WSN Oct 24 Digital

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2024 scholarship winners over $12,000 was awarded to 15 students hay days recap celebrations, new sleds, and much more

attend awsc fall workshop! october 25-27, wisconsin dells

President Vice President Treasurer Secretary

Executive Director

Lori Heideman

Randy Murdock

Steve Clark

Sue Smedegard

Michael Holden

AWSC Office/Membership 800-232-4108

Wisconsin Snowmobile News

Rachyl Burzinski - Managing Editor

6595 Edenvale Blvd Ste 180, Eden Prairie, MN 55346 Phone: 608-728-0889 Email:

Advertising Sales

Diane Voight

Joel Mellenthin

Dwain Stadie

Rachyl Burzinski 715-957-0091 800-989-6776 847-683-0140 608-728-0889

Wisconsin Snowmobile News (USPS 683-170 ISSN 0745161X) is published seven times per year –September, October, November, December, January, February and March – by MSPN, 6595 Edenvale Blvd Ste 180, Eden Prairie, MN 55346. Periodical postage paid at Eden Prairie, MN, 55344 and additional entries.

Postmaster: Send address changes to Wisconsin Snowmobile News, c/o AWSC, 529 Trail Side Dr., Suite 200, DeForest, WI 53532.

Subscriptions: Subscriptions are available through membership to the Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs for $20 per year. Enclose payment and mail to: Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs, 529 Trail Side Dr., Suite 200, DeForest, WI 53532. For questions regarding your subscription, including a change of address or multiple copies being received, please contact the AWSC office directly at 800-232-4108.

6595 Edenvale Blvd Ste 180, Eden Prairie, MN 55346 952-473-7870






Art Director

Advertising Sales

Joel Mellenthin

Paula Jones

Rachyl Burzinski

Corey Friesen

Joel Mellenthin

Diane Voight

Dwain Stadie

Rachyl Burzinski

Photo Archives


CJ Ramstad

Pat Bourgeois, Dave Newman, Jason Guthrie, Lori Heideman

Contributions: Letters, manuscripts, stories, materials and photographs are welcome but cannot be returned unless sender provides a self-addressed stamped envelope. Wisconsin Snowmobile News and MSPN are not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, photos and drawings.Submission of articles and letters implies the right to edit and publish in all or part.

Notice: The views and opinions expressed by our contributors and advertisers are not necessarily those of the Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs or the Wisconsin Snowmobile News and MSPN staff.

Warning: Some of the photographs in this publication show action that may be potentially dangerous. We encourage safe operation of all snowmobile equipment and advise you not to attempt to duplicate any action that is seen on these pages. Let your experience and skills guide you.

Copyright © 2024 by MSPN. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part is prohibited without the written permission of the publisher.

Clubs across Wisconsin are starting to prep trails for the upcoming snowmobile season, like the White Thunder Riders Snowmobile Club pictured here. If you are able, be sure you are helping your local clubs out any way you can. The official countdown to winter has begun! This issue is filled with a lot of information, events, and so much more. Thank you for being an involved member and taking the time to read this publication. Have a safe and fun snowmobile season!


6 12 13 16

VOTE, VOTE, VOTE! - PRESIDENTS COMMUNIQUE AWSC President, Lori Heideman, talks about the importance of voting November 5, and to research/understand the candidates’ priorities before voting.

AWSC NEWS - 2024 SNOWMOBILE FRIENDLY COMMUNITIES Take a look at the 11 Snowmobile Friendly awards that were announced and presented at the AWSC Spring Convention.

GOVERNOR’S SNOWMOBILE REC COUNCIL MEETING The Governor’s Snowmobile Recreation Council held their annual funding meeting toward the end of August. Committee meetings were held on Monday, with the full Council meeting on Tuesday.

ISHOF NEWS Learn more about those who were inducted into the International Snowmobile Hall Of Fame this year. Congratulations to all!


11 Youth Perspective

12 AWSC News

28 Club News

30 Club Events Calendar

On the Web

Digital issues of this magazine can be viewed and downloaded for free at mspninc. com/publications/wisconsin-snowmobile-news.

Upcoming AWSC Events

2024 AWSC Fall Workshop, October 25-27, Wilderness Resort, Wisconsin Dells Information was sent to club officers in August – can be found on the AWSC website ( or call the office at 608-846-5530.

ATTENTION CLUBS! Deadline to Submit

The deadline for Club Flashback, Club News, Readers Ride Stories, photos and more submitted for the November 2024 issue is 9/24/24. Send all submissions to

MISS SNOWFLAKE APPLICATION – Can be found online at

Deadline: Thursday, October 3, 2024.

2024 AWSC RAFFLE TICKETS – Still Available – contact your Director / Rep / AWSC Office for more information.

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m b e r # (Please Note : Your AWSC member number is printed on your AWSC Membership Card, WSN mag azine addre s s label, the AWSC website or your club Membership Chair can give you your number ). N a m

(Should be the same as your AWSC m embership)


As September rolled in, I traveled to North Branch, MN for Hay Days, and as always, it was an unforgettable weekend! What always strikes me about Hay Days is the incredible sense of community it fosters, bringing together enthusiasts from across the U.S. and Canada, all united by their passion for snowmobiling and other motorsports. I had the opportunity to connect with a number of attendees and learn about upcoming events/products. Don’t miss out—check out the “Hay Days 2024” and “Race Scene” in this edition to discover more exciting Hay Days highlights from this year!

As you know, snow season is upon us! If you haven’t yet done so, be sure to reach out to your landowners, even if it’s just to express your gratitude. Keeping them informed about any trail changes, no matter how minor, is crucial. Without the generosity of landowners, our trail system wouldn’t exist. In return for permitting trails on their property, landowners expect responsible and safe snowmobiling. Let’s all show them the utmost respect, especially when the snow falls—ride right and stay between the orange blazers!

Remember to engage the youth and young adults in your club activities! As we gear up for a new season, snowmobile clubs statewide are getting ready by prepping trails and renewing memberships. Don’t miss the opportunity to involve them in trail or equipment maintenance, upcoming fundraisers, or even managing your club’s social media and website. You never know the valuable connections or skills they may bring. Help pave the way for them—youth are the future of our sport! Keep in mind, Kids and Adults on Sleds (KAOS) and Next Gen Riders are actively seeking new members. KAOS welcomes ages 14-21, while Next Gen Riders is for those aged 21-35. Help spread the word.

Don’t forget, if you have any exciting club news, nostalgic club flashbacks, vintage highlights, ride stories, photos, and more, I’d love to hear from you!

Hope to see you at the AWSC Fall Workshop in Wisconsin Dells. Have a great October!




There is an important date coming up for all Americans. That date is November 5. Yes, that’s right, election day. There are so many issues on the line here, please get out and vote. Please make sure that you know what your candidate’s priorities are. Know what they stand for and what they are about. I cannot tell you how important it is to do your research and understand where the candidates stand on all issues. By doing your research before the election on the candidates you are making informed choices.

It is very important to get out and vote. At workshops, conventions, and director’s meetings, you hear the executive board talk about making these choices. We do not tell you how to vote, nor do we endorse candidates. We do, however, encourage you to get to know who you are voting for and how they stand on issues. We would like to see those who are tourism and snowmobile-friendly elected.

The executive board talks about this because we have all seen first-hand how important it is to have supporters in legislators. Our sheer numbers in membership are huge when it comes to getting important legislation passed. These numbers are constituents all over the state. This year with all the redistricting, it is more important than ever to know who you are voting for.

What happens once these legislators are elected? It continues to be important to get to know your elected officials. Why? Because they make a difference in our bills and our legislation. They are the ones voting on whether or not our bills move forward. If we can call on someone in the district that our legislators know (especially a constituent) then we are better off right from the beginning.

We talk about inviting legislators to your events or your meetings. It makes sense to ask our legislators so that we can explain our program and get to know them better. This always helps when we need a bill passed or a legislator to sign on to a bill. We look for people who know their legislators because, with right around 41,000 family members, we are an impressive group to know and work with. When they already have background on our program, they are usually more willing to listen or sign on.

I encourage all to get out and vote and to do your research on all the candidates! Once the election is over, I encourage you to get to know these people. They are citizens just like the rest of us. They like to know the programs they are voting on, and it is our job to help educate them. Please get out and vote!

See you on the trails!

* Built to last! Road tested since 1993.

