Fall 2011 Mount Magazine

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Fall 2011

A Magazine for Alumnae, Parents and Friends of Mount Saint Joseph Academy

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Founders’ Day Celebration October 14, 2011

Focus: Alumnae in the Sciences, page 14 Annual Report of Gifts, page 31

A Letter From the President

Dear Friends, One thing that is true about beginnings is that they provide the opportunity for us to stretch our thinking, to go beyond the present, and to imagine and create the future. Welcome to the 2011-2012 school year! This year is the time of self–study and planning for accreditation by the Pennsylvania Association of Independent Schools and the Middle States Association. We have begun this course of action with days of strategic planning using a model of collaboration and inclusivity called Appreciative Inquiry. In the pages that follow you will read about the dynamic engagement of our board of directors, faculty, administration, staff, parents, alumnae, past parents and students in what has become known as, “Designing our Future: Mount 2028. I am in awe of the creativity, commitment, and belief in our mission that permeates this Mount community; these can only provide the spirit we need to complete this work. While our study promises to be intense, I have no doubt that the Mount will benefit with an even deeper pride in our mission and in the opportunities we offer to help our young women design their futures. We are a great school that can only become better! Please remember us in your prayers and thoughts as we move forward in anticipation of an accreditation visit in the fall of 2012. Quality science education has always been important at the Mount. Some of our alumnae have offered to share where their love for science has taken them. One priority that is on the immediate horizon of the board of directors centers on the need to bring our science wing into the 21st Century. In the past 10 years there has been an explosion of interest in engineering, due in large part to our robotics program. We ask you to join our efforts to help our students experience the best in science education and to have the labs and equipment as good as or even better than the boys have! For now, enjoy the read. This past September marked the 10th Anniversary of 9/11. It was particularly moving to be a part of the prayer for peace, and to remember the many who lost their lives. Our students and faculty flanked the halls as a procession passed by bearing the cross, drum, and flag. We also thought it appropriate to honor this anniversary with two memorial essays written by our alums, Kat Hinkel ’02, a student in September 2001, and, June Smith ’66 a flight attendant, who, though not flying that fateful day, lost co-workers and friends. This edition also contains the Annual Report of all who contributed to the Mount during the 2010-2011 fiscal year. Our success depends on you who believe in us and continue to keep the Mount high on your list of philanthropy. Thank you! We cannot do it without you. I am indebted to our alumnae who have graciously offered to write about what they do to make a difference in the lives of people, to share their hearts about life choices, and to broaden our world-view. This is a very full edition, one that will appeal to many across the alumnae and current Mount spectrum. As you read, keep in mind how our belief in the spirit of our early founders resides in each of our hearts. Let us continue to inspire each other to greatness. Blessings,

Sister Kathleen Brabson, SSJ President

Founders Directory

A Business Directory for our MSJA Community You’re invited to check out the Mount’s Founders Directory, a list of businesses run by Mount Alumnae who have “founded” or created diverse pathways in their lives and/or careers. This directory serves as a valuable networking resource for all members of our Mount Community. Visit http://www.msjacad.org/foundersdirectory.

Table of Contents Founders’ Day Reflection..................................................................... 2 Happenings.......................................................................................... 4

Fall 2011 The Official Publication of Mount Saint Joseph Academy 120 West Wissahickon Avenue Flourtown, PA 19031 President Sister Kathleen Brabson, SSJ Principal Dr. Judith A. Caviston Development Office Staff

September 11th Remembrances.......................................................... 7 Mount 2028: Designing our Future......................................................11 Focus: Alumnae in the Sciences.........................................................14 Profiles of Hope...................................................................................18 Development.......................................................................................21 Alumnae News................................................................................... 24 Annual Report of Gifts.........................................................................31 Quizzo................................................................................................ 60

Director of Development Jill Gregori Director of Communications Elizabeth Racine Director of Alumnae Theresa Moyer Annual Fund Coordinator Leigh McFadden Auction Director Cindy Moore Development Office Secretary Barbara Oldt Phone: 215-233-3177 Fax: 215-233-4734 Website: www.msjacad.org Alumnae Website: www.msjaalum.org Alumnae e-mail: tmoyer@msjacad.org

Save the Date!

Celebrauction XXVIII

March 3, 2012 “GO FOR THE PURPLE & GOLD” Celebrauction Chairs: We are honored that Sherry and John Mischler, parents of Nicole’13 and Hannah’14, have agreed to Chair this year’s Auction at the Mount! For information, please contact the auction office at 215-233-3177 ext 340 or email: celebrauction@msjacad.org


Mount Saint Joseph Academy Founders’ Day Reflection By Kathleen Tully ’12


esus voices His desire in the gospel of John, “May they all be one as we are one.” Like the lace made by the women of Le Puy, France, the Mount community is woven together by the delicate yet powerful charism we all hold within us. It is our mission to cross over and under like pieces of thread to make connections with each other, for we are called to “Look to God, and to Reach out to others.” Throughout my time at the Mount, teachers, students, and friends have repeatedly asked me why I chose to attend school here. With Mount over thirty minutes away from home, it is definitely not the closest school for me. Even though there are three all-girls schools closer to my home, something touched me when I visited here. Our school does have great academics, sports, and facilities; however it was “something else” that stood out to me, something I could not identify at first as an eighth grader looking in. I felt something intangible as I walked the hallways when I shadowed here. Unlike when I visited other schools, the girls at Mount took moments out of their day to get to know me, even as a guest. I felt a sense that I was being welcomed into a new home.

However, it wasn’t until my arrival at Mount my freshman year that I could clearly name why I came. Freshman year was the 150th Anniversary of our school with the theme focusing on our history, our charism, and our mission. This is when I first heard the song, “Legacy.” I was excited and connected to this theme, because it was my call to action; I was invited to join in the legacy of the Mount. The opening reflections all posed several questions: how will you live the mission, what will your legacy be? The question made me wonder, how would I make a difference, how would I be remembered? How would I live out this charism of unity in my life? More importantly, I wondered what is this charism and mission that I was to live? My confusion during Freshman year was broken when a senior, Jackie Nucero ’09, reached out and asked me to join CSC. When she drove me and a few others downtown to serve for the first time, she noticed our nervousness and calmed me by telling me how tutoring at the school affected her. She made an


intent decision to reach out to me, a freshman: to include me, to welcome me into the community. I then felt less intimidated by everyone around me because I felt as if I were a special entity, a part of something bigger than myself. Jackie, to me, lived out the meaning of our charism. She showed me how inclusion and the ability to welcome another into the circle was within me – was within all of us. When I went on the CSSJ conference sophomore year, I had the chance to meet with girls from Sisters of Saint Joseph schools from all over the country. In each one of them, I witnessed the same intangible spirit I see here at the Mount. Look around. Does everyone around you look alike, live in the same neighborhood, or do all the same clubs? I am sure most responses to this question would be no. Here, at the Mount, there is no typical student, but rather a collection of unique young women who are part of a supportive and compassionate community. Though we all call each other and ourselves “Mounties” what do we all have in common besides going to the Mount? What exactly has brought all of us together to share these moments of unity? I believe it is the spirit of this charism and mission that resides in each one of us. As I was invited Freshmen year, I invite you to live out the mission of the Mount: How will you live the charism and mission, how will you reach out to others? Whether you stop a rumor about a classmate, invite someone you do not know well to sit with you, tutor a child, or serve someone their dinner at the Inn, the Mount mission shines through you. For all the upper classes, I encourage all of us to continue to show what it means to live the charism by providing a supportive community. As we all look to God and reach out to others in small ways, we work to bring about the mission in this moment and time in history. Now, as a senior and a member of the one hundred fifty- third class, I have deepened my sense of feeling at home in this community. I know what the legacy is – and I know when I am living the charism and the mission. As Jesus prays in the book of John, “may they all be one as we are one,” I pray that we continue to weave together the strands of our giftedness to offer in this community and the world.

Founders’ Day Album

Founders’ Happenings Day

October 14, 2011

See inside back cover for more Founders’ Day photos. Also, visit the website www.msjacad. org for additional photos and to listen to the Campanile playing our Alma Mater!

Open House


e are grateful to all of the Faculty, Alumnae, Parents and Students who gave of their time and energy to make Open House 2011 such a terrific success. From food donations to decorations to clean-up, your generosity truly makes the difference. Thank you for recognizing Open House as the first step in every Mountie’s journey toward Graduation!


GirlPOWER!! Preparing Outstanding Women Engineers through Robotics

The Firebirds Host Second-Annual All-Girl Robotics Competition!


nce again, the Firebirds Robotics Team hosted their Second Annual all-female robotics competition, GirlPOWER (Preparing Outstanding Women Engineers through Robotics) on Saturday, October 8, 2011. Sponsored by FIRST Robotics and Drexel University College of Engineering, it is the only event of its kind, designed to generate interest and enthusiasm among women for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). To achieve this objective, this fun and educational event, held in the Mount Saint Joseph Academy gym, featured all-female drive teams for the robots— from more than 15 high school robotics teams across the East Coast. Spectators got to see the teams’ 150-lb robots, programmed and driven by the girls, perform amazing feats, and clash in the arena. Congratulations to the alliance of three teams who won the event: The Vulcans (Chestnut Hill Academy & Springside School), Moe (a team comprised of 16 high schools in Delaware), and Bishop McDevitt.


In all, the Mount hosted 559 people who attended the event that included students from every age group from across the Delaware Valley including a significant attendance by Philadelphia’s La Salle Academy. This represents a 60% growth over the 344 people who attended last year’s initial GirlPOWER event. Fifteen robots competed in the gym, highlighted by spirited speeches from female leaders, including Keynote Speaker, Dr.

Rashmi Kumar – Teacher, Educator and Researcher at the University of Pennsylvania, who spoke on “Exploratory and Explanatory Learning--What’s in it for you?”; Liz Plowman, PhD candidate in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Drexel University; Carol Kauffman, retired Philadelphia Regional Director of FIRST, and Patricia DePra, Pittsburgh Regional Director of FIRST. In addition, the Firebirds hosted four hands-on workshops for young students that packed the Fontbonne Lounge throughout the day. The children delighted in the opportunity to touch, handle, and even drive the robots as they learned more about them, the robotics program, and engineering in general. Members of Drexel’s College of Engineering were on hand to assist the Firebirds in working with the children in order to make their own mini “Bristle Bots,” which were fashioned out of toothbrush bristles, a mini-motor, and a AA battery, and robots. Students were also able to learn about ham radio operations. Most of The Firebirds’ 89 team members worked at the event to provide a funfilled day, ensuring that everything ran smoothly. Four Firebirds alumnae, currently in college, returned to mentor and assist. In addition, there were many parent, mentor and student heroes who prepared months in advance and executed flawlessly. Special thanks go to Annemarie Ellman ’12, Firebirds President, who worked tirelessly to coordinate the job responsibilities of the Firebirds, and led them in a way that encouraged impressive teamwork.

Congratulations to Our Nine National Merit Semifinalists, One National Achievement Semifinalist, and 10 Commended Students


National Merit Semifinalists

Featured in this photograph are the MSJA National Merit Semifinalists from the Class of 2012. Front Row, Left to Right: Dana Cinque, Veronica Beck, Reagan Lawn, Brittany McDermott, Elyse Cox, and Sarah Krmpotich Back Row, Left to Right: MSJA President , Sister Kathleen Brabson, SSJ, Katherine Jones, Jennifer Kline, Jaclyn McCadden, Kristen Duda, and MSJA Principal, Dr. Judith A. Caviston.


ount Saint Joseph Academy congratulates its high achieving students in the National Merit and National Achievement Programs. Nine students achieved the rank of National Merit Semifinalist from the Class of 2012, as recognized by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation: Veronica Beck, Dana Cinque, Elyse Cox, Kristen Duda, Katherine Jones, Jennifer Kline, Sarah Krmpotich, Reagan Lawn, & Jaclyn McCadden, who were identified by their high PSAT scores which ranked them among the top one percent of students in the country. Brittany McDermott was recognized as a Semifinalist by the National Achievement Program, an academic competition

recognizing outstanding Black American high school students. Finalists in both programs are announced after the new year, which can bring opportunities for scholarships and recognition from colleges and corporation across the United States. In addition, 10 MSJA Seniors were recognized as Commended Students in the National Merit Program: Nora Bryson, Nicolette Driscoll, Maureen Gallagher, Kelley Grady, Kaitlin Kiernan, Eileen Moran, Shannon O’Leary, Kathryn Sheridan, Colleen Tygh, and Caitlin Weiss. Congratulations to all our Semifinalists.


Breast Cancer Marathon Proceeds to Benefit the Stephanie Leonards Roman Scholarship By Colleen Tygh ’12 Reprinted from The Campanile Mount’s annual Breast Cancer Marathon took place on Saturday, October 1st. Lots of Mounties showed up to show their support for finding a cure! Everyone enjoyed the free food, games, and the run/walk. Mrs. Roman, a previous science teacher at the Mount who passed away a few years ago from breast cancer, has three kids who attended the marathon with their grandparents and uncle. The kids, Mikey, Katie, and Sammy, all had a blast during the water balloon toss and multiple games of capture-the-flag. Mrs. Tina Naydan, mother of our own Mr. Naydan and last year’s graduate Mary Naydan, presented a moving speech about her three-time battle with breast cancer. Proceeds from the Marathon and t-shirt sale, plus many generous donations from Mounties, totalled over $3,000; thus Student Council will be able to donate to the Stephanie Leonards Roman Memorial Scholarship again this year.

Student Council Officers 2011-12


s Mount Saint Joseph Academy begins the 2011-2012 academic year, three new senior Student Council officers take the helm. An installation ceremony was held Friday, September 16, 2011, at which the newly elected leaders promised to lead, serve, and support the Mount community during their tenure. Pictured at the reception following installation are (from left to right) MSJA Principal, Dr. Judith A. Caviston, Student Council Secretary/Treasurer, Brittany McDermott ’12; Student Council President, Colleen Tygh ’12, Student Council Vice-President, Alexa Carboni ’12 and MSJA President, Sister Kathleen Brabson, SSJ.


he Students at Mount Saint Joseph Academy commemorated the Tenth Anniversary of the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks on Friday, September 9, 2011.

The students participated in a moment of silence led by MSJA principal, Dr. Judith A. Caviston, at 8:46 am, the time when Flight 11 hit the North Tower, and at 9:02 am when Flight 175 hit the South Tower in remembrance of all those who lost their lives. Then, during homeroom, there was a moment of silence for all those who lost their lives at the Pentagon. A beautiful prayer was read over the PA system by two students Alexa Carboni ’12 and Mary Ricchezza ’12. The names of those who lost their lives from Firehouse Engine 24, Ladder 5, were read. (This is the Firehouse that the Mount adopted in 2001.) Following the opening prayer and readings, all homerooms had one student come forward to light a candle at the front of their classrooms. The student with the candle then led the rest of the students from their homeroom out into the hallway, where the students lined the halls as they watched the procession honoring those whose lives were lost on 9/11.

9-11 Happenings Remembrance

Tenth Anniversary of 9-11 Remembrance

The entire Mount Community maintained a somber silence as they watched their fellow students carry a candle and a cross, followed by another student holding the American flag. They moved through the hallways to the mournful sound of a single drumbeat. Once the cross, candle, and American flag returned to their starting point, another moment of silence remembered those lives lost at 10:03 traveling on Flight 93 that went down in Shanksville, PA, in Somerset County. PA. To close the remembrance, Jess Riloff ’12, and Catherine Purcell ’12 sang “America the Beautiful,” which was then followed by a closing prayer. In the procession photo (front to back of line) Colleen Tygh ‘12 leads the procession carrying a candle, followed by Jackie Peifer ‘12 who carried the memorial book of the Firefighters from Firehouse Engine 24, Ladder 5, who lost their lives; Olivia Scanlon ‘12 who carried the Cross; Brittany McDermott ‘12 who carried and held the drum, beating as a single heartbeat; and Major John Turner, MSJA History teacher, holding the American flag.


A Day Like No Other ... 9/11 Ten Years Later: Reflection By Katherine Hinkel ’02


ike everyone else, I remember where I was on September 11, 2001, when I heard about the Twin Towers: homeroom, senior year, at the Mount. I remember the look of horror on each person’s face, the solemn way Sr. Mary Dacey and Sr. Karen announced the news to the school over the PA system, and the hugs exchanged between friends and classmates. Who could forget? Ten years later, at age 27, I try to remember what I was thinking at age 17. The biggest problem is the way emotion clouds memory, distilling time into individual images and impressions. The towers smoking. Widespread candlelight vigils. A little girl waving the American flag. A collective sense of shock, then sadness, then confusion, and ultimately, hope. I count myself lucky to have been part of the Mount community at that time. At the Mount, good people-supportive teachers and inspiring women-- surrounded me, all of whom wanted to do something constructive to show our love for the people who died and our support for the first responders. I am sure my fellow Mounties of the class of 2002 remember how we came together in the aftermath of this tragedy. My strongest memories


In Memory of the victims of 9-11-01 What started as a day like any other So quickly went down in history As a day when hearts were broken By an unthinkable tragedy For all the lives that had to change In just a moment’s time For all the people facing pain We have to keep in mind That just a few choices brought this on What’s fighting back is the love of millions There’s nothing else that strong We’re trying for courage As we face this confusion And knowing we have to unite And always in all things Respond with compassion Above all keep the memory alive What began as a morning like any other So soon was pierced by fear People reaching for their loved ones Only wanting to know they are near For all the lives that ended too fast In just a moment’s time For all the people who have passed We have to keep in mind That the weakness of hatred brought this on What’s fighting back is the love of millions There’s nothing else that strong Our prayers go out To the people Who were touched by this disaster Pray for Peace Pray for Peace Pray for Peace

of the days, weeks, and months following 9/11 are ones of positive action. With the encouragement of our teachers and administrators, we as students were empowered to react and cope in our own ways. And, like after any tragedy, taking action helped to mitigate the negative emotions. The school adopted a firehouse in New York (Firehouse Engine 24, Ladder 5), forging a relationship that extended throughout the school year and included fundraising, visits, and correspondence. I wrote a song and performed it at a liturgy we held that week. Our teachers and administrators, themselves dealing with personal reactions, courageously listened to our fears and helped us to combat our grief. Just as our country’s powerful reaction to 9/11 defined the United States, the school’s reaction to 9/11 defined the Mount. We were young, perhaps, but together we made an impact. Individual actions added up to create an outpouring of support, and that lesson has stuck with me throughout the decade since. We promised then never to forget the tragedy born of prejudice, but I hope that now we also remember the triumphs born of compassion.

An Alumna’s Thoughts on 9/11:

9-11 Happenings Reflections

... September 11, 2001 Reflection By June Smith ’66


September 11, 2001, found me in Las Vegas on a layover. I was flying for Delta by then and had picked up a very easy domestic trip for the 36-hour Vegas layover. I woke up, turned on the TV and, while brushing my teeth, heard something about the World Trade Center. I glanced in the mirror to see on TV a building on fire and copious amounts of thick, black smoke billowing into the sky--a real life towering inferno. What was going on? What a nightmare for firefighters and how terrifying for everyone in the building, but it was to be much worse Most of my classmates were than that. The terrorism that much Europeans who were not only June Smith ’66, seated third from the right, enjoys a reunion with of the world and all international her classmates at Alumnae Day this past March. bilingual, but many spoke five airlines had been dealing with for languages. We were told we years had finally reached the shores of the U.S. and it profoundly were the cream of the crop and would be expected to uphold shocked the American national psyche as few events in history Pan Am’s standards any time we were in uniform or on a layover. had. In the space of a few hours civil aviation was changed for By September of 1970 two of my classmates had been hijacked the foreseeable future. to Cuba and by September of ’72 one very good friend had been No Delta flight was involved that day, but I knew what it was like hijacked out of Amsterdam to Cairo by a group called Black to lose scores of friends in a split second. Years before, Pan Am September. The 747 had been lined with explosives, the fuses 103 exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland, with the loss of all souls. lit while still on the final approach into Cairo and blown up once Twenty-three of them were my friends and colleagues. My Mom on the ground. There were seven aircraft hijacked that day by the and I should have been on that flight but a broken foot ruined Black September group and several destroyed but no loss of life. our vacation and saved our lives. The terrible stomach churning There had been rumors for years that Pan Am was a CIA airline feeling I had experienced on a cold December day so many and all employees learned very quickly that it could be a very years before was experienced yet again, my heart broke for the dangerous place at which to work especially for flight crews. We crews and passengers and the innocent people in the Towers were always a target. One friend was even on the cover of Time and in Washington. It was to get even worse, however, when the Magazine as she was the only survivor from the first class cabin full scope of the tragedy became known. Many brave and heroic when boarding in Rome, The Pan Am Clipper was attacked with Americans as well as innocent victims from around the world lost grenades and machine gun fire. their lives that day. Whether we knew someone killed or not, all of us lost part of our American family. Most Americans were blissfully unaware of the effects of terrorism t was the end of May 1970, only two weeks after graduating from Chestnut Hill College, I found myself flying south to Miami on a Pan American World Airways’ 707 for five weeks of intensive and sometimes stressful training at Pan Am’s Flight Academy. I had wanted to be a Flight Attendant for as long as I could remember, and this was a dream come true. The first day of training we were told that for every applicant chosen, 2,000 had been rejected!

on the lives of everyday people, but a beautiful September day in 2001 changed all of that forever. There have always been world-shattering events throughout history, and every generation in the modern communication age has experienced heart stopping moments when everyone can remember where they were when they heard momentous news. Pearl Harbor, the death of President Roosevelt, and the assasinations of J.F.K., R.F.K., and M.L.K. are a few examples that come to mind.

My 36-hour layover turned into a six-day stay as the airline industry was shut down as a precaution. We now know that more than four planes were targeted that day. Yes, America was profoundly shocked and depressed in the days and weeks following 9/11, but out of profound tragedy something wonderful happened. In Las Vegas, people whose travel plans and vacations were disrupted pulled together and rose above their own concerns thinking of others first. In Vegas, there was no gambling standing Continued on page 13


Mount 2028 Designing Our Future by Margaret Toth with contributions by KellyAnn Cilio and Jessica Karpuk ’00


chool year 2011-2012 started this September much as usual with a busy opening schedule: orientations, Back to School Night, and Freshman Tea all within the opening 12 days. Though the schedule was familiar, there was something decidedly different in the air. This year, the preparation for reaccreditation has begun. One step of the self-study process includes creating a clear vision for the school. For the Mount community, that means taking a hard look at where we are today and dreaming of where we want to go in the future. In April 2011, a team of four Internal Coordinators was chosen to lead the school through the accreditation process. Kellyann Cilio, science teacher, and Margaret Toth, Business and Computers Department Chair, were assigned administrative and strategic planning, while Mimi Bender, Foreign Languages Department Chair, and Madeleine Harkins, Social Studies Department Chair, were chosen to work with academics and curriculum. All four members met with Mount’s President, S. Kathleen Brabson, SSJ, and Principal, Dr. Judith Caviston to chart the course. S. Kathleen suggested that the process be conducted through the lens of “Appreciative Inquiry,” a model of analysis that focuses on developing a strategic future based on the positive values and foundation of the past and present. Dr. Caviston suggested the team consider the Pennsylvania Association of Independent Schools (PAIS) model of re-accreditation because of its focus


on independent schools and their futures. Accreditation by PAIS is recognized by the Middle States Association used by the Mount in the past while offering additional benefits. Putting the Mount among peers which face similar challenges and opportunities allows the school to utilize shared learning while also being evaluated by a group which understands the unique position of an independent school in the 21st Century. The Internal Coordinators consulted Ray Wells, a local expert on the Appreciative Inquiry method, and discussed how to address the present-day Mount accreditation process with an eye for the future of the whole Mount community. It soon became apparent that in order to plan for the future Mount community, today’s whole Mount community must be involved. A Strategic Summit, it was decided, would be held on September 16 and 17, where the team could gather the best ideas from members of the Mount’s various stakeholders and use them to build a strategic plan. However, much groundwork needed to be done before that weekend! So, on June 8, led by Ray Wells, the staff and faculty had an inservice on the Appreciative Inquiry method. Ray explained the four components: Discover, Dream, Design, and Deliver. Staff and faculty spent the session Discovering the core strengths of the Mount, sharing their own peak experiences to date, and dreaming about what they would want if there were a “magic wand” that could grant Mount wishes. Not surprisingly,

Happenings Mount 2028

and with a largely unified voice, the core strengths that were identified included the mission/charism, a sense of community, and the Mount’s stakeholders. Some peak experiences cited by staff and faculty included Melanie McLeod, Business Teacher and Forensics Club Moderator, feeling pleased that the forensics team grew so quickly and was winning awards after only three years. Janet Columbro, Athletic Director, cited her pride at the girls winning championships and the spirit it brings to the school. The “magic wand” items were diverse, but a few had strong support, including a science center, more money for the school and financial aid, and more service learning, field trips and travel.

In order to address the challenges, the Design Team hoped to spotlight three essential questions overarching through each of the themes:

So the groundwork was laid.

Armed with this framework, the Internal Coordinators planned a full in-service day for August 31, to challenge the staff and faculty to build on the work of June 8th and “Dream” about what is right with the Mount today and what they envision for Mount 2028. Ray and Kirk reminded faculty and staff of all that was accomplished on June 8th and asked them to continue working on the Appreciative Inquiry model for the proposed strategic planning. This time, the attendees wrote about “what one thing stands out as a legacy left on young women who choose the Mount.” The groups shared their stories at their tables and, then using the stories as a basis, answered, “What are we most proud of at the Mount? How does that reflect our greatest strengths?” The goal of these exercises was to find the Mount’s positive core, which makes the school better and upon which its future should be built, no matter the changes that lie ahead. The faculty and staff identified many positive values at the Mount, including pioneering a sense of social activism, helping students develop their voices, and building student character.

