour in the 2D View. • In the Shape Editor, select a Dome shape with an Angle of 45 degrees, Start Height of 0.1 and select Add. • Double left mouse click on the Black colour in the 2D View. • In the Shape Editor, select a Dome shape with an Angle of 60 degrees, Start Height of 0 and select Add. The model is complete. You can create an opposite side (Back Relief in ArtCAM) and assemble this side to produce a complete 3D Triangulated model.

• From Back Relief Tools area, select Invert Composite To Back


ArtCAM has placed an inverted copy of this relief in the back relief layer.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


6. Pictures


You can assemble the two models together as a complete Mesh Assembly.

• Select Create Triangle Mesh


• Select the option Close with Back Relief and then select Create Triangles. A complete assembly is calculated and shown

You can Save the complete assembly at this stage as an .stl file. This for example, could be used for Rapid Prototyping.

• • • •

Select Save Triangles. Enter a File name as Griffin and select .stl from File type. Save in: D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmith-Jobs. Close the Mesh creator page and Save the ArtCAM model in the same location.


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6. Pictures


Bitmap to Vector - Toucan Link Exercise Colour linking can be used to highlight areas to obtain vectors, using the Bitmap To Vector feature on the Vector Toolbar. It allows you to calculate the vector boundary of the primary colour in the bitmap image. The following exercise will show the application of this feature.

• • • • • • • •

Select File - Open. Select the folder: D:\users\training\ArtCAM Data. Select Files of type to be Bitmap Files (*.gif). Select the file toucan.gif, followed by Open. Leave the Set Model Size dimensions as default and select OK. Left mouse click on the first green colour in the colour palette. Double click on the next 5 green colours with the Right mouse button. Double click on the red and yellow with the Right mouse button.

The toucan is now surrounded by a single green colour. For the body part of the toucan, the feet and the red beak are not required, so they will be linked to the green. You can produce a vector from the boundary of the Primary colour.

• From the Bitmap Tools area, select Bitmap To Vector . • Enter a Pixel Tolerance of 1, select the option Keep Lines and enter a Min Pixel Length of 5 and select Create Boundary. • Select Create Vectors, followed by Close. • Select Bitmap on/off from the top 2D View controls.

A vector showing the outline of the toucan and a vector of the border is shown. You can smooth it and change it to suit.

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6. Pictures


• Delete the square outside vector. Double click the bird vector to open the Shape Editor. • Select a Dome shape with an Angle of 45 degrees, followed by Add. Select Close. • Select Reset All Links. • Select the yellow colour using the Left mouse button. • Select Bitmap To Vector , followed by Create Vectors. • Select the red colour using the Left mouse button. • Select Bitmap To Vector

, followed by Create Vectors.

• Select Bitmap on/off from the top 2D controls. • Select the toes and beak vectors. • Select a Dome shape with an Angle of 45 degrees, followed by Add. Select Close. • Press F3 on the keyboard.

You’ve generated the eye shape by subtracting the white coloured area. You can generate the wing shape by using add.

• • • •

Press F2. Double click the white colour with the left mouse button. Select a Flat shape with a Start Height of 0.5mm and select Subtract. Select bitmap on/off from the top 2D View controls.

• Select the blue colour at the bottom of the wing with the left mouse button. • Double click the dark blue colour for the top part of the wing with the Right mouse button. • Double click the blue wing colour and set a Dome shape with an Angle of 25 degrees. • Select Add, followed by Close.


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The finished Relief has been generated from vectors and colours.

Note: For pictures with many colours in, you can use the Reduce Number… option from the Bitmap - Colour pull down menu.

• Select File - Save As. • Save in: D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmith-Jobs. • Change the File name to and select Save.

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6. Pictures


Create Relief Layer from Bitmap Layer ArtCAM can create a Relief layer from an Imported Image.

• • • • •

Select File – Open Existing Model . Select the folder: D:\users\training\ArtCAM Data. Select Files of type to be Bitmap Files (*.gif). Select the file HillmanImp.gif, followed by Open. Leave the dimensions as default and select OK.

If can use the option Scanned d.p.i. (dots per inch) which retains the original Image size allowing you to decrease/increase the resolution of the bitmap.

• • • •

From the Bitmaps Layer tab, select Create Relief from Image Enter a New Height of 1mm. Select OK. View the new Relief in the 3D View window.


This new scale will limit the height of the Relief generated where the light areas will be at the highest level and dark areas at the lowest. As the height varies between Z0 and Z1, the Relief will not provide a true perspective representation of the car. On the other hand the shallow background detail such as the trees and grass etc should be ideal. The car must be defined separately using Polyline Vectors around the key features displayed on the Bitmap. The


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6. Pictures


newly defined Vectors can then be used to locally create Reliefs, replacing the original model areas with a more realistic perspective representation.

• Select File – Save As and save it in: D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmith-Jobs. • Enter as File name - and select Save.

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6. Pictures


Create Bitmap Layer from Relief Layer ArtCAM can quickly create a new Bitmap layer containing a greyscale image of the relief.

• Select File – New – Model… • Enter a Width and Height of 50mm and a resolution of 976 points. Select OK. • Select File – Save As Lady in: D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\ArtCAMPro-Jobs. • From the Reliefs layer tab, select Open.

• Import the Relief model LadyJustice.rlf from: D:\users\training\ArtCAM Data.

• With the new layer highlighted, select Create Greyscale Bitmap


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A Greyscale image is created of the LadyJustice Relief and placed on a New Bitmap Layer (assigned with the same name as the original Relief).

Exercise • Use the available colours to create an outline vector of the LadyJustice.

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6. Pictures



Issue JewelSmith 2009

7. Advanced Relief Creation


7. Advanced Relief Creation Overview Extrude, Spin, Turn, Two Rail Sweep and 3D Blend are commands that create reliefs from vectors. Reliefs can be created quickly as cross sections along vectors.

Extrude Relief An extruded relief is produced using 2 or more vectors. The relief is produced as a swept form of the start profile vector along the drive curve vector. If an different end profile vector is used the relief will change shape from one end to the other.

Drive Curve Extrude Example • Create a New Model with size of 25mm by 25mm of resolution 1078 x 1078 with the origin in the centre. For this example the drive curve vector is made from creating a circle and removing some nodes. The drive curve vector must be a single vector.

• Create a circle of radius 7 at X 0 Y 0. • Select N (Node editing) and remove the lower spans. The drive curve vector determines the location of the relief. The start and end profiles now need to be generated. These will define the sectional form along the relief.

• Create a rectangle of width 4, height 2, corner radii 0 at X-8 Y-4. • Select N (Node mode) and remove the lower span. This rectangle will be the start profile (section). The vector is the exact size that is required and can be located anywhere on the 2D View. The start profile vector has to be a single vector, (not Grouped).

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7. Advanced Relief Creation


• Select Extrude from the Assistant, Relief Tools area.

The Extrude Wizard form provides the options for the user to create the required extruded relief form.

• Select the Drive Curve vector with the left mouse button. • On the Extrude Wizard press Select.

The Drive Curve vector is highlighted. The Green Square indicates the Start of the Curve, where the Start Profile will be located. The small lines running off the curve indicate which side of the vector the sectional profiles will be extruded along.

• Leave all options on the Drive Curve area of the form unticked. • Select the rectangular vector with the left mouse button. • in the Start Profile area of the form press Select. The Start Profile vector is highlighted. The Green Square indicates the Start of the section. The small lines running off the curve indicate whether the relief would be positive (ticks inside) or negative (ticks outside). For this example a positive relief is required.

• Tick move anchor point to other end and Invert Curve in Z. The vector is updated immediately with the start point on the left hand side and the ticks facing inwards.


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7. Advanced Relief Creation


This page is for selecting an End Profile of a different shape to the Start Profile (if required). By default the End Profile is the same as the Start Profile. If an End Profile is required, the Use separate end profile box must be ticked to provide access to the required selection options.

This area of the form enables the user to include a Z modulation Vector. This controls the relief height along the Drive Curve.

This page is for selecting the method to be used to combine the form with the existing relief.

• With Add selected, click the Calculate button. Close the Wizard. • Switch on Preview Relief Layer

from the top of the 2D View.

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7. Advanced Relief Creation


The relief has been generated inside the arc as selected.

• Press the F3 key to select the 3D View.

The relief is generated. This relief will be reset and a new end profile vector generated.

• • • •

From the Assistant Relief Tools area, select Reset Relief. Press F2. Create a circle of radius 2 at X 0 Y0. Select N (Node editing mode) and remove the lower spans.

This smaller semi circle will be the end profile vector.

• From the Assistant, Relief Tools area Select Extrude. • Select the Drive Curve vector with the left mouse button. • On the Extrude form – Drive Curve area press Select The vector is highlighted as before

• Select the Use as Centreline option.

The small lines are now displayed both sides, which will result in the relief being generated central to the Drive Curve.

• Select the rectangle vector with the left mouse button.


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7. Advanced Relief Creation


• On the Start Profile area click Select. The vector is highlighted as before.

• Tick – Use separate end profile. • Select the small semi-circle vector with the left mouse button. • On the End Profile press Select. The start point is on the bottom left and the small lines are inside (The same as the rectangular vector). This means that the extrude will flow between each profile without twisting or turning upside down half way through.

• In the Combine (relief) area, select Add, click the Calculate button and Close the Form.

The relief has been generated centrally across the drive curve vector.

• Press the F3 key to select the 3D View.

. This relief will be reset and a new Z modulation vector generated to include in the next example.

• From the relief toolbar, select Reset Relief. • Press F2.

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7. Advanced Relief Creation


The Z modulation vector will override any heights associated with the start or end profile vectors. This vector proportionally changes the relief height along the whole length of the drive curve.

• From the 2D Bitmap menu, select Snap Grid Settings and enter a grid size of 1mm with the Draw Snap Grid and Snap To Grid both selected. • Use polyline to create a modulation vector by snapping to the grid points.

This vector will be used as the modulation vector.

• Click the Extrude button on the Relief Toolbar. The Extrude form appears.

• Select the Drive Curve vector with the left mouse button. • In the Drive Curve area click Select. • Select the option Use as centreline. • Select the rectangle vector with the left mouse button. • In the Start Profile area click Select. • Tick – Use separate end profile. • Select the small semi-circle vector with the left mouse button. • Tick - Use Z modulation profile. • Select the new polyline, vector with the left mouse button. • In the Z Modulation area press Select.

The modulation vector is selected. The start point is on the left hand side and the ticks are inside, indicating a positive relief.


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7. Advanced Relief Creation


• In the Combine (relief) area, select Add, click the Calculate button and Close the Form.

The relief has been generated either side of the drive curve vector and looks similar to the previous relief.

• Press the F3 key to select the 3D View. The relief is generated and the effect of the Z modulation vector can clearly be seen. This relief will be reset and the Z modulation vector will be used a start profile. All other vectors will be deleted and a new drive curve vector generated.

• From the relief toolbar, select Reset Relief. • Press F2. • From the 2D view menu, select Snap Grid Settings and untick Draw to Grid and Snap to grid. • Delete all vectors apart from the z modulation vector. • Create a polygon of 5 sides of radius 4.5 at X 0 Y -1. The pentagon will be used as the drive curve with the relief being generated on the outside. The option create square corners on the drive curve keeps the relief sharp, otherwise it would round off the corners

• Click the Extrude button on the Relief Toolbar. The Extrude Form opens.

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7. Advanced Relief Creation


• Select the Drive Curve pentagon vector with the left mouse button. • On the Drive Curve form press Select. • Tick the option, Create square corners. Make sure the small lines are displayed on the outside of the vector.

• Select the other snapped vector with the left mouse button. • On the Start Profile area press Select. Make sure the small lines are displayed on the outside of the vector.

• With Add selected, click the Calculate button and Close the Form. The relief has been generated outside of the drive curve vector.

• Press the F3 key to select the 3D View.

The relief is generated with the inside the pentagon shape.

• From the File menu, select Save and save the model as:D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmith-Jobs\training-extrude.


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7. Advanced Relief Creation


Spin Relief A Spin relief is produced, by spinning a single. Cross sectional vector around it’s own start point.

Spin Example

• Create a New Model with size of 25mm by 25mm of resolution 1078 x 1078 with the origin in the centre. • From the 2D view menu, select Snap Grid Settings and enter a grid size of 1mm with the Snap to grid selected. • Use polyline to create a vector by snapping to the grid points.

The polyline will be spun around it’s own start point (shown as a green square) to generate a relief. The polyline or start profile determines the actual size of the model and has to be a single joined vector.

• From the Assistant, Relief Tools area, select Spin.

• Select the snapped vector with the left mouse button. • On the Extrude Wizard press Select.

The vector is selected. The start point (green square is on the left hand side and the small lines are pointing inside, indicating a positive relief.

• With Add selected, click the Calculate button and Close the Form. Issue JewelSmith 2009


7. Advanced Relief Creation


• Switch on Preview Relief Layer

from the top of the 2D View window.

It will be observed that the relief has been formed by the section vector being spun around it’s own start point.

• Press F3.

The 3D View shows the full relief. The next relief will be spun around a partial angle.

• • • •

From the Assistant, Relief Tools select Reset Relief. Press F2. Delete the old polyline. Use polyline to create a vector by snapping to the grid points.

This vector has a large flat area on the left. When this is spun, this will appear as a hole in the middle.

• From the Assistant, Relief Tools area, select Spin. • The Spin Form appears again. • Select the snapped vector with the left mouse button. • On the Start Profile area click Select. The vector is selected. The start point (green square) is on the left hand side and the ticks are inside, indicating a positive relief.


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7. Advanced Relief Creation


• • • •

Untick the box Sweep through 360 degrees. Enter a Start Angle of 60, an End Angle of 120 and set Clockwise. Click the Calculate button to generate the relief. Close the form.

From preview relief layer you can see that there is no relief produced where the line is on the zero height for the section..

• Press F3.

The relief is created using the start and finish angles to limit the extent of the form.

• From the File menu, select Save and save the model as:D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmith-Jobs\ training-spin.

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7. Advanced Relief Creation


Turn Relief The Turn command takes a vector and rotates it over itself to generate a relief. The axis of rotation is defined along the line between the start and end points of the vector.

Turn Example To generate a turn relief a vector needs to be generated first.

• Create a New Model with size of 25mm by 25mm of resolution 1078 x 1078 with the origin in the centre. • From the 2D view menu, select Snap Grid Settings and with Snap Grid Settings and Snap To Grid selected enter Grid Spacing of 1mm. • Use Create Polyline to create a vector by snapping to the grid points.

This single vector will be turned about the Y axis.

The centre for the model to be turned around shown as a thick centre-line) is automatically taken as a straight line between the start and end node of the vector.

• From the Assistant, Relief Tools select the Relief Toolbar.

The form provides an option for vector selection, scale factor for the Z Height and Combine relief creation method.

• Select the snapped vector with the left mouse button. • On the Turn form press Select.


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7. Advanced Relief Creation


With the vector select the small lines appear. There are no options to change the ticks, so whether or not they are on the inside or outside does not matter. If Add is used you will get a positive relief and with subtract a negative relief.

• With Add selected, click on Turn and then Close. • Switch on Preview relief layer

from the top of the 2D window.

The relief is turned out of the page.

• Press F3. The relief has been turned with the heights to match the full width of the section (selected vector) in Z. To produce a flatter shape, the scaling factor can be reduced to any value less than 1.

• From the Assistant - relief toolbar, select Reset Relief.

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7. Advanced Relief Creation


• Press F2. • Select the Turn button on the Relief Toolbar. The select profile page appears on the Wizard.

• Select the snapped vector with the left mouse button. • On the Turn form press Select. • On the Turn form enter the scaling factor as 0.5. • Press Next >. The combine relief page appears.

• With Add selected, click on Turn and then Close.

The relief is turned out of the page and looks exactly the same in the X and Y.

• Press F3.

The relief is flatter in Z giving an oval appearance.

• From the File menu, select Save and save the model as:D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmith-Jobs\training-turn


Issue JewelSmith 2009

7. Advanced Relief Creation


Two Rail Sweep Two Rail Sweep Relief This swept profile allows freeform shapes to be created by sweeping vector cross sections between two vector drive rails. The height of the resulting shape can also be controlled using a Z Modulation vector.

• Create a New Model with size of 25mm by 25mm of resolution 1078 x 1078 with the origin in the centre • Create two polyline vectors and an open ellipse as shown.

The vertical vectors are mirrored to make them symmetrical, but this is not a requirement of the command. By having sharp edges a crease in the relief will be generated.

• Select the Two Rail Sweep button on the Relief toolbar.

The Two Rail Sweep Swept Profile form appears.

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7. Advanced Relief Creation


This form helps you to pick the required vectors in order. The two drive rails must have their direction, as indicated by arrows, identical. The modulation vector is also picked in this area of the form.

This cross section area allows you to pick where you want the cross sections to happen along the drive rail. It also lets you remove cross sections.

The behaviour of the 2 rail sweep relief is controlled by this section.

Finally, the usual ArtCAM combine options are available. The Reset option unselects all of the vectors.

• • • •

Select the left vertical vector. Click the Select button next to Top Drive Rail press Select. Select the right vertical vector. Click the Select button next to Bottom Drive Rail

The top drive rail has been labelled as A and the direction shown by arrows. The bottom drive rail has been labelled as B and is also shown by the arrows. The arrows also indicate the flow of the relief so on this case the start is at the top. The direction of each rail can be reversed on the form to suit. Note: Drive rails can be of any shape but need to be one vector.


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7. Advanced Relief Creation


• Select the curved vertical vector. • Select Add Cross Section.

The curved section is labelled as number one and the number 1 appears at the start of the drive rails to indicate where that section begins. If no other sections are selected, the one section is used along the whole drive rails.

• Tick Sweep between spans and Scale Height with Width only. • Select Add and press Calculate and then Close.

The relief is generated. As the relief goes wider the Z height increases as the Scale cross section height with width option was chosen.

• From the relief toolbar, select Reset Relief. • Press F2. Delete all of the vectors and create new vectors as shown.

These four vectors will be used to generate a new relief.

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7. Advanced Relief Creation • • • • •


Select the Two Rail Sweep button on the Relief toolbar. Select the large curved vector. Click the Select button next to Top Drive Rail Select the angled polyline vector. Click the Select button next to Bottom Drive Rail

Make sure that your arrows are pointing in the same direction. You may need to reverse on of the drive rails. This shape is going to blend from a boxed shape down to an arc shape.

• • • •

Select the open square vector. Select Add Cross Section. Select the open ellipse vector. Select Add Cross Section.

The sections are numbered and their relative locations along the rail vectors are shown.

• Press Calculate (do not close this page).

The relief is displayed. However by adding in other sections the shape of the relief can be further constrained.

• • • •

From the relief toolbar, select Reset Relief. Press F2. Select the open ellipse vector. On the page press Add Cross Section.


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7. Advanced Relief Creation


With the addition of another section, the position of section 2 has moved along the drive rails. However the position of section 2 may not be ideal and it can be moved.

In the 2 rail sweep page a new section appears. Sections can be removed by selecting the X.

• On section 2 press the position button. • Click and drag a line to indicate position of section 2.

This fixes the location of section 2 and will move the number to indicate the new position when the line is finished.

• Press Calculate and then Close.

A new relief has been generated.

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7. Advanced Relief Creation


Butterfly Example • Create a New Model with size of 50mm by 50mm of resolution 1078 x 1078 with the origin in the centre • Select the Assistant tab. • From the Top menu select Vectors – Import • From D:\users\trainingArtCam Data select butterfly.eps.

The vectors are loaded as a single group. To use individual vectors this group is ungrouped.

• Select Ungroup. As this is a symmetrical model, only one side needs to be generated. The wings are generated from a two rail sweep.

• Select in order the lower wing vector (1) the top wing vector (2) and the section vector (3). • Select Sweep.

• Select Sweep between spans, Scale Height with width and Add. • Select Calculate and then Close.


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7. Advanced Relief Creation


The top left wing is produced. The lower wing will be merged onto it.

• Select in order the smaller inner vector (1) the outer wing vector (2) and the section vector (3). • Select Sweep.

• Select Sweep between spans, Scale Height with width and Merge Highest. • Select Calculate and then Close. The two wings are created for the left hand side. The antennae needs to be produced before it can be mirrored.. The antennae will be created with a simple extrude.

• Select Extrude. • Select the Drive curve vector (1) and press Select. • Select the start profile vector (2) and press Select • Tick Add and press Calculate and then Close. To finish off the Antenna a small dome will be generate from the circle at the end.

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7. Advanced Relief Creation


• Double click the circle vector and select a dome shape with an angle of 90 degrees, no limit and press Merge High and then Close.

The antennae is finished and the whole relief can be mirrored around the centre to produce the other half.

• Select Relief Mirror Merge. • Select Left over right and then Close.

The lower part of the body can be generated using a two rail sweep.

• Select in order the left lower body vector (1) the right lower body vector (2) and the section vector (3). • Select Sweep. • Select Sweep between spans, Scale Height with width and Merge Highest. • Select Calculate and then Close. The top part of the body is generated using turn and merged onto the rest of the relief.

• Select the top body vector. • Select Turn. • Press Select, enter a Z sale as 1 and press Next. • Select Merge Highest and then Turn and then Close.


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7. Advanced Relief Creation


The relief is complete.

• From the File menu, select Save and save the model as:D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmith-Jobs\training-butterfly

3D Blend Overview The 3D Blend function is a very useful command that can produce complex reliefs with relative ease.

Star Example • Select Open Existing Model • Open the model from D:\users\trainingArtCam Data.

This model already has vectors already created.

• In Relief Tools select 3D Blend.

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7. Advanced Relief Creation


The 3D Blend assistant page appears providing a comprehensive range of the options. The 3D blend - relief is either generated from a single vector to a central or user defined point, or across to an inner vector using one of the Profile types, displayed in the form. The final shape of the relief is controlled by a combination of the type of Profile and Height definitions selected.

The above options combined with merge highest, lowest, add, and subtract relief provides a very powerful command for the user.

• • • • • •

Select the Star vector and shift and select the circle as well. Select the Linear Profile option. Select Border height as 0. Select Inner height as 5. Select Inner Vector Edge and tick - Fill Inner Vector. Select Highest and press Create Blend.

The relief has a linear blend from the outer to the inner vector. It then continues at constant height (5mm) across the area inside the inner vector.


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7. Advanced Relief Creation


• Select Undo (Ctrl + Z). • With the vectors still selected and the 3D blend page open, Untick - Fill Inner Vector Edge. • Select Highest and press Create Blend.

This time the area on the relief inside the inner vector is left open on the relief.

• Select Undo (Ctrl + Z). • With the vectors still selected and the 3D blend page open, select the Profile option Smooth. • Tick - Fill Inner Vector Edge. • Select Highest and press Create Blend.

A smooth relief is produced from the outer to the inner vector. It then continues at constant height (5mm) across the area inside the inner vector.

• • • •

Select Undo (Ctrl + Z). Select the outer star vector only with the Linear Profile option selected. Switch On - Select Point With Cursor and enter x 0 and y 10. Select Highest and press Create Blend.

The relief is produced with an offset vector blend producing an offset centred star shape.