* Five year warranty.

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Our SnoCaps were originally developed to protect snowmobiles from the harsh chemicals on winter roads. They quickly spread into the rest of the off road vehicle industry and they are now used to protect everything from ATVs and UTVS to boats and airplanes. Get in touch with us today to get your order started!



Let me start with a little story, a little trip down memory lane if you will. I started going to the AWSC Fall Workshop in the 70s with my mom and dad, my siblings, and a few club members. Back then it was held in Oconomowoc at the Olympia Village… Several thousand people would show up. I remember attending many different workshops from Tucker maintenance to signage regulations, to how to do a Door County fish boil on the trail. People would decorate the doors to their rooms with things to represent their county or maybe a particular brand of snowmobile they liked. There were all kinds of hospitality rooms, the banquet/ dance and let’s not forget the big “Snow Show.” The Snow Show combined with the Workshop outgrew the facility it was held in. Long story short the Snow Show moved to Milwaukee and the Workshop moved to the Holidome in Stevens Point with a smaller version of the Snow Show. Flash forward to the mid-90s and early 2000s and I’m attending the AWSC Workshop as Monroe County Director with my three daughters. It became an annual event for us. If you were to ask them today about great childhood memories one of them would be the AWSC Workshop. They looked forward to getting to the hotel and finding Tom, Trish, Brian, and Cindy. They couldn’t wait for the next morning to get to go swimming, play games, and attend the Snow Show. Then the best part of all is getting to watch the Miss Snowflake Pageant! Also, who remembers late night pizza and cookies in the Holidome?

Back to the title of my article “Workshop = Great Family Time.” This year’s workshop will be held at the Wilderness in the Dells. What a great place to start your family tradition of attending the AWSC Fall Workshop! We keep the cost low so it’s affordable and fun for the whole family.

Oh, and those three little girls...yep, they still ride! Here’s a picture of them with their grandma on top of Two Top Mountain near West Yellowstone, Montana!


Optimal Traction + Excellent Flotation + Minimum Maintenance = Amazing Trails

Minimize your club’s costs while maximizing your productivity with Soucy Tracks and New Holland.

Additional Announcements & Reminders:

Miss Snowflake: The application can be found on the AWSC website / Application Deadline is Thursday, October 3, 2024 to the AWSC office.

he change of seasons is in the air! We can see it in the color of the leaves, pumpkin, and apple stands popping up along the country roads. I will be celebrating my 6th anniversary with AWSC in October! Our office staff is growing to meet the trail pass and membership work. We are in the process of staffing up! We have gone back to full-time Monday-Friday 8:00 am-4:00 pm. The memberships have been spreading through the summer as more and more clubs are renewing members early. We all look forward to the year to come. We believe that we will have a wonderful season filled with record snowfalls!

The Office has been busy working with club memberships and selling trail passes. I would like to remind the membership chairs that your club will not receive emails unless you have returned your club information form, just checking to send email will not work.

There is confusion among the members about their AWSC membership, this membership is paid through your club when you renew your yearly membership with them. You CANNOT renew your AWSC membership through our office, it needs to be done through your local club. You can check your AWSC membership on our website ( under Membership Inquiry. You will be able to see when your membership has been renewed.

We are busy working on the 2024 Fall Workshop Information is as follows:

Registration: Online registration is available on the AWSC website at: Or by printing the form on the website and using the mail. Registration is $45 with the Banquet $50. Early Bird registration closed on September 30. The hotel block also closed on September 24, 2024.

Hospitality Rooms: We will still have two hospitality rooms available. They will be released back to the hotel on October 5, as well. If your club is interested, please call the office ASAP to get signed up.

As always stay safe, stay healthy, and think SNOW!!!

Scholarship Applications will be posted on the website by November 1. They will be due back to AWSC on Friday, January 3, 2025.

Silent Auction: Remember to bring a silent auction item to the workshop from your club, county, or association. All silent auction proceeds will benefit the Scholarship Awards.

KAOS Annual Community Service Project: This year they will be holding a collection for school supplies and a backpack drive. Donations can be brought to the workshop to be dropped off or they can also be given to your Youth Rep/Advisor.

Snowmobile Friendly Applications will be available on the website in November. The deadline is in January.

AWSC Calendars: We will be distributing our calendars at the Fall Workshop.

Raffle Tickets: Directors/Reps please remember to return any sold or unsold raffle tickets to the Fall Workshop. We still have a few raffle tickets left to sell at the office. The 2024 Raffle Drawing will be at 10:30 am on Saturday, October 26, during the General Session meeting.



Happy fall to you all! October is here and that means we are gearing up for another AWSC Fall Workshop. Please be sure to visit, because there will be a lot of great learning opportunities for all ages! Fall workshop is also the time for our AWSC Miss Snowflake Pageant and the crowning of our next Miss Snowflake. As my reign comes to an end, I want to be sure to thank all of the clubs for inviting me to their events this year. Despite having snow, I still had so much fun with all of you. I think the number one comment I had from many was, “How is it to be Miss Snowflake without any snow this year?” There would always be some laughter, but my answer all year was the same. Being Miss Snowflake without snow was awesome and that’s because of all of you across our beautiful state. I can’t tell you how thankful my family and I are to have had such great hospitality at each of the events we attended. Everyone was so kind, welcoming, genuine, and ready to make the most of the event no matter what the weather was, or how many people were there, we always had fun. That’s the highlight of my year…it’s all of you. The club members, all of the Miss Snowflake program supporters, my family, the Chetek Snow Flyers and so many others. The people we have met, the

connections we’ve made and all the fun that was had are so special to me and I will forever treasure our moments together. Thank you for making my reign so special. I will never forget all of the fun and memories that have been made with my snowmobile family.

I hope to see you at The Wilderness in Wisconsin Dells for the AWSC Fall Workshop!


We have 304.2 miles of funded snowmobile trails and about 30 miles are unfunded. There are 89 sponsors on the trail map.

Eleven clubs are operating in the county. Ten of those clubs groom and receive payments through the county.

Six clubs are over 50 years old and they are Shantytown Snowmobile Club, Pok A Snoz Snowmobile and ATV Club, Junction City Sundowners Snowmobile Club, Polonia Sno-Bo’s Snowmobile Club, Kellner Knights Snowmobile Club, and Arnott Area Star Riders.

The purpose of the snowmobile clubs is for the encouragement, and betterment of snowmobiling, and to encourage safety and responsible activity therein. The trails would not be safe if it weren’t for the snowmobile clubs and the hardworking volunteers who put their time and effort into maintaining them. The clubs participate in many different parades to get their name out there. Pok A Snoz wanted to give back to the community and held the first annual car show for Make-A-Wish this year. Kellner Knights has a charity ride to give back to the community. Plover Spuds on Snow draws each year at their steak feed for all of the groomer operators in the county. Kellner Knights and Pok A Snoz have snowmobile safety classes to try to educate youth on the proper ways to ride and to make sure they don’t develop bad habits. Polonia Sno Bos and Pok A Snoz sponsor their local Kitty Cat Races. Kellner supports the Aqua Skiers State waterski show.

The Alliance of Portage County is also very fortunate since they have three youth reps and a full board. They have started fundraising to help the clubs out more with the work they would like to complete on their trails including the bridge inspections cost.

Thank you to everyone who comes out to our club’s events and helps support us!


The KAOS Camping Weekend was August 2-4, in Wausau WI. The Wisconsin Valley Sno Jets were generous enough to host us at their new club shed. We started the weekend by making homemade pizzas while playing yard games and enjoying a campfire. Saturday looked a little different for us this year as we began our day on-site and competed in a very hard-fought kickball game. We ended Saturday by attending the Wisconsin Valley Fair and watching the rodeo. Overall, the youth had a great time spending time together and with other members of the AWSC and snowmobiling community. KAOS would also like to give an extra thank you to The Wisconsin Valley Sno Jets, The Marathon County Alliance, Trailmates Snowmobile Club, Glandon Snow Barons Snowmobile Club, and DuWayne Kreager Insurance for their donations to fund the entire weekend!


The Snowmobile Friendly Community (SFC) Program was established by the AWSC to recognize and celebrate the volunteers that are the soul and backbone of organized snowmobiling and our statewide snowmobile trail system. The SFC Award is also an advocacy tool to further the mission of the AWSC: to promote safe and responsible snowmobiling. Snowmobile Friendly Communities build and maintain partnerships between many stakeholders.

