Gasan Jisho to Chizu: Knowing y/our own Culture

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Republic of the Philippines


Culture and the Arts MSCCA Basic Foreign Language EQC, Advanced Foreign Language MSC 2nd semester 2020-21, February 6~27,2021 This edition of Pecha Kucha is way forward from the pandemic, this is already the New Normal. Unlike during the old normal, when graduate students can afford to have face to face meetings with their respective professors. Then the mode of delivery, learning style and even the evaluation and assessment is quite peculiar to the flexible modality. There are still negotiable deliverables including the registry of cultural properties, cultural mapping, jisho to chizu reflections and pecha kucha slides which this proceedings continue to compile. However, there are also non-negotiable deliverables that form the core of foreign language and culture in Japanese makes it what it is, practice writing sheets and flash cards in Hiragana for the Basic Foreign Language class and Katakana for the Advanced Foreign Language class. On the occasion of 500 years since the victory in Battle of Mactan, 2021 also marks the international year of creative economy for sustainable development and global recovery. Likewise, February also is devoted not only to hearts month but also to the National Arts Month. This is the culmination of the previous 100 heritage of objects in Marinduque and 400 heritage objects in Quezon. Also in line with the annual National Arts Month, the MSC Culture and the Arts (MSCCA) is conducting Hearts Fest in collaboration with the Hearts Council. The previous engagement during the Marinduque Centennial is carried out during the 101st founding anniversary of the province. By February 25, there would be a launching of the Siklab Society performance using the new platform through streaming and online presentation. Likewise by February 26, there would be a microsite for the MSCCA Virtual Museum and Hearts Council Cultural Hub featuring the podcast episodes, video ethnography, literary folio and Pecha Kucha with Jisho to Chizu proceedings of the previous batch of Foreign Language and Culture. And on February 27, there would be a back to back online streaming of Pecha Kucha presentations by MSC and Eastern Quezon College. Toward the end, on February 28, there would be a lunch publications of Marinduque Local History by Francisco Labay, recording of Saling Awit, Saling Tula and Ka Oski’s Marinducore original song compositions. Dr. Randi Nobureza MSC x EQC Sensei EdM01: Basic Foreign Language (Japanese) 2nd semester 2020-21

Table of Contents Cover EDM Message Table of Contents Gasan Cultural Mapping Forms



Natural Resources  Niyog (Coconut Tree)  Marinduque Wildlife Sanctuary  Banot Coral Reef  Nito  Talao  Brgy. Masiga Marine Turtle Preservation Are Tangible-Immovable Heritage  Dr. Jose Rizal Monument  St. Joseph Spouse of Mary Parish  Iglesia Filipina Independente (IFI Church)  Gasan Cultural Seaport and Community Fish Landing Center


Tangible-Movable Heritage  Minutes of Sessions of the Municipal Council of Gasan, Marinduque year 1945,1946,1947  Bandera Mayor 


Intangible Heritage  Wood Carving  Atty. Mamerto S. Asuncion  Celso Guevarra Jr.  Eleanor Arevalo Moring  Aurora Elvira Gayoso Sevilla  Moriones Festival Reflections


Natural Resources

Mapping of Significant Natural Resources Category: Plants (Flora)

LOCAL/INDIGENOUS NAME: NIYOG (COCONUT TREE) PHOTO: (Take a photo of the plant's habit, leaf, flower, fruit, trunk, crown)





[ ] VINE

[ / ] TREE


[ / ] Native

[ ] Exotic

[ ] Endemic


Plain lands, mountains F. SITE COLLECTED/SIGHTED:

All sites in Gasan G. INDICATE VISIBILITY: 1. 2.

[ / ] Highly visible [ / ] All barangays

[ ] Not visible [ ] Some barangays





Coconut flower make use as a medicine. It is mixed in any ingredients for treatment.


Coconut leaves are used as a roof for housing of Filipinos. The stick of leaves are used to make a brooms and can be a source of income. 3. FRUITING:

Coconut fruit serves as a dessert for our every meal. Coconut juice is also believed as a medicine for those who have experienced difficulty in urination. Coconut husks is used for cleaning floor, use as a fuel in cooking and use as decoration in festivals.

Coconut shell is also used as a decoration. 4. FRAGRANCE:

Coconut has a natural fragrance. It comes from its juice and its pulp. It has a sweet and tasty smell. 5. SPECIAL NOTES:

The slender, leaning, ringed trunk of the coconut palm rises to a height of up to 25 metres (80 feet) from a swollen base and is surmounted by a graceful crown of giant featherlike leaves. Mature fruits, ovoid or ellipsoid in shape, 300–450 mm (12–18 inches) in length and 150–200 mm (6–8 inches) in diameter, have a thick fibrous husk surrounding the familiar single-seeded nut of commerce. B. COMMON USES: [ / ] EDIBLES (indicate if

[ ] ORNAMENTALS (indicate if

vegetable, fruit, nut, beverage crop, herbs & spices Beverage, fruit,nut_____

florist, landscape, lawn & turf plants ) ____decoration__________

Remarks: Coconut Tree have many uses. [ / ] INDUSTRIAL CROPS (indicate if [ / ] OTHER used for drugs & medicinals, oils, USES extractives & resins, insecticides, animal Construction, feeds fuel Medicinal, oils, animal feeds

C. SCOPE OF USE: (Indicate if local, domestic, international, others) Coconut tree is commonly used locally. It is also used internationally for carpentry (exterior or interior) and for light construction. With domestic and international tourism making great strides, it could be tapped as a potential outlet to promote the industry. Hotels could be encouraged to serve young fresh coconuts as thirst quenchers instead of bottled soft drinks. In these same hotels, or in any other places often visited by tourists, outlets for coconut handicrafts could also be provided. III. STORIES ASSOCIATED WITH THE PLANT

Coconut tree is known as the tree of life. All parts of the coconut tree is useful. Its leaves is used for roofing of houses. Its fruit serves as a food, medicine and beverage. The trunk of the tree is used for construction. IV. SIGNIFICANCE

Indicate type of significance, e.g. historical, aesthetic, economic, social, political, spiritual and then explain

Besides the edible kernels and the drink obtained from green nuts, the harvested coconut also yields copra, the dried extracted kernel, or meat, from which coconut oil, a major vegetable oil, is expressed. The Philippines and Indonesia lead in copra production, and throughout the South Pacific copra is one of the most important export products. The meat may also be grated and mixed with water to make coconut milk, used in cooking and as a substitute for cow’s milk. The dry husk yields coir, a fibre highly resistant to salt water and used in the manufacture of ropes, mats, baskets, brushes, and brooms. Although the coconut finds its greatest commercial utilization in the industrial countries of the Western world, its usefulness in its native areas of culture is even greater. Indonesians claim that coconuts have as many uses as there are days in a year. Other useful products derived from the coconut palm include toddy, palm cabbage, and construction materials. Today, a beverage drunk fresh, fermented, or distilled, is produced from the sweetish sap yielded by the young flower stalks when wounded or cut; toddy is also a source of sugar and alcohol. Palm cabbage, the delicate young bud cut from the top of the tree, is, like the buds from other palms, eaten as a salad vegetable. Mature palm leaves are used in thatching and weaving baskets. The fibrous, decay-resistant tree trunk is incorporated into the construction of huts; it is also exported as a cabinet wood called porcupine wood.


A. STATUS: (Indicate if the plant is critically endangered, endangered, vulnerable, other threatened species) _____________________________________________________________________________________

Since coconut tree is the main source of income of Gasenos, it is preserved and abundant in this area. B. CONSTRAINTS/THREATS/ISSUE: Given the time it would take and the current threats to coconut trees is the typhoon, pests and diseases, low farm productivity, and stressful growing conditions. C. CONSERVATION MEASURES: (Describe the conservation measures taken at the level of the community, provincial and/or national)

Here in Gasan, preserving coconut trees done by replacing old coconut trees with new ones.



Ms. Vanessa F. Tayaba Head of Agriculture Office Municipality of Gasan


Geraldine Q. Mascarenas


MaEd – Educational Management February 19, 2021

Mapping of Protected Areas



A. CATEGORY: [ / ] NIPAS (National Integrated Protected Areas System, RA7586) [ ] NON-NIPAS



C. LOCATION: The Marinduque Wildlife Sanctuary (MWS) is located within the geographical coordinates of 13o25’30” North latitude and 121o53’50” to 122o01’50” East longitude. It is comprised of two (2) parcels of forestland within five (5) municipalities and 23 barangays. The protected area is bounded on the North by the municipalities of Boac and Sta. Cruz; the municipality of Buenavista on the South; the municipality of Torrijos on the East; and the municipality of Gasan on the West. Parcel 1 is the Balagbag Mountain Ranges at the southwestern part of Marinduque Island, with the highest peak at its center of 821 meters above sea level. Parcel II is at Central Marinduque, highest peak of which is 854 meters above sea level. D. AREA (in hectares): Based on the legislated protected area in the Philippines, the Marinduque Wildlife Sanctuary (MWS) is composed of two parcels of mountainous terrain covering 9,759.60 hectares of timberland E. LEGISLATION & DATE OF LEGISLATION: Pursuant to proclamation No. 696, s. 2004, declared protected area in the island province of Marinduque, under the category wildlife sanctuary, is a mountainous terrain of timberland known as the Marinduque Wildlife Sanctuary (MWS) by virtue of Republic Act 7586 (National Integrated Protected Areas System Act of 1992). II. DESCRIPTION

A. PHYSICAL FEATURES OF PROTECTED AREA The Marinduque Wildlife Sanctuary (MWS) is generally a mountainous refuge characterized with andesite to basalt flows and agglomerates with minor intercalated clastic, as in the case of the whole island. It has rugged terrain with long swift rivers that includes the Boac River that traverses along the northeastern boundary of Parcel 1. Both Parcels I and II are steep gorges with deeply entrenched streams and rivers, waterfalls and few alluvial deposits. B. OTHER IMPORTANT DATA: (May include description of significant flora and fauna of protected area) •


The mean annual temperature is 26.6oC. The coolest month is January with a mean temperature of 25.5oC while the warmest month is May with a mean temperature of 28.3oC. Soil Type There are six major soil types in the Marinduque Wildlife Sanctuary. The Banhigan clay loam is the most dominant soil type in the area which covers about 4,417.01 hectares or 45% of the total land. This type specifically covers areas in Parcel I. Next type is hydrosol consisting of about 2,648.29 hectares or 27.14%. Banto clay loam is the other type of soil in the area which covers 2,610.60 hectares or 26.75%. Other soil types are Timbo clay which covers 76.77 hectares, San Miguel sandy loam covering 4.18 hectares,and Faraon clay covering 1.86 hectares. Slope Notably, 54% of Marinduque Wildlife Sanctuary lies on moderately to steepy mountainous slope.

Hydrology and Water Resources Both Parcels I and II of the protected area have steep gorges with deeply entrenched streams and rivers, waterfalls and few alluvial deposits. There are also identified water reservoirs and natural springs.

Watershed Areas The area, particularly Parcel II in Central Marinduque, is a source of locally important watersheds which drain into the tributaries of the five major water systems in the province that supply the domestic and irrigation needs for water. The watershed areas include Naampias Watershed Forest Reserve, Sta. Cruz Community Watershed, Gasan Community Watershed, Buenavista Community Watershed and Boac Watershed.

Flora Based on the data gathered during the Resource Basic Inventory (RBI) in 2003, the endangered species of flora that were observed at Marinduque Wildlife Sanctuary include Apitong (Dipterocarpus grandiflorus), Red Lauan (Shorea negrosensis), White Lauan (Shorea contorta), Palosapis (Anisoptera thurifera), Narra (Pterocarpus indicus), Dalingdingan (Hopea acuminata), Bolong-eta (Diospyros pilosanthera), Dao (Dracontomelon dao), and Mayapis (Shorea squamata). These trees are important in the maintenance of the watershed in the MWS.

Fauna The Marinduque Wildlife Sanctuary is considered to be an Important Bird Area (IBA) and Key Biodiversity Area (KBA) due to the presence of trigger species such as Philippine Duck (Anas luzonica), Philippine Cockatoo (Cacatua haematuropygia), Green Racquet-tail (Prioniturus luconensis) and threatened

endemic mammals recorded on the site that include the Philippine Pygmy Fruit Bat (Haplonycteris fischeri), Southern Philippine Nectar Bat (Eonycteris robusta), and Large Rufous Horseshoe Bat (Rhinolophus rufus). Endemic herpetofauna so far recorded in this IBA are Giant Philippine Frog (Ranamagna macrocephala) and Truncate-toed Chorus Frog (Kaloula conjuncta). Likewise, the 220 important species of butterflies in this area made Marinduque to be known as the “Butterfly Capital of the Philippines. III. STORIES ASSOCIATED WITH THE PROTECTED AREA There are 55 households who are actually residing within the protected area. They had been in the area long before the proclamation of the MWS and continuously occupying, tilting and developing their lots since then. IV. SIGNIFICANCE

Indicate type of significance, e.g. historical, aesthetic, economic, social, political, spiritual and then explain

AESTHETIC – The richness of the Marinduque Wildlife Sanctuary on biodiversity and its beautiful scenery with wonderful geological and hydrological features make it a potential major ecotourism destination in the province. V. CONSERVATION

A. STATUS OF PROTECTION: (refer to MENRO) The survivals of the wildlife species are dependent on the intact ecosystems of the Marinduque Wildlife Sanctuary and TWFR as their habitat. Programs and projects are strictly implemented to ensure their protection. B. CONSTRAINTS/THREATS/ISSUES: THREATS: The threats, including potential threats, have been identified as follows: • • • • • • • •

location at the typhoon belt and earthquake zone climate change impact wildlife hunting gathering of endemic flora species small-scale logging activities illegal grazing and pasturing of livestock kaingin farming

• • •

gold panning/small-scale mining housing and residential expansion building of irrigation system and mini dams

• • • •

ISSUES: CLOA issue within protected area Illegal settlers Water resources distribution between barangays Ownership dispute over land resource among the family members of tenured migrants CONCERNS:

• • • • • • • • • • •

Strict implementation of ENIPAS ACT Strengthening of CEPA Lack of forest protection officers Creation and deputation of WEO, Bantay Gubat and CPEO Guidelines of implementation of projects Monitoring of approved activities and projects within the protected area Composition of new PAMB members based on new IRR of ENIPAS Inclusion of new geohazard assessment Capacity building of eco-guides Verification of zones Demarcation of the protected area’s boundaries

C. CONSERVATION MEASURES: (Describe the conservation measures taken at the level of the community, provincial and/or national)

There is a monthly monitoring or patrolling within the protected area thru the LAWIN Forest and Biodiversity Protection System. LAWIN, named after the Philippine Hawk Eagle, combines science –based planning, user-friendly technology and indigenous knowledge to protect forests. It watches over natural forests and helps communities and government in their effort to conserve the protected area. VI. REFERENCES


Mr. EMETERIO RECTO- Senior ECOMS/PASA, MWS MRS. JEANWIN S. GERONAGA- Mapper (March 2020) Handbook of DENR-PENRO, entitled, “Proposed Protected Area Management Plan of Marinduque Wildlife Sanctuary (MWS) 2020 – 2030” CATHERINE D. RODRIGUEZ February 18, 2021

Mapping of Protected Areas NAME OF PROTECTED AREA: Banot Coral Reef


I. BACKGROUND INFORMATION A. CATEGORY: [ / ] NIPAS (National Integrated Protected Areas System, RA7586) [ ] NON-NIPAS

[ ] ASEAN Natural Heritage [ ] World Heritage Site





Banot is situated at approximately 13.3096, 121.8590, in the island of Marinduque. Elevation at these coordinates is estimated at 48.7 meters or 159.8 feet above mean sea level. Banot shares a common border with the following barangay(s): Bachao Ibaba, Gasan, Marinduque Bachao Ilaya, Gasan, Marinduque Mahunig, Gasan, Marinduque Matandang Gasan, Gasan, Marinduque D. AREA

No information found in total sea area of Banot Coral Reef. +BANOT .


Hence. common boundaries with Boac on the north, Buenavista on the southwest. The massive structure that the coral reef is comprised of is actually built out of coral polyps, which are small marine animals that thrive in colonies. It is also known as “rainforests of the sea,” coral reefs cover less than 1% of the ocean but are home to almost 25% of all known marine species!


Coral reefs provide an important ecosystem for life underwater, protect coastal areas by reducing the power of waves hitting the coast, and provide a crucial source of income for millions of people. Coral reefs teem with diverse life. Thousands of species can be found living on one reef. Coral reefs are some of the most diverse and valuable ecosystems on Earth. Coral reefs support more species per unit area than any other marine environment, including about 4,000 species of fish, 800 species of hard corals and hundreds of other species. Scientists estimate that there may be millions of undiscovered species of organisms living in and around reefs. This biodiversity is considered key to finding new medicines for the 21st century. Many drugs are now being developed from coral reef animals and plants as possible cures for cancer, arthritis, human bacterial infections, viruses, and other diseases.

Healthy coral reefs support commercial and subsistence fisheries as well as jobs and businesses through tourism and recreation. Approximately half of all federally managed fisheries depend on coral reefs and related habitats for a portion of their life cycles. The National Marine Fisheries Service estimates the commercial value of U.S. fisheries from coral reefs is over $100 million. Local economies receive billions of dollars from visitors to reefs through diving tours, recreational fishing trips, hotels, restaurants, and other businesses based near reef ecosystems.

Coral reef structures also buffer shorelines against 97 percent of the energy from waves, storms, and floods, helping to prevent loss of life, property damage, and erosion. When reefs are damaged or destroyed, the absence of this natural barrier can increase the damage to coastal communities from normal wave action and violent storm.


