MSJA Summer 2008 Mount Magazine

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Graduation 2008

Summer 2008

A Magazine for Alumnae, Parents and Friends of Mount Saint Joseph Academy

A Letter From the President

June 2008 Dear Friends, The poet Mary Oliver in her latest book Red Bird wrote a short poem called, “What is the Greatest Gift?” What is the greatest gift? … That you may have a life that I wonder about more than I wonder about my own. That you have a life – courteous, intelligent – that I wonder about more than I wonder about my own. That you have a soul – your own, no one else’s – that I wonder about more than I wonder about my own. So that I find my soul clasping its hands for yours more than my own. In early May I found this poem and decided that I would use it in my remarks at graduation to the Class of 2008. I invited our young women to live a life of wonder where their desires would be the seeds of new ideas that will transform the lives of people and the quality of life on this planet. It is a tall order, but one that I have no doubt they will attempt to fulfill. I spoke of the need to develop the social intelligence that will encourage authentic and other-centered relationships to empower people to work and contribute to the common good. I encouraged them to further increase their voices and to see beyond their own desires for the good of all. I challenged them to look for the possibilities where energy and hope abound, so that their vision would continue to expand. As you read through the pages of the Mount Magazine, you will find many examples of women who are living or who are well on their way toward living, a life that is courteous and intelligent. One example is Kelly Mannes, the valedictorian for the Class of 2008. She caught the attention of our graduates and guests with her thought-provoking insight on our motto, “Spes messis in semine.” I invite you to spend some time with her address. As you read this edition, you will find it overflowing with amazing stories of students and alums that will appeal to you and persuade you to clasp your hands in joy for their life of wonder. I have no doubt you will relish reading about the return to the classroom by some members of the Class of 1950. Also, our Introduction to Business Marketing Class will impress you with their sensitivity and creativity. Don’t miss Amanda Penecale’s article and photos, as she shares her wonder-filled life. With each passing month, I become more excited about next year and the celebration of 150 years of excellence in education. In each edition you will read more and more about the events and milestones this year will mark. Please join in this year of Jubliee in whatever way is possible. I hope the Mount has a special place in your heart. You are the Mount’s greatest gift. You make me wonder more about you and your life of wonder, more than my own. I am grateful for the inspiration you are to me. Warm regards,

Sister Kathleen Brabson, SSJ President


Table of Contents 2008 Valedictory Address .................................................................... 4 College Acceptances and Awards........................................................ 6

Summer 2008 The Official Publication of Mount Saint Joseph Academy 120 West Wissahickon Avenue Flourtown, PA 19031 President Sister Kathleen Brabson, SSJ

150th Anniversary . ............................................................................ 14 Back to School for These Golden Girls.............................................. 16 School News ..................................................................................... 18 Athletics - Introducing Hall of Fame .................................................. 20 Development...................................................................................... 23

Principal Sister Karen Dietrich, SSJ Development Office Staff

Alumnae............................................................................................. 24 Alumnae Spotlight.............................................................................. 35

Director of Development Jill Gregori Director of Communications Elizabeth Racine

Commencement 2008

Director of Alumnae Theresa Moyer Annual Fund Coordinator Leigh McFadden Auction Director Lisa Henrich Development Office Secretary Barbara Oldt Phone: 215-233-3177 Fax: 215-233-4734 Website: Alumnae Website: Alumnae e-mail:


I came to the Mount without a thought Of whom I would soon be And, looking back, I see myself Before that me was free To share my thoughts, my heart’s desires, As I soon learned to do To trust and grow and seek the love That I’ve found in all of you A tiny seed, upon a rock No way to plant my roots God picked me up And set me down here among the shoots Four seasons now have passed And spring proclaims rebirth The hope of the harvest is in the seed Now rising from the earth.

2008 Valedictory Address by Kelly Mannes ’08


pes messis in semine.” The hope of the harvest is in the seed. This phrase has followed us through our Mount experience. From the day we first sang, or lip synched for most of us, the Alma Mater, to the day we stood in the Bryce Jordan center pumping our fists and shouting “Spes messis in semine,” it has not left our side. Everywhere we have gone, from the crew team’s exploration of England and French students’ study abroad in the Loire Valley, to our student aid in Mississippi, we have planted a small seed of the Mount. From the Ghanaians to the firemen, Ke Cai our Chinese exchange student, to all of our other 20/20 global partner schools, we have sent the seeds of friendship and understanding, knowledge and compassion in the hope that we could spread the unique and bountiful harvest that is the Mount. Spes messis in semine. I never really gave our motto much thought: We are the seeds, the harvest is the future: the hope of the future is in young women like us. Does this sound familiar? I know we have made light of it before, but, perhaps, our motto calls to mind “on the education of women largely depends the future of society.” There truly is a deep connection between the two statements, but there is also a profound difference. While our mission speaks about education, our motto is based on a seed, because, I think, it speaks about the potential in each of us. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., said, “Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.” While our mission statement says that society depends on the education of women, the motto goes deeper. Spes messis in semine, if one were to actually translate it from Latin, would not say “the hope of the harvest is in the seed,” but, rather, “the hope of the harvest


in the seed.” It is no longer a statement, but an appositive. A renaming. That education – the intelligence and character – is the hope within us. Freshman year, I don’t think any of us really understood what a Mount education meant. On our first retreat, we were told the story of six women in Le Puy, France, and how they began the Sisters of Saint Joseph in 1650. We learned that they not

only made lace, but taught other women this trade. Looking back, I don’t think we saw the significance of the legacy and its continued relevance today. The Mount is so much more than a school; it is one seed out of the thousands that these sisters spread. It is a testament to the power and bounty that can come from something so small if it is nourished and loved. At the time, I doubt any of us realized that we too needed this nourishment and love to become who we are today. We thought we were going to Mount because it is one of the best college preparatory schools there is. We thought that everything revolved around our intellectual gain, but we didn’t understand the second vital pursuit of education. People always ask me, “If you were to do it again, would you go to the Mount?” After my initial shellshock and burst of tears as I think about having to repeat every test, paper, project, lab, and homework assignment from these past four years, my answer is always “yes.” The next question is obviously, “why?” What is it that makes those sleepless nights so worth it? Believe it or not, the reason has little to do with the knowledge we gained from our books. My reason is this: You can learn history, math,

science, a language at any school. You can master an art and get all A’s. You can know everything there is to know about every curriculum and score perfect SATs, but, at the end of the day, have you discovered yourself as a person? So that is what I tell people. Mount’s real college preparation is not feeding you knowledge; it is freeing your character. We hold our heads high because we are confident in who we are. We have learned that we must give respect to receive it. We are heard, because we have the maturity to listen. We are seeds. Inside of us, we already have everything that we need for the future, and that is what the Mount has given us. Because, when we leave this building, when we leave this place called Mount, we are seeds, scattered from our mother plant. Some of us will stay close and some will be taken by the wind to far off places. Yes, there will be harsh times when we feel the weight of the world pressing down on us. There will be moments when we think that life could not help us any less. And it’s at those times that we must remember “Spes messis in semine.” The hope of the harvest in the seed. It is already in us. We are resourceful; we are brave; we survived the Mount. And before we know it, we won’t need that tough shell anymore because we’ll have grown our roots. We will find our passion and make our place. Some of us will be tall trees, towering forces that bend but do not break. Some may be more like perennials, disappearing for a while and then popping up again better than before. And there are those of us who will be like ivy. We keep spreading, unstoppable, never satisfied with one location, with one goal. No matter what we choose to do, we will bring life to those landscapes yet untouched by women. We can adapt, we can grow, and we can succeed in any field. We simply have to believe that we have it in us. Mount has given us the opportunity to be and do whatever we want. For some reason, this makes me sad. I look out among your faces and I see in each one the perfect CEO, mother of the year, and bestselling author. I see humanitarians and Academy Award winners, missionaries and MVPs. I’m sad because I don’t want to choose. I think of the words from one of my favorite authors, Sun Tzu who was a contemporary of Confucius. He asked, “Can you imagine all that I would do, if I could do all that I can?” I find this question so fitting of a Mount graduate. Think about it. If we had the power to achieve all of our goals, if we could grasp those different lifestyles that seem so incompatible and make them work, how much would we be able to achieve? How much would we change the world? We are such a gifted group, truly such Renaissance women, that there are not enough hours in the day for us to do everything. This does not mean, however, that we have to choose just one dream or goal to follow. We will have to sacrifice some, but look at these four Mount years. Look past the papers and at all that we have done. We have given up our time and efforts to so many different activities and made them great. Some of us invested ourselves in one passion. Some of us chose many. Sometimes,

we had to sacrifice for these pursuits of which we so wanted to be a part. We missed the big dance, passed up other clubs and sports, and even gave up a few prime study hours. How much did we gain though? We found new friends, learned new skills, and discovered what it truly means to endure hardships in order to bring a dream into reality. When we are focused on our goals, no matter how many times we fail, we have the ability to continue, the strength to pick ourselves up one more time and keep going. We are no longer fragile little girls. We are the future of society. We are the women who will carry on our shoulders the weight of the world. Yes, it may sound like a formidable task, but God, who is always with us, will not make us do it alone. We are carrying this burden and this gift together. Personally, there is no one else I would rather have beside me. We are the Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph. The women of today who hear God’s call. We are not sisters, however, because we took the same classes and went to the same school. We are sisters because of the sweat we have shed on the sports fields and the tears we have cried on each other’s shoulders. We are sisters because we stick together and support each other. I will sacrifice for you as I know you will sacrifice for me. We argue with and tease each other. We travel and party together. We even lose and suffer as one. Friends, yes, we are those too, but, while you can choose and change friends, your sisters are yours forever. Our legacy will not literally be woven in lace like it was for those founding sister so many years ago, but it will be spun in headlines, shown in the faces of our children, carved into monuments, and whispered at night in the prayers of the poor whom we feed and clothe. We will continue the call to help our dear neighbor and stitch together the pieces of this torn world. So, today, as we look anxiously into the future and nostalgically into the past, we need to take the time to look not only forward and back, but also sideways. Look at the people next to you. Here are our sisters, the women who will never leave our side when we truly need them. Here are the people, our parents, family members, teachers, coaches, and moderators who have helped us form these bonds and find ourselves. You deserve our greatest thanks and praise. You have believed in us and encouraged us to become the women we are today. Without your support, faith, and love, we would never have found the courage to take the risks and reap the rewards. Your guidance has helped lead us down an unique and amazing path for which we are all truly grateful. So, thank you. Now, let us look inside. We hold within ourselves true passion, courage, and knowledge. Look up. It is a limitless sky. And finally, look down. We may not have roots yet, but when we do, they will lead back to here. No matter how far away we are, no matter what places we go or people we meet, our deepest roots will always lead back to the Mount, to each other. Because we know better than anyone else, with this motto e’er before us in life: spes messis in semine. 5

The Class of 2008: Lindsay Ann Breznicky Temple University

Amelia Frances Anderson Temple University

DeSales University DeSales Scholarship

Catherine Teresa Begley PSU Schreyer Honors College

Drexel University Dean’s Scholarship Drexel University Invitation to Pennoni Honors College Florida International University Academic Achievement Scholarship Florida International University Invitation to Honors Program Fordham University Loyola Scholarship Penn State University Academic Excellence Scholarship Penn State University Invitation to Schreyer Honors College University of Delaware, Delaware Scholar University of Delaware Invitation to Honors Program

Amanda Ryan Benincasa Saint Joseph’s University

Saint Joseph’s University, University Scholarship

Lorraine Marie Beppel Fordham University

Fordham University Loyola Scholarship

Cristina Margarita Bernal University of Richmond Scholar, National Hispanic Recognition Program

Fairfield University Presidential Scholarship National Hispanic Scholarship Finalist Full Tuition Award, Ball State University University of Richmond Honors Scholarship

Catherine Jean Bertels University of Pennsylvania

Catholic University of America Alumni Scholarship Catholic University of America Parish Scholarship Catholic University of America University Scholarship Drexel University Dean’s Scholarship Duquesne University Academic Scholarship Gwynedd-Mercy College Dean’s Scholarship University of Pennsylvania, The Hillman Scholarship University of Scranton Loyola Scholarship

Christine Nicole Bono Drexel University

Catholic University of America University Scholarship Drexel University Dean’s Scholarship La Salle University Founders Scholarship

Stephanie Lee Braun University of Pennsylvania


Fairfield University Fellows Scholarship University of Delaware, Delaware Scholar Villanova University Villanova Scholarship

La Salle University Founders Scholarship

Jenna Marie Bryant New York University

The George Washington University Presidential Academic Scholarship

Alexa Concetta Buchanan Juniata College

Drew University Presidential Award for Academic Excellence Juniata College Presidential Scholarship La Salle University Founders Scholarship Rosemont College Holy Child Scholarship Rosemont College Rosemont Scholarship Susquehanna University Dean’s Scholarship Western New England College Presidential Scholars Award

