‘The Source’ October 2018

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Civil War News


Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States: War Papers (MOLLUS) – Wisconsin Capturing a significant number of entries in four volumes, 46-49, the Wisconsin Commandery portion of the MOLLUS Papers provides our focus this month. From 1891-1914, veterans from the

Badger State produced more than 140 papers, including accounts from the Eastern and Western Theaters, the Trans-Mississippi, and a spattering of naval reports. Students of President Abraham Lincoln will find several stories of our nation’s sixteenth executive within these papers. A reminder on the background of this series, the first two volumes of the Broadfoot 1990s reprint set, unnumbered, consist of ‘Biographical Sketches of Contributors,’ and ‘Companions.’ The second volume offers

hundreds of photographs of the various members. The collected papers from the commanderies appear in the following order: Ohio, volumes 1-9; Illinois, 1013D; Missouri, vol. 14; Kansas, 15; Maine, volumes 16-19; New York, 20-23; Indiana, 24; Nebraska, 25; Minnesota, 26-31; Rhode Island, 32-41; District of Columbia, 42-45; Wisconsin, 46-49; Michigan, 50-51; Massachusetts, 52-54; Iowa, 5556; Vermont, 57; Pennsylvania, 58-59; California and Oregon, volume 60. A four-volume index

October 2018 completes the Broadfoot set. Next month, this column will provide the table of contents of the MOLLUS Papers from Michigan, and space permitting, Massachusetts. Digitizedversions of MOLLUS exist online at the organization’s website: http://suvcw.org/mollus/warpapers/warpapers.htm (also check http://suvcw.org/mollus/ molid.htm) and at the Internet Archives, http://bit.ly/2EVfpPC. Researchers wishing to purchase the printed set may do so at Broadfoot Publishing, http:// www.broadfootpublishing.com. Remember to check WorldCat http://www.worldcat.org/ for help in finding the Papers in a local library; search ISBN 1568370016. Continued good luck in researching the Civil War! Readers wishing to view all the articles in this series thus far can visit https:// issuu.com/mshaffe3. Michael K. Shaffer is a Civil War historian, author, lecturer, instructor, and a member of the Society of Civil War Historians, the Historians

MOLLUS Papers book cover for Wisconsin. of the Civil War Western Theater, and the Georgia Association of Historians. Readers may contact him at mkscdr11@gmail.com, or to request speaking engagements, via his website www.civilwarhistorian.net. Follow Michael on Facebook www.facebook.com/ michael.k.shaffer and Twitter @ michaelkshaffer.

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Talk & Book Signing Event: Available Beginning mid-October 2018

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Craig Kirkland – GOEX Master Distributor Thomas W. Colley served in one of the most active and famous units in the Civil War, the 1st Virginia Cavalry, which fought in battles in the Eastern Theater, from First Manassas/Bull Run to the defense of Petersburg. Colley was born November 11, 1837, outside Abingdon, Virginia, and grew up knowing the daily demands of life on a farm. In May 1861, along with the other members of the Washington Mounted Rifles, he left his home in Washington County and reported to camp in Richmond. During the war, Colley received wounds on three different occasions: first at Waterloo Bridge in 1862, again at Kelly’s Ford in 1863, and finally at Haw’s Shop in 1864. The engagement at Haw’s Shop resulted in the amputation of his left foot, thereby ending his wartime service. The first scholarly edition of Colley’s writings, of Self and Comrades, dramatizes Colley’s fate as soldier mustered out before the war’s conclusion. postwar reflections on the war reveal his struggle living and maintain his integrity while remaining unreconciled to his condition.

In Memory a wounded Colley’s to earn a somewhat

Annotations from editor Michael K. Shaffer provide further context to Colley’s colorful and insightful writings on both his own condition and the condition of other veterans also dealing with amputations.

Michael K. Shaffer, works as a Civil War historian, instructor, lecturer, newspaper columnist, and author. He is a member of the Society of Civil War Historians, Historians of the Civil War Western Theater, and Georgia Association of Historians. Shaffer also teaches Civil War Courses at Kennesaw State University's College of Continuing and Professional Education and frequently lectures to various groups across the country. Michael K. Shaffer

To schedule a program, please email the author at mkscdr11@gmail.com.

