Dear friends, neighbors and fellow cattlemen & women,
We would first like to thank you for your time and interest in our program. Our existence in the beef industry revolves around the desire to produce genetics that command your interest and demand, and we survive and thrive because of your investments in our bulls and females. We don’t take your needs and support of our program for granted, and we are constantly working on our genetics for the benefit to the industry and your bottom line.
We are humbled and yet very excited that our maternal genetics have been the source for many of the breed’s top young bulls and females in some of the most renowned programs around the country. We take pride in the fact that we have focused on the females, and we only flush the elite top donors. We have shared many of the genetics from these matrons and are happy that they’ve been so successful for our customers and fellow Red Angus breeders.
Cindy and I could not do this alone, and we have formed some great alliances and friendships with the people that have helped us and contributed to our success along the way. We would like to recognize our genetic partners, York Creek Red Angus, Grant Potadle, from Herman, NE, and TY-BE Farms, the late Tim Orr program that has been taken over by his son, Tyler, from Newbern, TN. Of course we are very grateful for our partnership with Ray & Joy Dowd, R-J Farms, in Scott City, KS.
One of the best commercial Red Angus herds in the country is also our ET recipient herd at Neal & Nathan Smith’s in Paradise, KS. We have a select set of bulls in the sale this year from the Smith herd that are two & three generations AI sired, offering our commercial customers quality registered bulls without the price competition from the seedstock bull buyers... be sure and check them out.
The quality of this calf crop has been fun to work with and showcase to our visitors all summer and fall, and the depth of quality still catches us off guard. Once again we are working with Seth Leachman. More than just our sale manager, Seth and I have enjoyed evaluating, designing and even arguing over top Red Angus genetics for many years now. He is very excited about this set of bulls and he and I believe that the quality runs very deep. Thanks for your thoughtful consideration. Dare to expect more. God and family first.
Steve & Cindy Maier
one of the most complete Collusion sons to date, he boasts 12 traits in the top 20% or better... He sells as Lot 3!
Crackerjack 2037K...
Sale Day Phone Numbers
Steve Maier - (785) 623-9736
Cynthia Maier - (785) 481-1004
Seth Leachman - (406) 591-5651
Grant Potadle - (402) 870-1488
Heartland Regional Stockyard - (785) 688-4080
Colonel Jared Shipman - (806) 983-7226
Sales Representatives
Seth Leachman, Sales Manager (406) 591-5651
Stephen Russell, Kansas Stockman (785) 458-2650
Colton Pratz, Oklahoma Cowman (405) 385-1054
Dakota Ferguson, High Plains Journal (785) 893-1604
Craig Talkington, Independent (785) 623-1789
Gerri Schumacher, STR Cattle Consulting (785) 623-1721
Sale Terms
Sale will follow the terms underlined in the back of the catalog outlined by the Red Angus Association of America.
Sale Order
Cattle will sell in catalog order unless otherwise specified.
All sale animals come with complete health testing. Any Trich or BVD testing required will be done promptly after the sale.
Retained Interest on Bulls
Retaining 1/3 semen interest on every bull in the sale unless otherwise specified. The buyer will get full possession and full salvage value.
Internet Broadcasting
Complete sale videos & lot previews available online at: Please register to bid prior to the sale. See page 2 for instructions on how to bid.
Schedule of Events:
Cattle available for viewing all day Sunday, February 26th, at Heartland Regional Stockyards. Monday, February 27th...
1:00 p.m. CST - C-Bar Ranch Annual Bull Sale
A complimentary lunch will be served at 12:00 p.m.
Livestock Transportation
Free delivery to locations within 250 miles of C-Bar Ranch, $100 discount off the purchase of any bull loaded out on sale day or within 2 days. Any bulls not picked up at Heartland Regional Stockyards, will return to the ranch. Contact Steve for all shipping arrangements and/or pick up schedule. We will keep the bulls free of charge up to April 1st, 2023.
Sale Accomodations
We recommend using hotels located in Hays, KS, approximately 25 miles south of Heartland Regional Stockyards.
Hays Regional Airport
Daily flights servicing Hays, KS through Denver and Kansas City. Car rentals available at the airport.
Sight Unseen/phone bidding
Bids over the phone are welcome, please contact one of the sale representatives listed above for your orders.
Sale Location:
Heartland Regional Stockyards 907 NW 3rd St NW, Plainville, KS 67663 (785) 688-4080
Understanding the catalog data:
ProS - Profit & Sustainability
HB - Herdbuilder index
GM - Gridmaster index
CED - Calving Ease Direct
BW - Birth Weight
WW - Weaning Weight
YW - Yearling Weight
MILK - Milk
ME - Maintenance Energy
HPG - Heifer pregnancy
CEM - Calving ease maternal
STAY - Stayability
MB - Marbling
YG - Yield Grade
CW - Carcass weight
REA - Rib Eye Area
Top% - % Rank among all 2022 non-parant bulls.
All the yearling bulls were ultrasound scanned for carcass merit and we also took DNA samples on a handfull of the bulls that will have the GGP logo. Please watch for updates on line for this information and we will have a supplement sheet at sale time as well.
ProS ..... Profitability and Sustainability is an all-purpose index that predicts average economic differences in all segments in the beef supply chain. This index is a combination of the breeding objectives modeled in the HerdBuilder and GridMaster selection indexes. In this index, replacement heifers are retained from within the herd and all remaining progeny are fed out to slaughter and sold on a quality-based grid. Traits included in this index include calving ease, growth, HPG, STAY, Mature Weight, Dry Matter Intake and carcass traits. The resulting index is expressed in dollars per head born (Index/High Value).
HB ....... HerdBuilder is a maternal selection index that predicts the economic differences of animals for traits that are important from conception through weaning. Expressed as dollars per head born, HB is calculated based on the scenario that bulls are mated to heifers and cows, replacement heifers are retained and all remaining progeny are marketed at weaning. Traits included in the HB index include Calving Ease Direct, Calving Ease Maternal, Weaning Weight, Milk, Mature Weight, Heifer Pregnancy and Stayability (Index/High Value).
GM....... GridMaster is a selection index that predicts the average economic difference of non-replacement calves through the post-weaning phase of production. GM places selection pressure on growth, feedyard performance and carcass traits. Expressed as dollars per head born, GM is calculated based on the scenario that progeny are fed out to slaughter and marketed on a quality-based carcass grid. Traits included in GM include Average Daily Gain, Carcass Weight, Dry Matter Intake, Marbling, Back Fat and Rib Eye Area (Index/High Value).
CED Calving Ease Direct predicts differences in the percent of calves born unassisted out of 2-year-old dams. (Percent/High Value)
BW ........ Birth Weight predicts differences in actual birth weight of progeny. (Pounds/Low Value)
WW Weaning Weight predicts differences in 205-day weaning weight. (Pounds/High Value)
YW Yearling Weight predicts differences in 365-day yearling weight. (Pounds/High Value)
ADG Average Daily Gain predicts differences in weight gain between 205 and 365 days of age. (Pounds/High Value)
DMI ....... Dry Matter Intake predicts differences in daily feed intake as measured in a feedlot during the post-weaning period. (Pounds/Low Value)
MILK Milk predicts differences in weaning weight attributed to the milking ability of the animal’s daughters. (Pounds/High Value)
ME Maintenance Energy predicts the difference in maintence energy requirements. (Mcal per Month/Low Value)
HPG ....... Heifer Pregnancy predicts differences in the percent of daughters who are able to conceive and calve at 2 years of age following exposure to breeding. (Percent/High Value)
CEM Calving Ease Maternal predicts differences in the percent of daughters who are able to calve unassisted as 2-year-old heifers. (Percent/High Value)
STAY Stayability predicts differences in the ability of an animals’ retained daughters to remain productive in the herd – calve every year – through 6 years of age. (Percent/High Value)
MARB Marbling predicts differences in marbling score – amount of intramuscular fat measured at the 13th rib. (Marbling Score Units/High Value)
YG ......... Yield Grade predicts differences in USDA Yield Grade, which is calculated using CW, REA and Fat. (Yield Grade Units/Low Value)
CW Carcass Weight predicts differences in actual hot carcass weight. (Pounds/High Value)
REA Ribeye Area predicts differences in square inches of ribeye area measured at the 13th rib.(Square Inches/High Value)
FAT Fat predicts differences in the depth of backfat measured between the 12th and 13th ribs. (Inches/Low Value)
1/9/2022 MCBR/2007K A-100% AR #4705073 BIEBER DRIVEN C540 STRA RELENTLESS STRA CHEREBAL 305 SPUR FRANCHISE OF GARTON C-BAR ABIGRACE 755E C-BROWN&KM ABIGRACE T715 Pro$ 162(1%) HB 87(5%) GM 74(3%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 86 748 ET 1236 ET CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 13 -3.9 59 92 30 -1 14 8 18 0.90 0.02 28 0.40 Top% 46 16 58 62 13 26 9 22 18 1 28 30 8
You’re a Dandy if you do...
- It has been a long and trying year for us at C-Bar Ranch but watching this set of bulls grow and develop all summer, fall and winter has been one of our only solaces. Jim Dandy 2007K is one in particular that we have focused extra attention on... this dark red, deep ribbed bull is moderate and stout is his kind yet still has the eye appeal, correct structure and quiet disposition the we love. He will be used back in our program.
- His dam, Abigrace 755E, is a beautiful Spur Franchise daughter we flushed and then sold to our good friends, Holton Cattle Co. in TX. She has daughters residing at Hansine Ranch in SD and Sandridge Land & Cattle in OK. Selling 1/2 interest and full possession.
