+LIÂťZ +VSS :WH Thank you for viewing a sampling of my vintage Madame Alexander Cissy and Elise restorations. I began working on my own dolls when I discovered it was more expedient, and certainly less expensive, than sending them to a doll hospital. Besides, I was determined to return them to the way they appeared when they first stepped o the assembly line in the fifties, something the doll doctors I’d commissioned were unable or unwilling to do. So the research began; I read every book, leaflet, pamphlet and blog available on how to restore hard plastic dolls. There wasn’t much available. Occasionally, a doll doctor would share some of her tips with me, and for those, I am eternally grateful. I started out on a cleanliness crusade after acquiring dolls I wouldn’t display in my detached garage but quickly moved in an artistic direction. I was an artist by education and vocation and had been airbrushing since I was 18. The hardest part was getting the double or triple stroke eyebrows correct. Understanding the mechanical elements soon followed, but that was the simple part. My goal was to incorporate and replicate all the finer points and nuances Madame Alexander and her face painters were able to imbue to these classic beauties. Many thanks to my Cissy friends who allowed me to use their dolls as guinea pigs. Most of the examples on the following pages were done between 2006 and 2009 so please keep in mind that my skills have improved in the last four years. I’ve just been too busy to keep track and catalog all the “before and afterâ€? shots. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the area provided by this site or visit me at www.debsdolls.com.
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