VAPE News Magazine Winter 2018

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NEWS, BUSINESS & CULTURE VAPE Magazine is the only international vaping industry focused magazine with more than 35,000 readership in the United States, Europe and Asia, where vaping professionals

EDITORIAL Publisher Matt Schramel 800-958-6427 x2 Editor in Chief Corey Noles Managing Editor Chris Mellides Art Director Van Avazando Graphic Designer Anil Verma

Letter from the Editor Dear readers, It’s hard to believe the end of 2018 is already upon us. The older I get, the faster they seem to fly by — I always thought that was just something old people say. To close out this year, a tumultuous one for vapers to say the least, we decided to take on a number of important topics. Tony Ottomanelli tackled the issue of junk science and its relation to the industry — some good, some bad. His piece calling into question the value of random Internet surveys is something many vapers could stand to read. Some things aren’t all they appear on the surface. Angela Garrity, who was also recently named our new Social Media Coordinator (Congrats, Ang!), poured through a number of starter kits recently. With the new year just around the corner, it seemed the right time to tackle these. So if you have a loved one ready to take the plunge off of the stinkies, give this a read to help them pick the device that might actually be best for them. We also have several photo essays from recent shows including Vape Shop Events Tampa and National Vape Expo — neither of which will soon be forgotten. As we move into 2019, just like last year we have some exciting things on the horizon! I wish I could unveil our cover plans for the year, but we keep those tight lipped — even to our staff. Just try me when I say new and cool things are on the horizon! I wish you all a wonderful holiday season, and know that you will all be in our hearts as we close out 2018. Thanks for reading — and Merry Christmas! Corey Noles Editor in Chief VAPE News Wholesaler VAPE News Magazine

Social Media Manager Angela Garrity Director of Photography Ezra Zuniga Contributors Corey Noles, Norm Bour Tony Ottomanelli Chris Mellides, John Castle Susan Oser, Todd Richard Angela Garrity ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Executive Officer Matt Schramel Executive Assistant Erin Aly ADVERTISING Jacob Barger, 949-910-2138 China-based advertisers contact Wingle Group Electronics LTD +852 51759256 CONTACT Advertising News New Products Employment VAPE Magazine is wholly owned by Starpixel Marketing LLC 6209 Mid Rivers Mall Dr,Suite 194 Saint Peters, MO 63304 800-958-6427



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Kennedy Vapor: The Vindicator mechanical tube mod Duvo Apex/Predator Mech Combo hits like a Beast SMOK: X-Force Kit


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Bogus vape study findings are nothing but distraction The problem with using surveys to study vaping The drama in Vape Advocacy The best Starter Kits for a New Year’s Resolution Zophie Vapes: Vaper, Cosplayer, Entrepreneur




California’s proposed flavor ban highlights State hypocrisy

National Vape Expo: Denver 2019 Vape Shop Events Dodges Hurricane Michael and Kicks Ass


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Hardware Prospects Just In Juices

California’s Proposed Flavor Ban Highlights 18 COLUMNS @VAPEMAGAZINE


“W same philosophy.

hat happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.” If only San Francisco had that

Sadly, what started in San Francisco – Proposition E – has not stayed in San Francisco. Twenty five other city and county jurisdictions within California have taken up the same anti-consumer stance and chosen to prohibit flavored vapor products, condemning California’s adults to remain tied within reach of their former smoking habit – if not to go back to that habit outright. Now the entire state may impose that same stance on all Californians.

Six California lawmakers introduced a pair of related bills on Monday, December 3, 2018 — Senate Bill 38 and Senate Bill 39 — which would prohibit the sale of flavored vapor products at brick and mortar points of sale, and tighten age verification measures for online sales, respectively.


Reportedly, these measures come in response to underage vaping. In practical terms, they will limit the choices of legal adults


purchasing a legal product, in lieu of Californians exercising their parental responsibilities by monitoring and correcting the behavior of their children, or alternatively by stepping up age verification compliance enforcement with retailers.


To put it another way: If you live in California, because Dad-bro and Mom-babe can’t be bothered with keeping an eye on little Billy and Janie, your freedom of choice will be curtailed. Under the current draft of SB38, retailers found to be in violation of the ban would face monetary penalties of between $400 and $600 for a first violation, up to and including $5,000 to $6,000 for the fifth violation within a five year period. SB39 hits even harder. Online sales would also require stricter age verification measures. Online sellers found to have sold to consumers under 21 would face monetary penalties along a similar but even steeper model: $1,000 to $2,000 for the first violation, going up to $10,000 for the fifth violation within a five year period. The six officials behind the bill are Sens. Jerry Hill, D-San Mateo, Steve Glazer, D-Orinda; Anthony Portantino, D-La Cañada Flintridge (Los Angeles County); Connie Leyva, D-Chino (San Bernardino County); and Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco; and Assemblyman Kevin McCarty, D-Sacramento.

According to Hill: “By banning retail sales of flavored tobacco products and setting stringent age verification requirements for online sales of tobacco, we can prevent a new generation from becoming addicted to nicotine.”


The immediate flaw in Senator Hill’s reasoning here should be obvious: teens have been accessing nicotine illegally for decades before the advent of vaping in the United States. Underage smoking, in fact, goes at least as far back even within popular culture as the character of Huckleberry Finn. And just as the availability of flavored vapor products in convenience stores didn’t give birth to this problem, removing products from the choices available to adults isn’t going to solve the problem. While the planned legislation could take months to make its way to a vote, California Democrats insist on making legislative changes ahead of the U.S. FDA’s own, similar measures. Those measures are less burdensome on vapor products, confining products with characterizing flavors to adultonly retailers such as vape shops and tobacconists, while also expanding to prohibit menthol in traditional cigarettes and flavors in “little cigars.” The FDA’s measures, however, could take years to work their way through the administrative process from policy to regulation.

