Waves test mod key pdf

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Physical Science: Waves Test KEY Directions: Circle the correct answer to each question and write the letter on the line.

______ 1. What type of wave is shown below? A. Transverse B. Longitudinal C. Compressional ______ 2. What type of wave is shown below?

A. Transverse B. Longitudinal C. Electromagnetic ______ 3. What are the areas that are spaced close together in the wave called?

A. Rarefactions B. Crests C. Compressions ______ 4. What are the areas that are spaced far apart in the wave called? A. Rarefactions B. Troughs C. Compressions


______ 5. What is the distance between two adjacent crests or troughs called? A. Amplitude B. Wavelength C. Frequency ______ 6. What is the lowest point on the wave called? A. Trough B. Crest C. Refraction ______ 7. What is the highest point on the wave called?

A. Trough B. Crest C. Amplitude ______ 8. What do all mechanical waves require? A. An gas to travel through B. A vacuum through space C. A medium to travel through


______ 9. Which is a true statement about electromagnetic waves? A. They require a medium to travel through B. None of these waves are dangerous C. They can travel through a vacuum or empty space

______ 10. What type of wave are sound waves?

A. Longitudinal waves B. Radio waves C. Transverse waves

______ 11. What is a wave’s maximum displacement from rest position called? A. Wavelength B. Frequency C. Amplitude

______ 12. What is the only part of the electromagnetic spectrum that we can see? A. X-­‐rays B. Microwaves C. Visible light ______ 13. What part of the electromagnetic spectrum has the highest frequency and shortest wavelength?

A. Radio waves B. Gamma rays C. UV (ultraviolet) rays


______ 14. Which color in the visible light spectrum has the lowest frequency and the longest wavelength? A. Orange B. Red C. Violet

______ 15. What type of wave behavior is shown below? A. Reflection B. Refraction C. Diffraction

______ 16. Which statement is true? A. As wave frequency increases, wavelength also increases B. As wave frequency increases, wavelength remains constant C. As wave frequency increase, wavelength decreases

______ 17. What type of electromagnetic wave takes pictures of your bones? A. X-­‐rays B. Gamma rays C. Radio waves


______ 18. What type of electromagnetic wave can cause sunburns, premature aging, and skin cancer? A. Microwaves B. UV (ultraviolet) rays C. Radio waves

______ 19. What is the wave speed of a wave that has a wavelength of 5 meters and a frequency of 2 hertz? Formula: Wave Speed = Wave Length x Frequency A. 10 m/s B. 20 m/s C. 7 m/s

______ 20. What is the bending of a wave as it enters a new medium called? A. Reflection B. Refraction C. Diffraction

______ 21. What is the bending of a wave as it passes through a narrow opening or around an obstacle called?

A. Reflection B. Refraction C. Diffraction


______ 22. What type of wave interference is shown below?

______ 23.

A. Constructive interference B. Destructive interference Which wave shown below has the highest frequency?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

______ 24.

Who’s wave has a greater amplitude?

A. Giraffe B. Mouse


______ 25. What unit is frequency measured in? A. Hertz (Hz) B. Joules (J) C. Newtons (N) ______ 26. Which part of the electromagnetic spectrum has the longest wavelength, lowest energy, & lowest frequency?

A. Gamma rays B. Radio waves C. Visible light

______ 27. What type of wave interference is shown below? A. Constructive interference B. Destructive interference ______ 28. Which color listed below has the shortest wavelength? A. Red B. Green C. Violet


______ 29. What do mechanical waves and electromagnetic waves have in common? A. They can both travel through a vacuum B. They both require a medium C. They both carry energy ______ 30. The combination of a transverse wave and a longitudinal wave is called what? Hint: Found in the ocean. A. Mechanical wave B. Surface wave C. Electromagnetic wave Good job! You finished! Turn in your test to Ms. Britt.


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