1/9/2022 MCBR/2007K A-100% AR #4705073 BIEBER DRIVEN C540 STRA RELENTLESS STRA CHEREBAL 305 SPUR FRANCHISE OF GARTON C-BAR ABIGRACE 755E C-BROWN&KM ABIGRACE T715 Pro$ 162(1%) HB 87(5%) GM 74(3%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 86 748 ET 1236 ET 5.56 115 14.4 102 1.14 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 13 -3.9 59 92 30 -1 14 8 18 0.90 0.02 28 0.40 Top% 46 16 58 62 13 26 9 22 18 1 28 30 8
We developed the bulls at home this year.., it is nice to be able to walk through and see them every day.
Great bulls come from great cows...
- Unstoppable 2009K is a flushmate to Jim Dandy and he is the power and carcass bull of the flush, posting an amazing 779 AWW, 1297 AYW, 127 IMF ratio and 110 REA ratio!
- His sire, STRA Relentless, has proven to be one of the breed’s premier calving ease sires and he is off the charts on his Marbling with a 1.14 MB EPD.
- Last year a maternal brother by Collusion sold to our good customer, Riffel Farms, in Stockton, KS.
- Selling 1/2 interest and full possession.
C-Bar Abigrace 755E... the donor dam of Lots 1 & 2 she will be one of the most sought-after females in the breed!
1/13/2022 MCBR/2009K A-100% AR #4705077 BIEBER DRIVEN C540 STRA RELENTLESS STRA CHEREBAL 305 SPUR FRANCHISE OF GARTON C-BAR ABIGRACE 755E C-BROWN&KM ABIGRACE T715 Pro$ 162(1%) HB 87(5%) GM 74(3%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 87 779 ET 1297 ET 6.13 127 15.7 110 1.19 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 13 -3.9 59 92 30 -1 14 8 18 0.90 0.02 28 0.40 Top% 46 16 58 62 13 26 9 22 18 1 28 30 8
Lot 3... there is a prize in every box!
- Crackerjack 2037K is our lead-off Collusion son this year, and we feel this bull has a ton of future. An all-around bull, he combines pedigree, performance, muscle and phenotype as well as any Collusion son we have raised to date.
- His dam, Stony 837F, is a key donor cow at C-Bar Ranch, and she is the female we are using to carry on the Stony cow family. Last year her powerful Collusion sons were sale highlights, one selling to Sandridge Land & Cattle in OK, and the other to Eagle Creek Ranch in Paradise, KS. Be sure and check out her Hard Drive son featured as Lot 14. Selling 1/2 interest and full possession.
1/28/2022 MCBR/2037K A-100% AR #4705127 FRITZ JUSTICE 8013 LACY COLLUSION 115F LACY LAKOTA 8105 SPUR FRANCHISE OF GARTON C-BAR STONY 837F C-BAR MS STONY A302 Pro$ 139(3%) HB 81(8%) GM 58(15%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 90 779 ET 1357 ET 4.75 98 16.1 113 1.20 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 12 0.3 71 114 27 8 13 8 19 0.55 -0.04 37 0.64 Top% 54 86 14 16 38 76 20 29 11 22 9 9 1
Lot 3’s dam, Stony 837F...
Lots 4 & 5... Collusion at his best.
- Lot 4 is another long made, heavy muscled Collusion son that is loaded with performance.
- His outcross dam is a maternal sister to 9 Mile Franchise and one of our premier donors. Last year a pair of full brothers sold to R-J Farms in KS and Lazy F Livestock in WA.
- Lot 5 is a super long, smooth made Collusion son with extra rib shape depth of quarter.
- His dam, Stony 8351F, is a beautiful young Seneca daughter out of Stony A305. Her flushmate Collusion daughters now reside at Hansine Ranch in SD, and a full brothers to Lot 5 sell as Lots 34-36 and 68.
2/1/2022 MCBR/2035K A-100% AR #4705123 FRITZ JUSTICE 8013 LACY COLLUSION 115F LACY LAKOTA 8105 STEVENSON ROCKMOUNT RX933 C-BAR ABIGRACE 562C C-BAR ABIGRACE Y11 Pro$ 125(9%) HB 65(29%) GM 60(13%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 91 766 ET 1284 ET 3.93 81 15.8 111 1.24 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 14 -0.9 67 112 28 7 13 9 16 0.60 0.09 36 0.38 Top% 36 68 28 20 28 71 25 19 42 16 67 10 10
1/22/2022 MCBR/2022K A-100% AR #4705113 FRITZ JUSTICE 8013 LACY COLLUSION 115F LACY LAKOTA 8105 RREDS SENECA 731C C-BAR-RJ STONY 8351F C-BAR MS STONY A305 Pro$ 97(43%) HB 71(20%) GM 26(74%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 83 753 ET 1207 ET 3.88 81 13.6 96 1.11 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 13 -1.7 65 104 24 11 13 8 18 0.35 0.13 27 0.22 Top% 42 53 32 34 64 91 28 27 14 65 82 34 30
Lot 4’s dam, Abigrace 562C...
Lot 5’s dam, Stony 8351F...
Lot 6... he excels for performance & phenotype.
- Red Bear 2027K could be one of the best looking power bulls the breed has seen in some time... this dude is stout and good looking!
- His sire, Duff Red Bear 18154, is a powerful growth son of the popular Mann Red Box 55C, and maternally he is out of an outcross daughter of Stewart Panther 19X by the Canadian Angus sire, HF Tiger 5T.
- His dam, Stony 7011E, is one of our top young donors by Independence and out of the famed Stony W928 cow. Lot 6’s maternal brother sold in ‘21 to Jay Pfeifer in Hays, KS.
1/18/2022 MCBR/2027K A-100% AR #4705089 MANN RED BOX 55C DUFF RED BEAR 18154 RED CC PANTERA 20A 5L INDEPENDENCE 560-298Y C-BAR STONY 7011E C-BAR STONY W928 Pro$ 52(96%) HB 27(92%) GM 25(75%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 89 770 ET 1289 ET 3.77 78 14.8 104 1.14 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 14 -2.2 66 108 22 9 12 8 11 0.28 0.05 22 0.01 Top% 34 43 30 28 79 81 33 35 91 82 40 53 76
Lot 6 & 7’s donor dam, Stony 7011E...
Lots 7 & 8... get your paws on these Red Bear sons.
Lot 7
- Lot 7 is another high performaning and high profiling full brother to Lot 6. A standout all summer long, he is loaded with muscle shape and flawless in his structure.
Lot 8
- Lot 8 is the powerhouse bull in the offering, posting a 777 AWW, 1393 AYW and 112 REA ratio. His full sister was also a standout this summer and sold to Maebry Enderle in MO.
- His dam, 727E, is a powerhouse Signature daughter from the famed Damar Mimi W085 tribe.
1/8/2022 MCBR/2011K A-100% AR #4705081 MANN RED BOX 55C DUFF RED BEAR 18154 RED CC PANTERA 20A SIX MILE SIGNATURE 295B C-BAR MIMI 727E C-BAR MISS MIMI 458B Pro$ 43(98%) HB 22(95%) GM 21(83%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 97 777 ET 1393 ET 3.33 69 15.9 112 1.14 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 11 -0.6 65 103 21 7 12 6 11 0.23 0.03 25 0.10 Top% 72 74 33 36 88 75 35 76 91 91 29 43 56
1/25/2022 MCBR/2028K A-100% AR #4705091 MANN RED BOX 55C DUFF RED BEAR 18154 RED CC PANTERA 20A 5L INDEPENDENCE 560-298Y C-BAR STONY 7011E C-BAR STONY W928 Pro$ 52(96%) HB 27(92%) GM 25(75%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 91 761 ET 1263 ET 3.89 81 14.2 100 1.13 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 14 -2.2 66 108 22 9 12 8 11 0.28 0.05 22 0.01 Top% 34 43 30 28 79 81 33 35 91 82 40 53 76
The dam, Mimi 727E...
Duff Red Bear... sire of Lots 6 - 8.
Lot 9... boasts a 6.29 IMF and 129 ratio!
- With premiums for Prime beef reaching up to $50/CWT over Choice, the industry is on the hunt for genetics that will get them there. Lot 9 and his paternal brothers have the high marbling genetics... this stud posted an impressive 129 IMF ratio and ranks among the elite top 1% of the breed for Marbling EPD.
The sire, STRA Relentless, is one of the more unique bulls in the business, combining breed leading calving ease with a 1.16 MB EPD that is off the charts, and he also ranks in the top 6% for DMI and top 1% for Milk.
1/10/2022 MCBR/2003K A-100% AR #4705067 BIEBER DRIVEN C540 STRA RELENTLESS STRA CHEREBAL 305 C-BAR ELDORADO 114Z C-BAR ABIGRACE 555C C-BAR ABIGRACE 255Z Pro$ 149(1%) HB 80(9%) GM 69(6%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 80 740 ET 1224 ET 6.23 129 14.0 99 1.12 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 15 -4.1 62 96 28 -6 13 10 15 0.89 0.12 21 0.01 Top% 18 14 46 53 24 14 20 8 49 1 77 60 76
STRA Relentless... the sire of Lots 8 - 11.
Lots 10 & 11... for those that like Prime beef!
- Lot 10 is one of five flushmate brothers in this offering with ultrasound IMF ratios that range from 108 to 169, and he himself posted an awesome 7.49 IMF with a 155 ratio!
- His dam, Abigrace 555C, is one of our top donors at C-Bar and we call her “Triple Nickel”. She has 44 head of progeny, including a pair of Seneca sons that sold last year to Micheal Peavey in Plainville, KS, and Ryan Carlson in CO.
Lot 11 scanned an amazing 7.11 IMF with a 147 ratio!