Carolyn Denise Cabrey Lafayette College

Lafayette College Athletic Scholarship

Jenna Victoria Cave The University of Arizona

Arizona State University Sun Devil Scholarship Florida International University Academic Achievement Scholarship Georgia State University Invitation to Honors Program University of Arizona Excellence Award

Elizabeth Ann Certa Fordham University Finalist, National Merit Scholarship Program

Fordham University Finalist/Semifinalist Full Tuition Scholarship Franklin & Marshall College Marshall Scholarship Gettysburg College Presidential Scholarship New York University Baird Urban Experience Program Ursinus College Legacy Scholarship Ursinus College Ursinus Scholarship

Kellyanne Thomson Cleary University of Maryland

Saint Joseph’s University Presidential Scholarship Towson University Provost Scholarship University of South Carolina McKissick Scholars Award

Sarah Elizabeth Collier Boston College Finalist, National Merit Scholarship Program

Boston College Invitation into the Presidential Scholars Program Boston College Presidential Scholars Full Tuition Scholarship Fordham University Finalist/Semifinalist Full Tuition Scholarship Fordham University Invitation to Honors Program Penn State University Invitation to Accelerated Premedical-Medical Program Saint Joseph’s University Invitation to Honors Program Saint Joseph’s University Presidential Scholarship Temple University Honors’ Book Prize Award Temple University Invitation to Honors Program Temple University The Temple Diamond Full-tuition Scholarship

Graduation Happenings 2008

College Acceptances & Awards Sean Elizabeth Conroy University of Dayton

Denison University Founders Scholarship University of Dayton Deans Scholarship University of Dayton Invitation to Honors Program

Kathleen Shea Cooney University of Pittsburgh

University of Dayton President’s Scholarship

Alexandra Victoria Crooks University of Pennsylvania Commended Student, National Merit Scholarship Program Elaine Claire Davis University of Vermont

Concordia University Invitation to Honors Linguistics Program University of Vermont Presidential Scholarship

Caitlin Marie Daw The George Washington University

American University Leadership Scholarship Drexel University Anthony J. Drexel Scholarship La Salle University Founders Scholarship Saint Joseph’s University Presidential Scholarship The George Washington University and Alumni Award The George Washington University Board of Trustees Scholarship Ursinus College Achievement Scholarship

Joanna Katherine Dearolf Georgetown University Finalist, National Merit Scholarship Program

Boston College Invitation to Honors Program Fordham University Finalist/Semifinalist Full Tuition Scholarship Fordham University Invitation to Honors Program La Salle University Founders Scholarship La Salle University Invitation to Honors Program Loyola College in Maryland Presidential Full Tuition Scholarship National Merit Scholarship Corporation Scholarship to Boston College Providence College Invitation to Liberal Arts Honors Program Providence College St. Thomas Aquinas Scholarship Saint Joseph’s University Invitation to Honors Program Saint Joseph’s University Presidential Scholarship University of Notre Dame Invitation to The Glynn Family Honors Program University of Notre Dame Notre Dame Scholar Villanova University Villanova Scholarship

Jessica Lynn Dignam University of Pennsylvania Veronica Alexa Dress The University of Scranton

Fordham University Jogues Scholarship Mount St. Mary’s University Presidential Scholarship Saint Joseph’s University Presidential Scholarship University of Scranton Loyola Scholarship

Catherine Rose Dunn Fordham University Scholar, National Hispanic Recognition Program

Fordham University Finalist/Semifinalist Full Tuition Scholarship Loyola College in Maryland Presidential Scholarship Saint Joseph’s University Invitation to Honors Program Saint Joseph’s University Presidential Scholarship Saint Joseph’s University United Scholars Award

Genevieve Marie Dusing Boston College

Drexel University Anthony J. Drexel Scholarship La Salle University Founders Scholarship Loyola University Chicago Loyola Scholarship Northeastern University Deans’ Scholarship

Alicia Mary Elliott University of Notre Dame

NROTC Scholarship/University of Notre Dame University of Notre Dame Athletic Scholarship

Elise Rosemary Farano University of Southern California Megan Browne Farris Saint Mary’s College

Saint Mary’s College Dean’s Scholarship University of Dayton Dean’s Scholarship University of Dayton East Coast Scholarship

Christine Marie Fesnak University of Delaware

Fordham University Loyola Scholarship Northeastern University Excellence Scholarship University of Delaware, Delaware Scholar University of Delaware Invitation to Honors Program

Melissa Jane Fisher Pennsylvania State University

Catholic University of America Parish Scholarship Catholic University of America University Scholarship

Charlotte Maddock Flynn University of Vermont

University of New Hampshire Dean’s Scholarship University of New Hampshire Invitation to Honors Program 7 University of Vermont Presidential Scholarship

Ryann Elizabeth Gallagher The Catholic University of America

Saint Joseph’s University Achievement Scholarship

Brittany Ann Gavin Fairfield University

Saint Joseph’s University, University Scholarship

Caitlin Rose Foley American University

Duquesne University Academic Scholarship Saint Joseph’s University Presidential Scholarship

Rachel Elizabeth Ford American University Commended Student, National Merit Scholarship Program American University Dean’s Scholarship American University Invitation to Honors Program Drexel University Invitation to Pennoni Honors College Drexel University Presidential Full Tuition Scholarship Fordham University Dean’s Scholarship Fordham University Invitation to Honors Program George Washington University Presidential Academic Scholarship New York University Trustee Scholarship Penn State University Academic Excellence Scholarship Penn State University Invitation to Schreyer Honors College The Prudential Spirit of Community Award

Alyssa Rita Frederick American University

American University Invitation to Honors Program American University Presidential Scholarship Drexel University Anthony J. Drexel Scholarship Drexel University Invitation to Pennoni Honors College Fordham University Dean’s Scholarship Fordham University Invitation to Honors Program George Washington University Invitation to Honors Program George Washington University Presidential Academic Scholarship

Laura Rose Free American University Commended Student, National Merit Scholarship Program American University Invitation to Honors Program St. Stanislaus Parish CYO/Youth Ministry Scholarship

Indira Rose Friel Temple University Finalist, National Merit Scholarship Program

Drexel University Anthony J. Drexel Scholarship Drexel University Invitation to College of Medicine/Drexel University Drexel University Invitation to College of Medicine/Ursinus College Drexel University Invitation to College of Medicine/Villanova University Drexel University Invitation to Pennoni Honors College La Salle University Founders Scholarship La Salle University Invitation to Honors Program Temple University Full-Tuition Academic Scholarship Temple University Honors’ Book Prize Award Temple University Invitation to Honors Program Temple University School of Medicine Invitation to Scholars Linkage Program University of the Sciences in Philadelphia Merit Award 8 Ursinus College Zacharias Scholarship

Morgan Kathleen Gill Saint Joseph’s University

Fordham University Loyola Scholarship Loyola College in Maryland Presidential Scholarship Saint Joseph’s University Invitation to Honors Program Saint Joseph’s University Presidential Scholarship University of Scranton Dean’s Scholarship

Mary Kathleen Gillespie La Salle University Finalist, National Merit Scholarship Program

Drexel University Anthony J. Drexel Scholarship Drexel University Invitation to Pennoni Honors College La Salle University Founders Scholarship La Salle University Full-Tuition Christian Brothers Scholarship La Salle University Invitation to Honors Program

Megan Patricia Gimpel Pennsylvania State University

Penn State University Talent Merit Scholarship Temple University Boyer Scholarship Temple University Scholar Award

Susan Katherine Green University of Colorado Jacqueline Ivey Hain University of Pennsylvania Lauren Kelli Haney Loyola College in Maryland

Saint Joseph’s University Presidential Scholarship University of Scranton Loyola Scholarship

Erin Theresa Healy Elizabethtown College

Immaculata University Scholarship Saint Joseph’s University Presidential Scholarship Seton Hall University Scholarship

Meghan Elizabeth Held Pennsylvania State University

Catholic University of America Alumni Scholarship Catholic University of America Parish Scholarship Catholic University of America University Scholarship

Anjelica Jasmine Hicks Temple University

La Salle University Founders Scholarship

Janie Mary Hofmann Roger Williams University

Arcadia University Distinguished Scholarship Indiana University of Pennsylvania Invitation to Honors Program University of Scranton Loyola Scholarship

Caroline Helena Holmes Saint Joseph’s University

Catholic University of America Scholarship Saint Joseph’s University Achievement Scholarship

Emily Elizabeth Hunter Fordham University

Catholic University of America Alumni Scholarship Catholic University of America Parish Scholarship Catholic University of America University Scholarship Fordham University Loyola Scholarship Saint Joseph’s University Presidential Scholarship

Stephanie Kathryn Hyder Marist College Laura Carroll Iacovetti Brown University

Clare Marie Kohler Villanova University

Laura Marie Johnson Princeton University

Fordham University Jogues Scholarship Saint Mary’s College LeMans Award

Margaret Mary Kehan Harvard College

Joanna Marie Krasnisky Fordham University

Kathryn Clare Kelley Ursinus College Commended Student, National Merit Scholarship Program Albright College National Honors Society Award Albright College’s Jacob Albright Scholarship Catholic University Invitation to University Honors Program Drexel University Anthony J. Drexel Scholarship Drexel University Invitation to Pennoni Honors College Elizabethtown College Invitation to Honors Program Elizabethtown College Presidential Scholarship Fordham University Dean’s Scholarship Franklin & Marshall College Presidential Scholarship Juniata College Quinter Scholarship La Salle University Founders Scholarship Providence College Invitation to Liberal Arts Honors Program Providence College St. Thomas Aquinas Scholarship University of Scranton Dean’s Scholarship Ursinus College, Ursinus Scholarship

Alyssa Mariette Kichula Brown University Finalist, National Merit Scholarship Program

Boston University Merit University Scholarship Fordham University Finalist/Semifinalist Full Tuition Scholarship Northwestern University Founders Scholarship

Lawren Claire Kieffer Brown University Elizabeth Sophia Kiernan Fordham University

Drexel University Dean’s Scholarship Fordham University Athletic Scholarship Fordham University Tuition Award Philadelphia University Faculty Scholarship Philadelphia University Invitation to Honors Program Philadelphia University Merit Award Saint Joseph’s University Presidential Scholarship

Dominican College Athletic Scholarship Drexel University Athletic Scholarship Fordham University Athletic Scholarship Mount Saint Mary’s University Athletic Scholarship St. John’s University Athletic Scholarship

Claire Marie Kueny University of Notre Dame

Fairfield University Fellows Scholarship Fairfield University Invitation to Honors Program Fordham University Dean’s Scholarship

Kelly Ann Lagreca Temple University

Catholic University of America Alumni Scholarship Catholic University of America Parish Scholarship Catholic University of America University Scholarship Drexel University Dean’s Scholarship Saint Joseph’s University, University Scholarship University of Scranton Loyola Scholarship

Michelle Therese Lally Loyola College in Maryland

Northeastern University Achievement Award Salve Regina University Trustee Scholarship

Caroline Mary Laschenski Drexel University

Cabrini College Achievement Scholarship Cabrini College Invitation to Honors Program Drexel University Dean’s Scholarship

Geraldine Patricia Lavin Temple University Rebekah Elizabeth Lederer University of Rhode Island

Nova Southeastern University Honor Award Scholarship Saint Joseph’s University Legacy Scholarship


Kelly Elizabeth Mannes The George Washington University Finalist, National Merit Scholarship Program

American University Dean’s Scholarship George Washington University Invitation to Honors Program George Washington University Presidential Academic Scholarship New York University Baird Urban Experience Program Syracuse University Founders’ Scholarship Syracuse University, University Scholarship

Mary Kate Leis Pennsylvania State University

Commerce Bank American Dream Scholarship Fordham University Loyola Scholarship PharmaNet Development Group Employee Scholarship Saint Joseph’s University Presidential Scholarship University of Delaware, Delaware Scholar University of Maryland President’s Scholarship

Katharine Rose Leonard Bucknell University Margaret Holly Libonati Carnegie Mellon University Commended Student, National Merit Scholarship Program

Carnegie Mellon Presidential Scholarship Drexel University Anthony J. Drexel Scholarship Drexel University Invitation to Pennoni Honors College Drexel University Invitation to STAR Scholars Program Lehigh University Dean’s Scholarship Lehigh University Integrated Degree Honors Program (IDEAS) University of Delaware, Delaware Scholar University of Delaware Invitation to Honors Program University of Pittsburgh Academic Scholarship University of Pittsburgh Invitation to GSPIA Master’s Degree Program University of Pittsburgh Invitation to Honors Program University of Pittsburgh University Scholar

Mary-Allison Mackell The University of Scranton

DeSales University DeSales Scholarship Moravian College Founders Scholarship Saint Joseph’s University Presidential Scholarship University of Scranton Loyola Scholarship

