The Official Publication of the Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs AWSC Executive Board
Dave Newman dnewman@ceas.coop
Lori Heideman racingator@wctc.net
Lauren Levey llevey17@gmail.com
Sue Smedegard suesmed@gmail.com
Michael Holden holdenmach@outlook.com
Kale Wainer - Managing Editor
6595 Edenvale Blvd Ste 180, Eden Prairie, MN 55346 Phone: 218-779-6972 Email: kale@mspninc.com
Diane Voight
Joel Mellethin
Dwain Stadie
diane@mspninc.com 800-989-6776
joel@mspninc.com 847-683-0140
Wisconsin Snowmobile News (USPS 683-170 ISSN 0745161X) is published seven times per year –
September, October, November, December, January, February and March – by MSPN, 6595 Edenvale Blvd Ste 180, Eden Prairie, MN 55346. Periodical postage paid at Eden Prairie, MN, 55344 and additional entries.
Postmaster: Send address changes to Wisconsin Snow mobile News, c/o AWSC, 529 Trail Side Dr., Suite 200, DeForest, WI 53532.
Subscriptions: Subscriptions are available through membership to the Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs for $20 per year. Enclose payment and mail to: Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs, 529 Trail Side Dr., Suite 200, DeForest, WI 53532. For questions regarding your subscription, including a change of address or multiple copies being received, please contact the AWSC office directly at 800-232-4108.
Edenvale Blvd Ste 180, Eden Prairie, MN 55346
/ 952-473-7870
952-473-7805 info@mspninc.com
Joel Mellenthin
Paula Jones
Kale Wainer Corey Friesen Joel Mellenthin Diane Voight Dwain Stadie
Ramstad Dwain Stadie, Diane Voight, Pat Bourgeois, Joel Mellenthin, Rachel Burzinski
Contributions: Letters, manuscripts, stories, materials and photographs are welcome but cannot be returned unless sender provides a self-addressed stamped envelope.
Wisconsin Snowmobile News and MSPN are not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, photos and drawings.Submission of articles and letters implies the right to edit and publish in all or part.
Notice: The views and opinions expressed by our contributors and advertisers are not necessarily those of the Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs or the Wisconsin Snowmobile News and MSPN staff.
Warning: Some of the photographs in this publication show action that may be potentially dangerous. We encourage safe operation of all snowmobile equipment and advise you not to attempt to duplicate any action that is seen on these pages. Let your experience and skills guide you.
Copyright © 2022 by MSPN. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part is prohibited without the written permission of the publisher.
The crowds at Hay Days in North Branch, MN proved the masses are ready to Kick-Off Winter. The heart of snowmobiling is pounding stronger than ever.
AWSC President, Dave Newman, reports on his firsthand experience joining the SAE Clean Snowmobile Challenge in Eagle River, WI.
This Readers Ride takes us through scenic Price County in the central heart of northern Wisconsin.
Arctic Cat stole the Hay Days show Saturday afternoon unveiling an all-new snowmobile platform. Check out these seven highlights.
Notes from the VP
Queen’s Corner
Digital issues of this magazine can be viewed and downloaded for free at mspninc.com/publications/wisconsin-snowmobile-news.
AWSC Fall Workshop: October 21-23 Central Wisconsin Convention Center, Rothschild, Wisconsin. Visit awsc.org for more updates
Submission deadline for the November issue of WSN is 10/4/22. Please send all Club News, Club Flashback, Readers Ride and Events to kale@mspninc.com or Wisconsin Snowmobile News, 6595 Edenvale Blvd Ste 180, Eden Prairie, MN 55346
VISIT AWSC.ORG OR CALL the AWSC at 800-232-4108 facebook.com/AWSC-Association-of-Wisconsin-Snowmobile-Clubs
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W S C / C l u b M e m b e r s w i t h W I R e g i s t e r e d S n o w m
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S e n d C h e c k t o : A W S C, 5 2 9 T r a i l S i d e D r . , S u i t e 2 0 0 D e F o r e s t, W I
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Please print clearly N o c a s h lp e a s e and N O R E F U N D S ! Pa ss is good July 1 , 20 2 2 June 30, 202 3 A v a i l a b l e t o o r d e r o n l i n e v i a A W S C w e b s i t e w i t h c r e d i t c a r d s ( M a s t e r C a r d, V I S A o r D i s c o v e r )
T r a i lp a s s e s a r e m a i l e d f r o m t h e S t a t e o f W I a n d c a n t a k e u p t o 2 8 d a y s f o r d e l i v e r y v i a U S m a i l o r d e r e a r ly ! !
T h e A W S C o f f i c e D O E S N O T h a v e t r a i lp a s s e s o n h a n d t o s e l l a l ly o u c a n d o i s o r d e r t h e m i n t h e o f f i c
Note : Your AWSC member number is printed on your AWSC Membership Card, WSN mag
W S C M e m b e r #
or your club Membership Chair).
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be the same as your AWSC m embership)
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As I write this, the days are getting shorter and cooler, meaning winter is just around the corner. As we all know this is also the time of year when clubs will soon be headed out to work to get the trails ready for another season. I know how many dedicated club members it takes to accomplish this task no matter where you are located in the state. But I especially want to commend those clubs in the southern half of the state for their commitment in spite of the fact they didn’t get much snow to enjoy last winter. If you haven’t helped in the past, now would be a good time to contact your club to see if they could use a helping hand.
With the November elections coming soon too, this is a good time to get to know the candidates running for federal and state office and if they are willing to support snowmobiling.
In late August I attended the SRC 2022 funding meeting. For a complete report on the meeting see page 13 of this issue. It was good to confirm that the Wisconsin snowmobile program is healthy and able to fund all the expenses the clubs are incurring when maintaining the snowmobile trail system. I feel the Council made some good recommendations at this meeting to help with the increase in expenses clubs will be seeing this winter. While there is a surplus of funds currently available, remember the program is operated on an honor system. Everyone needs to be responsible and not abuse the program when claiming reimbursement. Legitimate claims are expenses that are benefiting the trail. There are times where we see clubs abuse the program by just putting time in to make money for the club. Just because you can claim up to $300 per mile, doesn’t mean you have to. Again, it isn’t an issue if it is benefiting the trail. Remember any money that isn’t used stays in the program to benefit the trails the following year.
I want to recognize Marty Stone, DNR Off Highway Vehicle Administrator who is retiring on October 6. Marty has been great to work with over the last few years and we wish him the best in his retirement. He has announced his replacement to be, Jake Holsclaw. Jake comes to the job as a Recreation Officer from the Eau Claire area, and will be working out of the Eau Claire DNR office. We look forward to working with Jake and we have invited him to our Fall Workshop to introduce him to our membership.
Speaking of the Fall Workshop, we are planning on another informative yet fun weekend. We are scheduling several speakers for the Saturday morning session and what will hopefully be some interesting workshops. We will be drawing for the winning tickets for the AWSC raffle. If you haven’t bought your $100 raffle ticket yet, we still have some available. Talk to your county director or contact the office if you need a ticket. I hope to see you there. THINK SNOW!
is getting to be that time of year again. The days are getting shorter and the nights cooler. That means winter is on the way and another riding season is upon us. Many clubs are setting dates for their safety classes and landowner appreciation events.
If you were born after 1/1/85, you will need a safety class. If you are 16 years or older, you can go online and complete a safety course. If you are between the ages of 12 and 16, you must attend a safety class. You can find and register for classes on the DNR website, GO WILD. You will need to get a DNR customer number that will always be your DNR number before signing up for a class.
As a safety instructor, we try to encourage safe, responsible snowmobiling, a key point is to stay sober. If you really feel the need to drink, do it after you have parked the sleds. Ride within your abilities. Ride at a speed you are comfortable at, the rest of the group should slow down for you. Slow down! Stay on the trail, off-trail riding in Wisconsin is trespassing. Be familiar with your snowmobile, know how it handles and recognize if it doesn’t handle properly. And finally dress appropriately. Stay warm and be safe.
