Welcome to Our 1st Annual Bull & Female Sale!
Dear Cattlemen, Neighbors & Friends,
It is with great excitement that we welcome you to our inaugural bull and female sale. From our beginnings as dairy farmers, with a small Red Angus herd, we’ve been studying and building over the years to achieve a herd that we are incredibly proud of. We feel the genetics within our herd have a lot to offer the Red Angus breed and we are pleased to display them in our first sale offering.
We have built our program around a select group of genetics from some of the most well established and successful programs in the breed, including the Pieper’s in NE, and the C-Bar Ranch in KS. With these base genetics we have gone into a very intensive ET and AI program to mass produce the kind that we like and know will work for our customers. Our main goal in all of this is to build a cow herd of very maternal females that can produce progeny with growth and carcass merit. Our experience milking 1000+ head of dairy cows has made us very aware of the importance of feet, legs, and udders, and has had a very positive effect on how we select and cull for structural soundness.
There are two people’s presence today that are sorely missed. Austin’s dad, Mike, who had an eye for cattle and valued good disposition, knowing he had young kids that would work with the animals, purchased the family’s first set of Red Angus cows in the 1990’s. Our son Jaxson loved helping work the animals, including riding the bulls when he and Austin would have a little spare time in the pastures to do the things boys do. His gentle way had him spending countless hours in the barn taking care of his own string of bottle calves and caring for the horses he loved to ride. They both shared the same love of the land and animals that all good farmers and ranchers do, so we will carry on the work today in memory of them.
We know that we could not be here today without a great team of people working with us to make it all happen, and we can’t begin to express our appreciation for all that they do. Austin’s mother, Kim, is still a part of the business and we are excited to have her to help us with the sale. Life is pretty busy on a day-to-day basis with the farm operation and our children’s busy schedules. We have Jaylee, 13, Jaedyn, 7, Jamison, 3, and little Jocelyn, who just celebrated her first birthday.
Thank you for your interest in our program. We are sincerely grateful for our loyal customers over the years and hope everyone can find something in our sale to bring home that works for them.
Austin & Becky Berwald
We are truly blessed.
Pedro (Pete) Gutierrez... has been here since he was 13-yrs old and is now in his second year of college. He has incredible work ethic and we’re very proud of the man he has become.
The men are chomping at the bit to get this winter and sale out of the way so we can start the 2023 chopping season... this statement hasn’t been fact checked yet!
Our extended family... we couldn’t get it all done without them.
Dennis Pederson... our right hand man, he worked for my grandfather, my father and now me. He has been a lifelong friend.
Jesus Lopez... he started here in 1997 and the feed tractor is a ‘98 model... he has put 47,000 hours on that tractor feeding our cattle!
Jose Alonso... came to the ranch in ‘07 and is our animal husbandry specialist but can still run a tractor too. He is irreplaceable.
Mike Duenwald... he is our resident mechanic and when he is not trucking cattle he is our master pit boss on the barbecuer.
Sween)... is our top cow puncher and this ole timer reluctantly runs all of the errands no one else wants to do... unless its a beer run!
(Gary Foster)... a retired farmer who drives one of our silage trucks all summer and then helps deliver cattle during the winter and spring.
Trenton Brown... our forage specialist who loves to run the 990 Claas Chopper and helps with night calving.
Roger Krein... neighbor that farms and runs cows and loves the Reds. He helps with what ever needs to be done, including taking care of Jamison during harvest.
Our crew is a bunch of characters that can’t be replaced!
Schedule of Events:
Tuesday, March 7th, All Day - View the sale bulls at the Berwald Farm headquarters.
Tuesday, March 7th, 6:00 p.m. - Join us at the farm for a steak dinner and refreshments.
Wednesday, March 8th, 12:00 p.m. - Lunch is served at the Berwald Farm headquarters.
Wednesday, March 8th, 1:00 p.m. - The 1st Annual Bull & Female Sale.
Sale Day Phone Numbers
Austin Berwald (605) 690-3319
Seth Leachman (406) 591-5651
Dennis Pederson (605) 690-2480
Ryan Effling (605) 881-7690
Roger Krein (605) 690-1663
JD Kirwan (605) 491-4125
Col. Seth Weishaar (605) 210-1124
Dennis Ginkens, Western Ag Reporter (406) 670-9839
Andrew Swanson, Lee Agri-Media (507) 829-4133
Kadon Leddy, Cattle Business Weekly (605) 924-0757
Mark Sullivan, The Stockman Magazine (816) 304-0050
Hampton Inn & Suites, Brookings, SD (605) 697-5232
Brookings Inn, Brookings, SD (605) 692-9471
Best Western Watertown Inn & Suites, Watertown, SD (605) 882-3636
Sale Order
Animals sell in catalog order unless otherwise specified.
Sale Location
Berwald Farms - Headquarters 19460 471st Ave Toronto, SD 57268
Directions to the Sale
Take exit 150 off of I-29 and go 1 mile west and 1/2 mile south and it is the first place on the left.
Fertility Guarantee
Every bull will sell with a soundness exam and scrotal measurement. Semen testing will be done at a later (warmer) date.
Health Papers
Every bull comes with complete health testing including a TRICH and BVD test.
Registration Papers
Registration papers will be transferred to the buyer upon completion of settlement.
Retained Interest Bulls
We are retaining 1/3 interest in every bull selling unless otherwise specified. Buyer gets 2/3 interest, full possession and full salvage value. This allows us to reserve the right to collect semen on any bull in the offering at the buyer’s convenience.
Trucking Arrangements
Free trucking in SD and the first 500 miles is free. Also free trucking for purchases of 5 or more head. $100 off per bull if you pick them up sale day.
Cattle Viewing
Cattle are available for viewing anytime. Contact Austin Berwald at (605) 690-3319 to schedule a visit.
Sight Unseen/Phone Bids
Bids over the phone are welcome, please contact Seth Leachman at (406) 591-5651. Auction will also broadcast live on www.dvauction.com.
See page 4 for instructions on how to bid on line at www.dvauction.com
take care of them until you
an added convenience to our buyers, we will take care of any bull and/or heifer purchases up until May 31st at no extra cost. 3
ProS ..... Profitability and Sustainability is an all-purpose index that predicts average economic differences in all segments in the beef supply chain. This index is a combination of the breeding objectives modeled in the HerdBuilder and GridMaster selection indexes. In this index, replacement heifers are retained from within the herd and all remaining progeny are fed out to slaughter and sold on a quality-based grid. Traits included in this index include calving ease, growth, HPG, STAY, Mature Weight, Dry Matter Intake and carcass traits. The resulting index is expressed in dollars per head born (Index/High Value).
HB ....... HerdBuilder is a maternal selection index that predicts the economic differences of animals for traits that are important from conception through weaning. Expressed as dollars per head born, HB is calculated based on the scenario that bulls are mated to heifers and cows, replacement heifers are retained and all remaining progeny are marketed at weaning. Traits included in the HB index include Calving Ease Direct, Calving Ease Maternal, Weaning Weight, Milk, Mature Weight, Heifer Pregnancy and Stayability (Index/High Value).
GM....... GridMaster is a selection index that predicts the average economic difference of non-replacement calves through the post-weaning phase of production. GM places selection pressure on growth, feedyard performance and carcass traits. Expressed as dollars per head born, GM is calculated based on the scenario that progeny are fed out to slaughter and marketed on a quality-based carcass grid. Traits included in GM include Average Daily Gain, Carcass Weight, Dry Matter Intake, Marbling, Back Fat and Rib Eye Area (Index/High Value).
CED Calving Ease Direct predicts differences in the percent of calves born unassisted out of 2-year-old dams. (Percent/High Value)
BW Birth Weight predicts differences in actual birth weight of progeny. (Pounds/Low Value)
WW Weaning Weight predicts differences in 205-day weaning weight. (Pounds/High Value)
YW ........ Yearling Weight predicts differences in 365-day yearling weight. (Pounds/High Value)
ADG ....... Average Daily Gain predicts differences in weight gain between 205 and 365 days of age. (Pounds/High Value)
DMI ....... Dry Matter Intake predicts differences in daily feed intake as measured in a feedlot during the post-weaning period. (Pounds/Low Value)
MILK ..... Milk predicts differences in weaning weight attributed to the milking ability of the animal’s daughters. (Pounds/High Value)
ME ........ Maintenance Energy predicts the difference in maintence energy requirements. (Mcal per Month/Low Value)
HPG ....... Heifer Pregnancy predicts differences in the percent of daughters who are able to conceive and calve at 2 years of age following exposure to breeding. (Percent/High Value)
CEM Calving Ease Maternal predicts differences in the percent of daughters who are able to calve unassisted as 2-year-old heifers. (Percent/High Value)
STAY Stayability predicts differences in the ability of an animals’ retained daughters to remain productive in the herd – calve every year – through 6 years of age. (Percent/High Value)
MARB Marbling predicts differences in marbling score – amount of intramuscular fat measured at the 13th rib. (Marbling Score Units/High Value)
YG Yield Grade predicts differences in USDA Yield Grade, which is calculated using CW, REA and Fat. (Yield Grade Units/Low Value)
CW Carcass Weight predicts differences in actual hot carcass weight. (Pounds/High Value)
REA Ribeye Area predicts differences in square inches of ribeye area measured at the 13th rib.(Square Inches/High Value)
FAT Fat predicts differences in the depth of backfat measured between the 12th and 13th ribs. (Inches/Low Value)
live and bid for free on
Every animal will sell by a pre-recorded video in our heated shop. The sale bulls & heifers will be on display and available for viewing right outside, so come early enough to view the animals and then enjoy the climate controlled comfort of our sale facility.
Lot 1... our first Lot 1 ever, he was an easy choice.
