Wisconsin Snowmobile News (USPS 683-170 ISSN 0745161X) is published seven times per year –September, October, November, December, January, February and March – by MSPN, 6595 Edenvale Blvd Ste 180, Eden Prairie, MN 55346. Periodical postage paid at Eden Prairie, MN, 55344 and additional entries.
Postmaster: Send address changes to Wisconsin Snowmobile News, c/o AWSC, 529 Trail Side Dr., Suite 200, DeForest, WI 53532.
Subscriptions: Subscriptions are available through membership to the Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs for $20 per year. Enclose payment and mail to: Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs, 529 Trail Side Dr., Suite 200, DeForest, WI 53532. For questions regarding your subscription, including a change of address or multiple copies being received, please contact the AWSC office directly at 800-232-4108.
Pat Bourgeois, Dave Newman, Jason Guthrie, Lori Heideman
Contributions: Letters, manuscripts, stories, materials and photographs are welcome but cannot be returned unless sender provides a self-addressed stamped envelope. Wisconsin Snowmobile News and MSPN are not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, photos and drawings.Submission of articles and letters implies the right to edit and publish in all or part.
Notice: The views and opinions expressed by our contributors and advertisers are not necessarily those of the Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs or the Wisconsin Snowmobile News and MSPN staff.
Warning: Some of the photographs in this publication show action that may be potentially dangerous. We encourage safe operation of all snowmobile equipment and advise you not to attempt to duplicate any action that is seen on these pages. Let your experience and skills guide you.
The first WSN issue of the 20242025 season is here! It is filled with lots of AWSC information, events, and so much more. Thank you for being an involved member and taking the time to read this publication. Have a safe and fun snowmobile season!
14 AWSC HOSTS THE 56TH ISC AWSC hosted the 2024 International Snowmobile Congress in Green Bay. Many meetings and fun activities happened throughout the week. Over 420 snowmobilers from around the US and Canada were in attendance.
16 SUMMER DIRECTORS MEETING HELD IN TOMAH Lori Heideman, AWSC President, recaps the fun that was had over the weekend and all the important information discussed at the Directors Meeting.
29 POLARIS GRANT SUPPORTS THE RUDOLPH RIVER ROVERS The Rudolph River Rovers Snowmobile Club from Wood County was one of only fourteen clubs around the US and Canada to receive a Polaris grant.
10 Youth Perspective
14 AWSC News 27 Club News
30 Club Flashback 31 Club Events Calendar
On the Web
Digital issues of this magazine can be viewed and downloaded for free at mspninc. com/publications/wisconsin-snowmobile-news.
Upcoming AWSC Events
2024 AWSC Fall Workshop, October 25-27, Wilderness Resort, Wisconsin Dells Information was sent to club officers in August – can be found on the AWSC website (www.awsc.org) or call the office at 608-846-5530.
ATTENTION CLUBS! Deadline to Submit
The deadline for Club Flashback, Club News, Readers Ride Stories, photos and more submitted for the October 2024 issue is 9/2/24. Send all submissions to rachyl@mspninc.com.
MISS SNOWFLAKE APPLICATION – Can be found online at https://awsc.org/Miss-Snowflake
Deadline: Thursday, October 3, 2024.
2024 AWSC RAFFLE TICKETS – Still Available – contact your Director / Rep / AWSC Office for more information.
2025 AWSC RAFFLE CALENDAR – Months and Days are still available – contact AWSC Office 608-846-5530. Calendars will be available at the workshop for handouts.
Fresh Tracks Ahead
Ihope everyone had a fantastic summer filled with unforgettable memories! For those of you I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting, let me take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Rachyl Burzinski, and I am excited to be your new WSN editor.
My passion for snowmobiling and motorsports ignited at a young age when I went for my first ride at a few months old and then began grass drag racing snowmobiles at three years old, and still enjoy racing to this day. My winter adventures on the trails with family and friends as well as my participation within the Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs organization continue to further fuel my love for snowmobiling!
As an active member of several snowmobile clubs, I lend a hand however I can, including trail maintenance, social media, club memberships and event coordination. My extensive involvement within the AWSC is evident through my dedicated leadership of the AWSC KAOS group as president for three years and served as the AWSC Magazine Committee Chair from 2021 to 2024. I was privileged to receive 2021 AWSC Young Snowmobiler of the Year and 2022 National Young Snowmobiler of the Year awards. Even more, the honor of being selected as the 2022-2023 AWSC Miss Snowflake further highlighted my dedication to the sport as I traveled across the state promoting club activities, as well as safe and responsible riding, and the importance of youth involvement. Currently, I serve as the Southeast Ambassador for the AWSC Next Gen Riders Group.