Adapted from the minutes of the regular meeting of the Sangguniang Barangay of Banot last February 04, 2019 at 8:00 am in the morning headed by their barangay captain Karin An M. De Villena they made an ordinance aimed at protecting the coral reef. Hon. Gener S. Sales was formulated and suggested the following objectives of the of the ordinance. Wherein, many fishermen from other barangay benefit from the coral reef. Wherein, fishermen catch even small fishes. Wherein, coral reef in barangay Banot needs to protect and conserve based on PD 1219 and PD 1698 or what we called “CORAL RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT AND COINSERVATION DECREE”. Because of different objectives, initiated by the author it was agreed upon by the members of the Sangguniang Barangay and officially known as “ORDINANSANG NAGLALAYONG PANGALAGAAN ANG BAHURANG KORAL NG BARANGAY BANOT LABAN SA ANUMANG URI NG PANG-AABUSO”. The ordinance is composed of 6 section. Section 2. Objective, Section 3. Area, Section 4. Definition of Terms. Section 5. Prohibited Activities, Section 6. Punishment Section 7. Taskforce Executor, Section 8. Dissemination, Section 9. Validity of Implementation. IV. SIGNIFICANCE Indicate type of significance, e.g. historical, aesthetic, economic, social, political, spiritual and then explain

The significance of Coral reefs in terms of historical it protect coastlines from storms surge and erosion, when it comes to economics it provide jobs for local communities especially to the Banoteñeous and offer opportunities for recreation. They are also are a source of food and new medicines. Almost half of the people living along the seashore of barangay Banot depend on reefs for food, income, and protection. Coral reefs provide habitat for a large variety of marine life, including various sponges, oysters, clams, crabs, sea stars, sea urchins, and many species of fish. Coral reefs are also linked ecologically to nearby seagrass, mangrove, and mudflat communities.4 May 2018 V. CONSERVATION A. STATUS OF PROTECTION: (refer to MENRO)

Based in barangay ordinance no. 2019-001, series 2019 section 6 the fishermen who will do illegal fishing will have an equivalent punishment. a. Using fine mesh net. First offense…………………….Php. 1000.00 Second offense………………...Php. 2,500.00 Third offense……………………Php. 3,000.00 and filing of a case.

b. Using of Commercial Trawl First offense…………………….Php. 3,000.00 Second offense………………...Php. 5, 000.00 and filing of a case c. Using of net with big stone First offense…………………….Php. 1000.00 Second offense………………...Php. 2,500.00 Third offense……………………Php. 3,000.00 and filing of a case d. Catching of small fishes First offense…………………….Php. 1,500.00 Second offense………………...Php. 2,500.00 Third offense……………………Php. 3,000.00 and filing of a case e. Using dynamite and cyanide fishing ,compressor-assisted fishing and overfishing First offense…………………….One month community service Second offense…………………1,500.00 Third offense…………………….2,500.00 B. CONSTRAINTS/THREATS/ISSUES:

Coral Reefs in Gasan are being threathened by both natural and human-induced disturbances. The 2014 assessment cited blast and cyanide fishing, particularly in Bgy. Banot, fine mesh nets compressor-assisted fishing and overfishing, heavy solid waste, siltation/sedimentation due to upland reforestation, soil erosion from riverbanks and shorelines during heavy rains and floods, signs of diseases and occurrence of pest like Crown Thorns and Drupella shells as causes that have negatively impacted the reefs observed. C. CONSERVATION MEASURES: (Describe the conservation measures taken at the level of the community, provincial and/or national)

The barangay officials of Banot headed by their very supportive and dedicated barangay captain Hon. Karin An M. De Villena and the whole community of the said barangay are now busy in putting up of floater to cover up the boundaries of the total area of coral reef. According to Kagawad Jeffrey L. Lagro and Kagawad Gener S. Sales this is to remind the fishermen, strangers, and the people itself within the community that the area is protected. They do all their best and effort to conserve their corals. The officials of the barangay oriented the people living in the community to work on coral restoration, the Coral Reef Conservation Program. Catching aquarium fish is also strictly prohibited in the area and as well as throwing garbage that can cause fish kill. VI. REFERENCES

KEY INFORMANT/S: Hon. Karin An M. De Villena Hon. Gener S. Sales Hon. Jeffrey L. Lagro

REFERENCE/S: Minutes of the regular meeting of the Sangguniang Barangay of Banot last February 04, 2019


Mapping of Significant Natural Resources Category: Plants (Flora) LOCAL/INDIGENOUS NAME: NITO PHOTO: (Take a photo of the plant's habit, leaf, flower, fruit, trunk, crown)




[ ] Endemic

[/] VINE

[ ] TREE

[/] Native

[ ] Exotic


Nito (Lygodium circinatum) belong to climbing fern family that grows in low medium altitudes and serves as secondary forest cover clinging to trees and rocks. F. SITE COLLECTED/SIGHTED:

It can be found in hinterlands of Tapuyan, Matandang Gasan and Tabionan Gasan.


[ ] Highly visible [ ] All barangays

[ ] Not visible [/] Some barangays













SPECIAL NOTES: Vines B. COMMON USES: [ ] EDIBLES (indicate if [ ] ORNAMENTALS (indicate if [ ] INDUSTRIAL CROPS (indicate if used vegetable, fruit, nut, beverage crop, herbs & spices

florist, landscape, lawn & turf plants )



for drugs & medicinals, oils, extractives & resins, insecticides, animal feeds

[ ] OTHER USES handicraft

Remarks: C. SCOPE OF USE: (Indicate if local, domestic, international, others)

Nito vines has traditionally been use in Nito-weaving by local residents of Gasan. The outermost layer of stem has to be removed to get the raw strips, cleaned, processed and use as material in making local native handicrafts like bags, basket, plates and food covers. III. STORIES ASSOCIATED WITH THE PLANT


Indicate type of significance, e.g. historical, aesthetic, economic, social, political, spiritual and then explain

Nito vine has an economic significance in producing nito products for local artisan in the municipality of Gasan. It has been an additional source of livelihood for some people were engaged in nito-weaving. Local traders and entrepreneurs come to Gasan annual Trade fare to see and appreciate the value of this intricate weaving that needed to be continue and produce more products using the sustainable source of this plant. The strips and products made from this plant were also use as decorations and costume designs in some cultural traditions and costoms like Kalesahayan Festival and Moriones Festival which originated from Gasan.

Locals of Gasan encorporated the use of dried strips of this vine in making crowns that were officially used in traditional putong in welcoming guest during special occasions and traditional gatherings which highlighted the social significance of this plant.


A. STATUS: (Indicate if the plant is critically endangered, endangered, vulnerable, other threatened species)

This plant is still visible in some barangays of Gasan. B. CONTSTRAINTS/THREATS/ISSUE:

Local weavers sometimes encountered problems due to high demand of products made from this vine causing them to wait for the plants to grow and buy from other places in the province. C. CONSERVATION MEASURES: (Describe the conservation measures taken at the level of the community, provincial and/or national)

The local Government Unit of Gasan in coordination with the Municipal Agricultural Office offered program in natural propagation of this plant and encouraged the community to continue producing products.


KEY INFORMANT/S: Vanessa Faeldo Tayaba OIC Municipal Agriculture Office REFERENCE/S: Municipal Agricultural Office NAME OF PROFILER/MAPPER: Joanne P. Ramiro DATE PROFILED: February 22, 2021

Mapping of Significant Natural Resources Category: Bodies of Water NAME OF NATURAL HERITAGE: Talao Falls PHOTO:




[ ] SEA [ ] RIVER






B. LOCATION: Sitio, Talao in Brgy.Tiguion, Gasan, Marinduque C. AREA (in hectares): The waterfall is part of the forest reserved of local government unit with an estimated area of 1000 hectares.


OWNERSHIP/ JURISDICTION: Local Governement Unit of Gasan , Marinduque



(Describe the physical features of the water formation) Talao waterfalls is seven kilometers away from the town proper of Gasan.It is a captivating falls with cool and clean water that refreshes the visitors. This waterfall is 50 feet above the ground. The waterfalls basin is deep and conducive for swimming and picnics. The verdant sorrounding add charm to the place. Plants are visible like Banana tree, Dita tree and Malingango tree that were used for furniture and even use for making kalutang instrument of Bangbang, Gasan, Marinduque. The waterfall is a home for reddish shrimps and crabs called bonbon. Metamorphic rocks, variety of vines, ferns and mosses are also visible in the area. According to the locals this waterfalls could be rough and more astonishing when rainy season.


There is an interesting story about the falls. According to the old folks, there is a lady in red dress roaming around the falls, they insisited that this lady is a nymph that protects the waterfalls. Another story from kagawad Zoleta is that one resident died in the falls while catching shrimp in the area becuse he accidentally slipped his feet from the rocks which is a bit slippery during rainy days. X. SIGNIFICANCE

Indicate type of significance, e.g. historical, aesthetic, economic, social, political, spiritual and then explain History The falls is the primary source of water for the nearby communities. During the old days,the people used to fetch water and drink in the waterfalls when going to mountain for work. The whole area served as a habitat for plants and animals. Aesthetic It is also a refreshing destination to explore for the locals and tourist. The place is good for family picnics and swimming. Economic Waterfall attract visitors who end up buying local product like sweet kakanin and seafoods like shrimps and crab which they sell to earn money or serve as ulam.


A. STATUS OF PROTECTION: The talao falls is under the custody of the municipal ordinance that prohibits the scattering and throwing of garbage in the area. B. CONSTRAINTS/THREATS/ ISSUES: drought/ garbage During summer, the waterfalls diminishes as precipitation is less abundant thus waterfall level reduce, while dumps also affect the area due to the garbage brought by the visitors. C. CONSERVATION MEASURES: (Describe the conservation measures taken at the level of the community, provincial and/or national) The locals maintain the cleanliness of the area and protecting it's natural reaources.



KEY INFORMANT/S: Kgwd. Delfin Zoleta Jr ( barangay kagawad ) Weng Tolentino Estrada ( resident) REFERENCE/S: Brgy. Hall of Tiguion Gasan Municipality Office NAME OF PROFILER/MAPPER: Grace Ann Orilla Mazon DATE PROFILED: February 18, 2021


I. BACKGROUND INFORMATION A. CATEGORY: [ ] NIPAS (National Integrated Protected Areas System, RA7586) [ / ] NON-NIPAS [ ] ASEAN Natural Heritage [ ] World Heritage Site





Brgy. Masiga Marine Turtle Preservation Are established with hatching facility, concrete tub for injured turtles and Head quarters. B. OTHER IMPORTANT DATA: (May include description of significant flora and fauna of protected area) The coastal portion of the preservation area was filled with sea grasses and tropical fish. III. STORIES ASSOCIATED WITH THE PROTECTED AREA According to Roberto Olivar (BFARMC), turtles were sighted in the area a long time ago and they wanted to protect those marine animals through preservation. IV. SIGNIFICANCE Indicate type of significance, e.g. historical, aesthetic, economic, social, political, spiritual and then explain

Environmentally, turtles are part of the marine bio-diversity. Econimically, turtles contribute in the production/multiplication of Marine resources V. CONSERVATION A. STATUS OF PROTECTION: (refer to MENRO) Protection is locally initiated as stated in the municipal Ordinance No. 146 s. 2013 B. CONSTRAINTS/THREATS/ISSUES: One of the issues is the cooperation among the fish folks.

C. CONSERVATION MEASURES: (Describe the conservation measures taken at the level of the community, provincial and/or national)

In the level of the community, Masiga Marine Preservation Association was formed and they are doing their tasks and responsibilities voluntarily while Gasan LGU enacted an ordinance and NGO’s like Peace Corps/Conservation International Phil. Gave their financial supports.


TangibleImmovable Heritage

Mapping of Significant Tangible Immovable Heritage Category: Monuments and Markers NAME OF IMMOVABLE HERITAGE: DR. JOSE RIZAL MONUMENT PHOTO:







[ ] FOUNTAIN [ ] OTHER _____________________

C. ADDRESS/LOCATION/COORDINATES (Longitude & Latitude): BARANGAY 2, POBLACION GASAN, MARINDUQUE/ 130 19 NI 1210 51 ‘E Barangay 2 Poblacion is situated approximately 13, 3250 longitude and 12’8499 latitude in the island of Marinduque. D. AREA:

1. Total Land Area: 100.88 km2

E. YEAR CONSTRUCTED/ESTIMATED AGE: Oldest monument in Gasan F. OWNERSHIP/JURISDICTION: MUNICIPALITY OF GASAN, MARINDUQUE G. DECLARATION/LEGISLATION: Act No. 243: An act authorizing the construction of National Monument for Filipino Patriot and Reformist, Dr Jose Rizal. Subsequently, public schools, Municipalities, and Cities all over the country built their own versions of Rizal Monument. All of these structures in Different Forms, Magnitude and Designs Represent local Flavors Blended on current Architectural Styles of the Period. II. DESCRIPTION

A. Physical Description (Describe the physical features – exterior, interior, if applicable, landscape surrounding the structure)

Exterior – the statue is built with cement and painted. Landscape – the monument is located inside the municipality of Gasan building. B. History of the Structure (Write the history of construction, use/function of the building over the years, history of intervention)

III. STORIES ASSOCIATED WITH THE STRUCTURE History says that the body of Dr. Jose Rizal Monument was white and black. And at present, it is Gold. The old monument was placed on the left side of the Municipality of Gasan before and it is now located at Claro T. Guevarra place. It is also the oldest monument in Gasan. IV. SIGNIFICANCE Indicate type of significance, e.g. historical, aesthetic, economic, social, political, spiritual and then explain

Social and Historical- it serves as a tribute to the martyrdom of our National Hero, Dr. Jose Rizal who offered his life to his beloved “inang bayan” During Rizal Day, the residents offer flowers to the statue of Dr. Jose Rizal to commemorate his death. V. CONSERVATION A. STATUS/CONDITION OF STRUCTURE: (Describe the physical condition of the structure) [ / ] In good condition [ ] deteriorated [ ] ruins Remarks: It is repainted once faded. The municipality has fund for renovation. B. INTEGRITY OF THE STRUCTURE: 1.

[ ] altered [ ] unaltered


[ /] moved [ ] original site

Remarks: Located at the left side of the Municipality of Gasan and now at the center of the building. C. CONSTRAINTS/THREATS/ISSUE: D. CONSERVATION MEASURES: (Describe the conservation measures taken at the level of the community, provincial and/or national)

It is repainted once the colors fades.



Mapping of Significant Tangible Immovable Heritage Category: Churches, Temples and Places of Worship NAME OF IMMOVABLE HERITAGE: ST. JOSEPH SPOUSE OF MARY PARISH



[/] CHURCH [ ]TEMPLE [ ] MOSQUE [ ] OTHER ______________________

B. RELIGION/DENOMINATION: Roman Catholic C. ADDRESS/LOCATION/COORDINATES (Longitude & Latitude): Barangay Dos, Gasan, Marinduque D. AREA:

1. Total Land Area:

2. Structure:



A. Physical Description (Describe the physical features – exterior, interior, landscape surrounding the structure) For churches, please describe the exterior – the façade, bell tower; the interior – the retablo, baptismal font, spaces used, ceiling, floor; shape of the church and surrounding landscape

St. Joseph Spouse of Mary Parish can be found at Barangay Dos, Gasan, Marinduque. It is situated on top of a hill so going there might be a little risky but the view is amazing because it overlooks the barangay and the sea. The parish has undergone a couple of relocations and renovations. There was still some construction going on outside the church probably they are doing some landscaping. The church’s architecture is really beautiful and the inside is also amazing. The facade of the building has aesthetic designs showing the images of angels and saints. The bell tower is still in good condition and the design complements with the design of the church’s main building. The first things that will catch the visitors’ eyes are the giant wooden doors. It has carvings of St. Joseph, Mother Mary, and the child Jesus. The carvings show how Jesus was being raised by his loving parents. Next to the doors are the big statues of two angels, located at the left and right side of the aisle, holding big shells on their hands. These statues symbolized one of the occupations of the residents in Gasan which is fishing. Behind the statues are two attractive posts which are covered with coconut shells. Once inside, your eyes will wander up the ceiling which will ultimately remind you of a golden fan but if you scrutinize more it has the likeness of our national leaf and that is anahaw. They spread across the ceiling just above the rows of pew. In addition, there are also colourful stained glass windows depicting scenes from the Bible. The inside columns and wall are also designed with coconut shells and vintage-look bricks that add some beauty to the internal scenery of the church. If you look beyond the altar you can see the Statue of Christ on the Cross and beside him are numerous saints situated on shelves with lace like carvings. The ceiling above the altar has beautiful paintings of St. Joseph and on how he is helping people. To sum up, most of the designs that may see inside and out of the church shows the goodness of Saint Joseph, spouse of Mary and at the same time, the livelihood of people of Gasan.

B. History of the Structure (Write the history of construction, use/function of the building over the years, history of intervention)

St. Joseph Spouse of Mary Parish was first constructed in the year 1609. It was built on where we can see the church today, but then came a time that the structure was transferred near the municipal building. But there was also a time that it was destructed and ruined due to natural disasters and wars. Back then, the church’s building was vulnerable because it was only made out of light materials that could easily found in the town, such as bamboo and coconut lumber. Hence, it was also transferred in the location of Gasan Central School. But, because of Japanese war, it has been moved again and back to its original position. In accordance with the 400th year celebration of the parish, St. Joseph Spouse of Mary parish was restructured to its original site. Until now, there are continuously improvements and constructions. When they returned the original structure of the church, it was very unique and peculiar because all of the used materials were the local or native resources that can be availed in the town of Gasan. The stones called “gasang-gasang” that were used in the construction could only be found by the sea of Gasan. These stones brought by the helping hands of the people in town. In addition, the church’s ceiling was designed with a fan-like design to showcase the livelihood of most of the residents of Gasan which is fan making. If you look

around inside the church, you will see coconut shell design because one of the very popular products of Gasan is lukad. Hence, there are so many coconut shells and what they did is to make the shells as design for retablo and as the highlight of the church’s wall. There are also lights which are made out of kabibe or shells that can also be found in the town’s sea shores. Generally, the church’s building was used as the center of religion in Gasan. It was ruined by some natural disasters and Japanese war so it needed to be transferred for several times. But because of the bayanihan of people of Gasan, St. Joseph Spouse of Mary Parish was able to return to its original structure and position.