The next part of the chapter will compare the addition of different cross sectional, Selected Vectors numbered 1 to 3 as shown below.

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7. Advanced Relief Creation


Each vector will produce a different shape when scaled across the relief to the defined heights. The Selected Vector is always picked last.

• Select Undo (Ctrl + Z). • Select the outer followed by the inner vector and with the 3D Blend page open, select the Profile option, Selected Vector. • Hold shift and select the cross section vector 1 from the 2D window. • In Blend from Border to: set Inner Vector Edge and tick the box Fill Inner Vector. • Select Highest and press Create Blend. A new relief has been produced as the cross section, vector 1 scaled between the inner and outer vectors. It then continues at constant height (5mm) across the area inside the inner vector.

• Select Undo (Ctrl + Z). • Select the star vector, shift select the circle vector and then the cross section, vector 2. • Select Highest and press Create Blend.

The new relief has been produced as the scaled vector 2 between the inner and outer vectors. It then continues at constant height (5mm) across the area inside the inner vector.

• Select Undo (Ctrl + Z). • Select the star vector and shift select the cross section, vector 3.


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7. Advanced Relief Creation


• Select Middle of Border Vector. • Select Highest and press Create Blend. The shape of the relief is controlled by cross sectional, vector 3 running from the outer star vector inwards as well as from the centre outwards. The maximum height (5mm) occurs exactly half way between the outer star vector and the centre.

• From the File menu, select Save and save the model as:D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmith-Jobs\training-starblend

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7. Advanced Relief Creation



Issue JewelSmith 2009

8. 3D Clipart and Texturing


8. 3D Clipart and Texturing 3D Clipart The 3D Clipart form opens when the user imports an existing externally stored relief using the Paste Relief from A File option. The 3D Clipart form enables the relief to be scaled, repositioned, re-orientated, copied, etc. Before being combined into the current model.

Lady Example • Select File  Close any files you may be working on. • Select Open Existing Model . • Open model D:\users\trainingArtCam Data\Pend_frm.rlf. (Note:- Check that the choice in Files of type filter includes .rlf extensions).

• Select the 2D View.

On loading the Relief, ArtCAM automatically generates both a bitmap (colour) and greyscale representation in the 2D view. The model size and resolution is the same as the imported relief before it was originally exported from ArtCAM as a .rlf file.

• Click the Paste Relief From A File button from Relief tools. • Browse and select the file Lady.rlf from the D:\users\trainingArtCam Data directory and select the Open tab. The 3D Clipart dialog box and a vector outline of the clipart appears in the 2D View.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


8. 3D Clipart and Texturing


A Preview of the relief is diplayed as a vector outline, and is currently too large. It will be transformed, sized and positioned, using the 3D clipart form before being pasted onto the existing model.

• Select the Scale tab. • Enter the new scale as 30%. The relief could also be scaled manually by dragging the corner handles of the relief vector, with SHIFT held down to maintain the proportion. Now the vector (and associated relief) can be moved to the centre of the pendant.

• Press Apply. • Move the cursor on the vector outline so that Move Cursor appears. • Press the Left mouse button and move the mouse to ‘drag’ the relief. • Release the button when the vector is suitably positioned. •

Now that the Clipart is suitably positioned, the inherent Z Range value can be altered to provide independent control to the final Z height of the new relief. The Clipart summary shows the vector relief height as nearly 2.6mm with the current relief at nearly 0.7mm.

• Click the Size page on the 3D Clipart dialog box.


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8. 3D Clipart and Texturing


• Input a value of 0.5 in the Z Range box to control the new relief height and click Apply.

• Click the Mode tab on the 3D Clipart dialog box. • Check that the Add mode is selected, click the Paste button, and then Close the form.

The new relief has been Added to the original pendant adding an additional height value of 0.5 to the model.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


8. 3D Clipart and Texturing


Texture Relief Texture is required between the head and the outer frame. To define this area, a vector can be created around the central mid-grey coloured area. There is already an exiting vector around the profile of the head, created during the last clipart operation. The Texturing will be created between the two vectors.

• From the Relief Layers Tab select Greyscale from relief to create a Bitmap from the greyscale view. • In the Bitmap view, double click within the grey colour are to be textured and assign to Primary. • Select Close on the Shape Editor. • Select the Bitmap To Vector icon. • Select OK. The grey colour also applies to other tiny areas and as a result several additional vectors are created, but these can just be ignored.

• Select the new outer vector and shift select the inner face vector. • Select the Texture Relief button on the Relief Editing toolbar.

The Texture Relief dialog appears: This dialog box allows the selection of several preset texture shapes including Sphere, Ellipse, Cone, Pyramid and Weave. Other options provide the user with Sizing and Scaling cababilities to adjust the texture exactly to the desired form.

The From File option enables a user defined relief to be imported for use as a texture. If ticked Blend Edges allows the input of a fading distance from the vector into the relief area from zero to the full texture - Z Height.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

8. 3D Clipart and Texturing


• Select the Pyramid Shape, set the Size to 0.5, the Truncation to 50% the Z Height to 0.1, and select Blend Edges with a value of 5mm and Click Add.

• Do not Close the above form but reverse the texturing process by selecting Subtract and then select one of the other texture relief styles before clicking Add (in this case a Weave of Size 3, Z Height 0.5, and Bar Width % 50). • Save the model in D:\users\training\Coursework\JewelSmith-Jobs as lady head

Motif Example • Use the File menu to Close any projects that you are working on. • Open a New Model and, set the Height to 25mm and the Width to 50mm. • Paste relief from file Data.

Leaves.rlf from D:\users\training\ArtCam

• Select the Rotate page on the 3D Clipart dialog. • Set the Rotate by angle field to -40 and Click Apply Issue JewelSmith 2009


8. 3D Clipart and Texturing


• Click on Mode and select Add and then Paste.

The vector rotates to reflect the change in Angle. When the Paste box is selected, the new relief is combined with the current model and the form remains open by default in anticipation of further pasting operation.

• Click on the Rotate page and select the Horizontal button. • Switch to the Move page setting the Move X origin by field to 25 and click Apply followed by Paste. • Click Paste and then Close.

• In the 2D View delete both vector shapes. • Switch Preview Relief Layer. • Select, Load Relief and import Flower.rlf from D:\users\training\ArtCam Data.

• Select the Scale page on the 3D Clipart dialog. • Set New scale % field to 60%. Click Apply. • In the 2D View, select and drag the vector outline of the flower between the leaves.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

8. 3D Clipart and Texturing


• On the Mode page, select a Start Height of 0.5 and the Mode as Merge Highest. • Click Paste and then Close.

• Smooth the Relief with 1 smoothing pass.

• Close the model.

Relief Wrapping When a relief is added onto a surface it is normally projected down the Z-axis. A relief can also be wrapped onto a surface within the 3D clipart or vectors can be wrapped onto the surface. The process of wrapping will ‘bend’ the relief to wrap around the model without changing its overall size.

In the above diagram the vector A is wrapped onto the relief B. Issue JewelSmith 2009


8. 3D Clipart and Texturing


On the left hand side, the vector is not wrapped but is simply projected down Z and therefore the finished vector C is distorted as it goes over the curve. On the Right hand side the vector is wrapped to produce vector D, which retains the same dimensions along the 3D surface as the original 2D vector. In ArtCAM in addition to projecting down Z it is possible to wrap radially, such as around a sphere, or cylindrically, like a tube in the X or Y direction.

Wrapping example • Create a New Model of size X 100 Y 100 with the origin in the centre and a resolution of 860 x 860. • Create a circle of diameter 80 with the centre at X0 Y0. • Remove the left half of the circle. • Create a turn relief with a scale factor of 1. This hemisphere relief will have another relief pasted onto it, by initially using the default, Wrap - Project option and then the Wrap - Radial option.

• Use Paste Relief From A File to import the file dolphin.rlf from D:\users\training\ArtCam Data\. • Select a scale of 125% and press Apply and then Paste. (do not close) • Select the 3D view.

The default option, project down Z when applied to a very rounded shape, such as this sphere has caused the resulting relief to be elongated as it is projected onto a steep area. It is especially noticeable on the tail area.

• Select Undo. • On the 3D Clipart form, select the Wrap tab.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

8. 3D Clipart and Texturing


There are four types of wrapping, Project (default), Radially (for sphere shapes), Wrap X and Wrap Y. The wrap origin can also be set.

• Select Radial and then Paste and Close.

The dolphin is scaled in such a way as to make it look as though it has been wrapped around the spherical surface, as opposed to simply being projected down Z.

• Close the ArtCAM model without saving.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


8. 3D Clipart and Texturing



Issue JewelSmith 2009

9. Sculpting and Face Wizard


9. Sculpting and Face Wizard Sculpting Sculpting is used on 3D Reliefs to locally add, remove or smooth the model by dynamically using the mouse in the 3D View.

• Select Sculpting

in the Relief Tools area. A temporary Relief is produced which will change while Sculpting. The 3D View is maximised and the Interactive Sculpting page in the Assistant appears.

Smooth – allows selective smoothing of the Relief as opposed to the generalised effect of the Smooth Relief feature on the Relief Tools area. Smudge – takes a copy of the Relief under the brush, and allows it to be dragged to another position. Deposit Carve

– adds material to the Relief. – removes material from the Relief.

Eraser – it’s a selective undo for any part of the Relief during an active session of Interactive Sculpting.

- allows cloning certain areas of the Clone composite Relief. Each action has options for Brush Diameter, Strength and Smoothness and different options will be available depending on the action chosen. At any time the changes can be made permanent by selecting Apply to update the original Relief.

The Revert option cancels the current Sculpting operations back to when Apply was last selected. It is the same as Cancel except the page remains open.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


9. Sculpting and Face Wizard


The Cancel option has the same effect as Revert but automatically exits the form ignoring all changes since the last time Apply was selected. The Finish option exits Sculpting mode and applies all changes.

Sculpting exercise This example will show you how to create an entire scene using the Scultping tools available in ArtCAM. • •

Select Create New Model . Enter the values as shown in the image below.

• Open mountains.rlf from the Reliefs layer toolbar • • • • • • • • •

Delete the relief layer called Relief Layer. Select Preview Relief Layer . Open dirt-dry cracked.jpg from the Bitmaps layer toolbar . . Select Create Relief From Image Enter a New Height of 2.54mm. Open sand.jpg from the Bitmaps layer toolbar . Select Create Relief From Image and enter a New Height of 2.54mm. Select the mountains relief layer to make it active. Select Toggle Visibility for the other two relief layers to hide them from the 3D View.

• Select Create GreyScale Bitmap

of the mountains relief layer.

• Select yellow in the colour palette.



Issue JewelSmith 2009

9. Sculpting and Face Wizard


• Select Colour Shade • Select Sculpting

• • • •

from the top of the 3D toolbar. from the Relief Tools area.

Select the sculpting tool Carve . Select dirt-dry cracked from the Tool Settings pull down menu. Select a Diameter of 100mm, Strength of 10% and Smoothness of 100%. Select the Sculpt excluding colour option.

If you hover over the relief you should see the dirt-dry cracked image showing through the cursor.

Click with your left mouse button, let go, and move to the next location carving over the entire mountain range.

Note: This technique will carve an imprint of the dirt on the mountains. •

Once finished click the Revert button to try a different relief – select Yes when asked about losing changes.

• • • • • • • • •

Select the sculpting tool Deposit . Select sand from the Tool Settings pull down menu. Select a Diameter of 100mm, Strength of 5% and Smoothness of 100%. Using the same sculpting technique as above add the sand texture to the mountain range. Select Finish to apply the changes. Toggle the Colour Shade to see the results. Open tree.rlf from the Reliefs layer toolbar. Select the mountains relief layer to make it active. Select Toggle Visibility for the tree relief layer.

Select Sculpting


Issue JewelSmith 2009


9. Sculpting and Face Wizard


• Select the sculpting tool Deposit . • Select tree from the Tool Settings pull down menu. • Select a Diameter of 100mm, Strength of 70% and Smoothness of 100%. • Select Ignore for the Colour Usage. • Select Merge for the Relief Combine Mode. • Click to add a tree in front of the mountains. • Continue this process to create an entire row of trees along the mountains. Try to use different Diameters, Strengths and Smoothness values to add depth.

• •

Select Finish to apply the changes. Open grass.jpg and set scaling to Fill.

Select Create Relief From Image

Select the mountains relief layer and then Create GreyScale Bitmap


and enter a New Height of 1.27mm.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


9. Sculpting and Face Wizard


• •

Select the grass relief layer. Toggle the Colour Shade on, in the 3D View.

Select Sculpting

Select the sculpting tool Erase

• •

Select a Diameter of 100mm, Strength of 70% and Smoothness of 100%. Hold down the Shift key down and remove all areas of grass above the bottom mountain edge.

. .

Note: Use the greyscale image as a guide.

These areas have now been reset to the Zero Plane.

• • • • • • • •

Select Finish to apply the changes. Make sure the sculpted relief layer with the mountains and trees is on. Change the combine mode for the grass layer to Merge High. Toggle off the Colour Shade to verify the results. Select Merge Visible . Open PinkSilk.bmp with the option scale to Fill set. and enter a Height of 12.7mm. Select Create Relief From Image Select the PinkSilk relief layer.

• • • • •

. Select Smooth Relief Select Whole Layer and enter 10 Smoothing Passes. Select the mountains as bitmap layer and the Merged Layer as relief layer. Select Toggle Visibility for the PinkSilk relief layer. in the 3D View. Toggle on Colour Shade

Select Sculpting

• • • •

. Select the sculpting tool Deposit Leave the Tool Settings pull down menu set to None. Select a Diameter of 100mm, Strength of 10% and Smoothness of 100%. Select PinkSilk from the Mask Settings pull down menu.


Issue JewelSmith 2009


9. Sculpting and Face Wizard •


Hold the left mouse button down and move back and forth over the grass area working from the bottom to top.

Note: This will add height to the grass by pushing the silk relief under it.

• • • • • •

When you get near the tree line adjust the Strength to 5% to avoid damaging this area. Select Finish to apply the changes. Toggle off the Colour Shade to verify the results.

. Select Import reliefs from a relief clipart library Select Animals under Libraries. Select Deer and Scale it to 50%, position it at the left side of the grass, set a Start Height of 5.08 mm and select Merge Highest. Select Paste and then Close.

Toggle Colour Shade

Select Sculpting

• • • • • •

. Select the sculpting tool Clone Select a Diameter of 70mm, Strength of 100% and Smoothness of 100%. Hover over the Deer’s head and right mouse click. Move to the right grassy area. Hold the left mouse button down and replace the first Deer and right mouse click. Hold the left mouse button and replace the first Deer with the surrounding texture.

back on.


Note: You may need to re-clone areas to remove the entire Deer.

• •


Select Finish to apply the changes. to verify the results. Toggle off the Colour Shade

Issue JewelSmith 2009

9. Sculpting and Face Wizard


Face Wizard The Face Wizard simplifies the side profile of a face picture file to be used for generating a 3D Relief. Ideally, the picture should have a clear background and generally be of good quality. The Face Wizard will guides the user through this process, finishing up in Sculpting mode to allow fine changes to be made.

Face Wizard Hints The Face Wizard automatically produces a face, but manual Sculpting Smoothing and Smudging can be used to produce a more defined image. Once the Relief is produced you can use sculpting many times to generate the desired image. To start the Face Wizard, you must be aware of the following details: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Photo must be well lit to show up the detail. Resolution needs to be at least 4MB pixels. When picking Nape of neck, pick under the hair if the hair is long. Ears generate an angled plane and merge high. Smooth over the join. Glasses sketch in vector, use angled plane and get the height merged just below the overall height.

Face Wizard exercise • Select File – Close Model. • From Other Features select Face Wizard • Select Open Photo Data.


, then open woman.jpg from: D:\users\training\ArtCAM

Issue JewelSmith 2009


9. Sculpting and Face Wizard


The Step 2 of the Face Wizard appears in the Assistant and the picture is loaded into ArtCAM, automatically creating a model.

As shown in the Assistant a Polyline needs to be created to select the area where the Relief is to be generated. A saved polyline can be imported, if required. Note: When creating the Polyline, make sure you pick just inside the face because any part of the background can produce a spike at the edge of the Relief.

• Select Create Polyline. • Click around the head, as shown.

At the creation stage, it does not matter if you make a mistake when clicking as the Polyline can be changed after creation by using Node editing.

• • • • •


Select Close Vector - Move End Points . Select Create Polyline Tool. Press N (Node Editing) on the keyboard. Make any final adjustments to your Polyline. Select Next. Issue JewelSmith 2009

9. Sculpting and Face Wizard


Step Three of the Face Wizard appears and indicates where to pick the two locating points for this command. This tells ArtCAM which way the relief if facing (to the left or right) and also where the features are.

• Select the two points as indicated in red by the Face Wizard, followed by Next.

Step Four allows you to set the actual Relief and Model Dimensions, which may be different to the initial picture. In this case the picture has come in at around 500mm square.

• Under Head Dimensions, accept the Width and Height values. • Under Model Dimensions, change the Width and Height to be 120. • Select Next. Issue JewelSmith 2009


9. Sculpting and Face Wizard


The model is automatically generated and ArtCAM automatically opens up the sculpted option with the 2D picture shown on top for clarity.

There are no fixed methods for smoothing this relief, however it is usually advisable to treat the hair and face with different sculpting tools as the face generally needs to be smoother than the hair.

• Select a Smooth option with a Diameter of 70mm. • Select a Combine Mode as Raise Only. • Smooth over the face area.

When Sculpting the control button can be used with the left mouse button to rotate the Relief around. This allows you to see the Relief from different angles to check the Smoothing. Smudging is another good tool, which can be used for defining areas such as the cheek bones.

• Select Smudge with a Diameter of 100mm and Smudge the cheek area. • Select Smooth, Diameter of 50mm, Strength of 25% and Smooth the hair.

The Sculpting needs to be saved by pressing Apply and then Finish. If you want to start again, just select Revert.

• Select Apply, followed by Finish. • Save the Relief in: D:\users\training\Coursework\JewelSmith-Jobs with the name - sidelady.rlf.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

10. Relief Layers


10. Relief Layers Introduction An individual Relief operation can be assigned to a Relief Layer. This provides the ability to create a model in which the user can switch the Relief components to exhibit different design variants. Relief layers are controlled by the Relief toolbar. This can be switched on or off by pressing F7 on the keyboard.

Lid Exercise • Create a New Model 100 x 100 with resolution 796 x 796 points and Origin in the Centre of the model. • Create a vector Square of Height 65mm at the origin with a Corner Radius of 10mm. • Press F12 and select a Dome shape with an Angle of 90 degrees, Start Height of 5mm, Limit to height with a Height of 3mm. Select Add, followed by Close. The new Relief is automatically assigned to the default Relief Layer. A Relief Layer can be switched off as required by clicking the light bulb icon. Any Relief operations assigned to a Relief Layer that is switched off will be temporarily removed from the model.

• Create a New Relief Layer by selecting New . • Make the Relief Layer current by highlighting the Layer.

• Switch off the default Relief Layer.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


10. Relief Layers


If a new Relief is created it will automatically be generated on the selected Relief Layer 1.

• Generate a Star vector with 5 points, at the origin, First Radius of 20mm and Second Radius of 8mm. • Press F12 and select a Pyramid shape with an Angle of 25 degrees, Start Height of 0 with No Limit selected. Select Add and then Close. The second Relief can be combined with the first Relief in the Relief by clicking the Combine options Layer toolbar they are Add, Subtract, Merge High, Merge Low and Multiply.

• Switch on and make current the Relief Layer. • Select the combine options in Relief Layer 1.

Each time the combine icon is selected, the icon changes as a different option is selected and the relief is automatically updated.

This is a result of Adding the Relief on Layer 1 to the default Relief Layer.

• Create a New Relief Layer . • Make the Relief Layer 2 current. • Switch off Relief Layer and Relief Layer 1.

A new Relief of a textured area is made can be made.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

10. Relief Layers


• Create a vector Square of Height 55mm at the Origin with a Corner Radius of 5mm with Invert Corners option selected. • Select Texture Relief . • Select the option Selected Vector, Ellipse of Size 1, Horizontal 100%, Z height 0.5mm, Spacing X and Y as 100% and Overlap (O%) as 50%. Select Blend Edges as 5mm. • Select Add, followed by Close. • Press F3.

This Textured Relief can also be combined with the other Relief Layers.

• Switch on and make current Relief Layer. • Select the Combine options in Relief Layer 2.

In this case, the Textured Relief has been Subtracted from the current Relief. A saved relief can be pasted into the current relief layer.

• Create a New Relief Layer . • Make the New Relief Layer 3 current. • Switch off Relief Layer, Layer 1 and Layer 2. • Select Paste Relief from file and select dolphin.rlf from D:\users\training\ArtCAM Data. • Select Paste, followed by Close.

This Relief can also be combined with the other Relief Layers.

• Switch on the Relief Layer and the Relief Layer 2. Issue JewelSmith 2009


10. Relief Layers


• Select the Combine options in Relief Layer 2 and Relief Layer 3.

This is a result of Subtracting Relief Layer 2 and Adding Layer 3 to the current Layer.

• Select File - Save As, enter the File name as relief-layers and save it in: D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\ArtCAM-Jobs. As well as being a Front Relief, there is also a Back Relief option. This is used when making a complete .stl model or just for viewing purposes.

• Switch on only Relief Layer 3 and select Duplicate


An exact copy of the selected layer is put on a New Relief Layer called Relief Layer 4 Copy. This can be switched to the Back Relief by using the command switch slides.

• Select Transfer Opposite Side


• Switch on the Back Relief • Select Relief Layer 3 Copy and make it current. • Select Invert Relief Z only



The Relief is inverted. The Back Relief can be used to make a 3D model.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

10. Relief Layers


• • • •

Select Create Triangle Mesh . Select the option Close with Back Relief, followed by Create Triangles. Select Close. Press F3.

By rotating the Triangle Mesh, the dolphin is displayed. The volume and weight is also given. This triangle mesh can be saved outside of ArtCAM using Save Triangles. When the command is closed the triangle mesh will disappear.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


10. Relief Layers



Issue JewelSmith 2009

11. Pendant Design with Weaves


11. Pendant Design with Weaves Weave Relief A Weave Relief is generated form a series of overlapping vectors and a section vector, using the Weave Wizard.

Pendant Design Exercise • Select Create New Project


• Select Models from the root Project folder


. • Select a Blank 3-Axis Flat • Enter the File Name as teardrop-shape, a Width of 30mm and a Height of 60mm. • • • • • • • • •

. Enter a Resolution as 35 and select Accept Create an Ellipse at X0 Y0 with a Height of 30mm and a Width of 15mm. Create an Ellipse at X0 Y12 with a Height of 3mm and a Width of 5mm. With the large Ellipse selected, press F12 to display the Shape Editor. Select a Dome shape with an Angle of 30 degrees with a Scale To Height of 1.5. Select Add. Select the smaller Ellipse and select a Dome shape with an Angle of 80 degrees, the No Limit selected and select Subtract. Select the White background colour. Select a Flat Plane with a Start Height of 0 and select Merge High. Select Close and press F3. Issue JewelSmith 2009


11. Pendant Design with Weaves


By using Merge High the white colour you can ensure that no part of the whole model goes below Z0; thereby putting a hole in the model. You will import Vectors into a Layer to create a Weave design.