Lauren Ann Macolino Temple University

Drexel University Dean’s Scholarship Saint Joseph’s University Presidential Scholarship Temple University, University Scholarship University of Scranton Loyola Scholarship

Elizabeth Jeanette Malazita Temple University

Cabrini College Achievement Scholarship La Salle University Founders Scholarship University of Hartford Alumni Scholarship

Kathryn Anne Malone Duquesne University


Duquesne University Academic Scholarship Hofstra University Presidential Scholarship University of Scranton Loyola Scholarship

Megan Elizabeth Marron La Salle University

Catholic University of America Alumni Scholarship Catholic University of America Parish Scholarship Catholic University of America University Scholarship DeSales University Physician’s Assistant Scholarship DeSales University Trustee Scholarship Doylestown Hospital Volunteer Memorial Scholarship Drexel University Dean’s Scholarship Duquesne University Academic Scholarship La Salle University Community Service Scholarship La Salle University Founders Scholarship La Salle University Invitation to Honors Program Saint Joseph’s University Presidential Scholarship St. John’s University Invitation to Honors Program St. John’s University Invitation to Ozanam Scholar Program St. John’s University Ozanam Scholar Program Scholarship St. John’s University Scholastic Excellence Scholarship University of Scranton Dean’s Scholarship

Marie Ann Masturzo University of Delaware

Drexel University Dean’s Scholarship

Rose Teresa Mazurek Fordham University Emily Rachel McCulloch Saint Joseph’s University

Cabrini College Achievement Scholarship Drexel University Dean’s Scholarship La Salle University Founders Scholarship Saint Joseph’s University Presidential Scholarship

Kelly-Ann Marie McFarlane Loyola College in Maryland

University of Scranton Loyola Scholarship

Sarah Jessica McGorry Lafayette College

Lafayette College Athletic Scholarship United Cerebral Palsy Association, 2008 All-Star Labor Classic Scholarship

Colleen Catherine McGowan Lafayette College

Lafayette College Athletic Scholarship

Allison Lynn McLaren Franklin and Marshall College

Catholic University of America Scholarship Saint Joseph’s University, University Scholarship

Katie-Lee McLaughlin Temple University

Arcadia University Achievement Award La Salle University Founders Scholarship

Patricia Ann McMullen University of Maryland

Northeastern University Deans’ Scholarship University of Delaware Agricultural Science Scholarship University of Maryland Invitation to CIVICUS Program University of Maryland President’s Scholarship

Colleen Mary McNamara San Diego State University

Temple University Scholar Award

Michelle Theresa McNamara Villanova University

American University Dean’s Scholarship Saint Joseph’s University Presidential Scholarship University of Scranton Dean’s Scholarship University of Scranton Invitation to Honors Program

Linda Ann McSorley Fordham University

Catholic University Invitation to University Honors Program Fordham University Dean’s Scholarship

Kellie Anne McWilliams Drexel University

Drexel University Dean’s Scholarship University of Vermont Presidential Scholarship

Caroline Anne Menapace Fairfield University

Catholic University of America Scholarship Drexel University Dean’s Scholarship La Salle University Founders Scholarship

Sarah Casey Milligan Loyola College in Maryland

Fordham University Loyola Scholarship

Caitlin Marie O’Donnell Fairfield University Jenna Leigh O’Neill Fordham University

Fordham University Athletic Scholarship

Hilary Ruth O’Shea University of Pennsylvania, The Wharton School Caitlin Anne O’Toole University of Delaware Megan Theresa Patterson American University

American University Dean’s Scholarship Drexel University Anthony J. Drexel Scholarship Drexel University Invitation to Pennoni Honors College Duquesne University Academic Scholarship University of Delaware, Delaware Scholar

Maureen Catherine Pedicino Drexel University

Drexel University Dean’s Scholarship Saint Joseph’s University University Scholarship

Sandra Agatha Miskiel Drexel University

Drexel University Dean’s Scholarship

Jessica Madden Peirce Dickinson College Commended Student, National Merit Scholarship Program

Laura Anne Monaco Villanova University

Regina Elayne Perri Boston College

Saint Joseph’s University Presidential Scholarship Ursinus College Achievement Award

Amanda Bernadette Nolan Loyola College in Maryland Caitlin Marie O’Connell University of Rochester Commended Student, National Merit Scholarship Program Drexel University Anthony J. Drexel Scholarship Drexel University Invitation to Pennoni Honors College University of Pittsburgh Invitation to Honors Program University of Rochester Deans’ Scholarship

Northeastern University Deans’ Scholarship

Nicole Rose Poiesz The College of New Jersey

Saint Joseph’s University Presidential Scholarship The College of New Jersey Merit Scholarship University of Denver Provost Scholarship Washington College Academic Tuition Scholarship

Megan Teresa Pugh Temple University

Jacksonville University Academic Scholarship University of Tampa, Tampa Scholarship


Karly Rose Pulcinella Saint Joseph’s University

Northwest Veterans Association/St. Joseph’s University Scholarship Saint Joseph’s University Presidential Scholarship University of Scranton Loyola Scholarship

Sarah Elizabeth Quain Saint Joseph’s University Commended Student, National Merit Scholarship Program Fordham University Dean’s Scholarship Goucher College Global Citizen Scholarship Saint Joseph’s University Full Tuition Scholarship Saint Joseph’s University Invitation to Honors Program

Katherine Anne Reinprecht Princeton University Jessica Marie Resnick Rhode Island School of Design

Drexel University Anthony J. Drexel Scholarship Drexel University Invitation to Pennoni Honors College Moore College of Art and Design Board of Trustees Scholarship Philadelphia University Faculty Scholarship Philadelphia University Invitation to Honors Program Pratt Institute Merit-Based Scholarship

Meghan Gallagher Ross Villanova University

Allegheny College Trustee Scholarship New College of Florida NFC Scholarship Saint Joseph’s University Presidential Scholarship Villanova University Tuition Exchange Scholarship

Micaela Lynn Samodelov American University Commended Student, National Merit Scholarship Program American University Dean’s Scholarship University of Pittsburgh Invitation to Honors Program

Caitlin Monica Sanchez University of Maryland

Saint Joseph’s University United Scholars Award Saint Joseph’s University, University Scholarship

Kira Elizabeth Scafidi Radford University Megan Murray Schluckebier Drexel University

Drexel University Alumni Award Drexel University Alumni Endorsement Scholarship Drexel University Athletic Scholarship Drexel University Dean’s Scholarship Saint Joseph’s University Presidential Scholarship

Allison Marie Serpico Haverford College Finalist, National Merit Scholarship Program Michele Lynn Steinmetz Pennsylvania State University


La Salle University Founders Scholarship Saint Joseph’s University, University Scholarship

Devon Marie Stewart Harvard College Shannon Marie Stocklin Washington College

Delaware Valley College Faculty Scholarship Washington College Academic Tuition Scholarship

Kieran Mae Sweeney University of Pennsylvania Emily Ybeltje Sybrandy Temple University

Drexel University Dean’s Scholarship Saint Joseph’s University Presidential Scholarship Saint Joseph’s University United Scholars Award Temple University Scholar Award

Maria Christina Sylvester Mount Saint Mary’s University

Mount St. Mary’s University Invitation to Honors Program Mount St. Mary’s University Presidential Scholarship North Penn Area Scholarship

Caitlin Marie Tapper Drexel University

Arcadia University Achievement Award Drexel University Dean’s Scholarship La Salle University Founders Scholarship Neumann College Achievement Award

Mary Rebecca Tate Lehigh University Finalist, National Merit Scholarship Program

Drexel University Anthony J. Drexel Scholarship Drexel University Invitation to Pennoni Honors College Messiah College Provost Scholarship Saint Joseph’s University Invitation to Honors Program Saint Joseph’s University Presidential Scholarship

Katherine Anne Tenzinger The George Washington University Commended Student, National Merit Scholarship Program

American University Dean’s Scholarship George Washington University, University and Alumni Scholarship New York University College of Arts & Science Scholarship The George Washington University Presidential Academic Scholarship

Margaret Patricia Thompson Fordham University

La Salle University Founders Scholarship Saint Joseph’s University Presidential Scholarship

John T. Sasso, Recipient of Fournier Medal for Distinguished Service to Mount Saint Joseph Academy

Christine Gabrielle Torrisi Temple University

Temple University Scholar Award

Amy Elizabeth Toth Gwynedd-Mercy College

Saint Joseph’s University Presidential Scholarship

Victoria Anne Vandegrift Michigan State University

Florida International University Academic Achievement Scholarship Michigan State University Presidential Study Abroad Scholarship Michigan State University Scholars Award Penn State University Abby Sutherland Scholarship

Lyndsey Marie Wajert The George Washington University

American University Leadership Scholarship University of Scranton Loyola Scholarship

Gail Elizabeth Walsh Pennsylvania State University

Drexel University Dean’s Scholarship

Meredith Leigh Weber Bucknell University Elizabeth Ann Welsh Saint Joseph’s University

Each year at graduation, a member of the Mount community is recognized with the Fournier Medal for Distinguished Service to the Academy. This year’s recipient, John Sasso, center in photo above, is a shining example of someone who upholds the ideals of the foundress of the Mount, Mother Saint John Fournier. His dedication on the Board of Directors and his commitment and generosity to Catholic education has made an impact on many Mount students. We are grateful for his leadership during the Foundations for the Future campaign and his work on the Development Committee of the Board. John is pictured with Arthur Pasquarella, Chairman of the MSJA Board of Directors, and Sister Kathleen Brabson, SSJ, MSJA President.

Saint Joseph’s University Presidential Scholarship

K. Taylor Wild University of California

Drexel University Anthony J. Drexel Scholarship Drexel University Invitation to Pennoni Honors College Loyola College in Maryland Presidential Scholarship Saint Joseph’s University Invitation to Honors Program Saint Joseph’s University Presidential Scholarship University of California, San Diego Regents Scholarship University of Delaware, Delaware Scholar University of Delaware Invitation to Honors Program University of Richmond Invitation to Honors Law Program University of Richmond Scholars Program Villanova University Villanova Scholarship

Katelyn Marie Williams Villanova University

From the Archives

Grecian Gowns are always in style at the Mount. Above: Graduating Class of 1904. Below: Undated photo of “Our Lady’s Crowners.”

Drexel University Dean’s Scholarship Moravian College Trustee Scholarship

Monica Elizabeth Yantosh Elon University

Elon University Presidential Scholarship Rider University Baccalaureate Honors Program Rider University Presidential Scholarship

The college acceptances and awards represent all those received by May 2, 2008


Join us for the MSJA

Founders’ Day Celebr ation October 15, 2008

Chestnut Hill College

Invitations to follow

There’s no better time to come back to the Mount than now! Mark your calendars as the Mount celebrates 150 years of excellence in education. All alumnae, current and past parents and benefactors are invited.

Honor ary Chairs Sister Mary Dacey, SSJ, Former President of Mount Saint Joseph Academy Lois Trench-Hines ’60, President and CEO of Meniscus, Inc. Dr. Angela Stout ’83, Former President --MSJA Alumnae Association, and current Alumnae Board Member


hen first asked to serve as an honorary cochair for the 150th Anniversary of Mount Saint Joseph Academy, I wondered, Why me? I certainly have enough gray hair, but there are so many other wonderful graduates of my era who have given back to the school and community more than I. However, I realize that I may represent the Northwestern Avenue “bridge” between the “old” Mount and the “new” Mount. What an honor! I will do my best to represent the best, for the best! -Lois Trench-Hines ’60


March 6 – 7, 2009

Celebr ation Weekend Co-Chairs: We are honored that the following couples have agreed to Chair the 150th Anniversary Celebration Weekend Festivities:

150th Happenings Anniversary

150th Anniversary Celebr ation weekend

Barbara and Bill Hirst Nancy and Jim Powers Ginny Bendinger Wischhusen ’70 & Bob Wischhusen

Pre-Gala Celebr ation Friday, March 6, 2009 Mount Saint Joseph Academy

• • • •

Cocktail Reception Light Fare MSJA Sports Hall of Fame Induction Silent Auction

150th Anniversary Gala / Alumnae Reunion Celebr ation Saturday, March 7, 2009 Crystal Tea Room, Philadelphia

The Crystal Tea Room is one of the most elegant banquet facilities in Philadelphia with a very sophisticated, old world feel. • • • • • • • •

Premium Open Bar for the Evening Cocktail Reception featuring hot and cold hors doeuvres, seafood bar and Italian pasta station Gourmet Dinner Viennese Sweet Room (chocolate fondue, international coffee station) Dancing and Live Band Live Auction Free Parking Special Hotel Accommodations are being arranged at the Ritz Carlton and the Philadelphia Marriott


Four of my classmates and I returned to Mount Saint Joseph Academy on April 29th...

