January 2010 Volume 8, Number 1
Carter’s Comments
Our students need to spend more time in school. For many years we’ve been stuck in a school calendar model that was designed for a more agricultural society. The world has changed dramatically since our traditional school calendar was established. Here are the average instructional days in the school year for some selected countries: • Korea – 225 days • Japan – 223 days • China – 221 days • Russia – 195 days • England – 190 days • United States – 180 days • Missouri – 174 minimum, one of only four states requiring fewer than 175 days. Some local districts do go beyond the minimum. Increasingly, research is showing a relationship between academic learning, time-on-task and student achievement. A report from the National Center on Time and Learning came to the following conclusion: “Certainly, we need to perform more rigorous analyses of the relationship between expanded time and student performance (including controls for demographics and past performance), and a much deeper study of the potential to unlock greater student achievement and engagement simply because research has been fairly clear in establishing a link between time spent learning and student retention and mastery.” Other studies are pointing to the same conclusion. That’s why some school districts already are experimenting with the year-round school concept. Meanwhile, we continue to debate issues like school starting dates in Missouri because of interests other than education. According to our own statewide survey conducted earlier this year, Missourians appear to be split on the issue of lengthening the school year, but it’s also clear that there’s some interest in exploring the benefits of the idea. Lengthening the school year is no silver bullet. Nothing is. But more time spent on quality classroom instruction cannot help but contribute to raising student achievement.
Carter D. Ward, Ph.D. MSBA Executive Director
Missouri School Boards’ Association State Mandated Board Member Training Missouri’s Outstanding Schools Act requires all school board members to receive 16 hours of training within their first 12 months of service. MSBA’s Certified Board Member program offers Essential Board Member Certification, which fulfills this requirement and provides the foundation for becoming an effective board member. Because the training is supported by a grant from the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, with funds appropriated by the Missouri Legislature, the training is free to any elected board member. A board member who fails to obtain certification costs their district two points on the Missouri School Improvement Program review that occurs every five years. Please do your part to help your school meet accreditation standards and ensure effective board governance. Register on the MSBA web page at www.msbanet.org , or print and fax a registration form for one of the upcoming sessions: • January 29 & 30, 2010 in Columbia • February 19 & 20, 2010 in Springfield • March 19 & 20, 2010 in Brookfield Contact the Academy of Public School Governance at 800-221-MSBA (6722), ext. 304 if you have questions about CBM Essential Board Member Certification training or you want to register by phone.
Webcast Addresses Childhood Obesity Issues Healthy kids learn better. With nearly one out of every three children and youth in this country at a heavier weight than is recommended, the health and academic potential of more and more of our students is being put at risk. Public policy is emerging as a critical tool to improve the eating and physical activity environments in which children live, learn, and play. State and local policymakers can play a key role in creating and supporting those policies, particularly within schools. But what are the best policy strategies to help students stay healthy in and around school? The question was addressed during a recent webcast “Leadership in Action” Policymakers Addressing Childhood Obesity Through Collaboration and Policy Change,” sponsored by the National School Boards Association and produced by MSBA’s Education Solutions Global Network. The webcast is now available in archival form on the ESGN website: www.esgn.tv. Simply click on the red and blue promotional graphic for the program that is located on the right side of the ESGN home page. There is no cost for viewing the archive, which can be watched an unlimited number of times. It will be available until July 1, 2010. This webcast is a useful resource and discussion tool for community- and school-based groups (school boards, PTA/PTO councils, city or county councils, etc.) to discuss the important issues around childhood obesity, as well as strategies you can use in your community to address them. The archived program can be shown in segments, paused and re-started as many times as needed to provide you with the opportunity to discuss the program’s content. After accessing the program from the ESGN web page, you can also download the agenda of the original live program as well as presentation slides used in the original broadcast by clicking on the appropriate links next to the broadcast window.