- We are excited about the Red Angus business and a little anxious about what to expect at our first ever bull sale, but when it came down to selecting which bull would lead off our inaguaral event, Berwald Confident 2044 was the easy choice. He is the complete package, from his performance and carcass scan, to his unbelievably balanced EPD proof where he ranks in the top 1-3% of the breed for 6 traits! His flushmate sister also leads off our elite heifer offering as Lot 61.
- His sire, Brown CRSB Confidence G1410, took the breed by storm this past fall and he is the hottest thing since sliced bread, with his first daughters demanding prices of $100,000, $68,000, $55,000 and $38,000. He is an outcross son of the great Angus sire, Connealy Confidence Plus.
- His dam, Jaylo 0007, is one of our top young donors by Quarterback and from the famed Ms Joline Z243 cow that was a donor at C-Bar Ranch in KS. This cow family originated at Hueftle’s in NE and is behind many of the breed’s top genetics. She has a pair of Guidance sons, one natural and one ET, that sell as Lots 34 and 37.
- Selling 1/2 interest and full possession.
Lot 1’s full sister, Jaylo 2134, leads off our heifer offering as Lot 61.
BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 81 689 ET 1225 ET 102 34% 14 98% 88 1% BERWALD CONFIDENT 2044 Reg. 4687927 • Calved: 1/27/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER CONNEALY CONFIDENCE PLUS BROWN CRSB CONFIDENCE G1410 BROWN MS MISSION STMT B542 PIE QUARTERBACK 789 BERWALD JAYLO 0007 JEFFRIES MS JOLINE Z243 LOT 1 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 16 -3.2 81 137 29 11 0.87 0.02 45 0.59 %RANK 9% 25% 3% 1% 22% 89% 2% 24% 2% 2%
Lot 1 was special right from the get go...
Lot 2... he is the complete package!
Every animal has been parent verified & genomically enhanced EPDs will be available by sale time!
- The genetics in this offering are no accident... rather a very planned out program that was several years in the making. Completely 2056 is the fifth genaeration in a row that are all from ET matings! He has been a standout all summer, fall and winter and we feel he is a prime candidate to carry on his sire’s lineage.
- His dam, Stony 0001, is quite a specimin to behold... this young female is so deep and stout that she rivals many of the mature cows in our herd. She is sired by Quarterback and out of the famed Ms Stony A302 cow whose picture has been used as the poster child for the breed for nearly a decade now. Be sure and check out 0001’s natural born Guidance son selling as Lot 17.
- His sire, Complete 7000E, was the bull of the ‘18 season, topping the Hueftle’s sale in NE for $180,000. He has lived up to expectations, earning a -2.3 BW to 134 YW EPD spread with a top 2% breed rank for Marbling. Unfortunately the bull was lost this past summer due to an injury and there is very little to no semen available.
- Selling 1/2 interest and full possession.
BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 82 768 ET 1279 ET 110 24% 38 81% 72 4% BERWALD COMPLETELY 2056 Reg. 5 • Calved: 1/29/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER LEACHMAN PLEDGE A282Z KJL/CLZB COMPLETE 7000E HXC 507C PIE QUARTERBACK 789 BERWALD STONY 0001 C-BAR MS STONY A302 LOT 2 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 14 -3.0 73 124 27 12 0.69 0.03 32 0.35 %RANK 32% 28% 12% 6% 38% 84% 8% 30% 19% 12%
Lot 2’s dam, Stony 0001, pictured last summer as a first calf heifer, was destined for this moment right from the day she was born!
Lot 3... could be the heir-apparent for his deceased sire!
Lot 3’s dam, Abigrace 0018, pictured last summer as a first calf heifer, is the most influential donor cow in our entire program.
- With Complete now gone and little to no semen available, it is logical to scour the country in search of his best son. We feel Successor 2067 is a strong candidate to take over for his sire... he has everything his daddy had to offer and much more!
- His dam, Abigrace 0018, is the epitome of where our program is headed. Powerful yet feminine, and productive and sound as the they come, she bred AI on the first try, was succefully IVF flushed as a heifer, calved at 24 months, bred AI again on her first try, was flushed again all summer while raising her exceptional natural born Guidance son (Lot 16), and just calved again right on time! She has 10 head of progeny already to her credit, and this sale features sons and a daughter selling as Lots 3, 5, 6, 12, 16, 18, 19, 20 and 66.
- The Quarterback progeny crossed with Franchise has been a magical mating. Lot 3’s granddam, Abigrace 636D, is a full sister to 9 Mile Franchise 6305, and this mating with Quarterback has produced top donors at the Pieper’s in NE, and Hansine Ranch in SD, as well as our exciting young $77,500 herdsire, PIE Commander 0100, whose five full brothers and one sister are featured in the event as Lots 4, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 64. Selling 1/2 interest and full possession.
7 BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 91 747 ET 1299 ET 125 9% 40 78% 84 1%
Reg. 4687963 • Calved: 1/30/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER LEACHMAN PLEDGE A282Z KJL/CLZB COMPLETE 7000E HXC 507C
C-BAR ABIGRACE 636D LOT 3 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 12 -2.8 69 122 30 13 0.87 0.00 34 0.41 %RANK 56% 32% 19% 8% 12% 79% 2% 17% 14% 7%
Lot 4... the first of 5 full brothers to PIE Commander 0100!
- We knew we were on to something special when these ET litter mates hit the ground last spring. Team Leader 2058 is one of five full brothers and a sister that are featured in this sale sired by the great PIE Quarterback 789 and out of Abigrace 636D, the full sister to 9 Mile Franchise 6305. This guy has been one of our favorites... we love his dark red color, powerful performance and muscle shape, and quiet demeanor.
- In the spring of ‘21, we teamed up with Clint Witherspoon of Buffalo Creek Red Angus in TX, and purchased PIE Commander 0100... he was our pick of the bulls that year Pieper’s sale, and his first progeny are proving to be some of the most talked about calves around the breed. Lot 4 is a full brother and four more sell as Lots 7-10, as well as a full sister that is featured as Lot 64.
- In very short order, Lot 4’s dam, Abigrace 636D, has established herself as the go to donor cow in the breed, and if you like her Quarterback sons, you will not want to miss her Complete sons selling as Lots 13 & 14.
- Selling 1/2 interest and full possession.
BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 92 758 ET 1264 ET 133 5% 53 55% 81 2%
Reg. 4687933 • Calved: 1/29/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER PIE STOCKMAN 4051 PIE QUARTERBACK 789 PIE RUBY 520 SPUR FRANCHISE OF GARTON C-BAR ABIGRACE 636D C-BAR ABIGRACE Y11 LOT 4 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 13 -3.2 64 116 36 15 0.77 -0.07 28 0.55 %RANK 42% 25% 39% 14% 1% 56% 4% 5% 30% 2%
Lot 4’s dam, Abigrace 636D, is following in her ancestors’ footprints as one of the most influential cows in the breed.
Lot 4... this one can lead your program in for the win!
Lots 5 & 6... here come the ground pounders!
- Absolute 2075 is the stud horse in the pen... this dark red dude is long, deep and very heavy made. If performance and carcass are what you’re after, then take a look here.
- This offering is the debut for Abigrace 0018. This powerful donor has never missed a step yet, and she is the kind that we are going to perpetuate in our program. This sale features 9 head of her progeny with Lots 3, 5, 6, 12, 16, 18, 19, 20 and 66. Selling 1/2 interest and full possession.
- Wow is one of the words that comes to mind when we analyzed this powerhouse... Megabyte 2041 was the king of the hill at weaning and he is still on top!
- Where else in the country will you find a herd bull prospect that combines two of the most sought-after bulls in the breed, Bieber Hard Drive and PIE Quarterback. Megabyte blends the best of these superstar sires in one package and he is backed by our Abigrace 0018 donor that will be the one everyone is talking about when this sale is over. Selling 1/2 interest and full possession.
Abigrace 0018 & 0019... pictured as
they were our top two heifers in ‘20... we kept 0018 & sold 0019 to Hansine Ranch for $30K.
9 BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 92 791 ET 1380 ET 125 9% 40 78% 84 1% BERWALD ABSOLUTE 2075 Reg. 4687887 • Calved: 1/30/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER LEACHMAN PLEDGE A282Z KJL/CLZB COMPLETE 7000E HXC 507C PIE QUARTERBACK 789 BERWALD ABIGRACE 0018 C-BAR ABIGRACE 636D LOT 5 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 12 -2.8 69 122 30 13 0.87 0.00 34 0.41 %RANK 56% 32% 19% 8% 12% 79% 2% 17% 14% 7% BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 92 794 ET 1337 ET 132 5% 43 74% 89 1%
Reg. 4687871 • Calved: 1/25/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER LACY GOLD BAR 8123 BIEBER HARD DRIVE Y120 BIEBER LAURA 158W PIE QUARTERBACK 789 BERWALD ABIGRACE 0018 C-BAR ABIGRACE 636D LOT 6 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 13 -2.4 70 120 30 14 0.79 -0.11 39 0.64 %RANK 48% 39% 16% 9% 16% 66% 4% 2% 6% 1%
Lots 7 - 10... not all ET flushes work this well!
Lot 7... 848 AWW & 1334 AYW!
- Lot 7 is the power bull of the flush, posting an 848 AWW and 1334 AYW! We are confident that when the genomically enhanced data comes back, he will be off the charts for growth & carcass. Add length and pounds at weaning on your calves with this hog.
- Lot 8 is very attractive with great shape to his rear quarter, loads of depth, and a nice softness to him. He looks like a female maker, and if the daughters turn out like his dam and granddam, Abigrace 636D and Abigrace Y11, then you’re in business!