Back to School for these Golden Girls


by Madeleine Mansell Keehn ’50

ifty-eight years after graduation, five “Golden Girls,” alumnae from the class of 1950 returned to Mount Saint Joseph Academy on April 29, 2008. Joan Marie Hartmann Bamberger, Joan Calhoun Reynolds, Mary Elizabeth Logan, Mary A. Harbison Dobson and I were there to attend classes at our Alma Mater. As the school is preparing to celebrate its 150th anniversary, we wanted to see if going to school in the 21st Century would differ from the “old days” at the Mount when it was in Chestnut Hill. Upon arriving, we noticed many yellow buses from the surrounding school districts as well as a full parking lot. In our day, World War II and gas rationing were over, but most families had just one car. Therefore, only two or three girls in our class drove to school. All others came by public transportation. The number 23 trolley car on Germantown Avenue and the L bus routes terminated at the top of Chestnut Hill, otherwise known as the Loop. We transferred to the Auch bus for the final leg of our trip down the avenue. Disembarking at the school’s entrance and carrying many pounds of textbooks in our arms in all kinds of weather, (tote bags and backpacks weren’t in fashion), we usually had to run up the steep driveway to be on time or face the consequence; a detention. On this April day, the students were wearing their summer uniforms of khaki skirts and white knit shirts, loafers and tights. They definitely looked a lot more comfortable than we had been in our yearround heavy navy blue wool serge uniforms with knife pleats and heavily starched, button-on, white hemstitched collars and cuffs.

We were pleased that these modern-day Mounties were using all the technological tools available to them with ease. Computers, smart boards and computergenerated discs appeared to be second nature to them.

“We could see the seniors receiving their Grecian gowns for graduation.... Some things never change.”

We learned that our usual 45-minute periods of the ’50s had been extended to 80 minutes, thanks to block scheduling. We saw that time flew by as the classes we attended were over in what appeared to be very short order. We found them to be interesting, stimulating and being taught in a relaxed atmosphere with much student interaction. Our learning model reflected the traditions of the times with students seated for most of the class and a Sister of St. Joseph teaching at the blackboard.


Each one of us attended a class either on the Introduction to American Literature, Honors Colonial History, Introduction to Design Basics, AP History or General Biology. Four out of the five classes observed were taught by men. We understand that there are four Sisters on the faculty with other Sisters in leadership roles in the administration and still others are on staff. About 32 laywomen and 3 other laymen complete the teaching staff. When we attended MSJA, we had Sisters of St. Joseph teach us every subject except Speech and Gym.

In the art classroom, there was a display of collages the students had made to express relationships. A variety of very creative art projects in several media lined the perimeter of the room. Some of the students were working independently on their portfolios while others were learning about still life composition and thumbnail sketches. The kilns used for firing were in a special room in this well-equipped art wing. It left me pondering over our art experience in the basement art room of the Academy. The secret to our varying degrees of success in that subject was due entirely to Sister Mary Julia, I’m sure. She was the fulltime art teacher at Chestnut Hill College for many years and also taught the art class for freshmen at the Mount.

One of the students noticed my class ring and wondered if that was the style I had chosen. As I recall, the only choice we had was: did we or did we not want that ring? Today, Juniors receive their class rings during Junior Week. This includes a retreat, a special breakfast in Fontbonne Hall, the Ring Mass, dress down Thursday, and finally, the day off on Friday with their prom that evening.

Of course, lunch is always a favorite on any student’s schedule, and even today we were no different. We met the Mount’s chef, Dennis Littley, who showed us that there were hot and cold entrée selections, hot soup, sandwiches, salads, a nutritionladen salad bar and more awaiting us. Remember carrying your lunch in a brown paper bag to the ground level cafeteria in the College’s building? Or perhaps you bought your lunch from the two dear nuns who ran the whole lunch room operation. Or did you wait tables in the College dining room at lunch time, and receive a hot meal for your efforts, then hurry back to the Mount for afternoon class? At a table in Fontbonne Hall, we exchanged our observations about our time in class and concurred that we were favorably impressed. We learned that the Student Council reads morning announcements every day over the PA system after morning prayers are read by Principal Sister Karen Dietrich, SSJ. For those who want to attend, a Communion Service is held in the chapel every morning before the school day begins. A prayer may be offered at the start of each class. There is a Founders’ Day mass at the Motherhouse chapel every year. We reminisced about wearing white veils and our Child of Mary medals, and attending Child of Mary sodality weekly in the Motherhouse Convent chapel. Wearing our black veils, we could always visit the Mount’s beautiful little chapel on the third floor. Many did. We were glad that the Latin, French and Spanish clubs still exist. Although our service opportunities were more limited than those available today, we did remember the children at St. John’s Orphanage and donate to the missions, etc. At today’s Mount, there are tutoring and service projects at the LaSalle Academy and St. Francis Inn located in Philadelphia, Women of Hope, the Community Service Corps, Kids Helping Kids or Operation Smile. And these are just some of the opportunities available to serve their fellow man. The Athletic Association representatives from each class are the liaisons between their classmates and the association. We had an allschool Athletic Association that fostered team sports and athletic events throughout the year. Students earned points for participating. They sponsored

150th Happenings Anniversary

At the change of classes, we were surprised to see that the students were talking in the hallways. Do any readers remember walking in single file, in silence, and keeping to the right in the corridor?

a welcome back hot dog roast in the Fall at Harper’s Meadow across the Avenue from the Mount. In the Spring, everyone received awards and met their new officers for the following year during the annual picnic at Valley Forge Park. While discussing our findings, we could see the seniors receiving their Grecian gowns for graduation. Some things never change. I must note that the era in which we lived was quite different from today. We were expected to obey many rules and regulations. Student Council members encouraged us to follow their good example. They could issue detentions for talking in the locker room, the classroom (before the Sister arrived), the stairways, and study hall. On Friday afternoon, detentions were satisfied by writing a chosen quote many times over. Ten cent fines were levied if a student didn’t have her collar and cuffs on or forgot them altogether. Untidy wire lockers were also subject to fines. We all had a wonderful time attending classes, chatting with the students and their teachers and enjoying lunch in the cafeteria. Naturally we couldn’t explore every possibility, but we came away satisfied that the students and the school are in good hands. Oh, yes, and we even made it into the Fox29 News that evening. Note: To view the Fox29 Broadcast featuring the Goldent Girls’ visit at the Mount, visit our website at

Photo Captions: Opposite page, top: Yearbook photos from 1950: left to right: Joan Calhoun Reynolds, Joan Marire Hartmann Bamberger, Mary Anne Harbison Dobson, Madeleine Mansell Keehn, and Mary Elizabeth Logan. Photo. Center: Posing for a reuniion photo beneath the print that depicts images of the “Old Mount,” and the “New Mount.” Back row from left to right: Joan Marie Hartmann Bamberger, Joan Calhoun Reynolds, and Mary Elizabeth Logan. Front row, left to right: Mary Harbison Dobson and Madeleine (Madge) Mansell Keehn. This page, top: Madge Mansell Keehn is interviewed by Fox29 News. Center: As always, lunch is a high point in any school day!! Mary Harbison Dobson looks forward to sampling the lunch prepared by Chef Dennis Littley and his wonderful staff. Below: Joan Marie Hartmann Bamberger and Laura Walters '09 puzzle over a fermentation question in biology class as teacher Jonathan Howe looks on.


A Fond Farewell and A Warm Welcome Never go ahead of grace through eagerness, But await its moment in peace; And when it comes to you, Follow it with great gentleness and courage. The following was reprinted from a letter to the Mount Community from S. Kathleen Brabson, SSJ, President of MSJA, and S. Karen Dietrich, SSJ, Principal. We choose these words from a Maxim of the Sisters of St. Joseph to share with you the decision of Sister Kathy Letts, our Dean of Studies (above, left), to leave her ministry at the Mount. We are very grateful for her 12 years of committed and dedicated service to our young women. Sister Kathy has spent countless hours, meeting with students, perfecting schedules and developing rosters. We are not sure anyone will ever know how much care, effort, and time she has spent to ensure that the Mount, every day, runs smoothly always with her eyes on the mission and beliefs of this fine institution. We wish her continued graces and blessings in her new ministry. This coming August, Sister Kathy will begin as the Assistant to the Dean for the School of Undergraduate Studies at Chestnut Hill College.We know that she will bring her great gifts of heart and mind to make a difference in her new position in the same

way she has at the Mount. She will be greatly missed! During the past months, we have interviewed prayerfully and carefully for the new Dean of Studies. We are very pleased to welcome Ms. Eileen Wilkinson (above, right) to the Mount community. Ms. Wilkinson brings with her over two decades of experience in Catholic education. She has taught elementary through high school students. During her years, she has held numerous administrative positions including department chair, dean of students and assistant principal for academic affairs. In each of these positions, she has reached out to students, faculty and parents. Most evident is her deep affection for the charism of unity and reconciliation of the Sisters of St. Joseph that is at the heart of the Mount Mission. With an expressed understanding of excellence tempered with gentleness, she is committed to the education of young women. How fortunate we are to have her join our administrative team.

MSJA Students Named “Champions of Caring” Congratulations to three Mount students, Claire Geruson ’09, Jacqueline Nucero ’09, and Jessica Powers ’09 who were honored for their community service work by the Champions of Caring Foundation at a ceremony on May 15th at Drexel University. Champions of Caring’s mission is to create Cultures of Caring in our communities. According to Founder and President Barbara Shaiman, students named as Champions of Caring are “the heroes of our time and the hope and promise for a glorious tomorrow.” Their aim is to move toward acts of service that go against violence, prejudice and indifference. Claire Geruson’s service areas include: children, homeless, hunger, and social justice; she was recognized for her work with children with disabilities and with the homeless, through the St. Francis Inn Soup Kitchen, La Salle Academy students, and Camden connection. Jessica Powers’ service areas include: the environment, public safety, social justice, and poverty; she was recognized for her work with Mississippi and New Orleans response.


Jacqueline Nucero’s service areas include: children, poverty, and hunger; she was recognized for her work at Holy Child School in Canton, Mississippi, and at La Salle Academy.

No Ordinary Class This Marketing Class Has Heart


espite its name, “Introduction to Business Marketing” is no ordinary class. It’s a hands-on experience in running a real business, with a twist—the profits are donated to a charity which the class chooses, and the product generally sells out in under a half-hour. The class sets up a “company” with a president, vice president, CEO (business teacher, Mrs. Melanie McLeod, is always the CEO), and four departments: Finance, Production, Marketing and Public Relations. The students assume the roles and work together to make and sell “the product” which generally sells for $20, in order to gain real-world business experience. In the Fall semester, the class, “The Dream Team,” produced a black thermal t-shirt featuring a quote from Jack Johnson, “Don’t let your dreams be dreams.” The proceeds were donated to the Make-a-Wish Foundation. The goal was to sell at least 200 products in order to raise $1,000, and they ended up selling 230, with $1,019 in profits. In order to promote the product, students did an excellent job of engaging the entire Mount community, even managing to convince MSJA President S. Kathleen Brabson to be filmed for their commercial, running through the halls to buy the product!! (See the You Tube commercial at At the culmination of the class, the corporation holds a “Liquidation Party” which features an overview of the project and the presentation of the check to the recipient. Each class also donates a portion of the proceeds to the Mount endowment fund. S. Kathleen Brabson, SSJ, thanked the students for their donation, and said, “You make it possible to invite another student to come to the Mount.”