Take a second, take a deep breath and then think about how you need to proceed. Better decisions are made if you are not in a panic. Do you have some resources on your snowmobile that may help you? A survival kit or other items may be of use. Do you know basic first aid or CPR?
As an adult rider, we should be encouraging all young snowmobilers to ride safe and follow the safety guidelines. We should be teaching them how much fun riding can be when they become confident on a snowmobile. They should also be taught that trespassing ruins our sport. We have very gracious landowners who allow us to ride on their property and when we trespass we run the risk of losing all of our trails. When safe and responsible snowmobiling is taught at a young age we can only hope it is a reminder as they grow into adults.
To our landowners, I want to say Thank You. Thank you for allowing us to continue to use your property for a sport we love. To our safety Instructors, Thank You. Thank you for being mentors to our young riders and teaching them safe and responsible snowmobiling.
“In the event you ever have an accident, the best advice is not to panic.”
Our office staff is growing to meet the trail pass and membership work needs. We are in the process of replacing both Julia and Kasen who returned to school. Lauren has returned, and we will welcome Terry Hoernke and Pam Sidwell.
The Office has been busy working with club memberships and selling trail passes. I would like to remind the membership chairs, your club will not receive emails unless you have returned your club information form, just checking send email will not work.
I would also like to remind our AWSC membership you will not be able to purchase a discounted trail pass until you have renewed your club membership with your club. Currently we are sending back as many trail pass requests as we are processing!
There is confusion among the members about their AWSC membership. This membership is paid through your club when you renew your yearly membership with them. You CANNOT renew your AWSC membership through our office, it needs to be done through your local club. You can check your AWSC membership on our website (awsc.org) under Membership Inquiry. You will be able to see when your membership has been renewed.
We are busy working on the 2022 Fall Workshop. Information is as follows:
Registration: Online registration is available at: awsc.org. Or by printing the form on the website and using the mail. Registration is $25; with the Banquet $35. Early Bird registration and prepaid Banquet ends Sunday, October 10, 2022. After October 10, the registration goes to $35, you can register at the Workshop ($35), banquet tickets will be limited and sold on a first come first served basis.
The convention center is attached to the Holiday Inn - the Stoney Creek Hotel is across the street (small neighborhood street).
The Hospitality Rooms (there are four) are located at Stoney Creek Hotel.
Stoney Creek Hotel & Conference Center 1100 Imperial Ave, Rothschild, WI Reservations can be made by calling 715-355-6858/1-800-659-2220 and asking for the Wisconsin Snowmobile Block Room Rates both Friday and Saturday nights $89.00 plus tax Holiday Inn & Suites, 1000 Imperial Ave, Rothschild, WI Reservations can be made by calling 715-355-1111 or online at: https://www.ihg.com/holidayinn/hotels/us/en/rothscdhild/ wauwi/hoteldetail Room Block Code WSC Room Rates: Group Rate $125.00 plus tax
Hospitality Rooms: We will have four hospitality rooms. They will be sponsored by: Devils Creek Stump Jumpers, Mercer Area Sno Goers, Rib Knights and Rosholt Blizzard Busters. It is necessary that all attendees to the hospitality rooms be registered for the workshop, even if you are only there to work the workshop.
Miss Snowflake application can be found on the AWSC website / Application Deadline is Thursday, October 6, 2022 to the AWSC office.
Scholarship Applications can be found on the website and are due to the AWSC office by Thursday, January 6, 2023.
Silent Auction—please consider bringing a silent auction item to the workshop from your club, county or association. All silent auction proceeds will benefit the Scholarship Awards.
KAOS Annual Community Service Project—this year they will be
Central Wisconsin Convention Expo Center Rothschild, WI
October 21-23, 2022
2pm – 8pm AWSC Registration
2pm – 8pm Scholarship Silent Auction Drop-Off/Auction Open for Bidding
5pm Hospitality Rooms Open / Hospitality Rooms are to be closed from 8pm-10pm
8pm – MIDNIGHT Costume Dance w/DJ
8am – NOON AWSC Registration
8am – 9:30pm Scholarship Silent Auction Drop-Off/Open for Bidding/ Auction to close 30 minutes after conclusion of Banquet.
9:00am Miss Snowflake Contestants Gather/Judging
8:30am – 11:30am Guest Speakers – To Be Announced
Recognition of Past/Retiring Directors and 2022 Of the Year Award Winners
10:30am 2021-2022 AWSC Raffle Drawing
11:30am Lunch Break – on your own
1pm – 2:15pm Workshop Session 1
There will be four workshops, all four will be repeated twice.
holding a non-perishable food drive at workshop. Donations can be brought to the workshop to be dropped off or they can also be given to your Youth Rep/Advisor.
Snowmobile Friendly Applications will be available on the website in November. Deadline in January.
ACSA Calendars—We will be distributing calendars or taking names to mail out calendars at the workshop.
Raffle Tickets—directors/reps please remember to return any sold or unsold raffle tickets to the Fall Workshop. We still have a few raffle tickets left to sell at the office. The 2022 Raffle Drawing will be at 10:30am on Saturday, October 22, during the General Session.
As always stay safe, stay healthy and think SNOW!!!
1pm – 2:15pm Workshop Session 1 continued
Workshop 1: Snowmobile Friendly Community – Lori Heideman/Don Hamilton
Workshop 2 – Social Media – KAOS members
Workshop 3 – Club Promotion – Abby Hass/Drew Nussbaum
Workshop 4 – TBD
2:15 – 2:30pm Break
2:30 – 3:45pm Workshop Session 2
5pm – 6pm Pre-banquet cocktails - cash bar, free soda/beerbanquet attendees only
6pm Banquet – (Dress is Business Casual)
Recognition 2022 Retired Directors
Awards for 2022 Of the Year Winners
2021-2022 Miss Snowflake – AJ Kreager Farewell Address
Announcement of “Miss Sparkle”
Crowning of “Miss Snowflake 2022-2023”
8:30am – until ? AWSC Directors Meeting
Wow! This is my last column before a new Miss Snowflake will be crowned at the end of October! One year ago, I was filling out my application and now I’m preparing to give up my crown. I would like to thank everyone, and every club, who contributed to my year representing the AWSC as the 52nd Miss Snowflake.
This last year has been full of new experiences and I learned when talking about snowmobiling, it isn’t just active snowmobile riders we should address, but also everyone else. I spent time with the Wisconsin Christmas Tree Producers Association whose farm land we use for our trails. For the most part, they are non-snowmobilers who appreciate our sport.
One of the coolest experiences was attending Hay Days in Minnesota! I walked the grounds and met superstar Levi LaVallee, watercross champ, David Fischer, Kelly Reeves (02-03 Miss Snowflake) and visited two of my sponsors, Tyler’s Backcountry and DSG Outerwear.
It’s hard to imagine life not being Miss Snowflake. I’ve spent many weekends traveling the state to represent snowmobiling. I’ve missed racing super late model cars this summer, but I will cherish this once in a lifetime opportunity, which has taught me if your passion for snowmobiling is strong enough, it can lead you to new adventures in life you didn’t think were possible.
This year wouldn’t have been possible without the support from my parents, grandparents, friends, the entire snowmobile family, AWSC, and the board members for their continued support.
My sponsors were incredible too, Donahue Super Sports donated a Ski-Doo 600 Sport with a custom camo wrap from 1330 Wraps. I was dressed in style thanks to DSG Outerwear and my helmet and boots were donated by K&M from Hancock.
The enclosed Floe International Trailer wrapped by Unique Signs and Designs helped haul my sled to events, and this winter, I’ll ride the western mountains thanks to Tyler’s Backcountry Awareness.
The application for 2022-2023 Miss Snowflake is out now and if you know any young ladies ages 16-22 please encourage her to apply for this once in a lifetime opportunity.