Speaking in regard to that, Senator Hill said:

“…specific prohibitions and restrictions need to have the full force of the law behind them. In California, we can and should put that law on the books as soon as possible.” Meanwhile, tobacco control groups are already voicing enthusiastic support. African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council Founding Member and Co-Chair Carol McGruder said: “The African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council is heartened at the progressive leadership shown by Senator Jerry Hill and the other lawmakers co-authoring this

legislation. The proposed bill to prohibit the sales of menthol cigarettes and all other flavored tobacco products, including flavored e-cigarettes, will ensure California’s children are protected from a lifetime addiction to these deadly products.” It may well also protect one of the State of California’s prime revenue streams: adult smokers who will continue to smoke and contract smoking-related illnesses, ensuring that dollars continue to flow via “sin taxes” and the state’s share of Master Settlement Agreement money. After all, on a legislative level, it’s a curiosity at this point that the State of California hasn’t even attempted to prohibit the retail sale of traditional combustible tobacco products in toto, nor presumably has it taken action similar to that proposed in Senate Bill 39 with regard to online purchases of traditional, combustible tobacco products. If, that is, it was ever really a case of California “protecting the children.”




Vape Study Findings are Nothing but Distraction



ince the vape industry began its ascension nearly a decade ago, within the global market there have been endless attempts to discredit the technology.

Make no mistake, the majority of the opposers in the vape industry do not believe in all those bogus conclusions reported by the barrage of anti vape scientific studies. All those claims about vaping and the adverse health effects these devices could cause have always been outlandish. From popcorn lung to formaldehyde and damaging DNA correlations — the list goes on and on.

For example, we’ve seen them pull out all the stops, claiming that vaping increases exposure to known carcinogens that could cause cancer and even how vaping has been shown to be linked to heart attacks — it is only a matter of time before they make up some garbage study linking vaping spreading the HIV virus. Outlandish assumption? Indeed. Though, not nearly as outlandish as when we combine all these other invalid and unreliable research conclusions. In college level courses, you will learn that, the two primary factors that a research study must have are validity and reliability, in which all such studies reveal none of either.




Believing Lies vs. Exaggerating Misinformation The point here is that these blatant reports of hogwashed gibberish were merely distracting vapers from what the community should have been actively doing. These claims were nothing more than tests to see how far we would let them go. In other words, think of it as a series of pop quizzes or a misinformation ambush, whatever you want to call it. However, the “gateway theory� may be something the anti-vape establishment does actually believe to be true and thus, likely to perpetuate misinformation on this topic abundantly further. Regardless, if the general public is falling for their lies, then, in a sense, vapers certainly do, too. Vapers are not usually gullible enough to believe them. In turn, vapers are passionate enough to defend the truth

about vaping. This means since our emotional responses are the quickest defense mechanism, this has become a vulnerability.

Vapers are so quick to prove them wrong and jump on every word said about vaping, especially when they claim how the vape community cannot prove that vapor products are helpful for smoking cessation.


Either way, this is a very personal matter. Most vapers quit smoking because the existing vaping experience provided options, hence creating diversified variety with flavors.


Smoking was first believed to be a healthy habit in the old days and then it was medically proven to be unhealthy which produced a socially constructed strategy to portray it into a shameful behavior. Vapers were able to transition and it was glorious. Then they began shaming vapers and not listening to the endless amount of testimonials of former smokers who credit vape products for saving their lives.

The Anti-Vape Establishment Altogether, vapers have learned over the years that the anti-vape establishment is just populated by people with careers who are trying to keep them — to remain relevant. Yet, that is no excuse to lie, deceive and push for changes in policy and legislation all over the world that is in direct contradiction to factual evidence and harmful to public health. Yet, the vape community can never fall victim to calling it whatever they

choose to call it. Vapers must not fall for the outlandish claims, labels or sensationalized vocabulary terms used to embellish their false narratives — which are not cohesive to the message vapers ultimately preach.

the spectrum from what we know to be the truth.

We must stop focusing on the nonsense they spew. NY State Democrat, Linda Rosenthal describes vaping as “spewing aerosol” and this is a blatant disregard for all the lives saved by vape products and utterly offensive. So, perhaps the lies they tell are spewed too.

The anti-vape establishment is impressively brilliant and Therefore, focusing on what information that vape advocates highly strategic are proving as truth seems far more beneficial than focusing on any from a business nonsense coming from these fanatical spawns of Puritanism, poisoning standpoint, with the scientific community with their an unrivaled game rhetorical narratives of falsehoods. plan. They tend to Too harsh? Overly dramatic? Perhaps. deal in absolutes Although, if you recall, at least I and to argue in referred to them as being impressively brilliant as well. Regardless, “extremes” — misinformation, disinformation and knowingly lying is simply making the adhering to the world turn nowadays. Maybe these fanatics should ask themselves “How opposite end of do we prefer to be remembered?


The Problem with


Using Surveys to Study Vaping


here have been countless research studies conducted on vaping that have been primarily done by the use of of circulating surveys, in which these applied methods may produce inaccurate data. In other words, survey research is indeed unreliable. Therefore, many research studies on vaping may require a Secondary Analysis. Sociology can be the premier academic discipline to help identify the mistakes looming atop the massive


mound of data and content. Resources that have been produced as factual and valid, even though most of it is based on opinion, investment, values and overall bias towards the collaborations of gathering more and more knowledge on ways to learn about the vaping lifestyle and the effects of vaping. So many research studies have been performed or carried out in such a way that could be seen as unprofessional, rushed or attempting to please a particular group. Many researchers have made countless claims from their own studies that are noticeably inaccurate

due to their own values and beliefs serving as a pair of drunk goggles. Essentially viewing the circumstance through foggy, impaired, blurred, askew and nearly blinding lenses. No matter what is being studied or whom may be conducting the actual research, mistakes will be made time and time again. This is because those who are doing this work are only human. However, they still have a professional responsibility to make an ethical stance when making their data conclusive and submitting it for public record.


The problem is so many people accept these published reports on their research as absolute truth and reliable validity, no matter how much large the margin of error. This is one of the many ways sociology can be so helpful for these types of situations. Social Scientists are among the only intellectuals of academia who can determine where the errors reside as well as offering the most comprehensive secondary analysis and replication.