307-679-0886 – bearriverpowder@allwest.net

Bear River Powder PO Box 2853 Evanston, WY 82931

New Distribution location added: John Van Paepeghem – Nampa, Idaho 208-484-5890 – flintsaver@gmail.com

October 2018 Vol. 1 (1891) Article/Author The Assault on Fort Wagner - By Capt. Garth W. James, 54th MA Inf. U.S.V. Reminiscences of the Old Army Forty Years Ago - By Maj. Gen. C. S. Hamilton U.S.V. The Campaign of New Mexico, 1862 - By Col. J. McC. Bell U.S.V., 1st Lieut. 3d U.S. Cav. The Volunteer Soldier in Relation to the Progress of Civilization - By Surgeon Walter Kempster, 10th NY Cav. U.S.V. Assault on the Lines of Petersburg, April 2d, 1865 - By Bvt. Maj. Charles H. Anson, Adjutant 1st VT Artillery "Nothing to Say" - By Capt. Joseph W. Sanderson, 3d PA Art. U.S.V.

Personal Reminiscences of the War By Lieut. Col. John W. Barlow, U.S. Corps of Engineers The Mine Run Movement - By Bvt. Lieut. Col. John L. Hathaway, U.S.V.

Civil War News Wisconsin Vol. 2 (1896) Article/Author Life and Services of General William Tecumseh Sherman - By Capt. F. H. Magdeburg, 14th WI Inf. U.S.V. The First Vicksburg Expedition, and the Battle of Baton Rouge, 1862 - By Rev. G. Mott Williams, Bishop of Marquette The Development of our Armies, 1861-1865 - By Capt. George W. Burnell, 10th VT Inf. and 19th U.S.C.T. The Loyal Legion - By Capt. A. Ross Houston, U.S.V. In the Immediate Rear: Experiences and Observations of a Field Surgeon - By Surgeon Almon Clarke, 1st VT Cav. U.S.V. Experiences with the Ninth Brigade, Rousseau's Division, Army of the Ohio - By Surgeon Solon Marks, 10th WI Inf. U.S.V. Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis as Commanders-In-Chief By Capt. George E. Sutherland, 13th Heavy Artillery, U.S.C.T. A Reminiscence - By Capt. H. B. Jackson, 2d WI Inf. U.S.V.

The Eagles and Stars - By Bvt. Capt. J. A. Watrous, Adjutant 6th WI Inf. U.S.V.

Early War Days in Missouri - By Capt. Charles Morton, 3d U.S. Cav.

The National Home - By Col. John L. Mitchell, 1st Lieutenant 24th WI Inf.

War Questions in the Supreme Court of Wisconsin - By Bvt. Brig. Gen. F. C. Winkler, Lieut. Col. 26th WI Inf. U.S.V. The Wisconsin Cavalry Service During the War - By Col. E. A. Calkins 3d WI Cav. U.S.V.

Old Memories - By Bvt. Maj. Charles H. Ross, Adjutant 13th IN Inf. U.S.V. The Negro in the Late War - By Capt. George E. Sutherland, 13th Heavy Artillery U.S.C.T. Missionary Ridge - By Capt. Edwin B. Parsons 24th WI Inf. U.S.V. With Kilpatrick Around Atlanta - By Capt. George I. Robinson, Chicago Board of Trade Battery U.S.V. Battle of Franklin - By Surgeon Fred. W. Byers, 96th IL Inf. U.S.V. Gen. Robert E. Lee - By Bvt. Maj. Charles H. Anson, Adjutant 1st VT Art. U.S.V. Maj. Gen. George Crook - By Capt. Charles King 5th U.S. Cav. Recollections of Sheridan as a Cadet - By Bvt. Lieut. Col. John L. Hathaway, U.S.V. Sheridan - By Capt. Edwin B. Parsons 24th WI Inf. U.S.V. Service with Sheridan - By Bvt. Maj. Charles C. MacConnell, Captain 5th U.S. Artillery

The Women of the North, 1861 to 1865 - By Capt. F. H. Magdeburg, 14th WI Inf. U.S.V. Response to Toast: Boys of the Loyal Legion - By Capt. Charles King, 5th U.S. Cav. Reminiscences of the Battle of Gettysburg - By Col. Cornelius Wheeler, 1st Lieut. 2d WI Inf. U.S.V. The Signal Corps of the Army During the Rebellion - By Maj. W. W. Rowley, Capt. 28th NY Inf. U.S.V. Battle of Gettysburg, With Maps By Col. E. E. Bryant, 3d and 50th WI Inf. U.S.V. Reminiscences of the 1st New York "Lincoln" Cavalry - By 1st Lieut. W. H. Beach, 1st NY Cav. U.S.V. Mosby and his Men - By J. A. Watrous, 1st Lieut. and Adjutant 6th WI Inf. U.S.V. In and Out of the Wisconsin Adjutant General's Office, 18621866 - By Gen. Augustus Gaylord The Old Army - By Maj. Moses Harris, 1st and 8th U.S. Cav.