1/18/2022 MCBR/2006K A-100% AR #4705071 BIEBER DRIVEN C540 STRA RELENTLESS STRA CHEREBAL 305 C-BAR ELDORADO 114Z C-BAR ABIGRACE 555C C-BAR ABIGRACE 255Z Pro$ 149(1%) HB 80(9%) GM 69(6%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 86 715 ET 1175 ET 7.11 147 14.4 101 1.21 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 15 -4.1 62 96 28 -6 13 10 15 0.89 0.12 21 0.01 Top% 18 14 46 53 24 14 20 8 49 1 77 60 76
1/10/2022 MCBR/2004K A-100% AR #4705069 BIEBER DRIVEN C540 STRA RELENTLESS STRA CHEREBAL 305 C-BAR ELDORADO 114Z C-BAR ABIGRACE 555C C-BAR ABIGRACE 255Z Pro$ 149(1%) HB 80(9%) GM 69(6%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 94 720 ET 1217 ET 7.49 155 13.5 96 1.10 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 15 -4.1 62 96 28 -6 13 10 15 0.89 0.12 21 0.01 Top% 18 14 46 53 24 14 20 8 49 1 77 60 76
The granddam, Abigrace 255Z... pictured above when she sold in ‘14 to 9 MIle Ranch, and pictured at the left
a mature
WA wearling
cow in
Josh Dykes’ original ‘DY’ brand!
Lot 10... showing off his 7.49 IMF and 155 ratio!
Lots 12 & 13... age-advantaged carcass studs!
Lot 12... boasts a 16.9 REA and a 109 IMF ratio!
Lot 12
- Lot 12 is a our lead-off age-advantaged fall born ET bull and he is a pretty unique genetic specimin, boasting one of the best EPD profiles in the entire offering. He stacks the popular and now deceased AI sire, Stockmarket, with our exciting outcross Abigrace 562C donor.
Lot 13... boasts a 18.2 REA and a 104 IMF ratio!
Lot 13
- Lot 13 is a dark red meat machine. This powerhouse Collusion son scanned an incredible 18.2in. REA!
- His dam, Mimi 8134F, is one of our more prolific young donors with 22 head of progeny already to her credit.
9/3/2021 MCBR/1003J A-100% AR #4698249 PIE STOCKMAN 4051 BIEBER CL STOCKMARKET E119 BIEBER CL ADELLE 475C STEVENSON ROCKMOUNT RX933 C-BAR ABIGRACE 562C C-BAR ABIGRACE Y11 Pro$ 127(8%) HB 46(68%) GM 81(2%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 2/2 WT 68 592 ET 1187 ET 4.27 109 16.9 113 1.42 1650 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 15 -3.5 70 123 24 8 11 9 13 0.88 0.15 36 0.37 Top% 16 21 17 7 62 78 59 12 72 1 89 11 11
9/15/2021 MCBR/1011J A-100% AR #4698265 FRITZ JUSTICE 8013 LACY COLLUSION 115F LACY LAKOTA 8105 5L INDEPENDENCE 560-298Y C-BAR MIMI 8134F C-BAR MISS MIMI 458B Pro$ 102(34%) HB 59(41%) GM 43(38%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 2/2 WT 72 720 ET 1226 ET 4.08 104 18.2 121 1.48 1605 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 14 -2.8 63 100 29 8 13 8 16 0.66 0.05 20 0.09 Top% 36 32 40 43 20 77 17 37 47 10 38 65 60
Lots 14 & 15... power bulls with extra gas in the tank!
Lot 14... ranks in the top 1% for REA!
- Lot 14 is a candidate for one of the top Hard Drive sons in the country this spring. If you like a little extra growth and carcass, then this is your bull.
- Be sure and check out his mat. bro selling as Lot 3.
Lot 15... ranks in the top 3% for REA!
Lot 15
- Lot 15 is a lot of bull! This stud has that extra length and he ranks in the top 3% of the breed for REA and top 14% for Marbling. His dam, Abigrace 762E, is a powerful Spur Franchise daughter that now resides at Holton’s in TX.
10/14/2021 MCBR/1014J A-100% AR #4698269 LACY GOLD BAR 8123 BIEBER HARD DRIVE Y120 BIEBER LAURA 158W SPUR FRANCHISE OF GARTON C-BAR STONY 837F C-BAR MS STONY A302 Pro$ 127(8%) HB 43(72%) GM 84(1%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 2/2 WT 84 749 ET 1324 ET 4.19 15.3 1.15 1660 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 12 -0.6 78 126 24 12 13 6 14 0.59 -0.14 52 0.90 Top% 55 74 4 5 69 93 23 67 66 17 2 1 1
9/7/2021 MCBR/1007J A-100% AR #4698257 PIE ONE OF A KIND 352 C-BAR BIG RIVER 119E JEFFRIES MS JOLINE Z243 SPUR FRANCHISE OF GARTON C-BAR ABIGRACE 762E C-BROWN&KM ABIGRACE T715 Pro$ 95(45%) HB 31(89%) GM 64(9%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 2/2 WT 66 764 ET 1281 ET 3.59 92 16.3 109 1.27 1695 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 11 -1.7 67 112 27 12 12 7 13 0.62 -0.07 34 0.55 Top% 71 53 25 20 40 92 39 61 79 14 5 15 3
Lots 16 & 17... age-advantaged bulls from our ET program.
Lot 16... Domain x ‘Triple Nickel’.
9/5/2021 MCBR/1005J A-100% AR #4698253
- Lot 16 is a dark red, soft made ET Domain son out of Abigrace 555C, also known as ‘Triple Nickel’.
- A pair of full brothers sell as Lots 72 & 73, and maternal brothers are featured as Lots 9 - 11, 37 & 69.
Lot 17... posted an impressive 114 IMF ratio.
8/28/2021 MCBR/1001J A-100% AR #4698245
- Lot 17 is another dark red Big River son that posted an impressive 114 IMF ratio.
- His young donor dam, Mimi 7302E, has 14 progeny already to her credit. Her Red Bear son sells as Lot 43.
Pro$ 108(26%) HB 48(64%) GM 60(13%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 2/2 WT 67 596 ET 1150 ET 3.64 93 13.8 92 1.20 1660 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 13 -1.3 66 109 23 0 11 5 15 0.62 0.15 29 0.05 Top% 42 60 30 24 70 30 55 83 60 14 89 29 68
DAMAR MIMI W085 Pro$ 83(66%) HB 35(85%) GM 48(28%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 2/2 WT 57 605 ET 1171 ET 4.45 114 14.7 98 1.26 1635 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 13 -1.9 69 112 27 9 13 7 12 0.51 0.00 25 0.13 Top% 43 49 21 20 38 82 20 44 86 29 21 44 49
Lots 18 & 19... a pair of Collusion x Goldrib 8000 full brothers.
PIE Goldrib 8000... the powerful donor dam of Lots 18 & 19.
- Lot 18 is an age-avantaged bull with a great carcass scan, posting ratios of 103 IMF and 105 REA.
- He is the first of two full ET brothers sired by Collusion and out of PIE Goldrib 8000, our top young donor by 9 Mile Franchise 6305 that was Ray Dowd’s pick of the females in Pieper’s ‘19 Fall sale.
This year we collected DNA on several bull so we could get genomically enhanced EPDs. We are expecting the updates by sale time and have designated the tested bulls with this logo. They include Lots:
Lot 19... scanned a 107 IMF & 107 REA ratio.
- Lot 19 is a flushmate brother to Lot 18, and he scanned even better, posting a 107 IMF ratio and 107 REA ratio.
- A set of maternal brothers by Duff Red Bear sell as Lots 48 - 50.
9/21/2021 MCBR/1012J A-100% AR #4698267 FRITZ JUSTICE 8013 LACY COLLUSION 115F LACY LAKOTA 8105 9 MILE FRANCHISE 6305 PIE GOLDRIB 8000 PIE GOLDRIB 666 Pro$ 130(7%) HB 80(9%) GM 50(26%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 2/2 WT 70 636 ET 1257 ET 4.04 103 15.7 105 1.25 1640 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 13 0.0 71 119 29 8 12 9 18 0.52 0.02 31 0.43 Top% 51 83 14 11 19 77 39 10 14 27 26 22 6
MCBR/1010J A-100% AR #4698263 FRITZ JUSTICE 8013 LACY COLLUSION 115F LACY LAKOTA 8105 9 MILE FRANCHISE 6305 PIE GOLDRIB 8000 PIE GOLDRIB 666 Pro$ 130(7%) HB 80(9%) GM 50(26%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 2/2 WT 74 650 ET 1234 ET 4.18 107 16.0 107 1.30 1750 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 13 0.0 71 119 29 8 12 9 18 0.52 0.02 31 0.43 Top% 51 83 14 11 19 77 39 10 14 27 26 22 6
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 29, 32 & 48.
Lots 20 - 22... more age-avantaged bulls.
- Lot 20 is a stout made, masculine ET Collusion son with top 13% Marbling. Last year his full brother was featured as Lot 5 and sold to Loosli Red Angus in ID.
- His dam, Mimi 707E, is a beautiful, wedge-shaped daughter of the calving ease and marbling leading sire at ABS, Andras Fusion. Maternally she is a direct daughter of the famed Damar Mimi W085 cow, making her a full sister to both the ‘19 National Champion Red Angus Bull and Female.
Lot 20
- Lot 21 is a Collusion x Mimi 8134F bred bull that ranks in the top 10% of the breed for Marbling.
- Lot 22 is a calving ease grandson of Marbling leader, 5L Defender 560-30Z, and maternally comes from the Eleanor tribe.
