MSJA--Fall 2007 Mount Magazine

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Fall 2007

A Magazine for Alumnae, Parents and Friends of Mount Saint Joseph Academy

Annual Report of Gifts - page 25

A Letter From the President

November 2007 Dear Friends, As I begin to write about the future of our Mount community, I hear the echoes of the footsteps of the early Sisters of St. Joseph and their students in the halls of the Middleton Mansion in 1858. I see in my mind’s eye these women and their vision that has been realized, and I am awed with the responsibility we have to honor it, to continue it, and to expand it in the 21st Century. Eighteen months ago, the Board of Directors gathered for a retreat to set a steady and exciting course for the Mount for the next three years. At this meeting, I addressed the members and shared with them my vision for this exhilarating period to come, a period that is now. The Mount Magazine is a good example of something that is at the core of how we effectively communicate who we are in an ever-changing world. This edition has a new look, a contemporary image that we know you will find attractive. Our logo is a direct result of the Board’s creative input as we prepare for our 150th Anniversary. I am grateful to Jim Paul and his associates at T. J. Paul, Inc., for their work in designing our new brand. Hardly a day goes by without a call, an email, or a note from someone in this Mount community congratulating us on how professional and striking this new image is for our school. The fresh new look of our website too, as well as all the information and resources that are provided there, are impressive. I know that you will share my pride in the message that this new look conveys. I hope you enjoy the section, “Postcards.” Claire Geruson and Kelly Stefanowicz’s trip to El Salvador this past summer demonstrates how service begun in grade school and nourished in the Mount environment creates the women who will change the world. I am proud of them and the choice each made to leave the comfort of home to bring solace to the poor and to be the face of God in the world community. As we begin our 149th year, we are reminded, as our SSJ history states, “that we are rooted in the past with an eye toward the future.” How fitting, then, that while we explore past milestones, we will not only make this time in the history of the Mount one that future generations will look back on and be inspired by, but we will also be honoring those who made it all possible. I am confident that we will celebrate in a manner that is inclusive of all: those who came before, those who are in the now, and those who will be the Mount of the future. Our official celebration will commence in October 2008, and will close with the graduation of the Class of 2009. I welcome and invite you to participate in our tribute to all who brought the Mount to its greatness. Please join us in our planning. As you read the Mount Magazine, I hope you experience pride in the accomplishments of our students and alums. Every year on Founders’ Day, when the whole school visits the Motherhouse chapel, I see once again, in my mind’s eye, all those who have gone before, those Sisters of St. Joseph and their students who started all that we now cherish. It is a powerful vision and it strengthens my belief in who we are – those who are graced by our God. Enjoy the read. Blessings,

Sister Kathleen Brabson, SSJ President

Table of Contents Founders’ Day...................................................................................... 4 From the Cover.................................................................................... 5

Fall 2007 The Official Publication of Mount Saint Joseph Academy 120 West Wissahickon Avenue Flourtown, PA 19031 President Sister Kathleen Brabson, SSJ Principal Sister Karen Dietrich, SSJ Development Office Staff

Facullty Spotlight............................................................................... 6-7 The Mount Abroad............................................................................. 8-9 Happenings........................................................................................ 10 Development...................................................................................... 14 Alumnae............................................................................................. 17 Annual Report of Gifts........................................................................ 25 Celebrauction..................................................................................... 55

Director of Development Jill Gregori Director of Communications Elizabeth Racine Director of Alumnae Theresa Moyer Annual Fund Coordinator Leigh McFadden Auction Director Lisa Henrich Development Office Secretary Barbara Oldt Phone: 215-233-3177 Fax: 215-233-4734 Website: Alumnae Website: Alumnae e-mail:


Founders’ Day Begins Countdown to the Mount’s 150th Anniversary 1858-2008


n Monday, October 15, 2007, Mount Saint Joseph Academy celebrated Founders’ Day, which commemorates the founding of the Sisters of Saint Joseph in LePuy, France, in 1650. The first Sisters went out into the city working among the poor and homeless, the women and children, and taught them to make lace so they could support themselves. As a school community, we walked the grounds of our roots and celebrated liturgy together in the Motherhouse chapel just two blocks away. As we stood on holy ground, we remembered the spirit of these founding women who inspire us today. Of course, Founders’ Day has an element of community building and fun. The allgirls dance party and the faculty/students basketball game brought laughter and memories that will last a lifetime. This year, the celebration of Founders’ Day marks the 149th anniversary of Mount Saint Joseph Academy, thus beginning the countdown to our next milestone celebration -- the 150th Anniversary, which takes place in 2008. There’s an excitement building, and it is contagious. You may have heard some of the celebration plans; instead of adding more events to the calendar, the Mount will be emphasizng the 150th Anniversary in all events already on the calendar. The unofficial launch will take place at next year’s Golden Girls Luncheon September 12, 2008, which will be held at Whitemarsh Valley Country Club. The Official Launch will take place on Founders’ Day, October 15, 2008, at the Sargenti Arena on the grounds of Chestnut Hill College. A special Celebrauction/Gala Weekend will take place March 6-8, with a Friday evening event for young alums, the Saturday evening Celebrauction gala, and a Sunday event for those celebrating 25 or 50year reunions. The year-long celebration will conclude with the Graduation Ceremony for the Class of 2009.


The goal of this celebration will be to advance the mission and rejoice in our accomplishments. As MSJA President S. Kathleen Brabson, SSJ, stated, “We are celebrating who we are—not just the buildings we’ve constructed.” All these plans are underway to acknowledge past milestones and create enthusiasm among all who have made the Mount what it is today: past and present students, parents, administrators, faculty and staff. “Within 25 years of its founding MSJA was recognized by the Middle States as one of the areas’ premier schools – we are always looking for the next ‘right step,’” said Sister Kathleen. The Anniversary theme encompasses the Mount’s history and mission: Laced in a legacy … Nurtured by a mission … Seeding a harvest for the future … The Mount rejoices in 150 years. S. Kathleen Brabson announced the names of the honorary chairs: S. Mary Dacey, SSJ, former president of MSJA; Lois Trench-Hines ’60, and Dr. Angela Stout ’83. Says Angel, “I am thrilled to be part of the 150th Anniversary of the Mount. It will be a wonderful celebration of the school’s traditions and legacy as well as the superior education of young women that have made a difference in our community.” The following people have volunteered to help make this celebration a reality: Arthur and Gail Pasquarella, 150th Anniversary Chairs; Charlene Keller Fulmer, Esq. ’89, Alumnae Chair; Kent and Patti Roman, Current Parents Chairs; and Jim and Denise Paul, Alumnae Parents Chairs. “As we plan the events of the 150th, these people will play an important role in encouraging participation and support for the Celebration,” says S. Kathleen. “I am anxious for their wisdom and insight as we prepare to celebrate this milestone in the Mount’s History.” S. Kathleen extends an invitation for all to be included in the celebration and its planning: “This is an exciting time in the Mount’s history, and it is an honor for all of us to participate in marking this time of grace and blessing for the Mount.”

The Mount’s New Look Generates Kudos


ou may have noticed a change in this issue of the Mount Magazine. Thanks to the artistic talent and guidance from Jim Paul, former MSJA Board Chairman, and his colleagues at Thomas J. Paul, Inc., the Mount now has a new logo and graphic design which will be used for all of our publications. According to S. Kathleen Brabson, President of MSJA, the feedback has been tremendous. Kate Groark Shields ’93 was very happy to report her excitement over seeing the new logo for the first time. As she opened her first letter from the Alumnae Association bearing the Mount’s new logo, she recalls, “I felt extremely proud to see the new graphic treatment, and my internal monologue said, ‘THE MOUNT! I WENT HERE!’ ” Kate, who is VP and Partner at FCF Schmidt Public Relations, Inc., is serving as Marketing Committee Chair of the Mount’s 150 Anniversary Celebration.

In addition to being used in the stationery and magazine, the redesigned logo has also been incorporated into the Mount’s website, which features additional pages and links to bring you more information. Be sure to check it out at How did this all come about? In June, 2006, the Board of Directors of Mount Saint Joseph Academy attended a Strategic Retreat to outline strategies and direction for the next three years. At this session, a discussion took place regarding the Academy’s image as a premier educational institution in the Delaware Valley and how to best portray this image graphically in all of our publications. We are grateful to Jim Paul, Chris Salcito and Brian Kerns for sharing their time and talent with the Mount!!

Founders’ Day Mass Reflection by Maria Sylvester ’08


oday we gather to celebrate Founders’ Day, the founding of the Sisters of Saint Joseph and the legacy that has been passed on to us from the first circle of young women in Le Puy, France.

We remember those six young women, Anna Chalayer, Anna Vey, Claudia Chastel, Anna Braun, Francoise Eyraund, and Marguirite Burdier who came together in 1650. These courageous young women circled the city, desirous to respond and reach out to the miseries of the day, particularly the orphaned children, bringing God’s hand and touch of love to those children who were abandoned and lost. With the encouragement of Father Jean Pierre Medaille, the young women risked being seen outside the cloister to serve the needs of the people. Wearing the widow’s dress of the day for safety, they offered works of mercy that would most benefit the dear neighbor.

As the women circled the city, they reached out to young girls who were being abused, they took them in and offered to teach them a skill…the skill of lace-making…they sought out the homeless and offered them food and shelter. As the needs grew after the French Revolution, the circle of women grew in number. They were sent overseas to meet the needs in America, from St. Louis they were sent to teach deaf children and respond to the needs of immigrant families in Philadelphia. There was a growing consciousness of the face of God in those who were marginalized…a global consciousness…giving hope to a suffering broken world…a world where these young women willing to found a future of justice and peace. So the legacy is passed on to us—passed to MSJA circles of courageous faith-filled young women… to be founders in our time—founders of a future of justice and peace.


Welcome Back! Alums Return to the Mount -- as Teachers by Kelly Keane ’04


t makes a statement and brings great pride when alumnae return to their Alma Mater to teach—and the Mount is no exception. It shows that they liked the Mount enough to come back and be part of the community again.

Perhaps one of the strangest aspects of returning to the Mount for the new faculty was interacting with former teachers as coworkers instead of as students. Madeleine Harkins ’00, Lindsay Parsons ’99, and Jessica Karpuk ’00 agree that, “It is really strange to call them by their first names.”

Mount Saint Joseph Academy is happy to add three more of its alumnae to the faculty for the 2007-2008 school year: Madeleine Harkins ’00, Lydia Stieber ’96, and Lindsay Parsons ’99. They join fellow alumnae faculty members Jessica Karpuk ‘00, Mimi Strolle Bender ’72, Jean Korey, and Bernadette Korey Leonard ’73. The alumnae teachers proudly inform both students and parents of their alumnae status. As Jean Korey reflects, “I feel that both parents and students can see and feel that my enthusiasm for the Mount runs deep.” Indeed, the alumnae teachers are excited to return to the Mount because they love teaching girls, especially the girls at the Mount. MSJA Alumnae Faculty Members: Back row, left to right: Lindsay Parsons ’99, MadIn returning, they are happy to eleine Harkins ’00, Lydia Stieber ’96 and Jessica Karpuk ’00. Front row, left to right: Bernadette Korey see the cutting-edge updates Leonard ’73, Mimi Strolle Bender ’72 and Jean Korey. in areas such as technology and media, and that other things, such as the strong sense of community and support of When Mimi Strolle Bender ’72 did her student teaching here women, has remained the same. It was interesting to note that and then taught for a year right after college, she noticed that the teachers fondly remember the time spent gathered with the others had some trouble adjusting to her new role at the Mount: entire student body in the auditorium, and they find that it feels “During my first year of teaching, the administration was calling strange to be sitting there today with their homeroom of stuteachers over the loudspeaker and they called me by my full dents rather than with their friends. name, not by Ms. or Mrs., like the other faculty members.”

In recalling their years as Mounties, what Mimi Strolle Bender, Jean Korey, and Bernadette Korey Leonard cherish most was the school spirit and camaraderie during the Friday afternoon field hockey or basketball games after school, because the entire school got involved, adding to the school spirit.


Looking back on their education, the faculty all expressed gratitude for the English skills they honed while students at the Mount. They credit the structure combined with the creativity that helped prepare them not only for their writing assignments at the college level, but also in their careers.

Faculty Happenings Spotlight

Explains Lydia Stieber, “When I went to college, I felt wellprepared for writing long papers and essays in comparison to the students around me.”

Advice to Current Mounties Each faculty member had insights to share with current students, who are starting down the road they have already traveled. “Challenge yourself in all aspects -- to learn more things, to experience more joys, to understand and appreciate more people. Make sure you handle these challenges in a manner which you can be proud of in the years to come,” states Lydia Stieber ’96. On the same note, Lindsay Parsons ’99 recommends, “Don’t sweat the small stuff. Enjoy your time here.” Mimi Strolle Bender ’72 and Jessica Karpuk ’00 advise the girls to “Slow down in order to have more meaningful experiences.” Madeline Harkins ’00 agrees, while reminding the girls to “Get involved, branch out, and make many friends.” Bernadette Korey Leonard ’73 cautions, “Don’t overextend yourself. Experiment with new opportunities, but focus most of your energy into one thing and really develop it fully.” Finally, Jean Korey advises, “There are so many resources here at the Mount- the teachers, technology, the library -- take advantage of them.”

Can you guess? We were able to come up with almost all the alums’ graduation photos. Hint: the photos are in the same order as the group photo at left (Ms. Leonard’s photo was unavailable).

A Bit of Background This year is Mimi Strolle Bender’s ’72 eleventh year teaching Latin at the Mount. She studied both Latin and French at Chestnut Hill College. She went on to earn her graduate degree from Villanova University. Madeline Harkins ’00, who received her undergraduate degree from Duquesne University and graduate degree from Fordham University, teaches American and European history at the Mount. Jessica Karpuk ‘00 graduated from Georgetown University, and participated in the Teach for America program for two years. She teaches World History and AP United States Government. In the theatre and communications department, Jean Korey has been helping Mounties develop their communication skills for about seven years. She graduated from West Chester University with a B.S. in Education, and The Catholic University of America with an M.A. in Drama. She is currently teaching classes on theatre, film, and communication. It is Bernadette Korey Leonard’s ’73 fourth year teaching at the Mount. She teaches both honors and college prep courses of American Literature. She also teaches a journalism class, and is the editor of the Campanile. She is a La Salle University graduate. Lindsay Parsons ‘99 earned her undergraduate degree from the University of Delaware and teaches Algebra and Geometry to current Mounties. Lydia Stieber ’96 graduated from La Salle University with a degree in Mathematics. She has eight years of teaching experience, including four years with the Teach for America program.


A Postcard from ... El Salvador by Claire Geruson ’09 and Kelly Stefanowicz ’09

Two MSJA Juniors, Claire Geruson and Kelly Stefanowicz, volunteered this summer in El Salvador with Project FIAT, a summer service project run by the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus who serve at the girls’ elementary school, Ancillae Assumpta, in Wyncote, Pennsylvania. FIAT was first the word of Mary: “Fiat, let God make it happen in me.” It is the motto of the Handmaids, who, through the focus of Ignatian spirituality, propose to “Seek and find God in all things.” According to the Handmaids’ website, “during Project FIAT International, participants leave the comfort, efficiency, and competitiveness of their culture to enter to some extent into the values, experiences, and limiting circumstances with which billions of the world’s people live.”


s we took off from Philadelphia International Airport at 5:00 am on June 23, little did we know we were about to embark on the most life-changing trip of our lives. We were a part of Project FIAT, which has been dedicated to serving the Salvadorian people for the past six years. Blessed with this opportunity, we spent one week in the Handmaids’ compound working with the Salvadorian people. Our group of 30 people, ranging in age from 14 to 82, volunteered in the cities of Las Granadillas and Las Delicias for a week. Faced with a daunting language barrier, we had to apply our limited knowledge of Spanish and employ some amazing hand gestures in order to communicate with the Salvadorian people. As we helped with the construction of a retaining wall, our group experienced minor setbacks due to insufficient communication. Our small American group interacted with almost 90 Salvadorian children who were very proficient in Spanish. One of the most challenging aspects of the trip was our inability to satisfy their needs because they couldn’t tell us exactly what they wanted because of the language barrier. Kelly recalls working with the children making jewelry at a beading station, an activity she thought would require little communication. Kelly’s hypothesis was drastically readjusted when she was bombarded by 10 children anxious to begin beading their jewelry.

Anxious schoolchildren awaiting the arrival of missionaries


Claire had quite an experience while using a restroom at a church in Las Delicias.

Locked inside a cement room with steel door, Claire realized that locks in El Salvador do not function quite like the ones we have in America. She remembers thinking, “Here I am, trapped inside a public restroom in a foreign country.” The rest of the group, unaware of Claire’s whereabouts, had already filed into the church. Faced with multiple people knocking on the door speaking rapid-fire Spanish, the only Spanish phrase that came to mind was “no puedo” or “I can’t.” Thankfully, the Salvadorians made the connection that Claire could neither open the door nor understand what they were saying. Finally, a maintenance man came to Claire’s rescue and unjammed the lock. One of our fellow missionaries, Eileen, made a comment on how “We came here with about 100 pounds of supplies for the Salvadorians, but we leave with so much more and none of it fits in a suitcase.” It was true—en route to El Salvador, our suitcases bulged with donations of medicine, art supplies, sports equipment, clothes, bubbles, chalk, and toiletries (See photo at right)—but the things we took home with us, the incredibly rewarding amazing memories, w e r e carried not in a suitcase, but in our hearts. K e l l y recalled visiting the home of two young girls, both u n d e r the age of seven. Claire with children from Las Granadillas

The Mount Happenings Abroad

They led Kelly to their home where she was overwhelmed by their hospitality. The family of five offered a week’s worth of food to her, consisting of a five-pound bag of rice and some lentils, but they were more than happy to feed an American visitor. This was the most touching and humbling moment of Kelly’s trip. She recalls, “There I stood with a full-stomach and a backpack of American snacks, yet these destitute, starving people of Granadillas were emptying their entire cupboard in order to be hospitable.”

Kelly, second from left, accompanied by fellow missionaries and a native Salvadorian, Luis

Claire remembers one day when she had finished working at the orphanage and had stopped by the town of Las Delicias. Another missionary, Regina, introduced her to a young girl named Maria, a sweet little girl who had endured her fair share of pain. Maria had been trying to talk to Regina all day, but with Regina’s limited knowledge Maria, Claire’s friend from Las Delicias of Spanish, it was difficult. Claire knew enough Spanish to communicate with Maria, who also spoke a little English, and Maria shared that her mother had just died, and she had moved in with her grandmother because she had no father. Later, while Claire was running an arts and crafts station where the children were making beaded necklaces, many of the children wanted to have their names beaded and ran up to show Claire their necklaces when they were finished. When Maria brought hers up, it was not emblazoned with her own name, but with another name. When questioned, she told Claire that it was her mother’s name. She then proceeded to flip the necklace around to show that her name was on the other side. Claire, moved by this child’s loving tribute to her mother’s memory and the simple way by which she conjoined her mother to herself, was left speechless and overcome with gratitude; this little child reminded us how important love is, and how lucky we truly are.

Some of the supplies that Claire brought down to El Salvador

Observations from El Salvador… Wyncote-Group Style •

Who knew that a deck of cards and fierce competitors would be more entertaining than watching a new episode of “The Hills?”

We are officially professional hand-signal performers and translators to make up for our lack of Spanish language skills.

We miss sleeping with the canopies (nets) that reek of DEET encircling our beds

PB&J and rice-and-beans = our “favorites”

No air conditioning or hot water? No problem

We began to realize that there is no difference between the children we met and ourselves. We are all humans and citizens of the World.

Bringing joy to someone’s face does not need to be anything extravagant or over the top. It could simply be taking the time to make bead necklaces, play soccer (fútbol), or stop to give, and get, awesome hugs from our new Salvadorian friends.

Jorge, two-year old who lives in a cramped orphanage


Couple Imparts Love of Musical Theater


aggie and Fran Doyle, the dynamic co-directors of the Mount’s Fall Musical, Me and My Girl, bring the passion and enthusiasm from their combined 65 years of theater experience to their young charges. Full tilt into their second season here at the Mount, they take great delight in passing on their love of musical theater and enjoy watching the students “catch the bug.” Maggie, disguised by day as the Director of Finance for the Mount, has been spending seven days a week at the Mount lately, between practices and set construction. She adjusts her normal workday schedule by arriving an hour early in order to be available at 3 pm to practice with the students. Fran is employed at Norwood-Fontbonne as Maintenance Supervisor.