In this issue... l l l l l
School Board Recognition Week to be Observed MSBA’s Spring Regional Meeting Dates DESE Announces “Distinction in Performance” Districts Transfer Those Records MSBA State Officer and BOD Nominations Due
Reminder for Nominating MSBA State Officers & Board of Directors
New Amendments to FMLA Signed Into Law in October
Nominations are being accepted for statewide officers and members of the MSBA Board of Directors. Nominations for officer positions may be submitted by the board member’s own member school board or any other MSBA member board. Nominations for Board of Directors position may be submitted by the board member’s own member school board or any other MSBA member board in the candidate’s respective region.
The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) was amended in 2008 and new regulations were issued in 2009. However, on October 28, 2009 President Obama signed into law yet another change, providing even more coverage for military personnel and their family members.
Nominations for the offices of President-Elect and Vice-President must be submitted to the Nominating Committee by February 10, 2010. Nominations for the Board of Directors positions must be submitted by March 1, 2010. Interviews are tentatively planned for March 9, 2010 with recommendations reported to the MSBA membership by March 25, 2010. Election of officers and Board of Director members will occur during the June 11, 2010 Delegate Assembly, held during the Leadership Summit in June. For additional information including nomination forms, please visit the MSBA web site at www.msbanet.org or call Jim Cherrington at 800-221-MSBA (6722), ext. 339.
Transfer Those Records Did you know that, by law, school districts are required to transfer student records within five days of receiving a request from another school? Did you know that, by law, districts are required to request records within two days of enrolling a new student? Records include academic records, discipline records and special education records. Districts cannot “hold” student records as leverage to make students or their parents pay fines or return district property such as textbooks or uniforms. Why board members need to be concerned Many districts report that it frequently takes ten, fifteen and sometimes thirty days to get records from a sending school. Unfortunately, many of the students whose records are not sent, or are withheld, are high risk students in need of even more school support. • Without accurate records, your district cannot adequately serve the students that transfer to your schools. • Unless your district sends records in a timely manner, your former students who have transferred to other schools may not be getting the educational services they need. Given the availability of scanners, fax machines and any number of express package delivery services, there is no reason why all districts cannot meet the statutory requirements for the transfer of student records. What boards can do • Communicate expectations to staff through policy (see MSBA policy JEC). • Provide for sufficient numbers of office staff. • Invest in technology that makes transfer easier.
In the previous law, the “qualifying exigency leave” under FMLA was only available to non-regular military such as those serving in the Reserves, and their spouses, parents, or children. This type of leave is intended to assist servicemembers and their families when preparing for deployment and allows employees to take FMLA leave to make arrangements for childcare, attend military ceremonies, make financial and legal arrangements, and other activities related to deployment. Family members of full-time servicemembers were previously not eligible for this leave under the theory that those persons should be more prepared to deploy. However, the newest version now expands the qualifying exigency leave to the families of regular servicemembers of the Armed Forces deployed to a foreign country. The “military caregiver leave” was also expanded. This leave provides time off to the spouse, parent, children or next of kin of a servicemember to care for the servicemember in the case of a serious injury or illness incurred in the line of duty. The previous law only applied to current members of Armed Forces, National Guard or Reserves. The new law now also applies to veterans undergoing medical treatment, recuperation or therapy for a serious injury or illness within five years of active duty. In addition, the definition of “serious injury or illness” was expanded to include not only injuries or illnesses that occurred during active duty, but also those that existed before the active duty and were aggravated by the active duty service. The definition also will include illness or injuries that manifest themselves after the servicemember becomes a veteran, such as post-traumatic stress disorder. As before, FMLA is an unpaid leave. However, the district must continue health insurance and allow the employee to return to the same or an equivalent position if the employee is absent for an FMLA qualifying reason. MSBA expects the FMLA regulations to be revised again to reflect the newest changes in the law. In the meantime, MSBA has revised its standard policies to reflect the new changes.