10/13/2021 TBF/J20 A-100% AR #4538355 5L DEFENDER 560-30Z 5L DEFENDER 2650-76C 5L OSCE 2948-2650 RED LAZY MC COWBOY CUT 26U DAMAR ELEANOR Z208 SRN ELEANOR 4302 Pro$ 25(99%) HB 21(96%) GM 4(98%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 2/2 WT 60 710 102 1151 100 4.03 14.6 1.27 1470 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 13 -1.2 63 101 28 -1 10 5 11 0.19 0.05 13 0.04 Top% 42 63 41 41 29 26 80 89 90 95 40 85 70
9/12/2021 MCBR/1009J A-100% AR #4698261 FRITZ JUSTICE 8013 LACY COLLUSION 115F LACY LAKOTA 8105 5L INDEPENDENCE 560-298Y C-BAR MIMI 8134F C-BAR MISS MIMI 458B Pro$ 102(34%) HB 59(41%) GM 43(38%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 2/2 WT 78 632 ET 1064 ET 3.54 90 14.3 95 1.34 1485 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 14 -2.8 63 100 29 8 13 8 16 0.66 0.05 20 0.09 Top% 36 32 40 43 20 77 17 37 47 10 38 65 60
9/4/2021 MCBR/1004J A-100% AR #4698251 FRITZ JUSTICE 8013 LACY COLLUSION 115F LACY LAKOTA 8105 ANDRAS FUSION R236 C-BAR MIMI 707E DAMAR MIMI W085 Pro$ 131(6%) HB 81(9%) GM 50(26%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 2/2 WT 65 518 ET 1121 ET 3.49 89 13.3 89 1.19 1540 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 13 -1.2 59 97 28 8 11 9 20 0.63 0.07 24 0.13 Top% 43 63 55 52 30 76 49 17 6 13 53 49 49
Lot 20’s dam, Mimi 707E...
- Lot 23 is a very attractive, long made Franchise 6305 son out of our Mimi 512C donor. The data is in on Franchise and it shows that his daughters are high on fertility and they also like to raise top herdbulls.
- Lot 24 is the first of two full brothers by Collusion and out of Abigrace 762E, and this guy is a tank! He ranks in the top 1% of the breed for Gridmaster.
Lot 25
- Lot 25 is a full brother to Lot 24 only he is a black/red gene carrier. Check out the length and muscle expression on this stud... and he has the carcass EPDs to back it up.
9/15/2020 MCBR/053H 2-100% AR #4534295
Pro$ 137(4%) HB 79(10%) GM 57(16%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA 2/2 WT 80 568 ET 1915 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 11 -0.5 65 104 26 9 12 7 20 0.69 -0.03 30 0.54 Top% 71 75 35 34 51 83 29 46 5 8 12 24 3
10/6/2020 MCBR/070H A-100% AR #4534303 FRITZ JUSTICE
C-BROWN&KM ABIGRACE T715 Pro$ 137(4%) HB 80(9%) GM 56(17%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA 2/2 WT 81 719 97 2000 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 11 -0.4 64 104 26 8 12 7 20 0.69 -0.02 28 0.49 Top% 70 77 36 34 51 80 29 44 5 8 13 32 4
1/29/2021 MCBR/316J A-100% AR #4534359 SPUR FRANCHISE OF GARTON 9 MILE FRANCHISE 6305 C-BAR ABIGRACE Y11 C-BAR EVOLUTION 107Y C-BAR MY OH MY MIMI 512C DAMAR MIMI W085 Pro$ 124(10%) HB 65(30%) GM 59(13%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA 2/2 WT 91 594 ET 1049 ET 5.58 107 13.5 95 1950 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 14 -2.8 58 103 30 1 13 9 15 0.34 0.09 44 0.40 Top% 38 32 60 36 14 39 18 15 57 68 66 3 8
Lots 23 - 25... full 2yr old bulls ready to go to work.
Lots 26 - 28... more full 2yr old bulls.
Lot 26
- Lot 26 is loaded with carcass goodness, posting a 146 IMF ratio and earning a .86 MB EPD ranked in the top 2% of the breed.
Lot 27
- Lot 27 is another littermate to Lot 26 out of Abigrace 559C, one of the last direct daughters of the famed Abigrace Y11 cow sired by Eldorado.
Lot 28
3/31/2021 MCBR/209J - #N/A
We’re thankful for our kids, grandkids and freinds for helping when needed... pictured is our son, Joey, grandson, Brayden, the hay man and friend, Tracy Zeigler, Brayden’s girlfriend, Mya, the old man (Steve), and our grandsons Kolten and Brycen... Cindy stepped back from bucking bales to take the picture.
- Lot 28 is a darn good bull... we just don’t know who his sire is! His dam, 6025D, is a beautiful Independence daughter out of Miss Mimi 458B.
Pro$ (%) HB
Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA 2/2 WT 84 1845 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs Top%
(%) GM (%)
A-100% AR #4534683 FRITZ JUSTICE
Pro$ 124(10%) HB 68(25%) GM 56(17%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA 2/2 WT 83 651 ET 1870 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 12 -1.3 64 106 27 7 13 8 17 0.74 0.06 22 0.23 Top% 55 60 37 30 41 72 28 34 28 5 46 56 29
MCBR/226J A-100% AR #4534599 FRITZ JUSTICE 8013 LACY COLLUSION 115F LACY LAKOTA 8105 C-BAR ELDORADO 114Z C-BAR ABIGRACE 559C C-BAR ABIGRACE Y11 Pro$ 138(4%) HB 75(14%) GM 63(10%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA 2/2 WT 77 571 ET 1006 ET 7.76 146 13.5 95 1820 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 12 -1.3 64 106 27 1 13 8 17 0.86 0.06 22 0.23 Top% 55 60 37 30 41 35 28 34 28 2 47 56 29
of the last pictures taken of the great Abigrace Y11 matron.
19 Were excited about C-Bar Red Baron 207J... C-Bar Red Baron 207J... Lacy Collusion 115F x Musgrave Aviator PROS HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 134 73 61 15 -0.5 66 104 31 18 0.67 0.04 38 0.36 %RANK 5% 18% 11% 24% 75% 31% 34% 11% 15% 9% 33% 7% 11% The $87,000 high selling bull at the 2022 C-Bar Sale... semen is now available! Order your Red Baron semen package today! Contact Seth Leachman at (406) 591-5651 or email: He is co-owned with these great partners: SRS Red Angus, Haswell, CO Holton Cattle Company, Cisco, TX Haack Livestock, York, NE Ty-Be Farms, Newbern, TN Sandbur Ridge Red Angus, Petersburg, NE A sneak-peak at some of our first Red Baron calves...
Lots 29 & 30... black/red gene carriers that are loaded!
- Lot 29 is from one of the most highly anticipated matings here at C-Bar, Quarterback x Abigrace 978G, and he didn’t dissapoint. If he were red we just might have started the offering with him!
Lot 30... our #1 weaning weight bull... 821
- Lot 30 has been a powerhouse since he hit the ground... this fall when we weaned he actually weighed over 1000 pounds!
- His dam, Abigrace 564C, is one of three awesome Rockmount daughters out of Y11 in the herd.
1/18/2022 MCBR/2024K 2-100% AR #4705131 PIE STOCKMAN 4051 PIE QUARTERBACK 789 PIE RUBY 520 ICC PAY RAISE 4886 C-BAR ABIRGRACE 978G C-BAR ABIGRACE 636D Pro$ 139(3%) HB 58(43%) GM 81(2%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 70 707 ET 1300 ET 5.22 108 15.2 107 1.19 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 13 -2.5 76 135 32 7 12 8 15 0.62 0.00 41 0.51 Top% 45 37 6 2 7 73 30 27 60 14 21 5 3 Lot 30 C-BARCOLLUSION2019K 1/20/2022 MCBR/2019K 2-100% AR #4705107 FRITZ JUSTICE 8013 LACY COLLUSION 115F LACY LAKOTA 8105 STEVENSON ROCKMOUNT RX933 C-BAR ABIGRACE 564C C-BAR ABIGRACE Y11 Pro$ 124(10%) HB 83(7%) GM 41(42%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 83 821 ET 1370 ET 5.04 105 16.1 113 1.16 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 14 -1.4 66 107 28 6 14 9 18 0.55 0.09 26 0.31 Top% 28 59 29 29 25 65 9 13 19 22 63 39 17
Lot 29’s outcross dam, Abigrace 978G...
Lots 31 - 33... more black/red gene carrier C-Bar genetics.
- Lot 31 was the king of the hill, posting an 820 AWW and then going on to post our #1 AYW of 1436! His dam, Abigrace 637D, is a powerful full sister to 9 Mile Franchise 6305 and Abigrace 636D.
Cindy & I look forward to the days when we can get back on the lake and fish...
- Lot 32 offers a unique pedigree combination, with One Way x Eldorado x SAV Pioneer 7301. His dam was flushed at C-Bar before she sold to Haack Livestock in York, NE.
Lot 33
Check out the C-Bar Customer genetics that are listed for sale on Page 39 in the catalog...
These fall calves from Adam Zeigler in Batons, KS are available for delivery in April. Contact Adam at (785) 885-8060.
- Lot 33 is a mating that we know works... his full brothers were well received in last year’s sale, going to R-J Farms in KS, Scott Peavey in KS, Lazy F Livestock in WA, and Brad Mathews in
2/4/2022 MCBR/2040K 2-100% AR #4705099 MANN RED BOX 55C DUFF RED BEAR 18154 RED CC PANTERA 20A SPUR FRANCHISE OF GARTON C-BAR ABIGRACE 637D C-BAR ABIGRACE Y11 Pro$ 100(38%) HB 42(75%) GM 58(14%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 77 820 ET 1436 ET 4.24 88 15.1 106 1.08 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 11 -1.4 68 117 26 10 12 7 14 0.53 0.04 36 0.39 Top% 75 59 23 13 49 86 35 50 71 25 34 10 9
2/17/2022 MCBR/2045K 2-100% AR #4705147 PIE ONE OF A KIND 352 C-BAR ONE WAY 37E C-BAR ABIGRACE Y11 C-BAR ELDORADO 114Z C-BAR ABIGRACE 724E C-BAR ABIGRACE 208Z Pro$ 90(54%) HB 48(64%) GM 42(41%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 85 789 ET 1289 ET 4.35 90 14.2 100 1.13 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 12 -2.7 68 113 27 7 14 9 12 0.49 0.09 24 0.12 Top% 57 34 24 18 38 73 11 21 81 33 64 46 52
1/29/2022 MCBR/2034K 2-100% AR #4705121 FRITZ
Pro$ 125(9%) HB
Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 88 733 ET 1198 ET 4.08 85 12.9 91 1.08 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 14 -0.9 67 112 28 7 13 9 16 0.60 0.09 36 0.38 Top% 36 68 28 20 28 71 25 19 42 16 67 10 10
Lot 34
Lots 34... here is the kind the cowboy’s like.