Eleven Snowmobile Friendly awards were announced and presented at the Spring Convention. You can learn more about applying for the Snowmobile Friendly Community program at the Fall Workshop in Wisconsin Dells, or on the AWSC website: awsc. org/About-Us/Snowmobile-Friendly-Community

Burnett County - Snowmobile Friendly County Submitted by: Burnett County Snow Trail Association


Submitted by:

Manitowish Waters, WISnowmobile Friendly Town

Submitted by: Manitowish Waters Sno-Skeeters Snowmobile Club

WI - Snowmobile Friendly Town Submitted by: Minocqua Forest Riders Snowmobile Club

Texas / Maine, WI - Snowmobile Friendly Towns

Submitted by: WI Valley Sno Jets & Trailmates Snowmobile Club

County - Snowmobile Friendly County

Submitted by: Dodge County Association of Snowmobile Clubs

Quincy / Strongs Prairie, WISnowmobile Friendly Towns

Submitted by: Dellwood/Moundview Snowmobile Club

Cambria, WISnowmobile Friendly Town

Submitted by: The Moonlighters Snowmobile Club

Plum Lake, WI - Snowmobile Friendly Town

Submitted by: Barnstormers of Sayner Snowmobile Club

Park Falls, WI - Snowmobile Friendly City

Submitted by: SnoGypsies Snowmobile Club



The Governor’s Snowmobile Recreation Council (SRC) held their annual funding meeting on August 26 & 27. Committee meetings were held on Monday, with the full Council meeting on Tuesday. The SRC is a Governor-appointed fifteen-person board that makes recommendations to the DNR, the legislature, and the governor on all matters regarding snowmobiling, including how the state snowmobile program funds are spent. Revenue for the program comes from snowmobile registrations, trail passes (nonresident, club member, and non-club member), and some gas tax.

The Council was presented with some difficult decisions due to the lack of snow this past winter which resulted in a considerable decrease in revenue. The program financials the DNR provided showed trail pass revenue was down $1.5 million compared to previous years along with a slight drop in registration numbers. Due to the poor snow, there were no supplemental requests for the past winter. Yet, the amount of project requests was up from past years.

After covering the $6 million needed for the $300 per mile on 20,244 miles of funded trails, the Council began by recommending paying the $215,000 needed for the SNARS program and the groomer trackers. Next, the $250,000 that the Council committed at last year’s meeting was set aside for the snowmobile portion of the Sauk County Wisconsin River bridge project. That left less than $1.4 million available for new projects. Due to the lack of funds, it was decided that all grooming and non-grooming rates would remain the same for the next year.

After reviewing the cost increases and bridge rehab requests totaling over $3.5 million, the Council approved two cost increases and 20 of the bridge rehabs. This left approximately $20,000 in available funds. They then passed a motion to review additional requests at their February meeting when they would know if any additional funds may be available.

Discussion was held regarding a request for a mandatory trail relocation in Washburn County. While they had no funds to commit to the project, they did approve a letter to the legislature and the governor expressing their concerns over the DOT’s response to this issue.

The election of officers was held and after current Chair Dale Mayo announced he was stepping down; Bob Lang was elected as Chair and Sue Smedegard was elected as Vice Chair.

To view the documents from the meeting go to the SRC website: SRCAgendas.html



The AWSC would like to send a huge thank you to all the businesses, clubs, groups, and individuals who donated to create the 15 scholarships awarded at the 2024 Spring AWSC Convention. Congratulations to the following students!


Tanner is a member of the Oregon Sno-Blazers, Dane County and will be graduating from Oregon High School in June of 2024. Tanner plans to attend UW Platteville in the fall for Mechanical Engineering and Spanish. Tanner is the son of Steve and Lori Clark.


Gavin is a member of the Denmark Norseman Snowmobile Club, Brown County and will be graduating Denmark High School in June of 2024. Gavin plans to attend Michigan Tech in the fall for Mechanical Engineering. Gavin is the son of Curt and Cora Bradley.


Natalie is a member of the Hubbleton Riders Inc, Jefferson County and will be graduating from Lake Mills High School in June of 2024. Natalie plans to attend UW La Crosse in the fall for Radiation Therapy. Natalie is the daughter of Brian and Kristie Grulke.


Mason is a member of G-E-T Trailblazers, Trempealeau County and will be graduating from Trempealeau High School in May of 2024. Mason plans to attend Dakota County Technical College in the fall for the Electrical Line Worker Program. Mason is the son of Justin and Tracy Hale.


Jena is a member of the following snowmobile clubs. Twin River Riders, Fort Drift Skippers and the Jefferson Area Youth Snowmobilers, Jefferson County and will be graduating from Jefferson High School in June of 2024. Jena plans to attend UW River Falls. Jena is the daughter of Jason and Nicole Lenz.


Carissa is a member of the Frankford Freedom Riders, Marathon County and will be graduating from Stratford High School in May of 2024. Carissa plans to attend UW La Crosse in the fall for Political Science. Carissa is the daughter of Rob and Tina Weis.


Lundyn is a member of Lake Pepin Snow-Dusters, Pepin County and will be graduating from Pepin High School May of 2024. Lundyn plans to attend The University of St. Thomas (MN). Lundyn is the daughter of Travis and Shelly Carlson.


Sophia is a member of Southern Door Snow Travelers, Door County and will be graduating from Southern Door High School in May of 2024. Sophia plans to attend UW Stevens Point in the fall in Marketing. Sophia is the daughter of Jason and Kathryn Counard.


Amber is a member of Wheaton Knight Riders, Chippewa County and will be graduating from Eau Claire North High School in May of 2024. Amber plans to attend UW Wisconsin/Madison in the fall in Biochemistry. Amber is the daughter of Dave and Nicole Kornesczuk.


Michael is a member of Lake Country Riders, Burnett County and will be graduating from Hudson Senior High School in May of 2024. Michael plans to attend UW Wisconsin/Madison in the fall in Engineering. Michael is the son of Jim and Kelli Betz.


Caleb is a member of Twin River Riders Snowmobile Club, Jefferson County and will be graduating from Lakeside Lutheran High School in May of 2024. Caleb plans to attend Madison College in Business Management. Caleb is the son of Philip and Sandra Bittorf.


Stephanie is a member of Cambria Moonlighters, Columbia County and will be graduating from Columbus High School in June of 2024. Stephanie plans to attend Western Technical College in the fall in Nursing. Stephanie is the daughter of Bill and Denise Hoekstra.


Aubrey is a member of Arnott Area Star Riders, Portage County and will be graduating from Almond Bancroft High School in May of 2024. Aubrey plans to attend UW Whitewater in the fall in Elementary Education. Aubrey is the daughter of Matthew and Candace Richter.


Brooklyn is a member of the Rome-Sno Bandits, Adams County and will be graduating from Nekoosa High School in May 2024. Brooklyn plans to attend Mid-State Technical College in the fall in Nursing. Brooklyn is the daughter of Scott Wolfe.


Adam is a member of the Tomah I-Dividers, Monroe County and will be graduating from Tomah High School in May of 2024. Adam plans to attend UW Eau Claire in the fall in Biochemistry. Adam is the son of Greg and Toni Johnson.

No Trespassing Snowmobile Awareness Contest

The American Council of Snowmobile Associations announced the 2024- 2025 No Trespassing Snowmobile Awareness Contest. This contest will include snowmobilers of all ages, from the little ones to the experienced riders. It will generate conversation and awareness among snowmobilers across the U.S. on an issue that impacts snowmobile access. Too often volunteers are left scrambling trying to re-route snowmobilers because of trespass incursions by snowmobilers that do not understand the consequences of riding on trails/areas that are off limits to snowmobilers.

Creating awareness of the importance of riding where marked will assist the over 2,500 snowmobile clubs across the northern tier of the U.S. “Areas that are not marked for snowmobile use are often a safety issue, with rocks or downed trees, as well as protected because of crops,” says Karyn Robare, Committee Chairman with the American Council of Snowmobile Associations. “Volunteers find themselves spending valuable time with landowners or land managers that could be better spent creating new trails or maintaining the existing trail system of over 100,000 miles and thousands of acres of riding areas.”

The contest includes the following categories to promote rider responsibility, including the need to respect land owners and land managers that allow us the privilege of riding by not trespassing.