Next, the Internal Coordinators were tasked with creating a Summit Design team. They invited Theresa Moyer, Director of Alumnae; Maggie Doyle, Director of Finance; Jill Gregori, Director of Development; Eileen Wilkinson, Dean of Studies; Peg Green, Dean of Students; and Sheila Kropp McLaughlin, ’84, current parent, to join them in designing the September Summit. The team reviewed the faculty and staff work completed on June 8, and then under the leadership of Ray Wells and his colleague, Kirk Walters, met throughout July, participated in Appreciative Inquiry activities, and created an agenda that would produce great ideas and processes that would allow for strategic planning. The team also had to come up with a motto or theme for the project. Designing Our Future: Mount 2028 was perfect. It was short, clear, and consistent with our mission. The team’s thought was that a baby girl born “right now” could be a senior at the Mount in 2028! We even had two examples among our own faculty: Señora Melissa Gnall-Harrison gave birth to Sofia Valencia March 22nd, and Madame Carole Deshagette gave birth to Cassandre Line on October 4th. These are the students of the future which the group had identified! The Appreciative Inquiry activities also led us to four themes that needed to be advanced through the strategic planning process: Advancing the Mission; Advancing Our Competitive Edge; Advancing Social, Economic, and Academic Diversity; and Advancing the Financial Health and Sustainability. Mission – The Mount, as a sponsored work of the Sisters of Saint Joseph, whose mission is unity and reconciliation, recognizes that on the education of women largely depends the future of society. Competitive Edge – As we continue to progress toward 2028, we want to continue to be the first choice of young women entering high school. Social, Economic, and Academic Diversity – As the world is getting smaller, we need to promote the diversity of our student body, their global interests, and their skills. Financial Health - The advancement of our mission depends on good stewardship and financial sustainability.

1. As we live our mission, what is our most compelling aspiration for 2028? What strategic initiatives (projects, programs, and processes) would support our aspirations? 2. What are the opportunities on which we should focus our efforts as we prepare for 2028? 3. How can we distinctly differentiate ourselves from other schools?

To build on these strengths, the faculty and staff split into twelve groups in which they were asked to discuss opportunities and shared aspirations for an essential question under the one of the four themes. For example, one group listed ideas for Advancing Our Mission: What are the opportunities on which we should focus our efforts as we prepare for 2028? The groups each listed their ideas on twelve individual flipcharts, representing each question within each theme. By the end of this meeting, many positive core values and ideas for the future were in writing to bring forward to the Summit to be held three weeks later. On September 16-17, the Summit “Designing Our Future: Mount 2028” was held in the gym. Invited to the Summit were a sampling of stakeholders from our Board of Directors, alumnae, parents past and present, community members, faculty, staff and students. Approximately 80 stakeholders were able to attend the event. The goal was for every voice to be heard. The Discovering and the Dreaming had been completed by faculty and staff, the flipcharts full of their ideas hung around the gym, and the graphic from the August 31st meeting with post-it notes still attached was prominently displayed. The Summit got down to the business of Designing Our Future.


Ray introduced the Appreciative Inquiry model and then led a discussion about celebrating what is right with the world and what is right with the Mount. The participants then completed a gallery walk of the flipcharts to see all of the work that had been done before with staff and faculty standing nearby to answer questions. Once participants had been immersed in the work of the previous meetings, they were asked to consider how much could change in 17 years by remembering the world and the Mount as it was in 1994. Memories included mimeograph machines, an effort by the Mount administration to designate certain staircases as up or down only, the planning for what is still called the “New Wing” today, not to mention bulky “car phones” that could only be used in cars. With that fresh recognition of the changes 17 years can bring, the participants at the tables imagined the Mount in 2028 and discussed, as if looking back from then, how the school has advanced its mission, its competitive edge, its social, economic and academic diversity, and its financial health. Then together at their tables, the attendees designed a graphic that represented what the Mount would be in 2028 according to their combined visions. The evening ended with the groups hanging their graphics on the bleachers. The next day, representatives of each group shared their graphics with the whole group (see samples at right). Notably, many of the graphics of the Mount in 2028 included a globe cradled in hands. Everyone seemed surprised to realize that the attendees already shared a vision of what they wanted for Mount 2028. Energized by the sharing and still focused on 2028, the table groups came up with five bold aspirations for the Mount in 2028. Again, the symmetry of the groups’ thinking was evident as the top five ideas of each of the nine tables could be categorized into 11 themes. Attendees then divided themselves, and these became the new groups. Of the 11 themes, two were absorbed by other groups. Within these new groups, participants were asked to develop aspiration statements – expansive statements of what the group, as if looking back from 2028, wanted the Mount to have accomplished since 2011. Using the ideas imagined in the previous groups and brought together in these themes, each group drafted an aspiration statement which they presented to the whole group. All of the attendees were given post-it notes and the opportunity to walk around to each of the aspiration statements and leave feedback for the group. One member of each group also stood by the group’s aspiration statement in order to field questions or discuss ideas with individuals from other groups. The groups then returned to work and each refined their drafts into final aspiration statements using the feedback from the other attendees. The nine groups then discussed specific projects and initiatives – ideas the school should start, expand, take greater advantage of, or end. Looking at these ideas, each group completed a chart with the following questions: What do we “sow?” Which projects or services or initiatives do we start? What do we “grow?” What will we expand with the appropriate application of resources?


What do we “harvest?” What initiatives are already in place that will yield without a lot of investment of resources)? What do we “plow?” Which projects or services or initiatives do we discontinue? The groups also identified circumstances already in place that might support or challenge the development of these ideas. As one might imagine, some lively discussions ensued! As they were recording their ideas on laptops, each group also filled in a large poster with their aspiration statement and one idea for each of the sow-grow-harvest-plow categories and posted the charts around the room. The groups presented their ideas to the larger community and then participants were given four stickers, and in one last gallery walk, they were asked to vote for their top four ideas in any category out of all 36 displayed. Realizing that sometimes the best ideas are not always the ones with the most votes, following is a summary of all of the ideas from the charts: Sow: Which projects or services or initiatives do we start? • Faith-based advisory groups • Networking program based on affinity groups • C onnect virtual communities to our traditions • Summer enrichment/academic programs from across the metropolitan area inclusive of grade school girls who otherwise may not have the opportunity to attend the Mount • The Office of Institutional Advancement which includes Development, Admissions, and Marketing • Have student/faculty input with ideas for expansion including: student lounge/ cafeteria and areas they use •C onnection with SSJ satellite classroom to create interactive, visual interdisciplinary curriculum

• One-on-one advising and support • Develop a program to dramatically increase the number of “feet on the street,” involving faculty, administration, parents, and students in cultivating corporate relationships

Grow: What will we expand with the appropriate application of resources? • Curriculum — MSJA curriculum is aligned with Catholic teaching and integrates SSJ history, charism, tradition, and values • Internship program which includes current students • Move Freshman Tea to Chestnut Hill College, which will include background information on SSJ for not only students but parents also. • Mount students tutor/mentor in grade schools throughout the metropolitan area • Alumnae and stakeholder group relationships and mutually beneficial partnerships • Growing the physical facilities • Expand service projects on a global level • A capstone project during senior year that integrates the mission with the curriculum. • Expand outreach to a greater number and variety of local schools to cultivate new “feeder” schools and establish partnerships with new colleges.

Harvest: Getting a yield without a lot of investment of resources • Students are educated in the response of the Church and the SSJ social issues and the signs of the times. • Alumnae role model of giving time, talent, and treasure, with emphasis on how Mount influenced their life. • Introduce mother / daughter and grandparent/ granddaughter traditions • PR in our literature and website reflecting the current diversity • $500 million endowment • Enhanced integrated educational experience • Multi-lingual, multicultural graduates who are citizens of the world • Online learning resources • Welcome government and non-profit groups into school as educational speakers, career mentors for our students, and providers of internship opportunities. Plow: Which projects or services or initiatives do we discontinue? • The hesitancy to incorporate spirituality, prayer, and prayer life into all aspects of school life • Lessening of event-oriented development rather than individual alumnae-centric relationships. • Father/Daughter Dance • Development office, Admission office, and Convent • Garage and Convent building • Traditional, static classroom experience.

• Mind-set that we are restricted to the traditional academic calendar with daytime hours With the vote completed and a closing prayer, the Summit Designing Our Future: Mount 2028 concluded, leaving attendees generally optimistic and reflective about the future ahead. So, the question is: What happens now? The information generated at the Summit is being culled and distributed. The ideas pertinent to the administrative team are being passed to them, while ideas that require long-term planning are being sent to the Board of Directors for consideration in their Strategic Plan. It will be their job to complete the cycle of Appreciative Inquiry and Design a plan for the future that ensures that the Mount will be the choice of young women for generations to come – a plan that will support the Mission, provide a Competitive Edge, incorporate Social, Economic and Academic Diversity, and improve our Financial Health. A summary report has been written for the archives, and there is even talk of creating a time capsule to bury in the Spring. During this process, a few of us realized 2028 is our official retirement year! Some of us, however, expect to be around to make sure the dreams become reality.

Reflection on 9/11 (continued from page 9)

in long lines in department stores waiting to replace items in lost luggage. Churches were filled to capacity; masses at the Las Vegas Cathedral were added to accommodate the standingroom-only crowds. Random acts of kindness to total strangers and courtesy to fellow human beings was the order of the day and not just in Vegas. Americans were pulling together for the good of all as they had not done since WWII. How sad that this was not to last. Ten years have come and gone since that perfect but ultimately dreadful early fall morning. Much has changed in the U.S., for better or for worse depends on one’s points of view. Flying used to be fun, but it no longer is. Is civil aviation safer? In some ways yes, in other ways, the answer is no. An incident like 9/11 will probably happen again at some point, not necessarily to the aviation industry, however, since there are many “softer” targets. Still we cannot allow our lives to be lived in fear and mistrust. There are many lasting lessons to be learned from 9/11. Life is fragile and we should never take loved ones for granted. Nothing is ever guaranteed. It is imperative to live our lives to the fullest every day and to tell people who are important to us what they mean in our lives. We should know this already but we forget, often. It seems we often forget the Golden Rule as well.

The terrorists succeeded on 9/11 but only to a point. They did not destroy our spirit then, nor can any outside agent do that, but we can do it to ourselves. The vitriol seen recently in D.C. and elsewhere cannot be allowed to continue. We no longer pull together for the welfare of all Americans. We have allowed a hardening of attitudes not only in our politicians but also in how we treat one another. Courtesy seems to be a thing of the past. If the terrorists’ aim was to change the American way of life, then they may indeed have succeeded. The Founding Fathers envisioned a land of liberty and justice. Compromise, history teaches, is one of the things that made the American Experiment unique and ultimately great. Have we allowed that to be lost? Do we really believe it is OK to blame an entire religious tradition because of a few fanatics? Do we really believe it is OK for America to torture or to allow civil liberties to be compromised? When did government become a four letter word? We must never forget the lives of those lost 10 years ago or the sacrifices of countless service men and women who served, bled and died for our freedoms. We do not honor them if we allow America the Beautiful to become America the Ordinary.


Focus :

Alumnae in the

Sciences Maureen K. Cahill ’70 Research Biologist, Chemist, Clinical Scientist at Merck Science was never my thing…I loved to write and enjoyed Languages and the Arts, but my father was very realistic in terms of what kind of career I should pursue (to earn “real money”) and what I should major in at college. I talked about Nursing, but my mother, a former Army nurse, would not hear of it. I had done well in Sophomore Biology and Junior Chemistry, but was never a Math genius and feared Calculus and Physics. So, what was I doing in Science? College interviews were difficult. I was accepted for either major – Medical Technology/ Biology OR English. When it came to my father, it was a nobrainer, and I was compliant. I spent three years commuting to Gwynedd Mercy College with a credit load that would still overwhelm most college students today, as it was predominantly science courses, labs, minimal arts, and no languages. My fourth-year Internship was at Bryn Mawr Hospital’s School for Medical Technology with a 12-month laboratory rotation through the various departments where I would spent anywhere from two to eight weeks per department learning and perfecting lab techniques while also attending weekly lectures. My life was consumed with learning, and I loved the clinical atmosphere.


Having been a patient myself, I had respect, compassion and empathy for the patients with whom I came in contact. I was hooked. But, I must admit, I was never in a clinical lab until my first day at Bryn Mawr that hot July day in 1973. (Interviews didn’t count!) So how did I adjust? I made up my mind I wanted to do this and was going to succeed. I still had some 45 college credits to earn during the next 12 months and could not afford to fail – scholastically or personally. My fist job after graduation was in the Chemistry Lab at Abington Hospital. I spent five years there honing my basic lab skills in both wet chemistry and automated procedures while making correlations with clinical conditions and teaching young Med Tech students. Wanderlust and changing career goals in 1979 took me to Merck (then Merck, Sharpe and Dohme) Pre-Clinical Safety Assessment. Essentially, I was performing the same lab tests as before, but now I was analyzing healthy animal samples. At times, the uniqueness of the various species required some tweaking of procedures and now all my science background and lab skills were put to the test. My laboratory acumen was developed in a way that surpassed anything I had ever done clinically. And I was writing as well – documenting all scientific experiments as well as co-authoring scientific posters and papers. I had found a way to satisfy all aspects of my original career goals. And then I wanted to do more with my knowledge – I applied internally for positions in the Clinical Trials area (Clinical Development) and began by writing and editing Informed Consents followed by a position as a Clinical Scientist in Clinical Neuroscience and, just recently post-retirement, Clinical Oncology. Being a Clinical Scientist required me to use all the skills and knowledge I had from the very beginning of my career

the “mouse house.” Without good notes, I wouldn’t have been able to figure out which mice were in my control group versus my experimental group!

So what have I learned about life? Start with a goal(s) and learn to be flexible – have a contingency plan (just in case), and above all, be true to yourself and your ideals. Compromise when absolutely necessary, and always do your best. My humble Med Tech degree served me well in this life. I don’t ask the question “what if” anymore. Life events have a way of taking you along for the ride, but if you have conviction as your life raft, you will survive all twists and turns.

The Mount also developed my writing skills, which were critical for my success in college. Sister Dorothy was a tough critic of those political science papers, but by my senior year my writing skills were more than ready for the challenge of writing college term papers.

Note: I might add the fact that I never met with a Guidance Counselor, as it was not a mandatory aspect of being a Senior. My parents, especially my father, spent a lot of time reading and researching while listening to me talk of my day-to-day experiences in my Mount Classes. He must have heard something…and worked on the prospect that I was destined for a medical career. While not a doctor or nurse, I still played a role in the diagnosis of countless patients, and later, in the development of numerous prescription drugs still in routine use. I feel quite proud to have made that contribution while establishing myself as a Scientist in the pharmaceutical industry.

Teresa A. Colella ’90 Technology Transfer, Technology Manager I work with scientists and engineers who develop new technologies, and I evaluate their “intellectual property” to determine if it is unique and if it has commercial value. I then identify companies that may need these technologies as new products or to improve products that are already being sold. (Basically, I am a “yenta” or “match maker”!) Once I find an interested company for a technology, I negotiate the terms of a license agreement (a special kind of contract). Once the company sells products using the technology, it pays fees which fund additional research and development work at the University. My work also involves negotiating litigation settlements (sometimes our companies sue other companies for violating our patents); developing policies that govern how my employer manages new ideas developed by staff; engaging our researchers education programs to help them learn about innovative research being carried out at companies; and supervising and mentoring other employees. For “fun” I teach evening classes in Molecular Biology and Cancer Research to graduate students enrolled in a Biomedical Engineering Program. So, my job is really a fun mix of science, law and business. My Mount education taught me many things. Dr. Werts taught us how to document our experiments in a neat and organized laboratory notebook. This disciplined approach really paid off, particularly one late night when I was carrying out a critical experiment for my doctoral thesis in the basement of my research building, affectionately referred to as

The Mount taught me how to ask meaningful questions, how to see the “big picture” and how to look at a problem objectively. The ability to process a lot of information and distill it into a simple, meaningful take-away message is critical in my profession, as it is easy to be overwhelmed by information overload!

Happenings Sciences

plus a huge dose of common sense and good organizational skills – something developed at a young age during my halcyon days at the Mount.

Most importantly, the Mount taught and reinforced my Catholic faith. Because of this, I am proud of my identity as a Catholic woman, not just at home and in my parish community, but in the workplace. The Mount teaches us to model our Catholic faith. While sometimes it is uncomfortable to take a stand, the confidence that the Mount instills in Mounties lasts a lifetime. For example, I do not manage any technologies that involve embryonic stem cell research. While my boss disagreed with my pro-life position, I am respected for following my conscience. While others speak poorly about their spouses, I speak highly of my husband. Because of this, my colleagues often comment on how much they admire our marriage. When my husband and I were struggling with infertility, we pursued adoption, while a colleague chose in vitro fertilization. Sr. Jean prepared us well to speak accurately and confidently about what our Catholic faith teaches us about moral issues, while still being gracious and loving to others who disagree. The Mount was an important stepping stone. Without my Mount education, I could have never gone on and succeeded in college, which helped me be successful in graduate school. At the Mount I was encouraged to love learning. Rather than taking the traditional route in science (becoming a full-time professor) or in law (seeking partnership at an intellectual property law firm), I have allowed my career to be an interesting journey of learning new things and, hopefully, making contributions that make a difference. My advice for Mounties is to learn about yourself by trying new things within the comfortable Mount environment (for example, try out a new club – you don’t have to continue if you don’t like it!). The Mount is a great place for failure, as there are loving “arms” to “pick you up” and help you try something new. What are your strengths? Explore your academic interests, and don’t be afraid to explore how seemingly different interest areas may be combined. I think that the most interesting careers are cross-disciplinary. Once you are in college, don’t be set on your major too early. Try out new classes that look interesting and see where they lead you. I told my father that there was no way that I would be a science major, my heart was set on political science. While getting my science requirement “out of the way,” I fell in love with cells. Who would have figured? Take advantage of every opportunity to try out different environments through internships. For example, after declaring a biology major, I thought I might want to be a physician, specifically a child psychiatrist. So, I worked in a child psychiatric unit during a three-week “winter session” and came back to my dorm and cried every single night. My heart simply couldn’t handle patient interface. This experience helped me “scratch” medical school off of my list! 15

You have so much to look forward to, you are capable, competent young women. Take advantage of all that is being offered and enjoy every moment!

Jennifer M. King, MD ’89 Emergency Medicine Physician, Abington Memorial Hospital Emergency Trauma Center Nailgun to the thigh. Chest pain. General weakness. The chief complaints of my next three patients pop up on the tracking board as the charts land in the rack. I scan the attached EKG for the patient with chest pain as I head to search the drawer full of miscellaneous tools for pliers to extract the embedded roofing nail. I never know what situation is going to be carried, wheeled, flown, dragged in handcuffs, or thrown at me when I arrive at work in the ER. But I generally greet it with an ever-present and bottomless cup of coffee in hand. Did my Mount education prepare me for this chaos? No doubt. Now, there was no Shop Class back in the ’80s when Sister Mary Jo oversaw us Mounties. However, I did develop some fairly good hand-eye coordination with a field hockey stick. So I’m not afraid to resort to hand tools if needed at work. And while I am not afforded the luxury of full medical histories and having the benefit of extended time with my critically ill patients, I am not afraid to swing the stick, er, bat and try an intervention that may save a life. I first fell in love with science because of Ms. Davis and gained a level of confidence with biology and public speaking through PJAS projects overseen by Sister Mary Carroll. And, I have to be honest, I thought the frog dissection was pretty darn cool. Of course, the gazillion years of Latin I had under Sister Kitty were very handy during anatomy — vena cava, pes anserinus, flexor digiti minimi. Although I am still waiting for my first Latinspeaking patient to present…it could happen! While my encounters with patients tend to be brief and follow-up is seldom (unless they are repeat offenders, gravity-challenged, or mentally, um, underpowered), I realize that the experience can be heavily emotionally charged. I strive to treat patients with respect, honesty, and equality. To me, that is the true Mount educational underpinning that I employ during every shift. And that I attribute to every Sister and layperson I had the privilege to encounter at the Mount. When you attend a school this closeknit where everyone from the principal to the janitor (Lamar!) knows your name, you gain self-worth and self-confidence that later translates into professionalism. OK, back to the fray—pliers and stethoscope in hand, God in my heart.


Christine M. Macolino ’05 Thomas Jefferson University Orthopaedic Surgery Research Technician My career at the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Division of Orthopaedic Research is to study heterotopic ossification and ectopic bone formation. Heterotopic ossification is the process by which bone forms within the body, outside the skeleton, and develops after surgery or trauma. My research team and I have discovered that nuclear retinoic acid receptorgamma agonists are potent inhibitors of intramuscular and subcutaneous heterotopic ossification with minimal rebound effects. On a daily basis, I can be found at my lab bench processing in vivo samples from mice, performing dissections, analyzing micro computed tomography data, staining for histological biomarkers in sectioned samples or performing image and data analyses for quantitative and qualitative results. I am also pursing a Professional Master’s of Science in Cell and Developmental Biology by taking courses that will ultimately improve and strengthen my background in biology, my ability to comprehend experimental tasks and data and statistical analyses and managerial style. My hope in the future is to focus on limb regeneration and stem cell research. My Mount education prepared me for this position by constantly pushing me to exceed. My job takes a lot of dedication and determination, because 99% of experiments fail. You need to be able to make changes, optimize and see the bigger picture in research. If you fail, try again. I’m constantly asking myself, “How can I make this better? How can I push my research to the limit?” During my years at the Mount, one of the themes was “the hope of the harvest is in the seed.” If deep down you believe you can do something, all you need is a little push and a lot of dedication, focus and determination to achieve your dreams. Looking back on my education at the Mount, I wish I had spent more time in math and science classes. I also wish that the Mount would have prepared me for more “real life” situations and how I could effectively apply math or science problems to real life, instead of just solving for x. You could memorize every equation the world has to offer, but knowing what to do with each equation makes all the difference. I would advise current Mounties interested in careers in the sciences to work hard, be dedicated to yourself and your work, have a passion and a drive to solve the world’s science and medical problems, and never let anyone tell you that you are not good enough or will never make it. If you want something, go for it, and don’t stop until you get it. You are strong, confident, intelligent young ladies capable of overcoming any obstacle the world throws at you. If you need help, ask for it. If you would like to pursue a career in the sciences, focus on math, science, English and arts classes. You will need to know how to compile reports on a qualitative and quantitative level, and beautiful images and artwork based on your data always helps! Every single job in the world will require you to write at some point during your career, so make sure you focus on grammar and MLA format as well. Look for activities that not only feed

your brain, but also feed your social life, because the hardest thing for scientists and medical personnel is communication. Summer internships and rotations in hospitals and university laboratories are always beneficial. Internships will help you realize if the science or medical field truly is for you. Always remember: “On the education of women largely depends the future of society (and science).” Work hard, stay in school and achieve greatness. I know each one of you is absolutely capable of making a deep impact on the lives of others.

Etta Pisano, MD ’75 Dean of the College of Medicine, Vice President for Medical Affairs at the Medical University of South Carolina, and Professor of Radiology My name is Etta Pisano, and I’m a member of the Mount Class of 1975. I received my Bachelor’s degree from Dartmouth College, my MD from Duke University, and completed my residency at Harvard Medical School/Beth Israel Hospital. I have been married for 30 years to Jan Kylstra, MD, my college classmate. We have four children – Carolyn, 25, Jimmy, 21, Schuyler, 20, and Marijke, 17.

Academic Affairs, Director of the Biomedical Research Imaging Center, and Director of the North Carolina Translational and Clinical Sciences Institute. Prior to service in these roles, I was the founding director of the breast imaging service at UNC. In my clinical practice as a Radiologist, I specialize in breast imaging. Despite the incredible progress that has been made, too many women are still dying of breast cancer. Early detection is the key to cancer survival. As a radiologist, I have long been interested in breast imaging and I conducted a study of over 50,000 women on the subject. That study proved that digital mammography was superior to film mammography in young women and that this type of imaging was needed in doctor’s offices. In the last seven years, I’ve also been working on a new type of x-ray imaging – Diffraction Enhanced Imaging. My colleagues and I believe this machine will produce higher quality mammograms at a much lower radiation dose. I convinced a graduate student to help me build a prototype machine as part of his dissertation. Together, we are now trying to commercialize that product in a start-up company, NextRay. My Mount education provided me with a strong foundation both for college and medical school, for my career and my family life. I received an excellent science education at the Mount, and also learned to write well and think clearly. Perhaps most importantly, I was taught that girls could be leaders. The Mount provided me with everything I needed to achieve the personal and professional success I have enjoyed.

Since July 2010, I have served as Dean of the College of Medicine and Vice President for Medical Affairs at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) in Charleston, South Carolina, where I also serve as Professor of Radiology. As Vice President for Medical Affairs, I am in charge of our clinical mission, ensuring that patients receive quality care. As Dean of the College of Medicine, I am tasked with training the future workforce in healthcare – the education of our medical students, fellows, and residents. I am also responsible for guiding the research mission and with faculty development. Prior to my current position at MUSC, I was at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine for 21 years, where I served as Kenan Professor of Radiology, Vice Dean for

Often in life, girls blame themselves when things go wrong, to a much greater extent than boys do under similar circumstances. It is important for girls to feel comfortable with competition and to understand how to win and lose, because both are a part of life. For any current Mounties interested in becoming a physicianleader, it is important that they focus on science and math in high school. It is also important to be well-rounded students, both in high school and in college. The development of good people skills is essential, as is an appreciation for service to others. The Mount fosters all these things very well, and I am very grateful I had the opportunity to study there. The teachers I had and the support I experienced there and through my family have helped make me the woman I am today.

12th Annual

Mount Crew Class Day Regatta Saturday, November 26, 2011 11am – 2pm

Are you a Mountie who loves rowing? Did you always wish that your rowing career could have started in high school? Well, here is your chance to row for the Mount! The 12th Annual Mount Crew Class Day Regatta will be held on Saturday, November 26, from 11am to 2 pm! Boat christening to be held at 11:30 am. Come and see the Mount Boathouse, meet the current Mount Crew Team, and catch-up with other Alumnae. We will be racing boats by Mount class for short (500m) sprints! Visit the NEWLY RENOVATED Mount Boathouse! For more information visit the Mount Crew web site at www.mountcrew.net. 17

Paying it Forward Love Hope Strength By Kelley Osborne Faust ’87


hannon Foley ’93 saves lives. She is cool, adventurous and smart. When Shannon is presented with opportunities, she reminds herself that every experience leads to something else, everything happens for a reason, and we only live once, so, “Why not?” The story of Shannon Foley’s life is amazing; yet, even more amazing is the impact Shannon has on so many other people...she is “saving lives one concert at a time.” Shannon Foley, MSJA class of ’93 is the Executive Director of Love Hope Strength - the world’s leading rock and roll cancer foundation. Since its inception in 2007, Love Hope Strength has been living its mission “to build and support cancer centers around the globe; build awareness of global cancer needs and build international marrow databases through the “GET ON THE LIST” campaign.”

would dress up like a witch on Halloween and hand out candy to our classes. She was involved in every aspect of our education at the Mount and with my brothers at La Salle in the Mother’s Club.” Mr. and Mrs. Foley did a great job raising a great family. Expressing his admiration, Mike Foley, stated, “I’m certainly proud of our children’s accomplishments. But I’m more proud that they love one another. I blame it all on their mom.” They are a spirited family eager to embrace the adventure of life. Molly Foley Harrington ’90

Shannon states that her “Mount education was the best education I could have experienced”, as it enhanced her confidence in embracing life. She made amazing friendships at the Mount, and will have 12 Mounties at her wedding next year to Jeremy Henn. From adventures in Fontbonne (“make like a tree”) to worldwide travel, at every step in her life, Shannon has had a Mount Girl by her side.