10 BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 88 848 ET 1334 ET 133 5% 53 55% 81 2%
Reg. 4687907 • Calved: 1/30/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER PIE STOCKMAN 4051 PIE QUARTERBACK 789 PIE RUBY 520 SPUR FRANCHISE OF GARTON C-BAR ABIGRACE 636D C-BAR ABIGRACE Y11 LOT 7 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 13 -3.2 64 116 36 15 0.77 -0.07 28 0.55 %RANK 42% 25% 39% 14% 1% 56% 4% 5% 30% 2% BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 83 722 ET 1218 ET 133 5% 53 55% 81 2%
Reg. 4687849 • Calved: 1/21/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER PIE STOCKMAN 4051 PIE QUARTERBACK 789 PIE RUBY 520 SPUR FRANCHISE OF GARTON C-BAR ABIGRACE 636D C-BAR ABIGRACE Y11 LOT 8 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 13 -3.2 64 116 36 15 0.77 -0.07 28 0.55 %RANK 42% 25% 39% 14% 1% 56% 4% 5% 30% 2%
Full ET brothers to the $77,500 PIE
- Lot 9 is very similar to his brother, Lot 8. He is very smoothly made with great depth of body and a strong maternal look. It will be interesting to see by sale time how the DNA adjusts these full brothers... currently they rank in the top 1-5% for Milk, Marbling, YG & REA.
- Lot 10 looks to be the sure fire calving ease heifer bull of the brothers, and he is the heaviest muscled one of all of them. We are getting a big group of calves this spring by PIE Commander and they are looking really good!
11 BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 81 707 ET 1156 ET 133 5% 53 55% 81 2%
Reg. 4687955 • Calved: 1/27/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER PIE STOCKMAN 4051 PIE QUARTERBACK 789 PIE RUBY 520 SPUR FRANCHISE OF GARTON C-BAR ABIGRACE 636D C-BAR ABIGRACE Y11 LOT 9 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 13 -3.2 64 116 36 15 0.77 -0.07 28 0.55 %RANK 42% 25% 39% 14% 1% 56% 4% 5% 30% 2% BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 79 660 ET 1129 ET 133 5% 53 55% 81 2%
Reg. 4687885 • Calved: 1/30/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER PIE STOCKMAN 4051 PIE QUARTERBACK 789 PIE RUBY 520 SPUR FRANCHISE OF GARTON C-BAR ABIGRACE 636D C-BAR ABIGRACE Y11 LOT 10 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 13 -3.2 64 116 36 15 0.77 -0.07 28 0.55 %RANK 42% 25% 39% 14% 1% 56% 4% 5% 30% 2%
PIE Commander 0100... the full brother to Lots 4, 7, 8, 9 & 10. C-BAR Abigrace
the dam of Lots 4, 7, 8, 9 & 10.
Commander 0100!
Lot 11... all four Carcass EPDs rank in the top 1-6% of the breed!
- Interstate 2040 boasts one of the most balanced EPD proofs in the offering, with 9 traits that rank in the top 11% or better in the breed. This guy has extra power and stature.
- His dam, Abigrace 0019, is the littermate full sister to Abigrace 0018 that we sold 2/3 embryo interest and possession to Hansine Ranch in Pierre, SD as a yearling heifer for $30,000!
- Selling 1/2 interest and full possession.
BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 89 680 ET 1200 ET 138 3% 52 55% 86 1% BERWALD INTERSTATE 2040 Reg. 4687929 • Calved: 1/25/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER LACY GOLD BAR 8123 BIEBER HARD DRIVE Y120 BIEBER LAURA 158W PIE QUARTERBACK 789 BERWALD ABIGRACE 0019 C-BAR ABIGRACE 636D LOT 11 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 14 -2.2 75 123 31 15 0.83 -0.10 39 0.68 %RANK 35% 43% 8% 7% 11% 52% 3% 3% 6% 1%
Lot 12... a candidate to replace his renowned sire, Hard Drive!
- Cruise Control 2082 is a bull we have been keeping close tabs on since he was a baby. With Hard Drive deceased and little to no semen available, we are in search for a son to carry on with and we think this guy is a strong candidate. He is a full brother to Lot 6, Berwald Megabyte 2041.
- His dam, Abigrace 0018, is with her second natural AI calf in a row, and she already has 9 head of progeny in this sale, including Lots 3, 5, 6, 12, 16, 18, 19, 20 and 66.
- Selling 1/2 interest and full possession.
13 BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 89 700 ET 1197 ET 132 5% 43 74% 89 1% BERWALD CRUISE CONTROL 2082 Reg. 4687855 • Calved: 1/2/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER LACY GOLD BAR 8123 BIEBER HARD DRIVE Y120 BIEBER LAURA 158W PIE QUARTERBACK 789 BERWALD ABIGRACE 0018 C-BAR ABIGRACE 636D LOT 12 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 13 -2.4 70 120 30 14 0.79 -0.11 39 0.64 %RANK 48% 39% 16% 9% 16% 66% 4% 2% 6% 1%
Lot 13... he is loaded with all the goods!
- Compute 2061 is a dark red, moderate Complete son that has all of his pieces in all the right places! He isn’t the stoutest bull in the pen, but when you analyze his build, his data and his pedigree, he does a lot of things right.
- His dam, Abigrace 636D, is a full sister to the popular AI sire, 9 Mile Franchise 6305, and she can flat produce a great one. She is also the dam of the $77,500 PIE Commander and our lead donor, Abigrace 0018.
- Selling 1/2 interest and full possession.
BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 86 709 ET 1163 ET 130 6% 44 73% 86 1%
Reg. 4687865 • Calved: 1/29/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER LEACHMAN PLEDGE A282Z KJL/CLZB COMPLETE 7000E HXC 507C SPUR FRANCHISE OF GARTON C-BAR ABIGRACE 636D C-BAR ABIGRACE Y11 LOT 13 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 10 -1.4 70 122 29 13 0.84 -0.01 39 0.54 %RANK 84% 59% 17% 8% 21% 80% 2% 15% 6% 3%
Lot 14... just another Complete x Abigrace 636D!
- Lot 14 is a full brother to Lot 13, and he is built right too... he has a deep center of gravity and is big topped and wide based.
- One can only imagine what the daughters are going to be like from these brothers... I think we already know!
BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 84 738 ET 1117 ET 130 6% 44 73% 86 1%
Reg. 4687917 • Calved: 1/23/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER LEACHMAN PLEDGE A282Z KJL/CLZB COMPLETE 7000E HXC 507C SPUR FRANCHISE OF GARTON C-BAR ABIGRACE 636D C-BAR ABIGRACE Y11 LOT 14 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 10 -1.4 70 122 29 13 0.84 -0.01 39 0.54 %RANK 84% 59% 17% 8% 21% 80% 2% 15% 6% 3%
Abigrace Y11...
Abigrace 636D...
A pair of the breed’s most influential matrons...
We’ve made sure they are ingrained into this herd!
Lot 15... showing off one of his best assets!
- They don’t make ‘em much stouter than this moderate meat wagon. Lot 15 is a chunk of a bull and he has packed as much performance as possible on his moderate frame.
- His dam, Raindance 0012, is a young Quarterback heifer that raised this 821 AWW whopper on her first try. She is a daughter of Raindance 7001, a super moderate Blockade daughter we purchased at the ‘18 9 Mile Sale in Washington. That was the first time Austin met Josh Dykes and Seth Leachman, and he was jealous that their cows were out grazing in March, but impressed with the genetics they had put together.
- Selling 1/2 interest and full possession.
BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 91 821 114 1380 114 111 22% 53 54% 58 14%
Reg. 4687831 • Calved: 1/18/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER MCD SPUR 6111 EGL GUIDANCE 9117 AHL DUCHESS 427B PIE QUARTERBACK 789 BERWALD RAINDANCE 0012 9 MILE RAINDANCE 7001 LOT 15 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 15 -2.2 70 118 31 14 0.61 0.08 35 0.22 %RANK 22% 43% 17% 12% 8% 70% 14% 58% 12% 30%
Lots 16 & 17... Abigrace 0018 & Stony 0001’s natural sons by Guidance.
9117... the sire of Lots 15, 16 & 17.
- Lot 16 is the natural born Guidance son off of Abigrace 0018, our signature donor cow that has 9 head of progeny in this sale alone... and she only just turned 3yrs old! This stout made Guidance son has attracted a lot of attention, both this summer at the flush center and this winter on test. Selling 1/2 interest and full possession.
- Lot 17 is the natural born Guidance son off of Stony 0001, the super cowy Quarterback daughter out of the famed Ms Stony A302. This bull is a real moderate chunk of meat and he has a great disposition.
- Selling 1/2 interest and full possession.
BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 82 790 100 1284 100 126 8% 58 44% 68 6%
Reg. 4567175 • Calved: 2/9/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER MCD SPUR 6111 EGL GUIDANCE 9117 AHL DUCHESS 427B PIE QUARTERBACK 789 BERWALD ABIGRACE 0018 C-BAR ABIGRACE 636D LOT 16 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 15 -3.4 56 100 32 15 0.71 0.06 29 0.18 %RANK 24% 22% 67% 43% 7% 61% 7% 49% 26% 39% BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 86 752 100 1206 100 109 24% 55 50% 54 18%
Reg. 4567173 • Calved: 2/5/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER MCD SPUR
CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 16 -3.6 59 102 28 14 0.53 0.10 27 0.12 %RANK 10% 19% 55% 38% 26% 70% 25% 68% 34% 51%
EGL Guidance
Lots 16 & 17... they both grew up very well, especially condisering they spent most of the summer at the flush center along side their 2yr old dams!
Lot 18... he performed and carcass scanned the best!
Lot 18...
