MSJA--Fall 2010 Mount Magazine

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Founders’ Day October 15, 2010

Annual Report of Gifts, page 29

Fall 2010

A Magazine for Alumnae, Parents and Friends of Mount Saint Joseph Academy

A Letter From the President

Dear Friends, “Lead the way to unity, lend a hand and heart...serve the dear neighbor” At the beginning of every academic year we introduce a theme with the expectation that its message will weave its way into the life and spirit of our students, faculty, staff and administration. We hope it serves as a daily reminder, that all of us are bearers of our mission. Throughout the year we will seek new ways of uniting with God and one another. Please feel welcome to join us whenever you can to celebrate our mission. Each September the girls return to see something fresh or new at the Mount, and this year was no exception. When the students returned on September 7, 2010, they came up the driveway to see a new and expansive parking lot, complete with clearly marked driving patterns, sidewalks and lighting. Now, when you come to the Mount you will see the beauty and spaciousness of the campus at a single glance. This is truly an award-winning renovation; however, the motivating factor in the overhaul of the parking lot was the protection of our young women and guests as they moved throughout the campus. I am grateful that it is not only beautiful, but it is also a safer area for all to travel. I am pleased to announce a new feature for the Mount Magazine, beginning with this edition. Elizabeth R. Barker ’74, a skilled professional on wealth management, charitable giving, estate and tax planning, has offered, along with other experts, to share her knowledge and to answer questions you may have. The Alumnae survey indicated that this was an area of interest for a number of Alums, and who better to assist us into the future than one of our own. Not surprising is the story Margie King ’71 writes about shifting careers in mid-life. I am sure you will enjoy reading what led her to be a nutrition counselor. She is a part of a long tradition of women who are always looking and choosing the next best opportunity to develop and achieve their potential. A point of pride and an example of being a “founder” is Marci Schankweiler ’86. As president of Crossing the Finish Line she has enhanced the lives of so many people through her work of sending adult cancer patients and their families on a vacation of their choice during their illness. Join me in congratulating her on being named a Woman of Distinction, as well as being voted in as the Philadelphia Phillies representative “All–Stars Among Us” at the game this past summer. Also contained within this edition is our annual report. I am deeply grateful to all of you whose names appear within these pages. Your support of our mission strengthens our resolve to educate young women who will have the confidence, character and compassion to create their futures and make the world a better place. By the time you read this we will have celebrated Founders’ Day, a day dear to the heart of so many Mount students. Please know you were remembered in the liturgy with praise and thanksgiving for all you brought to the Mount as a student. This letter began with how the Mount students desire to extend their love and sense of community to all. Our blessings and selflessness, is the grace that sustains and creates new ways of making the mission of the Mount present. Let us be grace for one another in the coming year and always. God’s blessing,

Sister Kathleen Brabson, SSJ President


Table of Contents Founders’ Day Reflection..................................................................... 4 Mission Trip to Nicaragua..................................................................... 6

Fall 2010

Financial Matters.................................................................................. 8 Alumnae Internships............................................................................10

The Official Publication of Mount Saint Joseph Academy 120 West Wissahickon Avenue Flourtown, PA 19031 President Sister Kathleen Brabson, SSJ Principal Dr. Judith A. Caviston Development Office Staff

Happenings.........................................................................................12 Alumnae Spotlight...............................................................................16 Development.......................................................................................18 Alumnae News....................................................................................21 Annual Report of Gifts........................................................................ 29 Quizzo................................................................................................ 58 Founders’ Day Album......................................................................... 59

Director of Development Jill Gregori Director of Communications Elizabeth Racine Director of Alumnae Theresa Moyer Annual Fund Coordinator Leigh McFadden Auction Director Lisa Henrich Development Office Secretary Barbara Oldt Phone: 215-233-3177 Fax: 215-233-4734 Website: Alumnae Website: Alumnae e-mail:

Save the Date!

Celebrauction XXVII

March 5, 2011 “Journey Down The Nile” Celebrauction Chairs: We are honored that the following couple has agreed to Chair this year’s Auction at the Mount: Debbie and Kirk Nemshick parents of Lindsey ’11 For information, please contact the auction office at 215-233-3177 ext 340 or email:


Mount Saint Joseph Academy Founders’ Day Reflection By Hillary Yeabsley ’11


s we heard in the Gospel this morning, Jesus tells us to love our neighbor as ourselves. But how do we do this? We must lend a hand and heart and serve the dear neighbor. It seems like yesterday that I heard my kindergarten teacher saying, “Hands are for helping, not for hurting.” Starting at preschool we are told that hands are for helping and kindness is key; such simple terms, but crucial parts of a thriving community. And again, as high school students, we are told to lend a hand and heart, to serve the dear neighbor. Simple enough, right? But who is my neighbor? My neighbor is a classmate who needs help on a homework assignment, a freshman who has trouble opening her locker, two girls sitting alone at a lunch table who would probably love to join yours, and even my best friend who is having a bad day. Each day, we encounter a myriad of opportunities to lend a hand to a neighbor, but do we? We’re all busy. Whether it’s sports, the play, CSC, robotics, mock trial, or academics, we do not go to a school that allows for copious amounts of free time. But we must make time for compassion, for it calls forth each of us, offering the gift of ourselves, including our time. Enough time to say, “How are you?” and listen to the answer. Enough time to talk to a girl you wouldn’t normally talk to because it looks like she’s having a bad day. Recently, I had one of those days, a day where everything that could go wrong, did go wrong. Despite my best efforts to keep it together, one of my friends realized I wasn’t myself. She stopped me in the hallway just to say, “I saw you looked pretty down at lunch. How are you? Is there anything I can do?” This small act of kindness was enough to brighten my day. It is the small things like this that build the spirit of the Mount community.


The little things are what add up to create the big picture, just how each part of the body supports the whole and just like we, as unique individuals, come together to make the Mount. Every one of us gathered here today brings something different, yet extraordinary. Every one of us is important. You don’t have to be number one in your class, you don’t have to have the lead in the play, you don’t have to be on a sports team, you don’t need to be an officer in a club. You need to be you, whoever that may be. God gave us each different talents so we could, in the words of Saint Paul, “use our gifts for the good of the community building up the body of Christ.” Everyone has their own special talents that make the Mount the great school that it is. We must not only lend a hand and heart to our closest neighbors at the Mount, but also to those we come to know beyond the Mount community. Spend a Thursday afternoon at La Salle Academy and get to know a vivacious fourth grader while helping him with his homework. I promise you will never forget the feeling of being able to help someone. My first trip to LaSalle Academy in freshman year I was paired up with a young boy named Juan. He told me that he didn’t like math, something we quickly bonded over, but I told him to get his long division homework out, anyway. I helped him work through the problems and seeing the smile on his face when he got a right answer is a memory I cherish. I will end with the words of Saint Paul, “I urge you to have a profound respect for one another.” If we do this, then we will make our mission of leading the way, lending a hand and heart to serve the dear neighbor, come alive. Thank you.

For more photos from Founders’ Day, turn to the inside back cover.

Founders’ Happenings Day

Presidential Medal


n Friday, October 15, 2010, the Board of Trustees, under the leadership of Mrs. Mary Merz Berko ’48, bestowed upon Sister Kathleen Brabson, SSJ, the symbol of the Office of President for Mount Saint Joseph Academy. The medal was blessed and presented to S. Kathleen following the Founders’ Day Liturgy at the SSJ Motherhouse chapel.

The initiation of this practice is meant to highlight the role the president plays in the life of the school. It will be worn at graduation and any time academic attire is to be worn, or if an additional occasion warrants it. The medal will be passed down to the next president. Members of the SSJ leadership team, members of the Board of Trustees, and some of S. Kathleen’s family were present to share in the celebration.


Open House

e are grateful to all of the Faculty, Alumnae, Parents and Students who gave of their time and energy to make Open House 2010 such a terrific success. From food donations to decorations to clean-up, your generosity truly makes the difference. Thank you for recognizing Open House as the first step in every Mountie’s journey toward Graduation!


What I Did on my

Summer Vacation By Lindsay Parsons ’99

This past summer, Mount math teacher, Lindsay Parsons ’99, traveled to Grenada, Nicaragua, on a missions trip to lend a hand in the second-poorest country in the western hemisphere.


zequiel Dias Mora calls Granada, Nicaragua, his home. This 18-year old young man faithfully sets out on a journey in the hot sun every Saturday morning that eventually ends at the city dump. The tiring expedition begins with a two-and-a-halfmile walk to the bus depot where he exchanges the few cordobas he has in his pocket for a half-hour ride in a dirty, over-crowded “chicken bus.” His smile widens as he reaches his stop that drops him at the end of a road lined with trash and riddled with muddy holes. He is almost there, and the few miles left to walk are the most exciting. Along this leg of the journey, eager children come out of houses that look like wood huts a strong wind could decimate. But they have anticipated Ezequiel’s coming and smile as they reach for his hand to hold. He smiles back, overjoyed to be spending time with his little friends. The journey continues and the group increases in number until they reach the dump. Today I am one of Ezequiel’s companions on the journey. Ezequiel’s friend, Oscar, our interpreter, Juan, and nine other friends from the US have come on this adventure. The stench of rotting trash penetrates our nostrils as we ascend the final hill to the dump. Countless crows sit on the massive pile of garbage as far as the eye can see. The relentless biting of flies and mosquitoes is overwhelming, but Ezequiel and the children don’t seem to notice. We were told prior to our arrival at the dump that many families actually live there and spend the hours of their

6 One of the houses on the road to the dump.

days routing through the trash to find enough food to survive. Experiencing their lives first hand, I simply could not fathom how anyone could or should have to call this place home. We ventured to the other side of the dump where we encountered some of those who really do live there. A million emotions seemed to be flooding through me, but peace prevailed at the thought that God was in control of everything. In the midst of great poverty and pain, Juan told the group of men and women that I was going to share something from the Bible with them. I was surprised when he said this because I had been asked to share with the children, but standing in front of me was a group of at least twenty adults. Soon the feeling of inadequacy melted away and I knew I didn’t have to worry because God had been preparing me. Throughout my life I am continually learning that He always equips us for the tasks He calls us to do. I said a quick prayer asking the Holy Spirit to speak though me, opened my Bible, and shared with them the redemptive grace of our Father, incomparable love of Jesus, and the incredible hope of heaven. When I said John 3:16 in Spanish everyone cheered, not expecting the “gringo” before them to speak in Spanish.

Mission Trip Happenings to Nicaragua

(Before I left the US I had memorized the verse and prayed for an opportunity to use it, but I was amazed that God gave me that opportunity the first day I was in Nicaragua.) Smiles appeared on formerly somber faces, and it was obvious that just as countenances were lifted, hearts were encouraged. Those who had always believed they had done something wrong to deserve the life they were living heard that God’s love doesn’t depend on circumstances or past behavior. Juan continued to encourage these precious people as more children approached our group, eager To avoid the mud in the road, children walk over piles of to play games and have fun. Ezekiel, Oscar, and trash getting to the dump. Juan sang songs with hand motions like “Father Abraham” as the rest of us clapped along. The dedication of these young men and women to serve those in children laughed and danced with glee. On this beautiful day I need in the name of Jesus. witnessed what I imagine Mother Theresa meant when she said, “We can do no great things, only small things with great love.” It When I came back to the US and joined the rest of the faculty is so evident that Ezequiel understands that. He could be doing for our first day of school at the Mount, Sister Kathleen Brabson a myriad of other things like hanging out with his friends, playing showed the teachers a YouTube video entitled “The Star soccer or just sleeping in every Saturday morning, but he comes Thrower.” It recounted the story of a young man who spent his here, to a dump outside the city of Grenada, to spend time with morning throwing starfish that washed up on shore as the tide those Jesus called “the least of these.” Although Ezequiel was going out back into the ocean. When questioned about the doesn’t have the money to buy food for the families at the dump, futility of his efforts since there was a plethora of starfish along he supports them the best way he can, with the love of Jesus. the beach, the young man simply picked up another starfish, He truly loves these people, and he has impacted my life forever. threw it into the ocean and said, “I made a difference to that This past August I had the incredible privilege of traveling to Grenada, Nicaragua, with a team from Field of Abundance Mission (FOAM), an organization dedicated to meeting the physical and spiritual needs of the poor in Grenada, Nicaragua. I witnessed the selfless love of my Nica brothers and sisters in Christ like Ezequiel and Juan, and countless others. I wish I could recount all of the incredible stories, but there are far too many. Second only to Haiti, Nicaragua is the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere, but I saw even those living in poverty themselves reaching out to their neighbors. Maria is a fine case in point. She lives in Santa Rosa, one of the poorest neighborhoods (barrios) near Granada. As she cooked a pot of stew for the children’s feeding program, she recounted to us the miracle of the program’s beginning. Witnessing the devastation of poverty and starvation of many of the children in the area, Maria and several of her friends at Torre Fuerte church began praying for help. God answered their prayers when they met two missionaries from Pennsylvania who began raising funds in the US to financially support the endeavor. Now three feeding programs are in operation in local barrios supported by FOAM. Maria hosts the one in Santa Rosa at her house as the teenagers from Torre Fuerte church help to serve the children. Before and after school these teens immerse themselves in community service every week. We joined them not only for the feeding programs, but for countless other activities throughout the week like Bible club where they sang, played games, and did crafts with the children. We visited preschools who welcomed us warmly to do many of the same activities with the children. One morning I remember fondly, we split up into about seven groups of five or six and walked door to door in a very poor neighborhood. The girls in many of the groups washed and cut the hair of children who had lice as the boys raked and cleaned up yards or did any other task they were asked to do. I was in awe of the

one.” Sometimes we can be discouraged by the vastness of poverty in our world, but may it never stop us from trusting God and helping those we can.

As the 2010-2011 school year commenced at the Mount, the school community embraced the theme: “Striving for Unity; Lend a Hand, Serve the Dear Neighbor.” Thinking about the ideals of our school makes me proud to be a part of a community that is primarily concerned with serving others as Christ exemplified for us. I am always encouraged by the selfless acts of MSJA students and their eagerness to volunteer in Kensington, Germantown, and Mississippi. Mounties donate countless hours of their time to serve meals at Saint Francis Inn, tutor elementary school students at LaSalle Academy, and play with children at St. Vincent’s and the Ronald McDonald House. It inspires me to hear the eagerness of a group of students to address a need for a school and nursing facility in Senegal, Africa and then watch their dreams become reality. It is exciting to hear about a birthday party that took place at a local food pantry and another young woman who donated her birthday money to help children who are less fortunate. These are just a few of the many stories of Mounties making a difference in the world. And even right here within the walls of Mount Saint Joseph Academy as students encourage each other we draw closer to the love of our Savior. Every kindness is a small glimpse into the heart of Jesus and it always makes me smile. Paul exhorted the Philippians that they “should look not only to their own interests, but also the interests of others.” When we attempt to do this the selfless love supplied by the Holy Spirit that is required to carry out this exhortation overflows into boundless joy for all involved. My trip to Nicaragua this summer reinforced the truth that we serve an amazing God who is “able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine.” (Ephesians 3:20). I learned that love transcends language, culture, age, gender, and economic class. And I will never be the same. 7

embr acing and living Your


Mount Alumna Elizabeth Rose Barker ’74 (right) Interviews Barbara Greenspan Shaiman, an Author, Educator, and Social Entrepreneur by Elizabeth Rose Barker ’74


hen Jill Gregori, Mount’s Development Director, asked me to contribute an article to The Mount Magazine, so many talking points crossed my mind.

As a financial advisor for over 25 years, dozens of ideas regarding the merits of fund raising, charitable giving, and estate, gift and tax planning swirled in my head. How might I best motivate my fellow Mount Alumnae and friends to become involved with, and to financially support, our beloved alma mater? My answer came to me, quite unexpectantly, as I played golf (poorly) at MSJ’s annual Golf Outing. As I reflected on the camaraderie of the day, I recalled a recent event that I attended, that was one of the most powerful and inspiring presentations about philanthropy that I had ever experienced. It was a phenomenal workshop entitled “Embrace Your Legacy” by local author, educator, and social entrepreneur, Barbara Greenspan Shaiman. What better way to inspire than to seek the sage advice of an expert? Actually, because I was so moved by Barbara’s talk that day, and a conversation that we shared afterwards, we have become friends. Barbara enthusiastically agreed to be interviewed by me and to share her wisdom and insights about “embracing and living your legacy”. Liz: Barbara, please share your background and how your life path has led you to become a “social entrepreneur” and an advocate for philanthropy and creating legacy? Barbara: I feel lucky that, even though women in my day had much more limited choices than today’s young women do,


I took risks and evolved from teacher to business woman to social entrepreneur. My present role as speaker and author advocating social change and encouraging individuals and business to be “charitable and giving” was inspired by my trip to Auschwitz. As a daughter of Holocaust survivors, that visit completely transformed me and inspired me to follow a passionate vision of mine to teach people not to be silent and indifferent and to become engaged citizens . L: Specifically, what do you teach and encourage at your workshops and speaking engagements? B: So many people are on a journey to find meaning in their personal and professional lives. I try to help them discover their interests and passions so that they can give back to the community. We assess how they can integrate living their legacy into all aspects of their life: at home, at work and in the community to give back. L: Who may benefit from one of your workshops? Do you have a target audience? B: My workshops and presentations are for people of all ages: from students in schools or universities to business or corporate clients; faith based community organizations; women’s or men’s groups; or the legal and financial sector. I would love to do a presentation at the Mount for the Alumnae and Development office to inspire a deeper devotion to the school. L: Barbara, do you have a favorite quote or motto that inspires you? B: Most definitely. My mother inspired me with this gem: “A head without a heart is dangerous!”

It is a timeless piece of advice because, too often, history has taught us that prominent people have used their great minds and education to perpetuate evil. Think of Hitler in the past, and at present, of al-Qaeda or Bernie Madoff. I know for a fact that Mount students are being educated to utilize both their heads and their hearts. L: Barbara, I understand that you have a connection to the Mount in this respect? B: Yes, that’s correct. One of my projects is a non-profit I founded called “Champions of Caring.” It is an organization dedicated to educating and empowering young people to take active roles in community service and positive social change. And, in 2009, Mount Saint Joseph Academy was honored as our “Champion School of the Year” for its consistently high number of student champions who render service. Over the years many of the girls have been honored as Champions of Caring and several have participated in our regional “Ambassadors of Caring program,” where they learn valuable leadership skills and are groomed for incorporating charitable giving into their lives. Involvement in these projects creates strong bonds with classmates and poignant memories of their Mount days. Hopefully too, it will encourage graduates to continuously give back to the school and create a “culture of caring.” L: Barbara, what specifically do you suggest to encourage Alumnae and friends of the Mount to do to “give back” to the school? B: Quite simply, anyone and everyone can “give back,” whether it is with: time, resources or money. I also recommend creating intergenerational projects that teach your values and instill an ethic of giving back to your family members. Donating time to be involved at the school or to mentor or offer internships with the students is priceless. Time can also be offered to help with the various fundraising projects that the school runs. As you likely observed at the golf outing, there is plenty of “behind the scenes” work to be done to pull off a successful fundraiser. Resources can range from business contacts to physical or monetary resources to help the school maintain its top-notch quality of education for its students. Monetary giving, of course, is the most tangible. It is critical to stress that every gift is important regardless of amount. A large percentage of giving participation in each class will serve as an inspiration to join, too.

Financial Happenings matters

The message is this: It is not enough to simply educate a person’s mind. It is imperative to strengthen the most important muscle in the body – the heart!

Barbara Greenspan Shaiman Additionally, so many corporate employers can increase your gift appreciably via a Matching Gift Program, often dollar for dollar, with their matching gift form. There is also the possibly of setting up ongoing contributions though your payroll deduction to United Way and designating The Mount as the specific recipient of your UW payroll contributions. (Check the UW list and codes for specific recipients). L: Any parting words of wisdom, Barbara? B: Yes, as the Nike ad states, “Just do it!” “Take action now!” For further inspiration and information about how I might help you or your group take action, please visit my website with all of my contact info: . My book is for sale there, too. Liz: In closing, I’d like to announce that this “feature column” will appear in many future issues of our Mount newsletter. I have coordinated a Professional Women’s Resource group, comprised of several women professionals, who are Mount Alumnae, including: myself as a Financial Advisor; a CPA; an estate planning attorney, a banker, etc. I will introduce these “partners” in our next issue. This column will offer a “Q and A” format, featuring members of our panel helping you find answers to your questions regarding: financial, estate, and tax planning queries as well as charitable giving. Because 2011 will usher in a definitive change to Income, Estate and Investment Tax, we anticipate that you will have many questions as a result and that this column will be timely. We encourage you to submit your questions before next issue’s deadline of Feb. 15, 2011, to me at: Liz Barker is Vice President, Financial Advisor at RBC Wealth Management in Conshohocken, PA. For over 25 years, Liz has helped her clients identify their personal financial planning objectives and implement thoughtful, strategic plans to match their needs. Women “in transition” are of special interest to her practice for changing times of: divorce, retirement, relocation or widowhood. Please look for Liz in Philadelphia Magazine’s November issue where she will be featured as a Prestigious “Five Star Wealth Manager”! Please visit her website at for timely market and financial information that is updated daily.


Thanks for the

Internship, Alma Mater!

Enthusiastic Reports from Participants in the Mount’s College-Age Alumnae Internship Program, Summer 2010 Catherine Begley ’08 (pictured above), Office of Congressman Robert A. Brady (PA-01): During my sophomore year in the Schreyer Honors College at Penn State, I began the journey that many college students dread: Internship Hunting. This process is typically long and tedious, garnering stress, confusion, and disappointment from many college students. Although I had my fair share of worrying and hectic resume-sending, I discovered that I was, in fact, luckier than most, because I am a 2008 graduate of Mount Saint Joseph Academy. After applying to a few internships through various companies’ websites, I visited the Mount’s Alumnae page (www.msjaalum. org) and navigated my way to the Internship Database. When I arrived, I found a clear, concise, and informative listing of internships that had been posted by Alumnae and friends of the Mount. I soon applied for a few of these internships, which ranged from clerkships in law firms, internships in public relations and advertising, and one highly-coveted Congressional Internship in the Office of Congressman Robert Brady, Representative of Pennsylvania’s First District. Winning an internship on Capitol Hill was a prize that I believed to be unattainable—I knew how impressive these internships were and how difficult they were to get, so when I received a call from Congressman Brady’s Office requesting a phone interview, I was incredibly excited. Shortly after the interview, I received another call offering me the office’s ten-week internship, during which I would live in Washington, DC, and work in Cannon House Office Building alongside Congressmen, newsmen and women, Hill staffers, and other interns from across the country. After accepting the


internship, I embarked on my Washington, DC, adventure and spent my entire summer living and learning in the fast-paced and constantly exciting atmosphere of Capitol Hill. I wrote letters and recommendations, attended hearings, did research, learned from the office staff, and attended lectures by prominent political figures including General Colin Powell, Senator Scott Brown, Justice Sonia Sotomayor, and Congressman Barney Frank. My experience working in Congressman Brady’s Office during the summer of 2010 not only helped me network and build a post-graduation career path, but it taught me valuable life lessons and introduced me to some of the most interesting people I have ever met. As an added bonus, my internship experience also helped me to formulate an idea for my senior thesis, a graduation requirement for the Schreyer Honors College. The Mount’s Internship Database changed my life. After working on the Hill for almost three months, I developed interests and future career goals that would never have come into existence without the help of the Mount and the fantastic networking opportunities it facilitates for its graduates. When I left high school, I knew that my education would prepare me for college, but I never imagined it would so drastically affect my career plans. The hope of the harvest lies in the seed, as does the hope of the future in Mount Saint Joseph Academy graduates. In this unsure world, one thing is certain: with a Mount education, anything is possible. Stephanie Columbro ’07, a student at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, recommends the ease of the application process,

Catherine Dunn ’08: “As a sophomore year student, the MSJA College Age Intern Program provided me with an opportunity that was not easy to come by at my grade level. Interviewing with Mr. Pasquarella at BPG Properties, Ltd., I immediately sensed the true gift of a Mount education: a network of people wanting you to achieve your potential and willing to help you along the way. My understanding of this gift grew at BPG as I worked closely with Keli Connor ’92, a Mount Alum and Senior Property Manager at the company. Keli taught me more than just property management and finance; she taught me how to be a successful businesswoman in general. Of course, in true Mount fashion, she also showed me how to multi-task like a pro in the corporate world. At BPG, I learned that with a desire to do your best work and a determination to do business ethically, meaningful relationships form and success ensues. I would like to thank both the Mount for providing the opportunity for connecting alums with prospective employers and BPG Properties for fostering my personal growth as a college student and aspiring businesswoman. I would encourage any Mount alum seeking an opportunity to gain the valuable experience that comes from interning to get involved in the program. Caroline Johnston ’09, a student at Lafayette, worked with two other Mounties in Congressman Bob Brady’s office under the supervision of Tierney Houck ’05 as a permanent scheduler. She loved her job, learned much and knows that being able to list this internship on her resume will be invaluable. She suggests we list the offerings as early as possible. Caroline believes the Mount connection was extremely helpful in securing this internship. Ava Selya ‘07, a student at Temple University, commented, “My internship at Chesheim Dental with Dr. Angel Stout ’84 was definitely helpful to me. Angel is so respected in her field and heads a large staff, all of whom were so nice and always helpful.” Ava is studying towards receiving a DMD and becoming a dentist. Jen Kovach ’09 reported from Lehigh, “I loved working as an intern in Tony Maginnis’ firm, Global Packaging. I learned so much, and Tony’s people were so nice to work with, I actually looked forward to working every day.” About the internship program - “It is unique. I would recommend it to all college-age Alums. The Mount is the only school that offers internships.” Katherine Wzorek ’09, a political science major at George Washington University has always loved flowers and thought working for the Horticultural society would add diversity to her background. She had a fulfilling experience working there under

her boss Diane Humphries who was so impressed with Katherine’s work that she offered employment to other Mounties at the Philadelphia Flower Show in the spring. Katherine commented that GW offers internships, but that the Mount’s program made it so easy to apply. She highly recommends it for other Mount college-age Alums.