LOVE “Who loves you Baby!!” - Shannon’s Dad quoting Kojak



hy not? You only live once!”

– Shannon

Shannon is one of the five children born to Mary Ann and Mike Foley in Lafayette Hill, PA. Her siblings include Pat (La Salle ’88), Molly ’90, Ryan (La Salle ’95) and Erin ’97. Asking Shannon to describe her Mom, in typical rock star fashion, she replied, “She’s the bomb - a dynamo; she hosted many parties; she ran Celebrauction; she is a legend at the Mount. My Mom

I’m currently a married, stay at home mother of four boys. My husband, Brian Harrington, owns and operates restaurants and bars in Philadelphia and other Northeast cities. Brian and I have known each other since I was at the Mount and he was at GA. Shortly after our first son was born, Brian and I were talking about schools. At the time, we lived in St. Helena’s parish and thought our kids would go there for grade school. We were theorizing which high schools we might consider, and I said: “I don’t really have an opinion about the boys, but our girls are definitely going to an all-girls’ high school”. Ironically, we never made it that far, [after having four boys] we gave up on the “girl thing”! Anyway, my connection to the Mount has always been strong. I still have extremely close friends from the Mount - I’ve had them as bridesmaids, I’ve traveled the world with them, and I’ve even Foley ’93 had them help deliver my baby! I attribute much of my successes in college, athletics and life to things I learned at the Mount: ambition, self confidence, competitive edge, relationship skills. There’s nothing like going to school every day with 125 of the sharpest, scrappiest women in the area! It teaches you to be on your toes in any situation - even mothering four boys!

I can attribute a LOT about the path my life has followed to my experiences at the Mount. It was at the Mount that I first discovered my bug for travel when I did a junior year trip to Ireland. That led me first to a semester abroad in Ireland in college, followed by a one month trip to Mexico after graduation (kayaking the coast), and finally to Spain. At the Mount, I deepened my love for Math and Spanish, which prepared me for my twoyear experience teaching English in Barcelona. The day I returned to the United States, I met my husband. I moved to Colorado on a whim with Shannon to help Molly’s husband open a bar. I am currently a mortgage loan officer and a Mom. I’m pretty sure I can say the education the Mount provided laid the foundation for this crazy path!

Hope “Why not? You only live once.” - Shannon Foley I define hope as “positive energy in action” and Shannon exemplifies positive energy in action. After graduating from the Mount, Shannon attended Boston College, earning a degree in Business and Marketing with fellow Mountie, Brandi Barlow, as a roommate. Unsure of what to do next, she picked up a job working for Grant Thornton. Shannon knows the importance of developing strong connections, and when her local partner became CEO of United States Operations, he promoted Shannon to the position of National Director of Brand Identity. Shannon dedicated herself to her career, traveling and spending an extensive amount of time in London for work. Wise in the “work hard, play hard” philosophy, Shannon enhanced her international experience while further developing her sisterly bond with Erin while Erin studied as an exchange student in Ireland. Despite her powerful position in the workforce, Shannon was devastated along with the rest of her family when on February 14, 2001, her brother Ryan was diagnosed with testicular cancer. Cancer would soon come to learn that it has no chance against the Foley Family. Ryan beat cancer. Shannon experienced the satisfaction of witnessing someone conquer cancer and unknowingly experienced an event that would influence her future. Ryan recently reflected, “Shannon’s leadership and altruism are directly responsible for the success of the LHS Foundation. There are hundreds of people out there who owe their lives to her efforts. My family and I are extremely proud of her for making a real difference in the world.”

Shannon, further empowered with the motto “You only live once,” decided to move to San Francisco with her best friend and Mount partner in crime since freshman year, Jen Carroll ’93. (Flashback to 1989 when, as Shannon recalls, Jen’s high hairdo blocked Shannon’s view in class, and as Jen sentimentally reminisced, “Shannon was never, ever, not even one day - in full proper uniform at the Mount.”)

Profiles Happenings of Hope

Erin Foley Bradley ’97

Grant Thornton gave Shannon the OK to accommodate her move, so Jen, Jen’s sister Jess ’91, Shannon and Erin roadtripped to California in two separate cars equipped with walkie talkies and chatted the entire trip. They drove until they arrived in San Francisco at the welcoming apartment of Jeannine Giordano ’93 on September 10, 2001. The next morning, September 11th, the world changed and Shannon once again came face-to-face with how precious life is. Determined to fully live life, Jen and Shannon created memories of a lifetime in their one-and-a-halfyear San Francisco adventure as Shannon fondly recalled “Mount weekends at the Vineyards”. Around this time, Jen was taking key steps along her meteoric rise up the culinary landscape. (You have probably seen Jennifer Carroll on Top Chef or enjoyed one of her amazing meals at restaurants including Le Bernardin and 10Arts).

Embracing adventure, Shannon and Jen decided to experience an African Safari. In Africa, Jen spent her time in the makeshift kitchens in camp learning how to cook culinary catfish over open coals while the safari company noticed the dynamo of Shannon Foley and offered her a job. She declined and came back to San Francisco. As life would have it, Shannon broke her back while wake-boarding. While she was laid up in her bed for a month recovering and working Continued on following page

Photo opposite page: Shannon and a little buddy being treated at the new cancer center in Tanzania - who happened to be wearing the coolest hat ever! Photos, this page, top to bottom: Shannon, Molly and Erin holding the prayer flag of their brother, Ryan, in the Inca ruins of Macchu Picchu. Add a name to a flag at lovehopestrength.org. Photo 2: The Foley Family; (L to R). Back row: Brian Harrington, Pat Foley, Ryan Foley, Mike Foley, Mary Ann Foley, Tony Bradley. Front: Shannon Foley, Heather Foley, Molly Harrington, Sarah Foley, Erin Bradley. Photo 3: Jeremy Henn and his future wife, Shannon Henn Photo 4: Shannon with the kids and lead oncologist in the cancer center in Tanzania.


from home, she received another email from Africa imploring her to come and rebrand their company. Shannon consulted with her Doctor and asked him how long it would take until she could ride a horse. Her Doctor said two months - so Shannon sent an email to her family saying “I’m moving to Africa on January 11”. All replied very positively, with Mom encouraging her to “be safe”. Shannon was most concerned with her Dad’s reaction, as he is a man of few words. When Shannon received some books from her Dad the next day about the history of Kenya, she knew that she had his blessing. His note, “If you’re going to move somewhere, better know something about the history. Who loves you baby!!” gave Shannon all the confidence in the world, as she knew her family was behind her. Go Shannon, Go! Shannon Foley taking another step forward in creating her legacy of changing the world. Shannon lived in Kenya for a year and “learned what I needed and what was essential”. She had one wardrobe in Africa and ate what was put in front of her, wanting for nothing. When it was time to come back to the United States, she moved to New York City, but vowed to keep the experience of Africa as a part of her. Shannon worked as a graphic designer while working on building her Safari business. She once again reunited with her BFF Jen, who, continuing her rise, was working at LeBernardin. Shannon’s restauranteur brother-in-law Brian Harrington (Molly’s husband) expanding his empire, bought a place in Denver and needed someone to help run it. Shannon consulted with her sister Erin, and said “Why not? Let’s move to Denver.” During her experience opening the bar in Denver, Shannon saved enough money to get her business going, arranging safari tours. But, as is life, things happen. And in this case, a lot happened in a little time. While in Vail skiing, Shannon got a call that a beloved cousin had passed away. After she came back from that funeral, she found that her dear friends, lodge owner, Christof Verleyson and safari guide, David Penrose, had both died in a plane crash in Kenya. She flew to Africa to be there for the services and help Christof’s best friend put his affairs in order and pack up his home. On the day of their funeral, her friend who was hosting the service was killed in a hot air ballooning accident. She came back to the United States and found out that one of her best friend’s father had died of cancer and her college roommate’s father had died in a tragic accident. She lost a total of seven people in one month, was out of money and wondered “What am I going to do?” The pain she felt helped inspire the passion behind Love Hope Strength. Her questions started to get answered as two of her friends built a bar and asked Shannon to run it. She became the General Manager of a private boutique hotel that catered to the “who’s who” of celebrity. The connections she made helped create the foundation of the celebrity success of Love Hope Strength. Shannon also started consulting for non-profits by helping them build their brand images, getting celebrities to attend their events and getting the media involved. Shannon had figured out a formula that worked and she stumbled upon a win-win.

STRENGTH “Shannon is literally doing life-saving work, and she’s doing it in an incredibly interesting and innovative way. All things considered, she has one of the coolest jobs of anyone I’ve ever met.” - Patrick Foley Shannon heard about two musicians who wanted to host a concert on Mount Everest to raise money to build a cancer


center in Nepal. Shannon contacted them and took them as her clients but found that their idea was still in its infancy. The logistics, i.e., who was booking them and sponsoring them, had not yet been worked out. Shannon had crystalized her calling. She met with a lawyer and started a charity - The Love Hope Strength Foundation was born. The first mission was “Everest Rocks”, a concert on Mount Everest. All of Shannon’s experiences had brought her to this point. Her travel, her connections with celebrities, her experience in hospitality, and her knowledge of building a brand culminated in this event captured in the documentary, now a regular airing on MTV’s Palladia. In the five years since their launch, Love Hope Strength has led music pilgrimages on six out of seven continents. Blending work and fun, the Foley Girls, Molly and Erin, joined Shannon at the Inca Ruins of Macchu Picchu to create amazing sisterly memories and to celebrate Ryan’s conquering of cancer. As Molly explains, “I am so proud of my sister Shannon’s work with Love Hope Strength. The foundation has touched so many lives in such a profound way, and Shannon is the true driving force behind that. She’s used her ingenuity, strength, and sheer stubborn-headedness to put LHS cancer awareness and bone marrow drives on the map – the world map.” In the third year, at the glaciers of Kilimanjaro, a special full circle moment reminded Shannon of why she does what she does. Shannon’s friend Claudia, who had taken Shannon’s job in Africa, was diagnosed with breast cancer. Her cancer relapsed, and she wasn’t able to climb as planned. Shannon leads an organization that is dedicated to beating cancer, so seeing Claudia struggle made Shannon fight harder. Love Hope Strength opened the very first children’s cancer center in Tanzania in February 2010, 10 years to the day of Shannon’s first African trip, her ninth trip back to Africa. Claudia’s husband came in memory of his wife who had passed. Shannon brings the energy of her personal experiences of love and loss to the mission of Love Hope Strength. The foundation helps raise money and awareness as it works with Rock and Roll legends like Squeeze, The Fixx, The Cult, John Oates, Donavon Frankenreiter, The Stray Cats, Gin Blossoms and more to battle cancer. Wanting to utilize resources that are already available, LHS has teamed with DKMS, the world’s largest marrow registry, to conduct “bone marrow drives at concerts, music festivals and events in the United States and United Kingdom, so that people can find the match that will save their lives”. At this point, Love Hope Strength has swabbed the cheeks of 16,000 people at concerts and located over 100 bone potentially life-saving marrow matches. Shannon’s BFF, Jen, remarks, “I love Shannon to death and wish her all the success that the world can give her. What she does is the most amazing thing, helping so many people and raising so much money to beat cancer.” Love Hope Strength’s Second Documentary, More To Live For was recently released. Thanks to the creativity, spirit and hustle that Shannon Foley brings to the world, many people are leading longer, healthier lives as they fight and win against cancer. In 2012, Shannon is excitedly preparing to return to Mount Everest for Everest Rocks 2 and will marry Jeremy Henn - a former Love Hope Strength volunteer and bone marrow donor to his own brother. The story of their whirlwind relationship is found in detail at www.foleyhenn.com. Continued on page 22

Raises Nearly $70,000 for the Mount’s Endowment

Happenings Development

MSJA 19th Annual Golf Classic


he Mount held the 19th Annual Golf Outing on Monday, October 3rd, at Blue Bell Country Club. The weather was cool but dry for the 140 golfers who participated. They had their choice of participating in the morning or afternoon shot-gun starts.

The Outing was followed by cocktails, dinner, and a silent auction featuring items such as outings at area golf courses, dining gift certificates, and sports tickets. Once again, half of the proceeds from the Outing benefit the Alumnae Endowed Scholarship, which will be awarded to the daughter or granddaughter of an Alumna who qualifies for financial aid. Our sincere thanks to our chairs Michael and Beth Brown, and all of our committee members, sponsors, participants and those who purchased raffle tickets. Their support continues to make the Golf Outing one of the most successful fundraisers at the Mount!

R affle Winners: 1st Prize - Bermuda Trip – Dr. Angel Stout ’83 2nd Prize – Apple I-Pad 2 – Janet Genuardi 3rd Prize – Phillies Package for 2012 Season – Maryanne Pastore 4th Prize – Digital Camera – Kathy Schuck Student Gift Certificate Winner – Annarose Clark ’15


2011-2012 MSJA Board of Directors

The MSJA Board of Directors welcome new board members Robert Duff and Mary Pugh Back Row, left to right: Robert Duff, James Welsh, Louis DePaul, Andrew Maron, S. Kathleen Brabson, SSJ, James Paul, Stephen Gardner, Kent Roman Front Row, left to right: S. Therese Maugle, SSJ, Mary Pugh, S. Marie O’Brien, SSJ, Donna DePaul Bartynski ’70, Mary Merz Berko ’48 (Chair), Cynthia Strolle ’71, S. Catherine Robinson, SSJ, and S. Regina Bell, SSJ Not Pictured: Robert Fabiszewski, John Fenningham, Suzanne Serianni Mayes ’84, Angela Stout, DMD ’83, and Daniel Thistle

Love Hope Strength (Continued from page 20)

In summary, in the words of Shannon’s Mom, Mary Ann, “Who could have imagined that Shannon’s journey from Mount Saint Joseph Academy, to Boston College, to Grant Thornton, Ker & Downey (Africa), to Denver – would lead to her running a cancer foundation?” “I believe that all these experiences gave her the ability to follow God’s plan – building “LOVE HOPE STRENGTH” into a worldwide cancer foundation. Sending the message, “Everyone Can Save Lives—Just Get on the List!!!!!” Mrs. Foley continues, “I have been blessed with a wonderful family. We are so proud of Shannon and what she is doing to save lives and support families who fight the battle against cancer. I hope and pray that someday we will win this war. If you look at the film clips of all her treks – you can see how much LHS


has accomplished in five years. The cancer center for children in Africa is only one example of what can be accomplished if people take the time to open their hearts.” More information about the work Shannon is doing and information on how you can GET ON THE LIST to become a marrow donor can be found at www.LoveHopeStrength.org. Kelley Osborne Faust ’87 runs Sunshine Hope, and is committed to teaching today’s kids about hope and possibility. Look for The SUPERPOWER of ME! - Sunshine Hope’s new book teaching kids about possibility, resilience and life. Visit sunshinehope.com for more information. Email Kelley at kelley@sunshinehope.com.

Kicking Off a new year…


he Mount Fund is the annual appeal for gifts that directly supports the operating budget of the school. Gifts to the Mount Fund narrow the gap between tuition revenue and actual cost per student.

Development Happenings

The Mount Fund Starts the Year with a Purple and Gold Kickoff

Beginning on Founders’ Day, October 15, 2011, and ending in December 2011, each school will track the number of alumnae and current students who give a gift to their school’s annual fund appeal. Any size gift qualifies for the contest. Gifts can be made online at www.msjaalum.org or mailed to the Mount.

This year’s Mount Fund kicked off at the Purple & Gold reception Gifts can be made in memory of or in honor of a family member, on September 21st. Current and past parents, alumnae and teacher or friend; or in honor of your Class Reunion! friends gathered to learn the significance of their participation in this important endeavor and how it Look for more details about this impacts the day-to-day operations of challenge on Facebook and online at the Academy. Annual Fund Giving Clubs www.msjaalum.org. Make sure your The Mount Fund 2011-2012 appeal begins with a Mount vs. Gwynedd Annual Fund Challenge where Alumnae and current students are encouraged to show off their school pride in a friendly competition.

Purple & Gold Club

Fournier Diamond Gold 1858 Founders Silver Harvest Club Campanile Club Principal’s Club

$10,000 and Above $5,000 - $9,999 $2,500 - $4,999 $1,858 - $2,499 $1,000 - $1,857 $500 - $999 $250 - $499 $100 - $249

Mountie profile is updated to receive email blasts about the challenge.

For more information about The Mount Fund, please contact the Development Office at 215-233-1859.


Dear Fellow Alumnae,


A Letter from the Alumnae Association President Autumn is abundantly upon us as the leisurely days of summer wane into the cool, crisp days of the harvest. There is excitement in the air as The Mount community is full of life and possibilities. Just as our history of the Sisters of Saint Joseph brims with examples of how we have boldly transformed The Mount to meet the needs of the day, so too is our Alumnae Association continuing in those footsteps. Our Alumnae Association embodies the spirit of the Mount. It reflects the pride that defines and unites us. In keeping with our rich traditions, we began September with welcoming back over 135 “Golden Girls” to their annual luncheon at Whitemarsh Valley Country Club. It was inspiring to see women from as far away as California joining together to show their Mount spirit.

The chilly weather did not cool the spirit of over 140 golfers at the 19th Annual MSJA Golf Outing. We had a record number of women golfers for the second year in a row. Thanks to the leadership of Co-Chairs Beth and Mike Brown and our committee, we raised nearly $70,000. This is such an important fundraiser, as 50 percent of these proceeds fund the Alumnae Grant which provides a need based tuition grant to the daughter of a Mount Alumnae. Alumnae together with parents, administration and students hosted the Mount’s Annual Open House on October 16. Our Mount Alumnae welcomed prospective students and their families as well as many Alumnae mothers hopeful that their daughters will continue their legacy. Inspired by the runways of New York City, the Special Events committee has worked feverishly to produce “THE MOUNT RUNWAY FASHION SHOW,” featuring fashions by Nicole Miller Philadelphia. It was the perfect opportunity to bring together students, parents and alumnae. Everyone enjoyed dinner, shopping and the current trends for the fall and holiday seasons. Last year, we launched the “Founder’s Directory,” a business directory of Mount Alumnae. If you have not already registered, I urge you to do so. This can be a valuable tool, whether you are networking or wish to pursue a specific business trade. I also invite you to check out the Mount’s Alumnae website at www.msjaalum.org. There you can get additional information on Lunch with Santa, Alumnae Day and many more exciting events! Over the years, we have built a strong community that “educates future founders” and links Alumnae to living lives of leadership and service. It is through your continued support to “THE MOUNT FUND” that future generations can continue this legacy. Spes messis in semine…You as alumnae are the seeds of the harvest. Enjoy autumn’s bounty,

Trish Zugay Burkholder ’74 President, MSJA Alumnae Association

Meet Your 2010 - 2011 Alumnae Association Board Board of Directors President Vice President Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary Treasurer Immediate Past President

Patricia Zugay Burkholder ’74 Erin McClafferty Erfle ’96 Mary Kate Haber Black ’80 Madge Mansell Keehn ’50 Ellen Rosa-Bian Cericola ’82 Charlene Keller Fullmer, Esq. ’89

Board Members Maria Fella Cain ’80 Emily DePaul ’01 Maggie Markmann Dougherty ’01 Patricia Geppert Haber ’79 Barbara Tumelty Kelly ’00 Meaghan Londergan, Esq. ’00


Lorraine Sukalski McGlynn ’52 Heather McKenna-Tausz ’89 Sheila Kropp McLaughlin ’84 Mollie O’Rourke Menapace ’71 Megan Osborne Romano ’94 Jeanine O’Brien Waldron ’92

Honorary Board Members Honorary Board Members Mary Merz Berko ’48

Mary Ellen Carroll Brown ’48

Adele Bateman Donahue ’48

Come Home to the


Happenings Alumnae

Mark Your Calendar! Alumnae Weekend

Friday & Saturday, March 23 & 24, 2012 Reunion Year for Classes ending in 2s and 7s All Mounties are invited to come home to the Mount. Reunion celebrations for classes ending in 2s and 7s will be held. If you would like to be part of the MSJA Reunion Celebration Committee, please contact Theresa Moyer, Director of Alumnae, at tmoyer@msjacad.org or (215) 233-3177, ext. 334.

Board of Directors

Board Members

Freshman Daughters of Mount Alumnae Fifteen Alumnae Daughters in the Class of 2015!

Members Front Row, left toHonorary right: Meghan Board Doyle, daughter of Diane Kyle Doyle ’84, Mary Iggi, daughter of Ann Iggi ’76, Jaclyn Passerini, daughter of Theresa Loughlin Passerini ’84, Kate Fitzpatrick, daughter of Ann Mangan Fitzpatrick-Vecchio, Katherine Maransky, daughter of Patricia Geisel Maransky ’84, Mary Kathryn Owsiany, daughter of Joanne Loftus Owsiany ’84. Back Row, left to right: Emily Christine, daughter of Amy Perkinson Christine ’83, Katherine Mars, daughter of MaryPat McGann Mars ’82, Anna Signoretta, daughter of Dianne Violi Signoretta ’86, Dona Schmidt, daughter of Dona Travaline Schmidt ’77, Emma Tenzinger, daughter of Kathleen McNamara Tenzinger ’77, Jessica Tyrrell, daughter of Christine Dolaway Tyrrell ’86, Paige Pfeiffer, daughter of Anina Armento Pfeiffer ’80, Catherine Morris, daughter of Elizabeth Serianni Morris ’85, and MSJA President, Sister Kathleen Brabson, SSJ, Missing from photo: Morgan Weiss, daughter of Jane Charlton Weiss ’79


Golden Girls Luncheon Joan Smith Agostinelli ’61 Chair of the 2011 Golden Girls Luncheon


raduates of Mount Saint Joseph Academy have always had a strong bond, and the Mount’s Golden Girls (Alumnae who have reached their 50th anniversary), gather each September to reminisce and enjoy each other’s company. The 12th Annual Golden Girls luncheon was held Friday, Sept. 16, 2011, at the Whitemarsh Valley Country Club in Lafayette Hill. With over 135 in attendance, the room came alive with warmth and camaraderie, laughter and delightful conversation. It is hard to imagine that graduation was at least 50 years ago, and these ladies have maintained ties with one another and with the Mount that grow ever stronger as each year passes.


News 1950 Raquel Amram-Perez has just returned from a great trip to the Adriatic. 1952 Patricia Reilly Dehel would like to share that her granddaughter, Simone Patricia Dehel is a freshman at the Mount this year and two of her cousins, Sarah Elizabeth Hegarty ’05 and Melissa Kathleen Hegarty ’10 are Mount alumnae. Alice McCloskey Immel and Ann Spillane Ganley are helping children of migrant workers with their homework. She states, We remembered what we learned at MSJA - “Help those in Need.”

1972 Tina Keane Krinsky welcomes any Mountie to get in touch via FaceBook, Twitter or the good old fashion way of writing a letter!

Alumnae News


desire to take piano lessons and Art. She spoke with S. Helen Anthony, SSJ, who looks great, last year while visiting her mother at the Villa. After the deaths of her two oldest brothers she is left with five siblings and many, many nieces and nephews plus their children.

Claudia Drennen McCarron would like to share that her daughter Meredith (Merry) McCarron ’06 is working for Charity: Water, a charity that builds wells in Africa. Merry credits the 20/20 Project that she did as a senior with getting her involved in this area. 1974 Liz Anne Berko Guenther and husband are now empty nesters! Children, Kurt (28), Stephen (26) and Karl (24) are all graduated and living in the New York, Easton and Norristown areas. Liz has been working at Thomas Jefferson Hospital for 30 plus years and has added Cardiac Care to her list of certifications. Maureen McGlinn Rome is ecstatic to be a mom, at her ripe age, to two year old twins, Ben and Erika. 1979 Lesa Slifer Williams would like to thank the Mount for prayers on the recent loss of her dad, Dr. Harry L. Slifer. She recently purchased a home in Montpelier, Virginia and welcomes any travelling Mountie! 1980 Theresa Conroy now operates a yoga studio in Roxborough named, Yoga On the Ridge. Theresa welcomes all Mounties! Diana Cecelia Greco has been recovering from her second brain tumor and being in remission for over a year. Is now living life everyday to the fullest with God’s help. She continues to look forward to the Class of 1980’s “Monthly Meetings” at MaGerks! Diana is grateful for her family, friends, prayers and support. Thank you very much!

The parents of these children do not speak English and the children are lucky to go to American Schools and learn all they can. See you in September! 1954 Marjorie Todd Shaughnessy is looking forward to visiting classmate, Jady Ung Li, in Vancouver on return from her Alaskan Cruise in August. 1956 Molly Scanlan Kelly just went on a Catholic Pilgrimage to Lourdes and Fatima, saying it was awesome! God is good! Sara Lee Hayden Murphy and husband, Bill, are still splitting their time between Jackson, Wyoming and Vero Beach, Florida. In January they will welcome their first grandchild, Vivian Hayden Murphy. 1966 Kathleen Beaty Young is single again and retired, and states that life is good in Connecticut! Kathleen is fulfilling a lifetime

1983 Jennifer Meis Kurtz is having a busy year. Children are all in high school at Penn Charter. Her oldest will be looking at colleges this summer. Besides being in Avalon, NJ she will be taking her youngest daughter on a photography tour of Europe this summer. Jennifer enjoys keeping in touch with everyone on Facebook! 1985 Elizabeth Serianni Morris announces that her daughter, Catherine, is a freshman in MSJA’s Class of 2015. 1987 Amy O’Meara Chambers states that life is good in West Michigan! She just moved onto the water with hubby Randy and kids, Kathryn (10) and Max (8). They have become a kayak family. Amy changed jobs and is now the Chief Legal and Marketing Officer for a large radiology practice. Finding more time for family and friends. It has been a great year! Adrienne Ragan Kowalski and her husband, Tim welcomed Susanna Kathryn Kowalski. “Katie” joins brother TJ and sister Michaela.