IV. SIGNIFICANCE Indicate type of significance, e.g. historical, aesthetic, economic, social, political, spiritual and then explain

St. Joseph Spouse of Mary Parish •

• •

Historical - It contributed to and became part of the wealthy history and culture of the town of Gasan as well as of the province of Marinduque. Aesthetic - The church’s building has an amazing structural design which adds beauty to the scenery in town of Gasan. It is so attractive that can catch up the interest of tourists. Economic - Because of its artistic and eye-catching design, as well as the activities that are being organized by the church, it can attract tourists. Tourism is one of the great contributors for the economic growth of Gasan. Social - Despite having so many sects in Gasan, Catholicism is the dominant religion in town. Hence, every Sunday, the church is always fully occupied by the people who attend the mass. Through this, the socialization of the town’s residents may enhance. Furthermore, St. Joseph Spouse of Mary organizes some activities that can help the people within the society. Political - The church serves as guide and gives support to the political leaders of Gasan. Spiritual - Since it is a church, it teaches how to strengthen the spiritual being of the people. It serves as the center of religion in Gasan despite of having too many sects in the town. Otherwise, Roman Catholic is the dominant religion in gasan.


A. STATUS/CONDITION OF STRUCTURE: (Describe the physical condition of the structure) [/ ] In good condition [ ] deteriorated [ ] ruins Remarks: The structure is in good condition for it is newly renovated.


[/] altered [ ] unaltered


[/] moved [ ] original site

Remarks: Due to some circumstances, the structure has been altered and moved.

C. CONSTRAINTS/THREATS/ISSUE: Because of its location, St. Joseph Spouse of Mary Parish is very vulnerable from natural disaster, specifically, typhoon.

D. CONSERVATION MEASURES: (Describe the conservation measures taken at the level of the community, provincial and/or national)

To conserve the parish, people in the community who are Roman Catholics help each other in maintaining the stability of the church. They have Hermano and Hermana who help the priests in managing church activities. The said parish is under the supervision and management of Diocese of Boac. VI. LIST OF SIGNIFICANT TANGIBLE MOVABLE HERITAGE (within the premises of the built heritage): No. Name of Photo Year Dimensions Material Object produced or estimated age





Note: The mapper did not include the old statues of saints that serve as patrons in Gasan and may consider as one of the tangible movable heritages because they are outside the premises of the built heritage. Some of the families take the custody of them. On the other hand, the statues that can be found inside the church are all new.


KEY INFORMANT/S: Fr. Kirk Irvin Romasanta REFERENCE/S: Fr. Kirk Irvin Romasanta

Mapping of Significant Tangible Immovable Heritage Category: Churches, Temples and Places of Worship NAME OF IMMOVABLE HERITAGE: Iglesia Filipina Independiente (IFI Church) PHOTO:



[*] CHURCH [ ]TEMPLE [ ] MOSQUE [ ] OTHER ______________________

B. RELIGION/DENOMINATION: Independent Catholic C. ADDRESS/LOCATION/COORDINATES (Longitude & Latitude): Brgy. Dos, Gasan, Marinduque D. AREA:

1. Total Land Area: 800sq.m

2. Structure: Concrete Structure



A. Physical Description (Describe the physical features – exterior, interior, landscape surrounding the structure) For churches, please describe the exterior – the façade, bell tower; the interior – the retablo, baptismal font, spaces used, ceiling, floor; shape of the church and surrounding landscape

The overall church is a concrete structure and in good condition. The flooring is made out of granite and in a high ceiling made up of wood. It has a couple of chandeliers which are all good as new. The overall interior of the church is simple yet comfortable for its members. Though the church went with a major expansion, they were well prepared for the architectural design of the church as a whole, allowing the building to look a little bit ancestral in form. The church as a whole does not have any major construction needed.

B. History of the Structure (Write the history of construction, use/function of the building over the years, history of intervention) May 17, 1905, when Fr. Victorio Limano Carreon of Iglesia Filipina Independiente came in the town of Gasan, the IFI church was built.He once said to the people that he only believes to Jesus Christ and not to the Roman Pope.The church was founded by the people of Gasan who gave their lives and sacrifice for the Independence of the nation

A. STATUS/CONDITION OF STRUCTURE: (Describe the physical condition of the structure) The building is in good condition, no further renovation will be conducted in the following years. [/ ] In good condition [ ] deteriorated [ ] ruins Remarks:


[ ] altered [ ] unaltered


[ ] moved [ /] original site


C. CONSTRAINTS/THREATS/ISSUE: D. CONSERVATION MEASURES: (Describe the conservation measures taken at the level of the community, provincial and/or national

KEY INFORMANT/S: Fr. Michael Roi Pinarok NAME OF PROFILER/MAPPER: Aidyze Gutierrez DATE PROFILED: Feb, 2021

Mapping of Significant Tangible Immovable Heritage Category: Government Structures, Private Built Structures and Commercial Establishments

NAME OF IMMOVABLE HERITAGE: Gasan Municipal Seaport and Community Fish Landing Center


Sea Port Area

Front View of Community Fish Landing Center

Side View of Community Fish Landing Center





C. ADDRESS/LOCATION/COORDINATES (Longitude & Latitude): Purok 5 Brgy. Dili



1. Total Land Area:

2. Structure:


F. OWNERSHIP/JURISDICTION: This sea port and community fish landing center is owned by the local government unit of Gasan.

G. DECLARATION/LEGISLATION: An ordinance prohibiting skippers and penalizing excessive collection of fees on passengers and cargoes from the share to any ships, loading and unloading in any ship, motorboat lighter (batiya) or banca engaged in coastwise or inter-island shipping within this municipality (January, 20, 1949). An ordinance prohibiting skippers, patrons, owners, caretakers, laborers and stevedores to approach and cast their ropes(pasamara) to any in-coming vessel within the Gasan Port when said vessel has not yet anchored and properly stopped in port (May, 31, 1949). An ordinance prohibiting anchorage and departure of coastwise and inter-island vessels, loading and unloading cargoes and passengers in the outlaying sitios, barrios or places (August, 31, 1949).

II. DESCRIPTION A. Physical Description Gasan Municipal Seaport and Community Fish Landing Center is a port operated by the Local Government Unit of Gasan. This port is accessible for sea coast ships and providing accommodation for sea-going vessels. It has estimated three kilometers away from the town proper. There are motorboats going trip to Mindoro and vice versa like M.B. Emarsan and M.B. Regulus which carry passengers and goods as supplies for the town. Some of these goods were sold in the market such as rice grains, pulverized palay husks, fruits, vegetables and even fresh crustaceans caught in the Lake Naujan of Mindoro. It was carried by a group of ripped and muscled men called estebador. They carried it all the way from all the passenger and cargo vehicles to distribute goods not only in town but for the whole part of the province. People living near the area went to the sea to catch fish with the use of bakulong provided with different fishing materials. This port serves as the fish dropping area in the town. Fishes like tuna, galunggong, lumahan, lagidlid, tambakol, mariles, tamban and even pusit and bagulan were caught and sold in the market. The exterior part is good surrounded by multiple of rocks, pebbles and residues of coral reefs and sea weeds while on its interior part, it is covered with tie wire fence to assure the security of the sea port. Walking upstairs of the sea port building, a nice ambiance and color of the ocean will be seen. There is rooftop where people dried their fish to longer the life of their goods. Passengers pay their tickets to the collector and buy some fermented fish and sauce as their pasalubong for their loved ones.

B. History of the Structure Gasan seaport and Community Fish Landing Center serve as connection for the neighboring province of Mindoro where barter of goods is religiously done. According to informant, Mr. Ricardo Romero Comia, the old collector and checker, people long time ago rode in a batil or lantsa to deliver and export goods in Mindoro. They sailed in the sea for about a day. This port served as a place for arrival and departure of goods over the years.

C. Status: [ ] Occupied[ ] Not Occupied III. STORIES ASSOCIATED WITH THE STRUCTURE According to Informant, Barangay Kagawad Corazon Soberano Baluyot, there was a lady wearing white gown roaming around the seaport during full moon and sits on a dike near the port. There was also a ten-year old child who drowned in storm surge because of typhoon.

IV. SIGNIFICANCE Historical - this port serves as fish dropping area in the town long time ago.

Aesthetic - Colorful building in Community Landing Center serves as a place for physical fitness and dance practice area for all.

Social - People exchange their goods in Mindoro where they build rapport and trust with each other.

Socio-economic – this port and community fish landing center gives income not only to the local government unit but for the people living near the port.

V. CONSERVATION A. CONDITION OF STRUCTURE: [ ] Excellent [  ] Good [ ] Fair [ ] Deteriorated [ ] Ruins Remarks:

The port and community fish landing center is in good condition. Painted in blue that attracts the eye and even in the upper part of the building is spotless.


[ ] altered [ ] unaltered


[ ] moved [ ] original site

Remarks: Gasan Municipal Port and Community Fish Landing Center renovated last 2015 because it became the permanent port in Gasan going to Mindoro and vice versa. It is now painted in blue and other complementary colors to make it attractive and stunning.

C. CONSTRAINTS/THREATS/ISSUES: Some unemployed youth were making activities during their leisure time so, garbage scattered everywhere but in just a minimal number. Cigarette butts can be seen on the other side even the smelly urine in every corner of the building. During bad weather, people in the area lacks income because of the delayed appointments.

D. CONSERVATION MEASURES: Barangay Officials were cleaning the area and maintain its cleanliness. Some students from other schools conducted coastal clean-up as part of their conservation in the environment. VII. REFERENCES KEY INFORMANTS:

Corazon Soberano Baluyot, 51 years old, Barangay Kagawad Angelo Lonio Capistrano, 21 years old, Sangguniang Kabataan Chairman Ricardo Romero Comia, 61 years old, Checker/Collector



DATE PROFILED: 15 February 2021

TangibleMovable Heritage

Mapping of Significant Tangible Movable Heritage Category: Archival Holdings TITLE OF RECORDS:





[ / ] Paper [ ] Parchment/Vellum [ ] Photographs

[ / ] Manuscript [ ] Books [ ] Negatives

[ ] Magnetic Media

[ ] Others ____________________________________

B. DATE OF RECORD: 1945, 1946, 1947 C. VOLUME/SIZE OF RECORD: Resolutions No. 1-43 s. 1945 Resolutions No. 1-15 s. 1946 Resolutions No. 1-68 s. 1947 D. ARRANGEMENT: [ ] Alphabetical

[/ ] Numerical

[ / ] Chronological

[ ] Others_____________

E. OFFICE OF ORIGIN/CREATOR: Municipal Council of Gasan (1994) F. CONTACT PERSON:


Ms. Christine D. Mangana Admin Aide VI Municipality of Gasan, Marinduque



[ ] Mounted [ ] Fasteners [ ] Lining [ ] Ribbons [ / ] Seals [ ] Tapes [ ] Previous repairs ____________________________________________

B. REMARKS: These three (3) manuscripts (documents) were compiled and made of hard bound in the year of 1994 (project of Sangguniang Bayan ng Gasan, Marinduque) to protect the pages and to preserve the manuscripts but the contents of the documents were taken from the year of 1945, 1946, and 1947 with its corresponding volume. You will notably see the seals and stamps on each end part of the minutes and resolution along with the signatories of members of the council that year. This seal symbolizes the authenticity of the documents. XV. STORIES/NARRATIVES/BELIEFS/PRACTICES ASSOCIATED ASSOCIATED WITH ARCHIVAL HOLDING

Every meeting or assembly is really important documents that we needed to secure and store because it may serve as the history and witness the events in our government. This Minute of Sessions of the Municipality of Gasan year 1945, 1946, 1947 compilation is an initiative project of the Sangguniang Bayan of Gasan 1994 to preserve the manuscripts. This can be also considered as “intrinsic value” in archivists that should be retained from the original form and must be valued. These manuscripts are temporarily located at the Tourism office located at the Municipality of Gasan, Marinduque. And can be accessed publicly, and can be used as reference for different researches. According to my informant,

with all the past years, and the change happened in all aspects in the municipalities these documents are the survived documents within fifty (50) years above preserved documents in terms of the minutes and sessions in the municipality of Gasan. Imagine the 76 years of existence of these documents that became rare and unique. XVI.



(Indicate if historical, aesthetic, economic, social, political and explain) Historical-it serves as historical because it is concerning with the past events. These documents are original documents served as references that can be used up until today. It also considered as one of original sources for board resolutions and minutes in that specific year that made a legally binding action and decision taken by the members of municipal council that contain important information about person, place and events of the Municipality of Gasan. Political-we all know that every actions taken by the government officials should be under the law. These documents served as the vehicle for expressing opinion and participation in public assembly. Social- since the documents are also considered for public viewing, this hopes for offering a more social perspective to access to information about their work.


(Indicate provenance, representativeness, rarity, interpretive potential) Provenance- This gained the importance of the document, this can be considered as “intrinsic value” that should be retained in their original form and should be preserved. It also can be the source of information and for future researcher. Rarity- records of earlier date is very significant factor to be considered a historical and archives documents. The age of the documents appears the rarity of the document. Representativeness-This gained the importance of the document, this can be considered as “intrinsic value” that should be retained in their original form and should be preserved. XVII.





[ ] ACCRETIONS [/ ] HOLES [ /] MISSING PART ___________________ [ ] OTHER ___________________

Remarks In terms of physicality of the manuscript, evidently it shows that this original manuscript considered as valuable records and estimated around 74-76 years old manuscript. Moreover, the documents had a sign of yellowing, fading, folds, holes and archaic but still the typewritten is legible. Aside from that, there are some torn, folds, stains and missing parts of the paper. But according to my key informant, the documents are actually placed into a secure place in their office. B. THREATS/ISSUES/CHALLENGES: The common threats happened in the manuscript from the past years were the visibility of stains, yellowing color, marks and torn/missing parts of the papers. It can be also threats the different unforeseen circumstances like insects, and termites if it is not well taken care of. The challenges might be on how to still preserve and secure these original manuscripts because as can be seen there are lots of problem already in some pages of the paper.

C. CONSERVATION MEASURES: (Describe the conservation measures taken at the level of community, provincial, national)

Since it is under the care of the Municipal Council of Gasan, Marinduque and this is expected to give some valuable contributions to the process of exploring cultural heritage here in Marinduque. For the community, these manuscripts are restricted for public viewing for the security and confidentiality of the manuscript. So, we should value and protect this kind of documents/manuscripts. For provincial, they are keeping the manuscript on a safe place somewhere in the Municipal Records building. Keep away where direct sunlight doesn’t hit and the air doesn’t contain humidity measures to keep manuscript on its original form. And maybe can suggest building and storing this kind of documents in archivalquality boxes and folders and providing rules and regulations for public viewing if necessary. For the national, these manuscripts should be recognized and consider to be part of our National Archives to give support to the heritage of each municipality.



KEY INFORMANT/S: Ms. Christine Mangana/ Admin Aide VI REFERENCE/S: Municipal Council of Gasan, Marinduque NAME OF PROFILER/MAPPER: Ms. Dessane M. Jalotjot DATE PROFILED: February 20, 2021

Mapping of Significant Tangible Movable Heritage Category: Religious Object NAME OF OBJECT: “BANDERA MAYOR” (Church Flag) PHOTO:




[ ]IMAGE [ ]VESTMENT [  ]LITURGICAL OBJECT [ ]SCULPTURE [ ]RELIC ____________________________ [ ]OTHER ____________________________



(Describe the Material, Dimensions, Color, Markings, Design, Use, etc.)

Bandera Mayor is a church flag used during Lenten season (Easter Sunday). The lower part of the pole is made up of wood while the upper part is made up of metal. Its length is 156cm high. The flag of it is a white cotton cloth with the design of goblet and bread that is made up of yellow beads. At the back of it, is a design of lamb. It is 32cm in length and width. At the top of it is a metal cross that symbolizes Christianity. It’s horizontally 8.7cm and vertically 12cm. XXI.


St. Joseph Spouse of Mary Parish Catholic Church preserved the flag that is used every celebration of the Lenten Season (Easter Sunday). The cross is one of several symbols that hold significance in the Christian faith and convey powerful messages of hope and love commemorating the resurrection of Christ. The placement of the white cloth on the flag represents the purity and holiness demonstrated through Christ resurrection. Among the popular Easter symbols, the lamb is by far the most significant of this great feast. The flag of Easter Lamb is representing Christ and symbolizes victory. XXII.


A. PRIMARY CRITERIA Indicate type of significance, e.g. historical, aesthetic, economic, social, political, spiritual and then explain

Lenten Season is the most important week in the Church year. It is a time when we celebrate in a special way the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. We remember his actions, reflect on his messages and recommit to living as his disciples in the world today. Bandera Mayor flag is being used in procession every Easter Sunday to show holiness and devotion of all Christian. B. COMPARATIVE CRITERIA Indicate Provenance, Representativeness, Rarity, Interpretive Potential

What makes these flag different to others is that it binds the devotee together. It became their tradition to come celebrate the Easter Sunday together. Wherever they may be they have to attend the procession as one of their devotion. XXIII.