Alumnae Happenings Internships

all done by e-mail. The Mount Alumnae website, on which the internships were listed, gave good descriptions and requirements for the positions. Stephanie worked for Donna DePaul Bartynski ’70 at Judd Builders. She learned many things and is hoping to be offered a position at Judd. The Mount connection was so helpful in securing the internship. Stephanie has many friends from a variety of local schools, none of whom experienced any of the same kind of help from their high schools that is offered through the Mount’s internship program.

Comments from Employers Donna DePaul Bartynski ’70 of Judd Builders: I have enclosed what my sales and marketing director has said about Stephanie, since she is the one who worked directly with her. I enjoyed working with Stephanie, the little bit of contact that I had. She did whatever was asked of her, never complained, and was enthusiastic about learning whatever she could. She was always early to work and stayed late if asked. The following is what my marketing director wrote, which is basically her job description while here. “Stephanie Columbro was the intern for the Sales and Marketing efforts of Judd Builders/Developers. Stephanie assisted the Marketing Director in the execution of various marketing objectives, including special events, internet marketing, and model merchandising. Stephanie brought a new, fresh outlook to our marketing efforts.” Keli Connor ’92 of BPG Properties, Ltd.: Catherine Dunn served as an intern in our office this past summer, and did a superb job! She is smart, has a good sense of the business needs, and was an extraordinarily quick learner. Catherine also showed a high level of initiative, and was a great help with our annual property budget process, showing a strong sense of financial and budgeting concepts. We’d enthusiastically welcome her back, as she provided a tremendous value to our organization. Tierney Houck ’05, Legislative Correspondent/Scheduler, Office of Congressman Robert A. Brady (PA-01): Interest in interning in a Congressional office reaches its peak in the summer, and every year we receive a large number of requests from extremely qualified individuals. Unfortunately, my office is limited in the number of internship spots we have available, so finding committed, hardworking individuals to fill these spots is extremely important. I posted to the Mount Alumnae Internship listing with the hope of streamlining the internship application process. I’ve always known Mount girls to be reliable, intelligent, and dedicated, and our two Mount alum interns did not disappoint. Catherine and Caroline quickly established themselves as integral parts of our office and worked full-time the entire summer. They were able to have hands-on experience with our legislative process and pursue policy projects that were of interest to them. I felt confident giving them additional responsibilities, because I knew they could be trusted to complete thorough work. Internships, especially ones


(Internships, continued from page 11) in Congressional offices, are an incredible way to further one’s studies and prepare for a career, and I am glad Catherine and Caroline took the initiative to work in our office. I look forward to even more Mount alums working in our office in the coming years, and I hope more Mounties will take advantage of the great resources provided by their Mount connections. Diane Humphries of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society reports that intern Katherine Wzorek ’09 did data entry work each day for the Horticultural Society. In doing this, she learned the use of Raiser’s Edge software which is used internationally, mostly by non-profit organizations. Diane described Katherine as an excellent, fabulous, very pleasant worker who paid extraordinary attention to detail. The Horticultural Society will offer an internship again this summer and welcomes any Mount students who might like to volunteer a few hours a week during the year and/or the Flower Show. Tony Maginnis of Global Packaging: “Global Packaging had a great intern this year and we couldn’t have been happier. We got to pick from several candidates that generally came from top-tier schools. Jen was enthusiastic and interested, and she added value to our organization the whole time she was here. It was our second year and we’ve had good results both years. They are smart young women who look for things to do and don’t need a lot of direction. She was able to work in several departments, and was a resource our managers really liked working with. We will be doing this again next year.” Kate Shields ’93, Vice President & Managing Partner, Vault Communications: We have been taking on summer interns for a “temp to perm” model, i.e. if the intern works out

in the summer, we hope to offer her full-time employment upon graduation. We had a Mount Alum (Deanna Every ’05) who followed this model last year and now works for us. We love her!! Dr. Angela Stout ’84, DMD of Chesheim Dental Associates: For the past two years, Mount graduates have been an asset as interns in my dental office. These young college women have exhibited integrity, knowledge and enthusiasm while experiencing the dental profession. The interns adapt quickly and easily perform their work requirements while blending with our team. It has been a pleasure for me to assist these young ladies, and I take pride in them as they apply for graduate school. Ava Selya, one of my 2010 interns, continues to be a wonderful addition to my practice and I hope to see her in the 2011 freshman dental school class. I will continue to support the MSJA Internship Program knowing that our Mounties are reliably qualified, and, in return, I am happy to help guide them in a career choice.” MSJA Development Office: There are many opportunities available in the Mount’s Development Office for those seeking experience in Development, Communications, Public Relations, and Event Planning. We have had two interns, and one more is starting soon. We benefitted tremendously from their assistance and innovation, and, in turn, we were happy to provide excellent references for both former interns, who landed excellent jobs upon graduation, As you can see, the Mount’s Internship program is a winwin proposition for both the intern and the employer! For more information, please visit the Alumnae Website at www.

Student Council Officers 2010-11


s Mount Saint Joseph Academy began the 2010-2011 academic year, three new senior Student Council officers took the helm. An installation ceremony was held Friday, September 17, 2010, at which the newly elected leaders promised to lead, serve, and support the Mount community during their tenure. Pictured at the reception following installation are (from left to right) MSJA President Sister Kathleen Brabson, SSJ, Secretary/Treasurer Lindsey Nemshick, Vice-President Elizabeth Maloney, Student Council President McKenna Kardish and MSJA Principal Dr. Judith Caviston.


(Preparing Outstanding Women Engineers through Robotics)

Mount’s Robotics Team Hosts First All-Girl Robotics Competition!


he Firebirds, Mount Saint Joseph Academy’s all-girl Robotics Team, hosted the country’s first-ever all female robotics competition, GirlPOWER (Preparing Outstanding Women Engineers through Robotics). Under the banner of the FIRST Robotics program (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology), the GirlPOWER competition is the first event of its kind in the whole country, and took place on Saturday October 9th, from 9 am until 3:30 pm, with 11 teams competing for the title. Held in the gym, this fun and educational event featured exciting contests between the teams, to see which ones could score the most points by getting soccer balls in the goals, or having their robots hang from the stand in the center of the competition field. There was one big difference from their usual competitions— all-female drive drivers and pit crews from the 11 participating teams from throughout the East Coast. The winners, which consist of a group of three teams with the most points during the competition, were the Firebirds, MOE (Miracle of Engineering) comprised of students from schools



located in Wilmington, DE; and Femme Tech Fatale, from Agnes Irwin School, Rosemont, PA. Visitors were also able to learn from the teams up-close during the Robotics Demonstration area, which was set up and ran concurrent with the competition. Many people took advantage of the opportunity to program, handle, and drive the robots as they learned more about them, the robotics program, and engineering in general. Keynote Speaker, Patricia DePra, Regional Director for FIRST of Western PA, spoke to the girls about how encouraged and energized she felt to be surrounded in a gym full of girls who love science and technology. She encouraged the girls not to let setbacks dampen their enthusiasm or their drive to achieve success in the sciences.

Photo Above: Mai Connor, a fifth-grader from Ancillae-Assumpta Academy, enjoys her time driving the robot under the watchful guidance of Gabriella Henkels, a sophomore member of the Mount Saint Joseph Academy Robotics Team, during a robotics demonstration held during the Mount Saint Joseph Academy GirlPOWER competition and Robotics Demonstration. Photo above left: Go Firebirds – 433! Natalie Hassan ’13 and Margaret Mary Rilling ’13 drive their robot during the competition.


National Merit

Recognition Congratulations to Our Three National Merit Semifinalists, One National Achievement Semifinalist, and 16 Commended Students


ount Saint Joseph Academy congratulates its high achieving students in the National Merit and National Achievement Programs. Three students achieved the rank of National Merit Semifinalist from the Class of 2011, as recognized by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation: Stephanie Crilly, Kacie Farrell, and Evelyn Flashner, who were identified by their high PSAT scores which ranked them among the top one percent of students in the country. Corynne Peters was recognized as a Semifinalist by the National Achievement Program, an academic competition recognizing outstanding Black American high school students. Finalists in both programs are announced after the new year, and can bring opportunities for scholarships and recognition from colleges and corporations across the United States. Congratulations also go to the following 16 MSJA Seniors who were recognized as Commended Students in the National Merit Program; these students scored in the top five percent of those who took the same test: Jessica Agostinelli, Lynda Brady, Mary Elizabeth Entwistle, Kerry Fitzpatrick, Teresa Geruson, Anna Goebel, McKenna Kardish, Mackenzie Kelley, Giana Mandel, Morgan McKibbin, Colette McNeela, Mary Naydan, Melissa Pfeifer, Allison Potestio, Stephanie Rivero, and Elise Taylor. Featured in this photograph are the Semifinalists; from left to right: Stephanie Crilly, Kacie Farrell, Dr. Judith Caviston, Principal; S. Kathleen Brabson, SSJ, President; Corynne Peters and Evelyn Flashner.

Athletic Update Cross Country 2-3 Finished 4th in league, will run at Districts. Field Hockey 13-3-1 Finished 2nd in the league and will compete in Districts. Golf 15-0 Won the league championship with Alise McNutt ‘11 as League Champion. Eight girls qualified for the PIAA District 1 Championship. Samm Arena ’11 advanced to Regionals and will compete at the State Championship on Oct 23-24. Soccer 9-5-2 Finished 4th in the league. Tennis 14-0 Undefeated season. Catherine Baldasano ’11 represented the AACA in the AAA district single tournament. Maddie Kohler ’12 and Allison Murray ’12 represented the Doubles team in the tournament. As we went to press, they were set to play in the League Championship on 10-22. Volleyball 13-2 Finished 2nd in the league and will compete in Districts. Crew King’s Head-The Varsity Eight boats placed 1st, 3rd, and 4th. Junior Varsity Eight boats placed 1st. Varsity Four boats place 4th. Junior Varsity Four boats placed 4th and 6th.


Navy Day Regatta - The Varsity Eight boats placed 1st, 2nd, and 5th The Junior Varsity Eight boats placed 2nd and 8th.

Honors Steph Roman Marathon is Renamed in Her Honor


Breast Cancer Marathon


he Mount’s Annual Breast Cancer Marathon had its biggest turnout ever, with great support from not only the Mount Community, but also from the boys' schools and from the girls at Gwynedd Mercy Academy.

The Marathon also raised its highest amount ever. More than $5,000 will go towards the Stephanie Leonards Roman Memorial Scholarship Fund, named in honor of one of the Mount’s beloved teachers, who passed away two years ago from this disease. Both the Leonards and the Roman families were present for this year’s Marathon, which was officially renamed “The Stephanie Leonards Roman Memorial Scholarship Fund – Breast Cancer Marathon” This year featured a guest speaker, Mrs. Chris Maloney, a breast cancer survivor and mother of Elizabeth Maloney ’11, Student Council Vice-President. Mrs. Maloney addressed the impact of breast cancer on the entire family and the necessity of a strong support system to help the family weather the storm. Thank you for all who supported our efforts to help raise funds for the scholarship and raise awareness of this disease.

10th Annual

Mount Crew Class Day Regatta Saturday, November 27, 2010 11am – 3pm Are you a Mountie who loves rowing? Did you always wish that your rowing career could have started in high school? Well, here is your chance to row for the Mount! The 10th Annual Mount Crew Class Day Regatta will be held on Saturday, November 27, from 11am to 3pm! Boat christening to be held at 11:30am. Come and see the Mount Boathouse, meet the current Mount Crew Team, and catch-up with other Alumnae. We will be racing boats by Mount class for short (500m) sprints! Visit the NEWLY RENOVATED Mount Boathouse! For more information visit the Mount Crew web site at


A Mountie at

Mid-life: The Change is Gonna Do You Good!


By Margie King ’71, Certified Holistic Health Coach

was a junior at Mount St. Joseph Academy 40 years ago in 1969-70. My academic career was in flux at the time, since I had been forced to transfer to the Mount that year when Eden Hall, the school I had been attending, closed at the end of my sophomore year. Looking back now, coping with that change in high school, over which I had no control, was a fitting start to the rest of my life which has been all about change, and has now led me to work as a health coach for women coping with “The Change” at mid-life. I came to the Mount that year with my sister Bridget King (Class of 1973) who was a freshman, and we were part of a second generation at the school, following in the footsteps of our mother, Marie Rosato King (Class of 1946). A few years later my sister Stephanie King (Class of 1976) followed. Fast forward some 30 years and the Mount tradition continued with Bridget’s daughters, Stephanie Crooks (Class of 2006) and Alexandra Crooks (Class of 2008), and my sister Stephanie’s daughters, Gabrielle Curcillo (Class of 2009) and Chiara Curcillo (Class of 2011). All told we are three generations of eight Mounties.

class of freshman women. Switching my major from math to French, I spent my junior year abroad in Dijon, France. Eventually I enrolled in Villanova University School of Law and launched myself on a 20-year career as an attorney. While that sounds like a stable career path, it really wasn’t. At the time, there was still an expectation in the work world that you landed a job and retired from it 50 years later with a gold watch. Today, however, people have an average of seven jobs in the course of their careers. I changed jobs seven times just in my 20 years as a lawyer, and that’s not even counting a brief stint as the Economic Advisor to the President of Palau in 1996, or my newest venture as a health coach. Along the way, for good measure, I also got my M.B.A. from The Wharton School of The University of Pennsylvania.


want to help women develop a

In the year 2000, I made a conscious decision to dramatically change my life and quit my career as a lawyer because it was no longer fun or fulfilling. I went into retirement at the age of 47. Without husband or children, I spent the next 10 years pursuing my personal interests of painting, needlepointing, writing and traveling, and took some time to discover myself and the world.

My own tenure at the Mount was short – deeper understanding of the food just one year – but influential in my life. and lifestyle choices that work best The Mount community accepted me as for them and implement lasting changes a transfer student with open arms and that will improve their energy, made my transition very easy. I was in balance and health the French club and loved working on The Campanile school newspaper. I had always loved writing from the time I was Today I like to see my life in terms of in fourth grade and The Campanile was the ways in which I have changed, a great training ground for all the writing that I would do later transformed and transitioned, and the ways I have not. One of in life. the things that seemed constant since I was five years old was I left the Mount at the end of my junior year to enroll at St. a pudginess that I never seemed to lose completely even as my Joseph’s College (now University) which was taking its first


I suffered all the effects of my body’s erratic hormone levels. I gained weight, woke up drenched at night, and went from someone who was always cold to a human heat pump. Heavy, irregular cycles made me practically a prisoner in my home for two days a month. I developed fibroids. And so, I did my research and became convinced that this was a change I needed to embrace as a natural part of life and rather than fight it, I needed to gently transition to the next phase. I passed through to the other side without hormones, without anti-depressants and without a lot of trauma, relying on a natural diet and common sense lifestyle changes. When I went to nutrition school, I became aware of the fact that I could help other women do the same thing that I did: go through menopause naturally without discomfort and without hormones, relying on whole foods and sensible lifestyle changes. I attended the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and have a holistic approach to helping my clients. My philosophy is that nutrition is not just about food but about the whole person, and what is going on in their lives, especially in their relationships, career, physical activity and spirituality. All of these things nourish us and are interconnected.

Alumnae Happenings Spotlight

weight waxed and waned over the years. Because I had always struggled with weight, I decided in my retirement to finally find the answer to why I was carrying an extra 10 pounds (minimum) my whole life. I wanted to know the truth about nutrition because I was tired of diets that didn’t work, and I had tried them all. I was also tired of all the contradictory and confusing information out there about food and health. At the same time, I, who had gone through so many changes already, found myself going through the big one, menopause.

As a health coach to mid-life women I act as a wellness guide and supportive mentor. I help women achieve their goals in areas such as weight management, food cravings, sleep and energy. So many of my clients are very intelligent and informed, but so frustrated because they think they are doing the right things but not getting good results. I find that the most important thing for them to understand is the concept of bio-individuality, that each person has her own food and lifestyle needs. One person’s food is another person’s poison, and that’s why fad diets tend to fail in the long run. I support each woman in making positive changes based on her unique needs, lifestyle, personal preferences, and background.

My mission is to help women going through menopause have a positive experience and not to fight Mother Nature. I want them to develop a deeper understanding of the food and lifestyle choices that work best for them and implement lasting changes that will improve their energy, balance and health. I offer individual counseling as well as group counseling, workshops and cooking classes. Also, drawing on my experience at the Mount, I spend a good deal of time writing about nutrition and wellness as the Philadelphia Nutrition Examiner on Examiner. com, a national news and information website. In starting my own business at mid-life, I was taking my own advice to make of your life what your life makes of you – don’t fight the universe. I could not have predicted that I would be here today, but looking back it all seems natural and inevitable. I have gone through many changes in my life and I have gone through The Change. It seems only natural to help other women do the same. For more information or to contact Margie King, you may visit her website


The MSJA Annual Fund is now The Mount Fund


he Mount Fund is the annual appeal for gifts that directly supports the operating budget of the school. Gifts to The Mount Fund narrow the gap between tuition revenue and actual cost per student.

This year’s Mount Fund kicked off at the Purple & Gold reception on September 22nd. Current and past parents, alumnae and friends gathered to learn the significance of their participation in this importance endeavor and how it impacts the day to day operations of the Academy. In October, all members of the Mount community received an opportunity to participate in this year’s Mount Fund. We are most grateful for all gifts, regardless of size. The goal for this year’s appeal is $375,000. If you have any questions regarding The Mount Fund, please contact Leigh McFadden at 215-233-3177 x 160.

Annual Fund Giving Clubs Purple & Gold Club


Fournier Diamond Gold 1858 Founders Silver

$10,000 and Above $5,000 - $9,999 $2,500 - $4,999 $1,858 - $2,499 $1,000 - $1,857

Harvest Club Campanile Club Principal’s Club

$500 - $999 $250 - $499 $100 - $249


A new year… A new look!!



Mount Fund We are presently at 23% of our goal of $375,000

$300,000 $200,000 $100,000


We are off to a great start. We are grateful to those of you who have already made your gift to this year’s Mount Fund. To date, we have received 205 gifts totaling $89,003 toward our goal of $375,000 Gifts to the Mount Fund are essential to the day to day operations of the Mount. Revenue generated from tuition only covers 81% of the actual cost per student. The generosity of our alumnae, parents, faculty, staff and friends helps to make up this difference and make the dream of a Mount education a reality for many young women.

Happenings Development

Mount Fund Goal

Thank you for making the Mount a priority in your charitable giving! If you haven’t already done so, please send in your Mount Fund donation today. All gifts, regardless of size, have a direct and immediate impact on our students. Your support helps the Mount provide an excellent education foundation to our young women. Thank you for your participation and generosity!

2010-2011 MSJA Board of Directors

The MSJA Board of Directors welcome new board members James Welsh, Sister Marie O’Brien, SSJ, and Cynthia Strolle ’71.

Back Row, left to right: Louis DePaul, Robert Fabiszewski, Andrew Maron, Daniel Thistle, John Fenningham, S. Kathleen Brabson, SSJ, James Welsh, Kent Roman, Stephen Gardner, and James Paul Seated, left to right: Sister Marie O’Brien, Sister Therese Maugle, Donna DePaul Bartynski ’70, Sister Catherine Robinson, SSJ, Mary Merz Berko ’48, Chair, Mary Ann Feeley Messmer ’72, Anne Titterton ’82, Angela Stout, DMD ’83, and Cynthia Strolle ’71 Not Pictured: Sister Regina Bell, SSJ; Suzanne Serianni Mayes ’84


MSJA 18th Annual Golf Classic Raises Over $70,000 for the Mount’s Endowment


he Mount held the 18th Annual Golf Outing on Monday, September 27th, at Blue Bell Country Club. The rain did not dampen the spirits of our 130 golfers who braved the rain in order to participate. They had their choice of participating in the morning or afternoon shot-gun starts.

The Outing was followed by cocktails, dinner, and a silent auction featuring items such as outings at area golf courses, dining gift certificates, and autographed sports memorabilia. Once again, half of the proceeds from the Outing benefit the Alumnae Endowed Scholarship, which will be awarded to the daughter or granddaughter of an Alumna who qualifies for financial aid. Our sincere thanks to our chairs Michael and Beth Brown, and all of our committee members, sponsors, participants and those who purchased raffle tickets. Their support continues to make the Golf Outing one of the most successful fundraisers at the Mount!

R affle Winners:


1st Prize - Bermuda Trip – Bill Eberle (Current Parent) 2nd Prize – 42” LCD TV – Carol Seminack (Past Parent) 3rd Prize – Apple I-pad – Terry Puleo (Past Parent) 4th Prize – Sony Cyber Shot Digital Camera – Elesa Knowles (Current Parent) Student Gift Certificate Winner – Catherine Baldasano ’11

Dear Fellow Alumnae, Autumn is abundantly upon us as the leisurely days of summer wane into the cool, crisp days of the harvest. There is excitement in the air as the Mount community is full of life and possibilities. Just as our history of the Sisters of Saint Joseph brims with examples of how we have boldly transformed the Mount to meet the needs of the day, so too is our Alumnae Association following in those footsteps. Our Alumnae Association embodies the spirit of the Mount, reflecting the pride that defines and unites us.