I look forward to making new tracks at MSPN with WSN while collaborating with an incredible team! I am excited to further my experience and take my passion for motorsports to the next level, now within the publishing industry.
This edition is packed with information, highlighting all the major events from this summer and offering a sneak peek at what's to come later this year. If you have any articles or photos you'd like to contribute for upcoming editions, feel free to send them my way at rachyl@mspninc.com.
Excited to hit the trails this winter! Note: If you plan on attending Hay Days, be sure to stop by the MSPN booth to say hello!
By: Lori Heideman, President, AWSC
Iroom set ups. Finance Chair, Steve Clark. And our Hospitality chairs, John and Julie Stohr. Their dedication and support were outstanding. A special thanks to Gary Hilgendorf for all the mazes for the groomer reception and the snowmobiles for the stage decoration.
Also, thank you to our vintage committee for putting a history of Wisconsin made snowmobiles together. Our KAOS group for the fun FOSPAC games and Next Gen Riders for supporting the ACSA youth leadership program with the football auction. Jay and Marcia Thompson for the stage trees and the many selfie locations throughout the venue. As well as the entire ISC 2024 committee.
cannot believe that summer is over, we are writing our first articles and a new season is beginning. We have had an extremely busy summer. As you are all aware, in early June the AWSC hosted the 56th annual International Snowmobile Congress (ISC) in Green Bay. And wow! What an event it was.
It would not have been possible without the support of many people. Back in October of 2022, the executive board asked our members and our clubs to step up to help make this event possible. We not only received financial and volunteer support, but our membership came out to see what the ISC is all about. We had 426 attendees from all over North America. We had outside vendors, inside vendors, groomers and educational sessions. A little something for everyone.
I want to personally thank all our clubs and county associations that stepped up to become sponsors of this event. We had 25 clubs/ alliances become sponsors, and two more become major sponsors. Without your support, this event would not have been as successful.
I want to thank my co-chair and her husband, Jim and Sue Smedegard. She was the organizer. She had all the little details taken care of, while Jim did all the heavy lifting. Our committee chairs, Dave and Brenda Newman in registration. Gary and Joan Hilgendorf with our vendors and groomers. Mike and Mary Holden with our
It took this entire group to pull off this event and Sue and I are extremely thankful for you.
Many people from Wisconsin were also elected to some national level positions. Past President Dave Newman is Vice President of ACSA. Jillian Steffes from the DNR is the secretary for the International Administrators Association. Sue Smedegard is the Iron Dog Brigade secretary/treasurer.
Wisconsinites were also the recipients of numerous “of the year” awards. Chute pond snowmobile club is the National Club of the Year as well as the International Club of the Year. Hank Joustra family is the National Family of the Year. Jake Ward is the National Young Snowmobiler of the year. Tanner Clark received the C.J. Ramsted Memorial Scholarship. Jeff Schwaller and Sammy Landes were inducted into the Iron Dog Brigade and it was announced that Dave Newman will be inducted into the International Hall of Fame in September!
As you can see, Wisconsin is a leading state in snowmobiling; some because of the AWSC others because of our great volunteers. Keep up the great work!
Stay safe this winter. See you on the trails!
Randy Murdock – Vice President
For the last 34 years I have been involved in the AWSC. Eleven of those years I spent running the AWSC Miss Snowflake Pageant. I’m not sure how to describe the satisfaction and joy it brings to help these young ladies develop into young confident women. It’s been a blessing in so many ways!
As with anything after a certain amount of time, it becomes time. So, three years ago I handed over the reins to a group of young ladies. New ideas, new energy and they’re doing great! Please encourage the young ladies in your life to run for Miss Snowflake. The pageant alone will help build confidence and who knows maybe she will become the 55th AWSC Miss Snowflake.
The application and information to apply for the Miss Snowflake Pageant is on the AWSC website OR you can scan the QR code below.
Servants heart,
Randy Murdock
The 50th & 54th Miss Snowflakes, along with a few past Miss Snowflakes
Scan to learn more about the Miss Snowflake Pageant:
By: Stormy Hovey – Office Manager
OW, what a year!!! Is everyone as ready as I am to start winter? We have been doing our snow dances here in the office on a regular basis. Hoping that the rain we have gotten this summer will continue into winter with snow.