Snowmobilers up to the age of 6: Coloring Contest

Snowmobilers between the ages of 7 -12: Word Search

Snowmobilers between 13 – 17: Create a Meme

Snowmobilers over age 18: Create a Video no longer than 30 seconds

Entries for the contest can be made by emailing submissions to until January 15, 2025. For more information on contest details, visit

About ACSA: The American Council of Snowmobile Associations, a national organization uniting the snowmobile community was started in 1995. ACSA promotes snowmobiling as a safe, fun and environmentally friendly family sport enjoyed by over one million snowmobilers across the United States.











The International Snowmobile Hall of Fame located in Eagle River, Wisconsin, recently inducted its 2024 class of inductees. This prestigious honor is bestowed upon the incoming class of annual recipients in recognition of their achievements in the sport of snowmobiling. Here is a brief look at this year’s inductees.

Ross Antworth - Trail and Program Developer, New Brunswick

Snowmobiling since 1972, Ross began his dedication to the sport as a volunteer. He assisted his local snowmobile club, the Keswick River Trailblazers as their vice president and president. His involvement quickly gained momentum, going from the local to the provincial level. In October of 1996, he was elected to the New Brunswick Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (NBFSC) Board of Directors as the Zone 4 Director. In 1997, Ross was appointed by the NBFSC as their General Manager and held this position until retiring in 2021. One year before becoming GM of the Federation, their fiscal year revenues were less than $350,000. (To read more visit



- Volunteer/Club Organizer & Industry, Minnesota

Snowmobiling has been a part of Mike’s life since he was born. Growing up in the “Polaris family” created the opportunity for him to learn and experience the sport from its early beginnings into what it is today. His childhood memories of Polaris go back as far as 1967. It was this very early era of snowmobiling when his father, Allan Hetteen would bring him along to all the major snowmobile shows, give a very young boy the task of checking out the booths of other sled manufacturers, and report his findings to his father. By the early to mid-seventies, Mike worked many hours after school at his father’s Polaris Distributorship preparing parts to ship to dealers. (To read more visit

unbridled dedication to the sport of snowmobiling and their writing talent that lays claim to the success of Supertrax Media. In 1988, Mark and Kent Lester took advantage of an opportunity to combine their passion for snowmobiling with their skills as journalists, becoming co-founders of Supertax Magazine. First published in late 1989 and only in Canada, they quickly evolved to an international publication known as Supertax International Magazine by 1991. This rapid expansion was due mainly to the Lester brothers’ partnership with renowned writer, photographer, and publisher, the late CJ Ramstad. (To read more visit

Dave Newman - Volunteer and Club Organizer, Wisconsin

Mark and Kent Lester - Publishers and Journalists, Ontario

Mark and Kent Lester are avid snowmobilers who discovered their favorite winter passion in the late 1970s, riding the trails thousands of miles across North America in pursuit of that next remarkable story or iconic photograph. It is this

Dave has been involved in snowmobiling since he was 16 years old. Starting on the family farm riding his 1972 John Deere, he joined his local snowmobile club. Little did he know just how much his involvement would turn out to be not only on a hometown level but also on county, state, national, and even internationally. Still very young, he was club president for many years, then moving on to the county level he became the Clark County Director for the Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs (AWSC). He was elected Executive Director which eventually took him to AWSC Vice President. Four years after that Dave became President of the AWSC, a position he held for nine consecutive terms, 2014 to 2023. He was the longest-running president in AWSC history. (To read more visit

Brenda Welsh - Volunteer and Club Organizer, Ontario

Brenda Welsh was the quintessential snowmobiling volunteer at the local, regional, provincial, and national levels. She was truly a representative of the many whose past and present volunteer contributions keep organized snowmobiling alive and well in Canada. As a 34-year snowmobiling volunteer from Huntsville, Ontario, Brenda made history in 2010 when she took office as the first female president of the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC). In 2012, Brenda was honored by the Government of Canada as a recipient of a Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for two decades of volunteering for organized snowmobiling in Canada. (To read more visit

Other ISHOF Special Award Recipients for 2024:

International Snowmobile Club of the Year

Chute Pond Snowmobile Club Mountain, WI

The Chute Pond Snowmobile Club is based out of the small town of Mountain in Oconto County. They maintain 120 miles of snowmobile trails on public and private land. This is done by a team of 12 groomer operators utilizing four grooming rigs all backed by a 235-member roster, many of whom collectivity contribute hundreds of hours working on their trails. This club is always visible promoting themselves and more importantly promoting the sport. This is done year-round, encouraging new members to “Join a Club” by participating in several parades during the summer months, Halloween events in the Fall, helping children wrap gifts as part of Santa’s workshop and working concessions stands at school sporting events. (To read more visit

International Snowmobile Dealer of the Year

Rocky Mountain Powersports Rock Springs, WY

International Snowmobile Groomer of the Year

Harris Cox Whitehorse, Yukon Harris started grooming crosscountry ski trails in 1958 and then snowmobile trails in 1975 towing old bed springs. He joined the Klondike Snowmobile Association (KSA) in 1998. He has been a Director for KSA the entire time and is currently their Vice President. His primary role has always been about grooming the trails. He grooms about 20 hours per week every season which generally lasts five months. All his work is voluntary and unpaid. As the main groomer operator, Harris is the one who coordinates all grooming with landowners and other trail user groups. He works with trail sponsors to secure fuel donations and any other support he can solicit for the grooming program. (To read more visit

Edgar Hetteen Memorial Award of Merit

John Dee Jacobsville, MI

The owner of Rocky Mountain Powersports, Pete Leibee has been instrumental in supporting the sport of snowmobiling in conjunction with local clubs and clubs across the state for over 20 years. His dealership has been known to donate raffle items that span from hats to snowmobiles and side-by-sides. Rocky Mountain Powersports has been credited with achieving fundraising goals in and outside the snowmobile industry such as hospitals, animal shelters, and scholarships. Pete was a visionary with trail-side safety shelters. His participation was essential when it came to the construction and maintenance of two of the most widely used permanent shelters in the state’s trail system for a variety of users all year long. (To read more visit

John started his website, in the mid 1990’s to share his profession as a meteorologist and his passion for snowmobiling. He brought those two things together along with a complement of his real-life firsthand experiences. John never claimed that his forecasts were flawless, was always very humble, and tried to only communicate what he thought would happen based on the current weather models. The forum portion of his website allowed him to share and allowed viewers to share as well, creating what would become known as the John Dee Family, a group of snowmobile enthusiasts and winter lovers in general. (To read more visit



The Sno-Barons would like to send a huge thank you to all the sponsors, vendors, dealers, swappers, volunteers and everyone who attended Hay Days 2024! You all made The Official Start of Winter another successful and unforgettable event! Please know that we are already hard at work planning Hay Days 2025 and we can’t wait to see you again next year!

Here’s wishing everyone an incredible winter filled with abundant power, smooth trails and 100 percent safe miles! Think Snow!

Velocity Race Management put on some great grass drag races! There were many racers from all over the U.S. and Canada in attendance ready to compete on the world-class grass drag track. Another World Record was broken, Dominick Ernst, on Eagle-1 went 164.95 mph in 500ft!

Hay Days is always an event to remember and never disappoints. With crowds filling the aisles, it was a great official start to winter! If you weren’t able to attend this event this year, here is just a taste of what you missed.

The Expo area was another place that would draw in big crowds. There were many freestyle shows happening, as well as many races throughout both days.

Hay Days swap was packed with many deals. You never know what you may find when walking through the swap meet!
Pro Watercross Racers, David Fisher, Dayton Moyle and Andrew Strom did a Watercross Expo both days. They brought some excitement turning the mud pits into Watercross race lanes.

Yamaha had 2025 Final Edition sleds on display and the last Final Edition SRX. They announced you will have a chance to bid on “988 of 988” and own the final sled. Stay tuned on their socials for details on how to sign up!

The Yamaha booth even had a few of racing legends, Pat Hauck, snowmobiles on display. Pat was in the booth for autographs and a Q&A with Yamaha.

A few Next Gen Riders were spotted at the Track Inc. booth, as well as the AWSC booth with Treasurer, Steve Clark, and Secretary, Sue Smedegard.

Kawasaki had their jumbotron that caught a lot of people’s attention where you could have the chance to play a competitive hunting game.