Diane K. Lennon has been teaching since September 1993 at Neshaminy Middle School, 6th grade Social Studies. Her degrees include Elementary Education, and a Masters’ in Educational Psychology.

global trade and corporate legal matters at Ralph Lauren’s headquarters in New York City. She is available to serve as a point of reference for Mount students interested in having a legal career in the fashion world.

Margaret McCann Stone and her husband, Michael live in Royersford, PA with their two children, son, Cooper (7) and daughter, Maddox (6). Maggie is a Senior Project Administrator at GSI Commerce, in King of Prussia.

Kathryn May Parsons married Sean Michael Wills, on April 30, 2011 at Fort Myers Beach, Florida. Kathy’s attendants were Kimberly Parsons Brockmeyer ’94, Monica Parsons along

1989 Ann Lynch became a licensed private pilot after passing all her tests in February, 2010. She is working on an instrument rating. Ann is living in Virginia with her husband, Gunter Luepke, a physics professor at the College of William and Mary.

with Megan O’Connor Tropiano ’96. There was a post wedding reception at the Flourtown Country Club on June 3rd. 1998 Cheryl Haig Marquette and husband, Ken, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Darby Elizabeth, on March 29, 2010. She joines her big brother, Ethan (4) in the family and the two have been inseparable since then. 1990 Linda Yezzi Schubert and husband, Tom, announce the birth of a baby boy, Matthew Frederick, on February 17, 2011. He joins big brothers, Brian (6) and Patrick (3).

2000 Mary Bertels celebrated her upcoming marriage to Ron Perrotta at the bridesmaid luncheon on August 11th, held at the Ritz Carlton with help from Jen Carroll ’93, Bravo Top Chef.

1991 Jill Carol Maggs earned her Doctorate in Education from the University of London U.K. Her dissertation was entitled: Keeping it Real: The Experience of Underprepared Students in College. Members of the Class of ‘91 gathered to celebrate their 20th Anniversary.

The wedding was August 12th at old St. Joseph’s Church in Philadelphia with the reception and dinner at the Ritz Carlton, Philadelphia. The couple resides in New York City. (From left to right) Catherine Bertels ’08, maid of honor, Mary, Jen Carroll ’93, Top Chef, Sarah Martynowski ’00, bridesmaid, and Teresa Bertels ’06, maid of honor. 1993 Marie C. McGrath, Ph.D. was named the Pennsylvania Psychological Association’s Early Career Psychologist of the Year, on June 17th in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. 1994 Amy Smith McLaughlin and husband, Ed, are pleased to announce the birth of their first child. Violet Hope was born on April 20, 2011. 1997 Kathleen (Kate) Bouquard, Esq. has joined the Ralph Lauren Corporation as the Senior Director of Compliance, handling


Jackie Strzepek married Eric Vintimilla on August 20, 2011 in Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia. Jackie has her Masters’ Degree in Communications and works as a Communications Specialist & Event Planning lead for the Federal Government. Eric has his Masters’ from Penn state University in Software Engineering and works at Thomas Jefferson University. 2002 Caroline Harkins Gorman married Seth Gorman on July 30, 2011, in Philadelphia. The following Mounties were in attendance. (Clockwise starting from top left) Kelly Beavers Pustizzi ’96, Susan Von Hacht Loughery ’72, Margaret Coupe Vesci ’70, Tara Vesci ’96, Gina Vasoli ’02, Dominique Green ’02, Meggie Goettner ’02, Katie Kerr ’05, Katie Gallagher ’05,

at Rutgers, Regina received her Juris Doctor degree cum laude in May. She was also a member of the Rutgers Trial Advocacy Competition team that placed fifth in the national American Association for Justice Student Advocacy Trial Competition in Las Vegas in March. Regina has also been selected to serve as a judicial clerk to the Honorable Heidi Willis Currier, a Superior Court judge in Middlesex county, civil Division, for 2011-2012.

Georgia Kelly ’15, Caroline Harkins Gorman ’02, Madeleine Harkins ’00 and Melissa Vesci ’00. Lindsay Skyrm McCoy married Brian McCoy on August 6th at Normandy Farm. Mounties in attendance included Kristen Kalick ’01, Jennifer Russell ’02, Genevieve Spering ’02 and Emily Mannes Leventhal ’02. Lindsay and Brian reside

2005 Bridget Gannon was promoted to Coordinator of the Washington Nationals Dream Foundation, which is the charitable arm of the Washington Nationals baseball team in Washington, DC. She has been with the Nats since 2008 but will now work towards improving the lives of children and families in the Washington Capital region through community partnerships focused on children’s education, health and recreation. Colleen (Issie) Durkin Lapowsky is living her dream in New York City, working as a full time staff reporter for INC Magazine. Her personal focus is successful entrepreneurs with a social conscience. 2006 Jessica Ann Cades graduated from Drexel University on June 10, 2011 and is moving to Baltimore to attend John Hopkins for her PhD in Pharmacology. Jessica’s mother, Monica, credits her great teachers at the Mount for an excellent education. 2008 Indira Friel met Caitie Daw ’08 for lunch while vacationing in London. Caitie was taking a break from finals at the London School of Economics. They visited the Portobello Road Market and had great Greek food in Chelsea. Having fun talking about Mount friends and memories from 3,000 miles away!

in Willow Grove. In May, Lindsay graduated with honors from Gwynedd Mercy College (Graduate Division) and was awarded a Masters’ degree in Education. She is now a first grade teacher at The Shawmont School in Roxborough. 2004 Talia Bellingham married Leonard Babula, III this past spring on May 28th, at Saint Philip Neri church in Lafayette Hill with the reception following at the Meadowlands Country Club in Blue Bell. Talia’s sister Dara Bellingham ’10 was her maid of honor. Danielle Kidd received her Juris Doctor from The George Washington University Law School in May 2011. At GW, she served as an editor for The Public Contract Law Journal, an American Bar Association publication. Her scholarly Note, E-Verify: Promoting Accountability and Transparency in Federal Procurement through Electronic Employment Verification, was published in the Journal’s spring 2011 Edition. Throughout law school, Danielle interned with various federal agencies. She currently is employed by the U.S. General Services Administration in Washington, D.C., where she focuses on federal procurement issues. Regina McKenna a 2011 graduate of Rutgers School of LawCamden was the recipient of the 2011 James J. Manderino Award for Trial Advocacy from the Philadelphia Trial Lawyers Association. The annual award commemorates Manderino, the late Speaker of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. While

Amanda Nolan has been named to the 2011 spring Dean’s List at Loyola University, Maryland. 2009 Alexandra McDevitt has made the Dean’s List at Wake Forest University for her sophomore year and was asked into the WFU Chapter of the Golden International Society. Parents Corner Anne and Leon Chain would like to thank the Mount for providing their daughter, Amanda Chain ’07, with a wonderful education and environment. Amanda graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a double major of Classical Studies and Political Science. She is an honor student and a four year varsity athlete with the NCAA division one Women Rowing Team. Amanda has received a fellowship and will be working and studying in England starting in the fall. George and Patricia Shotzbarger would like to share that their daughter, Carol Shotzbarger ’04 is working in Teach for America at Mastery Charter – Smedley Elementary School in Frankford. She teaches kindergarten and 2nd graders in social science and physical science. Carol is also studying for her MS Ed at Penn Grad School.

Mount Magazine

Deadlines for Alumnae News Winter Magazine Summer Magazine January 3, 2012 June 1, 2012 Photos must be high-resolution (300 dpi). Email submissions to tmoyer@msjacad.org.


New Arrivals Adrienne Ragan Kowalski ’87, a daughter, Susanna Kathryn “Katie” Linda Yezzi Schubert ’90, a son, Matthew Frederick Kimberly Parsons Brockmeyer ’94, a daughter, Cristina Holland Amy Smith McLaughlin ’94, a daughter, Violet Hope Karen Conn Mavros ’96, a daughter, Evelyn Jane Kathryn Parsons Wills ’97, a daughter, Kierstin Elizabeth Cheryl Haig Marquette ’98, a daughter, Darby Elizabeth

In Memoriam

We extend our sympathy and prayers to the families of the following Alumnae: Margaret Coupe Lawn ’44 Claire L. Esterly ’50 Suzanne “Sue” Bottinger ’82

Our sympathy and prayers are extended to the following Alumnae:

Camelia Gallardo Eisenhart ’39 on the death of her husband, Joseph Aloysius Eisenhart Helen Branagan Thomas ’48 (deceased), Anne Branagan Letter ’50, Charlotte Branagan Farley ’52, Therese Branagan Meyeroff ’99 and Mary Katharine Thomas ’83, on the death of their brother, father and uncle respectively, Francis B.J. Branagan Jr. (former member of the Board of Advisors) Barbara Eugenie Whalen ’55, on the death of her grandson, Conner M. Whalen Jody Scott Kyle ’59, Diane Doyle ’84 and Meghan Doyle ’15, on the death of their husband, father and grandfather respectively, Robert V. Kyle Jr. Madalena Colussi Lorenzon ’60, on the death of her husband, Charles Ernest Lorenzon Florence Zugay Narducci ’61 and Patricia Zugay Burkholder ’74, on the death of their mother, Sarah “Sally” Grzywacz Zugay Maryanne Conway Kennedy ’64, Cecy Conway Stack ’72, Bonnie O’Rourke ’69, Mollie O’Rourke Menapace ’69 and Caroline Menapace’ 08, on the death of their father, step-father and grandfather respectively, William S. Conway. Joan Morasco Parsons ’66, Kimberly Parson Brockmeyer ’94 and Kathryn Parsons Wills ’97, on the death of their father and grandfather respectively, John J. Morasco


Carol Lorenz Murray’67, on the death of her father, Joseph G. Lorenz Jr. Joan Bendinger Soltis ’68, Virginia Bendinger Wischhusen ’70, Regina Bendinger Gausz ’72 and Victoria Wischhusen ’09, on the death of their mother and grandmother respectively, Joan A. Weiser Bendinger Margaret Coupe Vesci ’70, Patricia Coupe Mullen ’74 and Barbara Coupe Bernal ’78, on the death of their aunt, Margaret E. Lawn ’44 Anne Lee Hughes ’76 and Louisa Lee Viele ’84, on the death of their father, Adrian Iselin Lee Ann Marie Becker-Gross ’78, Barbara Tumelty Kelly ’00, and Mary Pat Tumelty ’04, on the death of their father and uncle respectively, Richard H. Becker Marie Adams Hughes ’79, Mary Louise Dante Hughes ’81, Amy Hughes ’93, Mary Beth Hughes ’94, Valerie Jane Hughes ’00, Christina Hughes ’02, Rory Hughes ’02, Jamie Hughes ’03, Erin Hughes ’05 and Jane Hughes ’12, on the death of their mother-in-law and grandmother respectively, Jane Hughes Diane Bottinger Kustra ’80, on the death of her sister, Suzanne “Sue” Bottinger ’82 Mary Louise Dante Hughes ’81, Jane Hughes ’12 and Nancy Jean Gillespie Anastas ’75, on the death of their mother, grandmother and aunt respectively, Jane Dante Elizabeth Schofield Walker ’81 and Emily Walker ’07, on the death of their father and grandfather respectively, David J. Schofield Colleen Ford Farrell ’84, on the death of her mother, Colleen Durant Ford Laura Riethmiller Savage ’86, Renee Riethmiller ’91, Elizabeth Ladd ’00, Katherine Ladd ’01, Lauren Ladd ’05 and Jennifer Ladd ’07, on the death of their aunt, S. Joan Riethmiller, SSJ Caroline McGovern McCarus ’87, on the death of her father, Edward A. McGovern Gina Gerhard ’89 and Krista Gerhard ’96, on the death of their mother, Kristina Marks Gerhard Dr. Tricia Tafe Williams ’89, on the death of her father, Harry J. Tafe Laura Paul Lasky ’96 and John Paul (former Board Member), on the death of their grandmother and mother-in-law respectively, Elizabeth J. Orr Savaiano Patricia Rocks Haney ’97, on the death of her grandfather, Joseph F. Rocks, Sr. Marissa Smith ’04, on the death of her father, Paul Smith Jennifer Fedyna ’05, on the death of her grandfather, William J. Fedyna Claudia and Rachel Heller ’13, on the death of their grandmother, Angelina Michenfelder Caroline Lista ’05 and Alexandra Lista ’13, on the death of their grandmother, Olympia V. Fiorerosso Mary Elizabeth Schluckebier ’05 and Megan Schluckebier ’08, on the death of their grandfather, Francis (Frank) Schluckebier Christine Dunn ’06, Catherine Dunn ’08 and Caroline Dunn ’13, on the death of their grandfather, William J. Dunn Jr. Nicole Trauffer ’09, on the death of her grandfather, Albert Trauffer Gabrielle Gesek ’12, on the death of her grandfather, Leonard Pisano Julia Mustin ’13, on the death of her father, John David Mustin S. St. Rose Dwyer, SSJ (staff), on the death of her brother, James A. Dwyer

Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2010-2011 31

A Message from Chairman of the Board Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2010-2011 As chair of the Board of Directors, I am pleased once again to present the 2010 – 2011 Annual Report of Gifts. Each year we see an increasing number of names from within the Mount community who contribute generously to continue the legacy of the Mount. As a Mount alumna and past parent of three Mounties, I am keenly aware of the Mount’s 153-year history of adapting to the changing times while always furthering the mission of the Sisters of St. Joseph. The Mount is regarded as the preeminent Catholic private girls’ academy in the area. Yet, it is a fact that of the 26 private independent secondary schools in this area, the Mount’s tuition is the fourth lowest and less than half the cost of the top six. At the Mount there is an 18% shortfall between the tuition revenue and our actual operating costs. Said more plainly, tuition covers just 82% of the cost of each student’s education. Moreover, 19% of the students currently receive financial aid. This 18% deficit is funded each year by your generous response to our major fund raisers — the Mount Fund, Golf Outing, and Celebrauction. We depend heavily and are most appreciative of the proceeds from Celebrauction, chaired last year by Deb and Kirk Nemschick, as many of us enjoyed a fun journey down the Nile. Each fall the Golf Outing, chaired by Mike and Beth Brown, funds a needs-based scholarship to the daughter of an alumna and also contributes to our endowment. Additionally, the Special Events committee, made up of parents and alumnae, each year sponsors the popular Spring Fling; and last year a Fall fashion show. The proceeds of these two events made possible the handsome new signage at the main entrance to the Mount. In addition to these major fund raisers, the Mount relies heavily on the support of its Alumnae Association, led by Trish Zugay Burkholder ’74. There are numerous events for every age group throughout the year from the “Golden Girls” in the fall to Alumnae Day and Alumnae Induction in the spring. In recent months the Alumnae have initiated the “Founders Directory,” an online business directory to encourage business relationships and networking among their members. They also support the college-age internship program and mentoring. In this past year we are happy to report that 100% of our newest alums, the Class of 2011, contributed to the Mount Fund. While participation from many alumnae classes was very high, the overall average was 15%. The challenge is to increase participation each year. One of the major challenges always confronting the Board is to make needed repairs and maintain our 50-yearold building and its beautiful surrounding grounds. Currently, today’s technology and best teaching practices require change and replacement of our science labs if we are to meet the expectations of a first class secondary school in today’s educational environment. The Board and its committees understand these ever-changing needs. They work hard to meet these needs and are dedicated to insuring the Mount remain the best of the best for years to come. All of the above is totally dependent upon the extraordinary generosity of the many persons and groups within the Mount community. It is both your much needed contributions to the Mount Fund, your support of other fund raisers, along with the contributions of your valuable time that together will continue the legacy of the excellence of our beloved Mount. In the name of the Board, I sincerely thank you for all that you have done and continue to do.

Mary Merz Berko ‘48 Chair, Board of Directors


2010-2011 Mount Saint Joseph Academy Board of Directors Chair: Mary Merz Berko ‘48 Donna DePaul Bartynski ’70 Sister Regina Bell, SSJ Sister Kathleen Brabson, SSJ Louis E. DePaul Robert A. Fabiszewski John C. Fenningham, Esq.

Stephen A. Gardner Andrew W. Maron S. Theresa Maugle, SSJ Suzanne Serianni Mayes, Esq. ’84 Mary Ann Feeley Messmer ’72 S. Marie O’Brien, SSJ James K. Paul

S. Catherine Robinson, SSJ Kent Roman Dr. Angela Stout, DMD ’83 Cynthia Strolle ’71 Daniel Thistle, Esq. Anne E. Titterton, Esq. ’82 James J. Welsh

Financial Summary 2010-2011 Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2010-2011

Summary of Gifts July 15, 2010 – July 14, 2011 Support for Current Oper ations

Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted/In-Kind Gifts:

$353,937 $ 55,686

Total Annual Gifts:


Sources for 2010-2011 Annual Fund Support Board of Directors $ 42,100 Alumnae $154,388 Current Parents $153,883 Past Parents $ 85,383 Grandparents $ 7,500 Corporations/ Foundations $ 29,988 Faculty/Staff and Friends $ 6,255

(Dollar totals include multiple constituencies)

MSJA Organizational Fundr aising

Alumnae Association Parents’ Association Celebrauction XXVII Students Special Events Committee Golf Outing

$ 2,669 $214,056 $ 9,458 $ 10,691 $ 67,625


Annual Fund Gift Clubs Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2010-2011 Purple & Gold Club The Purple and Gold Club continues to be a large part of the overall dollars raised in the Mount Fund. Those in this leadership group show their support with gifts of $1,000 or more. This generosity paves the way for successful cultivation and the leadership of those who give encourages others to support the fund at leadership levels. Fournier Patron $10,000 and above FIRST Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Ford Mr. and Mrs. T. Roderick Henkels Diamond Patron $5,000 - $9,999 Mr. and Mrs. John L. Connolly Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Duff Mr. and Mrs. David Ellman Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Fabiszewski Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. John A. Loftus Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Pasquarella Mr. and Mrs. James K. Paul Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Ricci Jr. Eileen Heck Slawek ’48 and Mr. Joseph Slawek Anne E. Titterton, Esq. ’82 and Mr. Norman J. Olson Gold Patron $2,500 - $4,999 Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Bono Dr. Susan Higley Bray ’59 Kimberly Heck Cilio ’84 and Mr. Joseph Cilio Mr. and Mrs. Anthony DePaul Mr. and Mrs. Peter DePaul Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Donnard Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Kindelan Mr. Robert F. McCadden and Ms. Dorothy Riehs Mr. and Mrs. Michael McHugh Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Monzo Helen Florence Primus ’52


Maureen Ryan Rilling ’84 and Mr. John Rilling Cynthia M. Strolle ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Thistle Anne Marie Fengler Triolo ’52 Ms. Robyn S. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Clayton M. Wells 1858 Founders $1,858 - $2,499 Mr. and Mrs. George P. Cain Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ciasullo Mary Cathlene Driscoll, Esq. ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Gardner Mr. and Mrs. William C. McCormick Mr. and Mrs. Clifford A. Patton Mr. Robert P. Trinkle and Ms. Kathy Pape Mr. and Mrs. James J. Welsh Silver Patron $1,000 - $1,857 Drs. George and Mini Abraham Anonymous (2) Donna DePaul Bartynski ’70 Mary Merz Berko ’48 Mary Kate Haber Black ’80 and Mr. Peter Black Dr. and Mrs. Harry Bonet Dr. Kenneth J.D. Boyden and Ms. Marie Bozzi Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Breslin Colleen Coyle Broderick ’74 and Mr. John J. Broderick Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Brown Marian Buccafurni, Esq. ’72 Mary-Louise McDevitt Burgoyne ’54 Patricia Zugay Burkholder ’74 Nanette Sciolla Carney ’64 and Mr. John H. Carney Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Casebeer Frances Princivalle Chadwick ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Cipressi Mr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Guy Columbro Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Crilly Dr. and Mrs. Walter W. Dearolf, III Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. DePaul Patricia D’Innocenzo ’72

Jennifer M. Dolan ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Driscoll Therese M. Esperdy ’77 Mr. and Mrs. John C. Fenningham Donna Nicoletti Ferrier ’76 and Mr. Joseph J. Ferrier Dr. and Mrs. Brian G. Firth Charlene Keller Fullmer, Esq. ’89 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gavin Maryann Furtek Genuardi ’71 and Mr. Laurence Genuardi Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Gorman Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Gozdan Mr. and Mrs. William C. Hamburger Mr. and Mrs. M. Alanson Johnson, III Lisa Narcisi Kyne ’82 Dr. Carol Lawlor Maureen Daly Lehman ’68 Drs. Stephen L. and Jane M. Longacre Mr. Martin Longstreth* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lux Mr. and Mrs. David A. Lynch MaryRose Hasson Lynch ’80 and Mr. Dennis Lynch Kathryne J. Lyons ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Maginnis Mr. Eugene J. Maginnis Jr. Mr. Richard J. Mandel and Ms. Francine Del Ricci Suzanne Serianni Mayes, Esq.’ 84 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. McBride Mr. and Mrs. Barry McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. William C. McCormick Lorraine Sukalski McGlynn ’52 Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. McKeon, III Joan Gallagher McKeon ’48 and Mr. Edwin M. McKeon Sr. Sheila Kropp McLaughlin ’84 and Mr. Brian McLaughlin Anita Dudzek McMahon ’93 Dr. William J. Meis and Dr. Mary Louise Schneiders Mr. and Mrs. John Mirabella Mr. and Mrs. John J. Mischler Carol Morrissey Missett ’89 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Morrissey Jr. Mary Ann Fluehr Murphy ’43 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Murray Mary Louise Gerhard Nagle ’52 Dr. and Mrs. Timothy O’Grady Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Osborne Lori Nicoletti Peruto, Esq. ’79 and Mr. John M. Peruto Mr. and Mrs. William H. Pugh, V Patricia A. Redmond ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Riethmiller Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kent Roman Dr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Ruddy Laura Anne Riethmiller Savage ’86 Catherine Groark Shields ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Stillwell Sr. Dr. Angela M. Stout ’83 Lois Trench-Hines ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Troy Mr. Joseph A. Walsh Jr. Mary Stoll Walter ’81 and Mr. Kenneth D. Walter

* Deceased

Annual Fund Gift Clubs Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2010-2011 Sheryl Welsh ’81 Elizabeth Beitel Whalen ’59 and Mr. Martin F. Whalen Mr. and Mrs. Antonio J. Yanni Harvest Club $500 - $999 Mr. and Mrs. James J. Adams Dr. and Mrs. Emad Alnemri Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Barton Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Gary Beck Mr. George F. Beppel and Ms. Lorraine McGlynn Joann Nicolella Berkley ’61 Jane A. Biddle, Ph.D. ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Bouquard Monica Janke Bresnahan ’77 and Dr. Philip J. Bresnahan Kathy McGee Burns ’55 Mrs. Kellyann Cilio Colleen Kelly Coll ’64 Gloria Garcia Cook ’47* Denise Belcher Crenshaw ’61 Mary Beth Cunnane ’88 Mr. Thomas F. and Dr. Mary Cunnane Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. DelRicci Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Devenny Emily Jean Dolan ’98 Mr. James C. Driscoll and Dr. Diana Driscoll Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Duda Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Forst Susan Berko Glass ’71 Kelley A. Grady, Esq. ’81 Anita Casani Haffey ’51 Mr. and Mrs. Wasyl Halczenko Mr. Khaled Hassan and Mrs. Mafalda Corrado-Hassan Cheryl Oakley Hassman ’71 Kathleen McCauley Hathaway ’71 Karen H. Forbes Heflin ’89 Mrs. Dorothy Henrich Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark Hinkel Mr. and Mrs. William F. Hirst Jr. Ann Marie Von Hacht Horner ’69 Cara Ann Dougherty Jenkins ’94 Ellin Mary Jones ’80 Mrs. Ann Keane Dr. Lynn M. Keenan ’79 Denise McBride Kelly ’83 Lizanne Tague Kenney ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey V. Kohler Jennifer Meis Kurtz ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Lawn Deborah Standeven Lee ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Udo H. Maron Eireann Flynn Marzarella ’87 Rita Nichols McBlain ’45 Regina D. Gercke McConnell ’54 Patricia M. McDermott ’71 Mr. Thomas McGlinn Mr. and Mrs. John V. McKee Margaret Gorman McKeon ’79 and Mr. Edwin McKeon Mr. and Mrs. Martin R. McNeela Dr. Kathleen W. McNicholas ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Terry Merkle Joan Gagliardi Monahan ’59 and

Mr. Edward J. Monahan Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Karl S. Murray Megan Rothwell Nakamoto ’81 Megan Maguire Nicoletti ’86 Elizabeth Murphy Ollwerther ’75 Denise M. Ott ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Platt Mr. and Mrs. John B. Rush Patricia Ann Robin Schlapo ’51 Mr. and Mrs. John V. Steinmetz Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stueber Patricia Connor Surotchak ’50 Kathleen McNamara Tenzinger ’77 and Mr. George A. Tenzinger Mr. and Mrs. James W. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. John F. Tierney Marilyn Anspach Trainer ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Vinciguerra Kathleen Rhoads Waters ’52 Dr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Weidig Ms. Eileen Wilkinson Chyllene Waters Zakrzewski ’80 and Dr. Kevin Zakrzewski Dr. John A. Ziemniak and Dr. Marie Tokasz-Ziemniak Campanile Club $250 - $499 Mr. M. Michael Ansour Maureen Engel Balitsaris ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Barth Mr. and Mrs. Wayne J. Beal Rita M. Troutman Beirne ’55 Mr. James H. Bellam and Ms. Miriam McKeegan Marion Ann Williams Berry ’59 Roberta Butler Blumenthal ’70 Joan Vivaldelli Botelho ’98 Joann Bowes-Taylor ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Brady Christine Hamburger Broderick ’86 Christine Pedrotty Brown ’68 Mary Ellen Carroll Brown ’48 Ann Collins Broze ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Lewis M. Bryson, III Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Burke Dr. Mary Beth Callan ’80 Nicole A. Cashman ’90 Dr. Judith A. Caviston Ellen Rosa-Bian Cericola ’82 and Mr. Donald V. Cericola Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cnudde Dr. Annette M. Colavita ’84 and Mr. Robert A. Catanzariti Mrs. Patricia Crognale Dr. Dawnlynne M. Cute-Allen ’89 Judith Hinkle de Turo ’62 Dawn Cowan DeCarlo ’89 Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Demeter Carolyn DiMaria ’99 Patricia Dugan Donoghue ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Dunn Mr. and Mrs. William R. Eberle Erin McClafferty Erfle ’96 Jeanine Harrington Ferrick ’89 Mary Jane Perry Flanagan ’52 Dr. Steven C. Flashner and Dr. Deirdre Collins Kathleen Reilly Gallagher ’61