Secondary Analysis

The process of secondary analysis is an examination of data already collected by other researchers. Social Scientists

are best equipped with the capabilities needed for a far more thorough investigation — re-evaluating published data, testing theory against facts, fact against belief, belief against reality. In retrospect, many of the survey research studies used to discredit the vape industry are prime examples of why the discipline of sociology is such a necessity for our citizens to consider as the more trusted option for researching social issues.

Sociology essentially locates, discovers and labels particular social issues of any magnitude.

Social scientists will then define the issues, analyze them, categorize them and ultimately suggest the most reasonable solutions for those particular social issues. Above all, sociology asks questions for long term consideration of the big picture, thinking in hindsight, per se.


The Dark Background of Survey Research

Though it may seem like a harsh interpretation, yet it has indeed become known to the research community as a fact. “Survey researchers try to minimize errors but survey data often contain them. Errors in surveys can compound one another” (Neuman 2007:198). Receiving information that will translate as 100% facts from a person evaluating their own behavior will inevitably continue to be from a one-sided perspective — their own perspective. Basically, any researcher knows that they’re doomed to receive invalid answers

when inquiring about an individual person’s private or personal behaviors and memory recollection of passing internal snapshot-type thoughts and subconscious emotional reactions or feelings.

Passing out surveys to a high number of people is simply a research technique for the sole purpose of getting quick results, inconclusive data that serves as a strategy to help researchers decipher their target audience and who they should use for sampling or a way to produce

numbers representing their own beliefs and values, because they are hoping those numbers can calculate out a preconceived notion or a vested interest. James Henslin sheds some light on exactly the topic we are tackling. The textbook, Sociology: A Down to Earth Approach features a section called “Loading the Dice: How Not To Do Research,” Henslin brings the topic at hand to reality with a down-to-earth type of explanation. Henslin writes, “The methods of science lend themselves to distortion, misrepresentation and fraud.” Consider the following information: Surveys show that American


human and they can also make mistakes and get caught up in their own theoretical assumptions and relentless curiosities, but it is a very lazy research technique stained with margin of error. In the book Basics of Social Research: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches by W. Lawrence Neuman. It states, “An important limitation of survey research is that it provides data only of what a person or organization says, and this may differ from what he or she actually does” (Neuman 2007).


overwhelmingly prefer Toyotas to Chryslers — Surveys also reveal that Americans overwhelmingly prefer Chryslers to Toyotas.


Another example consists of other data from surveys showing that “Americans think that cloth diapers are better for the environment than disposable diapers — also surveys reveal that Americans think that disposable diapers are better for the environment than cloth diapers (Henslin 2010).” Obviously, opposite findings cannot be true. In fact, both sets of findings do come from surveys circulated by socalled professional researchers. Henslin states, “It turns out that some researchers load the dice. Hired by firms that have a vested interest in the outcome of the research, they deliver the results their clients are looking for.” There are six basic ways of loading the dice:

1. Choose a Biased Sample 2. Ask Biased Questions 3. List Biased Choices 4. Discard Undesirable Results 5. Misunderstand the Subjects’ World 6. Analyze the Data Incorrectly

Sociological Interpretation

Ethics are a fundamental concern to social scientists, who are highly committed to openness, honesty, truth and protecting their subjects from harm when involved in any type of research study involving participants. This is why Sociologists so often suggest secondary analysis, which is, as noted earlier, the examination of data already collected by other researchers. Not to mention, the concept of replication is also another approach that comes highly recommended by social scientists, which is repeating a study in order to test the validity of its findings. Since surveys produce stats, it is essentially in the form of an equated number that can be quickly sensationalized with the ability to create a narrative behind it, as if they discovered some new social phenomenon or newly acquired fact unbeknownst to the public. Whether these quick numbers are actually truthful facts or exaggerated opinions and falsehoods, they boast these numbers of high probable error by publishing them as recorded data and reporting them to the major news media outlets. Then again, researchers are only

Despite the popularity of using surveys in research, W. Lawrence Neuman claims, “it is easy to conduct a survey that yields misleading or worthless results. Good surveys require thought and effort.” At this point, hopefully it is obvious that surveying research participants is extremely inconsistent, perhaps maybe so much that inaccuracies may result in categorizing such research as, frankly, invalid.

Surveys are merely a starting point when searching for answers to research questions. This becomes a problem when we are never reminded of this fact and simply resort to accepting the information gathered from surveys as “end-all, be-all” facts. An even broader perspective would suggest the reality is this: Researchers will research, Investors will invest, Legislators will legislate, Vapers will still vape. Regardless, if we never address the errors in vaping research, then our apathy will only perpetuate more and more ways for allowing any person or group to decide the fate of how to regulate vape.


The Drama in Vape Advocacy



I’ve been vaping since ages!!


Oh!! Really??

Flavor ban is the most important issue right now!

e! agre smoke t s i d I hand rtan po nd c e S oe most imuss! is th to disc

I got 5000 likes on my Advocacy Facebook page!!! :)

It seems there has never been this level of immature statements, unsubstantiated gossip, biased opinions, inflated egos, borderline harassment and unproven assumptions all exchanged into a never-ending rumormill that results in unnecessary and petty disputes.

These scenarios were not nearly as much of an issue before the FDA regulations were announced on May 5, 2016. From social media experiences, this was never the case prior to 8/8, the date in which the FDA deeming regulations went into effect.

This type of response undoubtedly offends the individual vaper and a strange argument ensues — typically becoming far off-topic and tarnishing relationships in the process. The most powerful of all established advocacy groups in America are strategybased and results-oriented. In fact, they might be right.

Altogether, there are some advocates who have dedicated their entire lives to this social movement, often times without compensation. So, when individual advocates ask advocate groups for their support, the group’s tend to be more strategic and know how certain events will turn out, so they suggest it is not the right time for them to express their idea for advocating.


The anti-vape establishment sought out to expose our potential weaknesses and they unfortunately became victorious as vapers simultaneously attacked one another, shooting-down any possible advocating campaigns.

