MWR Aug/Sept 2023

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2 Midwest Rider 2023


If your vibe radiates adventure and thrills, then discover Lake County’s most riveting and action-packed trails in northern Minnesota.

Head up to the North Shore for the weekend to feel the never-ending adrenaline of conquring hairpin turns, rocky terrain and endless rivers. Be sure to pause and take in the majestic views of Lake Superior.

Aug/Sept 2023 3

8 18 10 26


Electric snowmobiles are coming whether we like it or not.


Yamaha calls it quits, ride free Michigan, and Snow Pass program.


Our top destinations to ride this fall.


Midwest Riders receive two free months of onX Elite.


28 30 44 54


Volcon holds first ride Stag side-by-side opportunity.


How to navigate and enjoy this fall’s biggest powersports party.


First look at Kawasaki, Polaris, Arctic Cat and more.


Can’t miss fall shows, swaps, and gatherings.

Last year Arctic Cat stole the show at Hay Days as they pulled the wraps of the long awaited, all-new Catalyst model. Later that winter, the staff here at Midwest Rider was fortunate enough to get our hands on one and thrash it for half the season. The verdict…it’s one of the most fun rippers we’ve ever experienced in 30-years! Will there be more in store from the manufacturers this year at Hay Days? Find out our predictions inside.

6595 Edenvale Blvd Ste 180 Eden Prairie MN 55346 800-989-6776 / 952-473-7870

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Aug/Sept 2023 5 LUME N M BE NUMBER 10 - AUG/SEPT 2023 CONTENTS
6 Midwest Rider 2023
in Northwest Wisconsin is not simply a pastime, it's a way of life. Discover our extensive network of more than 1,000 miles of well maintained ATV and UTV trails through pristine forests, along sparkling lakes, and over rushing rivers. Our northwoods hospitality is second to none, with plenty of ATVfriendly businesses along the trails. Visit or call 715-416-3256 to order a FREE corridor trail map today Free corridor Map





ignorance is bliss

n the heels of the most recent International Snowmobile Congress gathering in Moline, Illinois this past June, a discussion surrounding the future of electric snowmobiles made it clear that as a sport we are a house divided. Perhaps more concerning, was the apparent resistance to the opportunities that electric snowmobiles could provide.

There’s little argument that our current infrastructure simply cannot support electric snowmobile use in traditional terms. When it comes to trail riding, exploring off-trail, or riding in regions where extreme cold is often prevalent, electric snowmobiles just don’t make sense – at least not yet. However, there are opportunities right now where they do – places like ski hills, rental operations, and unique destinations like West Yellowstone. These are places where nonsnowmobilers will be exposed to the sport we know and love — often for the very first time. An exposure that can be smooth, quiet, easy, non-intimidating, and very inviting when using an electric snowmobile.

In a sport where growth has been virtually non-existent for decades, and continually faces new hurdles to overcome such as access, aging demographics, and cost of participation, it would seem new opportunities such as electric snowmobiles would be met with open arms.

Currently both Taiga and Ski-Doo will produce electric snowmobiles this winter, and one would expect Polaris won’t be far behind. By and large, the arguments against electric snowmobiles from the existing snowmobile community are fueled by mis-information, lack of knowledge, and perhaps fear of change. As an electric automobile owner, I can empathize, as I was also very much opposed to electric vehicles…that was until I experienced one in the right application.

This much I can say with certainty. Electric snowmobiles are coming. How they fit into the future of the sport is anyone’s guess. As snowmobilers we can choose to define snowmobiling as we have for decades, or we can look for ways to embrace new ideas, new technologies, and do our part to introduce the sport to a new generation of riders…no matter how they choose to enjoy it.

8 Midwest Rider 2023 PRESENTED BY Friday Bands Hairball Rhino 6:30pm-11:00pm Pre-Party @Journeys Bar 3pm-6pm Saturday Bands 1:00pm-11:00pm Marshall Tucker Band Joyann Parker Buck Wild Second Time Around MUD DRAGS 10:30am-2pm FOOD TRUCKS ATV PARADE - MORE! Sunday Bands 4:00pm-9:00pm The Gear Daddies Gus Sent Me TRAIL RIDE 10am-3:30pm LODGING & CAMPING! BOOK TODAY! WEEKEND GENERAL ADMISSION - $85 WEEKEND VIP ADMISSION - $125 DAILY ADMISSION - FRIDAY & SUNDAY $25 SATURDAY - $45
1 - 3, 2023

A T V / U T V T r a i l s

T h e r e a r e o v e r 1 0 0 m i l e s o f A T V / U T V t r a i l s i n t h e M e r c e r a r e a . M e r c e r ' s t r a i l s c o n n e c t w i t h o t h e r I r o n C o u n t y t r a i l s t o f o r m t h e l a r g e s t A l l - T e r r a i n V e h i c l e t r a i l s y s t e m i n W i s c o n s i n , w i t h o v e r 2 5 0 m i l e s o f a d v e n t u r o u s t r a i l s .

F i s h i n g

T h e " C r o w n J e w e l " o f W i s c o n s i n , t h e T u r t l e F l a m b e a u

F l o w a g e ( T F F ) o f 1 4 , 3 0 0 a c r e s , l i e s j u s t a f e w m i l e s f r o m

M e r c e r a n d 2 1 4 c l e a n f r e s h w a t e r l a k e s w i t h i n t h e

M e r c e r a r e a , a n g l i n g o p p o r t u n i t i e s a r e e n d l e s s . F r o m

p a n f i s h a n d w a l l e y e t o m u s k y , M e r c e r l a k e s h a v e i t a l l

W a t e r f a l l s

W e i n v i t e y o u t o e n j o y t h e W a t e r f a l l s o f I r o n C o u n t y , W I a s p e r f e c t l y n a t u r a l n o w a s w h e n t h e y w e r e d i s c o v e r e d . Y o u ’ l l f i n d s o m e o f t h e m o s t s p e c t a c u l a r w a t e r f a l l s i n W i s c o n s i n h e r e , b o t h i n h e i g h t a n d s u r r o u n d i n g s c e n e r y

M o s t o f I r o n C o u n t y ’ s m a n y w a t e r f a l l s a r e l o c a t e d o f ft h e b e a t e n p a t h , u n s p o i l e d b y c r o w d s

O c t o b e r 5 - 8 , 2 0 2 3

M e r c e r p u m p k i n r u n r a l l y . c o m


OOM Insurance is the only pay-per-mile motorcycle insurance provider, and is proud to begin offering its innovative product in the state of Colorado, and for the first

time will provide insurance for ATVs, UTVs, and snowmobiles in the centennial state as well.

Low mileage motorcycle riders, ATV, UTV & snowmobile owners in Colorado, can

“Our team is thrilled to introduce the first pay per mile insurance for off-road vehicles, now available in Colorado and soon in more states. We are working diligently on taking VOOM nationwide to allow savings for an increasing number of riders.”

now save up to 60 percent compared to traditional insurance plans. In an age of inflation, VOOM aims to help riders keep more money in their pockets, while controlling their expenses on insurance.

Offered soon to additional states, the pay-per-mile motorcycle insurance is available now in: Arizona, Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas and Colorado.

10 Midwest Rider 2023 S U N D A Y , O C T O B E R 1 P R A I R I E R I D E R S . C O M P R A I R I E R I D E R S @ G M A I L . C O M 8 1 5 - 5 0 9 - 1 1 8 0 28th Annual Prairie Riders Snowmobile Club’s Snowmobile/SXS Grass Drags & Powersports Swap Meet I l l i n o i s ' L a r g e s t S n o w m o b i l e S w a p M e e t & S h o w I l l i n o i s ' L a r g e s t S n o w m o b i l e S w a p M e e t & S h o w G A T E S O P E N A T 7 A M R A C E R E G I S T R A T I O N 8 - 1 0 A M R A C I N G S T A R T S A T 1 1 A M S X S R E G I S T R A T I O N 1 2 - 2 P M N O P E T S A L L O W E D 4 L A N E S , 5 0 0 - F O O T R A C E W A Y 1 1 0 0 F E E T O F S H U T D O W N R A C E A M E R I C A T I M I N G S Y S T E M F A M O U S K I D S M I N I S L E D R A C E B O O N E C O U N T Y F A I R G R O U N D S I L - 7 6 | B E L V I D E R E , I L S X S D R A G R A C I N G 5 0 / 5 0 R A F F L E FOOD BY THE SNOWMOBILE CLUBS OF REGION 5 ONLINE REGISTRATION AVAILABLE THRU 9/29 IN-PERSON REGISTRATION AFTER 9/29 $ 5 A D M I S S I O N ( 1 1 & U N D E R F R E E ) $ 2 0 R A C E F E E P E R C L A S S ( M I N A G E 1 6 ) $ 5 0 V E N D O R S I T E S $ 1 5 P I T E N T R A N C E F E E ( M I N A G E 1 6 ) $ 2 5 S W A P S I T E S M I N I S L E D R A C E I S F R E E ( 2 0 0 C C M A X ) S N O W M O B I L E S , A T V S , D I R T B I K E S , P A R T S , A C C E S S O R I E S , C L O T H I N G B U Y O R S E L L O N L I N E R E G I S T R A T I O N & D E T A I L S NEWS



e stumbled upon Snowmobile Pizza in Salt Lake City, Utah, which is owned by a company called Nice Hospitality. They create and operate multiple food and beverage brands focused on providing immersive experiences, culinary excellence and gracious hospitality. We’re not sure how the pizza tastes or the octane rating of their SnowmoBeer, but we do know they have great taste in wallpaper – check out the vintage Yamaha, Arctic Cat and Ski-Doo graphics! Snowmobile Pizza might be a hair outside the Midwest, but a bit closer to home, you can visit the Arctic Cat-themed Black Cat Bar and Grill in Thief River Falls, Minnesota or the Polaris Experience Center to the north in Roseau.

When you’re ready for your next adventure, we’re ready to welcome you!

Aug/Sept 2023 11 *Restrictions apply. See for program terms and conditions. Each Best Western branded hotel is independently owned and operated. For a list of most properties, local attractions and events, Best Western and the Best Western marks are service marks or registered service marks of Best Western International, Inc. 2022 Best Western International, Inc. All rights reserved. Hit The Trails With Best Western® Visit | 1.800.237.8483 Over 35 Hotels Free Wi-Fi Parking Available Best Western Rewards Join Best Western Rewards, our FREE rewards program and earn points for every qualified night you stay. Redeem points* for free room nights, partner rewards, merchandise, dining retail and gift cards. With more than 35 Best Western Hotels & Resorts in Wisconsin
the joy of outdoor fun is an exciting and
2713 Midwest Rider_Final.indd 1 2/16/22 2:02 PM


hen M State’s small engine repair and maintenance program was first introduced in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota, in 1967, it sparked immediate enthusiasm.

That feeling remains as strong as ever today, as college leaders, alumni and stakeholders look back on the program’s 55-year history in celebration while also looking ahead in anticipation of what’s to come – a relocation of the program from M State’s Detroit Lakes campus to the Moorhead, Minnesota, campus.

“We’re looking forward to our new adventure in Moorhead, with its larger student base, where we will be able to provide the industry with even more qualified technicians,” said Glen Bucholz, who currently teaches the program along with fellow

instructor Kent Reisenauer. “We’ll look back on the place we called home with fond memories of all the friends we’ve met along the way, honored to have had the privilege of teaching them.”

Launched in response to a regional need for skilled small engine mechanics and led by Barney C. Cummings, an instructor with a friendly face and over 30 years of experience, the small engines program quickly became the most soughtafter offering at Detroit Lakes Area Vocational Technical School, as M State’s Detroit Lakes campus was then known.