Maj. Gen. Winfield S. Hancock - By Capt. Charles King, 5th U.S. Cav.; Capt. I. M. Bean, 5th WI Inf. U.S.V.; Capt. J. A. Watrous, U.S.V.; Col. C. A. Hamilton, U.S.V.; Capt. G. W. Burnell, U.S.V., and others. The Army of the Tennessee - By Bvt. Maj. George H. Heafford, Adjutant 72d IL Inf. U.S.V.

King's Division: Fredericksburg to Manassas-An Episode of Pope's Virginia Campaign - By 1st Lieut. Theron W. Haight, 24th NY Inf. U.S.V.

How I Came to be in the Army, and Gen. E. H Paine's Plan of Federal Salvation - By Surgeon Willis Danforth, 134th IL Inf. U.S.V. The Union Cavalry - By Capt. Moses Harris, 1st U.S. Cav.

Abraham Lincoln - By Bishop Fallows, Bvt. Brig. Gen. U.S.V.

The Second Wisconsin at the First Battle of Bull Run - By Bvt. Brig. Gen. Thomas S. Allen, 5th WI Inf. U.S.V. Libby Prison-The Escape - By Bvt. Brig. Gen. Harrison C. Hobart, Colonel 21st WI Inf. U.S.V.

Experiences at the Battle of Stone River - By Surgeon Solon Marks, 10th WI Inf. U.S.V.

Gainesville, Groveton and Second Bull Run - By 1st Lieut. Theron W. Haight, 24th NY Inf. U.S.V.

Abraham Lincoln - By ExGovernor W. D. Hoard

The Armies of Other Countries - By Surgeon Walter Kempster, 10th NY Cav. U.S.V.

Vol. 3 (1903) Article/Author Abraham Lincoln - By Edwin E. Bryant, Lieutenant Colonel 50th WI Inf. U.S.V. Reminiscences of the Blockade off Charleston, SC - By Robert Brand, U.S. Vol. Navy The James River During the War By Rev. Joseph Warner Sanderson, Captain 3rd PA Art. U.S.V. The Black Hawk Tragedy - By Hon. Edwin D. Coe The Early Days of Our Cavalry in the Army of the Potomac - By Walter Kempster, M.D., First Lieutenant 10th NY Cav. U.S.V. 1861 - The First Wisconsin Infantry - Its Organization and Move to the Front - By Dwight W. Keyes, 1st Lieutenant and Quartermaster 1st WI Inf. U.S.V. The Capture of Jefferson Davis By Bvt. Brig. Gen. Henry Harnden, Lieutenant Colonel 1st WI Cav. U.S.V. Guarding Jefferson Davis at Fortress Monroe - By Rev. Joseph Warner Sanderson, D.D., Captain 3rd PA Art. U.S.V. A Boy's Recollections of Our Great Generals - By Charles King, Captain 5th U.S. Cav., Retired, and Brigadier General U.S.V. Abraham Lincoln - His Youth and Early Manhood - By Irving M. Bean, Captain 5th WI Inf. U.S.V. Abraham Lincoln as a Politician and Statesman - By Jerome A. Watrous, First Lieutenant and Adjutant 6th WI Inf. U.S.V., Major and Paymaster U.S. Army Lincoln's Oratory - By T. W. Haight, First Lieutenant 24th NY Inf. U.S.V. Lincoln - The Commander-inChief - By Moses Harris, Major 8th U.S. Cav. Lincoln, - The Man of the People By George E. Sutherland, Captain 13th Heavy Art. U.S.C.T. The Fourteenth Wisconsin Infantry at the Battle of Shiloh By F. H. Magdeburg, Captain 14th WI Inf. U.S.V. The Last Week's Campaign of the Army of the Potomac - By Charles H. Anson, Bvt. Major U.S.V., and A.D.C. 2nd Div. 6th Army Corps. A Small Boy's Recollection of the War Time - By Horace M. Brown, M.D. After the First Bull Run - By Theron W. Haight, First Lieutenant 24th NY Inf. U.S.V. The Fourth Wisconsin Infantry at Port Hudson - By George W. Carter, Captain 4th WI Inf. U.S.V. The Necessity of Government Control in Organization of Military Forces of the States - By Moses Harris, Major 8th U.S. Cav. From the Missouri River to the Black Hills, In Midwinter of 1874 - By A. Ivins Comfort, Asst. Surgeon U.S.V. Gainesville, 1862 - By Charles King, Captain 5th U.S. Cav., Retired, and Brigadier General U.S.V. The Capture of Fort Donelson By F. H. Magdeburg, Captain 14th WI Inf. U.S.V. The Civil and Military Career of General William Tecumseh Sherman - By John C. Freeman, Captain 1st NY Vet. Cav. U.S.V. A Visit to the Battlefields of Virginia - By William H. Beach, 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant First NY (Lincoln) Cav. U.S.V. The Commandery of Wisconsin Military Order of the Loyal Legion - By Irving M. Bean, Captain 5th WI Inf. U.S.V.