• Press F2. • Press F7 (to display Layer Assistant if not visible) • Select Open


• From: D:\users\trainingArtCAM Data, Open the file lweave.eps.

The vectors have been imported as a single group. You will need to ungroup them to use them.

These vectors will make two weaves.

• Right mouse click on the vectors and select Ungroup All.

When selecting vectors for the Weave command, you must pick at last the weave section vector.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

11. Pendant Design with Weaves


• Select the large entwined vectors and then shift select the section vector.

• Select Weave Wizard


This form allows you to control how the Weave looks. The Weave is made up of running the section vector along the entwined vector. The entwined vectors indicate the centre of the weave as it goes over and then under each part. Where the section meets an angle, this can either be rounded off or left square.

Weaves are combined with the main Relief.

• Enter a Length of crossover of 2, a % Depth of underpass of 40, a % Height of overpass of 0, select the option Round, select Add and then OK. • Press F3.

You’ve added the first Weave to the Relief. Now you can remove the second Weave from this Relief.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


11. Pendant Design with Weaves


• Press F2. • Select the small star-shaped entwined vectors and then shift select the smaller section vector.

• Select Weave Wizard


• Enter a Length of crossover of 2, a % Depth of underpass of 40, a % Height of overpass of 0, select the option Square, select Subtract and then OK. • Press F3.

You’ve removed the Star weave pattern from the Relief.

The Pendant is complete and now you will add it to the Project.

• Select Create Triangle Mesh . • Select the option Close With A Flat Plane and then select Create Triangles. • Select the option Add to Project and then Close the Mesh Creator page. • Select Save . • Save in: D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmith-Jobs. • Enter a File name as Pendant Weave and select Save.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

12. Multi Sided Flat Machining


12. Multi-Sided Flat Machining 3D Machining Wizard To run the Multi-Sided Machining wizard, you must have a Mesh Assembly with at least one component in it.

Exercise • Open the saved Project pendant-weave.3dp. • Select

from the Project tree.

• Select 3D Machining Wizard • Select Edit Settings.

from the Tools area.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


12. Multi Sided Flat Machining


The form allows you to pick the model type, Flat or a Ring.

• Select Flat and then Forward . • Change Resolution to 35 and select Forward.

• Select Flip-Machine Solid (Male) and then Forward


Note: Flip-Machine Mould (Female) is selected when a mould of the model is required to be machined).

The form allows you to define the dimensions of the material block that you are using. A wireframe representation of the block is shown in the 3D View.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

12. Multi Sided Flat Machining


• Change the Thickness to 10mm, the Length to 35mm and the Width to 45mm. • Select Centre in material. • Select Forward

. The previous machining templates for Flat machining are displayed. A toolpath template is a file, which contains the machining instructions that you want to machine this model with. It can be used for similar models. The supports are the bridges to stop it falling out while machining.

All the default machining templates are stored in the ArtCAM files area shown on the desktop. In the folder toolpath templates, there are stored templates for the different machines. The folder ArtCAM files is stored in C:/Documents and Settings/All users/shared documents and is automatically where ArtCAM will search for the template by default, unless you have selected another area. Any new toolpath templates you have created should be stored in this area.

• Under Flat Template, select the button Select. • From ArtCAM Files, select Toolpath Templates/Alcami/Proma PPM/ PPM flip flat select 2mmbn-5conical.tpl and select Open. • For the Output, select Proma PPM Indexer (*.iso).

The indexer turns the model over (180 degrees) to machine the Back Relief.

• Change Bridges to 6, Width to 2 and a Thickness of 0.75 and select


The wizard returns to the initial screen displaying all the selected settings.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


12. Multi Sided Flat Machining


The Machining Output Folder is the location where all the post processed toolpaths will be saved. The Output prefix is the name that will be appended in front of the toolpaths (e.g. for easier identification)

• For the Machining Output Folder, browse the path: D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmith-Jobs. • Enter pendant-weave in the Output prefix. • Select


ArtCAM calculates the toolpaths using the selected toolpath Templates. It will create a copy of the ArtCAM model with the toolpaths in it and any bridges generated in the relief.

A message appears to confirm the finish of the machining and to indicate where the files are stored.

• Select OK and Close the current model.

A new ArtCAM model has been created in the Project tree. This new ArtCAM model contains all the created toolpaths and new vector boundaries used for the calculation. The toolpaths can be simulated.

The Post-processed toolpaths can be found in the allocated location: D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmith-Jobs

• Load (double-click) the new ArtCAM model Machining_ThreeAxisFlat.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

12. Multi Sided Flat Machining


The model is shown with the bridges modelled in. Extra vectors that offset the model have been created automatically.

• Press F3.

The toolpaths are shown above and below the model as the indexer option was chosen it machines both parts of the model. The multisided wizard automatically places the base of the model in the middle of the wax for machining.

• Select the Toolpaths tab. Four toolpaths have been created, Rough and Finish for the Front and Back. Notice the toolpaths which include the name Back are specified with the angle shown in brackets {180}. Note: Edit Parameters can be used to change the A-Axis index angle before re-calculating the toolpath for very complex jobs. By default the Front Rrelief is selected, when the model is open.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


12. Multi Sided Flat Machining


• Select the toolpath rufFront and select Simulate Toolpath Fast


• Select the toolpath finFront and select Simulate Toolpath Fast


The model is shown as it would be machined. So the finished effect of the tool sizes can be shown. The model may need to be changed to make the star weave section bigger, for example. If you change the model you will have to run the Multi Sided Machining Wizard once again.

• Select Save . • Select File – Close Project. • In Windows Explorer, browse for the folder D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmith-Jobs….

There are two machining files (.iso) in this folder with the pendant weave prefix name. The roughing toolpath threeaxisflatruf.iso, and the finishing toolpath threeaxisflatfin.iso.

These two toolpaths are copied over to the PC which runs the CNC machine.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

13. Basic Ring Design


13. Basic Ring design Introduction In this chapter you will learn the basics of creating a Ring.

Star Ring Exercise • Select Create New Project


• Select Models from the root Project folder • Select a Blank Rotary-Axis


from the New Blanks options.

• Leave the name as RotaryAxisShank. • Select AlcamiCollets Size P, Shank Width of 20mm, Border of 5mm, Thickness of 1mm and Resolution of 40.

The Rotary Shank page allows you to specify the Size of the Ring using either a Standard or Custom size. Note: All Ring sizes may have a slightly different Diameter and the ArtCAM Ring diameter is based on an average size.

• Select Accept


Issue JewelSmith 2009


13. Basic Ring Design


A new ArtCAM model is opened called Rotary Axis Shank with locked vectors automatically generated in the 2D View. The length of the ArtCAM model is the outside surface of the ring un-rolled. The Ring profile is shown below the Relief area. The X0, Y0 position of the ring is always in the centre of the ArtCAM model. You can offset copies of the centre line vectors to create the correct Ring Shaft Width.

• Select the centre horizontal locked vector line. • Select Offset Vector(s)


The Offset Distance required is 2 mm either side. To tell which side the offset will be on an open vector, it depends which way the vector is travelling. By selecting a vector, the start point is shown, indicating the direction. The horizontal vector has a direction going to the right, so an offset of outwards/right will go below the line.

• Select an Offset Distance of 2mm and select Outwards / Right. • Select Offset. You’ve created a Line for the whole length of the Relief, 2mm below the centre line.

• Select the horizontal locked vector line. • Leave the Offset Distance as 2mm and select Inwards / Left. • Select Offset and then Close.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

13. Basic Ring Design


These Offset vectors will be considered as Drive Rails. By offsetting the vectors this way, it ensures that they are traveling parallel to one another as they are like Drive Rails in a Two Rail Sweep. If the vector lines went in opposing directions, a twist would occur in the Ring Shank. You will now create the Ring section by altering a Rectangular vector.

• Select Create Rectangle


The Rectangle is the basis for the Ring section, so the Width is the same as the distance between the Drive Rails (4mm) and the Height (1mm) the same as the Thickness of the Ring. You can position the Rectangle outside the Relief area for clarity.

• Enter a Width of 4mm, a Height of 1mm with a Centre Point of X–20 and Y8. • Select Create and then Close. • Press N on the keyboard and Zoom around the Rectangle.

You will remove the bottom span of the Rectangle.

• Move the mouse on the bottom span and press R on the keyboard - Remove Span. The Ring section is complete.

Note: a Ring section must be a single vector.

• Select Select Vectors


Issue JewelSmith 2009


13. Basic Ring Design


You can generate the basic Ring shape by using the Sweep Profile command.

• Hold down Shift and select the Drive Rail vectors (1, 2), the Section vector (3) and finally the Ring profile vector (4).

• From the Rotary Relief Tools area, select Sweep Profile • Press F3.


The basic Ring is shown. You can add additional Reliefs if required.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

13. Basic Ring Design


• Press F2. • Select Create Stars . • Select No. Points as 5, Angle of 0, Star Centre as X-8 Y0, First Radius as 4 and Second Radius as 2.5. • Select Create and then Close.

You can smooth each node point of the Star to get a smooth shape.

• Select Node Editing . • Hover over each node, in turn and press S (Smooth node).

The Star vector now contains Smooth nodes. You can copy this vector shape, before creating the Relief.

Select Select Vectors


• With the Star vector selected, select Block / Copy Rotate . • Select Block Copy and Distances are offsets. • Select X Offset as 8, Number of Columns as 3, Y Offset as 0 and Number of Rows as 1. • Select Apply and then Close. You can turn the vectors into Reliefs. The current Relief Height is 1mm, so they need to be a bit Higher in Z.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


13. Basic Ring Design


• With the three shaped vectors selected, press F12. • Select a Dome shape with an Angle of 25 degrees, a Start Height of 1.2, No Limit set and select Merge High. • Select Close and then press F3.

The Star shapes are placed around the Ring, showing that the centre of the unwrapped Ring is at the top part of the Ring. You can visualize the Ring in different materials using the Lights and Materials option.

• From the Assistant - Model area select Lights and Materials. • Select the down arrow by Custom and select Polished Silver. • Select Done.

The Ring design is now finished and you can now add it to the Project.

• Select Create Triangle Mesh


• Select the option Close With A Flat Plane and then select Create Triangles. • Select Add To Project and then Close the Mesh Creator page. . • Select Save • Browse: D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmith-Jobs. • Enter as File name - star-ring and select Save.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

13. Basic Ring Design


Three Metal Ring Exercise • Select Create New Project


• Select Models from the root Project folder


• Select a Blank Rotary-Axis . • Leave the name as RotaryAxisShank. • Select AlcamiCollets size P, Shank Width of 20mm, Border of 5mm, Thickness of 1mm and Resolution of 40.

. • Select Accept • Select the centre horizontal locked vector line. • Select Copy

and then Paste

• Select Node Editing • Insert 3 new points.



You will change the position of these points to suit.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


13. Basic Ring Design


• On point 1, select Properties from the Right mouse button menu and change the X coordinates to be –15. • On point 2, select Properties from the Right mouse button menu and change the X coordinates to be 0. • On point 3, select Properties from the Right mouse button menu and change the X coordinates to be 15.

You’ve spaced the points (nodes) at known locations so that it remains symmetrical and when the shank is generated both ends meet neatly.

• Hover over the central node and press S for Smooth Point. • Select Properties from the right mouse button menu and change the Y coordinates to be 1.

You will copy this new vector to make the Drive Curves for this Ring.

• Select Block / Copy Rotate . • Select Block Copy and Distances are offsets. • Select X Offset as 0, Number of Columns as 1, Y Offset as 2 with Number of Rows as 4. • Select Apply and then Close.

The Drive Curves do not need to be around the centre of the model to generate the Ring Relief. You will now generate the section for the Ring.

• Select Create Rectangle . • Enter a Width of 2mm, a Height of 1mm with a Centre Point of X 15 and Y 10. • Select Create and then Close.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

13. Basic Ring Design


• Press N on the keyboard and Remove the bottom span by pressing R (Remove Span).

The Ring section is complete. You can now make the Ring in three sections.

• Select the bottom two Drive Rails (1 and 2), the Section (3) and finally the Ring silhouette (4).

• From Rotary Relief Tools, select Sweep Profile • Press F3.


You’ll add a small detail to this Shank.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


13. Basic Ring Design


• Press F2. • Select Create Circles . • Enter a Circle Centre of X–3 Y1.75, a Radius of 0.5 and select Create. • Enter a Circle Centre of X3 Y5.75, a Radius of 0.5 and select Create and then Close. • Select the Circle at X-3 Y1.75 and press F12.

You will use the other Circle for the third part of the Ring.

The selected Circle will be given a small Dome shape.

• Select a Dome shape with an Angle of 25 degrees, a Start Height of 0, No Limit set and select Add. • Select Close and then press F3.

You’ve added a small dimple on the Ring. You can now create a Triangular Mesh.

• Select Create Triangle Mesh


• Enter the Assembly Name: base-silver. • Select the option Close With A Flat Plane and then select Create Triangles. • Select the option Add To Project and then Close the Mesh Creator page. The middle section of the Ring can now be generated. The Relief can be Reset.

• Press F2.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

13. Basic Ring Design


• Select Reset Relief


• Select the middle two Drive Rails (x and x), the section and finally the Ring silhouette.

• From Rotary Relief Tools, select Sweep Profile • Press F3.


The inner band is going to be left plain. You will now add it to the Project.

• Select Create Triangle Mesh


• Enter the Assembly Name: middle-gold • Select the option Close With A Flat Plane and then select Create Triangles. • Select the option Add To Project and then Close the Mesh Creator page. The top section of the Ring can now be generated. The Relief can be Reset.

• Press F2. • Select Reset Relief


• Select the top two Drive Rails (x and x), the section and finally the Ring silhouette.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


13. Basic Ring Design


• From Rotary Relief Tools, select Sweep Profile . • Select Create Circles and create one at X 3 Y 5.75 and press F12. • Select a Dome shape with an Angle of 25 degrees, a Start Height of 0, No Limit set and select Add. • Select Close and then press F3.

• • • •

Select Create Triangle Mesh . Enter the Assembly Name: top-silver Select Close With a Flat Plane and then select Create Triangles. Select Add To Project and then Close the Mesh Creator page.

Three separate meshes have been created and Added to the Project. You will assign Material (colours) for presentation.

• Select File - Close Model.

There are now three components in the Project view.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

13. Basic Ring Design


• Select the component middle-gold


• From the Properties area, select Edit Object Shading


• Select 24ctPolished Gold.

You can clearly see the gold inner ring. You can nudge around, scale and shade each individual component, accordingly without affecting the original Relief it was made from. You will now Save the complete Project.

• Select File – Save. • Browse: D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmith-Jobs. • Enter the File name - triple-ring and select Save.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


13. Basic Ring Design



Issue JewelSmith 2009

14. Back Reliefs


14. Back Reliefs Front and Back Reliefs In JewelSmith, you have the ability to display, in an ArtCAM model, either the Front (which is the top of the ring) or the Back Relief (which is the inside of the ring). These two when combined make a new assembly model. This new Assembly model is machined using the Multi-Sided Wizard. The default mode for JewelSmith is to have no Back Relief when generating a basic Ring or Flat 3D shape. The Front and Back Relief is not exclusively for Rings, it is a feature of JewelSmith and can be used on Flat pieces as well. Both the Front and Back Relief can be made using ArtCAM techniques or be loaded in from an existing Relief. An Assembly model is made from removing the Back Relief from the Front Relief.

The Back Relief can also be negative, to produce a court-ring.

The Front Relief is the master, from which the Back Relief is removed. This means that as long as the Back Relief covers the Front Relief the area will be removed, as this Flat piece diagram shows.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


14. Back Reliefs


Back Relief Ring • Select Create New Project • Select Models

. from the root Project folder.

• Select a Blank Rotary-Axis


• Enter the values as shown and select Accept


Note: In this case the Ring is one size bigger to allow for shrinkage.

You can Offset copies of the centre line vectors to create the correct Ring Shaft Width.

• Select the centre horizontal locked vector line. • Select Offset Vector(s) • • • • •


Select an Offset Distance of 2mm and select Outwards / Right. Select Offset. Select the centre horizontal locked vector line. Select an Offset distance of 2mm and select Inwards / Left. Press Offset.

You will generate the Ring section.

• Select Create Rectangle


. Issue JewelSmith 2009

14. Back Reliefs


• Enter a Width of 4mm, Height of 2mm at a Centre Point of X0 Y5. • Select Create and then Close. • Select Node Editing and remove the lower span. • Select Select Vectors


You’ll now create the basic ring shape.

• Hold down shift and select the Drive Rail vectors, the Section vector and finally the Ring profile vector. • Select Sweep Profile • Press F3.


You will now merge a Square shape Ring and remove some material.

• • • •

Press F2. Select Create Rectangle . Select Square and enter a Height of 6mm at a Centre Point of X0 Y0. Select Create.

• • • •

Select Square, a Height of 5mm at a Centre Point of X0 Y0. Select Create. Select Square, a Height of 2mm at a Centre Point of X1.25 Y1.25. Select Create.

• Select Square, a Height of 2mm at a Centre Point of X-1.25 Y 1.25.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


14. Back Reliefs • • • • •


Select Create. Select Square, a Height of 2mm at a Centre Point of X1.25 Y-1.25. Select Create. Select Square, a Height of 2mm at a Centre Point of X-1.25 Y-1.25. Select Create and then Close.

You’ll merge a geometric design onto the Ring.

• • • • • • •

Select the biggest Square vector and press F12. Select a Flat shape, Start Height of 2.5 and Merge High. Select the Square vector of Height 5mm. Select a Flat shape, Start Height of 0.5 and Subtract. Select the four small square vectors. Select a Flat shape, Start Height of 0.25mm and Add. Select Close.

The outer design of the Ring is finished. You will now create an inside design.

• From the Relief Layers pull down menu, select Back Relief.

The Back Relief is empty by default.

• Press F2.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

14. Back Reliefs


• • • •

Select the Square vector of 5mm Height and press F12. Select a Flat Plane shape with a Start Height of 1mm. Select Add and then Close. Press F3.

The Back Relief is shown as the small square. You will remove this is the part of the model, when the new master model is generated.

• Select Create Triangle Mesh . • Select the option Close with Back Relief and then select Create Triangles. • Select Close.

By rotating the model around, you can see the area removed underneath the square top. As this is not what is required, then the model will not be accepted and a new Back Relief generated.

• From the Relief Layers pull down menu, select Back Relief. . • From the Assistant tab, select Reset Relief • From the Relief Layers pull down menu, select Front Relief. • From the Back Relief Tools tab, select Offset Composite to Back


The value is a measurement of the thickness that will be left in the new master model.

• Select OK.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


14. Back Reliefs


The new Back Relief is automatically created and displayed. You can now add a new combined model.

• Select Create Triangle Mesh


• Select the option Close with Back Relief and then select Create Triangles.

By rotating the model around, you can see the area removed underneath the whole model.

Note: Selecting the operation Close with Offset in the mesh creator page would have created the same result directly.

• Select the option Add To Project and then Close the Mesh Creator page. . • Select Save • Browse: D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmith-Jobs. • Enter the Assembly Name: Back relief and select Save.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

15. Multi-Sided Ring Machining


15. Multi-Sided Ring Machining Machining Rings The machining of a Ring is almost the same process as machining a Flat piece. JewelSmith will turn the moves into rotary automatically when it is output in the CNC machine format.

Machining the Star-Ring • Open the saved project star-ring.3dp. . • Select Assembly from the Project tree • Select 3D Machining Wizard from the Tools area. • Select Edit Settings.

The Multi-Sided Machining page allows you to pick the Model Type, a Flat or a Ring.

• Select Ring and then Forward


The Ring dimensions are displayed.

• Select Forward


Issue JewelSmith 2009


15. Multi-Sided Ring Machining


• Select Rotary-Axis and then Forward


The last Rotary defaults are shown.

• On Rotary-Axis Template, select Select. • From ArtCAM Files, select Toolpath Templates/Alcami/Proma PPM/ PPM rotary, select rot 2mbn1mbn-5con.tpl and then Open. • For the Output, select Proma PPM 4 Axis Rotary (X->A) (*.iso ). • Leave Jig Diameter as 12mm. . • Enter 8 Bridges, select Forward • For the Machining Output Folder, browse: D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmith-Jobs. • Enter star-ring in the Output prefix. •

Select Accept

to calculate.

• Select OK to accept the Machining. A new Folder has been made with the new copy of the ArtCAM model which contains the toolpaths. Within this folder are the post processed toolpaths.

• Press F2.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

15. Multi-Sided Ring Machining


• Select the Toolpaths tab. Three toolpaths have been created. You can simulate them to show the final result. Note: Simulation is displayed un-wrapped for clarity.

• Select Simulate All Toolpaths


The Simulation shows that the toolpaths are limited by the vectors. You can now Close the model.

• Select Save . • Select File – Close Project. • Browse: D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmith-Jobs.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


15. Multi-Sided Ring Machining


Issue JewelSmith 2009


16. Heart Pave Pendant


16. Heart Pave Pendant

This tutorial demonstrates the model creation of a Heart shaped pendant with Gem settings. This exercise shows a range of functionality including Back Reliefs, Gem vector creation, Pave Wizard and Fade Relief.

• Select Create New Project. • Select Models from the root Project folder


• Select a Blank 3-Axis Flat . • Enter a Width of 50mm and a Height of 50mm. • Enter a Resolution of 30. • Select Accept . • Create a Circle of Diameter 20mm at X0 Y0. • Press N on the keyboard to enter Node Editing.

Drag a window around the top and bottom central nodes as seen here.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


16. Heart Pave Pendant


The two node squares turn red in colour.

• Press the down arrow on the keyboard until the shape looks like a heart shape, as shown in the image above. • Press Esc to exit the Node Editing mode. • Select F9 to centralise the heart shape in the page. You’ll have to create further heart shapes to complete the design. You can use the original.

• Ensure the heart vector is selected, then select Copy • Select Paste



• Press the T twice on the keyboard to enter Transform Vectors . • In the Position and Origin area, enter X2.75mm and Y–5mm and a Scale of 80%.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

16. Heart Pave Pendant


• Select Apply and then Close. The two heart shapes should look as below.

• Make a Copy (and Paste) the newly copied Heart Shape. . • Double left mouse click on Transform Vectors • In Position and Origin, enter X0 and Y10. • Enter a Scale of 30%, select Apply and then Close.

This forms the first part of the Jump Ring design.

• Select the new small heart shape and enter Offset Vectors(s) . • Offset the shape Inwards / Left 0.8mm with the option Offset corners Radiused. • Select Offset and then Close.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


16. Heart Pave Pendant


This forms the inner part of the Jump Ring.

• Reselect the outer heart vector of the Jump Ring. • Make a Copy

and then Paste


• Select Transform Vectors . • In Position and Origin, enter X-5.5mm and Y 7.5mm. • Enter a Scale of 50%, select Apply and then Close.

The new vector will be used to create a small heart shaped gem.