I am 15 years old and have been involved in KAOS for one year. I have many hobbies including travel softball, volleyball, trapshooting, showing cows, farming and snowmobiling! As part of the Theresa Pioneer Snowmobile Club, I’m involved with their fish fries, celebrations, meetings, trail signage and groomer maintenance. When I heard about KAOS, I knew it would be a great opportunity for me to develop strong leadership skills and learn to communicate better with your local club and county.
My family has been involved in snowmobiling my whole life. We love it so much we travel to Yellowstone almost every year to ride in the mountains. My dad was a person I always looked up to as a kid.
I recently joined KAOS and attended my first event this past winter, which was the KAOS leadership ride in Lakewood, Wisconsin. I was asked to join KAOS through the AWSC Dodge County Representative, Dan Reinhardt. Without hesitation, I said yes.
I’m a member of the Theresa Pioneers Snowmobile Club where my great-grandfather was a charter member and my extended family are all active members. We like to ride in Dodge County and our family cabin in Marinette County has been host to a lot of our riding adventures.
I’m currently a junior at Mayville High School, enjoy hunting, hanging out with friends and am involved in the FFA program. I balance a part-time job at the True Value store in Mayville and am currently Snow Queen for the Dodge County Association of Snowmobile Clubs.
I really enjoy meeting other KAOS members and getting more involved at the state level. I would also like to see other youth get more involved. KAOS has really been a great experience for me so far and I can’t wait to see what the upcoming season has in store.
Hexco Motorsports was formerly Ecklund Motorsports, and is located in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Hexco is a leading dealer of OEM parts and accessories, apparel, ATVs, motorcycles, snowmobiles, side by sides and scooters. Whether you’re looking for the latest new products from Arctic Cat, Honda, Suzuki, Ski-Doo, Sea-Doo, Can-Am, Can-Am Spyder, Kayo, Rambo E-Bikes or today’s best clothing and accessories—they’ve got it.
Riders and customers from the Fox Valley look to Hexco Motorsports for aftermarket parts and accessories, apparel,
and repair and maintenance on all makes and models. If you live near the Fox Valley, stop by their store or browse their extensive online catalog.
The Governor’s Snowmobile Recreation Council (SRC) held their annual funding meeting on August 29 and 30. The committees met on Monday, with the full council meeting on Tuesday. DNR and Tourism reports were presented. There are currently 679 active GPS trackers in groomers. Some of the older units will be replaced with new units this fall at no cost to the club. 1,453.5 new miles of trail have been funded since 2015.
After reviewing the financial reports provided by the Department the Finance Committee determined the program is in good financial shape, but they would like to meet with the accountant before next year’s meeting to get a better explanation of the reports. After allowing for the $300 per mile to cover the maintenance on 19,937 miles of funded trails and $200,000 to cover the cost of the groomer trackers, there was still more than enough to fund the project requests. The committee still made a recommendation to hold back one million for possible emergencies. The eighteen counties who qualified for supplemental payments will be paid at 100 percent. The total this year came to over $2.2 million before the requests are audited. Any funds not used to cover this year’s expenses are carried over to be used in future years.
The Council approved several motions brought forward by the committees. One was to increase the rates for all grooming classes by $10. This will help cover the increased expenses clubs are experiencing for fuel and other items. They also approved updated rates for non-grooming and labor. Many of these rates were also increased with labor going to $9.00 per hour. Most of these rates are based on the annual DOT rates but are not necessarily the same. These new rates will be incorporated into SNARS for the upcoming season.
They passed a motion from the Finance Committee to increase the supplemental cap to five times the $300 per mile. This past year had four northern counties go over the current cap of $900 per mile. Raising the rates will result in more counties qualifying for supplemental
in state statutes and will take legislation to change it. The AWSC directors will be discussing this recommendation at our October meeting to determine what action should be taken.
Applications for bridge projects and trail rehab and relocation projects were reviewed and most were approved. 29.1 miles of new trail requests that were submitted due to the 40-foot rule change were approved for funding. The applications for 389 miles of additional new trails were not considered at this time and referred back to the Infrastructure Committee for review. Motions were passed to consider funding new trails going to lakes on a case by case basis and to not fund trails less than one mile in length at this time. All the documents for the meeting and rate sheets are available on the SRC website at: https://dnr.wisconsin.gov/aid/Meetings.html.
Every year, universities from across the upper United States and Canada register to compete in this event. The program provides participants with the opportunity to enhance their engineering design and project management skills by testing their designs to re-engineer an existing snowmobile to reduce emissions and noise. Participants’ modified snowmobiles compete in a variety of events including emissions, noise, fuel economy/endurance, acceleration, handling, static display, cold start and design. CSC is primarily an “engine” competition, however, the underlying theme has remained consistent to engineer a clean and quiet trail sled.
There are two categories in the Internal Combustion category in which teams can compete: gasoline or diesel. The intent of the competition is to develop a snowmobile acceptable for use in environmentally sensitive areas such as our National Parks or other pristine areas. The modified snowmobiles are also expected to be cost-effective and comfortable for the operator to drive. The intent of the competition is to design a touring snowmobile primarily to be ridden on groomed snowmobile trails.
I was fortunate to be able to attend the 2022 SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) Clean Snowmobile Challenge. The event was held March 1-3, in Eagle River at the World Championship Derby Headquarters for the first time after being held at the Michigan Technological University in Houghton, Michigan since 2003. The event started in 2000 in Jackson Hole, Wyoming with seven participating schools and has grown to as many as 22 teams
in 2019. 2022 had 16 participating schools from across the US and Canada with 18 different snowmobiles.
I participated in the 100 mile endurance ride where I joined several Sno Eagles club members in leading the contestants on a 100 mile trail ride to prove their reliability. We left the Derby Track with eight machines and all but one made the entire trip to Sand Lake and back. I was able to watch the teams participate in several other events and visit with some of the team members. I was very impressed with the quality of work done by the teams and how sophisticated their builds were.
The event wouldn’t be possible without the commitment by SAE to host it along with their many corporate sponsors, including Polaris and Arctic Cat. Many of these companies provided judges for the event along with many components needed in designing their rebuilds. It was interesting to learn some of the judges were former participants and are now working within the industry. A lot of the corporate sponsors are involved as a way to use this event as a recruitment tool to hire future engineers.
Teams included UW Madison and UW Platteville. Congratulations to UW Platteville for taking first place in the spark ignition class and third in compression ignition class. One of the 2021 AWSC scholarship winners, Kendra Dilg, was a member of the UW Platteville team. She was willing to write about her experience as a team member which is included on the next page.
This year’s event will again be held in Eagle River, WI on February 7-9, with registration limited to 18 teams.
1st Place University of Wisconsin - Platteville
Place Rochester Institute of Technology
Place University of Idaho
1st Place Clarkson University
Place North Dakota State University
Place University of Wisconsin - Platteville
At UWP we have two teams including Spark Ignition (SI) and Compression Ignition (CI). Our Spark Ignition snowmobile is a Yamaha Sidewinder with a Ford 1L EcoBoost engine. Our Compression Ignition snowmobile is a Yamaha VK540 with a Kubota D902 engine.
At Platteville, we had a very small team because of the two years of COVID, so even though we had two teams, we all worked together on both of our snowmobiles. This was my first year attending the clean snowmobile challenge as I was a freshman. I didn’t know what to expect but it was a very cool experience.
There were teams from all over the United States and Canada. When we first arrived and got unloaded some of the team members from Idaho came to
greet us. I later found out Idaho and Platteville teams have always had a close connection, and our sleds got inspected.
We had to change a few things before we could pass inspection, but they were minimal compared to some teams who had to make major changes. The cool part about the inspection was some of the inspectors are also snowmobile engineers for Polaris or Arctic Cat, and were also judges of the competition.
Throughout the competition, we could talk to the engineers and look for guidance. Some of the boys on our team even tried to get the factory engineers to share information about the sleds that would be coming out for next year, but they obviously couldn’t share that with them.