Alumnae Happenings

A Letter from the Alumnae Association President

In keeping with our rich traditions, we began September with welcoming back over 120 Golden Girls to their annual luncheon at Whitemarsh Valley Country Club. It was inspiring to see women from as far as California joining together to show their Mount spirit. The rain did not dampen the spirits of over 130 golfers at the 18th Annual MSJA Golf Outing. We had a record number of women golfers for the second year in a row. Thanks to the leadership of Co-Chairs Michael and Beth Brown and our committee, we raised over $70,000. This is such an important fundraiser, as 50 percent of these proceeds fund the Alumnae Grant which provides a need-based tuition grant to the daughter of a Mount Alumna. Alumnae joined administration, parents and students to host the Mount’s Annual Open House on October 17. Our Mount Alumnae welcomed prospective students and their families as well as many Alumnae mothers hopeful that their daughters will continue their legacy. Inspired by the runways of New York City, the Special Events committee has worked feverishly to produce the “MOUNT RUNWAY 2010” fashion show. It was the perfect opportunity to join together students, parents and Alumnae. Everyone enjoyed dinner, shopping and the current trends for the fall and holiday seasons. I invite you to check out the Mount’s Alumnae website at There you can get additional information on the trip to Broadway, Lunch with Santa, Alumnae Day and many more exciting events! Over the years, we have built a strong community that “educates future founders” and links Alumnae to living lives of leadership and service. It is through your continued support to The Mount Fund that future generations can continue this legacy. Spes messis in semine…and you, as Alumnae, are bearing great fruit; the harvest is indeed proving plentiful. Enjoy autumn’s bounty,

Trish Zugay Burkholder ’74 President, MSJA Alumnae Association

Meet Your 2010 - 2011 Alumnae Association Board Board of Directors President Vice President Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary Treasurer Immediate Past President

Patricia Zugay Burkholder ’74 Erin McClafferty Erfle ’96 Sheila Kropp McLaughlin ’84 Virginia Bendinger Wischhusen ’70 Ellen Rosa-Bian Cericola ’82 Charlene Keller Fullmer, Esq. ’89

Board Members Mary Kate Haber Black ’80 Maria Fella Cain ’80 Maggie Markmann Dougherty ’01 Madge Mansell Keehn ’50 Barbara Tumelty Kelly ’00 Lorraine Sukalski McGlynn ’52

Corinne Ledwith Murphy ’84 Megan Osborne Romano ’94 Kimberly Rothwell ’01 Heather McKenna Tausz ’89 Jeanine O’Brien Waldron ’92 Stephanie Birchett Wroten ’86

Honorary Board Members Honorary Board Members Mary Merz Berko ’48

Mary Ellen Carroll Brown ’48

Adele Bateman Donahue ’48


Mark Your Calendar! Come Home to the


Alumnae Day

Saturday, April 2, 2011 Reunion Year for Classes ending in 1s and 6s All Mounties are invited to come home to the Mount. Reunion celebrations for classes ending in 1s and 6s will be held on Saturday, April 2, 2011. If you would like to be part of the MSJA Reunion Celebration Committee, please contact Theresa Moyer, Director of Alumnae, at or (215) 233-3177, ext. 334.

Freshman Daughters or Granddaughters of Mount Alumnae The Class of 2014 Boasts A record-breaking number of Alumnae Daughters and Granddaughters! Back Row, left to right: Julia Kelly (Kathleen Rhoads ’52, Grandmom), Alexandra Catanzariti (Annette Colavita ’84), Jennifer Lawlor (Dolores Bobrowski Bowes ’45 and Margaret Doyle ’45, Grandmoms), Leah Ramos (Donna Perkinson ’82), Elizabeth Worthington (Dana Flaherty ’85), Molly Walters (Patricia Morrissey ’81), Caroline Zakrzewski (Chyllene Waters ’80, Mom; Chyllene Quinn ’56, Grandmom), Kaitlin Hughes (Judith Wiesenhutter ’85), Kelly Kowalski (Mary Hyslop ’78), Elizabeth Zakrzewski (Chyllene Waters ’80, Mom; Chyllene Quinn ’56, Grandmom), Christina Black (Mary Kate Haber ’80), Caitlyn Sottile (Marie Eileen Bolger ’83), Claudia Kuneck (Andrea Pie ’93), Anita Kruse (Rosemary Kenny ’75)


Seated, left to right: Millicent Stefanowicz (Mary Morrissey ’84), Lauren Woodrow (Michele Morris ’81), Caroline Gannon (Carol Swanson ’82), Hannah Lebiedzinski (Jill Lebiedzinski ’94), Hanna Leonard (Susan Doney ’80), MegAnne Liebsch (Kristen Kelly ’87), Alicia Marrone (Deanna DeZorzi ’85), Sheila McLaughlin (Sheila Kropp ’84), Eleanor McGlynn (Naomi Torchiana ’80)

Marci Kuttler Bossow Schankweiler ’86:

Woman of Distinction... and more!


he Philadelphia Business Journal, the National Association of Women Business Owners and Wachovia, A Wells Fargo Company, have named Marci Kuttler Bossow Schankweiler ’86 one of their 2010 Women of Distinction.

Marci is President of Crossing the Finish Line, an organization she founded 10 years ago in memory of her late husband, Pete Bossow. Crossing the Finish Line sends young adult cancer patients and their families on all-expenses paid respite vacations, benefitting more than 800 cancer patients and 3,000 caregivers thus far. This year’s award recipients are 25 of the region’s most dynamic women who are making headlines in their professional field and in their community. They will be honored at a banquet on Tuesday, November 30, 2010, at the Sheraton Philadelphia City Center. The event gathers over 500 of the region’s newsmakers for excellent networking and an inspiring awards ceremony. Winners will also be profiled in a special section of the Business Journal’s November 26 issue. In addition, Marci has been recognized by the following for her tireless work: This summer, Marci was honored as the Philadelphia Phillies’ representative of the “All-Stars Among Us” campaign during Major League Baseball’s (MLB) All-Star Game. Marci will receive La Salle University’s most prestigious alumni honor, The Signum Fidei Medal, on Friday, November 19. And, she will receive the Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s Distinguished Graduate (Hall of Fame) Award on Friday, January 28, 2011. Her work is truly an inspiration for us all. Congratulations, Marci!

A Mountie and Her

Ring FF

Reunited at Long Last!!

ifteen years ago, when S. Katharine Doyle, SSJ ’53, was living in Old Bridge, New Jersey, she had just finished chairing a Middle States Association Meeting on Long Island in NY, and was returning home by car. “When I got back to Old Bridge, I realized I did not have my MSJA class ring on my finger. It was a very bitter cold night, and my guess was that the ring had fallen off due to the cold.” The question was, where? S. Katharine looked all through the car, and everyone in her community kept looking for the ring—even for a long time after that. It was a leased car, and eventually, when the lease expired, the car was turned in, with no sign of her ring. Ultimately, S. Katharine stopped looking for and all but forgot about her ring. In the ensuing years, she retired to St. Joseph’s Villa in Flourtown, Pennsylvania, right next-door to her Alma Mater, the Mount.

Fast forward 15 years to March of 2010—a woman named Nora Saracena was visiting St. Joseph’s Villa, and lo and behold, there was S. Katharine’s ring -- in the parking lot of the Villa, which was now Sister Katharine’s new home. Seeing the initials KED inside the ring, she realized she could probably return the ring to its rightful owner. So she called Theresa Moyer, MSJA’s Director of Alumnae, to tell her that she had the ring. S. Katharine was thrilled to hear the good news, and could hardly believe that the ring would turn up, of all places, right in the parking lot of her new home at the Villa—71 miles from where she lost it. “I was dumbfounded that it would turn up right outside my new home. It was in such good shape—the stone needed to be polished, but otherwise, it’s in good shape. I’m so happy to have it back!”


Golden Girls Luncheon


Lois Trench-Hines ‘60 Cathy Drennen Siegl ‘60 Chairs of the 2010 Golden Girls Luncheon

raduates of Mount Saint Joseph Academy have always had a strong bond, and the Mount’s Golden Girls (Alumnae who have reached their 50th anniversary), gather each September to reminisce and enjoy each other’s company. The tenth annual Golden Girls luncheon was held Friday, Sept. 17, 2010, at the Whitemarsh Valley Country Club in Lafayette Hill.

With over 120 in attendance, the room came alive with warmth and camaraderie, laughter and delightful conversation. It is hard to imagine that graduation was at least 50 years ago, and these ladies have maintained ties with one another and with the Mount that grow ever stronger as each year passes.

a plaque for the Mount’s Boathouse

Presented by her Classmates to Lois Trench-Hines ’60


ood afternoon, everyone! My name is Joan Dull McGuigan, Mount Class of 1960.

How many of you have heard about, or perhaps toured the Mount’s Boathouse? Last spring I was part of the group of Golden Girls who took advantage of a trip there. It’s along the Schuylkill River in Conshohocken. We were all impressed to learn about the facility’s past history, present function, and future potential. One of our classmates, Eileen McGonigal Wallace, immediately proposed the idea that a plaque needed to be hung there in recognition of the woman who spearheaded its existence—Lois Trench-Hines. Back in the late ’50s when Lois was a Mountie, there were only two interscholastic sports at the Mount: basketball and field hockey. Lois participated in both…famous for her halfcourt basketball shots and her Gibraltar-style hockey goal tending! Sports fed her spirit. Years later, she had a chance meeting with another of our classmates. Was it chance or Divine Providence? While driving, Lois spied Sandy Shields Madden walking along carrying an oar. Lois did a “U-ey” in the middle of the road and was introduced to the Philadelphia Girls Rowing Club. The rest was history!! She joined. She competed…including


one event in Russia. Lois embraced the sport. Fast forward many more years and guess what happened? Crew became an activity, a club, and finally a competitive sport at the Mount. It takes years of plowing fallow ground before soil produces. Lois would be quick to downplay her role while lifting the efforts of others to prominence. Yet her consistent emotional and financial support and enthusiastic vision for the role of crew at the Mount and for its boathouse must be acknowledged! Crew is one of 11 sports at the Mount today. The crew women have won three international championships. Last spring it was announced that crew members earned more full-ride scholarships to prestigious colleges and universities than other Mount athletes. Celene Sukalski Boggs, a classmate living in California, reported that she had heard of the crew members’ rowing successes way out there on the left coast! Spes Messis in Semine. The hope of the harvest is in the seed. The harvest is rich! In our family we have a saying: we stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before us! We thank them and bless their names. Today, Lois, your class family thanks you and blesses your name. On behalf of the Class of 1960, it is my honor to present this plaque saluting your efforts. It will be hung in the Mount’s Boathouse for all future visitors to read.


Eileen Long Hessman took a trip to medieval parts of France, courtesy of her daughter, AnnaMarie, class of 1987. Eileen is looking forward to the 55th class reunion that just happens to be on her birthday.

Margaret Lawler Kolimago is enjoying her 12 grandchildren and traveling with the older ones, and loves getting together with her classmates.

1944 Marguerite Haggerty Harrington and husband, Tom are inching up on 62 years of marriage, having seven of their ten children still living, 13 grandchildren and one great grandchild. • She is happy to report that of the 31 graduates from her class, there are 12 who remain in touch. Unfortunately she has had

• no communication from either Dorothy Whitaker or Lorraine Egizio Jackson for some time, she hopes all is well. Most are busy keeping up with children, grandchildren and many, many great-grandchildren. Kitty Stroud DelDuca is still volunteering with the first graders at her local school. Another note of importance is that Kay Kiely Leydon’s grandson is in • the Air Force and presently serving in Iraq. May God continue to keep him and all of us in His care. Happily, keeping in touch by phone or with the occasional lunch, (Pictured left to right, Maddie Coupe Lawn, Kay Kiely Leydon, Polly McNelis Myers, Peg Haggerty Harrington, Kitty Stroud DelDuca, Rose Johnston Robinson and Jayne Mercer Strecker ’43). • •

1956 Rosanne Barrett and 56ers Jeanne Shelton Crouch, Pat McGonigal Carroll, Mary McElvenny Owen and Dotty Hordubay had a good time lunching and visiting in Naples and Marco Island, Florida in February. Also from the class

Alumnae News


of 1956, Peggy Lawler Kolimago, Theresa Zambelli Esperdy, S. Barbara Nolan, SSJ, Barbara Holm Quinn, Jeanne Shelton Crouch, Pat McGonigal Feulner Carroll and Rosanne recently got together in Chestnut Hill for lunch.

1961 Margaret O’Connell Feeny and husband, Bill, are well and happy, planning to move to Ohio to be near several of their children and grandchildren. Peg still loves reading, travel and paints furniture artfully if not well. Susan Banes Johnson would like to share some news, after leaving her beloved home in Edgartown on Martha’s Vineyard and the death of her husband, George, she returned to work as a nurse at the Fallon Clinic in Massachusetts where she worked for 32 years. She finally retired on August 13th. During her career she was a lead nurse and a Pre-Authorization nurse for the entire company. She is now enjoying being able to spend more time with her sons, Ken and Brian and their families. The oldest of her seven grandchildren Emily, is on full scholarship at WPI as a BIO/Chem Major, with an ultimate goal of being a pediatrician. Brian and Amy’s remaining three girls are still in high school in Maine and excellent students. Ken and Trish’s daughter and twin boys still live in Hopkinton, Mass. and are great and fun. The majority of her retirement is being spent enjoying the new home she had built with her Westie, ShelBJoy, taking walks in the country and traveling. 1962 Mary Catherine Kelly McCauley retired from The Haverford School as their school nurse for 21 years. Enjoying her six grandchildren and five children both here and in Cape May. Also, enjoying tennis, golf, watercolors and learning bridge. Life is good! 1964 Helene Montgomery Peddle had been married 30 years to her husband, Henry, who passed away in 2005. This spring she was the first woman appointed to the Bridge of Flay Officers at Key Largo Anglers Club and will be Commodore in 2013. 1967 Jill Byrne is coordinator for Boomer U in Ambler, which is a (non profit) great place to go for classes in line dancing, (Nancy Crean Kaufmann was spotted observing) minor auto repair to bridge to genealogy. There is a wide range of interesting and/or fun classes, all reasonably priced. To subscribe to their e-mail for classes and general tips on life, contact Jill at boomeru@


Mary (Fuzzie) Thorwarth Pottier recently played hostess to a solo art exhibit at “Claude’s,” owned and operated since 1988 by Mary and her husband, Claude. “Zoloftism, Welcome to Smileville” by Popo Flanigan was installed in August at the award winning Claude’s Restaurant & Sophie’s Bar in North Wildwood. If you haven’t been to Claude’s, you haven’t been … It will be worth the trip for the food, décor, and general ambiance…Mountie’s serendipitous reunions abound. A book entitled, Artists in their Studios will be available in all the guest rooms at the Ritz Carlton in Naples, Florida, December 2010. It will have a two-page spread on Popo Flanigan’s studio and backyard. MaryJane Wesner Nolen and husband, Michael, are neighbors of Po, living on the same street in downtown Olde Naples. Give them a call if you are in town for a backyard reunion visit! Po can be reached at 1972 Dr. Angela Lin attended the 2010 Commencement exercises to watch her niece, Corinna Stieg ’10 deliver the Valedictorian address. She met with her good friend and still a Latin scholar, Mimi Strolle Bender ’72. 1975 Anne McCormack announces that her daughter, Katie Gallagher, has just completed a wonderful four years at the Mount, and will be attending the University of Pennsylvania in the fall. 1982 Several Mounties from the Class of ‘82 vacationed together with friends and family on the Big Island of Hawaii in June 2010.

• From left to right: Claire Rieffel Ronneburg, Ellen Rosa-Bian Cericola, Kristen Cericola ‘09, and Jeanette Griffin •

1984 A. Christine Litman McEwan and family, Gracie (5), Jake (15 mos.) took their first international plane ride to Scotland to visit their grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. Wonderful time for Mommy and Daddy, too! Gracie started kindergarten at St. Philip Neri this year.


1985 Lisa Keane-Burgstahler is a Senior Manager in the Construction and Real Estate Group of EisnerAmper, LLP, which is the leading regional accounting firm in the Northeast and the 14th largest overall in the United States, as a result of a business combination that occurred on August 16, 2010. She currently serves as Treasurer of Philadelphia Chapter of the Commercial Real Estate Women (CREW Phl) and as a Board member of the Philadelphia chapter of the National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC). 1991 Katie Gorman Duffy and her husband, John welcomed their third child much earlier than anticipated. Katie spent a month in the hospital, and then delivered Maggie Jane on April 15, 2010, just over three months before her July 19th due date. Maggie weighed only 1 lb., 11oz., and after more than ten weeks in the NICU, was able to go home to her big sisters, Molly (10) and MaryKate (6). Maggie is doing well and is truly a little miracle 1992 Maryann O’Leary-Salas will assume the role of Director of Development for Undergraduate Financial Aid at the University of Pennsylvania. She will help to coordinate undergraduate financial aid fundraising and ensure continued strong stewardship of the Penn donors to this Campaign priority. This is a high-profile position and Maryanne will do a terrific job. 1993 Megan Burghart Flynn and her husband, Matt, welcomed Michael Thomas into their family on July 5, 2010. He is loved and adored by his older siblings, Olivia (4) and Christopher (2). Jill Harrington Short and husband were blessed with a daughter, Ainsley Rose, born six weeks early on April 5, 2010. She is doing well and is looking forward to being a member of the Class of 2028! 1994 Dana Murray-Resente and her husband, Marco, of ten years welcome their first child, Marco Emilio, on October 12, 2009. The whole family is thrilled with their newest arrival. Dana continues to teach English at Montgomery County Community College as an Assistant Professor and serves on the Board for the Philadelphia Writers’ Conference. 1997 Lauren Schaffer Stienes and husband, Dave, welcomed their first son, Colin, into this world on July 22, 2010. Ali Schaffer Barba ’99 is a proud aunt. 1998 Jennifer M. Hinkel recently joined the global biotech and pharmaceutical company, Roche, where she is part of the Roche Perspectives global development program. She is currently working in San Francisco at Genentech, the Roche Company in the United States, and will be moving to Buenos Aires in November 2010 to begin a six-month assignment with Roche in Latin America.

and Andy Ford, Caroline Read Herzog, Kim Rothwell, Lindsay Greco, Megan Keane and Ashlyn Martin Delson. •

• •

Susan Garges married Jordan Silberberg on November 14, 2009. In attendance were Mountie (left to right), mother of the bride, Joanne Caruso Garges ’64, Melissa Work Peterson ’98, Susan McGowan ’98, Colleen Brophy ’98, Janelle Brophy ’99, Donna Brennan ’98 and Rita Kelley Schmidt ’72. Kelley Schmidt Flynn ’98 was in California preparing for the birth of her baby and was much missed! Susan and Jordan live in Hoboken, NJ and work in Finance in New York City.

2001 CORRECTION - Kerri’s announcement was inadvertently listed under the Class of 1998 instead of 2001 news. Kerri

Bielski and Joseph Morris were married on July 18, 2009, in a ceremony at Epiphany of Our Lord Church with a reception at Presidential Caterers. In attendance were maid of honor, Kristin Bielski ’98 and bridesmaids Colleen Strawhacker ’01, Emily DePaul ’01 and Stephanie Hershey Caprioli ’01. Other Mounties in attendance were Mary Kate Weber ’98, Lauren Darby ’98 and Ellen Eklof ’98. The couple honeymooned in Maui, Hawaii. •

Elizabeth Frett announces her marriage to William Nowik at Mary Mother of the Redeemer Church on May 22, 2010. Mounties in attendance were, (maids of honor), Kristy Kalick

2004 Cara Saponaro graduated in May 2010 with her Doctorate in Physical Therapy. Cara is currently working at Jefferson University Hospital as a Doctor of Physical Therapy and loves the opportunities MSJA and Northeastern University have given her! 2006 Loretta E. Devery graduated cum laude from Georgetown University. She is now the Program Coordinator at the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation and resides in Ashburn, Virginia. 2009 Sarah Pinchock has made it through her first year at Syracuse! Katie Kramer placed 4th at the MidAtlantic Region Championships in November 2009, which qualified her to dance at the World Championships held in Scotland over Easter week. She then traveled to Orlando, Florida, in July, to dance at the National Championships. She is pictured from left to right with her teachers: Colleen Coyle Kelly ‘88, Nellie Anstock, Katie, Patricia Swope, and Eileen Coyle Henry ‘83. Parents Corner Mr. and Mrs. Robert McDevitt report that their daughter, Alex McDevitt ’09 made the Dean’s List for her freshman year at Wake Forest University.

New Arrivals •

Katie Gorman Duffy ’91, a daughter, Maggie Jane

Jill Harrington Short ’93, a daughter, Ainsley Rose

Dana Murray-Resente ’94, a son, Marco Emilio

Julia King Gorniak ’95, a daughter, Quinn Catherine


In Memoriam

We extend our sympathy and prayers to the families of the following Alumnae: Louise McCloskey Cullinan ’37

Nina Vecchione Chesna ’73, on the death of her mother, Clara D’Amico Vecchione

Regina Bond Craft ’76, on the death of her mother, Regina “Jeanne” Kelly Bond

Cheryl Seeds Brotman ’78, on the death of her father, James F. Seeds Jr.

Catherine Lynch Leger ’83, on the death of her daughter, Brittany Leger

Cathleen McLees Barone ’84 and Christine McLees ’87, on the death of their sister, Colleen McLees

Kristin Wagoner Shearon ’84, on the death of her father, J. Donald Wagoner

Claudine Zienkewicz Stimmler ’93 and Nicole Zienkewicz Russell ’96, on the death of their stepfather, Bruce D. Brown

Eileen Voegele ’93, on the death of her grandmother, Elizabeth Fields Voegele

Denise Markman Dhawan ’94 and Margaret Markman Dougherty ’01, on the death of their grandmother, Dorothy B. Markmann

Monica Bovo Gross ’96, on the death of her mother, Kathleen Appicello Bovo

Lauren Schaffer Stienes ’97, Allison Schaffer ’99 and Marisa Schaffer ’01, on the death of their grandmother, Doris Schaffer

Megan Eccleston ’00, Jamie Eccleston ’02, Kelly Eccleston ’05 and Caitlin Eccleston ’07, on the death of their grandfather, Leo A. Gallagher

Sarah Daniels ’02 and Elizabeth Daniels ’04, on the death of their grandmother, Mary Leigh Bechtle

MaryBeth Schluckebrier ’05 and Megan Schluckebier ’08, on the death of their grandmother, Jean Ward Murray

Elizabeth Limberakis ’07, on the death of her grandfather, John A. Limberakis

Kathryn Malone ’08 and Stephanie Malone ’11, on the death of their grandfather, Josephy Malek

Jaclyn Mahan ’09, on the death of her grandmother, Agnes A. Sukany Giampietro

Sarah Rocco ’11, on the death of her grandfather, Carmen Rocco, Sr.

Leigh Ann Tiffany ’11 and Erin Tiffany ’13, on the death of their grandmother, Alice Keller

Sarina Carr ’13, on the death of her father, William Michael Carr

Dolores Jones Trull ’49 Mercedes Palacio Pannone ’51 Anita Marie McLaughlin ’55

Our sympathy and prayers are extended to the following Alumnae: •

Helen Burns McQuaid ’39, on the death of her brother, William G. Burns Sr.

Gloria Garcia Cook ’47, on the death of her husband, Richard M. Cook

Blache Palacio Kammer ’48 (deceased) and Joan Palacio O’Rourke ’52, on the death of their sister, Mercedes Palacio Pannone ’51

Marianna Fox Yeager ’52, Marianna Yeager Richards ’79 and Anne Yeager Donato ’81, on the death of their husband and father respectively, William F. Yeager

Letitia McGill Ryan ’55 and Kathleen McGill Gibson ’62, on the death of their brother, W. Dennis McGill

Kathleen McBride Shoup ’57, on the death of her cousin, Anita Marie McLaughlin ’55

Julia Aquilani Shea ’58 and Eileen Aquilani ’62, on the death of their father, James Aquilani Sr.

Judith Rhoads Morris ’59, S. Grace Rhoads, RGS ’49, Kathleen Rhoads Waters ’52, Kathleen Waters Owsik ’72 and Eleanor Waters ’73, on the death their daughter, niece and cousin respectively, Mary Morris Miller

Patricia Murray Rupp ’60, on the death of her brother, Charles A. “Chuck” Murray Jr.

Beatrice Taglialatela Juliano ’61, Diane Taglialatela Green ’63, Phyllis Taglialatela Galvin Moore ’68, Francine Taglialatela Schmitt ’75, Elizabeth Taglialatela Gorman ’76 and Beatrice Taglialatela (former staff), on the death of their father and husband, Robert E. Taglialatela Sr.