School Board Recognition Week to be Observed Missourians benefit every day from the dedicated energies and countless hours given by a group of more than 3,600 men and women in every community across the state. These public servants are elected by local constituents and do not receive compensation for their tireless efforts. These men and women are the local school board members of Missouri. During the week of January 24 – 30, communities across the state will honor the dedicated service of local boards of education during School Board Recognition Week as declared by Governor Jay Nixon. The goal is to build awareness and understanding of the important function a board of education plays in communities and schools. All Missouri citizens are asked to recognize the important contributions of these men and women and focus attention on the vital role school boards play in the education of Missouri’s children. School Board Recognition Week is sponsored by the Missouri School Boards’ Association.
District Spotlight Park Hill School District • Region 4
Worth Nodaway
Livingston Buchanan
Schuyler Scotland
Grundy Daviess
Carroll Clay
St Clair
Ralls Pike
Montgomery Callaway
Pulaski Dallas
Crawford Washington
Greene Lawrence
Ste Genevieve St Perry Francois
St. Louis City
St Louis Franklin
St Charles
Osage Gasconade
Moniteau Henry
The Park Hill School districts is the first school district ever to receive the Missouri Quality Award. Superintendent Dr. Dennis Fisher announced that Park Hill is the only school district in the 17-year history of this award to earn the distinction.
Cape Girardeau
Bollinger Wayne
Howell Taney
Stoddard Butler
New Madrid
Pemiscot Dunklin
The Missouri Quality Award recognizes an organization’s commitment to meeting its customers’ needs and to using the bestavailable processes for everything it does. This award is aligned with the exacting standards of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. Park Hill spent the last several years aligning our processes with these standards, and district administrators Dr. Mark Miles and Dr. Jeff Klein spent months working through the application and the site visit. The Missouri Quality Award demonstrates to the Park Hill community the world-class level of excellence that our schools are achieving. It also comes with a detailed report from the site-visit team, which will identify both strengths and opportunities for improvement. “This award shows our commitment to continuous improvement,” Dr. Fisher said. “It would not have been possible without the people here in Park Hill. Our teachers and support staff are second to none, and our parents and community provide the support we need to achieve these great heights.”
MSBA is now accepting Request for Proposals (RFP) for the concurrent sessions at the 2010 Annual Conference Deadline for proposal submission is: MARCH 12, 2010 Visit MSBA’s web site at www.msbanet.org for on-line submission or call 800-221-MSBA (6722) for further assistance.
Collective Bargaining and Labor Relations Resources at Your Fingertips MSBA’s Employment and Labor Relations Department has several resources available now for member districts to use when making personnel decisions. All of these resources are located at MSBA’s website, under the “Law and Policy” tab, and then “Employment and Labor Relations” tab. School Personnel Information Database –This database contains the raw information your district needs to set salaries, compare benefits and make policy decisions in an easy-to-use, searchable format. The database includes information on teachers, extra-duty assignments, paraprofessionals, nurses, clerical staff, bus drivers and mechanics, custodians and maintenance workers and food service. Labor Agreement Bank – Collectively bargained agreements entered into by Missouri public schools are available online for districts to review. The agreements may be sorted by district, union, enrollment, and employee classification. Salary Schedule Bank – Salary schedules of teachers and noncertificated staff are available for electronic viewing and may be sorted by district, enrollment and employee classification. Missouri School Employment News – MSBA has created an electronic newsletter covering state and federal laws impacting personnel decisions made by Missouri public schools.
Free Video Program Available for School Board Candidates School board candidates will be interested in viewing a video program titled “Serving on a School Board – A Guide for School Board Candidates” that will be available on the MSBA web site after January 15. This program will cover the basics of school board service and will prepare candidates to hit the ground running should they be elected in April. The program is free and will be available through the end of February. In addition, a legal guide for school board candidates is posted on the MSBA web site. This guide provides candidates with important information they’ll want to know as they run for their local board.
