Wisconsin Snowmobile News (USPS 683-170 ISSN 0745161X) is published seven times per year –September, October, November, December, January, February and March – by MSPN, 6595 Edenvale Blvd Ste 180, Eden Prairie, MN 55346. Periodical postage paid at Eden Prairie, MN, 55344 and additional entries.
Postmaster: Send address changes to Wisconsin Snowmobile News, c/o AWSC, 529 Trail Side Dr., Suite 200, DeForest, WI 53532.
Subscriptions: Subscriptions are available through membership to the Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs for $20 per year. Enclose payment and mail to: Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs, 529 Trail Side Dr., Suite 200, DeForest, WI 53532. For questions regarding your subscription, including a change of address or multiple copies being received, please contact the AWSC office directly at 800-232-4108.
Contributions: Letters, manuscripts, stories, materials and photographs are welcome but cannot be returned unless sender provides a self-addressed stamped envelope. Wisconsin Snowmobile News and MSPN are not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, photos and drawings.Submission of articles and letters implies the right to edit and publish in all or part.
Notice: The views and opinions expressed by our contributors and advertisers are not necessarily those of the Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs or the Wisconsin Snowmobile News and MSPN staff.
Warning: Some of the photographs in this publication show action that may be potentially dangerous. We encourage safe operation of all snowmobile equipment and advise you not to attempt to duplicate any action that is seen on these pages. Let your experience and skills guide you.
In the next issue you’ll find out who the newly crowned AWSC Miss Snowflake is for the 2024-2025 season. Until then, read about just a few of the MANY amazing places/ events Miss Snowflake, Brianna Crotteau, traveled this past year during her reign on pages 11-13. Thank you for being an involved member and taking the time to read this publication. Have a safe and fun snowmobile season!
19 20
NEXT GEN RIDERS Learn more about this newer formed group that is now a committee within the AWSC. Any 21-35 year olds that have a passion for snowmobiling, they need you!
YAMAHA CELEBRATION PRESENTED BY DONAHUE SUPER SPORTS Donahue Super Sports put on an amazing event to celebrate Yamaha Snowmobiles. So much history in one place! Many Yamaha snowmobiles on display and lots of stories shared by racing legends, fans and owners.
SIGNS, SIGNS, SIGNS Signs are important for helping snowmobilers, but they are less useful when poorly placed or out of date. When posting signs for marking trails, it is important to view this from an outsider, who does not know the area. Read more on some trail marking advice/reminders for your clubs.
On the Web
Digital issues of this magazine can be viewed and downloaded for free at mspninc. com/publications/wisconsin-snowmobile-news.
Upcoming AWSC Events
Winter Directors Meeting: January 3-5, Lodge at Crooked Lake (1.5), Siren Burnett County
ATTENTION CLUBS! Deadline to Submit
The deadline for Club Flashback, Club News, Readers Ride Stories, photos and more submitted for the December 2024 issue is 10/29/24. Send all submissions to rachyl@ mspninc.com
2 0 2 42 0 2 5 W I S n o w m o b i l e T r a i l P a s s ( D i s c o u n t e d$ 1 0 ) O r d e r F o r m f o r A W S C / C l u b M e m b e r s w i t h W I R e g i s t e r e d S n o w m o b i l e s
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N O T E : Y o u r A W S C m e m b e r s h ip M U S T B E C U R R E N T w h e n y o u r o r d e r f o r m i s r e c e i v e d by t h e A W S Ci f n o t c u r r e n t, t h i s f o r m a n d m o n e y w i l l b e r e t u r n e d
Please print clearly –N o c a s h lp e a s e and N O R E F U N D S ! Pa ss is good July 1 , 20 2 4June 30, 202 5
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r i c a n E x p r e s s ) . T r a i lp a s s e s a r e m a i l e d f r o m t h e S t a t e o f W I a n d c a
A v a i l a b l e t o o r d e r o n l i n e v i a A W S C w e b s i t e w i t h c r e d i t c a r d s ( M a s t e r C a r d, V I S A, D i s c o v e
m b e r # (Please Note : Your AWSC member number is printed on your AWSC Membership Card, WSN mag azine addre s s label, the AWSC website or your club Membership Chair can give you your number ). N a m
(Should be the same as your AWSC m embership)
Happy November! I hope everyone is having a great Fall! In September/October I had the chance to experience a few exciting events including the Wausau Grass Drags and Swap Meet, Wide Open Wisconsin, Donahue Super Sports Yamaha Snowmobile Celebration, and, of course, the AWSC Fall Workshop. They were all amazing and each included rockstar volunteers who helped make them each a huge success.
If you love to snowmobile, this is a great time to join a club and become more involved. Right now, clubs all over the state are getting trails brushed and ready for snowfall, marking trails, organizing fundraisers, and more. There is always something a club will need help with! Volunteering in your local snowmobile club is also more than just helping; it’s about supporting the sport of snowmobiling and where you build lasting friendships while making the snowmobiling experience better for everyone. While riding is beautiful and exciting, there is so much more that needs to happen at the local, state and national levels to get the trails ride-ready. Here’s why it’s essential to join a club and help however you can.
Support for Landowners and Trails Access
Snowmobile club members play a key role in keeping trails safe and open. When you volunteer for trail maintenance or grooming you help ensure that everyone can enjoy the trail system. Respecting the landowners and maintaining our trails show that we care about our sport and the places where we all ride.
Even more, clubs work to protect riding areas and promote safe riding practices. You can help advocate for these important issues, making sure that the voices of snowmobilers are heard. Your involvement helps to protect riders and the trails we enjoy.
Build Lasting Friendships
Snowmobile clubs are not just groups; they are caring communities filled with incredible people of all ages who share the same passion. Volunteering helps you connect with fellow snowmobilers, allowing you to form strong friendships and make new memories. Whether your club is organizing events, going on group rides, or helping with local projects, you create a welcoming environment that encourages newcomers to join.
Make a Positive Impact
Finally, volunteering is a way to give back to the sport we all love. Your time and effort can make a big difference in your club and within the community. Whether you’re organizing events, leading rides, helping maintain trails, or even website updates and social media posts, every little bit helps strengthen the sport and ensure its future.
Joining and getting involved in your snowmobile club is crucial for the future of the sport. It helps build a strong community and friendships, develop a great trail system, encourage new riders, and makes the riding experiences for everyone even better. By sharing your time, you make a difference and contribute to the future of snowmobiling in Wisconsin. United we trail, divided we fail!
By: Lori Heideman, President, AWSC
Just over a year ago, I was approached by several young adults. All of them were snowmobilers who belonged to clubs. They had been tossing around an idea and wanted some input. The idea was to find a place for young adults to help other clubs around the state. They had come up with an idea but had no idea how to get it implemented or how to proceed to make it successful.
As I was listening to them, pretty much what I heard was that they wanted to be useful. They wanted to help. They were struggling with how to make it work. They wanted to be called the Next Gen Riders and wanted a place in the AWSC. As we talked about their ideas, at the very least, I felt they deserved to be heard.
We planned to talk to the directors and reps and get their input. At the director’s meeting last fall, these young adults laid out their plans and their mission. We opened the meeting up to answer questions. To me it was a bit disappointing, there was not one question asked. As a result, I asked the directors to make a motion where we could set up a committee to oversee these individuals and give them input. That motion was made and approved. We now have a Next Gen Riders Committee within the AWSC.