Shane’s Kindness During the second session of the Business Marketing class, the Kindness Krew Corp chose the charity, “Shane’s Kindness,” which was started by the parents of Shane Halligan, a Springfield High School student who took his own life in 2006. According to the Fund’s website,, the Shane Halligan Memorial Fund seeks to pass on Shane’s kindness; it “will help children throughout our community ...and will remove the financial obstacles that so often prevent children from following their dreams.” The class sold a package of three items for $20: a baseball shirt, tote bag and sunglasses. On the front of the shirt is the word “kindness,” and on the back, “pass it on,” with a graphic of Chinese symbol for the word “Kindness.” The product sold out, and the class was able to present a

check for $1100 to John and Donna Halligan for the charity. This inspired some of the students’ parents to donate to the charity, with one of them matching the class’s proceeds. Donna Halligan addressed the students: “Thank you for thinking of him and thinking of us. He was an awesome kid…that’s why we started the website and the fund. It really makes us feel good – the money goes right back into the community. It is overwhelming the amount of money that has been donated to the fund. Sister Kathleen Brabson, SSJ: “Thank you for giving back to the community that has cared for you as you grieve. Thank you for dealing with your grief in such a positive way.” To view the Kindness Krew Corp’s commercial for Shane’s Kindness, visit

Summer of Hope By Kate Tenzinger ’08 President of Summer of Hope


y business marketing class named our company, “Summer of Hope.” We chose the Berry Family Foundation as our charity. Nicole Berry, a sophomore at Villa Joe, was diagnosed with bone cancer earlier this year. As she fought this horrible disease, her father, Christopher, unfortunately lost his battle with cancer. Our class was introduced to this family by Meghan Weiser, a Mount freshman. Meghan told us of the struggles the family was facing as a result of their loss, and as a class, we knew that we could be of assistance to this deserving family. Our company, composed entirely of Mount juniors and seniors, began by setting several goals including a fundraising amount, practicing teamwork, and selling out of our product. In order to achieve these goals, our company would have to create a unique and appealing product. We chose to design and market navy blue yoga pants on which we had printed an anchor surrounded by the Kenny Chesney lyric, “Let’s sail away where no problems can find us.” Needless to say, the product was a huge success. We completely sold out and raised $1,100 for the Berry Family Foundation. This class is a real asset to the Mount curriculum. While learning the essentials of running a business, you also learn about teamwork, communication, and community responsibility. I highly encourage all Mount girls to take Business Marketing because you will learn lessons that will benefit you throughout your life. Photo Captions: Left, middle: Colleen McNamara ’08, president of the Dream Team, presents a check to Mr. Mickey Dominick of the Makea-Wish Foundation. Left, bottom: Shane Halligan’s parents accept the donation from Megan Schaeffer ’09, president of the Kindness Krew. Right: Summer of Hope president, Katie Tenzinger, and VP human resources, Amelia Anderson, give their presentation. 19

150th Celebration of Athletics at the Mount

A Message from Janet Columbro, MSJA Athletic Director: As the Mount celebrates its 150th year of educating young women, I am attempting to collect and preserve memories of Mount athletics. Over the next year I will be collecting information about our athletic teams and any sports memorabilia. It is my goal to display this information at the first Athletic Hall of Fame (AHOF) induction to be held at the Pre-Gala Party, Friday March 6, 2009, as part of the 150th Anniversary festivities. We are asking for your help. If you would please fill out the information sheet below and return it to me at your earliest convenience, I would greatly appreciate it. (If you would prefer, you may download this form at Name_____________________________________________________________________Graduating Year __________________ Phone number___________________________________________________Email: _____________________________________ Address___________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sports you played: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Coaches you had: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Teammates: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Championships won: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Undefeated seasons: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Special Highlights: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have any team photos that I could borrow?



Do you have any sports memorabilia from your days at the Mount (programs, uniforms, equipment, etc.) that you would be willing to lend us for display at the event?



May I contact you about your experiences with Mount Athletics?



Thank you very much for your time and cooperation. Feel free to contact me at 215-233-9124 or Janet Columbro, Athletic Director Mount Saint Joseph Academy 120 West Wissahickon Avenue Flourtown, PA 19031

ing the Mount’s c n u o Athletic Hall of Fame! Ann Know Someone Who Should be Nominated? Introducing the new MSJA Athletic Hall of Fame! In honor of the Mount’s 150th Anniversary, we will have our first Athletic Hall of Fame (AHOF) induction to be held at the Pre-Gala Party, Friday March 6, 2009, as part of the 150th Anniversary festivities.


If you know of a Mount athlete, coach or benefactor who may be a candidate for induction into the AHOF, please go to and click on the link to visit the Athletic Hall of Fame information page and to download the nomination forms. Nominations will be accepted until October 31st.

Softball 2nd Team Joanna Krasnisky ’08 Meg Rothwell ’09 Honorable Mention Liz Malazita ’08

Lacrosse Kellyanne Cleary ’08, Charlotte Flynn ’08 Brittany Gavin ’08 Caitlyn O’Donnell ’08 Nicole Schuster ’10

Track 1st Team 1600 M- Tori Perri ’10 long jump-Priscilla Donnalley ’10 2nd Team Katie Gallagher-3200M ’10 Sarah Pinchock-300 MH ’09 Caroline Sweeney-Discus ’10 Honorable Mention Sarah Pinchock-High Jump ’09 Caroline Sweeney-Shot Put ’10 Kiernan Sweeney-Javelin ’08

Happenings Athletics

Congratulations to our Spring All-Stars:

Kudos to Crew Kudos to the Crew Team, which won a number of medals at the Stotesbury Regatta and at Nationals. Stotesbury Regatta Mount Crew participated in Stotesbury Cup Regatta, the world’s oldest and largest high school regatta, May 16-17, in Philadelphia. Stotesbury officials estimated 4,890 athletes, not including alternates, and a record 860 boats. The regatta, in its 82nd year, is billed as the world’s oldest and largest high school rowing competition. Teams from 180 schools from across North America converged along Kelly Drive and competed in 28 championship races on Saturday, May 17. All eights entered medaled at Stotesbury. For full results with times, go to: Mount results: Second 8+ - gold Senior 8+ - silver Lightweight 8+ - bronze Junior 8+ - bronze Freshman 8+ - bronze

Second Varsity 8 on the medals dock at the Stotesbury Regatta on the Schuylkill River in Philadelphia. Scholastic Rowing Association of America (SRAA) Nationals Held May 23-24 in Oak Ridge, Tennessee Mount results: Senior 8+ - Gold Lightweight 8+ - silver Second 8+ - silver Junior 8+ - silver Junior 4+ - silver Freshman 8+ - 5th Lightweight 4+ - 5th Senior 4+ - 2nd in C final This was the first Mount four to medal at SRAAs. All Mount boats advanced The Mount’s Varsity 8 on the medals stand to finals. at the SRA Nationals, Oak Ridge, Tennessee

College Athletics Update: Congratulations to the following students who have committed to their sport at the college level: Basketball Ryann Gallagher -- Catholic University Laura Johnson -- Princeton University Sarah McGorry -- Lafayette University Crew Alicia Elliott -- University of Notre Dame Meg Kehan -- Harvard College Lawren Kieffer -- Brown University Lizzy Kiernan -- Fordam University Katie Leonard -- Bucknell University Jenna O’Neill -- Fordham University Hilary O’Shea -- University of Pennsylvania Gina Perri -- Boston College Meg Schluckebier -- Drexel University Devon Stewart -- Harvard College Field Hockey Carolyn Cabrey -- Lafayette College Brittany Gavin -- Fairfield University Colleen McGowan -- Lafayette College Katie Reinprecht -- Princeton University Softball Jo Krasnisky -- Fordham University Swimming Caroline Menapace -- Fairfield University


Firebirds Rise up with Help from Dedicated Volunteers Who Give Back in More Ways Than One

Why I Give...

Helping the Robotics Team Make its Mark by Mark Paviglianiti As soon as their daughter, Laura, joined the Firebirds, Mark and Ann offered their time and talents to helping the team. According to Bob Foell, the Firebirds’ faculty moderator, “Within a few months, they had become pillars of the team, assisting in every facet of the Firebirds’ activities – and we’re a busy team! Mr. and Mrs. P (as the girls affectionately refer to them) exemplify the idea that, “If you want to keep it, you have to give it away!” Hi, my name is Mark Paviglianiti and my wife, Ann, and I are very grateful that Laura, class of 2010, is a member of the Mount community. From the moment that we arrived at the Open House, we realized that the Mount is a very special place, providing unparalleled academic benefits and growth opportunities for young women. The Mount’s incredible success is due largely to the vision and leadership of the Mount administration and teachers, supplemented by volunteer efforts from parents and alumnae.


he team not only builds robots but teaches the importance of building confidence, showing compassion and being courageous.”

Giving our time is an important way to share our support, to enable the Mount’s mission to continue for current and future students and parents. We find small ways to give back like walking greyhounds with the CSC-Animals Club, parking cars for the Gold Key Club and mentoring for the Robotics Team. Volunteers are greeted with heartfelt thanks from Sister Kathleen, Sister Karen and the rest of the Mount team. We also believe in the Mount’s commitment of providing opportunities for students from a variety of backgrounds, and that is why we assist the Annual Fund which enables the Mount’s rich, diverse community.

We stumbled upon the Firebirds Robotics Team while attending a local robotics competition. The Firebirds are a fun group, but at the same time the team is an important, transformational organization. We were greeted by super mentors, Bob Foell, Bob Gerngross and Gary Bonner, who, along with Sister Karen, created the second and most successful all-female robotics program in the nation. In 2008, the Firebirds won the Engineering Inspirational Award, celebrating the team’s success in advancing respect and appreciation for engineering and engineers. The Firebirds were invited to compete in the national competition in Atlanta and were singled out during the opening ceremony in front of some 10,000 participants. Ann and I decided to serve


as Firebird volunteers because the team not only builds robots but teaches the importance of building confidence, showing compassion and being courageous. Some 80 percent of Firebird alumnae study engineering or science in college, and the members of the current Firebirds Team are community leaders, sharing their successes locally and internationally from Flourtown to Ghana. The Firebirds welcome every student, parent and alumnae graduate to become part of the team. The team needs assistance in all areas such as planning, public relations, marketing, finance, programming, engineering and general duties. Please consider joining the Firebirds, either as a student Firebird or helping along with 12 other amazing Firebird volunteers.

Ann and I found that volunteering not only helps to make a difference at the Mount but also is an enriching experience. If you are not yet involved, please consider an opportunity to help. Every effort, large or small, is valued and appreciated. Mark Paviglianiti is Director of Quality Assurance at Merck. The Mount is truly indebted to parents like Mark and Ann who choose to give of their time and talent to help further our mission of providing a well-rounded education to our young women. For more information on the Firebirtds, visit firebirds, and be sure to click on the link to see the amazing poster highlighting the team’s accomplishments. Photo, left to right: Mark Paviglianiti, Sister Karen Dietrich, SSJ, Principal, and Ann Paviglianiti at the Annual Fund Kickoff party.


hank you to the many alumnae, current and past parents, grandparents and benefactors who helped us surpass our Annual Fund goal of $350,000 this year. As of press time, a total of $357,497 was raised from over 1,200 donors.

Happenings Development

2007-2008 Annual Fund Surpasses Goal

Gifts to the Annual Fund support the operating budget of the school and directly impact our students. We acknowledge and thank the members of the Purple & Gold Club whose gifts accounted for 66% of the overall gifts. All donors will be listed in 2007-2008 Annual Report of Gifts which will be included in the fall edition of the Mount Magazine.


Did you Know? 19% of Mount students will be receiving financial aid in 2008-2009. Thank you for your support, and be sure to spread the good news!

Harvest Club Dinner Over 100 parents, alumnae and friends of the Mount gathered in Fontbonne for the Harvest Club Dinner on May 14, 2008. The dinner honors those who have given to the Annual Fund at the Purple & Gold or Harvest Club levels, or who have volunteered their time at the Mount during the past school year.


A Letter from the Alumnae Association President

Dear Fellow Alumna: As we prepare to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the Mount this fall, we often forget that the Alumnae Association itself is an organization steeped in history. Organized in 1895, the Association was founded to “promote the moral and intellectual culture of its members, to extend and maintain their social relations with one another, and to advance in every way the interests of their Alma Mater.” (Mount St. Joseph Alumnae Record, 1915.)

This spring we continued in the tradition of our founding sisters and celebrated the 113th Alumnae Day on April 12th. The day began with a lovely luncheon to welcome the newest class of Golden Girls, those elite ladies who graduated from the Mount in 1958. That evening, a Mass and cocktail reception were held for approximately 250 alumnae who were celebrating reunions. Alumnae Induction followed on May 21st, at which we welcomed the graduating Mount seniors into the Alumnae Association. Fourteen members of the Class of 2008 have mothers or grandmothers who are proud Mount Alumnae, living reminders of the Mount legacy and transfer of traditions from one generation to the next. This spring marked a new event for the Alumnae Association - the First Annual Mount Spring Fashion Fling. In conjunction with the Parents Association, we sponsored a four-hour shopping extravaganza on April 27th. Mount alums and parents enjoyed browsing and purchasing jewelry, accessories, clothing, home goods and other services provided by more than 40 vendors, while sipping wine and enjoying a light lunch. The well-attended event was a pleasant way to wind down a successful 113th year of the Alumnae Association. One tradition is certain. The Mount Alumnae Association thrives today due to the dedication and support of its members. Thank you for your continued generosity and increased participation in the Mount Alumnae events, and to all of those Alumnae whose planning and organization contributed to another year celebrating our friendship and loyalty to our Alma Mater. My best wishes for a relaxing and memorable summer.

Warm Regards,

Charlene Keller Fullmer ‘89 President, MSJA Alumnae Association

Save the Date!

Alumnae Board Open Meeting October 21, 2008 Alumnae Room


Look for Connections in your mailbox in August... Because there’s no better time to come back to the Mount than now!

The Alumnae Association needs to hear from you!! By now, you should have received an important survey that will help us determine future programs and events sponsored by the Alumnae Association. If you have already completed and returned your survey, thank you!! If not, please take a moment to complete and return in the envelope provided. If you would like to complete the survey online, please contact Jill Gregori at for the link to the survey. To date, we have received over 700 surveys from members of the Classes of 1934 through 2007.

Happenings Alumnae

Attention Alumnae!

Make your opinion count and return your survey today!!