- Lot 34 is the kind the cowboys like... you know deep, stout, wide and strong all the way to the ground. He is one of 5 full brothers in the sale by Collusion and out of Stony 8351F.
- His dam is one of our top young donors, sired by the popular RREDS Seneca 731C and out of Ms Stony A305, the full sister and littermate to Stony A302.
- Three of his flushmate sisters were part of a purchase of 20 heifers that went to Hansine Ranch in SD this summer. His full brothers sell as Lots 5, 35, 36 and 68.
1/18/2022 MCBR/2020K A-100% AR #4705109 FRITZ JUSTICE 8013 LACY COLLUSION 115F LACY LAKOTA 8105 RREDS SENECA 731C C-BAR-RJ STONY 8351F C-BAR MS STONY A305 Pro$ 97(43%) HB 71(20%) GM 26(74%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 77 626 ET 1244 ET 4.06 84 14.2 100 1.18 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 13 -1.7 65 104 24 11 13 8 18 0.35 0.13 27 0.22 Top% 42 53 32 34 64 91 28 27 14 65 82 34 30 22
C-Bar-RJ Stony 8351F... the dam of Lots 34 - 36.
Lots 35 & 36... Collusion sons out of Stony 8351F.
- Lot 35 is another deep ribbed, easy made Collusion son out of Stony 8351F, and he was the high performing one of the brothers.
- Lot 36 comes from one of the best set of flushmates we had this year, including three heifers that sold to Hansine Ranch in SD.
During our sale at the Heartland Regional Stockyards in Plainville, KS
you can view the bulls live in the sale ring... or you can view them on the video up on the big screen...
but the best view might be from the ‘hospitality room’ up in the balcony!
1/21/2022 MCBR/2021K A-100% AR #4705111 FRITZ JUSTICE
RREDS SENECA 731C C-BAR-RJ STONY 8351F C-BAR MS STONY A305 Pro$ 97(43%) HB 71(20%) GM 26(74%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 82 631 ET 1287 ET 4.20 87 14.3 101 1.17 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 13 -1.7 65 104 24 11 13 8 18 0.35 0.13 27 0.22 Top% 42 53 32 34 64 91 28 27 14 65 82 34 30
1/24/2022 MCBR/2023K A-100% AR #4705115 FRITZ JUSTICE 8013 LACY COLLUSION 115F LACY LAKOTA 8105 RREDS SENECA 731C C-BAR-RJ STONY 8351F C-BAR MS STONY A305 Pro$ 97(43%) HB 71(20%) GM 26(74%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 78 682 ET 1161 ET 4.63 96 13.8 97 1.20 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 13 -1.7 65 104 24 11 13 8 18 0.35 0.13 27 0.22 Top% 42 53 32 34 64 91 28 27 14 65 82 34 30
Ms Stony A305... the granddam of Lots 34 - 36.
Lots 37 & 38... Abigrace’s influence is strong throughout the offering.
- Lot 37 is one of five flushmate full brothers that blew up our ultrasound scan data this spring... this guy scanned well for both Marbling and REA.
- His sire, STRA Relentless, is a popular AI sire in the breed today and has earned one of the breed’s premier calving ease proofs with an 18 CED and -7.1 BW EPD. Probably more impressive is how well his sons scan for IMF... these flush brothers had ratios of 129, 155, 147 and 169!
- Check out the littermates selling as Lots 9-11 & 69.
Lot 38
- Lot 38 is the lone Collier Finished Produce son in the sale and he is a good one. This long, dark made bull is out of Abigrace 635D, the other red full sister to Franchise 6305 that is now a top donor in the Holton Cattle Company herd in Cisco, TX.
1/9/2022 MCBR/2001K A-100% AR #4705063 BIEBER DRIVEN C540 STRA RELENTLESS STRA CHEREBAL 305 C-BAR ELDORADO 114Z C-BAR ABIGRACE 555C C-BAR ABIGRACE 255Z Pro$ 149(1%) HB 80(9%) GM 69(6%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 78 678 ET 1159 ET 5.21 108 14.9 105 1.27 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 15 -4.1 62 96 28 -6 13 10 15 0.89 0.12 21 0.01 Top% 18 14 46 53 24 14 20 8 49 1 77 60 76
1/24/2022 MCBR/2039K A-100% AR #4705137 COLLIER FINAL PRODUCT B389 COLLIER FINISHED PRODUCT COLLIER AMY B385 SPUR FRANCHISE OF GARTON C-BAR ABIGRACE 635D C-BAR ABIGRACE Y11 Pro$ 132(6%) HB 78(12%) GM 54(20%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 73 686 ET 1212 ET 4.93 102 14.7 103 1.23 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 14 -4.9 56 98 21 3 15 10 16 0.57 0.07 26 0.30 Top% 26 7 67 50 85 49 4 5 41 19 53 40 18
C-Bar Abirgrace 635D.. the dam of Lot 38.
Lot 39
- Lot 39 is the first of two Collusion sons, both out of black/red gene carrier outcross donors here at C-Bar Ranch. Four full brothers were featured in the ‘21 sale, going to R-J Farms in KS, Scott Peavey in KS, Lazy F Livestock in WA, and Brad Mathews in AR. This year he has two littermate brothers that sell as Lot 4 and 39.
- Lot 40 is one of the top performers in the offering, posting a 856 AWW and 1368 AYW.
- He is the natural Collusion son out of Leanna 8146F, our black/red gene carrier donor that offers outcross genetics with her sire, Musgrave Aviator. She is a full sister to the dam of C-Bar Red Baron 207J.
2/25/2022 MCBR/2048K A-100% AR #4705153 FRITZ JUSTICE 8013 LACY COLLUSION 115F LACY LAKOTA 8105 MUSGRAVE AVIATOR C-BAR LEANNA 8146F LASO LEANNA BC114R Pro$ 138(3%) HB 92(3%) GM 47(32%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 78 856 114 1368 111 4.24 104 14.9 104 1.14 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 14 -1.6 71 117 31 7 13 9 20 0.49 0.07 30 0.29 Top% 35 55 14 12 7 76 29 10 4 33 51 24 19
2/2/2022 MCBR/2036K A-100% AR #4705125 FRITZ JUSTICE 8013 LACY COLLUSION 115F LACY LAKOTA 8105 STEVENSON ROCKMOUNT RX933 C-BAR ABIGRACE 562C C-BAR ABIGRACE Y11 Pro$ 125(9%) HB 65(29%) GM 60(13%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 78 675 ET 1233 ET 5.94 123 13.9 98 1.16 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 14 -0.9 67 112 28 7 13 9 16 0.60 0.09 36 0.38 Top% 36 68 28 20 28 71 25 19 42 16 67 10 10
C-Bar Leanna 8146F... the outcross dam of Lot 40.
39 & 40... Collusion sons out of outcross dams.
Steve’s new feed wagon... has never looked so good!
C-Bar Abigrace 562C... the outcross dam of Lot 39.
Lots 42 & 43... outcross genetics by Red Eagle & Red Bear.
Lot 42... outcross genetics with the C-Bar look.
- Lot 42 is a super performing Red Eagle son out of Abigrace 563C, one of the three black/red carrier outcross females we have in the donor pen sired by Stevenson Rockmont and out of the famed Abigrace Y11 cow.
- His maternal brother by PIE Commander sells as Lot 66.
- Lot 43 is another good performing son of Duff Red Bear and out of Mimi 7302E, the direct daughter of Damar Mimi W085 by Anticipation that is one of our elite donors.
- Be sure and check out his maternal brother by Big River that sells as Lot 17.
Lot 43
1/12/2022 MCBR/2016K A-100% AR #4705087 MANN RED BOX 55C DUFF RED BEAR 18154 RED CC PANTERA 20A C-BAR ANTICIPATION 101W C-BAR-RJ MIMI 7302E DAMAR MIMI W085 Pro$ 80(71%) HB 51(58%) GM 29(69%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 86 696 ET 1267 ET 3.91 81 13.8 97 1.10 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 13 -1.4 67 107 22 8 13 8 14 0.32 0.07 25 0.02 Top% 42 59 27 29 79 76 18 31 67 73 51 42 74
Lot 42
2/9/2022 MCBR/2042K A-100% AR #4705141 RED U-2 RIFF 1213C EGL GCC RED EAGLE E7194 TJS SARABEL A174 STEVENSON ROCKMOUNT RX933 C-BAR ABIGRACE 563C C-BAR ABIGRACE Y11 Pro$ 61(92%) HB 35(85%) GM 27(73%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 87 753 ET 1343 ET 4.33 90 14.9 105 1.15 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 11 -0.8 67 107 20 7 12 6 13 0.30 0.08 31 0.21 Top% 75 70 27 29 91 73 42 67 80 79 61 23 32
C-Bar-RJ Mimi 7302E... the donor dam of Lot 43.
Lot 44... this one could make the most astute breeders envious.
Lot 44’s maternal siblings...
- Red Envy is a powerhouse herdbull prospect from our sale manager, Seth Leachman. If you would like to add muscle, power, width and bone then take a look here.