[ ] ACCRETIONS [ ] HOLES [ ] MISSING PART ___________________ [ ] OTHER ___________________

Remarks: The flag is still in great condition and serve its function as source of faith and devotion. B. THREATS/ISSUES/CHALLENGES: Typhoon, fire and insects are the possible threats to the church flag since it is made up of wood and cloth. C. CONSERVATION MEASURES: (Describe the conservation measures taken at the level of the community, provincial and/or national)

Careful handling and appropriate preservation of the church flag must observe so that it will last longer. VI. REFERENCES KEY INFORMANT/S:


John Mark Nambio Tabionan Gasan Former Sacristan St. Joseph Spouse of Mar Parish Catholic Church Laiza G. pelobello February 24, 2021

Intangible Heritage

Mapping of Significant Intangible Cultural Heritage Category: Traditional Craftsmanship


[ ] Textile-making/Weaving [ ] Embroidery [ ] Jewelry/adornment -making [ ] Other ____________________________

PHOTO: (if applicable)

[ ] Mettalurgy/ Smithing [ ] Pottery [ ] Basketry [ ] Print-making [ ] Musical Instrumentmaking

[ ̸ ] Carving [ ̸] Woodworking [ ̸] Sculpture [ ] Sheltermaking [ ] Boat-making

GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION AND RANGE OF THE ELEMENT: Sitio Pantay is an interior part of Antipolo Gasan 1.5 km from the National Road of Marinduque. It’s coordinates are 13.2863 and 121.9125. Elevation of these coordinates is estimated at 112.4 meters or 368.8 feet above mean sea level.

RELATED DOMAINS OF THE INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE: (Tick appropriate box/es.) [ ] Performing arts [ ] Social practices, rituals and festive events [ ̸] Knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe [ ] Oral traditions and expressions [ ̸ ] Other(s) Traditional Arts II. DESCRIPTION OF INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE A.

Summary of the element According to Mr. Serafin Larobes Guevarra, wood working in Antipolo Gasan Marinduque started in 1991. Wood Carving is in a made to order basis. Most of the common orders are related to

religious work of arts such as SANTO, SANTA and Moriones icons. Seasonally, most of the orders are before or during the Lenten season.

B. Culture-bearer/s and practitioner/s of the element Serafin Larobes Guevarra is an original Gasenyo. With his family he started wood carving in Pampanga where he mastered the art of carving. The family transferred to Antipolo Gasan Marinduque where they are presently residing and continue their artwork. For Mr. Serafin, wood carving is their bread and butter. C. Mode of transmission Each member of the family of (artisan) helps SERAFIN GUEVARRA (artist) in making the artworks. In that way the practice is being pass on.


Name Photo of Objec t

Year produced or estimated age

Dimensi ons

Mater ial

Use of the object in the practi ce


Carvi ng tools

Approxima tely 40 years of age

Use as main tools for carvin g of woods .



Use of the flora/fauna in the practice Use as the major raw material for carving.

III. STORIES/NARRATIVES ASSOCIATED WITH THE ELEMENT Mang Serafin started the practice of wood carving at Pampanga where he met his wife and had a family. He send his artworks to Manila for the equivalent price. In 1991 his family transferred to Sitio Pantay Antipolo Gasan Marinduque. Through Mang Serafin’s talent and skills in wood carving, he was able to raise his children and send them to school and earned diplomas. For him wood carving is not just a spending of time but a good practice of family culture and a bread and butter.

IV. SIGNIFICANCE Historically, wood carving in Antipolo Gasan is almost near to 40 year old practice with aesthetic precision done by the artist. It is the major source of income of the culture bearer. Spiritually, most of the artworks are religiously related such as SANTO, SANTA and morion.

V. ASSESSMENT OF THE PRACTICE A. CONDITION/STATUS OF THE PRACTICE The practice still continues up to the present.

B. CONSTRAINTS/ THREATS/ ISSUES/ CHALLENGES: According to the Culture Bearer there were no issues/threats/ challenges encountered since the time they started the practice. C. MEASURES AND DESCRIPTION OF SAFEGUARDING MEASURES TAKEN: [ [ [ [ [

] transmission, particularly through formal and non-formal education ] identification, documentation, research ̸] preservation, protection ̸] promotion, enhancement ] revitalization

Description of Safeguarding Measures Taken:

During typhoon or other natural calamity, artworks are being put inside the house for safety. On regular days the artworks are inside their work area fenced with the steel matting.


[ ] Audio/video recording [ ̸ ] Photographs and sketches [ ] Others (e.g. Music notations etc.) __________________________ KEY INFORMANT/S: SERAFIN LAROBES GUEVARRA (CULTURE BEARER) ILAYA ANTIPOLO GASAN MARINDUQUE


Mapping of Significant Personalities

NAME: Atty. Mamerto S. Asuncion



I. BACKGROUND INFORMATION DATE OF BIRTH: May 11, 1931 DATE OF DEATH: December 24, 2013 PROMINENCE: Law BIRTH PLACE: Gasan, Marinduque PRESENT ADDRESS: (If living) AGE: 83 II. BIOGRAPHY Humbled and self-effacing Atty. Mamerto Asuncion braved all life’s odds and slowly inch his way to where he is now – a servant of the people and of God. Not wealthy materially but so rich in love and compassion for his townmates he donated: 200 sq.m. lot for the Midwest Alumni House and Museum as a memento of his 30-year hold – over the presidency of the Midwest Alumni Association; 25 sq.m. lot for Gasan Community Marine Reserve office; 231 sq.m. lot for Pingan Day Care Mini park and 200 sq.m. lot for Bognuyan Catholic Chapel. As President of COCOFED – Gasan Chapter for more than 20 years, he gave opportunities to Gasan poor but deserving students to finish high school and college aside from the scholarship he gave in his private capacity especially to seminarians. Listening to tale and miseries and deprivation of indigent clients melt his heart so he provides the legal assistance gratis et amore and gives free notarization on documents of students, teachers, the poor, and the barangay and municipal loan contracts for realization of Gasan’s livelihood Program. But over and above this humanitarian acts never forgets God and so he serves Him continuously for 18 years as President of St. Joseph Pastoral Council..

III. SIGNIFICANCE As President of COCOFED – Gasan Chapter for more than 20 years, he gave opportunities to Gasan poor but deserving students to finish high school and college aside from the scholarship he gave in his private capacity especially to seminarians. Listening to tale and miseries and deprivation of indigent clients melt his heart so he provides the legal assistance gratis et amore and gives free notarization on documents of students, teachers, the poor, and the barangay and municipal loan contracts for realization of Gasan’s livelihood Program.


Dr. Rex Emmanuel Asuncion


ATTACHMENTS: 1. List of works and achievements 2. References and other resources

Rhoda Rodelas

Mapping of Significant Personalities





MARCH 11, 1945








75 Years Old

II. BIOGRAPHY Doctor Celso J. Guevarra Jr. was an dedicated and committed educator for 45 years.He was a classroom teacher, a principal and a superivisor in his time. He help and aimed to improved the system of education in the province of his well known for his thought “Do, Act and Perform” His Masteral Program is about the Cultural Festivity and Practices in Marinduque their Implication to Education. He finish his Masteral Degree at Ortañes University Manila. He gave a copy of his study at the DepEd Division office Marinduque to be used for basis. He was a 5 year District Supervisor of Boac South and transfer to Mogpog. In his time Mogpog was the pilot District in Marinduque and Mogpog Central School was the pilot central school in the district were all conferences, meeting, seminars, demostration teaching and training were held.

He was instrumental in the establishment of Midwest College. He was tapped by the owner of the school to prepared the curriculum and other relative documents so that they can open a college. He also contribute in the Advance Education Program in Marinduque State College. He was one of the dignified professor in the said program. In addition, He is the Director for Academic and Program Development in Marinduque Technical Vocational Institute, a TESDA Accredited School in Masiga, Gasan. In his career in the field of education he has 3 to 4 big opportunities he skipped because of the advocacy his personal advocacy about things, the kind of work of he is in to. He believed that if he hold any position he must be competent to be able to perform the duties and responsibilities of the best he can do for this will part of his legacy.

III. SIGNIFICANCE His work as a head and supervisor build an inspiration to the teachers and students. The contribution he made to education in Gasan helps for nation building. The dedication of his teaching in MSC Campus create an impact in the professional development of future leaders. And the technical expertise he share in Vocational studies brings hope for the middle class workers in Marinduque. His legacy in the DepEd remembered by the teachers, students and heads to do, act, perform for our future generation.






FEBUARY 20, 2021

ATTACHMENTS: 1. List of works and achievements Research : Cultural Festivity and Practices in Marinduque their Implication to Education. Youngest Head Teacher in the Division of Marinduque in his time Youngest Principal I Youngest Principal II Youngest District Supervisor 20 Years as District Supervisor

2. References and other resources

Mapping of Significant Personalities

NAME: Eleanor Arevalo Moring PHOTO:

I. BACKGROUND INFORMATION DATE OF BIRTH: March 1, 1947 DATE OF DEATH: (If applicable) PROMINENCE: Education BIRTH PLACE: Gasan, Marinduque PRESENT ADDRESS: Mahunig, Gasan, Marinduque AGE: 74 II. BIOGRAPHY Eleanor Arevalo Moring was born on March 1, 1947, she came from a simple family and poverty does not stop her from dreaming big. Because of this, she dreamt of becoming a teacher. She graduated from the National Teacher’s College. Afterwards, she was assigned at Tabionan Elementary School as her first station and retired at Banot-Mahunig Elementary School. She later then teaches at the Marinduque Midwest College as part-time instructor. As retired teacher and active educator, she continuously helps and provide scholarship to poor but deserving students. At present, Mrs. Eleanor Moring is still active at educating learners in her present station at the Marinduque Technical and Vocational Institute.

III. SIGNIFICANCE (Indicate type of significance, e.g. historical, aesthetic, economic, social, political, spiritual and then explain)

As retired teacher and active educator, she continuously help and provide scholarship to poor but deserving students. At present, Mrs. Eleanor Moring is still active at educating learners. IV. REFERENCES KEY INFORMANT/S:

Marinduque Provincial Government FB Page




FEBRUARY 20, 2021

ATTACHMENTS: 1. List of works and achievements Teacher College lecturer Philanthropist 2. References and other resources

Mapping of Significant Personalities

NAME: Aurora Elvira Gayoso Sevilla PHOTO:


Arts: She was Ms. Press Photography of the Philippines 1982 and 1983. Mutya ng Pilipinas World 1984. She represented Marinduque as her province of origin in Mutya instead of saying she’s from Sta. Ana, Manila where she lives because she wants to honor her father Col. Arturo Sevilla who was the one who built the Gasan Airport. As being stated by her, “I have contributed only a fraction of my father’s achievements in Marinduque whom had save our beloved province from the hands of Japanese Invasion in World War II.” BIRTH PLACE: Santa Ana, Manila, Philippines

PRESENT ADDRESS: Santa Ana, Manila, Philippines HOME TOWN: Brgy.II, Poblacion, Gasan, Marinduque AGE: 57 years old II. BIOGRAPHY

Aurora Elvira Gayoso Sevilla is a former beauty queen and actress in the Philippines. She was born on October 26, 1963. She was the youngest daughter of Col. Arthuro Sevilla and Diana Gayoso Sevilla. She is also a single mother with two kids namely, Aliyah Sevilla and Joshua Chong. She was just in grade three, when her father Col. Arturo Sevilla of the Philippine Air Force died. She managed to finish Bachelor of Science in Public Relations at Saint Paul College. She was crowned as Mutya Ng Pilipinas - World 1984 and represents the Miss World pageant in London by the same year and this was the start of her public attention. Just like other beauty titlists, Sevilla entered showbiz after her reign. Her beauty queen status eventually served as her ticket to show business where she appeared as a leading lady in various local action films. She was given a daughter and a son but unfortunate in having a complete family. With her film earnings, Sevilla also ventured into some businesses and engaged herself in doing good deeds to other people. Life is full of challenges, Sevilla’s life went through ups and downs for her to stand alone and continue her life for her daughter and son. In May 2009, the former beauty queen and actress wrote a letter to “Wish ko Lang”, GMA show. Her luck in showbiz soon run out. She writes about her fears of being driven away from their present home-a small rented room she has not paid for in months. She struggles everyday to put food on her kid’s plates. Aurora hopes Wish Ko Lang could help her find employment, before it’s too late. After she was featured in Wish Ko Lang, GMA Network included her in the cast of TV series Kung Aagawin Mo Ang Lahat Sa Akin starring Maxene Magalona and Glaiza de Castro. This brings her to open up once again an opportunity to be in showbiz. At present, Aurora Sevilla with her kids Aliyah, 18 year old, a Marketing student at University of Sto. Tomas University and Joshua, 24, Economics Major and Sports Committee Head at Rotaract Club of UST-Faculty of Arts and Letters are living at Sta. Ana Manila. She was now a product endorser and an actress of TV shows. It is undeniably the biggest sacrifice a mother can endure for the sake of her children. It is a love that requires a sacrifice that only a Mother can do. III. SIGNIFICANCE National or Regional Pride and Entertainment:

Aurora Sevilla can be an important focus of national or regional pride. On an individual level, she gives young women an opportunity to enrich not only their own lives, but the lives of others. Pageants provide the perfect opportunity for some of the most beautiful young women to fulfil their ambitions and develop themselves as human beings. The idea that a Beauty Queen

is just for show and only judged by her exterior beauty is certainly not relevant in the search. Full package which includes among other attributes, inner strength and maturity to take on the role and be able to interact with people on all levels of social standing is being considered. She has to live and experience the problems of others, be sensitive about what is going on and help promote education, tourism, environmentalism and everything else that is good. Being one of the celebrities in most of the decades, she becomes an inspiration to everyone who is dreaming to be one of those famous people in the world of entertainment and to her Province, Marinduque. IV. REFERENCES KEY INFORMANT/S:

Aurora Elvira Gayoso Sevilla Adela Maming Supleo Marlene Supleo Mijares REFERENCE/S AND OTHER RESOURCES: Interview through chat with Aurora Sevilla AuroraSevillafacebookaccount NAME OF PROFILER/MAPPER:


FEBRUARY 15, 2020 ATTACHMENTS: 1. List of works and achievements

•Ms. Press Photography of the Philippines 1982 and 1983. •Mutya ng Pilipinas World 1984 Television •Maalaala mo Kaya TV Series 1993-2021Gertrudes Tumbaga / Betty's Mother - Singsing (2021) ... Gertrudes Tumbaga - Portrait (2018) ... Betty's Mother

- Brillante at bubog (1993) •2019-2020The Killer Bride (TV Series) Guada Dela Torre - Killer Finale (2020) ... Guada Dela Torre - Ultimate Attack (2020) ... Guada Dela Torre - Killer Ghost (2020) ... Guada Dela Torre - Killer Return (2020) ... Guada Dela Torre - Killer Fate (2020) ... Guada Dela Torre Show all 115 episodes •2009 Kung Aagawin mo ang Lahat sa Akin (TV Series) Yaya Rosita Film                        

Jacob (1997) Kumander Kalbo (1994) Manila Boy (1993) Sgt. Ernesto Baliola: Tinik sa Batas (1992) Totoy Guwapo: Alyas Kanto Boy (1992) Totoy Buwang (1992) Basagulero (1992) Kidlat ng Maynila: Joe Pring 2 (1991) Walang Sinasanto ang Bala Ko (1990) Tapos Na ang Lahi Mo ... Hadji Djakiri (1990) Karapatan Ko Ang Pumatay ... Kapitan Guti (1990) David Balondo Ng Tondo (1990) Sgt. Patalinhug: CIS Special Operations Group (1990) Joe Pring: Homicide Manila Police (1989) Si Aida, Si Lorna, O Si Fe (1989) Bawat Patak ... Dugong Pilipino (1989) Moises Platoon (1989) Tatak ng Isang Api (1989) Walang Panginoon (1989) Chinatown: Sa Kuko ng Dragon (1988) Shoot To Kill: Boy Bicol ng Angeles (1988) Kamandag ng Kris (1987) Bangkay Mo Akong Hahakbangin (1986) Okleng Tokleng (1986)

► At her 20’s she built her own project in her community which supports backyard gardening, basahan, gantsilyo, etc. and engage men in mechanics works. At weekend, she feeds young and less fortunate children who was undernourished. On Christmas and New Year she tried to gave elderlies a box of food for Noche Buena and media Noche. She also sponsored some medicines for their maintenance of the elders around he community. “Life may not be easy now but I will do it again in a heartbeat given a chance,” she added. Doing good deeds was the lessons she learned from her parents. ►Initiated the project ANCOP Global Walk- this project aims to support the less fortunate kids who wish to continue their studies.

Mapping of Significant Intangible Cultural Heritage Category: Social Practices, Rituals and Festive Events


[ [ [ [ [

] Social Practice ] Traditional Governance/Justice system ] Settlement patterns ] Cuisine/Culinary traditions ] Traditional Games/Sport

[ ] Worship rites [ ] Rites of passage [ ] Birth, wedding, funeral rituals [/] Fiesta/Festival [ ] Kinship ceremonies [ ] Other ______________________

PHOTO: (if applicable)

GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION AND RANGE OF THE ELEMENT: (Describe the place where intangible heritage is practiced, even including the extent of the practice in neighboring areas or places)

Gasan, officially the Municipality of Gasan, is a 3 glass municipality in the province of Marinduque, Philippines. According to the 2015 census, it has a population of 34, 828 people. rd

The municipality is bounded by the provincial capital, Boac to the north and east, by Buenavista to the southeast and by the Sibuyan Sea to the south and west. It is the second-oldest municipality in Marinduque, after Boac. Residents of Gasan are called Gaseños RELATED DOMAINS OF THE INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE: (Tick appropriate box/es.) [/] Performing arts [/] Oral traditions and expressions [ ] Knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe [ ] Traditional craftsmanship [ ] Other(s) ____________________________________ II. DESCRIPTION OF INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE A. Summary of the element (Description of the history of the practice, occasion/season, processes involved, procedures, beliefs associated, settings, aims and other pertinent data) The Moriones is Lenten festival held annually on Holy Week on the island of Marinduque, Philippines. The “Moriones” are men and women in costumes and masks replicating the garb of biblical Roman soldiers as interpreted by local folks. The Moriones or Moryonan tradition has inspired the creation of other festivals in the Phlippines where cultural practices or folk history is turned into street festivals. It is a colourful festival celebrated in the Gasan, Marinduque. The participants use morion mask to depict the Roman soldiers and Syrian mercenaries within the story of the Passion of the Christ. The Moriones refers to the masked and costumed penitents who march around the town for seven days searching for Longinus. Morions roam the streets in town from Holy Monday to Easter Sunday scaring the kids or engaging in antics or surprises to draw attention. This is a folk-religious festival that re-enacts the story of Saint Longinus, a Roman Centurion who was blind in one eye. The festival is characterized by colourful Roman costumes, painted masks and helmets, and brightly colored tunics. The town of Gasan in the island of Marinduque become one gigantic stage. B. Culture-bearer/s and practitioner/s of the element (Description of person/s or people practicing the intangible heritage) C. Mode of transmission (Describe how the intangible practice is passed on) For Gaseños, joining the festival is a “panata” – an expression of devotion, sacrifice and thanksgiving to God and self-cleansing. D. LIST OF SIGNIFICANT TANGIBLE MOVABLE HERITAGE USED/ASSOCIATED WITH THE ELEMENT: No .