Special Memories “We do theater 10 months out of the year,” says Maggie, who has performed in 32 musicals. Her husband, Fran, has performed every year since he was a sophomore in high school, with the exception of the two years he served in the military. He counts among his most memorable stage moments when, at age 18, he sang in the opera Norma with Dame Joan Sutherland at the Philadelphia Academy of Music — just before he left to serve in Vietnam. On a lighter note, Maggie laughingly recalls one scene when she and Fran were cast as partners in The Music Man. “Fran was Marcellus Washburn, and I was Ethel Toppelmeier, which meant that during the number, “Shipoopie,” we got to dance together, which doesn’t often happen. As we were doing hitch kicks [alternating kicks where the legs move in a scissors motion] across the front of the stage, my sneaker flew off and hit the drummer in the head. It was one of our funnier moments!”


When they’re not performing, the couple can most likely be found producing, directing, choreographing or working on costumes and set construction at local theater groups, including Norwood-Fontbonne Academy’s spring musical, where they have served for the past seven years.

The “Magic” Ingredients Although the directors work hard at getting the musical polished to perfection, Maggie is quick to point out that the work and the credit rests upon many capable shoulders: producer Melissa Harrison; music director Don Holdren; choreographer Anne Spingler, and set designers Bill Pross and Chris Meisner. The first step involves choosing the right show. And just what magic ingredients constitute “the right show” at the Mount? “Strong female characters and a ‘cast of thousands’ onstage,” according to Maggie: “We love having a lot of people participate in each show.” Maggie and Fran begin researching potential shows immediately after Christmas break, but it is the entire production team that chooses a show. The next step is obtaining the rights to perform a show, a surprisingly daunting task. “If someone within 75 miles of your school is producing the same musical within six weeks of your production dates, generally you will not be granted the rights,” says Maggie. Sometimes there are other restrictions as well.

“Last year’s show, Crazy for You, required that we use 80 percent of the show’s choreography — which meant that everyone ended up tap dancing, which was a challenge since not everyone was a trained dancer.” While last year’s musical was all about dance, this year’s show is all about comedy—Maggie describes Me and My Girl as “a very ‘punny’ British comedy – very Monty Python-esque with lots of dry British humor.” As a result, Maggie and Fran devote lots of time to working with students on line delivery, which, at press time, was coming along impressively well. In one scene where the Duchess and servants are preparing for the ball, students were rehearsing the fugue—a bantering conversation that keeps time with the music. Music Director Don Holdren had worked with the students on the sequence only two days before, and the students sounded remarkable, with their British accents and spot-on timing. Such excellence from the MSJA actors comes as no surprise to Maggie.

My Summer “Job” By Megan Gimpel ’08 Last spring, the pressure was on for me to find a profitable summer job. Although I applied to many places, none of the careers seemed appealing or practical to me, as I knew I would not be around for a good portion of the summer. I needed a fun job with flexible hours and good pay. It seemed that such employment was nonexistent, until one day it hit me. When I was young, I used to attend summer theatre camps through a local company. These camps were not only the foundation of my musical and theatrical career, but also the inspiration for my summer occupation. I became the founder of a Summer Theatre Camp for children. Before I could actually receive my title as “founder,” however, I needed to first spread the word. I made up flyers advertising the Summer Theatre Camp and distributed them throughout our local Catholic school. The camp would be held at my house for one week, 9:30 to 2:30, for $100 per child. I was impressed by the amount of responses I received. The camp was split into two weeks, each week containing a maximum of six children aged seven through eleven years old. For each of the children, I wrote and mailed permission slips with contact information and liability release forms, which were to be handed in on the first day of camp. With all of the preparatory work out of the way, the only thing left to do was wait for the campers.

“We’re trying to pass on to younger generations the love of Musical Theater. You never know if the person playing in the orchestra pit today will be inspired to become the next Stephen Sondheim tomorrow.”

Each day at camp was a new adventure. I taught the kids different theatre and musical terms, games, and techniques. However, they were not the only ones learning at the Summer Theatre Camp. Had it not been for them, I would never know what a “webkin” is or what was going on with Zac Efron, the star of Disney Channel’s original movie, High School Musical. At the end of the week, the children presented the play, a short and moral selection from an American Girl Doll book, and the song we had been working on all week to their families. The amount of growth I saw in the children’s creativity and expressiveness moved me to tears. I was so proud! Afterward, speeches were made, flowers were given out, and hand-made certificates with photographs of the kids hard at work were given to the children.

“I always say that with a musical comedy—people should either come out laughing…or singing!!” says Maggie. “People will laugh when they see this show.”

The entire experience working with the kids, though tiresome, was very fulfilling. In the end, I saved a lot of money and paid my bills, all while doing what I love to do!

“We’ve found that whatever challenge we set for the students, they succeed—in fact, they exceed. These shows are definitely above high school level, but we really felt that they could do it -- and they are! They work extremely hard and we’re so proud of them. Every rehearsal we can see an improvement.” “Our philosophy is that even though many actors get paid for their craft, the amateur actor does it for the love of being onstage,” reflects Maggie.

Who’s Who in Me and My girl “Almost any actor can have a lead if it’s the right part. These students fit these parts so well. They’re all so much fun to work with.” Erica Anne Bossman ’09 -- Sally Veronica Dress ’08 -- Lady Jaquie Megan Gimpel ’08 -- Maria, the Duchess Erin Healy ’08 -- Lady Battersby Kim Whitehall ’09 -- Parchester

Megan Gimpel ’08 plays the role of Maria, the Duchess, in the Mount’s Fall Musical, Me and My Girl.

Photos opposite page: top, Maggie works with Erica Anne Bossman ’09 and dance partner; bottom left, Maggie and Fran rehearse the fugue with actors; top right, Fran starring in Brigadoon as Charlie Dalyrymple; bottom right, Maggie starring in Chicago as Annie.


Excerpts from Founders’ Day Presentations

20/20 Challenge competition Global Infectious Disease Team Forms Non-Profit Organization by Elise Farano ’08 Members of the Global Infectious Disease Team present MAP Packs to Abington residents who transported the donations to Ghana, Africa. Pictured Left to Right: Rosemary Limburg (Abington), Sarah Collier ’08, Gaby Curcillo ’09, Bess Flashner ’07, Bonnie Dalzell (Abington), Jessica Siedlecki ’09, and MJ Kirsch ’09


n 2005, the Mount entered a 20/20 Challenge competition sponsored by NAIS, the National Association for Independent Schools, which focuses its efforts on alleviating global problems. Inspired by J.F. Rischard’s book High Noon: 20 Global Problems, 20 Years to Solve Them, we, the Mount’s 20/20 team, in partnership with St. Joseph’s Convent School in Jabalpur, India, and Fountain Valley School in Colorado Springs, Colorado, initiated a project on global infectious disease. Upon researching global, communicable diseases in general, our team identified a major source of disease spread: unsanitary medical supplies and supply reuse. Once our 20/20 team defined a practical solution, facilitating the allocation of sterile medical supplies to impoverished areas, we got to work connecting people, connecting knowledge, and connecting resources. In 2006, the Mount’s 20/20 team continued its efforts in the fight against global infectious disease, purchasing a Medical Assistance Package from Johnson and Johnson’s Medical Assistance program. These packages contain basic pharmaceuticals geared toward improving healthcare in impoverished areas. The medical supplies were sent to Cape Coast Regional Hospital in Cape Coast, Ghana, Africa, where citizens line up outside the hospital’s entrance once a year, waiting for these supplies and the medical mission doctors to perform much-needed surgeries and procedures. The most fatal diseases in impoverished areas are HIV/ AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis. In a single year, 5 million new cases of HIV/AIDS will be diagnosed, 500 million new cases of Malaria, and 2 million cases of Tuberculosis. In May 2007, Mount’s 20/20 team set out to reduce this overwhelming number of the sick and dying. We established medCONNECT, a non-profit organization dedicated to the fight against global infectious disease. Among the many connections we have made, a relationship formed with Sister Tessy of Senegal, Africa, renders extraordinary possibility. S. Tessy runs a medical clinic in Senegal with limited resources but endless need. By


January, medCONNECT plans on raising enough money to employ a full-time nurse to assist S. Tessy and the people of her village. The average salary of a nurse here in the United States is a little over $45,000, but in Senegal a nurse’s salary is only $3,600. MedCONNECT is our outlet to effect change, sustain it, and make a difference. The most effective way for you to join our efforts is to network among your family and friends who may have connections to medical supply or pharmaceutical companies, doctors, nurses, or hospital administrators. As its name suggests, medCONNECT is all about making connections. On behalf of our 20/20 team, and our new organization, I encourage you to support us in our efforts.

20/20 Team Investigates Global Warming


by Katie Clare Kelley ’08

am one of eleven members on the Mount’s 20/20 Global Warming Team. We are currently working with the Casady School in Oklahoma City, our friend and former classmate Ke Cai’s school in China, and the International School of Brussels in Brussels, Germany, to achieve an effectual solution to the ever-present issue of global warming. We have created a list of several initiatives to implement throughout the school year. They include the institution of a recycling program in our school in conjunction with the Science Club and CSC Animals/Environment, which most of you have already seen evidence of in hallways. We will host a Nalgene water bottle sale to reduce the use of plastics in our school community, and, most exciting, a “Global Warming” symposium to be held at the Mount, to which other area schools such as Saint Joseph’s Prep, the Agnes Irwin School, and Father Judge High School will be invited. Just as we all are enthusiastically striving to make a difference in our school community to stay true to our theme and mission statement, the 20/20 Global Warming Team desires to invoke this passion of creating change in others in order to find an efficient solution to Global Warming. On this day, when we remember how the Sisters of Saint Joseph in LePuy, France, made their powerful impact on the world, think about how you can make a difference. On behalf of the Global Warming team, I invite the student body to please take part in our initiatives. We will be receiving the Nalgene bottles shortly, and we hope you all will purchase one. The bottles will be in Mount colors and will contain the Mount’s 150th Anniversary logo. In addition, we hope you will all consider attending our symposium, which will be occurring later in the school year. Both are great opportunities for students at the Mount to be involved in making an impact.


MSJA Golf Team: State Champs Undefeated for Eighth Straight Year!


he MSJA Golf Team has completed another outstanding season! Coached by Will Reilly, the Mount has won State Champs for the second year, and the Catholic Academy League Championship for EIGHT straight years, all of them undefeated! The team also won the District I Team Championship for 2007! Emily Gimpel ’10 placed 11th, while Samm Arena ‘11 placed 9th in the District I Individual Championship.

’08 (captain), and Catherine Murphy ’09 all qualified to compete in the 2007 District I Tournament and State Champs.

Several standout performances have been given throughout the season by the MSJA Golfers. Samm Arena ’11, Nicole Weinrich ’09, Carson Price ’09, Emily Gimpel ’10, Lauren Haney

Congratulations to The Mount’s Varsity Field Hockey team, who beat Villa Maria 6-2 October 22 for the Catholic Academy League title.

Field Hockey

-- Late Breaking News!!

Welcoming A New Generation of “Mounties!” These Freshmen Share Something In Common: Alumnae Mothers or Grandmothers!

Back row, left to right: Margaret Gottschalk (Margaret Gibbons Gottschalk ’73), Catherine Zakrzewski (Grandmother: Chyllene Quinn Waters ’56 and Mother: Chyllene Waters Zakrzewski ’80), Lilly Small (Andrea DiGiacomo Small ’72), Megan Black (Mary Kate Haber Black ’80), Meaghan Bresnahan (Monica Janke Bresnahan ’77), Angela Saponaro (Cynthia DePaul Saponaro ’75), Jacqueline Bernal (Grandmother: Margaret Donohue Coupe ’43 and Mot Front row, left to right: Carly Graham (Hillary Maguire Graham ’84), Erin Walsh (Patricia Leis Walsh ’77), Dana MacIntosh (Barbara Hynes MacIntosh ’77), Catherine Moran (Kathleen Sykes Moran ’80), Annemarie Malazita (Esther McDermott Malazita ’78), Michaela McGlynn (Grandmother: Lorraine Sukalski McGlynn ’52), Molly Tenzinger (Kathleen McNamara Tenzinger ’77) and Ellen O’Kane (Bernadette McCann O’Kane ’79) 13

No Need for a Mulligan!


The Mount held the 15th Annual Golf Outing on Monday, October 1st, at Blue Bell Country Club. Beautiful weather greeted the 175 golfers who had their choice of participating in the morning or afternoon shot-gun starts, or the popular instructional clinic led by Will Reilly, MSJA Golf Team Coach. Fifty-two women golfers, the highest in Mount history, participated this year!

Happenings Development

The Mount Raises Over $100,000 for Endowment at the 15th Annual Golf Classic

The Outing was followed by cocktails, dinner and a live auction featuring items such as Phillies play-off tickets, Eagles tickets and the ever-popular Prep and LaSalle Mixer tickets. This year, half of the proceeds from the Outing benefited the Alumnae Endowed Scholarship which will be awarded to the daughter or granddaughter of an alumna who qualifies for financial need. The highlight of the evening was a presentation to Nick Giordano, who is stepping down as the Golf Committee chair after leading this successful event since 2000. Nick, father of Colette ‘93 and Jeannine ’93, is a former member of the Board of Advisors and was instrumental in establishing the Endowment at the Academy. In 2000, Nick suggested that we form a committee of alumnae, current and past parents and work toward a goal of $50,000. Since that year, the goal has risen steadily and for the past four years, the Golf Outing has netted at least $100,000 in profits each year. Sister Kathleen Brabson, SSJ, President, and Sister Mary Dacey, SSJ, former MSJA President, spoke of Nick’s dedication to the mission of the school and to his commitment to maintaining a tuition level that remains affordable. Our sincere thanks to Nick, his co-chairs, Beth and Mike Brown, and all of our committee members, sponsors, those who purchased raffle tickets and participants for continuing to make the Golf Outing one of the most successful fundraisers at the Mount!

Raffle Winners: Trip for Two to Bermuda and $1,000 in cash:

Trish McNamara Fittipaldi ‘61

50” Plasma TV: Digital Camera: Apple iPod:

Mary Alice Moroz R. Stefanowicz Art Sweeney


2007-2008 MSJA Board of Directors

Back Row (left to right) Andrew Maron, Daniel Thistle, John Fenningham, Arthur Pasquarella, Chair, S. Kathleen Brabson, SSJ, Louis DePaul, Richard Hubbert, Kent Roman, Peter Coyle. Front Row: Robyn Walsh, Anne Titterton ’82, S. Catherine Robinson, SSJ, S. Barbara Winnals, SSJ, Mary Ann Feeley Messmer ’72, S. Alma Schlosser, SSJ, Mary Merz Berko ’48. Missing from the Photo: Sister Mary Barrar, SSJ, Donna DePaul Bartynski ’70, Therese Esperdy ’77, Anthony Maginnis.

Annual Fund Kick-Off The Mount hosted the Purple & Gold Club cocktail reception in the Library on Wednesday, September 19, 2007. Alumnae as well as current and past parents met to celebrate the kick-off to the 2007-2008 Annual Fund which will raise funds for the operating budget of the Academy. Revenue generated from tuition only covers 86% of the actual cost of educating each student. Gifts from the Annual Fund are critical to make up the difference. In 2006-07, contributions to our Annual Fund realized a total of $373,714, allowing us to install new windows throughout the building. In just a few weeks, we will launch our 200708 Annual Fund Appeal. The continuous support from parents, alumnae and friends is vital to sustain each student’s high quality curriculum. Our goal for 2007/08 is $350,000.00. All gifts, regardless of size, are greatly appreciated.


If you wish to make your pledge in installments, please plan to send your final payment by June 30, 2007. All gifts are fully tax deductible. Thank you for your continued generous support of MSJA. If you have any questions regarding the Annual Fund, please contact Leigh McFadden, Annual Fund Coordinator, at 215-233-3177 x160.

Annual Fund Giving Clubs Purple & Gold Club Fournier Diamond Gold 1858 Founders Silver

$10,000 and Above $5,000 - $9,999 $2,500 - $4,999 $1,858 - $2,499 $1,000 - $1,857

Harvest Club Campanile Club Principal’s Club

$500 - $999 $250 - $499 $100 - $249

Dear Alumnae, No matter our age, it always seems hard to let go of the summer and prepare for the year of new challenges ahead. As with the start of the school year, however, fall brings with it an opportunity to reinvent oneself, revisit goals and reignite friendships. As I begin my term as President of the Alumnae Board, I welcome the opportunity to serve the Mount community, and I encourage all alumnae to join us as we begin another eventful year at the Mount.

Happenings Alumnae

A Letter from the Alumnae Association President

This year is already off to a remarkable start. Early August found a record number of alumnae at our Sixth Annual Mixer Down the Shore. Mount alumnae, parents and friends spent a relaxing summer evening at the Golden Inn in Avalon, New Jersey. Over 115 of our “Golden Girls” gathered at the Mount for our Eighth annual luncheon on September 7th. The Mount’s 15th Annual Golf Classic was held on October 1st at Blue Bell County Club. With the help of the Golf Committee, ably led, once again, by alumnae parent Nick Giordano, and joined this year by Mike and Beth Brown, the Mount raised over $100,000 for the Endowment. I am pleased to announce that 50 percent of the Golf Outing’s proceeds have been earmarked for the Alumnae Endowed Scholarship. Most recently, nearly a dozen alumnae, together with the Administration, faculty and students, hosted the Mount’s annual Open House for prospective students and their families. Mount alumnae greeted prospective students and parents, including Mount alum mothers. The Mount facilities have never looked better, nor the current students, more enthusiastic. Please join us this year for one or more events – Lunch with Santa, Celebrauction or our annual Alumnae Day festivities. Your involvement in these events not only brings our extended Mount family together, but supports the goals of the Alumnae Association. As announced in Connections, the Alumnae Board of Directors has decided to eliminate the alumnae dues structure in an effort to place all of our emphasis on increasing alumnae giving to our Annual Fund as well as increasing participation at all alumnae events. In that vein, I invite you to support the Mount while reconnecting with old friends and developing new contacts in the Mount community. On behalf of the Alumnae Association Board of Directors, I thank you for your loyal support of the Mount and look forward to the year ahead. Kind regards,

Charlene Keller Fullmer, Esquire ‘89 President, MSJA Alumnae Association

Meet Your 2007 - 2008 Alumnae Association Board Board of Directors

President Vice President Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary Treasurer Immediate Past President

Charlene Keller Fullmer, Esq. ’89 Kate Groark Shields ’93 Sheila Kropp McLaughlin ’84 Mary Ellen Carroll Brown ’48 Megan Melinson McDonough, Esq. ’89 Suzanne Serianni Mayes, Esq. ’84

Board Members Mary Kate Haber Black ’80 Patricia Zugay Burkholder ’74 Ellen Rosa-Bian Cericola ’82 Mary Lou McGoldrick Hill ’67 Madge Mansell Keehn ’50 Adrienne A. Ragan Kowalski ’87

Erin McClafferty ’96 Kirsten Ledwith Morasco ’89 Corinne Ledwith Murphy ’84 Kimberly Rothwell ’01 Angela M. Stout, D.M.D. ’83 Virginia Bendinger Wischhusen ’70

Honorary Board Members

Mary Merz Berko ’48

Adele Bateman Donahue ’48


Have You Heard About Alumnae Day???? Mark Your Calendar!

Alumnae Day April 12, 2008 All Mount Alumnae are invited to come back for a great day and night of old friends and fond memories! Classes ending in 3s and 8s will celebrate their reunions at the Mount on Saturday evening. If you would like to be part of the MSJA Reunion Celebration Committee, please contact the alumnae office via e-mail at or (215) 233-3177, ext. 334. Chairs: Angela M. Stout, DMD ’83 - Kate Groark Shields ‘93

The Summer Wind Came Blowin’ In... Another Enjoyable “Mixer Down the Shore!“

The 7th Annual “Mixer Down the Shore” was held on August 4, 2007, at The Golden Inn at 78th and Oceanfront in Avalon, NJ. Co-sponsored by the MSJA Alumnae Association and the La Salle College High School Alumni Association, over 75 alums, parents, and friends of these respective schools enjoyed an evening of fun and relaxation after a long day on the beach! We are grateful to all who attended and we look forward to another successful summer event in 2008. Look for more information about next year’s summer event in upcoming editions of The Mount Magazine.


Another Successful Golden Girls Celebration Ann Csink Linck ‘57 Chair of the 2007 Golden Girls Luncheon On Friday, September 7, 2007, over 115 of our treasured Golden Girls gathered in the gymnasium of the Mount for the 8th Annual Golden Girls luncheon. This was a record number in attendance at this event. Alumnae traveled from Florida, New Jersey, Virginia, Maryland and Puerto Rico to join us for an afternoon of making new memories and reminiscing about the old. Mary Merz Berko ’48 spoke to the group about the Mount’s 150th Anniversary year beginning next September which will include a special Golden Girls celebration at Whitemarsh Valley Country Club. She invited all of our Golden Girls to help plan this momentous event. It was truly a lovely affair.