AWSC Miss Snowflake, Brianna, was staying busy all weekend long! Brianna and AWSC President, Lori Heideman, even ran into the Hay Days Superman.



After showing and wowing sled heads with XLT throwback graphics adorning a 2025 9R Switchback Assault, the crew from Polaris completed their reveal of 70th anniversary special edition models with two more during Hay Days festivities. The sleds include the 2025 Patriot 9R RMK Khaos 155 70th Anniversary Edition and the 2025 Patriot 9R INDY XCR 136 70th Anniversary Edition. Combined, all three models pay tribute to iconic Polaris snowmobiles of the 1990s, featuring signature colors and nostalgic styling.

The RMK Khaos 70th Anniversary Edition pays tribute to the 1998 Rock Mountain King 700, a sled that helped to introduce the very first domestic twin to the Polaris line while helping to reestablish the RMK’s dominance in the west. Joining the Khaos is the Indy XCR 70th Anniversary Edition which honors the legendary 1997 440 race sled, affectionately known amongst race fans and collectors as the “Red Rocket.”

“We set out to craft truly special Anniversary Editions by drawing on our 70 years of innovation and snowmobile history. The iconic sleds from the ‘90s stood out as top choices as each represents a milestone in our history that has helped shape who we are today,” said Jenny Nack, Polaris Snow Vice President and General Manager.

All three models will be available in limited quantities on a firstcome, first-served basis. Orders can be placed on Snowmobiles70th starting at 12:00pm CST on September 7, through September 28, or while snowmobiles last.

Assault is

with the world’s most powerful OEM 2-stroke turbo, the Patriot

650 or 850 Patriot

Knowing that it takes more than just an engine to build the ultimate crossover, it features the IGX 146 rear suspension with its proven on and off-trail handling. Ride in an area that’s on trail only? No problem. The Switchback has the trail manners of an INDY. Ride where you can get off trail? Perfect. The Switchback is built by the same

A+ Power Sports & Trailer Sales Elkhorn - 262-723-8822

Airtec Sports Menomonie - 715-232-8590

Airtec Sports Rice Lake - 715-234-8174

Airtec Sports Menomonie 715-232-8590

Ken’s Sports of Green Bay Suamico - 920-264-0858

Sportsman’s Service Center Three Lakes A+ Power Sports & Trailer Sales Elkhorn 262-723-8822

Airtec Sports Rice Lake

John Hartwig Motorsports, Inc. Watertown 920-699-3180

Mittelstaedt Sports & Marine, Inc. LaValle - 608-985-7118

Nextgen Powersports Chippewa Falls - 715-723-2237

Nextgen Powersports Clear Lake - 715-263-2244

Ken’s Sports of Green Bay Suamico 920-264-0858

River - 715-479-2200

Power Sports Hayward 715-462-3674

Race Scene



If you followed any of the various racing disciplines over the past few winters, you’ve likely seen a lot of yellow atop the podium. The crew from Valcourt has been on an impressive role as of late, thanks to a combination of a solid buggy, great riders, and perhaps most importantly, a commitment to continue to invest into racing and the Valcourt race department.

Evidence of this continued investment was unveiled at Hay Days this past September where Ski-Doo pulled the sheets off the last iteration of their MXZ-600RS E-TEC. With an incredible 70 percent win rate on the ISOC circuit in 2024, it seems only logical that the yellow and black racer returns with enhancements versus wholesale changes.

With performance being the number one priority for any racing vehicle, the MXZ-600RS gets new rear to center coupling in the rMotion RS rear suspension for optimal transfer and agility. In addition to the new coupling the rMotion RS also receives an eccentric limiter strap adjuster to allow for optimized adjustment and tuning. Improved engine and suspension calibration top things off for even higher levels of performance.

Taking a snowmobile right out of the crate and being able to race it competitively with as little work as possible is what defines easy for a racer. With the Rotax 600RS E-TEC power plant and its twin injector system, ease of use is already built in with optimal throttle response and maximum power in all conditions courtesy of the sophisticated engine management system — no need to tune the engine — ever.

The KYB Pro 46 shocks featuring adjustable high and low speed compression and rebound damping make fast, easy suspension adjustments to suit riders and tracks the norm. A couple more features to make it easy this year will be the addition of the holeshot device, and the reinforced snow-flap being installed right at the factory so racers or their crews can spend less time wrenching and more time on their riding skills.

While durability has been a hallmark of the MXZ-600RS, racers pushing the envelope find things mere mortals don’t — past improvements have addressed most items, but this year a more robust coil mount and improved frame cross brace will further strengthen the sled.

Skidoo held a press conference Saturday morning at Hay Days. They talked about the new MXZ-600RS E-TEC and held a Q&A. They were also joined by Blair Morgan (former pro racer) and Pro SnoCross Racer Elias Ishoel.

For those wanting to keep score this winter, the national snocross season opens December 13-14, in Ironwood, Michigan; and terrain racing will launch with the all-out speed often on display at the legendary Gerald Dyrdahl Memorial Pine Lake 200 race December 14-15.


Championship Snocross series brings together the best in snowmobile racing across iconic venues and introduces thrilling new challenges in the Pro racing format. Take a look at the cities they will be stopping in and all the exciting tracks. They will even be stopping in Eagle River, WI this year!


DECEMBER 13-14: Mt. Zion Ski Hill - Ironwood, MI


JANUARY 10-11: Canterbury Park - Shakopee, MN


JANUARY 24-25: Days of 76 - Deadwood, SD


FEBRUARY 7-9: Circuit Yvon Duhamel - Valcourt, QC


FEBRUARY 21-22: Seneca Allegany Resort & Casino - Salamanca, NY


MARCH 7-8: ERX Motor Park, Elk River MN


MARCH 14-15: World Championship Derby Complex - Eagle River, WI


APRIL 4-6: Spirit Mountain - Duluth, MN

November 15, 2024



Ski-Doo, iconic brand of BRP, introduced built-in GPS, embedded maps and embedded trails* for 2025 models equipped with the 10.25-inch display, on screen without the need for a cell phone connection. Now those same features are available to owners of 2023 and 2024 models equipped with the advanced 10.25-inch display by adding the accessory module available at local dealers everywhere.

Along with breadcrumb path, vehicle direction and a compass, trails can be updated via Wi-Fi (as federations and associations supply the information) and new unique features for the Vibe communication system are added.

Key Navigation Features Available Without a Phone Connection:

● View topographic maps and snowmobile trails (in supported regions)*

● See the rider’s position on the map

● Record current trips (breadcrumb) and manage previous ride breadcrumbs

● Use a compass for orientation

● Zoom in and out on the map

For 2023 and 2024 models, a software update is required to access these new features. This update can be performed via Wi-Fi or at a dealership.

*Available in supported regions

The FREE “BRP GO!” app has also been updated to enhance the riding experience. When connected to a phone via USB, the app offers additional navigation features such as route planning, turnby-turn directions, points of interest, and friend tracking. New improvements for the 2024-2025 snowmobile season include:

● Group creation and management for better group riding

● North up lock on map

● Access to previous ride breadcrumbs

● Off-trail itinerary management

● More intuitive trip recording

● Enhanced POI searching

● Display of distance and time traveled

BRP GO! app view on 10.25” Display with turn-by-turn navigation and friends tracking

Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs – Wesbsite: 529 Trail Side Dr., Suite 200, DeForest, WI 53532 Phone: 800-232-4108 or 608-846-5530 • Fax: 608-846-5534 • Email:

President - Lori Heideman • • 715-741-0488 • Vice President – Randy Murdock • • 608-343-0500

Secretary - Sue Smedegard • • 715-791-0082 • Treasurer – Steve Clark • 608-843-9546 •

