VAPE News Magazine October 2018

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NEWS, BUSINESS & CULTURE VAPE Magazine is the only international vaping industry focused magazine with more than 35,000 readership in the United States, Europe and Asia, where vaping professionals EDITORIAL


Publisher Matt Schramel 800-958-6427 x2 Editor in Chief Corey Noles Managing Editor Chris Mellides

Letter from the Editor Dear readers, September has been a tough month for vapers. The FDA is cracking down like next before and making large threats for the next few months. Will they bar us from social media? Take away our flavors? Revoke the 2022 extension we were granted early this year? They’re asking manufacturers to fix a retailer problem and prove it within 60 days. That task simply isn’t possible. No one wants vapor products in the hands of teens — to say otherwise is ludicrous.

Art Director Van Avazando Graphic Designer Anil Verma Director of Marketing Dennis Robinson Social Media Manager Eric Vonheim Director of Photography Ezra Zuniga Webmaster Axel Gillespie

Almost every business fined in the FDA’s list of 1,800 violators were convenience stores and smoke shops. This shows that the majority of vape shops are working hard to prevent youth access, but other possible outlets of vapor products are not.

Contributors Angela Garrity, Todd Richard, Norm Bour, Chris Mellides, John Castle, Alex Mellides, Susan Oser, Tony Ottomanelli, Corey Noles

I have a few suggestions for manufacturers (of which I am one and plan to abide by these suggestions as well) and retailers.


Any store or outlet that has been fined twice should not be allowed to buy your products. While a manufacturer can’t return an order, they can refuse to sell to them. I suggest two, because even good people make an occasional mistake. If they’re caught twice, they’re done. Distribution outlets will make this difficult, but we can make an effort. Call and demand your distributors make the same change. Stop allowing underage people in your building. They don’t belong there. Treat it like a bar. If it’s clear a person is purchasing for someone else, or purchasing in quantities that give you suspicion they may be making a straw purchase — refuse the sale. Request ID from everyone. While the law requires people to appear to be 27 years old, simply demand identification for everyone who walks in your door. It’s a minor annoyance to prevent a major problem. There are plenty of things we can do to make a good faith effort. To those of you who do it right, thank you. To those of you who don’t, stop dragging all of us down with you. Enjoy your much deserved fines. Thanks for reading, Corey Noles Editor in Chief VAPE News Wholesaler VAPE News Magazine

Chief Executive Officer Matt Schramel Co-Owner/Vice President Jon Laverde Executive Assistant Erin Aly ADVERTISING Jon Laverde, 800-958-6427 x4 Jacob Barger, 949-910-2138 China-based advertisers contact Wingle Group Electronics LTD +852 51759256 CONTACT Advertising News New Products Employment VAPE Magazine is wholly owned by Starpixel Marketing LLC 6209 Mid Rivers Mall Dr,Suite 194 Saint Peters, MO 63304 800-958-6427


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Are you still trusting politicians? I’m not. And here’s why you shouldn’t either. Stop The Online Vaping Drama Grimm Green

46 52

Out With The Old, In With The New School Of Vaping Life On The Road: Truck Drivers In Need Of Easier Access To Vapor Products Vape Visionary: Abby Vapes YouTuber, Twitch Streamer And Avid Gamer ReVITAlizing the vape industry — with vitamins Tony Abboud: Boots on the Ground — VTA Takes Multi-Faceted Approach to Vapor Activism





64 68

OverPowered Mod Co.: OverPowered 21700 Mechanical Mod Purge Mods: Slam Piece Mechanical Mod Vaporesso Nexus: All In Wonderful


72 78


ECC is still pushing forward five years in National Vape Expo Rocks Richmond, Virginia



86 92

Hardware Prospects Just In Juices

Are you still


trusting politicians?


I’m not. And here’s why you shouldn’t either. BY COREY NOLES COREY@VAPEMZ.COM


n an industry that finds itself almost permanently on the brink of extinction, it’s only natural to always be reaching for a life raft. It’s human nature.

But sometimes, what you find isn’t a raft, but a snake.

There’s a reason for that. No one in public office, aside from a random fluke, supports our cause. There are sound reasons for members of either party to support us, but sadly sound reason has little effect on how most elected officials vote. At heart, vaping should have been a Democratic issue. It was the best chance ever to stick it to big tobacco and support the little guy. Poor people smoke at a dramatically higher rate than their more affluent counter parts. Vaping was a way to make a difference for them. But that’s not how it went. The Democrats genuinely believe “we” are “big tobacco.” If that wasn’t enough of an issue, the piss poor labeling decisions made by many in this industry only furthered to seal the deal. So, we should support Republicans, right? Wrong again. Vaping has three major enemies in this country: Public Health, Big Pharma and Big Tobacco (simultaneously our biggest ally.) What does that have to do with voting Republican?

My question is, in a world where both parties are active supporters of two industries hell bent on our destruction — who do you support? The truth is, I don’t know either.

But I know the candidates we have supported in the past have done very little for our industry. Behind closed doors some insist they support us, but it’s not enough. With all of this said, we still need to support the candidates who are willing to stand up for this industry — and there’s no way to know if we will be pushed aside again as we have in the past. All we can do is keep trying, but remember one thing — any of these people who claim to be friends, are only friends until someone with a larger contribution disagrees with what we have to say. It sucks, but it’s the truth. Welcome to Bullshit American Politics 101.

There’s a common theme among political types. During election season, they’re glad to have vapers on board. As soon as they’re elected? Crickets.

What does this mean? It means literally that almost everyone is in the pocket of either the pharmaceutical or tobacco industry. In many cases, both.


Every one had the ability to help, but all fell short when it came down to getting business done. Two of them ran smack into their own scandals that would be better for us to steer clear of anyhow.

In the above-mentioned session, 399 of 435 Congressmen accepted contributions from pharmaceutical companies with an average donation of $40,000. In the Senate, 97 of 100 Senators accepted pharmaceutical contributions with the average Republican receiving ($93,597) while Democrats received an average of $61,523.


Over the past several years the industry has put itself in firm support of countless politicians. Senator Ron Johnson. Representative Duncan Hunter. Larry Faircloth.

According to opensecrets. org, Republican candidates and elected officials received 82 percent of all tobacco lobbying dollars in the last session of congress. That means that the party we have depended on to help this industry through it’s time of crisis, has someone else’s best interests at heart. The pharmaceutical industry paints a different picture — one that likely shows why we are shunned by both parties. In the 2016-2017 session, pharmaceutical companies (both manufacturers and product designers) gave twelve times the amount in contributions (almost $45 million) as big tobacco ($2.5 million.) These dollars are split more evenly between parties than tobacco contributions — about 55-45 in favor of Republicans.




There have been several people who were once big names in the vaping industry that are no longer a part of it anymore because of some nasty online bullying, harassment, and even a DMCA drop or two. Others have stayed around because they believe in the industry, the product, and are in it more for helping others rather than just making money.

Recently, and because of a recent #MeToo in vaping article I wrote, (see Vape News Magazine Issue June 2018, p. 28), a reader by the name of Dani R. wanted to tell her story of online harassment and bullying. Her goal was to create an online community on Facebook. The group is called #GirlsVapeToo. This group consists of women helping female vapers who also have created a sisterhood within the last year or so. However, somewhere along the way, Dani was accused of being a scammer, when she was running a weekly contest with donations from big vape companies to help support the community. To make matters worse, Dani was dragged into a Facebook group called Vaping Court where her case was discussed with members of the group. They would read the case, hear both sides and decide. Based on their decision, and if found guilty, the accused would be put on a public blacklist, banned from the group, and publicly shamed.

Sometimes bullying within and even from anti-vapers happens because of a mere misunderstanding. It happens during legislative sessions, city council meetings and the like. However, for this topic, its within vaping and particularly on social media where a lot of drama has happened, giving vapers a bad name.

Dani’s case was heard, but because of false information, she was put on the group’s blacklist. In addition, a few of the admins and other friends she trusted in her own #GirlsVapeToo Facebook group turned on her. Rumors were spread and soon an ant-Dani group was formed. Because of all this chaos, she left the online world for a while just to regroup. It’s understandable that Dani had thought about closing her group for good. Yet, because of the


Some even encourage trolling and otherwise in online podcasts and vape shows, just because they don’t like the person, or the person did them wrong so badly that they want some satisfaction of revenge towards them.

group, she had done so much for the community and developed a strong bond with some of the friends who had always been with her since the beginning. While she is still a little hesitant to come back to the Facebook world, she still wants to stay connected to other vapers.



adly, and without naming names, there are some “vape famous” people who have made their claim to vape fame by saying and believing that they are the best and know the best when it comes to vaping when they really don’t.