I would like to remind everyone that your AWSC membership expired on 6/30/24. This includes commercial sponsors. REMEMBER RENEWING YOUR CLUB MEMBERSHIP HAS TO BE DONE PRIOR to ordering your trail pass. Your Wisconsin registration on your snowmobile also has to be current before ordering a trail pass. AWSC Membership Renewals at the time of writing this article were over 4,000 members in early August.
You can find workshop registration/information on the AWSC website at awsc.org. The Miss Snowflake Application is also on the website. As we close out the Miss Snowflake reign, I think we can very safely say that Brianna has done a wonderful job this year!! Please remember to thank her for her support and all the hard work she put into her reign when you see her.
We are very busy here in the office preparing for the Fall Workshop. The Fall Workshop will be at the Wilderness Resort, Wisconsin Dells, WI, October 25 - 27. The Workshop information has been emailed to your club officers and is on the website along with a draft agenda. Can’t wait to see all of you there, please call the office if you have any questions.
Hospitality Rooms: We have four hospitality rooms if you are interested in hosting one – please contact the office for more information.
The office did the 2024-2025 club mailing in August, information was mailed to all club membership chairs and emailed to all club officers. If you are not receiving this information – please check the emails of your officers and the address of your membership chair. If you need another copy sent to you please contact the office. Included in this mailing was office information, magazine deadlines and form information, workshop information, Miss Snowflake information, and our newest fundraiser the AWSC Raffle Calendar.
Get a 2025 Ski-Doo sled and enjoy winter adventures like never before.
Registration: Online registration is available at: awsc.org. Or by printing the form on the website and using the mail. Registration is $35 with the Banquet $50. Early Bird registration and prepaid Banquet ends Wednesday, October 2, 2024. After October 2, the registration goes to $50, you can register at the Workshop ($50) but banquet tickets will be limited if you wait to purchase them then.
As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to call or email the office (608) 846-5530 / stormyh@awsc.org.
By: Brianna Crotteau
Hello to all the fantastic AWSC members out there! I hope you have been enjoying your summer. I can’t believe that the Wisconsin snow season is only a few months away, can you believe it? I hope you are as excited as I am to hit the trails this season! However, before we get talking about winter, I want to give a big shout-out and thank you to everyone who has invited me to their events these past couple of months! My summer has been awesome traveling around our beautiful state to see many of you.
As it is September, please be sure to get the word out to any young ladies ages 16-22 who may be interested in being crowned the next AWSC Miss Snowflake in October. Becoming an AWSC Miss Snowflake is truly a special role for our association, and it also helps you grow as an individual in so many ways.
There is an application on the AWSC website. Please feel free to send me an email if you have any questions regarding the AWSC Miss Snowflake role. I am always happy to help. I hope to see all of you at the AWSC Fall Workshop in October for lots of fun!
My email is: misssnowflake2324@gmail.com
The Orfordville Country Riders Annual Meat Raffle with three Past Miss Snowflakes
Rachyl Burzinski (22-23), Lynsey Burzinski (1718), and Erica Volker (16-17)
Enjoyed a couple of laps around Memory Lake in Grantsburg, WI, with 6-time Water Cross World Champion David Fisher!
By: Mya Magnin, Oconto County Youth Rep
June 12-15, KAOS traveled to Green Bay, WI, for the 2024 International Snowmobile Congress (ISC). We were accompanied by many snowmobilers from across the country! During ISC there were many things to keep us busy. Wednesday we helped at the FOSPAC fundraiser where we hosted fun snowmobile themed games followed by a welcome reception hosted by AWSC. We were able to meet many amazing people while also getting to relax, have a few snacks and socialize with the group. Although Wednesday was short and sweet, it was just the start to a very exciting and eventful weekend!
Thursday we were greeted by the Oneida Nation as a welcome to their territory, and throughout the day attended various meetings, such as the ACSA, ISMA, and IASA meetings. Later that day we enjoyed dinner and a show performed by the Oneida Dancers. It was so amazing to watch and learn about the dances of their culture. The KAOS group even was able to join in on one of their dances. It was a fantastic night of singing and dancing together!