For many years, we have talked about how much older we are getting and how we need younger people to get involved. Our KAOS program does an outstanding job of getting youth involved but when they age out at 21 years old the opportunities for them to stay involved fade. We have begun to realize that the 21 to 35-year-olds are also the ones we need to connect with. Sometimes KAOS are moving on, some going to school others getting jobs. To make our organization fully successful and to keep all ages involved, I feel that having some young innovative snowmobilers, who are willing to step forward and learn our roles is very important. They are truly our future.
As I stated earlier, we have now implemented a new committee within the AWSC. It is called the Next Gen Riders. They have already made bylaws, to further their mission statement and to become successful within the AWSC. They do not want anything from the AWSC other than to be helpful to us and other clubs throughout the state. We have given them a small budget to work with. They sold clothing items and Next Gen stickers at the fall workshop. The proceeds will help them with travel expenses and costs to cover helping out at our KAOS winter ride.
You will learn more about these young adults in this magazine (page 17) as they will be introducing themselves. They have some really good ideas and have already stepped in to help mentor our KAOS program. I am looking forward to working with them and filling some of the gaps we have in our program.
See you on the trails!
Randy Murdock – Vice President
As we roll into November, the anticipation of winter starts to set in, bringing with it a whole list of tasks and responsibilities. For many, this time of year can feel overwhelming. We find ourselves juggling various chores— winterizing equipment, chopping wood, raking up fallen leaves, finishing up garden work, and, of course, marking and brushing trails for snowmobiling. Each task can add to the stress, and it’s easy to feel swamped by it all.
Recently, I had the opportunity to work at a large festival alongside numerous volunteers. While it was a great experience overall, it also got hectic at times, with lots of moving parts and a variety of opinions and ideas coming from everyone involved. As the day unfolded tensions ran high. It was a classic case of people getting caught up in the moment—a situation we often see with NASCAR drivers and other professional athletes, especially in high-pressure environments. They often talk about how the intensity of the moment can lead to impulsive reactions. It reminded me of the old cattle saying and if you ever herded cattle you know, “don’t take anything I said personally while I was working cattle.”
Reflecting on that festival experience, I thought about how we should approach our challenges, especially as we begin our trail
preparation. It’s essential to remember that we are all volunteers working toward the same goal: ensuring a successful and enjoyable snowmobiling season for everyone. We might not always share the same level of drive or determination, and, like the festival situation, we may also get caught up in the moment.
In those times, taking a step back and considering the bigger picture is crucial. Everyone is trying their best. Instead of escalating the situation, let’s focus on being problem solvers. Don’t pour fuel on the fire, let’s work together to find solutions that work for everyone involved. Let’s approach our challenges with a calm mindset. After all, we’re all in this together, and the joy of snowmobiling is what unites us.
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Wseason wonderful this year! We all look forward to the year to come! We believe that we will have a wonderful season filled with record snowfalls!
The AWSC office will be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday and Friday, November 28 & 29, 2024.
OW, what a Fall Workshop. Thank you to everyone who attended! The seasons are changing!! With colder weather approaching our minds turn to snowmobiling. Here at the office, we are already processing AWSC memberships and trail passes daily. The office hours are Monday-Thursday 8:00 am to 4:30 and Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.
I would like to remind you that you are welcome to stop in the office at any time but remember that we do not have actual trail passes in the office. You can purchase them at the office but they will be mailed to you. This is currently taking 2-3 weeks. The office is now fully staffed meaning there are 3-4 people in the office daily. To aid in getting your phone call answered please have your documentation/information gathered and ready when calling to order your trail passes. You will need the following information: AWSC member number/last name, make sure your snowmobiles are current on their registration and in your name, you will need the registration number(s) for the snowmobile, you will also need a credit card number and there will be a $1.50 convenience fee. Please think before calling, get all of the information together before calling. If you have to run to the garage to get numbers, please do so before calling.
There still seems to be confusion among the members about their AWSC membership, this membership is paid through your club when you renew your yearly membership with them. You CANNOT renew your AWSC membership through our office, it needs to be done through your local club. You can check your AWSC membership on our website (awsc.org) under Membership Inquiry. You will be able to see when your membership has been renewed.
We are busy processing 2024-2025 AWSC memberships. This year we will be adding a RUSH fee to our system. If you find it necessary to call the office to renew a membership, so they can get the trail pass there will be a $15 RUSH fee. You will want to make sure that your members know this so you can have them pay it upfront. The $1.50 convenience fee will remain the same.
The faces in the office will remain the same. Lauren Sopha, Pam Sidwell, Terry Hoernke and Carrie Quam are all returning this year. Everyone is looking forward to helping make your snowmobile
Scholarship Applications for both Graduating High School Seniors and the Hero Scholarship are available online and are due on Thursday, January 2, 2025.
2025 Snowmobile Friendly Application will be available 11/1, on awsc.org also.
• New designs/logos
• A FREE webstore with your custom apparel
• And so much more!
By: Brianna Crotteau
TAWSC Miss Snowflake awscmisssnowflake misssnowflake2324@gmail.com
hank you to all of the AWSC members across our beautiful state for making this past year so memorable. All of you do an incredible job! Keep up the great work! I hope to see many of you in the future at various snowmobiling events and on the trail too. Let it snow!
The Ride with the Cup event where I spent two days traveling around with a great group of people to visit numerous clubs and businesses who support the snowmobiling industry.
The Multiple Sclerosis Snowmobile Tour where we raised money for those battling MS. Such a cool event where we could do something good for those in need.
I was able to meet Dick Decker and learn all about the creation of the Eagle River Championship Derby Races. What an awesome man.
I encouraged many young ladies to run for AWSC Miss Snowflake as this is a once in a lifetime opportunity that you will cherish forever.
I had a lot of fun with the Next Gen Riders group at the International Snow Congress as well as other events throughout the year.
I had the honor to join the Sayner Barnstormers in their trail dedication to Carl Eliason and his first working prototype of the snowmobile. It has been 100 years of tracks on snow in Sayner, WI.
The KAOS group and I at the ISC Groomer Reception. What an awesome job they do all year round!
My ride on Memory Lake with 6X Watercross World Champion David Fischer. What an awesome racer, but an even better person that he is. Thanks for the fun David!
It was great to see a few of the DSG ladies at Hay Days! Always thankful for our program supporters!
This is Brian with Tyler’s Backcountry Awareness, one of the Miss Snowflake program supporters I met at Hay Days. I was able to meet up with many of the program supporters this year. Special thanks to Donahue Super Sports, Braap Wraps, Floe Trailers, DSG Outerwear, K/M Motorsports, Airtec Sports, and Unique Signs & Designs for all of their support!
The International Snowmobile Hall of Fame Banquet where I was able to celebrate the induction of AWSC’s very own Dave Newman as a member of the Class of 2024 inductees.
At the Wausau Grass Drags and Swap Meet, I had fun watching young kids tear it up on the track! The smiles on their faces are even better!
I attended the 51st Cranberry Festival in Warrens, WI. So many great queens from across the state that I was able to meet!
Hey everyone! My name is Madisyn Gates-Roehl, and I represent St. Croix County as a KAOS Youth Advisor. This is the last year of my 6-year journey in KAOS.
What Has KAOS Done for You?
Oftentimes I think, “What would I be like if I did not join KAOS?” I was 15 when I joined KAOS and had very limited knowledge of the AWSC. I was terrified to attend my first event, the winter leadership ride, without my parents and even asked my dad to turn back. Thankfully, he didn’t. KAOS showed me a whole world of people who all shared the same love and passion as I did. I have made so many connections, lifelong friends, and a lifetime of memories. I’ve made lifelong friends and unforgettable memories while also developing valuable skills such as communication, public speaking, leadership, teamwork, and collaboration. KAOS has significantly shaped my outgoing personality and deepened my passion for snowmobiling.