• Ensure this new vector is selected, then Copy

and Paste

• Double left mouse click on Transform Vectors . • In Position and Origin, enter X-5.5mm and Y6.0mm. • Enter a Scale of 25%, select Apply and then Close.


Issue JewelSmith 2009


16. Heart Pave Pendant


This forms the first of the two beads.

• With this bead vector still selected, select Copy

and Paste


• Double left mouse click on Transform Vectors . • In Position and Origin, enter X-5.5mm and Y8.8mm. • Select Apply and then Close.

• Select the second largest vector as shown. • Select Offset Vectors(s)


• Enter an Offset Distance of 1.0mm, an Offset Direction Inwards/Left and Offset Corners Radiused. • Select the Offset button then Close.

This forms the area where you will create the Pave Settings. You’ll also add Text to the design.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


16. Heart Pave Pendant


• Select Create Polyline . • Enter X–8mm and Y2mm and select Add. • Enter X6.5mm and Y6mm and select Add to complete the Line. The Line will be used to wrap the text along. But first it needs to have a Curve applied to it.

• Close the Polyline page and select the Line. . • Select Node Editing • Position the mouse pointer in the middle of the Line and select A to apply an Arc to the Line. Alternatively, right mouse click on the Line and select Convert span to Arc.

• Drag the middle node on the Arc to create a shallow Curve similar to that shown. • Press Esc to exit the Node Editing. • Select Create Vector Text


• Select Font Art Script, Size of 2mm and Spacing of 200%. • Click anywhere in the 2D View and type the word Amore.

• Select Done to Exit the page. • With the Amore text selected, shift select the curved Polyline created earlier. • Select Wrap text round a curve



Issue JewelSmith 2009

16. Heart Pave Pendant


The Amore text automatically wraps itself to the selected Curve.

• Position the text as shown in the image below. Use text settings if required to position the text above line. • Select OK.

All the required vector Artwork is now complete. You can now create the model using the Shape Editor.

• Select the largest heart vector and press F12 to open the Shape Editor. • Add a Dome shape of 20 degrees with a Start Height of 0.5mm. • Press F3.

• Press F2 to return to the 2D View.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


16. Heart Pave Pendant


• Select the inner heart shape vector as shown below, and Merge High a Dome shape of 16 degrees with a Start Height of 1.8mm.

• Select F3 to view the Relief. The Start Height of 1.8 was achieved by hovering the mouse cursor over the point where the second shape would probably blend as shown. The Z value was taken from the coordinate at the bottom right of the screen.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

16. Heart Pave Pendant


Looking at a View Along X you can see that the tip of the heart is too high at this end and requires a Fade down in the Z axis.

• Press F2. • Ensuring the heart vector is still selected from before; select Fade Relief from the Relief Tools area. • Enter a Fade Strength of 50% and select Start. • Click on a point when the Fade from values read approximately X-1.5 Y3.9.

The second point needs to be defined at the bottom tip of the heart.

• Select the second point at the snap node cursor at the bottom, as shown. • Select Create and then Close.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


16. Heart Pave Pendant


• Press F3 and select View Along X


The tip of the heart is Faded and reduced to a more acceptable height. The main heart shape has been created. It can now be hollowed out, by creating a Back Relief first.

• Select Offset Composite To Back from the Back Relief Tools area. • Enter 0.7mm in the Offset distance box and select OK.

The Relief has been offset (as a Back Relief). This will be used to Subtract from the Front Relief to hollow the pendant.

• Select Front Relief from the Relief Layers pull down menu. • Press F2. The Recess for the Pave area will now be created.

• Select the vector shown and press F12. • Enter 0.2mm in Start Height and Subtract as a Flat Plane.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

16. Heart Pave Pendant


• Press F3.

A 0.2mm recess is added to the shape where the Pave settings will be added.

The Jump Ring will now be modelled.

• Press F2. • Select both the ring vectors as shown.

• Press F12. • Merge High a Dome shape of 90 degrees with a Start Height of 0.3mm.

• Press F3. By using Merge High, the Jump Ring blends into the main body correctly.

• • • •

Press F2. Select the Amore text and press F12. Add a Dome shape of 90 degrees. Select Close.

Note: If you prefer a slightly higher text, you can add a height of 0.1mm or 0.2mm.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


16. Heart Pave Pendant


You’ll create the Beads, Gems and Settings using the remaining heart shaped vectors.

• Select the two smallest heart vectors and press F12. • Add a Dome shape of 90 degrees. • Press F3. The Beads are added.

• Select the heart vector shown.

• From the Gem Tools area, select Convert Vectors To Gem Vectors


. • Select Heart shaped Gem • Select Get Gem sizes from vectors from the Standard options. • Select Forward . • Select Aqua for the Gem colour. • Select the option Create new gem vectors. • Select Forward


• Select the new Gem vector (shown in red) and select Create Gems • Select the option Lay On Composite Relief.


Issue JewelSmith 2009


16. Heart Pave Pendant


• Select Forward • Select Accept • Press F3.

. .

The Gem is positioned and sized using the heart gem vector and the Lay On Relief angles it to the curved surface. However, because the centre of the heart gem aligns itself with the centre of the heart vector it has shifted slightly so you need to Nudge it back into position.

The Gem has disappeared, but has been added to the Project.

• Select the Project tab. • Right mouse click over Heart Pendant.3dp and select Show. • Expand the Heart PendantGems tree to see the HeartGem1.

• Select HeartGem1 then the Nudge button


• Type 0.3mm in the Step box and then select the green Y arrow button to position the Gem.

The Gem is now positioned correctly.

• Select Accept . • Right mouse click over the Heart Pendant.3dp and select Hide. • Press F2. •

Issue JewelSmith 2009


16. Heart Pave Pendant


• Select the heart gem vector and press F12. • Add a –65 degrees Pyramid shape to create a setting. • Select Close. • Press F2. The hole for the setting will be created automatically when the Back Relief is removed from the Front Relief. This will be shown later. You will now create the Pave setting vectors.

• Select the inner heart shape vector as shown. You’ll create them within the confines of this vector.

• In the Gem Tools area, select the Pave Wizard . • Select Pave Type as Honeycomb, Stone Diameter of 1mm and Bead Diameter of 0.3mm. • Select a Gem colour of Diamond. • Ensure Selected Vector is highlighted in the Pave area and then select Create. • Select Trim to remove unwanted vectors. • Do not close the page.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

16. Heart Pave Pendant


Selecting either Stones or Beads highlights the corresponding vector group. At this stage, you can add further Beads or Stones to fill the gaps. Note: This can be carried out whilst the Pave Wizard page is still open. Extra Beads will be created to fill these gaps.

• • • • •

Select Beads from the Selected Vectors area of the Pave Wizard page. Deselect the Bead vectors in the 2D View. Select and hold a single bead vector. Selecting Ctrl at the same time creates a copy of the selected vector. Drag the newly copied bead vector into an empty space as shown.

• Continue Copying bead vectors until you fill the vacant areas within the heart shaped vector.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


16. Heart Pave Pendant


• Select Beads on the Pave Wizard page. The bead vectors group have been selected for modelling.

• Press F12. • Add a Dome shape of 90 degrees with a Start Height of 0.1mm. • Press F3.

• Press F2. • Close the Shape Editor and select Accept. Diamonds will be added to the Pave area before creating the settings. Also note a new vector layer was created in the Vector layer tab. This was named Gem vectors and are coloured Red by default.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

16. Heart Pave Pendant


• Switch off Reference Lines and Default Layers by clicking on the light bulbs at the end. This will leave only the Gem Vectors visible in the 2D View making them easier to select.

• Drag a window around the circular Diamond vectors to select them all. • Press F3.

from the Gem Tools area. • Select Create Gems • In Gem Set Name, type Pave Diamonds. • Ensure Lay On Composite Relief is selected. • Select Forward


Issue JewelSmith 2009


16. Heart Pave Pendant


The Diamonds have been positioned within the vectors and angled correctly to suit the curved face. The Angle is achieved because the option Lay On Composite Relief was selected.

• Select Accept


The Diamonds have disappeared but will appear in the Project folder. You will now create the settings on the Relief.

• Press F2. • Ensure the Diamond gem vectors are still selected, then press F12 to open the Shape Editor. • Add a –65 degrees Pyramid shape to create the setting. • Press F3.

• Select Close. The design is now completed. You will now add it to the Project.

• Select Create Triangle Mesh


• Select the option Close with Back Relief and then select Create Triangles. • Select the option Add To Project and then Close the Mesh Creator page.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

16. Heart Pave Pendant


• Select File – Close Model. . • Select Save • Browse: D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmith-Jobs. • Enter the name Heart pendant and select Save.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


16. Heart Pave Pendant



Issue JewelSmith 2009

17. Signet Ring


17. Signet Ring Signet Ring Overview

In this exercise you will create a multi-component model, consisting of a basic Shank including a Back Relief and two interchangeable Head designs to provide a Class Ring. This method can be used to make sovereign and other large rings.

Signet Ring Exercise The main Shank Relief will be generated first.

• Select Create New Project


• Select Models from the root Project folder • • • •


Select a Blank Rotary-Axis . Leave the model Name as RotaryAxisShank. Select AlcamiCollets Size S Ring. Set the Shank Width as 30mm, Border as 5mm, Shank Thickness as 2mm and a Resolution of 30.

• Select Accept


The Drive Rails for the Shank are created first.

• Select Offset Vector(s)

and offset the horizontal vector by 2mm Inwards.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


17. Signet Ring


• Create a Circle vector of Diameter 15mm at X0 Y0. • Select the Line vector. • • • •

mode. Press N to enter the Node Editing Insert three points and change their Properties to X-15 Y2, X0 Y2 and X15 Y2. Select the point at X0 and smooth it by pressing S on the keyboard. Dynamically move this point to the top of the Circle vector.

• Mirror

the vector about the horizontal, centre line and select Close. The two Drive Rails are complete. You will now create the section for the. It will be created with a Height of 2mm and a Width of 4mm to match the minimum cross sectional dimensions for the standard ring.

• Delete the Circle vector. • Create a Rectangle vector

with Width of 4mm, Height of 2mm at X-25 Y10.

• Remove the bottom span and create a Fillet 0.5mm. • Select Close.

on each corner of Radius

The Ring thickness needs to be bulked out in this wide area to provide the extra volume of material characteristic for this type of Ring.

• Create a Line from the top of the outer Ring profile up in Y by 10mm. • Copy the outer Ring silhouette (Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V).


Issue JewelSmith 2009

17. Signet Ring


• Move the node point of the copy up to the top end of the line, as shown.

You’ve created a very pronounced bulge around the Ring profile. This is to provide additional material to be sliced off at a suitable height characteristic for this type of ring.

You will now build the Ring shape.

• Select the Two Rail vectors, the Section and then the Ring profile. • From Rotary Relief Tools area, select Sweep Profile


You’ve produced a Ring with an elongated head. This will be ‘leveled off’ horizontally, to be flush with the standard, Ring outer diameter 2mm Shank Thickness.

• • • •

Select Create Rectangle . Select Square at X0 Y0 with a Height of 35mm. Select the Square vector. Select Close.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


17. Signet Ring


• From Rotary Relief Tools area, select Create Flat Plane


• Enter a Height of 2mm, select Cut Out only and select Accept


The top has been chopped of at the height specified at the centre of the selected vector. Before this is added to the Project, Back Relief will be made.

• From the Back Relief Tools area, select Offset Composite to Back • Enter 0.75 and select OK.


This page enables you to specify a constant wall thickness (Offset) with the excess material being hollowed out from the inside of the ring. The Back Relief is automatically made current.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

17. Signet Ring


• Press F2. • Select Preview Relief Layer

. The Back Relief is displayed in the 2D View. You’ll remove this excess material from the Ring master model (project component).

Before the Project component is created, you’ll add Text Relief detail to the inside of the ring. After creating the Triangular Mesh, the Back Relief will be subtracted from the Rotary Shank. This means Text to be engraved on the inside wall must be both mirrored and generated as an upstand if included as part of the Back Relief.

• Select Create Vector Text and type ArtCAM. • Select Arial Font of Size 1.5mm, positioned on the right side of the Back Relief.

• Mirror

the text around a horizontal centre position


You’ll now create a Relief using ISO-FORM Letters at a constant height.

• Select Constant Height Letters


Issue JewelSmith 2009


17. Signet Ring


• Enter the values exactly as shown in the image below.

• Select Add and then OK.

The Text Relief appears as an upstand on the outside of the Back Relief. You’ll create the combined Mesh.

• Select Create Triangle Mesh


• Select the option Close with Back Relief and then select Create Triangles. • Select the option Add To Project and then Close the Mesh Creator page. The Shank - project component is created with the Back Relief including the Text removed from the inside as a pocket. Once you close the Mesh Creator page, the view reverts back to the Ring Relief.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

17. Signet Ring


• Select File – Close Model. • If prompted, select Yes to update changes to the Project The Project component will now be unwrapped and displayed in a 3-Axis View so that the vectors for the head detail can be generated based on a Flat Plane.

• Select Models from the root Project folder. • From New Blanks, select 3-Axis Shank Vertical.

ArtCAM selects the values that were originally used for the Rotary Shank.

• Select Accept


• Select the Project tab. • Select Assembly

• From the Tools Tab area, select Merge Assembly.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


17. Signet Ring


The original Assembly (rotary) is now combined/merged with a new 3-Axis Shank template.

• Press F3.

A new relief is generated by projecting the area of the mesh assembly (as viewed down Z) from Z0 to a height value based on the outer radius of the original ring. This new relief will be used as the basis for the head. A vector will be created around the upper flat area with the help of the Bitmap colours.

• Press F2 to select the 2D View.

• Highlight the newly created Relief Layer


• From the same Layer toolbar, select Greyscale From Composite Relief


Being the highest point on the Relief, the Flat area is displayed with the lightest colour (almost white).

• Assign one of the unused Colours (Blue) as Primary and Flood Fill


lightest (almost white) coloured area to make it stand out. (Use the Paint brush to fill in any remaining pockets within the blue area).

A new Vector will be created around the blue coloured area.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

17. Signet Ring


• • • •

From the Bitmap Tools area, select Bitmap To Vector . Select Create Vectors and then Close. Switch the Bitmap view off and the Preview Relief Layer on. Select the new vector, press F12 and select Flat Plane and the combine option Zero Rest. • Select Close. • Press F3. You’ve neatly trimmed the new Relief to match the outer profile of the Flat area of the original Shank. The only remaining use for the current Relief is for accurately measuring the Z Height of the Flat area. You will generate a new Relief for the head detail. It will be moved the measured distance along Z so that its base lies exactly on the Flat area of the existing Ring component.

The current Relief will be flattened (Reset). Before you do this, the maximum Z dimension needs to be recorded. This is the maximum Z of the model (11.568) and you can find it at the top of the Assistant’s page.

• Select Reset Relief . • Create a Rectangle with a Width of 10mm, Height of 7mm, Corner Radius of 2mm at a Centre of X0 Y0. • Select the outer vector and then the inner Rectangle. • Select Create 3D Blend using Linear, Border Height as 0, Inner as 1mm, select Inner Vector Edge and Add.

The new Relief will start from Z Zero. When this is made into a component, you will Nudged it upwards in the Project view by the value 11.568. Keeping the head detail separate provides the option to create more than one interchangeable design.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


17. Signet Ring


• Create two Stars at X0 Y0 the first with a First Radius of 3mm and a Second Radius of 1.5mm and the second with a First Radius of 2mm and a Second Radius of 1mm. • Select Close. • Select both Star vectors and open the Shape Editor. • Select a Dome shape with an Angle of –25mm and select Add.

You can now add the Relief to the Project.

• • • •

Select Create Triangle Mesh . Select the option Close With a Flat Plane and then select Create Triangles. Select the option Add To Project and then Close the Mesh Creator page. Select File - Close Model and select Yes to update project.

Both components are shown in the Project view. You will select the head component and Nudge it upwards by 11.568 to align with the top of the Shank.

• Select the component ThreeAxisShankV from the Assembly tree. • Select Nudge



Issue JewelSmith 2009

17. Signet Ring


• Enter a value of 11.568 and select Nudge up


In this case it does not matter if you choose the component centre or the ring centre, as it is the same place.

The Ring is completed.

• Select Save from the File menu (this will save the project). • Browse: D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmith-Jobs. • Enter the name Signet Ring and select Save.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


17. Signet Ring



Issue JewelSmith 2009

18. Ear Ring


18. Ear Ring Ear Ring Project

This tutorial demonstrates the model creation of an ear ring with Gem settings. This exercise includes a range of functionality including Two Rail Sweep, Texturing, Back Reliefs, Vector and Relief Layer management. The ear ring will be modelled on vectors that have already been created in an ArtCAM model.

• • • •

Select Open Existing Project . Browse: D:\users\trainingArtCAM Data, select Ear Ring.3dp and Open it. Select No to the Save converted project question. Expand the Models tree to show the Ear-Ring mode.

• Double left mouse click on the model to load (or right mouse button – Edit).

Issue JewelSmith 2009


18. Ear Ring


The ArtCAM model is loaded. The vectors are grouped into specific areas and placed on separate vector layers. All vector layers are currently switched on hence the whole design is visible. Corresponding Relief Layers will be created as the Relief is modelled.

• Switch off all vector layers except 1-Bases. Only the base vectors should be visible.

• Create a new Relief Layer and rename it Base.

• Select the base vector group and press F12 to open the Shape Editor. • Add a Flat shape with a Start Height of 0.5mm. • Press F3 to view the Relief.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

18. Ear Ring


• Switch off the 1-Bases vector layer and switch on 2-Claws. • Create a new Relief Layer and Rename it claws. Highlight this new layer to make it active.

These claws (or prongs) are used to hold the gems in place

• Select the claws vector group and press F12 to open the Shape Editor. • Add a Dome shape of 90 degrees with a Start Height of 2mm. • Change the combine option of the claw Relief Layer from Add to Merge High. The claws now merge (blend) up through the bases – as shown. Setting an Angle of 90 degrees gives a ‘true’ Dome shape at the tops of the claws.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


18. Ear Ring


The next step is to create the bezels (where the girdle of the gem sits).

• Switch off the 2-Claws vector Layer and switch on 3-Bezels. • Create a new Relief Layer and Rename it Bezels. Highlight this new Layer to make it active. • Select the outer Ring group of vectors and then shift select the inner group. • Press F12 to open the Shape Editor. • Add a Dome shape of 45 degrees with a Start Height of 1.5mm. • Change the combine option of the bezel Relief Layer from Add to Merge High. • Press F3.

This completes the Gem setting part of the design. You will now create the main body of the ear ring.

• Switch off the 3-Bezel vector switch on 4–Two Rail Sweep Curves. • Create a new Relief Layer and Rename it as Body. • Highlight this new layer to make it active.

To create a Relief to this part of the ear ring, you will use the Two Rail Sweep


Issue JewelSmith 2009


18. Ear Ring


• Shift select the three vectors in the order indicated. • Select Two Rail Sweep from the Relief Tools area. The two Drive Rails and Cross Section have been detected

• Select Calculate and then Close the page.

• Switch off the 4–Two Rail Sweep vector Layer. • Change the combine option of the body Relief Layer from Add to Merge High. The body is blended into the base.

• Press F3.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


18. Ear Ring

• • • •


Switch on vector layer 5-Eyelet and Textured Wave. Ensure the body Relief Layer is still active (highlighted). Select the new body vector and press F12. Add a Dome shape of 45 degrees with a Start Height of 0.5mm.

Note: This part of the body will merge with the surrounding Reliefs as the combine option for the body layer is set to merge high.

• Press F3.

At this stage, you will create an Offset Back Relief which will then be used to hollow out the main body. The Gem settings do not require hollowing out so they will be hidden from view at this stage. From the Relief Layers tab, switch off the layers bases, claws and bezels to leave only the body visible.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

18. Ear Ring


• Select Offset Composite To Back from Back Relief Tools. • Enter 0.5mm in the Offset distance box and select OK. This will provide a wall thickness of 0.5mm. It will be used to Subtract from the Front Relief to hollow the ear ring body.

• Select Front Relief from the Relief Layers pull down menu. • Press F2. • Switch all the Relief Layers back on and ensure the body Relief Layer is still active. • Select the Eyelet group vectors and press F12. • Add a Dome shape of 45 degrees with a 1mm Start Height. • Select the lower vector. The eyelet is blended into the body. A subtle texture will be applied to the lower body.

• Select Texture Relief . • In the Texture Relief form select the Weave pattern and change the Z Height to 0.1mm. • Select Add and then Close.

• Press F3.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


18. Ear Ring


A Textured weave is applied

You will now add Gems to this completed assembly. The Gem vectors have already been created using the outer circles of the bezels and placed on vector layer 6.

• Switch on vector Layer 6-Gem Vectors and switch off all other vector Layers. Only the Gem vector layers are displayed. The vector colour is red by default.

• Select all the vector Circles. • Select Create Gems


• Enter a Start Height of 2mm and then Accept


The created Gems have disappeared but will appear in the Project folder. The Relief itself will now also be added.

• • • •

Select Create Triangle Mesh . Select the option Close with Back Relief and then select Create Triangles. Select the option Add To Project and then Close the Mesh Creator page. Select File – Close Model.

• Select File – Save As. • Browse: D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmith-Jobs. • Enter the name EarRing and select Save.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

18. Ear Ring


The complete Ear Ring assembly is shown with the hollowed back.

• Experiment with changing the Shading of the individual Gems.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


18. Ear Ring



Issue JewelSmith 2009

19. Eternity Ring


19. Eternity Ring Eternity Ring Project

This tutorial demonstrates the model creation of an Eternity Ring. Instead of using the Pave Wizard, you will create all vector geometry manually with the help of Paste along curve.

• Select Create New Project


• Select Models from the root Project folder


• Select a Blank Rotary-Axis . • Select a British Size J½ Ring. • Set the Shank Width as 4mm, Border as 5mm, Shank Thickness as 2mm, with a Resolution of 30. • Select Accept


The geometry of the setting will be creating using a number of functions from the Vector Toolbar.

• Select Create Circles

and create a Circle of Radius 1mm at X–25 and Y–5.

• Offset this R1 Circle Inwards by 0.1mm to represent the bezel. • Offset this new Inner circle inwards by 0.5mm to represent the hole at the bottom.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


19. Eternity Ring


You’ve created the vectors for a single Stone setting. Multiple copies will now be required to complete the Eternity ring design. You will use the Paste along a curve function to create an equal pattern of stones.

• Select the outer circle and then hold shift and select the horizontal reference line. • Select Paste along curve


• Select Specify Number, enter 31 and select Paste and then Close. • Repeat the above procedure for the inner two circles (separately).

You will now create the geometry for the beads. But first you’ll have to create construction geometry to align them correctly with the stones. You will use the Object snap cursors to help you construct quickly and accurately.

• Select Create Polyline


• Construct a single straight line between the top nodes circles.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

of the first two

19. Eternity Ring


• Construct a second straight line from the midpoint down

of this line vertically

to the horizontal vector.