M State’s Detroit Lakes campus has gone by a few different names over the years, and the small engines program has, too – today, it’s called PowerSports Technology. Cummings and over a dozen other instructors have come and gone through the program, as have over 1,400 graduates. Today’s small engines are stronger, smaller and more fuel efficient, and in response to the changing technology, the program’s curriculum has adjusted and evolved.

What hasn’t changed is the program’s strength, its spirit, and the student success stories it produces. Bucholz and Reisenauer continue to help students build valuable skills and relationships, and guide them into rewarding careers, just as Cummings and every other instructor in the program have done. M State still partners with regional industry to ensure that what’s learned in the classroom directly applies to what’s needed in the workforce, and students still work collaboratively as they gain hands-on experience in the service and repair of small engines.

“It was a lot of fun to come to school,” recalls Taylor Wang, a former PowerSports Technology student. “We’d work together in the classroom when we’d repair an engine; we’d have a partner, so there’d be two people working together to tear it apart… And Kent Reisenauer was an awesome teacher – very easy to get along with and very helpful.”

Wang and his brother, Tanner, both graduated from the PowerSports Technology program in 2012. Reisenauer helped

12 Midwest Rider 2023 Hours: 8am-5pm Monday-Friday 8am-2pm Saturdays © 2021 Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. (BRP). All rights reserved. ® TM and the BRP logo are trademarks of BRP or its liates. In the U.S.A., products are distributed by BRP US Inc. O er is valid in the United States only from May 1, 2021, to July 31, 2021. Eligible units are select Can-Am O -Road models sold and warranty. The terms and conditions may vary and these o ers are subject to termination or change at any time without notice. †Rates as low as 3.99% APR (Annual Percentage Rate) for 36 months. Example of a monthly payment required over a 36-month term at a 3.99% APR: $29.52 per $1,000 nanced. An example of a monthly payment with $0 down, no rebate, an APR of 3.99% for 36 months at an MSRP of $10,000 is $295.20/mo. Total cost of borrowing is $627.03 with a total repayment obligation of $10,000.00. Down payment may be required. Other nancing o ers may be available. Minimum and maximum amount nanced may vary. Not all buyers will qualify. Higher rates apply for buyers with lower credit ratings. Other quali cations and restrictions may apply, depending on the participating nancial institution(s). BRP is not responsible for any of the nancing terms and conditions. O er subject to change without notice. Financing promotions void where prohibited. See your BRP dealer for details. BRP recommends that all ATV-SSV drivers take training course. See your dealer or call the ATV Safety Institute at 1-800-887-2887. ATVs and SSVs can be hazardous to operate. Never carry passengers on any ATV-SSV not speci cally designed by the manufacturer for such use. All adult-model Can-Am ATVs are category G ATVs (general-use models) intended for recreational and/or utility use by an operator age 16 or older. Carefully read the vehicle’s operator’s guide. Follow all instructional and safety material and observe applicable laws and regulations. ATVs and SSVs are for o -road use only; never ride on paved surfaces or public roads. For your safety, the operator and passenger(s) must wear a helmet, eye protection and applicable protective clothing. Always remember that riding, alcohol and drugs don’t mix. Never engage in stunt driving. Avoid excessive speed and be particularly careful on di cult terrain. Always ride responsibly and safely. See your authorized BRP dealer for details and visit FOR 36 MONTHS CAN-AM ATV & SSV MODELS 3.99% ON ALL GET † 693 North 4th Street, Tomahawk WI 54487 715-453-5373 888-606-4507

them find work in the field during and right after college, and about three years ago, the brothers opened their own shop, TNT Powersports, in Hawley.

“Our time at M State really prepared us for owning our own business,” Taylor says. “And there’s so much demand for this. We’ve always been into ‘toys,’ so going to school for something we liked was actually really fun. It was a good experience.”

M State’s Moorhead campus houses its Transportation Center, a state-of-the-art learning facility that includes a well-equipped lab and classroom space for the college’s automotive and diesel equipment programs. Having PowerSports Technology join those programs at the Transportation Center will allow for further collaboration and resource-sharing, and will improve the program’s accessibility for students in the FargoMoorhead area.

The move is part of M State’s broader academic plan which was announced in March.

“I wonder what Barney Cummings would say if he could see the technological advancements that have happened in the industry,” says Reisenauer. “If only he could see how far the program has come.”

Aug/Sept 2023 13


n June 28, 2023, Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. announced plans for an eventual withdrawal of the snowmobile business. The 2024 model year will be the final for available production in the European market, while North America’s final production will be the 2025 model year. Yamaha shared some talking points with Midwest Rider, which may clear up any “speculations” and help all who read it to have a better understanding of their tough decision.

Why is Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd Japan (YMC), exiting the snowmobile market?

After careful consideration, Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. regretfully made the business decision to focus on higher volume product groups and increase investment in identified growth markets.

How long will Yamaha Motor continue selling snowmobiles? The 2025 model year will be the last year of Yamaha snowmobile sales in North America. The season will follow the traditional snowmobile schedule through the winter of 2024, at which point there will NOT be a 2026 model year or Spring Power Surge.

Where does a customer get their Yamaha snowmobile serviced?

Yamaha dealers will continue to provide service and parts for Yamaha snowmobiles.

How long will Yamaha supply parts for current or future year Yamaha snowmobiles?

Yamaha Motor is committed to an advanced parts procurement to supply customer demands for years to come.

What about existing deposits for Spring Power Surge?

There is no change to the 2024MY Spring Power Surge. 2024MY deliveries are scheduled to start in the fall of 2023.

How will Yamaha handle warranty fulfillment, either factory or extended?

Yamaha will honor all warranty for the entire term period which was agreed upon at time of purchase.

Will Yamaha ever get back into the snowmobile business? With this decision, there are no future plans to return to the snowmobile business.

How is Yamaha supporting their dealers during this transition?

Each dealer’s business situation is unique. Yamaha will work with dealers to best position each dealer for continued success in the next 24 – 36 months while focusing on existing product groups and expansion of new opportunities.

How is Yamaha supporting their customers during this transition?

Yamaha’s direction is to continue offering sales, service, parts and warranty up to and including the 2025 model year line of snowmobiles. Current customers can expect the same level of customer support they have traditionally received.

Will Yamaha continue to offer industry support and attend snowmobile events and consumer shows?

Promotional activities are reviewed, planned and budgeted for annually. Yamaha will make decisions about support for these activities on an individual basis.

14 Midwest Rider 2023 Lakeside Cabins I Hotel Rooms I Campground Year Round Cabins & Motel I Full Bar Premium Gas Available On The Tomahawk Snowmobile Trail & The Prospector Loop Trail System 459 Kawishiwi Trail, Ely MN 55731 I (218) 365-4877 Famous Bloody Comfort Food Craft Beer On The ATV/UTV Trail In Waukon MN




he Ski-Doo Snow PASS program is once again proud to partner with the hardworking clubs and volunteers that make our sport go. The time is now to submit your project for consideration of this wonderful grant program! In order for your project to be approved for the 2023-24 snowmobile season, your submission must be received by September 15, 2023. Who can participate in Snow PASS?

Funds are available for national, provincial, state and local organizations throughout North America. Any organization submitting an application must be a non-profit or government organization.

Building a Stronger Snowmobile Community

Eligible projects may include

• Protecting or increasing access to playgrounds

• Making snowmobiling more accessible

• Helping clubs reinvent themselves

• Trail development

• Safety Initiatives

Grants Up to $5,000 USD Available to Help Your Cause

Ski-Doo and its dealer network will provide a matched grant of up to $5,000 USD to fund a variety of projects. There must be matching funds of at least the same amount as requested from other sources.

This year, Ski-Doo and it’s amazing dealer network will be donating over $300,000 to more than 60 clubs across North America.

In two years, the Ski-Doo Snow PASS program with the support from the Ski-Doo dealer network, has contributed more than $900,000 CAD to help clubs with access issues, build and maintain trails and protect the riding playgrounds we all enjoy every season. But funding is only part of the battle — a huge THANK YOU to all the volunteers who selflessly donate their time so we can share our passion together.

7 1 5 7 9 4 2 5 6 1 / 8 0 0 2 5 5 5 9 3 7 2 0 2 1 O C T F U N I N T H E F O R E S T AT V B E N E F I T Supports Holiday Charitable Groups Toys4Tots / Lions Club / CARE Visit Our Facebook Page For More Events & Info


uring the days of August 19-20, Free ORV Weekend is a great time to see, experience and test out Michigan’s off-road vehicle trails. Residents and out-of-state visitors can legally ride Michigan’s 4,000 miles of off-road vehicle trails and routes, and the state’s six scramble areas, on two back-to-back days without an ORV license or trail permit.

• All other ORV rules and laws still apply.

• You must supply your own ORV.

• Typically, there is an entrance fee at Holly Oaks ORV Park (although no Recreation Passport required), but the fee is waived this year.

Midwest Rider will announce Michigan’s 2024 Free Snowmobiling Weekend dates in our next issue when they are released. Like Free ORV Weekend, you can ignite (or reignite) your love of winter trail riding with two back-to-back days of

free snowmobiling! Each year, you legally can ride without the requirement of a snowmobile registration or trail permit.

• Residents and out-of-state visitors legally can ride more than 6,000 miles of DNR-designated snowmobile trails, public roads and public lands (where authorized).

• The snowmobile trail permit and registration requirement is waived.

• All other snowmobile rules and regulations still apply.

• The Recreation Passport is required where applicable. The Michigan Legislature approved bills to create an opportunity for experienced riders to bring along friends new to the sport who may get hooked on the experience for a lifetime.

16 Midwest Rider 2023 Largest in Used Snow Parts Makes & Tracks, Carbides, Helmets, Gaskets, Cranks, Cylinders 802-487-1000 All Years, Makes & Models New parts, Tracks, Slides, Carbides, Studs, Helmets, Pistons, Gaskets, A-arms, Rebuilt Cranks, Engines & Replated Cylinders in Stock. Worlds Largest in Used Snow Parts 802-487-1000 Thomas Sno Sports Ogilvie MN - 320-556-3467 Cabin Fever promotion is valid through June 30, 2023 and excludes XRT 570, XRT 570 LE and XRT 1000 LE ATVs. FREE WINCH offer excludes ARGO XC 90, XR 500 and Magnum XF 500. 8.79% is subject to credit approval with a minimum finance amount of $2,000. Financing provided by Dealer Direct. All offers depicted are only available at authorized participating ARGO dealers located in the United States. All vehicles are subject to destination charge, setup fees, applicable taxes and registration fees. For full and accurate vehicle pricing nformation, please contact your local ARGO dealer for a detailed quote and availability. Never engage in stunt driving. Avoid excessive speeds and be particularly careful on difficult terrain. Never carry a passenger on a single-rider ATV. XR AND XRT ATV models are for users over 16 years old only. XC 90 youth model is only for kids 12 and up. Never operate on public roads ARGO vehicles are designated for off-highway use only — collisions with cars and trucks can occur. Never drive or ride under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Do not shoot from or lean firearms or bows against ARGO vehicles. ARGO recommends that all riders take an approved ATV or UTV training course.



The ChatterBox X2 Slim-p is the latest GMRS/FRS radio helmet communicator. This radio technology allows an unlimited amount of riders to communicate together up to a five mile radius. You can even communicate with a GMRS/FRS campsite Walkie Talkie. Its Bluetooth technology allows the X2 Slim-p to pair with your smart phone and other devices for calls, music, and GPS. The X2 Slim-p is easy to use and operates via a single control knob so it can be used with gloves on. Wireless PushTo-Talk button allows you to communicate to others when you need to speak, but enjoy complete silence when you don’t. Each unit comes with the latest in Chatterbox headset

ROX SPEED FX BH2 bar-end hooks


The BH2 Hook is designed to improve grip and control during aggressive riding and maneuvers. By adding the BH2 Hooks to your bars you will stay connected with your sled’s handlebars and feel good doing it. Constructed of extremely durable UHMW, these are shatter-resistant upon impact. BH2 Bar-End Hooks are sold in pairs.