Favorite Memory?
My favorite memory is my first ever KAOS event which was the winter leadership ride. I only knew one person and that was the previous Fond Du Lac County KAOS Youth Rep, Evan Conlon. If it was not for him, his mom Tami Conlon, and his dad Pat Conlon I am not sure I would have even joined. At my first event, I learned so much and I think I talked my parents’ ears off for about a week. It was so cool to me that there are other youth out there who love snowmobiling just like me. After that event, I knew I wanted to do anything and everything I could to promote youth involvement, organized snowmobiling, and just the sport of snowmobiling.
Advice for Current/Future KAOS Members:
My advice for the current youth members and any future is to just go for it. You have a whole state of people who will support you. Share all your ideas, no matter how crazy they are, to your club, county, KAOS, or AWSC. Don’t let anything stop you from sharing your ideas, reaching your goals, and sharing your passion for snowmobiling.
I wanted to end this with a thank you to some people who supported me and influenced me. My parents, Michelle Gates & Derek Roehl, The Yasick Family (Mike, Debbie, Justin, & Josh), The Conlon Family (Tami, Pat, and Evan), Brittany & James Lillion, The Thompson Family, The Burzinski Family (Rodney, Lesia, Lynsey, & Rachyl), Members of Princeton Sno Barons, The Luker Family, Rob Hargrave, Aaron Remley, club members of Berlin River Riders, HEXCO Motorsports, all clubs & members of Winnebago County Snowmobile Alliance, Lily Sno-Birds, Brad & Carrie Lagerman, The Unger Family, Kate & Brian
Fuchs, Tia & Tanner Hiller, Steve Altman, The Kreager Family, Lauren & Trevor Levey, all clubs and members of the Green Lake County Association of Snowmobile Clubs. As well as, all past and current AWSC board members and KAOS members
Hello! My name is Ethan Degner and I am the Jefferson County Youth Advisor. As I am aging out of KAOS that certainly doesn’t mean I am stepping away! I currently serve as the Jefferson County AWSC Rep and I am looking forward to getting even more involved.
What Has KAOS Done for You?
KAOS has taught me many valuable lessons not only in snowmobiling, but in everyday life. I’ve learned that there is much more to this sport than simply getting on a sled and riding on the trails. It takes countless hours from many volunteers to make sure we can all enjoy this awesome sport. KAOS has also shown me what it means to be a leader while being a team leader.
Favorite Memory?
My first ever KAOS event will always be my favorite memory! It was the 2021 International Snowmobile Congress (ISC) in Omaha, Nebraska. Before this trip, I had never met any of the KAOS Youth Reps or Advisors in the program at the time. After being talked into applying by my dad, I was shocked when I found out I had
been selected to go! I was nervous about driving out of the state with a bunch of people I had never met. However, once I arrived, everyone was nice and not once did I feel out of place with this group. Looking back, I am extremely glad I made that decision and applied.
Advice for Current/Future KAOS Members:
I strongly encourage any youth to try KAOS out. The lessons and memories that are made are unforgettable. Being able to work with people who are just as passionate about snowmobiling as I am makes it all the more fun. I promise you will not regret it!
A big thank you goes out to the AWSC for promoting and encouraging this awesome group of KAOS youth. Thank you all!!
Made in Minnesota – Built for Trails!
Rollr Blade is a trail roller with an adjustable blade , designed to pack deep/heav y snow on trails to create a base that lasts throughout the season. When used in conjunc tion with a drag , the end result is a smooth, packed trail.
• Roller saves you time and fuel.
• Easy to operate.
• Sideways-slide protec tion for side-hill trails
• Hydraulically controlled blade in front of the roller drags snow along and levels bumps before the roller pack s the trail sur face
• Roller is made of 3/8” thick x 36” diameter pipe
Hello snowmobilers! My name is Nick Grams, and along with the Burzinski sisters, Lynsey and Rachyl (former AWSC Miss Snowflakes), we’ve started something called Next Gen Riders. Our goal is to support and grow the sport of snowmobiling for young adults aged 21 to 35. We chose this age group because it includes those who are transitioning out of K.A.O.S. and young adults who are either new to the sport or have been riding for years.
It’s really important to grow this sport for its future!
Next Gen Riders want to support snowmobiling at all levels—state, county, and local clubs, whether big or small. We’re here to learn and help so we can keep this sport alive for many more years. We also want to bring in new riders by setting up first-time riding experiences, giving young adults the chance to try out a snowmobile in a safe and fun way. If we can get even just 1 in 10 first-timers to join our community, we’re making progress!
Currently, we have about 60 Next Gen Riders, and we’ve divided Wisconsin into six regions. Each region has an Ambassador and Administrator, except for the South West Region. You can see the regional map below. If you’re from the South West Region and want to be an Ambassador or Administrator, please reach out to us!
Scan the QR code and fill out the form if you’d like to join Next Gen Riders. You can also email us at nextgenriderswi@ gmail.com or send us a message on Facebook if you have any questions. We plan to get everyone together this winter for some rides. Please help us spread the word about Next Gen Riders!
Want Next Gen Riders Merch?
Scan this QR code:
The AWSC offers a variety of scholarships every year to graduating high school seniors and (new this year) military veterans (or their spouse) pursuing higher-education at a technical, trade, two or four year school. You can read more information about these scholarship opportunities below, don’t miss out on your chance to apply!
Applicants must be an individual member, son, daughter or legal ward of a family, having a current season’s (2024-2025) membership in an AWSC recognized club with two consecutive seasons (2023-2024 & 2024-2025) or prior membership. He or she is further required to have passed the snowmobile safety course. You may download the complete application form from the AWSC website (awsc.org/About-Us/Scholarships) after November 1, 2024.
Completed Applications must be typed utilizing the AWSC scholarship application and received by the AWSC Office, 529 Trail Side Drive, Suite #200, DeForest, WI 53532 by Friday, January 3,
2025. The application may be printed and mailed, hand delivered, faxed (608-846-5534) or emailed to stormyh@awsc.org. Emailed applications must be submitted as one (1) complete PDF file document, this includes all pages and transcript. Please note the total pages on the Front Cover Informational Page. Applications not received by the deadline will be disqualified.
The AWSC is proud to announce our FIRST scholarship for military veterans! 2025 Ken’s Sports American Hero Award. Sponsored by Ken’s Sports in Kaukauna, WI, a $2,500 scholarship is available to any current/former military member OR THEIR SPOUSE pursuing higher-education at a technical, trade, two, or four year school. Ken’s Sports appreciates the sacrifices made by our military members and spouses. They are truly “American Heroes” who deserve our support as they try to improve and better their lives. The 2025 Ken’s Sports American Hero Award application can be found on our awsc.org website under the “Scholarship” tab. Applications are due to the AWSC Office by Friday, January 3, 2025.
Other AWSC scholarship criteria and application forms can be found on the awsc.org website.
By: Dave Newman
Donahue Super Sports, Wisconsin Rapids, a longtime Yamaha snowmobile dealer, held a celebration of Yamaha’s 57 years of snowmobile history on October 12. The event which was held at their dealership, included food and music under a large tent.
Donahue customers and collectors from all over the Midwest displayed over 200 Yamaha snowmobiles, many in excellent collector condition. Some of the sleds on display were rare one-ofa-kind models, including numerous restored race machines owned/ raced by champions like Tim Bender, Mike Trap, Dick Trickle, Bobby Donahue, Eddie Schubtzke, Leon Koch and many more.