The worst part about this unfortunate mishap is that vapers let it happen by directly participating in all of these worthless arguments about which direction every tobacco harm reduction advocate should focus on and how they should be thinking. Additionally, whatever they may decide to move forward with should be asked for through a procedure of consensus and permission from other specific advocates.


It seems the FDA succeeded in ripping apart the spirit of our community, transforming our once respectful and unified community into a marginalized group of whining amateurs.

The Situation

The Circumstances

Rather than all vapers moving together in the same direction fueled by unity, passion and respect — vapers have now branched off into smaller groups moving in opposite directions and everyone thinks they know what’s best. There have been moments within any of tbignhe major social media outlets where I’ve directly seen circumstances involving one vaper telling other vapers not to move forward with their own plans or whatever they had organized because another particular group thought of it first and will therefore be more successful.


Do we all need to think outside-the-box about how to make things much less difficult for the industry to achieve victories?


In some cases, there have been individuals who have devised an extremely creative and ingenious plan of action for advocating on behalf of the Vaping industry, yet their plan was only met with extreme opposition and criticisms - It’s as if every solution any Vaping advocate or advocacy group has planned has already been put in motion by somebody else or some other group.

These disagreements often discourage vapers with a proactive agenda - thus assuring the creation of discouraged vaping advocates — it is such a disappointing spectacle to witness and observe.

All in all, it is comforting to learn of so many countless vape advocates attempting to take initiative, build solidarity and show leadership, but they are continually undermined by other fellow devoted vaping adherents in our “VapeFam.” Advocates need to unite together and do many things — one at a time, get organized then mobilize. We’re all too eager which surely makes sense, it is not like we have all the time in the world. Yet, we are also far too judgmental, especially against one another. Therefore, this level of competitiveness among advocates must subside before we implode from within. Perhaps it is a good time for all Vape advocates to realize that the time is now for us to all hit the start-over button and regroup.

Unity was once the grand champion and greatest pride of the vape community, yet this is not necessarily still the case in the United States. There has been a number of isolated incidents that tend to occur each day in a vaper’s most cherished hangout spot — a popular place for vapers to congregate and communicate, finishing only second to hanging in the vape shops as the number one spot to be, which is the growing social media scene.


The escalating dissatisfaction among vapers was clearly justified, yet the suspicion and disrespectful comments made between one another rose to new heights once the restrictions came into effect on August 8th, 2016 and are by no means justified — though somewhat understandable from all the widespread frustration.

The Effects

Taking this into account, the installation of intrusive government regulations on the vaping industry has undoubtedly raised more awareness, inspired more scientific research as well as increased the desire of individual advocates to prove their devotion to the vaping lifestyle.

Coincidentally, the prohibitive rules on vapor product businesses also has influenced the general public with tall tales and false information — mainly communicated to them directly from supposedly reputable and reliable mainstream media, health and government outlets.


All of this misinformation being shared has driven the vape community crazy since we are all so involved as passionate believers connected to this effective form of harm reduction that allowed all of us to quit smoking. In conclusion, it has been a shame to witness so many showdowns madeup of vape advocate vs. vape advocate arguments to cause vapers to have so many different approaches to providing support for their own social movement. Is the process of creating too many smaller factions within the vape community used as a strategy to breakaway from the larger pro-vaping social movement? Simultaneously, is this process also discouraging many from desiring to continue advocating? Of course, it is only natural for human beings to eventually have disagreements especially when facing nearly unbeatable opponents, but at the same time we all need to put our egos aside and realize that we are much stronger and dedicated if we work together as one and communicate efficiently. So, I only have one last point to make and it is the form of a well-known question — “Can’t we all just get along?”

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t s e B e h T ars’ a r o f s rter Kit

e Y w n e o i t u l N o s e R Sta



new year always brings about changes and goals people want to accomplish for themselves. Weight loss, new job, getting more exercise, saving money, and eating healthier are always heard in multitudes at the approach of a new 365 days on the calendar. But how about the decision to quit using tobacco? While most New Year’s resolutions fail, giving up smoking is the one that has never been easier to keep. New Year’s Day is a perfect quit day. Everyone has their goals set and is putting them into action all around, so a smoker

won’t feel as awkward walking into a vape shop. The employees at vape shops are knowledgeable and can recommend products in making a smoker’s transition to vaping personalized, as most were smokers themselves at one time. Selecting the right setup is critical for a smoker’s success. There are a lot of variables to consider when making the setup choice, which is why brick and mortar vape shop employees are essential to this process. Smokers will not find this type of needs assessment being done by their local convenience store clerk. Matching a smoker to a setup especially designed for them, is as unique as a fingerprint, so take a look into a few options that may help them find their own way into living a tobacco free life.

Innokin Kroma-A 75 watts in an ultra-compact kit with lots of options including mouth to lung and direct to lung vaping, an internal 2000 mAh Lipo battery with 2amp micro USB quick charge allows vapers to vape while charging. The innovative design of the Zenith tank even prevents e-liquid flooding and gurgling.

Smok Infinix It is possible to have ease of use and dense clouds with the Infinix. Charge the 250mAh battery, click in a 2ml pod of an e-liquid of choice and vape.


Bo Plus Don’t wait to vape. The 27.6-inch charging cable allows vaping while charging and comes with a USB-C connection. This device charges in 15 minutes. An 800mAH battery provides around two days of use from a single charge and is compatible with existing Bo Caps.

Lost Vape Orion The chipset is able to auto detect pod resistance to adjust to different settings, 45 minutes to full charge on a 950mAh lithium polymer battery, easily change power levels with the press of a button. The first DNA board designed specifically for a pod mod.

Hava One Look no further than a pod system with options. Three power output modes, ceramic or cotton coil options and all in one metal body in several color choices.

t s e B The ars’ or a f s t i K r e t

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Mi-Pod These little devices offer finishes for everyone. Appealing to both genders, Mi-Pods are simple to use and are available in a plethora of designs. Fill the 2ml pod with a favorite e-liquid, click in place and vape.

Wake Littlefoot kit This aesthetically pleasing compact system packs 60 watts into a 2000mAh battery, black or white body options and two types of coils for the sub ohm tank.