Name of Object


Year produced or estimate d age

Dimension s


Use of the object in the practice


Morion Mask

Usually made out of the wood of dapdap, dita or santol trees which are abundant in Marinduque .

It is worn during the Lenten Season




Kalutan g



A pair of percussio n bars which are stuck against each other at specific angles to produce a pitch.

E. LIST OF SIGNIFICANT FLORA/FAUNA USED/ASSOCIATED WITH THE ELEMENT: No. Name of Flora/Fauna Photo Use of the flora/fauna in the practice

III. STORIES/NARRATIVES ASSOCIATED WITH THE ELEMENT Mayor Victoria Lim of Gasan, Marinduque narrates that these Moriones roam the streets from Holy Monday to Easter Vigil searching for Longinus scaring the kids, or engaging in suprises to get attention. The kids retaliate at them by yelling the phrase “Morion bungi, may tae sa binti.” The marching around the town is coupled with the banging of unique musical instrument endemic to Gasan called Kalutang. Made from Twatingan and Bayog trees, the Kalutang has twelve varied sizes and length, which when banged together produce notes of definite piches and tonal quality. There then, some Moriones have included the yelling of that phrase while banging the kalutang. The celebration continues until Longinus is captured, accepts his fate and ends in Pugutan or mock-beheading. Pugutan is staged and witnessed by the townsfolk. IV. SIGNIFICANCE Indicate type of significance, e.g. historical, aesthetic, economic, social, political, spiritual and then explain

ECONOMIC- It promotes tourism in the town of Gasan, Marinduque. SPIRITUAL – It portrays the passion of Christ. V. ASSESSMENT OF THE PRACTICE A. CONDITION/STATUS OF THE PRACTICE Moriones Festival is very popular in the whole province and still being celebrated in the whole province particularly in Gasan, Marinduque. B. CONSTRAINTS/ THREATS/ ISSUES/ CHALLENGES: (Reasons for the condition/status) During Covid-19 Pandemic celebration of Moriones Festival stops for a while following the protocols of the DOH and IATF because of the community quarantine.

C. MEASURES AND DESCRIPTION OF SAFEGUARDING MEASURES TAKEN: Tick one or more boxes to identify the safeguarding measures that have been and are currently being taken at the level of the community, provincial and/or national with regard to the element [/] transmission, particularly through formal and non-formal education [ ] identification, documentation, research [/] preservation, protection [/] promotion, enhancement [ ] revitalization Description of Safeguarding Measures Taken:

-The residents of Gasan promote the Moriones Festival by means of enhancing programs related to the celebration. VI. REFERENCES SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION: (Tick appropriate box/es) [ /] Audio/video recording [ /] Photographs and sketches [ ] Others (e.g. Music notations etc.) __________________________ KEY INFORMANT/S: RANDY SALES BOGNUYAN GASAN MARINDUQUE



ALERMA M. OLA Ed.D-Curriculum Development & Management REFLECTION

Good day everyone! My name is Alerma M. Ola, Doctor of Education Student major in Curriculum Management and Development and currently enrolled in Foreign Language 2 (Advanced Niponggo) with Dr. Randy Nobleza as our professor. It was a great opportunity being a part of this subject. Amidst of all challenges we faced today and the pandemic we are experiencing, learning still continues through online and distance learning. This pandemic teaches us to be innovative, resourceful and the dominance of the modernization and technological changes in our society. Learning Nihonggo language is an opportunity and a gateway to understand other Asian language and improves communication, and at the same time mixed with cultural mapping is quite a unique experience. Cultural mapping plays a significant role for the preservation of the nation’s cultural heritage. It provides “an integrated picture of the cultural character, significance, and workings of a place” in order to help communities recognize, celebrate, and support cultural diversity for economic, social and regional development. As we went to Gasan for mapping, I learned a lot and know that our province is very much rich in culture. This also taught us that we need to value, cherished preserve and promote the cultural heritages our the country. 反射 みなさん、良い一日を!私の名前は、カリキュラム管理と開発を専攻し、現在、ランデ ィ・ノブレザ博士を教授として外国語 2(Advanced Niponggo)に在籍している教育学博士の Alerma M.Ola です。このテーマに参加することは素晴らしい機会でした。私たちが今日直面しているすべての課題と 私たちが経験しているパンデミックの中で、学習はオンラインおよび遠隔教育を通じて今も続いていま す。このパンデミックは、革新的で機知に富み、社会の近代化と技術的変化を支配することを私たちに 教えています。Nihonggo 言語を学ぶことは、他のアジア言語を理解し、コミュニケーションを改善する 機会であり、ゲートウェイであると同時に、文化的マッピングと混合することは非常にユニークな

経験です。文化地図は、国の文化遺産の保護に重要な役割を果たしています。コミュニティが経済的、 社会的、地域的発展のための文化的多様性を認識し、祝い、支援するのを助けるために、「場所の文化 的特徴、重要性、および働きの統合された全体像」を提供します。マッピングのために Gasan に行った とき、私は多くのことを学び、私たちの州は文化が非常に豊富であることを知りました。これはまた、 私たちが国の文化遺産を大切にし、大切にし、促進する必要があることを教えてくれました。

Hansha minasan, yoiichinichiwo! Watashinonamaeha, karikyuramu kanri to kaihatsu o senkō shi, genzai, Randi nobureza hakase o kyōju to shite gaikoku-go 2 (adobansudo Niponggo) ni zaiseki shite iru kyōikugakuhakushi no Alerma M. Oladesu. Kono tēma ni sanka suru koto wa subarashī kikaideshita. Watashitachi ga kyō chokumen shite iru subete no kadai to watashitachi ga keiken shite iru pandemikku no naka de, gakushū wa onrain oyobi enkaku kyōiku o tsūjite ima mo tsudzuite imasu. Kono pandemikku wa, kakushin-tekide kichi ni tomi, shakai no kindaika to gijutsuteki henka o shihai suru koto o watashitachi ni oshiete imasu. Nihonggo gengo o manabu koto wa, hoka no Ajia gengo o rikai shi, komyunikēshon o kaizen suru kikaideari, gētou~eidearu to dōjini, bunka-teki mappingu to kongō suru koto wa hijō ni yunīkuna keikendesu. Bunka chizu wa,-koku no bunka isan no hogo ni jūyōna yakuwari o hatashite imasu. Komyuniti ga keizai-teki, shakai-teki, chiiki-teki hatten no tame no bunka-teki tayō-sei o ninshiki shi, iwai, shien suru no o tasukeru tame ni,`basho no bunka-teki tokuchō, jūyō-sei, oyobi hataraki no tōgō sa reta zentai-zō' o teikyō shimasu. Mappingu no tame ni Gasan ni itta toki, watashi wa ōku no koto o manabi, watashitachi no shū wa bunka ga hijō ni hōfudearu koto o shirimashita. Kore wa mata, watashitachi ga kuni no bunka isan o taisetsu ni shi, taisetsu ni shi, sokushin suru hitsuyō ga aru koto o oshiete kuremashita.

GRACE ANN ORILLA MAZON MAED -EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT Hello everyone! I’m Grace Ann Orilla Mazon, Master of Arts in Education student and currently enrolled in Foreign Language 2 (Advanced Nihongo) with Dr. Randy Nobleza as our professor. In my experience I could describe learning Nihongo into two categories, cultural learning and field work experience. In my cultural learning I have experience cultural mapping where the focus is the Talao Falls as a natural heritage. In this activity I was able to explore and discover the unique stories, characteristics, and resource usage of Talao falls. At first, I find this fieldwork challenging since collection of information is uneasy task especially during this pandemic. But with the help of the local settlers in the area, I have gathered the necessary information through the process of interview to accomplish the C- MAP Form. I am glad because the gathered information could help in the future ecotourism and development of Talao falls. Thus, in this learning opportunity I am grateful to Dr. Randy Nobleza. God bless us all!

Minasan konnichiwa! Watashi wa guresuandes oririameisan kyoiku-gaku shushi gakku sei deari,genzai. Randi Nobureza hakase to tomoni Nihonggo o susumemashita. Watashi no keikende wa nihonggo no gakushu o 2tsu no katgori ni bunrui dekimasu bunka gakushu to firu dowaku no keiken. Watashi no bunka-teki gakushudewa tarao no taki ni shoten o aeteta bunka-teki mapping o keiken shite imasu shizen isan to shite.Kono katsudode wa tarao no taki no yuniikuna monogatari to kucho shigen no shiyo no o tankyushi hakken suru koto ga dekimashita. Saisho wa kono firudowako wa muzukasi to omoimasu joho no shushu wa tokuni kono yakkaina jiki ni wa fuanna sagyodearu tame.Shikashi chiiki no jimoto no nyushoku-sha no tasuke o karite , fomu o kansei sa seru tame ni intabyu no purosesuo tsujite hitsuyona joho o shushu shimashita atsumeta joho ga shorai no ekotsurizumu ya tarao taki kaihatsu ni yakudatsu node ureshidesu. Shigatte ,kono gakushu no kikai ni oite watashi wa Randi Nobureza hakase ni kansha shite imasu. Wareware ni kami no shukufuku are. ミナサン コンニチワ! ワタシ ワ グレスアンデ s オリリアメイサン キョイク-ガク シュシ ガ k ク セイ デアリ、ゲンザ イ。 ランヂ ノブレザ ハカセ ト トモニ ニホン g ゴ オ ススメマシタ。 ワタシ ノ ケイケンデ ワ ニホン g ゴ ノ ガクシュ オ 2 ツ ノ カ t ゴリ ニ ブンルイ デキマス ブンカ ガクシュ ト f イル ドワ ク ノ ケイケン。 ワタシ ノ ブンカ-テキ ガクシュデワ タラオ ノ タキ ニ ショテン オ アエテタ ブ ンカ-テキ マ p ピン g オ ケイケン シテ イマス シゼン イサン ト シテ。コノ カツドデ ワ タラオ ノ タキ ノ ユニイクナ モノガタリ ト クチョ シゲン ノ シヨ ノ オ タンキュシ ハ k ケン スル コト ガ デキマシタ。 サイショ ワ コノ f イルドワコ ワ ムズカシ ト オモイマス ジョホ ノ シュシュ ワ トクニ コノ ヤ k カイナ ジキ ニ ワ フアンナ サギョデアル タメ。シカシ チイキ ノ ジモト ノ ニ ュショク-シャ ノ タスケ オ カリテ 、 f オム オ カンセイ サ セル タメ ニ インタビュ ノ プロセス オ ツジテ ヒツヨナ ジョホ オ シュシュ シマシタ アツメタ ジョホ ガ ショライ ノ エコツリズム ヤ タラオ タキ カイハツ ニ ヤクダツ ノデ ウレシデス。 シガ t テ 、コノ ガクシュ ノ キカイ ニ オイテ ワタシ ワ ランヂ ノブレザ ハカセ ニ カンシャ シテ イマス。 ワレワレ ニ カミ ノ シュク フク アレ。


Good Day. I am Isagani C. Medenilla, MAed student Major in Educational Management in from Marinduque State College. As a graduate school student, studying Nihongo is such a privilege to me because it’s like hitting plenty of birds in one stone. Aside from studying how to write katakana using practice writing sheet, knowing how to pronounce the words correctly, learning the rules in using the alphabet, having a chance to do the katakana flashcards which I found out interesting, I also had a chance to be a mapper even in just a couple of days which only done by trained and knowledgeable personalities such as Dr. Rex Emmanuel Asuncion and Sir Christopher Ribestual. At first, I was so hesitant to do the assigned task which is cultural mapping. But as days gone by, knowing the importance of it from our Sensei Dr. Randy T. Nobleza which he discussed during our online classes, I became so much interested. February 16, 2021, I approached the Ed.D. Group of students to let me join them going to Gasan for the preliminary steps in accomplishing the CMAP forms. They allowed me to join them without hesitation. On February 20, 2021, we went to Gasan and communicated with Dr. Rex Emmanuel Asuncion. He was so generous to give us the informations he can give, as well as the personalities we have to contact and serve as our key informants. We also found out why and how cultural mapping is done. One of the reasons given to us by Dr. Rex was that cultural mapping is done for the preservation of even a single detail of the cultural heritage which can be seen and experienced by the next generations. My heart was very much touched by that simple yet meaningful explanation. After having communication with Dr. Rex, we worked separately. Some of my colleagues went to the nearby places where they can gather the needed data. I moved to Sitio Pantay Antipolo Gasan Marinduque. I made an interview with Mr. Serafin Larobes Guevarra. He is the artist and at the same time the culture bearer of wood carving in Antipolo. He willingly shared the informations needed for my assigned task. He unselfishly narrated the story of his experiences in wood carving. Looking at him together with his artisan doing wood carving, I can say that he and his arts is a genuine Marindukanon cultural heritage. I just want to thank Dr, Randy T. Nobleza for giving me a chance to become a part of cultural mapping in our own land—Marinduque. Thank you so much.

yoi tsuitachi. Watashi wa marindo~uke shūritsu daigaku de kyōiku kanri o senkō shite iru MAed no gakuseidearu IsaganiC. Medenilladesu. Daigakuinsei to shite, Hitotsuishi de takusan tori o naguru yōna mononanode, nihongo o benkyō suru koto wa watashi ni totte totemo tokkendesu. Renshūyō no raitingushīto o tsukatte katakana no kakikata o benkyō shi tari, tango no tadashī hatsuon no shikata o shittari, arufabetto no tsukaikata no rūru o manan dari, omoshiroi to omotta katakana no furasshukādo o tsukattari suru kikai ga atta hoka, rekkusu emanyueru Asunshion hakase ya kurisutofā ribesutoaru kyō nado no kunren o uketa chishiki hōfuna jinbutsu ni yotte nomi okonawa reta wazuka sū-nichide sae mappā. Saisho wa, bunka-tekina mappingu to iu wariate rareta tasuku o jikkō suru no o tameratte imashita. Shikashi, higatatsu ni tsure, watashitachi no onrain kurasu de hanashiatta Randi T. Nobureza sensei kara sono jūyō-sei o shitte, watashi wa totemo kyōmi o mochimashita. 2021-Nen 2 tsuki 16-nichi, watashi wa Ed. D ni chikadzukimashita. CMAP fōmu o kansei sa seru tame no junbi dankai no tame ni Gasan ni iku karera ni sanka sa sete kureru gakusei no gurūpu. Karera wa watashi ga tamerau koto naku karera ni kuwawaru koto o yurushite kuremashita. 2021-Nen 2 tsuki 20-nichi, watashitachiha gasan ni iki, rekkusu emanyueru Asunshion hakase to renraku o torimashita. Kare wa totemo kandaide, kare ga teikyō dekiru jōhō to, watashitachi ga renraku o tori, jūyōna jōhō teikyō-sha to shite no yakuwariwohatasu hitsuyō no aru jinkaku o oshiete kuremashita. Mata, bunka-teki mappingu ga okonawa reru riyū to hōhō mo wakarimashita. Rekkusu hakase kara watashitachi ni atae rareta riyū no 1tsu wa, bunka-teki mappingu ga, jisedai ga mi tari taiken shi tari dekiru bunka isan no saibu o 1tsu demo hozon suru tame ni okonawa rete iru kotodesu. Shinpurudearinagara iminoaru setsumei ni kokoro o uta remashita. Rekkusu hakase to komyunikēshon o totta nochi, watashitachiha betsubetsu ni hatarakimashita. Watashi no dōryō no nan'ninka wa, hitsuyōna dēta o shūshū dekiru chikaku no basho ni ikimashita. Sitio Pantay Antipolo GasanMarinduque ni hikkoshimashita. Serafin LarobesGuevarra-san ni intabyū shimashita. Kare wa geijutsukadearu to dōjini, antiporo no kibori no bunka-teki ninaite demo arimasu. Kare wa watashi no wariate rareta tasuku ni hitsuyōna jōhō o yorokonde kyōyū shimashita. Kare wa kibori no keiken no monogatari o katte ni katarimashita. Kare to kare no shokunin ga kibori o shite iru no o miru to, kare to kare no geijutsu wa honmono no marindo~ukanon no bunka isandearu to iemasu. Randi T nobureza hakase ni, watashitachi no tochidearu marindo~uke no bunka-teki chizu sakusei no ichibu ni naru kikai o ataete kureta koto ni kansha shitai to omoimasu. Dōmo arigatōgozaimasu.

