SEA HORSE When it comes to bending gender stereotypes, seahorses and their relatives would have to be one of the most extreme examples. These fish swap the traditional roles of mums and dads as they are the only animals where the males get pregnant.
PUGGA FISH Dolphins deliberately get high on puffer fish nerve toxins by carefully chewing and passing them around. Dolphins are thought of as one of the most intelligent species in the animal kingdom – and experts believe they have put their ingenuity to use in the pursuit of getting “high”
It may seem strange that humans have evolved from fish, but the evidence can be found not just in fossils but also within our own bodies. Your face is your most expressive feature; it tells the world what you are feeling, who you are and where you come from. Although no two faces are exactly the same, they share a number of common characteristics; a couple of eyes, a nose, a mouth and a philtrum.