Soon after Friday morning rolled around and it was a big eventful day for KAOS as we attended a large selection of round table meetings such as the Groomer Roundtable, Trespass Roundtable, and Magazine Roundtable. We learned so much but that was not all the day had in store for us. Later, KAOS went to check out a local Escape Room where we split into two groups and engaged in team building activities…and don’t worry, both groups escaped of course! The day was not over yet. Friday evening we had the Groomer Reception, KAOS helped collect dinner tickets and keep an eye on the games. The games consisted of three different groomers all with different mazes attached to them. The goal was
to steer the groomer blade and roll a ball through the maze. The games were timed and the fastest times received a groomer Lego set. KAOS is very proud to say that its members were the majority of the winners! To finish off a very busy day, Prince Edward Island (host of ISC 2025) hosted a hospitality room for everyone. We enjoyed food, laughter, and even some virtual reality games.
The next day was sadly time to bring ISC 2024 to a close. We had breakfast and then the “3 Old Guys” were the guest speakers. They told us about their amazing snowmobile journey from Minnesota all the way to Alaska! After the exciting and eventful story we finished up attending some final meetings and joined everyone that evening at the banquet. During the banquet we had a special meal and listened to the awards ceremony. Congratulations to KAOS President and Jackson County Youth Advisor, Jake Ward, on being awarded with the ACSA (American Council of Snowmobile Associations) Young Snowmobiler of the Year Award! As well as, Tanner Clark, KAOS VP and Dane County Youth Rep, on receiving the 2024 C.J. Ramstad Memorial Scholarship!
Overall everyone had an amazing time at ISC 2024 and we hope to see you all next year in Canada for ISC 2025.
Everyone from WI in attendance
More than 420 snowmobile enthusiasts from both the US and Canada gathered for the 56th International Snowmobile Congress (ISC) held right in our state, Green Bay, Wisconsin.
On Wednesday, FOSPAC (Friends from Snowmobiling Political Action Committee) hosted their annual fundraiser. This year’s event, the “Snowmobile Olympics,” featured a thrilling lineup of challenges including Curling, Pin the Snowmobile, Carbide, and Spark Plug Challenges, and Snowmobile Races on a custom-crafted wooden snowmobile with wheels. The funds raised will support pro-snowmobiling candidates for the US Congress, enabling them to participate in informational sessions and networking opportunities.
Overall, the conference was filled with trade show participants and a diverse range of informative breakout sessions and meetings.
Topics ranged from groomer tracking systems and social media tips to leadership, future snowmobiles coming into the market, tourism, groomer and trespassing round tables, committee meetings, and the highly anticipated ACSA meetings.
We all even learned a lot at the Thursday “offsite event.” Oneida Nation Dancers showed us and explained their dances that were passed on from generation to generation. Everyone had the chance to join in on one of their dances as well.
Friday’s Groomer Reception had a fun twist this year, putting everyone’s groomer operating skills to the test. A challenging maze was placed on the front blade of the groomers, requiring participants to carefully navigate a ball through it while being timed. This new activity was a hit with everyone, even those who had never operated a groomer before were able to join in and have a blast!
The 56th ISC concluded with a banquet and toward the end, many had fun with the snowballs in the center pieces and started up a fun snowball fight! Numerous awards were presented to recipients from Canada and the US. Congratulations to these award-winners from Wisconsin!
2024 C.J. Ramstad Memorial Scholarship - Tanner Clark from Oregon, Wisconsin
ACSA Snowmobile Family Of The Year - The Joustra Family from Mercer, Wisconsin
The week began with an exciting car and motorcycle tour to beautiful Door County and back. It was a fantastic day filled with many laughs and smiles.
The “3 Old Guys” were guest speakers Friday morning. They talked about their 38day adventure of a lifetime traveling by snowmobile from Minnesota to Alaska!
ACSA Young Snowmobiler Of The Year - Jake Ward from Black River Falls, Wisconsin
All the AWSC ISC committee members and volunteers, including many members from KAOS (kids and adults on sleds) and members from the Next Gen Riders. THANK YOU!
ACSA Snowmobile Club Of The Year - The Chute Pond Snowmobile Club from Mountain, Wisconsin
protect your winter adventures
As winter sports enthusiasts, we eagerly await the snowy season for the adrenaline rush of snowmobiling. The feeling of the cold air rushing past, the sight of the unspoiled white landscapes—it’s a winter wonderland waiting to be discovered. Amidst the excitement and adventure, it’s essential to ensure that you’re properly protected with snowmobile insurance. Here are a few reasons why snowmobile insurance is a wise decision.