There were many different types of tests we competed in, one of my favorites was watching the handling test. The engineers rode our sleds through a course and had to decide which one handled the best. They rode those sleds hard, and I’m honestly surprised they didn’t break a single one, which is also a good thing.
If you are in Eagle River during the competition next year, I highly recommend stopping by because it is something you won’t see anywhere else. If you are interested in sponsoring the UW-Platteville team, please reach out to uwpcsc@gmail. com. Overall, the competition was a blast and I can’t wait to compete again this year.
t was introduced on the 1978 Spitfire, in other words, no chain case as we know it — the secondary (clutch) is attached directly to the end of the driveshaft.
The Spitfire began with a January 1976 conversation among a trio of snowbound John Deere engineers about how to reduce the cost of manufacturing snowmobiles. Ron Leonard, manager of engineering at the Horicon Works, asked project engineer, Tom Lohr, and powertrain engineer, Dick Teal, if the gearbox and jackshaft could be eliminated, and Teal determined this approach might work. The two had race driver and development specialist, Dale Cormican, build a quick prototype at his shop to test the concept – christened “Little John” it was deemed viable for commercial development.
Clutching was the major hurdle of the time for direct drive. The diameter of the driven clutch had to be increased, while the number of teeth on the drive axle sprockets were reduced to
provide adequate all-around performance. A new drive clutch, the 94C (Comet), was engineered for the project using pucks instead of ramps and rollers for simplicity and durability.
Phone: 800-232-4108
President - Dave Newman • dnewman@ceas.coop
Secretary - Sue Smedegard
Adams County Director | Gary Gevers 920-723-0721 | ggevers@gmail.com
Adams County Rep | Melissa Rhodes 715-459-8001(C) | 715-325-1827(H) romesnobanditssecretary@gmail.com
Ashland County Director John Westfahl 920-740-5020 / johnwestfahl@gmail.com
Ashland County Rep Jim Meisenheimer 618-567-6805 / meisy52@yahoo.com
Barron County Director | Pete Schneider 715-234-6636 | schneiderconst@gmail.com
Barron County Rep | Markie Hansen 715-651-7207 | markie_ann@yahoo.com
Bayfield County Director | Cris Liebhauser 262-246-4627 | namtrails@cheqnet.net
Bayfield County Rep | Laurie Lyons 715-580-0974 | lauriel1960@hotmail.com
Brown County Director | Ron Kucera 920-655-7034 | rsk2140@gmail.com
Brown County Rep | Alan Mazna 920-819-5128/920-321-8551
Buffalo County Director | Rick Duellman 608-867-3419 | plduellman@centuryte.net
Burnett County Director | Jon Schoepke 715-349-7340 | schoepke@sirentel.net
Burnett County Rep | Jim Smedegard 715-656-3855 | suesmed@gmail.com
Calumet County Director | Tim Gambsky 920-378-0104 | tgambsky@gmail.com
Calumet County Rep Holly Gambsky 920-851-6002 | hgambsky@yahoo.com
Chippewa County Director Don Gunderson | 715-868-0006
Chippewa County Rep | Jean Rygiel 715-829-0503 | greenie19446@gmail.com
Clark County Director | Dennis Johnson 715-644-2039 | 500ssskidoo@gmail.com
Clark County Rep | Paul Drescher 715-743-4752 | padrescher@tds.net
Columbia County Director John (Jr) Brozek | 920-382-2620
Crawford County Director | Chris Olson 608-778-9767 | olsonfeed@gmail.com
Dane County Director | Sam Landes 608-849-7680 | slandes58@gmail.com
Dane County Rep Steve Clark 608-843-9546 / clarkslc1@gmail.com
Dodge County Director | Daniel Reinhardt 920-296-0665 | nanapoppyr77@yahoo.com
Dodge County Rep | Brad Lagerman 920-210-9591
Door County Director Steve Sohns 920-839-1247 / sohns2833@gmil.com
Door County Rep | David Hemp 920-536-0248 | spud62w@yahoo.com
Douglas County Director | Bruce Bergsten 715-364-2741 | snow4us@centurytel.net
Douglas County Rep | Dustin Androski 218-428-3015 | superiorite@gmail.com
Dunn County Director | Steve Baier 715-495-3269 | thebaiers@wwt.net
Dunn County Rep | Kevin Knospe 715-235-9685 | kdknosp@wwt.net
Eau Claire County Director | Ron Larson 715-828-6559 | txlindy@charter.net
Eau Claire County Rep | Max Henning 715-864-6389 | maxhenning4@gmail.com
Florence County Director | Jim Le Fevre 715-528-5392 | legsj3@borderlandnet.net
Florence County Rep | Jerry Heidtke 920-946-7019 | jrheidtke3@gmail.com
Fond Du Lac County Director | Ray Sippel 920-533-4279 | joraysippel@gmail.com
Fax: 608-846-5534
Email: awsc@awsc.org
Vice President - Lori Heideman • racingator@wctc.net
Executive Director - Mike Holden
Website: www.awsc.org
Treasurer -Lauren Levey • llevey17@gmail.com
Fond Du Lac County Rep | Tom Hinchliffe 920-533-4279 | hinchdundee@gmail.com
Forest County Director | Calvin Schmidt 414-791-9760 | calschmidt23@gmail.com
Forest County Rep | Robert Erdman 715-484-2277 | ezdock@dwave.net
Grant County Director | Patrick Neff 608-739-3211 | neff0315@gmail.com
Grant County Rep | Theresa Braudt 608-988-6590 | theresabraudt@yahoo.com
Green County Director | Darren Roth 608-214-9760 | roth9400@gmail.com
Green County Rep | Mark Stephens 608-844-0018(C) | mks601@msn.com
Green Lake County Director Michelle Gates | 920-229-5180 mmgates@charter.net
Green Lake County Rep | Tim Beier 920-858-0473 | proplowing@gmail.com
Iowa County Director | Jerry Buol 608-575-4319 | fatboyten@yahoo.com
Iowa County Rep | Scott Carlson 608-425-0063 l acemechanic@mhtc.net
Iron County Director | Larry Erickson 715-561-4834 | lderickson46@gmail.com
Iron County Rep | Joe Olson 715-561-3313 | joeolson@chartermi.net
Jackson County Director | Joe Kniseley 715-896-4695 | jjoeteresalkniseley@gmail.com
Jackson County Rep | Kris Ward 715-225-8930 | wards2530@gmail.com
Jefferson County Director Sherman Lawson | 920-648-2531 bigsherm@charter.net
Jefferson County Rep | Roger Draeger 920-699-2209 | rdraeger@tds.net
Juneau County Director | Mike Hack 715-886-5999 | mwhack@wctc.net
Kenosha County Director Arlyn Baumgarten | 262-694-8242 abaumgarten@wi.rr.com
Kenosha County Rep | Sean Moore 262-496-4984 | moore.68@outlook.com
Kewaunee County Director Jay Thompson | 920-676-2479 jaysthompson66@yahoo.com
Kewaunee County Rep | Josh Haen 920-819-2289 | jbhaen@yahoo.com
La Crosse County Director | Nancy Olson 608-780-2524(C) | olybsnow@charter.net
Lafayette County Director | Leon Wolfe 608-574-5253 | leonnwolfe81@gmail.com
Lafayette County Rep Brian Bredeson 608-482-5380 /brbredeson@gmail.com
Langlade County Director | Tim Grall 920-841-6177 | tlgrall@hotmail.com
Langlade County Rep | Steve Noskowiak 715-610-1459 | sjjmnosko87@gmail.com
Lincoln County Director | Gary Hilgendorf 715-453-2629 | revitup2@frontier.com