Executive Director - Mike Holden • • 920-980-2321


Adams County Director | Warren Starner 262-255-5292 |

Adams County Rep | John Steinke 715-459-1361 |

Ashland County Director John Westfahl 920-740-5020 |

Barron County Director | Pete Schneider 715-234-6636 |

Barron County Rep | Markie Hansen 715-651-7207 |

Bayfield County Director | Matthew Susienka 757-581-7068 |

Bayfield County Rep | Tiffany Mallory 218-491-1071 |

Brown County Director | Ron Kucera 920-655-7034 |

Brown County Rep | Alan Mazna 920-819-5128/920-321-8551 |

Buffalo County Director | Rick Duellman 608-867-3419 |

Buffalo County Rep | Dave Green 715-495-9766 |

Burnett County Director | Jon Schoepke 715-349-7340 |

Burnett County Rep | Jim Smedegard 715-656-3855 |

Calumet County Director | Tim Gambsky 920-378-0104 |

Calumet County Rep Holly Gambsky 920-851-6002 |

Chippewa County Director Don Gunderson | 715-868-0006

Chippewa County Rep | Jean Rygiel 715-829-0503 |

Clark County Director | Dennis Johnson 715-644-2039 |

Clark County Rep | Paul Drescher 715-743-4752 |

Columbia County Director John (Jr) Brozek | 920-382-2620

Columbia County Rep Ron Benoy | 608-617-6003

Crawford County Director | Chris Olson 608-778-9767 |

Dane County Director | Sam Landes 608-849-7680 |

Dane County Rep Steve Clark 608-843-9546 |

Dodge County Director | Daniel Reinhardt 920-296-0665 | Dodge County Rep | Brad Lagerman 920-210-9591

Door County Director Steve Sohns 920-839-1247 |

Door County Rep | Kevin Seiler 920-493-4620 |

Douglas County Director | Matt Holter 715-296-1012 |

Douglas County Rep | Dustin Androski 218-428-3015 | Dunn County Director | Steve Baier 715-495-3269 | Dunn County Rep | Kevin Knospe 715-235-9685 |

Eau Claire County Director | Ron Larson 715-828-6559 |

Eau Claire County Rep | Max Henning 715-864-6389 |

Florence County Director | Jim Petroff | 906-396-3782


Doug Johnson | 715-268-6025

Orv Langohr | 920-565-4277

Scott Makowski | 262-794-3061

Dave Newman | 715-212-7914 |

Donna White | 920-348-5719

Florence County Rep | Jerry Heidtke 920-946-7019 |

Fond Du Lac County Director Ben Costello | 920-251-4690 |

Fond Du Lac County Rep | Tom Hinchliffe 414-322-8483 |

Forest County Director | Calvin Schmidt 414-791-9760 |

Forest County Rep | Robert Erdman 715-484-2277 |

Grant County Director | Theresa Braudt 608-988-6590 |

Grant County Rep | Patrick Neff 608-739-3211 |

Green County Director | Darren Roth 608-214-9760 |

Green County Rep | Mark Stephens 608-844-0018 |

Green Lake County Director Michelle Gates | 920-229-5180

Green Lake County Rep | Tim Beier 920-858-0473 |

Iowa County Director | Jerry Buol 608-575-4319 |

Iowa County Rep | Scott Carlson 608-425-0063 l

Iron County Director | Larry Erickson 715-561-4834 |

Iron County Rep | Joe Olson 715-561-3313 |

Jackson County Director | Joe Kniseley 715-896-4695 |

Jackson County Rep | Kris Ward 715-225-8930 |

Jefferson County Director Sherman Lawson | 920-648-2531

Jefferson County Rep | Ethan Degner 920-723-2259 |

Juneau County Director | Mike Hack 715-886-5999 |

Kenosha County Director | Sean Moore 262-496-4984 |

Kenosha County Rep | Jeff Gronli 262-721-7332 |

Kewaunee County Director Jay Thompson | 920-676-2479

Kewaunee County Rep | Josh Haen 920-819-2289 |

La Crosse County Director | Nancy Olson 608-780-2524(C) |

Lafayette County Director | Leon Wolfe 608-574-5253 |

Lafayette County Rep Brian Bredeson 608-482-5380 |

Langlade County Director | Tim Grall 715-216-3910 |

Langlade County Rep | Steve Noskowiak 715-610-1459 |

Lincoln County Director | Gary Hilgendorf 715-453-2629 |

Marinette County Director | Jeff Schwaller 715-927-5160 |

Marinette County Rep | Patti Mullarky 715-324-6020 |

Marquette County Director Mathew Buchholz | 608-354-8708 |

Marquette County Rep | James Johnson 608-296-2085 |

Milwaukee County Director | Jim Marks 414-810-9526(C) |

Milwaukee County Rep | Darin Prihoda Monroe County Director | Jason Guthrie 608-372-7019 |

Monroe County Rep | Thomas Popp 608-372-9050 |

Oconto County Director Deb Uhlenbrauck | 920-373-8578

Oconto County Rep | Gary Wagner 920-960-6823 |

Oneida County Director Steve (Fuzzy) Moran | 715-367-0676

Oneida County Rep | Scott Swendson 414-550-8961 |

Outagamie County Director | Gary Timm 920-841-6177 |

Outagamie County Rep | David Gaskill 920-309-0140 |

Ozaukee County Director | Wally Thill 262-692-9165 |

Pepin County Director | Ryan Bauer 715-495-6246 |

Pepin County Rep | CJ Spindler 715-563-4982 |

Pierce County Director | Roger Spindler 715-495-8836 |

Pierce County Rep | Scott Evans 715-222-3224 |

Polk County Director | Dan Carlson 715-566-0177 |

Polk County Rep | Doug Johnson 715-268-6025 |

Portage County Director | Brian Swan 715-824-2585 |

Portage County Rep John Spreda 715-347-4072 |

Price County Director | Jim Walcisak 715-905-0100 |

Price County Rep | Deric Bilgrien 715-820-3662 |

Racine County Director | Mike Pauers 262-822-7277 |

Racine County Rep | Jim Lone 262-332-1536 |

Richland County Director | Kerry Severson 608-604-5911 |

Sauk County Director | Tim Lins 608-546-2030 |

Sauk County Rep | Ted Walmer 608-576-2223 |

Sawyer County Director | Cathy LaReau 715-558-8966 |

Sawyer County Rep | Don Mrotek 715-634-8458 |

Shawano County Director Carol Grunewald | 715-754-5144

Shawano County Rep Katie Ann Grunewald | 715-754-5144

Sheboygan County Director | Mike Holden 920-980-2321 |

Sheboygan County Rep | Larry Rietbrock 920-645-5771 |

St. Croix County Director Michael Fletcher | 715-386-9016

St. Croix County Rep | Rob Hackworthy 715-977-2173 |

Taylor County Director | Bob Meyer 715-437-0581 |

Taylor County Rep | Nick Meyer 715-965-3682 l

Trempealeau County Director Norbie Ziegler | 608-865-0362

Trempealeau County Rep | Paula Ziegler 608-865-0645 |

Vernon County Director | Lee Johnson 608-632-1328 |

Vilas County Director | Fred Suchy 815-263-3734 |

Vilas County Rep | Walworth County Director | John Stohr 262-945-0202 |

Walworth County Rep | Chuck Gamache 847-217-9482 |

Washburn County Director Gwen Welter 715-635-2614 |

Washburn County Rep | Judy Ringlien 715-520-3121 |

Washington County Director Dean Wandel | 414-322-0872

Washington County Rep | Jerry Zier 262-628-2282 |

Waukesha County Director | Karen Jeras | 262-617-1137 |

Lincoln County Rep | Mark Swope 715-218-4581/715-536-3711

Manitowoc County Director | Brian Woelfel 920-286-2709 |

Manitowoc County Rep | Kris Woelfel 920-286-2709 |

Marathon County Director Wayde Kreager | 715-573-7282(C)