Yamaha representatives were on hand to talk about some of Yamaha’s history and give away some swag to the hundreds of guests. The final Yamaha snowmobile manufactured, a 2025 Sidewinder SRX LE EPS was displayed at the event. This unique collector sled with serial number 998 is in a display box and will be auctioned off in February through bringatrailer.com with the proceeds going back to grass roots snowmobiling.
The highlight of the day was a chance to meet and talk to three champions of the Eagle River World Championship races. Mike Trapp, 1971 & 1972; Tim Bender, 1989 – 1994 and Bobby Donahue, 1985. Bobby did a great job of introducing the three of them and had each of them talk about how they got their start in racing along with some of the exciting highlights of their racing careers.
What a great way to celebrate the years of innovations and memories from 57 years of Yamaha snowmobiles. So much history in one place! Thank you to Bobby and the Donahue family for putting this event together!
By: Paul Bradley
Signs are everywhere, telling us where to go and what to do. They also help us navigate as snowmobilers to find the nearest fuel, food, and the next town we will head to.
These are great things unless signs are not where we need them when we need them.
When posting signs for marking trails, it is important to view this from an outsider, who does not know the area. I have traveled from Platteville to Hurley, to the tip of Door County, and all other areas in WI and MI. Years ago before the onset of apps that are on phones, you relied primarily on paper maps and signs at intersections. The new apps are great, but some areas do not have service, or when clubs move trail systems and apps are not up to date, it can be confusing.
Many times I have come across a T intersection, and it gives me no other information, than that I have an option to turn left or right. We need to keep in mind that we have all kinds of people using these trails, from youth just getting their first time to venture a little further from home to the experienced rider who has tens of thousands of miles on sleds such as myself.
When marking trails, look at intersections as if you have no clue about the area you are in. Find ways to mark for fuel, local restaurants, and establishments that will offer to warm up on a cold day. Mark roadways with the name of the road. In the instance of an accident, it will be much easier for medical help if you can remember the intersection you just came through, or it will assist those who are a little lost.
Good signage at a T intersection
Bad signage at a T intersection
Make sure those Stop signs are very visible, not faded. Ensure there are stop-ahead signs as well.
Clubs that have shadow boxes with maps in are certainly a huge value. Just look at the number of footprints and snowmobile tracks that go up to these. It also adds value when you can see where you are on such a map with a dot or an arrow.
When we ride our own trails, we become so used to knowing where we are going, and how we get there, that it becomes second nature, and we do not need signage to get around. Let’s think about those from outside our area, who have come to enjoy some of the same sceneries that we enjoy. List points of interest. Describe the large bridges that you cross. Support the local eateries and establishments that support clubs throughout the year.
New for 2023, the SnowCheck exclusive Switchback Assault is available with the world’s most powerful OEM 2-stroke turbo, the Patriot Boost, 650 or 850 Patriot engines. Knowing that it takes more than just an engine to build the ultimate crossover, it features the IGX 146 rear suspension with its proven on and off-trail handling. Ride in an area that’s on trail only? No problem. The Switchback has the trail manners of an INDY. Ride where you can get off trail? Perfect. The Switchback is built by the same
A+ Power Sports & Trailer Sales Elkhorn - 262-723-8822 aplusride.com
A+ Power Sports & Trailer Sales
Ken’s Sports of Green Bay Suamico - 920-264-0858 kenssportsgreenbay.com
See the new 2023 Matryx Switchbacks at your local Dealer, on the trail or running powerlines.
The Trailmates Snowmobile Club hosted the 35th annual Wausau Grass Drags and Swap Meet on September 27 & 28.
Airtec Sports Roberts - 715-760-3600 airtecsportsroberts.com
Airtec Sports Rice Lake
John Hartwig Motorsports, Inc. Watertown 920-699-3180 johnhartwigmotorsports.com
The AWSC trailer was there with President, Lori Heideman, past President, Dave Newman and AWSC Miss Snowflake, Brianna Crotteau on hand to visit with those attending.
Mittelstaedt Sports & Marine, Inc. LaValle - 608-985-7118 mittelstaedtsports.com
Nextgen Powersports Clear Lake - 715-263-2244 nextgen-powersports.com
Ken’s Sports of Green Bay Suamico 920-264-0858 kenssportsgreenbay.com
Sportsman’s Service Center Three Lakes
The summer-like weather brought many out to the event for the large snowmobile and ATV/UTV swap meet and many powersports vendors. Friday afternoon the swap meet opened until 9:00 PM under the lights! Saturday events included the snowmobile grass drags by the Tri-County Grass Drag Association and dirt pulls by the Badger State Dirt Flingers. New this year was RC racing on the newly built dirt track! Thank you to the Trailmates and everyone who volunteers their time to help make this weekend a success every year!
Reedsburg - 608-768-3297 jayspowercenter.com
Hayward Power Sports
Eagle River - 715-479-2200 tracksideinc.com
AWSC President, Lori Heideman and AWSC Miss Snowflake Brianna Crotteau with the Wisconsin Cup.
2022 -2023 Past Miss Snowflake & Grass Drag Racer Rachyl Burzinski with 2023-2024 Miss Snowflake Brianna Crotteau.
Hayward 715-462-3674 haywardpowersports.com
John Hartwig Motorsports, Inc. Watertown - 920-699-3180 johnhartwigmotorsports.com
Twin Lakes Marine Inc. Twin Lakes - 262-877-2462 twinlakesmarine.com
* Red listings denote electronic link to dealer website on
edition of WSN. Visit awsc.org or mspninc.com
Over 190 entries at the snowmobile grass drag races this year!
By Mike Holden AWSC Exec. Director, Sheb. Cty Director
The AWSC was well represented at WOW (Wide Open Wisconsin), held at the Washington County Fairgrounds on September 20-22. There was something for everyone at this event. WOW hosted a huge swap meet, which sadly was rained out on Sunday. There were snowmobile blacktop drag races plus a water cross demonstration on a small pond on the fairgrounds. If you are a vintage snowmobile enthusiast, there was a large display of old snowmobiles. The event also featured many vendors selling all sorts of gear and accessories. If you have not attended this event, it is really worth attending! There was no parking charge and a very minimal entrance charge. It was a pleasure talking with everyone who stopped at the AWSC booth. It was interesting and informative listening and talking about people’s compliments, thoughts, and concerns about snowmobiling in Wisconsin.
A special thanks to those members who helped at the AWSC booth: Kate Fuchs, Dan Reinhardt, AWSC Treasurer Steve Clark, Dean Wandel, Mary Holden, Karl Allen, KAOS member Aubrey Allen, and Mike Holden.