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Gallagher Ann M. Spillane Ganley ’52 Janet Muir Garrity ’63 Mr. Gregory J. Geruson and Ms. Eileen Kelly Jeannine A. Giordano ’93 Judith Johnson Goodman ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Graf Mr. Michael P. Gregor Sarah Mansell Guilfoyle ’52 Dr. Allison M. Hanlon ’93 Heather McGlinn Hansma ’91 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hanson Barbara Roberts Harrington ’61* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Hartnett Jr. Dr. Erica Kobylinski Heverin ’92 Barbara Hogan-Zarro, Ph.D. ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Honeyman Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Horgan Sr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Dean Karrash Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Keane Lisa Keane-Burgstahler ’85 Anne Dunne Kelly ’72 and Dr. Kevin J. Kelly Mary Frances Schaefer Kelly ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Kolin A. Kist Tina Keane Krinsky ’72 Rosemary Kenny Kruse ’75 and Mr. Carl T. Kruse JoAnne Labrum ’88 Colleen Durkin Lapowsky ’73 and Mr. Robert Lapowsky Mr. Joseph C. Lennon Susan Doney Leonard ’80 and Mr. Edward H. Leonard Mrs. Linda Lewis Carolyn E. Logan ’90 Mrs. Margaret Mary Logan Mrs. Eugenia Lombard Lu Lu Country Club Mr. and Mrs. Michael Marino Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Maron Mr. and Mrs. David G. McBride Mary Crane McBride ’66 Annemarie McGirr McCloy ’78 and Mr. Gerard McCloy Mr. and Mrs. George McCool Jr. Nora Gordon McCullough ’72 Dr. and Mrs. Philip K. McElroy Ms. Dorrian McGill Sarah Jessica McGorry ’08 Diane Whelan Moore ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Naccarato Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Nolan Diana DeGregorio Oebbecke ’61 Dr. Marlana S. Ottinger ’80 Kathleen Waters Owsik ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Paddock Mary McFadden Paul ’62 and Mr. Robert M. Paul Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton, Garrison Charitable Gift Fund Shannon Brennan Rohr ’92 Gertrude Bruner Rowello ’91 Dr. Susan Sabol ’74 35 Patricia Salmon ’75 Shannon Sweeney Sanfilippo ’86

Annual Fund Gift Clubs Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2010-2011

Marcella Kuttler Bossow Schankweiler, Esq. ’86 Caitlin Mackintosh Schroder ’91 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Scott Maureen Dugan Serpico, Esq. ’76 and Mr. Christopher J. Serpico Elena Wallace Shields ’90 Catherine Drennen Siegl ’60 Marie Bolger Sottile ’83 and Mr. Thomas Sottile Mary Gabrielle Sprague, Esq. ’75 Jean Morrissey Stamatis ’88 Mr. and Mrs. James P. Thomas Mr. Raymond Thomas Heather Lista Thompson ’88 Dr. Ann Toran ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Toth Christine Dolaway Tyrrell ’86 and Mr. Michael J. Tyrrell Mr. and Mrs. Willard E. Vandiver Jr. Dorcas Anne Vangrossi ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Vecchio Mr. James A. Vivaldelli Mary Katharine McCormack Walton ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Waters Donna Wiggins Wetzel Mr. William A. Whiteside Jr. Caroline Hasson Williamson,Esq. ’85 Michele Morris Woodrow ’81 and Mr. Timothy P. Woodrow Principal’s Club $100 - $249 Jeanette Chan Aaron ’85 Pamela Smith Pavlik Abbott ’60 Marie Meaney Adolph ’53 and Mr. John C. Adolph Marilyn Sutton Adomanis ’66 Joan Smith Agostinelli ’61 Andrea Fluehr Albert ’70 Michelle Murray Alexander ’70 Tracy Allu-Albertelli ’93 Raquel Amram-Perez ’50 Gloria Garcia-Velez Arazoza ’54 Mr. and Mrs. John L. Backus Megan Ann Backus ’04 Jeanne Norris Bahm ’51


Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Baldasano Joan Marie Hartmann Bamberger ’50 Laura Davey Banmiller ’89 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Barr Rosanne M. Barrett ’56 Tamara Adams Barrett ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Bechis Sally Gilligan Bellwoar ’61 and Mr. Robert Bellwoar Mary Strolle Bender ’72 and Mr. Robert H. Bender Anne Doro Berry ’66 Marguerite Reynolds Beston ’50 Mr. and Mrs. Philip Biaesch Amy Allison Blank ’02 Lindsay Pio Blank ’99 Allyson Rich Bogle ’91 Leslie Ann Longino Boland ’97 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Bonner Jr. Meganne Flynn Borneman ’86 Elizabeth Alexandra Bouquard ’02 Dolores Bobrowski Bowes ’45 S. Kathleen Brabson, SSJ Ms. Constance Brady Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Brady Dr. Beatrice Simpler Braun ’38 Mrs. Fran Brett Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Brett Mary Jean Robertson Brickley ’48 Catharine Gallagher Brockway ’47 Dr. Charrell M. Bullard ’92 Kathleen Wenz Burgoyne ’50 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Burgoyne Dr. James M. Burns and Dr. Donna Russo Patricia Butler ’87 Ann Danielle Mecklenborg Buttner ’70 Anne Senser Byrne ’53 Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Cades Dr. and Mrs. John P. Carbone Mrs. Valerie Carr Patricia McGonigal Feulner Carroll ’56 Doranne Hanley Case ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Cattie Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cattie Jr. Joan King Cavallaro ’97 Sara Pickens Cavallaro ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Cellucci Willa Byrne Cericola ’52 Dr. Kenneth M. Certa and Dr. Marie Robb Amy O’Meara Chambers, Esq. ’87 Megan Pomrink Charlton ’94 Mary Sabia Ciammetti ’80 and Mr. Pasquale J. Ciammetti Ann McCaffrey Ciesielka ’67 Phyllis Palladino Cissone ’59 and Mr. Peter J. Cissone Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Cleary Mr. and Mrs. William J. Collier JoAnn Ewadinger Connelly ’57 Joanne N. Corbin, Ph.D. ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Covais Mr. David W. Cox and Ms. Judith Nentwig Mr. and Mrs. Peter Coyle Dr. Kristin L. Crisci ’76 Bridget King Crooks ’73 and Dr. G. Walter Crooks

Siobhan Forde Crosby ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Cross Mr. and Mrs. Jesse L. Crumpler Patricia A. Culkin ’58 Jill Marshall Curry ’85 and Mr. John L. Curry Jr. Marita McPeak Cush ’70 Karen Skrocki Czerpak ’85 Regina Hasson Daly ’83 Susan Smith Daniels ’68 Mary Ann Szczesny Daulerio ’78 Kathleen McCann D’Auria ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Francis L. Davey Muriel Gardner Davidson ’48 S. Wanda Davidson, SSJ ’50 Kathleen Kelley Davis ’61 Mr. and Mrs. John E. Daw Christine Kempf Dean ’70 Susan Hoffman DeAngelis ’72 Valerie A. Delp ’04 Janel A. Demeter ’97 Grace Chaple DiCecco ’81 Ms. Kathleen Digney Patricia McDermott Dixon ’72 and Mr. William J. Dixon Mr. and Mrs. James F. Doherty Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Dohony Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Dolaway Dr. Joan Taulane Donahue ’83 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Donoovan Sr. Margaret Anne Markmann Dougherty ’01 Mrs. Margaret Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Drueding Mr. and Mrs. John P. Drummy Kathleen Gorman Duffy ’91 Bernadette Cavanaugh Dugan ’67 Mr. and Mrs. John I. Dyer Mr. Michael G. Eck Mr. George Eckhardt Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ehrlich Molly O’Neill Emmi ’85 Theresa Zambelli Esperdy ’56 and Mr. Sergio Esperdy Joanne Fischer Ey ’94 Charlotte Branagan Farley ’52 Janet Fasy ’72 Kelley Ann Osborne Faust ’87 Dayna M. Federici ’97 Margaret Ann O’Connell Feeny’61 and Mr. William S. Feeny Christina Elena Ferrier ’05 Gabrielle Nicoletti Ferrier ’07 Patricia Smith Fiorella ’78 Christine Maura Fisher ’01 Patricia McNamara Fittipaldi ’61 Christine M. Fitz Patrick ’70 Jean Hirsekorn Fitzpatrick, Ph.D. ’70 Mary Johnson FitzPatrick ’63 and Mr. William M. FitzPatrick Cathleen Haggerty Flacco ’87 Joan H. Flanigan ’67 Toni Ann Flanigan ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Flynn Caitlin Kearns Foley ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Terrence J. Foley Sr. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Ford Patricia Franzen, Ph.D. ’68 Mr. Paul W. Franzen

* Deceased

Annual Fund Gift Clubs Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2010-2011 Mr. and Mrs. Gregg C. Frederick Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Funchion Mary Louise Gallagher ’64 Carol Swanson Gannon ’82 and Mr. Thomas M. Gannon Jr. Anna DelGesso Gard ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Rodrigo O. Gargullo Rosemary O’Hara Garrity ’70 and Mr. James J. Garrity Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Gasper Dr. and Mrs. Victor Ghantous Mary Hoy Gibson ’73 Regina Finnegan Gill ’84 and Mr. Charles R. Gill Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Terence Gillespie Dr. and Mrs. John R. Gimpel Maryanne Dever Ginley ’52 Mary Lambert Glenn ’57 Mary Kate E. Glenn ’13 Norajean Mary Flanagan Glenn ’71 and Mr. Albert Glenn Mr. and Mrs. Larry Glover Mrs. Melissa Gnall Harrison Alice Bryan Goetz ’65 Dr. Mary Lou Snyder Goldberg ’58 Barbara Jo Cattie Good ’83 and Mr. Robert B. Good Jr. Patricia A. Gorman ’91 Mr. and Mrs. S. John Gorman Susan Weitzman Graham ’72 Diana C. Greco ’80 Dominique Ashley Green ’02 Mrs. Mary C. Gregor Mrs. Jill C. Gregori Mr. Gerald J. Gregory Jr. Pamela Smith Grimme ’50 Audra Matthews Griner ’84 Lauren J. Grous ’00 Janine N. Guerra ’00 Elizabeth Ann Nace Gumprecht ’59 Catherine Meehan Haas ’77 and Mr. Mark Haas Mrs. Kathleen Haber Mr. and Mrs. John J. Haggerty Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hain, III Maureen Elizabeth Hanlon ’01 Joan Butler Hannigan ’72 and Mr. Francis X. Hannigan Mrs. Mary C. Harbison Madeleine Ford Harkins ’00 Marguerite Haggerty Harrington ’44 Ms. Theresa N. Harrington Mr. and Mrs. George K. Harris Kathleen Kropp Hart ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Harvey Cecilia Haskins ’69 Maribeth Byrne Hawkins ’85 Marie Healy Hawthorn ’46 Mr. and Mrs. Philip Heller Laura Ragan Henry ’94 Mary Ellen L. Herzog ’67 Elizabeth Kelly Hessel ’01 Irene Bonk Hesser ’59 Eileen Long Hessman ’56 Margaret L. Hindley, Ph.D. ’85 Anne Hipp ’64 Alyssa Deane Hirst ’07 Sarah Ashley Hirst ’09 Elizabeth Burnett Holmes ’85

Dorothy Gallagher Hordubay ’56 Dr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Horstmann Ellen Burgoyne Hubrig ’77 Katherine Crosson Hylinski ’72 and Mr. Thomas E. Hylinski Alice McCloskey Immel ’52 Frances Grabish Irons ’86 Kathleen Bottinger Jacoby ’84 Jennifer Kim Jenkins ’11 Emily Elizabeth Johnson ’05 Laura Marie Johnson ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Jaroslaw Kaczaj Jane Kashlak ’71 Mary Fenerty Kasinkas ’48 Nancy Crean Kaufmann ’67 Madeleine Mansell Keehn ’50 Ann Catherine Kelly ’03 Barbara Tumelty Kelly ’00 Christina L. Kelly ’88 Heather Kates Kelly ’88 Maribeth Malloy Kelly ’76 Alicia C. Kempf ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Kenney Jr. Marie Elder Kent ’46 Dr. Jennifer M. King ’89 Marie Rosato King ’46 and Mr. William A. King Joan Matonis Kleinbard ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Knox Shannon Boyle Koebbe ’91 Margaret Lawler Kolimago ’56 Mary Ann Koller, Ph.D. ’61 Adrienne Ragan Kowalski ’87 Mary Hyslop Kowalski ’78 and Mr. Thomas J. Kowalski Mrs. Margaret Kraft Dr. Bruce Kreter Nicole Gryn Ksiazek ’90 Kathleen M. Kugler ’58 Joanne Scott Kyle ’59 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Labrum Jeanette R. Lalla ’02 Mary Frances Gregor Lane ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Larrimore Mary Jane Coates Larson ’61 Linda Robinson Lawler ’79 and Mr. Terrence J. Lawler Joanne M. Lehman ’70

Maureen Mirsch Leonard ’78 Jill Sommer Lesher ’98 Anne Branagan Letter ’50 Jennifer Lin ’76 and Mr. William H. Stieg Ann Tushim Csink Linck ’57 Mr. Joseph Logan Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lucarini Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lukach Elizabeth A. Lunney ’68 Genevieve Noderer Lynch ’91 Kelly A. Lynch ’96 Janis H. Mahoney ’52 Michelle Nawrocki Malloy ’88 Kathleen R. Malone ’64 Meghan Ann Malone ’03 Megan FitzPatrick Maloney ’94 Patricia Geisel Maransky ’84 and Mr. Michael Maransky Mr. and Mrs. Michael Marconi Joan Schmitt Markham ’48 Mary M. Martire, Ed.D. ’49 Pamela Dowling Masturzo ’63 Marilyn De Simone Matarazzo ’52 Christine Vitale McAfee ’86 Mr. John I. McCann Mary Catherine Kelly McCauley ’62 Renee Doty McComas ’64 Regina A. McCorkell ’52 Sheilah Jeffers McCreavy ’62 Elizabeth Schurr McDermott ’61 Megan Melinson McDonough, Esq. ’89 Patricia Condon McDonough ’62 Marguerite Barrett McEwen ’50 Mary M. McGee ’41 Julie J. McGlynn ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Peter McGonigle Shannon L. McGonigle ’01 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. McKenna Lorraine Maguire McKenna ’76 Heather M. McKenna-Tausz ’89 Geraldine Marie McTear ’69 Mrs. Elizabeth Meehan Pamela Meitner, Esq. ’68 M. Eileen McGill Meko ’60 and Mr. John J. Meko Sr. Mollie O’Rourke Menapace ’71 and Mr. James Menapace Barbara Ann Havas Miller ’49 Elizabeth Rouse Miller ’50 Marie Teti Miller ’52 Patricia Miller-Shaivitz, Ph.D. ’61 Lorraine Cajano Minecci ’60 Colleen Osborne Mook ’90 Theresa Cassidy Mooney ’61 Diane Whelan Moore ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Moroz


Annual Fund Gift Clubs Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2010-2011 Elizabeth Serianni Morris ’85 and Mr. Joseph V. Morris Dr. Moyra Siu Moy ’45 Corinne Ledwith Murphy ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Murphy Rebecca Hoy Murphy ’76 Rosemary Hayes Murphy ’51 Sara Lee Hayden Murphy ’59 Shannon F. Murphy-Reilly ’88 Mary Elizabeth Murphy Cattie Murray ’47 and Mr. Kevin Murray Mr. and Mrs. David T. Naab Mary Jane Wesner Nolen ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. O’Connell Mariann Eichelberger O’Connor ’69 Kathleen Purcell O’Hara ’68 Bernadette McCann O’Kane ’79 and Mr. Thomas V. O’Kane Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. O’Leary Dr. and Mrs. Thomas F. O’Malley Jr. Ellen Higley O’Neill ’61 Megan E. O’Neill ’88 Virginia Mitchell O’Neill ’46 Kathleen Diamond Owen ’87 Kimberly Henrich Pagliaro ’87 and Mr. Anthony Pagliaro Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Palmer Lindsay Anne Parsons ’99 Jessica Ann Pasquarella ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Guido Pasquel Lauren Elizabeth Peak ’04 Helene Montgomery Peddle ’64 Dr. and Mrs. Alexander R. Pedicino Drs. Charles E. and Valerie Pendley Florence A. Perkolup ’51 Mary Chester Peterson ’49 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Pfeifer Anina Armento Pfeiffer ’80 and Mr. David Pfeiffer Kathleen Kelly Pfizenmayer ’67 Carolyn Deiter Piccone ’51 Dr. Etta Pisano ’75 Christina Crognale Pittaoulis ’00 Julia Corrie Powers ’05 Meagan McMahon Powers ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Prendergast Jennifer Maguire Princivalle ’81 and Mr. James D. Princivalle Kathleen Lamprecht Prue ’88 Mr. and Mrs. John Purcell Kelly Beaver Pustizzi ’96 Kathryn Marie Brady Quigg ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Francis D. Raggazino Barbara Grady Rainville ’63 Mr. Robert N. Rau Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Rayner Kathleen Palm Reed ’92 Patricia McGuire Renno ’49 Joan Calhoun Reynolds ’50 Lisa McNamara Rhodes ’92 Kathleen Murphy Ring ’65 Dr. Patricia Ann Hanlon Rist ’96 Julia Marie Rocchi ’01 Anne McNulty Roller ’67 Megan Osborne Romano ’94

38 * Deceased

Maureen McGlinn Rome ’74 Jaclyn Nicole Rossetti ’09 Mr. and Mrs. John P. Rossi Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rothschild Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Rothwell Patricia G. Rust ’68 Caryl Duffy Sabine ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Sadowski Dr. and Mrs. Gustavo Sanchez Chrissy Byron Santora ’82 Catherine Palumbo Santoro ’65 Jane Marie Scholl ’02 Rosemary Toohey Schreiber ’48 Mr. and Mrs. James Schu Carol Dewees Schulz ’61 Margaret Kropp Scully ’56 Dr. Joanne F. Selinski ’81 Ave Marie Murphy Seminack ’76 and Mr. Stephen J. Seminack Mr. and Mrs. Bernard M. Shaeffer Mrs. Kathleen Shevlin Ann Wilson Shewman ’62 and Mr. Jack Shewman Julia Hynes Shoff ’88 Mr. and Mrs. George J. Shotzbarger Kathleen McBride Shoup ’57 Jane Grasso Sinek ’55 Ms. Patricia C. Sisk Mrs. Carol Siwinski Carol Ann Slocum ’76 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smart Jodie King Smith ’90 Ms. Jenifer Smyth Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Sommer Kimberly O’Keefe Stabilito ’87 Cecy Conway Stack ’72 Jane Maguire Starke ’50 Mr. W. Jerome Stewart Margaret McCann Stone ’87 Eileen C. Tannenbaum, Esq.’85 Regina Foley Tatlonghari, Esq. ’85 Regina Voelker Tauke ’56 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Termini Sr. Maria B. Termini-Romano ’89 Stephanie Mary Thistle ’02 Mary Louise Barbera Thomas ’51

Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Tiffany Stacie O’Donnell Timer ’77 Ann Brennan Toner ’55 Dr. and Mrs. John M. Travaline Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Travaline Sr. Orla Rose Treacy ’04 Mrs. Bernice Trotter Emily H. Trymbiski ’05 Mary Elizabeth Tursi ’00 Jean Marie Reynolds Ubbelohde ’79 Mary Finn Vandenbrook ’66 Sharyn Joan Flanigan Vergare ’64 and Mr. Michael J. Vergare Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Vilella Catherine Burger Vining ’74 Eileen M. Voegele ’93 Kelliann Rock Walker ’90 Aileen Maguire Walsh ’50 Ms. Donna Marie Walsh Joan Hoffman Weckesser ’48 Mr. and Mrs. John Weinrich Susan Lombard Weiss ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Weller Kathleen Gregor Wenger, Esq. ’79 Barbara Eugenie Whalen ’55 Maryann Herzog Whalen ’58 Mary Jane Connor White ’50 Catherine Wiley ’90 Joan Wiley ’83 Linda Geisel Williams ’91 Mary Lou Voss Williford ’61 Mr. and Mrs. David A. Wise Sr. Dana Ann Flaherty Worthington ’85 and Mr. Francis W. Worthington Mr. and Mrs. Andrew G. Wright Mara Irene Yanni ’09 Megan Miller Yoo ’96 Kathleen Beaty Young ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Craig Zaroff Mr. and Mrs. Edward Z. Zaucha Regina E. Zdanowski ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Zielinski Mr. and Mrs. Phillip J. Zminda Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Zoldy

Alumnae Annual Giving Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2010-2011 Class of 1938 Annual Fund Gifts: $100 Participation: 25% Beatrice Simpler Braun Class of 1941 70th Reunion Annual Fund Gifts: $175 Participation: 36% Anne Deeney Curtis Mary M. McGee Rita Lawson Moser Miriam Kelley Roos Class of 1943 Annual Fund Gifts: $1,500 Participation: 6% Mary Ann Fluehr Murphy Class of 1944 Annual Fund Gifts: $185 Participation: 31% Marylou Hieb Caufield Marguerite Haggerty Harrington Margaret Coupe Lawn* Catharine Kiely Leydon Class of 1945 Annual Fund Gifts: $700 Participation: 19% Dolores Bobrowski Bowes Rita Nichols McBlain Dr. Moyra Siu Moy Class of 1946 65th Reunion Annual Fund Gifts: $600 Participation: 40% Elizabeth Stroud Giordano Marie Healy Hawthorn Mary Sims Kent Marie Elder Kent Marie Rosato King Virginia Mitchell O’Neill Patricia Stillmun Shelton Mary Dwyer Trocky Class of 1947 Annual Fund Gifts: $770 Participation: 22% Catharine Gallagher Brockway Gloria Garcia Cook* Jeannine Patchell McGarvey Mulholland Mary Elizabeth Murphy Cattie Murray Helen Cahill Whiteman Class of 1948 Mount Fund Gifts: $9,060 Participation: 62% Mary Merz Berko Mary Jean Robertson Brickley Mary Ellen Carroll Brown Muriel Gardner Davidson Adele Bateman Donahue Theresa V. Felix* Rosemarie Callahan Ford Mary Carroll Hickey Mary Fenerty Kasinkas

Joan Mary Schmitt Markham Joan Gallagher McKeon Rosemary Toohey Schreiber Eileen Heck Slawek Maureen Crowe Sullivan S. Anne P. Toner, SSJ Joan Hoffman Weckesser Class of 1949 Annual Fund Gifts: $475 Participation: 15% Patricia Ann Kelso Eckert Ann Weiland Lanahan Mary M. Martire, EdD Barbara Ann Havas Miller Mary Chester Peterson Patricia McGuire Renno Class of 1950 Annual Fund Gifts: $2,100 Participation: 58% Raquel Amram-Perez Joan Marie Hartmann Bamberger Marguerite Reynolds Beston Kathleen Wenz Burgoyne S. Wanda Davidson, SSJ Mary Harbison Dobson Helene Quilty Foley Pamela Smith Grimme Madeleine Mansell Keehn Anne Branagan Letter Marguerite Barrett McEwen Elizabeth Rouse Miller Joan Calhoun Reynolds Mary Lou Kane Smith Jane Maguire Starke Patricia Connor Surotchak Aileen Maguire Walsh Mary Jane Connor White Class of 1951 60th Reunion Annual Fund Gifts: $2,311 Participation: 50% Jeanne Norris Bahm Louise Waters Barbaretta Joan Yates Carroll Anita Casani Haffey Rosemary Hayes Murphy Florence A. Perkolup Carolyn Deiter Piccone Patricia Ann Robin Schlapo Phyllis Hauser Taliaferro Mary Louise Barbera Thomas Eileen Donnelly Williams Class of 1952 Annual Fund Gifts: $9,692 Participation: 50% Mary Anne Smale Burke Willa Byrne Cericola Patricia Reilly Dehel Charlotte Branagan Farley Mary Jane Perry Flanagan Ann Spillane Ganley Maryanne Dever Ginley Sarah Mansell Guilfoyle

Alice McCloskey Immel Janis H. Mahoney Marilyn De Simone Matarazzo Regina A. McCorkell Lorraine Sukalski McGlynn Marie Teti Miller Mary Louise Gerhard Nagle Terese Ann McGroarty Powell Helen Florence Primus S. Agnes Shields, SSJ, Ph.D. Anne Marie Fengler Triolo Kathleen Rhoads Waters Class of 1953 Annual Fund Gifts: $410 Participation: 27% Marie Meaney Adolph Anne Senser Byrne Janice Mary Diamond Charlton Marian McCauley Congdon Phyllis Sullivan Stacy Miriam Fenerty Sullivan Anne Mullahy Waller Class of 1954 Annual Fund Gifts: $1,725 Participation: 24% Gloria Garcia-Velez Arazoza Mary-Louise McDevitt Burgoyne Regina Gercke McConnell Elizabeth Brennan Pachella Marjorie Todd Shaughnessy Patricia Mellon Yantis Class of 1955 Annual Fund Gifts: $1,000 Participation: 36% Rita Troutman Beirne Marlene Frank Borchard Kathy McGee Burns Doranne Hanley Case Margaret Conroy Jordan Mary Louise Simendinger Lynch Mary Anne Murray Patricia Smith Nowak Nora Tierney Parker Jane Grasso Sinek Ann Brennan Toner Barbara Eugenie Whalen Class of 1956 55th Reunion Annual Fund Gifts: $1,283 Participation: 40% Rosanne M. Barrett Patricia McGonigal Feulner Carroll Barbara Cappola Christy-Hunt Jeanne Shelton Crouch Theresa Zambelli Esperdy Marian Hober Fink Eileen Long Hessman Dorothy Gallagher Hordubay Molly Scanlan Kelly Margaret Lawler Kolimago Jacqueline Marple Leysath Susanna Kelly Quigley 39