Marathon County Rep | AJ Kreager 715-581-8610 |


Adams | Brooklyn Wolfe

Brown | Aubrey Allen

Buffalo | Christian Langhorst

Chippewa | Macy Lagesse

Columbia | Parker Grams

Dane | Tanner Clark

Dodge | Lindsey Unger

Fond du Lac | Olivia Mueller

Jackson | Anessa Olson

Jefferson | Jena Lenz

Jefferson | Jenna Degner

Richland County Rep | Eric Siemandel 608-604-1031 |

Rock County Director | Rodney Burzinski 608-207-0065

Rock County Rep | Erica Voelker 608-447-1621 |

Rusk County Director | Jason Frye 715-595-3047 |

Rusk County Rep | Terry Merget 715-567-0411 |

Kenosha | Samantha Goldman

Kewaunee | Maggie Pravecheck

Monroe | Sara Guthrie

Oconto | Mya Magnin

Oneida | Julia Gray

Portage | Abby Bey

Portage | Lauren Loesl

Portage | Autumn Polum

Price | Lance Walcisak

Racine | Matthew Smith

Racine | Zachary Vogt

Trempealeau | Lucas Williams

Waukesha County Rep | Andy Slaby 262-424-5917 |

Waupaca County Director | Ronald Fietzer 920-982-2760

Waupaca County Rep | David Sarna 920-470-1429 |

Waushara County Director | Stuart McIntyre | 715-258-9316

Waushara County Rep | David Barker 715-335-6561 |

Winnebago County Director | Mike Giese 920-450-5865 |

Winnebago County Rep | Paul Kuehnl 920-915-6527 l

Wood County Director | Mike Herzberg 715-498-3274 |

Wood County Rep | Margie Straka 715-305-5040 |



Waukesha | Aubrey Dill


Brown | Bryce Allen

Green Lake | Madisyn Gates-Roehl

Jackson | Jake Ward

Jefferson | Ethan Degner

Marathon |AJ Kreager



OCTOBER 25-27, 2024


Friday – October 25, 2024

2:00 pm – 8:00 pm AWSC Registration Miss Snowflake Check In Vendors/AWSC Partners/Trail Maps

2:00 pm – 8:00 pm Scholarship Silent Auction DropOff

2:00 pm – 8:00 pm Hospitality Room(s)

Registration name tags are required for access to the hospitality room.

8:00 pm – Midnight Costume Dance with DJ

8:00 pm Youth Costume Contest

9:00 pm Adult Costume Contest

Registration name tags are required for access

10:00 pm—Midnight Hospitality Room(s)

Saturday – October 26, 2024

8:00 am – Noon AWSC Registration

8:00 am – 4:00pm Vendors/AWSC Partners/Trail Maps

8:00am – 2:00pm Scholarship Silent Auction Drop Off/ Open for Bidding

9:00 am Miss Snowflake Contestants Gather


Miss Snowflake Judging

9:00 am – 11:30 am General Session Meeting Call to Order Guest Speakers

Jillian Steffes, DNR Off Road

Motorized Recreational Grant Program Manager

Lt. Jacob Holsclaw, Conservation Warden / Off-Highway Vehicle Administrator

Cassie Mordini, Director Office of Outdoor Recreation

Nathan Matter, Groomer Tracking Systems

Officer Reports

Lori Heideman, President

Randy Murdock, Vice President

Steve Clark, Treasurer

Sue Smedegard, Secretary

Mike Holden, Executive Director

Recognition Of the Year Awards 2024

Presentation of Plaques for Past/ Retiring Directors & Reps 2024

10:30 am

2024 AWSC Annual Raffle Drawing during General Session

Further Workshop Briefs and Updates (If time permits)

11:30 am Adjourn

11:30 am—1:00 pm Lunch Break – on your own

1:00 pm - 2:15 pm

Pre-KAOS Workshop (Ages 5-11) 1:00 pm – 2:15 pm WORKSHOP BREAKOUT SESSION 1

Snowmobile Safety Instructor Recertification Fundraising Round Table

Snowmobile Friendly Communities Trail Signing Office-Club Membership

2:15 pm – 2:30 pm Break 2:30 pm – 3:45 pm WORKSHOP BREAKOUT SESSION 2

Fundraising Round Table

Snowmobile Friendly Communities Trail Signing

2:00 pm – 9:30 pm

Scholarship Silent Auction Bidding

Floor Auction will remain open for 30 minutes after the completion of the banquet


5:00 pm – 6:00 pm Social Hour

Floor (Cash bar, free soda/beerbanquet attendees only)

6:00 pm

Banquet – (Business Casual Attire) Presentation of Plaques for the Of the Year Award Winners Recognition Past/Retiring Directors 2023

Brianna Crotteau 2023-2024 Miss Snowflake Farewell Address “Miss Sparkle” Award

Crowning of “Miss Snowflake 20242025”

Sunday—October 27, 2024

8:30 am—until ? AWSC Directors Meeting Safe Travels Home!

1. Publication Title: Wisconsin Snowmobile News. 2. Publications Number: 0745-161X.

3. Filing Date: 9/11/24. 4. Issue Frequency: Monthly except April, May, June, July & Aug. 5. Number of Issues Published Annually: 7. 6. Annual Subscription Price: $20.00. 7. Complete Mailing Address of Known Office of Publication: MSPN, 6595 Edenvale Blvd Ste 180, Eden Prairie MN 55346-2506; Contact Person: Paula Jones; Telephone: 952/473-7870. 8. Complete Mailing Address of Headquarters or General Business Office of Publisher: MSPN, 6595 Edenvale Blvd Ste 180, Eden Prairie MN 55346-2506. 9. Full Names and Complete Mailing Addresses of Publisher, Editor, and Managing Editor: Publisher, Joel Mellenthin, 6595 Edenvale Blvd Ste 180, Eden Prairie MN 55346-2506; Editor, Rachyl Bursinki, 6595 Edenvale Blvd Ste 180, Eden Prairie, MN 55346-2506; Managing Editor, Rachyl Bursinski, 6595 Edenvale Blvd Ste 180, MN 55346-2506. 10. Owner: MSPN, Inc., 6595 Edenvale Blvd Ste 180, Eden Prairie MN 55346-2506; Joel Mellenthin, 6595 Edenvale Blvd Ste 180, Eden Prairie MN 55346-2506. 11. Known Bondholders, Mortgages, and Other Security Holders Owning or Holding 1 Percent or More of Total Amount of Bonds, Mortgages, or Other Securities: None. 12. Tax Status: N/A. 13. Publication Name: Wisconsin Snowmobile News. 14. Issue Date for Circulation Below: September 2024. 15. Extent and Nature of Circulation: Average No. Copies Each Issue During Preceding 12 Months: a. Total Number of Copies (Net press run): 42,150. b. Paid Circulation (1) Mailed

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“A wish begins with hope. Hope begins with you,” Christensen added, UNITED


The Lake Koshkonong Snowmobile Club was able to have a fundraiser and donate to a local organization in Rock County called Project 16:49.

The 16 hours and 49 minutes between school ending one day and beginning the next is a lonely, frightening, and dangerous time for our unaccompanied homeless youth – those who cannot live, or live safely, with a parent or legal guardian and do not have a fixed overnight residence. Most “couch surf” – staying with extended family or friends, often moving weekly or even daily. Others sleep in cars, abandoned buildings, and parks.

Project 16:49 is a local non-profit organization serving Rock County’s unaccompanied homeless youth ages 14-21. We believe every young person deserves an opportunity to succeed. To that end, Project 16:49 ensures access to the services and support these students need to remain in school, graduate, and become self-sufficient adults. For more information about Project 16:49 please visit https://

As the club made its donation, we were able to meet graduates of the program, some current members, and we hope that this donation can keep this organization moving forward with their mission.


On June 8, Pok A Snoz Snowmobile/ATV Club held the First Annual Fun Show (car, truck, bike, ATV/UTV) to benefit MakeA-Wish at Funny Farm Bar and Grill. Participants in the fun show were requested to pay a $10 entry fee that was donated back to Make A Wish. We had 61 vehicles entered. Funds were also raised with a 50/50 raffle, basket raffle, and silent auction.

Kim Christensen, a volunteer with Make-A-Wish, expressed gratitude for the donation during the club monthly meeting in August.

“The $5,056 you raised helps hundreds of kids feel stronger, more energetic, and more able to battle their illnesses,” Christensen told the group. “Your support is crucial in helping fulfill our mission to grant the wish of every eligible child.”

thanking Pok A Snoz and its supporters for their commitment to the Make-A-Wish mission. The club’s contribution will help bring joy and hope to children facing serious medical conditions.

Pok A Snoz is a family-centered group that provides a safe and enjoyable snowmobile/ATV and community service. The club maintains twenty-four miles of snowmobile trails in the Town of Hull and the Town of Dewey in Portage County.

Thank you to those who joined us at our Fun Show. We look forward to this event growing next year!


Although the majority of the motorized recreational trail system in the Birchwood area is located on public land, there are a number of smaller privately owned parcels that connect to public land and without the permission of the landowner the trail system as we know it would not even exist.

To acknowledge the support of these landowners in both Washburn and Sawyer counties the Birchwood Bobcat Riders Snowmobile and ATV Club voted to have 12 by 18 inch signs professionally produced and then installed by club members at both ends of the landowners property.