MURILLO, ANGELIE E. Master of Arts in Education-Educational Management JISHO TO CHIZU REFLECTION “I’m a great believer of luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.” I am Angelie E. Murillo. A Master of Arts in Education, Major in Educational Management student of Marinduque State College and currently enrolled in Advance Nippongo. I have taken the subject Basic Foreign Language last semester, and learning the basics in Niponggo was a great help for me in completing my requirements in Advance Foreign language, since it is a pre requisite. It is not hide that we are facing the global pandemic. But, Amidst Pandemic, we still give our best effort, and find ways how to manage time, to finish the task that was given to each of us. Marinduque has 6 municipalities, namely Boac, Mogpog, Santa Cruz, Torrijos, Buenavista and Gasan. All these six municipalities are composed of different significant resources. Our focused location is Gasan, And the task that was assigned to me was to collect data of Dr. Jose Rizal Monument located at Barangay 2, Poblacion, Gasan, Marinduque, inside the Municipality building of Gasan. The said monument was still in good condition, and funded for renovation once faded. It’s a quite hard job, but when you think of its outcome that will contribute to the country, and to the organization, it satisfies me. I always think, that all these will benefit us and our country in the future. I am very much thankful because I have done the cultural mapping assigned to me. Satisfied, because I learned how to write katakana and hiragana letters, and feeling great after I submitted flash cards containing sounds of hiragana and katakana.

「私は運を大いに信じています。一生懸命働くほど、運がよくなります。」 アンジェリー・E・ムリーリョです。マリンドゥケ州立大学教育学部専攻、教育学修 士、現在アドバンス日本郷に在籍。 私は前学期に「基本的な外国語」という科目を履修しましたが、ニポンゴで基本を学ぶ ことは前提条件であるため、事前外国語の要件を満たす上で大きな助けになりました。 私たちが世界的大流行に直面していることは隠されていません。しかし、パンデミック の中で、私たちは今でも最善を尽くし、時間を管理する方法を見つけて、私たち一人一 人に与えられたタスクを完了します。 マリンドゥケには、ボアック、モグポグ、サンタクルス、トリホス、ブエナビスタ、ガ サンの 6 つの自治体があります。これら 6 つの自治体はすべて、さまざまな重要なリ ソースで構成されています。私たちの焦点はガサンです。私に割り当てられたタスク は、ガサンの市庁舎内のバランガイ 2、ポブラチオン、ガサン、マリンドゥケにあるホ

セリザル博士の記念碑のデータを収集することでした。この記念碑はまだ良好な状態で あり、一度衰退すると改修のための資金が提供されました。大変な仕事ですが、国や組 織に貢献する結果を考えると、私は満足しています。これらすべてが将来私たちと私た ちの国に利益をもたらすと私はいつも思っています。 自分に割り当てられた文化的マッピングを行ったので、とても感謝しています。カタカ ナとひらがなの文字の書き方を学び、ひらがなとカタカナの音が入ったフラッシュカー ドを提出して気分が良かったので、満足しました。 `Watashi wa un o ōini shinjite imasu. Isshōkenmei hataraku hodo, un ga yoku narimasu.' Anjerī E murīryodesu. Marindo~uke shūritsu daigaku kyōiku gakubu senkō, kyōiku-gaku shūshi, genzai Adobansu Nihon gō ni zaiseki. Watashi wa zen gakki ni `kihon-tekina gaikoku-go' to iu kamoku o rishū shimashitaga, nipongo de kihon o manabu koto wa zentei jōkendearu tame, jizen gaikokugo no yōken o mitasu ue de ōkina tasuke ni narimashita. Watashitachi ga sekai-teki ōhayari ni chokumen shite iru koto wa kakusa rete imasen. Shikashi, pandemikku no naka de, watashitachi wa ima demo saizen o tsukushi, jikan o kanri suru hōhō o mitsukete, watashitachi hitorihitori ni atae rareta tasuku o kanryō shimasu. Marindo~uke ni wa, boakku, mogupogu, santakurusu, torihosu, buenabisuta, gasan no muttsu no jichitai ga arimasu. Korera muttsu no jichitai wa subete, samazamana jūyōna risōsu de kōsei sa rete imasu. Watashitachi no shōten wa gasandesu. Watashi ni wariate rareta tasuku wa, gasan no shichōsha-nai no barangai 2, poburachion, gasan, marindo~uke ni aru hoserizaru hakase no kinenhi no dēta o shūshū suru kotodeshita. Kono kinenhi wa mada ryōkōna jōtaideari, ichido suitai suru to kaishū no tame no shikin ga teikyō sa remashita. Taihen'na shigotodesuga,-koku ya soshiki ni kōken suru kekka o kangaeru to, watashi wa manzoku shite imasu. Korera subete ga shōrai watashitachi to watashitachi no kuni ni rieki o motarasu to watashi wa itsumo omotte imasu. Jibun ni wariate rareta bunka-teki mappingu o okonattanode, totemo kansha shite imasu. Katakanatohiragana no moji no kakikata o manabi, hi-ra ga na to katakana no oto ga haitta furasshukādo o teishutsu shite kibun ga yokattanode, manzoku shimashita.


Hello everyone! I am May Morales taking up Master of Education major in Educational Management and currently enrolled in Foreign Language 2 (Advanced Niponggo) with Dr. Randy Nobleza as our professor. Studying Foreign Language (Advanced Niponggo) is indeed a challenge mainly because this is new to me. I know few things about Japan since I am an Araling Panlipunan teacher but knowing about its language is literally “foreign” to me. Second reason why this subject is challenging is because of the fact that our mode of learning due to pandemic is done through online instructions. Without face to face classes, interactions is limited. However, because of perseverance and commitment to quality education of our professor, I have learned so many things and studying Niponggo if it is not easy has been possible and meaningful. Learnings took place by accomplishing different tasks. First, we managed to finish our writing practice sheet. This has been our guide on how to write Katakana stroke by stroke just like how a kinder pupil is studying ABC by writing it. Secondly, we had our Katakana flashcards. We were assigned to look for 50 words in Katakana with images that is in relation with the topics assigned to us. Thirdly, we had our CMAP forms. We had our research about the topic assigned to us individually. Using this form, we had an opportunity to know more about our culture while inculcating learning about foreign language. Lastly, we had our Jishu to Chizu reflection. We were asked to make a reflection about our experience while studying this subject through a video translated from English to Katakana. This is a proof that no matter what we are facing right now, quality education must be push through and can be push through all it takes is dedication and perseverance especially from the mentors in charge. Special thanks to Marinduque State College for having such educators who are willing to carry out their tasks in the midst of pandemic. Thank you very much and again good day everyone! みなさん、こんにちは! 私は May Morales が教育管理を専攻し、現在、Randy Nobleza 博士を教授として外国語 2 (Advanced Niponggo)に在籍しています。 外国語(上級ニポンゴ)の勉強は、主に私にとって初めてのことなので、確かに挑戦で す。私はアラリング・パンリプナンの教師なので、日本についてはほとんど知りません が、その言語を知ることは私にとって文字通り「外国人」です。この主題が挑戦的であ る第二の理由は、パンデミックによる私たちの学習モードがオンラインの指示を通して 行われるという事実のためです。対面のクラスがなければ、相互作用は制限されます。

しかし、教授の質の高い教育への忍耐と献身のおかげで、私は多くのことを学び、簡単 ではない場合はニポンゴを学ぶことが可能で有意義でした。 学習は、さまざまなタスクを実行することによって行われました。れは、幼い生徒が ABC を書いて勉強しているのと同じように、カタカナを一筆一筆書く方法についてのガ イドです。 第二に、カタカナのフラッシュカードがありました。 割り当てられたトピ ックに関連する画像を使用して、カタカナで 50 語を検索するように割り当てられまし た。 第三に、Cmap フォームがありました。 個別に割り当てられたトピックについて調 査しました。 このフォームを使って、外国語の学習を教えながら、私たちの文化につ いてもっと知る機会がありました。 最後に、自主から千津への反省がありました。 英 語からカタカナに翻訳されたビデオを通して、この主題を研究している間、私たちの経 験について振り返るように頼まれました。 これは、私たちが今直面していることに関係なく、質の高い教育を推進する必要があり 、特に担当のメンターからの献身と忍耐が必要なすべてを推進できることの証拠です。 パンデミックの真っ只中に彼らの任務を遂行することをいとわないそのような教育者を 持っているマリンドゥケ州立大学に特に感謝します。 みなさん、ありがとうございました! Minasan, kon'nichiwa! Watashi wa May Morales ga kyōiku kanri o senkō shi, genzai, randi Nobleza hakase o kyōju to shite gaikoku-go 2 (adobansudo Niponggo) ni zaiseki shite imasu. Gaikoku-go (jōkyū nipongo) no benkyō wa, omo ni watashi ni totte hajimete no kotonanode, tashika ni chōsendesu. Watashi wa araringu panripunan no kyōshinanode, Nihon ni tsuite wa hotondo shirimasenga, sono gengo o shiru koto wa watashi ni totte mojidōri `gaikoku hito'desu. Kono shudai ga chōsen-tekidearu daini no riyū wa, pandemikku ni yoru watashitachi no gakushū mōdo ga onrain no shiji o tōshite okonawa reru to iu jijitsu no tamedesu. Taimen no kurasu ga nakereba, sōgo sayō wa seigen sa remasu. Shikashi, kyōju no shitsu no takai kyōiku e no nintai to kenshin no okage de, watashi wa ōku no koto o manabi, kantande wanai baai wa nipongo o manabu koto ga kanōde yūigideshita. Gakushū wa, samazamana tasuku o jikkō suru koto ni yotte okonawa remashita. Kore wa, osanai seito ga ABC o kaite benkyō shite iru no to onajiyōni, katakana o 一筆一筆書 Ku hōhō ni tsuite no gaidodesu. Daini ni, katakana no furasshukādo ga arimashita. Wariate rareta topikku ni kanren suru gazō o shiyō shite, katakana de 50-go o kensaku suru yō ni wariate raremashita. Daisan ni, Cmap fōmu ga arimashita. Kobetsu ni wariate rareta topikku ni tsuite chōsa shimashita. Kono fōmu o tsukatte, gaikoku-go no gakushū o oshienagara, watashitachi no bunka ni tsuite motto shiru kikai ga arimashita. Saigo ni, jishu kara Chizu e no hansei ga arimashita. Eigo kara katakana ni hon'yaku sa reta bideo o tōshite, kono shudai o kenkyū shite iru ma, watashitachi no keiken ni tsuite furikaeru yō ni tanoma remashita.

Angeline Pelandiana MAED – Educational Management

“Understating languages and other cultures builds bridges”, according to Suzy Kassem. Understanding culture is like having a context that allows you to give the meaning to each word you learn. The more you know about the sociocultural background, the easier it is to get involved and learn new words, expressions and ways of speaking. In this subject I learned a lot of things about the Japanese language and culture. I learned how to write in Hiragana and Katakana alphabet. It has different characters which is very unfamiliar at first. They also have different arrangement of vowels that is confusing which is a, i, u, e, o. I really enjoy the practice writing it’s like when I am starting to learn on how to write for the first time. Another task is the electronic Flash Cards, which consist of fifty words translated to katakana. We have searched for pictures that were related to our assigned topic for mapping, that activity really helps me to be more familiar to Japanese words. Aside from Japanese language, we also do the cultural mapping in Marinduque specifically in Gasan. It is an approach used to identify, record and use cultural resources and activities for building communities. I was assigned in Intangible cultural heritage and so I chose ‘Pagsasaklab’, a social practice where in it is an old way of healing a person with illness. In this activity I realized that even Marinduque is a small island and province it is very rich in culture and traditions that we Marinduqueños should preserve and value. Learning the Japanese language is not that easy as well as the cultural mapping due to the current situation which is the pandemic. I struggled with some of the activities but I did my best to accomplish all the tasks given. Those are new experiences that really taught me a lot. I enjoyed this subject, the experience was amazing and very meaningful. スージー・カセムによれば、「言語や他の文化を理解することは橋を架ける」とのことです。 文化を理解することは、あなたが学ぶそれぞれの単語に意味を与えることを可能にする文脈を 持つようなものです。社会文化的背景について知れば知るほど、参加しや すくなり、新しい言葉、表現、話し方ができます。 このテーマでは、私は日本語と日本文化について多くのことを学びました。ひらがなとカタカ ナのアルファベットの書き方を学びました。それは最初は非常に馴染みのない非常に馴染みの ない文字を持っています。彼らはまた、a、i、u、e、o である混乱している母音の異なる怒りを 持っています。 初めて書き方を学び始めたときのような書き方の練習がとても楽しいです。

もう一つの仕事は、カタカナに翻訳された 50 語からなる電子フラッシュカードです。マッピン グ用に割り当てられたトピックに関連する写真を検索しました。そのアクティビ ティは、日本語の単語に慣れるために非常に役立ちます。 日本語の他に、マリンドゥケ、特にガサンで文化的なマッピングも行っています。これは、コ ミュニティを構築するための文化的資源と活動を特定、記録、および使用するた めに使用されるアプローチです。私は無形文化遺産に登録されていたので、「 Pagsasaklab」を選びました。病気の人を癒す古い方法である社会的慣習。この活動で、マリン ドゥケでさえ小さな島と州であり、マリンドゥケが保存し、大切にしなければな らない文化と伝統が非常に豊富であることに気づきました。 日本語を学ぶことはそれほど簡単ではありません、そしてパンデミックである現在の状況のた めに文化的なマッピングも同様です.私はいくつかの活動に苦労しましたが、与えられたすべて のタスクを達成するために最善を尽くしました。それらは本当に私に多くを教えてくれた新し い経験でした。 私はこの主題を楽しんだ、tge の経験は素晴らしくて非常に有意義でした! Sūjī kasemu ni yoreba,`gengo ya hoka no bunka o rikai suru koto wa hashi o kakeru' to no kotodesu. Bunka o rikai suru koto wa, anata ga manabu sorezore no tango ni imi o ataeru koto o kanō ni suru bunmyaku o motsu yōna monodesu. Shakai bunka-teki haikei ni tsuite shirebashiruhodo, sanka shi yasuku nari, atarashī kotoba, hyōgen, hanashikata ga dekimasu. Kono tēmade wa, watashi wa nihongo to nipponbunka ni tsuite ōku no koto o manabimashita. Hira ga na to katakana no arufabetto no kakikata o manabimashita. Sore wa saisho wa hijō ni najimi no nai hijō ni najimi no nai moji o motte imasu. Karera wa mata, a, i, u, e, odearu konran shite iru boin no kotonaru ikari o motte imasu. Hajimete kakikata o manabi hajimeta toki no yōna kakikata no renshū ga totemo tanoshīdesu. Mōhitotsu no shigoto wa, katakana ni hon'yaku sa reta 50-go kara naru denshi furasshukādodesu. Mappingu-yō ni wariate rareta topikku ni kanren suru shashin o kensaku shimashita. Sono akutibiti wa, nihongo no tango ni nareru tame ni hijō ni yakudachimasu. Nihongo no ta ni, marindo~uke, tokuni gasan de bunka-tekina mappingu mo itte imasu. Kore wa, komyuniti o kōchiku suru tame no bunka-teki shigen to katsudō o tokutei, kiroku, oyobi shiyō suru tame ni shiyō sa reru apurōchidesu. Watashi wa mukei bunka isan ni tōroku sa rete itanode,`Pagsasaklab' o erabimashita. Byōki no hito o iyasu furui hōhōdearu shakaitekikanshū. Kono katsudō de, marindo~ukede sae chīsana shima to shūdeari, marindo~uke ga hozon shi, taisetsu ni shinakereba naranai bunka to dentō ga hijō ni hōfudearu koto ni kidzukimashita. Nihongo o manabu koto wa sorehodo kantande wa arimasen, soshite pandemikkudearu genzai no jōkyō nota -me ni bunka-tekina mappingu mo dōyōdesu. Watashi wa ikutsu ka no katsudō ni kurō shimashitaga, ataerareta subete no tasuku o tassei suru tame ni saizen o tsukushimashita. Sorera wa hontōni watashi ni ōku o oshiete kureta atarashī keikendeshita. Watashi wa kono shudai o tanoshinda, tge no keiken wa subarashikute hijō ni yūigideshita!

Joanne Ramiro Good day everyone. My name is Joanne P. Ramiro, Master of Arts in Education student and currently enrolled in Foreign Language 2(Advanced Niponggo) with Doctor Randy Nobleza as our professor. Learning Foreign language is quite difficult yet interesting. It made me realize how things are possible even at this time of pandemic. I enjoyed how I find ways to accomplish task like practice writing, making Katakana flashcards and cultural mapping as well. Challenges came in our way as we navigate to the new normal situation. Using various types of online platforms as mode of delivery of instructions, led me to familiarizing it as a tool in finishing assigned task. I am grateful that I was able to finish the assigned cultural mapping task through the help of our subject professor Doctor Randy Nobleza for constantly guiding us and led us to some reliable person whom I interviewed online and provided the needed data and information. Thank you and once again good day. 反射 みなさん、良い一日を。私の名前はジョアン・P・ラミロです。教育学修士の学生で、現在、ラン ディ・ノブレザ博士を教授として外国語 2(上級ニポンゴ)に在籍しています。 外国語を学ぶことは非常に難しいですが、興味深いです。このパンデミックの時でさえ、物事がどのよ うに可能であるかを私は実感しました。ライティングの練習、カタカナのフラッシュカードの 作成、文化的なマッピングなどのタスクを実行する方法を見つける方法を楽しんだ。 新しい通常の状況に移行するときに、課題が発生しました。指示の配信モードとしてさまざまなタイプ のオンラインプラットフォームを使用することで、割り当てられたタスクを完了するためのツ ールとしてそれを理解するようになりました。 常に私たちを導いてくれた主題教授のランディ・ノブレザ博士の助けを借りて、割り当てられた文化的 マッピングのタスクを完了することができ、オンラインでインタビューして必要なデータと情 報を提供してくれた信頼できる人に私たちを導いてくれたことに感謝しています。 ありがとう、そしてまた良い一日。


Minasan, yoiichinichiwo. Watashinonamaeha Joan P ramirodesu. Kyōiku-gaku shūshi no gakusei de, genzai, Randi nobureza hakase o kyōju to shite gaikoku-go 2 (jōkyū nipongo) ni zaiseki shite imasu. Gaikoku-go o manabu koto wa hijō ni muzukashīdesuga, kyōmibukaidesu. Kono pandemikku no tokide sae, monogoto ga dono yō ni kanōdearu ka o watashi wa jikkan shimashita. Raitingu no renshū, katakana no furasshukādo no sakusei, bunka-tekina mappingu nado no tasuku o jikkō suru hōhō o mitsukeru hōhō o tanoshinda. Atarashī tsūjō no jōkyō ni ikō suru toki ni, kadai ga hassei shimashita. Shiji no haishin mōdo to shite samazamana taipu no onrainpurattofōmu o shiyō suru koto de, wariate rareta tasuku o kanryō suru tame no tsūru to shite sore o rikai suru yō ni narimashita. Tsuneni watashitachi o michibiite kureta shudai kyōju no Randi nobureza hakase no tasuke o karite, wariate rareta bunka-teki mappingu no tasuku o kanryō suru koto ga deki, onrain de intabyū shite hitsuyōna dēta to jōhō o teikyō shite kureta shinraidekiru hito ni watashitachi o michibiite kureta koto ni kansha shite imasu. Arigatō, soshite mata yoi tsuitachi.