Sadly, Dani’s example is not all that common. Because of the anonymity of social media, most people feel they can do or say what they want because they assume that there isn’t a real person at the other end of their target of hate, jealousy, etc. There is little to no consequences towards the bully but the victim. Thus, the cycle continues to be enabled unless the group moderator upholds decency and strict rules when it comes to proper behavior in that online community group. It’s a kind of social media trial that either makes you a superstar or makes you a villain, sometimes within the span of one day. As in Dani’s case, her reputation was ruined because someone did not like what she did or said. It might’ve been because of jealousy on another girl’s part. Even Dani doesn’t know or understand why this situation had to happen to someone like her. Yet the person that accused her seems to have escaped unscathed.

To be honest, bullying just doesn’t happen in vaping, it happens everywhere. Some of your fellow vapers were bully victims as children and continue to be into their adult lives. Bullying in and of itself is a broader social issue and sadly it has led to drug and alcohol abuse as well as suicide.

So how can bullying of any form, even within the online vaping community be stopped? Simple. If you see or know of someone that is getting harassed or there are rumors about this person that you know are not true, stand up and speak out. Come to their rescue. If you think that the online world is too toxic, try to be the better person and be an example…. even if it means making your channel or online group stricter on the rules than you originally intended. Can you identify with Dani’s situation? Have you been the victim of online bullying and harassment just because you were trying to do the right thing for a fellow vaper? Can online bullying from vaper to vaper be solved? Contact me at: and let’s talk. By the way, if you want to know more about Dani L. and her group, go here: girlsvapetoo/

Susan E. Oser is a Vape News writer and show host on VapeTVLive. Her day job is teaching English as a second language online for Carrot Global. She can be found on Twitter @angelwriter78 and Instagram @angelwriter78


By Nick Green

There seems to be a lot of fighting among people within the industry lately. I’m afraid this kind of stuff is really dividing the vape community at a time when we pull together. What are your thoughts on the risks of fighting among ourselves?

Do you see that the industry is changing at all since the FDA cracked down on misbranded e-juices? It seems like I’m still seeing the same dangerous labels all over the place.

- Garrett Hickman, Aurora, CO

Hey Laila, as a real broad overview of the industry, I do see lots of companies and individuals being much more responsible with things like branding and marketing. Unfortunately there are companies and individuals in the industry that are only here to make a quick buck, get in and out, and will use any imagery or IP Theft to accomplish that. Irresponsible companies don’t care, they aren’t here for the long haul. They don’t care about the future of the industry because they already made their money. Wads of cash always seem to win out over social responsibility and advocacy efforts. Over the last 10 years I’ve seen dozens and dozens of companies blow up, make a big splash, cash out and never return. Support brands that support the industry. I honestly don’t know what can be done, lawsuits don’t seem to phase people, C&D letters sent out by the FDA get ignored. Either way, we still need some pretty serious course correction if we’re going to survive.

Garrett, I absolutely agree with you. Infighting and “drama” within the vape community and industry are very destructive things. It’s easy to get sidetracked by drama, because drama is always entertaining and gets served to us on a silver platter from a lot of recognized and popular people on YouTube and social media. A flavor ban in Sacramento by comparison is pretty boring to talk about, yet much more critical to the overall success of our industry. Vaping in the United States right now is in a pretty dire place. Hopefully we can all realize real quick where our priorities need to be and stop being so concerned with things that don’t matter in the long run. Vaping got us all off smoking, now we have to stand up for it. People need to either help, or get out of the way of those that are willing to take action and contribute to making sure vaping stays safe, legal and accessible to adult smokers.

- Laila Clarke, Toledo, OH



he dividing line between old school and new school vaping has never been any thinner until recently. Those who are considered old school tend to stick to their mores and shake their heads at the newer, younger vapers who see vaping in a different light, and sometimes not in a way that really should reflect the industry.

However, it’s just not a generational thing, it’s a lot more than that. There are those who have no choice but to switch from an old school mindset to a new school thinking because they need to keep their business and stay competitive in the industry. Over the years, since the vaping community had a voice and became a legit industry, a lot of changes have happened on a business, local, state, social, and even activist level.





OUT With The Old, With The in New School Of

Here are some of the specifics: 30

Vape Conventions


These days, the way to get vaping out there around the country isn’t just with a small intimate vape meet where you have a chance to hobnob with the big cats of the industry in the after-hours. While it still happens, it’s not as organic as it once was. Where a VapeXpo or a VapeBash could no longer afford to have a show in a place where they need to pay thousands of dollars for a permit, or where vaping is highly limited, an ECC takes over in the big cities and charges entrance fees that for some leave a less than stellar impression at the end of the day. For some in the industry, the newer, bigger conventions are not vaper and community driven, but money driven. It’s no longer about how many people you converted at a meet to get them to switch from smoking to vaping, but how much money can be made with an attractive product and girls in sexy outfits. There also isn’t the amount of vape conventions as there once were due to laws and regulations as well as the mere fact that there are so many vape shops within two to four miles of each other that shop owners just don’t have a need to travel around the country anymore.

OUT With The Old, With The in New School Of Vaping


The Community As A Whole Some of the old school vapers that I know and talked to feel that the community is not the family it used to be. It’s not about how the community can support each other. Rather, it’s become more like a game and a gain for numbers in these areas:

How big of a cloud can I vape? How many people can I get to a Facebook page if I have a spiffy contest? How many people can I get angry

and get famous from just by tearing down a fellow vaper who’s better than me and who I just don’t like? If I can troll someone out of the vaping community, does that mean I get to be famous and popular? The list can go on and on, but the above mentioned are some of the common threads found in the vaping society these days that’s not about having

vaping in common but who can blow the bigger cloud and become the big bully vaper on campus.

Activism And Regulations This is an area where vaping society has failed and slacked off. Current business owners, solitary vapers, and those who are in tune with the laws and how it can help or hurt the industry are the only ones who are fighting the big fight. According to Fred Dauksza, owner of four Cotton and Coils stores in Indiana, when the FDA finally stated their laws and regulations, it seemed as if “activists couldn’t do what they wanted to do.” In fact, if you talk to any activist in the community, they will be the first to tell you that it’s not only hard to keep up with regulations, but sometimes the state (or federal or local) legislature

In addition, where would they get the time to do so, especially if they don’t have a trusted second hand or employee to step up and help out in their absence.

OUT With The Old, With The in New School Of

interesting. However, most of the time they can’t or won’t share it with the public due to the stigma that is currently surrounding it.


That current stigma being the misleading news and information put out by anti-vapers and politicians alike who want vaping to cease like marijuana or other industries that are helping people in an unorthodox way.


will sneak things through without us knowing it.


There are also new anti-vaping tactics that have not only been discussed and reported in this magazine but across the country if not the world. These tactics include going into high school with a Just Say No To Drugs-like message with vaping being the new enemy. Many local stations are reporting misinformation on vaping that hardly ever gets retracted when viewers write in to voice their concerns and complaints regarding the station’s reporting. Granted, and its been stated by old and new school vapers alike, vaping will never cease or shut down. Vapers can and will find a way to get their products, especially if it ends up going to the black market, or they have the right connections. Quite possibly those same connections that converted the smoker to the vaper will be the same ones who will continue to supply.

The Future As far as the future of vaping is concerned, it all depends on who you talk to you. Most people within the vaping culture want vaping to be normal to do and not this cool thing to try because it was advertised on TV, someone in a school started up, etc. However, as stated earlier, it’s not the support group to quit smoking like it used to be. It’s become something of a trendy lifestyle and will continue to be that way. However, with stricter regulations

The drama that ekes out of the vaping social circle online or by other means creates a major social and networking connection problem that doesn’t help either. Why should someone become part a community when members of that community don’t even feel like it’s a family or something to be social with anymore? being sneaked through or coming through blatantly in the pipeline, what’s going to happen to these same “lifestyle” vapers? Will they just quit because they couldn’t do it anymore? Will they move on because it’s not a trend or something cool to do? What about those current vapers who need vaping to help them stop cigarettes? Will they continue to get the support and education they need to keep on vaping or will they be forced to go back to smoking because of the various negatives now infiltrating the community.