Lincoln County Rep | William Schult 715-536-6458
Manitowoc County Director | Elroy Jaeger 920-980-4665(C) | ecjaeger127@gmail.com
Manitowoc County Rep | Brian Woelfel 920-286-2709 | kbwoelfel@tm.net
Marathon County Director Wayde Kreager | 715-573-7282(C) wayde@kreagerinsurance.com
Marathon County Rep | David Bedroske 715-206-0011 | davidbedroske@gmail.com
Marinette County Director | Jeff Schwaller 715-927-5160 | jschwaller50@gmail.com
Marinette County Rep | Patti Mullarky 715-324-6020 | vintagepats@yahoo.com
Doug Johnson | 715-268-6025 djsnow@amerytel.net
Orv Langohr | 920-565-4277 Scott Makowski | 262-794-3061 cookymanbev@gmail.com Bill Pfaff | 608-562-3858
Bob Staehler | 262-626-2329
Donna White | 920-348-5719 snodirdj@gmail.com
Mathew Buchholz | 608-354-8708 marqawscdirrep@gmail.com
Marquette County Rep | James Johnson 608-296-2085 | kmjohnson@marqs.net
Milwaukee County Director | Jim Marks 414-810-9526(C) | ja_marks@tds.net
Milwaukee County Rep | Darin Prihoda 414-425-8112
Monroe County Director | Jason Guthrie 608-372-7019 | arlog8891@hotmail.com
Monroe County Rep | Chelsie Engelson 608-343-0950 misssnowflake1314@gmail.com
Oconto County Director Deb Uhlenbrauck | 920-373-8578 uhlenbrauck@centurylink.net
Oconto County Rep | Gary Wagner 920-960-6823 | garywagner577@gmail.com
Oneida County Director Steve (Fuzzy) Moran | 715-367-0676 swamph2ofuzzy@gmail.com
Oneida County Rep | Scott Swendson 414-550-8961 | scott@swendsonmotorsports.com
Outagamie County Director | Gary Timm 920-841-6177 | gbcaetmm@gmail.com
Outagamie County Rep | David Gaskill 920-309-0140 | dgaskill@new.rr.com
Ozaukee County Director | Wally Thill 262-692-9165 | wthill1@wi.rr.com
Pepin County Director | Ryan Bauer 715-495-6246 | bauer0720@gmail.com
Pepin County Rep | Tim Milliren 715-285-5702 | tjmilliren@nelson-tel.net
Pierce County Director | Eric Lebakken 612-209-6424(C) eric.lebakken@gmail.com
Pierce County Rep | Roger Spindler 715-495-8836 | jrsping@bevcomm.net
Polk County Director | Dan Carlson 715-566-0177 | dkcarlson.949@gmail.com
Polk County Rep | Doug Johnson 715-268-6025 | djsnow@amerytel.net
Portage County Director | Brian Swan 715-824-2585 | mrsleddin@gmail.com
Portage County Rep John Spreda 715-347-4072 / johnspread@tds.net
Price County Director | Jim Walcisak 715-905-0100 | jawalcis@gmail.com
Price County Rep | Deric Bilgrien 715-820-3662 | globalderic@hotmail.com
Racine County Director | Greg Roscizewski 262-210-3095 | wldtrky101@wi.rr.com
Racine County Rep | Darren Slotty 414-238-3069 | prayforsnow@wi.rr.com
Richland County Director | Kerry Severson 608-604-5911 | kseverson99@gmail.com
Richland County Rep | Eric Siemandel 608-604-1031 mtnmaxman600@gmail.com
Rock County Director | Rodney Burzinski 608-207-0065 rodney.burzinski@abcsupply.com
Rock County Rep | Erica Voelker 608-447-1621 | erkeehn@gmail.com
Rusk County Director | Jason Frye 715-595-3047 | jaythepyro@yahoo.com
Rusk County Rep | Terry Merget 715-567-0411 | merget.terry@gmail.com
Sauk County Director | Tim Lins 608-546-2030 | timlins@bugnet.net
Sauk County Rep | Ted Walmer 608-576-2223 | walmer1997@gmail.com
Sawyer County Director | Cathy LaReau 715-558-8966 | cathy@sawyercountytrails. com
Sawyer County Rep | Don Mrotek
715-634-8458 | don.mrotek@gmail.com
Shawano County Director
Carol Grunewald | 715-754-5144
Shawano County Rep
Katie Ann Grunewald | 715-754-5144 ktang_16@yahoo.com
Sheboygan County Director | Mike Holden 920-980-2321 | holdenmach@outlook.com
Sheboygan County Rep | Larry Rietbrock 920-645-5771 | larryrietbrock@tds.net
St. Croix County Director
Michael Fletcher | 715-386-9016 mfletch9016@gmail.com
St. Croix County Rep | Rob Hackworthy 715-977-2173 | hackworo@gmail.com
Taylor County Director | Bob Meyer 715-437-0581 | bobstarla@gmail.com
Taylor County Rep | Nick Meyer 715-965-3682 l
Trempealeau County Director
Norbie Ziegler | 608-865-0362
Trempealeau County Rep | Paula Ziegler 608-865-0645 | pjziegler24@gmail.com
Vernon County Director | Keith Bauer 608-386-7668 | kthbauer1@hotmail.com
Vernon County Rep | Lory Bauer 608-483-2203 | loryb@mwt.net
Vilas County Director | Fred Suchy 815-263-3734 | fredsuchy6r@gmail.com
Vilas County Rep | Dennis Horan 715-542-2952 | greenthing1969@gmail.com
Walworth County Director | Kristine Boivin 414-234-0939 | kboivin@shorewest.com
Walworth County Rep | John Stohr 262-945-0202 | john@lakeareahomes.net
Washburn County Director Gwen Welter 715-635-2614 / gwenga@hotmail.com
Washburn County Rep | Randy King 715-635-7054 | spoonerking@gmail.com
Washington County Director Dean Wandel | 414-322-0872 dwandel1@wi.rr.com
Washington County Rep | Jerry Zier 262-628-2282 | jerryzier50@gmail.com
Waukesha County Director | Karen Jeras 262-617-1137 | sledbugs@hotmail.com
Waukesha County Rep | Andy Slaby 262-424-5917 | andy.slaby@gmail.com
Waupaca County Director | Ronald Fietzer 920-982-2760
Waupaca County Rep | David Sarna 920-470-1429 | sarnadave@gmail.com
Waushara County Director | Stuart McIntyre | 715-258-9316
Waushara County Rep | David Barker 715-335-6561 | wildqwlt@uniontel.net
Winnebago County Director | Mike Giese 920-450-5865 | mnm@athenet.net
Winnebago County Rep | Paul Kuehnl 920-915-6527 l turfworkspro@yahoo.com
Wood County Director | Mike Herzberg 715-498-3274 |a irideall@yahoo.com
Wood County Rep | Margie Straka 715-305-5040 | mmjajm2@gmail.com
Calumet | Makayla Gambsky Columbia | Kearsten Sytsma, Parker Grams Dane | Morgan Elliott, Tanner Clark Dodge | Nora Buske, Lindsey Unger Douglas | Nicholas Makela Fond du Lac | Evan Conlon Grant | Ahlixander Reed, Jessa Braudt Green Lake | Maddelyn Gates-Roehl Iron | Hana Joustra Jackson | Jake Ward
Alishya (AJ) Kreager
Sara Guthrie
Oneida | Julia Gray, Kylee Swendson Price | Lance Walcisak
Matthew Smith Shawano | Michaela Gleason Vilas | Ross Cooper Waukesha | Aubrey Dill
Rock County | Rachyl Burzinski
Rock County | Tia Fuchs Taylor County | Carli Berger
Ski-Doo unveiled their new MXZx 600RS to a crowd in their Hay Days display Saturday morning with some not so subtle refinements making it fast, adaptable and reliable for this upcoming snocross season.
The chassis changes start up front in the RAS RS suspension with new shocks that are shorter in overall length while maintaining the same travel to help lower the center of gravity, and spring rate has been increased to reduce roll; both changes support better cornering. The front suspension continues to feature a long spindle design allowing high cornering speeds and a unique power steering system (exclusive to the MXZx RS race sled) providing ultra-precise handling with less effort.