9: Poynette, WI. Arlington Prairie Drifters 9th Annual Fall Fling, Whispering Pines, 101 Bethel Dr, Poynette, 6pm-10pm Food, Fun Raffles, Music by Extreme Sound. Tickets available from any club member or at the door. Info: Gregg Johnson / 608-635-7381 / jsi@ chorus.net
21: Marathon, WI. Rib Knights Inc, Bingo, Memories Ballroom, 142475 Cty Rd NN, Marathon, doors open at 5pm bingo starts @ 6:30pm $1,000 in payouts! Basket Raffles and 50/50 drawings, cash bar, food available. Info: FB Rib Knights Snowmobile Club
19: Marathon, WI. Rib Knights Inc, Bingo, Memories Ballroom, 142475 Cty Rd NN, Marathon, doors open at 5pm bingo starts @ 6:30 pm $1,000 in payouts! Basket Raffles and 50/50 drawings, cash bar, food available. Info: FB Rib Knights Snowmobile Club
21: Presque Isle, WI. Presque Isle Sno Bunnies Christmas Dinner, PI Pub, 11583 Cty Hwy B, Presque Isle, Cocktails at 5pm Dinner @ 6pm. Christmas dinner with club members and others. Info: Jack Hinnendael / 414-491-2711 / jhinnendael@uwalumni.com
22: Conover, WI. Conover Sno-Buddies Annual Poker Run, Pit stops Along Conover Sno-Buddies Snowmobile Trails. Sno-Buddies start the Annual Poker Run. Poker Run 12/22/24 thru 3/1/25. Get your game card at a local area business. Ride the incredible trails and collect your stamps. Draw party will be on March 1, 2025 at Twin Lake Pub. Proceeds benefit Conover Snowmobile trail system. Info: Randy Remblake / 715-337-5807 / conoversnobuddies@gmail.com
28: Presque Isle, WI. Presque Isle Sno-Bunnies Winter Kick-Off, Lynx Lake Lodge, 10683 Cty Hwy B, Presque Isle, 11am to ?? Start off the winter snowmobiling seasons with a visit to Lynx Lake Lodge located on trail 6 east of Presque Isle. Great food and drinks in a cozy atmosphere along with games, raffles and prize drawings. Info: Jack Hinnendael / 414-491-2711 / jhinnendael@uwalumni.com
5: Sullivan, WI. Sullivan Sno-Drifters SC All-U-Can-Eat-Breakfast, Sullivan Saloon, 165 Main Street, Sullivan, 7-11:30am, Menu includes pancakes, eggs, hash browns, biscuits & gravy, sausage, ham, milk, OJ and coffee. Adults $9 in advance $10 at the door. Kids 5-10 are $5 under 5 free. Info: Tammy Payne / 262-490-2840 / tammp1266@gmail.com /Sullivan Sno Drifters FB Page.
5: West Bend, WI. Kohlsville Kruisers Snowmobile Club Brat Fry & Fisheree, Jug’s Hitching Post, 5781 Main St, Kohlsville, 10am-5pm. Jug’s Hitching Post located on Trail Corridor 34. Brats, hamburgers, raffles, drinks and much more. Large GUN raffle and all cash raffle. New Layout this year with basket raffles, cash boards and more. Lots of homemade desserts too! Info: Julie Steger / 262-483-9312 / kohlsvillekruiserssecretary@gmail.com
11: Conover, WI. Conover Sno-Buddies & Phelps Snowmobile Club Trailside Roast, Intersection of Trails 8 & 6 near Blong Rd, Vilas County Intersection #500. Conover Sno-Buddies and Phelps Snowmobile Club team up for a nostalgic trip down memory lane. Vintage snowmobile enthusiasts are invited to participate in group rides from each club’s groomer barn and arrive at the trailside roast featuring hot dogs, brats, s’mores, hot cocoa and more. Info: Randy Remblake / 715-337-5807 / conoversnobuddies@gmail.com
16: Marathon, WI. Rib Knights Inc, Bingo, Memories Ballroom, 142475 Cty Rd NN, Marathon, doors open at 5pm bingo starts @ 6:30pm $1,000 in payouts! Basket Raffles and 50/50 drawings, cash bar, food available. Info: FB Rib Knights Snowmobile Club
19: Adell, WI. Beechwood Night Fliers Annual Brat Fry, Town of Scott Community Center, 1360 Hwy 28, Adell, 10am-5pm. Brats, burgers, potato salad, homemade tortes. Lots of raffles ½ hog raffle. Buck raffles, walk around raffles. Info: Jenny Feider / 920948-2071 / rjfeider1@gmail.com / FB Beechwoodnightfliers.
25: Presque Isle, WI. Presque Isle Sno-Bunnies King of the Lake, Lynx Lake Lodge, 10683 Cty Hwy B, Presque Isle, 8am-5pm, Snowmobile drag races in multiple classes with case pay out. 50/50 raffle and other raffles and gear for sale, along with opportunities to engage with sponsors. Info: Jack Hinnendael / 414-491-2711 / jhinnendael@uwalumni.com
25: Lily, WI. Langlade County Snowmobile Council 44th Annual Countywide Ride, Lily Sno-birds Snowmobile Club Clubhouse, 4505 Turtle Lake Road, Lily WI, 11am to 3pm. Free lunch and beverages, 50/50 raffle, cash raffles and door prizes. Info: Steve Noskowiak / 715-610-1459 / sjjmnosko87@gmail.com
25: Union Grove, WI. Racine County Alliance of Snowmobile Clubs, Great Lakes Dragaway, 18411 1st St, Union Grove, 10am to ?? Gates open at 10am. Radar Run $100 for top speed in all classes. Kids racing – 120cc and 200cc classes, ages 6-12, trophies. Food, heated bar and pavilion, live music, Freedom Raffle. Info: Darren / 414238-3069 / FB Racine County Alliance of Snowmobile Clubs.
26-29 Eagle River, WI. Women on Snow, Eagle Waters Resort, 3958 Eagle Waters Rd, Eagle, January 26-29, 2025. Weekend package includes condominium lodging, guided trail riding, fuel, lunch and dinners. Saturday night themed banquets are full of prizes and surprises. Registration open from October 15- December 15, 2024. Info: Jacki Hildebrandt / 815-351-8707 / womenonsnowwi1@ gmail.com
1: Ellsworth, WI. Rush River Trail Riders Annual Snow Day, Rush River Club House, N4775 450th St, Ellsworth, 10am, 11am and 1pm trail ride, food and refreshments. Fun for the whole family / 2025 SkiDooMXZ Elec 137 raffle at 3pm (only 250 tickets sold). Info: Brian Pieper / 612-850-8986 / FB Rush River Trail Riders.
1: Fond du Lac, WI. Holyland Flyers Vintage Piston Burners WinterShow & Ride the Bol, Kiekhaefer Park Aeromarine Sno-Bol, W4235 Kiekhaefer Pkwy, Fond du Lac, 8am-4pm Parade lap at noon. Come ride your vintage snowmobile on the ½ mile oval track! Big ticket raffle drawing at 4pm. Info: Darrin Lefeber / 920-273-9601 / holylandsnowflyers.com
1: Stetsonville, WI. Tired Iron Vintage Riders Snowmobile Club Show & Ride, Stetsonville Centennial Community Center, 412 E Centennial Ave, Stetsonville, 8:30am. Trophies, raffles, games, contests, rides. Info: Leon Long / 715-427-5441 / donnablong@ yahoo.com / FB Tired Iron Vintage Riders Snowmobile Club
8: Neosho WI. 29th annual Neosho Cup Snowmobile & UTV Races sponsored by the Ridge & Valley Cruisers. Lakecross & a Radar Run start at 10am and will go most of the day. Admission is FREE! Hot food and cold beverages will be available in a heated tent, DJ, free kids candy drop at intermission, free shuttle bus... Race classes for beginners to Pros. For more info call Mike 262-629-9575, look on facebook or rvcsnow.com
8: New Auburn, WI. Neighborly Sno-Goers Chicken & Chili Feed, Noon-4pm, Charcoal chicken dinner & chili annual fundraiser. Info: Jason Frye / 715-595-3047 / Facebook: NeighborlySnoGoersSnowmobileClub.
8: Pickerel, WI. Tombstone Pickerel Snow Club Chili Ride, Tombstone Pickerel Snowmobile Clubhouse, N9398 CTH DD, Pickerel, 3pm-6pm. Join us for a fun-filled day! Stop by the Tombstone Pickerel Snowmobile Clubhouse for food, drinks, basket raffles, meat raffles, and more! Come by snowmobile or vehicle. Info: Patti Vogt / 920-642-3777 / tpscvp@gmail.com.