Vaporesso Luxe kit The advanced OMNI board 4.0 chipset and full scale TFT color display help make this 220-watt mod a solid choice. Paired with the 8mL child-proof top fill method, the kit is optimized for a both a beginner and seasoned vaper.

Pulse X kit New to vaping or squonking? Check out the Pulse X kit. The 8mL chubby squonk bottle is ready to recoup your favorite e-liquid back into the bottle and runs on a single 18650, 20700 or 21700 battery. Ergonomics anyone?

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Inspired by classic Nike shoes and available in three color options, this triple 18650 mod pushes up to 300 watts on its TFT color screen.


JUUL This closed system device is quite effective for a particular niche of vaper. The tight mouth to lung draw, ease of use, and used to be former heavy smokers keep users returning to the simplicity offered by JUUL. The fact that pods can be purchased at virtually every convenience store in the country is another bonus.

The technology changes quickly in the vaping industry and keeping up is no easy task. Devices are as unique as the owners themselves. The only constant is that vaping moves forward, ever evolving and ever changing. Vaping is truly more versatile than smoking could ever have imaged being. No matter the device, the choice to leave behind the life of being a smoker is a very personal decision and one to be celebrated. Congratulate and welcome them on finding vape life in the New Year!


Zophie Vapes Vaper | Cosplayer | Entrepreneur



ince making her debut on YouTube, Zophie has been adamant about sharing her experiences with vaping, in an effort to educate her viewership comprised of some that aren’t all too familiar with the reduced harm alternative.



Like so many others, Zophie had once been in this position herself until a friend suggested that she try vaping back in 2012.


Before she considered vaping, Zophie smoked cigarettes for nine years and would smoke anywhere from half a pack or more. She remembers that her friend was using an eGo-C Twist, which at the time was being celebrated as highly innovative. “I didn’t really like it,” Zophie admits, “but he sent me to the vape shop anyways, and it was really crowded, and I hung out with him constantly.”

“I kept trying it more often and it took me a long time, but eventually I made the switch completely, but what really made me switch to it was using mech mods,” she continued. While she says that she uses mech mods every now and again, she refrains from promoting them on social media and pulls back from reviewing them on her channel, because she “doesn’t want people picking up mech mods.” Zophie has found value in pod-based systems which have surged in popularity and are far removed from the mechanical mod space. Like mech mods, Zophie also refrains from promoting products that have come under scrutiny in the public sphere, like JUUL.

Since making the transition to vaping, Zophie has experienced several health benefits. She’s been able to breathe better and wasn’t coughing nearly as much as she had when she was a smoker. Oddly enough, while some vapers have experienced sensitivities to propylene glycol (PG), nicotine as well as other additives, Zophie was dealt a hand when she realized that she was allergic to excessive sweeteners. “I started eliminating everything, one by one and then I switched to an e-liquid with no added sweetener, but with all the other stuff and it was fine,” she said. Inspired by vape reviewers like Rip Trippers, Zophie first started her vaping channel on YouTube four years ago. She was sixth months into her vaping journey by this point and was experimenting with building coils right as she made her presence known on the YouTube platform. Zophie says that she had no idea that her channel would get as big as it has. “I only made like six videos and then I quit for six months.” “And when I logged back onto YouTube all of sudden there was 1,200 subscribers and I was thinking ‘okay, well maybe there’s something there’ and then I started posting videos regularly and the channel just exploded.” As of writing this piece, Zophie’s subscriber count is resting at 290,000.

With the attack on flavored e-liquid products on the local, state and federal levels, Zophie views flavored e-liquid as being essential as a means of converting smokers to vaping. “The more options, the more likely they’re going to make the switch,” Zophie said. “I mean, it’s not going to get rid of people smoking and vaping things, it’s kind of replacing smoking, but it is healthier.” Zophie’s current e-liquid favorites are a blueberry peppermint from Tea Time, and Queen of Passion from Wendy Vapes—a pineapple infused liquid that is one of her “all-time favorite flavors.”

As far as her reviewing process is concerned, Zophie says she’ll usually open up a given package right away and immediately spends time with the product. She says she’ll film the up-close portion of the video first and then spend a few days with the device. Then she films and edits the video, and all in all Zophie will spend 5-8 hours a day on this process. Of course, she says she also has to deal with e-mail, giveaways and prizes. Zophie admits that the vape industry is male-dominated and that there are far more male reviewers as opposed to female reviewers.




“I feel like a lot more female smokers are following this channel and making the switch.”


Outside of vaping, Zophie enjoys gaming where she fishes for DLCs, she loves reading and designing costumes as well. “I design my own stuff and don’t copy too much, but I also do cosplay as Harley Quinn from Batman’s Arkham Asylum—and that one I got a trophy for in Florida,” Zophie said. When it comes to the future of vaping, Zophie is hopeful and yet feels a sense of foreboding.

“I think that we’re judged more harshly,” Zophie said. “I mean, just look at the comments that we get compared to the guys—a lot more inappropriate comments.” And despite the bad apples, Zophie remains undeterred in her push forward in the vape space.

“Right now, my subscribers are 17 percent female and 83 percent male and that number keeps rising,” Zophie says.

“I see a lot of bad stuff in the future, but I think eventually, vaping will prevail because that’s the only route to go,” she said. “It’s a multi-billion industry at this point. There are thousands of people working in vape shops and bottling plants, etc. sweeping it under the rug in one shot is not very likely.” Lastly, Zophie plans to unveil new, longer form videos that will involve bringing on guests, but that this show idea might not come to fruition until after the Holiday season.

Creative Director EZRA ZUNIGA @135fotografiks @thebroketographers Photography BRYAN GATEB @bgateb @thebroketographers Wardrobe Stylist ALAN MONTES @amontes4659 Makeup Artist EKKA MAKEUP @itsekka

Special Thanks To COREY NOLES @coreynoles WONDERLAND STUDIOS @ocwonderlandstudios MIKE SAFFELS @saffelsphotography


Photography Assistant DENISE ZUNIGA @dnnsmnc MICHAEL HARRISON @mikeon_thedigisilensflex


Hair Stylist CARINA TAFULU using Oribe @hairbycarina ERIK THRANE @erikvthrane

K e n n e dy

V a p o r

the Vindicator Mechanical Tube Mod




he Vindicator from Kennedy Vapor is a 20700 tube and a new addition to the company’s lineup of products.