Alumnae Induction

On May 17th, the members of the Class of 2008 were inducted into the MSJA Alumnae Association. This special day allows us to celebrate our new Alumnae Association members as well as recognize the generational legacy that is ever-present at the Mount! In this photograph, members of the Class of 2008 are seated in the front row, with their Mothers (or Grandmothers) standing behind them. Back Row: Charlene Keller Fullmer ’89, Alumnae Board President; Nancy Ferraro Anderson ’73, Rose Marie Connor Haney ’77, Barbara Coupe Bernal ’78, Mollie O’Rourke Menapace ’71, Kathleen McNamara Tenzinger ’77, Esther McDermott Malazita ’78, Margaret Loos Kieffer ’84, Suzanne Taylor Held ’79, Maureen Dugan Serpico ’76, Bridget King Crooks ’73, Marie Rosato King ’46, Helena Lloyd Holmes ’76, Mary Maginnis Fisher ’72, Lorraine Sukalski McGlynn ’52, and S. Kathleen Brabson, SSJ, MSJA President Seated: Amelia Anderson, Lauren Haney, Cristina Bernal, Caroline Menapace, Katherine Tenzinger, Elizabeth Malazita, Lawren Kieffer, Meghan Held, Allison Serpico, Alexandra Crooks, Caroline Holmes, Melissa Fisher, and Lorraine Beppel


Alumnae Day 2008 A Great Party at the Mount!

Rosemary McNally Award

Marie Meaney Adolph ’53, in the above photo at right, was the recipient of the Rosemary McNally Award. A second generation Mountie (daughter of Marie McGoldrick Meaney ’21), Marie’s love for the Mount began at birth. Marie’s quiet contributions to the Mount span over a half-century. She was never one to desire the spotlight, but her quiet and behind-the-scenes work was ever-present. She has been an active member of the Golden Girls committee as well as the Alumnae Day planning committee, actively planning her class reunions and always trying to encourage attendance and rekindle MSJA ties. Having known Rosemary McNally ’17 personally makes this award even more special for Marie. An unassuming leader, Marie personifies the Mount’s mission, for in her the Mount has truly “fostered excellence, tempered by gentleness.”


n April 12, 2008, MSJA hosted its Annual Alumnae Day. Over two hundred alumnae attended events ranging from a Luncheon in the Mount Library to individual cocktail parties throughout the entire Mount building. Classmates from all years, notably those ending in 3s and 8s, celebrated together, shared fond memories and reconnected with many old friends. Alumnae Day was a huge success thanks to the efforts of event chairs Dr. Angel Stout ’83 and Kate Groark Shields ’93.

Hall of Fame Jane Loughran Ryan ’50 was inducted into the Mount Saint Joseph Academy Alumnae Hall of Fame on Saturday, April 12, 2008. The award was accepted by Jane’s daughter, Carolyn Ryan Healey, on behalf of her mother who passed away in May 2007. This award was bestowed upon Jane Loughran Ryan for many reasons. Jane was one of the Mount’s most visible and loyal alumnae who epitomized the “Mountie spirit.” Jane was an integral part of the Mount community and served on the Board of Advisors from 1993 through 1999. Her leadership was evident through both the Mission for the Mount and Foundations for the Future capital campaigns. In June 2000, Jane received the Fournier Award which is presented annually to “an individual who has exemplified the spirit of Mother Saint John Fournier, foundress of Mount Saint Joseph Academy.” Said MSJA President S. Kathleen Brabson, SSJ, “Jane’s example of selfless giving is what endeared her to so many here tonight. Her focus on making a difference in the lives of children, whether in the library at St. Thomas More School, Mount Saint Joseph Academy, KidsPeace, or the YM and YWCA, Jane provided the spark that gave life to new ideas and opportunities.”


April 12, 2008

Alumnae Day Album



News •

1939 Margaret Ward Mogck is now 87 years old and looks back on her years at the Mount. She started in Fontbonne in the third grade and continued at the Mount. She married in 1941 and moved to Cape May. She has been a widow for 22 years, having three children, five grandchildren; four live in Philadelphia, (one is an artist, so you might see his pictures around town, not too many Mogcks around), two great grandchildren: Gavin, (3) and Sophia Grace (8 mo.). Peggy stays in touch with the Sisters from Star of the Sea and Wildwood Catholic and helps at the Church. Her oldest son is captain of the lifeguards and was surprised to know that he has a “Mountie” as one of his guards. 1946 Mary Sims Kent announces that her son, Fr. Jim Kent, was appointed Provincial of the Conventual Franciscan Friars of Our Lady of Consolation Province. He was also one of the 18 priests from the Archdiocese of Louisville, Kentucky, that was on the altar and celebrated the Mass at Yankee Stadium with Pope Benedict XVI. Mary, along with her husband, Jack, and five other children were extremely proud of this honor. She enjoys reading the Mount Magazine and although she hasn’t been to Philadelphia in years, she thinks fondly of her days as a boarding student at the Mount. Sister Barbara Mary Sanborn, SSJ, has been a sister of St. Joseph since 1948 and has missioned in Japan since 1958. At the present she is in California, but will be returning to Japan on September 7th. She was hospitalized from May 9th till the 25th when she returned to California. She sends her blessings on the alumnae.

Adele Bateman Donahue and her brother, Henry Gibson, attended the elevation of Archbishop John Foley to Cardinal. Henry was a classmate of Cardinal Foley’s at St. Joseph’s Prep and they have remained close friends. It was truly a magnificent experience.

Sister Anne Toner, SSJ, is teaching Honors Algebra I at St. Joseph High School in Metuchen, New Jersey. 1950 Elizabeth Rouse Miller took a Caribbean Cruise aboard Celebrity’s “Constellation” to ports of call: St. Thomas, St. Kitts, Barbados, St. Lucia, and St. Maarten with her club, The Sun City Gadabouts. As the president of her club states, “Leave your troubles behind and enjoy every thing.”


Raquel Amram-Perez states that by the grace of God and all the prayers said on her behalf, she is cured of three types of cancer and is in remission. She is now walking along with a bit of exercise three times a week with friends. 1952 Maryanne Dever Ginley is happy to report her daughter, Maureen Ginley Vorobec ’79, presented her with her first grandchild, Patrick Gerald, born on March 17, 2008. Mother and baby are doing fine.

Lorraine Sukolski McGlynn has a granddaughter in each class at the Mount. This pattern will be repeated next year; of nine granddaughters who could go to the Mount, seven are there and, God willing, her two granddaughters, ages two and eight, will be students at the Mount someday.

Anne Marie Fengler Triolo and her husband are spending time in Arizona with their son and two grandchildren.

1953 Anne Senser Byrne and husband, Jack, live at the beach in Venice, Florida. They are now retired, but very busy with volunteer activities at their church and in their community. 1954 Elizabeth Brennan Pachella announces her 50th wedding anniversary that was spent with five children, 13 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren at a large dinner party.

Marjorie Todd Shaughnessy (photo at right) is looking forward to celebrating 25 years of teaching in the Diocese of Raleigh. She has been married over 40 years, with five married children and 11 grandchildren. God is good and she is so grateful for her years at the Mount!

Patricia Mellon Yantis, Treasurer of The Friends of Easttown Library, along with the President, presented their annual gift from the Friends of Easttown Library to the Library Director. (Patricia is seen in the photo below, on the right)

1948 Mary Ellen Carroll Brown says that her grandchildren continue to grow older, but wonders how that is possible while she stays so young! Her oldest granddaughter, Kaitlyn, just got engaged and the youngest is in the fourth grade. She finally got to visit Spain, Portugal and Morocco last year, as well as the shrine of Our Lady of Fatima – very moving. She is looking forward to her 60th.

1955 Johanna Gedaka, SSJ, is still teaching after all these years: drawing classes and art history to art majors and senior citizens – all of whom keep her young. Visit through www. 1956 Peg Lawler Kolimago writes that a group of ’56ers got

Carroll, Peg Kolimago, and Theresa Esperdy. •

and enjoys coming home to ride the boardwalk or walk the beach. She sees Nancy Duffy Cattie often and cherishes their beach days in the summer! •

Marie Grinnell McDaniel (photo above) would like to congratulate her fellow classmates of 1968 on their 40th anniversary. She writes that she “has a little trouble comprehending how four decades have elapsed since graduation, but then numbers always presented challenges to her.” In April 2006, she wrapped up an 11-year stint as Director of Marketing for Bancroft Construction Company in Wilmington, Delaware. She still does some consulting for them and serves on their Board of Advisors, but her focus has definitely shifted. Her husband, Paul, is self-employed which enables them to have a fair amount of flexibility in where they live. After 17 years, they moved from Unionville, Pennsylvania, to Lewes, Delaware – a lovely beach community in the southern part of the state. What made it irresistible to them is that it is also home to their older son and his family. Their younger son and his family live in Candia, New Hampshire, and they see them regularly throughout the year including their annual two-week visit to Lewes during the summer. Her sons and daughters-in-law generously allow her to dote on five grandchildren ranging in age from two to nine; each of them is part magic and part miracle and all seem to possess that McDaniel sense of humor – she adds, “this is a questionable blessing.”

Bernadette McNicholas Travers and husband, Bill celebrated their 33rd anniversary on April 5. Bill is the chair of the Guidance Department at North Penn High School, and Bernadette has been teaching at St. Helena School in Blue Bell for the past 13 years. Her oldest daughter, Karen, is a graduate of the Mount ’96, and Georgetown University. She started working at ABC doing research for Ted Koppel/ Nightline and she spent three years as an off-air reporter at the White House. Bill and Bernadette both attended the Christmas party at the White House and had their pictures taken with the President and First Lady. Karen is now the Deputy Political Director for ABC News and appears on ABC News Now at 2:30 a.m. and on the Internet. Her excitement last year was leaving the G-8 Summit in Germany and going to Baghdad, Iraq, for three weeks. It was exciting to hear her reporting from Baghdad on KYW radio and we were relieved when she came home. Son, John, La Salle College High School ’98, La Salle University ’02, and Widener University School of Law ’05, is an attorney in Basking Ridge, NJ. John and his wife, Ashley, are expecting their first child in October —Bernadette’s first grandchild. Daughter, Katie, is also a graduate of the Mount ’00 and Georgetown, ’04 and has spent three and a half years as a registered nurse at Cornell Presbyterian Hospital in NYC, and will return to Philadelphia to work at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.

1957 Mary Chevall Zaren would like to share that her loving husband of 45 years, Marian Zaren, passed away on June 9, 2007. She is still working full time and keeping busy visiting grandchildren in Virginia. 1958 Patricia Schneider Biel announces that she has been married to the same man for 50 years! They have three wonderful children—two boys and one girl, and six grandchildren—three boys and three girls. They are enjoying family and traveling. 1960 Dorothy Dolan Williams was forced to sell her boat because of low lake levels. After years of motorcycling, she has gone to a scooter. Life is ever-changing; however, she is blessed with good health and a great family. Catherine Drennen Siegl retired April 30, 2007. She now enjoys volunteering with the Academy of Natural Sciences and Friends of Independence Park and summer Gram getaways with her grandchildren. 1962 Dorothy Magray Gibson is blessed with five grandchildren at present. She is planning a move to “The Village” in Central Florida to retire and play much golf. She will always think fondly of the good times with her Mountie friends. She asked that you keep in touch; her e-mail is goldenheart405@comcast. net. 1964 Catherine Drennen Siegl retired April 30, 2007. She now enjoys volunteering with the Academy of Natural Sciences and Friends of Independence Park and taking summer Gram getaways with her grandchildren. 1966 Jane Hinton Koch is enjoying retirement and keeps busy with family, friends and volunteer work. One of her dogs is a therapy dog that visits nursing homes, adult daycare facilities and schools. 1968 Marcia McMenamin Davis says life is great living in Ocean City year-round. Her two daughters, Erin and Shannon, live close by with their families. She has five grandchildren and sees them often and admits to spoiling them too much. Her son, Christian, was married in August ’07 and resides in Malvern. Marcia is working for an insurance agency in town

Alumnae Happenings News

together in April for lunch. Sister Barb Nolan is taking the photo below, which pictures, left to right: Jeanne Crouch, Pat


Son, Ryan, graduated from La Salle College High School ’06 and was Valedictorian. He is in his second year at Georgetown and is a sports editor of the school newspaper, The Hoya. He is an English major, and will attend the University of Dublin in September for one semester. The whole family is looking forward to visiting him over Thanksgiving vacation. If anyone is interested in a mini-reunion “down the shore” in the fall or winter, please let Bernadette know. It would be a great girl’s getaway weekend. •

Villanova Law School. •

Jacqueline Flaherty Toner is happy to let you know that she is a “LaSalle College High School” mom--her sons are John ’10 and Billy ’12.