9: Presque Isle, WI. Presque Isle Sno-Bunnies, Mid Winter Event – Meat Raffle, PI Pub, 11583 Cty Hwy B, Presque Isle, 4-9pm, Meat Raffle, 50/50 raffle during Super Bowl. Info: Jack Hinnendael / 414491-2711 / jhinnendael@uwalumni.com
15: Coloma, WI. Coloma Pathfinders Radar Run, Pleasant Lake Boat Landing, 3rd Drive & Pleasant Lake, Coloma, WI. 8am-4pm Snowmobile run with timing lights Ice track. If snow permits, extra snow tracks may be available. Kitty Kat race at noon $20 for 3 runs. Info: Mike Schliepp / 715-572-1354 / colomapathfinders.com
15: Elcho, WI. Sno-Devils SC Annual Open House, Sno-Devils Community Building, N11310 Riordan St, Elcho, 11am-3pm, View our groomers and talk snow. Food and refreshments. Bring the whole family by trail or car. Laurie or Fred Schauer / 715-275-4051 / snodevilsclub@gmail.com
15: Hager City, WI. Bay City Bluff Riders Vintage Show& Ride, The Bluffs Bar & Grill, N1833 785th St, Hager City, WI Registration 9am11am 13 classes for sleds up to the year 2000. Info: Roger Spindler / 715-495-8835 / zcat@bevcomm.net
15: Phillips, WI. Elk River Pioneers Picnic, Russo’s Hill on corridor 12 / trail 80 or by car on Carpenter Creek Rd, Signs will be posted. 10am-4pm, Food and beverages are available on site. Info: Arlyne Frane 715-332-5628 / elkriverpioneers@gmail.com
15: Presque Isle, WI. Presque Isle Sno-Bunnies Basket Raffle, PI Pub 11585 Cty Hwy B, Presque Isle, 11am-6pm Drawing at 4pm. Donated basket raffle, 50 items donated from local businesses. Info: Jack Hinnendael / 414-491-2711 / jhinnendael@uwalumni. com
15: Rib Lake, WI. Interwald Wanderers Snowmobile Club Taylor County Fun Day, Zondlos Bar, Hwy C & Hwy 102, Rib Lake, Noon4pm. Raffle tickets for cash prizes can be purchased ahead of time by any Taylor County Snowmobile Club member or on the day of the event. Join us for games, music, a variety of raffles and great food! Zondlos is on Taylor County Snowmobile Trail 102 and we will have a warm bonfire waiting for you!
16: Lowell, WI. Lowell Trackmasters 42nd Annual Lumberjack Breakfast, Lowell VFW, 280 South St, Lowell, 8am-12:30pm, All you can eat breakfast to benefit. Info: Angi Firari / 920-210-0170 / FB Lowell Trackmasters
20: Marathon, WI. Rib Knights Inc, Bingo, Memories Ballroom, 142475 Cty Rd NN, Marathon, doors open at 5pm bingo starts @ 6:30pm $1,000 in payouts! Basket Raffles and 50/50 drawings, cash bar, food available. Info: FB Rib Knights Snowmobile Club
22: Lake Tomahawk, WI. New Tom Sno Fleas Vintage Ride and Show, Shamrock Pub & Eatery, 7235 Bradley St (Hwy 47), Lake Tomahawk, WI, 9am-4pm. Vintage snowmobile show, ride following to scenic overlook, fun and games, world championship bogie wheel toss, raffle and drawings. Info Russ Edelburg / 608-215-5023 / russ.edelburg@gmail.com.
22: Presque Isle, WI. Presque Isle Sno-Bunnies Winterfest, Lynx Lake Lodge, 10683 Cty Hwy B, Presque Isle, Starts at 11am, Music, Raffles, Drinks & Food on trail #6 with winter themed games. Info: Presque Isle Chamber of Commerce / 715-686-2910 / chamber@ presqueisle.com
22: Pulaski, WI. Chase Sno Chasers Stone Varn Vintage Show & Ride, Chase Stone Barn Park, 8246 Cty Rd S, Pulaski, WI 9am3pm. Registration 9-11am $5 donation for the first two sleds, no charge for additional sleds. Trophy presentation at 1pm. Vintage ride to follow (weather permitting). Hot food, refreshments and lots of parking available! Info: Mike Horn / 920-609-7994 / chasenochasers.org.
22: Wilton, WI. Snowmobile Trails of Monroe County Annual Fundraiser, Wilton Community Building, 400 East Ave, Wilton, 7-10pm, Raffles, drawings, food, refreshments and fun for everyone. Tickets available from club members or at the door. Come meet Miss Snowflake Money goes to support the Scholarship fund. Info: Tom Popp / 608-372-9050 / monroetrails.com
By Cindy Fruhwirth, Sno-Eagles Secretary
For several years, the Sno-Eagles have conducted a 50/50 raffle at their membership meetings with the proceeds being donated to the Weekend Backpack Program. This program administered by Prince of Peace Lutheran Church provides weekend meals to children from 4K to 6th grade whom local schools have identified as needing assistance. What began as help for one child that teachers noticed showing up hungry on Monday mornings in 2015 now provides support to anywhere from 112 to 135 children.
For their first meeting of the season, over two dozen members met at Prince of Peace Church and filled approximately 200 bags to be distributed over the next two weeks. The bags are delivered confidentially by the schools to each student’s locker. Members enjoyed learning about the program they have been supporting and participating in the fulfillment process. The Sno-Eagles provided a meal at the church and Sandy Bishop, Prince of Peace Backpack Coordinator, presented the history of the program during the meeting which was live streamed on Facebook.
Last spring the SnoEagles donated $1,200 to the program which serves Eagle River, Land O’ Lakes, and Phelps Elementary Schools. Last year they spent over $30,000 to purchase food. Volunteerism and community partnerships help programs like this thrive in the Northwoods. Go to princeofpeace-er. org/backpackprogram/ to learn more about this program and how you can help.
On Saturday, Oct. 5, 2024, the Interwald Wanderers Snowmobile Club had the pleasure of hosting our 50th Anniversary Celebration! We had a great time celebrating with club members and landowners. Thank you to Brianna Crotteau, AWSC Miss Snowflake, for attending our celebration and helping with our door prizes!
Interwald Wisconsin is a small town near Rib Lake Wisconsin in Taylor County. The beginnings of the snowmobile club go back in 1974 when only a handful of members started it and often they met at a member’s home. Through many years of work in the community and on the trails, the club has grown to 76 members!
The Interwald Wanderers Club members are responsible for maintaining 34 miles of trails and 100 percent of the trails are on landowners property. If not for the 90 landowners and their support of the club, as well as the snowmobiling community, we would not have some of the best trails in Wisconsin.
The Interwald Wanderers would like to say a big thanks to all the club members, landowners, and club sponsors throughout the past 50 years for making our snowmobile trails safe and fun for all to enjoy. Cheers to 50 years!
By: AWSC Vintage & History Committee
In 1966, Arctic Cat made a groundbreaking advancement in snowmobile technology with the introduction of the torsion spring slide rail suspension, designed by the legendary Roger Skime. This innovative suspension system marked a significant departure from the traditional bogie wheel setups used by most snowmobiles at that time. Instead of running with bogie wheel suspension systems, the torsion spring system utilized a pair of slide rails that ran directly on the cleats of the track. These rails positioned themselves between the rubber belts of the track, providing a more stable and effective suspension.