The RAS RS front suspension updates are complemented by the redesigned rMotion RS rear suspension where the front arm is shortened and the rail mount is moved up for a flatter profile resulting in less ski lift and more forward traction when on the throttle out of corners. The center shock also grows in length to position the front of the rail in more constant contact with the snow surface for better traction everywhere. The increased length also delivers more shock and suspension travel at the front and also provides a motion ratio closer to 1:1 (more linear) for better shock control, bump compliance and rider comfort. The rMotion RS’s rear arm mounting points are moved back, the shock travel is increased, and its motion ratio also gets closer to 1:1 – these changes support a lower center of gravity, better traction and less
ski lift out of turns to drive the sled forward faster. The coupling system is revised for a wider window of adjustment and there’s a new easily activated and more effective holeshot device.
The MXZ RS retains 46 mm KYB Pro Series shocks that have Integral Base Valves with the ability to adjust not only High and Low Speed Compression but also High Speed rebound and calibration has been updated to match the suspension geometry changes based on feedback from racers testing prototypes last winter.
The MXZx 600RS E-TEC uses the REV Gen4 platform with its open cockpit design and centrally balanced engine for rider ergonomics and handling in rough conditions. The REV Gen4 layout delivers agility and responsiveness while the Ergo Step side panels and beveled tunnel allow racers the room they need to attack the course — without interference from the chassis.
The Rotax 600RS E-TEC engine features E-TEC direct injection consistently delivering quick response and perfect calibration no matter the altitude or weather conditions, allowing racers and their crew to have less to worry about. Features include booster injectors first deployed on the Rotax 850 E-TEC, a short intake tract with double reeds and digital eRAVE. Engine calibration refinement for 2023 focused on better low RPM and low vehicle speed responsiveness to provide more power out of deep holes or under heavy load conditions – letting racers accelerate faster.
With a big snowstorm predicting more than 12-inches of snow on the horizon, my friends, Ed Hagendorn, Kent Nussbaum and I, decided to travel up to our friend Rich Jelinek’s home on Skunk Lake (a little West of Hazelhurst) for a few days. Unfortunately, the storm went north and missed us, but four inches of snow had fallen as a fresh blanket. The conditions were great, and we were ready to have some fun. Our friend Rich always claims Price County, just to his west, is the place to ride. With less traffic and always groomed trails, I was ready to check it out and see if he was right.
Price County was created in 1879 from portions of Chippewa and Lincoln counties. The county was named after William Price, an early logger in the area and later a US Congressman. The county has 1,278 square miles of land, 24 square miles of water, and has the highest point in Wisconsin, Timms Hill, at 1,951 feet. Now that you’ve had your history and geography lesson for the day, it’s time to get back to the story.
After breakfast we got the sleds unloaded and headed out across the lake (slush-free) and took the roadside a short distance to the campground. Corridor #12 took us to Trail #5, then Trail #10, and we headed towards Price County. Our first stop to catch our breath once in Price County was the Moose Jaw Resort on Round Lake. Our friends, Matt Lindborg and Renee Engman, joined us there for the ride which is a nice place with friendly staff and wonderful views of the lake.
From Moose Jaw, the six of us headed west to Trail #121, then to Trail #102, and had an awesome ride through the Chequamegon Nicolet National Forest. We then took Trail #112 to Soldberg Lake where we stopped at Sunset Haven Resort/Polish Palace Bar for lunch. The owners, Joe and Connie, were very nice and made us feel right at home. If you’re riding in the area, this is a great place
to stop for lunch and can satisfy your lodging needs at the resort with plenty of room for truck and trailer parking.
Once we were warmed up and tummies full, it was back on the trail to continue our adventure. We headed south on Trail #112 to Trail #161, and across the lake where we arrived in the town of Phillips to top off with fuel. Phillips impressed me with many accommodations including a Super 8 Motel, A & W Restaurant, Bonnie’s Dinner, Club #13, a motel to stay at and three places to eat, all near the trail! (Keeping note of that for the future) From here we went across the lake to Trail #161 and Corridor #12 back east to Oneida County and home to the cabin on Skunk Lake.
Price County is home to the towns of Phillips, Fifield, Park Falls, Prentice and several others. It also has Soldberg Lake, Long Lake, Musser Lake, Cranberry Lake, The Sailor Creek Flowage, and parts of Butternut Lake. Most importantly, it has some of the best trails in Wisconsin. I’m not kidding, they were groomed and in awesome condition for a Saturday.
These 500 miles of meticulously groomed snowmobile trails were also less traveled just like Rich said. I suggest you get out and enjoy this gem of a northwoods area. I had a great day and rode 125 miles with my friends on a fantastic trail system, it doesn’t get any better.
A+ Power Sports & Trailer Sales Elkhorn - 262-723-8822 aplusride.com
Airtec Sports Menomonie - 715-232-8590 airtecsportsmenomonie.com
Airtec Sports Rice Lake - 715-234-8174 airtecsportsricelake.com
Airtec Sports Roberts - 715-760-3600 airtecsportsroberts.com
Ken’s Sports of Green Bay Suamico - 920-264-0858 kenssportsgreenbay.com
Mittelstaedt Sports & Marine, Inc. LaValle - 608-985-7118 mittelstaedtsports.com
Nextgen Powersports Chippewa Falls - 715-723-2237 nextgen-powersports.com
Nextgen Powersports Clear Lake - 715-263-2244 nextgen-powersports.com
Reedsburg - 608-768-3297 jayspowercenter.com
John Hartwig Motorsports, Inc. Watertown - 920-699-3180 johnhartwigmotorsports.com
Eagle River - 715-479-2200 tracksideinc.com
Twin Lakes Marine Inc. Twin Lakes - 262-877-2462 twinlakesmarine.com
With massive crowds and off-the-charts enthusiasm, the official kick-off to winter didn’t disappoint. If you were one of the few that missed this must attend event, here’s just a taste of what you missed. It’s safe to say, we can’t wait till next year.
Despite having to wait a few hours longer Saturday morning for the track to dry, the action on the world-class grass drag track was some of the best we’ve witnessed. Sleds from every era competed and a new world record was set. Dominick Ernst set new records for ET and Speed with an elapsed time of 3.297 and a top speed of 163.80MPH in only 500-feet. Wow!
It had been a few years since we had the time to actually sit back and watch the action on the drag strip. Given the speeds and the number of fans watching, grass drag racing is making a comeback.
A vintage race has become part of the opening ceremonies giving fans a small taste on what racing was like some 50-years ago. It’s shocking that these old relics would require some lastminute tuning.
As expected, the Hay Days swap was packed with great deals and plenty of surprises.
Nothing goes better together than sled talk, cold beer, and good eats. One of our favorites were these delicious smoked steak tenderloin bites wrapped in bacon.
Crowds filled the aisles both days and there was way more to see than time would allow, but that didn’t mean there wasn’t enough time for a selfie.
The expo area had freestyle shows happening throughout the day, and they always attracted a big crowd.
If you were looking for a hood for your classic Ski-Doo, you could find one at Hay Days.
AWSC President, Dave Newman and KAOS member, Maddie Roehl, AWSC Youth Snowmobiler of the Year, took a moment for a photo opp at the AWSC display.
(L-R) AJ Kreager (Miss Snowflake), Sue Smedegard (AWSC Secretary) and Rachyl Burzinski (KAOS President)
Hexco Motorsports Oshkosh 920-233-3313 hexcomotorsports.com
Morse Power Sports Center Wisconsin Dells 608-254-8341 morsepowersports.com
R & R Motorsports Hazelhurst 715-358-5349 rnr-rentals.com Road, Track and Trail LLC Big Bend 262-662-1500 roadtrackandtrail.com
Rock River Marina Edgerton 608-884-9415/608-868-7765 rockrivermarina.com
SS Sport Store Mercer 715-476-2468 sssportstore@yahoo.com
TA Motorsports Francis Creek 920-682-1284 tamotorsports.com
Yamaha of Port Washington Inc Port Washington 262-284-5995 portyamaha.com
website on the digital
of Wisconsin Snowmobile News. Visit www.awsc.org or www.mspninc.com
Arctic Cat has historically been known for drawing a crowd during one of their product reveals at Hay Days, but the 2022 unveil set new crowd records as the masses gathered to see the all-new CATALYST platform. At the heart of the new CATALYST platform, the rider is the deciding factor in how it corners, cuts and handles, so you feel at one with the snowmobile. Here are seven highlights of the all-new platform. Visit Arctic Cat’s website for more info and details on how to be the first to ride one!