Fitment: These are designed to fit most aluminum snowmobile handlebars that have a straight profile (no bends at the ends). Some handlebars may require you to drill out the barend to allow the hook to slide in. These are not intended to work with Chromoly/Steel bars due to the large inside diameter of that style handlebar.

technology like Hi-fidelity speakers and noise suppressing microphones. The X2 Slim-p uses a built-in rechargeable Li-ion battery that lasts up to 8-10 hours of use and 20 hours of standby. Perfect for riding in canyons, trails, forests, mountains, dunes, highways, cities, or wherever you adventure.

quick t way geys c ry. WEST YELLOWSTONE • MONTANA Activities • Dining • Lodging #HeartOfYellowstone


18 Midwest Rider 2023

The midwest days are growing shorter, weather is cooling down and dusty trail conditions are at a minimum. These are some of the most scenic and pleasant times to explore fall colors via the seat of an ATV or UTV. We’ve compiled a listing of our favorite midwestern ride areas so you can plan your perfect fall color trip.

Aug/Sept 2023 19


he Black Hills National Forest covers more than 1.2 million acres in western South Dakota and northeastern Wyoming. Known as an “Island in the Plains,” the hills rise up out of the prairie creating a variety of terrain offroad enthusiasts will love exploring. More than 600 miles of ATV trails throughout the forest weave through canyons and gulches, across plains, and past amazing rock formations. The Northern Hills area, near Deadwood, South Dakota, is a great starting point for those looking to go on an ATV adventure. The ponderosa pine forest, with its interesting rock formations and abundant outdoor activities, draws more than a million visitors every year. From here, jump on trails near Iron Creek Lake, Galena, Nemo, or west of Cheyenne Crossing, to connect with the 600+ mile Black Hills National Forest motorized trail system.

20 Midwest Rider 2023



ichigan’s Keweenaw area offers 160 miles of trail providing access spanning natural wonders, terrain, and mining history. Glide along the coast of Lake Superior or ride through a ghost town hidden amongst the vast Keweenaw forestlands. Trails on the peninsula run from Mass City in the south all the way to Copper Harbor in the north. Many of the trails use repurposed railway grades built to transport copper ore and timber during the Copper country’s mining heyday. Most communities can be accessed by trail with plenty of opportunities for fuel stops, dining and lodging.


• High Rock Bay Photo Op: Riders should make the trip up to Copper Harbor and take the trail to High Rock Bay. With epic views of Lake Superior at the tip of the Keweenaw Peninsula, this area is seldom visited by most tourists, and the breathtaking ride takes you along old logging trails surrounded by the most vivid fall colors.

• Get Out on the Big Lake: Lake Superior is the world’s largest body of freshwater containing nearly 10 percent of Earth’s fresh surface water. You can access the best of the great lakes by ORV and visit some pretty impressive sites like Fish Cove.

• Visit a Ghost Town: Keeweenaw trails pass through the quiet ruins of former mining towns that churned out copper ore back in the 1800s and early 1900s. Much of the original stone and brick structures have been reclaimed by nature, but you can’t miss the towering smokestacks from smelting operations.

Aug/Sept 2023 21




xplore Ashland, Barron, Bayfield, Burnett, Chippewa, Douglas, Iron, Polk, Price, Rusk, Sawyer and Washburn counties.

With over 1,000 miles of ATV trails maintained by local ATV clubs and trail managers, Northwest Wisconsin boasts some of the most enjoyable ATV riding in the Midwest. Many of these counties allow UTVs and off-road motorcycles on specific trails during certain times of the year. Along the trail system riders will find easy access to businesses ready to cater to your lodging, dining, fuel and other needs.

Unique riding opportunities in the region include a 30-acre Intensive Use Area (ATV Playground) located on the Cattail Trail in Barron County, the Washburn County “ATV Scenic Tour” which features over 35 points of interest, and interpretive signage traversing over 100 miles of trail and the Flambeau Trail System, located in Price County on the ChequamegonNicolet National Forest, which features seven scenic and historic points of interest.



uneau County has some of the most diverse and appealing scenery in the country, from the hills to the forests, the bluffs and the waterways. Each corner of the county has something special to offer. Thanks to the Joint County ATV Council (JCAC) which is comprised of 18 ATV clubs, riding spans 10 central Wisconsin counties (Clark, Wood, Jackson, Monroe, Juneau, LaCrosse, Vernon, Richland, Sauk and Crawford). Visitors can exit at any of the four Juneau County I-90/94 exits, eat and stay locally, and explore the area.

22 Midwest Rider 2023

It’s time to hit the trails! Over 100 miles of ATV & UTV trails link to an ever-growing Northwest Wisconsin ATV Trail system and Washburn County is a premier ATV destination that you won’t want to miss. Multiple loops throughout the county, linking to the Wild Rivers and Tuscobia State Trails, create an ATV experience like no other. Ample ATV parking areas and access to lodging and restaurants make planning an ATV vacation easy.

ATV trails typically open the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend and stay open through the fall. Looking for a fun way to explore the trails? Check out the Washburn County ATV Scenic Tour which highlights over 35 points of interest located along the 100+ mile ATV system.

ATV Friendly Businesses

If you’re looking for the perfect place to stay with easy trail access, be sure to check out our ATV Friendly Lodging.

Aug/Sept 2023 23 For Your FREE ATV Packet: WASHBURNCOUNTY.ORG or 800-367-3306
LOCATED ON BIG CHETAC LAKE 2086 N County Road F Birchwood, WI 54817 715-354-3761 WWW.FREDTHOMASRESORT.COM • Direct ATV Trail Access • Trailer Parking • Gasoline Sales • Washing Station • Spring & Fall Discount Rates 2086 N County Road F Birchwood, WI 54817 715-354-3761 FREDTHOMASRESORT.COM v Direct ATV Trail Access v Trailer Parking v Gasoline Sales v Washing Station v Spring & Fall Discount Rates LOCATED ON BIG CHETEC LAKE Hotel Rooms, Cottages, Group Cabins *Hotel Rooms Only - Fuel, Restaurant & Bar Onsite! Direct Trail #8 Access - Trailer Parking Stay 2 nights, get 3rd night Free! RESORT & CONFERENCE CENTER 715-319-3064



75,000 acres of the Iron County Forest in northwest Wisconsin is calling your name for an extraordinary fall ATV adventure. Whether you’re coming from near or far, you’re sure to love the scenic beauty of the trails and the friendliness of Iron County. Slow down and see more as you travel through one of the largest ATV trail systems in Wisconsin.

The Iron County Forest offers ATV/UTV riders access to:

• Hours of ATV adventures and camaraderie in one of Wisconsin’s most picturesque settings

• 120 miles of well-maintained Iron County Forest trails, with access to hundreds of miles of routes in Vilas, Price, and Ashland County, Wisconsin, and the Upper Peninsula, Michigan

• Enjoy scenic waterfall viewing and a wide variety of overlooks

• Well-marked trails winding through dense forest and fields

• Local bars, gas stations, lodging and restaurants on ATV routes and town roads open to ATV traffic



ashburn County is the center of Northwest Wisconsin’s premier ATV trail system. With multiple loops throughout the county, linking to the repurposed railroad grades of the Wild Rivers and Tuscobia State Trails creates a fall color ATV experience like no other. Ample ATV parking areas and access to lodging and restaurants make planning an ATV vacation easy.

Tuscobia Trail 74 miles beginning three miles west of Birchwood and extending all the way to Park Falls.

Wild Rivers Trail 96 miles open between Rice Lake and Solon Springs. The trail crosses Washburn County for 40 miles.

Northwest Wisconsin ATV & Snowmobile Planning Pro Tip

If you’re planning a fall ATV ride, or looking further out at snowmobile vacations, visit to request one of their ATV packets and variety of trail map options. Washburn county tourism resources make your job of trip planning stress-free. Maps feature Ashland, Burnett, Douglas, Iron, Rusk, Barron, Chippewa, Washburn, Price and Sawyer counties.

24 Midwest Rider 2023 WISCONSIN



he North Shore ATV trails in Lake County, Minnesota will thrill your senses with winding turns through dense colorful forests, varying terrain, and endless scenic streams, rivers and wildlife to keep your eyes busy.

Lodging, food and beverage options around the Two Harbors area are plentiful, and a relaxing fall weekend spent here will leave you yearning for an extended stay.

The Wild Country Trail boasts 30-miles of trail starting at the Lake Country Demonstration Forest in Two Harbors and traveling along forest roads and trails, including the historic Alger Grade Logging Railroad bed. This North Shore ATV trail connects to Lake County gravel roads open to ATV use and the Moose Walk and Red Dot ATV Trails. As you ride, you’ll experience scenic bogs, rock outcrops, streams, and rivers, as well as incredible Lake Superior overlooks as it extends to the North Shore highlands near Finland, Beaver Bay, and Silver Bay.



ne of northern Minnesota’s most favored recreation spots in the fall occupies over 1,400 miles of ATV trails and accessible roads in the greater Beltrami area. Thousands of acres of prime ATV destinations surround Lake of the Woods which is host to a variety of nice resorts and hotels, and of course, great places to eat and drink.

Off-highway vehicles can be driven on all state forest trails that are not designated as off limits for environmental or safety reasons. Put these state forests on your fall color exploration bucket list:

Beltrami Island State Forest - west of Baudette spanning 66,903 acres

Pine Island State Forest - east of Baudette encompassing 878,040 acres

Northwest Angle State Forest - north end of Lake of the Woods County has 144,412 acres to explore.

Aug/Sept 2023 25 AmericInn By Wyndam 906-265-9100 - Chicaugon Lake Inn 906-265-9244 - Lakeshore Motel Ice Lake 906-265-3611 - Pioneer Lodge 800-362-7853 - Ski Brule Village 906-265-4957 - Tall Pines 906-822-7713 - Explore 100+ miles of ATV/ORV Trails 260+ miles of Snowmobile Trails 400,000+ acres of Public Forest 1,200 sq miles with #onestoplight Plan, Play, Stay... Like Us On @IronCountyUpperPeninsula Motor Sports of Willmar Willmar MN - 320-235-2351 Nielsen Enterprises Lake Villa IL - 847-356-3000 Sette Sports Center Owatonna MN - 507-451-6922


here’s little question onX Offroad has been fast-tracking their influence into the off-road and snowmobile trail and adventure riding space over the last couple of years. Aside from continually improving and expanding their mapping technology and features, they’ve also been building a grassroots team of trail guides representing tires and tracks on the ground.

The trail guides are a passionate team of enthusiasts, dedicated to getting off-pavement, exploring new trails, and empowering the off-road community with the most comprehensive set of offline data available. They follow the long meandering lines on the map, charting existing trails, and bringing them to life with photos, descriptions, and difficulty ratings.

If you’re already an onX user, you’ve likely seen the trails highlighted in blue on your onX Offroad map–those are our Featured Trails, and they’re exceptionally cool because each one was diligently mapped by onX Trail Guide. Tapping on one opens an expertly-crafted trail and will open up full descriptions, photos, and ratings. The trail guides help elevate the offroad experience and they collect a ton of epic stories along the way.

