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About: City of Beaver Dam
2.1 Local & Regional Context
2.2 Transportation and Circulation
2.3 Demographics
The following chapter details community history, demographic data and some of the important natural resources in Beaver Dam and Dodge County. The information comes from a variety of resources, including the US Census, the Wisconsin Department of Administration, the 2016 Beaver Dam CORP, and the City’s Comprehensive Land Use Plan.
The City of Beaver Dam is located in the southwest portion of Dodge County, approximately 40 miles northeast of Madison, and 70 miles northwest of Milwaukee. Along the western edge of the City is Beaver Dam Lake, encompassing over 6,500 acres.
As one of the major population centers in Dodge County, the City of Beaver Dam serves as an educational, religious, retail, and employment hub for the region.
Beaver Dam is strategically located in close proximity to both Madison and Milwaukee, and is along two major transportation corridors (US 151 and STH 33); all of which offer many opportunities for the City. Residents are within commuting distance of a large number of employment opportunities, and these metropolitan areas can provide significant numbers of potential tourists. Future economic growth will benefit tremendously by creating a draw for regional recreational tourism, as well as maintaining a lively downtown economic district that can serve tourists and residents.
For non-motorized travel, downtown Beaver Dam is considered a desirable and walkable community, whereas the rest of the City is highly auto-dependent. Other than sidewalks located along City streets, there are few off-road pedestrian or bicycle facilities or designated on-road bicycle routes within the City. Snowmobile trails expand the range of seasonal recreational opportunities available in Dodge County, providing attractions during winter which promotes year-round tourism.
The City of Beaver Dam does not currently have a local transit system, however, there is a Greyhound Station at the Crossroads Shell on Park Avenue providing regional transit opportunities. The City also contracts with a private taxi service to provide rides to City residents; this taxi service is called Beaver Dam Public Transit.