107 IMF ratio & 115 REA ratio!
- Lot 18 is a super smooth made Complete son out of Abigrace 0018 that has a definite calving ease look to him. He posted one of the best carcass scans of the five full brothers.
- His full brothers sell as Lots 3, 5, 19 & 20, and don’t forget his full ET sister featured as Lot 66.
BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 83 720 ET 1233 ET 125 9% 40 78% 84 1%
Reg. 4687913 • Calved: 1/30/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER LEACHMAN PLEDGE A282Z KJL/CLZB COMPLETE 7000E HXC 507C PIE QUARTERBACK 789 BERWALD ABIGRACE 0018 C-BAR ABIGRACE 636D LOT 18 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 12 -2.8 69 122 30 13 0.87 0.00 34 0.41 %RANK 56% 32% 19% 8% 12% 79% 2% 17% 14% 7%
As our winter continues to pound on us, we dream about days with green grass, happy cows & short sleeve shirts!
Abigrace 0018 accounts for 9 head of progeny in this sale alone!
Lot 19... posted a 5.99 IMF and 128 ratio!
- Lot 19 was the highest Marbling scan bull of the full brothers, posting a 5.99 IMF and 128 ratio.
- His sire, Complete 7000E, burst onto the scene in the spring of ‘18 when he was the $180,000 top selling bull in the breed that year. Now deceased, his semen is very scarce, but we have a great set of sons to choose from.
Lot 20... boasts a 15.0in. REA and 109 ratio!
- Lot 20 is deep and stout! He posted an impressive 15.0in. REA with a 109 ratio and has the build that would favor him as a great choice to use on heifers. The work has already been done to secure the maternal goodness in these bulls, as we have stacked cows like Abirace 0018 and Y11, Ruby 520 and HXC 507C in these ET brothers.
BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 70 624 ET 1173 ET 125 9% 40 78% 84 1%
Reg. 4687959 • Calved: 1/28/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER LEACHMAN PLEDGE A282Z KJL/CLZB COMPLETE 7000E HXC 507C PIE QUARTERBACK 789 BERWALD ABIGRACE 0018 C-BAR ABIGRACE 636D LOT 19 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 12 -2.8 69 122 30 13 0.87 0.00 34 0.41 %RANK 56% 32% 19% 8% 12% 79% 2% 17% 14% 7% BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 84 730 ET 1169 ET 125 9% 37 83% 88 1%
CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 12 -2.8 69 122 30 13 0.87 0.00 34 0.41 %RANK 56% 32% 19% 8% 12% 79% 2% 17% 14% 7%
Lot 21... sports a -3.0 BW to 124 YW EPD spread with top 8% Marbling!
- Lot 21 is a very heavy made, deep and soggy middled Complete son out of our exciting young donor, Stony 0001. This bull has an unreal quiet demeanor... you can not get him excited!
- His dam, Stony 0001, was and is still today the most impressive, massive females we have raised on the ranch.
BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 91 705 ET 1152 ET 110 24% 38 81% 72 4% BERWALD COMPLETE 2071 Reg. 4687957 • Calved: 1/30/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER LEACHMAN PLEDGE A282Z KJL/CLZB COMPLETE 7000E HXC 507C PIE QUARTERBACK 789 BERWALD STONY 0001 C-BAR MS STONY A302 LOT 21 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 14 -3.0 73 124 27 12 0.69 0.03 32 0.35 %RANK 32% 28% 12% 6% 38% 84% 8% 30% 19% 12%
We are extremely excited about our ‘21 replacement bred heifers that are calving this spring... wait until you see the genetics on the calves at their side!
Lots 22 & 23... ET Complete sons out of Stony 0002!
Lot 22... he is a ‘little man’!
- Lot 22 is a super moderate chunk of a bull. He has all the right parts in all the right places... he just has them packed into a smaller package. His dam, Stony 0002, is a real powerhouse sired by PIE Fullback 7005 and out of the famed Ms Stony A302 cow at C-Bar Ranch. Be sure to check out the full sister featured as Lot 67.
- Lot 23 is a dark red, dark faced Complete son with extra length and performance. It is no surprise that he scanned with an extraordinary 6.28 IMF and a 135 ratio... his sire ranks among the elite top 1% of the breed for Marbling.
- Don’t miss his full sister, Stony 2046, featured as Lot 67... this heifer has potential to be competitive on the tanbark.
BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 82 776 ET 1155 ET 96 45% 40 78% 56 17%
Reg. 4687879 • Calved: 2/7/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER LEACHMAN PLEDGE A282Z KJL/CLZB COMPLETE 7000E HXC 507C PIE FULLBACK 7005 BERWALD STONY 0002 C-BAR MS STONY A302 LOT 22 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 12 -1.8 70 119 24 13 0.48 0.05 30 0.24 %RANK 64% 50% 16% 10% 62% 80% 34% 40% 24% 26% BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 92 738 ET 1201 ET 96 45% 40 78% 56 17%
Reg. 4687875 • Calved: 2/9/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER LEACHMAN PLEDGE A282Z KJL/CLZB COMPLETE 7000E HXC 507C PIE FULLBACK 7005 BERWALD STONY 0002 C-BAR MS STONY A302 LOT 23 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 12 -1.8 70 119 24 13 0.48 0.05 30 0.24 %RANK 64% 50% 16% 10% 62% 80% 34% 40% 24% 26%
sells as Lot 67!
Lot 22 & 23s full ET sister
Lot 24... has a huge EPD spread to go with his massive 783 AWW!
- Lot 24 is one of the best structured bulls in the offering... he is as long as a frieghttrain and super smooth.
- His dam, Bonne Bel 1188, was the bred heifer we took to the ‘20 ND Red Select Sale, and she was the $13,500 high seller to Steve Lapp in Sissten, SD. As a 2yr old, she produced 67 embryos for him!
God Bless America...
And this Land that We Love!
BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 82 783 ET 1260 ET 93 50% 39 80% 53 20% BERWALD COMPLETE 2039 Reg. 4687943 • Calved: 1/24/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER LEACHMAN PLEDGE A282Z KJL/CLZB COMPLETE 7000E HXC 507C PIE ONE OF A KIND 352 BER BONNE BEL 1188 TKP BONNE BEL 110 LOT 24 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 13 -3.2 74 122 27 13 0.54 0.07 34 0.21 %RANK 51% 25% 9% 8% 40% 82% 23% 54% 14% 32%
Lots 25 & 26... full brothers by Complete out of Bonne Bel 110!
Lot 25... a direct son of Bonne Bel 110 with the goods!
- Lot 25 is the first of two direct Complete sons out of the famed Bonne Bel 110, also the dam of PIE Cinch. We sold a granddaughter this year at the ‘22 ND Red Select Sale and she topped it to Erquiaga Cattle Co. in NE, for $35,000, and in ‘20, 110’s One of a Kind daughter topped the bred heifers to Steve Lapp in Sissten, SD for $13,500.
- Lot 26 is exactly what you would expect from Complete and Bonne Bel 110... dark red, long backed, and loaded with performance. As an added bonus he posted a 5.47 IMF with a 117 ratio.
- Bonne Bel’s descendants riddle this entire offering. check out these Lots: 24-27, 48-50, 54 and 69.
BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 81 760 ET 1261 ET 95 45% 53 55% 43 38%
Reg. 4687925 • Calved: 2/9/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER LEACHMAN PLEDGE A282Z KJL/CLZB COMPLETE 7000E HXC 507C HXC CONQUEST 4405P TKP BONNE BEL 110 TKP BONNE BEL 9031 LOT 25 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 13 -3.6 66 106 27 15 0.53 0.09 24 0.07 %RANK 44% 19% 29% 31% 34% 53% 25% 67% 48% 63% BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 91 692 ET 1211 ET 95 45% 53 55% 43 38%
Reg. 4687949 • Calved: 2/6/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER LEACHMAN PLEDGE A282Z KJL/CLZB COMPLETE 7000E HXC 507C HXC CONQUEST 4405P TKP BONNE BEL 110 TKP BONNE BEL 9031 LOT 26 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 13 -3.6 66 106 27 15 0.53 0.09 24 0.07 %RANK 44% 19% 29% 31% 34% 53% 25% 67% 48% 63% TKP Bonne Bel 110... the dam of Lots 25 & 26.
Lot 27... a heifer bull that is more than just a heifer bull!
We support the local college students...
- Lot 27 is the lead off Captain son in the sale and he is a good one! Long and strong topped, he has a little extra performance to go with his calving ease numbers. His dam, Bonne Bel 1251, is an ET Pelton Wideload 78B daughter out of the ole Bonne Bel 110 cow herself.
she helped take pictures this winter. Bridget Weese she is our intern and helps with all the odd jobs.
Austin tried his ‘Raindance’ technique... best bull picture of the day!
Lindsay Upperman
BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 79 721 100 1172 97 94 47% 64 33% 30 65% BERWALD CAPTAIN 2160 Reg. 4687837 • Calved: 2/21/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER PIE QUARTERBACK 789 PIE CAPTAIN 057 PIE BONNE BEL 852 PELTON WIDELOAD 78B BER BONNE BEL 1251 TKP BONNE BEL 110 LOT 27 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 15 -4.6 62 102 34 18 0.51 0.08 14 0.13 %RANK 22% 9% 46% 40% 3% 17% 28% 61% 83% 49% Lot 27 nursing
this summer...
Our baby girl turned 1yr old on 2/22/23... Happy Birthday Jocelyn!
28 & 29... natural born Captain sons out of two of our best young matrons!
- Lot 28 is the natural born Captain son off of Abigrace 1203, a very powerful Wideload daughter out of Abigrace 684D that was the heaviest weaned heifer calf in back in ‘19.