Given the intimate level of trail knowledge these guides have in areas across the country, Midwest Rider will be introducing you to these ambassadors in a series of quick interviews. You’ll discover who the people behind the trails are, what they drive, and what it’s like chasing off-road adventures.

Meet Brett and Lizzy Siegel

Brett and his wife Lizzy call the open road home. They’ve explored endless miles and mapped dozens of trails during their tenure as trail guides. Many onX maps in the western region wouldn’t be what they are without trail guides like the Siegels, and that’s worth celebrating.

Tell us a bit about yourself and why you offroad?

I’ve been off-roading since I was a kid. One thing led to the next, I started going every weekend, bought more and more rigs, and then got into overlanding so I could add more camping into the adventure. Lizzy and I had a 5-year plan to get out of debt to take to the road full time. We made sacrifices, worked hard, and hit the road in 2019 in our “house van,” a 2012 Ford E-350, built out with all of life’s essentials, including a trailer for the dirt bikes. We’re always on the move, diving deep into an area to really understand what it has to offer. That connection is important to us, and one reason why the onX Trail Guide program is so appealing.

26 Midwest Rider 2023

One of the things we like best about onX is when the Midwest Rider crew wants to find great trails in areas that are new to us, we can rely on certain trails that guides like you deem as favorites. What makes a certain route a favorite for you? We seek the ones that take a little more planning and commitment to get there. The Slate Creek to Robinsons Bar Trail in Idaho is one such trail. It winds along the Salmon River outside of Stanley, Idaho, up into the hills and back down to its banks. It’s not very well-traveled and we’ve had to stop to move rockfall off the trail before. We love finding those perfect campsites and this trail doesn’t disappoint.

If you were given enough money and time to go off-roading anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Iceland – it’s so epic! We’d go for the offroading AND the hot springs. One thing I love about onX is that it helps us navigate to endless amounts of cool places. Some are right there on the map, and some take a sharp willingness for exploration to sleuth out. We love the thrill of researching and finding new hot springs well beyond the crowds.

What’s your favorite thing to cook on the trail?

We call it “adult mac and cheese.” We have a stovetop oven in our van, which is the best. We make mac n cheese, add broccoli and mushrooms, natural beef sausages, and Hatch chilis.

Trail guide ambassadors for onX represent riding enthusiast who are willing to go above and beyond to deliver the best quality content to the off-road community. They’re passionate about getting outdoors, and always looking to explore what’s around the next bend. Each year onX looks for new guides and as part of the program provide cash rewards, invites to industry events, exclusive gear, and partner discounts. The program is closed for 2023 but check back at to learn when applications for 2024 open up. Until then subscribe to onX and discover the new routes and new adventures for yourself.


There has never been a better time to subscribe to Midwest Rider. Because right now, for a limited time, all active Midwest Rider subscribers can receive 2 FREE MONTHS of access to onX Offroad Elite. Simply visit and click on subscribe at the bottom of the page. Once you sign-up you’ll be given a link to redeem your onX Offroad Elite membership. See you on the trail.

Aug/Sept 2023 27 Motor Sports of Willmar Willmar MN v 320-235-2351 Nielsen Enterprises Lake Villa IL v 847-356-3000 Northway Sports East Bethel MN v 763-413-8988 Power Lodge Formerly Bessers Bike Barn Sauk Rapids MN v 320-252-3373 St. Boni Motor Sports St. Bonifacius MN v 952-446-1554 YOUR WORLD. YOUR ADVENTURE. KAWASAKI CARES: Read Owner’s Manual and all on-product warnings. Warning: The Teryx® side x side can be hazardous to operate. For your safety: Always wear a helmet, eye protection and protective clothing. Never operate under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Avoid excessive speeds and stunt driving. Be extra careful on difficult terrain. Protect the environment. The Kawasaki Teryx side x side is an off-highway vehicle only, and is not designed, equipped or manufactured for use on public streets, roads or highways. ©2021 Kawasaki Motors Corp., U.S.A. Scan with camera to view videos, key features and more. Built from the ground up to be the ultimate sport side x sides, the Teryx KRX® 1000 lineup is not to be denied by the world’s toughest trails. TERYX KRX® 1000 SPECIAL EDITION WARN® VRX 45, the WARN logo and THE RED HOOK STRAP are registered trademarks of Warn Industries, Inc. All trademarks, registered trademarks, logos, and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.


olcon took another step closer to reality this past spring, when the company hosted select members of the media, dealers, and distributors for a chance to drive prototype models of their Stag side-by-side. Until now, the Stag has been little more than a concept with plenty of market hyped, but this move brought the Austin, Texas, manufacturer one step closer to having production models available. While the crew at Midwest Rider was unable to attend the prototype experience, we anticipate being one of the first to test drive a production Stag model when they become available.

The company hosted the event at the Hyatt Regency Lost Pines Resort in Cedar Creek, Texas, where on the first day, Co-Founder and CTO, Christian Okonsky, presented a live Q&A session, detailing how the company has been able to move quickly to bring the first all-electric, off-road UTV, the Stag, through the development process at an unprecedented pace through strategic collaborations such as those with General Motors, BF Goodrich, Elka Suspension and Hayes Performance Systems. Attendees were also able inspect the Stag and ask the company’s engineering and product development teams questions about the technology and its specifications.

“The Stag has undergone tremendous development and the power is unmatched. We have tested, broken, fixed, broken again and redeveloped many of the Stag’s components throughout this entire process, leading to us upgrading many of the key suspension and drivetrain components to an automotive grade level. Traditional off-road components simply cannot handle the torque that the Stag has,” said Co-Founder and CTO, Christian Okonsky.

The following day, guests had the opportunity to test drive a prototype of the Stag at Rally Ready, a premier driving school and off-road track in Bastrop, Texas, where Volcon had three different routes for drivers to push the Stag through its paces. “The Stag had me grinning from ear to ear just thinking about running through the woods in the White Mountains, stalking elk. It was a blast ripping around the rally cross track we got to test it on– smooth acceleration and it turns where you pointed it,” said Bill Nash, owner of Nash Powersports, after his opportunity for a test drive.

Industry vet, CEO and Creative Director of Mad Media, Matt Martelli, who organizes annual off-road racing events like The Mint 400 and The California 300, said, “The only bummer about the test ride is we didn’t get more time in the Stag! The acceleration off the line was nothing short of remarkable! The Stag is a rocket ship! I was also impressed with the overall balance and set up of the vehicle. It straddles the line between utility and performance leaning more toward performance.”

“Volcon showed our small group of journalists that they set out to build a gnarly, off-road vehicle above all else, which just happens to be fully-electric. Even though the Volcon Stag is undoubtedly an effort to bring powersports into the age of EVs, the Stag doesn’t seem to be shoehorning electric vehicles into a space they don’t belong,” said José Rodriguez, writer for Jalopnik. “In fact, the Stag is concerned with being an incredibly fun and capable UTV first, and an EV second. The team at Volcon did what they set out to do,” Rodriguez continued.

“The Stag Demo Day was a chance for many to see the Stag for the first time, so extending this opportunity to our key media, dealers and international distributors was very important as we want all of our partners and networks to understand the vision we’ve been working on and experience the kind of machine we’re dealing with,” said Melissa Coffey, Vice President of Global Revenue and Business Development at Volcon. “Having alignment before launch will help encourage and educate consumers from all over on the benefits of EV and the capabilities of the Stag,” Coffey stated further.

Exclusive Mexican Distributor, Emilio de la Viña stated after driving the Stag, “When my chance came, I accelerated the Stag and I was surprised how fast its acceleration was, I literally had not driven anything that could reach that speed in such a short time. I was also impressed by how stable it is. The closest description I can give is that it felt like driving a boat on a lake, the performance of the Stag is second to none.”

“We know that it’s unprecedented to allow such an inside look into non-production vehicles, a risk most companies would not dream of taking. We have been testing, developing, and refining the Stag for months, and we are confident in its ability to change the UTV landscape. It was time to show others what we have been seeing internally for months,” said CEO Jordan Davis. “We are thrilled with the performance of our vehicles and the unparalleled power they showed everyone who test drove them.”

The company anticipate production models and a public launch this fall.

28 Midwest Rider 2023
Media, dealers, and distributors had a chance to experience a prototype Stag in Texas this past spring.





September 9 & 10, 2023; North Branch, Minnesota

very year, snowmobile fans from across North America turn their attention to one of biggest gatherings of sledheads, off-roaders, swappers, racers, and vendors in a field on the outskirts of the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro area. Known by most as simply Hay Days, this two-day gathering has become synonymous with the start of the snowmobile season and is a bucket list event for virtually anyone remotely associated with the sport.

For the staff at Midwest Rider, Hay Days has been a part of our fall ritual for more than 30-years. We’ve seen it grow from a grassroots snowmobile club event to the big business it has become today. From attracting a few hundred hard core sledders to tens of thousands of powersports enthusiasts. After all these years, it’s safe to say we’ve walked every inch of the sprawling venue including every swap row, visited every vendor, and tipped a few cold ones at every watering hole onsite. With that kind of insight, these are our favorite Hay Days attractions.


There’s little question the swap at Hay Days has changed over the years. Initially the addition of the swap added another snowmobile centric event to the one-time grass drag only gathering. In fact, the swap can be credited in transforming Hay Days from a race to an event and was a primary reason for its rapid growth during the late 80s and early 90s. Today, the swap has become a blend of parts and party. While you likely won’t

find the same kind of pure sled gear that once made the Hay Days swap a must attend for purists, it remains the highlight of the event for many. Here’s where the “real” sledders can be found. Tipping cold ones, playing yard games, and of course, bench racing. There’s still plenty of powersports goodies for sale, and if you’re diligent and walk the back rows, you can still find some sweet sledding deals.

30 Midwest Rider 2023


It goes without saying that visiting the rows upon rows of vendors is a great place to start your Hay Days visit. If you want to learn about new gear, accessories, sleds, and more, the vendor area is where it happens. But if you want to take in other aspects of the event, the one area you can’t miss is manufacturer row, where you’ll find the corporate displays from Arctic Cat, Polaris, SkiDoo, and Yamaha. While we are hearing rumblings that the traditional “four-corner” location of the OEMs has been moved this year, no matter where they end up it’s worth a stop to see new sleds, big name athletes, and maybe catch a glimpse of something unexpected.

Aug/Sept 2023 31 6595 Edenvale Blvd, Ste 300 - Eden Prairie MN 55346 800-989-6776 - 952-473-7870 - 952-473-7805F - Serving Motor Sports Interests Since 1988 CLUB MEMBERS As a token of our appreciation get a FREE Midwest Rider One Year Subscription! Visit our MSPN Hay Days Booth Or Go Here: Takes less than a Minute! Click on: Get Your FREE Issue Click on: Free Digital Issue Check: Club Member Special Offer Enter your club name and HD2023 in Members Number Enjoy the free ride! THEMIDWEST’SBESTOFF-ROAD&SNOWMOBILEADVENTURERESOURCE OVER100,000RIDERSSTRONG MAY/JUNE 2022 GREAT PLACES BEST OF THE BLACK HILLS FULL CIRCLE LIVIN’ LEVI LAVALLEE HOTAND BOTHERED REDUCE CABTEMPS COMING EVENTS PLANYOUR SUMMER HUDSON BOUND THEMIDWEST’SBESTOFF-ROAD&SNOWMOBILEADVENTURERESOURCE OVER100,000RIDERSSTRONG VOLUME NUMBER MIDWESTRIDERS.COM BESTOFF-TRAILADVENTURE COOKED ONTHETRAILEATS NORDICNEMESIS INSIDETHELYNXRAVE BEE-TASTIC ULTRA-RAREVINTAGESLED HAY DAYS 2023 HAY DAYS 2023


Over the years, Hay Days has added a multitude of “other” activities including side-by-side racing, freestyle shows, and mud bog racing. But despite those “added” attractions, our money as of late has been the grass drags. While the number of racers pales in comparison to the glory years of the late 1990s, the competition and speeds that these new mod drag racers are attaining are nothing short of mind numbing. While we find there’s a little too much downtime between runs, grab a few cold ones and take in some of the action, especially the Outlaw stuff where the Hay Days champ from last year laid down a world record run of 3.297ET at 163.80MPH.