First, the community needs to educate itself from the inside out. Most if not all vapers know what the rules are, know the right way and the wrong way to use a product; and are proud of the fact that they have learned something

In terms of the activism, there really isn’t one clear leader rallying the troops and putting the group in check. In fact, it seems that more than one person wanting to get the fame for being the leader that led the charge for vaping rights and sensible regulations rather than being a co-conspirator of it. If any of the latest news that has been reported online via the Vape News Magazine website and other blogs and publications haven’t motivated action to keep the momentum going, the industry could easily die out… especially with lack of education which also needs to continue. Are you a vaper that is just coming into the community? Have you been around for at least two years or less? Are you an old school vaper who “gets it” and have experienced these changes and issues yourself? Contact me at: and let’s talk. Susan E. Oser is a Vape News writer and show host on VapeTVLive. Her day job is teaching English as a second language online for Carrot Global. She can be found on Twitter @angelwriter78 and Instagram @angelwriter78

Road Life On The



ruck drivers are critical to commerce being moved throughout the United States. Unfortunately, it is very difficult for those in this career path to have easy access to quality vape products.

Parking at a vape shop is an absolute nightmare, and most would agree that it is the worst part of vaping for those pulling a load.

With most semis and trailers adding up to be between 80-90 feet long, getting a parking space isn’t an easy feat. Some shopping centers and strip malls have constraints on truck parking as well. For those that can fit, they must abide by the regulations set forth by the property owner. For example, Walmart corporate refuses truck parking, unless it is specifically for a Walmart delivery. Any driver caught breaking the rule they’ve set forth could wind up with a boot on their truck as well as a $1,500 fee to get the boot removed.

Truck Drivers Are In Need Of Easier Access To Vapor Products 35



There are also city and county restrictions that drivers must be mindful of as well. If a vape shop is located off an interstate exit, there could be state level limitations. There is no truck parking permitted on highway exit ramps in states such as Georgia, California or Tennessee. The Department of Transportation (DOT) regulates driver hours through the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). While drivers can run longer on Recap hours, drivers generally work around 11 hours a day and are lucky to stop long enough to use the restroom. They are always running against the

time constraints set forth by the DOT as well as their company policies. Thad Bergquist, a South East regional driver, makes hauls from Maine to Texas. Bergquist has been a driver for three years and explains that there isn’t a lot of vape shops in his region to purchase from. Bergquist would appreciate better parking options for truck drivers. For shops close to interstates, he would like to see them open within a close proximity to a truck stop, employees offering to deliver products straight to the truckers after payment is received so they can


Cab parked in truck friendly space

Photos by Thad Bergquist

keep moving along, an array of pod systems, easy tanks and mods.

The Twisted Vapors Facebook group is primarily for truckers but welcomes everyone. The group has a running list of vape shops that have truck parking or an entry door within a 100-yard walk. The list of shops is ever growing and quite helpful to those on the road. Christine Norris has been an interstate driver for 23 years. She goes everywhere in the continental U.S.

Norris finds it easier for her to order her vaping supplies online, because she is on the road so much. However, that comes with a price for Norris and it’s not about cost.

A look inside a trucker’s cab

Norris finds that most of her orders get delivered to her house when she is out on the road. When Norris orders, she says she stocks up. She is a self-proclaimed heavy chain vaper


Life on the road

Photo by Thad Bergquist

while driving and leaves with around 6 120MLs of e-liquid, which last her about a month. Norris is a big fan of Tatju e-liquid and of Vapor West in Weatherford, Texas. She appreciates clean e-liquid that doesn’t gunk up her coils in her Cleito 120s on her Voopoo or Wismec devices. She says she pushes between 6-8 weeks between coil changes because she only wants clean e-liquid that doesn’t contain a lot of sweeteners. She also likes to “borrow” her son’s Smok T-Priv because she really likes the chrome finish of the device. One day on her travels, Norris ran out of e-liquid. She located a shop using a vape bot, parked and decided making the mile-long walk. Norris doesn’t mind a walk and feels walking is something that truck drivers should be doing anyway. Norris admitted to being in a bad part of Minneapolis, Minnesota and quickly determined the area to be unsafe.

Norris speaks to the dangers of nonCDL holders cutting her off. In years past, she said she would immediately reach for a cigarette because her nerves would be shot.

Norris opted to stay in her cab. She is not a fearful “scaredy cat” by any means, as she lived in Texas for years. She states that she has no issues bringing a gun into the fight if need be.

Vaping has not only been a lifesaver for her, but for others, because she isn’t fumbling around trying to light up after a near miss accident. She no longer gets winded doing pre-truck loads, doesn’t have painful ear popping and has seen an amazing increase in her health and taste during the four years she’s turned to vaping. Norris thinks vaping makes her cab smell good. She wants to remind other vaping truck drivers to keep their windows cracked, so they’re not fogging out the cab. Truck drivers are an essential part of goods movement and keep America going. If vape shops could make their lives easier and help them out, they would be ever so grateful. Gotta keep them moving!



y b b A s e p a V

YouTuber, Twitch Streamer And Avid Gamer BY CHRIS MELLIDES CHRIS@VAPEMZ.COM


hat started with the occasional cigarette at bars and parties would later turn into a smoking habit that Abby Vapes couldn’t seem to shake and one that lasted a decade. The Georgia resident began smoking after she graduated college and in 2008 she was diagnosed with allergy-induced asthma following an emergency room visit that stemmed from shortness of breath. She was admitted to the hospital for five days where she underwent breathing treatments and was soon prescribed inhalers and medication to treat her condition.

Even though smoking cigarettes was a trigger for my asthma, I went back to it after being released from the hospital,” Abby said. “I had many visits to urgent care and another one to the ER before I finally decided to try vaping.




Unlike other smoking cessation methods that seemed lost on her, vaping proved to be effective. After using e-cigarettes for just one year, Abby says that she no longer needed her asthma inhaler and was no longer suffering from coughing fits. When she began vaping in May 2013, Abby says that there wasn’t a whole lot of information available on vapor products and far fewer voices in the industry to offer advice on what to buy and how to troubleshoot devices. Realizing this she saw the opportunity to share her experiences with the products she grew to love and give her opinions on products that were lacking, all for the sake of fun and learning with her audience. Abby began exploring social media and it wasn’t long before she began creating YouTube videos based on her newfound hobby and smoking alternative. She began YouTubing in March 2014 and says that a lot of her videos were focused on “troubleshooting and learning how to build coils.”

I wanted to help others that were in my situation, so we could learn together,” Abby said. “I didn’t expect much growth on YouTube because I work in digital advertising and know how difficult it is to build a successful YouTube channel. So, when the subscriber count kept going up, it was exciting to see and motivated me to make better content.

Before becoming a YouTuber, Abby described herself as a shy introvert. By engaging with her audience and having to speak in front of a camera, she learned to be more outgoing and has become far more comfortable speaking up during her daily life. Abby would be among the first to share the benefits of having found a platform on YouTube and amassing a following of over 100,000 subscribers, but there’s also a few drawbacks she’s noticed over the past four years on YouTube, including Internet trolls and naysayers. “…there are always the online trolls, looking to drag you down and demonize vaping, but you develop thick skin and focus on the positive impact you have on others,” she said. Being female can be a challenge in an industry that’s often viewed as largely male both in the public eye and on social media, but Abby sees a unique opportunity to connect with her female viewers in a way that’s not as common with her male contemporaries in the industry. Abby says that beyond starter

content,” Abby said. “Viewership of my channel has dropped significantly, and I believe YouTube has already taken some steps to ‘hide’ some of this content on their website.

“That being said, 33 percent of my viewers are female, which is a much larger female audience than male reviewers,” Abby said. “So, I think it’s important to have prominent females in the vaping industry sharing their opinions because this is one way we can connect with more women interested in vaping.” Perhaps the biggest detriment

working against what Abby does as a commentator and vaping personality is YouTube itself. Since getting her start on the popular platform, YouTube has gone through policy changes that have marginalized some of its creators, and vape YouTubers are among them, according to Abby.