• Select Create Circles page.

and create a Circle of Radius 0.4mm anywhere on the

• Drag this Circle from its bottom node point of the vertical line created earlier.

and place onto the midpoint

This completes the design and correct position of a single bead. You will now create multiple copies of this bead vector around each of the Stones. First you’ll have to create a Line onto which the bead vector will be pasted.

• Create a Copy of the horizontal reference line. • Drag the new line from its endpoint and snap onto the centre point bead vector circle.

Issue JewelSmith 2009

of the


19. Eternity Ring


• Select the bead circle and then hold shift and select the new horizontal vector. • Select Paste along curve


• Select Specify Number and enter 31, select Paste and then Close. • Select this new group of circles and shift select the original horizontal reference line. • Select Mirror Vectors


• Select Copy the Original Vectors and select About Line. • Select Close.

The Relief can now be made.

• Double left mouse click the outer vector group and generate a Flat Plane shape with Start Height of 2mm. • Select Add. • Double left mouse click the stones vector group and generate a Pyramid shape with an Angle of –60 degrees. • Select Add.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

19. Eternity Ring


• Double left mouse click the small circles group. • Select Zero. • Double left mouse click the beads group and generate a Dome shape of Angle 90 degrees and a Start Height of 2mm. • Select Merge High.

The Ring is complete, apart from the Gems.

• • • • • •

Select Create Triangle Mesh . Select the option Close With a Flat Plane and then select Create Triangles. Select the option Add To Project and then Close the Mesh Creator page. Select the Stone group and select Create Vectors to Gem Vectors. Select Round. Select Get Gem sizes from vectors.

. • Select Next • Select Diamond. • With both option ticked, select Next


• Select the Gem vectors. • Select Create Gems


• Enter a Start Height of 2mm and select Next

Issue JewelSmith 2009



19. Eternity Ring


The Stones are shown.

• Select Accept . • Select File - Close Model. • Select Save . • Browse: D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmith-Jobs. • Type the name Eternity Ring and select Save.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

20. Shank Library


20. Shank Library Introduction In ArtCAM JewelSmith a range of standard Shank models are quickly accessible via the Shank Wizards. This has a preview feature, which allows you to check and modify the Shank before rebuilding it. In the following exercise a twist is introduced around the band.

Designer Ring Exercise • Select Create New Project. • Select Models from the root Project folder.

The available Shanks are displayed in the New Shanks area.

• Select Round, Tapered


• Enter the values as shown and select Next


The Project Name and the basic specifications for this type of Ring are entered in this form.

The arrows provide the option to go backwards or forwards to the previous or following page of the wizard.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


20. Shank Library


• Enter the values as shown and select Next


A new form appears containing default values for the Thickness and Width dimensions for the Ring.

You can input different values at this stage if required.

Note: The last form of the wizard will remain active, but with the addition of an extra Rebuild

button along with an Accept

button to replace Forward.

You’ve generated a basic Ring design at the first stage of the Project. You will now have to introduce a twist along the shape. This is achieved by modifying the existing Drive Rail vectors followed by clicking the Rebuild button in the wizard to update the design.

• Select the 2D View. • Select the top drive rail vector and press N on your keyboad.

• Move the cursor exactly over the white, control point numbered 1 in the above diagram and right mouse click to access the local menu. • Select Properties and change the displayed Y co-ordinate to 0 before clicking OK.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

20. Shank Library


The control point has moved downwards by 2mm while maintaining tangency through the central smooth node (blue). As a result the controlled twist has been introduced along the vector.

• • • •

Select the bottom Drive Rail vector. Select the corresponding control point to the right of the central node. Using the right mouse button select Properties. Change the Y coordinate to -4mm.

The control point has moved down by 2mm in Y, to match the shape to the top Drive Rail.

• Select Select Vectors


. • In the wizard, select Rebuild • Select the 3D View and View Along Z. You’ve changed the Shank design to a non-standard shape. If required you can modify repeatedly the existing vectors and apply Rebuild to further update the Shank design. Once the design process is complete you’ll have to select Accept to exit the wizard. Note: While using the wizard it is NOT possible to add new vectors and use Rebuild to update the design.

• Select Accept


• Select Create Triangle Mesh


• Select the option Close With A Flat Plane and then select Create Triangles. • Select the option Add To Project and then Close the Mesh Creator page. You’ve added the completed Shank design to the main Project.

• Select File – Close Model.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


20. Shank Library


The Project now displays the Shank. You will now create the setting using the rotary Flush option. This option, works on picking a Stone first and then automatically generating the setting around it. As the setting is an ArtCAM model it can be modified to suit the design.

• From the New Blanks area, select Rotary Flush • Select Princess



• Enter the values as shown in the image below and select Next


The Gem sizes can be selected either using: Carat – Size, Length, Width, and Depth created automatically. Custom - Length, Width, and Depth values are input manually by user.

• Select Aqua


• Enter the values as shown in the image below and select Next


The diagram for the Gem setting is displayed.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

20. Shank Library


Not only is the setting clashing with the Shank it is also not suitably aligned with it. Before removing a clearance area from the Shank, the setting must first be rotated to achieve a more acceptable orientation. This is achieved using the Nudge option located in the Projects area. You can change the design at this stage and then Rebuilt it, if required. Once the design is finished, select Accept.

• Select Next


• Select Accept . • Select File – Close Model. • Select the component PrincessFlushSetting in the Assemly tree.

• Select Nudge . • Select Component Centre, Z axis and enter an Angle of 12 degrees. • Select Nudge Clockwise


• Enter a Step of 1mm and select the up arrow • Close the page.


You’ve rotated the setting to a more suitable alignment with the Shank.

You will remove a suitable section of the Shank to accommodate the setting.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


20. Shank Library


• Select Edit for the TaperedRound model from the Project tree.

• Switch to the Project tab and Hide the TaperedRound assembly.

• Select the root Assembly folder and then select Create Assembly Silhouette from the Tools area. You’ve created a silhouette of the setting. The Shank was ignored as it was hidden in the assembly prior to calculation.

• Create a new Rectangular vector as shown in the image below.


and position within the silhouette vectors

Issue JewelSmith 2009

20. Shank Library


• Select this new Rectangle vector, open the Shape Editor (F12) and apply a Zero Flat Pane. • Press F3. Note: View is with Assembly visibility switched off


The Relief now includes a suitable pocket to accommodate the Gem setting. You will create a new Triangular Mesh and add it to the Project.

• • • • •

Select Create Triangle Mesh . Select the option Close With a Flat Plane and then select Create Triangles. Select the option Add To Project and then Close the Mesh Creator page. Select File – Close Model and select Yes to update changes in the Project. Hide the original Assembly mesh TaperedRound from the Assembly tree.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


20. Shank Library


By rotating the Ring, you can see the new Shank in place accommodating the setting. The Project now needs to be saved.

• Select Save . • Browse: D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmith-Jobs. • Type the name Shank Wizard ring and select Save.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

21. Component Library


21. Component Library Introduction In ArtCAM JewelSmith a range of standard Shanks and Settings models are quickly accessible via the Libraries.

Settings Exercise • Select Create New Project. You will make a Shank, using the Shank library.

• Select Models from the root Project folder. The available Shanks are displayed in the New Shanks area.

• Select Shank, Plain. • Set the values as shown and select Next • Select F3.


Issue JewelSmith 2009


21. Component Library


You’ve generated a basic Ring design. Once Saved, you’ll have to create a copy Mesh and add it to the Project.

• Select Accept


• Select Create Triangle Mesh


• Select the option Close With a Flat Plane and then select Create Triangles. • Select the option Add To Project and then Close the Mesh creator page. The completed Shank design has now been added to the main Project.

• Select File – Close Model. You will now create setting, using the component library. This library creates a component automatically in the Project view.

• Select Assembly from the root Project folder. • Select Open Mesh Library. • Select Settings from the pull down menu.

• From the Marquise area, select M4CC8x4mm


Issue JewelSmith 2009


21. Component Library


• Select Import.

The setting is imported as a component with the base of the setting at Z0. You can make other settings until the page is closed.

After this you’ll have to move the setting into position.

• From the bottom of the Component Library page, select Back • Select the Project tab. • Select the component M4CC8x4mm.


• Select Nudge. • Enter a Step of 8.395 and Nudge up

in the Z-axis.

• Enter an Angle of 90 degrees and select Nudge Clockwise.

The setting is moved into place by half the original Ring diameter. The assembly is now made up of the Shank and the Setting. A vector silhouette of the assembly will now be created to modify the shank (to accommodate the setting).

Issue JewelSmith 2009


21. Component Library


• Select the object PlainShank in the Assembly Folder tree. • Using the right mouse button menu, select Hide. The Shank will now be ignored in the assembly (as its vectors are not required).

• Select the object PlainShank in the Model Folder tree. • Using the right mouse button menu, select Edit. The Shank, ArtCAM model is shown. The outline of the new setting can be created.

• Switch to the Project tab and select the root Assembly folder. • From the Tools tab, select Create Assembly Silhouette. The silhouette of the setting is added to the ring silhouette and also to the shank as vectors.

• Change the outer ring vector silhouette to as shown in the image below.

The Relief can be Reset and the Shank, recreated using these new vectors.

• Select Reset Relief



Issue JewelSmith 2009

21. Component Library


• Create a new ring shank with Sweep Profile


You’ll have to remove the top of the Shank to generate the setting.

• Select the 2D View. • Select and ungroup the assembly silhouette in the Drive Rail part of the 2D View. • Select the inner vector only and Zero the Relief inside.

• Press F3.

You’ve removed the space for the setting.

You will add a copy of the Relief to the Project.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


21. Component Library • • • • •


Select Create Triangle Mesh . Select the option and then select Create Triangles. Select the option and then Close the Mesh Creator page. Select File – Close Model and select Yes to update changes in the Project. Using the right mouse button select Hide on the PlainShank assembly.

You’ve added the new assembly to the Assembly folder. The original Shank is hidden to view the changes.

You will now Save the Project.

• Select Save . • Browse: D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmith-Jobs. • Enter the name Component library ring and select Save.


Issue JewelSmith 2009



ArtCAM JewelSmith Contents Further Exercises


Page No.

• Three Gems Ring

1-1 to 1-14

• Celtic Ring

1-1 to 1-14

• Oval Ring

1-1 to 1-16

• Pendants

1-1 to 1-10

• Cluster Ring

1-1 to 1-38

• Rotary Flush Settings

1-1 to 1-10

• Flat Machining

1-1 to 1-16

• Ring Machining

1-1 to 1-6

Appendix •

Machining Set-up

Keyboard Shortcuts

ArtCAM Cursors

Issue JewelSmith 2009


Further Exercises


Three Gems Example The object of this exercise is to construct the ring geometry using vectors, create the swept ring profile that this time includes claws and gem settings, adding the gems, creating a ring assembly and viewing the finished product in the Project View.

• Select Create New Project

• Select Models from the root Project folder • Select a Blank Rotary-Axis

• Leave the model name as RotaryAxisShank. • Select the Ring Standard as AlcamiCollets and pick size N. • Set the Shank Width as 20, Border as 5, Shank Thickness as 1.5, with a Resolution of 40.

• Select Accept.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


Further Exercises


The area to generate the ring is displayed, along with the ring profile in the 2D view.

The vectors for the ring shank need to be generated.

• Select the Assistant tab. • Select Create Polyline. From the top of the Assistant tab the model length is 62.95, which means the left edge of the ring is at X31.475. The polyline needs to be at least this value. This new polyline will be made up of 3 points at direct co-ordinates and will only cover one side of the model to leave room for the stone settings.

• Untick Draw smooth polylines. • Enter –35 in the X box and 1 in the Y box and press Add. When only one point of a polyline is entered, nothing can be seen unless you move your mouse around the screen.

• Enter –5.5 in the X box and 1 in the Y box and press Add. • Enter –4 in the X box and 0 in the Y box and press Add and then Close.

This polyline will become a drive rail. To create the other rail, mirror vector will be used.

• Select the centre horizontal line. • Press Shift and Select the new angled polyline. • From the Assistant tab, select Mirror Vectors. Several options are available for defining the line across which mirroring occurs. To create a mirrored copy of the vectors the option Copy the Original Vectors is ticked, or the CTRL key held down.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

Further Exercises


• Check the box Copy the Original Vectors. • Select the option About Line. These drive rails can be mirrored for the other side.

• Select the vertical centre line and press shift and select the top and bottom polyline. • Press Mirror About Line and then Close.

TIP – by making rails longer than required, these vectors can be used on bigger or smaller ring sizes. The drive rail vectors are complete. The ring cross section is now required before the Sweep Ring Profile command can be applied.

• Create a Rectangle with a Width of 2 and a Height of 1.5 at a centre point of X -20 and Y -5. • Select N on the keyboard (node editing) and zoom around the rectangle. This rectangle will have the bottom span removed and a small fillet radius on the top corners.

• Move the mouse on the bottom span and press R on the keyboard (Remove Span). The Height of 1.5 represents the Shank Thickness specified earlier when creating the project and the Width is the distance between the two drive rail vectors. The rectangle cross section will be filleted using the Fillet Vector command in the Assistant.

• From the Assistant tab, select Fillet vector with an arc. • Enter a Fillet Radius of 0.3. • Click on the top two nodes and press Close.

Now that all the vectors required for creating the Swept Ring Profile are complete it is an ideal opportunity to Save the ArtCAM model.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


Further Exercises


The next stage is to create vectors for the settings and claws for three gems. Rather than creating the vectors manually the process can be somewhat automated by using the Pave Wizard.

• In the Gem Tools Tab, select the Pave Wizard.

The Pave Wizard page appears and provides the user with a choice of a Linear or Honeycomb setting. The number of Columns and Rows determine the number of stones and beads that are generated.

The Select Vectors options allow the user to select vectors representing the Stones, Beads, or both automatically from within the form.

• • • •

Select Linear, Stone Diameter of 3, Bead Diameter of 0.7. Select Number of Rows as 1 and Number of columns as 3. Press Create Select the gem colour as Diamond.

• Press Accept. The new Vectors represent the positions and sizes for the setting with the red circles being identifiable as the gem vectors (Stones) as red.

The red gem vectors are automatically put on another layer called gem vectors that is automatically switched on.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

Further Exercises


The Pave wizard has put in the stone vectors and the beads (or grains) but further vectors need to be created for the setting.

• From the Assistant tab, select Create Circle. • Change the Circle diameter to 3.75 and create 3 circles at centre positions X –3 Y 0, X0 Y0 and X3 Y0. The new circles represent the outer part of the stone settings. The small vectors that generate holes can now be produced.

• Change the Circle diameter to 1 and create 3 circles at centre positions X –3 Y 0, X0 Y0 and X3 Y0. These small circles will be used to punch through the setting to allow light into the gems. The largest circles need to be merged together.

• Select Close. • Select all three outer circles and press weld vectors. The settings are almost complete; the beads at the ends just need to be moved into position.

• • • • •

Delete the beads marked x. Right mouse click on the bottom right bead and select Edit Circle. Change the circle center to X 4.9 and Y –1. Press Apply and Close. Mirror Copy the bead to the other corners of the setting.

The Vectors for the setting are now complete. The Relief for the ring can now be constructed.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


Further Exercises


• Select File  Save. Select the JewelSmith tab. • Hold down the Shift key and select the vectors in order 1 – 4 as seen below.

• Select the Sweep Profile from Rotary Relief Tools. • Press the F3 button to see the 3D view.

Half of the main ring body is generated a copy of which will now be mirrored to form the other side.

• From Relief Tools Select Mirror Relief.

The Mirror Relief page appears with the options available in a pull down form.

• Select Left over Right and then Apply.

The ring profile is created. The next stage is to create the reliefs for the gem settings.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

Further Exercises


• Select the 2D view by pressing the F2 key. • Double click the left mouse button over the welded vector to bring up the Shape Editor. • Select a flat plane with a Start Height of 2. • Select Merge High then Close. • Select a 3D view by pressing F3.

By applying Merge High the new relief is blended into the basic ring form. The height of 2mm selected means that the setting will be 0.5mm higher than the shank thickness (set at 1.5mm).

• Press F2.Select the three circle vectors as shown below. In this case a negative Pyramid shape will be added from the top of the relief, producing an angled recess.

• Double click over these vectors to bring up the Shape Editor. • Select a Pyramid shape with an Angle of –65, start height of 0 and then Add then Close. • Select the 3D View. Note: even though these red vectors are classed as gem vectors, they still can be used as normal vectors, with the shape editor.

These cavities will house the Gems later in the exercise. The next operation is the creation of holes through the bottom of the cavities to provide a more effective seating as well as to allow light to pass through the Gems.

• Press F2. • Hold down the Shift key and select the three smallest circle vectors.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


Further Exercises


These holes allow light to shine up and make the gem stone sparkle.

• Double click over these vectors to bring up the Shape Editor. • Select the Zero button then Close. • Select F3.

By using Zero, the relief is flattened down to the inside of the ring which is Z zero. The beads need to be generated.

• Press F2. Select the 8 small bead vectors.

The beads need to be merged into the relief.

• Right Mouse click and select Shape editor. • Select a Dome Shape with an Angle of 90, a Start Height 2 then Merge High and Close. • Select a 3D View.

The claws have been created using Merge High to blend in with the existing Relief.

• Select Save. . (This will save the project). • Locate the area D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmith-Jobs. • Enter the name 3GemsRing and press Save


Issue JewelSmith 2009

Further Exercises


The main ring design is now complete. At this stage the user could either add the ring to the project assembly or add the gems, it is entirely up to the designer. In this case the gems will be added first and then the ring stored in the project assembly.

• Press F2. • Hold down the Shift key and select the three red circle vectors. The red circle Vectors represent gems (created automatically with the PAVE wizard).

• Select Create Gems

from the Gem tools tab. This creates Gems to either all just the selected gem vectors. The Start Height is the distance to the top face of the gems from the zero relief height. The option Position Around Ring creates Gems in true position around the ring when set and flat when unset. The option Lay on Relief creates Gems based on the height of the underlying relief.

• Untick, Create only selected gem vectors and enter a Start Height of 2. • Tick, Position Around Ring, Untick Lay On Relief and press Next. • Press F3.

In the 3D View the three new gems, displayed as diamonds can be seen added at the correct positions around the ring shank.

• Press Accept. The gems now disappear visually in the 3D View, but are Saved in the Project. The completed assembly, RotaryAxisShank must now be added to the Project.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


Further Exercises


Select Create triangle mesh.

Select the option Triangles.

Select the option creator form.

and then select Create

and then close the mesh

• Close the current ArtCAM Model from the File menu to return to the project view • Expand the Assembly folder to see its components.

The Assembly contains two distinct assemblies, one containing the ring Relief (RotaryAxisShank) and the other containing the Gems (RotaryAxisShankGems).

If there is a plus symbol by a component, it means there is more information. These can be selected to reveal more information.

• Select the + to expand the tree for RotaryAxisShankGems. • Select the + to expand the tree for RotaryAxisShank.

In the browser separate parts of the each assembly are listed and if selected will switch on a related menu below. For example, if a gem (Pave 1) is selected a menu will appear below enabling the user to change the Gem Properties, including colour.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

Further Exercises


• Select Pave 1 and from the associated menu.

The options at the bottom of the page have been updated to show the options relevant for the selection

• Select Properties. • Select Edit Colour.

The gem colour can be selected, or your own colour can be specified by using the Custom option.

• Select Ruby.

The gem stone has changed to a ruby. The colour has really changed from clear to red. The third gem be changed to a Sapphire.

• Select Pave3 from the top of the page.

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• Select Properties. • Select Edit Colour. • Select Sapphire. More generalised editing can be applied globally to all the gems at the same time by selecting the associated assembly name RotaryAxisShankGems as opposed to an individual Gem (eg. Pave 1). If RotaryAxisShank is selected from the browser the displayed colour of the basic ring can be changed using the local menu options.

• Select the Rotary Axis Assembly. • Select Shading. • Change the shading to 9ct white gold and Accept.

The ring shank is now shown in a reflective colour.

• Select the root Assembly folder itself. • Select Shading.


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The background and the Ambient light for the completed model can be selected here.

• Set the Background to purple mist. • Set the Ambient light to 50. Select Accept.

The ring is now completed. For presentation purposes an animation of the ring can be made using the Movie option.

• Select Movie.

The movie is made up of a series of still images that are captured at selected rotational positions around the project. These are stored under a new directory called movies in the project folder in the computer. The movie is shown in an html window, the file for which can be placed on a web site or emailed.

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• Select the values as shown and press Accept. . • Locate the area D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmith-Jobs and select OK.

An html page will appear displaying a view of the model. At the bottom there is a spin control button.

• Select an arrow and press Spin. • Close the html window. • Press Back to exit movie creation. • Select File - Save to update the project.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

Further Exercises


Celtic Ring Overview

This example builds up a ring assembly using a Three Axis and Rotary model and generates the toolpaths to machine it.

Celtic Ring Example • Select Create New Project

• Select Models from the root Project folder • Select a Blank 3-Axis Shank

• Leave name as ThreeAxisShank. • Select Standard as AlcamiCollets. • Select Size as R. • Set Width as 10, Border 5 and Thickness as 2. • Leave Resolution at 30. • Select Accept.

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Two circular vectors have been generated to the size of the ring. A horizontal and vertical vector; which have been locked; identify the centre of the ring. As with other ring profiles, the shape can be modified to suit.

The main ring Relief will be created using the Shape Editor.

• Select the outer and inner ring vector. Select F12 (the Shape Editor). • Select a flat profile with a start height of 1.5. • Press Add and then Close. Press F3. The basic ring shape appears. This represents half of the ring and is 1.5mm high. Further vectors are now required so that a weave can be added to the edge of the ring.

• Press F2 and select the Assistant tab. • Offset the inner ring vector outwards by 0.5 and 1.5. • Create a polyline from the ring centre at 0 degrees until it intersects the outer ring, vector. • Select Vector Layers and switch off the layer Reference Lines.

This line will be copied around to make the divisions required for the weave.

• Select the Assistant tab. • Select the line vector and Block Copy/Rotate. • Rotate Copy this line around X0 Y0 by a Total of 360 degrees with 12 objects.


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This geometry is going to be used to provide the intersection points for the new weave vectors to pass through.

• Select trim vectors to intersection. • Click on each alternate section on the outer and inner offset vector.

The trim tool is very useful for trimming a network of vectors. In this example the new end points will provide ideal snap points marking the exact route for the weave vector.

• Select Create Polyline. • Switch on smooth vector and snap alternatively to the inner and outer offset vector, as shown.

The node point at the end needs to be smoothed.

• Select N to toggle Node Editing on. • Smooth out the vector by moving the cursor over any non-tangential (Black or Green) node and pressing S (Smooth nodes are blue).

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The vector is shown smooth. The smoothed polyline can then be copied and rotated around the centre to produce the other weave vector.

• Select N to toggle Node Editing off. • Select Block Copy/Rotate. • Rotate Copy this vector around X0 Y0 by 90 degrees with Incremental set and 1 objects. • Delete the radial polylines and remaining segment vectors as shown below.

The two weave drive curves remain. A suitable cross section is now required before the weave can be added to the relief.

• Create an Ellipse at X0 Y0 with height of 0.4 and width of 0.5. • Zoom in to the centre and Remove the lower half of the ellipse. • Select both weave drive curve vectors and then the half ellipse.