As you might well imagine, precision machining is to be expected when it comes to the Kennedy Vapor product line—the Vindicator is no slouch in this department. Available in a number of different finishes and styles, the Vindicator offers flexibility when it comes to selecting the right mechanical mod for you. There is an option for a smoothed-out version, a ribbed and a less ribbed model. It doesn’t take a degree in rocket science to operate the Vindicator. You simply unscrew the copper button to expose a copper firing contact. The contact can be adjusted just

like the Kennedy Vapor Ruby mod, for example, and the housing of the Vindicator is spring operated and offers the perfect amount of tension when it comes to firing the device.

It’s a comfortable throw, too, and what you need to be mindful of is that the button has the tendency to stick—but do not be alarmed because this will only occur when the switch is removed from the tube and you make whatever adjustments need to be made beforehand.


All Photos taken by Chris Mellides


Once your 20700 battery is inserted, and you have got a 510 atomizer attached, the switch takes up for battery rattle—once everything is screwed tightly together. The claim for this mech by the manufacturer is that it offers no frill maintenance and hardly needs to be cleaned. This is nice to see and is a

welcomed step forward for Kennedy Vapor. Of course, the Vindicator is 25mm in diameter, so your 510-threaded atomizers should look excellent, providing that what you choose to rock on this device is up to spec. Your 24mm and 25mm devices will look great and if you already own a Kennedy atomizer, pairing it with the Vindicator is a no-brainer and looks positively seamless. There is adequate venting at the top of the device, just below the 510 connector with well-machined vent holes that span the entire diameter of the mech.

This mod is made in America, which is always appreciated, and you should receive your Vindicator in a pouch.


Minimalistic... since the star of the show is the Vindicator itself, so there you go. No harm, no foul. I was highly enthused to get my grubby mitts on the Vindicator and was pleasantly surprised by the experience I had with it overall. This device is affordable and well worth the purchase price. Performance is top-notch, and I love how simple and easy to use the Vindicator actually is. This reviewer can’t get enough of how nicely and evenly weighted this mod is, with grooves at the base that make for a comfortable feel when you’ve got the device pressed against the meat of your palm between your index finger and thumb.

The Vindicator is a good choice for hardened veteran mech mod users, but simple enough for those that are just entering the mech market. Of course, exercising battery safety and knowing your Ohm’s Law is essential. Remember to practice common sense safety, because without it you’re putting yourself at risk. The Vindicator can be purchased directly from the manufacturer at The vast majority of finishes and styles will cost you $120 and the black cerakote version is just $10 more, at $130.






hen trying to define the combination that is the Apex Predator, I am at a loss. Words like monstrous and gargantuan come to mind, but I don’t believe that those are adequate. The Apex is the world’s first 29 mm T1 copper skeleton, with no breaks in the mod, meaning more conductivity. This mod is said to be the hardest hitting mech mod ever sold, is that true? Could I tell a difference in all the other mechs I own and have used? Here’s how I break this down, the mod itself is a beautiful blend of copper skeleton and aluminum sleeve. The mod uses a 20700 battery to power this behemoth. As amazing as the body of this device is, that’s only half of the fun. The Predator RDA, is another milestone from Duvo, as well as the vaping industry, in general. The

build, wicked it, juiced it and was ready to vape. As much as I am an anti-hype guy, I The RDA features a 24 mm conversion cap, which looks have had previous astounding atop the behemoth that is the Apex. experience with As soon as I waited Duvo and have enjoyed their the mailman down, I opened the products before. box and quickly I, of course, fired the mod with the cap off of the three-pronged assembled the mod deck. Vapor, simply vapor was all I saw, and lots of it. I popped the cap and RDA, threw on and gave a slow purge, feeling the heat building up, the vapors a build in, a .10~ escaping through the airflow, which is Predator is the first ever Battery to Coil RDA. Meaning the center post is milled all the way through making direct contact to the battery. The deck is about 22mm, while featuring a very well known three post design that made me remember the early days of vaping, in a good way.



firing, as well as vapor production. The same goes for the Predator on different mods, to an extent. It only was noticeable on other hybrid mods, which made sense to me, but it was performing better than my normal array of RDAs on said devices. Here is what you will get in your Apex purchase: One mod, two adjustment caps for the mod. These are two small circles of white plastic that adjusts the battery to the post, these are very simple to adjust. All that comes in a very nicely braded, durable pill shaped case sporting the Duvo logo.

66 adjustable to your preference. REVIEWS

Then I begin the inhale, the combination of hot juice, flavor and immense vapor filled my mouth and lungs.


I exhale, now at this point I cannot see in my house, the familiar “vapey” haze is setting in. “Amazing”, I say to myself as I immediately begin to vape until a much-needed juicing. This is the first time in a very long time that I have found a mech satisfying and fun. Blowing massive clouds, milky “O’s” as well as incredible flavor. The one thing I did notice that this mod was simply not getting hot, no matter what passes I put it through, it would not get warm. The 29 mm cap for the Predator is very thick and well lined, so it wasn’t a surprise. I noticed some slowing of performance and swapped batteries, which is a very simple twist of the sleeve to reveal the copper skeleton. I swapped them out and was ready to continue my abuse of this the “hardest hitting mech mod of all time.” I have no way to measure any sort of voltage

drop, so for that I am not able to discuss as it is outside my realm.

