April 2017
Civil War News
The Source By Michael K. Shaffer
Rebellion Record
Growing frustrated with inaccurate reports found in the daily newspapers, New York City journalist Frank Moore embarked upon a mission to ascertain the facts and publish a series of accounts from the war. His goal, as stated in the preface of volume one, “…to furnish in a digested and systematic shape, a comprehensive history of this struggle; shifting fact from fiction and rumor; presenting the poetical and picturesque aspects, the notable and characteristic incidents, separated from the grave and more important documents.” Starting in 1861, the Rebellion Record continued until 1868, culminating in 12 parts. Researchers can find much of each book’s ‘Documents’ material in other sources, like the Official Records. However, this set does provide valuable information, which can assist researchers. Opening each volume with a ‘Diary of Events,’ Moore recounted, in chronological order, happenings from the war. As one might expect, his work places a heavy emphasis on military action. The “Diary” in the first volume traces events through June 20, 1861. The second installment continues to Aug. 22, 1861; vol.
three covers the period to Jan. 4, 1862; the fourth vol. to April 30, 1862; volume five goes to Oct. 9, 1862. The diary’s sections continued in vols. five through eight, appearing in the following order: Oct. 9, 1862, May 31, 1863, Oct. 31, 1863, and April 30, 1864. One example from June 20, 1861: “A balloon ascension for military purposes took place at Washington. The elevation attained was not very great…the aeronauts were Prof. Lowe, Gen. Burns, of the Telegraph Company, and H.C. Robinson, operator. The balloon was connected with the War Department by telegraph.” Visualizing the war remained important for Moore, and he included many illustrations of notable figures, along with various maps. Some maps, like the one shown above, Moore added in a foldout style. A table of contents, found in each book, will enable readers to locate the numerous illustrations and maps. Moore also included a helpful index in each vol. Researchers will find many drawings familiar, but some rather obscure. The image Brigadier General William Rosecrans demonstrates the quality of Moore’s work. Locating a unique section with-
in the pages of the Rebellion Record, one must turn to the back of any of the first nine vols. to explore Moore’s ‘Poetry, Rumors and Incidents.’ As the section title implies, readers will find a hodgepodge of information, with much of this material found only in Moore’s work. The editor held true to his original mission, and included Northern and Southern poems and songs, along with the ‘rumors and incidents.’ One can sing a stanza from a Confederate song, entitled “The War Storm.” Rain of lead we know will rattle/ Steel will flash, and blood will flow/Cannon thunder through the battle/And its ending none can know.
Edward Everett, the noted orator who spoke for two hours at the Nov. 1863 dedication of the National Cemetery at Gettysburg perhaps took a cue from another speaker at the ceremony and learned the art of brevity. Of Moore’s endeavor, Everett stated: “I consider the Record a very valuable publication.” Today’s researchers do not need to await the weekly installments as Moore first issued his work. (One could purchase the weekly for ten cents or a monthly compilation for fifty cents.) This writer encourages, as did the promotional announcements, “… those who would preserve and ponder the authentic chronicle of the ‘Second War of American Independence,’ to possess themselves of this valuable and interesting serial.” Website References: • Internet Archive: https:// archive.org/search. php?query=creator%3A%22Frank+Moore%2C++Edward+Everett%22 • Hathi Trust Digital Library: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/ Record/000832167 • Google Books: (free downloads: search Rebellion Record)
Cover of Rebellion Record. Perusing newspapers and other printed material, Moore collected many quips for ‘Rumors and Incidents.’ Much like the ‘Diary of Events’ section, most information found here appears in chronological order. Some ‘rumors’ contain lengthy accounts, while others provide snippets. “Governor Brown, of Georgia, has solicited from the Secretary of War, and obtained, a year’s leave of absence for Colonel Hardee, late Commandant at West Point, to go to Europe to purchase guns and munitions of war for the State of Georgia.” Researchers must remember Moore’s label of ‘Rumor’ when sifting through these pages. Much of this information indeed proved false. The ability to quickly locate copies of the Rebellion Record, especially in digital format, makes this source readily available. Those preferring a hard-copy version can purchase the 1977 Arno Press reprint set from various booksellers. If one wishes to explore easily, and for free, visit one of the websites listed below, where different downloadable formats exist. Remember to check WorldCat http://www. worldcat.org/ for help in finding the Rebellion Record in a local library. Promoting the release of vol. one, many newspapers throughout the North carried notices; a special endorsement accompanied the announcement.
Next month, we will continue to explore other sources, and please keep suggestions for future ‘The Source’ columns coming. Send them to the e-mail address shown below. Continued good luck in researching the Civil War!
Illustration of Rosecrans.
Michael K. Shaffer is a Civil War historian, author, lecturer, and instructor, who remains a member of the Society of Civil War Historians, Historians of the Civil War Western Theater, and the Georgia Association of Historians. Readers may contact him at mkscdr11@gmail.com, or to request speaking engagements via his website www.civilwarhistorian.net. Follow Michael on Facebook www.facebook.com/ michael.k.shaffer and Twitter @ michaelkshaffer.
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Foldout map.
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