Carol Dewees Schulz ’61, on the death of her mother, Margaret Mae Kindle Dewees

MaryLou McGoldrick Hill ’67, Mary Love McKean ’81 and Catharine Hill Gavenonis ’99, on the death of their mother-in-law, aunt and grandmother, respectively, Dorothy Agnes Love Hill


Donna Ferraro Keenan ’70, Amy Keenan Fairchild ’96, Nancy Ferraro Anderson ’73, Lisa Ferraro Barrett ’78, Gina Ferraro Knowles ’82, Mia Ferraro Tucker ’90, Erin Wenzel ’96, Amelia Anderson ’08 and Emily Knowles ’13, on the death of their husband, father, brother-in-law and uncle respectively, James J. Keenan Jr.

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Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2009-2010 29

A Message from Chairman of the Board Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2009-2010 As chair of the Board of Directors, I am very pleased to present the 2009-2010 Annual Report of Gifts which showcases the extraordinary generosity of our Alumnae, current parents, past parents, staff and friends who year after year take an active role in continuing the mission and vision of the Sisters of Saint Joseph, who founded Mount Saint Joseph Academy 151 years ago. Gifts to the Annual Fund support the operating budget and offset the 20% gap between the tuition revenue and the actual cost of educating each student. In addition to those who gave financial support, we are truly grateful to the large number of volunteers who gave of their time and talents throughout this past year to ensure the success of each of the Mount’s many events and activities. The Golf Outing, chaired by current parents Beth and Michael Brown, supports the Endowment Fund, making it possible to offer financial aid to those students who need it. This event also directly benefits our Alumnae through the Alumnae Scholarship Grant which is awarded to the daughter or granddaughter of a Mount Alumna. Celebrauction XXVI, “A D’Vine Experience” was a spectacular event due to the tireless efforts of co-chairs Bob and Eileen Fabiszewski. The Special Events Committee comprised of both current parents and Alumnae sponsored the Christmas House Tours, the Spring Fling and a series of cooking classes. This Special Events Committee donated a portion of its proceeds to the new signage located at the corner of Wissahickon and Stenton Avenues. From these multiple sources of income we have been able to add to the endowment fund, making it possible to offer financial aid to students needing it. Our Alumnae Association, led by Trish Zugay Burkholder ’74, continued to reach out to our Alumnae from across the decades. From the ever popular “Golden Girls” luncheon to Alumnae Induction, there are events for every age group throughout the year. In its second year the College Age Internship Program successfully assisted a number of our Alumnae with networking opportunities as they begin to plan for their post-college careers. We are proud of the Class of 2010, our newest Alumnae, for their 96% participation in the Annual Fund Senior Class Initiative. They serve as a fine example for our alumnae to continue to remember the Mount in their charitable giving. Also, responding to the findings of the Alumnae survey, we have begun to suggest and solicit various forms of planned giving to ensure a solid future for the Mount. Finally, I thank my fellow Board members for their efforts throughout the year. Their commitment to the mission of the Mount is evidenced in the countless hours of meetings that result in a fiscally-sound school with a renowned reputation for outstanding academics, sports programs and community service programs. On behalf of the entire Board, I thank each of the individuals and organizations whose names appear in this book. Your generosity allows another generation of young women to experience a “Mount education.” We are sincerely grateful.

Mary Merz Berko ‘48 Chair, Board of Directors

2009-2010 Mount Saint Joseph Academy Board of Directors

Mary Merz Berko ‘48, Chair Sister Regina Bell, SSJ Donna DePaul Bartynski ‘70 Sister Kathleen Brabson, SSJ Louis E. DePaul Therese Esperdy ‘77 John C. Fenningham, Esq. 30

Stephen Gardner Richard W. Hubbert Anthony Maginnis Andrew W. Maron Sister Theresa Maugle, SSJ Suzanne Serianni Mayes, Esq. ‘84 Mary Ann Feeley Messmer ‘72

James Paul Sister Catherine Robinson, SSJ Kent Roman Angela M. Stout, DMD ‘83 Daniel L. Thistle, Esq. Anne E. Titterton, Esq. ‘82 Sister Barbara Winnals, SSJ

Financial Summary 2009-2010 Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2009-2010

Summary of Gifts July 1, 2009 – July 15, 2010 Support for Current Oper ations

Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted/In-Kind Gifts:

$303,445 $143,750

Total Annual Gifts:


Sources for 2009-2010 Annual Fund Support Board of Directors $ 26,500 Alumnae $141,373 Current Parents $206,598 Past Parents $ 75,202 Grandparents $ 11,575 Corporations/ Foundations $ 15,650 Faculty/Staff and Friends $ 7,283

(Dollar totals include multiple constituencies)

MSJA Organizational Fundr aising

Alumnae Association Parents’ Association Celebrauction XXVI Students Special Events Committee Golf Outing

$ 2,234 $247,085 $ 12,770 $ 22,378 $ 88,069


Annual Fund Gift Clubs Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2009-2010 Purple & Gold Club The Mount’s Purple and Gold Club continues to be a large part of the overall dollars raised in the Annual Fund. Those in this leadership group show their support with gifts of $1,000 or more to the Annual Fund. This generosity paves the way for successful cultivation and the leadership of those who give encourages others to support the fund at leadership levels. Fournier Patron $10,000 and above Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Duff Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Duffin FIRST Mr. and Mrs. Dominic S. Genuardi, Jr. Diamond Patron $5,000 - $9,999 Mr. and Mrs. John L. Connolly, Jr. Therese M. Esperdy ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fabiszewski Mr. and Mrs. T. Roderick Henkels Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Pasquarella Maureen Ryan Rilling ’84 and Mr. John Rilling Eileen Heck Slawek’48 and Mr. Joseph Slawek Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Thistle Gold Patron $2,500 - $4,999 Donna DePaul Bartynski ’70 Mr. George F. Beppel and Ms. Lorraine McGlynn Mr. and Mrs. George P. Cain Kimberly Heck Cilio ’84 and Mr. Joseph Cilio Mr. and Mrs. Anthony DePaul Mr. and Mrs. Peter DePaul


Mr. and Mrs. David Ellman Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Gardner Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gavin Mr. Robert McCadden and Ms. Dorothy Riehs Mr. and Mrs. James K. Paul Helen Florence Primus ’52 Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Stillwell, Sr. Cynthia M. Strolle ’71 Ms. Robyn S. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Clayton M. Wells 1858 Founders $1,858 - $2,499 Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Collier Mr. and Mrs. Michael Driscoll Dr. and Mrs. John W. C. Entwistle, III Donna Nicoletti Ferrier ’76 and Mr. Joseph J. Ferrier David Geppert Recycling, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Gozdan Mrs. Ann Keane Mr. Martin Longstreth* Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Maginnis Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Patton Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Paviglianiti Laura Anne Riethmiller Savage ’86 Silver Patron $1,000 - $1,857 Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Arena Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Bailey Mary Merz Berko ’48 Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Bono Colleen Coyle Broderick ’74 and Mr. John J. Broderick Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Brown Marian Buccafurni, Esq. ’72 Mary-Louise McDevitt Burgoyne ’54 Maureen K. Cahill ’70 Mr. Philip Calamia and Mrs. Cenzina Longhi-Calamia

Mr. and Mrs. David S. Cavanaugh Frances Princivalle Chadwick ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Clarke Mr. John B. Connor, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Crilly Dr. and Mrs. Walter W. Dearolf, III Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. DePaul Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Devenny Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Donnard Mr. James Driscoll and Dr. Diana Driscoll Mary Cathlene Driscoll, Esq. ’75 Mr. and Mrs. John Entwistle, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Brian G. Firth Charlene Keller Fullmer, Esq. ’89 Maryann Furtek Genuardi ’71 and Mr. Laurence Genuardi Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gorman Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Kindelan Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Koc Mr. and Mrs. John A. Loftus, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lux MaryRose Hasson Lynch ’80 and Mr. Dennis P. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Robert Maloney Mr. Richard J. Mandel and Ms. Francine Del Ricci Suzanne Serianni Mayes, Esq. ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. McBride Ms. Eileen Staerk McCann Mr. and Mrs. William C. McCormick Lorraine Sukalski McGlynn ’52 Mr. and Mrs. John V. McKee Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. McKeon, III Joan Gallagher McKeon’48 and Mr. Edwin M. McKeon, Sr. Margaret Gorman McKeon ’79 and Mr. Edwin McKeon, Jr. Anita Dudzek McMahon ’93 Dr. Lisa Ann Brady Miller ’80 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Mischler Mr. and Mrs.Joseph T. Morrissey, Jr. Mary Ann Fluehr Murphy ’43 Mr. and Mrs. Karl S. Murray Mary Louise Gerhard Nagle ’52 Dr. and Mrs. Timothy O’Grady Mrs. Cheryl G. Parsons Lori Nicoletti Peruto, Esq. ’79 and Mr. John M. Peruto PSPE, Philadelphia Chapter Mr. and Mrs. William H. Pugh, V Nora Glancey Radest, Esq. ’75 Patricia A. Redmond, Esq. ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Kent Roman Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Sabia Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Smith Mary Gabrielle Sprague, Esq. ’75 Dr. Angela M. Stout ’83 Anne E. Titterton, Esq. ’82 and Mr. Norman J. Olson Lois Trench-Hines ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Troy Mr. Joseph A. Walsh, Jr. Mary Stoll Walter ’81 and Mr. Kenneth D. Walter Mr. and Mrs. John H. Warren Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Waters

* Deceased

Annual Fund Gift Clubs Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2009-2010 Mr. and Mrs. James J. Welsh Elizabeth Beitel Whalen ’59 and Mr. Martin F. Whalen Chyllene Waters Zakrzewski ’80 and Dr. Kevin Zakrzewski Harvest Club $500 - $999 Anonymous Dr. and Mrs. Gary Beck Jane A. Biddle, Ph.D. ’75 Mary Kate Haber Black ’80 and Mr. Peter Black Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Breslin Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bryson Patricia Zugay Burkholder ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Casebeer Colleen Kelly Coll ’64 Dr. Katherine Rickert Coulson ’50 Mary Beth Cunnane ’88 Mr. Thomas F. and Dr. Mary Cunnane Jennifer M. Dolan ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Duda Jean Hirsekorn Fitzpatrick, Ph.D. ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Forst Kathleen Reilly Gallagher ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Wasyl Halczenko Mr. and Mrs. David Henrich Dr. and Mrs. Bruce H. Hessel Mr. and Mrs. M. Alanson Johnson, III Dr. Lynn M. Keenan ’79 Denise M. McBride Kelly ’83 Megan L. Kennedy ’92 Lizanne Tague Kenney ’82 Jennifer Meis Kurtz ’83 Deborah Standeven Lee ’88 Drs. Stephen L. and Jane M. Longacre Rita Nichols McBlain ’45 Mr. Thomas McGlinn Mr. and Mrs. Peter McGonigle Sheila Kropp McLaughlin ’84 and Mr. Brian McLaughlin Dr. Kathleen W. McNicholas ’65 M. Eileen McGill Meko ’60 and Mr. John J. Meko, Sr. Ellen Rothwell Miles ’78 Mr. and Mrs. John Mirabella Mr. Joseph Mullen Megan A. Rothwell Nakamoto ’81 Elizabeth Murphy Ollwerther ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Osborne Denise M. Ott ’90 Patricia Ann Robin Schlapo ’51 Catherine Groark Shields ’93 Catherine Drennen Siegl ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Steve Spaeder Mr. and Mrs. John V. Steinmetz, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Sullivan Patricia Connor Surotchak ’50 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Tierney Marilyn Anspach Trainer ’60 Anne Marie Fengler Triolo ’52 Barbara Bradshaw Viechnicki ’60 Aileen Maguire Walsh ’50 Kathleen Rhoads Waters ’52 Dr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Weidig Mr. and Mrs. Francis Weiss Whitemarsh Boat Club Ms. Eileen Wilkinson

Campanile Club $250 - $499 Avon Rowing Club Rita Troutman Beirne ’55 Mary Christine Strolle Bender ’72 and Mr. Robert H. Bender Roberta Butler Blumenthal ’70 Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Boyden Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Brady Christine Hamburger Broderick ’86 Mary Ellen Carroll Brown ’48 Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Burke Kathy McGee Burns ’55 Karen Gosewisch Buzby ’74 and Mr. Dudley C. Buzby, III Mary Beth Callan, VMD ’80 Joan Yates Carroll ’51 Nicole A. Cashman ’90 Dr. Judith A. Caviston Ellen Rosa-Bian Cericola ’82 and Mr. Donald V. Cericola, Jr. Amy O’Meara Chambers, Esq. ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Cipressi Mr. David W. Cox and Ms. Judith Nentwig Dr. Dawnlynne M. Cute-Allen ’89 Doris A. Dean ’92 Mr. and Mrs. John P. Delaney Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. DelRicci Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Demeter Judith c. Hinkle de Turo ’62 Denise Markmann Dhawan ’94 Emily Jean Dolan ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Driscoll Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Dunn Erin McClafferty Erfle ’96 Jeanine Harrington Ferrick ’89 Anne Leary Galie ’59 Rosemary O’Hara Garrity ’70 and Mr. James J. Garrity Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Geruson Judith Johnson Goodman ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Graf Anita O’Neill Greene ’55 Sarah Mansell Guilfoyle ’52 Anita Casani Haffey ’51 Mr. and Mrs. John Handy Heather McGlinn Hansma ’91 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hanson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Hartnett, Jr. Sheila Quinn Hartung ’82 Karen H. Forbes Heflin ’89 Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark Hinkel Barbara Hogan-Zarro, Ph.D. ’66 Elizabeth Burnett Holmes ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Honeyman Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Horgan, Sr. Ellin Mary Jones ’80 Lisa Keane-Burgstahler ’85 Anne Dunne Kelly ’72 and Mr. Kevin J. Kelly Dr. Jennifer M. King ’89 Dr. Bruce Kreter Carolyn E. Logan ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Udo H. Maron Mr. and Mrs. David G. McBride Mary Crane McBride ’66 Annemarie McGirr McCloy ’78 and Mr. Gerard McCloy

Regina Gercke McConnell ’54 Megan Melinson McDonough, Esq. ‘89 Dr. and Mrs. Philip K. McElroy Mr. and Mrs. Martin R. McNeela Ms. Bonnie Mueller Carey Marie Linaugh Mundhenk ’97 Corinne Ledwith Murphy ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Naccarato Jean Mohrbacher Nelson ’82 Diana DeGregorio Oebbecke ’61 Dr. Marlana S. Ottinger ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Palac Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Palopoli Mr. and Mrs. Guido Pasquel Mary McFadden Paul ’62 and Mr. Robert M. Paul Helene Montgomery Peddle ’64 Jennifer Maguire Princivalle ’81 Gertrude E. Bruner Rowello ’91 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Saraceni, Jr. Elena Wallace Shields ’90 Mr. and Mrs. William R. Skowronek Mr. and Mrs. John D. Snyder Jane Maguire Starke ’50 Mr. Raymond Thomas Maribeth Cattie Tursi ’70 Mary Elizabeth Tursi ’00 Mrs. Angela Vandegrift Vanzant’s Boating Warehouse Mr. and Mrs. Michael Vecchione Mr. James A. Vivaldelli Mary Katharine McCormack Walton ’70 Colleen Farris Weaver ’80 Joan Hoffman Weckesser ’48 Mr. William A. Whiteside, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Antonio J. Yanni Principal’s Club $100 - $249 Marie Meaney Adolph ’53 and Mr. John C. Adolph Marilyn Sutton Adomanis ’66 Andrea Fluehr Albert ’70 Michelle Murray Alexander ’70 Tracy Allu-Albertelli ’93 Raquel Amram-Perez ’50 Nancy Gillespie Anastas ’78 Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Anderson Stephanie Aurello ’00 Mildred McGuire Bagnall ’47 Diane McMenamin Bainbridge ’65 Catherine Fisher Baird ’58 and Mr. John Baird Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Baldasano Joan Marie Hartmann Bamberger ’50 Laura Davey Banmiller ’89 Rosanne M. Barrett ’56 Mrs. Maria H. Bechis Patricia Cassidy Bergquist ’60 Joann Nicolella Berkley ’61 Rachel M. Houston Berlin ’00 Marion Ann Williams Berry ’59 Marguerite Reynolds Beston ’50 Mr. and Mrs. Philip Biaesch Amy Allison Blank ’02 Gloria Angela DiLullo Bofinger ’95 33 Leslie Ann Longino Boland ’97 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Bonner, Jr.

Annual Fund Gift Clubs Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2009-2010

Meganne Flynn Borneman ’86 Elizabeth Alexandra Bouquard ’02 Joann Bowes-Taylor ’76 Sister Kathleen Brabson, SSJ Ms. Constance Brady Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Brady, Jr. Suzanne Smith Brandley ’91 Monica Janke Bresnahan ’77 and Mr. Philip J. Bresnahan Mrs. Fran Brett Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Brett Mary Jean Robertson Brickley ’48 Karen Mullane Bronster ’96 Kathleen Daly Brown ’83 Elizabeth Anne Grabish Bruder ’88 Kathleen Kohler Buckley ’95 Mr. Paul Buckley and Dr. Nancy Buckley Mr. and Mrs. Edward Burgoyne Kathleen Wenz Burgoyne ’50 and Mr. Joseph Burgoyne, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Burgoyne Mr. and Mrs. David Busch Patricia Butler ’87 Ann Danielle Mecklenborg Buttner ’70 Anne Senser Byrne ’53 H.P. Cadwallader, Inc. Maria Fella Cain ’80 Laura Naccarato Cannon ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Cannon Mrs. Maureen Capano Kathleen Burgoyne Carlisle ’90 Suzin Buzas Carr ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Francis L. Carroll Doranne Hanley Case ’55 Judith Gersteneker Caskey ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cattie Jr. Joan Elizabeth King Cavallaro ’97 Sara Pickens Cavallaro ’96 Dr. Kenneth M. Certa and Dr. Marie Robb Megan Pomrink Charlton ’94


Mr. Brian Christiansen and Mrs. Denise White Christiansen Mary T. Sabia Ciammetti ’80 and Mr. Pasquale J. Ciammetti Ann McCaffrey Ciesielka ’67 Phyllis Rose Palladino Cissone’59 and Mr. Peter J. Cissone Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Cleary Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cnudde Dr. Annette M. Colavita’84 and Mr. Robert A. Catanzariti Mr. and Mrs. William J. Collier Mr. and Mrs. Guy Columbro Christine Moore Conley ’66 Gina Cairone Connelly ’95 JoAnn Ewadinger Connelly ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Connelly Toni Flanigan Cooper ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Coyle Mrs. Patricia Crognale Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Cross Mr. and Mrs. Jesse L. Crumpler Nina Loeb Cullen ’90 Anne Duffey Cunningham ’70 and Mr. Robert F. Cunningham Jill Marshall Curry ’85 and Mr. John Curry Marita McPeak Cush ’70 Kathleen Buhrman Dalena ’51 Regina Hasson Daly ’83 Michele Daniele, Esq. ’83 Mary Ann Szczesny Daulerio ’78 Kathleen McCann D’Auria ’85 Muriel Gardner Davidson ’48 Sister Wanda Davidson, SSJ, ’50 Mr. and Mrs. John E. Daw Christine Kempf Dean ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Decker Janel A. Demeter ’97 Cheryl Werner DeSimone ’79 Susanne M. Hummel DeWitt ’89 Mr. and Mrs. James F. Doherty Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Dolaway Dr. Joan Taulane Donahue ’83 Patricia Dugan Donoghue ’78 Mr. Francis Donohoe

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Donovan, Sr. Trish Dooley ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher E. Dougherty Margaret Anne Markmann Dougherty ’01 Mrs. Margaret Doyle Sheilah Fisher Dreyer ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Drobile Mr. and Mrs. John P. Drummy Ms. Dorothy Duffy Kathleen Gorman Duffy ’91 Mr. and Mrs. John I. Dyer Echo Molding, Inc. Mr. Michael Eck EcoPhones Camelia Gallardo Eisenhart ’39 Alicia Mary Elliott ’08 Theresa Zambelli Esperdy ’56 Joanne Fischer Ey ’94 Charlotte Branagan Farley ’52 Kelly Ann Glackin Fay ’83 Margaret Ann O’Connell Feeny ’61 and Mr. William S. Feeny Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferrara Courtney Daly Ferrero ’86 Christina Elena Ferrier ’05 Gabrielle Nicoletti Ferrier ’07 Colleen R. Finley ’80 Patricia Backus Fiore ’84 Ann Zambrano Fischer ’69 Mary Johnson FitzPatrick ’63 and Mr. William M. FitzPatrick Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Flanagan, Jr. Barbara McCrea Flanigan ’59 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Flynn Helene Quilty Foley ’50 Mr. and Mrs. James Ford Mary Quinn Foster ’43 Mr. Paul W. Franzen Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Funchion Allison Pescatore Gaherty ’91 Mary Louise Gallagher ’64 Krista Mignoni Gambel ’96 Ann Spillane Ganley ’52 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Ganster Janet Muir Garrity ’63 Tina D’Orazio Gedgard ’94 Bonnie Smith Geist ’70 General Partition Company, Inc. Mary Hoy Gibson ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Terence Gillespie Therese De Lisieux McGrath Gillespie ’98 Maryanne Dever Ginley ’52 Jeannine A. Giordano ’93 Margaret O’Hara Givnish ’50 Susan Berko Glass ’71 Mary Lambert Glenn ’57 Norajean Flanagan Glenn ’71 Mrs. Melissa Gnall Harrison Alice Bryan Goetz ’65 Dr. Mary Lou Snyder Goldberg ’58 Patricia A. Gorman ’91 Mr. and Mrs. S. John Gorman Kelley A. Grady, Esq. ’81 Hillary Maguire Graham ’84 Dr. and Mrs. Mark G. Graham Mrs. Mary C. Gregor Mrs. Jill C. Gregori Mr. Gerald Gregory, Jr.