One of the key advantages of the slide rail suspension was its ability to keep the track flat beneath the snowmobile, preventing it from conforming to the uneven contours of the bogie wheels. This unique design not only increased the speed of the snowmobile but also enabled it to “bridge” over bumps and obstacles, resulting in a significantly smoother ride for the operator. Additionally, the slide rail suspension allowed for the use of shock absorbers and various types of springs, many of which were adjustable, further enhancing the overall performance and ride quality. The introduction of this suspension system set a new standard in the snowmobiling industry, paving the way for future innovations in snowmobile design and engineering.
1966 Panther
Roger Skime, one of the most legendary inventors, innovators and competitors in the snowmobile market.
Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs – Wesbsite: www.awsc.org
529 Trail Side Dr., Suite 200, DeForest, WI 53532 Phone: 800-232-4108 or 608-846-5530 • Fax: 608-846-5534 • Email: awsc@awsc.org
President - Lori Heideman • president@awsc.org • 715-741-0488 • Vice President – Randy Murdock • vicepresident@awsc.org • 608-343-0500
Secretary - Sue Smedegard • secretary@awsc.org • 715-791-0082 • Treasurer – Steve Clark • 608-843-9546 • treasurer@awsc.org
Executive Director - Mike Holden • holdenmach@outlook.com • 920-980-2321
Adams County Director | Warren Starner
262-255-5292 | wstarner@wi.rr.com
Adams County Rep | John Steinke 715-459-1361 |johnadamz73@gmail.com
Ashland County Director John Westfahl 920-740-5020 | jwwestfahl@gmail.com
Barron County Director | Pete Schneider 715-234-6636 | schneiderconst@gmail.com
Barron County Rep | Markie Hansen 715-651-7207 | markie_ann@yahoo.com
Bayfield County Director | Matthew Susienka 757-581-7068 | yaderaye@yahoo.com
Bayfield County Rep | Tiffany Mallory 218-491-1071 | tiffanyjane2203@gmail.com
Brown County Director | Ron Kucera 920-655-7034 | rsk2140@gmail.com
Brown County Rep | Alan Mazna 920-819-5128/920-321-8551 | alanmazna@yahoo.com
Buffalo County Director | Rick Duellman 608-867-3419 | duellman.rick@gmail.com
Buffalo County Rep | Dave Green 715-495-9766 | dave@davefixeshomes.com
Burnett County Director | Jon Schoepke 715-349-7340 | schoepke@sirentel.net
Burnett County Rep | Jim Smedegard 715-656-3855 | suesmed@gmail.com
Calumet County Director | Tim Gambsky 920-378-0104 | tgambsky@gmail.com
Calumet County Rep Holly Gambsky 920-851-6002 | hgambsky@yahoo.com
Chippewa County Director Don Gunderson | 715-868-0006 back40trailriders@yahoo.com
Chippewa County Rep | Jean Rygiel 715-829-0503 | greenie19446@gmail.com
Clark County Director | Dennis Johnson 715-644-2039 | 500ssskidoo@gmail.com
Clark County Rep | Paul Drescher 715-743-4752 | padrescher@tds.net
Columbia County Director John (Jr) Brozek | 920-382-2620 jnttbrozek@centurytel.net
Columbia County Rep Ron Benoy | 608-617-6003 rbgopher@yahoo.com
Crawford County Director | Chris Olson 608-778-9767 | olsonfeed@gmail.com
Dane County Director | Sam Landes 608-849-7680 | slandes58@gmail.com
Dane County Rep Steve Clark 608-843-9546 | clarkslc1@gmail.com
Dodge County Director | Daniel Reinhardt 920-296-0665 | nanapoppyr77@yahoo.com Dodge County Rep | Brad Lagerman 920-210-9591 cblagerman70@sbcglobal.net
Door County Director Steve Sohns 920-839-1247 | sohns2833@gmail.com
Door County Rep | Kevin Seiler 920-493-4620 | jackseiler1234@gmail.com
Douglas County Director | Matt Holter 715-296-1012 | mahcol1012@yahoo.com
Douglas County Rep | Dustin Androski 218-428-3015 | superiorite@gmail.com
Dunn County Director | Steve Baier 715-495-3269 | thebaiers@wwt.net
Dunn County Rep | Kevin Knospe 715-235-9685 | kdknosp@wwt.net
Eau Claire County Director | Ron Larson 715-828-6559 | txlindy@charter.net
Eau Claire County Rep | Max Henning 715-864-6389 | maxhenning4@gmail.com
Florence County Director | Jim Petroff | 906-396-3782 jimpetroff4@gmail.com
Doug Johnson | 715-268-6025 djsnow@amerytel.net
Orv Langohr | 920-565-4277
Scott Makowski | 262-794-3061 cookymanbev@gmail.com
Dave Newman | 715-212-7914 | riprider56@gmail.com
Donna White | 920-348-5719 snodirdj@gmail.com
Florence County Rep | Jerry Heidtke 920-946-7019 | jrheidtke3@gmail.com
Fond Du Lac County Director Ben Costello | 920-251-4690 | 3020costello@live.com
Fond Du Lac County Rep | Tom Hinchliffe 414-322-8483 | hinchdundee@gmail.com
Forest County Director | Calvin Schmidt 414-791-9760 | calschmidt23@gmail.com
Forest County Rep | Robert Erdman 715-484-2277 | ezdock@dwave.net
Grant County Director | Theresa Braudt 608-988-6590 | theresabraudt@yahoo.com
Grant County Rep | Patrick Neff 608-739-3211 | neff0315@gmail.com
Green County Director | Darren Roth 608-214-9760 | roth9400@gmail.com
Green County Rep | Mark Stephens 608-844-0018 | mks601@msn.com
Green Lake County Director Michelle Gates | 920-229-5180 mmgates@charter.net
Green Lake County Rep | Tim Beier 920-858-0473 | proplowing@gmail.com
Iowa County Director | Jerry Buol 608-575-4319 | fatboyten@yahoo.com
Iowa County Rep | Scott Carlson 608-425-0063 l acemechanic@mhtc.net
Iron County Director | Larry Erickson 715-561-4834 | lderickson46@gmail.com
Iron County Rep | Joe Olson 715-561-3313 | joeolson@chartermi.net
Jackson County Director | Joe Kniseley 715-896-4695 | joeteresalkniseley@gmail.com
Jackson County Rep | Kris Ward 715-225-8930 | wards2530@gmail.com
Jefferson County Director Sherman Lawson | 920-648-2531 bigsherm@charter.net
Jefferson County Rep | Ethan Degner 920-723-2259 | degner24@gmail.com
Juneau County Director | Mike Hack 715-886-5999 | mwhack@wctc.net
Kenosha County Director | Sean Moore 262-496-4984 | moore.68@outlook.com
Kenosha County Rep | Jeff Gronli 262-721-7332 | jeffgro2003@yahoo.com
Kewaunee County Director Jay Thompson | 920-676-2479 jaysthompson66@yahoo.com
Kewaunee County Rep | Josh Haen 920-819-2289 | jbhaen@yahoo.com
La Crosse County Director | Nancy Olson 608-780-2524(C) | olybsnow@charter.net
Lafayette County Director | Leon Wolfe 608-574-5253 | leonnwolfe81@gmail.com