Sheryl Welsh was appointed vice president of Sales and Marketing, at ArvinMeritor, Inc. for the company’s Light Vehicle Systems (LVS) business group. She will be responsible for leading LVS’ global sales and marketing strategy. Sherry’s prior experience includes 20 years with Robert Bosch, LLC, where she most recently served as senior vice president of Sales. In her new role, she will be responsible for increasing business with Asian AEMs and total relationship management with all Asian OEMs, BMW, and medium and heavy-truck segments. Sherry holds a Masters of Business Administration from the University of South Carolina in Columbia, and a Bachelor of Arts in Industrial Engineering from Lafayette College in Easton, PA. She is also a member of the Marketing and Sales Executives of Detroit, Mentium, and the Ohio State University College of Engineering Strategy Council.

Ellen Byrne Willertz announces her son, Jake, a senior at Mt. St. Joseph High School in Baltimore, received a lacrosse scholarship to Mt. St. Mary’s College in Emmittsburg, Maryland. He also received the Scholar Athlete Award for the football team.

Dolores Bryan Trimarco is sorry she’ll miss her 40th Reunion. Dolores and her husband will be in Florida for the winter. She wishes her fellow classmates a happy reunion --where has the time gone?! She extends a special thanks to Nancy Cattie for all her hard work. 1970 Maureen Cahill is officially retired as of April 1, 2008. After 28 years of continued service at Merck & Company, a Medical Technologist by degree, she worked her first five years in Clinical Chemistry at Abington Memorial Hospital, moving to Merck in 1979. While at Merck, she spent 23 years in drug Safety Assessment (Pre-Clinical) as a Research Associate in Clinical Pathology, assuming increased responsibilities during that time. In 2003, she made the move to Clinical Research, first as an associate in the Informed Consent group and then in 2006 transferred to Clinical Neuroscience where she initiated and conducted a clinical trial until retirement. Maureen has no plans for the present—it’s now time for fun! 1972 Mary Lynn Darby Penn is a Director with Lockheed Martin Corporation and has recently published her first book on software engineering. The book is titled, CMMI and Six Sigma: Partners in Process Improvement and will be used as a textbook at the Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University. 1973 Mary Danella Higgins is teaching middle school Math and Language Arts at Gwynedd-Mercy Academy Elementary Division. 1974 Lizanne Quinn Antonucci and husband, Joe, will celebrate their 30th anniversary in August 2008. Their sons, Michael, (16 yrs.) and Matthew, (11yrs.) enjoy soccer and skiing. Last August Liz reached the 30-year milestone working for Northwest Airlines as a flight attendant. Nineteen seventy four was a long time ago! She hopes all of her classmates are well. 1975 Jane A. Biddle and her family are living in Cambridge, England, and enjoying it. 1976 Maureen McGlinn Rome has announced that she has finally gotten married! Eleven Mounties attended the wedding in Beaver Creek, Colorado. 1981 Lisa Peters Schwartz reports that her daughter, Angela Schwartz ’00, is currently employed at the law firm of Morgan Lewis Bochius in Philadelphia, and is entering her third year at


1984 Hillary Maguire Graham is proud to share the happy news that her oldest daughter, Carly Ann Graham ’11, has continued her family’s tradition and started her freshman year at the Mount. Carly’s baby sister, Lilliana, is counting the days until she walks those wonderful Mount hallways. Mary Frances Schaefer Kelly reports her oldest son, Robert, just completed his first year at LaSalle College High School. 1988 Marnie Portland Johnson would like to give an update on her family. Daughter, Karla Alissa, was born on December 7, 2007, and joins sisters, Kelcey, Emily and Julia, and brother, Will. 1990 Dr. Marisa Rogers and husband, Eston Griffin, are pleased to announce the birth of their son, Myles Eston Griffin, on March 24, 2008. Marisa has left her full-time faculty position at the University of Pennsylvania to become the Medical Director of Spectrum Health Services, a federally qualified community health center, serving communities in West and North Philadelphia. 1991 Bethann Serbin Curtin and her family welcomed a baby girl, Alexa Paige, on April 3, 2008. Big brother Aedan and big sister Chloe are smitten and love their little sister to bits. Jill Maggs is living and working in New York City. She is a vice president at Technical Career Institute, and is studying for her Ph.D. in Education at the University of London, UK. 1992 Megan Carey Brogan announces the birth of her second child, a daughter, Ann Patricia Brogan, 7 lbs., 10 ozs. on May 21, 2008. All are doing well. Andrea Cywinski McDonough was married to Patrick, on October 23, 2006, and announces the birth of their son,

Lucas Gerard. Along with big brother, Antonio, they reside in Richboro, PA. •

Patricia O’Leary announces her engagement to Steven Smith, and plans a Philadelphia wedding for October 18, 2008. Patricia and Steven both work at Fuse, a music television channel in New York City. Maryann O’Leary Salas ’92 will be her matron of honor. 1993 Christine Harder Bischoff and husband are parents to two little boys, Ben (3) and Jake (1). She is a nurse at Lankenau Hospital in the Cardiothoracic ICU. She graduated from Drexel University in June ’07 with her masters degree in Nursing Education and is now an adjunct instructor for Drexel’s undergraduate nursing program. Jennifer Carroll was introduced by Eric Ripert of New York’s Le Bernardin as the chef de cuisine of his newest restaurant 10 Arts by Eric Ripert, which opened in May in the rotunda of the historic building that houses the Ritz-Carlton. Jenn went to the Catholic University in D.C. to study law, came home to St. Joe’s, and decided to try culinary school instead. She graduated from the Restaurant School here, and worked in the Manayunk kitchens of Derek Davis at Sonoma and Arroyo Grille. After a year downtown at the late Avenue B, she escaped to San Francisco, where she worked at restaurants Julia and Café Kati. She’s a sous chef at Le Bernardin, basically the No. 3 in one of the top-rated kitchens in North America. Jenn states that the concept at 10 Arts will be American cuisine with an emphasis on the organic and utilization of products from local farmers, and an “approachable” price point. Jill Putro announces her marriage to Tom Phillips of Hamilton, New Jersey, October 6, 2007. Mounties who helped her celebrate were Matron of Honor, Karen Brittingham-Rockelmann ’93 and Emily Dolan ’98. Jill and Tom reside in Langhorne, Pennsylvania.

MA. Several Mounties joined in the celebration, including (left to right): Megan Gibbons ’94, Kathleen Hoffman Lambird ’94, Rita, Kellie Flanagan ’94, and Megan FitzPatrick Maloney ’94. Rita and John moved from the Boston area to the Philadelphia area in October 2007. •

Megan FitzPatrick Maloney and husband, Jim, welcomed their second son, Patrick William, on October 17, 2007. Patrick joins proud big brother, Aidan (3). 1996

Danielle Beerhalter was married to Sean Leheny, in October 2007. She has been recently promoted to the Director of Community Affairs at Springhouse and Bristol for Rohm & Haas Facilities.

Laura Naccarato Cannon and her husband, Michael, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Emily Rose, on April 8, 2008. Emily weighed in at 8 lbs., 5 oz., and measured 21” long.

Sara Pickens Cavallaro and husband, Christopher, are living in New Jersey with their one-year-old daughter, Ella. Baby number two is on the way and expected to arrive in July. Sara is currently working as a project manager in the pharmaceutical industry at AC1, specializing in safety monitoring committees.

Jennifer Genuardi, M.D., received the prestigious Howard Schubiner Award from the National Med-Peds Residency Association. This award is given to a resident who “exemplifies the highest standards for excellence in Med-Peds, including exemplary clinical care of patients, compassion, and humanism in relationships with patients and with colleagues in medicine and hospital co-workers, involvement in community activities and contributions to the field of Medicine-Pediatrics. Jenifer is a fourth-year resident at Christiana Cares’s MedicinePediatrics Residency program in Christiana, Delaware.

Cynthia Deren Malmros and husband, Kent, welcomed their second daughter, Hayden Jacqueline, on May 1, 2008. Hayden joins big sister, Kendall, who is two. They currently reside in Newtown, PA.

Michele Moran McDevitt and husband, Steven, welcomed a baby girl, Ella Maria, born on Feb. 21, 2008. •

1994 • Rita Flynn was married to John Jolls on May 12, 2007, at St. Thomas Aquinas Church in Bridgewater, MA. The ceremony was followed by a reception at the John Carver Inn in Plymouth,

Leslie Rostick married Brendon Crowther (Prep ’96), on January 5, 2008, at Saint Katherine of Siena in Philadelphia. A multitude of Mount alumnae were present, including Nicole Aurello ’96 (Maid of Honor), Megan O’Connor Tropiano ’96,


Jennifer Rostick Goodwin ’92 and Kristina Kopach ’96. •

is still living in New York with her husband and recently accepted a position as an Associate Producer for Martha Stewart Living Radio on Sirius Satellite Radio. She travels a lot—most recently with her husband on a road trip to Quebec City for the Winter Carnival that included Pam Lalla ’98 and was organized by Steph Miesnik ’98. Photo, from left to right: Stephanie Miesnik, Jennifer Keeney Sendrow, and Pamela Lalla.

1997 Molly Daymont Price married Sean Price on September 29, 2007. Carrie Daymont ’95 was her Maid of Honor and Katie

Flanagan ’97 was one of her Bridesmaids. They are now living outside of Baltimore, Maryland, where Molly is working as a resident in neurology. •

Joanie King Cavallaro (photo below) was married on December 22, 2007. The following Mounties were in attendance, counter-clockwise from top right: Cathy Burger Vining ’74, Marian Williams Berry ’59, Judy Burger Dysart ’71, Peggy Olsen Seydow ’63, Marie Burger Ward ’68, Joan Burger King ’63, Joanie King Cavallaro ’97, Jennifer King ’89, Sara Pickens Cavallaro ’96, Jodie King Smith ’90, Meghann Keppard Chiappa ’97, Dana Dysart ’10, Julie King Gorniak ’95, Dominique Green ’01, and Nicole Green ’97. 1998 Katie Romano Bartlomiejus married Casey Bartlomiejus, on January 19, 2008. Many Mounties from the Class of ’98 joined them to celebrate including Bridesmaids, Denise Bracken, Jennifer Devine, Megan Halasa Franchetti and Meghan Guinan and dear friends Joanne Landgraf, Terri McGrath, Anne Saparito and Jill Sommer. • Emily Dolan took a two-week trip to Australia in August 2007, with her close friends Bethany Bushner, Sara Bushner, and Timaree Schmidt. She traveled to Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane. While there, she rode a jet boat through Sydney Harbor, took a tour of the southern coast, and drove a quad over the dunes on Moreton Island. Pictured here, overlooking the Indian Ocean, are (from L to R) Bethany Bushner, Emily Dolan ’98, Timaree Schmidt and Sara Bushner. She also purchased her first home in Conshohocken last July.

Jennifer Keeney Sendrow


1999 Kelly Larkin Gallagher married Shawn Gallagher (LaSalle ’99) on September 15, 2007, at St. Rose of Lima Church in North Wales, followed by a reception at the Philadelphia Cricket Club in Chestnut Hill. Mounties in attendance included: Kara McMahon Weaver ’99, Meghan Seminack Wakefield ’99, Meagan McMahon Powers ’95, Jenna Vaccaro Gallagher ’01 and Maryann Furtek Genuardi ’71. 2000 Mary Bertels has received her CPA from the State of New York. Mary works for PricewaterhouseCoopers in New York City and is currently attending NYU graduate school working on her MBA.

Colleen Breznicky has received her Masters Degree in Psychology from Holy Family College.

Janine Guerra is excited to report that she graduated with a J.D. from Temple University’s Law School in May 2008. At Temple, she was the Clerk of the Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity and was named a Fellow in the Rubin Public Interest Honor Society. In addition, she was also presented with the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers’ Eric D. Turner Award at graduation. Next on Janine’s agenda is non-stop studying for the Pennsylvania and New Jersey Bar Examinations!

Megan Garvin Heere announces her marriage to Mark Heere on October 6, 2007. The wedding party included: Kathy McDonald Garvin ’71 (mother of the bride), Kate Garvin ’96 (Maid of Honor), Colleen Garvin ’06 (Maid of Honor), and Angela Kotwicki ’00 (Bridesmaid). Megan graduated from Temple University School of Medicine in May 2008, and she begins her residency in pediatrics at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children in Philadelphia.

2001 Joanna Andrews Craney and husband, Mark, welcomed their new baby girl, Lillian Marie, into the world on May 29, 2007. Joanna is currently working as a scientist at SanofiAvertis Pharmaceutical Company in the pharmacogenomics group in Malvern, PA. Julia Rocchi recently relocated to Washington, DC, as the new Managing Editor for the Case Foundation (the family foundation for AOL founder Steve Case).

Jennifer Uricchio and Christopher Bax of New York became engaged on December 24, 2007. They are planning a September 2009 wedding in Perkasie, PA. The couple met while in the last months of school together at Muhlenberg College.