Career Day Returns to Rave Reviews On Wednesday, October 17th, The Mount held Career Day, and judging by the students’ response, it was a very worthwhile venture!. This year, Career Day was aimed at Sophomores and Juniors and took place following their PSAT testing. Our keynote speaker, Marci Kuttler Bossow Schankweiler, Esq. ’86, spoke about founding “Crossing the Finish Line,” a nonprofit organization that provides young adult cancer patients and their families with an all-expense paid retreat. Over 25 alumnae and friends joined us to share information on their professions with the girls. Careers ranging from Event Planning to Engineering to Medicine were represented, and students enjoyed learning first-hand about the many opportunities that await them.


Alumnae News 1950 •

Katherine Rickert Coulson and husband John celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at the Rittenhouse Hotel in Philadelphia where their three children, Carol, Mark and Marirose, gathered for the weekend and feted their parents with a formal luncheon for 40 relatives and friends. Among those present were five adorable grandchildren, Alex (13), Madden (11) and Mollie (6) Brewster, and Peter (9) and William (7) Coulson, as well as Mount alums Mary Brady Sinclair ’50, Madge Mansell Keehn ’50, and Eileen McDevitt Slawek ’48. 1975

Anne McCormack announces that her daughter, Katie Gallagher, just finished a wonderful freshman year at the Mount. Her brother Sean will be a freshman at the University of Pennsylvania in the fall and brother, Eamon, will be a senior at St. Joe’s Prep.

bride; Clare Ann Darragh Conlin ’87, friend of the groom. Also present but not pictured: Jennifer Pluck Landmark ‘89, friend of the groom 1989 •

1991 •

Elizabeth Jordan Dooley and her husband, Bret, welcomed their second child, Sean Michael, on December 31, 2006. Sean joins his big brother, Matthew (2).

Lisa Cardillo Towsen and her husband are proud parents of their third son, Andrew John, born March 15, 2007. A.J. joins his big brothers: Jack (5) and Christopher (3). Lisa is currently working per diem physical therapy for Montgomery Rehab and resides in Harleysville.

1985 •

Margaret Falcone Hindley, Ph.D, and husband are living in Newtown, PA, with their two very active sons, Jimmy (6) and Timothy (3). Margaret is a Senior Engineer within the GMP Lab Operations group at Scherring Plough Corporation in Summit, New Jersey. 1988

Alice Bergan Fecak and husband, David, welcomed their second daughter, Maura Christopher Fecak, on August 11, 2007. Maura joins big sister, Libby (5). Alice works in the Lower Moreland School District as a fifth grade teacher.

Heather Kates Kelly and her husband, Michael, welcomed their son, Declan Michael, on July 30, 2007. Declan joins big sisters Elizabeth (8), Caroline (5) and Kate (3).


(PICTURE) Julia Hynes Shoff had the pleasure of an unexpected Mount mini-reunion at a family wedding. This spring, her cousin Fran Gray (proud La Salle College High School ’89 graduate) married his lovely bride Laura in the presence of no fewer than seven Mounties from seven different classes! She managed to get six out of seven for a picture before returning to the excellent festivities. Pictured, left to right, at the Binghamton Club on May 12, 2007: Betsy Massaniso Barrett ’60, friend of the groom’s mother; Julia Hynes Shoff ‘88, cousin of the groom; Meredith Gray Torre ’97, sister of the groom; Suzanne Foster Hynes ’62, cousin of the groom; Judy Pierson Rowe ’63, aunt of the

Mary Pat Miamidian gave birth to daughter, Erin Miamidian McLellan, on June 5, 2007, in Rockville Centre, NY, joining brother, Andrew (4 1/2) and sister, Julia (3).

1993 •

Amy Mahoney Matteini recently earned a PhD in Genetic Epidemiology from Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, in Baltimore, Maryland. Amy is currently doing postdoctoral research at Johns Hopkins University Center on Aging and Health. She is living in Fells Point, Maryland, with her husband, Tom, and sons, TJ (3) and Owen (1).

Claudine Zienkewicz Stimmler gave birth to her second child, a girl, Courtney Noelle, on August 7, 2006. Courtney joins brother, Nathan, who will be three in October. Celebrating her first birthday with Claudine’s mom and sister, Nicole Zienkewicz Russell ’96 and her children, Madison and Ryan, who came to visit at her Scottsdale, Arizona, home. Claudine is working part-time as an RN in an outpatient surgery center. 1994

Amy Kaltneckar is excited to announce her engagement to Edward J. Dixon, III, of Philadelphia, PA. A November 2008 wedding is planned.


(PICTURE) Melissa Shannon married Jeff Pitchford on October 14, 2006, at Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Church in North Wales. Mounties in attendance included Shannon Rowley Lavelle ’96, Jen Dolan ’96, Erin

Beach, North Carolina. Annemarie and Jeffrey honeymooned in New Zealand and are now residing in Wilmington, North Carolina. Pictured are: Anne Krothe (Mother of the Bride), Helene Krothe ’99 (Maid of Honor), Gina Sedgwick ’96 (Bridesmaid), Annemaire Sharon Miller ’96 (Bridesmaid) and Virginia Logan DiLullo ’67 (Cousin of the Bride).

Alumnae Happenings News


• Sarah McLaughlin Emmans received a Master’s degree in public policy from the University of Chicago’s Harris School of Public Policy on June 8, 2007. Sarah was also married in Philadelphia last year to Gene Emmans, with Colleen Cunningham Ruff ’97 as matron of honor. They are now living in Alexandria, Virginia, with their son, Isaac Seiji Emmans, who was born May 28, 2007. •

McClafferty ’96, Lydia Stieber ’96, Charity Karr MorenoHines ’96 (maid-of-honor), Samantha Oren Weber ’96, and Andrea DiMaria Griffith ’96. Melissa is employed as a Geoscientist for URS Corporation, and she and Jeff live in Skippack. •

Susan Van Stone married Brian Bishop, November 18, 2006, at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul. Brian and Susan celebrated at the Four Seasons with many of their family and friends. Thirteen “Mounties” were among the guests. Karen Ganster Westmoreland and husband, Mark, would like to share the birth of their daughter, Katherine Marie, who was born on April 15th.

1998 •

Rhonda Baker recently became engaged to Mark Lockwood of West Yorkshire, United Kingdom. An October 17, 2008, wedding is planned.

Michele Breznicky Brinkerhoff welcomed her first child, December 27, 2006. Michele is currently practicing law, enjoying her daughter and residing in Draper, Utah, with her husband, Dr. Matthew Brinkerhoff. 1999

Lisa Mahoney recently earned a Master of Arts degree in Government from Johns Hopkins University School of Arts and Sciences. Lisa is currently working for Chicago Title Insurance Company in Washington, DC, and is living in Bethesda, Maryland.

Kelly Stillwell graduated from New York University in 2002 with a degree in communications. While at NYU, she traveled to Senegal, China and Japan. Upon graduation and after several semesters interning with a Broadway production company, Kelly spent 14 months on tour with the national company of Jesus Christ, Superstar as the assistant company manager. After returning to New York, she worked as a production assistant with several shows including Bombay Dreams and Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. Kelly is now a stage manager with the Broadway production of The Color Purple.

1996 •

Donna Engle Griffith and husband, Charlie, have relocated back to Maryland from Durham, NC. They have settled in with big brother, Charlie IV, and new baby boy, Elijah William. Donna, Charlie and Charlie4, welcomed Eli on June 8, 2007. Donna can be reached by

Kimberly Biedermann Miklusak and her husband moved from Chicago back to the area over the summer, while giving birth to a daughter, Elena Ann-Marie, who was born on August 14th. They are both working at the George School.

(PICTURE) Annemarie Krothe married Jeffrey Broughton Petroff at St. May Church in Wilmington, North Carolina. A reception followed at the Surf Club in Wrightsville

2000 •

Colleen Breznicky is in her last year of Grad School at Holy Family College. She will receive her Master of Science in Counseling Psychology with a Marriage and Family Concentration. Colleen graduated from Gwynedd Mercy College with honors.


Rachel Houston is currently employed as the Assistant Director of the Human Resources Policy Institute at Boston University. She is pursuing her MBA part-time at Boston University, and has been elected to the MBA Council (graduate student government). Rachel also got engaged in March to her college sweetheart, Jason Berlin. They will be married on October 10, 2008, which will be their eight year anniversary together.

New Arrivals

Christine Mescolotto and Matthew Michael (La Salle College High School ’00), were engaged last year and will be married on October 25, 2008, with a reception to follow at the Union League of Philadelphia. Matthew is a Personal Wealth Manager with Merrill Lynch in Philadelphia. Chrissy works in faculty recruitment and affairs for the Cardiovascular Division of the University of Pennsylvania Health System and is pursuing her Master’s in Government Administration at the University of Pennsylvania. 2002

Christiane Merritt graduated cum laude from Bryn Mawr College in May with a major in Philosophy and a minor in the Classics. She was the recipient of the Milton C. Nahm Prize in Philosophy, which is awarded to the senior whose thesis is judged most outstanding. Christiane will be teaching English in the Normandy region of France for the 2007-2008 school terms.

Alice Bergan Fecak ’88, a daughter, Maura Christopher

Heather Kates Kelly ’88, a son, Declan Michael

Mary Pat Miamidian ’89, a daughter, Erin

Elizabeth Jordan Dooley ’91, a son, Sean Michael

Lisa Cardillo Towsen ’91, a son, Andrew John

Melissa Mongi graduated from La Salle University this past May 2007, with a double major in English and Communication. She is currently studying to get her Master’s degree in Arts and Teaching at The College of New Jersey. The program is a year long and she will be specializing in Secondary Education, English.

Claudine Zienkewicz Stimmler ’93, a daughter, Courtney Noelle

Karen Ganster Westmoreland ’95, a daughter, Katherine Marie

Sarah McLaughlin ’97, a son, Isaac Seiji

Anne H. Trefz graduated magna cum laude from Fordham University in the Bronx, New York, with a Bachelor of Arts in History. Anne is working as a middle school teacher at St. Mark School in Catonsville, Maryland, while pursuing a Master’s Degree in Teaching and State Certification at the College of Notre Dame of Maryland.

Kimberly Biedermann Miklusak ’97, a daughter, Elena Ann-Marie

Michele Breznicky Brinkerhoff ’98, a daughter

Cheryl Haig Marquette ’98, a son, Ethan Daniel

2003 •

Maria T. Trefz graduated summa cum laude from Manhattan College with a double major in Finance and Marketing. She is currently living in New York City and is working as a consultant for Deloitte and Touche. 2004

Jamie Stillwell is entering her senior year at Fairfield University and will complete a double major in Psychology and Sociology in May, 2008. She enjoys being part of the ResLife program at Fairfield, where she has been serving as an RA since the end of her freshman year.

Elizabeth Trinkle graduated magna cum laude in May, 2007, with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Communications from George Washington University in Washington, DC. She is living in Bethesda, Maryland, and is working for the international law firm of Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP, in its Energy Group.


Attention All Snowbirds! Sister Kathleen Brabson, President, and Mary Merz Berko ’48 will be visiting sunny Florida this February and would love to see you. If you will be traveling to Florida this year, please send your winter address, phone number and e-mail to Jill Gregori at or call 215-233-1859. We’ll make sure to notify you of the itinerary so that you can attend one of the gatherings planned.

Kimberly Henrich Pagliaro ’87 and Megan Henrich Montagna ’88, on the death of their mother, Patricia Vahle Henrich

We extend our sympathy and prayers to the families of the following alumnae:

Eleanor (Ellie) Stefano ’96, on the death of her mother, Lois A. Stefano

Christa Guidi, ’97 and Philip Guidi (former Board Member), on the death of their grandfather and father respectively, Enzo P. Guidi

Julia Boyce Sander ’51 MaryLou Cannon Arbaugh ’55 Regina Bondi Bruno ’55

Christine Crognale ’00, on the death of her father, Stephen W. Crognale

Christen Gardner ’00, on the death of her grandfather, Robert G. McGill

Brittany Fasy ’03 and Dana Fasy ’06, on the death of their grandfather, John (Jack) Fasy

Kelly Dougherty ’04, on the death of her father, David S. Dougherty

Aislin Lavin ’05 and Geraldine Lavin ’08, on the death of their grandmother, Frances Hackett Lavin

In Memoriam

Our sympathy and prayers are extended to the following alumnae: •

Marylou Hieb Caufield ’44, on the death of her husband, James J. Caufield

Mary Grace Maggiano ’06, on the death of her grandfather, Daniel J. Maggiano

Margaret “Moddie” Coupe Lawn ’44, on the death of her husband, Thomas W. Lawn

Erin Healy ’08, on the death of her grandfather, Joseph J. Hess Sr.

Joan Cattie Fasy ’47, on the death of her husband, John R. (Jack) Fasy

Christine Black ’09, on the death of her uncle, David P. Talone

Marlene Frank Borchard ’55, on the death of her father, Dominic Frank

Christine Burns ’10, on the death of her grandfather, Nicholas Joseph Russo, Sr.

Ann Brennan Toner ’55, on the death of her mother, Mary E. Sullivan Brennan

Amanda Clark ’11, on the death of her father, Edward J. Clark

Kathleen R. Malone ’64, on the death of her mother, Jeanne Malone

Margaret Coupe Vesci ’70, Patricia Coupe Mullen ’74, Barbara Coupe Bernal ’78, Tara Vesci ’96, Melissa Vesci ’00, Cristina Bernal ’08 and Jacqueline Bernal ’11, on the death of their uncle, Thomas W. Lawn

Nora Glancey Radest ’75 and Tricia Glancey Ferguson, Esq. ’77, on the death of their mother, Mary King Glancey Skillman

Eva Mauchly Moos ’76 and Evelyn Moos ’01, on the death of their husband and father respectively, Frank E. Moos

Jeannie Donofry Cleary ’82, on the death of her mother, Anne McFadden Donofry

Elizabeth Daly Sato ’84, Courtney Daly Ferrero ’86 and Monica Daly Darnell ’88, on the death of their grandmother, Elizabeth Ann (Betty) McCormick Egan

Catholic Social Services Foster Parents Needed Can you make a place in your family for a special child? Catholic Social Services is seeking single and married adults to become foster parents for children of all ages, races and religions. Some children have emotional or medical needs. Some children are siblings who wish to be placed together. For more information please contact Melissa or Pat at 215-587-3960.


Bring Your Team. Bring Your Brain. Bring Your Own.


at the Mount All Parents, Alumnae, Alumnae Parents and Friends of the Mount Are Welcome! Friday, February 8, 2008 7pm Gymnasium $15 per person Proceeds Benefit the 20/20 Project and the MSJA Endowment Teams will consist of a maximum of ten people and all participants must be 21 years of age to attend. You may put together your own team of ten or feel free to sign up individually and be assigned to a team on the night of the event! Teams are encouraged to choose a theme, decorate their tables and of course get into the spirit of Quizzo! Dessert, Coffee and Tea will be provided and served throughout the evening. However, please feel free to bring your own food and beverage (and yes, you may bring alcoholic beverages). To register for this event, please complete the form below and return by February 2nd, with payment, to Mount Saint Joseph Academy Attn: Quizzo 120 W. Wissahickon Avenue Flourtown, PA 19031

Get the Gang Together and Put onYour “Smarty Pants” for a Good Cause!

Quizzo at the Mount Name: Class Year (if applicable): Preferred E-Mail Address: # Attending Quizzo at $15.00 per person: Total Cost: $ All checks are made payable to “Mount Saint Joseph Academy” Please RSVP by February 2, 2008

Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2006-2007 25

A Message from Chairman of the Board Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2006-2007 Dear Friends in the Mount Community: As some of you may know, my service to the Mount in an “official” capacity concluded this past May at our final Board of Directors meeting of the 2006-2007 school year. Without reservation, I can say these past 12 years of active involvement with the Mount, beginning in the fall of ’95 when oldest daughter Kate entered as a freshman, have been extraordinarily gratifying. I’ve been privileged with the opportunity to both influence and witness the continual advancement of the Academy and the everdeepening commitment to its mission among all of our constituencies. These pages bear testimony to that commitment and your belief in our important work of preparing young women for leadership roles. From alumnae to current and former parents and friends, the tremendous support of our Annual Fund, so critical to bridging the cap between tuition, revenue, and our operating expenses, allowed for some significant improvements over the past year. Completion of our window replacement program, while aesthetically pleasing, will also greatly enhance our energy efficiency. Our new phone system allows for the increased safety and security of our girls through the placement of phones in each and every classroom. Your generosity made all of this and more possible. The commitment and hard work of our Parents’ and Alumnae Associations remains unequaled. Celebrauction and our Annual Golf Outing both reached an all-time high, once again, through the time, talent, and financial support of our parents and alumnae. Thanks also to those who have joined in support of Phase II of our Capital Campaign, Foundations for the Future: Their Dreams. Our Promise. Through your investment in the Mount, we move ever closer to completing the final phase of this effort, which will result in air conditioning of the gym and auditorium, retiring of the debt incurred in Phase I, and the continued growth of our endowment fund. The benefactors listed in this report represent the past, present, and future of Mount Saint Joseph Academy. Your participation in our mission helps ensure our continued strength and stature as the premier private Catholic academy for young women in the Delaware Valley. In my parting comments to the Board of Directors this past May, I expressed a deep sense of gratitude for what the Mount has meant for my daughters and for the wonderful friendships with fellow parents, alumnae, faculty, administration, and Board members… friendships which will last a lifetime. It has indeed been a privilege to serve all of you in serving the Mount, and an experience I will cherish always. Congratulations and best of luck to my successor as Board Chair, Art Pasquerella, a terrific and most capable individual who shares my passion for the Mount. Finally, my most sincere thanks to our “CEO,” Sister Kathleen Brabson, SSJ, for her inspired and energetic guidance and leadership. May she continue to serve as a shining example of a most competent and confident leader, and a role model for our Mounties. Best wishes to all… see you on campus! Sincerely, James K. Paul Chair, Board of Directors

2006-2007 Mount Saint Joseph Academy Board of Directors


James K. Paul, Chair Mary Merz Berko ‘48 Sister Mary Barrar, SSJ Sister Kathleen Brabson, SSJ John P. Boyle Peter F. Coyle Mary Cathlene Driscoll ‘75

Therese Esperdy ‘77 S. Catherine Robinson, SSJ John Feningham John T. Sasso Laurence P. Genuardi Sister Alma Rose Schlosser, SSJ Richard W. Hubbert Anne E. Titterton, Esq. ‘82 Andrew Maron Robyn S. Walsh Mary Ann Feeley Messmer ‘72 Sister Barbara Ann Winnals, SSJ Arthur P. Pasquarella

Financial Summary 2006-2007 Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2006-2007

Summary of Gifts July 9, 2006 – July 8, 2007 Support for Current Operations

Annual Fund Gifts Restricted/In-Kind Gifts

Total Annual Gifts

$301,284 $ 72,430


Sources of 2006-2007 Annual Fund Support

Board of Directors Alumnae Parents Parents of Alumnae Grandparents Corporations and Foundations Faculty, Staff and Friends

$ 33,488 $148,405 $165,267 $113,036 $ 8,195 $ 24,622 $ 10,105

(Dollar totals include multiple constituencies)

MSJA Organizational Fundraising

Alumnae Association Parents’ Association (Celebrauction XXIII) Students

$ 6,689 $323,100 $



Annual Fund Gift Clubs Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2006-2007 Purple & Gold Club The Mount’s Purple and Gold Club continues to be a large part of the overall dollars raised in the Annual Fund. Those in this leadership group show their support with gifts of $1,000 or more to the Annual Fund. This generosity paves the way for successful cultivation and the leadership of those who give encourages others to support the fund at leadership levels. Fournier Patron $10,000 and above Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Pasquarella Diamond Patron $5,000 - $9,999 Mr. and Mrs. John L. Connolly Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fabiszewski Donna Nicoletti Ferrier ‘76 and Mr. Joseph J. Ferrier Margaret Loos Kieffer ‘84 and Mr. Joseph C. Kieffer Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Maginnis Mr. and Mrs. James K. Paul Jane Loughran Ryan ‘50* Eileen Heck Slawek ‘ 48 Mr. Robert L. Toner Ms. Robyn S. Walsh Gold Patron $2,500 - $4,999 Donna DePaul Bartynski ’70 and Mr. David A. Bartynski Mr. and Mrs. George F. Beppel Drs. James F. and Mary Burke Mr. and Mrs. William J. Cain Drs. Stephanie King Curcillo ’76 and Paul Curcillo II Therese M. Esperdy ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Fesnak Maryann Furtek Genuardi ‘71 and Mr. Laurence Genuardi Ms. Eileen Staerk McCann Lori Nicoletti Peruto, Esq. ‘79 and Mr. John M. Peruto Robert C. White Trust Cynthia M. Strolle ‘71 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Thistle Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Walchak 1858 Founders $1,858 - $2,499 Anonymous Dr. and Mrs. Paul R. Casey Jr. Jeanette A. Griffin ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Bernard E. Kueny, III Mr. and Mrs. Vincent P. McNichol