* Deceased

Annual Fund Gift Clubs Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2009-2010 Pamela Smith Grimme ’50 Audra Matthews Griner ’84 Lauren J. Grous ’00 H.P. Cadwallader, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hain, III Mr. and Mrs. William C. Hamburger Christine Schillinger Hannon ’81 Mrs. Mary C. Harbison Mr. and Mrs. George K. Harris Kathleen Kropp Hart ’65 Maribeth Byrne Hawkins ’85 Marie Healy Hawthorn ’46 Laura Ragan Henry ’94 Marybeth Henry ’65 Irene Bonk Hesser ’59 Eileen Long Hessman ’56 Mr. Andrew Hessman Dr. Erica Christine Kobylinski Heverin ’92 Mary Danella Higgins ’73 and Mr. James Higgins Carly J. Hill ’00 Christie Fluehr Himes ’95 Margaret L. Hindley, Ph.D. ’85 Barbara Harrington Hladik, Esq. ’85 Anne Woodring Hoffman ’53 Dorothy Gallagher Hordubay ’56 Marie O’Donnell Horrocks ’60 Dr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Horstmann Ellen Burgoyne Hubrig ’77 Mary Louise Dante Hughes ’81 and Mr. David W. Hughes Valerie J. Hughes ’00 Diane Finore Hurd ’68 Katherine Crosson Hylinski ’72 and Mr. Thomas E. Hylinski Suzanne Foster Hynes ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Philip Iannuzzi Rachel Borek Jankowitz ’95 Mr. and Mrs. William Jeitner Cara Ann Dougherty Jenkins ’94 Carol Weymann Jones ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Jones Mr. and Mrs. George W. Karr, Jr. Mr. Charles Kaufmann, Jr. Madeleine Mansell Keehn ’50 Mr. and Mrs. James M. Keeney Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Kehan, Jr Ann Catherine Kelly ’03 Barbara Tumelty Kelly ’00 Christina L. Kelly ’88 Frances Castaldi Kelly ’53 Heather Kates Kelly ’88 Maribeth Malloy Kelly ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Kelly Mary Frances Schaefer Kelly ’84 Alicia C. Kempf ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kennedy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Kenney, Jr. Mary Sims Kent ’46 Joan Burger King ’63 and Mr. Joseph King Marie Rosato King ’46 and Hon. William A. King Adrienne Primus Kittka ’78 and Mr. David Kittka Adele Murphy Kittredge ’52 Joan Matonis Kleinbard ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Knox Catherine A. Konopka ’71

Joan Marie Konow ’92 Adrienne Ragan Kowalski ’87 Mary Hyslop Kowalski ’78 Mrs. Margaret Kraft Stephanie Comerford Kramer ’65 JoAnna Ball Kratz ’89 Nicole Gryn Ksiazek ’90 Kathleen M. Kugler ’58 Rosemary Reilly Kund ’48* and Mr. Richard A. Kund JoAnne Labrum ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Labrum Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Lagreca Colleen Durkin Lapowsky ’73 and Mr. Robert Lapowsky Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Lau Mary Beth Honeyman Leary ’61 Ms. Barbara Lee Ellen McNamara Lee ’75 Joanne M. Lehman ’70 Susan Doney Leonard ’80 Jill Sommer Lesher ’98 Anne Branagan Letter ’50 Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. Libonati Ann Tushim Csink Linck ’57 Dr. Stefanie Lin-Cox ’84 Mr. Joseph Logan Mrs. Margaret Mary Logan Alice Crane Loveman ’67 Jeanne Quinn Lowing ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lucarini Rita Pietruszka Lucas ’83 Elizabeth A. Lunney ’68 Mr. and Mrs. John B. Lynch, Jr. Mary Louise Simendinger Lynch ’55 Christine Marie Macolino ’05 Katherine Talaga Madonna ’00 Mr. William M. Maguire Janis H. Mahoney ’52 Julia Marie Makarewicz ’00 Maureen Gimpel Maley, Esq. ’84 Michelle Nawrocki Malloy, Esq. ’88 Kathleen R. Malone ’64 Megan FitzPatrick Maloney ’94 Mrs. Margaret Manson Patricia Geisel Maransky ’84 Joan Schmitt Markham ’48 Madeleine Rooney Markovich ’48 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Maron Catherine Robb Marston ’60

Mary M. Martire, EdD ’49 Marilyn De Simone Matarazzo ’52 Mary Kate McGrath May ’90 Mildred Choate McAveney ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Peter McBride Mr. John McCann Claudia Drennen McCarron ’72 and Mr. Marc D. Jonas Elizabeth Doyle McClellan ’60 Renee Doty McComas ’64 Regina A. McCorkell ’52 Eileen Foley McCrudden ’79 and Mr. John P. McCrudden Patricia Lawson McDaniel ’46 Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. McDermott Patricia Condon McDonough ’62 Marguerite Barrett McEwen ’50 Julie J. McGlynn ’83 Naomi Torchiana McGlynn ’80 and Mr. Brian T. McGlynn Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence T. McGovern Robyn Farrell McGrath ’82 and Mr. Michael E. McGrath Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. McKenna Lorraine Maguire McKenna ’76 Heather M. McKenna-Tausz ’89 Anita M. McLaughlin ’55 * Mr. and Mrs. James T. McLaughlin Alicia Friel McNiven ’94 Geraldine Marie McTear ’69 Pamela Meitner, Esq. ’68 Mollie O’Rourke Menapace ’71 and Mr. James Menapace Mary Ann Feeley Messmer ’72 and Mr. Thomas J. Messmer Mary Anne Burke Metzger ’83 Stephanie L. Miesnik ’98 Elizabeth Rouse Miller ’50 Marie Teti Miller ’52 Susanne Laphen Miller ’89 Colleen Anne Kelly Miltenberg ’00 Lorraine Cajano Minecci ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Mischler Colleen Osborne Mook ’90 Theresa Cassidy Mooney ’61 Diane Whelan Moore ’85 Kirsten Ledwith Morasco ’89 Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Moroz Elizabeth Serianni Morris ’85 Nancy Casale Morrisroe ’60


Annual Fund Gift Clubs Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2009-2010 Dr. Moyra Siu Moy ’45 Constance Keogh Mulhern ’76 and Mr. Thomas M. Mulhern Mr. and Mrs. John T. Mulhern, Jr. Jeannine Patchell McGarvey Mulholland ’47 Pamela Mundy Hicke ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Murphy Rosemary Hayes Murphy ’51 Shannon F. Murphy-Reilly ’88 Mary Elizabeth Murphy Cattie Murray ’47 and Mr. Kevin Murray Mr. and Mrs. David T. Naab Leisa DeJohn Nappi ’82 Florence Zugay Narducci ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nash Mary Jane Wesner Nolen ’67 Marianna Wood Nulty ’47 Mrs. Patricia E. O’Connell Mariann Eichelberger O’Connor ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. O’Donnell Mrs. Barbara A. Oldt Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. O’Leary Ellen Higley O’Neill ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Hugh G. O’Neill Kelley Amberson O’Neill ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. O’Neill Virginia Mitchell O’Neill ’46 Kathleen Waters Owsik ’72 Elizabeth Brennan Pachella ’54 Lindsay Anne Parsons ’99 Amanda Rose Pasquarella ’03 Jessica Ann Pasquarella ’06 Patricia Dalgliesh Patterson ’69 Lauren Elizabeth Peak ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Peifer Dr. and Mrs. Patrick E. Pellecchia Drs. Charles E. and Valerie Pendley Karen Lannutti Perone ’97 Mary Chester Peterson ’49 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Pfeifer Mr. and Mrs. John G. Phillips Dr. Etta Pisano ’75 Christina Crognale Pittaoulis ’00 Mr. John M. Poole Mr. Kenneth J. Powell and Ms. Rita Manco Mr. Steven T. Powell and Mrs. Victoria Lukiewski-Powell Julia Corrie Powers ’05 Meagan McMahon Powers ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Prendergast Mrs. Janet Prestoy Kathleen Lamprecht Prue ’88 Mr. and Mrs. John Purcell Mary Ellen Boland Radloff ’75 Sarah Anne Raimondi ’06 Barbara Grady Rainville ’63 Donna Perkinson Ramos ’82 and Mr. Alex T. Ramos Mr. Robert N. Rau Mr. and Mrs. Clair M. Raubenstine Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rayner Patricia A. Redmond ’67 Kathleen Palm Reed ’92 Christa Spause Reilly ’95

36 * Deceased

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Riethmiller, Jr. Catherine Randles Riker ’96 Kathleen Murphy Ring, Esq. ’65 Dr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Rivero Mr. and Mrs. Isaac W. Roberts, II Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Robins Julia Marie Rocchi ’01 Dr. and Mrs. Carmen C. Rocco, Jr. Shannon Brennan Rohr ’92 Anne McNulty Roller’67 Megan Osborne Romano ’94 Jaclyn Nicole Rossetti ’09 Mr. and Mrs. John P. Rossi Mrs. Edwina Rothschild and Mr. Jerry Rothschild Gloria M. Rothwell ’65 Kimberly Ann Rothwell ’01 Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Rothwell Mr. and Mrs. Bruce J. Runowski Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Russin Patricia G. Rust ’68 Caryl Duffy Sabine ’85 Dr. and Mrs. Gustavo Sanchez Chrissy Byron Santora ’82 Catherine Palumbo Santoro ’65 Elizabeth McCormick Daly Sato ’84 Mr. and Mrs. John Scheck, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schichili Ms. Irene Schlenker Anne Marie Manzo Schmalbach Mr. and Mrs. Kurt W. Schneider Jane Marie Scholl ’02 Caitlin Mackintosh Schroder ’91 Patricia Burke Schwartz ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Scott, Jr. Dr. Joanne F. Selinski ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Bernard M. Shaeffer Mrs. Kathleen Shevlin Julia Hynes Shoff ’88 Jill Harrington Short ’93 Kathleen McBride Shoup ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Siedlecki Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Simmons Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smart Jodie King Smith ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Smith Diana Stango Smoluk ’60 Society of Women Engineers/Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Sommer Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Southwell Dr. Carol L. St. George ’70 Cecy Conway Stack ’72 Phyllis Sullivan Stacy ’53 Jean Morrissey Stamatis ’88 Mr. W. Jerome Stewart Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stout

Mr. and Mrs. David P. Strawhacker Mary Maines Sullivan ’54 Miriam Fenerty Sullivan ’53 Caroline Ann Sweeney ’10 Sharon Daly Sweeney ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Talese Ms. Dolories C. Tancredi Mr. John R. Tarantin Regina Foley Tatlonghari, Esq. ’85 Kathleen McNamara Tenzinger ’77 and Mr. George A. Tenzinger Laura Christina Thistle ’09 Stephanie Mary Thistle ’02 Mr. Raymond Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Tiffany Ann M. Brennan Toner ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Toth Jeanne Klein Trainer ’64 Mr. Robert P. Trinkle and Ms. Kathy Pape Mrs. Bernice Trotter Emily H. Trymbiski ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tully Anne E. Twomey ’80 Christine Dolaway Tyrrell ’86 Sharyn Flanigan Vergare ’64 Mr. Michael J. Vergare Catherine Burger Vining ’74 Virginia M. Walsh ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Weller Kathleen Gregor Wenger Esq. ’79 Karen Ganster Westmoreland ’95 Barbara Eugenie Whalen ’55 Maryann Herzog Whalen ’58 Megan Smith Whelan ’95 Mr. Lofton White Mary Jane Connor White ’50 Cynthia Pilipczuk Wieczorek ’93 Catherine Wiley ’90 Joan Wiley ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Luke Wilson Virginia Bendinger Wischhusen ’70 Kristen M. Wisniewski ’00 Amanda J. Woll ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Woll, II Michele Morris Woodrow ’81 and Mr. Timothy P. Woodrow Mr. and Mrs. Andrew G. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Yanoshik, II Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Yezzi Megan E. Miller Yoo ’96 Mary Chevall Zaren ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Craig Zaroff Mr. and Mrs. Edward Z. Zaucha Regina E. Zdanowski ’72 Louise Barrett Zink ’59 Mr. and Mrs. Phillip J. Zminda

Alumnae Annual Giving Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2009-2010 CLASS OF 1936 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $15 PARTICIPATION: 25% Mary Barbara O’Neill Philpott CLASS OF 1939 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $100 PARTICIPATION: 11% Camelia Gallardo Eisenhart CLASS OF 1941 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $100 PARTICIPATION: 23% Anne Deeney Curtis Rita Lawson Moser Miriam Kelley Roos CLASS OF 1943 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $1,100 PARTICIPATION: 12% Mary Quinn Foster Mary Ann Fluehr Murphy CLASS OF 1944 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $75 PARTICIPATION: 14% Marylou Hieb Caufield Marguerite Haggerty Harrington CLASS OF 1945 65th Reunion ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $700 PARTICIPATION: 33% Dolores Bobrowski Bowes Margaret Doyle Lawlor Rita Nichols McBlain Dr. Moyra Siu Moy CLASS OF 1946 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $575 PARTICIPATION: 29% Marie Healy Hawthorn Mary Sims Kent Marie Rosato King Patricia Lawson McDaniel Virginia Mitchell O’Neill Patricia Stillmun Shelton CLASS OF 1947 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $475 PARTICIPATION: 25% Mildred McGuire Bagnall Gloria Garcia Cook Jeannine Patchell McGarvey Mulholland Mary Elizabeth Murphy Cattie Murray Marianna Wood Nulty Helen Cahill Whiteman CLASS OF 1948 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $8,725 PARTICIPATION: 52% Mary Merz Berko Mary Jean Robertson Brickley Mary Ellen Carroll Brown Muriel Gardner Davidson Adele Bateman Donahue Mary Carroll Hickey Mary Fenerty Kasinkas Rosemary Reilly Kund*

Joan Schmitt Markham Madeleine Rooney Markovich Joan Gallagher McKeon Eileen Heck Slawek Maureen Crowe Sullivan S. Anne P. Toner, SSJ Joan Hoffman Weckesser CLASS OF 1949 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $400 PARTICIPATION: 14% Patricia Ann Kelso Eckert Dr. Carolyn Taylor Kitchin Helen Lambert Kuser Mary M. Martire, EdD Mary Chester Peterson Marie Grusemeyer Schad CLASS OF 1950 60th Reunion ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $3,520 PARTICIPATION: 73% Raquel Amram-Perez Joan Marie Hartmann Bamberger Marguerite Reynolds Beston Kathleen Wenz Burgoyne MaryEllen Brosnahan Cotter Dr. Katherine Rickert Coulson S. Wanda Davidson, SSJ Mary Harbison Dobson Helene Quilty Foley Mary Louise Shields Gallagher Margaret O’Hara Givnish Pamela Smith Grimme Madeleine Mansell Keehn Patricia Hammeke Kratochwill* Patricia McCauley Lane Anne Branagan Letter Marguerite Barrett McEwen Elizabeth Rouse Miller Joan Calhoun Reynolds Mary Lou Kane Smith Jane Maguire Starke Patricia Connor Surotchak Aileen Maguire Walsh Mary Jane Connor White CLASS OF 1951 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $1,450 PARTICIPATION: 39% Louise Waters Barbaretta Joan Yates Carroll Kathleen Buhrman Dalena Anita Casani Haffey Rosemary Hayes Murphy Carolyn Deiter Piccone Patricia Ann Robin Schlapo Phyllis Hauser Taliaferro Patricia James Wessel CLASS OF 1952 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $7,294.50 PARTICIPATION: 43% Mary Anne Smale Burke Patricia Reilly Dehel Charlotte Branagan Farley Ann Spillane Ganley Maryanne Dever Ginley Sarah Mansell Guilfoyle

Alice McCloskey Immel Adele Murphy Kittredge Janis H. Mahoney Marilyn DeSimone Matarazzo Regina A. McCorkell Lorraine Sukalski McGlynn Marie Teti Miller Mary Louise Gerhard Nagle Helen Florence Primus S. Agnes Shields, SSJ, Ph.D. Anne Marie Fengler Triolo Kathleen Rhoads Waters CLASS OF 1953 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $700 PARTICIPATION: 23% Marie Meaney Adolph Anne Senser Byrne Anne Woodring Hoffman Frances Castaldi Kelly Phyllis Sullivan Stacy Miriam Fenerty Sullivan CLASS OF 1954 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $1,615 PARTICIPATION: 33% Gloria Garcia-Velez Arazoza Mary-Louise McDevitt Burgoyne Anne Flanagan Burgoyne Regina Gercke McConnell Elizabeth Brennan Pachella Marjorie Todd Shaughnessy Mary Catherine McCartney Shaw Mary Maines Sullivan CLASS OF 1955 55th Reunion ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $1,505 PARTICIPATION: 44% Rita Troutman Beirne Kathy McGee Burns Doranne Hanley Case S. Johanna Gedaka, SSJ Anita O’Neill Greene Margaret Conroy Jordan Mary Louise Simendinger Lynch Anita M. McLaughlin Madeleine Higgins Murphy Mary Anne Murray Patricia Smith Nowak Nora Tierney Parker Jane Grasso Sinek Ann Brennan Toner Barbara Eugenie Whalen CLASS OF 1956 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $772 PARTICIPATION: 29% Rosanne M. Barrett Roseanne Burke Brennan Jeanne Shelton Crouch Theresa Zambelli Esperdy Marian Hober Fink Helen E. Hall* Eileen Long Hessman Dorothy Gallagher Hordubay 37 Margaret Lawler Kolimago

Alumnae Annual Giving Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2009-2010 Barbara Holm Quinn Regina Voelker Tauke Elizabeth M. Thill CLASS OF 1957 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $650 PARTICIPATION: 19% JoAnn Ewadinger Connelly Mary Lambert Glenn Joan Matonis Kleinbard Ann Tushim Csink Linck Kathleen McBride Shoup Mary Chevall Zaren CLASS OF 1958 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $500 PARTICIPATION: 18% Catherine Fisher Baird Clare Cannon Breene Dr. Mary Lou Snyder Goldberg Kathleen M. Kugler Diane Gillies Momich Maryann Herzog Whalen CLASS OF 1959 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $1,925 PARTICIPATION: 33% Marion Ann Williams Berry Phyllis Rose Palladino Cissone Barbara McCrea Flanigan Anne Leary Galie Irene Bonk Hesser Joanne Kelley Junker Joanne Scott Kyle Patricia McAdams, Ph.D. Anne Schmid Muir Janice Cutillo Muir Elizabeth Beitel Whalen Louise Barrett Zink CLASS OF 1960 50TH Reunion ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $5,600 PARTICIPATION: 54% Pamela Smith Pavlik Abbott M. Genevieve Winterer Barger Elizabeth Massaniso Barrett Patricia Cassidy Bergquist Celene Sukalski Boggs S. Helen Burke, SSJ Marie Estelle O’Donnell Horrocks Margaret Anne Norrett Hughes Mary Kay O’Connell Kenealy Kathleen Kolb Lyons Sandra Shields Madden Catherine Robb Marston Elizabeth Doyle McClellan Joan Dull McGuigan M. Eileen McGill Meko Lorraine Cajano Minecci Nancy Casale Morrisroe Anne Marie Manzo Schmalbach Catherine Drennen Siegl Diana Stango Smoluk Teresita Jover Tibbetts


* Deceased

Marilyn Anspach Trainer Lois Trench-Hines Barbara Bradshaw Viechnicki Eileen McGonigal Wallace Dorothy Dolan Williams CLASS OF 1961 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $1,640 PARTICIPATION: 27% Joan Smith Agostinelli Joann Nicolella Berkley Denise Belcher Crenshaw Kathleen Kelley Davis Margaret Ann O’Connell Feeny Kathleen Reilly Gallagher Mary Beth Honeyman Leary Joanne Junker McConnell Theresa Cassidy Mooney Florence Zugay Narducci Ellen Higley O’Neill Diana DeGregorio Oebbecke CLASS OF 1962 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $950 PARTICIPATION: 18% Judith C. Hinkle de Turo Suzanne Foster Hynes Mary Catherine Kelly McCauley Patricia Condon McDonough Paula McGinn Mary McFadden Paul Dr. Margaret Louise Smith Spence CLASS OF 1963 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $700 PARTICIPATION: 15% Mary Johnson FitzPatrick Janet Muir Garrity Carol Weymann Jones Joan Burger King Barbara Grady Rainville Elizabeth Ann McGarvey Smith CLASS OF 1964 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $1,635 PARTICIPATION: 15% Colleen Kelly Coll Faith Peoples Dillon Mary Louise Gallagher Dr. Rosemary Andries Horstmann Diane Lucarini Irwin Kathleen R. Malone Renee Doty McComas Helene Montgomery Peddle Grace Brown Rowe Jeanne Klein Trainer Sharyn Joan Flanigan Vergare CLASS OF 1965 45th Reunion ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $1,845 PARTICIPATION: 27% Diane McMenamin Bainbridge Mary Louise Barton Trish Dooley Sheilah Fisher Dreyer Alice Bryan Goetz Kathleen Kropp Hart Marybeth Henry Stephanie Comerford Kramer

Jan Dwyer LoBiondo Dr. Kathleen W. McNicholas Carolyn Downing Morgan Kathleen Murphy Ring Jean Nolfi Romano Gloria M. Rothwell Catherine Palumbo Santoro CLASS OF 1966 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $800 PARTICIPATION: 8% Marilyn Sutton Adomanis Judith Gersteneker Caskey Christine Moore Conley Barbara Hogan-Zarro, Ph.D. Mary Crane McBride CLASS OF 1967 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $525 PARTICIPATION: 10% Ann McCaffrey Ciesielka Marguerite Devlin Evangelist Mary Ellen L. Herzog Barbara Hadden Jones Alice Crane Loveman Mary Jane Wesner Nolen Patricia A. Redmond, Esq. Anne McNulty Roller CLASS OF 1968 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $700 PARTICIPATION: 13% Maureen Dixon Cass Eileen Kraft D’Amico Diane Finore Hurd Elizabeth A. Lunney Pamela Meitner, Esq. Patricia G. Rust Marie Burger Ward CLASS OF 1969 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $675 PARTICIPATION: 10% Ann Zambrano Fischer Cecilia Haskins Geraldine Marie McTear Mariann Eichelberger O’Connor Patricia Dalgliesh Patterson Karen McCarty Fleming Schuler Joan Behr Walters Elizabeth Casey Wonder CLASS OF 1970 40th Reunion ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $6,825 PARTICIPATION: 36% Andrea Fluehr Albert Michelle Murray Alexander Donna DePaul Bartynski Roberta Butler Blumenthal Ann Mecklenborg Buttner Maureen K. Cahill R. Bonnlyn Ronnan Cobb Anne Duffey Cunningham Marita McPeak Cush Christine Kempf Dean Christine Fitz Patrick Jean Hirsekorn Fitzpatrick, Ph.D. Rosemary O’Hara Garrity Bonnie Smith Geist

Alumnae Annual Giving Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2009-2010 Judith Johnson Goodman Susan Narducci Harbaugh Debra Aulffo Kelly Joanne M. Lehman Barbara Matteucci Dr. Carol L. St. George Maribeth Cattie Tursi Margaret Coupe Vesci Mary Katharine McCormack Walton Virginia Bendinger Wischhusen Anne Guardino Yaccarino CLASS OF 1971 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $4,130 PARTICIPATION: 12% Leslie Wong Bell Judith Burger Dysart Maryann Furtek Genuardi Susan Berko Glass Norajean Flanagan Glenn Catherine A. Konopka Janice Maguire Malone Mollie O’Rourke Menapace Cynthia M. Strolle CLASS OF 1972 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $2,600 PARTICIPATION: 19% Mary Christine Strolle Bender Marian Buccafurni, Esq. Patricia McDermott Dixon Katherine Crosson Hylinski Anne Dunne Kelly Dr. Angela E. Lin Claudia Drennen McCarron Mary Ann Feeley Messmer Pamela Mundy Hicke Kathleen Waters Owsik Andrea DiGiacomo Small Cecy Conway Stack Georgianne Winters-Gribbin Eileen O’Connell Wolfinger Regina E. Zdanowski CLASS OF 1973 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $434 PARTICIPATION: 9% Mary Hoy Gibson Mary Danella Higgins Bernadette Korey Hitschler Colleen Durkin Lapowsky

CLASS OF 1975 35th Reunion Annual Fund Gifts: $5,225 PARTICIPATION: 30% Nancy Gillespie Anastas Jane A. Biddle, Ph.D. Donna Dougherty, Esq. Mary Cathlene Driscoll, Esq. Rosanna Ventresca Gehringer Karen Kraft Hoehn Lisa Waugh Jasiukiewicz Joan Von Hacht Johnson Rosemary Kenny Kruse Ellen McNamara Lee Anne McCormack Barbara Behr Oberlies Elizabeth Murphy Ollwerther Dr. Etta Pisano Nora Glancey Radest, Esq. Mary Ellen Boland Radloff Patricia Burke Schwartz Mary Gabrielle Sprague, Esq. CLASS OF 1976 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $2,565 PARTICIPATION: 13% Joann Bowes-Taylor Donna Nicoletti Ferrier Maribeth Malloy Kelly Anne Hagerty Lewis Robin Samtmann Maguire Susan Robinson Malta Lorraine Maguire McKenna Constance Keogh Mulhern Rebecca Hoy Murphy Patricia Kost Zakrzewski CLASS OF 1977 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $5,325 PARTICIPATION: 6% Monica Janke Bresnahan Therese M. Esperdy Ellen Burgoyne Hubrig Barbara Hynes MacIntosh Kathleen McNamara Tenzinger

CLASS OF 1978 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $1,295 PARTICIPATION: 9% Mary Ann Szczesny Daulerio Patricia Dugan Donoghue Catharine M. Farnan Adrienne Primus Kittka Mary Hyslop Kowalski Annemarie McGirr McCloy Ellen Rothwell Miles Suzanne Ford Perricone, Esq. Kathleen Reilly CLASS OF 1979 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $2,972.95 PARTICIPATION: 11% Cheryl Werner DeSimone Kathleen Kappler Fleming Dr. Lynn M. Keenan Christine Koller Kohler Linda Robinson Lawler Patricia K. Lynch Eileen Foley McCrudden Margaret Gorman McKeon Lori Nicoletti Peruto, Esq. Jean Marie Reynolds Ubbelohde Kathleen Gregor Wenger CLASS OF 1980 30th Reunion ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $5,870 PARTICIPATION: 28% Mary Kate Haber Black Maria Fella Cain Mary Beth Callan, VMD Dorothy Busfield Carney Lisa Talecki Carr Mary Sabia Ciammetti Theresa Conroy Susan Backus Crowley Colleen R. Finley Lisa Ventresca Forsyth Ellin Mary Jones Mary Claire Dinda Kasunic Diana Bottinger Kustra