Alumnae Annual Giving Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2010-2011 Barbara Holm Quinn Margaret Kropp Scully Regina Voelker Tauke Elizabeth M. Thill Chyllene Quinn Waters Class of 1957 Annual Fund Gifts: $500 Participation: 16% JoAnn Ewadinger Connelly Mary Isabel Lambert Glenn Joan Matonis Kleinbard Ann Tushim Csink Linck Kathleen McBride Shoup Class of 1958 Annual Fund Gifts: $550 Participation: 21% Catherine Fisher Baird Clare Cannon Breene Patricia A. Culkin Dr. Mary Lou Snyder Goldberg Kathleen M. Kugler Anne Meaney Phillips Maryann Herzog Whalen Class of 1959 Annual Fund Gifts: $5,555 Participation: 39% Natalie Nolan Berkey Marion Ann Williams Berry Dr. Susan Higley Bray Phyllis Rose Palladino Cissone Barbara McCrea Flanigan Elizabeth Ann Nace Gumprecht Irene Bonk Hesser Joanne Kelley Junker Joanne Scott Kyle Joan Gagliardi Monahan Anne Schmid Muir Sara Lee Hayden Murphy Virginia Foley Myers Elizabeth Beitel Whalen Class of 1960 Annual Fund Gifts: $2,300 Participation: 15% Pamela Smith Pavlik Abbott Catherine Robb Marston M. Eileen McGill Meko Lorraine Cajano Minecci Catherine Drennen Siegl Marilyn Anspach Trainer Lois Trench-Hines

Margaret Ann O’Connell Feeny Patricia McNamara Fittipaldi Penny Scally Gabriel Kathleen Reilly Gallagher Susan Banes Johnson Beatrice Taglialatela Juliano Michele Schuster Kelly Elsie Mary McIvor Kerns Mary Ann Koller, Ph.D. Mary Jane Coates Larson Mary Beth Honeyman Leary Joanne Junker McConnell Elizabeth Schurr McDermott Susan Ryan McLaughlin Patricia Miller-Shaivitz, Ph.D. Theresa Cassidy Mooney Florence Zugay Narducci Ellen Higley O’Neill Diana DeGregorio Oebbecke Carol Dewees Schulz Donna Wiggins Wetzel Mary Lou Voss Williford Class of 1962 Annual Fund Gifts: $1,100 Participation: 23% Judith Hinkle de Turo Mary Catherine Kelly McCauley Sheilah Jeffers McCreavy Patricia Condon McDonough Paula McGinn Mary McFadden Paul Ann Wilson Shewman Mercia Masturzo Shoughrue Dr. Margaret Louise Smith Spence Class of 1963 Annual Fund Gifts: $660 Participation: 15% Dorothy Shaw Clinton Mary Johnson FitzPatrick Janet Muir Garrity Diane Taglialatela Green Pamela Dowling Masturzo Barbara Grady Rainville Class of 1964 Annual Fund Gifts: $2,710 Participation: 24% Theresa Bergner Bowman Nanette Sciolla Carney Colleen Kelly Coll Faith Peoples Dillon Mary Louise Gallagher Joanne Caruso Garges Anne Hipp Dr. Rosemary Andries Horstmann Diane Lucarini Irwin Roseann Cannistraci Lucarini Barbara Young Mackintosh Kathleen R. Malone Renee Doty McComas Helene Montgomery Peddle Katherine Stroebele Powell Grace Brown Rowe Jeanne Klein Trainer Sharyn Joan Flanigan Vergare

Class of 1961 50th Reunion Annual Fund Gifts: $4,070 Participation: 61% Joan Smith Agostinelli Sally Gilligan Bellwoar Joann Nicolella Berkley Elvira Madden Breslin Denise Belcher Crenshaw Kathleen Kelley Davis


* Deceased

Class of 1965 Annual Fund Gifts: $925 Participation: 11% Alice Bryan Goetz Kathleen Kropp Hart Stephanie Comerford Kramer Dr. Kathleen W. McNicholas Kathleen Murphy Ring Catherine Palumbo Santoro Class of 1966 45th Reunion Annual Fund Gifts: $1,140 Participation: 21% Jane Kraft Adam Marilyn Sutton Adomanis Anne Doro Berry Patricia Drennen Bleistine Christine Moore Conley Frances Doyne Folger Margaret W. Gallagher Barbara Hogan-Zarro, Ph.D. Susan Forster Lowery Mary Crane McBride Lynn Leva Nucera Mary Finn Vandenbrook Kathleen Beaty Young Class of 1967 Annual Fund Gifts: $2,120 Participation: 17% Ann McCaffrey Ciesielka Bernadette Cavanaugh Dugan Marguerite Devlin Evangelist Dorothy Robert Farley Joan H. Flanigan Mary Ellen L. Herzog Barbara Hadden Jones Nancy Crean Kaufmann Mary Jane Wesner Nolen Kathleen Kelly Pfizenmayer Patricia A. Redmond Anne McNulty Roller Class of 1968 Annual Fund Gifts: $2,200 Participation: 22% Christine Pedrotty Brown Maureen Dixon Cass Eileen Kraft D’Amico Susan Smith Daniels Patricia Franzen, Ph.D. Mary Louise Decker Karwacki Maureen Daly Lehman Elizabeth A. Lunney Pamela Meitner, Esq. Kathleen Purcell O’Hara Patricia G. Rust Marie Burger Ward Class of 1969 Annual Fund Gifts: $920 Participation: 9% Cecilia Haskins Ann Marie Von Hacht Horner Geraldine Marie McTear Mariann Eichelberger O’Connor

Alumnae Annual Giving Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2010-2011 Karen McCarty Fleming Schuler Marianne Bandaian Sunderland Elizabeth Casey Wonder Class of 1970 Annual Fund Gifts: $3,450 Participation: 20% Andrea Fluehr Albert Michelle Murray Alexander Donna DePaul Bartynski Roberta Butler Blumenthal Ann Danielle Mecklenborg Buttner Marita McPeak Cush Christine Kempf Dean Christine Fitz Patrick Jean Hirsekorn Fitzpatrick, Ph.D. Rosemary O’Hara Garrity Judith Johnson Goodman Susan Narducci Harbaugh Debra Aulffo Kelly Joanne M. Lehman Mary Katharine McCormack Walton Class of 1971 40th Reunion Annual Fund Gifts: $6,820 Participation: 32% Leslie Wong Bell Elizabeth Devine Bolger Ann Collins Broze Janet Mulligan Buggy Susan Kraft Burkey Diane M. Butler Paula Janosik Diamond Judith Burger Dysart Kathleen McDonald Garvin Maryann Furtek Genuardi Susan Berko Glass Norajean Flanagan Glenn Lynn Fasy Griffith Cheryl Oakley Hassman Kathleen McCauley Hathaway Jane Kashlak Virginia McGlinn Koziel Kathleen M. Leahy Jane Dunne Mack Janice Maguire Malone Patricia M. McDermott Mollie O’Rourke Menapace Mary E. Sommar Cynthia M. Strolle Helene McGuinn Susanin Class of 1972 Annual Fund Gifts: $4,242.31 Participation: 25% Mary Christine Strolle Bender Marian Buccafurni, Esq. Patricia D’Innocenzo Susan Hoffman DeAngelis Patricia McDermott Dixon Janet Fasy Susan Weitzman Graham Joan Butler Hannigan Katherine Crosson Hylinski Anne Dunne Kelly

Tina Keane Krinsky Nora Gordon McCullough Mary Ann Feeley Messmer Kathleen Waters Owsik Mary Lynn Darby Penn Cecy Conway Stack Nancy Weber Sutter Georgianne Winters-Gribbin Eileen O’Connell Wolfinger Regina E. Zdanowski Class of 1973 Annual Fund Gifts: $475 Participation: 8% Nancy Ferraro Anderson Bridget King Crooks Mary E. Hoy Gibson Colleen Durkin Lapowsky Class of 1974 Annual Fund Gifts: $2,720 Participation: 21% Elizabeth Anne Quinn Antonucci Elizabeth Jacobs Barker Colleen Coyle Broderick Patricia Zugay Burkholder Elisa McPeak Cochrane Toni Ann Flanigan Kathleen Quinn Gannon Elizabeth Anne Berko Guenther Carol Porreca O’Malley Maureen McGlinn Rome Dr. Susan Sabol Catherine Burger Vining Class of 1975 Annual Fund Gifts: $4,425 Participation: 20% Jane A. Biddle, Ph.D. Donna Dougherty, Esq. Mary Cathlene Driscoll, Esq. Lisa Waugh Jasiukiewicz Rosemary Kenny Kruse Anne V. McCormack Barbara Behr Oberlies

Elizabeth Murphy Ollwerther Dr. Etta Pisano Patricia Salmon Mary Gabrielle Sprague, Esq. Dorcas Anne Vangrossi Class of 1976 35th Reunion Annual Fund Gift: $3,105 Participation: 19% Nancy Korsch Beebe Joann Bowes-Taylor Dr. Kristin L. Crisci Donna Nicoletti Ferrier Joanne Mulligan Giagnacova Maribeth Malloy Kelly Jennifer Lin Susan Robinson Malta Robin Samtmann Maguire Lorraine Maguire McKenna Rebecca Hoy Murphy Ave Marie Murphy Seminack Maureen Dugan Serpico, Esq. Carol Ann Slocum Patricia Kost Zakrzewski Class of 1977 Annual Fund Gifts: $3,022 Participation: 12% Monica Janke Bresnahan Therese M. Esperdy Catherine Meehan Haas Ellen Burgoyne Hubrig Mary Frances Gregor Lane Barbara Hynes MacIntosh Elizabeth A. McCarthy Kathleen McNamara Tenzinger Stacie O’Donnell Timer Class of 1978 Annual Fund Gifts: $1,075 Participation: 8% Joanne N. Corbin, Ph.D. Mary Ann Szczesny Daulerio Patricia Dugan Donoghue


Alumnae Annual Giving Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2010-2011 Patricia Smith Fiorella Catharine Farnan Kennedy Mary Hyslop Kowalski Maureen Mirsch Leonard Annemarie McGirr McCloy Class of 1979 Annual Fund Gifts: $2,505 Participation: 11% Dr. Lynn M. Keenan Christine Koller Kohler Linda Robinson Lawler Patricia K. Lynch Mary Marano-Holena Margaret Gorman McKeon Bernadette McCann O’Kane Lori Nicoletti Peruto, Esq. Jean Marie Reynolds Ubbelohde Maureen Ginley Vorobec Kathleen Gregor Wenger, Esq. Class of 1980 Annual Fund Gifts: $4,645 Participation: 12% Mary Kate Haber Black Maria Fella Cain Mary Beth Callan, VMD Mary Sabia Ciammetti Theresa Conroy Diana C. Greco Ellin Mary Jones Mary Claire Dinda Kasunic Susan Doney Leonard MaryRose Hasson Lynch Dr. Marlana S. Ottinger Anina Armento Pfeiffer Chyllene Waters Zakrzewski Roseanne Zvarick Class of 1981 30th Reunion Annual Fund Gifts: $4,835 Participation: 21% Grace Chaple DiCecco Kelley A. Grady, Esq. Christine Schillinger Hannon Mary Louise Dante Hughes Mary Love McKean Rebecca Shields Mraz Megan Rothwell Nakamoto Jennifer Maguire Princivalle Lisa Peters Schwartz Dr. Joanne F. Selinski Theresa Ceniccola Soffronoff Jacqueline Flaherty Toner Elizabeth Schofield Walker Mary Stoll Walter Patricia Morrissey Walters Sheryl Welsh Ellen Byrne Willertz Renee Reiche Wisniewski Michele Morris Woodrow


Class of 1982 Annual Fund Gifts: $8,070 Participation: 9% Christine Muller Beisel Ellen Rosa-Bian Cericola Carol Swanson Gannon Lizanne Tague Kenney Lisa Narcisi Kyne Kathryne J. Lyons Aileen Eidenshink Napierkowski Jean Mohrbacher Nelson Chrissy Byron Santora Anne E. Titterton, Esq. Class of 1983 Annual Fund Gifts: $3,200 Participation: 11% Kathleen Daly Brown Regina Hasson Daly Dr. Joan Taulane Donahue Barbara Jo Cattie Good Denise McBride Kelly Joyce Sherman Kelly Jennifer Meis Kurtz Julie J. McGlynn Marie Eileen Bolger Sottile Dr. Angela M. Stout Dr. Ann Toran Joan Wiley Class of 1984 Annual Fund Gifts: $12,005 Participation: 18% Charlene Mason Brisbane Kimberly Heck Cilio Dr. Annette M. Colavita Susan F. Eichner Marie Weber Flynn Regina Finnegan Gill Audra Matthews Griner Kathleen Bottinger Jacoby Mary Frances Schaefer Kelly Patricia Geisel Maransky Suzanne Serianni Mayes, Esq. A. Christine Litman McEwan Maria McLaughlin Sheila Kropp McLaughlin Corinne Ledwith Murphy Maureen Ryan Rilling Beth Kathleen Davey Rosso Kristin Wagoner Shearon Mary Elizabeth Morrissey Stefanowicz Susan Lombard Weiss Genevieve A. Yanity Class of 1985 Annual Fund Gifts: $4,370 Participation: 24% Jeanette Chan Aaron Tamara Adams Barrett Suzin Buzas Carr Frances Princivalle Chadwick Jill Marshall Curry Karen Skrocki Czerpak Kathleen McCann D’Auria Molly O’Neill Emmi Moira Gillespie Fiandra Patricia Robinson Geary Maribeth Byrne Hawkins

Margaret Hindley, Ph.D. Barbara Harrington Hladik, Esq. Elizabeth Burnett Holmes Lisa Keane-Burgstahler Letitia Anne Pukas McNeil Diane Whelan Moore Elizabeth Serianni Morris Virginia Calzi Poliwoda Caryl Duffy Sabine Michele Canalley Tallon Eileen Tannenbaum, Esq. Regina Foley Tatlonghari, Esq. Margaret Taulane Wescott Caroline Hasson Williamson, Esq. Dana Ann Flaherty Worthington Class of 1986 25th Reunion Annual Fund Gifts: $3,780 Participation: 19% Maureen Engel Balitsaris Elizabeth Burke Beltle Meganne Flynn Borneman Christine Hamburger Broderick Beth Haarmeyer Chandler Elizabeth Ann Corr Courtney Daly Ferrero Anna DelGesso Gard Cynthia A. Harmon Susan Lynch Hughes Frances Grabish Irons Christine Vitale McAfee Molly Kelly McDonnell Megan Maguire Nicoletti Shannon Sweeney Sanfilippo Laura Anne Riethmiller Savage Marcella Kuttler Bossow Schankweiler, Esq. Dianne Violi Signoretta Bernadette Taddei Heather Gallagher Tucker Christine Dolaway Tyrrell Class of 1987 Annual Fund Gifts: $1,605 Participation: 15% Patricia Butler Amy O’Meara Chambers, Esq. Kelley Ann Osborne Faust Cathleen Haggerty Flacco Judith Drobile Joyce Adrienne Ragan Kowalski Linda Klein Lynch Eireann Flynn Marzarella Jennifer Labrum McColigan Kathleen Diamond Owen Kimberly Henrich Pagliaro Susan Knasiak Raley Kimberly O’Keefe Stabilito Margaret McCann Stone Amy Jennings Swan Bernadine MacNeal Miasnikowicz Weng Class of 1988 Annual Fund Gifts: $3,225 Participation: 19% Patricia A. Chapman Corinne M. Ciocca Kathleen Meehan Ciolko Mary Beth Cunnane

* Deceased

Alumnae Annual Giving Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2010-2011 Maria L. Czarnecki Maureen T. Duffy Alice Bergan Fecak Nancy J. Kaiser Ellen Bodalski Kaplan Christina L. Kelly Heather Kates Kelly JoAnne Labrum Deborah Standeven Lee Michelle Nawrocki Malloy Jennifer Rotchford Muldoon Shannon Murphy-Reilly Megan E. O’Neill Kathleen Lamprecht Prue Julia Hynes Shoff Jean Morrissey Stamatis Diane Chaple Suznovich Heather Lista Thompson Class of 1989 Annual Fund Gifts: $3,950 Participation: 13% Laura Davey Banmiller Dawnlynne Cute-Allen, DC Dawn Cowan DeCarlo Jeanine Harrington Ferrick Charlene Keller Fullmer, Esq. Heather Harrington Karen Forbes Heflin Dr. Jennifer M. King Ann K. Lynch Patricia Adolph Maher Megan Melinson McDonough, Esq. Heather McKenna-Tausz Carol Morrissey Missett Maria Termini-Romano Class of 1990 Annual Fund Gifts: $2,200 Participation: 13% Nicole A. Cashman Laurie Cybulski Jennifer Dorazio Klein Nicole Gryn Ksiazek Carolyn E. Logan Colleen Osborne Mook Bernadette Mueller Denise M. Ott Linda Yezzi Schubert Elena Wallace Shields Jodie King Smith Kelliann Rock Walker Catherine Wiley Christine Lamprecht Wilmerding Class of 1991 20th Reunion Annual Fund Gifts: $1,600 Participation: 15% Allyson Rich Bogle Caroline Toedtman Brant Kathleen Gorman Duffy Maureen Adolph Furletti Patricia A. Gorman Heather McGlinn Hansma Shannon Boyle Koebbe Genevieve Noderer Lynch

Jill Maggs Suzanne C. O’Neill Jennifer Adams Phillips Gertrude Bruner Rowello Colleen O’Keefe Rybakoff Caitlin Mackintosh Schroder Elisabeth Cardillo Towsen Linda Geisel Williams Class of 1992 Annual Fund Gifts: $990 Participation: 8% Megan Carey Brogan Dr. Charrell M. Bullard Dr. Erica Christine Kobylinski Heverin Katherine Loos Major Kathleen Palm Reed Lisa McNamara Rhodes Shannon Brennan Rohr Jeanine O’Brien Waldron Maureen McCabe Wilson Class of 1993 Annual Fund Gifts: $2,850 Participation: 9% Tracy Allu-Albertelli Christine Harder Bischoff Victoria Makarewicz Clark Jeannine A. Giordano Dr. Allison M. Hanlon Marie C. McGrath Anita Dudzek McMahon Jennifer Powers McNamara Catherine Groark Shields Eileen M. Voegele Amy Hughes Watson Class of 1994 Annual Fund Gifts: $1,561 Participation: 15% Kristin O’Brien Brown Megan Pomrink Charlton Siobhan Forde Crosby Brenda L. Ey Joanne Fischer Ey Michelle Lillian Fay Joanna Dalton Guest Laura Ragan Henry Cara Ann Dougherty Jenkins Rita Eleanor Flynn Jolls Megan FitzPatrick Maloney Elizabeth McNamara-Feliciani Donna Marie Viti Nardone Megan Osborne Romano Amy Schuster Valasek Jennifer Harrington Vogel Christa Smalley White Class of 1995 Annual Fund Gifts: $455 Participation: 7% Erin Allu Allen Julia King Gorniak Christie Fluehr Himes Janine B. Michaelson Erin O’Brien Meagan McMahon Powers

Margaret Mary Magee Seminack Suzanne M. Sweeney Class of 1996 15th Reunion Annual Fund Gifts: $2,260 Participation: 12% Sara Pickens Cavallaro Kristina Kopach Crocker Marie A. DeGregorio Jennifer M. Dolan Ellen Halczenko Donohoe Erin McClafferty Erfle Krista Mignoni Gambel Kathleen Gordon Green Kelly A. Lynch Karen Conn Mavros Melissa Shannon Pitchford Kelly Beaver Pustizzi Patricia Ann Hanlon Rist Megan Miller Yoo Class of 1997 Annual Fund Gifts: $825 Participation: 10% Leslie Ann Longino Boland Amy Zaucha Brennan Joan Elizabeth King Cavallaro Janel A. Demeter Dayna M. Federici Christa Guidi Cristin R. Harrington Kristin Biermann Hillsley Alicia C. Kempf Carolyn P. McKee Karen Lannutti Perone Susanna Puntel Short Lauren Schaffer Stienes Class of 1998 Annual Fund Gifts: $1,145 Participation: 8% Katie Romano Bartlomiejus Claire M. Bonner Joan Vivaldelli Botelho Emily Jean Dolan Erica L. Graf Carly D. Irwin Jill Sommer Lesher Rebecca McMurtrie Mann Cathleen Jordan Rubin Class of 1999 Annual Fund Gifts: $695 Participation: 8% Lindsay Pio Blank Amy E. Borek Lauren Wall Decker Carolyn DiMaria Kathleen Durkin Fenningham Rebecca Rhoads Friel Amanda Raubenstine Goldschmidt Dr. Angela E. Kang Lindsay Anne Parsons Kara McMahon Weaver


Alumnae Annual Giving Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2010-2011 Class of 2000 Annual Fund Gifts: $1,130 Participation: 14% Kelly Ann McKeown Adomsky Amie Anaise Bonner Lauren J. Grous Janine N. Guerra Madeleine Ford Harkins Emily A. Jacoby Jessica R. Karpuk Barbara Tumelty Kelly Shamrock A. Kennedy Meaghan P. Londergan Erin McGrath Wachlin Christina Crognale Pittaoulis Jane Milton Polto Corey Ann Raieta Heacock Angela J. Schwartz Maureen McCracken Smith Mary Elizabeth Tursi Class of 2001 10th Reunion Annual Fund Gifts: $1,095 Participation: 12% Jennifer Leigh Uricchio Bax Emily Ann DePaul Margaret Anne Markmann Dougherty Christine Maura Fisher Maureen Elizabeth Hanlon Elizabeth Kelly Hessel Katie Anne Marie Schuster Johnson Megan Patricia Keane Kathryn Ann Madden Kokol Megan Elizabeth Barth Lewis Bernadette Marie Longino Shannon L. McGonigle Kelly Elizabeth Cuff Reed Julia Marie Rocchi Kimberly Ann Rothwell Class of 2002 Annual Fund Gifts: $765 Participation: 7% Amy Allison Blank Elizabeth Alexandra Bouquard Dominique Ashley Green Caroline Crawford Harkins Cecilia Marie Baldino Hartzel Jeanette R. Lalla Jennifer Regina Russell Jane Marie Scholl Lindsay Elizabeth Skyrm Stephanie Mary Thistle Class of 2003 Annual Fund Gifts: $640 Participation: 10% Kathryn Elizabeth Carlin Elizabeth Anne Hartnett Chelsea June Hersch Ann Catherine Kelly Meghan Elizabeth Madden Meghan Ann Malone Courtney Catherine McSparron


* Deceased

Jenna Marie Pellecchia Kathryn Marie Brady Quigg Christina Ann Muller Swanson Anne Helene Trefz Catherine Vera Wigglesworth Elizabeth Anne Wood Class of 2004 Annual Fund Gifts: $625 Participation: 9% Kelly Lynn Birzes Valerie A. Delp Lisa Christine Prybella Egan Kara Maureen Garrity Caitlin E. Garvey Sandra L. Hill Maryann T. Jordan Regina Maureen McKenna Lauren Elizabeth Peak Elizabeth Sara Pendley Carol Anne Shotzbarger Marissa Lauren Smith Orla Rose Treacy Class of 2005 Annual Fund Gifts; $750 Participation: 7% Christina Elena Ferrier Courtney Brennan Hain Erin Elizabeth Hughes Emily Elizabeth Johnson Katie Dalton Kerr Christina Marie Kolokithias Christine Theres Menna Julia Corrie Powers Christine Anne Steinmetz Emily H. Trymbiski Maurin Bebhinn Walchak Class of 2006 5th Reunion Annual Fund Gifts: $465 Participation: 10% Emily Bender Stephanie Ann Gasper Blose Mary M. Cantwell Anna Marie Cero Colleen Elizabeth Doherty Christine E. Dunn Kimberly Elizabeth Dustman Kathleen M. Hubbert

Rebecca Ashley Naab Jessica Ann Pasquarella Kerry Elizabeth Roman Regina Adele Schmidt Therese Ann Williams Class of 2007 Annual Fund Gifts: $446 Participation: 8% Colleen Anne Beichert Gabrielle Nicoletti Ferrier Colleen Marie Giagnacova Alyssa Deane Hirst Gabrielle Antoinette Jordan Kathryn Louise Kirsch Kaitlin Elizabeth McCool Jane Irene Mieczkowski Genevieve Catherine O’Mara Samantha Nicole Peruto Dana Marie Puleo Class of 2008 Annual Fund Gifts: $515 Participation: 8% Catherine Teresa Begley Elizabeth Ann Certa Joanna Katherine Dearolf Mary Kathleen Gillespie Jacqueline I. Hain Laura Marie Johnson Alyssa Marriette Kichula Kelly Ann Lagreca Sarah Jessica McGorry Colleen Mary McNamara Amanda B. Nolan Class of 2009 Annual Fund Gifts: $635 Participation: 11% Catherine Marie Barr Alexandra Blanchard Bono Kristen Nicole Cericola Claire Kelly Geruson Sarah Ashley Hirst Jaclyn Elizabeth Mahan Christine Courtney McBride Alexandra McDevitt Shannon Marie Morgan Victoria Maria O’Malley Corin Mary Roman Jaclyn Nicole Rossetti

Alumnae Annual Giving Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2010-2011 Danielle Nicole Shertz Laura Christina Thistle Katherine Loughlin Wzorek Mara Irene Yanni Class of 2010 Annual Fund Gifts: $185 Participation: 7% Victoria Leigh Babson Deirdre Marie Best Grace Catherine Cipressi Katharine Mary McCormack Gallagher Alexa Marie Iannuzzi Alanna Marie McCloy Kelly Michelle Moyer Bianca Nicola Pasquel Laura Ann Paviglianiti Nicole Marie Schuster Class of 2011 Annual Fund Gifts: $898 Participation: 93% Jessica D. Agostinelli Catherine Lucy Baldasano Megan Elizabeth Black Erica Ann Bonavitacola Stephanie Blanchard Bono Meredith Rose Bracken Caitlin Janine Brady Lynda Marie Brady Meaghan Kelly Bresnahan Michele Monica Burns Mariel Mackey Cain Maura Ann Carroll Katie Margaret Casebeer Megan Elizabeth Ciarlone Amanda Lynn Clark Anne Maureen Clarke Diana Cnudde Stephanie Elizabeth Crilly Margaret Evelyn Croke Chiara P. Curcillo Holly Lynn D’Agostino Casey Ann Damiani Courtney Leigh Davey Audrey Callahan Davis Alison Suzanne Deasy Anna Lynn DelRicci Victoria Jayne DeMarco Erin Catherine Dohony Taylor Claire Drueding Victoria Faith Elliott Mary Elizabeth Entwistle Hannah Marie Farrell Kacie Catharine Farrell Kerry Marie Fitzpatrick Evelyn Ann Flashner Paige Lindsey Flynn Caitlin Kearns Foley Christina Marie Forst Carly Ann Frederick Rachel Ann Free Kerri Leigh Gallagher Melissa Marie Gavin Teresa Kelly Geruson Kathryn Craft Glover Anna Marie Goebel Margaret Mary Cecelia Gottschalk