The centralized design makes the operator the active force and requires less rider effort to corner and carve, giving riders more control than ever before. The laydown engine design allows for mass centralization.
The optimized design with fewer parts utilizes different composite materials, providing a drastic weight reduction for Trail, Crossover, and Mountain, making it one of the lightest platforms available.
The new drive system is belt-driven, unlike the current chain drive, resulting in fewer parts and allowing more power to the track with increased durability. The bodywork panels’ toolless design allows for easy removal and greater access to key components such as the belt, oil reservoir and coolant. The new seat is easily removable with a quarter turn for easy battery access.
The ergonomics, coupled with a narrower and centralized design, provides an agile, easily maneuverable sled minimizing rider fatigue and makes the operator a more confident rider. A more ergonomic design allows the rider to become one with the sled.
The platform’s aggressive exterior continues Arctic Cat’s heritage of creating state-of-the-art, cutting-edge snowmobiles. Its sleek, aerodynamic, and agile look with a signature LED headlight complements the innovation found inside. Sliding lap joints provide seamless transitions in bodywork for better fit and finish.
Optimized suspension and steering provide use-specific systems based on segment. The suspension and steering systems are differentiated based on Mountain, Trail and Crossover segments where needed to provide better performance in varying conditions, but commonality was kept where it made sense, so the platform works for all segments. The geometry changes, paired with the new suspension, give the rider a more position-reactive sled and improved cornering for a more confidence-inspiring, agile ride experience. The sled works in tandem with the rider instead of the rider muscling the sled.
ATACH is the first integrated accessory mounting system for Arctic Cat allowing for quick and easy lockdown. To prevent theft, the system comes with a set of keys allowing you to physically lock your accessories to your snowmobile.
Eagle River owner of Shotski’s Bar, Jaimie Reimer, coordinated the effort to break the World Record for the Longest Shotski that had been held by Breckenridge, CO. She began collecting skis in 2017 to end up with the 468 skis needed to reach the winning length of 2,454.95 feet. The Sno-Eagles handled most of the logistics for assembling the shotski for which the club was given a generous donation.
The Sno-Eagles Snowmobile Club members volunteered many hours to clean the skis, remove the bindings, drill holes to screw them together and affix Velcro every 18 inches for the shot glass to later be attached. Previous to the event, members screwed lengths of six to seven skis together and stacked them on a flatbed truck. On the day of the event, August 20, members unloaded the lengths of skis and fastened them together to create the almost half mile long shotski. After 1,187 people simultaneously took their shot, the Sno-Eagles disassembled the skis to be stored for a possible future record-breaking attempt.
The event turned out to be a very successful fundraiser for the entire community. $22,895 was raised for ten area programs and organizations including the Sno-Eagles. This is a great example of the club supporting the community and the community supporting the club. Sno-Eagles also volunteer to work concessions and admissions for many World Championship Derby Complex events, help with logistics of the Pond Hockey National Championship weekend, serve at a local restaurant (Blue Heron) when they have larger events like Dueling Pianos, etc., in exchange for donations to the club. Many of these large event organizers cannot find enough help in this small community to manage the entire event, so this is a win-win for all involved.
want to.
platform and features like unmatched LED lighting and a 10.25" touchscreen that brings enhanced
With the all-new
1. Publication Title: Wisconsin Snowmobile News. 2. Publications Number: 0745-161X.
3. Filing Date: 9/9/22. 4. Issue Frequency: Monthly except April, May, June, July & Aug. 5. Number of Issues Published Annu ally: 7. 6. Annual Subscription Price: $20.00.
7. Complete Mailing Address of Known Office of Publication: MSPN, 6595 Edenvale Blvd Ste 180, Eden Prairie MN 55346-2506; Contact Person: Paula Jones; Telephone: 952/473-7870. 8. Complete Mailing Address of Headquarters or General Business Office of Publisher: MSPN, 6595 Edenvale Blvd Ste 180, Eden Prairie MN 55346-2506. 9. Full
Names and Complete Mailing Addresses of Publisher, Editor, and Managing Editor: Publisher, Joel Mellenthin, 6595 Edenvale Blvd Ste 180, Eden Prairie MN 55346-2506; Editor, Kale Wainer, 6595 Edenvale Blvd Ste 180, Eden Prairie, MN 55346-2506; Manag ing Editor, Kale Wainer, 6595 Edenvale Blvd Ste 180, MN 55346-2506. 10. Owner: MSPN, Inc., 6595 Edenvale Blvd Ste 180, Eden Prairie MN 55346-2506; Joel Mellenthin, 6595 Edenvale Blvd Ste 180, Eden Prairie MN 55346-2506. 11. Known Bondholders, Mortgages, and Other Security Holders Owning or Holding 1 Percent or More of Total Amount of Bonds, Mortgages, or Other Securities: None. 12. Tax Status: N/A. 13. Publication Name: Wisconsin Snowmobile News. 14. Issue Date for Circulation Below: September 2022. 15. Extent and Nature of Circulation: Average No. Copies Each Issue During Preceding 12 Months: a. Total Number of Copies (Net press run): 41,463. b. Paid Circulation (1) Mailed Outside-County Paid Subscriptions Stated on PS Form 3541: 41,226. (2) Mailed In-County Subscrip tions Stated on PS Form 3541: 0. (3) Paid Distribution Outside the Mail Including Sales Through Dealers and Carriers, Street Ven dors, Counter Sales and Other Paid Distribu tion Outside USPS: 0. (4) Paid Distribution by Other Classes of Mail Through the USPS: 0. c. Total Paid Distribution [Sum of 15b (1), (2), (3), and (4)]: 41,226. d. Free or Nominal Rate Distribution (1) Free or Nominal Rate Outside-County Copies Included on PS Form 3541: 0. (2) Free or Nominal Rate In- County Copies Included on PS Form 3541: 0. (3) Free or Nominal Rate Copies Mailed at Other Classes Through the USPS: 0. (4) Free or Nominal Rate Distributed Outside the Mail (Carriers or other means): 183. e. Total Free or Nominal Rate Distribution [Sum of 15d (1), (2), (3) and (4): 183. f. Total Distribution (Sum of 15c and 15e): 41,409. g. Copies not Distributed: 54. h. Total (Sum of 15f and g): 41,463. Percent Paid and/or Requested Cir culation (15c / 15f x 100): 99%. No. Copies of Single Issues Published Nearest to Filing Date a. Total Number of Copies (Net press run): 42,823. b. Paid Circulation (1) Mailed Outside-County Paid Subscriptions Stated on PS Form 3541: 42,320. (2) Mailed In- County Subscriptions Stated on PS Form 3541: 0. (3) Paid Distribution Outside the Mail Including Sales Through Dealers and Carriers, Street Vendors, Counter Sales and Other Paid Distribution Outside USPS: 0. (4) Paid Distri bution by Other Classes of Mail Through the USPS: 0. c. Total Paid Distribution [Sum of 15b (1), (2), (3), and (4)]: 42,320. d. Free or Nominal Rate Distribution (1) Free or Nomi nal Rate Outside-County Copies Included on PS Form 3541: 0. (2) Free or Nominal Rate In- County Copies Included on PS Form 3541: 0. (3) Free or Nominal Rate Copies Mailed at Other Classes Through the USPS: 0. (4) Free or Nominal Rate Distributed Out side the Mail (Carriers or other means): 453. e. Total Free or Nominal Rate Distribution [Sum of 15d (1), (2), (3) and (4): 453. f. Total Distribution (Sum of 15c and 15e): 42,773. g. Copies not Distributed: 50. h. Total (Sum of 15f and g): 42,823. Percent Paid and/ or Requested Circulation (15c / 15f x 100): 99%. 16. Publication of Statement of Owner ship: Publication required. Will be printed in the October issue of this publication. 17. Signature and Title of Editor, Publisher, Busi ness Manager, or Owner: Joel Mellenthin, Owner, Publisher. Date 9/9/22.