Vol. 1 (1891) Article/Author The Assault Fort Wagner By Battle of the on Wilderness, and-Death Capt. GarthWadsworth W. James, 54th of General - By MA Capt.Inf. U.S.V. Robert Monteith, 7th WI Inf. U.S.V. Among the Pontoons at Fitzhugh Reminiscences of theTheron Old Army Crossing - By Lieut. W. Forty Years ByU.S.V. Maj. Gen. C. Haight, 24thAgo NY -Inf. S. Hamilton U.S.V. The Army of the Cumberland Under BuellCampaign - By Lieut. Ferguson, The ofEdward New Mexico, 1862 -1st ByWI Col. McC. Bell U.S.V., 1st Inf.J. U.S.V. Lieut. 3d U.S. Cav. Our Third-Class Companions - By Brig. Gen. Lucius Fairchild, U.S.V. The Volunteer Soldier in Relation to the Progress of Civilization - By W. Obituary Tribute: Major General Surgeon Walter Kempster, 10th NY S. Hancock, U.S.A. Cav. U.S.V. Assault on the Lines of Petersburg, April 2d, Tribute: 1865 - By Bvt. Maj. Obituary General Philip. H. Charles H.U.S.A. Anson, Adjutant 1st VT Sheridan, Artillery "Nothing to Say" -General By Capt. Obituary Tribute: W.Joseph T. W. Sanderson, 3d PA Art. U.S.V. Sherman, U.S.A.

Personal Reminiscences of the War By Lieut. Col. John W. Barlow, U.S. Corps of Engineers The Mine Run Movement - By Bvt. Lieut. Col. John L. Hathaway, U.S.V.

13 Wisconsin Vol. 2 (1896) Article/Author Life and Services of General Our Soldiers as Citizens - By Major William Tecumseh Sherman By Ruger, Adjutant 13th- WI Capt. F. H. Magdeburg, 14th WI Inf. U.S.V., Captain A.A.G. Inf. U.S.V. - By Captain E. B. Chickamauga The First24th Vicksburg Parsons, WI Inf.Expedition, U.S.V. and the Battle of Baton Rouge, 1862 - By Rev. G. Mott Williams, Bishop of Marquette The Development of our Armies, 1861-1865 - By Capt. George W. Burnell, 10th VT Inf. and 19th U.S.C.T. The Loyal Legion - By Capt. A. Ross Houston, U.S.V. In the Immediate Rear: Experiences and Observations of a Field Surgeon - By Surgeon Almon Clarke, 1st VT Cav. U.S.V. Experiences with the Ninth Brigade, Rousseau's Division, Army of the Ohio - By Surgeon Solon Marks, 10th WI Inf. U.S.V. Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis as Commanders-In-Chief By Capt. George E. Sutherland, 13th Heavy Artillery, U.S.C.T. A Reminiscence - By Capt. H. B. Jackson, 2d WI Inf. U.S.V.

The Eagles and Stars - By Bvt. Capt. J. A. Watrous, Adjutant 6th WI Inf. U.S.V.