CLASS OF 1974 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $2,145 PARTICIPATION: 17% Elizabeth Quinn Antonucci Colleen Coyle Broderick Mary Grace Haenn Buckwalter Patricia Zugay Burkholder Karen Gosewisch Buzby Elisa McPeak Cochrane Toni Flanigan Cooper Elizabeth Berko Gutwein-Guenther Helene Koller Harchut Catherine Burger Vining


Alumnae Annual Giving Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2009-2010 Susan Doney Leonard Teresa Concannon Long MaryRose Hasson Lynch Naomi Torchiana McGlynn Laura DeSilverio Mead Patricia McCormick Meehan Lisa Ann Brady Miller Dr. Marlana S. Ottinger Lisa Sweeney Savini Sharon Daly Sweeney Elizabeth Tobin Anne E. Twomey Colleen Farris Weaver Kathleen Murray Wood Chyllene Waters Zakrzewski CLASS OF 1981 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $2,400 PARTICIPATION: 12% Kelley A. Grady,Esq. Christine Schillinger Hannon Mary Louise Dante Hughes Jeanne Quinn Lowing Megan Rothwell Nakamoto Jennifer Maguire Princivalle Dr. Joanne F. Selinski Jacqueline Flaherty Toner Mary Stoll Walter Patricia Morrissey Walters Michele Morris Woodrow CLASS OF 1982 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $2,800 PARTICIPATION: 11% Christine Muller Beisel Ellen Rosa-Bian Cericola Sheila Quinn Hartung Lizanne Tague Kenney Mary Pat McGann Mars Robyn Farrell McGrath Aileen Eidenshink Napierkowski Leisa DeJohn Nappi Jean Mohrbacher Nelson Donna Perkinson Ramos Chrissy Byron Santora Anne E. Titterton, Esq. CLASS OF 1983 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $3,750 PARTICIPATION: 11% Kathleen Daly Brown Regina Hasson Daly Michele Daniele, Esq. Dr. Joan Taulane Donahue Kelly Ann Glackin Fay Denise McBride Kelly Jennifer Meis Kurtz Rita Pietruszka Lucas Julie J. McGlynn Mary Anne Burke Metzger Dr. Angela M. Stout Joan Wiley


CLASS OF 1984 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $12,700 PARTICIPATION: 20% Anonymous Kimberly Heck Cilio Dr. Annette M. Colavita Barbara Byrne Denham Christine Dubiel-Flynn Patricia Backus Fiore Hillary Maguire Graham Audra Matthews Griner Amy Guise Hemphill Janet Marie Gay Jacquart Mary Frances Schaefer Kelly Dr. Stefanie Lin-Cox Maureen Gimpel Maley, Esq. Patricia Geisel Maransky Suzanne Serianni Mayes, Esq. Mildred Choate McAveney Christine Litman McEwan Maria McLaughlin Sheila Kropp McLaughlin Corinne Ledwith Murphy Maureen Ryan Rilling Beth Kathleen Davey Rosso Elizabeth McCormick Daly Sato Mary Elizabeth Morrissey Stefanowicz Virginia M. Walsh CLASS OF 1985 25th Reunion ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $3,825 PARTICIPATION: 23% Tamara Adams Barrett Suzin Buzas Carr Frances Princivalle Chadwick Mary Cullinan Coakley Jill Marshall Curry Kathleen McCann D’Auria Patricia Robinson Geary Maribeth Byrne Hawkins Margaret L. Hindley, Ph.D. Barbara Harrington Hladik, Esq. Elizabeth Burnett Holmes Lisa Keane-Burgstahler Anita McGlynn Letitia Anne Pukas McNeil Diane Whelan Moore Elizabeth Serianni Morris Elizabeth Doyle Moxey MaryBeth Paul Murphy Molly E. O’Neill Caryl Duffy Sabine Michele Canalley Tallon Eileen C. Tannenbaum, Esq. Regina Foley Tatlonghari,Esq. Margaret Taulane Wescott Dana Flaherty Worthington CLASS OF 1986 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $2,775 PARTICIPATION: 8% Meganne Flynn Borneman Christine Hamburger Broderick Courtney Daly Ferrero Cynthia A. Harmon Susan Lynch Hughes Laura Anne Riethmiller Savage Dianne Violi Signoretta

Christine Dolaway Tyrrell Stephanie Birchett Wroten CLASS OF 1987 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $740 PARTICIPATION: 7% Patricia Butler Amy O’Meara Chambers, Esq. Kelly Ann McGinley Eckert Karen Lebiedzinski Freundlich Adrienne Ragan Kowalski Jennifer Labrum McColigan Susan Knasiak Raley Ellen M. Rigsby CLASS OF 1988 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $2,645 PARTICIPATION: 14% Elizabeth Anne Grabish Bruder Christie Purdy Burns Patricia A. Chapman Mary Beth Cunnane Alice Bergan Fecak Nancy J. Kaiser Christina L. Kelly Heather Kates Kelly JoAnne Labrum Deborah Standeven Lee Michelle Nawrocki Malloy, Esq. Jennifer Rotchford Muldoon Shannon Murphy-Reilly Megan E. O’Neill Kathleen Lamprecht Prue Julia Hynes Shoff Jean Morrissey Stamatis CLASS OF 1989 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $3,025 PARTICIPATION: 14% Laura Davey Banmiller Dawnlynne Cute-Allen, DC Susanne Hummel DeWitt Jeanine Harrington Ferrick Charlene Keller Fullmer, Esq. Karen Forbes Heflin Jeannine Miller Kelly Dr. Jennifer M. King JoAnna Ball Kratz Ann K. Lynch Patricia Adolph Maher Megan Melinson McDonough, Esq. Heather McKenna-Tausz Susanne Laphen Miller Kirsten Ledwith Morasco CLASS OF 1990 20th Reunion ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $2,745 PARTICIPATION: 22% Kathleen Burgoyne Carlisle Nicole A. Cashman Nina Loeb Cullen Laurie Cybulski Melanie Espenshade Dudley Jennifer Dorazio Klein Nicole Gryn Ksiazek Carolyn E. Logan Cecilia Loos Mary Kate McGrath May

* Deceased

Alumnae Annual Giving Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2009-2010 Dr. Christina A. McAdams Colleen Osborne Mook Megan Vergare Ostuni Denise M. Ott Jeanne Gimpel Sandella Ellen Lamond Schmidt Linda Yezzi Schubert Elena Wallace Shields Danielle Marie Ball Smith Jodie King Smith Dorene Demeter VanLuvender Kelliann Rock Walker Catherine Wiley Christine Lamprecht Wilmerding CLASS OF 1991 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $1,310 PARTICIPATION: 13% Suzanne Smith Brandley Danielle Cantono Kathleen Gorman Duffy Maureen Adolph Furletti Allison Pescatore Gaherty Cynthia Gallagher-Dowling Patricia A. Gorman Patrice Guller-Melnick Heather McGlinn Hansma Shannon Boyle Koebbe Gertrude Bruner Rowello Colleen O’Keefe Rybakoff Caitlin Mackintosh Schroder Monica Rossi Wilson CLASS OF 1992 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $1,580 PARTICIPATION: 12% Megan Carey Brogan Christine Loftus Collins Doris A. Dean Lisa Prusinski Hamill Dr. Erica Kobylinski Heverin Megan L. Kennedy Carolyn Gimpel King Joan Marie Konow Kelley Amberson O’Neill Kathleen Palm Reed Shannon Brennan Rohr Jeanine O’Brien Waldron Coleen Dyer Wybranski CLASS OF 1993 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $2,275 PARTICIPATION: 11% Tracy Allu-Albertelli Christine Harder Bischoff Victoria Makarewicz Clark Jeannine A. Giordano Marie C. McGrath Anita Dudzek McMahon Jennifer Powers McNamara Jennifer Dzara Roberts Catherine Groark Shields Jill Harrington Short Cynthia Pilipczuk Wieczorek Amanda J. Woll

CLASS OF 1994 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $1,585 PARTICIPATION: 16% Kristin O’Brien Brown Megan Pomrink Charlton Siobhan Christina Forde Crosby Denise Markmann Dhawan Brenda L. Ey Joanne Fischer Ey Michelle Lillian Fay Tina D’Orazio Gedgard Stacey Quinn Gray Joanna Dalton Guest Laura Ragan Henry Cara Ann Dougherty Jenkins Nicole Ambrosini Kane Megan FitzPatrick Maloney Elizabeth McNamara-Feliciani Alicia Friel McNiven Donna Viti Nardone Megan Osborne Romano

Carolyn P. McKee Kimberly Biedermann Miklusak Carey Linaugh Mundhenk Karen Lannutti Perone Megan Hargadon Ryan Lauren Schaffer Stienes

CLASS OF 1995 15th Reunion ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $1,330 PARTICIPATION: 14% Erin Allu Allen Susan Van Stone Bishop Gloria DiLullo Bofinger Jean Bond Brown, Esq. Kathleen Kohler Buckley Gina Cairone Connelly Christie Fluehr Himes Rachel Borek Jankowitz Erin O’Brien Meagan McMahon Powers Christa Spause Reilly Margaret Magee Seminack Suzanne M. Sweeney Karen Ganster Westmoreland Megan Smith Whelan

CLASS OF 1999 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $260 PARTICIPATION: 5% Meghan Batchelor Lindsay Pio Blank Lauren Wall Decker Dr. Angela E. Kang Lindsay Parsons Kara McMahon Weaver

CLASS OF 1996 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $1,595 PARTICIPATION: 11% Karen Mullane Bronster Laura Naccarato Cannon Sara Pickens Cavallaro Marie A. DeGregorio Jennifer M. Dolan Ellen Halczenko Donohoe Erin McClafferty Erfle Krista Mignoni Gambel Natalie M. Kreter Karen Conn Mavros Megan E. Miller Melissa Shannon Pitchford Catherine Randles Riker CLASS OF 1997 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $1,050 PARTICIPATION: 10% Karen Cooke Bartos Leslie Ann Longino Boland Joan King Cavallaro Janel A. Demeter Marianne T. Ganster Christa Guidi Alicia C. Kempf

CLASS OF 1998 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $990 PARTICIPATION: 9% Katie Romano Bartlomiejus Claire M. Bonner Emily Jean Dolan Dianne Rhoads Esbensen Therese McGrath Gillespie Erica L. Graf Jill Sommer Lesher Rebecca McMurtrie Mann Stephanie L. Miesnik Cathleen Jordan Rubin Susan Garges Silberberg

CLASS OF 2000 10th Reunion ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $1,950 PARTICIPATION: 24% Stephanie Aurello Rachel Houston Berlin Amie Anaise Bonner Laura M. Dolan Marisa Ann Genuardi Lauren J. Grous Megan Garvin Heere Carly J. Hill Catherine M. Horstmann Valerie J. Hughes Emily A. Jacoby Barbara Tumelty Kelly Shamrock A. Kennedy Erica Kim Kraus Kristen R. Lashinger Lisa Angely Madden Katherine Talaga Madonna Julia Marie Makarewicz Catherine T. McBride Erin McGrath Colleen Kelly Miltenberg Christina Crognale Pittaoulis Corey Raieta Heacock Angela J. Schwartz Suzanne Loughery Simon Maureen McCracken Smith Diana M. Sucharski Mary Elizabeth Tursi Bridget Flanagan Vecchione Kristen M. Wisniewski 41

Alumnae Annual Giving Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2009-2010 CLASS OF 2001 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $625 PARTICIPATION: 8% Jennifer Uricchio Bax Margaret Markmann Dougherty Bernadette Marie Longino Kathryn Ann Madden Shannon L. McGonigle Elizabeth Frett Nowik Julia Marie Rocchi Kimberly Ann Rothwell Megan Elizabeth White Jordan Leigh Yanoshik CLASS OF 2002 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $520 PARTICIPATION: 4% Amy Allison Blank Elizabeth Alexandra Bouquard Maren Patricia McBride Jane Marie Scholl Stephanie Mary Thistle CLASS OF 2003 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $512 PARTICIPATION: 9% Kathryn Marie Brady Brittany Terese Fasy Elizabeth Anne Hartnett Ann Catherine Kelly Megan Elizabeth Madden Courtney Catherine McSparron Morgan Elizabeth Oakes Amanda Rose Pasquarella Jenna Marie Pellecchia Jenna Rose Stabinski Catherine Vera Wigglesworth Elizabeth Anne Wood CLASS OF 2004 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $330 PARTICIPATION: 7% Sandra L. Hill Kristin Waugh Jasiukiewicz Lauren Elizabeth Peak Elizabeth Sara Pendley Lisa Christine Prybella Carol Anne Shotzbarger Jennifer Marie Sibel Marissa Lauren Smith Mary Patricia Tumelty CLASS OF 2005 5th Reunion ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $530 PARTICIPATION: 6% Christina Elena Ferrier Courtney Brennan Hain Christina Marie Kolokithias Christine Marie Macolino Courtney Reilly McNulty Julia Corrie Powers Christine Anne Steinmetz Emily H. Trymbiski Maurin Bebhinn Walchak


* Deceased

CLASS OF 2006 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $375 PARTICIPATION: 6% Katherine B. Bolger Anna Marie Cero Loretta Eileen Devery Kathleen M. Hubbert Rebecca Ashley Naab Jessica Ann Pasquarella Sarah Anne Raimondi Kerry Elizabeth Roman CLASS OF 2007 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $340 PARTICIPATION: 7% Theresa Rose Burke Erin Teresa Connelly Gabrielle Nicoletti Ferrier Alyssa Deane Hirst Nicole E. Murray Genevieve Catherine O’Mara Kristin Elizabeth O’Neill Meghan Elizabeth Sabia Sarah Murphy Weyand CLASS OF 2008 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $210 PARTICIPATION: 4% Catherine Teresa Begley Joanna Katherine Dearolf Alicia Mary Elliott Claire Marie Kueny Kelly Ann Lagreca Amanda B. Nolan CLASS OF 2009 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $330 PARTICIPATION: 6% Alexandra Marie McDevitt Catharine K. Mischler Victoria M. O’Malley Sarah Grace Pinchock Corin Mary Roman Jaclyn Nicole Rossetti Jennifer C. Sabia Laura Christina Thistle Victoria Mary Wischhusen CLASS OF 2010 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS: $623 PARTICIPATION: 96% Beverly Maria Anderson Victoria Leigh Babson Tara Elizabeth Barr Mercedes Rose Bellam Dara Adria Bellingham Tara Klair Beppel Deirdre Marie Best Jennifer Nicole Bidus Samantha Anna Brecht Meaghan Nicole Bricker Kiersten Elizabeth Brinkos Candice Lauren Brock Catherine Elizabeth Brown Tara Brzycki

Mary Elizabeth Burgoyne Christine Josephine Burns Amanda Margaret Busch Corinne Elizabeth Caracausa Natalie Claire Carlone Michelle R. Carroll Meghan Elizabeth Cheek Grace Catherine Cipressi Rosemary Elizabeth Cleary Anora Florence Collier Alexandra Nentwig Cox Sinead Patrice Cummings Margaret Elizabeth Daniels Karalea Ruth Davis Colleen Margaret Delaney Nicole Marie DiGiovanni Carolyn Grace Dixon Amanda Rose Dougherty Maura Elizabeth Dougherty Alyssa Mercedes Driscoll Alyssa C. Drummy Lauren Elizabeth Duda Mary Margaret Duff Dana Catherine Dysart Kellie Lynn English Katrina Marie Fellmeth Deirdre Leighton Foley Nina Rosemary Friel Alexandra Maria Fylypovych Christina Rose Gallagher Katharine McCormack Gallagher Moira Susan Gannon Jennifer Lynn Gerhart Natalia Laura Gigliotti Shannon Catherine Gilman Emily Jane Gimpel Jessica Marie Giordano Taylor Terese Givnish Nicole Elizabeth Gozdan Kathryn Lea Gregor Lauren Marie Gresko Amy Nicole Gwynn Ariana Pauline Harkins Sabrina Isabelle Harkins Emma Daisy Harnitchek Meredith Leigh Hassett Maggie Elizabeth Heenan Melissa Kathleen Hegarty Paula Anne Hill Alexa Marie Iannuzzi Sandy Michelle Jacquez Sarah Danielle Jordan

Alumnae Annual Giving / Parents Annual Giving Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2009-2010 Coleen Marie Joyce Emily Anne Kelley Rheana Marie Kelley Joan Cashman Kessler Stacey Mary Kindelan Victoria Ann Koc Danielle Marjorie Kouch Marie Christina Laster Suzanne Emily Lawlor Kai Brady Lawrence Stephanie Jean Leone Olivia Celestine Leporace Caitlin Hope Liberatore Laura Madeline Mancano Patricia Rose Mars Maura Rose McCann Alanna Marie McCloy Michaela Elizabeth McCrudden Caroline Brigid McDermott Maureen Theresa McGirr Meghan Laura McGovern Rachel Lynn Mignogna Erin Kelly Morgan

Kelly Michelle Moyer Lauren Marie Muldoon Meghan Elizabeth Mulhern Patrice Marie Mulhern Elizabeth Boiarski O’Brien Brionna Helen O’Connor Brittany Ann Palac Bianca Nicola Pasquel Laura Ann Paviglianiti Victoria Michelle Perri Laura Ann Pospisil Laura Anne Powell Alexis Victoria Pravdiuk Kathleen Mary Princivalle Christina Marie Reale Meghan Therese Rowley Nicole Ann Schneider Nicole Marie Schuster Wesley Hannah Shane Caroline Theresa Shaw Carly Rose Smart Brittany Grace St. Thomas Taylor Elizabeth Stabler

Christine Stefanowicz Mary Kate Steinmetz Alyssa Taylor Logue Stever Corinna Lin Stieg Amanda Marie Stillwell Caroline Ann Sweeney Lorraine Hilbertje Sybrandy Catherine Elizabeth Travaline Elizabeth Lonsdale Tucker Chierika Onaedo Ukogu Nicole Ashley Vahle Alexandra Marie Vandegrift Melanie A. Vandegrift Celia Katherine Vinciguerra Emily Marie Wajert Elizabeth Mary Walters Brenda Lynn Waters Emily Marie Williams Maura Delaney Wolf Alexandra Elizabeth Zanetti Anne Alyssa Zapalac Pauline Sophia Zilch Allison Hannah Zminda

Parents Annual Giving Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2009-2010 Class of 2010 Annual Fund gifts: $120,956 Participation: 37.7% Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Anderson Anonymous Mr. George F. Beppel and Ms. Lorraine McGlynn Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Edward Burgoyne Mr. and Mrs. David Busch Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Cipressi Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Collier Mr. David W. Cox and Ms. Judith Nentwig Mr. and Mrs. John P. Delaney, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Dougherty Mr. James Driscoll and Dr. Diana Driscoll Mr. and Mrs. John P. Drummy Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Duda Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Duff Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Duffin Ms. Dorothy Duffy Mr. and Mrs. Gary Dysart Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fabiszewski Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gilman Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Gozdan Mr. Michael P. Gregor Mr. and Mrs. George J. Gresko Dr. and Mrs. F. Thomas Harkins Mr. and Mrs. Philip Iannuzzi Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Joyce Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Kindelan Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Koc

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford M. Mars Ms. Eileen Staerk Mc Cann Mr. and Mrs. Gerard I. McCloy Mr. Richard P. Gallagher and Ms. Anne McCormack Mr. and Mrs. John P. McCrudden Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. McDermott Mr. and Mrs. Gerard T. McGovern Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Moyer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Mulhern Mr. and Mrs. John T. Mulhern, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Palac, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Guido Pasquel Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Paviglianiti Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Pospisil Mr. Steven T. Powell and Mrs. Victoria Lukiewski-Powell Mr. and Mrs. James D. Princivalle Mr. and Mrs. Kurt W. Schneider Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smart Mr. and Mrs. R. Brian Stefanowicz Mr. and Mrs. John V. Steinmetz, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Stillwell, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Talese Mrs. Angela Vandegrift Mr. and Mrs. Richard Vinciguerra Mr. and Mrs. William W. Walters Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Waters Mr. and Mrs. Phillip J. Zminda Class of 2011 Annual Fund Gifts: $35,500 Participation: 39% Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Arena, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Baldasano

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Black Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Bono Mr. and Mrs. Toby Bracken Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Brady Ms. Constance Brady Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Brady, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Philip J. Bresnahan Mr. and Mrs. George P. Cain, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Francis L. Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Casebeer Mr. Brian Christiansen and Mrs. Denise White-Christiansen Mr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cnudde Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Crilly Deacon and Mrs. Thomas M. Croke Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. DelRicci Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Dohony Dr. and Mrs. John W.C. Entwistle, III Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Forst Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gavin Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Geruson Mrs. Hillary Graham Mr. and Mrs. David Henrich Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Horgan Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Jenkins Mrs. Ann Keane Mr. and Mrs. John L. Kelley Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Knox Dr. Bruce Kreter Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Lagreca Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. MacIntosh Mr. Richard J. Mandel and Ms. Francine DelRicci Mr. and Mrs. William C. McCormick


Parents Annual Giving


Grandparent Giving

Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2009-2010 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence T. McGovern Mr. and Mrs. Martin R. McNella Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Moroz Dr. and Mrs. Timothy O’Grady Mr. and Mrs. William J. Pfeifer Mr. and Mrs. John G. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Prendergast Mr. and Mrs. William H. Pugh, V Dr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Rivero Dr. and Mrs. Carmen C. Rocco, Jr. Ms. Christina Ross Mr. and Mrs. Bruce J. Runowski Mr. and Mrs. John B. Rush Mr. and Mrs. John Scheck, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Siedlecki Mr. and Mrs. William R. Skowronek Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Small Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. George A. Tenzinger Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Tiffany Mr. and Mrs. Clayton M. Wells Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Zakrzewski Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Zoldy Class of 2012 Annual Fund Gifts: $27,275 Participation: 27% Dr. and Mrs. Gary Beck Mr. and Mrs. Philip Biaesch Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Boyden Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bryson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Cannon Dr. and Mrs. John Carbone Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cilio Mr. David W. Cox and Ms. Judith Nentwig Mr. and Mrs. Anthony DePaul Mr. James Driscoll and Dr. Diana Driscoll Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Duda Mr. and Mrs. David Ellman Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fabiszewski Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Gozdan Mr. Michael P. Gregor Mr. Gerald Gregory, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. William Jeitner Mr. and Mrs. David T. Kittka Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kline Mr. and Mrs. Antonio A. Mascaro Mr. Robert McCadden and Ms. Dorothy Riehs Dr. and Mrs. Philip K. McElroy Ms. Julie J. McGlynn Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. McGlynn Mr. and Mrs. Brian McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Morrissey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. O’Leary Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Peifer Mrs. Janet Prestoy Mr. and Mrs. John Purcell Mr. and Mrs. Alex T. Ramos


* Deceased

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rayner Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ricchezza Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Robins Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Russin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Sadowski Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tully Mr. and Mrs. Francis Weiss Mr. and Mrs. Craig Zaroff Class of 2013 Annual Fund Giving: $34,742 Participation: 38% Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Anderson Ms. Terri M. Breslin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Breslin Mr. Paul Buckley and Dr. Nancy Buckley Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Burgoyne Mr. Philip Calamia and Mrs. Cenzina Longhi-Calamia Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cnudde Ms. Kathleen Digney Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Donnard Ms. Dorothy Duffy Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Dunn Mr. Michael Eck Mrs. Lori Ehret Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferrara Mr. and Mrs. James Ford Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Funchion Mr. and Mrs. Albert Glenn Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gorman Mr. and Mrs. John Hardy Mr. and Mrs. T. Roderick Henkels Mr. and Mrs. Raymond T. Hyer, III Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Jones Mr. Charles Kaufman Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Kindelan Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Knox Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Lau Mr. and Mrs. John A. Loftus Jr. Mrs. Margaret Mary Logan Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Loughery Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lux Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. McBride Mr. and Mrs. Peter McBride Mr. and Mrs. John J. McCabe Mr. and Mrs. Gerard I. McCloy Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. McGrath Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. McKeon, III