There’s plenty of places to soak down a cold one at Hay Days but our favorite is near the food vendors on the western edge of the vendor area. Here you’ll find a well-stocked beer garden and later in the day live music as well. The large oak trees also provide plenty of shade on a hot day. If live music isn’t your jam, the other go-to beer garden sits adjacent to the freestyle area on the east side. Here, if you time it right, you can enjoy a cold one while watching a freestyle exhibition.


Over the years we’ve learned less is more when it comes to Hay Days. Here is our short list of must bring items for your visit.

• Good walking shoes – be it running shoes or good hiking boots.

• Backpack to carry a few essentials and anything small you might purchase.

• Bring cash and avoid the lines and added fees at the cash machines.

• A cell phone charging brick – service is marginal, and your phone will be working hard.

• A printed map, with so many people the Hay Days app can be hit or miss.

32 Midwest Rider 2023

Jay’s Power Center Reedsburg WI 608-768-3297

Leo’s South Lakeville MN 952-435-5371

Miller Implement & Pro Motorsports Fon du Lac, WI 920-922-8521

Power Lodge Onamia MN 320-532-3860

Power Lodge Ramsey MN 763-576-1706

Power Lodge

formerly Bessers Bike Barn Sauk Rapids, MN 320-252-3373

TA Motorsports Francis Creek WI 920-682-1284

Aug/Sept 2023 33
(763)398-2690 I
US I c
F: (763) 398-2695
34 Midwest Rider 2023 HAY DAYS HAY DAYS IN PICTURES For free area wide trail reports: VISIT: CALL: 218-666-5850 CONNECT TO TACTONITE TRAIL & ARROWHEAD TRAIL
Aug/Sept 2023 35
36 Midwest Rider 2023 Need a Place to Stay on Your Weekend Getaway? Relax & Play Right Here in Wisconsin’s Vacationland! At The AmericInn HAYWARD, WISCONSIN DESIGNED & BUILT FOR THE SAVVY TRAVELER - AmericInn Perks Hot, Homestyle Breakfast - Spacious Indoor Pool Recreation Area - Warm, Inviting Lobby with Fireplace - Large, deluxe rooms with refrigerator and microwave, many with whirlpool FOR RESERVATIONS CALL (715) 634-2700 POOL, WHIRLPOOL & SAUNA FREE HOT BREAKFAST LOCATED ON LAKE HAYWARD & TRAIL #31 15586 COUNTY RD. B HAYWARD, WI 54843 (715)634-0700 Wisconsi' Largest Wildernes Lak! 12 MAJOR TRAILS LEAD TO THE CENTER OF IT ALL THE CHIPPEWA FLOWAGE! Hundreds of miles of ATV & snowmobile trails GET OUTSIDE AND RIDE! Lake Chippewa Flowage HAYWARD, WISCONSIN GO TO OUR WEBSITE TO GET YOUR FREE LAKE MAP!


here’s little question last year Arctic Cat stole the show at Hay Days when they pulled the covers off the allnew Catalyst. The crowds around the Arctic Cat booth numbered in the thousands and the buzz from the long awaited all-new chassis dominated the industry for the next several months. While some questioned the strategy of announcing the new model a full year in advance, the tactic paid dividends when Arctic Cat sold-out of all varieties of the Catalyst in under an hour. Now fans are waiting for the first production models to hit dealerships.

While few are expecting the same kind of unveiling from Arctic Cat in back-to-back years, we’ve been hearing rumblings from insiders that Cat is indeed planning another big announcement at Hay Days this fall. Obviously, there is plenty of speculation as to what this might be, but all we can say at this point is something else is coming and hanging out at the Cat booth while you are at Hay Days should be part of your weekend plans.

Beyond the anticipated unveil, you can expect plenty of other activities with the black and green crew including the traditional racer autograph signing sessions, product walkarounds from factory experts, and of course all the latest snow and dirt products on display along with the accessories, gear, and clothing. Last but certainly not least, the best part will be meeting new and reconnecting with members of the Arctic Cat community.

38 Midwest Rider 2023


Getting great deals is often synonymous with Hay Days and year after year we continue to find some of the best at Hexco Motorsports. If you’re on the hunt for Ski-Doo helmets, clothing, and accessories Hexco is where to go. Regarded as one of the best dealers in the Midwest snowbelt, Hexco is located in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, and they’re often a fixture on the fall show circuit serving up incredible deals with a massive selection.

You won’t find Hexco in the typical new vendor areas at Hay Days, but instead they’re tucked away in the north swap area with a tent bursting with gear.

Of course, Hexco offers up more than just Ski-Doo gear. They are an official dealer for Arctic Cat, Honda, Suzuki, Ski-Doo, Sea-Doo, Can-Am, Can-Am Spyder, Kayo, and Rambo E-Bikes. Plus, they carry an extensive assortment of aftermarket goodies too with a huge online store, so you can shop right from the comfort of your home. With goods from Thor, Alpinestars, Icon, Fly, HJC, Klim, Kuryakyn and others, it’s safe to say you can find what you desire from the crew at Hexco. This year, make it a point to visit Hexco at Hay Days and chances are you won’t leave empty handed. Learn more by visiting their website at

Aug/Sept 2023 39
HAY DAYS 2023 HAY DAYS 2023 PERFORMANCE PARTS FROM PERFORMANCE PEOPLE. WAHLRACING.COM | 218.782.2295 Get back on track faster. All your snowmobile racing parts under one roof.


Founded in 2004, Bikeman Performance is dedicated to giving you the best performance possible! For the crew at Bikeman, it’s more than job, it’s their passion. No matter your riding passion, be it drag racing, hillclimb, snocross, watercross, freestyle, backcountry or trails, the crew at Bikeman has done it all and have products and expertise available to unleash the potential of your snowmobile or UTV. Best of all, Bikeman extensively tests all of their products on the dyno and in the field to ensure you get the most performance possible! Visit them at Hay Days or online at


Bio-Kleen’s Sledbrite line of cleaners has everything you need to keep your sled looking and performing like new. Our Belly Pan Cleaner easily removes black exhaust stains from your snowmobile and equipment. Aluma Kleen and Metal Polish will keep your metal parts shining. Use Krystal View to clean your goggles, glass, and plastic. Use our latest product - Sled Shield to lubricate and protect for off-season storage. Keep your machine clean with Sledbrite by Bio-Kleen Products. Visit them at Hay Days or online at


Few snowmobile destinations are more iconic or on more people’s wish list than West Yellowstone. To further complement a West Yellowstone trip, the Brandin’ Iron Inn is equally iconic when it comes to accommodations. This family friendly lodge has been owned and operated by three generations of the Roberson family, and they know what it takes to make you feel comfortable when visiting. All of their hotel rooms are non-smoking and have free Wi-Fi, free hot coffee, and plenty of room to park your snowmobiles and trailers. Visit them at Hay Days to book your stay this winter or reserve online at


Few things are more awkward to move than a snowmobile, especially when there’s no snow on the ground. Pushing, dragging, and sliding a snowmobile around your shop is back breaking work, and while traditional snowmobile dollies are effective, few perform as effortless as the Eazymove. We’ve had one of these carts in our shop for the better part of 20-years, and it’s still our go to dolly. The compact design and breakdown capability makes it easy to store, and with smooth surface and pneumatic all-terrain tires, you can move sleds around both inside and outside your shop. They also make great track stands and watercraft carts and stands. Check them out at Hay Days to get yours or visit them online at


When it comes to riding destinations in the Midwest, we are blessed with plenty of options, but one of our faves is ideally located in the middle of some of the best riding, be it summer or winter. The city of Hinckley is located mid-way between Minneapolis/St. Paul metro area and Duluth and is a gateway to several state forests including St. Croix, Nemadji, Chengwatana and General Andrews – each with countless miles of trails. Hinckley is also a great dropping in point for the iconic Gandy Dancer Trail. Best of all, when the riding day is done, Hinckley serves up great accommodations and restaurants, so you are fueled and rested to do it all again the next day. Visit the crew from Hinckley at Hay Days or visit them online now at


When you truly want to get away from the hustle and bustle of the daily grind, Lake Vermilion sits near the top of our list for riding, exploring, or simply relaxing. No matter which direction you roam, there’s something for everyone. To the east you’ll find the city of Ely with its many attractions including the wolf and bear centers. To the north is Voyageurs National Park, Boundary Waters Canoe Area, and the unique Vince Shute Bear sanctuary. To

40 Midwest Rider 2023

the south and west sits the historic Iron Range along with the US Hockey Hall of Fame. Finally, the attractions found on Lake Vermilion like the Soudan Underground Mine State Park, Wilderness championship golf course, and Fortune Bay Casino make the Lake Vermilion area the perfect vacation destination. Book your trip by visiting them at Hay Days or online at


Northway Sports is one of our favorite family-owned and operated dealerships in Minnesota. Specializing in ATVs, sideby-sides, utility vehicles, snowmobiles and motorcycles, they are factory authorized dealers for Polaris and Kawasaki. Even better, is Northway’s service department — it is our go to — they are renowned for their certified work and attention to detail. Whether you need parts, accessories, repairs, or you’re in the market for a new ride, you’ll find some of the best customer service, the best selection, and some of the most knowledgeable staff in powersports at Northway. Find them at Hay Days or visit them at


Racing has been a Wahl family tradition for 40 years. Hard work, testing, pushing the boundaries of technology, and racing have been part of the Wahl Brothers’ success. Their competitive spirit and desire to win can be found in everything they do and every product they offer. Their online catalog features the latest and most complete listing of parts available for performance enthusiasts and racers. Whether you’re privatebacked or a sponsored driver, from ovals, snocross, drags or lake racing, Wahl Bros. has the products and the expertise to keep you ahead of the pack. At Wahl Bros. Racing they provide performance products for performance people. Stop by and visit them while at Hay Days and then check out their online store at

Aug/Sept 2023 41
2023 HAY DAYS 2023 715-479-4200 Email: PO BOX 340, St. Germain, WI 54558 989-833-7771 WWW.EAZYMOVECARTS.COM






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here’s no easy way to explain Hay Days and its allure. It’s one-part racing, one-part swap, one-part new sleds and gear, and one-giant-part of a gathering of friends looking to tip back a few cold ones on a warm fall day. More than anything, Hay Days is a party of sledders before the snow flies, complete with plastic porta potties, tap beer, and plenty of bench racing. No matter your reason for coming, Hay Days is packed with activities, so many it’s nearly impossible to see them all. To get you started, here’s a short list of what to expect at this year’s gathering in the dirt. So put on your walking shoes, download the updated Hay Days app, and get ready…because with Hay Days upon us, we all know winter is just around the corner.