On Saturday, August 13, the Antigo Sno-Drifters Snowmobile Club had their annual groomer party. This year we recognized three of our very dedicated and hard working long time members by honoring them with trails dedicated to them. Donny Wild and Bobby and Sandy Pregler have all been active members in our snowmobile club since the mid 1960s. We thank them for their continued hard work and dedication to the Antigo Sno-Drifters Snowmobile Club and for the sport of snowmobiling!
President of Langlade County Snowmobile Council, Tim Grall, presents Tim Bolen with a clock plaque for his many years of dedicated service as council treasurer.
On Sunday, April 24, Langlade County Snowmobile Council had their annual banquet. It was a very enjoyable gathering with members from our nine snowmobile clubs in the county. We had a delicious luncheon at the Elcho Community Pavilion with wonderful service provided by their church members. Tim Grall, Langlade County Snowmobile Council President, emceed this special event and his son Drew Grall provided the prayer. A special recognition was given to a long time treasurer of the Snowmobile Council, Tim Bolen. He was presented with a clock plaque for his many years of dedicated service to our Langlade County Snowmobile Council. We would like to thank all of these dedicated volunteers who help to make our Langlade County of trails some of the best snowmobile trails in the state of Wisconsin!
(L-R) Ryan Loehr, Tim Mueller, Shayley Narges, C.J. Immel, and Nikki Blatz
In 1972, Daryl Kurtenbach was talking to his neighbors and wanted to start some snowmobile trails in the Stevens Point area. He knew it wasn’t going to be easy as snowmobilers had a bad reputation in the sixties and early seventies. He knew that he would have to try and convince landowners that if they made trails, people would stay on them and not go all over their property. Daryl and Gilbert Mages were able to convince the neighbors and created a trail through the Dewey Marsh. They used a snowmobile pulling a box spring to groom the trail and used sticks with red tape to mark the trails. A few years later, Pabst Blue Ribbon began handing signs out to clubs for free and those were used to mark the trails.
On May 23, 1973, Pok A Snoz Snowmobile Club filed their Articles of Incorporation. The Founding Fathers, among others were, William Lemke, Daryl Kurtenbach, Gilbert Mages, and Reverend Richard Tomsyck. James Van Wagenen was a friend of Daryl’s and completed the incorporation paperwork for free. Reverend Richard Tomsyck was the creator of the name and initial logo.
In 1974, the club knew they needed to purchase a groomer. They had their first fundraiser of a bake sale at the Northside IGA. The club then took their first big debt and purchased the first official groomer of a Ski Doo Alpine Utility Sled. The Alpine was a bear to turn.
The club would meet at the basement at St. Mary’s Torun Church or at the bar that is now known as Bullhead’s Bar and Grill. They would meet September through April.
The club didn’t have any money and started the Think Snow Dance in 1975. This fundraiser was a great event that was held annually at Starlite Ballroom. Starlite Ballroom closed, but we continue to have the annual raffle.
Over the years, the equipment was stored at club members sheds. In 2009, we built our club house. It was built big enough to hold our equipment and in recent years, we added a meeting room with a bathroom.
In 2018, the club voted to become a snowmobile and ATV/UTV club. We now meet year-round and have over 100 members and were the creators of the Portage County ATV/UTV route map.
The club remains being a family-centered group that are dedicated to providing a safe and enjoyable snowmobile and community service. The club maintains twenty-four miles of trails in the Town of Hull and Town of Dewey. We have regular club rides, Poker Runs, Annual Raffle, and our Annual Steak Feed. We throw a landowners appreciation dinner every October to show appreciation to our wonderful landowners.
We would like to thank John Wojcik Jr for being the longest trail boss, his wife Rose Wojcik for being membership coordinator, Bill Reed for being our mechanic for many years and could make just about anything, and Daryl and Betty Kurtenbach for founding the club and taking the time to teach us the history.
1: Columbus, WI. Columbus-Fall River Sno-Blazers Fall Bash, Club 60, W2164 State Road 60, 5pm start, Biennial club fundraiser. $25/person includes dinner, cash raffle and access to bucket raffle items, silent and live auction! Lori Schwoerer / 920-623-3113 / columbusfallriversnoblazers@gmail.com
8: Hayward, WI. Northwest Relic Riders Vintage Snowmobile Club 14th Annual Vintage & Antique Snowmobile Show and Swap Meet. Flat Creek Lodge, 10290 Highway 27 South, 8am-2pm. Craig Bell / 715-482-1026 / nwrelicridersvsc@gmail.com
14: Hudson, WI. Hudson Snow Trails Unlimited Meat Raffle, Big Guy’s BBQ, 1237 WI 35, 6pm - 9pm, Jim Henry / 715-760-0115 / jimhenry@jimhenry.com
15: Maribel, WI. Denmark Norsemen Steak Fry, Maribel Community Center, 14905 Mulberry St, 5pm – 8pm. All you can eat steak fry, includes ribeye steak, potato, salad bar, homemade desserts, cash bar and raffles. Alan Mazna / 920-819-5128 / alanmazna@yahoo.com
12: Oconomowoc, WI. Merton Flake Chasers 50th Anniversary Celebration, Okauchee Legion Post 399, N50 W34750 Wisconsin Avenue, 6pm to close, Free admission! Live Music (Plumb Loco) food, drinks, raffles (50/50, meat and baskets), Door prizes! Come celebrate with us! Open to the public, Andy Slaby / 262-424-5917 / Flake Chaser Snowmobile Club on Facebook
12: Poynette, WI. Arlington Prairie Drifters 7th Annual Fall Fling, Hookers Resort, W9370 Highway V, 6pm- 10pm. Kick Off to 2022-2023 snowmobile season, raffles, food and beverage. Gregg Johnson / 608635-7381 / jsi@chorus.net / Arlington Prairie Drifters
15: Batavia, WI. Beechwood Night Fliers-Annual Brat & Burger Fry, Town of Scott Community Center, 1360 Hwy 28, 10am-5pm, Brats, burgers, potato salad, beans and homemade tortes, basket raffles, walk around raffles, ½ hog raffle, Sportman’s Raffle and Annual Raffle, plus kids games. If trails are open trail accessible. All proceeds go to trail maintenance and groomer maintenance, Jenny / 920-9482071 / rjfeider1@gmail.com
26-29: Eagle River, WI. Annual Women on Snow, Eagle Waters Resort, 3958 Eagle Water Rd,
an Eagle River tradition since 1986, weekend package includes condominium lodging, guided trail riding, fuel, lunch, and dinners, Saturday night themed banquet is full of prizes and surprises, registration open October 1 – December 15, 2022. womenonsnow. org / womenonsnowwi1@gmail.com
16-18: St. Germain, WI. 39th Annual Ride with the Champs at Snowmobile Hall of Fame, February 16, Legend Lap Eagle River Derby Track, February 17, Open House, Poker Run, Fish Fry and Guest Speakers, February 18, The Famous Ride With the Champs and Induction Ceremony, snowmobilehalloffame.com
25: Tigerton, WI. Tiger Snowmobile Club Vintage Snowmobile Show, Tiger Snowmobile Club Shed, 601 W Alder Street, Starts 8am, Cost is $3.00 per sled (free after 5 sleds); Food and Beverage Stand and Raffle/Door Prizes; Many numerous class prizes. Delbert Wudstrack / 920-4995-1043