I am greatly concerned about YouTube restricting vaping

kits and other entry level products, “vaping becomes almost a technical hobby, with batteries, custom coils [and] different wires,” which men are seemingly drawn to—coupled with the belief that more males smoke cigarettes than women.

We’ve developed an amazing community on Twitch of like-minded people interested in vaping,” Abby said. “The live broadcasts offer me the opportunity to interact with fellow vapers, discuss the industry, and build a community.


After noticing the downward trend with YouTube and in an effort to connect with more viewers, Abby made the decision to start a weekly vape talk show on Twitch—a platform she is far more comfortable with and one that she believes exists to “help creators produce live content.”


“Our videos are less likely to show up as recommended or on the front page,” she added.


She still edits down her live shows on Twitch and uploads the content to YouTube, but Twitch is her main focus in 2018 and Abby says she’s very excited over the potential for growth on that platform. “I edit footage from my live broadcasts to create a shorter video for YouTube that hits all the major points of the review. My live shows are usually about two hours long and editing them down can take up to an hour,” Abby says. Typically, when she receives products for review, Abby will do an unboxing and give her first impression on the product live on Twitch. In the weeks that follow, she’ll update her audience to let them know how the given product is performing and spends as much time with a piece of hardware as she can before passing final judgement. Outside of vaping, Abby and her husband are “big gamers” and can usually be found “outside playing Pokémon Go or on the Xbox.” She also likes to cook and is always on the lookout for new delicious recipes to try.

When it comes to what the future has in store for vaping, Abby seems cautiously optimistic, and is a firm believer that the vape industry is an innovate one and that its popularity continues to surge as cigarette sales dwindle.

…even though we’re seeing a positive downward trend in smoking cigarettes,

public-health activists are still working hard to demonize vaping,” Abby said. “Even though these campaigns are not backed up by scientific research, rather research formed to fit their agenda, I feel like it will have a negative impact on vaping in the future. “I urge people to do their own research from both sides and form your own opinion.” Tune into Twitch for Abby’s weekly vape talk show every Friday at 8 p.m. ET on

ReVITAlizing the vape industry — with vitamins BY ANGELA GARRITY ANGELA@VAPEMZ.COM

46 FEATURES Photo by Robbie Larsen


Technology is always moving forward, that is no understatement. People are always seeking ways to live their best lives no matter whether that be in the food they eat, clothes they wear or the lifestyle choices they make.

VitaCig is not a vitamin supplement and offers a vast diversity of flavors. They are sold in every major country in the world, with their largest customer based being in Japan and Malaysia. Sixty five percent of their market is female. Most of their customers are novice vapers, but James states that they do have some experienced vapers that

MONQ is another widely known company that utilizes vaping technology. They do not use artificial ingredients, artificial flavors or nicotine. All of their ingredients are “responsibly sourced,” and the company is involved with several ecological sustainability organizations. A more ecologically friendly and cost effective MONQ product is coming soon. It is hinted at being refillable. Anyone who is looking to reduce stress, get sleep or generally feel better is the ideal MONQ user. The product is also touted as being vegetarian and vegan friendly. MONQ formulates and tests each new product to ensure that it does what they state it does.

“We didn’t want to use artificial flavorings,” said Michael James, DM with VitaCig. “Our R&D team created the base vitamin formula that stretches back into 50 years of research. They discovered that people have been inhaling vitamins A and B12. We are drawing on that unique concept.”

James does not feel VitaCig is under the same FDA scrutiny as what he calls the “regular vaping industry” for a few reasons. He feels VitaCig appeals more to adults seeking aromatherapy devices, their products have not been deemed a tobacco product, there is no nicotine, and VitaCig is a closed system.


Their disposable devices contain a vitamin base of natural fruit extracts and are infused with max VG.

James has been with the company since 2016. He lost his mom to emphysema, so he is very passionate about people quitting combustible tobacco use.


One such company, VitaCig, was introduced in 2014. Developed by a pharmacist, the company set its sights on tobacco users who wanted to move to a zero nicotine cigalike and keep a social lifestyle. VitaCig calls it “functional vaping”, as it is simply for effect.

purchase their products.

Rachel Donovan, Public Relations Manager at MONQ shares her thoughts about the heavy scrutiny the vaping industry is getting from both the FDA as well as anti - vaping groups. “The FDA’s point that the vaping

Photo by Kristin Vahl


ne of the largest circles rippling outward is people’s freedom to choose when it comes to their health and wellbeing. Many consumers are flexing their muscles in this regard and branching out to using technology in the unique vessel of vaping vitamins.

Photo by Robbie Larsen

The company’s motto is “If you wouldn’t ingest it, you shouldn’t

Santos feels VitaStik fits into the tobacco harm reduction option. “We get at least half a dozen to 20 emails, texts, phone calls, and verified buyer reviews, on eBay, Wish, Amazon,

VitaStik was the world’s first vitamin vaporizer company and the first company to use essential oils in their formulas, and as the base of their formulas. They are still on the only company with formulas made using 100% edible ingredients, per CEO Alfred Santos.

VitaStik has a vast audience of users. Their products work for shops such as juice bar, a coffee shop, a spa, a salon, and health food market, but that can also make a nice complementary product at a vape shop, or dispensary. They ship to over 55 countries a week and have found equal success overseas as well as within the US markets.


VitaStik is another widely popular brand in this category. Established in early 2014, VitaStik was the first nicotine free product marketed heavily in the vape space. The company set forth to create a product that was a healthy twist on vaping.

inhale it”. They started with all USDA certified organics, that are safe to ingest, and then worked backwards to find formulas that worked, and a specialized ultra-low heat device that worked with their majority water-based formulas.


industry needs to have some federal standards is correct, in my opinion. However, the heavy-handed approach they have used has been extremely counterproductive to getting adequate amounts of un-biased data. The broader point that vaping is much safer than combustion smoking is unequivocally true, and any regulation should bear that in mind.”


and our worldwide sites, about people claiming how our product helped them quit smoking. Or even quit vaping.


“We believe vaping can help many people,” Santos said. “We have seen the proof, over 5 years now. Not just smokers, but people suffering from many diseases.” VitaStik has some very bold claims about its products, from a health perspective. Users who have never smoked nor vaped but suffer with severe asthma have been relieved with their Breathe Stick product. Breathe Stick was created several using powerful oils, that in one inhalation immediately opens your breathing pathways. It also has B12, Ginseng, that help keep the airways open.

Their Calm Formula contains valerian root extract. The company receives hundreds of verified customer reviews every year on this product alone saying it cured their PTSD, fixed their anxiety, and just helps them relax overall.

The biggest and most extreme review comes from an Epileptic young girl. She claims she had on average 5 seizures per/day. Since using VitaStik, she has had zero.She said the product has changed her life. In the beginning, the company thought this was some crazy placebo effect. However, her neurologist has been in support of this, and has been monitoring and adding her input. It turns out, that several of the oils used in a few of the sticks, that she reported worked well for her seizures, actually have oils have been proven in clinical studies that suppress and prevent seizures. This is another area VitaStik wants to explore more. Santos says, “More research needs to be done, but the facts are clear, read the verified reviews. Take a look at the videos the girl with posted on YouTube. She did a three-part series and wants to add another one, for people with epilepsy. I might add, she is not paid by us, nor sponsored. She wanted to speak out publicly to help others, after buying our product, she claims changed her life, as thousands of ours have. We are excited to see the future of this space, but it is imperative that it is not stifled by the FDA.“




Tony Abboud



VTA Takes Multi-Faceted Approach to Vapor Activism BY COREY NOLES COREY@VAPEMZ.COM

An experienced lobbying team, a fully engaged, professional board of directors and a leader with the vision and experience to make things happen are what helped give VTA it’s meteoric rise. Tony Abboud sits at the helm, working to orchestrate the group’s multiple national initiatives in coordination with VTA’S 23 affiliated state associations. This year alone, VTA has had multiple face-to-face meetings with Dr. Scott Gottlieb of the Food & Drug Administration and had a meeting

at the White House with executive staff members to discuss the industry, placing the concerns of small vape shops and large manufacturers squarely in front of the decision makers. VTA works in conjunction with multiple known lobbying firms in Washington, D.C. and around the country to ensure there are boots on the ground when a fight arises. For Abboud., this isn’t just lip service. It isn’t just work. It’s passion. Abboud grew up in Iowa before heading to college at Carleton College in Minnesota. There his political science professorlit the political fire inside Abboud and got him interested in grassroots organizing. The professor, who later became a U.S. Senator, helped Abboud get his first job in Chicago as a community organizer helping to organize low income neighborhoods to fight gang and drug activity in their communities. Over time, he found himself more

involved in various political activities. He helped run a pair of campaigns for Pat Quinn as Illinois Secretary of State and Treasurer. Quinn eventually went on to be elected Governor of Illinois. “As a lawyer representing companies in the courtroom, I then started to get involved in some governmental affairs work,” Abboud said. “I discovered very quickly I had a knack for it and an ability to impact regulations and policies in ways that are very different than the dollar drive disputes of commercial litigants.” In 2010, Abboud left the international law firm Greenberg Traurig, LLP, and launched his own lobbying and strategic consulting firm in Chicago and Springfield, which has long been known as a political hot box. The firm specialized in taking on difficult work in a variety of highly regulated industries including manufacturing, telecommunications, energy, insurance and eventually tobacco.


hree years ago, the Vapor Technology Association was just an idea. The founders had been industry leaders for some time, but knew they needed to chart a new and different course to protect the vapor industry. Today, the industryfocused advocacy association has cemented itself as a powerhouse within the industry.