Mary Elizabeth Gries Christina Catherine Hamilton Stephanie Anne Henrich Courtney Elizabeth Hogan Mary Jo Horgan Jennifer Kim Jenkins McKenna Elizabeth Kardish Katelyn Marie Keane Mackenzie Kennedy Kelley Elesa Elizabeth Knowles Tara Katherine Knox Veronica Helen Kauffman Kreter Carlie Ann Krill Kerry Lynn Krouchick Melanie Frances Lagreca Gianna Michele Leone Julianne Marie Looby Dana Marita MacIntosh Annemarie Malazita Stephanie Marie Malone Elizabeth Catherine Maloney Giana Catherine Mandel Katherine Lynn Matchett Jaclyn Nicole Matsinger Morgan Elizabeth McCafferty Kathryn Elizabeth McCormick Margaret Raymond McDermott Heather Lynn McFarlane Alexandra Quinn McGill-Wilson Michaela Sean McGlynn Amy McGovern Shannon Elise McGovern Morgan Julia McKibbin Colette-Jeanne Desfosse McNella Alise Marie McNutt Catherine Anne Moran Allison Marie Moroz Mary Katherine Naydan Lindsey Ann Nemshick Katie Leigh O’Brien Meghan Elizabeth O’Grady Ellen Marie O’Kane Julia Louise Pacitti Mary Kate Pascali Colleen Margaret Patterson

Corynne Victoria Peters Allison Marie Peterson Melissa Ann Pfeifer Emily Anne Phillips Allison G. Potestio Margaret Prendergast Jaclyn Ann Primavera Anne Kathryn Pugh Mary Catherine Radomski Elizabeth Jean Rafferty Melissa A. Renzi Maura Elizabeth Ricci Stephanie Renae Rivero Sarah C. Rocco Jackelyn Elizabeth Rockwood Gabrielle Rounbehler Alyse Rebecca Runowski Margaret Anne Rush Angela Lynn Saponaro Anneliese Marie Scheck Anna Elizabeth Schultz Jenna Colleen Seybert Kathleen Sharaf Kirk Elizabeth Shields Denise Siedlecki Nicole Siedlecki Danielle Bridgette Skowronek Lilly Katrina Small Stephanie Marguarite Smith Valerie Anne Smith Lauren Marie Subers Alexandra Bradley Sullivan Moira Sweeney Natalie Ann Tacka Elise Noel Taylor Molly Elizabeth Tenzinger Leigh Anne Tiffany Erin Christine Walsh Meghan Marie Weiser Stephanie Patricia Wells Keira Campbell Wingert Allison Leigh Wolper Hillary Reddington Yeabsley Catherine Quinn Zakrzewski Shannon Joanne Zoldy


Parents Annual Giving Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2010-2011 Class of 2011 Annual Fund Giving: $39,676 Participation: 30% Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Baldasano Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Black Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Bono Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Brady Ms. Constance Brady Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Brady Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Philip J. Bresnahan Mr. and Mrs. George P. Cain Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Francis L. Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Casebeer Mr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cnudde Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Crilly Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. DelRicci Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Dohony Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Drueding Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Forst Mr. and Mrs. Gregg C. Frederick Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gavin Mr. Gregory J. Geruson and Ms. Eileen Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Larry Glover Ms. Patricia M. Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Horgan Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Jenkins Mrs. Ann Keane Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Knox Dr. Bruce Kreter Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. MacIntosh Mr. Richard J. Mandel and Ms. Francine Del Ricci Mr. and Mrs. William C. McCormick Ms. Dorrian McGill Mr. and Mrs. Martin R. McNeela Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Moroz Dr. and Mrs. Timothy O’Grady Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. O’Kane Mr. and Mrs. William J. Pfeifer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Prendergast Mr. and Mrs. William H. Pugh, V Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Ricci Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Rush Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. George A. Tenzinger Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Tiffany Mr. and Mrs. Clayton M. Wells Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Zakrzewski Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Zoldy Class of 2012 Annual Fund Giving: $29,862 Participation: 31% Dr. and Mrs. Gary Beck Mr. and Mrs. Philip Biaesch Dr. Kenneth J. Boyden and Ms. Marie Bozzi Mr. and Mrs. Lewis M. Bryson, III Dr. and Mrs. John P. Carbone Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cilio Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Covais


* Deceased

Mr. David W. Cox and Ms. Judith Nentwig Mr. and Mrs. Anthony DePaul Mr. James C. Driscoll and Dr. Diana Driscoll Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Duda Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ehrlich Mr. and Mrs. David Ellman Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Fabiszewski Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Gozdan Mrs. Susan Graham Mr. Michael P. Gregor Mr. Gerald J. Gregory Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Haas Mr. John T. Hank and Mrs. MaryKay Meeks-Hank Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Kolin A. Kist Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kline Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey V. Kohler Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Lawn Mr. and Mrs. Antonio A. Mascaro Mr. Robert F. McCadden and Ms. Dorothy Riehs Mr. and Mrs. George McCool Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Philip K. McElroy Ms. Julie J. McGlynn Mr. and Mrs. Brian McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Morrissey Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. O’Connell Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. O’Leary Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Peifer Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Platt Mr. and Mrs. John Purcell Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Rayner Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Robins Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Russin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Sadowski Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stueber Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tully Mr. and Mrs. Craig Zaroff Mr. and Mrs. Mark Zielinski Class of 2013 Annual Fund Giving: $62,397 Participation: 36% Dr. and Mrs. Emad Alnemri Dr. and Mrs. Harry Bonet Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Breslin Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Burgoyne Mrs. Valerie Carr

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Cellucci Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cnudde Ms. Moira Coll Ms. Kathleen Digney Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Donnard Ms. Dorothy Duffy Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Dunn Mr. Michael G. Eck Dr. Steven C. Flashner and Dr. Deirdre Collins Mr. and Mrs. James A. Ford Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Funchion Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Gannon Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Gill Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Glenn Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Good Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Gorman Mr. and Mrs. David N. Gutekunst Jr. Mr. Khaled Hassan and Mrs. Mafalda Corrado-Hassan Mr. and Mrs. Philip Heller Mr. and Mrs. T. Roderick Henkels Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Kindelan Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Knox Mr. and Mrs. John A. Loftus Jr. Mrs. Margaret Mary Logan Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Loughery Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lux Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Michael Marconi Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. McBride Mr. and Mrs. Gerard I. McCloy Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. McKeon, III Mr. and Mrs. John Mirabella Mr. and Mrs. John J. Mischler Mr. and Mrs. Karl S. Murray Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Pagliaro Mr. and Mrs. Clifford A. Patton Mr. and Mrs. William H. Pugh, V Mr. and Mrs. John J. Quirk Mr. and Mrs. Francis D. Raggazino Mr. and Mrs. John Rilling Mr. and Mrs. Kent Roman Dr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Ruddy Dr. and Mrs. Gustavo Sanchez Mr. and Mrs. James Schu Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Seminack Ms. Sandra Stabler Mr. Gerard Sutton and Mrs. Mayumi Goto-Sutton Mr. and Mrs. George A. Tenzinger

Parents Annual Giving


Grandparent Giving

Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2010-2011 Mr. and Mrs. James W. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Tiffany Dr. and Mrs. John M. Travaline Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Troy Mr. and Mrs. Richard Vinciguerra Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Walter Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Waters Mr. and Mrs. James J. Welsh Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Wescott Class of 2014 Annual Fund Giving: $32,173 Participation: 39% Drs. George and Mini Abraham Mr. and Mrs. James J. Adams Dr. and Mrs. Emad Alnemri Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Barton Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne J. Beal Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Black Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Brown Mr. Joseph J. Buzad Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Cades Dr. and Mrs. John P. Carbone Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cianciulli Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ciasullo

Mr. Robert A. Catanzariti and Dr. Annette M. Colavita Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Dunn Mr. and Mrs. William R. Eberle Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Gannon Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Victor Ghantous Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Harvey Mrs. Lisa Z. Hill Mr. and Mrs. W. Dean Karrash Mrs. Ann Keane Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Kolin A. Kist Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kowalski Mr. and Mrs. Carl T. Kruse Dr. Carol Lawlor Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Lawn Dr. and Mrs. Edward H. Leonard Mr. and Mrs. David A. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Magarity Mr. Eugene J. Maginnis Jr. Mr. Richard J. Mandel and Ms. Francine DelRicci Mr. and Mrs. Michael McHugh Mr. and Mrs. Brian McLaughlin

Mr. and Mrs. Terry Merkle Mr. and Mrs. John Mirabella Mr. and Mrs. John J. Mischler Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Monzo Mr. Robert J. Mooney Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Murray Mr. and Mrs. John M. Neyer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Paddock Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Scott Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smart Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sottile Mr. and Mrs. R. Brian Stefanowicz Mr. and Mrs. John V. Steinmetz Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James P. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Vilella Mr. and Mrs. William W. Walters Mr. and Mrs. John Weinrich Mr. and Mrs. David A. Wise Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Woodrow Mr. and Mrs. Francis W. Worthington Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Zakrzewski Dr. John Ziemniak and Dr. Marie Tokasz-Ziemniak

Grandparent Giving

We are thankful to our grandparents for their continued generosity toward the Mount! Anonymous Dolores Bobrowski Bowes ’45 Kathleen Wenz Burgoyne ’50 Colleen Kelly Coll ’64 and Mr. Joseph Coll Patricia Reilly Dehel ’52 and Mr. Frank Dehel Mr. and Mrs. Peter DePaul

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Driscoll Mr. Paul W. Franzen Mrs. Mary C. Gregor Mrs. Kathleen Haber Mrs. Dorothy Henrich Mr. and Mrs. Jaroslaw Kaczaj Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Keane Marie Rosato King ’46 and Hon. William A. King Joanne Scott Kyle ’59 Mr. Martin Longstreth*

Mr. John I. McCann Lorraine Sukalski McGlynn ’52 Joan Gallagher McKeon ’48 and Mr. Edwin M. McKeon Mrs. Elizabeth Meehan Mr. and Mrs. John M. Travaline Sr. Chyllene Quinn Waters ’56 and Mr. Peter G. Waters Kathleen Rhoads Waters ’52 Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Zacchei

Faculty, Staff & Friends Annual Giving Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2010-2011 The loyalty of the Mount Saint Joseph Academy faculty and staff extends far beyond their dedication in the classroom and devotion to the students. We recognize the following teachers, staff and friends who have contributed to the 2010-2011 Annual Fund. Mr. Peter Alfonsi Mrs. Amy Balcer Mrs. Bernadette T. Balcer Mrs. Maria H. Bechis Mary Christine Strolle Bender ’72 S. Kathleen Brabson, SSJ Mrs. Fran Brett S. Mary K. Butler, SSJ S. Joannie Cassidy, SSJ Dr. Judith A. Caviston Mrs. Kellyann Cilio Mrs. Janet Columbro Mrs. Maryanne Coyle Adele Bateman Donahue ’48 Mrs. Margaret Doyle

S. St. Rose Dwyer, SSJ Mrs. Diane Dyer Mr. George Eckhardt Mrs. Melissa Gnall Harrison Mrs. Margaret Green Mrs. Jill C. Gregori Madeleine Ford Harkins ’00 Kathleen Kropp Hart ’65 Mrs. Blanche E. Haughton Jessica R. Karpuk ’00 Mrs. Kathleen Kennedy S. Patricia Ann Krochmal, SSJ S. William Teresa Leonard, SSJ Mrs. Linda Lewis Patricia Adolph Maher ’89

Mrs. Leigh McFadden Mrs. Sandra Moore Mrs. Theresa M. Moyer Mrs. Patricia E. O’Connell Mrs. Barbara A. Oldt Lindsay Anne Parsons ’99 Mrs. Annmarie Reteneller Mrs. Edwina Rothschild Mrs. Joyce M. Sadowski S. Geraldine Sadowy, SSJ Mrs. Kathleen Shevlin Mrs. Carol Siwinski Mrs. Margaret M. Toth Mrs. Bernice Trotter Ms. Eileen Wilkinson


Past Parents Annual Giving Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2010-2011 Mr. and Mrs. James J. Adams Mr. and Mrs. John C. Adolph Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Anderson Anonymous (3) Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Augustine Mr. and Mrs. John L. Backus Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Baird Mr. and Mrs. John J. Barr Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Barth Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Bechis Mr. and Mrs. John Beecroft Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Beerhalter Mr. James H. Bellam and Ms. Miriam McKeegan Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bellwoar Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Bender Mr. George F. Beppel and Ms. Lorraine B. McGlynn Mrs. Mary Berko Mr. and Mrs. William J. Bonner Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Bono Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Bouquard Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Brett Mr. and Mrs. John J. Broderick Mrs. Mary Ellen Brown Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Brown Mrs. Kathleen Burgoyne Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Burke Dr. James M. Burns and Dr. Donna Russo Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Byrne Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Cades Ms. Cynthia B. Capaci Mr. and Mrs. John H. Carney Mrs. Doranne Case Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Cattie Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Cattie Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald V. Cericola Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Cero Jr. Dr. Kenneth M. Certa and Dr. Marie Robb Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale J. Ciammetti Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Cipressi Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Cissone Mr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Cleary Mr. and Mrs. William J. Collier Mr. and Mrs. Guy Columbro Mr. and Mrs. John L. Connolly Jr. Mr. David W. Cox and Ms. Judith Nentwig Mr. and Mrs. Peter Coyle Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Crawford Mrs. Patricia Crognale Dr. and Mrs. G. Walter Crooks Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Cross Mr. and Mrs. Jesse L. Crumpler Mr. Thomas F.Cunnane and Dr. Mary Cunnane Mrs. Theresa Cute Mr. and Mrs. Martin P. D’Amico Mr. and Mrs. Francis L. Davey Mr. and Mrs. John E. Daw Dr. and Mrs. Walter W. Dearolf, III


Mr. and Mrs. Richard Deasy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. DelRicci Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Demeter Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. DePaul Mr. and Mrs. Peter DePaul Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Devenny Ms. Kathleen Digney Mr. and Mrs. William J. Dixon Mr. and Mrs. James F. Doherty Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Dolaway Mr. and Mrs. William J. Donovan Sr. Mrs. Margaret Doyle Mr. James C. Driscoll and Dr. Diana Driscoll Mr. and Mrs. Michael Driscoll Mr. and Mrs. John P. Drummy Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Duda Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Duff Ms. Dorothy Duffy Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Dunn Mr. and Mrs. John I. Dyer Mr. and Mrs. Gary Dysart Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Fabiszewski Dr. and Mrs. George E. Federici Mr. and Mrs. William S. Feeny Mr. and Mrs. John C. Fenningham Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Ferrier Dr. and Mrs. Brian G. Firth Mr. and Mrs. William M. FitzPatrick Dr. Steven C. Flashner and Dr. Deirdre Collins Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Fogel Mr. and Mrs. Terrence J. Foley Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Ford Mr. Paul W. Franzen Mr. and Mrs. Gregg C. Frederick Ms. Linda Funke Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Gallagher Mrs. Kathleen Quinn Gannon Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Ronald B. Garges Mr. and Mrs. Rodrigo O. Gargullo Mr. and Mrs. James J. Garrity Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Garvin Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Gasper Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gavin Mr. and Mrs. Laurence P. Genuardi Mr. Gregory J. Geruson and Ms. Eileen Kelly

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Giagnacova Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Giarrocco Mr. and Mrs. John P. Gibbons Dr. William J. Gibbons Mr. and Mrs. Terence Gillespie Dr. and Mrs. John R. Gimpel Mrs. Maryanne C. Ginley Mr. and Mrs. James M. Glasgow Mr. and Mrs. S. John Gorman Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Gozdan Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Grabish Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Graf Mrs. Mary C. Gregor Mr. Michael P. Gregor Ms. Patricia M. Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Mark Haas Mrs. Kathleen Haber Mr. and Mrs. John J. Haggerty Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hain, III Mr. and Mrs. Wasyl Halczenko Mr. and Mrs. William C. Hamburger Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Hannigan Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hanson Mrs. Mary C. Harbison Mr. Robert Harrington Mr. and Mrs. George K. Harris Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison, IV Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Hartnett Jr. Mrs. Eileen M. Hessman Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark Hinkel Mr. and Mrs. William F. Hirst Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Honeyman Dr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Horstmann Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Hylinski Mr. and Mrs. Philip Iannuzzi Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Jasiukiewicz Mr. and Mrs. M. Alanson Johnson, III Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Jones Mrs. Joanne Junker Mrs. Renee Kaiser Mr. and Mrs. Francis Karwacki Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Keane Mrs. Madeleine Keehn Mr. and Mrs. Francis C. Keenan Dr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Kelly Mrs. Molly Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Kelly Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Kindelan Hon. and Mrs. William A. King

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey V. Kohler Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Kopach Mr. and Mrs. Ernest F. Koschineg Jr. Mrs. Margaret Kraft Mr. and Mrs. James J. Kraus Dr. Bruce Kreter Mrs. Joanne M. Kyle Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Labrum Mr. and Mrs. John E. Lacy Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Lahann Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lapowsky Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Larrimore Mr. and Mrs. Terence J. Lawler Mr. Joseph C. Lennon Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Leonard Mr. Joseph Logan Mrs. Eugenia Lombard Drs. Stephen L. and Jane M. Longacre Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lucarini Ms. Roseann Lucarini Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lukach Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mackintosh Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Maginnis Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Maron Mr. and Mrs. Udo H. Maron Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Antonio A. Mascaro Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. David G. McBride Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. McBride Mr. John I. McCann Mr. and Mrs. Gerard I. McCloy Mr. Richard P. Gallagher and Ms. Anne v. McCormick Mr. and Mrs. William C. McCormick Mr. and Mrs. Robert McDevitt Dr. and Mrs. Philip K. McElroy Mr. Thomas McGlinn Mrs. Lorraine McGlynn Mr. and Mrs. Peter McGonigle Mr. and Mrs. John V. McKee Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. McKenna Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. McKeon Mr. and Mrs. Edwin McKeon Mrs. Elizabeth Meehan Dr. William J. Meis and Dr. Mary Louise Schneiders Mr. and Mrs. John J. Meko Sr. Dr. and Mrs. James Menapace Mr. and Mrs. Barry D. Mescolotto Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Messmer Mr. and Mrs. George Mirsch Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Monahan Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Moyer Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Murray Mr. and Mrs. David T. Naab Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Naccarato Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Nolan Mr. and Mrs. James M. O’Connell Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. O’Leary Mrs. Carol O’Malley Dr. and Mrs. Thomas F. O’Malley

Mrs. Ellen O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Osborne Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Pasquarella Mr. and Mrs. Guido P. Pasquel Mr. and Mrs. James K. Paul Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Paul Dr. and Mrs. Alexander R. Pedicino Dr. and Mrs. Patrick E. Pellecchia Drs. Charles E. and Valerie Pendley Mr. and Mrs. John M. Peruto Mr. and Mrs. George C. Pinchock Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Pisano Mr. and Mrs. James D. Princivalle Mr. and Mrs. William H. Pugh, V Mr. Robert N. Rau Mrs. Joan Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Rieder Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Riethmiller Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Kent Roman Mr. and Mrs. John P. Rossi Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Rothwell Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Russin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Sadowski Dr. and Mrs. Gustavo Sanchez Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Serpico Mr. and Mrs. Bernard M. Shaeffer Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Sheehan Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shewman Mr. and Mrs. George J. Shotzbarger Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Slawek Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smart Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Sokolski Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Sommer Ms. Sandra Stabler Mr. and Mrs. R. Brian Stefanowicz Mr. William H. Stieg and Ms. Jennifer Lin Mr. and Mrs. John V. Steinmetz Jr. Mr. W. Jerome Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Stillwell Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Z. Sucharski Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. George A. Tenzinger Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Termini Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Thistle Mr. Raymond Thomas Mr. and Mrs. James W. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. John F. Tierney Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Toth Dr. and Mrs. John M. Travaline Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Travaline Sr. Mr. Robert P. Trinkle and Ms. Kathy Pape Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Uricchio, III Mr. and Mrs. Willard E. Vandiver Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Vecchione Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Vergare Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Vezzosi Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Vinciguerra Mr. James A. Vivaldelli Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Walker, III Mr. and Mrs. John F. Waller Mr. Joseph A. Walsh Jr. Ms. Robyn S. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. William W. Walters Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Waters Mrs. Kathleen B. Waters Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Waters Dr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Weidig Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Weller Mr. and Mrs. James J. Welsh Dr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Werner Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Martin F. Whalen Mr. William A. Whiteside Jr. Mr. Anthony J. Wzorek and Ms. Kathleen Loughlin Mr. and Mrs. Antonio J. Yanni Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Zacchei Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Zakrzewski Mr. and Mrs. Edward Z. Zaucha Mr. and Mrs. Phillip J. Zminda


Annual Restricted Gifts & Gifts in Kind Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2010-2011

Athletic Department Gifts in Memory of Kevin O’Neill

Music Department Lu Lu Country Club

Dr. Susan Higley Bray ’59 Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. McCormick Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Francis D. Raggazino


Crew Monica Janke Bresnahan ’77 and Dr. Philip J. Bresnahan Dr. and Mrs. John P.Carbone Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Casebeer Ms. Moira Coll Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. DelRicci Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ehrlich Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. Flynn Mr. Michael P. Gregor Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hain, III Mr. and Mrs. Philip Heller Mrs. Dorothy Henrich Mrs. Ann Keane Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Kindelan Mr. and Mrs. Kolin A. Kist Mr. and Mrs. John A. Loftus Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George McCool Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William C. McCormick Dr. and Mrs. Philip K. McElroy Ms. Dorrian McGill Mr. and Mrs. Martin R. McNeela Mr. and Mrs. John Mirabella Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. O’Connell Kimberly Henrich Pagliaro ’87 and Mr. Anthony Pagliaro Dr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Ruddy Mr. and Mrs. John B. Rush Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Stillwell Sr. Mr. Gerard Sutton and Mrs. Mayumi Goto-Sutton Kathleen McNamara Tenzinger ’77 and Mr. George A. Tenzinger Mr. and Mrs. James W. Thompson Mary Stoll Walter ’81 and Mr. Kenneth D. Walter

Boat House Initiative Mr. and Mrs. Brian F. Belcher Mr. and Mrs. Leon K. Chain Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Elliott Elizabeth Schofield Walker ’81 and Mr. Frederick Walker


Mr. James H. Bellam and Ms. Miriam McKeegan Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Udo H. Maron Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. O’Connell Mr. and Mrs. Francis D. Raggazino Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Stillwell Sr.

F.I.R.S.T. Robotics Team- Firebirds Aetna Foundation Mr. Peter Alfonsi Dr. Kenneth J.D. Boyden and Ms. Marie Bozzi Mr. and Mrs. Lewis M. Bryson, III Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Burke Mr. James C. Driscoll and Dr. Diana Driscoll Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Duda Mr. Michael G. Eck Mr. and Mrs. David Ellman FIRST Dr. Steven C. Flashner and Dr. Deirdre Collins

Regina Finnegan Gill ’84 and Mr. Charles R. Gill, Jr. Mr. John T. Hank and Mrs. MaryKay Meeks-Hank Mr. Khaled Hassan and Mrs. Mafalda Corrado-Hassan Mr. and Mrs. T. Roderick Henkels Mr. and Mrs. Kolin A. Kist Mr. and Mrs. Udo H. Maron Maureen Ryan Rilling ’84 and Mr. John Rilling Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Sadowski

Celebrauction XXVII

A Journey Down The Nile

Celebrauction XXVII, held on March 5, 2011, was a great success, raising over $250,000 for the Mount! This delightful evening was filled with excitement, fun and friendly competition amongst the bidders. In the photo at right with Sister Kathleen Brabson, SSJ, are Auction Chairs Debbie and Kirk Nemshick, who, with their outstanding committee, student volunteers and Auction Director Lisa Henrich, transformed the Mount into a dazzling treasure, making Celebrauction XXVII a night to remember.

Sponsors Premier Event Sponsor SAFE AND SOUND FOR 75 YEARS.



BPG Properties, Ltd. – Art and Gail Pasquarella Fabiszewski Family – Bob and Eileen Fabiszewski C-Jay L.L.C. – Carl and Yunnie Jenkins Thomas J. Paul Company – Denise and Jim Paul

Global Packaging – Tony and Eileen Maginnis Nemshick Family – Kirk and Debbie Nemshick Parx Casino – Tony and Helen Ricci

Aramark Condon and Skelly Cozen O’Connor – Suzanne Serianni Mayes ’84 Grant Thronton, LLP – Jim and Maureen Welsh


Kane, Pugh, Knoell, Troy & Kramer – Bill and Mary Pugh, & Liz and Tom Troy Hi-Trend – Lois Trench Hines ’60 and George Hines NSM Insurance Group – Nancy and Geoffrey McKernan

Bronze AccuTech Mechanical Systems – Mr. James F. Brewer Berko Family – Mary Merz Berko ’48 Boenning & Scattergood – Lou and Maliz DePaul Brown Family – Michael and Beth Brown Carr & Duff – Bob and Joanne Duff Cericola Family – Ellen Rosa-Bian Cericola ’82 and Donald Cericola Clarke Family – Tim and Kathy Clarke D. M. Sabia & Co., Inc. – John and Ginger Sabia Deloitte – Steve and Anne Gardner DePaul General Contractors – Dave and Donna DePaul Bartynski ’70 Durkin Family – Dennis and Audrey Durkin Gavin Family – Louise and Jack Gavin Fenningham, Stevens & Dempster – John and Maureen Fenningham

Hunter Douglas – Norm and Nancy Malone Law Offices of Daniel L. Thistle – Dan and Chris Thistle McHugh Family – Julie and Michael McHugh The McLaughlin Family – Brian and Shelia Kropp McLaughlin ’84 McNeil Consumer Healthcare – Bob and Peg Havard Orthopaedic Surgery & Rehabilitation – Dr. Chip and Susan Dearolf Philadelphia Coca-Cola Bottling Company – Faith and Fran McGorry Rizzo Family – Tony and Peg Rizzo Joseph and Eileen Heck Slawek ’48 Wells Fargo Advisors – William Michetti 51 Wells Technology – Clayton and Phyllis Wells

MSJA Annual Golf Classic Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2010-2011 The 18th Annual MSJA Golf Outing was a terrific success thanks to the great leadership of Mike and Beth Brown and a team of hard-working committee members. Over 140 golfers participated, and nearly $70,000 was raised for the Mount’s Endowment Fund, half of which benefits the Alumnae Endowed Scholarship. We are grateful to the following sponsors who helped us reach our goal and contributed to this great event:


Tournament Sponsor Thomas J. Paul, Inc.