Peace of mind
The most signi cant bene t of snowmobile insurance is the peace of mind it brings. Knowing that you’re covered in case of unexpected events allows you to fully immerse yourself in the winter experience. Focus on the breathtaking landscapes and the adrenaline rush of riding, without the nagging worry of potential nancial setbacks.
Protect your snowmobile
Your snowmobile is a valuable investment that deserves protection. With comprehensive and collision coverage, you can rest easy knowing that repair or replacement costs will be covered in the event of certain damage, theft, or accidents. Keep your ride in top condition without breaking the bank.
Be prepared for the unexpected Accidents can happen, even to the most experienced riders. Snowmobile insurance offers liability coverage, protecting you from the nancial implications of thirdparty injuries or property damage, up to speci ed limits. You can relax and have fun in your winter activities, whether riding on trails or exploring the backcountry, when you have the right protection.
Homeowners insurance
Homeowners insurance may provide some coverage for your snowmobile, but it often has limitations and can have a more costly deductible. A dedicated snowmobile insurance policy ensures that you’re adequately covered speci c to your needs.
Family and friends
Policies can provide off-premises and permissive use, allowing you to con dently have friends and family drive your snowmobile occasionally. You also have the option to add minor operators as drivers, so you can rest easy knowing that you have the right protection if something goes wrong.
Personalized protection
Since no two snowmobilers are alike, snowmobile insurance lets you choose your own coverage options. You can customize your policy to include things like accessory and custom parts/equipment coverage to provide protection if you’ve made enhancements or upgrades to your snowmobile. This way, you can be sure that your insurance plan matches your speci c needs.
Con dence for nancing
Obtaining insurance coverage for your snowmobile is often a requirement from lenders if you have nanced its purchase. Not only does snowmobile insurance ful ll this obligation, but it also provides peace of mind by safeguarding your nancial interests.
Have fun in the winter with con dence, knowing that you have the proper coverage for your situation. Invest in snowmobile insurance and ensure that your thrilling escapades remain just that—thrilling, safe, and unforgettable. Let the snow-covered landscapes be your playground, and let insurance be your safety net.
Scan to get a quote in as little as 3 minutes
Progressive is committed to protecting you on your sled. We offer basic liability protection, comprehensive and collision coverage, and more, so you can ride wherever with maximum peace of mind. Quote now to take full advantage of snow season and get exploring!
Scan to get a snowmobile quote online in as little as 3 minutes PROGRESSIVE.COM or 1-800-PROGRESSIVE
The AWSC convention was held at the Osthoff Resort in Elkhart Lake on March 22-24, with 672 attending! The guest speakers were, State Senator, Devin Mathieu, Phil Rynish, WI DNR and Drew Nussbaum, WI Department of Tourism.
Election of Officers was held on Saturday, congratulations to all!
Lori Heideman, President
Randy Murdock, Vice President
Sue Smedegard, Secretary
Steve Clark, Treasurer
Mike Holden, Executive Director
Saturday morning general session included officer reports along with some changes in the bylaws that were presented and approved. Membership Chair, Jim Marks announced the total
AWSC membership was 38,715. Sam Landes, Legislative Chair reported that AB98/SB105, allowing business signs on state property and AB130/SB136, which raises the supplemental funding cap to $1,500, have both been passed and signed into law.
Local clubs hosted bus trips on Saturday afternoon with a trip around the track at Road America and stops at area attractions and businesses.
KAOS held their annual silent auction that raised almost $8,000 along with a donation by Lily Sno-Birds for $10,000. The Saturday evening banquet included presentations of the President’s Cup, the 2024 AWSC Scholarship winners and 2024 Snowmobile Friendly Communities recipients.
Lily Sno-Birds Donation to KAOS
By Lori Heideman, AWSC President
The director meeting started out Thursday night at the Double Barrel and traveled a short distance to the Backwater Bar and Grill for dinner. It was an early evening, as there were more events planned for Friday.
On Friday, guests were treated to a vehicle, motorcycle, and ATV/ UTV ride going to the western part of Monroe County. Guests experienced beautiful views, pleasant hospitality, and fun with local club members as well as the directors and reps. I hear there was also ice cream involved! Friday night, participants met at the Double Barrel, where there were different food trucks to choose from for dinner. Dancing and networking, followed by music by DJ Dillion.