Estrelita R. Fidelino MAED-Student The town of Gasan in the province of Marinduque is very popular for being one of the cleanest town not only in the province but also all over the country. People living in the community are very kind and generous. They are helping one another for common good. Gasan is politically divided into twenty five barangays. Many of these barangay are rich in culture and arts. Last February 22, 2021 I went to barangay Banot of the said municipality to conduct a cultural mapping. This activity has not been easy for me because I was scheduled for my caesarean delivery on February 24. But I have to go there to get exact, clear and coherent data to the key informants. After all the struggles, I can say that I made the activity successfully, fruitful and meaningful one. I realized that there’s no success without struggles. In behalf of my anxiety and worries about my situation I was so happy for being one the student in Foreign Language two, because it gave me the chance to be one of the cultural mapper of our very own culture and arts. So, before I conducted my mapping about natural resources - protected area I went first to the mayor’s office to ask permission about my purpose. Since the mayor was not around his personal assistance approached me. He helped me to go in the office which is responsible about the culture and arts of Gasan. Luckily, all the employees in that office were very approachable. The head of that office helped me to look for a protected area which is near and easy to reach because they gave me a consideration about my situation. The protected area was given to me was Banot Coral Reef in barangay Banot. To get the area it took almost 3 to 4 minutes from the town proper. So, when I was already there honorable Gener S. Sales, and honorable Jeffrey L. Lagro come up to me and asked me about my purpose. After short period of explanation they gave me the exact information including the xerox copy of minutes of the meeting with regards to the coral reef of their barangay. After gathering the data I gave my warmest thanks to the following person especially the barangay captain for allowing me to collect data of their protected area. That was the story happened during the collection of data to be filled out in my cultural mapping form. Before I end, I would like to give my sincerest and deepest thanks to all the person involved of my mapping activity most especially to my talented professor Dr. Randy Nobleza and also to my key informants for giving me the chance and time. Marindo~uke-shū no gasan no machi wa,-shū-nai dakedenaku zenkoku de mottomo kireinamachi no 1tsu to shite hijō ni ninki ga arimasu. Komyuniti ni sumu hitobito wa totemo shinsetsude kandaidesu. Karera wa kyōtsū no rieki no tame ni tagaini tasukeatte imasu. Ga san wa seidjiteki nijūgo no barangai ni wakarete imasu. Korera no barangai no ōku wa bunka to geijutsu ni tonde

imasu. Sakunen ni tsuki ni jū niwatashi wa bunkatekina mappingu o okonau tame ni, sono jichitai no barangaibanotto ni ikimashita. Ni sen ni jū ichi -Nen ni jū tsuki nijūshi -nichi ni teiōsekkai ga yotei sa rete ita tame, kono katsudō wa kantande wa arimasendeshita. Shikashi, shuyōna jōhō teikyō-sha ni seikakude meikakude ikkan-sei no aru dēta o nyūshu suru ni wa, soko ni ikanakereba narimasen. Kurō shita kekka, minori ōi yūigina katsudō ni seikō shita to iemasu. Kurō naku shite seikō wa ari enai koto ni kidzukimashita. Jibun no jōkyō ni taisuru fuan ya shinpai o daihyō shite, gaikoku-go ni jū no gakusei ni nareta koto o totemo ureshiku omoimashita. Sore wa, watashitachi jishin no bunka to geijutsu no bunka mappā no ni jū ichi ri ni naru kikai o ataete kuretakaradesu. Sonotame, ten'nen shigen hogo-ku ni tsuite no mappingu o okonau mae ni, mazu shichō-shitsu ni iki, mokuteki ni tsuite kyoka o motomemashita. Shichō ga mawari ni inakattanode, kare no kojin-tekina enjo ga watashi ni chikadzukimashita. Kare wa watashi ga gasan no bunka to geijutsu o tantō suru ofisu ni iku no o tetsudatte kuremashita. Saiwaina koto ni, sono ofisu no subete no jūgyōin wa totemo shitashimi yasukattadesu. Sono jimusho no naga wa, watashi no jōkyō o kōryo shite kuretanode, chikaku ni ari, kantan ni akusesu dekiru hogo chiiki o sagasu no o tetsudatte kuremashita.










banottokōrarurīfudeshita. Eria o shutoku suru ni wa, machi kara yaku ni jū san〜nijūshi -bu kakarimashita. Sorede, watashi ga sudeni soko ni ita toki, meiyo aru Gener S. Sērusu to meiyo aru JeffreyL. Lagro ga watashi no tokoro ni kite, watashi no mokuteki ni tsuite tazunemashita. Mijikai setsumei no ato, karera wa watashi ni karera no barangai no sangoshō ni kansuru kaigi no gijiroku no zerokkusukopī o fukumu seikakuna jōhō o ataemashita. Dēta o shūshū shita nochi, hogo chiiki no dēta o shūshū suru koto o kyoka shite kureta tsugi no hito, tokuni barangai no senchō ni kokorokara kansha shimasu. Sore wa watashi no bunka-teki chizu sakusei fōmu ni kinyū sa reru dēta no shūshū-chū ni okotta hanashideshita. Shūryō suru mae ni, watashi no mappingu katsudō ni tazusawatta subete no hito, tokuni sainō no aru kyōjudearu Randi nobureza hakase to, kikai to jikan o ataete kureta shuyōna jōhō teikyō-sha ni kokorokara no kansha o sasagetai to omoimasu.

マリンドゥケ州のガサンの町は、州内だけでなく全国で最もきれいな町の 1 つとして非常に人気があり ます。コミュニティに住む人々はとても親切で寛大です。彼らは共通の利益のために互いに助け合って います。ガサンは政治的に 25 のバランガイに分かれています。これらのバランガイの多くは文化と芸術 に富んでいます。

昨年 2 月 22 日、 `私は文化的なマッピングを行うために、その自治体のバランガイバノットに行きまし た。 2021 年 2 月 24 日に帝王切開が予定されていたため、この活動は簡単ではありませんでした。しか し、主要な情報提供者に正確で明確で一貫性のあるデータを入手するには、そこに行かなければなりま せん。苦労した結果、実り多い有意義な活動に成功したと言えます。苦労なくして成功はあり得ないこ とに気づきました。自分の状況に対する不安や心配を代表して、外国語 2 の学生になれたことをとても うれしく思いました。それは、私たち自身の文化と芸術の文化マッパーの 1 人になる機会を与えてくれ たからです。 そのため、天然資源保護区についてのマッピングを行う前に、まず市長室に行き、目的について許可を 求めました。市長が周りにいなかったので、彼の個人的な援助が私に近づきました。彼は私がガサンの 文化と芸術を担当するオフィスに行くのを手伝ってくれました。幸いなことに、そのオフィスのすべて の従業員はとても親しみやすかったです。その事務所の長は、私の状況を考慮してくれたので、近くに あり、簡単にアクセスできる保護地域を探すのを手伝ってくれました。私に与えられた保護地域は、バ ランガイバノットのバノットコーラルリーフでした。 エリアを取得するには、町から約 3〜4 分かかりました。それで、私がすでにそこにいたとき、名誉ある Gener

S.Sales と名誉ある JeffreyL。Lagro が私のところに来て、私の目的について尋ねました。短い説明

の後、彼らは私に彼らのバランガイの珊瑚礁に関する会議の議事録のゼロックスコピーを含む正確な情 報を与えました。データを収集した後、保護地域のデータを収集することを許可してくれた次の人、特 にバランガイの船長に心から感謝します。 それは私の文化的地図作成フォームに記入されるデータの収集中に起こった話でした。終了する前に、 私のマッピング活動に携わったすべての人、特に才能のある教授であるランディ・ノブレザ博士と、機 会と時間を与えてくれた主要な情報提供者に心からの感謝を捧げたいと思います。


Language is the means that we use to deliver messages or convey the idea to the other people. There are many languages spoken in the world, and one of these is Nihongo. However, due to the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, as higher educational institutions (HEIs) switched their courses to distance learning and other online platforms, professors and students faced numerous difficulties in continuing with the requirements for teaching and learning, and the same is the case for our Foreign Language 2 class. This sudden change in modality forced us to adapt to cope with the situation accordingly by using Google Meet and Facebook Messenger for our class discussions. Although difficult, we were still able to deliver and complied with the requirements of the course. On top of that, we were able to integrate Marindukanon culture, specifically Gasan culture, with the Japanese language we learned and aided in the cultural mapping that is currently being conducted in Gasan, headed by Dr. Rex Emmanuel L. Asuncion. This experience may not be what you would expect in a Japanese language class, but we certainly learned more than what we imagined. 言語は、メッセージを配信したり、アイデアを他の人に伝えたりするために使用する手 段です。世界にはたくさんの言語が話されており、そのうちの一つが日本語です。 しかし、COVID-19 パンデミックの出現により、高等教育機関(HEI)がコースを遠隔教 育やその他のオンラインプラットフォームに切り替えたため、教授と学生は教育と学習 の要件を継続する上で多くの困難に直面しました。私たちの外国語 2 クラスの場合です 。このモダリテ ィの突然の変化により、クラスのディスカッションに GoogleMeet と FacebookMessenger を使用して、状況に応じて対処する必要がありました。 難しいことではありましたが、それでもコースの要件を満たし、遵守することができま した。その上、マリンドゥカノン文化、特にガサン文化を、レックス・エマニュエル・ L・アスンシオン博士が率いるガサンで現在行われている文化的マッピングで学んだ日 本語と統合することができました。 この経験は、日本語の授業で期待するものではないかもしれませんが、私たちは確かに 私たちが想像していた以上のことを学びました。 Gengo wa, messēji o haishin shi tari, aidea o hokanohito ni tsutae tari suru tame ni shiyō suru shudandesu. Sekai ni wa takusan no gengo ga hanasa rete ori, sonōchi no hitotsu ga nihongodesu. Shikashi, COVID - 19 pandemikku no shutsugen ni yori, kōtō kyōiku kikan (HEI) ga kōsu o enkaku kyōiku ya sonohoka no onrainpurattofōmu ni kirikaeta tame, kyōju to gakusei wa kyōiku to gakushū no yōken o keizoku suru ue de ōku no kon'nan ni chokumen shimashita. Watashitachi no gaikoku-go 2 kurasu no baaidesu. Kono modariti no totsuzen no henka ni yori, kurasu no disukasshon ni GoogleMeet to FacebookMes senger o shiyō shite, jōkyō ni ōjite taisho suru hitsuyō ga arimashita. Muzukashī kotode wa arimashitaga, soredemo kōsu no yōken o mitashi, junshu suru koto ga dekimashita. Sono Ue, marindo~ukanon bunka, tokuni gasan bunka o, rekkusu emanyueru L Asunshion hakase ga hikiiru ga san de genzai okonawa rete iru bunka-teki mappingu de mananda nihongo to tōgō suru koto ga dekimashita.

FRANCLIS L. PACIA Ed.D-Curriculum Development & Management REFLECTION Peace and to God be the Glory! As a student in Advanced Nihonggo (Foreign Language 2) under Dr. Randy Nobleza, I did my best in embracing this language of a neighbouring country which is so foreign to me. However the sceptic’s side of my mind turned positively as I enjoyed writing th Hiragana and Katakana. Further, collecting and making of fifty (50) flashcards made me familiar with the objects translated into Nihonggo. On the other hand, the state of emergency for public health due to covid 19 which resulted to non-fae to face classes didn’t hinder our intention and desire to finish cultural mapping which will be beneficial for the restoration effort of Gasan in the mere future. I would like to commend the efforts of Doctor of Education (Ed.D) Student who vigorously confronted the challenge of doing those things amidst the presence of Covid-19 and to our beloved professor, Dr. Randy Nobleza who gave us his best in realizing our objectives and to the Marinduque State College (MSC) Community, Thank you and God Bless! 平和と神に栄光がありますように!ランディ・ノブレザ博士の下で上級日本語(外国語 2)の学生として、私は隣国のこの言語を受け入れることに最善を尽くしました。 私にはとても異質です。しかし、ひらがなとカタカナを書くのを楽しんだとき、私の心 の懐疑的な側面は前向きになりました。さらに、50 枚のフラッシュカードを集めて作 ることで、ニホンゴに翻訳されたオブジェクトに慣れました。 一方、covid 19 による公衆衛生の非常事態は、非フェイ・トゥ・フェイスのクラスをも たらし、文化的マッピングを終了するという私たちの意図と願望を妨げませんでした。 これは、単なるガサンの回復努力に有益です。未来。 Covid-19 の存在下でこれらのことを行うという課題に精力的に立ち向かった教育博士 (Ed.D)の学生と、私たちの最愛の教授であるランディ・ノブレザ博士の努力を称えた いと思います。私たちの目的とマリンドゥケ州立大学(MSC)コミュニティに感謝し、 神のご加護を! Heiwa to kami ni eikō ga arimasu yō ni! Randi nobureza hakase no shita de jōkyū nihongo (gaikoku-go 2) no gakusei to shite, watashi wa ringoku no kono gengo o ukeireru koto ni saizen o tsukushimashita. Watashiniha totemo ishitsudesu. Shikashi, hi-ra ga na to katakana o kaku no o tanoshinda toki, watashi no kokoro no kaigi-tekina sokumen wa maemuki ni narimashita. Sarani, 50-mai no furasshukādo o atsumete tsukuru koto de, nihongo ni hon'yaku sa reta obujekuto ni naremashita. Ippō, covid 19 ni yoru kōshū eisei no hijō jitai wa, hi fei to~u feisu no kurasu o motarashi, bunka-teki mappingu o shūryō suru to iu watashitachi no ito to ganbō o samatagemasendeshita. Kore wa, tan'naru ga san no kaifuku doryoku ni yūekidesu. Mirai. Covid - 19 no sonzai-ka de korera no koto o okonau to iu kadai ni seiryoku-teki ni tachimukatta kyōiku hakase (Ed. D) no gakusei to, watashitachi no saiai no kyōjudearu Randi nobureza hakase no doryoku o tataetai to omoimasu. Watashitachi no mokuteki to marindo~uke shūritsu daigaku (MSC) komyuniti ni kansha shi,-shin no go kago o!

MAYLENE N. LUTO EdD. -Curriculum Development and Management Learning Foreign Language such as Nihonggo ( Katakana ) is very interesting for me. It seems this is too difficult although I had idea on this subject. However, through our Professor, Dr. Randy T. Nobleza,he exerted more effort to be able to understand everything about it. One of the requirement the we needed to comply is cultural mapping in the town of Gasan, Marinduque. This activity was conducted personally to get the first hand information about the history, bearer, significance and how it transmitted from generation to generation. We had counted the culture that assigned to us through Dr. Rex Emmanuel Asuncion, the chairman of Gasan Culture Association who was one of the key informant. He never hesitate to give us all the details of what we are looking for. He also further explained the significance of culture mapping. The other key informant that we have met was very accommodating and hospitable. They gave all the information about the culture they have. I am very thankful that I have done the cultural mapping with a clear vision of how culture must be given importance to our daily lives. ラーニング・フォリン・ラングウィッジ・サッチ・アズ・ニホンゴー・カータカーナ ー・イズ・ベリー・イントラステング・フォー・ミー. イット・シームズ・ジス・イズ・トゥー ・ディフィクルト・オールゾー・アイ・ハッド・アイディア・オン・ジス・サブジェクト. ハウ エバー・スルー・アワー・プロフェサー・ディー・アー・ランディー・ティー・ノブレザー. ヒ ー・エグザーティド・モー・エフォット・ター・ビー・エーブル・ター・アンダスタンド・エ ブリシング・アバウト・イッ ト. ワン・オブ・ザー・レクァイエムント・ザー・ウィー・ニーディッド・ター・コンプラ イ・イズ・カルチュラル・マピング・イン・ザー・タウン・オブ・ギャサン・マーリンドゥー ケ. ジス・アクティビティー・ウォズ・コンダクティド・パーソナリー・ター・ゲット・ザー・ ファースト・ハンド・インフォメーション・アバウト・ザー・ヒストリー ベアラー・シグニフ ィカンス・アンド・ハウ・イット・トランズミティド・フロム・ジェネレーション・ター・ジ ェネレーション. ウィー・ハッド・カウンティド・ザー・カルチャー・ザット・アサインド・タ ー・アス・スルー・ディー・アー・レックス・エマニューエル・アサンション ザー・チェアマ

ン・オブ・ギャサン・カルチャー・アソーシエーション・フー・ウォズ・ワン・オブ・ザー・ キー・インフォーマント. ヒー・ネバー・ヘジテート・ター・ギブ・アス・オール・ザー・ディ ーテールズ・オブ・ウォット・ウィー・アー・ルキング・フォー. ヒー・オールソー・ファーザ ー・エクスプレーンド・ザー・シグニフィカンス・オブ・カルチャー・マピング. ザー・アザー・キー・インフォーマント・ザット・ウィー・ハブ・メット・ウォズ・ベ リー・アコモデーティング・アンド・ホスピタブル. ゼー・ゲーブ・オール ・ザー・インフォメーション・アバウト・ザー・カルチャー・ゼー・ハブ. アイ・アム・ベリー・サンクフル・ザット・アイ・ハブ・ダン・ザー・カルチュラル・ マピング・ウィズ・アー・クリア・ビジョン・オブ・ハウ・カルチャー マスト・ビー・ギブ

ン・インポータンス・ター・アワー・デーリー・リブズ. raningu forin ranguwi ji sacchi azu nihongo katakana izu berī intorasutengu fo mi. itto shīmuzu jisu izu to difukuruto ōruzo ai haddo aidia on jisu sabujekuto. hauebasurū awā purofu sadi ā randi ti nobureza. hi eguzatido mo efotto tā bī ēburu tā andasutando eburishingu abauto itto. wan obu za rekuiemunto za wi nīdiddo tā konpurai izu karuchuraru mapingu in za taun obu gyasan marindoke. jisu akutibiti wozu kondakutido pāsonarī tā getto za fasuto hando infomeshon abauto za hisutorī beara shigunifukansu ando hau itto toranzumitido furomu jenereshon tā jenereshon. wi haddo kauntido za karucha zatto asaindo tā asu surū di ā rekkusu emaniyūeru asanshon za chiaman obu gyasan karucha asoshiēshon fu wozu wan obu za kī infomanto. hi neba hejitēto tā gibu asu ōru za ditēruzu obu wotto wi ā rukingu fo. hi ōruso faza ekusupurendo za shigunifukansu obu karucha mapingu. za aza kī infomanto zatto wi habu metto wozu berī akomodētingu ando hosupitaburu. ze gēbu ōru za infomeshon abauto za karucha ze habu. ai amu berī sankufuru zatto ai habu dan za karuchuraru mapingu wizu ā kuria bijon obu hau karucha masuto bī gibun inpōtansu tā awā dērī ribuzu.