Drs. Robert L. and Kathryn O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Swartley Lois Trench-Hines ‘60 Mr. Robert P. Trinkle and Ms. Kathy Pape Silver Patron $1,000.00 - $1,857 “A Former Mountie” Anonymous Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Arena Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Barr Mary Merz Berko ‘48 Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Bono Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Brown Elizabeth Anne Grabish Bruder ‘88 Marian Buccafurni, Esq. ‘72 Kimberly Heck Cilio ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Richard Collier Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Cummings Patricia D’Innocenzo ‘72 Dr. and Mrs. Walter W. Dearolf, III Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Devenny Denise Doyle-Sprandio ’74 and Dr. John D. Sprandio Mr. and Mrs. William W. Erhart Mr. and Mrs. John C. Fenningham Dr. and Mrs. Brian G. Firth Mr. Richard W. Foltz and Ms. Frances V. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Gardner Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gavin Mr. and Mrs. Dominic S. Genuardi Jr. Margaret E. O’Hara Givnish ‘50 Mary Lambert Glenn ‘57 Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Gribb Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Guilfoyle Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hain, III Dr. and Mrs. F. Thomas Harkins Kathleen McCauley Hathaway ‘71 Karen H. Forbes Heflin ‘89 Mr. and Mrs. William T. Hill Patricia A. Redmond ‘67 Mr. and Mrs. M. Alanson Johnson, III Mr. and Mrs. Barry A. Jordan Christina L. Kelly ‘88 Lizanne Tague Kenney ‘82 Lisa Narcisi Kyne ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Laschenski Jennifer Lin ’76 and Mr. William H. Stieg Ann Tushim Csink Linck ‘57 Patricia Joyce Maguire ‘77 Mary Crane McBride ‘66 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. McBride Mr. and Mrs. John M. McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. John V. McKee Carol Morrissey Missett ‘89 MaryAnn Fluehr Murphy ‘43 Mary Louise Gerhard Nagle ‘52

Eileen Heck Nigro ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Osborne Mr. and Mrs. Steven Powell Mr. and Mrs. William H. Pugh, V Dr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Puleo Nora Glancey Radest, Esq. ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Resnick Mr. and Mrs. Kent Roman Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Sabia Maureen Dugan Serpico, Esq. ’76 and Mr. Christopher J. Serpico Carol Ann Slocum ‘76 Dr. Angela M. Stout ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Tierney Anne Marie Fengler Triolo ‘52 Dr. and Mrs. Leonard P. Ulan Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Wajert Mr. and Mrs. James J. Welsh Elizabeth Beitel Whalen ’59 and Mr. Martin F. Whalen Virginia Bendinger Wischhusen ’70 and Mr. Robert Wischhusen Harvest Club $500 - $999 Dr. and Mrs. Clement Au Claire Smith Betz ‘39 Jane A. Biddle, Ph.D. ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey H. Blank Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Breznicky Sr. Patricia Zugay Burkholder ‘74 Karen Gosewisch Buzby ’74 and Mr. Dudley C. Buzby Nanette Sciolla Carney ’64 and Mr. John Carney Mr. and Mrs. David S. Cavanaugh Ellen Rosa-Bian Cericola ’82 and Mr. Donald V. Cericola Jr. Colleen Kelly Coll ‘64 Dr. Katherine Rickert Coulson ‘50 Mr. and Mrs. John D. Cumpstone Mr. Thomas F. and Dr. Mary Cunnane Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Dougher Mr. and Mrs. James Driscoll Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Elliott Joan H. Flanigan ‘67 Dr. Steven C. Flashner and Dr. Deirdre Collins Mr. Richard Frye Mr. Michael P. Gregor Sarah Mansell Guilfoyle ‘52 Mr. and Mrs. Wasyl Halczenko Kathleen Kropp Hart ‘65 Patricia Maginnis Hayden ‘67 Svena D. Julien ‘89 Dr. Lynn M. Keenan ‘79 Denise McBride Kelly ‘83 Tina Keane Krinsky ‘72 Jennifer Meis Kurtz ‘83 Maureen Daly Lehman ‘68 Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. Libonati Drs. Stephen L. and Jane M. Longacre

* Deceased

Annual Fund Gift Clubs Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2006-2007 Kathryne J. Lyons ‘82 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Mackell Eireann Flynn Marzarella ‘87 Suzanne Serianni Mayes, Esq. ‘84 Rita Nichols McBlain ‘45 Mr. and Mrs. Robert McDevitt Mr. and Mrs. Peter McGonigle Margaret Gorman McKeon ’79 and Mr. Edwin McKeon Anita Dudzek McMahon ‘93 Dr. Kathleen W. McNicholas ‘65 Barbara Dolaway Michie ’55 and Mr. Edwin G . Michie Jr. Megan Rothwell Nakamoto ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Owens Mr. and Mrs. Guido Pasquel Mr. and Mrs. James J. Pettit Mr. Hernan Quinodoz and Dr. Maria Cruanes Mr. Eric M. Reisenwitz Maureen Ryan Rilling ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. David S. Rocchino Laura Anne Riethmiller Savage ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Schuster Catherine Groark Shields ‘93 Kathleen M. McBride Shoup ‘57 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smart Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Spera Dr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Weidig Sheryl Welsh ‘81 Mary Jarett Whisler ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Antonio J. Yanni Campanile Club $250 - $499 Maureen Engel Balitsaris ‘86 Roberta Butler Blumenthal ‘70 Christine Hamburger Broderick ‘86 Colleen Coyle Broderick ’74 and Mr. John J. Broderick Mr. and Mrs. Edward Burgoyne Maureen K. Cahill ‘70 Mr. and Mrs. Mark K. Caldwell Mary Beth Callan, VMD ‘80 Patricia McGonigal Feulner Carroll ‘56 Dr. Kenneth M. Certa and Dr. Marie Robb JoAnn Ewadinger Connelly ‘57 Mr. David W. Cox and Ms. Judith Nentwig Mary Beth Cunnane ‘88 Michele Daniele, Esq. ‘83 Judith C. Hinkle de Turo ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. John P. Delaney Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. DiGiovanni Mary Beth Donovan ‘90 Mr. and Mrs. M. Dougherty Ms. Dorothy Duffy Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Durkin Mary Diamond Eichelberger ‘41 Joanne McGee Espenshade ’57 and Mr. David Espenshade

* Deceased

Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Fellmeth Mr. and Mrs. Terrence J. Foley Sr. Charlene Keller Fullmer, Esq. ‘89 Anne Leary Galie ‘59 Mr. and Mrs. James A. Gallagher Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Gibbons Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Graf Dr. and Mrs. Mark G. Graham Anita Casani Haffey ‘51 Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Hagan Eileen M. Haney ‘97 Sheila Quinn Hartung ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hunter Suzanne Foster Hynes ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Kelly Megan L. Kennedy ‘92 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kiernan Jennifer M. King ‘89 Adrienne Ragan Kowalski ‘87 Dr. Bruce Kreter Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Lennon Mr. and Mrs. Vincent R. Leporace Carolyn E. Logan ‘90 Rita Pietruszka Lucas ‘83 Mary Rose Hasson Lynch ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Martynowski Lorraine Sukalski McGlynn ‘52 Mollie O’Rourke Menapace ’71 and Dr. James Menapace Priscilla Mullins Messing ‘68 Mary Ann Feeley Messmer ’72 and Mr. Thomas J. Messmer Ellen Rothwell Miles ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Monaco Kirsten Ledwith Morasco ‘89 Bernice Gindhart Murphy ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Murphy Mary Elizabeth Cattie Murphy Murray ‘47 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Nolan Mary Jane Wesner Nolen ‘67 Elizabeth Murphy Ollwerther ‘75 Dr. Marlana S. Ottinger ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Pacheco Mary McFadden Paul ’62 and Mr. Robert M. Paul Mr. and Mrs. Fortunato Perri Jr. Jennifer Maguire Princivalle ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Riethmiller Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Schlupp Mr. and Mrs. Bernard M. Shaeffer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Sullivan Mary Maines Sullivan ‘54 Marilyn Anspach Trainer ‘60 Mr. James A. Vivaldelli Lauren Voss ‘99 Kathleen Rhoads Waters ‘52 Ms. Therese M. Williams Mr. and Mrs. George J. Wolf Jr. Carole Cook Wright ‘57 Mr. Anthony J. Wzorek and Ms. Kathleen Loughlin Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Zilch

Principal’s Club $100 - $249 Anonymous Jeanette Chan Aaron ‘85 Celeste O’Connell Abramowitz ‘85 Marie Meaney Adolph ‘53 Marilyn Sutton Adomanis ‘66 Raquel Amram-Perez ‘50 Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Anderson Elizabeth Anne Quinn Antonucci ‘74 Mary Lou Cannon Arbaugh ‘55 Mr. and Mrs. John L. Backus Jr. Rosemary Skelly Backus ’47 and Mr. John L. Backus Catherine Fisher Baird ‘58 Laura Davey Banmiller ‘89 Rosanne M. Barrett ‘56 Margaret Kelly Baumgardner ‘36 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bechis Mr. and Mrs. William F. Begley, III Rita Troutman Beirne ‘55 Elizabeth Burke Beltle ‘86 Marion Ann Williams Berry ‘59 Marguerite Reynolds Beston ‘50 Kathryn Bolger ‘57 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Bonner Jr. Meganne Flynn Borneman ‘86 Beth Genuardi Borrelli ‘94 Sister Kathleen Brabson, S.S.J. Dr. Susan Higley Bray ‘59 Mary Lorenzo Brelsford ’66 and Mr. Jeffrey C. Brelsford Roseanne Burke Brennan ‘56 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Brett Mary Jeanne Robertson Brickley ‘48 Catharine Gallagher Brockway ‘47 Karen A. Mullane Bronster ‘96 Kathleen Daly Brown ‘83 Mary Ellen Carroll Brown ‘48 Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Buchanan Kathleen Wenz Burgoyne ’50 and Mr. Joseph Burgoyne Mr. and Mrs. David Busch Diane M. Butler ‘71 Laura Naccarato Cannon ‘96 Suzann C. Carabello ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. David J. Caracausa Ms. Kim Carlone Judith Gersteneker Caskey ‘66 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cattie Jr. Sara Pickens Cavallaro ‘96 Frances Princivalle Chadwick ‘85 Megan Pomrink Charlton ‘94 Elizabeth McGuinn Christen ‘88 Mary Sabia Ciammetti ’80 and Mr. Pasquale J. Ciammetti Ann McCaffrey Ciesielka ‘67 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Cipressi Phyllis Rose Palladino Cissone ’59 and Mr. Peter J. Cissone


Annual Fund Gift Clubs Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2006-2007 Rosemarie D. Clancy ‘89 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Cleary Dorothy A. Shaw Clinton ‘63 Mr. and Mrs. Keith M. Coady Eugenia Cooper Comerford ‘37 Madelynne Burgoyne Connolly ‘57 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Coyle Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Cross Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Crumpler Patricia A. Culkin ‘58 Carol Atkinson Curran ‘72 Elizabeth Lang Cushman ‘42 Karen Skrocki Czerpak ‘85 Kathleen McCann D’Auria ‘85 Angela Henkels Dale ‘85 Kathleen Buhrman Dalena ‘51 Muriel Gardner Davidson ‘48 Mr. and Mrs. John E. Daw Jeannette Echevarria-Chabance de Lugo ‘46 Christine Kempf Dean ‘70 Mary Pisano DeChristopher ‘86 Suzanne Bonner DeJohn ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Demeter Barbara Byrne Denham ‘84 Lisa Russo DiPaolo ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. James F. Doherty Dr. Joan Donahue ‘83 Mrs. Margaret Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Duffin Kathleen Gorman Duffy ‘91 Bernadette Cavanaugh Dugan ‘67 Kelly Ann McGinley Eckert ‘87 Camelia Gallardo Eisenhart ‘39 Dorothy Schaible Engle ‘72 Marguerite Devlin Evangelist ‘67 Joanne Fischer Ey ‘94 Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Ezzo Charlotte Branagan Farley ‘52 Joan Cattie Fasy ‘47 Madeleine Lavelle Faust ‘67 Kelly Ann Glackin Fay ‘83 Janice Bianchini Ferrick ‘74 Jeanine Harrington Ferrick ‘89 Colleen R. Finley ‘80 Sally Mauchly FitzSimmons ’66 and Dr. John M. FitzSimmons Regina Hartsough Flanagan ‘56 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Flynn Janet Hynes Fuchs ‘72 Ms. Kathleen Gallagher Mary Louise Gallagher ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Ganster Janet Muir Garrity ‘63 Kathleen M. Garrity ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. John T. Gimpel Dr. and Mrs. John R. Gimpel Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gimpel


Maryanne Dever Ginley ‘52 Jeannine A. Giordano ‘93 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Givnish Susan Berko Glass ‘71 Dr. Mary Lou Snyder Goldberg ‘58 Patricia A. Gorman ‘91 Mr. and Mrs. S. John Gorman Mrs. Mary C. Gregor Mr. and Mrs. Michael V. Griffin Pamela Smith Grimme ‘50 Lauren J. Grous ‘00 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Haggerty Helen E. Hall ‘56 Claire DeBaecke Halter ‘56 Rose Marie Connor Haney ’77 and Mr. Petr G. Haney, III Christine Schillinger Hannon ‘81 Mrs. Mary C. Harbison Mr. and Mrs. George K. Harris Maribeth Byrne Hawkins ‘85 Amy Guise Hemphill ‘84 Irene Bonk Hesser ‘59 Mr. Joseph E. Hill Sandra L. Hill ‘04 Margaret L. Hindley, Ph.D. ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. William F. Hirst Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hogan Susan Moran Holloway ‘61 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Honeyman Dr. Rosemary Andries Horstmann ’64 and Dr. Joseph Horstmann Dr. Joanne F. Houlahan ‘81 Ellen Burgoyne Hubrig ‘71 Eileen Dunleavy Hughes ‘88 Patricia Doyle Hunt ‘57 Katherine Crosson Hylinski ’72 and Mr. Thomas Hylinski Mr. and Mrs. Philip Iannuzzi Frances Grabish Irons ‘86 Jane Kashlak ‘71 Nancy Crean Kaufmann ‘67 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Keane Madeleine Mansell Keehn ‘50 Anne Dunne Kelly ’72 and Dr. Kevin J. Kelly Heather Kates Kelly ‘88 Joyce Sherman Kelly ‘83 Kate Stoll Kelly-Roop, Esq. ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Kenney Jr. Mr. and Mrs. E. King Margaret M. King, Esq. ‘71 Marie Rosato King ’46 and Hon. William A. King Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Kirsch Joan Matonis Kleinbard ‘57 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Koc Mary Ann Koller, Ph.D. ‘61 JoAnna Ball Kratz ‘89 Kathleen M. Kugler ‘58 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Labrum Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Lagreca Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Lahann

Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Lambert Mary Frances Gregor Lane ‘77 Colleen Durkin Lapowsky ’73 and Mr. Robert Lapowsky Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Larrimore Danielle Marie Penzarella Lasky ‘94 Linda Robinson Lawler ’79 and Mr. Terence J. Lawler Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Lederer Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Leporace Carol Henkels Lilley ‘87 Dr. and Mrs. Chen-Sheng Lin Caroline Michelle Lista ‘05 Mr. Joseph Logan Barbara Mallon Lombard ‘59 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Longino Alice Crane Loveman ‘67 Donna Cupo Lucas ‘67 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lukach Elizabeth A. Lunney ‘68 Paula Collins Maben ‘52 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Maenner Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Mahan Janis H. Mahoney ‘52 Mr. and Mrs. Sean E. Mahoney Maureen Gimpel Maley, Esq. ‘84 Meghan Ann Malone ‘03 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Mancano Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Mannes Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Manson Joan Schmitt Markham ‘48 Margaret Anne Markmann ‘01 Madeleine Rooney Markovich ‘48 Mary Pat McGann Mars ’82 and Mr. Clifford M. Mars Mary M. Martire, Ed.D. ‘49 Mr. and Mrs. Antonio A. Mascaro Susan W. Masturzo ‘73 Marilyn De Simone Matarazzo ‘52 Mary Kate McGrath May ‘90 Linda Nolfi McAnespey ’67 and Mr. Robert F. McAnespey Anne Marie McGirr McCloy ’78 and Mr. Gerard McCloy Regina A. McCorkell ‘52 Sheilah Jeffers McCreavy ‘62 Patricia Lawson McDaniel ‘46 Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. McDermott Megan Melinson McDonough, Esq. ‘89 Patricia Condon McDonough ‘62 Marguerite Barrett McEwen ‘50 Naomi Torchiana McGlynn ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Gerard T. McGovern Mr. and Mrs. Patrick K. McGowan Robyn Farrell McGrath ‘82 Therese De Lisieux McGrath ‘98 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. McKenna Lorraine Maguire McKenna ‘76 Heather M. McKenna-Tausz ‘89 Joan Gallagher McKeon ’48 and Mr. Edwin M. McKeon Sr. Mr. and Mrs. James T. McLaughlin

* Deceased

Annual Fund Gift Clubs Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2006-2007 Sheila Kropp McLaughlin ‘84 Alicia Friel McNiven ‘94 Helen Burns McQuaid ‘39 Alice Morrissey Meehan, Esq. ‘85 Michele Crosson Mehr ‘78 Dr. William J. Meis and Dr. Mary Louise Schneiders Pamela Meitner, Esq. ‘68 M. Eileen McGill Meko ’60 and Mr. John Meko Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Menna, III Elizabeth Rouse Miller ‘50 Susanne Laphen Miller ‘89 Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Mischler Jane O’Boyle Monastero ‘57 Theresa Cassidy Mooney ‘61 Mr. John Moore Mary Morrison ‘82 Margaret Connelly Mowatt ‘57 Dr. Moyra Siu Moy ‘45 Jeannine Patchell McGarvey Mulholland ‘47 Rebecca Hoy Murphy ‘76 Rosemary Hayes Murphy ‘51 Shannon Murphy-Reilly ‘88 Mr. and Mrs. David T. Naab Aileen Eidenshink Napierkowski ‘82 Leisa DeJohn Nappi ‘82 Nora Stinger Neumann ‘81 Rosemarie Robinson Nevergole ’70 and Mr. John M. Nevergole Mr. and Mrs. John J. Nucero Marianna Wood Nulty ‘47 Mr. and Mrs. James O’Connell Mary Garrett O’Connor ‘52 Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. O’Leary Virginia Mitchell O’Neill ‘46 Kathleen Waters Owsik ‘72 Joanne Rizzo Palermo ‘79 Mr. Piush Patel and Dr. Pragna Patel Allison Peacock Paul, Ph.D. ‘77 Helene Montgomery Peddle ‘64 Drs. Charles E. and Valerie Pendley Mary Chester Peterson ‘49 Kathleen Kelly Pfizenmayer ‘67 Dr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Pisano Dr. Etta Pisano ‘75 Terese Ann McGroarty Powell ‘52 Kathleen Lamprecht Prue ‘88 Mrs. Karen D. Pulcinella Laura Suzanne Ragan ‘94 Sarah Anne Raimondi ‘06 Barbara Grady Rainville ‘63 Susan Knasiak Raley ‘87 Maura Fenningham Ratigan Esq. ‘89 Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Rau Christa M. Regan ‘93 Kathleen M. Reilly ‘82 Dr. and Mrs. James T. Reinprecht Joan Calhoun Reynolds ‘50 Patricia Ann Hanlon Rist ‘96

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Robbins Anne McNulty Roller ‘67 Josephine Y. Roma ’39 * Megan Osborne Romano ‘94 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rossetti Mr. and Mrs. John P. Rossi Mr. Jerry Rothschild and Ms. Edwina Stelman Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Rothwell Patricia G. Rust ‘68 Caryl Duffy Sabine ‘85 Dr. and Mrs. Gustavo Sanchez Jeanne Gimpel Sandella ‘90 Dr. Mary Christine Byron Santora ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Sauers Rev. and Mrs. Vincent Saverino Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Schell Dona Travaline Schmidt ’77 and Mr. John C. Schmidt Caitlin Mackintosh Schroder ‘91 Katie Anne Marie Schuster ‘01 Missy Ellen Braun Schwartz ‘87 Katerine Semeniuk ‘90 Ann Wilson Shewman ‘62 Elena Wallace Shields ‘90 Mr. and Mrs. George J. Shotzbarger Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Siedlecki Catherine Drennen Siegl ‘60 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Simmons Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Skahan Jodie King Smith ‘90 Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Smith Diana Stango Smoluk ‘60 Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sobolow Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Sommer Jill M. Sommer ‘98 Mary Conway Stack ‘72 Mrs. Sharon P. Statmore Mr. W. Jerome Stewart Mr. and Mrs. David P. Strawhacker Mr. and Mrs. Edward Subokow