Early War Days in Missouri - By Capt. Charles Morton, 3d U.S. Cav.

The National Home - By Col. John L. Mitchell, 1st Lieutenant 24th WI Inf. Old Memories - By Bvt. Maj. Charles H. Ross, Adjutant 13th IN Inf. U.S.V.

War Questions in the Supreme Court of Wisconsin - By Bvt. Brig. Gen. F. C. Winkler, Lieut. Col. 26th WI Inf. U.S.V. The Wisconsin Cavalry Service During the War - By Col. E. A. Calkins 3d WI Cav. U.S.V.

The Negro in the Late War - By Capt. George E. Sutherland, 13th Heavy Artillery U.S.C.T.

The Women of the North, 1861 to 1865 - By Capt. F. H. Magdeburg, 14th WI Inf. U.S.V.

Sketch of the Military Career of John Gibson McMynn, Colonel of the Tenth WI Inf. U.S.V. - By John C. McMynn Appomattox and Lee's Surrender By Clement E. Warner, Lieutenant Colonel 36th WI Inf. U.S.V. A Cavalry Veteran - By Charles A. Curtis, Captain U.S. Army The Battle of Shiloh - By D. Lloyd Jones, First Lieutenant and Adjutant 16th WI Inf. A Few Days with the Eighth Regiment Wisconsin Volunteers, at Iuka and Corinth - By Albert E. Smith, Captain 8th WI Inf. The Capture of “Camp Jackson,” St. Louis, MO, Friday, May 10th, 1861 By Otto C. Lademann, Captain 3rd MO Inf. The March of the Sixth Corps to Gettysburg - By James S. Anderson, Co. “A” 5th WI Inf. Personal Reminiscences with the Sixth Corps, 1864-5 - By M. L. Butterfield, Bvt. Lieut. Col. U.S.V. The Destruction of the Rebel Ram Albemarle, By Lieutenant William B. Cushing, U.S. Navy, October 27th, 1864; By Rev. Joseph Warner Sanderson, Capt. 3rd PA Art. U.S.V. Our Grandfathers and Ourselves - By George W. Burnell, Captain 19th U.S.C.T. Ulysses S. Grant - From Obscurity to Lieutenant-General - By Frederick C. Winkler, Colonel 26th WI Inf., Bvt. Brigadier General U.S.V. The Battle of Carthage, MO, Friday, July 5th, 1861 - By Otto C. Lademann, Captain 3rd MO Inf.

Vol. 4 (1914) Article/Author The Vicksburg Campaign - By William A. Shunk, Major U.S. Army Historical Campaign of Colorado Troops in New Mexico, 1862 - By George H. Chase, First Lieutenant 1st CO Cav. Our Debt to the Cavaliers - By Arthur Holbrook, First Lieutenant and Adjutant 39th WI Inf. U.S.V.