I did decide to try a couple different RDAs on the Apex to see if I was able to get increased performance out of them, as well as trying the Predator on different mods (mechs included.) I did notice a slight, but noticeable increase in response time in

The Predator Rda comes with the rda, the same baggy of extra parts as well as the gorgeous copper drip tip. Both of the latest releases from Duvo are 29mm so no worries for the sleekness of it all. The literal only complaint I have is that the red Predator and Apex do not match, they are different shades of red. Other than that, I can not complain about this setup for a moment. I truly loved this setup from start to finish. I am still using it today, as it has become my favorite mech to date. But I’m sure you’re wondering, IS it the hardest hitting mech mod of all time? You’ll have to pick one up and see. Apex $250 | Predator $80






MOK is one of the longest, storied and best known names in vaping, and for good reason. Although not everything they produce is a hit, the percentage of hits to misses has consistently been high enough to have earned them a solid reputation for quality kit at very friendly prices. Today’s subject of review is the SMOK X-Force, which in both design and performance is clearly a competitor for the Joyetech ATOPACK Penguin and Dolphin systems. Both competitors’ devices follow an integrated-battery-plusrefillable-pod formula. Let’s dive deeper and see how SMOK executes the concept.


In The Box

The SMOK X-Force arrives in a stylish black box. That box contains the X-Force itself, a single X-Force pod, a pair of atomizer coils — one in 0.6 ohm resistance and the other in 1.2 ohm resistance, and a micro-USB charging cable.

Specs & Features

The SMOK X-Force kit pairs a microUSB rechargeable 2000mAh battery with replaceable and refillable 7ml pods. The TPD-compliant version uses 2ml pods. Additionally, the pods use replaceable ceramic cased atomizer coils spanning 0.3, 0.6, or 1.2 ohm resistance tiers. Starting from the top of the

assembled X-Force kit, we have a fairly wide-bore mouthpiece which is integrated into the attached pod. Moving down from there, at the front of the pod we have the airflow intake — airflow on the X-Force is non-adjustable and, as manufactured, allows for a slightly restricted lung hit style of vaping. Beneath the pod, on the leading edge of the device, we find a tall, wide, flat firing button very reminiscent of that on previous SMOK offerings like the Alien and the AL85, and this is both a familiar and ergonomically welcome tradition we’re pleased to see SMOK maintaining. Rotating the device clockwise from that firing button (or ‘firing panel’ if you will) we find a vertically arranged array of six LED lights which serve as the X-Force’s “battery life remaining” indicator.



At the bottom of the X-Force we find both identifying signage marking this is as a SMOK product but, more importantly, a pair of battery venting outlets. Disassembling the pod from the battery reveals more: The atomizer head itself is secured into the pod within a rubber gasket which seals nice and snug. The refill port is on the “back” edge of the pod, secured by another rubber gasket.

Real World Experience


Real world experience of the SMOK X-FORCE kit is for the most part pleasant and satisfying but not outstanding. Setting up the X-FORCE is quite simple: simply plug the micro-USB charger into the battery and allow it to charge fully. In the meantime, detach the pre-installed 0.6 ohm atomizer from the base of the cartridge, which can be inserted into, or separated from, the battery with a simple press-fit.


Once the atomizer housing has been removed from the pod, simply prime the atomizer coil, then fit it back into the housing, fit the housing back into the base of the pod, then lift the rubber gasket out of the pod and fill the pod with the e-liquid of your choice. (With either of the included atomizer coils, 6mg e-liquid is recommended.) Give the system about 5 minutes for the e-liquid to fully saturate the atomizer coil, then click the pleasantly tactile firing panel 5 times to activate the X-Force. After that, you should be good to go. The SMOK X-Force is a device geared toward beginning vapers, and that’s made abundantly clear by its performance, size, design, and simplicity. There are no advanced functions here, not even airflow adjustment. This can be seen as both a pro and a con; while advanced vapers may find themselves slightly frustrated by the kit’s lack of airflow adjustment,



l Pocket-friendly form factor l Very entry friendly price point for newly-ex smokers l Intuitive setup and use l Ergonomics are simply outstanding l 2,000mAh battery and 7ml pod make this an ideal all-day out-and-about answer for novices and lighttraveling experienced vapers alike

l No adjustable airflow l All plastic construction means handle with care

wattage adjustment, and temperature control, newly minted vapers are unlikely to miss these functions and may, in fact, be overwhelmed by anything more complicated than simply filling, charging, and onebutton firing the device. At the same time, as with all devices of this type, the SMOK X-Force can indeed find a place in even an experienced vaper’s pocket, as a “backup” rig when the main rig’s battery fizzles or just as something less heavy and pocket-filling than their main setup. While there are certainly tradeoffs inherent in the form factor, SMOK is hardly alone in making them. Where performance is concerned, the X-Force is no slouch, but neither is it

a standout in the subcategory; vapor production will exceed expectations, but flavor presence and fidelity won’t.

Price & Availability

The SMOK X-Force is available in Yellow, Blue, Purple, Black, Red, and White colorways from MyVaporStore. com for $24.99 before tax, shipping, or accessories.


The SMOK X-Force gives a strong accounting of itself as a direct competitor to the Joyetech Penguin or Dolphin systems, but its note-fornote similarity to those competitors doesn’t make it a breakthrough device in the category.

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Dodges Hurricane Michael and Kicks Ass By the Numbers BY NORM BOUR NORM@VAPEMENTORS.COM


The most recent Vape Shop Event was held at a new venue; the magnificent Saddlebrook Resort in Tampa, Florida. It’s not luxurious in the Las Vegas

Vape Shop Events, which is typically described as “speed dating for business” puts a maximum of 29 sellers/ exhibitors behind closed doors in a nice resort. Every twenty minutes a new buyer comes in and after the cordial niceties they get down to business. And business does get done at VSE.

sense, but is spread out over 480 acres, with two championship golf courses and 45 tennis courts with Grand Slam surfaces. Oh, and they have gators, which we’ll get to in a moment. The numbers speak for themselves.

They normally allow about 22 buyers at VSE and that means 1.5 solid days of meetings. These buyers are usually large distributors, but sometimes they are large vape chains looking for products for their own distro.



seven of them attended both Vape Shop Events and SMOKE Shop Events, their identical program geared towards that industry.

Vape Shop Events Going Forward This particular VSE had one unexpected exhibitor and that was one of the Big Tobacco companies who asked not to be identified. We had a candid conversation behind closed doors and they acknowledged that they were there “looking for information and possible partners,” which makes sense since they already invested in the vape industry. At VSE new relationships always develop and old ones nurture. Dylan Thompson, from Vaporescence in Texas, met Ryan Wagner from IVC in Michigan several years ago at one of these VSE shows. They found similar interests and goals and became not just friends, but also business partners and now have some ventures together.