On Saturday morning, directors and reps could choose from two guided rides. One went south through Amish Country, where the views were even better than Friday! The other went north through Cranberry Country. The north route went through Weatherby Cranberry Marsh, where the owners gave a guided tour through their marshes and the whole cranberry process, from planting to the finished product. Then, the next stop on the North Tour was the Cranberry Discovery Center in Warrens. It was a museum on the cranberry industry attached to a small boutique and deli with ice cream.
Lunch was hosted by the County Line Bar and Grill in Warrens, which hosts the local snowmobile club sledding party during the winter. A burger, brat, and hot dog bar were set up to accommodate all ride participants. Several stops later, we were back at Double Barrel for another night of dancing and networking with a band called “After Hours Band.”
Sunday morning brought all the directors and reps together to get the snowmobile business and Of The Year Awards taken care of. Much discussion was held, and a lot of business was taken care of. It was a great weekend, and the local clubs did a great job showcasing their county. Thank you, Monroe County, for hosting the Summer Directors Meeting!
Below is a summary of the meeting notes from the summer directors meeting held on July 14, in Tomah. Flags were presented by the Warren’s VFW Post 5387. The guest speaker was Wisconsin’s Assembly 70th District Representative, Nancy VanderMeer.
Officers Reports
President, Lori Heideman
Lori thanked Monroe County for setting up the weekend events and rides throughout the County. Lori reported on attending the American Council of Snowmobile Associations (ACSA) DC Fly-in with Sue Smedegard and Dave Newman. ACSA meetings were held and we heard from several federal partners. Tuesday was spent visiting our Senate and Congressional offices. When meeting with Rep. Tom Tiffany, we were invited to attend his Congressional committee hearing in Hayward in May. The hearing, which focused on access to National Forest lands was attended by several AWSC representatives and showed the importance of having a relationship with your legislators. The executive board has met with Comparion Insurance Agency, formerly Liberty Mutual. They are continuing royalties, but at a lower amount than Liberty. The executive board is working on a code of conduct and it will be included in the updated director’s manual coming soon. Lori concluded with a report on International Snowmobile Congress (ISC) 2024 held in Green Bay in June. It was a huge success and she thanked everyone who helped in any way and all the clubs and counties who donated as a sponsor. We had over 400 attendees and are in the process of putting together a report with the final numbers.
Vice President, Randy Murdock
Randy reported that he was overwhelmed with emails the first couple of weeks. He announced he was working with the executive board to form a Human Resources Committee.
Secretary, Sue Smedegard
Sue suggested the AWSC submit a letter of support to the DNR encouraging them to send Jillian Steffes to ISC 2025 in Prince Edwards Island. Motion to do so was made, seconded and passed. Sue announced the Snowmobile Recreation Council (SRC) will be meeting in August and all are welcomed to attend in person or by Zoom.
Treasurer, Steve Clark
Steve thanked everyone for electing him and added it has been quite an experience learning how things behind the scenes don’t just happen. He presented the Income/Expense report which was approved. He then presented the proposed budget for this fiscal year. A discussion on the shortfall in the budget was started, but then tabled until later in the meeting. After answering some questions, the budget was amended to show the additional revenue and expenses still coming in from ISC 2024. The budget was then approved as amended.
Executive Director, Mike Holden
Mike thanked Lori and Sue for all their work on ISC and reported on the International Snowmobile Administrators meeting he attended at ISC. As a member of the SRC, he recommended anyone upgrading grooming equipment to watch the weight, especially if going over bridges.
Association Coordinator, Don Hamiliton was unable to attend. In his place Dave Newman gave a report on an opportunity provided by the Office of Outdoor Recreation to work with a consultant to learn about economic impact studies. Don, Dave and Sam Landes participated in a series of workshops and learned a lot about what goes into the surveys, the processes and the final report. While not ruling out doing something in the future, it has been decided not to conduct a study at this time due to the negative impact last year’s poor snow would have. They have already started looking at other studies and developing questions for the survey along with considering other options that are available.
Office Manager, Stormy Hovey
Stormy reported they already had 795 members renewed and 90 have purchased trail passes. She reported that the American Income Life representatives calling members are unrelenting and they are trying to get them to back down. Let Stormy know if you want to be added to their no call list. She also gave an update on the October Fall Workshop in Wisconsin Dells.