- This is the first crop of calves sired by PIE Captain 057, the $150,000 high selling bull at Pieper’s in ‘21.
- Lot 29 is the natural born Captain son out of Tilly 1214, one of the best Seneca daughters we have seen. She was a pick of the ET calves out of the PIE Tilly 4220 donor by Saga.
- A maternal brother son by Recharge sold out of our private treaty pen last year to Tyler Block in Roslyn, SD.
BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 84 708 99 1176 97 92 51% 47 66% 45 34% BERWALD
Reg. 4687839 • Calved: 2/13/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER PIE QUARTERBACK 789 PIE CAPTAIN 057 PIE BONNE BEL 852 PELTON WIDELOAD 78B BER ABIGRACE 1203 C-BAR-RJ ABIGRACE 684D LOT 28 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 13 -3.2 65 110 32 16 0.61 0.04 17 0.24 %RANK 42% 25% 34% 23% 6% 49% 14% 33% 74% 26%
BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 72 666 93 1164 96 96 44% 71 20% 25 75%
Reg. 4687847 • Calved: 2/9/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER
057 PIE
LOT 29 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 16 -5.0 60 102 31 18 0.35 0.13 19 0.17 %RANK 15% 6% 52% 40% 11% 14% 65% 82% 66% 40%
Abigrace 1203... pictured this past summer while raising Lot 28.
Tilly 1214... pictured this spring in the calving pen... she serves up a pretty nice meal!
Lots 30 & 31... our first sons of the $77,500 PIE Commander 0100!
- Lot 30 is the first of two super strong full brothers sired by PIE Commander 0100, the Quarterback son out of Abigrace 636D that we purchased with Clint Witherspoon, Buffalo Creek Red Angus, in TX, - Just a March yearling, imagine what Lot 30 would look like in a couple of months when he is as old as the other sale bulls are now!
- Lot 31 is another ET Commander son out of Abigrace 684D. Without a doubt, their dam has been our top revenue earning cow to date, with 26 head of progeny to her record currently... and that doesn’t include several ‘22 born heifers! She produced back to back to back top selling females at the ‘19, ‘20 and ‘21 ND Red Select Sale.
BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 60 534 ET ET 101 35% 24 95% 77 2%
Reg. 4687961 • Calved: 3/12/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER PIE QUARTERBACK 789 PIE COMMANDER 0100 C-BAR ABIGRACE 636D 5L INDEPENDENCE 560-298Y C-BAR-RJ ABIGRACE 684D C-BROWN&KM ABIGRACE T715 LOT 31 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 8 -0.4 71 129 27 13 0.66 -0.06 30 0.43 %RANK 94% 77% 14% 4% 33% 77% 10% 5% 24% 6% BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 84 653 ET 1175 ET 101 35% 24 95% 77 2% BERWALD COMMANDER 2342 Reg. 4687901 • Calved: 3/11/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER PIE QUARTERBACK 789 PIE COMMANDER 0100 C-BAR ABIGRACE 636D 5L INDEPENDENCE 560-298Y C-BAR-RJ ABIGRACE 684D C-BROWN&KM ABIGRACE T715 LOT 30 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 8 -0.4 71 129 27 13 0.66 -0.06 30 0.43 %RANK 94% 77% 14% 4% 33% 77% 10% 5% 24% 6%
Abigrace 684D... the powerful donor dam of Lots 30 & 31!
Lot 30... his dam, Abigrace 684D, is one of our top revenue earners!
Lots 32 & 33... black/red gene carrier genetics at their best!
- If Lot 32 was red, you might just see him leading off this sale! Just a March ET baby, he is flat loaded with performance and structurally he is flawless. Be sure to check out his ‘RED’ full sister featured as Lot 69.
- Lot 33 and his siblings excite us as much as anything we have raised. This son of SAV Territory 7225 has the outcross genetics that will take this breed forward. We have now calved out many full and half sisters, and as luck would have it, most have red calves at their side!
Lot 72’s full sister, Abigrace 1133J, topped the ‘21 ND Red Select Sale to Buffalo Creek Red Angus in TX.
BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 86 693 ET 1154 ET 81 68% 18 97% 64 9%
Reg. 4687881 • Calved: 3/9/2022 • CAT. 2 - 100% AR • Pfx: BER S A V RESOURCE 1441 S A V TERRITORY 7225 S A V EMBLYNETTE 3293 5L INDEPENDENCE 560-298Y C-BAR-RJ ABIGRACE 684D C-BROWN&KM ABIGRACE T715 LOT 33 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 10 -0.1 82 136 16 11 0.50 0.06 43 0.44 %RANK 80% 81% 2% 1% 99% 90% 30% 46% 3% 6% BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 83 721 ET 1361 ET 131 6% 61 38% 70 5%
Reg. 4687951 • Calved: 3/14/2022 • CAT. 2 - 100% AR • Pfx: BER PIE QUARTERBACK 789 PIE COMMANDER 0100 C-BAR ABIGRACE 636D MCD SPUR 6111 BERWALD BONNE BEL 1215 TKP BONNE BEL 110 LOT 32 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 10 -2.2 72 127 35 17 0.61 0.00 32 0.41 %RANK 80% 43% 14% 5% 1% 28% 14% 18% 18% 7%
Lot 32’s dam, Bonne Bel 1215...
Lots 34 - 36... Guidance sons out of Jaylo & Tilly!
- Lot 34 and 35 are a pair of brothers sired by Guidance and out of Jaylo 0007, the exciting young Quarterback sired donor that is also the dam to our lead bull and heifer selling as lots 1 and 61. The Jaylo cow family is responsible for some of the most successful bulls and females in the breed, including KJL/CLZB Complete 7000E and the Patricia Rose donor at B&L Red Angus in OK.
- Lot 36 is an ET Guidance son out of Tilly 1214, the Seneca daughter that is one of the most powerful and impressive females on the place. Check out her natural born Captain son selling as Lot 29.
BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 94 715 ET 1228 ET 101 36% 67 27% 34 57%
Reg. 4687947 • Calved: 2/15/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER MCD SPUR 6111 EGL GUIDANCE 9117 AHL DUCHESS 427B RREDS SENECA 731C BERWALD TILLY 1214 PIE TILLY 4220 LOT 36 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 14 -2.9 59 98 24 16 0.36 0.19 31 0.03 %RANK 32% 30% 57% 47% 65% 42% 63% 96% 22% 72%
BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 93 795 111 1298 107 107 27% 49 63% 58 13%
Reg. 4687843 • Calved: 2/13/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER MCD SPUR 6111 EGL GUIDANCE 9117 AHL DUCHESS 427B PIE QUARTERBACK 789 BERWALD JAYLO 0007 JEFFRIES MS JOLINE Z243 LOT 34 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 14 -2.0 68 111 32 14 0.72 0.08 30 0.20 %RANK 31% 47% 24% 21% 6% 70% 6% 58% 25% 34% BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 84 742 ET 1182 ET 109 25% 50 60% 58 13%
Reg. 4687935 • Calved: 1/24/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER MCD SPUR 6111 EGL GUIDANCE 9117 AHL DUCHESS 427B PIE QUARTERBACK
BERWALD JAYLO 0007 JEFFRIES MS JOLINE Z243 LOT 35 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 16 -3.5 61 102 32 14 0.72 0.08 27 0.14 %RANK 15% 21% 47% 40% 6% 70% 6% 61% 35% 46%
Lots 37 - 39... calving ease & carcass minded sons of EGL Guidance 9117.
- Lot 37 ranks in the top 12% for BW and the top 5% for Marbling. He is sired by the $72,000 EGL Guidance and maternally is out of our young donor, Abigrace 0023. She stacks Hard Drive with Ms P707 X7580.
- Lot 38 is the natural Guidance sired son out of Miss Pebbles 843, the $25,000 pick of the heifer calves in Pieper’s ‘18 Fall sale.
- His maternal sister by Quarterback topped the ‘21 ND Red Select Sale, going to Hansine Ranch for $25,000.
- Lot 39 is a moderate, stout made little man! We have to submit a DNA sample on his dam to get him registered so his EPDs are parental averages.
- His dam is one of the more beautiful young cows on the place with a perfect udder.
BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 81 111 % 58 % 52 %
Reg. PENDING • Calved: 1/20/2022 • CAT. A - 100& AR • Pfx:BER MCD SPUR 6111 EGL GUIDANCE 9117 AHL DUCHESS 427B PIE THE COWBOY KIND 343 BER BANKER 1002 HAGEMANN W384-642 LOT 39 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 14 -1.8 58 97 27 15 0.56 0.14 31 0.00 %RANK % % % % % % % % % % BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 91 649 100 1076 100 117 15% 56 49% 62 10%
Reg. 4570819 • Calved: 1/23/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER MCD SPUR 6111 EGL GUIDANCE 9117 AHL DUCHESS 427B BIEBER HARD DRIVE Y120 TKP MISS PEBBLES 843 TKP MISS PEBBLES 6166 LOT 38 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 15 -3.4 61 100 25 14 0.63 0.09 35 0.19 %RANK 20% 22% 48% 44% 59% 67% 13% 65% 11% 36% BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 71 672 94 1095 90 115 17% 50 61% 66 7%
Reg. 4687845 • Calved: 1/30/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER MCD SPUR 6111 EGL GUIDANCE 9117 AHL DUCHESS 427B BIEBER HARD DRIVE Y120 BERWALD ABIGRACE 0023 BROWN MS P707 X7580 LOT 37 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 16 -4.2 57 94 27 13 0.72 0.11 31 0.08 %RANK 15% 12% 65% 57% 41% 80% 6% 76% 21% 60%
Lots 40 - 42... bulls from our cooperator, Kirwan Red Angus, Bonesteel, SD.