September 9-10, 2023, North Branch, MN

Saturday and Sunday 7:00am to 5:00pm – Show Hours

Saturday 12:00pm – Opening Ceremonies

Saturday 12:15pm – National Anthem and Fly Over


Saturday 9:00am – Racing Begins

Saturday 12:30pm – Antique Race

Saturday 12:40pm – Kid’s Race

Sunday 9:00am – Racing Begins

Sunday 12:00pm – Antique Race

Sunday 12:15pm – Kid’s Race

Sunday 3:00pm – Shoot-Out, Outlaw and Pro Xtreme Finals


Saturday & Sunday 11:00am and 2:00pm – Freestyle Show & UTV Races


Saturday 2:30pm – Racing Begins

Sunday 12:45pm – Racing Begins


Saturday 9:00am to 4:00pm – Open Demo Rides

Sunday 9:00am to 2:30pm – Open Demo Rides

42 Midwest Rider 2023
Aug/Sept 2023 43


ith a social tease campaign that started months ago, we patiently waited for Kawasaki to unveil their all-new series of their work competent Mule side-by-sides. Finally, the day arrived and hunters, ranchers, large acreage homeowners, or anyone needing a versatile, high-capability side-by-side can add the new Kawasaki Mule to their consideration list.

The new flagship series includes the full-size MULE PRO-FX™ 1000, MULE PRO-FXR™ 1000, and MULE PRO-FXT™ 1000 full-size models. All are powered by a larger displacement Kawasakibuilt 999cc liquid-cooled, 4-stroke parallel-twin engine that delivers significantly greater power and torque as well as increased top speed that makes it Kawasaki’s fastest MULE ever. Complementing the engine is a sturdy chassis with MULE PRO series performance and long-travel suspension, increased ground clearance, updated front face styling and on select models, Kawasaki’s first self-leveling suspension that adjusts to help keep the vehicle level when fully loaded.


• New Kawasaki-built 999cc liquid-cooled, 4-stroke parallel-twin engine.

• New longer suspension travel.

• New increased ground clearance.

• New self-leveling rear suspension on select models.

• New improved access to service elements.

• New front face styling.

• Substantial cargo bed and 2,000-pound towing capacity.

• Kawasaki-original Trans Cab™ system (MULE PRO-FXT 1000).

• Kawasaki 3-Year Limited Warranty.


A new Kawasaki-built 999cc liquid-cooled, 4-stroke paralleltwin engine can be found on the 2024 MULE PRO-FX 1000, MULE PRO-FXR 1000, and MULE PRO-FXT 1000 model ranges. This compact 999cc engine delivers both high power and high torque with engine tuning set for low-mid torque in order to achieve drivability and enhance low-speed control. Featuring a bore and stroke of 92.0 x 75.1mm, this new fuel-injected parallel-twin engine produces significantly more power and torque than previously found on the MULE PRO series.

44 Midwest Rider 2023
2024 Kawasaki MULE PRO-FX 1000

With the new, more powerful engine, the 2024 MULE PRO 1000 is Kawasaki’s fastest MULE side x side to date. A new snorkel intake routes air to the engine via a new air filter which is 80 percent larger than previous MULE PRO series models and offers excellent dust collection performance. A separate intake for the CVT uses a mesh cover to help filter out rocks and other unwanted particles. The electronic throttle valve system enables the ECU to control the volume of both the fuel (via the injectors) and the air (via throttle valves) delivered to the engine.

Keeping the engine running at peak performance is a largecapacity radiator located at the front, just behind the grille. This position was selected for optimal cooling yet is positioned far enough back to keep it protected. A radiator fan cover on the back of the radiator directs hot air down and away from the passenger compartment, aiding in rider comfort.

Transferring the engine’s performance to the ground is a specially tuned CVT transmission for smooth acceleration, maximum traction, and precise maneuvering. The CVT also provides natural engine braking to help when descending slopes, with consistent engine hold-back to increase driver confidence, especially when the vehicle is loaded.

The CVT is combined with an electrically selectable 2WD/4WD system with a dual-mode rear differential. Convenient dashmounted switches allow the driver to instantly engage the systems, giving full control over the 4WD and locking rear differential.

Ease of maintenance has been improved with new access to the oil filter, oil dipstick, and air filter. The new intake duct

system offers improved dust resistance and results in longer maintenance intervals.

Thanks to a 7.92-gallon fuel tank, you can cover plenty of ground between fill-ups, allowing families, campers, or hunters to travel deep into the bush and back. The fuel tank is positioned away from the wheels to help avoid contact with flying debris and features a steel guard for further protection.

Aug/Sept 2023 45 Enclose your open bed trailer! * Lightweight and easy to haul. * Made to fit any make, model, and size trailer. * Built to last! Road tested since 1993. * Five year warranty. * Ship kits available for easy installation at home. 320-559-0165 Our SnoCaps were originally developed to protect snowmobiles from the harsh chemicals on winter roads. They quickly spread into the rest of the off road vehicle industry and they are now used to protect everything from ATVs and UTVS to boats and airplanes. Get in touch with us today to get your order started! SnoCaps TRAILER ENCLOSURES WWW.SNOCAPS.NET Made in the USA! Half Page SnoCap - Midwest Rider.indd 1 5/11/2021 10:20:48 AM
Nestled below the lift box is a new 999cc liquid-cooled engine with more power and more torque than ever before.


The chassis found on the 2024 MULE PRO 1000 models features a rugged frame construction resulting in improved durability, handling, and comfort. The frame features a ladder-type construction and is built from high-quality steel square tubes. High load areas such as the suspension mounting plates utilize high-tensile steel for increased strength. Extensive stiffness balance testing was done, helping achieve the optimal balance between lateral and torsional stiffness. Chassis tuning was designed to deliver durability while allowing the ideal amount of chassis flex in order to handle the absorption of off-highway riding, ensuring ride comfort. Full rubber mounting of the engine helps keep engine vibration to a minimum.

A wide-body chassis design and relatively short wheelbase contributes to a more composed ride and handling, especially on tight trails without sacrificing comfort. The wide track contributes to vehicle stability and the highly composed chassis is complemented by front and rear independent suspension that adds to ride comfort.

The MULE PRO-FX 1000 and MULE PRO-FXT 1000 models feature a wheelbase of 92.3-inches, while the MULE PRO-FXR 1000 has a wheelbase of 79.7-inches. Combined with the higher ground clearance, the short wheelbase contributes to improved breakover angle, which reduces the chance of bottoming out when riding over obstacles. Ground clearance for the MULE PRO-FXT 1000 models range from 11.6 inches to 12.5-inches, 11.8 to 11.9-inches on the MULE PRO-FX 1000, and 12.2 to 13.2-inches on MULE PRO-FXR 1000 models. High approach and departure angles also contribute to the off-highway performance of these models. Minimal bodywork overhang reduces the chance of hitting the bumper or scraping the tail when going up or coming down steep slopes.


Long-travel double-wishbone suspension is used for both front and rear with 10.9-inches of travel up front and 10-inches at the rear resulting in increased ground clearance and improved ride comfort. Suspension settings were carefully selected to help

minimize chassis body roll, providing a more composed ride for driver and passengers whether running empty or with payload.

Additionally, the MULE PRO-FX 1000 HD, MULE PRO-FXT 1000 LE Ranch Edition, and MULE PRO-FXT 1000 Platinum Ranch Edition models feature Kawasaki’s first self-leveling suspension helping keep the vehicle level when carrying a heavy load. This allows the weight to be spread more evenly and benefits both handling and braking performance. The system uses the mechanical energy of the shock action to pump the oil as the vehicle is moving. Thus, the system is automatic and does not require any electronics or a compressor to activate. When the load is removed and the shocks extend above the optimum level, a release circuit is exposed, allowing the oil to return to the reservoir and the ride height to slowly decrease to its optimum level.


Front and rear disc brakes ensure strong stopping power, and a hydraulic disc system offers predictable performance, delivering braking power that matches input at the brake pedal. Front discs measure 212mm and are gripped by two-piston, 27mm calipers. On the rear, a 212mm disc is slowed by a single-piston caliper with a 34mm piston. Semi-metallic brake pads offer a balance between braking power and extended pad life. An extra fail-safe is programmed into the system that automatically limits engine speed in case the driver attempts to ride away with the parking brake still engaged.

The MULE PRO-FX 1000 and MULE PRO-FXT 1000 models come equipped with 26-inch tires that are mounted to 12-inch rims. The large 26-inch radial tires allow for obstacles to be easily conquered and contribute to the vehicle’s excellent handling. The MULE PRO-FXR 1000 is equipped with 27-inch bias-ply tires that deliver enhanced performance and excellent ride comfort. The tires also offer excellent cornering grip, matching the MULE PRO-FXR 1000’s performance-minded chassis.


Thanks to the new wide-body chassis, a roomy interior space is achieved and offers the shoulder and legroom for three adults to comfortably sit side-by-side; and the six-passenger MULE PRO-FXT 1000 is able to accommodate three more passengers in the rear. The seat material features superb elasticity, offering increased comfort and durability. The material is also resistant to cold, allowing it to maintain its suppleness when temperatures drop — reducing the chance of tearing or ripping. On select models, the front bench seat features contoured seating for the driver and passenger, while the center position remains flat.

The six-passenger capacity of the FXT variant features contoured bench seats for improved comfort.

46 Midwest Rider 2023
2024 Kawasaki MULE PRO-FXR 1000

On the MULE PRO-FXT 1000, the rear seats are upright and rear-seat passengers have ample room for their legs behind the front seats and improved ingress and egress from the vehicle. The MULE PRO-FXT 1000 features a rear bench seat positioned slightly higher than the front seats, contributing to improved passenger comfort while also allowing them to see down the trail.

Doors are a standard feature on all MULE PRO 1000 models, offering protection from debris and the elements. Also standard on each of the models is a composite roof, offering passengers further protection and adding premium style.


Kawasaki’s high-grade electronic power steering (EPS) system works best when you need it the most — at slower speeds or when stopped. By turning the wheel, a signal is sent to the EPS ECU, initiating assistance. The ECU uses input from a vehicle speed sensor and torque sensor to determine the amount of steering assistance required from the system’s electric motor. Assistance is greatest at slow speed or when stopped and assistance is reduced as vehicle speed increases to ensure responsive steering. The EPS system also enhances ride comfort and control by acting as a damping system. The inertia of the electric motor significantly reduces kickback to the steering wheel caused by shocks to the wheels.


A multi-function display with white backlighting is built into the dash. A wide-range of features includes digital speedometer, digital fuel gauge, odometer, hour meter, clock, dual trip meters, 2WD/4WD indicator, parking indicator, water temperature warning indicator, CVT warning indicator, CVT temperature warning indicator, EPS warning indicator, neutral indicator light, reverse indicator light, and oil pressure warning light.


Ample storage can be found across MULE PRO 1000 series models. The passenger-side glove box provides enclosed storage for smaller items, while three dashboard pockets (left, center, right) provide quick and convenient storage. The center pocket is large enough to accommodate the accessory audio system. Two drink holders can be found built into the bodywork in front of the dashboard. MULE PRO-FXT 1000 and MULE PRO-FXR 1000 LE models offer two additional drink holders on the floor, located just below the center console. The six-passenger MULE PRO-FXT 1000 has two more drink holders for rear passengers that are positioned at knee height. A storage bin can be found under the driver’s seat and offers convenient storage while a steel plate helps protect it from rocks and hard hits. A second storage bin under the center passenger seat offers additional covered storage on the MULE PRO-FXT 1000 Platinum Ranch Edition and MULE PRO-FX 1000 HD. A small-item storage pocket for rear passengers that is positioned to the left of the cup holders can be found on the MULE PRO-FXT 1000.

Joining the abundance of storage are two DC sockets integrated into the dashboard providing a power supply (up to 120 W) for accessory items or personal devices. Two additional DC sockets are available on MULE PRO-FXT 1000 models for rear-passenger use.