- His sire, Red Box, has dominated the tanbark
the past few years, siring many champion females and bulls. Most recently he sired the National Champion Female and Bull, and the bull went on to be named Supreme Champion over all breeds!
- His dam, Rachel 210 668, was Seth’s pick of the open heifers in Kurt Rich’s ‘16 sale, and is now a proven donor in his program, producing a pair of top daughters that highlighted the Bet On Red sale.
2/19/2022 2SAL/K218 A-100% AR #4644043 SLGN WIDELOAD 920W MANN RED BOX 55C PELTON MISS AJA 0839U MEADO-WEST MONTANA CREEK 413 RRA RACHEL 210 668 RRA RACHEL 746 210 Pro$ 38(99%) HB 7(99%) GM 31(65%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 80 781 ET 1405 ET 4.03 17.2 1.27 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 11 -0.9 65 101 30 18 10 6 11 0.37 0.03 32 0.42 Top% 71 68 32 43 15 99 82 64 90 61 29 20 7
Rachel 9860 sold in the ‘21 Bet On Red Sale to Iron Triangle Ranch in OR.
Rachel 2101 sold in the ‘22 Bet On Red Sale to Grace Stott in OR.
Lots 45 - 47... attractive sons of EGL GCC Red Eagle E7194.
- Lot 45 leads off a trio of bulls sired by Red Eagle, the growth and phenotype herdbull at Griswold Cattle Co. in OK. Maternally Lots 45 & 46 are out of Mimi 8134F, the ultra feminine Indepence daughter from the the famed Damar Mimi W085 tribe.
- Lot 46 is a full flushmate brother to Lot 45 out of Mimi 8134F, one of our top young donors that already has 22 calves to her credit. Last year a pair of Collusion sons sold to Ryan Carlson in CO, and Duncan’s C Lazy J Ranch in Phillipsburg, KS.
A-100% AR #4705139 RED U-2 RIFF 1213C
C-BAR MS STONY A302 Pro$ 75(78%) HB 46(68%) GM 29(68%)
- Lot 47 combines performance and type with his sire, Red Eagle, and his dam, Stony 837F. Three maternal brothers sell this year as Lots 3, 14 and 64.
Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 80 648 ET 1187 ET 4.20 87 11.0 78 0.96 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 9 1.2 76 117 22 9 12 5 15 0.24 -0.07 38 0.60 Top% 89 94 7 13 83 85 37 84 57 90 5 8 2
MCBR/2043K A-100% AR #4705143 RED
5L INDEPENDENCE 560-298Y C-BAR MIMI 8134F C-BAR MISS MIMI 458B Pro$ 38(99%) HB 22(95%) GM 16(89%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 83 635 ET 1247 ET 4.27 89 14.1 100 1.20 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 11 -1.9 68 103 24 10 12 5 12 0.35 0.01 20 0.04 Top% 78 49 24 38 67 85 32 90 86 65 22 61 70
2/9/2022 MCBR/2044K A-100% AR #4705145 RED U-2 RIFF 1213C EGL GCC RED EAGLE E7194 TJS SARABEL A174 5L INDEPENDENCE 560-298Y C-BAR MIMI 8134F C-BAR MISS MIMI 458B Pro$ 38(99%) HB 22(95%) GM 16(89%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 75 664 ET 1135 ET 3.49 72 14.6 103 1.32 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 11 -1.9 68 103 24 10 12 5 12 0.35 0.01 20 0.04 Top% 78 49 24 38 67 85 32 90 86 65 22 61 70
C-Bar Mimi 8134F... the donor dam of Lots 45 & 46. EGL GCC Red Eagle E7194... the sire of Lots 45 - 47.
Lots 48 - 50... flushmate full brothers by Red Bear out of Goldrib 8000.
PIE Goldrib 8000...
the beautiful donor dam of Lots 48 - 50.
- Lots 48, 49 and 50 are full ET flushmate brothers sired by Duff Red Bear and out of PIE Goldrib 8000. the beautiful Franchise donor that was Ray Dowd’s pick of the females in Pieper’s ‘19 sale.
Lot 50
We are very thankful for our partnership & friendship with Ray & Joy Dowd, RJ Farms, in Scott City, KS.
- Be sure and check out the pair of age-advantaged maternal brothers by Lacy Collusion that are featured as Lots 18 & 19.
1/23/2022 MCBR/2031K A-100% AR #4705097 MANN RED BOX 55C DUFF RED BEAR 18154 RED CC PANTERA 20A 9 MILE FRANCHISE 6305 PIE GOLDRIB 8000 PIE GOLDRIB 666 Pro$ 85(63%) HB 48(64%) GM 37(51%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 83 702 ET 1205 ET 4.27 89 12.1 85 1.01 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 13 -0.8 72 122 26 9 12 9 13 0.26 0.03 36 0.33 Top% 48 70 12 8 49 84 46 12 73 86 32 11 14
1/19/2022 MCBR/2029K A-100% AR #4705093 MANN RED BOX 55C DUFF RED BEAR 18154 RED CC PANTERA 20A 9 MILE FRANCHISE 6305 PIE GOLDRIB 8000 PIE GOLDRIB 666 Pro$ 85(63%) HB 48(64%) GM 37(51%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 71 643 ET 1241 ET 4.14 101 12.9 102 1.07 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 13 -0.8 72 122 26 9 12 9 13 0.26 0.03 36 0.33 Top% 48 70 12 8 49 84 46 12 73 86 32 11 14
1/19/2022 MCBR/2030K A-100% AR #4705095 MANN RED BOX 55C DUFF RED BEAR 18154 RED CC PANTERA 20A 9 MILE FRANCHISE 6305 PIE GOLDRIB 8000 PIE GOLDRIB 666 Pro$ 85(63%) HB 48(64%) GM 37(51%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 67 582 ET 1141 ET 4.09 99 12.5 98 1.14 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 13 -0.8 72 122 26 9 12 9 13 0.26 0.03 36 0.33 Top% 48 70 12 8 49 84 46 12 73 86 32 11 14
Lots 51 - 53... heifer bulls by Andras Fusion R236.
- Lot 51 leads off a set of bulls from the Smith herd in Paradise, KS. These bulls were the very top end from a big set of multi-generation AI sired calves.
- Lot 52 and his brothers were designed to be calving ease heifer bulls options for our customers without seedstock breeder price competition. The dams are all young daughters of 9 Mile Franchise.
9 MILE FRANCHISE 6305 C-BAR MS SMITH 026 Pro$ 129(7%) HB 49(62%) GM 80(2%)
- Lot 59 is a dark red slosher, posting a 1304 AYW with only a 77 BW. These Fusion x Franchise 3/4 brothers should sire awesome replacement heifers and top grading steers.
1/6/2022 MCBR/2109K 3-75% AR #4712693
Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 77 647 96 1304 104 3.75 80 13.4 95 1.10 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 14 -2.6 47 81 25 1 3 10 13 0.66 0.11 30 0.07 Top% 31 34 90 81 52 39 98 6 76 10 76 24 63
1/16/2022 MCBR/2106K 3-75% AR #4712711 ANDRAS IN FOCUS B175 ANDRAS FUSION R236 ANDRAS BELLE B167 9 MILE FRANCHISE 6305 C-BAR MS SMITH 012 Pro$ 135(5%) HB 52(57%) GM 83(1%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 78 725 108 1245 99 4.68 99 13.6 96 1.12 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 14 -2.3 55 92 28 1 3 10 13 0.66 0.11 35 0.14 Top% 33 41 72 61 27 39 98 6 76 10 76 12 46
1/11/2022 MCBR/2105K 3-75% AR #4712697 ANDRAS IN FOCUS B175 ANDRAS FUSION R236 ANDRAS BELLE B167 9 MILE FRANCHISE 6305 C-BAR MS SMITH 009 Pro$ 131(6%) HB 50(61%) GM 81(2%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 74 673 100 1293 103 4.04 86 15.2 108 1.24 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 14 -3.0 49 84 27 1 3 10 13 0.66 0.11 32 0.10 Top% 27 28 86 77 41 39 98 5 76 10 76 19 56
Lots 54 - 56... more 3/4 brothers by Fusion and out of Franchise dams.
- Lot 54 is a big REA bull with a 62 BW and 16 CED. His sire, Andras Fusion R236, is a highly proven bull that back in his hay day topped the semen sales for ABS for many years.
- Lot 55 is another calving ease Fusion x Franchise bull wth a huge 15.2 REA. Use these bulls on your heifers and they will make an awesome set of calves.
1/6/2022 MCBR/2102K 3-75% AR #4718239
Pro$ 135(5%) HB 57(48%) GM 79(2%)
Lots 51 - 62 are bulls from the Eagle Creek Ranch, the Smith family from Paradise, KS. They are one of the top commercial Red Angus herds in the country with multiple generations of top AI sires stacked in their herd.
- Like peas in a pod, these 3/4 brothers by Andras Fusion out of Franchise dams should sire a set of dual purpose calves that will excel in the feedlot and on the range.
Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 78 671 100 936 100 4.52 12.6 1.30 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 14 -2.9 51 88 27 1 3 10 14 0.66 0.09 28 0.14 Top% 27 30 80 69 35 39 98 6 65 10 62 30 46
1/4/2022 MCBR/2101K 3-75% AR #4712709 ANDRAS IN FOCUS B175 ANDRAS FUSION R236 ANDRAS BELLE B167 9 MILE FRANCHISE 6305 C-BAR MS SMITH 003 Pro$ 133(6%) HB 51(59%) GM 82(2%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 62 689 103 1222 97 4.47 95 15.2 108 1.27 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 16 -4.6 49 83 28 1 3 11 13 0.66 0.11 34 0.12 Top% 14 9 86 77 25 39 98 3 76 10 76 15 51
1/3/2022 MCBR/2110K 3-75% AR #4712699 ANDRAS IN FOCUS B175 ANDRAS FUSION R236 ANDRAS BELLE B167 9 MILE FRANCHISE 6305 C-BAR MS SMITH 030 Pro$ 123(11%) HB 47(68%) GM 76(3%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 62 580 86 1253 100 4.37 93 14.7 104 1.27 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 16 -4.9 37 66 24 1 3 11 13 0.66 0.12 26 0.01 Top% 14 7 98 94 67 39 98 3 76 10 77 39 76
Andras Fusion R236... the sire of
51 - 56.