Miss Snowflake, Brianna Crotteau
She reminded everyone to talk to potential contestants about running for Miss Snowflake. Have them contact her if they have questions. Look for her at many fall events.
Committee Reports – Several committees spent time picking their “Of the Year” which will be presented at workshop.
Multi-Use Trails, Don Mrotek
The Committee discussed the pros and cons of allowing ATVs and UTVs on trails when there is no snow like this past winter. The benefit includes the economic impact but had concerns with keeping them off when there is snow.
Environmental/Bylaws, Dave Newman
Dave talked about the Biden’s administration’s 30 x 30 plan which proposes setting aside 30% of the U.S. land and water by 2030. We are already seeing them use many different tools to accomplish their goal, including forest plans, wilderness designations and the endangered species act. Watch for even more attempts to lock up public lands to motorized use through executive actions as Biden ends his term as president. Their next goal will be to lock up 50% of the land by 2050.
Youth, KAOS Members
They talked about their camping trip in August and their fall leadership weekend to be held this year in Jefferson County on October 11-13. They announced they will be collecting school supplies as the donation for this year’s workshop. Their winter ride will be in Manitowish Waters, February 7-9.
Scholarship, Paula Ziegler
Paula said they are working on the questions for this year and announced they will be having a silent auction at workshop to raise funds for the scholarships.
Magazine, Pete Schneider
Pete was filling in for Rachyl Burzinski, who has been hired by MSPN as the WSN editor. The committee started a discussion on a print magazine vs digital. He also reminded clubs to get their address changes in regularly.
Audit, Wally Thill
Wally reported the committee audited the months of March, April and May and everything was in order.
Fundraising, Dean Wandel
Dean announced that since ACSA has discontinued their raffle calendar, they are planning to do one as a fundraiser for AWSC. They plan to have them available at workshop. Anyone purchasing one that weekend will be in an additional drawing for $100. They are looking for anyone interested in buying advertising for each month. They have full and half page options. Other options are available for club events and sponsoring of dates for birthdays, etc. The deadline for advertising is September 15. They also have the $100 raffle tickets available, with the drawing at the workshop.
Safety & Education, Brian Woelfel
Brian announced the committee is working on a workshop on signing trails. He also reported on the DNR annual report that is available for 2023. It shows there were 535 snowmobile safety instructors that certified 4,395 students at in person classes with another 4,856 through the online course.
Legislative, Sam Landes
Sam stated the committee will be watching the amount of funding and expenses that come in for the program this summer after the poor winter. The last time fees were increased was 2013 and it may be time to look at it again. Sam reported that the committee discussed trespassing and what potential legislation to address the issue could look like. January brings a new legislative session and the need to watch what comes out in the governor’s proposed budget. This fall’s election will result in many new legislators because of the new redistricting. Now is the time to get to know who your candidates are.
Next Gen Riders, Tegan Noltner
The committee is working on bylaws for the group and currently has 53 members. Some attended ISC and helped with the groomer show and attended many beneficial meetings. They auctioned off a Packer’s football to raise funds for the ACSA future leaders program.
Trails, Steve Moran
Steve said they held a discussion on open and closing procedures. He reported that no counties qualified for supplemental this past winter and they will be watching how the lack of snow affects the program.
New Business
Discussion continued on the budget shortfall and focused on the huge increase in cost of convention and workshops in recent years. The cost of banquet meals is considerably more than the $35 we are currently charging and the $25 we are charging for registration doesn’t begin to cover all the expenses for meeting rooms, AV, printing and plaques. A suggestion to increase the cost to register and include both the registration and banquet meal in one price was met with opposition. It was also suggested to charge those attending the banquet whatever it cost us at that venue. But that was opposed by some who felt we would get even less attending the banquet by charging $80 -$100 and the fact the amount would vary with venue. Some felt a portion of these costs should be covered by the dues paid. A motion to increase convention/ workshop registration to $35 and banquet tickets to $50 was made and seconded. After some debate, the motion was carried. Most agreed a dues increase should also be considered to help cover the increased expenses in the budget and could be taken to the membership at the annual meeting.