New Arrivals • • • • • • • • • • •

2003 Four members of the class of 2003, Gia Fusco, Missy Donnalley, Meghan Malone, and Julia Rogers, participated in the Philadelphia Broad Street Run this past spring. Jenna Stabinski graduated in May 2007 from St. Joseph’s University with a BS in Biology and a minor in Health Care Ethics. She is currently attending Chestnut Hill College Graduate program to get her MS in Clinical & Counseling Psychology, specializing in Child & Adolescent Therapy.

In Memoriam

2004 Kait Clark will begin a Ph.D. program in Cognitive Neuroscience at Duke University in fall 2008. In addition to a full tuition waiver and a generous stipend, she has received the James B. Duke Fellowship. Erica Reisenwitz had a busy final year at Boston College. Serving as the undergraduate government’s executive director of campus entertainment, she was in charge of events such as Homecoming, Fall Concert and Winter Comedy Show featuring Will Ferrell. On May 19th she graduated Magna Cum Laude from the College of Arts and Sciences Honors Program with a degree in English and Philosophy. Erica was also selected for several senior honor societies: Alpha Sigma Nu (The National Jesuit Honor Society), Phi Beta Kappa (National Honor Society), and The Order of the Cross and Crown, Boston College’s most prestigious honor society made up of seniors who distinguished themselves in contributing to the campus life, service to the community, and academic excellence. After a well-earned vacation, she will begin work as a Corporate Marketing Associate for SEI Investments in Oaks, PA, where she will be spending time on teams such as public relations and corporate event planning.

Our sympathy and prayers are extended to the following alumnae: • •

2007 Samantha Peruto announces that she has been on the Dean’s List for the Fall of ’07 and the Spring of ’08, and has also been accepted into the Saint Joseph’s University Honors Program.

Parents Corner

We extend our sympathy and prayers to the families of the following alumnae:

Lolita Lloyd Bradley ‘27 Helene Oehmichen McBride ‘28 Helen McCann Belza ‘41 Dolores O’Hara McVeigh ‘41 Pauline Jarvis Burke ‘48 Dolores Busche Zollo ‘48 Rita E. Dobson, LT. COL.USAF, RET ‘50 Marie Elizabeth Franzen Rader ‘67

2006 Teresa Bertels has been awarded a summer intern placement with PWC in New York City. Teresa is completing her sophomore year at Providence College, majoring in accounting. She is also the starting catcher for the Friars softball team.

Sarah M. Weyand has made the Dean’s List at Duquesne University for the fall semester 2007.

Marnie Portland Johnson ’88, a daughter, Karla Alissa Dr. Marisa Rogers ’90, a son, Myles Eston Griffin Bethann Serbin Curtin ’91, a daughter, Alexa Paige Megan Carey Brogan ’92, a daughter, Ann Patricia Andrea Cywinski McDonough ’92, a son, Lucas Gerard Nicole Valletto Wineman ’93, a son, Jacob Mackin Megan FitzPatrick Maloney ’94, a son, Patrick William Laura Naccarato Cannon ’96, a daughter, Emily Rose Cynthia Deren Malmros ’96, a daughter, Hayden Jacqueline Michele Moran McDevitt ’96, a daughter, Ella Maria Joanna Andrews Craney ’01, a daughter, Lillian Marie

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Edna O’Hara Anders ’34, on the death of her sister, Dolores O’Hara McVeigh ‘41 Mary Dobson Daly ‘47 and Mary Harbison Dobson ’50, on the death of their sister and sister-in-law respectively, Rita E. Dobson ‘50 Rozanne McGrath Brickley ’48 and Maureen Brickley ’79, on the death of their brother and uncle respectively, John F. McGrath, Jr. Connie Buchse Hirsch ’48, on the death of her sister, Dolores Busche Zollo ‘48 Mary Chevall Zaren ’57, on the death of her husband, Marian Stanley Zaren Nanette Sciolla Carney ’64, Suzanne Carney ’92, Kathleen Carney ’95 and Erica Sciolla ’94, on the death of their mother and grandmother respectively, Nanette Leva Sciolla Tina Ostrowski Wheaten ’67, on the death of her husband, Sterling H. Wheaten Christine Pedrotty Brown ‘68, Colleen Pedrotty Miele ’72 and Noel Pedrotty Williamson ’74, on the death of their father, Francis “Bud” Pedrotty, Jr.


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Dr. Patricia Franzen ’68, Valerie Franzen ’81, Katherine Hagedorn ’06 and Nicole Franzen ’09, on the death of their sister and aunt respectively, Marie Elizabeth Franzen Rader ‘67 Helen Belza O’Neill ’69 and Joanne Belza Senatore ’72, on the death of their mother, Helen McCann Belza ‘41 Joanne Nolen Winning ’77 and Kathleen Winning ’99, on the death of their father-in-law and grandfather respectively, Joseph F. Winning Sr. Sister JudithAnn Loschiavo, SSJ ’78, on the death of her mother, Louise Tomassi Loschiavo Michelle McKeon Foley ’79 and Michelle Foley ‘01, on the death of their father and grandfather respectively, Joseph C. McKeon Kathleen Smith Leahey ’79 and Stephanie Smith Coffin ’84, on the death of their father, Dr. Robert Smith. Cara McMenamin Wing ’80, on the death of her mother, Antonia (Toni) Sulena-Wetzel McMenamin Jennifer Preine Maloney ’81, on the death of her father, John E. Preine Maureen Greenhalgh Ritzheimer ’81 and Katherine Greenhalgh Cunningham ’83, on the death of their father, Henry A. Greenhalgh Meganne Flynn Borneman ’86, Eireann Flynn Marzarella ’87 and Charlotte Flynn ’08, on the death of their father and grandfather respectively, Edward J. Flynn Catherine Barbieri ’89, Jennifer Barbieri Greenhalgh ’92 and Michelle Barbieri ’96, on the death of their grandmother, Mary K. Barbieri Heather McGlinn Hansma ’91, on the death of her mother, former Mount teacher, Marguerite Mulligan McGlinn Kathleen Mulvey Burke ’92 and Erin Mulvey ’95, on the death of their father, William F. Mulvey Christine Loftus Collins ’92, on the death of her infant daughter, Hannah Collins Dr. Erica Kobylinski Heverin ’92, on the death of her grandfather, Stephen M. Kobylinski Jennifer Dzara Roberts ’93, on the death of her grandmother, Rita Portone Dzara JoAnne Tropiano Farrell ’95, on the death of her grandmother, Anna May Litwinowicz Tropiano Nicole Aurello ’96 and Stephanie Aurello ’00, on the death of their grandmother, Lucy Manzo Aurello Donielle Tarsi ’98 and Alexis Tulio ’06, on the death of their grandmother, Bridget Lepore Tarsi Celeste Tinari ’03, on the death of her grandmother, Anna Palmer Tinari Natalie Farano ’04 and Elise Farano ’08, on the death of their grandfather, Emidio “Mimi” Capponi Megan Skowronek ’06, Michelle Skowronek ’07 and Danielle Skowronek ’11, on the death of their grandmother, Maria Wilson Duffy Erin Teresa Connelly ’07, on the death of her grandmother, Teresa Malavolta Pecharo. Christine Black ’09, on the death of her grandfather, Alfred B. Pentony Julia Pitts ’09, on the death of her grandfather, Stephen P. Imms Sr. Marisa Pompilio ’09, on the death of her grandfather, William J. Brown Taylor Drueding ’11, on the death of her grandfather, Bernard J. Drueding, Jr. Mary Gries ’11, on the death of her grandmother, Anastasia Melnyk Gries


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Samantha Kraus ’11, on the death of her grandmother, Dolores Phillips Kraus Jill Gregori (Director of Development), on the death of her mother, Catherine Caruso Don Holdren (Faculty), on the death of his father-in-law, J. Robert “Bob”(Drissel) Dryslewski Bobbie Trotter (Faculty) on the death of her mother-in-law, Dorothea D. Trotter

In Memoriam

Marguerite McGlinn Marguerite McGlinn, former English teacher at Mount Saint Joseph Academy, passed away on Tuesday, May 20, 2008. Mrs. McGlinn served as Chair of the English Department and also assisted in public relations for the Mount. She was a well-loved teacher who took a genuine interest in learning about everything and everyone. According to Sandy Moore, MSJA Director of Guidance. “If Margie met someone new, she wanted to know all about them. She would have them pull up a chair and then would say, ‘Now tell me all about what you do in your job…’ She was an uncommon listener—there are so few good listeners today.” Margie was an excellent writer who left full-time teaching in the mid-’90s to pursue a freelance writing career which spanned the fiction and non-fiction markets. She wrote many travel articles for the New York Times, LA Times, and Philadelphia Inquirer and edited several books, including The Trivium: The Liberal Arts of Logic, Grammar, and Rhetoric. Margie’s enthusiasm and zest for living endeared her to many. Her most recent interests included golf, pilates, and cosmology. The 1995 edition of The Sheaf (MSJA’s Yearbook) relates that “Mrs. McGlinn once appeared on American Bandstand with Dick Clark.” “Everyone said how fortunate we were to know her,” said Sandy Moore. “Margie was just an amazing woman. She will definitely be missed.”

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by Amanda Penecale ’02


he Renaissance was a cultural movement that we all know of as a time of great artistic rebirth spanning the 14th through 17th Centuries. Artists were known during this time for their ability to create in a multitude of media, and lived by the idealism of Leon Battista Alberti believing that, “a man can do all things if he will.” Alberti was a credible source of inspiration on the matter, as he was an Italian author, poet, artist, architect, linguist, philosopher, and cryptographer. I believe that Alberti had the right idea as I am an artist, musician, and a storyteller. I graduated from the Mount in 2002; my time during high school certainly shaped who I am today. I received an art scholarship to the Mount, and therefore as a student I focused primarily on my visual art. My friends saw me as the girl who even ate her pizza in the art room during lunch. What many of my classmates did not know was that music had always been important to me as well. I played classical piano from a young age, and while at the Mount I formed a band with some friends and took up the guitar. I began to write my own music and started playing at small coffee shops. Even though I loved music, I decided to go to art school. All of my hours of perspective drawing in the hallways paid off, and I was accepted to the Rhode Island School of Design. While at RISD I was able to take classes in everything from traditional Renaissance painting techniques to performance art. I began to understand that creating need not be limited by materials. As classes became more stressful and the workload increased I found myself looking to my music for support. I began to write more, and I started to bring my guitar into the studio for impromptu music with my studio mates. Songs became illustrations and photographs and images were turning into songs. I would talk to family about my work and they were always trying to get me to classify what I was working on. It was hard to say because my process had become very organic in nature. I would make a drawing then rip off a piece of it and combine it into a collage which would inspire the title to a song which would become yet another new beginning. Looking back it wasn’t a choice I consciously made, but a natural way of working. It simply made sense. I graduated in 2006 with a BFA in Illustration and a concentration in Photography. I decided to move to Nantucket to work and teach in an artist colony. I figured that living on an island 30 miles out in the middle of the ocean would allow me to figure things out and it did. I was

Alumnae Spotlight

Renaissance Redux

doing a little bit of everything I had always loved and I played music on the beach and out on the streets in the summers. I had a bunch of fantastic opportunities but after a little over a year I needed some solid ground. I took an artist residency at a private high school in Maine where I helped to teach classes this past fall semester. Once the residency ended I decided to return to Pennsylvania to be able to have the opportunity to be near my family and pursue the arts in the Philadelphia region. Back home in Pennsylvania I have had the opportunity to begin to play my music in more formal atmospheres. Since coming home I have had two shows at the Tin Angel in Philadelphia, and there are upcoming shows at Milkboy Coffee, KatManDu, and the Griggstown Pavillion to name a few. My music comes from a singer songwriter tradition inspired by the likes of Bob Dylan, James Taylor, and Ani DiFranco. I am in the process of recording my debut CD which I hope to release in the fall. As far as my art goes I have been working on some personal pieces and doing some free lance. I am interested in the passage of time and the changes that it causes in our surroundings and us. I am attracted to the places people have been and the remnants they have left behind. I am also currently a student at Arcadia University pursuing my teaching certificate in visual arts. You can see and hear my work through my websites: and www.myspace. com/amandapenecale (music and schedule). Now that you know a bit more about me, I am sure that you can understand why I love the idea of how the arts worked in the Renaissance. As an artist you were able to be the master of many things, and the arts were not forced into little compartments. Today it seems that everyone wants to be able to put a label on who you are and what you do. I transfer my ideas to the universe in the way that I feel is most appropriate, and at this point I am not looking to be defined. One encounter may generate a song, while another moment translates as a painting or a photograph. At the end of the day I am happy to be simply living a creative life and enjoying the company of those around me.


n u F e h t s s i Don’t M

The 16th Annual MSJA Golf Classic Blue Bell Country Club Monday, October 6, 2008

For more information, please contact: Theresa Moyer, Director of Alumnae (215)233-3177 x 334

Mount Saint Joseph Academy 120 West Wissahickon Avenue Flourtown, PA 19031-1899 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED


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