Lots 57 - 59... heifer bulls by Stockmarket & Franchise.
- Lot 57 leads off the Stockmarket sons and as expected he posted a 132 IMF ratio and ranks among the elite top 1% of the breed for Marbling.
Lot 58
- Lot 58 is another top 1%er for Marbling, posting a 128 IMF ratio as well as a 105 REA ratio. These Stockmarket x Franchise sons are designed with calving ease, carcass and maternal goodness.
We went over to Smith’s and took a sneak peak at our 2023 ET calves...
- Lot 59 is a very well balanced Franchise son out of a Rebel dam. The Franchise progeny never go out of style, and the data coming in shows him to be a high fertility sire.
Bieber CL Stockmarket E119.. the sire of Lots 57 & 58.
1/1/2022 MCBR/2103K 3-75% AR #4712705 PIE STOCKMAN 4051 BIEBER CL STOCKMARKET E119 BIEBER CL ADELLE 475C 9 MILE FRANCHISE 6305 C-BAR MS SMITH 007 Pro$ 144(2%) HB 52(58%) GM 92(1%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 69 686 102 1258 100 6.23 132 12.2 86 1.01 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 15 -4.4 61 102 25 5 4 10 14 0.94 0.14 34 0.36 Top% 15 11 48 39 53 64 98 8 69 1 85 15 11
1/4/2022 MCBR/2104K 3-75% AR #4712707 PIE STOCKMAN 4051 BIEBER CL STOCKMARKET E119 BIEBER CL ADELLE 475C 9 MILE FRANCHISE 6305 C-BAR MS SMITH 008 Pro$ 137(4%) HB 49(63%) GM 88(1%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 63 621 92 1278 102 6.05 128 14.9 105 1.24 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 16 -5.4 52 90 23 5 4 10 14 0.94 0.14 29 0.30 Top% 10 4 78 66 74 64 98 6 69 1 86 28 18
2/10/2022 MCBR/2112K 3-74.9% AR #4712713 SPUR FRANCHISE OF GARTON 9 MILE FRANCHISE 6305 C-BAR ABIGRACE Y11 SCHULER REBEL 0029X C-BAR MS SMITH 614 Pro$ 124(11%) HB 55(50%) GM 69(6%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 79 694 100 1165 100 5.25 14.9 1.31 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 16 -4.4 52 89 33 2 5 11 13 0.54 0.12 36 0.28 Top% 11 11 78 68 3 43 98 3 75 23 81 11 20
We’re excited to see how this set of calves develops!
Lots 60 - 62... calving ease Energize x Franchise 3/4 brothers.
- Lot 60 leads off a set of three 3/4 brothers sired by the popular and proven calving ease ABS sire, Bieber Energize F121, and all three are out of first calf daughters of 9 Mile Franchise 6305.
- Lot 61 posted an impressive record with a 1339 AYW, 114 IMF ratio and 103 REA ratio. These bulls from the Smith herd were the very best of the best... only the top bulls made the cut.
- Lot 62 is another Energize son out of a Franchise daughter. This combination should make a great heifer bull, and you will want to keep all the daughters.
1/10/2022 MCBR/2111K 3-75% AR #4712703 BIEBER CL ATOMIC C218 BIEBER CL ENERGIZE F121 BIEBER CL ADELLE 575D 9 MILE FRANCHISE 6305 C-BAR MS SMITH 037 Pro$ 130(7%) HB 54(51%) GM 76(3%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 77 696 104 1153 92 4.63 98 13.7 97 1.20 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 16 -4.2 58 100 29 3 6 10 14 0.52 0.00 34 0.49 Top% 13 12 59 45 21 50 98 9 71 27 19 14 4
1/15/2022 MCBR/2108K 3-75% AR #4712695 BIEBER CL ATOMIC C218 BIEBER CL ENERGIZE F121 BIEBER CL ADELLE 575D 9 MILE FRANCHISE 6305 C-BAR MS SMITH 024 Pro$ 130(7%) HB 54(51%) GM 76(3%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 78 679 101 1339 107 5.37 114 14.6 103 1.16 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 16 -4.2 58 100 29 3 6 10 14 0.52 0.00 34 0.49 Top% 13 12 59 45 21 50 98 9 71 27 19 14 4
1/6/2022 MCBR/2107K 3-75% AR #4712701 BIEBER CL ATOMIC C218 BIEBER CL ENERGIZE F121 BIEBER CL ADELLE 575D 9 MILE FRANCHISE 6305 C-BAR MS SMITH 020 Pro$ 130(7%) HB 54(51%) GM 76(3%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 70 720 107 1202 96 3.54 75 14.1 99 1.18 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 16 -4.2 58 100 29 3 6 10 14 0.52 0.00 34 0.49 Top% 13 12 59 45 21 50 98 9 71 27 19 14 4
The Smith Family, Eagle Creek Ranch, Paradise, KS... we couldn’t ask for better family to work with.
Bieber CL Energize F121... the popular ABS sire of Lots 60-62.
Lots 63 - 65... Collusion sons backed by a few of our top donor cows.
- Lot 63 is the natural Collusion son out of Mimi 7302E, one of our top young donors that is a direct daughter of the famed Damar Mimi W085 cow. Maternal brothers to Lot 63 sell as Lots 17 and 43.
Lot 64
- Lot 64 is an ET Collusion son out of Stony 837F, a Spur Franchise daughter that has risen to the top of donors and is the female that will continue the legacy of her dam, Stony A302.
Lot 65
- Lot 65 is an ET Collusion son out of My Oh My Mimi 8413F, the Franchise 6305 daughter out of Autumn’s many time champion Mimi 512C cow by Evolution.
1/16/2022 MCBR/2014K A-100% AR #4705103 FRITZ JUSTICE
Pro$ 126(9%) HB 78(11%) GM 48(29%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 85 631 ET 1064 ET 3.97 82 13.5 95 1.27 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 14 -1.8 61 99 30 8 12 9 18 0.50 0.08 34 0.35 Top% 34 50 48 45 16 79 31 11 13 30 59 14 12
MIMI 8413F
1/24/2022 MCBR/2038K A-100% AR #4705129 FRITZ JUSTICE 8013 LACY COLLUSION 115F LACY LAKOTA 8105 SPUR FRANCHISE OF GARTON C-BAR STONY 837F C-BAR MS STONY A302 Pro$ 139(3%) HB 81(8%) GM 58(15%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 78 606 ET 1090 ET 4.12 85 13.0 91 1.22 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 12 0.3 71 114 27 8 13 8 19 0.55 -0.04 37 0.64 Top% 54 86 14 16 38 76 20 29 11 22 9 9 1
2/10/2022 MCBR/2046K A-100% AR #4705149 FRITZ JUSTICE 8013 LACY COLLUSION 115F LACY LAKOTA 8105 C-BAR ANTICIPATION 101W C-BAR-RJ MIMI 7302E DAMAR MIMI W085 Pro$ 120(13%) HB 82(8%) GM 37(51%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 83 710 95 1193 97 3.75 93 15.3 107 1.32 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 13 -0.4 65 103 26 6 14 8 19 0.59 0.06 16 0.04 Top% 52 77 33 37 50 68 15 35 10 17 46 77 70
Gimmie & Miles waiting for Dad to get home...
Lot 63’s dam, Mimi 7302E...
My Oh My Mimi 512C... the granddam of Lot 65.
Lots 66 - 68... backed by proven C-Bar donors.
- Lot 66 is a moderate birth weight son of PIE Commander 0100, the $77,500 Quarterback son out of our top donor, Abigrace 636D. He posted an impressive 113 IMF ratio and boasts a -3.0 BW to 115 YW EPD spread.
- Lot 67 is an ET Collusion son out of Abigrace 562C that posted an impressive 115 IMF ratio. He is a flushmate full brother to Lots 4 and 33.
- Lot 68 is the natural Collusion son out of our donor, Stony 8351F. His full ET brothers are featured as Lots 5, 34, 35 and 36.
35 Lot 68
2/25/2022 MCBR/2049K A-100% AR #4705155
Pro$ 92(51%) HB 69(23%) GM 23(80%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 81 726 97 1130 92 3.65 90 14.8 103 1.39 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 12 -1.0 66 106 24 11 13 8 18 0.35 0.13 24 0.16 Top% 55 67 30 32 64 91 28 39 14 65 84 46 43
1/24/2022 MCBR/2032K A-100% AR #4705117 FRITZ JUSTICE 8013 LACY COLLUSION 115F LACY LAKOTA 8105 STEVENSON ROCKMOUNT RX933 C-BAR ABIGRACE 562C C-BAR ABIGRACE Y11 Pro$ 125(9%) HB 65(29%) GM 60(13%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 74 627 ET 1124 ET 5.56 115 12.6 89 1.15 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 14 -0.9 67 112 28 7 13 9 16 0.60 0.09 36 0.38 Top% 36 68 28 20 28 71 25 19 42 16 67 10 10
2/22/2022 MCBR/2047K A-100% AR #4705151 PIE QUARTERBACK 789 PIE COMMANDER 0100 C-BAR ABIGRACE 636D STEVENSON ROCKMOUNT RX933 C-BAR ABIGRACE 563C C-BAR ABIGRACE Y11 Pro$ 121(12%) HB 46(68%) GM 75(3%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 67 700 94 1218 99 4.58 113 12.4 86 1.06 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 13 -3.0 62 115 29 8 13 8 13 0.64 0.05 33 0.38 Top% 39 28 44 15 22 78 18 27 74 12 43 17 10
Abigrace 563C & 562C... full sister dams to Lots 66 & 67.