- Lots 40-42 are bulls from our cooperator and friend, JD Kirwan, Kirwan Red Angus, in Bonesteel, ND. JD has invested heavily into our program and has a good eye for cattle. Lot 40 is royally bred, stacking Guidance on top of a Quarterback x Abigrace 684D dam that he picked out of the herd.
- Lot 41 is a stout made, high performing calving ease bull. He is sired by C-Bar One Way 37E, a One of a Kind son out of the famed Abigrace Y11 cow. Maternally he stacks Brown Complete and Andras Fusion.
- Lot 42 is a dark red, long bodied son of 9 Mile Franchise 6305, one of the breed’s premier calving ease sires. The Franchise daughters are some of the best in our herd and they are that way all over the country.
BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 73 654 100 1105 95 108 25% 63 34% 46 32%
Reg. 4691085 • Calved: 2/3/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: JAMD SPUR FRANCHISE OF GARTON 9 MILE FRANCHISE 6305 C-BAR ABIGRACE Y11 WCR OUTFITTER 4245B PIE SAMS REBA 0591 PIE SAMS REBA 6122 LOT 42 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 13 -3.3 66 113 33 16 0.43 0.12 39 0.35 %RANK 51% 23% 30% 18% 3% 49% 45% 80% 7% 12% BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 76 679 104 1224 105 83 66% 39 81% 44 35%
Reg. 4691103 • Calved: 2/1/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: JAMD PIE ONE OF A KIND 352 C-BAR ONE WAY 37E C-BAR ABIGRACE Y11 CRUMP COMPLETE 7785 PIE ROSIE 0156 PIE ROSIE 7322 LOT 41 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 13 -2.7 62 104 28 12 0.46 0.11 23 0.06 %RANK 50% 33% 43% 35% 26% 87% 38% 73% 52% 65% BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 74 676 103 1195 103 109 24% 47 67% 62 10%
Reg. 4691073 • Calved: 2/2/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: JAMD MCD SPUR 6111 EGL GUIDANCE 9117 AHL DUCHESS 427B PIE QUARTERBACK 789 BER ABIGRACE 1448 C-BAR-RJ ABIGRACE 684D LOT 40 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 15 -3.3 62 107 29 13 0.65 0.07 29 0.14 %RANK 23% 23% 46% 30% 23% 75% 11% 53% 29% 46%
Lots 43 & 44... full brothers by Lacy Collusion out of Stony 837F.
- Lot 43 is the first of two full ET brothers sired by Lacy Collusion and out of Stony 837F, a beautiful Spur Franchise x A302 cow that is one of the lead donors at C-Bar Ranch in KS. This mating produced a few of C-Bar’s top bulls last spring, and their #1 bull selling this spring is a full brother.
Lot 44... this slosher mashed the scale with an 823 AWW!
- Lot 44 is a Dakotas kind of bull... this meatwagon came in this fall and posted a massive 823 AWW! He is deep, thick and good.
- His sire, Lacy Collusion 115F, offers fresh outcross genetics for most and from the looks of his first daughters just going into production this spring, he is going to leave an impression on the breed.
BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 100 823 ET 1326 ET 131 6% 74 15% 57 15%
2092 Reg. 4687863 • Calved: 2/4/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER FRITZ JUSTICE 8013 LACY COLLUSION 115F LACY LAKOTA 8105 SPUR FRANCHISE OF GARTON C-BAR STONY 837F C-BAR MS STONY A302 LOT 44 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 12 0.3 71 114 27 19 0.55 -0.04 37 0.64 %RANK 54% 86% 15% 16% 39% 9% 22% 9% 9% 1% BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 88 738 ET 1077 ET 131 6% 74 15% 57 15%
COLLUSION 2062 Reg. 4687899 • Calved: 1/30/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER FRITZ JUSTICE 8013 LACY COLLUSION 115F LACY LAKOTA 8105 SPUR FRANCHISE OF GARTON C-BAR STONY 837F C-BAR MS STONY A302 LOT 43 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 12 0.3 71 114 27 19 0.55 -0.04 37 0.64 %RANK 54% 86% 15% 16% 39% 9% 22% 9% 9% 1% C-Bar Stony 837F... Lot 43 & 44’s donor dam
Lot 45... a Hard Drive x Bonne Bel with extra power!
- If you want to put some performance and size back in your cattle, take a look at Overdrive 2002. This dude is big and stout, and he comes by it honestly. Back in December, we took his full sister to the ND Red Select Sale in Mandan, ND, and she topped the sale to Jeff Erquiaga, Erquiaga Cattle Company, in NE for $35,000.
- We thought so highly of his young donor dam, Bonne Bel 0009, that we successfully flushed her as a yearling and she did not disappoint. She is a young daughter of PIE The Cowboy Kind 343, the phenotype leading sire at McEntire Red Angus in OK, and maternally she is from the famed Bonne Bel 110 donor that is also the dam of PIE Cinch.
- The Hard Drive semen is so rare and when there is some for sale it has been fetching upwards of $1,000 per unit or more. We know how good his daughters are, and given what we know about this young Bonne Bel dam, this herd bull prospect should be a pretty sound bet to have an impact in the future.
- Selling 1/2 interest and full possession.
BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 79 776 ET 1262 ET 112 21% 39 79% 72 4%
Reg. 4687931 • Calved: 1/3/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER LACY GOLD BAR 8123 BIEBER HARD DRIVE Y120 BIEBER LAURA 158W PIE THE COWBOY KIND 343 BERWALD BONNE BEL TKP BONNE BEL 110 LOT 45 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 12 -0.7 72 117 25 14 0.67 -0.01 36 0.37 %RANK 60% 72% 12% 12% 54% 64% 9% 14% 11% 10%
Lot 45’s full ET sister, Berwald Bonne Bel 2001, was the $35,000 high seller at the ‘22 ND Red Select Sale going to Erquiaga Cattle Co. in NE.
Lots 46 & 47... Hard Drive sons out of Stony 0002.
sister sells as Lot 62!
- Lot 46 is the first of two ET Hard Drive sons out of Stony 0002, the powerful Fullback daughter out of Ms Stony A302. Their full sister, Stony 2034, and maternal sister by Complete, Stony 2042, are two of our 12 featured open heifers that sell as Lots 62 & 67... be sure to check them out!
- Lot 47 is a long, rugged made Hard Drive son with a big REA. Don’t miss a chance at these full brothers... the Hard Drive progeny are few and far between and pretty soon all the semen will be gone.
- The dam, Stony 0002, is a Fullback daughter out of the famed Ms Stony A302. Be sure to check out her pair of ET Complete sons selling as Lots 22 & 23.
BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 88 724 ET 1156 ET 102 35% 43 74% 59 13% BERWALD
Reg. 4687873 • Calved: 1/21/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER LACY GOLD BAR 8123 BIEBER HARD DRIVE Y120 BIEBER LAURA 158W PIE FULLBACK 7005 BERWALD STONY 0002 C-BAR MS STONY A302 LOT 46 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 12 -1.4 72 118 24 14 0.40 -0.06 35 0.47 %RANK 56% 59% 14% 12% 69% 67% 52% 6% 12% 5% BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 86 650 ET 1172 ET 102 35% 43 74% 59 13%
Reg. 4687859 • Calved: 1/24/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER LACY GOLD BAR 8123 BIEBER HARD DRIVE Y120 BIEBER LAURA 158W PIE FULLBACK 7005 BERWALD STONY 0002 C-BAR MS STONY A302 LOT 47 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 12 -1.4 72 118 24 14 0.40 -0.06 35 0.47 %RANK 56% 59% 14% 12% 69% 67% 52% 6% 12% 5%
Lot 46
47’s full
Lot 46 & 47’s maternal sister sells as Lot 67!
Lot 48... calving ease, performance & carcass all wrapped up in one!
- Lot 48 is a prime example of the kind of bulls we want to raise and sell as female makers... he is a calving ease bull with great maternal strengths and exceptional carcass EPDs.
- His dam, Bonne Bel 1083, is a maternal sister to PIE Cinch, sired by Franchise and out of the great Bonne Bel 110 cow, who at 12 yrs of age is still going strong.
In Loving Memory...
Jaxson Arlen Berwald & Michael Alan Berwald
34 BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 76 755 105 1355 112 114 18% 60 40% 54 18% BERWALD
Reg. 4687833 • Calved: 2/5/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER PIE STOCKMAN 4051 PIE QUARTERBACK 789 PIE RUBY 520 9 MILE FRANCHISE 6305 BERWALD BONNE BEL 1083 TKP BONNE BEL 110 LOT 48 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 17 -6.1 62 109 38 17 0.57 0.02 24 0.31 %RANK 5% 2% 43% 25% 1% 34% 19% 25% 47% 16%
Lots 49 & 50... Quarterback sons out of Bon Belle 1255.
- Lot 49 is the first of two full ET brothers sired by Quarterback and out of Bon Belle 1255, an attractively made Harvestor daughter with a beautiful udder.
- The granddam, Bonne Bel 110, is also the dam of PIE Cinch. At 12 years of age she is still producing with an earned 107 MPPA and 38 head of progeny to her record.
- Lot 50 is a full brother to Lot 49 and this one is a cowman’s bull... rugged and stout with performance and power.
- The influence of the Bonne Bel cow family is strong in our herd and in the offering. Bonne Bel 110 can be found behind Lots 24-27, 32, 45, 48-50, 54 and 69.
BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 89 768 ET 1209 ET 90 54% 42 75% 47 29%
Reg. 4687893 • Calved: 1/29/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER PIE STOCKMAN 4051 PIE QUARTERBACK 789 PIE RUBY 520 RED LWNBRG HARVESTOR 103C BERWALD BON BELLE 1255 TKP BONNE BEL 110 LOT 50 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 15 -3.8 67 114 30 15 0.51 0.08 25 0.09 %RANK 25% 17% 27% 16% 15% 52% 28% 58% 43% 59% BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 81 720 ET 1258 ET 90 54% 42 75% 47 29%
Reg. 4687953 • Calved: 1/28/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER PIE STOCKMAN 4051 PIE QUARTERBACK 789 PIE RUBY 520 RED LWNBRG HARVESTOR 103C BERWALD BON BELLE 1255 TKP BONNE BEL 110 LOT 49 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 15 -3.8 67 114 30 15 0.51 0.08 25 0.09 %RANK 25% 17% 27% 16% 15% 52% 28% 58% 43% 59%
Lots 51 - 53... full brothers by Quarterback out of Abigrace 0023.
- Lot 51 starts off a set of three full brothers sired by Quarterback and out of Abigrace 0023, the young ET Hard Drive donor that is a daughter of the $34,000 Brown Ms P707 X7580 cow we owned with Pieper’s in NE.
Brown Ms P707 X7580... pictured below, she is the powerful granddam of Lots 51-53.
- Lot 52 was a good performer, posting a 777 AWW. These three full brothers combine two of the most sought after bulls in the business with Quarterback and Hard Drive. We expect to see some explosive growth and carcass with moderate birth weights.
- Lot 53 is another full brother ‘Quarterback x Hard Drive’ combination. He is deep, soft made and had a great carcass scan. With a -4.2 BW to 116 YW spread and top 3% Marbling EPD, these brothers will add value to your calf crop.
BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 89 709 ET 1184 ET 113 19% 39 80% 74 3%
Reg. 4687883 • Calved: 2/14/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER PIE STOCKMAN 4051 PIE QUARTERBACK 789 PIE RUBY 520 BIEBER HARD DRIVE Y120 BERWALD ABIGRACE 0023 BROWN MS P707 X7580 LOT 53 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 16 -4.2 68 116 32 13 0.81 -0.01 27 0.33 %RANK 14% 12% 23% 13% 5% 75% 3% 15% 33% 14% BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 82 777 ET 1215 ET 113 19% 39 80% 74 3%
Reg. 4687905 • Calved: 2/12/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER PIE STOCKMAN 4051 PIE QUARTERBACK 789 PIE RUBY 520 BIEBER HARD DRIVE Y120 BERWALD ABIGRACE 0023 BROWN MS P707 X7580 LOT 52 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 16 -4.2 68 116 32 13 0.81 -0.01 27 0.33 %RANK 14% 12% 23% 13% 5% 75% 3% 15% 33% 14% BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 80 742 ET 1227 ET 113 19% 39 80% 74 3%
Reg. 4687869 • Calved: 2/15/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER PIE STOCKMAN 4051
BROWN MS P707 X7580 LOT 51 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 16 -4.2 68 116 32 13 0.81 -0.01 27 0.33 %RANK 14% 12% 23% 13% 5% 75% 3% 15% 33% 14%
Lot 54... in the yearling bull business, a little age has its avantages!
- Lot 54 is an interesting bull. Born in October, he is a legitimate heifer bull with loads of performance. We conveniently left him on his mama all summer long, and when he weaned he was darn near bigger than her!
- We know the Quarterback x Franchise cross works... it already is responsible for bulls like the $150,000 PIE Captain 057, and the $60,000 PIE Heisman at J6 Farms in NE. His dam is a direct daughter of Bonne Bel 110, the powerful donor that also raised PIE Cinch.
BW AWW AYW Scrotal Pro$ HB GM 68 831 100 1275 100 115 17% 60 40% 55 17% BERWALD QUARTERBACK 1900J Reg. 4707157 • Calved: 10/16/2021 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER PIE STOCKMAN 4051 PIE QUARTERBACK 789 PIE RUBY 520 9 MILE FRANCHISE 6305 BERWALD BONNE BEL 1103 TKP BONNE BEL 110 LOT 54 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 17 -5.5 61 107 37 17 0.57 0.02 22 0.29 %RANK 8% 4% 49% 29% 1% 34% 19% 25% 55% 19% Lot 54 was as big as his mama this summer! Here come the Registered Open
Lots 61 - 72 We’ve reached into our replacement pen to bring you 12 very special open heifers... we hope you will enjoy their genetic leadtime as much as we’re going to miss them.
Lot 61... our lead-off heifer is a full sister to our lead-off bull!
brother, Berwald Confident 2044, sells as Lot 1...
- If this heifer doesn’t get you excited then you had better check to see if you have a pulse! Jaylo 2134 is absolutely one of the best heifers we’ve raised this year, and she has all the figures as well as the phenotype to back that statement up. Her full ET brother was a standout as well and he is now Lot 1 in our inaugural sale.
- His sire, Brown CRSB Confidence G1410, has sired some of the most sought after daughters the breed has ever seen with several females bringing record figures. He is an outcross son of the great Angus sire, Connealy Confidence Plus.
- His dam, Jaylo 0007, comes from a very royal lineage. Her dam, Ms Joline Z243, first sold to Jeffries Red Angus in OK as an ET pregnancy from C-Bar Ranch in KS. Then C-Bar partnered up with Dwight Goodson in TX and purchased the pick of Jeffries herd at the Denver Stockshow and Z243 was their pick. They all stem from the famed Jaylo LB136 cow that is also the foundation behind the Patricia Rose cow at B&L Red Angus in OK, and she is the foundation genetics behind KJL/CLZB Complete 7000E as well.
- At the buyers convenience, we are retaining the option to a flush with a minimum of six (6) viable embryos to the bull of our choice.
BW AWW AYW Pro$ HB GM 80 629 ET 1083 ET 103 34% 14 98% 88 1%
Reg. 4716289 • Calved: 2/13/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER CONNEALY CONFIDENCE PLUS BROWN CRSB CONFIDENCE G1410 BROWN MS MISSION STMT B542 PIE QUARTERBACK 789 BERWALD JAYLO 0007 JEFFRIES MS JOLINE Z243 LOT 61 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 16 -3.2 81 137 29 11 0.87 0.02 45 0.59 %RANK 9% 25% 3% 1% 22% 89% 2% 24% 2% 2%
Lot 61’s full
Lots 62 & 63... rare daughters of Bieber Hard Drive Y120!
- Where else are you going to find a direct Hard Drive daughter for sale, let alone one that is as royally bred as Lot 62! This female is loaded with power right from the ground up and she reminds us a lot of her legendary granddam, Ms Stony A302.
- At the buyers convenience, we are retaining the option to a flush with a minimum of six (6) viable embryos to the bull of our choice.
Lot 63...
she combines two of the most sought-after bulls in the business... Hard Drive & Quarterback!
- We must be crazy to sell this one, but her dam is young and we can make more. Where else are you going to find a female that combines Hard Drive and Quarterback, and she is an Abigrace to boot! You will drive the tires off your vehicle and not find another one like her.
- At the buyers convenience, we are retaining the option to a flush with a minimum of six (6) viable embryos to the bull of our choice.
BW AWW AYW Pro$ HB GM 77 642 ET 1005 ET 114 19% 32 89% 82 1%
Reg. 4716271 • Calved: 1/3/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER LACY GOLD BAR 8123 BIEBER HARD DRIVE Y120 BIEBER LAURA 158W PIE QUARTERBACK 789 BERWALD ABIGRACE 0017 C-BAR-RJ ABIGRACE 684D LOT 63 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 13 -2.4 74 123 26 13 0.73 -0.10 37 0.57 %RANK 41% 39% 10% 7% 47% 77% 6% 3% 8% 2% BW AWW AYW Pro$ HB GM 84 650 ET 982 ET 102 35% 43 74% 59 13% BERWALD STONY 2034 Reg. 4716273 • Calved: 1/24/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER LACY GOLD BAR 8123 BIEBER HARD DRIVE Y120 BIEBER LAURA 158W PIE FULLBACK 7005 BERWALD STONY 0002 C-BAR MS STONY A302 LOT 62 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 12 -1.4 72 118 24 14 0.40 -0.06 35 0.47 %RANK 56% 59% 14% 12% 69% 67% 52% 6% 12% 5%
Lot 62 is a granddaughter of the famed Ms Stony A302 cow!
Lots 64 & 65... daughters of the sought-after PIE Quarterback!
Lot 64’s dam, Abigrace 636D, showing off some of her most valuable assets.
- Lot 64 is a full sister to the $77,500 PIE Commander 0100, as well as our top donor, Abigrace 0018. We sold another to Hansine Ranch in SD for $30,000, and Pieper’s in NE have one that raised one of their top bulls this year. She has five full brothers selling in the sale as Lots 4, 7, 8, 9 & 10. At the buyers convenience, we are retaining the option to a flush with a minimum of six (6) viable embryos to the bull of our choice.
Lot 65... her granddam, PIE Janet 382, is a past Denver Reserve Calf Champion!
- This heifer comes from one of our favorite cow lines on the ranch. Lot 65’s dam, Janet 1206, is a beautiful Just Right daughter out of PIE Janet 382, the Saga daughter that was named Reserve Calf Champion at the ‘14 National Western Stockshow in Denver, CO.
- At the buyers convenience, we are retaining the option to a flush with a minimum of six (6) viable embryos to the bull of our choice.