Ronald Red ED.D

I am Ronald R. Red, currently enrolled in Foreign Language 2 ( Advance Nihonggo ) with Dr. Randy Nobleza as our professor. Cultural mapping is one of the requirements. We have to map undocumented culture in the town of Gasan. Actually, it is struggle for to look for intangible culture in the said town. However, with the help of Dr. Rex Emmanuel Asuncion, chairman of GASCUAA, this activity made possible. He gave all the information as looking forward to a purposive outcome. Learning Foreign Language such as Nihonggo ( Katakana ) is very interesting for me. It seems I am going to war without weapons wherein if I will not strive, I will not survive. The level of difficulties in this subject is real. However, with the help of our Professor, Dr. Randy T. Nobleza, made this subject just like eating popcorn while watching movie. The other key informant that we have met was very accommodating and hospitable. They gave all the information about the culture they have. I am very thankful that I have done the cultural mapping with a clear vision of how culture must be given importance to our daily lives.

キョウジュ トシテ ランディ ノーブルザ ハカセ トトモニ ガイコクゴ 2 ( アドバンス・ニホン ゴ ) ニ ザイセキ シ テ イル ロナルド レッド デス 。 ブンカ テキ ナ マッピング ハ 、 ヨウケン ノ ヒトツ デス 。 ワタシ タチ ハ ガサン ノ マ チ デ ブンショ カ サ レ テ イ i ナイ ブンカ ヲ マッピング スル ヒツヨウ ガ アリ マス 。 ジッサイ ニ ハ 、 イッタ マチ デ ムケイ ブンカ ヲ サガス ノ ハ クロウ シ テ イ i マス 。 シカシ 、 ガスクアア カイチョウ ノ レックス・エマニュエル・アスンシオン ハカセ ノ タス ケ ヲ カリ テ 、 コノ カツドウ ガ カノウ ニ ナリ マシ タ 。 カレ ハ ジュンスイ ナ ケッ カ ヲ タノシミ ニ シ テ イル ヨウ ニ スベテ ノ ジョウホウ ヲ アタエ マシ タ 。 ニッポン サト ( カタカナ ) ノ ヨウ ナ ガイコク ゴ ヲ マナブ コト ハ ワタシ ニトッテ トテ モ オモシロイ デス 。 ワタシ ハ ドリョク シ ナケレ バ イキノコラ ナイ ブキ ナシ デ セン ソウ ヲ スル ツモリ デス 。 コノ モンダイ ニオケル ンナン ノ レベル ハ ゲンジツ ノ モノ デス 。 シカシ 、 ワタシ タチ ノ キョウジュ ノ タスケ ヲ カリ テ 、 ランディ ノーブル ザ ハカセ ハ 、 エイガ ヲ ミ ナガラ ポップコーン ヲ タベル ノ ト オナジ ヨウ ニ ni 、 コノ テーマ ヲ ツクリ マシ タ 。 ワタシ タチ ガ アッタ モウ ヒトツ ノ ジュウヨウ ナ ジョウホウ テイキョウ シャ ハ ヒジ ョウ ニ シンセツ デ シンセツ デシ タ 。 カレラ ハ カレラ ガ モッテ イル ブンカ ニカンス ル スベテ ノ ジョウホウ ヲ アタエ マシ タ 。

ワタシ ハ 、 ブンカ ガ ワタシ タチ ノ ニチジョウ セイカツ ニ ドノ ヨウ ニ ジュウヨウ デ ナケレ バ ナラ ナイ カ ヲ メイカク ニ シメス メイカク ナ ビジョン ヲ モッテ ブンカ テキ マッピング ヲ オコナッタ コト ニ ヒジョウ ニ カンシャ シ テ イ マス 。

genzai 、kyouju toshite randi nooburuza hakase totomoni gaikoku go 2 ( adobansu nihongo ) ni zaiseki shi te iru ronarudo R reddo desu 。 bunka teki na mapping ha youken no hitotsu desu watashi tachi ha gasan no machi de bunsho ka sa re te i nai bunka wo mappingu suru hitsuyou ga ari masu 。 jissai ni ha 、itta machi de mukei bunka wo sagasu no ha kurou shi te i masu 。 shikashi 、 gasukuaa kaichou no rekkusu・emanyueru・ asunshion hakase no tasuke wo kari te 、 kono katsudou ga kanou ni nari mashi ta 。kare ha junsui na kekka wo tanoshimi ni shi te iru you ni subete no jouhou wo atae mashi ta 。 nippon sato ( katakana ) no you na gaikoku go wo manabu koto ha watashi nitotte totemo omoshiroi desu 。 watashi ha doryoku shi nakere ba ikinokora nai buki nashi de sensou wo suru tsumori desu 。 kono mondai niokeru konnan no reberu ha genjitsu no mono desu 。 shikashi 、watashi tachi no kyouju no tasuke wo kari te 、randi T nooburuza hakase ha 、 eiga wo mi nagara poppukoon wo taberu no to onaji you 、kono teema wo tsukuri mashi ta 。 watashi tachi ga atta mou hitotsu no juuyou na jouhou teikyou sha ha hijou ni shinsetsu de shinsetsu deshi ta 。 karera ha karera ga motte iru bunka nikansuru subete no jouhou wo atae mashi ta 。 watashi ha 、bunka ga watashi tachi no nichijou seikatsu ni dono you ni juuyou de nakere ba nara nai ka wo meikaku ni shimesu meikaku na bijon wo motte bunka teki mappingu wo okonatta koto ni hijou ni kansha shi te i masu .

Aidyze Gutierrez MAed- Language Teaching

Hi, good day everyone! My name is Aidyze Gutierrez, a Master of Language Teaching Student and currently enrolled in Foreign Language (advance niponggo) with Dr. Randy Nobleza as our professor. Learning a new language is such a privilege, since knowing the language itself is also knowing their culture as well. Because of the current situation, we have to take the distance learning method. It is truly a great challenge not only for me but also to my fellow classmates since we didn't use it in our daily conversations. It is an honor for me to experience this kind of learning. Learning that I know in the future will be more relevant not only for me as a student but as a future educator. みなさん、こんにちは。私の名前は、言語教育の修士課程の学生であり、現在、ランデ ィ・ノブレザ博士を教授として外国語(アドバンスニポンゴ)に在籍しているエイディ ゼ・グティエレスです。 新しい言語を学ぶことはそのような特権です。なぜなら、言語自体を知ることは彼らの 文化も知ることだからです。 現在の状況から、遠隔教育法を採用する必要があります。日常会話では使わなかったの で、私だけでなくクラスメートにとっても本当に大きな挑戦です。 このような学びを体験できて光栄です。私が将来知っていることを学ぶことは、学生と してだけでなく、将来の教育者としての私にとってより重要になるでしょう。 Minasan, kon'nichiwa. Watashinonamaeha, gengo kyōiku no shūshi katei no gakuseideari, genzai, Randi nobureza hakase o kyōju to shite gaikoku-go (adobansunipongo) ni zaiseki shite iru eidize gutieresudesu. Atarashī gengo o manabu koto wa sono yōna tokkendesu. Nazenara, gengo jitai o shiru koto wa karera no bunka mo shiru kotodakaradesu. Genzai no jōkyō kara, enkaku kyōiku-hō o saiyō suru hitsuyō ga arimasu. Nichijō kaiwade wa tsukawanakattanode, watashi dakedenaku kurasumēto ni tottemo hontōni ōkina chōsendesu. Ko no yōna manabi o taiken dekite kōeidesu. Watashi ga shōrai shitte iru koto o manabu koto wa, gakusei to shite dakedenaku, shōrai no kyōiku-sha to shite no watashi ni totte yori jūyō ni narudeshou.

AMERLYSA S. MASCARIÑAS MAED-Educational Management Good day everyone. I am Amerlysa Mascarinas. Cultural mapping is a valuable tool for identifying a community’s strengths and its resources. This process can help as communities move into the planning and implementation phase by identifying early resources, efficiencies and links between arts and cultural group as well as their common aspirations and values. Dr. Randy T. Nobleza, our professor of Foreign Language introduced to us the cultural mapping as one of the requirements in our subject. At first it was chaotic to me. But as we go along with our sessions / meetings via google meet, I realized and understand the importance of cultural mapping. Since cultural mapping is one way in preserving the world’s intangible and tangible assets, it is essential to understand that influence perceptions of places, paying particular attention to personal and community interpretations of culture. Through cultural mapping, we discovered the hidden heritage and assets of the community. We should encourage local communities to take responsibility for and participate in the development and conservation of their heritage. It is essential that the significance of our heritage is acknowledge by government and reflected in appropriate and reformed structures and increased funding. This will ensure that the best elements of our heritage will be passed on to our next children and their children in turn. Our heritage becomes part of what we are and provides clues to our past. It is a keystone of our culture that plays an important role in our politics, business and world view. These provide clues to our past and how our society has evolved. It helps us examine our history and traditions – what the past has conceded to us, what we value in the present and what we choose to preserve for future generations. Through the interviews I conducted, I can say that the owner of the heritage object treasured it the most like a precious things connected to her life.

Minasan, yoiichinichiwo. Watashi wa AmerlysaMascarinasdesu. Bunka-teki mappingu wa, komyuniti no tsuyomi to sono risōsu o tokutei suru tame no kichōna tsūrudesu. Kono purosesu wa, komyuniti ga keikaku to jissō no fēzu ni ikō suru toki ni, geijutsu to bunka gurūpu no ma no shoki no risōsu, kōritsu, rinku, oyobi sorera no kyōtsū no ganbō to kachikan o tokutei suru no ni yakudachimasu. Gaikoku-go no kyōjudearu Randi T nobureza hakase wa, watashitachi no shudai no yōken no 1tsu to shite bunka-teki mappingu o shōkai shite kuremashita. Saisho wa konton to shite imashita. Shikashi, gūgurumīto o kaishite sesshon/ mītingu o susumeru ni tsurete, watashi wa

bunka-teki mappingu no jūyō-sei o ninshiki shi, rikai shimashita. Bunka-teki mappingu wa, sekai no mukei oyobi yūkei no shisan o hogo suru 1tsu no hōhōdearu tame, bunka no kojin-teki oyobi komyuniti no kaishaku ni tokuni chūi o harainagara, sore ga basho no ninshiki ni eikyō o ataeru koto o rikai suru koto ga fukaketsudesu. Bunka-tekina mappingu o tsūjite, watashitachiha komyuniti no kakusareta isan to shisan o hakken shimashita. Chiiki shakai ga sono isan no kaihatsu to hozen ni sekinin o mochi, sanka suru koto o shōrei suru hitsuyō ga arimasu. Watashitachi no isan no jūyō-sei ga seifu ni yotte mitome rare, tekisetsude kaikaku sa reta kōzō to shikin no zōka ni han'ei sa reru koto ga fukaketsudesu. Kore ni yori, watashitachi no isan no saikō no yōso ga tsugi no kodomo-tachi to sono kodomo-tachi ni junban ni uketsuga reru koto ga hoshō sa remasu. Watashitachi no isan wa watashitachi no ichibu to nari, watashitachi no kako e no tegakari o teikyō shimasu. Sore wa watashitachi no bunka no kanamedeari, watashitachi no seiji, bijinesu, sekai-kan ni oite jūyōna yakuwari o hatashite imasu. Korera wa watashitachi no kako to watashitachi no shakai ga dono yō ni shinka shita ka ni tsuite no tegakari o teikyō shimasu. Sore wa watashitachi no rekishi to dentō o shiraberu no ni yakudachimasu - kako ga watashitachi ni shitatameta mo no, watashitachi ga genzai de taisetsu ni shite iru koto, soshite watashitachi ga shōrai no sedai no tame ni hozon suru koto o sentaku shita mono. Watashi ga okonatta intabyū o tōshite, isan no shoyū-sha wa, kanojo no jinsei ni kanren suru kichōna mono no yō ni sore o mottomo taisetsu ni shite ita to iemasu.

ミナサン、 ヨイイチニチヲ。 ワタシ ワ アメ rly サマ sc アリナ s デ ブンカ-テキ マ p ピング ワ、 コミュニチ ノ ツヨミ ト ソノ リソース オ トクテイ スル タメ ノ キチョーナ ツールデス。 コノ プロセス ワ、 コミュニチ ガ ケイカク ト ジ s ソー ノ f エーズ ニ イコー スル トキ ニ、 ゲイジュツ ト ブンカ グループ ノ マ ノ ショキ ノ リソース、 コーリツ、 リンク 、 オヨビ ソレラ ノ キョーツー ノ ガンボー ト カチカン オ トクテイ スル ノ ニ ヤクダチマス。 ガイコク-ゴ ノ キョージュデアル ランヂ t ノブレザ ハカセ ワ、 ワタシタチ ノ シュダイ ノ ヨーケン ノ 1 ツ ト シテ ブンカ-テキ マ p ピング オ ショーカイ シテ クレマシタ。 サイシ ョ ワ コントン ト シテ イマシタ。 シカシ、 グーグルミート オ カイシテ セ s ション/ ミーチング オ スス メル ニ ツレテ、 ワタシ ワ ブンカテキ マ p ピング ノ ジューヨー-セイ オ ニンシキ シ、 リカイ シマシタ 。 ブンカ-テキ マ p ピング ワ、 セカイ ノ ムケイ オヨビ ユーケイ ノ シサン オ ホゴ スル 1 ツノ ホーホー デアル タメ、 ブンカ ノ コジン-テキ オヨビ コミュニチ ノ カイシャクニ トクニ チューイ オ ハライナガラ 、 ソレ ガ バショ ノ ニンシキ ニ エイキョーオ アタエル コト オ リカイ スル コト ガ フカケツデス。 ブン カ-テキナ マ p ピングオ ツージテ、 ワタシタチハ コミュニチ ノ カクサレタ イサン ト シサン オ ハ k ケン シマシタ。 チイキ シャカイ ガ ソノ イサン ノ カイハツ ト ホゼン ニ セキニン オ モチ、 サンカ スル コト オ ショーレイ スル ヒツヨー ガ アリマス。 ワタシタチ ノ イサン ノ ジューヨー-セイ ガ セイフ ニ ヨ t テ ミ

トメ ラレ、 テキセツデ カイカクサ レタ コーゾー ト シキン ノ ゾーカ ニ ハン'エイ サ レル コト ガ フカケ ツデス 。 コレ ニ ヨリ、 ワタシタチ ノ イサン ノ サイコー ノ ヨーソ ガ ツギ ノ コドモ -タチ ト ソノ コドモ-タチ ニ ジュンバン ニ ウケツガ レル コト ガ ホショー サレマス。 ワタシタチ ノ イサ ン ワ ワタシタチ ノ イチブ ト ナリ、 ワタシタチ ノカコ エ ノ テガカリ オ テイキョー シマス。 ソレ ワ ワ タシタチ ノ ブンカ ノ カナメデアリ、 ワタシタチ ノ セイジ、 ビジネス、 セカイ-カン ニ オイテ ジューヨ ーナ ヤクワリ オ ハタシテ イマス。 コレラ ワ ワタシタチ ノ カコ ト ワタシタチノ シャカイ ガ ドノ ヨー ニ シンカ シタ カ ニ ツイテ ノ テガカリ オ テイキョーシマス。 ソレ ワ ワタシタチ ノ レキシ ト デントー オ シラベル ノ ニ ヤクダチマス - カコ ガ ワタシタチ ニ シタタメタ モ ノ、 ワタシタチ ガ ゲンザイ デ タ イセツ ニ シテ イル コト、 ソシテ ワタシタチ ガ ショーライ ノ セダイ ノ タメ ニ ホゾン スル コト オ セン タク シタ モノ。 ワタシ ガ オコナ t タ インタビュー オ トーシテ、 イサン ノ ショユー-シャ ワ、 カノジョ ノ ジンセイ ニ カンレン スル キチョーナ モノ ノ ヨー ニ ソレ オ モ t トモ タイセツ ニ シテ イタ ト イエマ ス。

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