Mr. and Mrs. John Mirabella Mr. and Mrs. John J. Mischler Mr. and Mrs. Karl S. Murray Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Patton Mr. and Mrs. William H. Pugh, V Mr. and Mrs. John Rilling Dr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Rivero Mr. and Mrs. Kent Roman Ms. Christina Ross Dr. and Mrs. Gustavo Sanchez Mr. and Mrs. Robert Saraceni Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Tenzinger Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Tiffany Mr. and Mrs. Paul Troy Mr. and Mrs. Richard Vinciguerra Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Walter Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Waters Mr. and Mrs. James J. Welsh Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Wescott Mr. and Mrs. Luke Wilson

Grandparent Giving

We are thankful to our grandparents for their continued generosity toward the Mount! Anonymous Mrs. Kathleen Burgoyne ’50 Colleen Kelly Coll’64 and Mr. Joseph Coll Patricia Reilly Dehel’52 and Mr. Frank Dehel Mr. and Mrs. Peter DePaul Mr. and Mrs. John Entwistle, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Ferraro Mr. Paul W. Franzen Mrs. Mary C. Gregor Marie Rosato King ’46 and Hon. William A. King Patricia McCauley Lane ’50 and Mr. John Lane Mr. Martin Longstreth* Mr. John McCann Mrs. Lorraine McGlynn ’52 Joan Gallagher McKeon’48 and Mr. Edwin M. McKeon Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Morrissey, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Warren Kathleen Rhoads Waters ’52 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Yezzi

Past Parents Annual Giving Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2009-2010

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Adolph Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Arena Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Augustine Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. John Baird Mr. and Mrs. William J. Baldino Mr. and Mrs. John J. Barr Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Bechis Mr. and Mrs. John Beecroft Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Beerhalter Mr. and Mrs. John J. Beichert Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Bender Mr. George F. Beppel and Ms. Lorraine McGlynn Mrs. Mary Berko Mr. and Mrs. William J. Bonner Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Bono Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Brett Mr. and Mrs. John J. Broderick Mrs. Mary Ellen Brown Mrs. Kathleen Burgoyne Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Burke Mr. and Mrs. Dudley C. Buzby, III Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Byrne Ms. Cynthia B. Capaci Mrs. Maureen Capano Mr. and Mrs. John H. Carney Mrs. Doranne Case Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cattie Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David S. Cavanaugh Mr. and Mrs. Donald v. Cericola Jr. Dr. Kenneth M. Certa and Dr. Marie Robb Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale J. Ciammetti Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Cissone Mr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Cleary Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Coggshall Mr. and Mrs. William J. Collier Mr. and Mrs. Guy Columbro Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Connelly Mr. and Mrs. John L. Connolly Jr. Mr. John B. Connor Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Conroy Mr. and Mrs. Peter Coyle Mrs. Patricia Crognale Deacon and Mrs. Thomas M. Croke, IV

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Cross Mr. and Mrs. Jesse L. Crumpler Mr. Thomas F. and Dr. Mary Cunnane Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Cunningham Mrs. Theresa Cute Mr. and Mrs. Martin P. D’Amico Mr. and Mrs. John E. Daw Dr. and Mrs. Walter W. Dearolf, III Mr. and Mrs. Richard Deasy Mr. and Mrs. John P. Delaney Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. DelRicci Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Demeter Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. DePaul Mr. and Mrs. Peter DePaul Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Devenny Ms. Kathleen Digney Mr. and Mrs. James F. Doherty Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Dolaway Mr. and Mrs. Michael Donoghue Mr. and Mrs. William J. Donovan Sr. Mrs. Margaret Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Michael Driscoll Mr. and Mrs. Michael Drobile Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Duff Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Dunn Mrs. and Mrs. John I. Dyer Dr. and Mrs. George E. Federici Mr. and Mrs. William S. Feeny Mr. and Mrs. John F. Ferraro Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Ferrier Dr. and Mrs. Brian G. Firth Mr. and Mrs. William M. FitzPatrick Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Flanagan Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Flynn Mr. Paul W. Franzen Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Ganster Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Gardner Mr. and Mrs. James J. Garrity Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gavin Mr. and Mrs. James Gehringer Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dominic S. Genuardi Mr. and Mrs. Laurence P. Genuardi Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Geruson Mr. and Mrs. John P. Gibbons Dr. and Mrs. William J. Gibbons Mr. and Mrs. Terence Gillespie Mrs. Maryanne C. Ginley Mr. and Mrs. James M. Glasgow

Mr. and Mrs. S. John Gorman Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Grabish Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Graf Dr. and Mrs. Mark G. Graham Mrs. Mary C. Gregor Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hain, III Mr. and Mrs. Wasyl Halczenko Mr. and Mrs. William C. Hamburger Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hanson Mrs. Mary C. Harbison Mr. Robert Harrington Mr. and Mrs. George K. Harris Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison, IV Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Hartnett Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Bruce H. Hessel Mrs. Eileen M. Hessman Mr. and Mrs. James C. Higgins Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark Hinkel Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Honeyman Dr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Horstmann Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Hylinski Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Jasiukiewicz Mr. and Mrs. M. Alanson Johnson, III Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Jones Mrs. Joanne Junker Mrs. Renee Kaiser Mrs. Madeleine Keehn Mr. and Mrs. Francis C. Keenan Mr. and Mrs. James M. Keeney Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Kehan Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kennedy Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph King Hon and Mrs. William A. King Mr. and Mrs. Ernest F. Koschineg Jr. Mrs. Margaret Kraft Mr. and Mrs. James J. Kraus Dr. Bruce Kreter Mrs. Rosemary A. Kund* Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Kyle Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Labrum Mr. and Mrs. John E. Lacy Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Lagreca Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lapowsky Mr. and Mrs. Terence J. Lawler Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. Libonati Mr. Joseph Logan Drs. Stephen L. and Jane M. Longacre Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lucarini Mr. and Mrs. John B. Lynch Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lynch Dr. and Mrs. Francis Madden Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Maginnis Mr. and Mrs. Paul Maginnis Mrs. Margaret Manson Mr. and Mrs. Eugene G. Markiw Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Maron Mr. and Mrs. Udo H. Maron Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Antonio A. Mascaro Mr. and Mrs. David G. McBride Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. McBride Mr. John McCann 45 Mr. Marc D. Jonas and Ms. Claudia McCarron Mr. and Mrs. William C. McCormick

Past Parents Annual Giving Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2009-2010 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McCusker Mr. and Mrs. Robert McDevitt Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald Dr. and Mrs. Philip K. McElroy Mr. Thomas McGlinn Mrs. Lorraine McGlynn Mr. and Mrs. Peter McGonigle Mr. and Mrs. John V. McKee Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. McKenna Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. McKeon Mr. and Mrs. Edwin McKeon Mr. and Mrs. James T. McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. McMahon Mr. and Mrs. John J. Meko Sr. Dr. and Mrs. James Menapace Mr. and Mrs. Barry D. Mescolotto Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Messmer Mr. and Mrs. George Mirsch Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Mischler Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Morrissey Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Mulhern Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Murray Mr. and Mrs. David T. Naab Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Naccarato Mrs. Patricia E. O’Connell Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. O’Leary Dr. and Mrs. Thomas F. O’Malley Jr. Mrs. Ellen O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Osborne Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. O’Shea Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Palopoli Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Pasquarella Mr. and Mrs. James K. Paul Ms. Jeanette Paul Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Paul Dr. and Mrs. Patrick E. Pellecchia Drs. Charles E. and Valerie Pendley Mr. and Mrs. John M. Peruto

Mr. and Mrs. George C. Pinchock Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Pisano Mr. John M. Poole Mr. Kenneth J. Powell Jr. and Ms. Rita Manco Mr. and Mrs. William H. Pugh, V Mr. Robert N. Rau Mr. and Mrs. Clair M. Raubenstine Mrs. Joan Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Riethmiller Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Riley Mr. and Mrs. Isaac W. Roberts, II Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Kent Roman Mr. and Mrs. John P. Rossi Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Rothwell Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Russin Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Sabia Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Sadowski Dr. and Mrs. Gustavo Sanchez Mr. and Mrs. William Scher Mr. Francis Schluckebier and Ms. Jo-Ann Murray Schluckebier Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Seminack Mr. and Mrs. Bernard M. Shaeffer Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Sheehan Mr. and Mrs. George J. Shotzbarger Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Siedlecki Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Simmons Mr. and Mrs. William R. Skowronek Mr. and Mrs. William J. Skyrm Sr. Mrs.Eileen Heck Slawek and Mr. Joseph Slawek Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Small Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Sokolski Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Sommer Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Southwell Mr. and Mrs. R. Brian Stefanowicz Mr. and Mrs. John V. Steinmetz Jr.

Mr. W. Jerome Stewart Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stout Mr. and Mrs. David P. Strawhacker Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Sullivan Mr. John R. Tarantin Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Tate Mr. and Mrs. George A. Tenzinger Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Thistle Mr. Raymond Thomas Mr. and Mrs. John F. Tierney Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Toth Mr. Robert P. Trinkle and Ms. Kathy L. Pape Ms. Maribeth Tursi Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Uricchio, III Mrs. Angela Vandegrift Mr. and Mrs. Michael Vecchione Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Vergare Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Vesci Mr. James A. Vivaldelli Mr. Joseph A. Walsh Jr. Ms. Robyn S. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. William W. Walters Mrs. Kathleen B. Waters Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Waters Dr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Weidig Mr. and Mrs. Michael Weinrich Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Weller Mr. and Mrs. James J. Welsh Dr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Werner Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Weyand Mr. and Mrs. Martin F. Whalen Mr. William A. Whiteside Jr. Mrs. Virginia Wischhusen Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Woll, II Mr. and Mrs. Antonio J. Yanni Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Yanoshik, II Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Yezzi Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Zakrzewski Mr. and Mrs. Edward Z. Zaucha

Annual Restricted Gifts Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2009-2010 Crew Team

Ms. Karen Abbas Avalon Rowing Club Ms. Claire Braciszewski Mr. and Mrs. Toby Bracken Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Casebeer David Geppert Recycling, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Delaney, Jr. Mr. Jerry Dieckhaus Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Duff Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Duffin Ms. Shiela Dyer Ms. Tracy Elko Ms. Jen Fasy Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Flanagan, Jr. Mr. Gregg Frederick


Mr. Michael P. Gregor Mr. and Mrs. George J. Gresko Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hain, III Dr. and Mrs. F. Thomas Harkins Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Kehan Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kennedy, Jr. Ms. Annmarie Kuvik Ms. Mary Lasha Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leimer Mr. and Mrs. Paul Maginnis Elizabeth Doyle McClellan ’60 Mr. and Mrs. William C. McCormick Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McCusker Ms. Bonnie Mueller Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nash Ms. Renee Needles Mr. and Mrs. Dino Nucci Dr. and Mrs. Thomas F. O’Malley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. O’Shea, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Pospisil Mr. Steven T. Powell and Mrs. Victoria Lukiewski-Powell Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rorer Mr. and Mrs. William Scher Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schichili Mr. and Mrs. Rob Seiger Mr. Alan Sobkowiak and Ms. Jennifer Wall Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Southwell Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Stillwell, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Talese Mr. John R. Tarantin Lois Trench-Hines ’60 Ms. Frances Ukogu Vanzant’s Boating Warehouse Mr. and Mrs. Michael Weinrich Mr. Lofton White Whitemarsh Boat Club

Annual Restricted Gifts & Gifts in Kind Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2009-2010 F.I.R.S.T. Robotics TeamFirebirds

Aetna Foundation Mr. Peter Alfonsi Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Arena Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bryson Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Burke Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Crilly Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Devenny Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Duda Mr. Michael Eck EcoPhones Mr. and Mrs. David Ellman Mr. and Mrs. John Entwistle Jr. Dr. and Mrs. John W.C. Entwistle, III F.I.R.S.T. Lockheed Martin Mr. and Mrs. Udo H. Maron Mr. Robert McCadden and Ms. Dorothy Riehs Mr. and Mrs. John J. Mischler Mr. and Mrs. Karl S. Murray Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Palac Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Paviglianiti PSPE, Philadelphia Chapter Maureen Ryan Rilling ’84 and Mr. John Rilling Society of Women Engineers/ Philadelphia Section

Athletic Department Gifts in Memory of Kevin O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Beisswenger Mr. and Mrs. Keith E. Bogart Anne Flanagan Burgoyne ’54 Kathleen Wenz Burgoyne ’50 H.P. Cadwallader, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cohen Ms. Harriet B. D’Alonzo Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Decker Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Demeter Mr. and Mrs. Francis Donohoe Mary Cathlene Driscoll, Esq. ’75 and Mr. Joseph Ragg Mr. and Mrs. Michael Driscoll Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Driscoll Echo Molding, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Edge Erin McClafferty Erfle ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Field Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Fossett Jr. General Partition Company, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Gleason Mr. and Mrs. Murray Goldstein Mrs. Mary C. Gregor Dr. Alfred S. Halas Mr. and Mrs. William C. Hamburger

Mr. and Mrs. George D. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. George W. Karr Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Kelly Mrs. Margaret Kraft Joanne Scott Kyle ’59 Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Kyle LaSalle College High School Brother Richard Kestler, FSC Ms. Barbara Lee Mr. and Mrs. Edward U. Lee, III Ms. Irene B. Livramento Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Loehle Cecilia Loos ’90 Mr. and Mrs. William Lutz Mr. and Mrs. John B. Lynch Jr. Mr. William M. Maguire Mannkraft Mr. and Mrs. J. Joseph McCreavy Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald Janice Cutillo Muir ’59 Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. O’Brien Diana C. DeGregorio Oebbecke ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Hugh G. O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. O’Neill Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Palopoli Mr. and Mrs. Robert Paul Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Pouch Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Riethmiller Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Riley Gloria M. Rothwell ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Ruggieri Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Scott Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Snyder Dr. Angela M. Stout ’83 Ms. Joan M. Taddei Ms. Dolories C. Tancredi Mr. and Mrs. Jerome E. Valk Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Woll, III Mr. and Mrs. Andrew G. Wright

Gifts-in-Kind David Geppert Recycling, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Duff Mr. and Mrs. Udo H. Maron Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Stillwell, Sr. Vanzant’s Boating Warehouse

Boathouse Initiative Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2009-2010 Mr. and Mrs. Brian F. Belcher Mr. and Mrs. Leon K. Chain Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Collier Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Farris Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Geruson

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin S. Kelly Megan L. Kennedy ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Pospisil Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smart Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Southwell Mrs. Angela Vandegrift

Elizabeth Schofield Walker ’81 Mr. Frederick Walker, III Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Michael Weinrich


Celebrauction XXVI

A D’Vine

Experience Celebrauction XXVI, held on March 6, 2010, was a great success, raising over $245,000 for the Mount! This D’Vine evening was filled with excitement, fun and friendly competition amongst the bidders. Congratulations to Raffle Winner, Dr. Mary Lou Schneiders. Featured in the photo to the right are Sister Kathleen Brabson, SSJ, and Auction Chairs Eileen and Bob Fabiszewski who, with their outstanding committee, student volunteers and Auction Director Lisa Henrich, transformed the Mount into a delectable vineyard, making Celebrauction XXVI a D’Vine Experience.


Premier Event Sponsor SAFE AND SOUND FOR 75 YEARS.



C-Jay L.L.C. – Carl and Yunnie Jenkins Thomas J. Paul Company – Denise and Jim Paul

BPG Properties, Ltd. – Art and Gail Pasquarella Jack and Louise Gavin Global Packaging – Tony and Eileen Maginnis


Aramark B K Forensics – Bill and Peg Jeitner Cozen & O’Connor – Suzanne Mayes ’84 and Herman Fala Bob and Eileen Fabiszewski Grant Thronton, LLP – Jim and Maureen Welsh

Kane, Pugh, Knoell, Troy & Kramer – Bill and Mary Pugh & Liz and Tom Troy Meniscus Limited – Lois Trench Hines ’60 and George Hines Mount Saint Joseph Academy Board of Directors



Berko Family – Mary Berko ’48 Boenning & Scattergood – Lou and Maliz De Paul Michael and Beth Brown Carr & Duff – Bob and Joanne Duff Don and Ellen Cericola ’82 Tim and Cathi Clarke D. M. Sabia & Co., Inc. – John and Ginger Sabia Dechert, LLP Deloitte – Steve and Anne Gardner De Paul Contractors – Dave and Donna Bartynski ’70 Dennis and Audrey Durkin Terese Esperdy ’77 Fenningham, Stevens & Dempster – John C. Fenningham Fox Rothchild – Jacqueline M. Carolan

Bob and Patty Hendel Dave and Lisa Henrich Hunter Douglas – Norm and Nancy Malone Jones Apparel Group – Joe and Kathy Donnalley Law Offices of Daniel L. Thistle – Dan and Chris Thistle Brian and Shelia Mc Laughlin ’84 Mc Neil Consumer Healthcare – Bob and Peg Havard Philadelphia Coca-Cola Bottling Company – Faith and Fran McGorry Philadelphia Park Casino – Tony and Helen Ricci Remax – Tony and Peg Rizzo Joseph and Eileen Heck Slawek ’48 John and Mary Pat Steinmetz United Rentals – Roger and Alice Barr Wells Fargo Advisors – William Michetti Wells Technology – Clayton and Phyllis Wells

MSJA Annual Golf Classic Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2009-2010 The 17th Annual MSJA Golf Outing was a terrific success thanks to the great leadership of Mike and Beth Brown and a team of hard-working committee members. Over 140 golfers participated, and over $80,000 was raised for the Mount’s Endowment Fund. We are grateful to the following sponsors who helped us reach our goal and contributed to this great event:

Tournament Sponsor Thomas J. Paul, Inc. (Jim Paul) Premium Sponsors InnerWorkings (Michael and Beth Brown) BK Forensics (Bill Jeitner) Purple Patrons C-Jay L.L.C. (Carl Jenkins) Boenning & Scattergood (Lou DePaul) Legacy Sponsor Carr & Duff (Bob Duff) Gold Patrons Nicholas A.Giordano Pietragallo Gordon Alfano Bosick & Raspanti, LLP (Joe Mancano) Cozen O’Connor (Suzanne Serianni Mayes ’84) Alfresco Home (Eileen Heck Nigro ‘82) Keller and Company (Mike Keller) The Gavin Family Re/Max 2000 (Tony Rizzo) Schubert, Bellwoar, Cahill & Quinn, PC

Auction Donors Michael and Beth Brown Jay Haenn Larry Genuardi Jack Gavin Steve Gardner Blue Bell Country Club Michael Gregor Joe Mancano Suzanne Serianni Mayes ‘84 Joe Nolan Peter Bellwoar & Colonial Electric St. Joseph’s Preparatory School LaSalle College High School Tracy Allu-Albertelli ‘93 Pete Black Custom Made Comfort The Rhoads Garden Bridget’s Restaurant The Ambler Theater

Prize Donors Larry Genuardi Joe Nolan Tracy Allu-Albertelli ‘93 Erin Tinneny Trish Zugay Burkholder ‘74 Suzanne Serianni Mayes ‘84 Karl Murray Michael and Beth Brown LaSalle University Larry Flynn ESPN Ginny Bendinger Wischhusen ‘70 Donna DePaul Bartynski ‘70 Kent Roman Special Thanks to Liberty Travel – Maureen Murphy Cook Lansdale Chrysler Jeep – Jay Haenn


Faculty, Staff & Friends Annual Giving Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2009-2010 The loyalty of the Mount Saint Joseph Academy faculty and staff extends far beyond their dedication in the classroom and devotion to the students. We recognize the following teachers and staff who have contributed to the 2009-2010 Annual Fund. Mr. Peter Alfonsi Mrs. Amy Balcer Mrs. Bernadette T. Balcer Mrs. Maria H. Bechis Mary Christine Strolle Bender ’72 Sister Kathleen Brabson, SSJ Mrs. Fran Brett Sister Mary K. Butler, SSJ Sister Joannie Cassidy, SSJ Dr. Judith A. Caviston Mrs. Janet Columbro Mrs. Maryanne Coyle Mr. John Curry Adele Bateman Donahue ’48 Mrs. Margaret Doyle

Sister St. Rose Dwyer, SSJ Mrs. Diane Dyer Mrs. Melissa Gnall Harrison Mrs. Jill C. Gregori Ms. Elise Hanlan Kathleen Kropp Hart ’65 Mrs. Blanche E. Haughton Mrs. Lisa Henrich Bernadette Korey Hitschler ’73 Mrs. Kathleen Kennedy Carolyn Gimpel King ’92 Sister Patricia Ann Krochmal, SSJ Patricia Adolph Maher ’89 Mrs. Leigh McFadden Ms. Lisa Minieri

Mrs. Sandra Moore Mrs. Theresa Moyer Mrs. Patricia E. O’Connell Mrs. Barbara A. Oldt Mrs. Cheryl G. Parsons Lindsay Anne Parson ’99 Mrs. Edwina Rothschild Mrs. Joyce M. Sadowski Sister Geraldine Sadowy, SSJ Mrs. Kathleen Shevlin Mrs. Margaret M. Toth Mrs. Bernice Trotter Ms. Eileen Wilkinson Mrs. Ann Marie Zindell

Thank You to Our Christmas House Tour Host Families Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2009-2010 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Cilio Bridget King Crooks ’73 and Dr. Gary Crooks Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Gardner


Patricia Geppert Haber ’79 and Mr. Mark Haber Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Maron Eileen Heck Nigro ’82 and Mr. Kevin Nigro

Scholarships Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2009-2010

The Kelly Ann O’Connor ’96 Scholarship Fund was established in 1997 in memory of Kelly Ann O’Connor by her parents, relatives and friends. Kelly exemplified the Mount Spirit by her energy, her gentle and carefree nature and her ability to live everyday to the fullest. The income from this fund is to be used to provide tuition assistance to a deserving student who combines a fun-loving spirit with a concern for others. Mrs. Gary Aiken Mr. and Mrs. Michael Allan Nicole M. Aurello ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Beadling Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bencivengo Ms. Sandy Bencivengo Mr. and Mrs. James Breen Kimberly Parsons Brockmeyer ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Sung Chi Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale and Mary Sabia Ciammetti ’80

Mr. Michael Courtney Kristina Kopach Crocker ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Brendon Crowther Mr. and Mrs. Francis Donohoe Col. and Mrs. Joseph J. Draham, U.S.A.F. Virginia Ward Farrell ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Foley Mr. and Mrs. James Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gill Mr. and Mrs. James Glanzmann Mr. Mark Glanzmann Dr. and Mrs. Eric Griffin-Shelley Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gronczewski Mr. and Mrs. John Halligan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Halligan Mr. and Mrs. Roger Harrington Mr. James Walter Hemple Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hennessey Mr. and Mrs. Tucker Herncane Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Higgins Mr. Larry Hill Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Katronick Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Kopach Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Krystopa Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Lauria Ms. Suzanne M. Lilly Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lofgren Mr. and Mrs. John J. Longino Mr. and Mrs. James D. Mahoney Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Mancino Jessica DiGati Massanova ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McAllister Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McAllister, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McElwee Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. McNamara, Jr. Mr. Jack McNamara

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent P. McNichol Mr. John Millar Mr. and Mrs. William F. Moffitt Mr. and Mrs. John Morasco Pamela Mundy Hicke ’72 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. James C. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. James O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Michael O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. William L. O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. William O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Packer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Parsons Mr. and Mrs. Michael Parsons Kelly Ann Conlen Pegg ’96 Mr. and Mrs. James P. Perry Mr. and Mrs. Robert Phipps Mr. and Mrs. Ron Pycz Mr. and Mrs. William M. Reid, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Richards Mrs. Mary T. Sabia Mrs. Kate Santangelo Mr. and Mrs. Craig Sauers Mr. and Mrs. Michael Saunders Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Scheier Mr. and Mrs. Wayne L. Seiferth Mrs. Patricia Shollenberger Kristen Melley Silverman ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sokel Mr. John Stoffere Ms. Erin Tinneny Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Toland, IV Megan O’Connor Tropiano ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Weber, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Weber Mr. William Weber Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Weber Dr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Whitaker, Jr. Christa Maria Smalley White ’94

The Alexandra Duzinski ’99 Scholarship Fund was established in 1997 in memory of Ali Duzinski by her parents, relatives and friends. Ali combined her academic achievement with a great passion for the arts. She performed in numerous concerts, skits and musicals both at the Mount and in the broader community. The income from this fund is to be used to provide tuition assistance to a deserving student who exemplifies Ali’s spirit and commitment to the Mount. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Aspinall Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Creedon, Sr. Amy Spiecker Dedic ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Francis Donohoe Mr. and Mrs. Stanley E. Duzinski Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Duzinski Ms. Teresa A. Duzinski Lauren Roberts Ficca ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Giaimo Mrs. Blanche E. Haughton

Ms. Maureen E. Hope Mr. and Mrs. Anton G. Marzano Mr. and Mrs. John V. McKee Mr. and Mrs. Vincent P. McNichol Ms. Philomena O’Hanon Mr. and Mrs. John T. Paul Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Showler Mr. and Mrs. David S. Welsh Mr. George W. Werner


Scholarships Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2009-2010

The Stephanie M. Arizin ’99 Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1997 in memory of Stephanie M. Arizin by her parents, relatives and friends. Stephanie Arizin truly exemplified the Mount scholar-athlete. Involved in a number of sports, she maintained high academic honors while participating in many areas of school life. The income from this endowed fund is to be used to provide tuition assistance to a deserving student entering her senior year who has demonstrated these characteristics of athletic and academic excellence recognized and appreciated by all who knew Stephanie.