BW AWW AYW Pro$ HB GM 70 590 ET 889 ET 107 27% 50 60% 57 15% BERWALD JANET 2064 Reg. 4716281 • Calved: 1/30/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER PIE STOCKMAN 4051 PIE QUARTERBACK 789 PIE RUBY 520 PIE JUST RIGHT 540 BERWALD JANET 1206 PIE JANET 382 LOT 65 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 15 -3.9 69 116 35 16 0.65 0.02 22 0.26 %RANK 16% 16% 21% 14% 1% 46% 11% 28% 53% 23% BW AWW AYW Pro$ HB GM 73 634 ET 970 ET 133 5% 53 55% 81 2% BERWALD
Reg. 4716275 • Calved: 1/24/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER PIE STOCKMAN 4051 PIE QUARTERBACK 789 PIE RUBY 520 SPUR FRANCHISE OF GARTON C-BAR ABIGRACE 636D C-BAR ABIGRACE Y11 LOT 64 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 13 -3.2 64 116 36 15 0.77 -0.07 28 0.55 %RANK 42% 25% 39% 14% 1% 56% 4% 5% 30% 2%
Lots 66 & 67... power & style all in one package!
- Lot 66 is the flushmate full sister to Lots 3, 5, 18, 19 and 20... this is a rare chance to own a daughter of one of the most exciting young cows in the breed today, Abigrace 0018, and Complete is deceased and there is very little semen available.
- At the buyers convenience, we are retaining the option to a flush with a minimum of six (6) viable embryos to the bull of our choice.
Lot 67... if you want one for the ‘23 NAJRAE in Brookings, SD this summer this one has the look!
- Lot 67 was one of Seth Leachman’s favorite heifers all summer long. This beauty is dark red, big middled, heavy boned, and long fronted... all qualities that point towards a future junior show heifer and the ‘23 NAJRAE Show just happens to be in Brookings, SD this summer!
- At the buyers convenience, we are retaining the option to a flush with a minimum of six (6) viable embryos to the bull of our choice.
BW AWW AYW Pro$ HB GM 81 641 ET 1037 ET 96 45% 40 78% 56 17%
Reg. 4716277 • Calved: 1/27/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER LEACHMAN PLEDGE A282Z KJL/CLZB COMPLETE 7000E HXC 507C PIE FULLBACK 7005 BERWALD STONY 0002 C-BAR MS STONY A302 LOT 67 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 12 -1.8 70 119 24 13 0.48 0.05 30 0.24 %RANK 64% 50% 16% 10% 62% 80% 34% 40% 24% 26% BW AWW AYW Pro$ HB GM 82 654 ET 1071 ET 125 9% 40 78% 84 1% BERWALD ABIGRACE
Reg. 4716279 • Calved: 1/28/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER LEACHMAN PLEDGE A282Z KJL/CLZB COMPLETE 7000E HXC 507C PIE QUARTERBACK 789 BERWALD ABIGRACE 0018 C-BAR ABIGRACE 636D LOT 66 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 12 -2.8 69 122 30 13 0.87 0.00 34 0.41 %RANK 56% 32% 19% 8% 12% 79% 2% 17% 14% 7%
Lot 66’s dam, Abigrace 0018, pictured right after calving this spring.
Lots 68 & 69... daughters of PIE Captain & PIE Commander!
Lot 68... she is a Carrie from the famed Buffalo Creek Red Angus program!
- Lot 68 is a beautiful female with style, performance and stature. She is sired by the $150,000 PIE Captain 057 and stems from the famous Carrie cow family that originated in one of the breed’s foundation programs, Buffalo Creek Red Angus from WY.
- At the buyers convenience, we are retaining the option to a flush with a minimum of six (6) viable embryos to the bull of our choice.
- Lot 69 is a very attractive heifer with a ton of performance and a huge EPD profile. She is sired by the $77,500 PIE Commander and is out of one of our favorite young donors, Bonne Bel 1215, a black/red gene carrier MCD Spur 6111 daughter that is a maternal sister to PIE Cinch.
- At the buyers convenience, we are retaining the option to a flush with a minimum of six (6) viable embryos to the bull of our choice.
Lot 69’s dam, Bonne Bel 1215...
BEL 2329
BW AWW AYW Pro$ HB GM 80 645 ET 1059 ET 131 6% 61 38% 70 5% BERWALD
Reg. 4716293 • Calved: 3/12/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER PIE QUARTERBACK 789 PIE COMMANDER 0100 C-BAR ABIGRACE 636D MCD SPUR 6111 BERWALD BONNE BEL 1215 TKP BONNE BEL 110 LOT 69 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 10 -2.2 72 127 35 17 0.61 0.00 32 0.41 %RANK 80% 43% 14% 5% 1% 28% 14% 18% 18% 7% BW AWW AYW Pro$ HB GM 76 648 100 974 100 88 58% 53 53% 34 57%
Reg. 4716287 • Calved: 2/12/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER PIE QUARTERBACK 789 PIE CAPTAIN 057 PIE BONNE BEL 852 PIE ONE OF A KIND 352 CRUMP CARRIE 7166 BUF CRK CARRIE W131 LOT 68 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 14 -4.0 65 108 33 15 0.44 0.08 18 0.16 %RANK 31% 14% 33% 27% 3% 63% 42% 58% 72% 42%
Lots 70 & 71... from the Abigrace & Stony tribes!
Lot 70...
79 BW to 1016 AYW in a moderate, maternal package!
- Lot 70 boasts an impressive performance record, posting a 705 AWW and 1016 AYW with only a 79 BW. She is the natural born Guidance daughter out of Abigrace 0017, a first calf Quarterback out of our donor, Abigrace 684D. Lot 70’s ET mat. sis by Hard Drive sells as Lot 63. - At the buyers convenience, we are retaining the option to a flush with a minimum of six (6) viable embryos to the bull of our choice.
- Lot 71 is a very long and feminine Collusion daughter out of Stony 837F, the Spur Franchise x A302 donor at C-Bar Ranch in KS. Be sure to check out her full ET brothers featured as Lots 43 & 44.
- At the buyers convenience, we are retaining the option to a flush with a minimum of six (6) viable embryos to the bull of our choice.
BW AWW AYW Pro$ HB GM 78 666 ET 961 ET 131 6% 74 15% 57 15% BERWALD STONY
Reg. 4716283 • Calved: 1/30/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER FRITZ JUSTICE 8013 LACY COLLUSION 115F LACY LAKOTA 8105 SPUR FRANCHISE OF GARTON C-BAR STONY 837F C-BAR MS STONY A302 LOT 71 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 12 0.3 71 114 27 19 0.55 -0.04 37 0.64 %RANK 54% 86% 15% 16% 39% 9% 22% 9% 9% 1% BW AWW AYW Pro$ HB GM 79 705 100 1016 100 108 26% 46 68% 61 11% BERWALD ABIGRACE 2107 Reg. 4716285 • Calved: 2/7/2022 • CAT. A - 100% AR • Pfx: BER MCD SPUR 6111 EGL GUIDANCE 9117 AHL DUCHESS 427B PIE QUARTERBACK 789 BERWALD ABIGRACE 0017 C-BAR-RJ ABIGRACE 684D LOT 70 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 15 -3.5 59 103 28 13 0.65 0.08 27 0.11 %RANK 20% 21% 55% 36% 27% 75% 11% 56% 33% 53%
Lot 71’s dam, Stony 837F...
Lot 72... this outcross heifer offers unreal genetic leadtime!
Lot 72’s dam, Abigrace 684D... she has helped put our program on the map!
- Last but cerainly not least, Abigrace 2212 is a very special genetic piece for any astute breeder. An outcross black/red gene carrier, she is a full sister to our $20,500 ND Red Select sale topper to Buffalo Creek Red Angus in TX, and when you see these Territory daughters in production running around with their red calves at sale time, it will add value to the stock on this one.
- At the buyers convenience, we are retaining the option to a flush with a minimum of six (6) viable embryos to the bull of our choice.
BW AWW AYW Pro$ HB GM 83 675 ET 1119 ET 81 68% 18 97% 64 9% BERWALD
Reg. 4716291 • Calved: 3/9/2022 • CAT. 2 - 100% AR • Pfx: BER S A V RESOURCE 1441 S A V TERRITORY 7225 S A V EMBLYNETTE 3293 5L INDEPENDENCE 560-298Y C-BAR-RJ ABIGRACE 684D C-BROWN&KM ABIGRACE T715 LOT 72 CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 10 -0.1 82 136 16 11 0.50 0.06 43 0.44 %RANK 80% 81% 2% 1% 99% 90% 30% 46% 3% 6%
Lot 72’s full sister, Abigrace 1133J, topped the ‘21 ND Red Select Sale to Buffalo Creek Red Angus in TX.
Sale Terms & Conditions
The Auctioneer in charge will settle any disputes as to bids, and his decision on such matters shall be final.
Terms of sale are cash unless satisfactory credit arrangements have been made with Sale Management prior to sale.
Each animal becomes the risk of the Buyer as soon as sold, but it shall be the obligation of the Seller to see that animals are fed and cared for free of charge to Buyer, until loaded for shipment or until the expiration of 48 hours after the sale, whichever occurs sooner.
All animals are eligible for interstate shipment, except as otherwise announced. Interstate health papers will be furnished for each animal requiring tuberculosis and brucellosis tests in accordance with Federal Regulations.
Any changes from information of any kind in this catalog will be announced from the auction box and such announcements shall take precedence.
In the event the Buyer defaults on payment, the Buyer shall be responsible for all costs, including attorney’s costs, incurred by Sale Management or Seller in connection with collecting, or attempting to collect, payment due.
All animals are guaranteed by the seller as outlined in the Red Angus Association of America Code of Ethical Sale Practices.
The above terms and conditions of sale shall constitute a contract between the buyer and seller of each animal and shall be equally binding upon both. Each sale or resale of an animal constitutes a seperate transaction.
All persons who attend the sale do so at their own risk. The seller, the sale manager, and the auction facility assume no liability for accidents that may occur. It is to be clearly understood that the sale manager and their representatives act only as a medium between the buyer and seller.