Lafayette County Rep Brian Bredeson 608-482-5380 | brbredeson@gmail.com
Langlade County Director | Tim Grall 715-216-3910 | tlgrall@hotmail.com
Langlade County Rep | Steve Noskowiak 715-610-1459 | sjjmnosko87@gmail.com
Lincoln County Director | Gary Hilgendorf 715-453-2629 | revitup2@frontier.com
Marinette County Director | Jeff Schwaller 715-927-5160 | jschwaller50@gmail.com
Marinette County Rep | Patti Mullarky 715-324-6020 | vintagepats@yahoo.com
Marquette County Director Mathew Buchholz | 608-354-8708 | marqawscdirrep@gmail.com
Marquette County Rep | James Johnson 608-296-2085 | kmjohnson@marqs.net
Milwaukee County Director | Jim Marks 414-810-9526(C) | ja_marks@tds.net
Milwaukee County Rep | Darin Prihoda Monroe County Director | Jason Guthrie 608-372-7019 | arlog8891@hotmail.com
Monroe County Rep | Thomas Popp 608-372-9050 | uniquedesigns@centurytel.net
Oconto County Director Deb Uhlenbrauck | 920-373-8578 uhlenbrauck@centurylink.net
Oconto County Rep | Gary Wagner 920-960-6823 | garywagner577@gmail.com
Oneida County Director Steve (Fuzzy) Moran | 715-367-0676 swamph2ofuzzy@gmail.com
Oneida County Rep | Scott Swendson 414-550-8961 | scott@swendsonmotorsports.com
Outagamie County Director | Gary Timm 920-841-6177 | gbcaetmm@gmail.com
Outagamie County Rep | David Gaskill 920-309-0140 | dgaskillsnow@gmail.com
Ozaukee County Director | Wally Thill 262-692-9165 | wallyth57@gmail.com
Pepin County Director | Ryan Bauer 715-495-6246 | bauer0720@gmail.com
Pepin County Rep | CJ Spindler 715-563-4982 | cj.spindler@outlook.com
Pierce County Director | Roger Spindler 715-495-8836 | jrsping@bevcomm.net
Pierce County Rep | Scott Evans 715-222-3224 | scott.hugh.evans@gmail.com
Polk County Director | Dan Carlson 715-566-0177 | dkcarlson.949@gmail.com
Polk County Rep | Doug Johnson 715-268-6025 | djsnow@amerytel.net
Portage County Director | Brian Swan 715-824-2585 | mrsleddin@gmail.com
Portage County Rep John Spreda 715-347-4072 | johnspreda@tds.net
Price County Director | Jim Walcisak 715-905-0100 | jawalcis@gmail.com
Price County Rep | Deric Bilgrien 715-820-3662 | globalderic@hotmail.com
Racine County Director | Mike Pauers 262-822-7277 | mpauersrtb@yahoo.com
Racine County Rep | Jim Lone 262-332-1536 | jameslone19@yahoo.com
Richland County Director | Kerry Severson 608-604-5911 | kseverson99@gmail.com
Sauk County Director | Tim Lins 608-574-5930| tlins79@gmail.com
Sauk County Rep | Ted Walmer 608-576-2223 | walmer1997@gmail.com
Sawyer County Director | Cathy LaReau 715-558-8966 | cathy@sawyercountytrails.com
Sawyer County Rep | Don Mrotek 715-634-8458 | don.mrotek@gmail.com
Shawano County Director Carol Grunewald | 715-754-5144 carol_g_1979@frontiernet.net
Shawano County Rep Katie Ann Grunewald | 715-754-5144 ktang_16@yahoo.com
Sheboygan County Director | Mike Holden 920-980-2321 | holdenmach@outlook.com
Sheboygan County Rep | Larry Rietbrock 920-645-5771 | larryrietbrock@tds.net
St. Croix County Director Michael Fletcher | 715-386-9016 mfletch9016@gmail.com
St. Croix County Rep | Rob Hackworthy 715-977-2173 | hackworo@gmail.com
Taylor County Director | Bob Meyer 715-437-0581 | bobstarla@gmail.com
Taylor County Rep | Nick Meyer 715-965-3682 l westborosnodusters@gmail.com
Trempealeau County Director Norbie Ziegler | 608-865-0362 ziegler.n14@gmail.com
Trempealeau County Rep | Paula Ziegler 608-865-0645 | pjziegler24@gmail.com
Vernon County Director | Lee Johnson 608-632-1328 | lcjohnson@mwt.net
Vilas County Director | Fred Suchy 815-263-3734 | fredsuchy6r@gmail.com
Vilas County Rep | Walworth County Director | John Stohr 262-945-0202 | johnstohr5@gmail.com
Walworth County Rep | Chuck Gamache 847-217-9482 | cwgamache@gmail.com
Washburn County Director Gwen Welter 715-635-2614 | gwenga@hotmail.com
Washburn County Rep | Judy Ringlien 715-520-3121 | sjringlien6040@gmail.com
Washington County Director Dean Wandel | 414-322-0872 dwandel1@wi.rr.com
Washington County Rep | Jerry Zier 262-628-2282 | jerryzier50@gmail.com
Waukesha County Director | Karen Jeras | 262-617-1137 | sledbugs@hotmail.com
Lincoln County Rep | Mark Swope 715-536-3711 |swamper@frontier.com
Manitowoc County Director | Brian Woelfel 920-286-2709 | kbwoelfel@tm.net
Manitowoc County Rep | Kris Woelfel 920-286-2709 | kbwoelfel@tm.net
Marathon County Director Wayde Kreager | 715-573-7282(C) wayde@kreagerinsurance.com
Marathon County Rep | AJ Kreager 715-581-8610 | misssnowflake2122@gmail.com
Adams | Brooklyn Wolfe
Brown | Aubrey Allen
Buffalo | Christian Langhorst
Chippewa | Macy Lagesse
Columbia | Parker Grams
Dane | Tanner Clark
Dodge | Lindsey Unger
Fond du Lac | Olivia Mueller
Jackson | Anessa Olson
Jefferson | Jena Lenz
Jefferson | Jenna Degner
Richland County Rep | Eric Siemandel 608-604-1031 | mtnmaxman600@gmail.com
Rock County Director | Rodney Burzinski 608-207-0065 rodney.burzinski@abcsupply.com
Rock County Rep | Erica Voelker 608-447-1621 | erkeehn@gmail.com
Rusk County Director | Jason Frye 715-595-3047 | jaythepyro@yahoo.com
Rusk County Rep | Terry Merget 715-567-0411 | merget.terry@gmail.com
Kenosha | Samantha Goldman
Kewaunee | Maggie Pravecheck
Monroe | Sara Guthrie
Oconto | Mya Magnin
Oneida | Julia Gray
Portage | Abby Bey
Portage | Lauren Loesl
Portage | Autumn Polum
Price | Lance Walcisak
Racine | Matthew Smith
Racine | Zachary Vogt
Trempealeau | Lucas Williams
Waukesha County Rep | Andy Slaby 262-424-5917 | andy.slaby@gmail.com
Waupaca County Director | Ronald Fietzer 920-982-2760
Waupaca County Rep | David Sarna 920-470-1429 | sarnadave@gmail.com
Waushara County Director | Stuart McIntyre | 715-258-9316 stuandjoanie@yahoo.com
Waushara County Rep | David Barker 715-335-6561 | wildqwlt@uniontel.net
Winnebago County Director | Mike Giese 920-450-5865 | wabmko@gmail.com
Winnebago County Rep | Paul Kuehnl 920-915-6527 l turfworkspro@yahoo.com
Wood County Director | Mike Herzberg 715-498-3274 | irideall@yahoo.com
Wood County Rep | Margie Straka 715-305-5040 | mmjajm2@gmail.com
Waukesha | Aubrey Dill
Brown | Bryce Allen
Green Lake | Madisyn Gates-Roehl
Jackson | Jake Ward
Jefferson | Ethan Degner
Marathon |AJ Kreager