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Arizin Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Arizin Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Barton Dr. Brian E. Breslin Mr. and Mrs. James M. Brophy Mr. and Mrs. Keith Cadden C-Store Concepts Company Mr. Vincent Curran, Jr. Del Val Coating Consultants, Inc. Mr. Richard A. Dickinson Mr. and Mrs. John W. Doherty Mr. Francis Donohoe Mr. Patrick M. Ehret Elliott Greenleaf & Siedzikowski, PC Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Erfle

Mr. Joseph R. Fox Mr. Peter M. Fry Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Gardner Mr. Brian M. Grandieri Goldman Sachs and Company Mr. and Mrs. Eugene K. Gruber, III Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Guarino Mr. and Mrs. John F. Horgan Mr. and Mrs. James Jacquette Mr. John P. Jennings Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Johnstone Mr. Mark Maggioncalda Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Marvin Mr. Brian F. McEvily Mr. and Mrs. Marc W. McKenna

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent P. McNichol Merck Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. Nolen Kathleen Diamond Owen ’87 Mr. Andrew P. Panzo, III Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Piotrowicz Pro Sports Community Consultants Mr. James J. Rullo Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Vincent E. Shervin Cecy Conway Stack ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Tewksbury Kara McMahon Weaver ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Webster Mr. Mark A. Zoller

The Donna Hanson Woolman ’88 Scholarship Fund was established in 2004 in memory of Donna by her family. During her time at the Academy, Donna was president of the computer club, sang in the glee club and was an avid writer. The scholarship will be awarded to an incoming freshman at the Mount who demonstrates financial need and is involved in extra-curricular activities during her grade school years. The grant will be awarded in each of her four years at the Mount. The Mount community is most grateful to the Hanson family for their generosity.

The family of Martin J. Sinon, parent of Jamie ’95, established a scholarship fund in his name following his death in May 2001. Marty was an active member of the MSJA Parents’ Association while his daughter attended the Mount. We are grateful to the Sinon Family and to the following for their generosity. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Donohoe


Scholarships Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2009-2010 The Stephanie Leonards Roman Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 2009 in memory of Stephanie Leonards Roman by her family. As a teacher, Steph brought kindness, compassion and great intellect to the classroom. Her students loved her from the first and delighted in her joy of teaching science – everything from dissections to creek sampling and DNA extraction! She had the gift of being able to connect with the students and instill in them the love of learning. Steph was a natural in the classroom, and with her presence the girls acquired one of the finest role models a young woman could have – as a professional, as a wife and as a mother. We are grateful to the following donors who generously gave to the scholarship fund in Stephanie’s memory. Ms. Emily A. Ambrose Ms. Lisa J. Antinucci Mr. and Mrs. Kolby D. Baker Ms. Ellen E. Bert Mr. and Mrs. Ernest E. Bert, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bower, IV Ms. Tiffany Cannon Mr. Matthew E. Cipolla Mr. Richard J. Clifford, CHFC Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Coyne, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Dehennis Mr. and Mrs. Philip Dehennis Dr. and Mrs. Philipe Dekerillis Mr. and Mrs. David L. Emery Mr. and Mrs. Derek J. Fissel Mrs. Diane Fritz Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Helm Mr. and Mrs. Louis F. Hinman, III Mr. and Mrs. James Hurley

The Sister Mary Dacey, SSJ, Grant was e s t a b lished in September, 2004, by the past and present members of the Board of Directors of Mount Saint Joseph Academy. The grant is in honor of Sister Mary Dacey, former President of The Mount. The grant provides financial assistance to a student who is enrolled at Mount Saint Joseph Academy and who demonstrates financial need. We are grateful to the Board of Directors, past and present, who made this grant possible.

Mr. Shawn Jamison and Dr. Fiona Jamison Mr. Thomas H. Johantgen and Ms. Leslie Roy Mr. and Mrs. James S. Kassanoff Ms. Barbara B. Leonards Mr. and Mrs. James B. Leonards Mr. Jeffrey T. Leonards Mr. Roy B. Leonards Ms. Sherry K. Leonards Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Leonards, III Mrs. Kellie Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lucci Ms. Eloise R. Manning Mr. Kevin J. McCabe Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. McCormick, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George R. McGowen Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Miller, III MSJA Booster Club

MSJA Student Council Mr. and Mrs. John C. Note, III Mr. and Mrs. Latham G. Pali Dr. David P. Perkins Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Randolph, Jr. Ms. Suzanne H. Randolph Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Roman Ms. Irene M. Roy Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Roy Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Ruzzi Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Schmidt Ms. Suzanne Shriver Pratt Ms. Vashni Simanovich Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Statmore Mr. and Mrs. Dewey R. Stout, Jr. Mr. Vincent P. Tedeesco Ms. Kimberly Thompson Mr. and Mrs. William D. Toth, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James S. Walker Mr. Erik A. Woodruff

Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program (EITC) In 2001, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania established the Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program to enable private businesses to receive a tax credit on specific corporate taxes when making donations to a non-profit scholarship program. The EITC program enables Mount Saint Joseph Academy to provide financial aid to students whose families have an adjusted family income of no greater than $50,000 plus $10,000 for each dependant up to $100,000. Companies will receive a 75 percent tax credit for donations for a single year commitment to EITC . The tax credit increases to 90 percent if the company commits to making the same donations for two consecutive years. A business paying taxes in Pennsylvania can receive up to $300,000 in tax credits annually. As of July 1, 2008, the definition of “business entity” has been expanded to include S Corporations and Partnerships which can receive up to $200,000 in tax credits annually. For more information on this program, contact Maggie Doyle in the MSJA Finance Office at (215)-233-3177, ext. 316. We are immensely grateful to the following businesses for contributing to the Mount through the EITC Program during the 2009-2010 school year. AF&L Insurance Company Berwind Property Group, Ltd. Chadwick Service Company Firstrust Bank MSS Movers Penn Liberty Bank DM Sabia & Company, Inc. Vault Communications


Honor and Memorial Gifts Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2009-2010

In honor of Mrs. Anders Sarah Mansell Guilfoyle ’52

In honor of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Delaney Jr. Colleen Margaret Delaney ’10 In memory of Margaret DeStefano DeRisio ’47 Ms. Margaret Jane DeRisi

In memory of Mrs. Bernadine Austin Heather Kates Kelly ’88

In honor of John and Eileen Diamond Kathleen Diamond Owen ’87

In honor of Victoria Leigh Babson ’10 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Talese

In honor of Monica Duvall DiLella ’88 and Mr. Daniel DiLella, Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Robert Maloney Mr. Joseph Mullen Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Pasquarella Mr. and Mrs. Steve Spaeder

In memory of Margaret Morgenthaler Allen ’51 Patricia James Wessel ’51

In memory of Mrs. Marie Bonoma Dr. Angela M. Stout ’83 In honor of Harold and Chris Borek Rachel Borek Jankowitz ’95 In honor of Sister Mary Boyer, SSJ Suzin Buzas Carr ’85 In honor of Sister Kathleen Brabson, SSJ Mr. and Mrs. John J. Beichert Mr. William A. Whiteside, Jr. In honor of the Burger Sisters Dana Catherine Dysart’10 In honor of Ms. Kim Carlone Natalie Claire Carlone ’10 In memory of Amelia Caruso Susan Garges Silberberg ’88 In honor of the Class of 1965 Mary Louise Barton ’65 In memory of Sister Marie Therese Cogan, SSJ Rosanne M. Barrett ’56 In memory of Eugenia Cooper Comerford ’37 Mary Merz Berko ’48 Mr. and Mrs. D. Craig Bowman Ms. Mary Jo Comerford Mr. and Mrs. Stephen K. Dishart Mr. and Mrs. John McEnroe, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James G. Johnson Ms. Christine Killough Stephanie Comerford Kramer ’65 Carolyn Downing Morgan ’65 MSJA Student Council Mrs. Joyce M. Sadowski Ms. Lois Schneider Dr. Angela M. Stout ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Algot F. Thorell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Yoder In honor of Annette and Gerard Cummings Sinead Patrice Cummings ’10


In honor of Patricia McDermott Dixon ’72 Carolyn Grace Dixon ’10 In memory of Mrs. Kathleen K. Dolan Renee Doty McComas ’64 In honor of Edward and Maureen Dougherty Maura Elizabeth Dougherty ’10 In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Duda Lauren Elizabeth Duda ’10 In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Duff Ms. Irene Schlenker In honor of Judith Burger Dysart ’71 Dana Catherine Dysart ’10 In memory of Mary Diamond Eichelberger ’41 Mariann Eichelberger O’Connor ’69 In honor of Mary Johnson FitzPatrick ’63 Megan FitzPatrick Maloney ’94 In memory of Robert G. Gersteneker Judith Gersteneker Caskey ’66 In honor of Mrs. Margaret Green Carol Anne Shotzbarger ’04 In memory of Marianna Wenz Hagan ’45 Kathleen Burgoyne Carlisle ’90 In memory of Maureen Pluck Haire ’70 Bonnie Smith Geist ’70 In memory of Helen E. Hall ’56 Dorothy Gallagher Hordubay ’56 In honor of Dr. and Mrs. F. Thomas Harkins Sabrina Isabelle Harkins ’10 In memory of Barbara Roberts Harrington ’61 Barbara Harrington Hladik, Edq. ’85

In memory of Marguerite Maguire Hauser ’49 Jane Maguire Starke ’50 In memory of Sister Claire Helene, SSJ Nancy Gillespie Anastas ’75 Rosemary Andries Horstmann, MD ’64 In memory of Elaine Leo Hernadi ’60 Lorraine Cajano Minecci ’60 In honor of Katie Anne Marie Schuster Johnson ’01 Nicole Marie Schuster’10 In honor of Thomas and Lisa Keane Lisa Keane-Burgstahler ’85 In memory of Susan McGinn Kelley Mr. and Mrs. John Purcell In honor of Joseph and Joan Burger King ’63 Jodie King Smith ’90 In honor of the Kolokithias Family Christina Marie Kolokithias ’05 In memory of Kathleen A. Kolsun-Riggs ’89 Susanne Laphen Miller ’89 Dr. Angela M. Stout ’83 In memory of Rosemary Reilly Kund ’48 Mary Merz Berko’48 In memory of Sister William Marie, SSJ Mary Grace Haenn Buckwalter ’74 In honor of Catherine Robb Marston ’60 Joan Dull McGuigan ’60 In honor of Sister Helen Anthony Mayhew, SSJ Barbara Hogan-Zarro, PhD ’66 Trish Dooley ’65 In memory of Mrs. Mary McCann Anne E. Twomey ’80

Honor and Memorial Gifts Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2009-2010 In memory of Mrs. Marguerite M. McGlinn Danielle Cantono ’91 Mr. Thomas McGlinn In honor of Devin McGrath ’13 Robyn Farrell McGrath ’82 In honor of S. Cathie Meighan, SSJ Kristen M. Wisniewski ’00 In memory of John W. Miller Elizabeth Rouse Miller ’50 In memory of Kathy Miller ’80 Theresa Conroy ’80 In memory of Mr. Robert U. Monti Margaret Elizabeth Daniels ’10 In memory of Erin Moore Diane Whelan Moore ’85 In memory of Mrs. Margaret Muller Ms. Kathleen M. Crowley In honor of S. Margaret Mary Murphy, SSJ Mr. Paul Buckley and Dr. Nancy Buckley In honor of Mary Elizabeth Murphy Cattie Murray ’47 Mary Elizabeth Tursi ’00 Maribeth Cattie Tursi ’70 In memory of Sidney Mauchley Nelis ’56 Dorothy Gallagher Hordubay ’56 In memory of Beatrice Nicoletti Gabrielle Nicoletti Ferrier’ 07 In honor of Kathryn O’Connor Brionna Helen O’Connor ’10 In memory of Kelly O’Connor ’96 Brionna Helen O’Connor ’10 Catherine Randles Riker ’96 In memory of Kevin M. O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Beisswenger Mr. and Mrs. Keith E. Bogart Anne Flanagan Burgoyne ’54 Kathleen Wenz Burgoyne ’50 H. P. Cadwallader, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cohen Ms. Harriet B. D’Alonzo Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Decker Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Demeter Mr. and Mrs. Francis Donohoe Mary Cathlene Driscoll, Esq. ’75 and Mr. Joseph Ragg Mr. and Mrs. Michael Driscoll Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Driscoll Echo Molding, Inc. Dieter Hekler, Robert Hekler, Armin Schlotterbeck, Gerhard Schlotterbeck

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Edge Erin McClafferty Erfle ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Field Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Fossett, Jr. General Partition Company, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Gleason Mr. and Mrs. Murray Goldstein Mrs. Mary C. Gregor Dr. Alfred S. Halas Mr. and Mrs. William C. Hamburger Mr. and Mrs. George D. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. George W. Karr, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Kelly Mr. Margaret Kraft Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Kyle LaSalle College High School Brother Richard Kestler, FSC Ms. Barbara Lee Mr. and Mrs. Edward U. Lee, III Ms. Irene B. Livramento Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Loehle Cecilia Loos ’90 Mr. and Mrs. William Lutz Mr. and Mrs. John B. Lynch Jr. Mr. William M. Maguire Mannkraft Mr. and Mrs. J. Joseph McCreavy Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald Janice Cutillo Muir ’59 Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. O’Brien Diana DeGregorio Oebbecke ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Hugh G. O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. O’Neill, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Palopoli Mr. and Mrs. Robert Paul Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Pouch Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Riethmiller, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Riley Gloria M. Rothwell ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Ruggieri, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Scott, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Snyder Dr. Angela M. Stout ’83 Ms. Joan M. Taddei Ms. Dolores C. Tancredi Mr. and Mrs. Jerome E. Valk Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Woll, II Mr. and Mrs. Andrew G. Wright In honor of the Palac Family Brittany Ann Palac ’10 In memory of S. Agnes Perpetua, SSJ Mary Katharine McCormack Walton ’70 In honor of Nora Marian Powell ’05 Mr. Kenneth J. Powell and Ms. Rita Manco In memory of Emma M. Pukas ’84 Letitia Anne Pukas McNeil ’85 In memory of Marie Elizabeth Franzen Rader ’67 Marguerite Devlin Evangelist ’67 Barbara Hadden Jones ’67

In memory of Alyce Powers Roberts ’33 Barbara Harrington Hladik, Esq. ’85 In memory of Mrs. Mary Isobel Roman Dr. Anglela M. Stout ’83 In memory of Mrs. Stephanie L. Roman Kathryn Marie Brady ’03 In memory of Robert G. and Ruth B. Ronnan R. Bonnlyn Ronnan Cobb ’70 In memory of Maria Sadowski Mrs. Diane Dyer Mrs. Jill C. Gregori S. Patricia a. Krochmal, SSJ Mrs. Barbara A. Oldt Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Statmore Mrs. Ann M. Zindell In memory of Mary Brady Sinclair ’50 Dr. Katherine Rickert Coulson ’50 In memory of Carol J. Stefanowicz Christine Stefanowicz ’10 In memory of Elizabeth Hanusey Suppy ’92 Coleen Dyer Wybranski ’92 In memory of Patricia Sweeney Caroline Ann Sweeney ’10 In memory of Helen Branagan Thomas ’48 Mr. Raymond Thomas In memory of Jeanne Barrett Tucker ’57 Louise Barrett Zink ’59 In honor of Mr. John A. Turner, Jr. Emily Jane Gimpel ’10 In memory of John and Beatrice Udujih Chierika Onaedo Ukogu ’10 In honor of Amy Schuster Valasek ’94 Nicole Marie Schuster ’10 In memory of Helen B. Walchak Maurin Bebhinn Walchak ’05 In honor of Kathleen Rhoads Waters ’52 Paula Anne Hill ’10 In honor of Ms. Eileen Wilkinson Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Freund In memory of Jack and Marion Williams Marion Ann Williams Berry ’59 In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Woll, II Amanda J. Woll ’93 In memory of Donna Hanson Woolman ’88 Deborah Standeven Lee ’88 In memory of Maria Zielinski ’83 Rita Pietruszka Lucas ’83


Corporate & Foundation Gifts Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2009-2010 Mount Saint Joseph Academy received gifts to all funds totaling $40,693 from the following corporations and foundations during the 2009-2010 year. We are truly grateful for their generosity and commitment to the education of young women. Aetna Foundation Aetna US Healthcare American International Group, Inc. Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundations, Inc. Cephalon, Inc. David Geppert Recycling, Inc. EcoPhones Exelon Corporation ExxonMobil Foundation Fannie Mae Foundation FIRST FMC Foundation General Electric Foundation GlaxoSmithKline Foundation GMAC ResCap Matching H&R Block Foundation Intel Foundation John Charles & Kathryn S. Redmond Foundation Mr. Martin Longstreth* Merck Company Foundation Pfizer Foundation

PNC Foundation PSPE, Philadelphia Chapter SAP Schering-Plough Foundation SmithKline Beecham Foundation

Stockamp & Associates Tyco Vanzant’s Boating Warehouse Verizon Foundation Wells Fargo, Inc.


his edition of the Mount Magazine includes the Annual Report which documents those in the Mount community who have given their financial resources as well as their time and talents to advance the mission of the Academy.

There are many names that appear several times throughout the report. People who contribute to the Annual Fund, volunteer at activities, serve on Boards, etc. There is one person, however, who covers all of the visible bases, and is also a significant presence in the behind-the-scenes work here at the Mount. In addition to being a past parent (Katie ’99, Tina ’01), past board chair, and current board member, Jim Paul is responsible for the many visual changes to the Academy’s look in the past few years. With the assistance of the talented staff at TJ Paul, Inc., Jim has been responsible for the new letterhead logo, banners in the parking lot, 150th Anniversary logo, countless years of designing Celebrauction logos, new signage at Wissahickon and Stenton, and most recently, the new Mount Fund logo. This past September, Jim accepted the role as Purple & Gold chair of The Mount Fund. A role that he championed for many years with his wife, Denise, Jim stepped back into this position as a member of the Development Committee of the Board of Directors. He is innately aware of the importance of the Purple & Gold club and its impact on the annual operating budget of the school. We are truly blessed to have someone that we can count on year after year for his steadfast belief in the Mount. Thanks, Jim!!


A Special


Sister Claire Hélène Society Mount Saint Joseph Academy Annual Report 2009-2010 We acknowledge with deep gratitude the following who have provided for the Mount’s future:

Planned gifts and bequests play an important role in the voluntary support of Mount Saint Joseph Academy. The Sister Claire Hélène Society has been established to honor those alumnae and friends of Mount Saint Joseph Academy who have continued a tradition of remembrance at their alma mater. The society is named in memory of a beloved Latin, religion and French teacher who inspired two generations of Alumnae of both the “old” and the “new” Mount. Members of the Sister Claire Hélène Society are those who have left a bequest to the Academy, or have notified the school that they have created a provision in their estate plans to benefit the Mount. These provisions include trusts, arranging bequests and making gifts of life insurance, naming the school as a beneficiary. These gifts become a permanent part of the Endowment, providing a source of income upon which the school can depend and use to plan for generations to come.

Anonymous Estate of Alice Boney ‘19 Estate of Lolita Lloyd Bradley ‘27 Catharine Gallagher Brockway ‘47 Dorothy Ann Collins Broze ‘71 Estate of Christine Maguire Burlingame ‘25 Anne Senser Byrne ‘53 Estate of Mary E. Clark 1906 Estate of Mary Gillen Crozer ‘40 Mrs. Theresa Cute Muriel Gardner davidson ’48 Patricia D’Innocenzo ‘72 Judith C. Hinkle de Turo ‘62 Patricia Dooley ‘65 Estate of Marie Drane ‘19 Estate of Nancy Bell Driscoll ‘47 Mrs. Diane Fritz Estate of Helen Gibbons ‘14 Susan Berko Glass ‘71 Estate of Winifred Brady Goetz ‘24 Pamela Smith Grimme ‘50 Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hogan Estate of Mr. Gene King Helen Gross King ‘47 Estate of Margaret Mary Hughes King ‘36 Susan Doney Leonard ‘80 Ms. Phyllis Lewy Ann Tushim Csink Linck ’57 Jeanne Quinn Lowing ’81 Patricia Lawson McDaniel ‘46 Joan Gallagher McKeon ‘48 Estate of Rosemary McNally ‘17 Ellen Higley O’Neill ‘61 Rebecca Phillips ‘67 Dolores M. Roscovich ‘49 Marcella Kuttler Bossow Schankweiler ‘86 Estate of Anne Bryan Schmidt ‘49 Estate of Dolores Gustin Shuman ‘41 June A. Smith ‘66 Angela M. Stout, DMD ‘83 Estate of Ruth Liebert Sullivan ‘38 All those who have notified the school that they have created a provision in their estate plans to benefit Mount Saint Joseph Academy will become members of the Sister Claire Hélène Society and will be recognized in the Annual Report of Gifts unless they wish to remain anonymous. For more information about the Sister Claire Hélène Society and planned gifts, please contact Jill Gregori, Director of Development, at (215)-233-1859 or return the form below.


___ ___ ___ ___

Please send me information on how to provide for Mount Saint Joseph Academy in my will. I have remembered Mount Saint Joseph Academy in my will. You may publish my name in future listings of Sister Claire Hélène Society members. I wish to remain anonymous.

Name: Address: Phone:

_______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

Please Mail To:

Director of Development • Mount Saint Joseph Academy 120 W. Wissahickon Ave. • Flourtown, PA 19031


January 21, 2011 7 PM

Friday, January 21, 2011

January 14th


Founders’ Day Album October 15, 2010


120 West Wissahickon Avenue Flourtown, PA 19031-1899 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED

Lunch with Santa December 4, 2010

11:30 am

The MSJA Alumnae Association will hold its annual “Lunch with Santa” on Saturday, December 4th at 11:30 a.m. Bring your children, nieces, nephews and grandchildren for a fun-filled event which includes: • Delicious Lunch in the Cafeteria • Arts and Crafts • Entertainment • Photo with Santa • Raffle Drawing Cost is $15.00 for each person attending Lunch with Santa. (No charge for children under 1 year old.) To register online, go to and follow the links to register. To register by mail, please use the form below. Please make checks payable to MSJA Alumnae Association and mail to: MSJA Alumnae Office Mount Saint Joseph Academy 120 W. Wissahickon Avenue Flourtown, PA 19031 Seating is limited! Make your reservation by November 26, 2010. If you have any questions, please call the Alumnae Office at (215) 233-3177, ext. 334.

Ellen Rosa-Bian Cericola ’82, Co-Chair • Sheila Kropp McLaughlin ’84, Co-Chair *Please bring a new, unwrapped toy for Operation Santa Claus.






Santa Class:

Phone Number:

Names of Adults Attending:

Names and Ages of Children Attending: Total Amount Enclosed: $

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