Lacy Collusion 115F enjoying the green grass this summer... while it lasted!
36 Lot 69 C-BARRELENTLESS2002K 1/9/2022 MCBR/2002K A-100% AR #4705065 BIEBER DRIVEN C540 STRA RELENTLESS STRA CHEREBAL 305 C-BAR ELDORADO 114Z C-BAR ABIGRACE 555C C-BAR ABIGRACE 255Z Pro$ 149(1%) HB 80(9%) GM 69(6%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 71 623 ET 1024 ET 8.17 169 12.6 89 1.21 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 15 -4.1 62 96 28 -6 13 10 15 0.89 0.12 21 0.01 Top% 18 14 46 53 24 14 20 8 49 1 77 60 76 - If you want a heifer bull that will sire beautiful replacement heifers and Prime grading steers, then Lot 69 is your bull. He posted an incredible 8.17 IMF with a whopping 169 ratio!
Lot 69... the #1 %IMF bull in the sale!
We take great pride in the fact that the C-Bar prefix can be found behind the maternal end of many of the top bulls and genetics in the Red Angus business...
Lots 71 - 73... age-advantaged bulls backed by highly proven sires.
9 Mile Franchise 6305... the go to sire for making replacement females.
- Lot 71 is one of only three direct sons of the highly proven maternal and carcass leading sire, 9 Mile Franchise 6305. Last year the sale featured four full brothers that sold to Holton Cattle Co. in TX, Buffalo Creek Red Angus in TX, Cedar Bluffs Ranch in NE and Sherman Overbay in KS.
- Lot 72 is a dark red Domain son out of Abigrace 555C that scanned through the roof, posting a 130 IMF ratio and 103 REA ratio. Last year a full brother sold to Herl Inc. in Quinter, KS.
3SCC Domain A163... the highly proven sire of Lots 72 & 73
- Lot 73 is another Domain son out of ‘Triple Nickel’, Abigrace 555C. Be sure to check out the high scanning maternal siblings by Relentless that sell as Lots 9-11, 37 and 69.
MCBR/1008J A-100% AR #4698259
108(26%) HB 48(64%) GM 60(13%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 2/2 WT 82 548 ET 1076 ET 3.47 89 12.1 81 1.13 1375 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 13 -1.3 66 109 23 0 11 5 15 0.62 0.15 29 0.05 Top% 42 60 30 24 70 30 55 83 60 14 89 29 68
8/31/2021 MCBR/1002J A-100% AR #4698247 SPUR FRANCHISE OF GARTON 9 MILE FRANCHISE 6305 C-BAR ABIGRACE Y11 C-BAR EVOLUTION 107Y C-BAR MY OH MY MIMI 512C DAMAR MIMI W085 Pro$ 114(19%) HB 58(43%) GM 56(17%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 2/2 WT 73 539 ET 1086 ET 3.09 79 13.3 89 1.23 1490 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 13 -2.8 58 103 30 8 13 9 15 0.30 0.10 44 0.40 Top% 40 32 60 36 14 79 23 15 51 79 70 3 8
9/6/2021 MCBR/1006J A-100% AR #4698255 BECKTON DOMINOR T122 Z1 3SCC DOMAIN A163 3SCC EUCLA X723 C-BAR ELDORADO 114Z C-BAR ABIGRACE 555C C-BAR ABIGRACE 255Z Pro$ 108(26%) HB 48(64%) GM 60(13%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 2/2 WT 76 675 ET 1226 ET 5.08 130 15.5 103 1.26 1690 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 13 -1.3 66 109 23 0 11 5 15 0.62 0.15 29 0.05 Top% 42 60 30 24 70 30 55 83 60 14 89 29 68
Lots 74 - 76... more age-advantaged Red Angus bulls.
We were all saddened by the passing of our friend and cooperator, Tim Orr. He was an astute business man but more importantly he was a son, brother, husband, father, grandfather and friend. Tim chose to walk every day with Christ and lived each day with purpose. He loved fiercely, gave relentlessly and led humbly. Rest in peace my good friend.
38 Lot 76
9/18/2021 BCK/J83 A-100% AR #4610073 HXC ALLEGIANCE 5502C C-BAR ALLEGIANCE 408E HXC 501R C-BAR KLONDIKE 204E TY-BE BLOCKANA G20 MAJESTIC BLOCKANA Z14 Pro$ 87(60%) HB 40(77%) GM 47(32%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 2/2 WT 48 724 103 1189 104 4.95 99 15.0 106 1.26 1440 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 10 -0.6 63 101 26 1 13 5 13 0.61 0.08 16 0.07 Top% 82 74 40 41 46 37 21 86 80 15 58 76 63 Lot 75
10/11/2021 BCK/J77 A-100% AR #4610067 5L DEFENDER 560-30Z 5L DEFENDER 2650-76C 5L OSCE 2948-2650 TY-BE CHAIN REACTION C12 TY-BE ELEANOR F16 DAMAR ELEANOR Z208 Pro$ 38(99%) HB 29(91%) GM 9(95%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 2/2 WT 45 710 101 1123 98 5.16 104 14.4 102 1.28 1355 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 14 -1.9 66 105 26 1 11 6 12 0.26 0.04 14 0.04 Top% 32 49 31 33 47 40 62 77 86 86 34 82 70
10/3/2021 BCK/J73 A-100% AR #4610081 HXC ALLEGIANCE 5502C C-BAR ALLEGIANCE 408E HXC 501R MNS RED HOT 5750 TY-BE EMMA G113 EMMA Pro$ 106(28%) HB 55(49%) GM 51(24%) Performance & Indexes BW AWW AYW %IMF REA REA/CWT 2/2 WT 42 748 106 1182 103 4.82 97 13.1 92 1.10 1455 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 11 -1.2 65 107 27 4 15 5 15 0.54 0.12 28 0.10 Top% 71 63 31 29 38 53 6 83 58 24 80 32 56
Tim Orr, his daughter, Leah & wife, Beth (son, Tyler Orr - not pictured) TY-BE Farms, Newbern, TN
Timothy John Orr 1/12/66 - 7/18/22
A peaceful scene... Collusion with a Kansas double rainbow in the background.
- Lot 74 is a son of C-Bar Allegiance 408E, a son of ABS sire, HXC Allegiance, out of the famed 501R donor at Hueftle’s in NE.
- Lot 75 is a good scanning 5L Defender son that goes back to the famed Eleanor cow family.
- Lot 76 combines Allegiance and Eldorado with three great cows... 501R, Joline Z243 and Blockana.
We want to help our customers market their C-Bar Genetics...
In an effort to help market our customers genetics, C-Bar Ranch is offering a free listing service. Please contact Steve and provide us with information on any C-Bar genetics you have for sale.
C-Bar Red Angus genetics for sale now:
20 -25 Head of Red Angus 2yr old pairs with January/February calves for late April to early May delivery. Contact Tracy Zeigler for more information.
Weaned ‘22 Fall born calves available for April delivery. Contact Adam Zeigler for more information.
Up to 100 commercial Red Angus 2yr old pairs available the middle of March. Contact Tyson for more information.
Up to 70 Head of open yearling Red Angus heifers available immediatly. Contact JD for more information.
Offering entire groups of either 3, 4 or 5 yr old Registered Red Angus pairs for spring delivery. Contact Brit Hayes for more information.
20 commercial 2yr old Red Angus pairs available for spring delivery. Contact Kelly for more information.
Zeigler, Natoma, KS (785) 885-8121
JD Riffel, Stockton, KS (785) 543-8006
Zeigler, Batons, KS (785) 885-8060
Tyson McPhail, Ashland, KS (620) 635-0837
Kelly Petz, Hays, KS (785) 623-8473
Hayes Red Angus, Jetmore, KS (620) 357-5391
Make plans for our Fall Female sale...
C-Bar “Red Baron’s Ball” Fall Female Sale
October 2023
Featuring many top young ET heifer calves from our ‘23 crop including the first progeny of C-Bar Red Baron 207J!
C-Bar Red Baron 207J...
Lacy Collusion x Musgrave Aviator
The Auctioneer in charge will settle any disputes as to bids, and his decision on such matters shall be final.
Terms of sale are cash unless satisfactory credit arrangements have been made with Sale Management prior to sale.
Each animal becomes the risk of the Buyer as soon as sold, but it shall be the obligation of the Seller to see that animals are fed and cared for free of charge to Buyer, until loaded for shipment or until the expiration of 48 hours after the sale, whichever occurs sooner.
All animals are eligible for interstate shipment, except as otherwise announced. Interstate health papers will be furnished for each animal requiring tuberculosis and brucellosis tests in accordance with Federal Regulations.
Any changes from information of any kind in this catalog will be announced from the auction box and such announcements shall take precedence.
In the event the Buyer defaults on payment, the Buyer shall be responsible for all costs, including attorney’s costs, incurred by Sale Management or Seller in connection with collecting, or attempting to collect, payment due.
All animals are guaranteed by the seller as outlined in the Red Angus Association of America Code of Ethical Sale Practices.
The above terms and conditions of sale shall constitute a contract between the buyer and seller of each animal and shall be equally binding upon both. Each sale or resale of an animal constitutes a seperate transaction.
All persons who attend the sale do so at their own risk. The seller, the sale manager, and the auction facility assume no liability for accidents that may occur. It is to be clearly understood that the sale manager and their representatives act only as a medium between the buyer and seller.