Patricia Connor Surotchak ‘50 Kathleen Engel Tavolaro ‘84 Kathleen McNamara Tenzinger ’77 and Mr. George A. Tenzinger Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Termini Sr. Stephanie Mary Thistle ‘02 Elizabeth Eads Thomas ‘57 Mr. and Mrs. James W. Thompson Ann M. Brennan Toner ‘55 Drs. Edward and Patrice Trauffer Dr. and Mrs. John M. Travaline Emily H. Trymbiski ‘05 Ifeyinwa I.C. Ugokwe, Esq. ‘88 Susann Schilling Undi ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. James F. Van Stone Mr. and Mrs. Willard E. Vandiver Jr. Josephine T. Vecchione ‘40 Aileen Maguire Walsh ‘50 Mary Stoll Walter ‘81 Mary Katharine McCormack Walton ‘70 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Waters Mr. Brian Webb Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Weller Barbara Eugenie Whalen ‘55 Mary Jane Connor White ‘50 Mr. Walter R. Whitehill Catherine Wiley ‘90 Ms. Allegra Willard-Clarke Dorothy Dolan Williams ‘60 Mary Elizabeth Contorno Winters ‘93 Amanda J. Woll ‘93 Joyce Renzulli Wuenschel ‘58 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Yezzi Kathleen Beaty Young ‘66 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Zapalac Mary Chevall Zaren ‘57 Barbara Zarro, Ph.D. ‘66 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Z. Zaucha Regina E. Zdanowski ‘72 Mrs. Ann Marie Zindell Mr. and Mrs. Phillip J. Zminda


Alumnae Annual Giving Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2006-2007 CLASS OF 1931 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $10 PARTICIPATION: 50% Bettina Clemons Juers .. CLASS OF 1936 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $165 PARTICIPATION: 50% Margaret Kelly Baumgardner Mary Barbara O’Neill Philpott .. CLASS OF 1937 70th Reunion ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $100 PARTICIPATION: 14% Eugenia Cooper Comerford .. CLASS OF 1938 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $40 PARTICIPATION: 14% Deirdre McGarrity Mullen .. CLASS OF 1939 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $800 PARTICIPATION: 44% Claire Smith Betz Camelia Gallardo Eisenhart Helen Burns McQuaid Josephine Y. Roma* .. CLASS OF 1940 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $100 PARTICIPATION: 11% Josephine T. Vecchione CLASS OF 1941 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $850 PARTICIPATION: 27% Anne Deeney Curtis Mary Diamond Eichelberger Dorothy Schwab Frye* Mary M. McGee Rita Lawson Moser .. CLASS OF 1942 65TH Reunion ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $100 PARTICIPATION: 16% Elizabeth Lang Cushman .. CLASS OF 1943 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $1,075 PARTICIPATION: 11% Mary Quinn Foster MaryAnn Fluehr Murphy


CLASS OF 1944 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $100 PARTICIPATION: 13% Marylou Hieb Caufield Marguerite Haggerty Harrington CLASS OF 1945 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $725 PARTICIPATION: 26% Dolores Bobrowski Bowes Marianna Wenz Hagan Rita Nichols McBlain Dr. Moyra Siu Moy .. CLASS OF 1946 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $625 PARTICIPATION: 26% Jeannette Echevarria-Chabance de Lugo Mary Sims Kent Marie Rosato King Patricia Lawson McDaniel Mary C. O’Neill Virginia Mitchell O’Neill Mary Dwyer Trocky .. CLASS OF 1947 60th Reunion ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $1,380 PARTICIPATION: 56% Marie Hayes Albert Rosemary Skelly Backus Catharine Gallagher Brockway Janet Ryan Cooney Chark Gloria Garcia Cook Joan Cattie Fasy Nancy Keeley Helen Gross King Jeannine Patchell McGarvey Mulholland Mary Bracken Munn Mary Elizabeth Cattie Murphy Murray Marianna Wood Nulty Kathryn Roberts Rooney Helen Cahill Whiteman CLASS OF 1948 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $7,009.51 PARTICIPATION: 55% Dolores Cecil Armour Mary Merz Berko Mary Jeanne Robertson Brickley Rozanne McGrath Brickley Mary Ellen Carroll Brown Muriel Gardner Davidson Ann Devlin* Adele Bateman Donahue Theresa V. Felix Rosemarie Callahan Ford Blanche Palacio Kammer Mary Fenerty Kasinkas

Joan Schmitt Markham Madeleine Rooney Markovich Joan Gallagher McKeon Eileen Heck Slawek Maureen Crowe Sullivan Helen Branagan Thomas* Sister Anne P. Toner, S.S.J. Joan Hoffman Weckesser .. CLASS OF 1949 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $310 PARTICIPATION: 9% Dr. Carolyn Taylor Kitchin Rita Inez Donnelly Lyons Mary Martire, Ed.D. Mary Chester Peterson .. CLASS OF 1950 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $7,860 PARTICIPATION: 45% Raquel Amram-Perez Joan Marie Hartmann Bamberger Marguerite Reynolds Beston Kathleen Wenz Burgoyne Dr. Katherine Rickert Coulson Mary Harbison Dobson Mary Louise Shields Gallagher Margaret O’Hara Givnish Pamela Smith Grimme Madeleine Mansell Keehn Marguerite Barrett McEwen Elizabeth Rouse Miller Joan Calhoun Reynolds Jane Loughran Ryan* Patricia Connor Surotchak Aileen Maguire Walsh Mary Jane Connor White CLASS OF 1951 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $550 PARTICIPATION: 19% Joan Yates Carroll Kathleen Buhrman Dalena Anita Casani Haffey Rosemary Hayes Murphy Phyllis Hauser Taliaferro .. CLASS OF 1952 55th Reunion ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $4,440 PARTICIPATION: 46% Mary Anne Smale Burke Willa Byrne Cericola Patricia Reilly Dehel Charlotte Branagan Farley Mary Jane Perry Flanagan Maryanne Dever Ginley Sarah Mansell Guilfoyle Anne Daly Holland

* Deceased

Alumnae Annual Giving Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2006-2007 Paula Collins Maben Janis H. Mahoney Marilyn De Simone Matarazzo Regina A. McCorkell Lorraine Sukalski McGlynn Marie Teti Miller Mary Louise Gerhard Nagle Mary Garrett O’Connor Terese Ann McGroarty Powell Sister Agnes Shields, Ph.D. Anne Marie Fengler Triolo Kathleen B. Rhoads Waters .. CLASS OF 1953 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $1,225 PARTICIPATION: 15% Anonymous Marie Meaney Adolph Janice Diamond Charlton Frances Castaldi Kelly Phyllis Sullivan Stacy .. CLASS OF 1954 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $325 PARTICIPATION: 13% Gloria Garcia-Velez Arazoza Mary Catherine McCartney Shaw Mary Maines Sullivan CLASS OF 1955 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $1,255 PARTICIPATION: 33% Mary Lou Cannon Arbaugh Rita Troutman Beirne Regina Bondi Bruno Anita M. McLaughlin Barbara Dolaway Michie Madeleine Higgins Murphy Mary Ann Murray Patricia Smith Nowak Nora Tierney Parker Jane Grasso Sinek Ann Brennan Toner Barbara Eugenie Whalen .. CLASS OF 1956 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $778 PARTICIPATION: 26% Rosanne M. Barrett Roseanne Burke Brennan Patricia McGonigal Feulner Carroll Theresa Zambelli Esperdy Marian Hober Fink Helen E. Hall Claire DeBaecke Halter Dorothy Gallagher Hordubay Jacqueline Marple Leysath Regina Voelker Tauke Chyllene Quinn Waters

.. CLASS OF 1957 50th Reunion ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $4,630 PARTICIPATION: 58% Kathryn Bolger JoAnn Ewadinger Connelly Madelynne Burgoyne Connolly Joanne McGee Espenshade Regina Hartsough Flanagan Mary Lou Donnelly Gerber Mary Lambert Glenn Patricia Doyle Hunt Joan Matonis Kleinbard Ann Tushim Csink Linck Eleanor Callahan McCreavy* Jane O’Boyle Monastero Margaret Connelly Mowatt Kathleen McBride Shoup Elizabeth Eads Thomas Carole Cook Wright Mary Chevall Zaren CLASS OF 1958 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $710 PARTICIPATION: 25% Catherine Fisher Baird Clare Cannon Breene Patricia A. Culkin Dr. Mary Lou Snyder Goldberg Kathleen M. Kugler Diane Gillies Momich Joan Spillane Taggart Maryann Herzog Whalen Joyce Renzulli Wuenschel CLASS OF 1959 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $2,085 PARTICIPATION: 36% Marion Ann Williams Berry Dr. Susan Higley Bray Phyllis Rose Palladino Cissone Anne Leary Galie Elizabeth Ann Nace Gumprecht Irene Bonk Hesser Joanne Scott Kyle Barbara Mallon Lombard Patricia McAdams, Ph.D. Janice Cutillo Muir Virginia Foley Myers Carol Louise Burkhart Palmai Elizabeth Beitel Whalen

CLASS OF 1960 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $2,900 PARTICIPATION: 21% Mary Kay O’Connell Kenealy Joan Dull McGuigan M. Eileen McGill Meko Lorraine Cajano Minecci

Catherine Drennen Siegl Diana Stango Smoluk Marilyn Anspach Trainer Lois Trench-Hines Barbara Bradshaw Viechnicki Dorothy Dolan Williams CLASS OF 1961 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $470 PARTICIPATION: 20% Joann Nicolella Berkley Susan Moran Holloway Mary Ann Koller, Ph.D. Mary Beth Honeyman Leary Joanne Junker McConnell Theresa Cassidy Mooney Kathleen Gallagher O’Connell Ellen Higley O’Neill Mary Dielsi Pomerantz CLASS OF 1962 45th Reunion ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $1,440 PARTICIPATION: 32% Judith Hinkle de Turo Kathleen McGill Gibson Suzanne Foster Hynes Marie Ryan Leonard Mary Kelly McCauley Sheilah Jeffers McCreavy Patricia Condon McDonough Paula McGinn-Walashek Eileen McIlhinney Mary McFadden Paul Ann Wilson Shewman Dr. Margaret Louise Smith Spence CLASS OF 1963 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $530 PARTICIPATION: 17% Dorothy Shaw Clinton Janet Muir Garrity Diane Taglialatela Green Madeleine Nicolaus Hagan Margaret Judge Lynch Barbara Grady Rainville Judith Pierson Rowe CLASS OF 1964 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $1,525 PARTICIPATION: 13% Denise Reilly Blasdale Nanette Sciolla Carney Colleen Kelly Coll Faith Peoples Dillon Mary Louise Gallagher Dr. Rosemary Andries Horstmann


Alumnae Annual Giving Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2006-2007 Roseann Cannistraci Lucarini Helene Montgomery Peddle Katherine Stroebele Powell Jessie Ross Sharyn Joan Flanigan Vergare . CLASS OF 1965 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $1,000 PARTICIPATION: 3% Kathleen Kropp Hart Dr. Kathleen W. McNicholas

CLASS OF 1966 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $1,670 PARTICIPATION: 16% Jane Kraft Adam Marilyn Sutton Adomanis Mary Lorenzo Brelsford Judith Gersteneker Caskey Sally Mauchly FitzSimmons Jane Hinton Koch Mary Crane McBride Joan Morasco Parsons Kathleen Beaty Young Barbara Zarro, Ph.D. .. CLASS OF 1967 40TH Reunion ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $3,480 PARTICIPATION: 44% Paula Mallon Anderson Jill Byrne Ann McCaffrey Ciesielka Geraldine Cavalier Collins Virginia Logan DiLullo Bernadette Cavanaugh Dugan Marguerite Devlin Evangelist Madeleine Lavelle Faust Joan H. Flanigan Jane Hartman Frankel Patricia Maginnis Hayden Mary Ellen L. Herzog Mary Lou McGoldrick Hill Maureen Kraft Johnston Nancy Crean Kaufmann Mary Gert Hoffner Kolb Pamela Rainey Lawler Alice Crane Loveman Donna Cupo Lucas Linda Nolfi McAnespey Mary Jane Wesner Nolen Kathleen Kelly Pfizenmayer Marie Franzen Rader Patricia A. Redmond Madalene Foster Rohde Anne McNulty Roller


Alice Lafferty Schwartz Cecelia McNichol Skierski Suzanne Dunleavy Sokena Sister Elizabeth Ann Waldron, S.S.J. Bertina Ostrowski Wheaten CLASS OF 1968 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $1,100 PARTICIPATION: 15% Maureen Dixon Cass Eileen Kraft D’Amico Maureen Daly Lehman Elizabeth A. Lunney Pamela Meitner Priscilla Mullins Messing Patricia G. Rust Marie Burger Ward . CLASS OF 1969 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $50 PARTICIPATION: 1% Mariann Eichelberger O’Connor .. CLASS OF 1970 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $4,900 PARTICIPATION: 15% Donna DePaul Bartynski Roberta Butler Blumenthal Maureen K. Cahill Christine Kempf Dean Christine Fitz Patrick Susan Narducci Harbaugh Debra Aulffo Kelly Rosemarie Robinson Nevergole Dorothy Vare Salanik Mary Katharine McCormack Walton Virginia Bendinger Wischhusen .. CLASS OF 1971 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $6,825 PARTICIPATION: 17% Leslie Wong Bell Susan Kraft Burkey Diane M. Butler Judith Burger Dysart Kathleen McDonald Garvin Maryann Furtek Genuardi Susan Berko Glass Kathleen McCauley Hathaway Jane Kashlak Margaret M. King, Esq. Janice Maguire Malone Mollie O’Rourke Menapace Cynthia M. Strolle

CLASS OF 1972 35th Reunion ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $3,855 PARTICIPATION: 23% Marian Buccafurni, Esq. Carol Atkinson Curran Patricia D’Innocenzo Dorothy Schaible Engle Janet Hynes Fuchs Regina Bendinger Gausz Katherine Crosson Hylinski Anne Dunne Kelly Tina Keane Krinsky Mary Ann Feeley Messmer Kathleen Waters Owsik Mary Lynn Darby Penn Dr. Angela Lin Prior Patricia Blackburn Sermarini Mary Conway Stack Nancy Weber Sutter Eileen O’Connell Wolfinger Regina E. Zdanowski CLASS OF 1973 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $375 PARTICIPATION: 8% Nancy Ferraro Anderson Colleen Durkin Lapowsky Susan W. Masturzo Susann Schilling Undi .. CLASS OF 1974 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $2,800 PARTICIPATION: 22% Susan Reynolds Antczak Elizabeth Anne Quinn Antonucci Colleen Coyle Broderick Patricia Zugay Burkholder Karen Gosewisch Buzby Elisa McPeak Cochrane Toni Flanigan Cooper Denise Doyle-Sprandio Janice Bianchini Ferrick Kathleen Quinn Gannon Helene Koller Harchut Michele McDermott McCullagh Catherine Burger Vining CLASS OF 1975 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $2,065 PARTICIPATION: 9% Jane A. Biddle, Ph.D. Anne McCormack Barbara Behr Oberlies Elizabeth Murphy Ollwerther Dr. Etta Pisano Nora Glancey Radest, Esq.

Alumnae Annual Giving Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2006-2007 CLASS OF 1976 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $10,950 PARTICIPATION: 14% Anita Drygas Capps Dr. Stephanie King Curcillo Dr. Christina A. Dougherty Donna Nicoletti Ferrier Anne Hagerty Lewis Jennifer Lin Charlotte Christou McClintic Lorraine Maguire McKenna Rebecca Hoy Murphy Maureen Dugan Serpico, Esq. Carol Ann Slocum Patricia Kost Zakrzewski

CLASS OF 1980 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $1,535 PARTICIPATION: 12% Rosemary Kund Bogan Maria Fella Cain Mary Beth Callan, VMD Lisa Talecki Carr Mary Sabia Ciammetti Theresa Conroy Colleen R. Finley Mary Claire Dinda Kasunic Susan Doney Leonard Mary Rose Hasson Lynch Naomi Torchiana McGlynn Dr. Marlana S. Ottinger Sharon Daly Sweeney

CLASS OF 1983 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $3,074 PARTICIPATION:11% Kathleen Daly Brown Michele Daniele, Esq. Suzanne Bonner DeJohn Dr. Joan Donahue Kelly Ann Glackin Fay Barbara Cawley FitzPatrick Denise M. McBride Kelly Joyce Sherman Kelly Jennifer Meis Kurtz Rita Pietruszka Lucas Dr. Angela M. Stout Joan Wiley

CLASS OF 1977 30th Reunion ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $4,350 PARTICIPATION: 12% Therese M. Esperdy Rose Marie Connor Haney Ellen Burgoyne Hubrig Mary Frances Gregor Lane Barbara Hynes MacIntosh Patricia Joyce Maguire Allison Peacock Paul, Ph.D. Dona Travaline Schmidt Kathleen McNamara Tenzinger Mary Jarett Whisler .. CLASS OF 1978 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $700 PARTICIPATION: 7% Donna M. Peters Connell Lisa Russo DiPaolo Catharine M. Farnan Adrienne Primus Kittka Anne Marie McGirr McCloy Michele Crosson Mehr Ellen Rothwell Miles

CLASS OF 1984 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $8,895 PARTICIPATION: 16% Kimberly Heck Cilio Barbara Byrne Denham Dina Kushner Duncan Marie Weber Flynn Amy Guise Hemphill Kathleen Bottinger Jacoby Kate Stoll Kelly-Roop, Esq. Margaret Loos Kieffer Maureen Gimpel Maley, Esq. Patricia Geisel Maransky Suzanne Serianni Mayes, Esq. Christine Litman McEwan Sheila Kropp McLaughlin Corinne Ledwith Murphy Maureen Ryan Rilling Beth Kathleen Davey Rosso Kristin Wagoner Shearon Mary Elizabeth Morrissey Stefanowicz Kathleen Engel Tavolaro

CLASS OF 1979 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $3,980.86 PARTICIPATION: 9% Lynne D’Orazio Bandy Maureen McCrudden Foley Dr. Lynn M. Keenan Christine Koller Kohler Linda Robinson Lawler Patricia K. Lynch Mary A. Marano-Holena Margaret Gorman McKeon Joanne Rizzo Palermo Lori Nicoletti Peruto, Esq.

.CLASS OF 1981 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $1,780 PARTICIPATION: 11% Christine Schillinger Hannon Dr. Joanne F. Houlahan Jeanne Quinn Lowing Megan Rothwell Nakamoto Nora Stinger Neumann Jennifer Maguire Princivalle Mary Stoll Walter Sheryl Welsh Ellen Byrne Willertz Michele Morris Woodrow CLASS OF 1982 25th Reunion ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $5,833.72 PARTICIPATION: 14% Christine Muller Beisel Ellen Rosa-Bian Cericola Kathleen M. Garrity Jeanette A. Griffin Sheila Quinn Hartung Monica Hennessy Lizanne Tague Kenney Lisa Narcisi Kyne Kathryne J. Lyons Mary Pat McGann Mars Robyn Farrell McGrath Mary Morrison Aileen Eidenshink Napierkowski Leisa DeJohn Nappi Eileen Heck Nigro Kathleen M. Reilly Dr. Mary Christine Byron Santora

CLASS OF 1985 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $1,545 PARTICIPATION: 14% Jeanette Chan Aaron Celeste O’Connell Abramowitz Frances Princivalle Chadwick Mary Cullinan Coakley Karen Skrocki Czerpak Angela Henkels Dale Patricia Robinson Geary Maribeth Byrne Hawkins Margaret Hindley, Ph.D. Letitia Anne Pukas McNeil Alice Morrissey Meehan, Esq. Elizabeth Serianni Morris


Alumnae Annual Giving Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2006-2007 Elizabeth Doyle Moxey Molly O’Neill Caryl Duffy Sabine Dana Flaherty Worthington

Shannon Murphy-Reilly Megan O’Neill Kathleen Lamprecht Prue Ifeyinwa I.C. Ugokwe, Esq.

CLASS OF 1986 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $1,545 PARTICIPATION: 12% Maureen Engel Balitsaris Elizabeth Burke Beltle Meganne Flynn Borneman Christine Hamburger Broderick Mary Pisano DeChristopher Kristen Kenney Donohue Courtney Daly Ferrero Cynthia A. Harmon Susan Lynch Hughes Frances C. Grabish Irons Molly Kelly McDonnell Michelle James Parisi Laura Anne Riethmiller Savage

CLASS OF 1989 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $4,480 PARTICIPATION: 16% Laura Davey Banmiller Rosemarie D. Clancy Jeanine Harrington Ferrick Charlene Keller Fullmer, Esq. Karen H. Forbes Heflin Svena D. Julien Jennifer M. King JoAnna Ball Kratz Patricia Adolph Maher Megan Melinson McDonough, Esq. Heather McKenna-Tausz Susanne Laphen Miller Carol Morrissey Missett Kirsten Ledwith Morasco Maura Fenningham Ratigan Esq. Maria Termini-Romano

CLASS OF 1987 20th Reunion ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $1,705 PARTICIPATION: 13% Suzann C. Carabello Kelly Ann McGinley Eckert Judith Drobile Joyce Kathleen Dinda Koenig Adrienne Ragan Kowalski Carol Henkels Lilley Eireann Flynn Marzarella Jennifer Labrum McColigan Eileen Knox McDonald Susan Erdek Mostek Bernice Gindhart Murphy Susan Knasiak Raley Ellen M. Rigsby Missy Ellen Braun Schwartz ..