VMR Products hired Abboud to come in and help them prepare for various legal and legislative challenges across the country. As a result of that relationship, VTA came to fruition with Turning Point Brands and VMR Products leading the way as founding members of VTA. With organizational planning in 2015, the group officially launched in early 2016 — just in time to face the FDA Deeming Regulations head-on.


“At that time, one of the things I had begun working on was the challenge of flavored cigar wraps,” he said. “There was a company with a competitive interest trying to put that product out of the market. They wanted it deemed drug paraphernalia to injure our client both reputationally and financially.” The business had convinced legislators it was an illegitimate product with no use beyond that of drugs and had greased the proverbial political skids. Abboud had to come up with a strategy – and fast. “This case had a lot of parallels to the vapor industry,” he said. “Imagine one day you wake up and find a vapor device is being defined as drug paraphernalia? It’s not as far-fetched as you might think and we are seeing the same types of pernicious flavor arguments being made today.”

Notwithstanding the forces aligned against it, Abboud’s strategy worked. Once the bill was defeated in Illinois, however, a major trade association immediately filed the same bill in in 25 other states. Abboud was contacted and asked to form a multi-state lobbying team to defeat the bill in the same way his firm had in Illinois. “We orchestrated the strategy from Illinois and we beat the bill in all 26 states,” he said. “We hired and trained a full complement of state lobbyists and armed them with resources. In doing that, we saved an entire product category for this company.” It was shortly thereafter when he was introduced to the vapor space. “Anyone with any foresight knew the vapor industry would be facing serious and severe regulation in it’s future,” he added.

The plan from the beginning was to work with professional, known lobbying firms, companies throughout the industry as well as various state associations. Having this blend of companies and resources allowed VTA to fight on multiple fronts. “From the beginning, we had a clear vision of what we needed to build and how we needed to execute. We have a team and a plan for the future that have put into place for this industry,” Abboud said. “The time for game playing is over. Professional lobbying, policy direction, and strategy is what differentiates what we’re doing.” Currently, VTA works with 23 total state associations, with new groups onboarding monthly. These associations have helped VTA to stay abreast of potential battles at all levels from municipal ordinances to grandiose federal regulations.

VTA at the State Level


• Kentucky – Defeated 15% wholesale tax • New York - Defeated • Utah - Defeated 29% wholesale tax • Florida - Defeated online sales ban and Florida and bill raising age to 21 • Indiana - Defeated bill raising age to 21 • Washington – Defeated bill raising age to 21 • Maryland – Passed bill to permit online sales • Tennessee – Stopped bill raising age to 21 and Indoor Air ban




• Ohio - Defeated 69% wholesale tax • Nevada - Defeated 5 cent per milliliter tax • Montana - Defeated 74% whole sale tax • Utah - Defeated 86% wholesale tax • Indiana - re-opened the Indiana vapor market to all vapor companies • Iowa - restored online sales / preempted local vape laws in Iowa • Louisiana - stopped proposed 150% increase in vapor tax • Maryland - stopped an online sales ban • California - worked with Board of Equalization on new vapor taxes


“When we launched VTA, my prior multi-state experience told me we could replicate that success at the state level. I’m honored that these states have endorsed our approach and are committed to working together as a unified team at the state level,” he said. “It’s hard work. There is no replacement for hard work in this industry.” Abboud is quick to give credit to others. He repeatedly lauds Jake Butcher, VTA’s State Affairs Manager, without whom the multi-state coordinated state program would not be a model. He also lauds VTA’s Board of Directors, without whom, he says none of this would be possible. “[The board] provides not only monetary resources but sound policy direction and innovative ideas for protecting the industry — I don’t know where we would be without them,” Abboud said. “These folks work exceptionally hard — balancing the needs of their industry leading companies with their commitment to helping shape our overall strategy.” The VTA board is an impressive who’s who list in the vaping community. It’s littered with names like Turning Point Brands-Vapor Beast, VMR Products, e-LiquiTech, E-Alternative Solutions, Kaleidoscope Vapor, Joyetech, SMOK, Smoore, Demand Vape, Ruthless Vapor, JUUL, My Vape Order, and USA Vape Lab/Naked.

For Abboud, he feels that the secret to sound policy is the remarkable diversity within the group and their individual/ corporate backgrounds. They represent companies with e-liquid old and new, devices large and small, freebase and salt-based nicotine.

virtually every aspect of this industry and that’s the way we want it.”

“VTA is uniquely situated to defend business big and small in this industry because we have all segments of the industry on our team,” Abboud said. “People ask whether we prefer open or closed systems and I say ‘Yes! Take a look at our Board of Directors.

“It’s important to recognize that the unsung champions of our industry are our state association leaders who have really stepped up their game in terms of getting out the message and leading by example,” he said. “Sometimes businessmen and women have to make unpopular decisions, but they remain focused on professionalism and the unification of their team. As we continue to grow in numbers, strength and presence in every state, it benefits the entire industry — but only if we are working together.”

“The largest manufacturers of open and closed systems, the largest distributors of open and closed systems, the largest flavor manufacturers, and the largest number of vape shops selling open and closed systems. The companies on our board reflect

They prefer to be viewed as professionals leading a sophisticated challenge in a heavily regulated environment fighting for sound, sustainable regulation. No fight is too big. No fight is too small.

With attacks coming from so many angles, VTA said unity within the community is more important now than ever before. Just one example of VTA’s forward thinking leadership is the organization’s new 50-State Joint Defense & Lobbying program they just announced. The group is raising funds to eventually ensure all 50 states are defended. It’s not an easy task or a cheap fight. They’re currently working to raise approximately $2 million to put

VTA MEMBER STATES Alabama l Arizona l Arkansas l California l Colorado l Florida l Georgia Illinois l Indiana l Iowa l Kentucky l Louisiana l Maryland l Montana Nevada l Ohio l Oregon l South Carolina l Tennessee l Texas Utah l Virginia l Washington the plan into action, and it’s a goal they expect to hit.

industry has to reduce youth access to any products, not to mention the importance of allowing us to bring safety innovations to the U.S. market.”

While many state associations hire their own lobbyist, there are many states that have no representation whatsoever. Abboud and State Affairs Director Jake Butcher say this is a problem that has to be fixed.