All models now feature a front face based on that of the MULE PRO-FXR, including quad headlights. This new serious look reflects the vehicle’s ability to perform at work sites and in moderate recreation environments. Select models feature painted/colored parts and all models come with a silver Kawasaki emblem that adds to a high-end, premium image. The new front face is highlighted by compact outer headlights and ultra-bright LED inner lights, all of which is protected by a steel front bumper that has been painted black for a tough look.

Aug/Sept 2023 47
Work focused dash of the new Mule has put everything within easy reach and intuitive operation.

new polaris xpedition blurs the lines between automobile and sidE-by-side

he most buzz worthy vehicle in the off-road space this summer is without question the new Polaris XPEDITION, a new generation of side-by-side that pushes traditional boundaries with more automotive levels of comfort, convenience, and capability. Designed with a host of standard features and optional configurations to accommodate the greatest range of outdoor pursuits and, Polaris is boldly proclaiming the XPEDITION the most adaptable, comfortable, and capable adventure machine on the market.

“In light of the incredible growth of the adventure segment, we decided to dramatically change the game with a vehicle that takes no cues from predecessors and leads the way for an entirely new side-by-side experience,” said Reid Wilson, Vice President, Polaris Off Road Recreation. “Our goal was to bridge the worlds of traditional side-by-sides and overlanding with a vehicle that allows the most passionate adventurers to go farther and deeper than ever and discover totally new destinations and experiences.”

With the Polaris XPEDITION lineup, Polaris has created a new category of “adventure side-by-sides” – vehicles designed to enable and elevate the broadest range of specific outdoor pastimes and pursuits. To date the driving experience has defined most side-by-side vehicles and has been the predominant focus of design and development. Conversely, with utility side-by-sides, the emphasis has been on workoriented benefits. With Polaris XPEDITION, Polaris’ design and development efforts were focused on elevating outdoor

adventure, delivering a level of adaptability, comfort, and capability to go farther, allowing enthusiasts to explore the outdoors in new ways.

“We identified a definitive opportunity in the market around outdoor adventure and an increasing number of consumers pursuing outdoor experiences, from the more traditional things like camping, hiking, hunting and fishing, to more sportoriented, athletic pursuits like mountain biking or kayaking,” said Steve Menneto, President, Polaris Off Road. “We are

48 Midwest Rider 2023
With a host of available accessories including tracks, the XPEDTION will soon be a common sight on frozen lakes this winter.


Answer a few questions to discover your true off-road adventure type and have some fun along the way.

Chopper City

Fridley MN


Chopper Powersports

Maple Plain MN


Davis Motorsports Delano MN


Hayward Power Sports Hayward WI 715-462-3674

Jay’s Power Center

Reedsburg WI


Mittelstaedt Sports & Marine, Inc. LaValle WI 608-985-7118

Monroe Powersports Inc Monroe WI 608-325-5056

Motor Sports of Willmar Willmar MN 320-235-2351

Nielsen Enterprises Lake Villa IL 847-356-3000

Northland Sport Center

Eagle Bend MN


Northway Sports

Bethel MN


Power Lodge

Brainerd MN


Power Lodge

Onamia MN


Power Lodge

Ramsey MN


Ray’s Sport & Cycle Grand Rapids MN


Track Side

Eagle River WI


Twin Lakes Marine Inc.

Twin Lakes WI


* Red listings denote electronic link to dealer website on digital edition of Midwest Rider. Visit

WARNING: Polaris® off-road vehicles can be hazardous to operate and are not intended for on-road use. Driver must be at least 16 years old with a valid driver’s license to operate. Passengers, if permitted, must be at least 12 years old. All riders should always wear helmets, eye protection, and protective clothing. Always use seat belts and cab nets or doors (as equipped). Never engage in stunt driving, and avoid excessive speeds and sharp turns. Riding and alcohol/drugs don’t mix. All riders should take a safety training course. Call 800-342-3764 for additional information. Check local laws before riding on trails. ©2023 Inc.

Aug/Sept 2023 49

driving our industry forward, once again, with innovation in the adventure side-by-side market to meet the needs of passionate adventurers.”

The Polaris XPEDITION allows riders to conquer rugged terrain with thoughtfully designed standard features, combined with Polaris’ widest range of accessories and customization options to date. With adaptability at the forefront, the 2024 Polaris XPEDITION features integrated fold-flat rear seats, a passthrough cab and easy roof rack solutions to accommodate virtually any loadout. Delivering all-day comfort for any adventure, the Polaris XPEDITION is the first-ever sport sideby-side to offer a fully enclosed cab with full roof coverage, windows and optional heating and air conditioning providing riders protection from the elements.

The Polaris XPEDITION ADV model features a fully covered passthrough rear cargo box providing 36” and 63” on the 2-seat and 5-seat models of flat storage length respectively. The Polaris XPEDITION XP features a dumping cargo box that measures 30” long to provide ample space for your spare tire and additional gear or accessories. The XP 5-seat model features a 60/40 split flip-up rear seats which allows seating to convert to storage space in seconds, while the ADV 5-seat model also has fold flat functionality for even more configuration and storage. Both models feature a segment-leading 48” width box with 16” high side walls so riders can carry equipment with ease.

The 2024 Polaris XPEDITION XP and ADV are both available in two and five-seat configurations in three trims: Premium, Ultimate and NorthStar. The Ultimate and NorthStar trims will begin shipping to dealers in Summer of 2023, while the Premium trim will be made available in 2024. The XP Premium model touts a starting price at $28,999; the XP Ultimate starts at $31,999; and XP NorthStar and ADV NorthStar will have starting prices of $38,999 and $39,999 respectively.


The Polaris XPEDITION Premium features a 4.3” JBL® Color Display and Trail Pro 2000 Audio, 660 W stator charging system, FOX ® Shocks, Pro Armor 30” Crawler XP tires with 15” wheels, standard bumper, winch, and roof. The ADV 5-seat model

The fast growing and popular overlanding market was a primary inspiration behind the XPEDITION.

includes covered cargo area with flat fold and 60/40 split flip-up rear seats, while the XP 5-seat model includes a dumping cargo box and 60/40 split flip-up rear seats.


In addition to the premium offering, the Polaris XPEDITION Ultimate also includes Polaris’ industry-leading seven-inch touchscreen display powered by RIDE COMMAND, 900W stator charging system, JBL® Trail Pro 4100 surround sound audio system with 400W AMP and 10” subwoofer, front and rear cameras, tilt and telescopic steering, plus padded console and auto stop winch.


Rounding out the lineup is the top-tier Polaris XPEDITION NorthStar. Including everything from the Ultimate trim, the NorthStar trim features a fully enclosed cab with HVAC temperature and zone controls, lockable full doors with power windows and a tip-out front glass windshield. The NorthStar trim also comes standard with RIDE COMMAND+, allowing for vehicle health monitoring and more.

50 Midwest Rider 2023
Much like the fully-outfitted Polaris Ranger NorthStar, the NorthStar edition XPEDITION features a climate-controlled cab. One thing’s for certain, the new XPEDITION will test the appetite of the market when it comes to price. Choose the extended cab NorthStar and you’ll be pushing $40,000 and beyond.

Hayward Power Sports Hayward WI


Jay’s Power Center Reedsburg WI 608-768-3297

Len Ebert & Sons Clintonville WI 715-752-4428

Leos South Lakeville MN 952-435-5371

Miller Implement & Pro Motorsports

Fon du Lac, WI 920-922-8521

Miller Sellner Powersports Sleepy Eye MN 507-794-2131

Minneapolis Motor Sports Minneapolis MN 763-634-0244

Monroe Powersports Inc Monroe WI 608-325-5056

Motor Sports of Willmar Willmar MN 320-235-2351

Nielsen Enterprises Lake Villa IL 847-356-3000

Olson Power & Equipment North Branch MN 651-674-4494

Power Lodge Onamia MN 320-532-3860

Power Lodge Ramsey MN 763-576-1706

Ray’s Sport & Cycle Grand Rapids MN 218-326-9355

Rob’s Performance Motorsports LLC Johnson Creek WI 920-699-3288

St. Boni Motor Sports St. Bonifacius MN 952-446-1554/877-385-0339

Tomahawk Sports Center Tomahawk WI 715-453-5373

Track Side

Eagle River WI 715-479-2200

* Red listings denote electronic link to dealer website in digital edition of Midwest Rider. Visit

US Inc. O ers valid in the USA only, from January 13, 2023, to March 31, 2023, at participating authorized BRP dealers. The terms and conditions may vary depending on your state and these o ers are subject to termination or change at any time without notice. BRP reserves the right to discontinue or change speci cations, prices, designs, features, models or equipment without incurring obligation. Some models depicted may include optional equipment. While quantities last.

APR (Annual Percentage Rate) for 36 months. An example of monthly payments required over a 36-month term at a 2.99% APR: $26.17 per $1,000 nanced. An example of a monthly payment with $670 down, no rebate, an APR of 2.99% for 36 months at an MSRP of $6,699 is $175.31/mo. Total cost of borrowing is $281.95 with a total repayment obligation of $6,311.05. Down payment may be required. Other nancing o ers may be available. Minimum and maximum amount nanced may vary. Not all buyers will qualify. Higher rates apply for buyers with lower credit ratings. Other quali cations and restrictions may apply, depending on the participating nancial institution(s). BRP is not responsible for any of the nancing terms and conditions. The terms and conditions may vary depending on your location and this o er is subject to termination or change at any time without notice, is not refundable, exchangeable or transferable (including from one dealership to another), cannot be redeemed for cash, credit or other products of equivalent value and cannot be combined with any other o er or rebate. While supplies last. Financing promotions void where prohibited. Printed in the USA. See your BRP dealer for details. BRP recommends that all ATV-SxS drivers take a training course. See your dealer or call the ATV Safety Institute at 1-800-887-2887 (USA). ATVs and SxSs can be hazardous to operate. Never exceed the ATV-SxS’s passenger capacity. All adult-model ATVs are meant to be used by drivers of age 16 and older. Carefully read the vehicle’s operator’s guide. Follow all instructional and safety material and observe applicable laws and regulations. ATVs and

Aug/Sept 2023 51
†Rates as
SxSs are for o -road use only; never ride on paved surfaces or public roads. For your safety, the operator and passenger(s) must wear a helmet, eye protection and applicable protective clothing. Always remember that riding, alcohol and drugs don’t mix. Never engage in stunt driving. Avoid excessive speed and be particularly careful on di cult terrain. Always ride responsibly and safely. See your authorized BRP dealer for details and visit EQUAL PARTS POWER AND COMFORT. The Defender PRO Limited combines the strength of a hydraulic power tilt bed, the size of the industry’s longest cargo box and the comfort of a fully enclosed cab with HVAC into one perfect package. Consider it your off-road happy place. A SWEAT. 2021 DEFENDER PRO LIMITED © 2020 Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. (BRP). All rights reserved. ®, TM and the BRP logo are trademarks of BRP or its a liates. In the U.S.A., products are distributed by BRP US Inc. BRP reserves the right, at any time, to discontinue or change speci cations, prices, designs, features, models or equipment without incurring obligation. CAN-AM OFF-ROAD VEHICLE: Some models depicted may include optional equipment. For side-by-side vehicles (SxS): Read the BRP side-by-side operator’s guide and watch the safety DVD before driving. Fasten lateral net and seat belt at all times. Operator must be at least 16 years old. Passenger must be at least 12 years old and able to hold handgrips and plant feet while seated against the backrest. SxSs are for o -road use only; never ride on paved surfaces or public roads. For your safety, the operator and passenger must wear a helmet, eye protection and other protective clothing. Always remember that riding, alcohol and drugs don’t mix. Never engage in stunt driving. Avoid excessive speed and be particularly careful on di cult terrain. Always ride responsibly and safely.
©2023 Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. (BRP). All rights reserved. ®, TM and the BRP logo are trademarks of BRP or its a liates. In the USA, products are distributed by BRP
low as 2.99%


Century Power Sports Stillwater MN


Country Cat Sauk Centre MN 320-352-3534

Morse Power Sports Wisconsin Dells WI


MotoProz, Inc.