Premium Sponsor The Brown Family

Purple Patrons

Gold Patrons

Legacy Sponsors

C-Jay L.L.C. (Carl Jenkins) Boenning & Scattergood (Lou DePaul)

Nicholas A.Giordano Cozen O’Connor (Suzanne Serianni Mayes ’84) The Gavin Family Hi-Trend, Inc. (Lois Trench-Hines ’60) Re/Max 2000 (Tony Rizzo)

Carr & Duff (Bob Duff) Citizens Bank The DePaul Group

Campanile Sponsors Global Packaging Tony DePaul and Sons

Tee/Green Sponsors and Other Donors AccuTech Chesheim Dental Associates (Dr. Angel Stout ’83) Dugan, Brinkmann, Maginnis and Pace (Eugene Maginnis) Flik Independent Schools Friends of Kate Harper Health Advocate, Inc. (David Rocchino) Jack Hewes The Horgan Family Keenan Motors Keller and Company Liberty Travel MSJA Golf Team Sherry Mischler Bernard Morgan Keith and Sue Ellen Morris Chris Pacheco Penn Police Association Ragone, Lacatena, Fairchild & Beppel, PC Schubert Bellwoar Skinny Water Tastycake


Auction Donors Ace Club Golf Course Tracy Allu-Albertelli ’93 Ambler Theater Becoming Center Mark Benevento Blue Bell Country Club Michael and Beth Brown Trish Zugay Burkholder ‘74 Chris Clark Kevin Gallagher Steve Gardner Larry Genuardi Michael Gregor Jack Hewes Kristin Biermann Hillsley ‘97 Alyssa Hirst ’07 Sarah Hirst ‘09 Paul LaNoce La Salle College High School Suzanne Serianni Mayes ‘84 MpD Dining Joe Nolan The Philadelphia Phillies The Rhoads Garden Rivercrest Golf Club Tom Sheridan Katrina Wise

Silver Patrons Belcher Roofing (Tom Belcher) The Genuardi Family Lansdale Chrysler Jeep (Jay Haenn) Smith Insurance Assoc., Inc. (Megan Smith Whelan ’95) The Wells Family

Prize Donors Tracy Allu-Albertelli ‘93 Pete Black Michael and Beth Brown Trish Zugay Burkholder ‘74 Dr. Annette Colavita ‘84 ESPN Larry Genuardi LaSalle University Suzanne Serianni Mayes ‘84 Jim McLaughlin Karl Murray Joe Nolan Erin Tinneny

Scholarships Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2010-2011

The Kelly Ann O’Connor ’96 Scholarship Fund was established in 1997 in memory of Kelly Ann O’Connor by her parents, relatives and friends. Kelly exemplified the Mount Spirit by her energy, her gentle and carefree nature and her ability to live everyday to the fullest. The income from this fund is to be used to provide tuition assistance to a deserving student who combines a fun-loving spirit with a concern for others. Mrs. Gary Aiken Mr. and Mrs. Michael Allan Nicole M. Aurello ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Beadling Mr. Michael Bourdua and Family Mr. and Mrs. James Breen Kimberly Parsons Brockmeyer ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Sung Chi Mary Sabia Ciammetti ’80 and Mr. Pasquale Ciammetti Kristina Kopach Crocker ’96

Mr. and Mrs. Brendon Crowther Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Donohoe Col. and Mrs. Joseph J. Draham Virginia Ward Farrell ’74 Mr. and Mrs. James Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gill Dr. and Mrs. Eric Griffin-Shelley Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Halligan Mr. and Mrs. Roger Harrington Mr. James Walter Hemple Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hennessey Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Higgins Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Katronick Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Kopach Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Krystopa Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Lauria Ms. Suzanne M. Lilly Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lofgren Mr. and Mrs. John J. Longino Mr. and Mrs. James D. Mahoney Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Mancino Jessica DiGati Massanova ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McAllister Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McAllister Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McElwee Mr. Jack McNamara Mr. and Mrs. Vincent P. McNichol Mrs. Deb Meirdercks and Family Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Minetti Mr. and Mrs. William F. Moffitt Mr. and Mrs. John F. Morasco Mr. Robert Morasco Mrs. Mary Pat Moyer Pamela Mundy Hicke ’72 Mr. and Mrs. James O’Connor

Mr. and Mrs. Michael O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. William L. O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Denis O’Neill Irene McLafferty O’Neill, Esq. ’83 Mr. and Mrs. James O’Neill Mr. Peter O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Robert O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Packer Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Palumbi Joan Morasco Parsons ’66 and Mr. Joseph H. Parsons Mr. and Mrs. Michael Parsons Mr. and Mrs. James P. Perry Mr. and Mrs. Robert Phipps Ms. Kelly A. Porter Mr. and Mrs. Ron Pycz Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Richards Mrs. John Sabia Mrs. Kate Santangelo Mr. and Mrs. Craig Sauers Mr. and Mrs. Scott Savage Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Scheier Ms. Allyson Seiferth Mr. and Mrs. Wayne L. Seiferth Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Shilling Kristen Melley Silvernan ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Gene Soda Ms. Erin Tinneny Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Toland, IV Megan O’Connor Tropiano ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Weber Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Weber Mr. William Weber Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Weber Dr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Whitaker Jr. Christa Maria Smalley White ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Sean Wills

The Alexandra Duzinski ’99 Scholarship Fund was established in 1997 in memory of Ali Duzinski by her parents, relatives and friends. Ali combined her academic achievement with a great passion for the arts. She performed in numerous concerts, skits and musicals both at the Mount and in the broader community. The income from this fund is to be used to provide tuition assistance to a deserving student who exemplifies Ali’s spirit and commitment to the Mount. Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Donohoe Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Duzinski Lauren Roberts Ficca ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Graf Mr. and Mrs. Vincent P. McNichol Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Roberts Mrs. Mary V. Stieber Amy Rothwell Worster ’77


Scholarships Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2010-2011

The Stephanie M. Arizin ’99 Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1997 in memory of Stephanie M. Arizin by her parents, relatives and friends. Stephanie Arizin truly exemplified the Mount scholar-athlete. Involved in a number of sports, she maintained high academic honors while participating in many areas of school life. The income from this endowed fund is to be used to provide tuition assistance to a deserving student entering her senior year who has demonstrated these characteristics of athletic and academic excellence recognized and appreciated by all who knew Stephanie.

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Arizin Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Arizin BlackRock Mr. and Mrs. Gerald C. Bohannon Dr. Brian E. Breslin Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Brown C. Caramanico & Sons, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Cadden Mr. and Mrs. James W. Christenson Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Daly Mr. and Mrs. John W. Doherty Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Donohoe Mr. R. Kevin Dougherty and Ms. Karen L. O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Erfle

Mr. and Mrs. Colin Fitzgerald Mr. Joseph R. Fox Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Gardner Goldman, Sachs & Company Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Greenberg Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Hoban Mr. and Mrs. William T. Hottenstein Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Ingelsby Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Jones Mr. Richard J. Kearney Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirkpatrick Legacy Management Group, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Michael Louden Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Marvin McCahon Builders, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Marc W. McKenna Mr. and Mrs. Vincent P. McNichol

Merck Company Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Mueller Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. Nolen Mr. and Mrs. Francis B. Ohanlon Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Piotrowicz Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Pugliese Mr. and Mrs. Vincent E. Shervin Cecy Conway Stack ’72 Mr. Dennis Stanton Mr. and Mrs. John V. Thompson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew S. Thompson Mr. Kenneth Turley Mr. Matthew J. Tuzman Mr. and Mrs. James Vankoski Kara McMahon Weaver ’99 Mr. Mark A. Zoller

The Donna Hanson Woolman ’88 Scholarship Fund was established in 2004 in memory of Donna by her family. During her time at the Academy, Donna was president of the computer club, sang in the glee club and was an avid writer. The scholarship will be awarded to an incoming freshman at the Mount who demonstrates financial need and is involved in extra-curricular activities during her grade school years. The grant will be awarded in each of her four years at the Mount. The Mount community is most grateful to the Hanson family for their generosity.

The family of Martin J. Sinon, parent of Jamie ’95, established a scholarship fund in his name following his death in May 2001. Marty was an active member of the MSJA Parents’ Association while his daughter attended the Mount. We are grateful to the Sinon Family and to the following for their generosity. Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Donohoe


Scholarships Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2010-2011

The Stephanie Leonards Roman Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 2009 in memory of Stephanie Leonards Roman by her family. As a teacher, Steph brought kindness, compassion and great intellect to the classroom. Her students loved her from the first and delighted in her joy of teaching science – everything from dissections to creek sampling and DNA extraction! She had the gift of being able to connect with the students and instill in them the love of learning. Steph was a natural in the classroom, and with her presence the girls acquired one of the finest role models a young woman could have – as a professional, as a wife and as a mother. We are grateful to the following donors who generously gave to the scholarship fund in Stephanie’s memory.

Anonymous Ms. Lisa J. Antinucci Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bower, IV Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bower, III Ms. Tiffany Cannon Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Coyne Jr. Ms. Louise Cupelli Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Dehennis Dr. and Mrs. Philippe Dekerillis Mr. and Mrs. David L. Emery Mrs. Diane Fritz Mr. and Mrs. Louis F. Hinman, III Mr. and Mrs. James Hurley Mr. Thomas H. Johantgen and Ms. Leslie S. Roy Ms. Barbara B. Leonards Ms. Sherry K. Leonards Mrs. Kellie Lewis Ms. Eloise R. Manning Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. McCormick Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George R. McGowen Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Miller, III MSJA Student Council Mr. Delno T. Perkins Michele Christin Roman Perkins ’86 Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Randolph Jr. Ms. Suzanne H. Randolph Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Roman Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Roy Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Ruzzi Mr. and Mrs. Hugh J. Zwilling

The Sister Mary Dacey, SSJ, Grant was established in September, 2004, by the past and present members of the Board of Directors of Mount Saint Joseph Academy. The grant is in honor of Sister Mary Dacey, former President of The Mount. The grant provides financial assistance to a student who is enrolled at Mount Saint Joseph Academy and who demonstrates financial need. We are grateful to the Board of Directors, past and present, who made this grant possible.


Honor and Memorial Gifts Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2010-2011 In honor of Marie Meaney Adolph ’53 Maureen Adolph Furletti ’91

In memory of S. Mary Donald, SSJ Ann Marie Von Hacht Horner ’69

In memory of Marguerite Maguire Hauser ’49 Jane Maguire Starke ’50

In memory of Margaret Morgenthaler Allen ’51 Louise Waters Barbaretta ’51

In memory of Ali Duzinski ’99 Carolyn DiMaria Lauren Roberts Ficca ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Roberts

In memory of S. Claire Helene, SSJ Patricia Drennen Bleistine ’66 Anne Senser Byrne ’53

In honor of Angela Grace Alnemri ’13 Dr. and Mrs. Emad Alnemri In honor of Diana Alnemri ’14 Dr. and Mrs. Emad Alnemri In memory of Dr. Donald F. Armento Anina Armento Pfeiffer ’80 In memory of Amy Gentry Becker ’86 Anna DelGesso Gard ’86 In honor of Frederick Bergner Theresa Bergner Bowman ’64 In honor of Stephanie Ann Gasper Blose ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Gasper In memory of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Boccella Mr. and Mrs. W. Dean Karrash In honor of S. Kathleen Brabson, SSJ Mr. William A. Whiteside Jr. In honor of the Burger Sisters Joan Elizabeth King Cavallaro ’97 In honor of S. Mary K. Butler, SSJ Carol Anne Shotzbarger ’04 In honor of Allessandra Buzad ’14 Mr. Joseph J. Buzad In honor of Sarina Bernadette Carr ’13 Mrs. Valerie Carr In memory of Amelia Caruso Joanne Caruso Garges ’64 In memory of Mrs. Gail Cattie Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cattie Jr. In honor of Monica Robinson Cirino ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Robinson In honor of The Class of 2011 Kirk Elizabeth Shields ’11 In memory of Gloria Garcia Cook ’47 Mr. M. Michael Ansour Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Feldman Mr. and Mrs. Alan H. Goldstein In memory of Stephen W. Crognale Sr. Mrs. Patricia Crognale In honor of Aileen Robinson Dailey ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Robinson In honor of Mrs. Marge DeStefano Mary Kathrine Naydan ’11 In honor of John and Eileen Diamond Kathleen Diamond Owen ’87 In memory of Kathleen Kopp Dolan Renee Doty McComas ’64


In honor of Samantha Carol Eberle ’14 Mr. and Mrs. William R. Ebrle

In honor of Mrs. Bernadette Korey Leonard Hitschler ’73 Colleen Anne Beichert ’07

In honor of Faculty and Staff of MSJA Dr. and Mrs. John R. Gimpel

In memory of Jeannie Irons Caitlin Janine Brady ’11

In memory of Helen Farrell Danielle Nicole Shertz ’09

In memory of Mrs. Teresa Jones Ellin Mary Jones ’80

In memory of Theresa V. Felix ’48 Mary Merz Berko ’48

In memory of Blanche Palacio Kammer ’48 Mary Merz Berko ’48

In memory of the Ferere Family Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cnudde

In honor of Katelyn Marie Keane ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Keane

In memory of Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Finn Mary Finn Vandenbrook ’66

In honor of Natalie Marie Keane ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Keane

In memory of Eileen Fleming Karen McCarty Fleming Schuler ’69

In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Keane Lisa Keane-Burgstahler ’85

In memory of Dr. Robert F. Gallagher Margaret W. Gallagher ’66

In memory of Thomas F. Keane, III Katelyn Marie Keane ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Keane

In memory of S. Dennis Eileen Gamber, SSJ Kathleen R. Malone ’64 In honor of S. Helene Gardner, SSJ Joann Bowes-Taylor ’76 In memory of Mrs. Marianne Gibbons Dr. William J. Gibbons

In honor of Mrs. Adele Kelly Teresa K. Geruson ’11 In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph King Jodie King Smith ’90 In honor of Mrs. Katharine King Gabrielle Rounbehler ’11

In memory of Rose Ann Runkewich Gleason ’59 In memory of Catherine Zvarick Kinslow ’68 Anne Schmid Muir ’59 Roseanne Zvarick ’80 In memory of The Grabish and Gallagher In honor of The Kolokithias Family Families Christina Marie Kolokithias ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Grabish In memory of Barbara Roberts Harrington ’61 In memory of Rosemary Reilly Kund ’48 Mary Merz Berko ’48 Cristin R. Harrington ’97 Rosemarie Callahan Ford ’48 Heather Harrington ’89 Theresa N. Harrington In memory of Robert Kyle Barbara Harrington Hladik, Esq. ’85 Marion Ann Williams Berry ’59 Jennifer Harrington Vogel ’94 Sara Lee Hayden Murphy ’59

Honor and Memorial Gifts Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2010-2011 In honor of Eileen and Joseph Labrum JoAnne Labrum ’88

In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O’Connor Ms. Kelly A. Porter

In memory of James and Catherine Lanigan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cianciulli

In honor of Maria A. O’Malley ’15 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas F. O’Malley Jr.

In memory of Ms. Marta Larrisey Anthony J. Wzorek and Kathleen Loughlin Katherine Loughlin Wzorek ’09

In honor of Victoria Maria O’Malley ’09 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas F. O’Malley Jr.

In memory of Kathleen L. Lennon Mr. Joseph C. Lennon In honor of Mr. Dennis Littley Kathleen M. Hubbert ’06 In memory of Constance Belcher Loevy ’55 Denise Belcher Crenshaw ’61

In memory of Kevin O’Neill Dr. Susan Higley Bray ’59 Deborah Standeven Lee ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. McCormick Jr. Megan E. O’Neill ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew G. Wright

In memory of Barbara Mallon Lombard ’59 Anne Schmidt Muir ’59

In memory of Mercedes Palacio Pannone ’51 Louise Waters Barbaretta ’51 Joan Yates Carroll ’51 Lorraine Sukalski McGlynn ’52

In honor of Alexis Joelle Lukach ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lukach

In memory of S. Agnes Perpetua, SSJ Mary Katharine McCormack Walton ’70

In memory of Mary Madden Elvira Madden Breslin, Esq. ’61

In memory of Etta O’Toole Pisano Dr. Etta Pisano ’75

In memory of S. Austin Marie, SSJ Marion Ann Williams Berry ’59

In honor of Dr. Etta Pisano ’75 Dr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Pisano

In memory of S. Clementine Marie Kerri Leigh Gallagher ’11

In memory of Emma M. Pukas ’84 Letitia Anne Pukas McNeil ’85

In memory of John M. McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Barry McCarthy

In memory of Marie Elizabeth Franzen Rader ’67 In memory of Mother Mary Sylvester, SSJ Patricia Franzen, Ph.D. ’68 Sally Gilligan Bellwoar ’61 Barbara Hadden Jones ’67 In memory of Robert and Beatrice Taglialatela In memory of Dr. Carmen Rocco Diane Taglialatela Green ’63 Eileen Heck Slawek ’48

In memory of Maureen T. McCaughan ’71 Mary E. Sommar ’71 In memory of Martha Hickey McCusker Mr. and Mrs. James Schu In memory of Cecilia McDermott Patricia M. McDermott ’71

In memory of Mrs. Stephanie L. Roman Mrs. Maryanne Coyle Kathryn Marie Brady Quigg ’03

In memory of Marguerite M. McGlinn Mr. Thomas McGlinn

In honor of Ms. Christina Ross Lauren Marie Subers ’11

In memory of S. Joseph Bernard McGoldrick, SSJ ’23 Anne Meaney Phillips ’58

In memory of Joseph V. Russell Jennifer Regina Russell ’02

In memory of John W. Miller Elizabeth Rouse Miller ’50 In honor of Margaret Mary Ward Mogck ’39 Ms. Donna Marie Walsh In memory of Deb Mooney Mr. Robert J. Mooney In memory of Erin Delia Moore Diane Whelan Moore ’85 In honor of Roseanne L. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Murphy In memory of Beatrice Nicoletti Samantha Nicole Peruto ’07 In memory of S. Bridgetta Nolan Frances Grabish Irons ’86 In memory of Kelly A. O’Connor ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Kopach

In memory of Patricia Hogan Sacus ’62 Ms. Jenifer Smyth In honor of Christa Marie Schmidt ’04 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Travaline Sr. In honor of Dona Travaline Schmidt ’77 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Travaline Sr. In honor of Regina Adele Schmidt ’06 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Travaline Sr. In honor of Clare Schultz Anna Elizabeth Schulz ’11 In memory of David Shoughrue Mercia Masturzo Shoughrue ’62 In memory of Jane Silverthorn Marguerite Devlin Evangelist ’67 In honor of the Sisters of Saint Joseph Joan Vivaldelli Botelho ’98

In honor of Brenna Robinson Sterndale ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Robinson In honor of Diana M. Sucharski ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Z. Sucharski

In honor of S. Virginia Ann Talbot, SSJ Mrs. Eugenia Lombard In honor of Mariangela Termini Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Termini Sr.

In memory of Helen Branagan Thomas ’48 Anonymous Mary Merz Berko ’48 Mary Fenerty Kasinkas ’48 Mr. Raymond Thomas In honor of Catherine Elizabeth Travaline ’10 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Travaline Sr. In honor of Megan Marie Travaline ’13 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Travaline Sr. In memory of Rose Treacy Orla Rose Treacy ’04 In honor of the Walchak and Fletcher Families Maurin Bebhinn Walchak In memory of Nevin F. Waters Jr. Kathleen Waters Owsik ’72 In memory of Donna Hanson Woolman ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hanson In memory of Maria Zielinski ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Zielinski


Corporate & Foundation Gifts Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2010-2011 Mount Saint Joseph Academy received gifts to all funds totaling $29,988 from the following corporations and foundations during the 2010-2011 year. We are truly grateful for their generosity and commitment to the education of young women. The ACE INA Foundation Aetna Foundation Ally Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundations, Inc. Dean Special Risk, Inc. Eli Lilly and Company Foundation Endo Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Exelon Corporation Fannie Mae Foundation FIRST FMC Foundation General Electric Foundation General Mills Foundation Gilbane Building Company GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Grainger, Inc. IBM Corporation Lincoln Financial Foundation M.L. and J.H. Longstreth Foundation LSAC/Law School Admission Council Lu Lu Country Club Merck Company Foundation MMC Motorola Foundation Novartis US Foundation Pastore Auto Tags and Insurance Inc. Pfizer Foundation

PNC Foundation John Charles & Kathryn S. Redmond Foundation Saint-Gobain Corporation Stockamp & Associates

SunGard Higher Education Tyco Employee Matching Gift Program Verizon Foundation Wells Fargo, Inc.

Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program (EITC) In 2001, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania established the Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program to enable private businesses to receive a tax credit on specific corporate taxes when making donations to a non-profit scholarship program. The EITC program enables Mount Saint Joseph Academy to provide financial aid to students whose families have an adjusted family income of no greater than $72,000 plus $12,000 for each dependant up to $120,000. Companies will receive a 75 percent tax credit for donations for a single year commitment to EITC. The tax credit increases to 90 percent if the company commits to making the same donations for two consecutive years. A business paying taxes in Pennsylvania can receive up to $300,000 in tax credits annually. As of July 1, 2008, the definition of “business entity” has been expanded to include S Corporations and Partnerships which can receive up to $200,000 in tax credits annually. For more information on this program, contact Maggie Doyle in the MSJA Finance Office at (215)233-3177, ext. 316. We are immensely grateful to the following businesses for contributing to the Mount through the EITC Program during the 2010-2011 school year.


AF&L Insurance Company – Benedict J. Iacovetti BPG Properties, Ltd. – Arthur Pasquarella Carr & Duff, Inc. – Robert Duff Chadwick Service Company First Priority Bank – MaryAnn Feeley Messmer ’72 Firstrust Bank Movers Specialty Service, Inc. – Timothy Hughes PTR Baler and Compactor Company – Savage & Riethmiller Families Penn Liberty Bank – Michael Brown D.M. Sabia & Company, Inc. – Nicholas Sabia

Sister Claire Hélène Society Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2010-2011 We acknowledge with deep gratitude the following who have provided for the Mount’s future:

Planned gifts and bequests play an important role in the voluntary support of Mount Saint Joseph Academy. The Sister Claire Hélène Society has been established to honor those alumnae and friends of Mount Saint Joseph Academy who have continued a tradition of remembrance at their alma mater. The society is named in memory of a beloved Latin, religion and French teacher who inspired two generations of Alumnae of both the “old” and the “new” Mount. Members of the Sister Claire Hélène Society are those who have left a bequest to the Academy, or have notified the school that they have created a provision in their estate plans to benefit the Mount. These provisions include trusts, arranging bequests and making gifts of life insurance, naming the school as a beneficiary. These gifts become a permanent part of the Endowment, providing a source of income upon which the school can depend and use to plan for generations to come.

Anonymous Mary Merz Berko ’48 Estate of Alice Boney ’19 Estate of Lolita Lloyd Bradley ’27 Catharine Gallagher Brockway ’47 Dorothy Ann Collins Broze ’71 Estate of Christine Maguire Burlingame ’25 Anne Senser Byrne ’53 Estate of Mary E. Clark 1906 Estate of Mary Gillen Crozer ’40 Mrs. Theresa Cute Muriel Gardner Davidson ’48 Patricia D’Innocenzo ’72 Judith C. Hinkle de Turo ’62 Patricia Dooley ’65 Estate of Marie Drane ’19 Estate of Nancy Bell Driscoll ’47 Mrs. Diane Fritz Kathleen Reilly Gallagher ’61 Estate of Helen Gibbons ’14 Susan Berko Glass ’71 Estate of Winifred Brady Goetz ’24 Pamela Smith Grimme ’50 Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hogan Estate of Mr. Gene King Helen Gross King ’47 Estate of Margaret Mary Hughes King ’36 Susan Doney Leonard ’80 Ms. Phyllis Lewy Ann Tushim Csink Linck ’57 Jeanne Quinn Lowing ’81 Patricia Lawson McDaniel ’46 Joan Gallagher McKeon ’48 Estate of Rosemary McNally ’17 Ellen Higley O’Neill ’61 Rebecca Phillips ’67 Dolores M. Roscovich ’49 Marcella Kuttler Bossow Schankweiler ’86 Estate of Anne Bryan Schmidt ’49 Estate of Dolores Gustin Shuman ’41 June A. Smith ’66 Angela M. Stout, DMD ’83 Estate of Ruth Liebert Sullivan ’38 All those who have notified the school that they have created a provision in their estate plans to benefit Mount Saint Joseph Academy will become members of the Sister Claire Hélène Society and will be recognized in the Annual Report of Gifts unless they wish to remain anonymous. For more information about the Sister Claire Hélène Society and planned gifts, please contact Jill Gregori, Director of Development, at (215)-233-1859 or return the form below.


___ ___ ___ ___

Please send me information on how to provide for Mount Saint Joseph Academy in my will. I have remembered Mount Saint Joseph Academy in my will. You may publish my name in future listings of Sister Claire Hélène Society members. I wish to remain anonymous.

Name: Address: Phone:

_______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

Please Mail To:

Director of Development • Mount Saint Joseph Academy 120 W. Wissahickon Ave. • Flourtown, PA 19031


January 20, 2012 7 PM

Friday, January 20, 2012

January 13th


Announcing the Mount vs. Gwynedd

Annual Fund




See page 23 for details

Founders’ Day Album October 14, 2011


120 West Wissahickon Avenue Flourtown, PA 19031-1899 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED

Lunch with Santa December 3, 2011

11:30 am

The MSJA Alumnae Association will hold its annual “Lunch with Santa” on Saturday, December 3rd at 11:30 a.m. Bring your children, nieces, nephews and grandchildren for a fun-filled event which includes: • Delicious Lunch in the Cafeteria • Arts and Crafts • Entertainment • Photo with Santa • Raffle Drawing Cost is $15.00 for each person attending Lunch with Santa. (No charge for children under 1 year old.) To register online, visit www.msjaalum.org and follow the links to register. To register by mail, please use the form below. Please make checks payable to MSJA Alumnae Association. Seating is limited! Make your reservation by November 23, 2011. If you have any questions, please contact Theresa Moyer at tmoyer@msjacad.org or (215) 233-3177, ext. 334. Megan Osborne Romano ’94, Co-Chair Maggie Markmann Dougherty ’01, Co-Chair

Please mail your check and reservation form to: Theresa Moyer Director of Alumnae Mount Saint Joseph Academy 120 West Wissahickon Avenue Flourtown, PA 19031

*Please bring a new, unwrapped toy for Operation Santa Claus.






Name: Class: Phone Number:


Names of Adults Attending: Names and Ages of Children Attending: Total Amount Enclosed: $

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