In addition to the above program, VTA also recently funded and completed the industry’s first full scientific review of all existing research on the role of flavors in vapor products. The professional and legal analysis was presented to FDA in VTA’s response to the FDA ANPRM requesting science on the subject be presented. “If the FDA wants to ban flavors at the federal level, they’ll first have to overcome the science that was presented in our ANPRM response that demonstrates the importance of flavors to smoking cessation,” Abboud said, noting that the flavor fight isn’t one he expects to see end soon. “I think we will be fighting flavors at the state level for quite some time. At the federal level were going to have to solve the riddle much sooner than that. Commissioner Gottlieb is very focused on the new numbers that are reportedly going to show a spike in teen usage. VTA already is building on our prior discussions with FDA to craft a

meaningful solution.” Part of the approach VTA is taking involves first coalescing the industry and continuing to create a team with a unified voice and strategy. Second, they feel it is vital to bring more focus and clarity to the plight of the adult smoker and the role our industry plays in solving that crisis. Third, they are going to continue to drive the issue of rational regulations that restrict youth access and the need for all companies to adopt VTA’s Marketing Standards. “We are stepping it up with the FDA now that the Commissioner has shown he is less inclined to promote this product segment than before,” Abboud said, regarding Gottlieb’s oft-repeated comments in late September. “We are meeting with FDA very shortly to deal directly with the issue of youth access as well as to make sure FDA understands the technological solutions that our

Creative Director & Photography Ezra Zuniga @135fotografiks @thebroketographers Lighting Technician Bryan Gateb @bgateb @thebroketographers Wardrobe Stylist Dela Dewi @deladewi Grooming Breanne McNally @breannemcnally Photography Assistant Denise Zuniga Special Thanks To Corey Noles @coreynoles William J. Tuma Estate Bella Villa Portia, Rancho Santa Fe, CA

Abboud adds, “This is just what the industry has been clamoring for and now its here.”

“This industry does not need saviors or heroes or another organization to come to the rescue. Sure, no one knows for certain what’s going to happen next week, in 30 days, 60 days, but we are keeping our eyes on the prize and are welcoming all that want to join our effort. We have to keep pushing and come together as a community – one industry, one voice, one team,” he said. “We were built for this fight. We’ve always known it was coming. And we are taking it to the next level.”


As Butcher pointed out at VTA’s annual meeting in Washington, D.C. in June 2018, “VTA’s Board heard the call. No longer can the all-important battles at the state level fall solely on the backs of small business owners. Manufacturers are stepping up with this program.”


At this point in the game, new information is coming from FDA weekly with regard to the future of our industry. Of late, there has been little reason to feel encouraged about where we are headed, but Abboud says he and VTA are undaunted.

OverPowered 21700 Mechanical Mod BY CHRIS MELLIDES CHRIS@VAPEMZ.COM

The OverPowered mechanical mod has a lot to offer in a market where mech mods are a focus for niche consumers who go rabid over new releases. With that said, this device’s ease of use, inclusion of smart safety features and low-maintenance design might very well appeal to someone looking to purchase their first mech mod. 60 REVIEWS @VAPENEWSGO


ombine that with the mod’s very fair price point and ability for customization, and you’ve got a piece of vaping hardware that can easily appeal to a lot of vapers. Having said that, this reviewer would be remiss by not stressing that while the OverPowered Mod would be a good purchase for someone new to this category of products, having a firm understanding of ohm’s law and battery safety is paramount. Since this device can be purchased for use in series, with the option of a stacked kit or stacked tube sections sold separately, using this device in series mode is not recommended for beginners. It should go without saying, but if you lack a working knowledge of how to build safely do not stack batteries and operate any device in series mode.

The OverPowered mech mod is 30mm in diameter, which admittedly is a bit chunky, but the device feels rugged and substantial in the hand. It’s got an excellent weight to it as well and despite its size, it’s not all that cumbersome as one might expect.

This device is designed to run 21700, 20700 and 18650 battery types, which only adds to the versatility of the mod overall. If the OverPowered is purchased as a stacked kit, you’ll receive two VRK 21700 batteries; and after conducting some research it would appear that the included batteries are identical to the iJoy 21700 battery and they do perform well. At the top of the device you’ll find a reverse threaded silver-plated copper floating 510 pin with a delrin insulator to guard against any shorts. The benefit of a floating 510 pin is the safety in knowing that you can use any atomizer or tank system and not run the risk of shorting the device. Often with hybrid mechanical mods, it’s crucial that you only use an atomizer that has a protruding 510 connection, but in the case of the OverPowered Mod and all other floating 510 devices, it’s safe to use atomizers whether or not they lack this feature.


Photos By Alex Mellides



While on the topic of safety, it’s also worth noting that the OverPowered Mod has delrin insulation in the inner portion of the tube and what that does is greatly minimize the chance of shorting a battery, should it have a torn or frayed wrap. And while this feature does give users some piece of mind, always rewrap your batteries if their wraps are torn.


The OverPowered Mod employs a clutch style switch, that’s tried and true. The clutch switch first made an appearance in the Sub Ohm Innovations Sub Zero mod and later in BJ Box Mods Broadside and Admiral mech mods. Just like the floating 510 pin, the parts comprising the clutch switch appear to also be silver-plated. Other than the good conductivity, what’s also beneficial about silver or silver-plated contacts is that you won’t have to maintain them to the same degree that you would if the contacts were made from naked copper instead. What’s great about this clutch switch is that it offers a very short and consistent throw and has three points of constant contact. Due to its design you can press anywhere on the button and the mod will instantly fire with nary a misfire to speak of.

The mod’s switch also has adequate venting in the rare occasion that you should experience catastrophic battery failure that could result in battery venting. Since gases will escape through the switch, it’s recommended that you run your battery, or batteries, positive side down. Overall, the OverPowered Mod is a huge win. If you don’t mind its beefy size and having to fish around for a larger atomizer or tank that

compliments the mod’s bigger diameter, then it is well worth the purchase price. It’s a real bastard of a mod. It may not be the hardest hitting mech mod out there, but it’s certainly at the top of the list, whether running it in a single tube configuration or stacked, this thing will deliver the gut-punching power you need. The OverPowered Mod is available in pure brass, and pure copper. Additionally, you can find it in black, blue and red powder coated finishes over a copper tube. These powder coatings are durable, look and feel great. It’s unlikely that they will ever chip or wear down because the application of the coating seems to have been executed very well. A stacked kit (powder coats only) will set you back $249.99. The kit comes with a tube, a stack section, 18650 delrin adapters and two VRK 21700 batteries nestled inside a branded zip shut case, which is a great value for the money. And a single brass or copper tube mod will run $150.00 with the option of purchasing a brass or copper stack section separately for $50 a piece. If you’re interested in purchasing an OverPowered Mod, you can do so directly from the manufacturer by visiting:

Purge Mods





as a general rule, do not use sub ohm tanks or any atomizers (tanks or otherwise) that do no have protruding 510 pins.

As you’ve come to expect from the Florida-based manufacturer, the build quality and overall construction here is impeccable. The engravings are flawless, and the threads are excellent—smooth as silk, as a matter of fact.

This device is also Purge Mods first entry into the world of side fire mechanical mods. The unique firing mechanism on the Slam Piece is an elongated bar made from ultem that runs vertically and is affixed to the solid brass chassis by two small Allen screws.

The Slam Piece is machined out of 464 naval brass and is super compact. It measures just 3 ½ inches tall and is a whopping 30mm in diameter, we’re talking about one seriously chunky device. It also feels very comfortable in the hand, and because of its small size it all but disappears when it’s clenched in your fist. This is a hybrid mech mod, so

The Slam Piece shows a lot of versatility right out of the gate. It can accommodate 18650, 20650, 20700 and 21700 batteries. There aren’t many mods that come to mind that have been able to achieve that feat while maintaining such a tiny form factor.

The ultem firing bar is engraved with the Purge Mods name, and running alongside it you’ll find the words “Slam Piece” deeply CNC engraved onto the brass tube. At the top of the mod you’ll also find some additional deep engravings with the device’s unique batch and serial number prominently displayed.

Photos By Alex Mellides



ar be it for this reviewer to foam at the mouth and call the Purge Mods Slam Piece a “game changer”, or the best mechanical mod ever created for that matter. Those are big claims. But make no mistake about it, the Slam Piece is without a doubt the best product Purge Mods has released to date.



For the most part, the Slam Piece is very clean, the engravings are minimal and if you prefer a low-profile, sleek and minimalistic design, the Slam Piece achieves this all in spades.


The button housing is comprised of a contact cup made out of tellurium copper that’s surrounded by a black ultem safety cup. The device actually ships with two copper contact cups. Both cups are the same height, but where they differ is in thickness. The thicker contact accommodates 18650 and 20650 batteries and the thinner contact will accomodate 20700 and 21700 batteries.


When your choice of copper cup is installed, depending on the battery you’re using of course, the switch housing can be tightened to take up for battery rattle, and by turning the underside button you can lock and unlock the device. If you want your device to fire, simply twist the button to where its groove lines up with the firing bar, twist it to where the groove and the firing bar are not aligned and you will lock the device and prevent any accidental firing. Something also worth mentioning is that this device operates without springs or magnets. When we’re talking about performance, the Slam Piece delivers. It’s one of the hardest hitting mech mods this reviewer has ever used. The action on the side fire switch is perfect, simply apply adequate pressure to the far end of the firing bar and the Slam Piece takes off, jackhammering your face into oblivion.