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• Select Weave Wizard. • Set the settings shown and select Subtract. • Select OK. • Press F3.

The weave design has been subtracted from the side of the ring.

To make the ring identical each side a copy of the front is inverted to make the back. This back is added to the front to make a component using the mesh creator form.

• Select Create triangle mesh. • Select the option

and then select Create Triangles.

• Select the option form.

and then close the mesh creator

• Close the current ArtCAM Model from the File menu to return to the project view

The ring is shown assembled. It is a good idea at this stage to Save the Project.

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• Select Save. . (This will save the project). • Locate the area D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmith-Jobs. • Enter the name CelticRing and press Save The ring now requires a weave design around the circumference. For this a Rotary Shank will be created as a thin slice around the outside of the existing Project assembly.

• Select Models from the root Project folder • Select a Blank Rotary-Axis

The ring settings have been retained from the 3-Axis Shank form applied at the start of the example.

• Select Accept. The vectors need to be generated to use sweep profile, starting with the rail vectors.

• • • • •


Select the Assistant tab. Create Offsets of the central horizontal vector by 1.5mm each side. Offset the outer silhouette vector, outwards by 0.5. Create a rectangle of width 3 and height 2. Remove the lower span.

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The new Rotary Shank must be the same width as the existing 3-Axis flat ring, which is 3mm. The outer silhouette is offset by 0.5mm, which will provide extra material to the outside face of the existing ring.

• Select the JewelSmith tab. • Select the two horizontal vectors, the section and the offset ring silhouette. • Select the Sweep Profile

from Rotary Relief Tools.

The vectors for the top celtic weave have already been generated, ready for importing.

• Select the Assistant tab. • Select Vector – Import from the top pull down menu. • D:\users\trainingArtCam Data, select weave-vectors.eps and press Open.

When vectors are imported, ArtCAM checks to see if they are crossing. In this case there are two parts that are crossing and are marked. In this case the vector crossing is required.

• Ungroup the imported vectors. • Select the weave vectors and then the small weave section vector.

• Select Weave Wizard. Issue JewelSmith 2009


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• Use the settings shown. • Select Add. Select OK. • Press F3.

The weave design has been added to the outside of the ring. The Back Relief needs to removed from this to produce a 0.5mm thick rim.

• Select the JewelSmith tab. Press F2. • Select Back Relief from the Relief Layers Tab. • Select the two horizontal vectors, the rectangular, cross section and the outer ring silhouette (at 1.5 mm thickness). •

Select the Sweep Profile

• Press F3.


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• Select Create triangle mesh. • Select the option

and then select Create Triangles.

With the 1.5mm thick, Back Relief removed, the Rotary Shank is now displayed as a 0.5mm thick rim.

• Select the option then close the mesh creator form.


• Close the current ArtCAM Model from the File menu to return to the project view The Project is now made up of both components. This method could have been applied in the reverse order by creating the Rotary Shank first and then fitting on a very thin side detail generated using the 3-Axis Flat. This is a good point at which to Save the project.

• Select Save • Locate the area D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmith-Jobs. • Enter the name CelticRing and press Save This ring will be machined in two 3-Axis setups to create the detail for each side face and then put onto the jig to be machined using a 4th Rotary Axis. The Multi-Sided Machining option will generate toolpaths and post-processed output files for all setups as well as incorporate any Bridges and location pockets for a centre holding fixture (Boss File).

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• Select 3D Machining Wizard

from the Tools tab.

• Select Edit Settings.

One or other of the options is selected to control whether the machining operations are to be performed as: Flat:- 3-Axis only. Ring:- A combination of 3-Axis, 4th Rotary Axis (Outside), and 4th Rotary Axis (Inside).

• Select Ring and then Next.

The size and resolution of the ring is shown. These can be edited at this stage if required.

• Set resolution as 30 and press Next.

Next the required combination of the Machining Orientations is selected.

• Select Three-Axis and Rotary-Axis and press Next.


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A machining Template is required for use with each type of machining orientation. A Template is specified for use by clicking the Select tab and locating it’s correct filename in the browser. Note: When using Multi-Sided Machining any toolpath template used must have been previously created and ideally should be stored in an area where it cannot be deleted. The Boss File will also be selected. The required post processed output is obtained by using the down arrow to locate and select the correct Option File.

• On Three Axis Template, press Select. • From ArtCAM Files, pick indexer-wax10bn2-bn05.tpl. • Use the down arrow to select proMa PPM Indexer (*.iso) option. • • • • • • • • •

On Rotary Template, press Select. From ArtCAM Files pick bn2R-bn05F-wax.tpl. Use the down arrow to select proMa PPM 4 Axis Rotary option. Set Jig Diameter to 18.56 (ring diameter). For Boss File press Select and pick the file markedboss.3DA from ArtCAM Files. Tick Machine Both Sides. Enter Bridges as 8, width 2 and thickness 0.75. For the Machining Output Folder, Browse and Locate D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmith-Jobs Enter Celtic ring in the Output prefix.

• Press Accept

to calculate

• Close the current model

Two further ArtCAM models have been created, and can be seen listed in the Models folder.

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The toolpaths will now be simulated.

• Select Machining_ThreeAxisRing.

The 8 Bridges are displayed, and the location pockets for a centre holding fixture (Boss) have been automatically generated. The front relief is opened as it has the two identifying dimples in the boss.

• Select the toolpaths tab.

There are four toolpaths generated. Two for the front and two for the back. The back toolpaths have an angle of 180 degrees applied and are generated with the back relief active.

• Select the toolpath rough-bn2Front and press Simulate Toolpath Fast. • Select the toolpaths finish-bn0.5Front and press Simulate Toolpath Fast.

The toolpath simulation shows the result of the front toolpaths. The back toolpaths can now be simulated.

• Delete the simulation.


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• From the JewelSmith tab, select Back Relief. • Select the toolpaths tab. • Select the toolpath {180} rough-bn2Back and press Simulate Toolpath Fast. • Simulate the toolpath {180} finish-bn0.5Back and press Simulate Toolpath Fast.

This simulation shows the complete machining of the back.

The rotary toolpaths do not need any attention and can be left alone. There are a total of 4 output files in the directory D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmith-Jobs \celticring

The machining order to actually machine this job would be. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Indexer-rough-bn2.iso Indexer-fin-bn05.iso Cutout.iso RotaryAxisRingbn2-roughFront.iso RotaryAxisRingbnhalf-finFront.iso

Note: Cutout.iso uses a 0.5mm tool.

• Select Save • Close the Project

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Issue JewelSmith 2009

Further Exercises


Oval Ring

The creation of this oval ring includes functionality to create a flat plane, correct vector for height and pave.

• Select Create New Project

• Select Models from the root Project folder • Select a Blank Rotary-Axis

• Enter the values as shown and press Accept.

Note: In this case the ring is one size bigger to allow for shrinkage.

The ring shank will be custom built.

• Select the Assistant tab. • Select Create Polyline. Issue JewelSmith 2009

1. 1

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• Untick Draw smooth polylines. • Enter –40 in the X box and 1.5 in the Y box and press Add. When only one point of a polyline is entered, nothing can be seen unless you move your mouse around the screen.

• Enter –15 in the X box and 1.5 in the Y box and press Add. • Enter 0 in the X box and 4 in the Y box and press Add and then Close.

An easy way to smooth the end is to use the shortcut to align the nodes with an axis.

• Select the vector and select N (node mode). • Select the angled span and press B (Convert span to bezier).

The control points are now shown. To make a smooth curve these need to be aligned with the Y position for each point. By using the mouse to grab the point and it’s control point, they become red and can be moved together by nudging or by using X or Y on the keyboard.

• Select the top point and the control point together with the mouse.

• Select Y on the keyboard. (Aligns the y values to be the same as first point)


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• Hover over the span and pick Reverse Vector(s) from the right mouse menu. • Select the bottom point and the control point together with the mouse. • Select Y on the keyboard.

The drive rails can be completed using the mirror option.

• Select the vertical centre vector and the new vector and press mirror vectors. • Tick the box Copy the Original Vectors. • Select the option About Line and then Close.

• Select the two rail vectors and press join vectors by moving ends • Select the horizontal centre vector and the new vector and press mirror vectors. • Check the box Copy the Original Vectors. • Select the option About Line and then Close.


The section needs to be generated and the ring silhouette, changed to raise up the ring.

• Create a circle at X –20 Y 5 with a radius of 4. • Remove the lower spans. This section gives the overall shape, as the width varies in the two drive rails, the section will become higher. The ring silhouette will be given a high region.

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1. 3

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• Select the outer ring silhouette and select copy and then paste. • With the new vector selected, select Node Mode. • Change the properties of the top node point to be Y-29.515 (a movement of 2mm upwards). The main shape of the ring can now be generated.

• Select the two offset vectors, the semi-circle and the new outer ring silhouette. • Select the Sweep Profile

from Rotary Relief Tools.

• Press F3 to go to the 3D View.

The basic ring shape has been generated, with a maximum Z height of 4mm. More vectors need to be generated to set the flat area for the gem. As the gem size sets the vector sizes, this will be generated first. A Flat Plane will be generated to build up the relief for the oval shape, using the vectors from the 2D view.

• Press F2. • From Gem Tools, Select Create Gem Vector

The style of gem vector is selected from the list. A gem vector will contain all of the information about the gem. This allows you to generate several gem vectors of different types in one command.

In this case an oval gem of 0.5 carat is required.


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• Select Oval.

The physical size of the gem vector can be entered or by selecting the option carat and choosing a size, the values are entered into the form.

• Select a Carat size of 0.5 and press Next.

• Select Aqua.

The Gem vector is given a default name, but this can be changed to suit.

• Leave Gem name as OvalGem and press Next.

The gem vector (always red) appears and by default it is placed on X0 Y0 in the upright orientation. The gem needs to be rotated and the platform area made by offsetting the gem vector.

• Select the gem vector • From the Assistant tab, select Transform vector(s). • Enter a rotation of 45 degrees and press Apply and then Close. • Offset the gem vector outwards by 1mm.

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When a gem vector is offset, the offset vector is a normal vector. This is because the vector size has changed. If a gem vector is copied and then pasted within a command, the copy remains a gem vector.

These vectors will be used to generate a flat plane. This will produce corrected vectors, which take into account the stretching effect where the ring is different than the default offset value. By using corrected vectors, you can ensure that the setting will be at the required size. These corrected vectors are automatically put on a separate layer. The corrected vectors look distorted in the flat view but they are correct in the 3D wrapped view and when machined.

Not corrected


This ring was generated with a thickness of 2mm. The circle, shown in the left hand diagram, was to produce a feature at the Z height of 6mm using Merge High.

From the 3D view you can see how the circle shape has become distorted the higher up the Z in the wax, so that it is almost an oval shape.

Correcting a vector for the height will make the vector look incorrect in the 2D view. ArtCAM also changes the vector outline to green. However, when the relief is made at the height it has corrected for, the required shape is generated.

The actual height for the corrected vector, can either be at the centre of the vector or at the vector edges.


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• Select the offset vector. • From the Rotary Relief Tools, select Create Flat Plane. The Height for the Flat Plane is entered in this form. If From Edge is selected the plane will be generated from the edge of the original vector and not from the boxed centre position. The option Vertical Sides will produce true vertical sidewalls instead of being angled radially from the ring centre. The option Cut Out causes the removal of any relief higher than the cut-out plane.

• Enter a Height of 3.5, tick Vertical Sides only and select Accept.

A Flat Plane with Vertical Sides is merged into the Relief within the selected vector area. A corrected vector has also been generated. This is not required and will be deleted. The domed part of the Relief will now be removed using Create Flat Plane again with the option cut out.

• Delete the corrected vector (green). • Select the original offset vector. • Select Create Flat Plane. • Enter a Height of 3.5, tick Cut Out only and select Accept.

The oval shaped Flat Plane has now been calculated with the upper domed material removed. A corrected vector has also been generated. This will be used later.

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• Select the oval gem vector. • Select Correct Vector for Height from Rotary Relief Tools.

The height is calculated in the same way as for Create Flat Plane. The option preserve original vectors is crucial as the original gem vector needs to be saved.

• Enter a Height of 3.5 and tick Preserve Original Vectors. • Select Accept.

The corrected vectors are shown green and are automatically put on a new layer called Corrected Vectors. This layer is switched on.

A rim around the gem edge can be made using the corrected vectors.

• Select the corrected vectors and press F12 (shape editor). • Select a dome shape, angle 90, start height of 0, No Limit and press Add and then Close.

The Rim has been produced. The gem can also be produced, using the lay on relief option, before the relief underneath is removed.


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• With the oval gem vector selected, select Create Gems.

The Create Gems form appears. The Create only selected gem vectors is useful in applications where it is required to create a different type of gem on selected groups of gem vectors.

• Untick Create only selected gem vectors and leave Start Height at 0. • Tick both Position Around Ring and Lay on Composite Relief. Select Next.

The gem is shown in place, until accept is pressed. Then it is moved to the project as part of the assembly. Once the gem is accepted, the relief underneath can be removed.

• Select Accept. • Press F2. Select the inner corrected vector and press F12 (shape editor) • Select a pyramid shape, Angle of –50, start height of 0, Scale to a Height of 5mm and press Add and then Close.

The height of 5mm ensures that the ‘v’ shape goes through the inside of the ring so that it can be removed by limiting the white area (whole model) to be above 0.

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• Double click on the white area. • Select a flat shape, start height of 0 and press Merge High and then Close.

The sides and hole for the gem have been created. At any time you can use the File menu to Save the model. For the side stones, more vectors need to be generated.

• Offset the bottom drive rail vector inwards by 1mm • Offset the top drive rail vector outwards by 1mm • Offset the large corrected vector outwards by 1mm.

For visualisation these new vectors will be moved to a new layer.

• Select all 3 new vectors and move to a new vector layer (right mouse menu). • Rename the layer as indent and switch off all other layers, apart from the layer Reference Lines.

JewelSmith automatically places special vectors on named levels.


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• Offset the vertical reference line by 8mm each side (Ridge).

These vectors will be used to trim back the offset vectors.

• Use Trim vectors to limit back the curved offset lines as shown. Each side will be joined to make a single vector and then each end closed with a curve.

• Select three vectors for one half and join together. • Select the new vector and select Close with a curve. • Repeat for the other side. This indent needs to be corrected for the height also, before gems can be fitted inside.

• Select the left indent vector. • Select Correct Vector for Height. • Leave Height as 0, and tick ONLY Get Height From Relief. • Select Accept. • Repeat for the other side. The vectors are corrected and the layer corrected vectors is automatically switched on. The next stage is to create vectors for the settings and claws for the indent using the Pave Wizard. Issue JewelSmith 2009

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• Select Pave Wizard

from Gem Tools.

This time the pave area will be limited to the selected vector area, whilst maintaining a full honeycomb.

• Select Honeycomb, Stone Diameter 0.6, Bead diameter 0.1 and the option Selected Vector. Select Gem Colour as Diamond. • Select the left indent vector and then press Create. • Select the right indent vector and then press Create.

The beads will not be used and can be deleted.

• On the Pave page, under Selected Vectors, select Beads. • Press Delete on the keyboard. • Select Accept. • Select the Assistant tab. • Select vector clipping.

The vector clipping will be used to clip (delete) objects that do not fit completely inside the indent vectors.

This leaves only the whole objects that lie inside the vectors.

• Select the left indent vector.


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• Shift select the other left gem vectors • Select Inside and Delete and press Clip vectors. • Repeat for the other side.

The whole vectors are shown. The gem vector layer is also switched on.

• Select the layers tab. • Select the two indent vectors and press F12 (shape editor). • Select a Flat Plane with a start height of 0.25 and press Subtract and then Close.

The indents are shown. The vectors for the indents need to be generated as gem vectors, and then gems created.

• Select the Layers tab. Press F2. • Switch on ONLY the layer Gem Vectors. Select the circle vectors. • Select Convert Vectors to Gem Vectors

from Gem Tools.

• Select Round and then Forward. • Select Get Gem sizes from Vectors and then press forward. • Select Diamond. • Tick Create new gem vectors and remove original vectors then press forward. • With the Gem Vectors selected, select Create Gems. • Untick Create only selected gem vectors and leave Start Height at 0.

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• Tick both Position Around Ring and Lay on Relief. Select Forward. The gems are shown in place, until accept is pressed. Then it is moved to the project as part of the assembly.

Once the gems are accepted, the relief underneath can be removed.

• Select Accept.

• Press F2. Select the small gem vectors and press F12 (shape editor) • Select a pyramid shape, start height of 0, angle of –50, Scale to a Height of 5mm and press Add and then Close. • Double click on the white area. • Select a flat shape, start height of 0 and press Merge High and then Close.

The top relief has been generated. To make the bottom relief, the top relief is going to be offset and then modified.

• Select Create triangle mesh. • Select the option • Select the option form.


and then select Create Triangles. and then close the mesh creator

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The ring is shown in the finished component and the gem stones can now be displayed. The ArtCAM model can also be Saved, if required.

• Close the current ArtCAM Model from the File menu to return to the project view.

• Select Save. . (This will save the project). • Locate the area D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmith-Jobs. • Enter the name OvalRing and press Save

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1. 15

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Issue JewelSmith 2009

Further Exercises


Pendant - Simple Cross Example This example will create a basic cross shape with a back relief.

• Select Create New Project • Select Flat 3-Axis.

The dimensions for the model are defined in this form.

• Set Width as 50, Height as 50 and Resolution as 30 and press Accept. • Select a 2D View.

The ArtCAM model is opened with the X0 Y0 at the centre, and a vertical and horizontal locked vectors.

• • • •

Select the Assistant tab. Create a Rectangle of Width 7, Height 40 at X0 Y0. Create a Rectangle of Width 30, Height 7 at X0 Y5. Select both vectors and select Weld Vectors.

The main cross shape is finished.

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• On each corner of the vector, create a 0.5 fillet radius. • Select the vector and bring up the Shape editor.

• Select a pyramid shape • Select an Angle of 75 degrees, start height of 0 and limit to a height of 2mm.

• Select Add and then Close. Press F3.

The relief is generated. In this case, a custom back relief is going to be generated.

• Press F2. From the Relief Layers pull down, select Back Relief. • Select the Assistant tab. • Create a star with 5 points, angle 0, centre X –10 Y 5, first radius 2.5 and second radius 1. • Create a star with 5 points, angle 0, centre X 10, Y 5, first radius 2.5 and second radius 1. • Create a star with 5 points, angle 0, centre X 0 Y 5, first radius 4 and second radius 2 • Select all 3 vectors stars and select the Shape Editor (F12).


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• Select a dome shape • Select an Angle of 45 degrees, start height of 0 and scale to a height of 1mm.

• Select Add and then Close. Press F3.

The star back relief has been generated. To finish the model, a mesh is created with the back relief included.

• Select Create triangle mesh. • Select the option • Close the mesh creator form. • • • •

and then select Create Triangles.

. (This will save the project). Select Save. Locate the area D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmith-Jobs. Enter the name cross pendant and press save Close the Project.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


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Gem Pendant Example This example will create a pendant with gems in.

• Select Create New Project • Select Flat 3-Axis. • Set Width as 30, Height as 30 and Resolution as 40 and press Accept. • Select a 2D View. • Select the Assistant tab. The vectors need to be generated for the main shape, starting with a square.

• Select Create a rectangle. • Select Square, Height of 18, Angle 0 at X 0 Y 0. • Select Create and then Close.

A square is produced. A square is made up of 4 node points and the span in between each node is a line.

To alter the shape of the square the span will be changed into an arc and the properties changed for each span point.

• Select ‘N’ for Node mode. • Select each span and with the right mouse menu, select Convert span to arc (A on keyboard)


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Each span has been converted to an arc and the maximum arc is automatically chosen. The arc depth can be changed by moving the control point (square) on the span numbered 1 to 4 in the diagram. Alternatively the properties of the middle control point can be edited to a particular x or y value.

• Hover over control point 1. • With the Right mouse menu, select properties and change the X value to –7.5. • Hover over control point 2. • With the Right mouse menu, select properties and change the Y value to 7.5. • Hover over control point 3. • With the Right mouse menu, select properties and change the X value to 7.5. • Hover over control point 4. • With the Right mouse menu, select properties and change the Y value to -7.5.

The main shape has been produced. This needs to be copied to produce the other part of the design.

• Select N to return to select mode and select the vector. • Select Block/Copy.

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The block and rotate copy form appears.

When gem vectors are block copied or rotate copied, the new vectors are automatically gem vectors with the same characteristics as the original gem vector.

• Select Rotate Copy, total Angle as 45 degrees, with 2 objects and press Apply and then Close.

These vectors need to be offset to form the pendant.

• Select both vectors. • Select Offset vector. • Enter a values of 1mm, inwards, sharp, press Offset and then Close.

The vectors are offset. The vectors for the gem stones and settings need to be produced.


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• • • • • •

Select Create circles. With a centre of X 0 Y 0 enter a radius of 6.5 and press Create. With a centre of X 0 Y 0 enter a radius of 5.5 and press Create. With a centre of X-6 Y6 enter a radius of 1.5 and press Create. With a centre of X-6 Y6 enter a radius of 1 and press Create. Press Close.

The smaller gem stone and setting needs to be copied around the centre into the other three corners.

• Select the two circle vectors of radius 1 and radius 1.5. • Select Block/Copy. • Select Rotate Copy, total Angle as 360 degrees, with 4 objects and press Apply and then Close.

The vectors have all been generated and the relief can now be made. For identification, certain vectors have been numbered.

• Select the shaped vectors 1 and 2. Press F12.

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Further Exercises


• Select a Flat Profile, Start height of 2 and press Merge High. • From Relief Editing toolbar, select Texture Relief.

The area between the selected vectors is going to be given a weave texture. This will provide a contrast to the pendant.

With a weave texture, to produce the weave effect, the overlap is set at 0%, by altering this value, different effects are made.

• Enter the values as shown and press Add and then Close. Press F3.

The small gem settings and the other shaped vector can be added to the relief using Merge High

• Press F2. • Select all the circle vectors of radius 1 and 1.5. Press F12. • Select a Flat Profile, Start height of 2 and press Merge High. • Select the shaped vectors 3 and 4. Press F12. • Select a Flat Profile, Start height of 3 and press Merge High. • Press F3.


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Further Exercises


The centre setting can now be made and textured.

• Press F2. • Select the large circle vectors. Press F12. • Select a Flat Profile, Start height of 3 and press Merge High. • From Relief Editing toolbar, select Texture Relief. • Enter the values as before and press Add and then Close. Press F3.

The gems can now be produced.

• Press F2. • Select the circle vectors of radius 1 and the circle of radius 5.5.

• From the Gem Tools Tab, Select Convert Vectors to Gem Vectors. • Select Round • Select Gem sizes from Vector.

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Further Exercises


• With both option ticked, select Next. • Select Diamond. • Select Create new gem vectors and Remove original vectors and select Next. • Select the larger gem vectors. Select Create Gems. • Enter a start height of 3 and press Next. • Press Accept. • Select the smaller 4 gem vectors. Select Create Gems. • Enter a start height of 2 and press Next. • Press Accept. A mesh needs to be generated.