Mazeppa MN


R & R Motorsports

Hazelhurst WI 715-358-5349

Road, Track and Trail LLC Big Bend WI 262-662-1500

Sette Sports Center Owatonna MN 507-451-6922

TA Motorsports

Francis Creek WI - 920-682-1284

Thomas Sno Sports Ogilvie MN 320-556-3467

Yamaha of Port Washington Inc

Port Washington WI 262-284-5995



nother versatile Prowler Pro was added to the Arctic Cat lineup earlier this summer, and once again it blurred the lines between work and play with a Rancher infused take. The new Ranch Edition features a 4,500-lb. WARN® winch, premium front and rear bumpers for added protection and durability, and more than 50 custom-built accessories.

Available in your choice of three or six passenger configurations, the new Ranch Prowler Pro touts pre-installed accessory-ready harness, a standard 75-amp alternator for the added punch for accessory lights and audio, and a formed ROPS that provides easy installation of cab components for a clean and seamless finish.

Designed for off-road adventures, the Prowler Pro Ranch Edition features a trail-tuned suspension system with 12.5-inches of ground clearance. The added clearance ensures exceptional maneuverability and stability over various terrains. The Ranch Prowler is also ready to work hard with a 2,000-lb. towing capacity and 1,000-lb. bed capacity.

Powering the Prowler is a potent 50-horsepower rated engine that has been tuned to deliver optimal power and torque with a smooth delivery and minimal noise. Whether you’re navigating rugged trails or on a demanding worksite, this reliable engine ensures the job gets done efficiently.

Dipped in blacked with bronze graphics, Prowler Pro Ranch Edition will undoubtedly be in scarce supply this summer, so see your local Arctic Cat dealer before they’re gone.

52 Midwest Rider 2023
Always wear a helmet and don’t drink and ride. c2023 Textron Specialized Vehicles Inc. All rights reserved.
No matter the experience level, location, or reason for riding, we’ve got the perfect offroad vehicle to elevate your experience. Answer a few quick questions, and we’ll show you the best vehicle for your riding style.


Another electric snowmobile appears to be entering the market in the near future. News of the startup Vidde Snow Mobility manufacturer based in Sweden has plans to deliver its first 1,000 electric snowmobiles in late 2024 came across our desk in a Bloomberg article. According to the article, Vidde has orders from the country’s resort operator Skistar, electricity producer Skelleftea Kraft, and the Icehotel in Jukkasjarvi.

The Bloomberg arcticle goes on to say the company’s prototype named “Frank” — after Frankenstein’s monster — is set for a design makeover by Pininfarina SpA, an Italian design house known for luxury cars.

Vidde joins a growing list of clean-energy innovators setting up shop in Sweden’s subarctic, taking advantage of the bountiful supply of renewable energy and steady flow of venture capital.

The area, dubbed “Sustainability Valley” by consulting firm McKinsey, already plays home to startups including X Shore, Candela, Heart Aerospace, Cake, and dozens of others making electric boats, ferries, planes, trucks, and motorcycles.

Roughly 135,000 internal combustion powered snowmobiles are sold worldwide each year, according to RISE, a research centre partnering with Vidde. Within that industry, Canadian recreational-vehicle manufacturer Taiga Motors is the only company so far to have delivered series-produced electric snowmobiles to end user customers, according to Vidde chief executive officer Christian Lystrup.

In April 2022, Skistar announced it was testing two Taiga snowmobiles, “Compared to a traditional scooter, we are lowering the carbon footprint to a seventh,” Lystrup said in an interview. The vehicle will be easy to upgrade and “built to last.”

Manufacturing will take place in Jorn, not far from Skelleftea where battery maker Nortvholt AB has built its first plant. Northvolt’s decision to manufacture in the region has been a “big inspiration” for Vidde, Lystrup said.

The eventual look of “Frank” will be sleek and efficient, using the “minimum required” materials, said Xavier Blanc Baudriller, a design executive for Pininfarina. The process is “quite far away from designing a Ferrari.”

Century Power Sports Stillwater MN w 651-439-2035

JOHNSON SALES, INC. N1255 US HIGHWAY 51 ARLINGTON WI, 539119721 608-635-7381

Davis Motorsports Delano MN w 763-972-5045

Johnson Sales Inc Arlington WI w 608-635-7381

Miller Implement & Pro Motorsports Fon du Lac w 920-922-8521

Motor Sports of Willmar Willmar MN w 320-235-2351

Nielsen Enterprises Lake Villa IL w 847-356-3000

Ray’s Sport & Cycle Grand Rapids MN w 218-326-9355

St. Boni Motor Sports St. Bonifacius MN w 952-446-1554

Sette Sports Center Owatonna MN w 507-451-6922

TA Motorsports Francis Creek WI w 920-682-1284

Yamaha of Port Washington Inc

Port Washington WI w 262-284-5995

Aug/Sept 2023 53 1 Offer available on approved purchases of new 2021-2023 Yamaha ATV or Side by Side made on the Yamaha Credit Card issued by WebBank. Offer valid 7/1/2023-9/30/2023. Account must be open and current to be eligible for this offer. Promotional 5.99%, 7.99%, 12.49%, 18.49% APR with minimum payments of 3.05%, 3.14%, 3.37%, or 3.64% respectively of the purchase price balance, based on your creditworthiness, are effective until the purchase is paid in full.  Minimum interest charge $2 per month. Standard APR 15.99%-23.99%. Offer good only in the U.S., excluding the state of Hawaii. Dealer remains responsible for complying with all local and state advertising regulations and laws. Read the Owner’s Manual and the product warning labels before operation. Some models shown with optional accessories. Specifications subject to change. Professional riders depicted on a closed course. ATV Riders: ATV models shown are recommended for use by riders 16 years and older. YFZ450R recommended for experienced riders only. Yamaha recommends an approved training course. See your dealer or call 1-800-887-2887. ATVs can be hazardous to operate. For your safety: Always avoid paved surfaces. Never ride on public roads. Always wear a helmet, eye protection and protective clothing; never carry passengers; never engage in stunt riding; riding and alcohol/drugs don’t mix; avoid excessive speed; and be particularly careful on difficult terrain. Side-by-Side Riders: Always wear your seat belt, helmet, eye protection and protective clothing. Yamaha recommends that all Side-by-Side riders take an approved training course. For training information, see your dealer or call the ROHVA at 1-866-267-2751. ©2023 Yamaha Motor Corporation, U.S.A. All rights reserved. • WOLVERINE® RMAX™ 4 1000 LE WOLVERINE® RMAX™ 2 1000 XT-R GRIZZLY® EPS SE YFZ® 450R
1 Offer available on approved purchases of new 2021-2023 Yamaha ATV or Side by Side made on the Yamaha Credit Card issued by WebBank. Offer valid 7/1/2023-9/30/2023. Account must be open and current to be eligible for this offer. Promotional 5.99%, 7.99%, 12.49%, 18.49% APR with minimum payments of 3.05%, 3.14%, 3.37%, or 3.64% respectively of the purchase price balance, based on your creditworthiness, are effective until the purchase is paid in full.  Minimum interest charge $2 per month. Standard APR 15.99%-23.99%. Offer good only in the U.S., excluding the state of Hawaii. Dealer remains responsible for complying with all local and state advertising regulations and laws. Read the Owner’s Manual and the product warning labels before operation. Some models shown with optional accessories. Specifications subject to change. Professional riders depicted on a closed course. ATV Riders: ATV models shown are recommended for use by riders 16 years and older. YFZ450R recommended for experienced riders only. Yamaha recommends an approved training course. See your dealer or call 1-800-887-2887. ATVs can be hazardous to operate. For your safety: Always avoid paved surfaces. Never ride on public roads. Always wear a helmet, eye protection and protective clothing; never carry passengers; never engage in stunt riding; riding and alcohol/drugs don’t mix; avoid excessive speed; and be particularly careful on difficult terrain. Side-by-Side Riders: Always wear your seat belt, helmet, eye protection and protective clothing. Yamaha recommends that all Side-by-Side riders take an approved training course. For training information, see your dealer or call the ROHVA at 1-866-267-2751. ©2023 Yamaha Motor Corporation, U.S.A. All rights reserved. • WOLVERINE® RMAX™ 4 1000 LE WOLVERINE® RMAX™ 2 1000 XT-R GRIZZLY® EPS SE YFZ® 450R JOHNSON SALES, INC. N1255 US HIGHWAY 51 ARLINGTON WI, 539119721 608-635-7381

midwest events

August 25-26 2023

Outlaw Grass Drags

3708 Baptist Church Road, Princeton MN 763-753-3724 or

September 16, 2023

Family Fun Poker Run

Finland Snowmobile & ATV Club

Clair Nelson Community Center, Finland, MN

October 1, 2023

Belvidere Prairie Riders Drags & Swap

Snowmobile Grass Drags & Swap Meet

Boone County Fair Grounds, Belvidere, IL


September 1-3, 2023

Journey to Heartwood ATV, UTV, and Music Fest combines live concerts, camping, and amazing trails into one action packed weekend. Featuring performances by Hairball, Marshall Tucker Band, The Gear Daddies, and others along with organized trail rides, food trucks, mud drags, and an ATV parade. A weekend pass is just $85 with daily admission and VIP packages also available.

Heartwood Resort & Conference Center

N10884 Hoinville Road, Trego, WI 715-319-3064 or visit

October 13-15, 2023

Snowmobile USA Show

Wisconsin State Fair Park Expo Center 8200 W Greenfield Ave., Milwaukee, WI 800-746-8963 or

November 3-5, 2023

Snowmobile USA Show

Suburban Collection Showplace

46100 Grand River Ave., Novi, MI 800-746-8963 or

December 9, 2023

Snowmobile the Might Mac Mackinac Bridge, St. Ignace, MI 11:00am to 3:00pm or visit

February 16-17, 2024

Top of the Lake Museum Show & Ride

W 11660 US Highway 2; Naubinway, MI

Featured Sled: Eliason or visit


September 22-24, 2023

Here’s an event that has been gaining a lot of momentum recently. Wide Open Wisconsin is a jam packed weekend of powersports action with vendors, over 100 acres of swap, Friday night fish fry, a vintage snowmobile show, grass drags, watercross, motorcycle stunt show, and camping. The activities alone make this sound like a can’t miss show, but when you learn the price is just $5 for the day or $12 for the weekend, it becomes a no brainer.

Washington County Fair Park

3000 County Hwy PV, West Bend, WI 53095

54 Midwest Rider 2023
Aug/Sept 2023 55 Hours Monday-Saturday 8-5 STOP IN TO SEE OUR EXPANDED CLOTHING - ACCESSORIES - PARTS Parts & Gear For Every Rider #NeTime 4K SQ FT EXPANDED PARTS & ACCESSORIES We Are The Real Deal For All Your Offroad Gear! Best Selection! - Best Prices! WE WILL SHIP! Over 150k sq. ft. of Showroom © 2023 American Honda Motor Co., Inc.• Powersports Division INTRODUCING THE UPDATED 2024 SHADOW PHANTOM New look, new rear disc brake, and lots of other updates…and still the coolest bike in its class LOADED WITH FEATURES AND READY FOR ADVENTURE The 2024 Pioneer 700 and 700-4 Forest Editions are Here

Adventure North


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