Using 3 mg e-liquid proved to be too much at first, and after your first three hits you might just want to set the Slam Piece down and reevaluate some things. A 0.1 ohm build positively cooks on this mod, there’s really no need to build any lower than that, unless you have a death wish or you’re afraid of losing a bet. If you’ve read this far into the review and like what you hear, then you should probably buy a Slam Piece, you’ll be glad you did as this device comes highly recommended. Purge Mods announced that the Slam Piece mods will be released in small batches, so get on a preorder list or visit your local shop and hound them until they carry ‘em. As always, just like with any other Purge Mod purchase, you’ll receive your mod in a nice hard shell carry case with a certificate of authenticity. The Slam Piece also comes with a bag of spare goodies—including a single 18650 battery adapter, an Allen key, and a bunch of replacement screws for the firing bar. Sold separately is the Money Shot RDA, which is basically just a 30mm brass top cap with nice engraving, an adjustable airflow and a killer ultem drip tip on a two-post Carnage RDA deck. The Slam Piece and Money Shot were destined to be together, and who are you to stand in the way of destiny. Grab them both. I did. For all of your Purge Mods needs, be sure to visit and check in with authorized resellers for your shot at a Slam Piece.




V a p o r e s s o

N e x u s

All in Wonderful

In The Box In the box, the Vaporesso Nexus arrives with all you’d expect from an AIO device. Inside the box, you have the Nexus itself, 2 NX CCell 1.0 ohm atomizer coil heads (one preinstalled), one instruction manual, and one micro-USB charging cable.

The Vaporesso Nexus AIO is simplicity itself, and with its 650 mAh battery powering 1.0 ohm atomizer heads, it’s perfectly suited for either conventional e-liquids or salt-based nicotine e-liquids. What the user might not expect from a device in this class is the ability to adjust its temperature output. But we’ll return to that momentarily. Starting from the top of the device, a soft plastic mouthpiece with a nice wide opening cradles the user’s lips and delivers the device’s vapor in a warm rush. Beneath the mouthpiece is a 650 mAh battery in one of a number of colorways. Near the bottom is a single button, which both powers the battery on or off and adjusts the temperature settings for the device. Finally, beneath that, at the bottom of the battery, is the micro-

USB charging port. Under the mouthpiece, the Nexus sports an atomizer head assembly and a fill port for the integrated 2ml tank. The fill port is secured by a tethered rubber plug. To change the atomizer head, the user applies a metal “lip” built into the mouthpiece to unscrew the head assembly; after this, the head itself can be unscrewed from the assembly. The atomizer heads for the Nexus are 1.0 ohm, ceramic, and dubbed NX CCells by Vaporesso. User-facing functions are more than one might expect for a compact AIO system. Specifically, although there is no firing button—the device is inhalation actuated by a sensor under the mouthpiece, as is usual for e-cigarette devices—the user can select from three temperature settings by clicking the single button three times.

This time around, we’ll be looking at an AIO device which really takes the form to a whole new level of convenience and performance — with, as it turns out, one major Achilles Heel: the Vaporesso Nexus.

Specs & Features



s All In One (AIO) and pod-based devices continue to proliferate throughout the vapor product market, we continue to see increased maturation of the competing technologies.



com carries it in a staggering eight colors: Blue, Dark Blue, Ruby, Orange, Green, Purple, Silver, and Black. The Nexus lists for $17.99 before shipping or accessories, while the Vaporesso NX CCell atomizer heads go for $9.99 per pack of five. The Vaporesso Nexus is one of the better examples of the AIO device category, but a few cons keep it just shy of being described as the best. Nevertheless, with its good looks, steady performance, and hard to beat asking price, it’s a secondary device vapers should strongly consider.


The user’s selection is indicated by the color of the flashing LED behind the button. High temperature is indicated by a white light, and equates to 12.5 watts. Medium is indicated by a yellow light and is 10.5 watts. Low, at 9 watts, is indicated by a red light.


That button, by the way, is one of the few cons to the Vaporesso Nexus — it is quite small and what’s more, it is recessed into the body of the device, making it more difficult to operate than it really should be.

Real World Experience The Vaporesso Nexus is a device that exudes classy, mature design execution. Though its materials, chiefly zinc alloy and plastic, aren’t exactly premium, the shape, finishes, and solid build quality elevate it beyond the sum of its materials. With that said, there are some compromises which keep it from being just shy of perfect. One of these compromises is the “window” into the tank. Monitoring how much e-liquid remains in the tank

can be surprisingly difficult except in very good lighting. Another compromise is in the NX CCell atomizer heads, which thanks to their oversized e-liquid ports, wick high-VG e-liquids excellently, but choke on e-liquids with VG that’s less than about 70 percent. However, for a user who is forewarned of these minor cons and chooses e-liquid accordingly, the performance from the Nexus is outstanding. Even with airflow wideopen, the Vaporesso Nexus delivers a definite “mouth to lung” style vape. This means that it won’t chuck clouds, not by any means, but it clearly isn’t intended for that. The Vaporesso Nexus is compact, solid, and stylish, and its performance places it firmly in the running to become known as one of the better AIO devices on the market.

Price & Availability The Vaporesso Nexus can be found at many online retailers. MyVaporStore.

l Excellent design, build, fit, and finish l Highly ergonomic and great looking l Solid mouth to lung vape performance l Excellent price point

Cons l Power/Temperature adjustment button small and challenging to use for large fingers l NX CCell atomizer heads are only reliable with high-VG (70%+) e-liquids l Tank window is too undersized for easy monitoring of e-liquid remaining in the tank







he Electronic Cigarette Convention, ECC, is an institution in the world of vape events, and to reference the famous quote from writer Mark Twain, “Reports of their death are greatly exaggerated.” When ECC launched in 2013, the vape space was still wild, growing, full of promise and devoid of regulations. Small e-liquid manufacturers that had the guts and the budget to display there got on the fast track to success and some kept it going. Others are no longer around. Since that time, ECC has held events mostly at the Ontario Convention Center, but tried other venues, usually with less success. Though they had a recent event in February, they hosted another one this past August with about 150 vendors. That is a far cry from their heyday when they had four times that, but like most industries in vape, they had to adapt and adjust and ECC had a few notable changes this year.

Or are they? We spoke with regulatory expert Monica Schick with North Guide Solutions, who offered her thoughts on the Asian connection. “Theoretically they can sell here if they were here prior to August 8,

Innovation has been stifled due to the deeming regulations which are now two years old, but manufacturers not based in the United States are not bound by them.


This past event had more unknown and reasonably well known vendors from China than ever before. They brought mods and hardware and the question many asked was, “How can they sell these here?”


The Chinese Presence

2016, and they would have needed an American agent. Some I have seen before but now have different names. Can they legally sell their “new products?” Probably, until they get called out.” She suggests anyone who buys from them request records of their parent company as well as their US representatives and when asked her opinion about whether an American shop owner should buy there from the floor, she advised caution…

Salt, salt everywhere! The nicotine Salt Revolution was dominant everywhere on the show floor and many familiar liquid companies were selling their version, along with new names that sprung from this new trend. The 800 pound gorilla has been JUUL, the leader and one of the first companies to launch this low wattage, high nicotine product. They have been a lightning rod of media coverage, much of it bad, as pundits claim that they solicit and cater to underage smokers.


Of all the liquid companies in attendance, it appeared that about one in four offered a salt product.


The question of the sustainability of that market is a valid one and many are asking and theorizing if the FDA may put limits on the product. The majority we spoke with said that they there would be a maximum nicotine limit mandated by the FDA in the future.

A worldwide audience ECC started as a mostly US represented event and back then there was little international participation aside from hardware, which is still the case today. If you attend an overseas event today you would see many US companies in attendance since they realize that they must be overseas if they plan to survive.