• Select Create triangle mesh. • Select the option • Select the option form.

and then select Create Triangles. and then close the mesh creator

• Close the current ArtCAM Model from the File menu to return to the project view. • Select Save. . (This will save the project). • Locate the area D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmith-Jobs. • Enter the name Gem pendant and press Save.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

Further Exercises


Cluster Ring Example

The object of this exercise is to construct a Cluster ring. This design includes a wireframe back for the basket and a D-shape to split section shank.

• Select Create New Project

• Select Models from the root Project folder

• Select a Blank 3-Axis Shank (Vertical) • Leave the model name as ThreeAxisShankV. • Select the Ring Standard as AlcamiCollets and pick size G. • Set the Shank Width as 15, Border as 5, Shank Thickness as 2, with a Resolution of 50 (for high detail)

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Further Exercises


• Select Accept An ellipse will now be created for the main centre stone.

• Select the Assistant tab. • Select Create Ellipse.

• Enter a Height of 9 and a Width of 7. • Select Create and then Close.

The cluster will now be created by firstly using circles, (representing the round stones), and then wrapping them around the center oval stone.

• From the Assistant tab, select Create Circle. • Change the Circle Diameter to 2.6 and positions X –15 Y –5. • Select Create and then Close.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

Further Exercises


A guide line/vector is now required to wrap the small circles vectors around the large center circle (stone). This can be created quickly by offsetting the original vector.

• Select the original center oval vector. • Select Offset from the Vector Tools tab. • Ensure outwards is selected as the offset direction and then enter a distance of 1.3mm. • Select offset and then close the form.

Claws for the round stones need to be created prior to wrapping it onto this new vector.

• From the Assistant tab, select Create Circle. • Change the Circle Diameter to 0.7 and positions X –12 Y –5. • Select Create and then Close.

This creates a single claw, which itself also requires wrapping around the stone.

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Further Exercises


• Select the original round stone circle. this circle outwards by 0.3mm. • Offset • Shift-Select the small claw vector and the new offset vector. • Select Paste along curve

from Vector tools toolbar.

• Enter 4 as number of copies. Select Paste and Close.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

Further Exercises


• Select this new circle group and enter Transform vectors. • Enter 45 degrees in the Rotate box. Press Apply and then close.

• Select the group again and press CTRL-U to ungroup the vectors. • Delete the upper two claw circles to leave the following result.

• Select the remaining two lower circles and the inner circle vector. • Group the vectors. (CTRL-G) or Trim Vectors Toolbar.

from the Position, Combine,

• Select this circle group and the offset (outer) large oval vector.

• Select Paste along curve from Vector tools toolbar. • Enter 12 as number of copies. Select Paste and Close.

The gems including their claws are now positioned around the centre oval gem.

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Further Exercises


• Right mouse click the new group and select Ungroup All from the local menu.

The stones will be bound together by incorporating interlocking fillets.

• Shift-select all the large circular stone vectors only. • Group

the Vectors (or CTRL-G)

• Select the new group and Offset


Issue JewelSmith 2009

outwards by 0.3mm.

Further Exercises


• Curves are created either side of the circle group.

• Offset the new curves back inwards by 0.3mm but ensure the Radiused option is selected on the Offset vectors form. •

The following radius is created at the correct positions along the vector.

• Delete the 3 other vectors that are not required, to leave the following result.

Claws are also required to hold the centre oval gem. But just as before, a vector is required onto which the claw vectors can be pasted.

• Select the inner most oval vector and Offset

Issue JewelSmith 2009

outwards by 0.3mm.


Further Exercises


Before a claw vector is pasted onto this curve, the start point of the oval vector needs to be changed. This will give us the correct position of the claw vectors around the gem vector when pasted.

• Select this new offset vector and enter Node Editing

• Move the mouse over the vector, but in between two large stone vectors. • Select P (shortcut) to insert a new start point. (Or right mouse click and select). A green square denotes the new start point (i.e. the first claw position)

• Press ESC to exit Node Editing.

• Select any claw vector (0.7mm dia.) and then shift select this inner oval vector. • Select Paste along curve from Vector tools toolbar. • Enter 12 as number of copies. Select Paste and Close.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

Further Exercises


Many new claw vectors are slightly offset, and need to be repositioned.

• Ungroup the claw group. • Delete all the new inner claw vectors apart from the top left three (as shown).

• Select the three claw vectors and then shift-select the vertical reference line. • Select Mirror Vectors

and then the option About line.

• Close the form. all 6 inner claw circles. • Group • With the group selected, shift-select the horizontal reference line. • Select Mirror Vectors

and then the option About line.

• Group the two circle groups.

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Further Exercises


Using this method of mirroring maintained symmetry, and hence much improved positional accuracy. Some further Art Work is required to complete the design of the cluster. To provide additional material to these claws to sit on, the inner oval vector will be offset inwards.

• Select the inner most oval vector. • Offset inwards.

this vector a further 0.2mm

• Select the stone circle group. • Offset provide bezel)

inwards by 0.4mm to the stones a setting edge (or

• Offset the large oval vector 1.5mm outwards to provide a ‘border’ to the head itself.

The head/outer oval vector will now be modelled using Shape Editor.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

Further Exercises


The outer oval vector will be given a dome shape. This dome will provide a base for the head to sit on.

• Select the largest oval vector (just created) and press F12 to open the Shape Editor. • Add a Dome shape of 22 degrees. • Select F3 to view the Relief.

• From the Relief Layers toolbar, select Save. • Name the relief as “top dome”. • Select location D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmith-Jobs before selecting Save.

• Select Reset Relief. • Select the 2D view.

From the Relief Tools toolbar.

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Further Exercises


The head feature will now be modelled.

• Shift-Select the inner and outer vectors as shown and press F12 to open the Shape Editor. • On the Shape Editor, select Flat Plane Shape. • Enter a Start Height of 0.8 and press Add. • Select Close and view result in the 3D view.

• Back in the 2D view, Select all the outer claw vectors and open Shape Editor. • Merge high a dome shape of 90 degrees with a start height of 1.4mm. • F3 to view the result.

• Select all the inner claw vectors and open Shape Editor.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

Further Exercises


• Merge high a dome shape of 90 degrees with a start height of 2.3mm. The higher inner claws will be required to hold the centre gem stone.

• Select the stone circle group (outer circle)

• Select Convert Vectors to Gem Vectors

from Gem Tools

• Select Round shaped gem • Select Forward • Choose Diamond as the colour. • Select Forward • Click away from the vector to see that it has turned red in colour. This indicates that the vector is now a Gem Vector(s). The Top Dome Relief will now be loaded into the model, so when the gems are finally created, they will be positioned at the correct orientation.

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Further Exercises


• From the Relief Layers toolbar, select Open. • Select the file top dome and then open. • Ensure both options are set to Add Relief.

• Re-select the new Gem vectors then select Create Gems the same Gem tools tab. • Ensure the option Lay on Composite Relief is ticked. • Select Forward

• Change the Gem set name to outer gems. • Select Accept


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Further Exercises


The gems have disappeared, but are now added to the project. The centre oval gem will now be added using the same procedure.

• Select the inner oval vector as shown.

• Select Convert Vectors to Gem Vectors

• Select Oval shaped gem • Select Forward

• Choose Sapphire as the colour. • Select Forward Gem vectors have replaced the original vectors.

• Whilst still highlighted, select Create Gems. tools tab. • Enter a start height of 2.7mm.

from the same Gem

• Select Forward • Select Accept

Both sets of gems can be seen in the project folder.

• Return to the 2D view Holes for the outer gems will now be created.

• Select all the inner circle stone vectors and enter Shape Editor (F12).

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Further Exercises


• On the Shape Editor, select Flat Plane Shape and then Zero • Repeat the above on 2nd relief layer

It is always good practice to save work regularly. The current relief(s) will be saved at this point.

• From the Relief tools Toolbar (or Relief menu) select Save Composite Relief.

• Enter File name as Head. Press Save. • From the Relief layer pull down menu, select Back Relief.

• Load

the top dome.rlf file.

The plain top dome relief has been loaded onto the Back Relief layer. This will be used to subtract away from the Front Relief to leave the desired result. This ‘Boolean’ operation can be carried out when the model is Added to the Project. But before that is carried out, the claws will be trimmed so they result in a flat-bottomed edge.

• From the 2D view, select the outer claws. • Enter Shape Editor (F12) and then Zero (do not close the form).


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Further Exercises


• Merge High a Flat plane with a start height of 0.1mm.

• From the Relief layer pull down menu, select Front Relief. • The model can now be added to the Project. • Select Create triangle mesh. • Change the name to head • Select the option Triangles. • Close the mesh creator form.

Issue JewelSmith 2009

and then select Create


Further Exercises


• Select Toggle Assembly Visibility with gemstones.

to view the combined model

• Select again to exit Master Visibility and return to the relief. The basket setting (onto which this head is positioned) will now be created.

• Select Reset Relief

for both the front and back relief layers.

• Select the inner most oval vector and offset inwards by 1.5mm. • Offset this new vector outwards by 0.7mm.


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Further Exercises


• • • •

From the Assistant tab, select Create Circle. Change the Circle Diameter to 0.4 and positions X 0 Y 0. Select Create and then Close. Shift-Select this circle and the inner-most oval vector.

from Vector tools toolbar. • Select Paste along curve • Enter 36 as number of copies. Select Paste and Close.

• Select the new group of circles and Ungroup them. • From the Assistant tab, select Create Polyline. • Create a line by snapping to the center points of the circles shown.

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Further Exercises


• Repeat this step for the next five (anti-clockwise) outer claw circles, as shown below. (note how a small (basket) circle is missed out after every pair – this ensures correct alignment of the basket wires)

• Shift-select all six lines. • Select Offset from the Vector Tools tab. • Ensure Both Sides (Ridge) is selected as the offset direction and then enter a distance of 0.35mm. (Width of each basket wire) • Select offset and then close the form.

The offset is created but note how the gap between each pair of wires is only down half way. This will result in the wires not looking separated once modelled. The offsets can be split further by using Node Editing, and modifying the split vector/line itself.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

Further Exercises


Select an offset vector and enter Node Editing


• Drag the point node and snap to the center point between the opposite circles. • Repeat for the remaining two offset vectors. The result should be as follows.

• Select all three offset vectors and open Shape Editor (F12) • Add a Dome shape of 90 degrees.

To complete the basket wires, the Mirror Relief generate a pattern.

Issue JewelSmith 2009

function can be used to quickly


Further Exercises


• From the Relief Tools toolbar, select Mirror Relief Merge • Apply • Apply

to mirror copy the relief across. to mirror copy down.

• Return to the 2D view • Select the oval vector as shown and open Shape Editor. • Apply Zero to trim away the inner section.

• Use the Relief Layers tab and Save • Select Reset Relief The shape for the basket will now be created.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

the Relief as basket.

Further Exercises


• Select the outer and inner oval vectors as shown.

• From the Relief Tools toolbar, select Create 3D Blend

• Select a linear profile with an inner vector height of 1.5mm

• Select Inner Vector edge is selected with the option Fill inner vector ticked

• Select the Add combine option before pressing Create Blend.

The following shape is created.

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Further Exercises

• • • •


the Relief as basket dome. Use the Relief Layers tab and Save From the Relief Layers toolbar, select Open Select the file basket and then open. Ensure the new layer combine option is set to Add.

The bottom of the basket requires an ‘under bezel’ feature which the shank can wrap onto.

• In the 2D view, select the two smallest oval vectors. • Ensure the basket dome layer is active (highlighted) • Open Shape Editor and Merge High a Flat plane of height of 2.7mm.


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Further Exercises


• From the Relief tools Toolbar (or Relief menu) select Save Composite Relief. • Enter File name as Basket outer. Press Save.

• From the Relief layer pull down menu, select Back Relief. • Load the basket dome.rlf file. • Load the basket.rlf file and ensure the subtract option is selected.

• Re-select the two inner oval vectors (as on the previous page) • With the basket dome layer highlighted, open Shape Editor. • On a flat plane of start height 1.0mm, select Merge Low. This feature will be used to support the top of the claws.

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Further Exercises


Finally, the ends of the wires can be seen to be below the Z0 plane (negative). This can be rectified quickly.

• Double-mouse click on the 2D white model sheet, to open Shape Editor. • Select Merge High.

The wires are trimmed back. This will also ensure the edges are not rounded.

• From the Relief tools Toolbar (or Relief menu) select Save Composite Relief. • Enter File name as Basket inner. Press Save. • From the Relief layer pull down menu, select Front Relief. • The model can now be added to the Project. • Select Create triangle mesh. • Change the Assembly name to basket • Select the option Triangles. • Close the mesh creator form.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

and then select Create

Further Exercises


• Close the current ArtCAM Model from the File menu to return to the project view.

The basket can be seen but is currently positioned upside down. This can be rotated within the project.

• Highlight the basket from the Assembly tree and then select Nudge. • Select the X-axis and then rotate clockwise with an angle of 180 degrees.

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Further Exercises


The basket is now complete, so the accompanying shank will be created.

• Select Models from the root Project folder • Select a Blank Rotary-Axis

• Select a size Q • Width of 15 and a border of 5 • Thickness of 2mm • Resolution of 30 pix/mm • Select Accept to create the template.

• Switch to the 3D view. At this stage, the shank will be positioned (nudged) correctly with the completed basket. • Select Toggle Assembly Visibility

to view the basket assembly

from the top view menu bar. • Select Objects to Draw • Select Wrapped ring and then Apply.


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Further Exercises


Both the wrapped ring and basket are displayed.

• Highlight the cluster wire basket from the Assembly tree and then Nudge


• Nudge the basket upwards just touching the surface.

until the bottom edge of the basket is

The basket is now positioned correctly relative to the wrapped ring.

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Further Exercises


• Select Toggle Assembly Visibility to switch off the basket assembly view. • Return to the 2D View. • From the Project Tab, Highlight the Assembly root folder. • Select Create assembly Silhouette.

An outline of the basket assembly is created – correctly positioned.

• Select the horizontal reference line and then offset from the assistant tab. • Offset the line 1.5mm either side to create a 3mm width shank.

To create the split shank design, the shank vectors and ring silhouette vectors will be modified first.


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Further Exercises


• Select the bottom horizontal vector and enter Node Editing • Insert two new points and the move (drag) the inner point to the location as shown.

• Delete the upper horizontal vector. • Shift-Select the lower horizontal and then the original horizontal reference line. from the assistant tab. • Select Mirror vectors • Select About Line as the mirror option.

The line is mirrored to complete the shank. The left sided vectors are modified only as they (or the relief) will be mirrored later. Two cross sections will be created to create the shank. A D-shaped section at the bottom, with a gradual split towards the top.

• Create two ellipses and at X-10 Y-20.

each of height 4.5 and width 8 at X-20 Y-20

• Remove the lower halves using Node Editing

• Enter Node Editing


with the RHS vector selected.

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Further Exercises


• Select the centre node only and drag downwards past halfway as shown.

• Construct a polyline across the centre.

• Select Trim Vectors shape.

and limit the vectors to obtain the following

• Select all the Vectors and Join The necessary vectors for the drive curves are complete. The silhouette profile now remains.

• Select the outer silhouette circle. • Select Copy

and then Paste.

• Move the new circle vector upwards slightly as shown.


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Further Exercises


• Enter Node Editing

with this circle vector selected.

Using the numerous editing options of Node Editing, modify the silhouette vector so it looks similar to the one shown below.

• Insert two new points and drag them to the areas shown

• Insert another point and modify the vectors as shown.

• Insert a new point and modify the shape • Re-shape the shank and move the centre node inwards

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Further Exercises


• Reshape this vector by altering the positions of the control nodes.

The modified silhouette vector should look similar to the one shown below.

The shank can now be created using the two-rail sweep function

• Shift select the entities in the following order: 1. Two horizontal rails. 2. Two cross-sections (half oval first) 3. Modified silhouette vector. • From Rotary Relief Tools, Select 2-Rail Sweep - Ring The form and the 2D view will show all the selected entities.


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• Select Calculate and then Close. • F3 to view results.

This relief will be mirrored to create the complete shank.

• From Relief Tools, select Mirror Relief. • Select


then forwards

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Further Exercises


The relief shown between the splits at the upper end, need to be removed. The simplest way is as follows.

• Select the white background in the 2D view and enter Shape Editor. • On a flat plane, Enter a start height of 0.2 and then Merge high. • With the form is still open, select Subtract. The split is now clear. This completes the modelling for the shank, and now can be added to the Project.

• Select Create triangle mesh. • Select the option Triangles.

and then select Create

• Select the option creator form.

and then close the mesh

• Close the current model. • The complete finished assembly is shown. • Select Save.


. (This will save the project).

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Further Exercises


• Locate the area D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmith-Jobs. • Enter the name ClusterRing and press Save

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Further Exercises



Issue JewelSmith 2009

Further Exercises


Creating custom Rotary Flush Settings As well as being able to alter the Shank and press rebuild, the settings can also be changed to produce an inner step. Other profiles can be used to generate other effects. In this example the setting will be produced at zero so that it can easily be nudged in the project view for a varity of different ring sizes.

Stepped Setting • Select Create New Project

• Select Models from the root Project folder • Select Blank-Rotary Flush.

• Select Princess. • Enter the values as shown and press Next.

• Select Diamond.

• Enter the values as shown and press Next.

• Select Accept.


The rotary setting could be modified and rebuilt but in this example we are going to recreate our own by borrowing the automatically generated geometry and reliefs. The Rotary Setting is made up of a Front and Back Relief. These can be viewed by switching the layers view

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Further Exercises


• Ensure the Front Relief is selected.

• Create a rectangle. • Select a width of 18.663, Height 0.5 and a centre point of X 0 Y 1. • Press Create and then Close.

The rectangular vector is generated with the front relief shown to visually check it is in the right place. The internal groove will be generated by adding this as a positive to the back relief. The groove width is 0.5mm, about 0.5mm down from the top edge of the setting. By giving a height of 0.25mm to this vector on the back relief, the groove will become 0.25mm deep.

• Switch to the Back Relief.

Select the rectangle vector if not already selected. This will be split into two, ready to be used as drive rails. If a height was just added, the new shape becomes rounded so a two rail sweep needs to be used.

• Select the Rectangle vector. • Press N (node editing). Remove the vertical sides of the rectangle. • Change the start point of the top line to the other end. A section needs to be created for the two rail sweep.

• • • •


Create a rectangle. Select a width of 0.5, Height 0.25 and a centre point of X 4 Y 2. Press Create and then Close. Remove the lower span. Issue JewelSmith 2009

Further Exercises


• From Relief Tools select Two Rail Sweep as shown below.

and assign the vectors

• Ensure the form is set to Add before selecting Calculate to create the relief then Close.

This is how the Back Relief looks if the Wrapped Ring view is applied.

The front relief can be given a custom- effect.

• Switch to the Back Relief. • Select Create a Star. • Select No points as 5, star centre as X 0 Y 0, first radius of points as 0.7 and second radius as 0.3. • Select Create and then Close.

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Further Exercises


This star can be copied equally along the horizontal vector.

• Select the star vector and then the horizontal guide vector. • Select Paste along a curve. • Select Specify Number and 5 copies and press Paste and then Close.

• Select the new group of star vectors. Press F12. • Select Zero from the shape editor and then press Close. • Press F3.

The outer setting has a cut out in the middle of each face. The new master model can now be generated.


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Further Exercises


• Select Create triangle mesh. • Select the option • Close the mesh creator form.

and then select Create Triangles.

The finished custom setting is generated.

• Close the current ArtCAM Model from the File menu to return to the project view The setting appears as shown (if the gem component is set to Hide).

• Select Save. . (This will save the project). • Locate the area D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmith-Jobs. • Enter the name Stepped setting and press Save

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Further Exercises


Custom basket - Exercise • Select Create New Project

• Select Models from the root Project folder • Select Blank-Rotary Flush.

• Select Round.

• Enter a Carat of 1 and press Next.

• Select Ruby.

The diagram for the gem setting is displayed

• Enter the values shown • Press Next.

The angled custom setting is created.

• Select Accept.


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Further Exercises


The custom basket can now be designed.

• Press F2. Select the Assistant tab. • Select Create Stars. • Select No. of Points as 6, Star Centre as centre of the ring profile, radius of First point as 5.5 and radius of second points as 4.5. • Select Create and then Close.

By using the ring profile view, you can generate any shape and then unwrap it into the flat view so that it can be used.

• Select the star vector. • From Rotary Relief Tools, Select Unwrap Profile

A new vector appears in the 2D view, which is the unwrapped star vector. This new vector can be used to make a new basket like shape.

• Select the Assistant tab. Select the unwrapped vector. • Select Transform Vector(s). • In Move Y enter 0.9 and press Apply and then Close. • Press Ctrl + C and then Ctrl + V (makes a copy, which is selected). • Select Block Copy/Rotate. Issue JewelSmith 2009


Further Exercises


• Select Block Copy, Distances are Offsets, X offset as 0, No. Colums 1, Y Offset as –0.75 and number of Rows as 3. Select Apply and then Close.

There are now three vectors, with a constant offset.

• Create 6 rectangles of width 0.75 and height 3, using the high points of the lower vector for the centre points of the rectangles.

• Trim the vectors, join and close to produce the following closed vectors.

• Select the outer vector, press F12 and press Zero Rest. • Select the 7 smaller vectors and press Zero and then Close. • Press F3.

The custom basket is displayed.


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Further Exercises


• Select Create triangle mesh. • Select the option • Close the mesh creator form

and then select Create Triangles.

The finished custom setting is generated.

• Close the current model. • The complete finished assembly is shown. . (This will save the project). • Select Save. • Locate the area D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmith-Jobs. • Enter the name Custom basket and press Save

The setting appears as shown.

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Further Exercises



Issue JewelSmith 2009

Further Exercises


Relief Machining. Toolpaths are generated within an ArtCAM model and then a copy is saved out in the required machine tool format. To speed up this process, once a style of toolpaths have been generated, they can be set as a template, which can then be applied to other models.

Toolpath Generation for Pendant • Open the saved project • Open the associated ArtCAM model.

lady head pendant.3dp

The model has been generated and it is the relief we want to machine. All machining commands are located in the toolpaths tab. Before the machining is generated, a new vector needs to be generated to limit the machining inside it.

• Select the Assistant tab. • Select the outer vector. Select Offset Vector. • Select a distance of 2, Outwards, Radiused and press Offset and then Close.

This new vector will be used to limit the toolpath to within the vector. This will reduce the tooling times.

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Further Exercises


• Select the toolpaths tab.

The Toolpaths page is segregated into four main categories including Toolpath Operations, 2D Toolpaths, 3D Toolpaths, and Toolpath Simulation.

A comprehensive Tools database is accessed from within the individual toolpath strategy forms. The user can add to or modify the stored tool definitions as required.

When a toolpath is created it will be displayed in the graphics area and the filename registered in the area to the top of the Toolpaths page. These filenames are selectable for such actions as Toolpath Simulation, or to reopen the original machining form for editing purposes.

• Select Machine Relief.