Vol. 3 (1903) Article/Author Abraham - By Edwin- By E. History ofLincoln the Loyal Legion Bryant, Lieutenant ColonelColonel 50th E. A. Calkins, Lieutenant WI Inf.Cav. U.S.V. 3d WI U.S.V. The Army of '98 and the Army of Reminiscences of the- By Blockade '61 - A Comparison Walter off Charleston, - ByLieutenant Robert Kempster, M.D.,SCFirst Brand, U.S. Vol. Navy 10th NY Cav. U.S.V. Chaplains and Chaplains - By Rev.James JosephRiver W. Sanderson, The During theD.D., War By Rev. 3rd Joseph Captain PA Warner Art. U.S.V. Sanderson, Captain 3rd PA- Art. Serving in the Philippines By U.S.V. Lorenzo W. Cooke, Captain 3d The U.S.Black Inf. Hawk Tragedy - By Hon. Edwin D. Coe March Incidents of Sherman's Through the Carolinas - By Frank H. Putney, 2d Lieutenant 12th WI The Early Days of Our Cavalry in Inf. U.S.V. the of the Potomac OurArmy Military Strength, A - By Walter Kempster, M.D., First Proposition - By Charles C. Lieutenant 10th NY Cav. U.S.V. McClaughry 1861 - The Wisconsin in Scouting forFirst Bushwhackers Infantry - Its Organization West Virginia in 1861 - Byand Move theRoss, FrontBvt. - ByMajor Dwight W. CharlestoH. 13th Keyes, 1st Lieutenant and IN Inf. U.S.V. Quartermaster 1st WI- By Inf.Charles U.S.V. The National Guard The Capture ofAdjutant JeffersonGeneral Davis R. Boardman, By Bvt. Brig. Gen. Henry State of Wisconsin Harnden, Lieutenant Lincoln the Marvel - Colonel By Hon.1st WI Cav.W. U.S.V. George Burnell, Captain 19th Guarding U.S.C.T. Jefferson Davis at Fortress Monroein- aBy Rev.Prison JosephA Few Months Rebel Warner Sanderson, D.D.,1st Captain By Lucius D. Hinckley, 3rd PA Art.10th U.S.V. Lieutenant WI Inf. U.S.V. A Boy's Recollections Personal Recollectionsof ofOur the Great Generals - By Charles- King, Cavalry at Chancellorsville By Captain 5thWickersham, U.S. Cav., Retired, Charles I. Major 8th and Brigadier General PA Cav. and Asst. Adjt.U.S.V. General Abraham U.S.V. Lincoln - His Youth and Early Manhoodof - By IrvinginM. Reminiscences Service the Bean, Captain Inf. U.S.V. U. S. Navy on 5th the WI Potomac River - By Amos P. Foster, Vol. Lieut. Abraham U.S.N. Lincoln as a Politician and - ByofJerome A.- By The Statesman Battle Hymns Nations Watrous, First Lieutenant andWI Nicholas Smith, Captain 33d Adjutant 6th WI Inf. U.S.V., Inf. U.S.V. Major and Paymaster U.S. Army Proceedings at the Reception and Lincoln's Oratory -to ByMajor T. W. Banquet Tendered Haight, Lieutenant 24thU.NY General First Arthur MacArthur, S. Inf. U.S.V. Army - By the Commandery of Wisconsin With the Fifth Wisconsin at Williamsburg - By Arthur Holbrook, First Lieutenant and Adjutant 5th WI Inf. U.S.V.

Memories of Lincoln and War Time - By Ellis B. Usher

From Gettysburg to Libby Prison By Albert Walber, First Lieutenant and Adjutant 26th WI Inf. U.S.V. National Music - By James Howard Jenkins, First Lieutenant and Adjutant 21st WI Inf. U.S.V.

Major General Gouverneur K. Warren, An Appreciation - By Walter Kempster, M.D., First Lieutenant 10th NY Cav. U.S.V. The Battle of Cedar Creek, October 19th, 1864 - By Charles H. Anson, Bvt. Major 1st VT Heavy Art. The Cavalry at Cedar Creek - By Walter Kempster, M.D., First Lieutenant 10th NY Cav. U.S.V. Incidents in Army Life - By Hon. Duncan McGregor, Captain 42nd WI Inf.

The Origin of the Famous War Song of John Brown - By James Howard Jenkins, First Lieutenant and Adjutant 21st WI Inf. U.S.V. The Glover Rescue - A Reminiscence. - By Irving M. Bean, Captain 5th WI Inf. U.S.V. From Washington to Bull Run and Back Again - By Lieutenant H. B. Jackson, 2nd WI Inf. The Future of the Loyal Legion By Charles R. Boardman, Adjutant General State of Wisconsin

Military and Naval Operations on the Mississippi - By Justin W. Meacham, Acting Assistant Paymaster U.S.N. The Cavalry at Gettysburg - By Walter Kempster, M.D., First Lieutenant 10th NY Cav. U.S.V. Gettysburg Revisited - By Walter Kempster, M.D., First Lieutenant 10th NY Cav. U.S.V. The Battle of Wilson's Creek, August 10th, 1861 - By Otto C. Lademann, Captain 3rd MO Inf.

The Chicago Convention of 1860 and the Man it Nominated - By Hon. Gerry W. Hazelton Reminiscences of an Enlisted Man By Charles H. Anson, Bvt. Major 1st VT Heavy Art.

A Prisoner of War - By Otto C. Lademann, Captain 3rd MO Inf.

Abraham Lincoln - By Hon. Neal Brown of Wausau, WI

The War Diary of Mrs. J. G. McMynn - By Mrs. J. G. McMynn

General George Gordon Meade By J. A. Watrous, Lieutenant Colonel U.S.A.

Reminiscence of Service in the United States Navy - By Acting Volunteer Lieutenant Amos P. Foster U.S.N.

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