But is there a reason for foreign liquid companies to be here? Morris Lazootin from Australianbased Bogan Brews Brand from The Vaping Bogan came a long way to Ontario, California. This was his first show as an exhibitor, though he has been here as an attendee. By the way, a bogan is the equivalent of a happy go lucky redneck who lives on welfare, according to Lazootin. “I started my company in 2013 in a country with a population of just 4.5 million smokers. We sold hardware and zero nic products and stayed in country until about a year ago. Our products are less sweet than many US liquids, just as many non-related Australian products are, too”

“The industry is still very small in New Zealand and Australia, where nicotine sales are forbidden, so everything must be nicotine free. But we were selling short fills before they became so popular.”


He estimated that the entire Australian vape industry was about $300M annually.


As much as ECC gets shunned by some, you have to give them credit. Not only do they continue to do shows here in the US, but they are really stepping into the unknown with their next event coming up January 17-19 in the Middle Eastern country of Bahrain. Norm Bour is the founder of VapeMentors and creator of the VAPE U and Vape Shop Certification online programs. They offer services & resources for anyone in the vape space, including vape shops, online stores and e-liquid brands. He’s also the host of Vape Radio, the largest vaping radio show in the world with more than 1.3 M downloads.

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s k c o R

o m h c Ri


hris Mellid

C Photos by
















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Compiled By Chris Mellides

Hellvape, TVC and Heathen Drop Dead RDA


The Drop Dead RDA takes design cues from both the Dead Rabbit and Drop atomizers; borrowing the best design elements that both of those very successful RDAs have to offer and combining them to make something truly special. This epic collaboration between Heathen and The Vapor Chronicles was a long time coming, but when the two decided to work together and marry their RDAs, the end result was the Drop Dead. The Drop Dead is 24mm in diameter, has a generous juice well, excellent stainless-steel construction throughout and its four-post build deck design makes coil installations a snap. Dual side airflow control, with a multi-slot feature offers users the ability to dial in the right airflow to suit their individual tastes. This RDA is capable of being run in either single or dual coil configurations, so that offers some versatility, which is great. The device is also 810 compatible and comes with an 810 resin wide bore drip tip, an 810 acrylic wide bore drip tip, and a 510 drip tip adapter. The device is also squonk ready, which only adds to its appeal as its creators really strived for accessibility with this RDA. The Drop Dead is available in black, full matte black, gunmetal, stainless steel, purple, blue and rainbow. $39.95

Craving Vapor JYNX Pod System

JD Tech

The JYNX Pod System from Craving Vapor is a worthy contender in the ultra-portable pod system market and is designed to fit comfortably within the palm of your hand. It features a 1100mAh rechargeable battery, which allows for several hours of use. Its refillable cartridges have a 2ml capacity, which is seemingly standard issue for a lot of other products also found in this device category. Additionally, the JYNX offers a limited temperature control option when utilizing the 0.25 ohm titanium coils that sit within the replaceable pods. A Micro USB slot can be found beneath the device’s rubberized firing button and supports quick charging. The JYNX also has a number of safety features baked in, like auto fire protection, low voltage protection and short circuit protection. The JYNX is easy to carry and is excellent when traveling. $40.00

Dos Equis Squonker

This limited edition bottom feeding mod is one of the latest products from JD Tech—the company responsible for the iconic Dos Equis parallel mechanical box mod. The new Dos Equis Squonker has parts that are manufactured in the United States and the mod is then fully assembled in the Philippines. The Dos Equis Squonker is comprised of brass and anodized aluminum and is simply elegant, with dynamite construction and superb build quality that you’ve come to expect from JD Tech. The Dos Equis Squonker is fully mechanical, uses a detonator-style top fire switch and sports an adjustable 510 connection. A black BFX Cappy 8.5ml silicone bottle is also included. $240.00

Verso Tank

Vape Shear

The Avid Lyfe Kane mechanical tube mod is 25mm in diameter, it’s constructed out of high quality 464 lead-free brass and was machined with top grade CNC machines that employ only the highest precision. The Kane is a sleeve mod, not unlike the Avid Lyfe Able, and it ships with your choice of either a sleeve with a striking dragon design, or one that is less busy and is accented with just a tasteful etching of the name “Kane” on the sleeve itself. The mod’s design allows users to choose between running either a 20700 battery, or an 18650 battery with a dedicated delrin adapter battery sleeve. The Kane has a hybrid 510 connection for added conductivity, its switch is magnetic, and a solid copper contact is included for hard hitting performance. $304.95

The LMC Verso is a sub ohm tank designed to use proprietary 0.15 ohm coils that are advertised as being able to handle up to 150 watts of power! The Verso Tank has a capacity of 5ml for plenty of e-liquid and employs a mess-free side fill port for easy access during refilling that takes just seconds to accomplish. The tank also has a massive bottom adjustable airflow that you can use to dial in the perfect draw. The Verso Tank definitely looks the part, performs great and is built well. The LMC Verso Tank is available in a number of different finishes that include, black, blue, red and a black and gold color option. $44.95

Those hardened vaping enthusiasts that demand quality in their hardware would be hard pressed to find better shears than these. The Vape Shear shears are constructed out of 316 surgical grade stainless steel, have powder coated handles in multiple color options, undergo a multi-stage sharpening process and are hand tuned before being tested and approved here in the USA. These are the ultimate scissors for snipping your cotton. Available in green, black, red and blue. $14.99

Kane 20700 Mechanical Mod

Vape Shear


Limitless Mod Co.


Avid Lyfe

ris Mellides

Compiled By Ch



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from The Ste

am Factory

This 70VG / 30PG b lend is a dessert lo ver’s drea m. Muffc combines ake fresh bak e d muffin flavor wit h a sweet cupcake topped w ith delicio u s frosting Add lemo . n zest an d m ixed fruit and get re ady for th e ultimate party in y our mouth ! 60ml pricing is available . www.thest eamfacto



from Vape Bomb


Very light cinna mon sugar, pull apart mon key bread, topped off with a light creamy glaze. Ju st like grandma used to make! 60ml, 100ml an d 120ml pricing is availa ble. www.bamajuice .com



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from Drip Wich

A complete ly far out b utter pecan ice cr eam, sandw iched between tw o wicked w affles that have been drenched w ith an excellent ca ramel syrup . 60ml and 100ml pricing is av ailable. www.marlin


from Marmalade E-


A delicious fu ll flavored expe rience that de you would ex livers what pect from a go od apricot vape. apricot flavor Blending with sweet citr usy marmalad a tasty vape th e cr eates at will have yo u fiending for muffins smot toast or hered in apric ot jam. www.vapewild .com

g from Swtitrhonloads of fruity nr.oTtehiss

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IME T T S A F K A E BR Island Vapes



s e i d n ca BLUE RASPBERRY

from Taffy Splash

Blue Raspberr y Taffy Splash will take your summertime taste buds on adventure on a th e boardwalk— summer! Get even if it isn’ your sweet fix t an d enjoy the sw flavor of swee eet, juicy t blue raspbe rry that has a exhale with ev smooth crea ery vape. 100m my l pricing is av www.taffyspl ailable.


Jelly ery Gou from Setrecaremamy watermelonwtaitffhyc!hewy


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from Big Leag


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from Juice Lin



This cool and fruity taste sen mixture o sation is f sweet a a refreshin nd tangy pineapple g c itrus blen and oran ded with ge, comp of menth lete with ol to ting a cooling le your ta and refre blast ste buds. shing all A perfect sw day vape it! 100ml eet . You’re re pricing is ally gonn available www.theo a love . rignalvap

ON G A R D E H T R E ENT i Vapors

g e-liquid refreshin ly e m re r that’s is sup ach flavo hue of th e d p t re e y e e w th Past ext all da berry s g your n d a straw in n e fi b l f il o w le. you d worthy is availab cious an l pricing m 0 2 1 truly deli d n a ml, 60ml vape. 15 o p a iv in www.gem

from Gemin

from Pachamama E-Liquid


This 70VG/ 30PG blend is a deliciously sweet blood orange coupled with a creamy banana and gooseberry surprise. 60 ml pricing is available.



Thre grap e great fr efrui t, wo esh frui ts, ly rking ch to ut ter p beautifu ee, rasp b lly to erfec geth erry and tion. er an pink 60m d l www pricing is blended .spu tnice availabl e liqui . .uk


putnicYAGRA E Liqui d

from S

BOOBOvOerback Juice Co.


kick of from Sils blend of grape extract, with a am azing mouth

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from Hold F


ast Vapors

Crisp and clean pe succulen ars meet t sweet b erries to pped with smo oth silky cream. www.hold fastvapo





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