Character Design ideas
Using plasticine i started to create character ideas for a stop motion animation. Although i am not going down that path its nice to see my characters come to life almost and give them a presence. This material is nice for creating things for expiremental purposes due to the fact that its soft and can be easily manipulated. If i was going to take this material further an create a animaiton with it i would scale the character up as trying to capture emotion and movement would be difficult. 2
This idea of a character is cute due to the shapes and the size of its feets. Created by my friend Nicky it was refreashing to see what the idea looked like from her perspective. Its shape is very distinctive to a penguin which to the audience makes it easy to read.
This guy was made taller which made it easier to work with. The head and body are sperate piece which when animating would be easier to make the head move.
Looking back at preveious ideas i decided to create a penguin with its head attacted to its body this is due to the fact that the character looks more clean and finished and gives it a cute look. I made the penguins feet and beak over sized to give the character a distinct look. Making the arms longer i thought would be a nice quiatity when animating as the character could drag his arms around.
Moving away from stopmotion and creating models out of clay i decided to create drawing which i could then animate through drawng. This would then allow me to make animation that is do able within the deadline. Doing a stopmation now i would not get it finished in time, but i do want to carry on creating 3D characters in this project as i can come back to it in the future and turn the 2D animation in to a 3D anmiation. 6
Using marker pens i have created these three characters from two sketches. This is the style i would like my animation to be like, its simple and quick to do which is vital when create frames. 7