The machine relief form allows you to select all of the options to generate the toolpath.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

Further Exercises


• Select the new offset vector. • Select the option Selected Vector. • Select the strategy Raster. With the Raster strategy, the tool moves across the model in parallel, straight line moves separated by the Step Over distance. The toolpath is automatically limited away from the relief by the tool radius plus the Material Allowance, as shown.

A raster angle of 0 degrees, produces a tool movement along the X axis, with a stepover in the Y axis. A raster angle of 90 produces a tool movement up the Y axis, with a tool stepover in the X axis.

• Select a Raster Angle of 0. The Material Allowance is the specified thickness of material that is left on over the actual relief when the toolpath is created.

• Select an Allowance of 0.5.

Tolerance determines how accurately a cutter path follows the true shape of the relief, the actual value being the maximum permissible deviation from the relief form.

• Enter a Tolerance of 0.002. • Select the down arrow on Machine Safe Z.

The machine options for Safe Z and home position are now visible.

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Further Exercises


The Safe Z height is the height in Z above all clamps that the tool will start machining from. This height is used when the tool lifts up and moves to another location.

The home position is the position where the tool starts from and finished.

• Set the Safe Z as 10. • Set the home position as X0 Y0 Z10. • Select the up arrow on Machine Safe Z to hide these options. The set values are displayed.

• By Tool, pick the button Select .. The standard Tool Database contains a large selection of tools and associated parameters for a variety of materials. The selection can be modified, deleted, or added to by the user as required. The Tool Database can also be accessed independently by selecting the icon in the Toolpath Operations.

• Select from Alcami, the tool Ball Nose 3mm. This tool is ideal for roughing, as it will clear out the majority of detail quickly. The tool information stored is set here. The tool has a stepover of 1.5mm, a stepdown in Z of 2mm. The stepover is where the tool moves over for the next pass and the stepdown is the amount in Z the toolpath step s down to machine another level.


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Further Exercises


• Press Select. The tool has been selected for this operation and is displayed.

If the tool needs adjusting, just for this one command, the down arrow will display the values, which can be edited.

• Select Do Multiple Z Passes. The option Do Multiple Z passes means that the tool will produced a toolpath at the top Z level (+ allowance and tolerance) and then stepdown by the tool stepdown value and produce another toolpath and carry on until the final Z level (+ allowance and tolerance) is reached.

• Enter Z height of First pass to be 5. • Enter Z height of Last Pass to be 0.

• Leave Add Ramping Moves Unticked. Ramping is not required if you are using a ball nose or tool with cutting edges at the tool tip.

• The Material Setup- should be left as Undefined. For JewelSmith, the material does not need to be set up as the centre of the block is automatically selected.

• In Name, enter rough-bn3. • Press Calculate Now and then Close. Press F3.

ArtCAM generates the toolpath as red lines in the 3D View. The dark blue lines are rapid moves in Safe Z and the light blue lines are plunge moves.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


Further Exercises


At the top of the toolpaths page, the new toolpath is named and selected.

This tool path can now be simulated (a graphical representation of the machined job).

• Select the Toolpath rough–bn3. • From the Toolpaths page, click the Simulate Toolpath Fast. Relief Dimensions: shows the overall dimensions of the relief. Simulation Block Dimensions: gives the size of the block. This should be at least as big as the minimum and maximum height of the relief plus any height (or depth) of the engraving features. Simulation Relief Resolution: specifies the quality of the image that you require. Obviously the lower the resolution the greater the speed of calculation.

• Select Standard from the Simulation Relief Resolution section. • Use the other default settings and click Simulate Toolpath.

The simulation shows the result of the stepdown, stepover and tool size selected. The simulation can be deleted or undrawn from the screen using the Draw objects command at the top of the 2D window.

The final toolpath can now be generated.

• Press F2. • Select Machine Relief. • Select the new offset vector. • Select the option Selected Vector. • Select the strategy Raster.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

Further Exercises


• Select a Raster Angle of 0. • Select an Allowance of 0. The allowance is set to zero so that the model is machined down to its actual size, within tolerance.

• Leave Machine Z at 10 and Home Position at X0 Y0 Z10. • Select from Alcami, the tool Ball Nose 0.5mm.

This tool is ideal for finish machining, as it is small enough to cut the detail. The tool information stored is set here. The tool has a small stepover of 0.06mm, a stepdown in Z of 0.5mm. The stepdown value does not matter, as we are not going to machine down in levels.

• Press Select. • Leave Multiple Z Passes Unticked. • Leave Add Ramping Moves Unticked. • The Material Setup- should be left as Undefined. • In Name, enter finbn03 • Press Calculate Now and then Close. Press F3.

The red machining lines are closer together. This will take longer to machine but provide a high quality toolpath.

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Further Exercises


The finish toolpath is named and selected. There are now two toolpaths in the model. When the model is save the toolpaths are saved as well.

• Select File  Save. • Select the Toolpath finbn03. • From the Toolpaths page, click the Simulate Toolpath Fast.

The simulation shows the result of the finish toolpath. To machine these toolpaths a copy must be saved in your CNC machine format, which will be stored in the computer as a separate file/s. These files can be copied onto the pc that runs the CNC machine and used to machine the model.

• Click the Save Toolpaths button on the Toolpath toolbar.

When the Save Toolpaths dialogue is opened all the unselected toolpaths generated so far are listed in the left hand window. If one of the toolpaths is currently selected it will appear in the right hand window. Filenames in each window can be selected and transferred from one side to the other using the central Arrow buttons.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

Further Exercises


All the files in the right hand window will be included for output into one machining file. In many applications where the machine tool has a manual tool change it is usually necessary to create a separate output files for toolpaths using the same tool definition. If the machine tool has an automatic tool changer then it is possible to include all the toolpaths in one large output file.

• Select the left black arrow (to move the toolpath to the left side). • Select the toolpath rough-bn3 and then the right black arrow. • Untick Save files to Spool Directory • From Machine Output, select Proma PPM 3Axis Flat.

• Press Save and select D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmithJobs \lady-pendant, file name as lady-r-bn3 and press Save. Once that one toolpath has been saved, the same procedure applies to the others.

• • • •

Select the left black arrow (to move the toolpath to the left side). Select the toolpath finbn03 and then the right black arrow. From Machine Output, select Proma PPM 3Axis Flat. Press Save and select D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmithJobs \lady-pendant, file name as lady-f-em05 and press Save.

• Select Close on the form. The computer has now stored 2 toolpaths. The files are the ones that you open to run the machine tool, which in this case is a Proma.

The toolpaths can also be saved as a Template. This is required when using the Multi-sided Machining Wizard.

• Select Save Toolpath as Template • Save as filename bn3bn0.5.tpl


Issue JewelSmith 2009


Further Exercises


• Select Save. This template can be used for future projects by selecting Load Toolpath Template The Model can now be saved.

• Select Save. • Close the model. • Save the Project

Earring Example • Open the saved project • Open the associated ArtCAM model.


The model is opened and the vectors are displayed.

• Select the Assistant tab. • Select the outer vector and the top outer circle vector. • Select Offset Vector. • Select a distance of 2, Outwards, Radiused and press Offset and then Close.

This vector will be used to limit the toolpath.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

Further Exercises


• Select the toolpaths tab. • Select Machine Relief. • Select the new offset vector. • Select the option Selected Vector. • Select the strategy Raster. • Select a Raster Angle of 0. • Select an Allowance of 0.5. • Enter a Tolerance of 0.002. • Select the down arrow on Machine Safe Z. • Set the Safe Z as 10. • Set the home position as X0 Y0 Z10. • By Tool, pick the button Select .. • Select from Alcami, the tool Ball Nose 2mm and press Select. • Select Do Multiple Z Passes. • Enter Z height of First pass to be 5. • Enter Z height of Last Pass to be 0.

• Leave Add Ramping Moves Unticked. • The Material Setup- should be left as Undefined. • In Name, enter ear-rough-bn2. • Press Calculate Now and then Close. Press F3.

The toolpath has been generated. A finish toolpath can be generated.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


Further Exercises


• Press F2. • Select Machine Relief. • Select the new offset vector. • Select the option Selected Vector. • Select the strategy Raster. • Select a Raster Angle of 0. • Select an Allowance of 0. • Leave Machine Z at 10 and Home Position at X0 Y0 Z10. • Select from Alcami, the tool Ball Nose 0.5mm and press Select. • Leave Multiple Z Passes Unticked. • Leave Add Ramping Moves Unticked. • The Material Setup- should be left as Undefined. • In Name, enter fin-bn03 • Press Calculate Now and then Close. Press F3.

The finish toolpath is displayed as well as the rough toolpath.

The toolpaths can be shown and hidden at the top of the toolpaths page.

• Select File  Save. The toolpaths can now be simulated at once.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

Further Exercises


• Select Simulate Toolpaths Fast.

The simulation shows the finished result. It is not necessary to do a simulation if you are confident of the toolpaths, but it is a good visual check. You can see that the tool radius is too big to get inside the points of the stars.

If the finish toolpath was edited to use a smaller tool, then the machining would take too long. It is better to just machine the areas with a tiny tool that is required. To identify these areas vectors can be drawn around the area in the model.

• Pres F2 • Select Create Circles. • Set the Circle Centre as X 0 Y -14. Select Radius and enter 1.7mm. • Untick Create with arcs and press Create and then Close. • Select the new circle and the star vector and select Trim Vectors.

Trim vectors will produce closed vectors to machine inside. If your vectors are not closed then the machining will not be produced.

• Select the seven outer vectors. • Select the toolpaths tab.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


Further Exercises


• Select Machine Relief. • Select the option Selected Vector. • Select the strategy Offset. An offset strategy has been selected to ensure the tool follows the vectors to produce a clean cut in the model.

• Select Cut direction as Climb Mill. Start Point as Outside. • Select an Allowance of 0. • Leave Machine Z at 10 and Home Position at X0 Y0 Z10. • Select from Alcami, the tool Conical 20 deg and press Select. • Leave Multiple Z Passes Unticked.

• Leave Add Ramping Moves Unticked.

• The Material Setup- should be left as Undefined. • In Name, enter small-con20. • Press Calculate Now and then Close. Press F3.

The toolpath contain seven areas of machining with tool lifts between each area. The toolpaths follow the contour of the initial vector. This new toolpath can now be simulated.

• Select the Toolpath small-con20. • From the Toolpaths page, click the Simulate Toolpath Fast.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

Further Exercises


The star shape has now been cut out neatly.

The output files can now be generated.

• Click the Save Toolpaths button on the Toolpath toolbar.

• Select the left black arrow (to move the toolpath to the left side). • Select the toolpath ear-rough-bn2 and then the right black arrow. • Untick Save files to Spool Directory • From Machine Output, select Proma PPM 3Axis Flat. • Press Save and select D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmithJobs \lady-pendant \earring-large, file name as rough-bn2 and press Save. • Select the left black arrow (to move the toolpath to the left side). • Select the toolpath fin-bn05 and then the right black arrow. • Untick Save files to Spool Directory • From Machine Output, select Proma PPM 3Axis Flat.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


Further Exercises


• Press Save and select D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmithJobs \lady-pendant \earring-large, file name as semi-bn2 and press Save. • Select the left black arrow (to move the toolpath to the left side). • • • •

Select the toolpath small-con and then the right black arrow. Untick Save files to Spool Directory From Machine Output, select Proma PPM 3Axis Flat. Press Save and select D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmithJobs \earring-large, file name as fin-con20 and press Save.

• Select Close on the form. The Model can now be saved.

• Select Save. • Close the current Model. • Save the Project


Issue JewelSmith 2009

Further Exercises


Machining Rings The machining of a ring is almost the same process as machining a flat piece. JewelSmith will turn the moves into rotary automatically when it is output in the CNC machine format.

Machining the Star-Ring • Open the saved project


• Open the associated ArtCAM model.

The model has been generated and it is the relief we want to machine. All machining commands are located in the toolpaths tab. Before the machining is generated, a new vector needs to be generated to limit the machining inside it.

• • • • •

Select the 2D view and the Assistant tab. Select the top outer horizontal line and offset by 1mm inwards. Select the bottom outer horizontal line and offset by 1mm outwards. Select the three star vectors. Offset the vectors outwards by 1mm and press close.

• Join the two vectors together with a line • Close the new vector with a line.

• Select the closed vectors and the offset star vector. • Select Weld Vectors.

• Select the toolpaths tab. Issue JewelSmith 2009


Further Exercises


• Select Machine Relief. • Select the offset vector. • Select the option Selected vector in the Machine Relief page. • Select Raster, Raster Angle of 90, Allowance of 0.25 with a Tolerance of 0.02.

The Raster angle of 90, makes sure that the toolpath is created across the job, so when it is machining it will machine a pass and then indent around for the next pass. Note: the toolpath is shown in black and is exaggerated for this explanation.

The allowance of 0.25 leaves 0.25mm material on the job for further finishing. If you are using a really tiny tool for the finishing operation, you can reduce this amount to 0.1mm. The tolerance is how closely it machines the ArtCAM model.

• Set the Machine Safe Z at 15 and Home position as X0 Y0Z 15.

The Safe Z of 20 is measured upwards from the inside surface of the ring. As the origin of the JewelSmith is in the centre of the model, the home position is left at X 0 Y0.

• For the Tool press Select. • Select the ballnose 2mm tool. • Press Select. • Set the option Do Multiple Passes.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

Further Exercises


The wax thickness of the tube can vary so it is important to select the correct height to ensure that no time is wasted cutting in mid air.

The wax thickness for this size of ring is 8mm from the inside of the ring. By choosing a thickness of 7mm it will ensure the first cut will cut the wax, even with an offset of 0.25. The last pass is set at zero to ensure that it cuts down to the inside of the tube at the edges.

• Leave Add Ramping Moves Unticked. • The Material Setup- should be left as Undefined. • In Name, enter rough-bn2. • Press Calculate Now and then Close. Press F3.

ArtCAM generates the toolpath as red lines in the 3D View. The dark blue lines are rapid moves in Safe Z and the light blue lines are plunge moves.

The finish toolpath can now be machined.

• Press F2. • Select Machine Relief. • Select the option Selected vector. • Select the limiting vector.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


Further Exercises


• Select Raster, Raster Angle of 90, Allowance of 0 with a Tolerance of 0.02. The allowance has been set to zero so that the final ring will be machined.

• Set the Machine Safe Z at 15 and Home position as X0 Y0Z 15. • For the Tool press Select. • From Alcami, select the Ball Nose 0.5mm tool. • Press Select.

• Leave Add Ramping Moves Unticked. • The Material Setup- should be left as Undefined. • Enter the name fin-05bn. • Press Calculate Now and then Close. Press F3.

The new toolpath has been called fin05bn and is shown as well as the rough toolpath.

The toolpaths can now be simulated.

• Select Simulate All Toolpaths.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

Further Exercises


The simulation shows the extent of machining on the ring as a flat Relief by machining the rough and then the finish toolpath.

NOTE: Using this process you need to build in bridges to support the model when machining. Here some rectangles have been merged into the model with a height of 0.75mm.

• Click the Save Toolpaths button on the Toolpath toolbar. • Select the left black arrow (to move the toolpath to the left side). • • • •

Select the toolpath rough-bn2 and then the right black arrow. Untick Save files to Spool Directory From Machine Output, select Proma PPM 4 Axis Rotary [X->A]. Press Save and select D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmithJobs \star-ring, file name as r-bn2 and press Save.

• • • •

Select the left black arrow (to move the toolpath to the left side). Select the toolpath finbn03 and then the right black arrow. From Machine Output, select Proma PPM 4 Axis Rotary [X->A]. Press Save and select D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\JewelSmith-Jobs \star-ring, file name as fin-bn05 and press Save.

• Select Close on the form. The computer has now stored 2 toolpaths. The files are the ones that you open to run the machine tool, which in this case is a Proma.

Issue JewelSmith 2009


Further Exercises


The toolpaths can also be saved as a Template. This is required when using the Multi-sided Machining Wizard.

• Select Save Toolpath as Template • Save as filename bn2bn0.5.tpl • Select Save.


This template can be used for future projects by selecting Load Toolpath Template

The Model can now be saved.

• Select Save. • Close the current Model. • Save the Project.


Issue JewelSmith 2009



Machining Set-up Operating the Charly4U • Turn on the Charly machine by pressing the green button on the front panel. Once pressed, this button will flash until communication is established with the controlling software. • Start the Gpilote control software by double-clicking the desktop icon. • Click [OK] to enable the datum move.


After the machine has initialised, the PC screen will display the main Gpilote screen. This consists of a main graphics window surrounded by two groups of icons.

Starts machining in the selected mode Closes the machining file

Displays the simulation control Measures the tool on the tool sensor

Displays the machine control panel Select machining mode

Select machining and simulation mode

Select simulation mode

Opens a file for machining or simulation

Exit the sofware

If necessary, load the tool that will be used for the machining process. After loading the tool, carry out a tool length check.

Issue JewelSmith 2009




• Click on the in the top menu bar. • Click [OK] to the question “Tool sensor approach and tool measure”. • Click [OK] to the question “Is tool above the sensor?”. The tool will descend and make contact with the tool length sensor then return to its original position. Before starting to machine your component you may need to reset the X datum to match that chosen in ArtCAM. This is done using the Control Panel window in the Charly software.

• Switch to the Control Panel view by clicking on the icon in the top menu bar. • Using the movement buttons, move the spindle to the required position. • Select [POP X] to transfer the current spindle position (SP) to the New OP (NOP). • Click [OK] to the pop-up “If the tool sensor is operational, make sure that the tool measure is already done”. • Click [Save the new workpiece origin and back to park position]. At this point the machine will move, returning the spindle to its parked position, usually at the left rear of the table. The display will revert back to the main Gpilote screen. The next step is to select the file to use for machining.

• Click on one of the Mode icons on the side menu bar • •

to switch to the machining only mode. to switch to the mixed machining/simulation mode. This mode shows a graphical display of the tool path as it is progressing.

• Click the icon to display the Open file dialogue box. Browse and select the required file. • Set the spindle speed to that required using the dial on the front panel in conjunction with the speed matrix diagram on the left hand side of the cabinet. • Click the icon to start machining. ** note, there is no further confirmation required before the spindle and table start moving.


Issue JewelSmith 2009



Operating the Proma. • Turn on the Proma machine by pressing the green button on the front panel. . • Start the Kay control software by double-clicking the desktop icon • At the File | Open box, either, browse and select the file to be machined or click [Cancel] to proceed and select the file later. The software will go thrugh a series of checks which end with the machine carrying out a reference run to establish its datums in X,Y and Z. Once the machine has initialised, the PC screen will display the main Kay window. The Kay software can store a number of workpiece origins and it is important that the correct origin is selected before any machining operations are started. In this guide we will be using the pre-defined origin “Rotary Home” which can be selected as follows.

• Click on the icon. • From the pull down list in the Workpiece origin recall dialogue box select Rotary Home.

• Tick the [Z] box (should read 0) and the [A] box. • Click [OK]. • Click on the


Issue JewelSmith 2009




• Click [OK].

The machine should then move to this pre-defined datum, which should be above the centre of the wax and at the top of the Z axis. The control panel will update with the new information.

If the spindle is not in the correct position in X then it can be adjusted as follows.

• Jog the spindle in X using the movement buttons on the Kay main screen. button. • When the required position is reached, click on the • (Optional) This position can be stored as the new Rotary Home by clicking button then selecting Rotary Home from the pull down on the list in the Saving workpiece origin dialogue box. • Load the tool that will be used for the machining process. After loading the tool, carry out a tool length check. • Click on the Automated Tool Measurement icon


The tool will descend and make contact with the tool length sensor then return to its original position. If the tape file to be machine was not selected earlier then it should be done now.

• Select File | Open from the top menu bar. • Browse and select the required file using the Open dialogue box. • Check the machining limits as shown in the File range box.

• Click [OK] to proceed.


Issue JewelSmith 2009



• Click the . • Click [OK] on the Tool cycle box. When machining begins, the graphics window will change to show a representation of the toolpath as it is being processed.

• To stop the machining process at any time click on the bottom of the screen.

button at the

When machining has finished, the tool should return to the Rotary Home position.

Special considerations when flip machining If it becomes necessary to stop the Proma while flip machining the button should be used rather than the Stop button mentioned above as this will lift the tool in the Z axis initially and avoid collision issues.

Issue JewelSmith 2009




Operating the Roland JWX-10 • Turn on the Roland machine by pressing the power button on the front panel.

• Display the Operation Panel by double-clicking the desktop.

icon on the

After the machine has initialised, the PC will display this Operation Panel screen. X, Y and Z axis coordinates These display the present coordinate values.

XYZ Movement buttons These move the spindle in the X, Y, and Z directions.

A-axis rotation buttons

Spindle Rotation This sets the speed of the spindle.

Moving to the specified location This moves to the specified location in a single step. You can quit moving by clicking [Stop].

Spindle Control This switches the spindle on and off.

A-axis coordinate Shows the present coordinates

Reference point settings Used to start tool calibration.


Issue JewelSmith 2009



If necessary, load the tool that will be used for the machining process. After loading the tool, carry out a tool length check using the Operation Panel.

• Select [Set the Z origin at the center of rotation] using the drop down menu.

• Select [Start Detection]. • Click [Continue].

The cutter will traverse to a position over the sensor then descend automatically to make contact. On completion it will return to its original position.

• Move the tool to the current XY datum by selecting XY Origin from the drop down menu followed by [Move] . If this position is not suitable for the component to be machined then reset it as follows. • Using the movement buttons on the operation panel screen, move the spindle to the required position. • Select [Set the X origin here] from the drop down menu.

• Click [Set]. Now the machine is set and ready. The next stage outlines the use of the DropOut program to transfer your tape files to the Roland.

• Open Dropout from the desktop icon. • The DropOut dialogue box will open.

Issue JewelSmith 2009




• • • •

Press the [Add] button to select the tape file. When ready to start machining, press the [Output] button. Confirm When the machining operation has completed, press the [Del] button to remove the tape file from the list. • Repeat the process for the remaining tape files.

The machining process can be paused at any time by pressing the [View] Button on the front panel of the JWX-10. If you intend to open the enclosure door, it is vital that you let the machine come to a complete stop, otherwise the current operation will be aborted.

• To resume machining, press the [View] button again.


Issue JewelSmith 2009



Issue JewelSmith 2009


ArtCAM Cursors


ArtCAM Cursors

Cursors: Vector Selection mode cursor  Standard cursor when in Vector Selection mode. Move Vector cursor  Vectors can be moved when this cursor is visible. Node Editing mode cursor  Standard cursor when in Node Selection mode. Span cursor  Available in Node Editing mode, when hovering over a span. It has a specific right mouse click menu to edit spans. Node cursor  Available in Node Editing mode, when hovering over a node. It has a specific right mouse click menu to edit nodes.

Object Snap Cursors: Snap to node. Snap to midpoint of line. Snap to center of bounding box. Snap to X axis of start point (for polyline creation only). Snap to Y axis of start point (for polyline creation only). Snap to horizontal Guide Line. Snap to vertical Guide Line. Snap to intersection of horizontal and vertical Guide Lines.


Issue JewelSmith 2009

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