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Monica Maria Seksich Address Short business CV

26, Borgata Fornelli 10076 Nole [To] – IT








Skype moki_seki60

now Art Director free lance 915610563930405/albums/57500731844817 82897:// Viral marketing and web strategy on social communication Corporate communication Above and below the line Painter, curator, performer, actress Painting Visual poetry Readings Requalification city areas through the art


Twenty-year experienced art director freelance in big and medium agencies. Advertising campaigns, packaging, web design, promotion, below the line, dealer’s settings, events, Customers: MEC 300, Light adv, Inventiva adv, Mix Pro, Comune di Riva di Chieri, Spider adv.

Painter, curator and creator of projects of contemporary art involving the painting, performance and poetry. Actress in the Thealtro company. Customers: City Museum of Contemporaary Art, Ortona, Palazzo Farnese Galleria del Carbone, Ferrara - Bacchanale magazine, Palermo - Stauros Museum of Teramo - Michetti Museum of Francavilla - Comune di Camerata Picena. Exhibition projects: Poetry Street (visual poetry) - Hieròs, Arte Sacra Contemporanea - Visuale Musica - Nuovo Rinascimento - Città Materna - Sguardo diVino In Vino Veritars - Transumanza Artistica. Theatre du Grand Guignol, french comedy (Feydeau), Ayckburn.

from 2007 to 2011 Micrograf Srl - To Brand identity Corporate communication Below the line Events industrial plant renovation

Creative department coordinator, creative responsible and strategic planner. Customers: FPT Fiat Powertrain, Chiesi Pharmaceutical, La Foca Group, Elah Dufour, Argo Challenge, Unicredit.

from 2002 to 2007 Light adv - To Brand identity advertising below the line packaging

Art director on above e below the line, packaging, point of purchase, theatralization point of purchase, branding, guerrilla marketing, viral marketing, branding, corporate communication, trade communication. Customers: Zuegg Juices, Rome Airports, Rome Airport Shopping Gallery, Adr Avionics, Reckitt Benckiser, Fiat Veicoli Commerciali, Car Server, Ferrania Films, Nital, Nikon Coolpix, Nikon Reflex Digitali, Uniross Batterie, Epson, Ferrero Soremartec (Garden Praline Estive, Rocher, Rondnoir, Petit Rondnoir, Alba’s Truffles, Freshfollies, Esta Acqua, Estasport, Estathè Delight, Kinder Happyhippo, Tic Tac, Pocket Coffee Drink ), Danone Vitasnella, Simmenthal, Warner Village, Tassullo Edilizia. Won contests: Rome Airports, Ferrania, Fiat Veicoli Commerciali, Simmenthal.

Monica Maria Seksich CV


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