Attendees came from four locations outside the US: New Zealand, the UK, Puerto Rico and Duncan from Vape Cartel in South Africa spent 40 hours of travel to attend. When asked what he thought of this concept he didn’t mince words but said it was, “f*****g brilliant.” He was received with open arms since he came with an open checkbook and bought products from many of the vendors.


VSE offers a Platinum program which involves sellers participating in all three annual Vape Shop Events in Tampa, Park City and Scottsdale. Vape Craft Inc. is one of the platinum members and has eliminated all the other booth shows. “Why should I spend more and get less ROI?,” Ben Osmanson from Vape Craft asked. “Here I can come with just a few people and a small display, and spend time with people I already know and want to do business with.” At the last show in Park City, Utah they closed 100 percent of all the buyers they met with and over two days did six-figures in business. At this show he hit solid numbers and did business with most of his meetings. VSE has proven to be so successful that eight of the 29 sellers were platinum members and of those 29 sellers,


This particular VSE in Tampa had a bit of an ominous threat while we were there in October, and that was Hurricane Michael, which came alarmingly close with winds of 155 mph, just under a Category 5 hurricane. Fortune smiled on us as it stayed 50 miles to the west but devastated the coast,

forcing some attendees to return home. About them alligators… Everyone who comes to Florida hears about them and Floridians say that they can be in “any body of water.” Since Saddlebrook had several ponds and waterways many of the attendees were thrilled to have the still-baby sized gators to gaze on.


That thrill added to the amazing multi-course food displays, beautiful grounds and plant life, and the bird sanctuary on the premises.


In 2019, VSE will once again go international and once again hold their event in Madrid, Spain on March 6-8. Last year’s event proved that the market wants more international collaboration and along with Madrid one is also planned for the Middle

East and Columbia, along with South America next August. For more information contact Gilley at gilley@ or Mike at Norm Bour is the founder of VapeMentors and creator of the VAPE U online programs and Vape Shop Certification program. They offer services & resources for anyone in the vape space, including vape shops, online stores and e-liquid brands. He’s also the host of Vape Radio, the largest vaping radio show in the world with more than 1.3 M downloads. Contact him at

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Compiled By Chris Mellides


Madhattan Mechanical Mod HDNE


The Madhattan mechanical tube mod might sound oddly familiar—that’s probably because it’s the latest iteration of the classic Manhattan produced by the now defunct AmeraVape…prized by many mech heads for its durable construction and capability as a heavy hitter at the time of its release in 2014... the Madhattan is all that and more. At 28mm in diameter, this puppy accepts 20700 and 21700 batteries. Gotta love that. The Madhattan is available in the following finishes: aluminum, brass and copper. All models come with brass switch assemblies. If you’ve read this far, you know the deal. Grab one!. $225 – 300

Breeze Pocket AIO Kit Aspire The Aspire Breeze Pocket AIO Kit is the latest entry in the ultra-portable market. Employing an all-inone design and a draw or button-activated feature, the Breeze Pocket is a worthy contender, indeed. The Breeze Pocket measures 93mm x 33mm x 18mm. This device is compact and doubly portable… perfect for travel there’s not more that needs to be said regarding the latest from Aspire. Inspired by the Nautilus X U-Tech Coil type, this device offers plenty of performance in all the right places. $30.00

Negus Mod & Son A side-fire mechanical mod that’s available in a handful of finishes, including blue, green, red or black, with a hand-painted inlay. It comes with two top connectors that are designed to accommodate 24 or 25mm atomizers—so that they sit nice and flush. The device can accommodate 20700, 21700 or 18650 battery types. The tube itself is 28mm in diameter, which adds some heft and can take a good beating, presumably. $35 - $70

The Chubby stacked mech mod with the woody extension tube is a dual-26650 device that’s sure to pack a wallop and feel sturdy, and decidedly hefty in the hand, not for the timid and definitely a mod to be reckoned with. The Chubby is 34mm in diameter, sports a 7075 grade aluminum body and comes with a ghosted flames sleeves included along with the Woody Stack Section. $390.00

Skanda Side Fire Mechanical Mod


Avid Lyfe


Chubby Stacked 26650 Mechanical Mod

Marquee 3-In-1 Mod System Limitless Mod Co.


The Marquee device is compact, weighty and can accommodate up to two individual tanks along with an adapter that allows you to use third party pods, like JUUL and Phix. The Marquee sports a 2400 mAh internal battery, which can be easily recharged with the aid of a cable, which comes included with the device. An OLED screen displays all of the essentials and comes in clear and crisp. The Marquee has an output of up to 80 watts of power and is designed with versatility in mind. The Marquee has a top-fill design for the tank that comes included—which possesses a 2ml maximum capacity. Also included is the aforementioned pod adapter and a 510 adapter for use with your own 510-threaded tanks. $59.95

CT1 Kit Nextmind Portable, compact and versatile, the CT1 Kit from Nextmind has a 650 mAh-rated internal battery, a maximum output of 10-17 watts, a maximum fill capacity of 3.5ml and features a self-cleaning option. The CT1 charges via a Micro USB Port with a cable included—along with the device comes a tank, 1.0 ohm and 1.2 ohm replacement coils and a tank plug as well. Keep it simple. $55.99







the event organizer that brought you Vape South America, Vape Scandinavia and Vape North America is excited to announce our upcoming CANADIAN VAPE CONVENTION




B O OTH C1 3

VAPE SOUTH AMERICA was the first ever vape expo in South America. We are hosting our 3rd event since 2017, and we take pride in knowing we played a part in-jump starting the huge market itʼs grown into today. VAPE SCANDINAVIA was held in the beautiful and historic city of Copenhagen, Denmark. It was the first vape event in Scandinavia, and was a huge success. We helped bring new brands to 1000ʼs of stores in the area.

ris Mellides

Compiled By Ch


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