According to club President Steve Bethke, it makes sense to acknowledge these private landowners.

“Many people who use our trail are unaware of the need for local landowners to allow

us to use their land for our trail system. Our hope is that as more people know about these vital sections of our trail, they may realize that any misuse of the trail, such as going off the designated trail may result in the landowner opting out of allowing us to use their land,” said Bethke. “That could be a disaster as in many areas there are no other alternatives for a reroute,” he said.

This coming October the club will also host their annual prime rib dinner to which all the landowners on the trail system will be invited to attend.

The just over a mile segment of Corridor Trail 31 that crosses

land owned by the Crawford family is a vital link that connects the Tuscobia Trail to points north in Sawyer County, including Hayward.



5: Friendship, WI. Adams County Snowmobile Association ACSA Power Sports & Swap Meet & Vintage Show. Adams County Fairgrounds, 502 W Lake St, Friendship, 9am-4-pm. Powersports and Swap Meet and vintage show. Local Dealers and snowmobile clubs, anything powersports related. Info: Bryan Meyer / 414-6179467 /

12: Hayward, WI. Northwest Relic Riders Vintage Snowmobile Club 16th Annual Vintage and Antique Snowmobile Show & Swap Meet, Flat Creek Lodge, 10290 WI 27, Hayward, 9:00am-2:00pm Bring your vintage sled(s) and join the fun! Registration begins at 9:00am Judging begins at noon. Trophy presentation at 1:30pm. Info: Craig Bell / 715-634-8377 / / FB: Relic Riders Vintage Snowmobile Club.

19: Columbus, WI. Rio Doylestown Sledheads 2nd Annual Motorsports Show & Swap Meet, Gear Up, N3154 State Hwy 73, Columbus. 9am-3pm Bring your toys for show and sell your parts for dough. Snowmobiles, UTVs and ATVs of all makes, years and models welcome. Food will be available for purchase. Info: Adam / 920-382-7003 /

19: Maribel, WI. Denmark Norsemen Snowmobile Club Steak Fry, Maribel Community Center, 14905 Mulberry St, Maribel, 4-8pm. All You Can Eat Ribeye Steak Fry, includes potato salad, salad bar and dessert and more. Raffles and cash bar. Info: Alan Mazna / 920-819-5128 /

19: Phillips, WI. Elk River Pioneers Kick Off Event/50th Anniversary. Soo Lake Bar & Grill, W100300 CTH-W, Phillips, 10am-4pm. History, vintage snowmobile and groomer displays, Games including a scavenger hunt 11am-3pm, drive belt toss, face painting, bucket raffles and silent auctions. Demonstrations on changing drive belts and spark plugs. Membership table and current Price County trail maps available. Food available for purchase. Info: Arlyne Frane / / 715-332-5628.

Raffles, Chicken Dinner (11am-3pm), Club Membership Info, and Safety Course Info/Sign Up. 3rd Annual Snowmobile Show, Registration: 10am - 1pm, Awards at 3pm, $5 Per Sled, Max of $20. For more information, contact Bryce McNeely 608-547-3112 or G’Ann Boese 952-210-8520 / FB: New Lisbon Winter Wanderers Snowmobile Club.


9: Poynette, WI. Arlington Prairie Drifters 9th Annual Fall Fling, Whispering Pines, 101 Bethel Dr, Poynette, 6pm-10pm Food, Fun Raffles, Music by Extreme Sound. Tickets available from any club member or at the door. Info: Gregg Johnson / 608-635-7381 / jsi@


22: Conover, WI. Conover Sno-Buddies Annual Poker Run, Pit stops Along Conover Sno-Buddies Snowmobile Trails. Sno-Buddies start the Annual Poker Run. Poker Run 12/22/24 thru 3/1/25. Get your game card at a local area business. Ride the incredible trails and collect your stamps. Draw party will be on March 1, 2025, at Twin Lake Pub. Proceeds benefit the Conover Snowmobile trail system. Info: Randy Remblake / 715-337-5807 / conoversnobuddies@

26: New Lisbon, WI. New Lisbon Winter Wanderers Winter Wanderers Snowmobile Day & Vintage Show!

New Lisbon Community Center 110 Welch Prairie Rd., New Lisbon, WI. 10am - 3pm.


11: Conover, WI. Conover Sno-Buddies & Phelps Snowmobile Club Trailside Roast, Intersection of Trails 8 & 6 near Blong Rd, Vilas County Intersection #500. Conover Sno-Buddies and Phelps Snowmobile Club team up for a nostalgic trip down memory lane. Vintage snowmobile enthusiasts are invited to participate in group rides from each club’s groomer barn and arrive at the trailside roast featuring hot dogs, brats, s’mores, hot cocoa and more. Info: Randy Remblake / 715-337-5807 /

19: Adell, WI. Beechwood Night Fliers Annual Brat Fry, Town of Scott Community Center, 1360 Hwy 28, Adell, 10am-5pm. Brats, burgers, potato salad, homemade tortes. Lots of raffles ½ hog raffle. Buck raffles, walk around raffles. Info: Jenny Feider / 920948-2071 / / FB Beechwoodnightfliers.

26-29 Eagle River, WI. Women on Snow, Eagle Waters Resort, 3958 Eagle Waters Rd, Eagle, January 26-29, 2025. Weekend package includes condominium lodging, guided trail riding, fuel, lunch and dinners. Saturday night themed banquets are full of prizes and surprises. Registration open from October 15- December 15, 2024. Info: Jacki Hildebrandt / 815-351-8707 / womenonsnowwi1@


8: Pickerel, WI. Tombstone Pickerel Snow Club Chili Ride, Tombstone Pickerel Snowmobile Clubhouse, N9398 CTH DD, Pickerel, 3pm-6pm. Join us for a fun-filled day! Stop by the Tombstone Pickerel Snowmobile Clubhouse for food, drinks, basket raffles, meat raffles, and more! Come by snowmobile or vehicle. Info: Patti Vogt / 920-642-3777 /

15: Phillips, WI. Elk River Pioneers Picnic, Russo’s Hill on corridor 12 / trail 80 or by car on Carpenter Creek Rd, Signs will be posted. 10am-4pm, Food and beverages are available on site. Info: Arlyne Frane . 715-332-5628 /

15: Rib Lake, WI. Interwald Wanderers Snowmobile Club Taylor County Fun Day, Zondlos Bar, Hwy C & Hwy 102, Rib Lake, Noon4pm. Raffle tickets for cash prizes can be purchased ahead of time by any Taylor County Snowmobile Club member or on the day of the event. Join us for games, music, a variety of raffles and great food! Zondlos is on Taylor County Snowmobile Trail 102 and we will have a warm bonfire waiting for you!

22: Woodruff, WI. Minocqua Forest Riders Snowmobile Raffe, Lakeland Powersports, 8844 WI 47, Woodruff. Noon-6pm Raffle Drawing Begins at 5pm. There will be music, food and beverages starting at noon. Info: John Ryan / minocquaforestriders@gmail. com /

22: Tigerton, WI. Tiger Snowmobile Club 5th Annual Vintage Snowmobile Show, Tiger Snowmobile Club Shed, 601 W Alder St, Tigerton, 9am-3pm. Registration 9am, Trail ride 1pm, Winners 3pm (Vintage Clothing, Best of Show, Furthest Traveled). $3.00 per sled registration fee-free after 5 sleds. Info: Delbert Wudstrack / 920495-1043 / FB Tiger Snowmobile Club.

23: Phillips, WI. Elk River Pioneers Breakfast, South Fork Bar & Grill, N11154 Cty Rd F, Phillips 8am-Noon. Breakfast starts at 8am with Bucket Raffles to start at 9am. Info: Arlyne Frane / 715-332-5628 /


The AWSC is proud to announce our FIRST scholarship for military Veterans! Sponsored by Ken’s Sports in Kaukauna, WI, a $2,500 scholarship is available to any current/former military member OR THEIR SPOUSE pursuing higher-education at a Technical, Trade, Two, or Four year school. Ken’s Sports appreciates the sacrifices made by our military members and spouses. They are truly “American Heroes” who deserve our support as they try to improve and better their lives. The 2025 Ken’s Sports American Hero Award application can be found on our website under the Scholarship tab. Applications are due to the AWSC Office by Friday, January 3rd, 2025.

Other AWSC Scholarship Criteria and Application Forms can be found on the website.

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