CLASS OF 1988 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $2,450 PARTICIPATION: 14% Elizabeth Anne Grabish Bruder Patricia A. Chapman Elizabeth McGuinn Christen Mary Beth Cunnane Dr. Maria L. Czarnecki Linda A. Gheen Eileen Dunleavy Hughes Nancy J. Kaiser Christina L. Kelly Heather Kates Kelly Janet Maloney Miller Jennifer Rotchford Muldoon


CLASS OF 1990 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $1,480 PARTICIPATION: 15% Bridget Reilly Beauchamp Kathleen Burgoyne Carlisle Nicole A. Cashman Nina Loeb Cullen Mary Beth Donovan Carolyn E. Logan Cecilia Loos Jennifer A. MacNeal Mary Kate McGrath May Mary Gibbons Miller Colleen Osborne Mook Megan F. Vergare Ostuni Denise M. Ott Jeanne Gimpel Sandella Kristen R. Seddon Elena Wallace Shields Jodie A. King Smith Catherine Wiley

CLASS OF 1991 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $480 PARTICIPATION: 7% Bethann Serbin Curtin Kathleen Gorman Duffy Maureen Adolph Furletti Patricia A. Gorman Shannon Boyle Koebbe Patrice Guller Melnick Suzanne C. O’Neill Caitlin Mackintosh Schroder

CLASS OF 1992 15th Reunion ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $525 PARTICIPATION: 7% Megan Carey Brogan Christine Loftus Collins Lisa Dombrowski Currie Amy McManus Doyle Megan L. Kennedy Carolyn Gimpel King Joan M. Konow Maribeth Rafter

CLASS OF 1993 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $1,655 PARTICIPATION: 11% Christine Harder Bischoff Victoria Makarewicz Clark Margaret Walsh Czekalski Heather Olivieri DiRienzo Jeannine A. Giordano Dorene McNamara Herron Marie C. McGrath Anita Dudzek McMahon Jennifer Powers McNamara Christa M. Regan Catherine Groark Shields Mary Elizabeth Contorno Winters Amanda J. Woll

CLASS OF 1994 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $1,170 PARTICIPATION: 14% Beth Genuardi Borrelli Kimberly Parsons Brockmeyer Megan Pomrink Charlton Siobhan Christina Forde Crosby Joanne Fischer Ey Stacey Ellen Quinn Gray Cara Dougherty Jenkins Kimberly A. Koschineg Jennifer A. Lamprecht Danielle Marie Penzarella Lasky Megan Fitzpatrick Maloney Alicia Friel McNiven Donna Marie Viti Nardone Laura Suzanne Ragan Megan K. Osborne Romano Alicia Jean Veit Ulager CLASS OF 1995 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $310 PARTICIPATION: 6% Erin N. Allu Jeannine Colasante Detwiler Laura Halligan Kidwell Emily Frommer Marchese

Alumnae Annual Giving Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2006-2007 Janine B. Michaelson Erin O’Brien Karen Ganster Westmoreland

CLASS OF 1996 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $900 PARTICIPATION: 13% Kerry M. Brennan Karen Mullane Bronster Laura Naccarato Cannon Sara Pickens Cavallaro Melissa Whitehouse Connor Ellen Halczenko Donohoe Krista Mignoni Gambel Elizabeth N. Guinan Kristina L. Kopach Karen L. Conn Mavros Erin T. McClafferty Michele Moran McDevitt Megan E. Miller Annemarie Krothe Petroff Melissa Shannon Pitchford Patricia Ann Hanlon Rist. CLASS OF 1997 10th Reunion ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $545 PARTICIPATION: 7% Dayna M. Federici Christa Guidi Eileen M. Haney Cristin R. Harrington Joan Elizabeth King Carolyn P. McKee Kathleen E. O’Keefe Kathryn M. Parsons Lauren Schaffer Stienes

CLASS OF 1998 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $465 PARTICIPATION: 7% Claire M. Bonner Karen E. Wing Davin Susan M. Garges Cathleen M. Jordan Therese De Lisieux McGrath Stephanie L. Miesnik Katie P. Romano Nicole Marie Saitta Jill M. Sommer

CLASS OF 1999 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $340 PARTICIPATION: 4% Amy Borek Angela Kang Amy O’Rourke Erin Sheils Lauren Voss CLASS OF 2000 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $245 PARTICIPATION: 5% Molly E. Coyle Marisa Ann Genuardi Lauren J. Grous Rachel M. Houston Emily A. Jacoby Rachel A. Romano Diana M. Sucharski CLASS OF 2001 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $370 PARTICIPATION: 5% Kathryn Ann Madden Margaret Anne Markmann Shannon L. McGonigle Julia Marie Rocchi

Katie Anne Marie Schuster Jennifer Leigh Uricchio Jordan Leigh Yanoshik .. CLASS OF 2002 5th Reunion ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $185 PARTICIPATION: 2% Jennifer Anne Kerner Kimberly Margaret Liberty Lindsay Elizabeth Skyrm Stephanie Mary Thistle CLASS OF 2003 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $310 PARTICIPATION: 5% Kelly Ann Broderick Bernadette Denise Dinan Elizabeth Anne Hartnett Megan Elizabeth Madden Meghan Ann Malone Amanda Rose Pasquarella Jenna Marie Pellecchia CLASS OF 2004 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $130 PARTICIPATION: 2% Megan Ann Backus Sandra L. Hill Maryann T. Jordan .. CLASS OF 2005 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $290 PARTICIPATION: 2% Courtney Brennan Hain Caroline Michelle Lista Kathleen Moira McLaughlin Emily H. Trymbiski CLASS OF 2006 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $185 PARTICIPATION: 2% Christine E. Dunn Rebecca Ashley Naab Jessica Ann Pasquarella Sarah Anne Raimondi CLASS of 2007 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $95 PARTICIPATION: 5% Kimberly S. Belcher Theresa R. Burke Erin T. Connelly Colleen M. Giagnacova Kaitlin E. McCool Meghan E. Sabia Elizabeth A. Stanowski Meredith L. Taylor


Parents Annual Giving Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2006-2007 CLASS OF 2007 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $31,185.00 PARTICIPATION: 29% Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Arena Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Clement Au Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Batchelor Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bechis Mr. and Mrs. John J. Beichert Drs. James F. Burke and Mary Burke Mr. and Mrs. Dudley C. Buzby, III Mr. and Mrs. William J. Cain Dr. and Mrs. Paul R. Casey Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David S. Cavanaugh Mr. and Mrs. Guy Columbro Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Crawford Mr. and Mrs. John D. Cumpstone Mr. and Mrs. Martin P. D’Amico Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Devenny Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Dunbar Mr. and Mrs. William W. Erhart Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Fellmeth Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Ferrier Dr. Steven C. Flashner and Dr. Deirdre Collins Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Flynn Mr. Richard W. Foltz and Ms. Frances Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Gennaro Sr. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Hirst Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Barry A. Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Keane Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Kirsch Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Lederer Dr. and Mrs. Chen-Sheng Lin Mr. James W. Lombard Drs. Stephen L. and Jane M. Longacre Mr. John Moore Drs. Robert L. and Kathryn O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. O’Leary Mr. and Mrs. John M. Peruto Mr. and Mrs. William H. Pugh V Dr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Puleo


Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Robbins Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Sabia Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Taylor Ms. Allegra Willard-Clarke CLASS OF 2008 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $31,015.21 PARTICIPATION: 37% Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. William F. Begley, III Mr. and Mrs. George F. Beppel Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Breznicky Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Buchanan Dr. Kenneth M. Certa and Dr. Marie Robb Mr. and Mrs. William J. Collier Mr. and Mrs. John E. Daw Dr. and Mrs. Walter W. Dearolf, III Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Fesnak Mr. and Mrs. Terrence J. Foley Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Gregg C. Frederick Mr. and Mrs. William P. Friel Mr. and Mrs. James A. Gallagher Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gavin Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gimpel Dr. and Mrs. Mark G. Graham Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hain, III Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Haney, III Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hunter Mr. and Mrs. M. Alanson Johnson, III Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Kieffer Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kiernan Mr. and Mrs. Bernard E. Kueny, III Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Laschenski Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Lederer Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. Libonati Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Mackell Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Mannes Mr. and Mrs. Patrick K. McGowan Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. McNamara Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. McNamara

Dr. and Mrs. James Menapace Mr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Monaco Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Nolan Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Fortunato Perri Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Pugh V Mrs. Karen D. Pulcinella Dr. and Mrs. James T. Reinprecht Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Resnick Dr. and Mrs. Gustavo Sanchez Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Serpico Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Swartley Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Tate Mr. and Mrs. George A. Tenzinger Mr. and Mrs. James W. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Toth Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Wajert Mr. and Mrs. James J. Welsh

CLASS OF 2009 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $26,550.00 PARTICIPATION: 46% Mr. and Mrs. John J. Barr Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Bono Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Brelsford Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Burke Mr. and Mrs. Donald V. Cericola Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale J. Ciammetti Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Keith M. Coady Mr. and Mrs. Paul Curcillo Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Devenny Mr. and Mrs. Curtis E. Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Ezzo Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Terrence J. Foley Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Geruson Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Gibbons Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Gribb Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Hagan Mr. and Mrs. William F. Hirst Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Kelly

Parents Annual Giving Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2006-2007 Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Kirsch Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Lahann Mr. and Mrs. Terence J. Lawler Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Leporace Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lukach Mr. and Mrs. Michael Maenner Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Mahan Mr. and Mrs. Sean E. Mahoney Mr. and Mrs. Antonio A. Mascaro Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. McBride Mr. and Mrs. Robert McDevitt Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. McKenna Mr. and Mrs. James T. McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Mischler Mr. and Mrs. John J. Nucero Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Pacheco Mr. and Mrs. George C. Pinchock Jr. Mr. Hernan Quinodoz and Dr. Maria Cruanes Dr. and Mrs. James T. Reinprecht Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Robbins Mr. and Mrs. David S. Rocchino Mr. and Mrs. Kent Roman Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rossetti Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Sabia Mr. and Mrs. James E. Schlupp Mr. and Mrs. Bernard M. Shaeffer Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Siedlecki Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Skahan Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Spera Mr. and Mrs. R. Brian Stefanowicz Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Thistle Mr. and Mrs. James W. Thompson Drs. Edward and Patrice Trauffer Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Waters Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Weller Mr. and Mrs. John E. Welsh Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James J. Welsh Mr. Walter R. Whitehill Mrs. Linda S. Whitehill Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wischhusen Mr. Anthony J. Wzorek and Ms. Kathleen Loughlin Mr. and Mrs. Antonio J. Yanni CLASS OF 2010 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $31,6345.00 PARTICIPATION: 42% Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Anderson Mr. and Mrs. George F. Beppel Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Edward Burgoyne Mr. and Mrs. David Busch Mr. and Mrs. Mark K. Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. David J. Caracausa

Ms. Kim Carlone Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Cipressi Mr. and Mrs. Richard Collier Mr. David W. Cox and Ms. Judith Nentwig Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Cummings Mr. and Mrs. John P. Delaney Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. DiGiovanni Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Dougherty Mr. and Mrs. James Driscoll Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Duda Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Duffin Ms. Dorothy Duffy Mr. and Mrs. Gary Dysart Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fabiszewski Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Fellmeth Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Foley Mr. and Mrs. William P. Friel Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gilman Dr. and Mrs. John R. Gimpel Mr. and Mrs. John F. Givnish Mr. Michael P. Gregor Mr. and Mrs. George J. Gresko Mr. and Mrs. William A. Gwynn Jr. Dr. and Mrs. F. Thomas Harkins Mr. and Mrs. William T. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Philip Iannuzzi Mr. and Mrs. Barry A. Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Koc Mr. and Mrs. Vincent R. Leporace Mr. William H. Stieg and Ms. Jennifer Lin Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Mancano Mr. and Mrs. Clifford M. Mars Ms. Eileen Staerk McCann Mr. and Mrs. Gerard I. McCloy Mr. Richard P. Gallagher and Ms. Anne McCormack Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. McDermott Mr. and Mrs. Gerard T. McGovern Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Moyer Drs. Robert L. and Kathryn O’Connor

Mr. and Mrs. Guido Pasquel Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Paviglianiti Mr. and Mrs. Fortunato Perri Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Powell Mr. and Mrs. James Princivalle Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Schuster Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smart Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sobolow Ms. Sandra Stabler Mr. and Mrs. R. Brian Stefanowicz Dr. and Mrs. John M. Travaline Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Wajert Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Waters Ms. Therese M. Williams Mr. and Mrs. George J. Wolf Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Zapalac Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Zilch Mr. and Mrs. Phillip J. Zminda


Alumnae Parents Annual Giving Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2006-2007

Anonymous Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. John C. Adolph Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Augustine Mr. and Mrs. John L. Backus Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Backus Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Batchelor Mr. and Mrs. John Beecroft Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Beerhalter Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Bender Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Bergan Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey H. Blank Mr. and Mrs. William J. Bonner Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Brett Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Breznicky Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Broderick Mrs. Mary Ellen Brown Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burgoyne Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Burke Drs. James F. Burke and Mary Burke Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Byrne Ms. Cynthia B. Capaci Mr. and Mrs. John H. Carney Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cattie Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David S. Cavanaugh Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Cissone Mr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Cleary Mrs. Eugenia Comerford Mr. and Mrs. James F. Conmy Mr. and Mrs. John L. Connolly Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Coyle


Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Cross Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Crumpler Mr. Thomas F. and Dr. Mary Cunnane Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Dalton Mr. and Mrs. Richard Deasy Mr. and Mrs. John P. Delaney Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Demeter Mr. and Mrs. James F. Doherty Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Dougher Mrs. Margaret Doyle Dr. John D. Sprandio and Mrs. Denise Doyle-Sprandio Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Dunbar Mr. and Mrs. Curtis E. Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Dunn Mrs. Jane W. Dunne Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Durkin Ms. Joan Eaves Mrs. Mary Eichelberger Mr. and Mrs. David Espenshade Dr. and Mrs. George E. Federici Mr. and Mrs. John C. Fenningham Mr. and Mrs. John F. Ferraro Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Ferrier Dr. and Mrs. Brian G. Firth Dr. and Mrs. John M. FitzSimmons Dr. Steven C. Flashner and Dr. Deirdre Collins Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Flynn Mr. Richard W. Foltz and Ms. Frances Ryan Mr. Richard Frye Ms. Linda Funke Mrs. Kathleen Quinn Gannon Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Ganster Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Gardner

Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Garvin Mr. and Mrs. Dominic S. Genuardi Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence P. Genuardi Mr. and Mrs. John P. Gibbons Dr. and Mrs. William J. Gibbons Mr. and Mrs. John T. Gimpel Mrs. Maryanne Ginley Mr. and Mrs. James M. Glasgow Mr. and Mrs. S. John Gorman Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Grabish Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Graf Mrs. Mary C. Gregor Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Gribb Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael V. Griffin Mr. and Mrs. John J. Haggerty Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hain, III Mr. and Mrs. Wasyl Halczenko Mrs. Mary C. Harbison Mr. and Mrs. George K. Harris Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison, IV Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Haubrich Jr. Mr. Joseph E. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Hill Mr. and Mrs. William T. Hill Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hogan Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Honeyman Dr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Horstmann Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Hylinski Mr. and Mrs. M. Alanson Johnson, III Mr. and Mrs. Barry A. Jordan Mrs. Renee Kaiser Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Keane Mrs. Madeleine Keehn Mr. and Mrs. Francis C. Keenan Dr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Kenney Jr. Hon. and Mrs. William A. King Mr. and Mrs. James J. Kraus Dr. Bruce Kreter Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Kyle Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Labrum Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Lagreca Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Lambert Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lapowsky Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Larrimore Mr. and Mrs. Denis Lawler Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Lennon Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Lennon Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Lewis Mr. Arthur Loeb Mr. Joseph Logan Drs. Stephen L. and Jane M. Longacre Mr. and Mrs. John J. Longino Ms. Roseann Lucarini Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Mackell Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Maginnis Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Mannes Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Manson

Alumnae Parents Annual Giving Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2006-2007 Mr. and Mrs. Eugene G. Markiw Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Martynowski Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. McAnespey Mr. and Mrs. David G. McBride Mr. John McCann Mr. and Mrs. John M. McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. McGlinn Mr. and Mrs. Peter McGonigle Mr. and Mrs. John V. McKee Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. McKenna Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. McKeon Mr. and Mrs. Edwin McKeon Mr. and Mrs. James T. McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Vincent P. McNichol Dr. William J. Meis and Dr. Mary Louise Schneiders Mr. and Mrs. John J. Meko Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Menna, III Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Messmer Mr. and Mrs. Edwin G. Michie Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George Mirsch Mr. John Moore Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Morrissey Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Murray Mr. and Mrs. David T. Naab Mr. and Mrs. John M. Nevergole Mr. and Mrs. James M. O’Connell Drs. Robert L. and Kathryn O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Osborne Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Owens Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Pacheco Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Parsons

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Pasquarella Mr. Piush Patel and Dr. Pragna Patel Mr. and Mrs. James K. Paul Ms. Jeanette Paul Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Paul Drs. Charles E. and Valerie Pendley Mr. and Mrs. James J. Pettit Dr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Pisano Mr. and Mrs. William C. Raimondi Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Rau Mr. and Mrs. Clair M. Raubenstine Dr. and Mrs. James T. Reinprecht Mr. Eric M. Reisenwitz Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Riethmiller Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony V. Rizzo Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Theodore M. Rogers Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kent Roman Mr. and Mrs. John P. Rossi Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Rothwell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Sadowski Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Sauers Rev. and Mrs. Vincent Saverino Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Schell Mr. and Mrs. John Carter Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Schuster Mr. and Mrs. Bernard M. Shaeffer Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Sheehan Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shewman Mr. and Mrs. George J. Shotzbarger Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Simmons Mrs. Jane A. Sinon Mr. and Mrs. William J. Skyrm Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Slawek Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Sokolski

Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Sommer Mr. W. Jerome Stewart Mr. and Mrs. David P. Strawhacker Mr. and Mrs. Edward Subokow Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Swartley Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sykes Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Tate Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Termini Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Thistle Mr. Raymond Thomas Mr. and Mrs. John F. Tierney Mr. Robert P. Trinkle and Ms. Kathy Pape Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Tumelty Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Uricchio, III Mr. and Mrs. James F. Van Stone Mr. and Mrs. Willard E. Vandiver Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Vergare Mr. James A. Vivaldelli Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Voss Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Walchak Ms. Robyn S. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Waters Dr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Weidig Mr. and Mrs. John E. Welsh Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Werner Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Martin F. Whalen Mrs. Linda S. Whitehill Mr. Walter R. Whitehill Ms. Therese M. Williams Mr. and Mrs. George J. Wolf Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Yaegel Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Yezzi Mr. and Mrs. Edward Z. Zaucha

Faculty, Staff & Friends Annual Giving Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2006-2007 We thank our faculty, staff and friends for their dedication to the Mount and their support of the Annual Fund!

Mr. Peter Alfonsi Mrs. Maria Bechis Mimi Strolle Bender ‘72 Sister Kathleen Brabson, S.S.J. Mary Lorenzo Brelsford ‘66 Mrs. Fran Brett Ms. Judith Brindle Mrs. Janet Columbro Eugenia Cooper Comerford ‘37 Mrs. Maryanne Coyle Sister Karen Cecile Dietrich, S.S.J. Adele Bateman Donahue ‘48

Mrs. Margaret Doyle Sister St. Rose Dwyer, S.S.J. Mrs. Robin Pede Escobar Mrs. Carol Finney Mrs. Jill Gregori Ms. Kathryn Griep Kathleen Kropp Hart ‘65 Carolyn Gimpel King ‘92 Kathleen Dinda Koenig ‘87 Sister Patricia Ann Krochmal, S.S.J. Patricia Adolph Maher ‘89 Mrs. Leigh McFadden Mrs. Marguerite M. McGlinn

Mrs. Sandra Moore Mrs. Theresa Moyer Mrs. Patricia E. O’Connell Mrs. Barbara A. Oldt Mrs. Annmarie Reteneller Mrs. Joyce Sadowski Mr. Gary Sobolow Mrs. Geri Spera Mrs. Sharon P. Statmore Mrs. Margaret M. Toth Mr. Brian Webb Mrs. Ann Marie Zindell


Celebrauction XXIII Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2006-2007

Celebrauction XXIII, held on March 3, 2007, was a great success, raising over $340,000 for the Mount! The gym was transformed into an elegant ballroom and the evening was filled with excitement, fun and friendly competition amongst the bidders. Featured with Sister Kathleen Brabson, SSJ, are Auction Chairs Anne and Steve Gardner who, with their outstanding committee, student volunteers and Auction Director Lisa Henrich, certainly made Celebrauction XXIII an evening to remember.