MSBA’s Spring Regional Meetings At the 2009 Winter Regional Leadership Committee meetings the members established set dates for the MSBA Spring and Fall Regional meetings. Keeping the same day of the month for the regional meetings allows board members and school personnel to know the date months in advance. The dates for the Spring Regional meetings are: Region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Set Schedule 4th Monday in April 1st Wednesday in May 3rd Tuesday in April 4th Wednesday in April 3rd Thursday in April 1st Wednesday in May 4th Thursday in April 3rd Wednesday in April 4th Tuesday in April 4th Tuesday in April 1st Tuesday in May 3rd Tuesday in April 4th Monday in April 3rd Monday in April 4th Thursday in April 1st Tuesday in May 3rd Wednesday in April
2010 Date April 26, 2010 May 5, 2010 April, 20, 2010 April 28, 2010 April 15, 2010 May 5, 2010 April 22, 2010 April 21, 2010 April 27, 2010 April 27, 2010 May 4, 2010 April 20, 2010 April 26, 2010 April 19, 2010 April 22, 2010 May 4, 2010 April 21, 2010
School district and building location are still being set for some meetings. The information will be distributed as soon as available.
Upcoming MSBA Education Opportunities - Financial Issues Web Casts This series of seven web casts is designed to enhance the level of knowledge of school board members thus enabling them to work more effectively with administrators and staff. The dates and topics to be covered are: • January 14, 2010 – Financial Health • February 11, 2010 – The Budget Process • March 11, 2010 – Understanding Financial Terminology • April, 22, 2010 – Salary Compliance • May 13, 2010 – Ledger Basics • June 10, 2010 – The Audit Process • July 8, 2010 – Setting the Tax Levy For program content information contact: Mike Parnell, MSBA Director of Education Funding, 800-221-MSBA (6722), ext. 412. For individual programs: Go to www.esgn.tv, click on ESGN Shop and select either ‘Live Video Streams’ or ‘Videos on Demand’ (credit card purchase required). For Financial Issues Series: To register for all seven programs in the series, contact Jeanie Rhoades, MSBA Director of Distance Learning at rhoades@ msbanet.org.
2010 Labor Legislative Relations Forum Pre-Forum Plan to Attend the 2010 Legislative Forum and Pre-Forum February 15–16, 2010 • Capitol Plaza Hotel • Jefferson City
Labor Relations Pre-Forum
February 15 • 9a.m. – 4p.m. 2 CBM Credits ALL new topics to be covered: • How Collective Bargaining Affects Student Achievement • Negotiating Techniques When There is No Money • Grievances Clauses and Language that Causes Grievances • What Legislative Language Could Do For You
2010 Legislative Forum
February 16 • 9a.m. – 4p.m. 1 CBM Credit MSBA’s lobbyists and guest speakers from the General Assembly will discuss the latest education issues being debated in Jefferson City and the bills to watch during the legislative session. Contact your legislators and invite them to join you at our lunch (free of charge) or make an appointment to meet with them in the afternoon. Legislative Forum Schedule: 8:00 – 9:00 a.m. Registration 9:00 – 11:30 a.m. General Session 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. Lunch (sponsored by Commerce Bank) 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Visits to the Capitol 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. MSBA Open House To register visit the MSBA website at www.msbanet.org or call 800-221-MSBA (6722), ext. 303.
The workshop will cover the most pertinent and timely employment law issues affecting school districts today. Tuesday, February 23, 2010 Holiday Inn Select Executive Center – Columbia Registration $85, including lunch and materials ($100 after 2-17-10) 2 CBM Credits If you have not used your free registration coupon for filling out the 2009-2010 School Personnel Survey, this is your last chance! For more information or to register on-line visit MSBA’s web site at www.msbanet.org. or call Jamie at 800-221-MSBA (6722), ext.303.
board bulletin is published monthly by the missouri school boards’ association. address all correspondence to: Editor, 2100 I-70 Drive SW, Columbia, MO 65203, 800-221-MSBA (6722), Fax 573 445-9981 or email info@msbanet.org Vol. VIII, NO. 1. Copyright 2010 MSBA. All Rights Reserved.