Silver Sponsors Aramark Board of Directors of Mount Saint Joseph Academy Commerce Bank The Gardner Family Global Packaging, Inc. Grant Thornton Joffe Millwork Jones Apparel Group The Kehan Family McGowan Investors, LP Meniscus The O’Neill Family The Sasso Family Swartley Brothers Engineers, Inc.

Presenting Sponsor

FIRSTrust Bank

Bronze Sponsors

Deloitte D.M. Sabia & Company, Inc. Fox Rothschild, LLP The Johnston Family La Salle College High School McNeil Consumer & Specialty Pharmaceuticals Mulhern Engineers Schubert, Bellwoar, Cahill & Quinn Verizon Voith & Mactavish Architects, LLP

Platinum Sponsor

BPG Properties, Ltd Thomas J. Paul, Inc.

Gold Sponsors

The Gavin Family The Philadelphia Coca-Cola Bottling Co. The Sinon Family

Sponsors Abington Bank Aegis Property Group Akin, Gump, Strausse, Hauer and Feld, LLC Allstate Insurance Company Armstrong, Doyle & Carroll Avalon Real Estate Agency B&W Auto Service, Inc. Belcher Roofing Corporation Bergman & Barrett – Attorneys at Law Berkowitz Klein, LLP Boenning & Scattergood Breznicky Associates, P.C. Blue Haven Pools Bono Family Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney, PC Carr & Duff CB Richard Ellis CBIZ Central Bucks Urology, PC Donald V. Cericola, Jr., CPA


Cer-Mac, Inc. Chesheim Dental Associates Chestnut Hill Chiropractic, PC Coldwell Banker CSS Printing D.A.R. Industrial Products, Inc. Dechert, LLP DeLuca Homes Devon Consulting DHL Express Doyle Consulting Group Duane Morris, LLP E. Allen Reeves, Inc. E.P. Guidi, Inc. Ear, Nose and Throat Consultants, PC Event Mementos, Inc. Federico Associates Fesnak & Associates, LLP Fidelity National Title Insurance Co. Flik by Chartwells Fluidics, Inc.

Flynn & O’Hara Uniforms Garrison Printing G.C. Plastering, Inc. Wes Gerhart Carpentry Genuardi Family Gigliotti General Landscaping Service Gilmore & Associates Dr. Mark Graham Graham Chiropractic Great Room Jay Gress, Inc. Grubb & Ellis Sally A. Gupton, DDS GVA Smith Mack Hain Family Health Advocate, Inc. Hibbeln Engineering Co., Inc. Hill Wallack, LLP Horgan Brothers Hunter Douglas

Celebrauction XXIII Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2006-2007

Hypertension-Nephrology Associates, PC Iannuzzi Construction Impact Dimension Independence Blue Cross Jefferson Heart Institute Jeff’s Sedan and Limousine Service Kelley & Murphy State Representative George Kenney, Jr. John D. Kessler, Esq. Keystone Digital Imaging LaGreca & Quinn Real Estate Services LaSalle University Liberty Travel Dr. Maria Limberakis LTC Stylists, LLC John Luskin & Son Magarity Chevrolet, Inc. McHugh Engineering, Inc. McMonagle, Perri, McHugh Morgan Properties Morgan Stanley MSJA Alumnae Association MSJA Golf Team Mulhern Electric Company, Inc. Nicoletti Beverage Center Nicoletti Family Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nolan NORFAB Corporation Northmarq Capital O’Connell & Company O’Doodles Ophthalmology Physicians & Surgeons, PC Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Orthopaedic Surgery & Rehabilitation Associates Oxford Legal Associates Pennsylvania Heart & Vascular Group

Penntex Construction Company Pepper Hamilton, LLP Peruto & Peruto – Attorneys at Law Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House PODS Peter Rosenman, DMD, PC Dr. and Mrs. Sam Puleo Puliti’s Catering Services Radiology Affiliates Imaging Ragone, Lacatena, Fairchild & Beppel, PC Saint Joseph University Saul Ewing, LLP Schank Printing Christopher Serpico, Esq. William A. J. Schaeffer’s Sons, Inc. Margaret M. Simcox, MD Spiezle Group State Farm Insurance Stradley Ronon Swerp, Inc. Testing and Learning Systems, LTD Daniel L. Thistle, Esq. Tortuga Travel Tozour Trane Unifrutti of America, Inc. United Rentals Viola Construction, Inc. VW & Volvo of Langhorne Weichert Realtors Dr. Christopher Weidig Well Heeled William R. May Funeral Home Willow Medical Home Care Products, Inc. Wulff Architects


MSJA Annual Golf Classic Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2006-2007 The 15h Annual MSJA Golf Outing was a terrific success thanks to the great leadership of Nick Giordano and a team of hard-working committee members. A record number of golfers participated and over $100,000 was raised for the Mount’s Endowment Fund. We are grateful to the following sponsors who helped us reach our goal and contributed to this great event. Tournament Sponsor T.J. Paul, Inc. Course Sponsor McGowan Investors Golf Cart Sponsor PAREC-CYMA Group Registration Gifts Sponsor Swartley Brothers Engineering, Inc. Purple Patrons Brown and Partners Beneficial Savings Bank McNeil Laboratories Schubert, Bellwoar, Cahill & Quinn Course Beverages Sponsor Boenning & Scattergood Golf Gifts Sponsor Deloitte & Touche

Greens Fees Sponsor The Sasso Family Gold Patrons Belcher Roofing Corp. Black & Gerngross, PC Creative Financial Group Audrey & Dennis Durkin Nicholas Giordano Jones Apparel Group Mainland Properties


Orthopaedic Surgery & Rehabilitation Saul Ewing, LLP ServiceMaster Silver Patrons The Allu Family Barthco International, Inc. Commerce Bank Education Management Solutions Formedic Communications The Gimpel Family Brian Stefanowicz Tee & Green Sponsors The DePaul Group Doylestown Anesthesia Associates, Inc. Bernard & Catherine Morgan Tee Sponsors Blue Grotto Technologies Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC Carr & Duff, Inc Continental Bank. Country Bride and Gent Donna & Joe Ferrier

Flamm, Boroff & Bacine, PC The Genuardi Family Friends of Kate Harper Hibbeln Engineers Horgan Brothers, Inc Independence Blue Cross LaSalle University Montgomery Orthopedic Associates, PC Mulhern Electric Co., Inc Ragone, Lacatena, Fairchild & Beppel, PC Angela Stout, DMD ‘83 Stradley Ronan Voith & Mactavish Architects LLP Golf Prize Donors: Tracy Allu Albertelli ’93 Patty Brabson Lou & Maliz DePaul Larry Genuardi and Maryann Furtek Genuardi ’71 Suzanne Serianni Mayes’84 Jim McLaughlin Nick Giordano Liberty Travel Esther McDermott Malazita ’78 Dave Rocchino Kent Roman Angel Stout, DMD ‘83 Benefactors BGA Consultants Flik Independent Schools by Chartwells Health Advocate, Inc. Lois Trench Hines ‘60 Interstate Maintenance Corp. The Stoll Agency Special thanks to: Liberty Travel, Inc. & Maureen Murphy Cook Magarity Chevrolet MSJA Board of Directors Virginia Bendinger Wischhusen ‘70

Scholarship Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2006-2007

The Kelly Ann O’Connor ‘96 Scholarship Fund was established in 1997 in memory of Kelly Ann O’Connor by her parents, relatives and friends. Kelly exemplified the Mount Spirit by her energy, her gentle and carefree nature and her ability to live everyday to the fullest. The income from this fund is to be used to provide tuition assistance to a deserving student who combines a fun-loving spirit with a concern for others. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Aiken Mr. and Mrs. Michael Allan Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Beadling Ms. Rose Bencivengo Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bossow Sr. Mr. and Mrs. James Breen

Mr. and Mrs. Brockmeyer Mrs. Mary Carpanni Mary Sabia Ciammetti ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Brendon Crowther Mr. and Mrs. John D’Lauro Virginia A. Ward Farrell ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. Greg Feliciani Mr. and Mrs. James Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gill Mr. and Mrs. John T. Gimpel Mr. Mark Glanzmann Dr. and Mrs. Eric Griffin-Shelley Ms. Margaret Hagerty Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Halligan Mr. and Mrs. Roger Harrington, Esq. Mr. James Walter Hemple Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hennessey Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Higgins Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kane Kristina L. Kopach ‘96 Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Krystopa Ms. Miriam Ledwith Ms. Suzanne Lilly Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lofgren Mr. and Mrs. John J. Longino Mr. and Mrs. James D. Mahoney Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McAllister Mr. and Mrs. Charles McElwee Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. McNamara Jr. Mr. Jack McNamara Mr. and Mrs. Vincent P. McNichol

The Donna Hanson ’88 Scholarship Fund was established in 2004 in memory of Donna by her family. During her time at the Academy, Donna was president of the computer club, sang in the glee club and was an avid writer. The scholarship will be awarded to an incoming freshman at the Mount who demonstrates financial need and is involved in extracurricular activities during her grade school years. The grant will be awarded in each of her four years at the Mount. The Mount community is most grateful to the Hanson family for their continued generosity. Their gift will have a lasting impact on future Mount students.

Mrs. Wayne Meierdiercks Mr. and Mrs. John Morasco Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. James C. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. James O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Michael O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. William L. O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Leon O’Neill Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Packer Joan E. Morasco Parsons ‘66 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Parsons Mr. and Mrs. James P. Perry Mr. and Mrs. Robert Phipps Mr. and Mrs. Ron Pycz Mr. and Mrs. William M. Reid Jr. Lisa McNamara Rhodes ‘92 Mrs. Mary T. Sabia Mr. and Mrs. Craig Sauers Mr. and Mrs. Wayne L. Seiferth Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sheirer Mr. and Mrs. Dan Siverman Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sokel Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Toland, IV Mr. Michael Tovey Josephine T. Vecchione ‘40 Mr. Eugene Weber Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Weber Mr. William Weber Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Weber Dr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Whitaker Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph White

The family of Martin J. Sinon, parent of Jamie ‘95, established a scholarship fund in his name following his death in May 2001. Marty was an active member of the MSJA Parents’ Association while his daughter attended the Mount. We are grateful to the Sinon Family and to the following donors for their generosity. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Nolan Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Riggall


Scholarship Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2006-2007

The Stephanie M. Arizin ‘99 Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1997 in memory of Stephanie M. Arizin by her parents, relative and friends. Stephanie Arizin truly exemplified the Mount scholar-athlete. Involved in a number of sports, she maintained high academic honors while participating in many areas of school life. The income from this endowed fund is to be used to provide tuition assistance to a deserving student entering her senior year who has demonstrated these characteristics of athletic and academic excellence recognized and appreciated by all who knew Stephanie.

Acorn Financial Services, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Adack Mr. Richard M. Aguiar Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Aitken Mr. Marc R. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Aller Anonymous Ms. Barbara Ardito Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Arizin Mr. Timothy J. Arizin Arizin Enterprises, Inc. Avalon Real Estate Agency B.E.S.T. Best Life & Health Insurance Co. Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Bailey Mr. Andrew P. Baratta Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian Barretta Mr. and Mrs. Frank Basquill Mr. and Mrs. Louis Battagliese Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Beck Mr. Peter Jon Bentivegna Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Booth Mr. James R. Boylan Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James J. Boyle Ms. Teresa Boyle Dr. Brian E. Breslin Ms. Berenice T. Brophy Mr. and Mrs. James M. Brophy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Brophy Mr. Andrew D. Brown Ms. Deborah L. Brown Mr. Jay M. Brown and Ms. Barbara Doyne Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Bryla Ms. Sarah Anne Bunting Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Byrnes C-Store Concepts Company C. Caramanico & Sons, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Cadden Mr. and Mrs. James J. Carroll Mr. and Mrs. James E. Cavanaugh


Chambers & Sons Flooring, Inc. Mr. Andrew L. Cherry Chester Springs Family Dentistry Chestnut Hill Dental Group Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Chiarantona Mr. James W. Christenson Cipperman and Company Mr. and Mrs. David L. Cohen Drs. Jack A. and Lisa A. Collazzo Comcast Spectacor Foundation Mr. Martin J. Connor Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Consolo CORE Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Cubit Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Cunius Mr. and Mrs. John R. Curran Mr. Raffaelo D’Onofrio Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Dallahan Jr. Mr. Paul Deangelo and Ms. Michele Pingar-Deangelo Mr. and Mrs. James A. Dearborn Mr. Perry J. Del Purgatorio Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Devries Mr. and Mrs. G. Fred DiBona Mrs. Sylvia DiBona Mr. Richard A. Dickinson Disability RMS Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Dixey Mr. and Mrs. John W. Doherty Mr. Leo J. Dolan Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Donovan Mr. and Mrs. Christopher E. Dougherty Ms. Rita J. Dougherty Mr. and Mrs. Timothy S. Dougherty Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Downing Ms. Martha Jean Drusedum Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Dulac Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Durante Mr. and Mrs. Milan D. Earl Mr. and Mrs. William F. Egan

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Ehret Mr. William J. Einhorn, Esq. Elite Brokerage Services, Inc. Elliott Greenleaf & Siedzikowski, PC Mr. and Mrs. David R. Ennis Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Enoch Mr. Michael E. Erdos Executive Financial Services, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Mark O. Finnegan Mr. and Mrs. Adam D. Fiore Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Fisk Ms. Regina M. Foy Mr. Gerald R. Frey Mr. Peter M. Fry Mr. David L. Gallit, Ph.D. Mr. Christopher H. Gardler Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Goldbeck Jr. Mr. James B. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Gowen Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Greenberg Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Greer Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Greer Grimes & Grimes, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Eugene K. Gruber, III Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Guarini Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Guarino Mr. and Mrs. Enrico J. Guerrieri H.A. Thomson Mr. Jeffrey H. Hager Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hammond Mr. and Mrs. David L. Harlan Ms. Virginia Hart Mr. and Mrs. John B. Haughey, III Health Reinsurance Management Partnership Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Heck Mr. and Mrs. John F. Heilmann Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Hoban Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Hockman Mr. Paul J. Hondros

Scholarship Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2006-2007

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Hutchison IBM Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Ingelsby Mr. Rob Intrieri Mr. Rayfield J. James Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Karen Mr. William J. Keane Mr. Richard J. Kearney Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Keeley Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Kegler Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kelly Mr. Michael J. Kempski Mr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Kirkpatrick Mr. Harry J. Kirlin Kramer-Warner Associates, Inc. Mr. Timothy G. Kraus and Ms. Nicole Wellmann Mr. and Mrs. John Krzeminski Mr. Dennis M. Kubit Ms. Deborah L. Larkins Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Leonard Mr. and Mrs. Elzie Lewis Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Lewullis Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lobley Mr. Henry J. Lopez Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Loughlin Ms. Jessica A. Lulias Mr. and Mrs. James J. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. James Lyren Ms. Helen S. Madden Mr. Herb Magee Mr. James Martielli Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Marvin Mr. and Mrs. Anton G. Marzano Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. McAdams Mr. and Mrs. John P. McCormick Mr. Kevin McCormick Mr. and Mrs. John J. McCue Mr. and Mrs. William G. McDevitt Jr. Mr. John T. McGirr Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. McGonigle Mr. and Mrs. Marc W. McKenna Ms. Carol A. McLane Ms. Carolyn H. McLaurin Mr. and Mrs. Gregory E. McMahon Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. McMahon Mr. and Mrs. Vincent P. McNichol Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. McQuiston Jr. Mr. M. Khalil Meggett Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Menk Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Meyer Mid County Senior Services, Inc.

Mr. Nicholas C. Milligan and Ms. Donna Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. Milnor Moser Builders Inc. Mostardi Tile and Marble Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Mueller Mr. D. Garry Munson Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Murdocca Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Musi Mr. and Mrs. J. Rodney Musselman Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Naimoli Mr. Gary J. Najarian Mr. Russell Naylor Mr. George E. Nelson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Newman Mr. and Mrs. A. Bruce Niccolo Ms. Kate Nichols Mr. Robert A. Nigro Mr. Edward J. Nolen Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. Nolen Mr. and Mrs. Matthew P. O’Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Onofrio Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Otis Mr. Ronald J. Owen Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Palopoli Mr. Paul Perillo Mr. Joseph M. Pie and Ms. Anne McNally Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Piotrowicz Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Price Procura Management, Inc. Mr. J.Scott Pyott Reliance Standard Life Insurance Company Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Alex J. Rigolizzo Mr. and Mrs. John J. Roach Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Robins Mr. and Mrs. James F. Rogers Mr. John W. Rogers Jr. Ms. Carrie S. Romberger Mr. and Mrs. Carmen V. Romeo Mr. David F. Rumble Mr. William M. Ryan Ms. Katharine M. Ryan-Tadley Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Samuels Sister Loretta Saudarg Ms. Jane Scaccetti Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Schoen Ms. Susan L. Ryder-Scott and Mr. Daniel P. Scott SEI Investments Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Sennett

Mr. Andrew Serano and Ms. Allison Gutstein Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Shanahan Mr. and Mrs. William F. Shanahan Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Shannon Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Sheller Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent E. Shervin Mr. and Mrs. William F. Simkiss SMEDCO Builders Mr. Christopher T. Smith Mr. Stephen S. Smith Mr. Roger Soens Sr. Mr. William K. Soens Ms. Lisa M. Squillace Mary Conway Stack ‘72 Stampone D’Angelo Renzi DiPiero P.C. Stark & Stark Mr. Timothy R. Stokes Stonebridge Financial, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Taraska Mr. Richard J. Lucia and Ms. Caryn Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Tegler Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Tewksbury The Chambers Group The Women’s Board PA Academy of the Fine Arts Mr. and Mrs. John V. Thompson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent L. Tiseo Towers Perrin Mr. and Mrs. John A. Trevisan Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Trubin Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. Tucker Univers Workplace Benefits Mr. and Mrs. James Vankoski Mr. David S. VanOsten Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Voglesong Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Voronko Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Walton Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Webster Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Wechsler, III Mr. and Mrs. George F. Weir Ms. Loralee S. West Wexco Financial Group, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence S. Wexler Mr. Michael M. White Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Wilkins Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. William D. Ziegler Jr. Ms. Stephanie M. Zodtner


Scholarship Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2006-2007

The Alexandra Duzinski ‘99 Scholarship Fund was established in 1997 in memory of Ali Duzinski by her parents, relatives and friends. Ali combined her academic achievement with a great passion for the arts. She performed in numerous concerts, skits and musicals both at the Mount and in the broader community. The income from this fund is to be used to provide tuition assistance to a deserving student who exemplifies Ali’s spirit and commitment to the Mount.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adams Mr. John J. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Apice Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Aspinall Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bant Mr. and Mrs. John Baran Mrs. Sophia Bartley and Mr. Dennis Bartley Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Bleecher Kristen Bohardt ‘99 Mr. and Mrs. William H. Bohnett Mr. and Mrs. William J. Bonner Jr. Amy Borek ‘99 Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Borek Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Borski Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Brogan Mr. and Mrs. Perry A. Cabrera Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Cairone Ms. Mary Campbell Mr. and Mrs. William Cannon Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Carugno Mr. Benjamin A. Chisholm Theresa O’Brien Christie ‘94 Lt. Joseph L. Coffey Ms. Elizabeth Anne Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Francis Corridon Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Creedon Sr. Amy Spiecker Dedic ‘99 Mr. Henry C. DeGregorio Erin O. Delaney ‘00


Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Dellavella Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Demeter Ms. Jacquelin B. DeSanctis Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Devlin Mr. and Mrs. Francis Donohoe Ms. Fran Driscoll Mrs. MaryJane Durkin Mr. and Mrs. Gerald S. Duzinski Mr. and Mrs. James F. Duzinski Mr. Philip J. Duzinski and Ms. Barbara Graham Mr. and Mrs. Stanley E. Duzinski Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Duzinski Ms. Teresa A. Duzinski Mrs. Walter T. Dwyer Mr. and Mrs. James P. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Engelhart Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Firely Sr. Susan Firely ‘99 Dr. and Mrs. Brian G. Firth Ms. Patricia Flick Kelley Schmidt Flynn ‘98 Mr. Ronald Gabor Mr. and Mrs. Brian S. Gahagan Mr. and Mrs. Horace G. Goodwin Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Graf Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Guidi Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Guiliano Mr. and Mrs. Paul Halas Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Hankins Elizabeth Harris ‘99

Mr. and Mrs. George K. Harris Kathleen Kropp Hart ‘65 Mary Kate Hart ‘99 Mrs. Blanche E. Haughton Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Heeney Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark Hinkel Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Honer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Honeyford Mr. Ryan P. Horan Dr. Rosemary Andries Horstmann Rev. Joseph E. Howarth Mr. and Mrs. Darrell J. Jackson Mr. K.C. Jefferson Jessica R. Karpuk ‘00 Ms. Eve Kazakauskas Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Kempf Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Keveney Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kiesel Mr. and Mrs. James F. Klem Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Koch Ms. Anna Marie Kozakowski Ms. Sue Ann Kruszewski Kieran Lambert ‘99 Kathleen Hoffman Lambird ‘94 Ms. Nancy A. Landers Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lange Mrs. Margaret Lehuta Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Levering Ms. Marie Litvinas Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Longo Mary Anne Marchese Lucas ‘71

Scholarship Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2006-2007

Top photo - Some of Ali’s friends along with their moms at the Fundraiser for Ali’s Scholarship fund this past August 2006 at the Glen Foerd Mansion in Philadelphia. (Left to Right) Pamela Roberts, Lauren Roberts ‘99, Rita Whitaker, Karen Whitaker ‘99, Christine Borek, Amy Borek ‘99, Sandra Harris and Elizabeth Harris ‘99.

Erin MacKenzie ‘99 Ms. Kathleen T. Mang Mr. and Mrs. Anton G. Marzano Ms. Kathryn Mazzola Mr. and Mrs. William J. Mazzola Linda Nolfi McAnespey ‘67 Mr. Michael J. McGinniss Mr. and Mrs. John V. McKee Mr. and Mrs. Vincent P. McNichol Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Menna, III Mr. James F. Metka Mr. David J. Meyers Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Mullen Ms. Joann Muraglia Nazareth Academy Grade School Parents’ Association Erin O’Brien ‘99 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. O’Hanlon Ms. Kathleen P. O’Hanlon Ms. Philomena O’Hanlon Amy O’Rourke ‘99 Mr. and Mrs. Norman P. O’Rourke Mr. and Mrs. John T. Olesiewicz Mr. and Mrs. John T. Paul

Mr. and Mrs. John P. Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Anthony N. Radocaj Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Radwanski Mr. Edward C. Rice Ms. Carol Sander Roat Lauren Roberts ‘99 Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Roberts Rachel A. Romano ‘00 Ms. Diane Rose Mr. Michael Rosenello Aileen Rueter ‘99 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Savarese Karen Schell ‘99 Rita Kelley Schmidt ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. James F. Sheffer Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Showler Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Sielski Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Simmons Slabinski Family Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Stasson Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Stevens Ms. Mary V. Stieber Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Stollsteimer Mr. and Mrs. Robert Z. Sucharski

Mr. and Mrs. Terence M. Sweeney Tabernacle Leisurites Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tanski Faith A. Tate ‘94 Jennifer Tate ‘99 Mr. and Mrs. James M. Theiss Mr. and Mrs. Stanley F. Tkaczuk Mrs. Bernice Trotter Barbara D. Tumelty ‘00 Mr. Dwayne D. VanKline Mr. and Mrs. Rejoe Varghese Lauren Voss ‘99 Meghan Seminack Wakefield ‘99 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S. Watson Kara McMahon Weaver ‘99 Mr. and Mrs. David S. Welsh Mr. and Mrs. Stanley S. Welsh Mr. Stephen S. Welsh and Ms. Jean Klem Karen Whitaker ‘99 Mr. and Mrs. Coakley G. White Jr. Mr. Frank J. Wojciechowski Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Zielinski


Scholarship & Restricted Gifts Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2006-2007 George & Robbie Hain Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hain, III Alice McMahon ‘25 Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McMahon Sister Mary Dacey, S.S.J. Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Maginnis Anna Mae & James Cassidy Scholarship Fund Lois Trench-Hines ’60

Annual Restricted Gifts MSJA Crew Team Commerce Bank Mr. and Mrs. James F. Conmy Margaret Loos Kieffer ’84 and Mr. Joseph C. Kieffer Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. McNamara Robert C. White Trust Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Tumelty

F.I.R.S.T. Robotics Mr. Peter Alfonsi Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey H. Blank Cordis Corporation Cybersonics Technology Team 103 Gestalt, LLC Dr. and Mrs. Chen-Sheng Lin Drs. Robert L. and Kathryn O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Pasquarella Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Paviglianiti Suntek Systems, Inc. Ms. Jane L. Young

Did You Know? Over 500 companies offer matching gift programs for charitable donations, including contributions to schools! Is your company one of these 500 companies? If you would like to know and/ or participate in a matching gift program, please contact: Jill Gregori Director of Development (215) 233-1859 50

Grandparent Giving We are thankful to our grandparents for their continued generosity toward the Mount!

Anonymous Patricia Reilly Dehel ’52 and Mr. Frank Dehel Joan Cattie Fasy ’47 and Mr. John R. Fasy Mr. and Mrs. John F. Ferraro Mrs. Mary C. Gregor Marie Rosato King ’46 and Hon William A. King Mr. John McCann Lorraine Sukalski McGlynn ‘52 Joan Gallagher McKeon ’48 and Mr. Edwin M. McKeon Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Morrissey Sr. Mr. Robert L. Toner Mr. and Mrs. John T. Wagner Kathleen Rhoads Waters ’52 and Mr. Nevin F. Waters Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Yezzi

Gifts In Kind Mr. Thomas F. Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Duff Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Kehan Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Kieffer Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kiernan Professional Duplicating, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Stanowski Mr. Robert H. Swartley Mr. and Mrs. James W. Thompson

* Deceased

Specific Contributions and Memorial Gifts Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2006-2007 Gifts in Memory of In memory of Mrs. Maureen Arizin Ms. Barbara Ardito Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian Barretta Mr. and Mrs. Louis Battagliese Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Beck Mr. and Mrs. James J. Boyle Ms. Teresa Boyle Ms. Berenice T. Brophy Mr. Andrew D. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Byrnes Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Bryla C. Caramanico & Sons, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James J. Carroll Chestnut Hill Dental Group Mr. Martin J. Connor Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Consolo Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Dallahan Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Devries Disability RMS Mr. and Mrs. Christopher E. Dougherty Ms. Rita J. Dougherty Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Downing Mr. and Mrs. Milan D. Earl Mr. and Mrs. William F. Egan Mr. and Mrs. Mark O. Finnegan Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Fisk Mr. David L. Gallit, Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Goldbeck Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Gowen Mr. and Mrs. Eugene K. Gruber, III Ms. Virginia Hart Mr. and Mrs. John B. Haughey, III Health Reinsurance Management Partnership Mr. and Mrs. John F. Heilmann Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Hockman Kramer-Warner Associates, Inc. Ms. Deborah L. Larkins Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Loughlin Mr. and Mrs. James Lyren Ms. Helen S. Madden Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Marvin Mr. and Mrs. Anton G. Marzano Mr. Kevin McCormick Mr. and Mrs. William G. McDevitt Jr. Mr. John T. McGirr Mr. and Mrs. Marc W. McKenna Ms. Carol A. McLane Mr. and Mrs. Gregory E. McMahon Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. McMahon Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. McQuiston Jr. Mr. George E. Nelson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Newman Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Price Mr. and Mrs. Carmen V. Romeo Ms. Carrie S. Romberger Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Samuels Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Schoen SEI Investments Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Sennett

Mr. and Mrs. William F. Shanahan Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Shannon Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Sheller Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Simkiss Mr. Christopher T. Smith Mr. Stephen S. Smith Mr. Roger Soens Sr. Mr. William K. Soens Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Taraska Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Tegler The Women’s Board PA Academy of the Fine Arts Towers Perrin Mr. and Mrs. John A. Trevisan Univers Workplace Benefits Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Walton Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Webster Ms. Loralee S. West In memory of Mr. Paul Arizin Mr. Richard M. Aguiar Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Aitken Mr. Marc R. Alexander Ms. Barbara Ardito Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian Barretta Mr. and Mrs. Frank Basquill Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Beck B.E.S.T. Best Life & Health Insurance Co. Mr. James R. Boylan Jr. Ms. Teresa Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Brown Ms. Sarah Anne Bunting Mr. and Mrs. Keith Cadden Mr. and Mrs. James J. Carroll Mr. and Mrs. James E. Cavanaugh Mr. Andrew L. Cherry Chestnut Hill Dental Group Mr. James W. Christenson Drs. Jack A. and Lisa A. Collazzo Comcast Spectacor Foundation Mr. Martin J. Connor Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Consolo CORE Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Cubit Mr. and Mrs. John R. Curran Mr. Perry J. Del Purgatorio Mrs. Sylvia DiBona Mr. and Mrs. G. Fred DiBona Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Dixey Mr. and Mrs. John W. Doherty Mr. Leo J. Dolan Mr. Raffaelo D’Onofrio Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Donovan Mr. and Mrs. Milan D. Earl Mr. William J. Einhorn, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Adam D. Fiore Ms. Regina M. Foy Mr. Gerald R. Frey Mr. David L. Gallit, Ph.D. Mr. Christopher H. Gardler Mr. James B. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Eugene K. Gruber, III

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Guarini Mr. and Mrs. Enrico J. Guerrieri Mr. and Mrs. John B. Haughey, III Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Hockman Mr. Paul J. Hondros IBM Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Ingelsby Mr. and Mrs. John W. Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Keeley Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kelly Mr. Harry J. Kirlin Kramer-Warner Associates, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Lewullis Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lobley Mr. Henry J. Lopez Ms. Jessica A. Lulias Ms. Helen S. Madden Mr. and Mrs. Anton G. Marzano Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. McAdams Mr. and Mrs. John P. McCormick Mr. Kevin McCormick Mr. and Mrs. Marc W. McKenna Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. McQuiston Jr. Mr. M. Khalil Meggett Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Menk Mid County Senior Services, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. Milnor Mostardi Tile and Marble Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Musi Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Naimoli Mr. Gary J. Najarian Mr. Russell Naylor Mr. George E. Nelson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. A. Bruce Niccolo Ms. Kate Nichols Mr. Edward J. Nolen Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. Nolen Mr. Paul Perillo Reliance Standard Life Insurance Co. Mr. and Mrs. Alex J. Rigolizzo Mr. John W. Rogers Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Carmen V. Romeo Ms. Katharine M. Ryan-Tadley Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Samuels Sister Loretta Saudarg Mr. Daniel M. Scott and Ms. Susan L. Ryder-Scott Ms. Jane Scaccetti SEI Investments Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Shanahan Mr. and Mrs. William F. Shanahan Mr. William K. Soens Stampone D’Angelo Renzi DiPiero P.C. Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Taraska Mr. Richard J. Lucia and Ms. Caryn Taylor Towers Perrin Mr. and Mrs. John A. Trevisan Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Trubin Mr. David S. Van Osten


Specific Contributions and Corporate & Foundation Gifts Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2006-2007 Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Voglesong Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Voronko Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Walton Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Wechsler, III Mr. and Mrs. George F. Weir Mr. and Mrs. William D. Ziegler Jr. In memory of Mr. Thomas V. Berko Mary Fenerty Kasinkas ‘48 In memory of Deceased Classmates of 1957 Ann Tushim Csink Linck ‘57 In memory of Molly Stephens DeLaurentis ‘52 Lorraine Sukalski McGlynn ‘52 Willa Byrne Cericola ‘52 In memory of Ann Devlin ‘48 Lorraine Sukalski McGlynn ‘52 In memory of Mr. J. William Holland Rosanne M. Barrett ‘56 In memory of Mr. Michael Joyce Patricia Joyce Maguire ‘77 In memory of Mr. Henry Kropp Sheila Kropp McLaughlin ‘84 In memory of Kathleen Flanagan McIlvaine ‘58 Maryann Herzog Whalen ‘58 In memory of Alice S. McMahon ‘25 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McMahon

Corporate & Foundation Gifts Mount Saint Joseph Academy received gifts to all funds totaling $24,622 from the following corporations and foundations during the 2006-2007 year. We are truly grateful for their generosity and commitment to the education of young women. Aetna US Healthcare American International Group, Inc. AXA Foundation Berwind Corporation Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundations, Inc. Citigroup Foundation Cordis Corporation Dean Special Risk, Inc. Eli Lilly and Company Foundation Exelon Corporation Fannie Mae Foundation Ferrick Construction Co., Inc. Fidelity Foundation FMC Foundation Gannett Match Community Foundation of Louisville Gestalt, LLC GlaxoSmithKline Foundation GMAC ResCap Matching Gift Program

International Paper Company Foundation Key Foundation Merck Company Foundation Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc. MMC Mobil Foundation, Inc. Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Foundation Nuveen Investments Owens Corning Pearson Education Pfizer Foundation PNC Bank Foundation John Charles and Kathryn S. Redmond Foundation SmithKline Beecham Foundation Subaru of America Foundation Suntek Systems, Inc. The Prudential Foundation The Sallie Mae Fund Towers Perrin Tyco International UBS Matching Gift Program Verizon Foundation Wachovia Foundation Xcel Energy Foundation XL America

Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program (EITC)

In memory of Sally Bateman Miller ‘46 Adele Bateman Donahue ‘48 In memory of Nina M. Nolfi ‘72 Virginia L Logan DiLullo ‘67 In memory of Josephine B. Palacio Lorraine Sukalski McGlynn ‘52 In memory of Jane Loughran Ryan ‘50 Dr. Angela M. Stout ‘83 In memory of Helen Branagan Thomas ‘48 Mr. Raymond Thomas Mary Fenerty Kasinkas ‘48 Adele Bateman Donahue ‘48 Gifts in honor of In honor of Joe Blickley’s 50th Birthday Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. McNamara In honor of Charlene Keller Fullmer ‘89 on the birth of her daughter, Grace Keller Fullmer Ms. Lauren DeBruicker


In 2001, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania established the Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program to enable private businesses to designate educational grant funds to schools of their choice and receive a tax credit in return. The EITC provides the opportunity for schools like Mount Saint Joseph Academy to benefit from scholarship funds for students needing financial aid. EITC allows businesses to receive a tax credit equal to 75 percent of its contribution to a scholarship organization up to a maximum of $100,000 per taxable year. The tax credit increases to 90 percent for the business should they commit to donating the same amount to the organization for two consecutive years. For more information on this program, contact Maggie Doyle in the MSJA Finance Office at (215)-233-3177, ext. 316. We are immensely grateful to the following businesses for contributing to the Mount through the EITC Program during the 2006-2007 school year.

Berwind Property Group MSS Movers Specialty Service

Boathouse Initiative Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2006-2007 Mount Crew has existed as a high school girls sweep rowing program since the winter of 2000. Prior to that, several small groups of girls competed for the Mount in sculling events and were coached through local rowing clubs in Philadelphia. The Mount also had a sweep program in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Mount Crew is a recognized Varsity sport and a permanent member of the Philadelphia Scholastic Rowing Association (PSRA). Today, Mount Crew consists of approximately 70 athletes and competes in every girls sweep event available. Mount Crew participates in all major scholastic and club regattas, including the Head of the Schuylkill, Philadelphia City Championships, Stotesbury Cup Regatta, and the Scholastic Rowing Association National Championships. Mount Crew has also competed successfully at the USRowing Youth National Championships (Cincinnati, Ohio), Head of the Charles (Boston, Massachusetts) and Henley Women’s Regatta (Henley-on-Thames, United Kingdom). Mount Crew currently calls a converted warehouse its home. Located on the upper Schuylkill River, between the Fayette Street Bridge and the Flat Rock Dam in Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, the Mount Crew warehouse is part of the Whitemarsh Boat Club (WBC) rowing center. As part of the overall development of the WBC rowing center, Mount Crew has plans to build a new facility, which will include space to house the boats and oars, an indoor winter training room and locker rooms. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ayes Mr. and Mrs. Roger F. Barr Mr. and Mrs. John J. Beichert Mr. and Mrs. Brian F. Belcher Barbara Coupe Bernal ’78 and Dr. Guillermo J. Bernal

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brecht Ms. Gerardean M. Brennan Clare Doney Brown ’78 and Mr. Timothy Brown Drs. James F. and Mary Burke Mr. and Mrs. James J. Cardell Mr. and Mrs. Leon K. Chain Mr. and Mrs. John P. Delaney Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Diaconis Mr. Ralph DiDomenico Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. DiGiovanni Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Dougherty Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Duda Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Duff Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Duffin Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Farris Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Geruson Dr. and Mrs. Mark G. Graham Mr. Michael P. Gregor Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hain, III Dr. and Mrs. F. Thomas Harkins Suzanne Taylor Held ’79 and Mr. Philip J. Held Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Hughes Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Barry A. Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Keenan Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Kehan Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin S. Kelly Megan L. Kennedy ‘92 Margaret Loos Kieffer ’84 and Mr. Joseph C. Kieffer Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kiernan Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey V. Kohler Mr. and Mrs. Gerard J. Laskowski Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Lederer Mr. and Mrs. William J. Leonard Drs. Anthony and Maria Limberakis Megan Lyons ‘01 MaryGrace Maggiano ‘06 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Maginnis

Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Mahan Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Mazurek Ms. Eileen Staerk McCann Mr. and Mrs. William C. McCormick Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McCusker Mr. and Mrs. Owen McGirr Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. McNamara Mr. and Mrs. Anthony B. Mieczkowski Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. O’Neill Kelly Bree O’Neill ‘06 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. O’Shea Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Fortunato Perri Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Powell Mr. and Mrs. William H. Pugh V Mr. Hernan Quinodoz and Dr. Maria Cruanes Mr. and Mrs. Kent Roman Jaclyn Nicole Rossetti ‘09 Mr. and Mrs. William Scher Mr. Francis Schluckebier and Ms. Jo-Ann Murray-Schluckebier Mr. and Mrs. Bernard M. Shaeffer Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smart Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Southwell, III Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Stanowski Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Strano Mr. and Mrs. Frank Talese Mr. and Mrs. James W. Thompson Dr. and Mrs. John M. Travaline Elizabeth Schofield Walker ’81 and Mr. Frederick Walker, III Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. John W. Weber Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Weinrich Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Weller Mr. and Mrs. John E. Welsh Jr. Ms. Therese M. Williams Katherine Loughlin Wzorek ‘09 Mr. and Mrs. Jerrold D. Young Mr. and Mrs. Hani S. Zaki Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Zapalac Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Zilch


Sister Claire Hélène Society Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2006-2007 We acknowledge with deep gratitude the following who have provided for the Mount’s future:

Planned gifts and bequests play an important role in the voluntary support of Mount Saint Joseph Academy. The Sister Claire Hélène Society has been established to honor those alumnae and friends of Mount Saint Joseph Academy who have continued a tradition of remembrance at their alma mater. The society is named in memory of a beloved Latin, relgion and French teacher who inspired two generations of alumnae of both the “old” and the “new” Mount. Members of the Sister Claire Hélène Society are those who have left a bequest to the Academy, or have notified the school that they have created a provision in their estate plans to benefit the Mount. These provisions include trusts, arranging bequests and making gifts of life insurance, naming the school as a beneficiary. These gifts become a permanent part of the Endowment, providing a source of income upon which the school can depend and use to plan for generations to come.

Estate of Alice Boney ’19 Catharine Gallagher Brockway ’47 Dorothy Ann Collins Broze ’71 Estate of Christine Maguire Burlingame ’25 Anne S. Senser Byrne ’53 Estate of Mary E. Clark 1906 Estate of Mary Gillen Crozer ’40 Judith C. Hinkle deTuro ’62 Patricia D’Innocenzo ’72 Patricia Dooley ’65 Estate of Marie Drane ’19 Estate of Nancy Bell Driscoll ’47 Mrs. Diane Fritz Estate of Helen Gibbons ’14 Susan Berko Glass ’71 Estate of Winifred Brady Goetz ’24 Pamela Smith Grimme ’50 Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hogan Mr. Gene King Helen Gross King ’47 Estate of Margaret Mary Hughes King ’36 Ms. Phyllis Lewy Patricia Lawson McDaniel ’46 Joan Gallagher McKeon ’48 Estate of Rosemary McNally ’17 Dolores Roscovich ’49 Marcella Kuttler Bossow Schankweiler ’86 Estate of Anne Bryan Schmidt ’49 Estate of Dolores M. Gustin Shuman ’41 June Smith ’66 Estate of Ruth Liebert Sullivan ’38 All those who have notified the school that they have created a provision in their estate plans to benefit Mount Saint Joseph Academy will become members of the Sister Claire Hélène Society and will be recognized in the Annual Report of Gifts unless they wish to remain anonymous. For more information about the Sister Claire Hélène Society and planned gifts, please contact Jill Gregori, Director of Development, at (215)-233-1859 or return the form below.


___ ___ ___ ___

Please send me information on how to provide for Mount Saint Joseph Academy in my will. I have remembered Mount Saint Joseph Academy in my will. You may publish my name in future listings of Sister Claire Hélène Society members. I wish to remain anonymous.

Name: Address: Phone:


_______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

Please Mail To:

Director of Development • Mount Saint Joseph Academy 120 W. Wissahickon Ave. • Flourtown, PA 19031



Lunch with Santa Saturday, December 1, 2007 11:30a.m. - 3p.m. The MSJA Alumnae Association will sponsor its Annual Lunch with Santa on Saturday, December 1st. Bring your children, nieces, nephews and grandchildren for a fun-filled event, which includes: a delicious lunch, arts and crafts to make/take home, entertainment, a photo with Santa and a raffle drawing! Please include $15.00 for each person attending Lunch with Santa (No charge for children under 1). Make checks payable to: MSJA Alumnae Association and mail to: MSJA Alumnae Office Mount Saint Joseph Academy 120 W. Wissahickon Avenue Flourtown, PA 19031 Seating is limited! Please make your reservation by November 26, 2007. If you have any questions, please contact the Alumnae Office via e-mail at

Reservation for Lunch with Santa Please bring a new, unwrapped toy for Operation Santa Claus! Name:



No. of Adults: Names & Ages of Children Attending: Total Amount Enclosed:

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