ACSA Report, Dave Newman
ACSA annual meeting was held at ISC with all officers re-elected, including Dave as vice president. AWSC members are eligible for the ACSA scholarship now available. The ACSA future leaders program is coming together. Thank you to the Wisconsin youth who have offered input. The trespass committee has announced a new contest for four age groups to bring attention to the issue. They include coloring, word search, memes and a video contest. The ACSA Riding Areas will be holding rides and meeting this winter. The Trails Riding Area will be held on January 23-25, at Tower, Minnesota. The Mountain Riding Area meeting will be held in Dayton, Wyoming, on February 20-22.
on’t miss the Official Start of Winter! Join the Sno-Barons for the 57th Hay Days Sept 7 & 8, powered by Dennis Kirk in North Branch, Minnesota. Snowmobile enthusiasts from across North America and even Canada attend Hay Days. It is the biggest and the most thrilling two-day power motorsports event of the year.
It’s essential that you take some time to look around all the vendors during Hay Days to begin your time there. Here, you can explore the various sellers selling brand-new equipment, sleds, and accessories. Manufacturer Row is another important location that should not be missed. Here, you can see outstanding corporate displays from manufacturers like Yamaha, Polaris, Arctic Cat, and Ski-Doo. It is a must-go to see the newest kinds of sleds, interact with elite athletes, and maybe find some unexpected highlights.
The fastest snowmobiles in the world compete in grass drag racing at Hay Days, presented by Velocity Race Management. Competitors from all around North America and Canada come to the grass drags to compete for large rewards. In the Outlaw class, sleds reach speeds of over 155 mph in less than 3.5 seconds in 500 feet. Other classes at the event that offer a variety of competitive racing are Stock, Improved Stock, Pro Stock, and Pro Modified. In addition, Hay Days has a Freestyle Expo with numerous X Games champions. Sled, quad, and motorbike riders do a variety of backflips, jumps, and so much more. This year, the Southern Bounty Series is also returning with even more wild full-throttle mud racing action. ATVs and side x sides on huge tires, turbos and nitrous compete to win over $25,000.
Hay Days has the largest snowmobile and powersports swap meet in the world. It attracts thousands of sellers from the United States and Canada and spans more than 30 acres. From the newest ATVs, dirt motorcycles, and go-karts to classic sleds, you can find everything you need here, along with an enormous selection of parts, accessories, clothing, and unique powersport goodies. You could spend a whole day walking and yet not be able to see everything because it is so large.
Fastest Growing Powersports Show Wide
Open Wisconsin Show Promises RecordBreaking Excitement, New Attractions, and Expanded Lineup for 2024
et ready for an action-packed weekend as Wide Open Wisconsin returns for its fifth and biggest year yet! Held at the Washington County Fair Park in West Bend, WI, from September 20-22, this year’s event, presented by Polaris Snowmobiles, is set to be a showstopper with a plethora of new attractions, expanded vendor spaces, and exciting familyfriendly activities.
Unprecedented Vendor Turnout
This year, indoor vendor spots sold out faster than ever, showcasing the event’s rising popularity. Attendees can look forward to visiting our title sponsor Polaris’ corporate booth, alongside featured vendors such as Boondock Nation, Bikeman Performance, Lumi Powersports, Dialed Performance, A+ Powersports, Port Yamaha, Terick Solutions, Ride North, Oak Shores Resort, Wabam, and C&A Pro Skis. Be sure to stop by their booths to see the latest and greatest in snowmobiling gear and technology.
Massive Swap Meet and Vintage Show
One of the highlights of the event is our huge swap meet, where all swap spots are just $20, regardless of size. It’s a bargain for sellers and a treasure trove for buyers. Last year, we had an impressive 114 machines in our vintage show, and this year, we’re expecting even more and have added additional space to meet the demand!
Exciting Stunt Shows and Grass Drags
Back by popular demand, Twinstunts will be
performing multiple thrilling stunt shows on both Saturday and Sunday. For adrenaline junkies, Sunday will feature the highly anticipated grass drags. This is your chance to witness highspeed action up close!
Family-Friendly Fun
Wide Open Wisconsin is a family-friendly event with something for everyone. With an entry fee of just $5 and free parking, it’s an affordable day out for the whole family. Enjoy exploring the latest in snowmobiling, delicious food from our expanded
selection of food vendors, and a variety of new and exciting indoor vendors.
Convenient On-Site Camping
For those looking to make a weekend of it, the on-site campsite offers power and water hookups, a dump station, and showers. It’s the perfect way to fully immerse yourself in the event and enjoy all the activities.
Join Us for Our Biggest Year Yet
With Polaris Snowmobiles as our title sponsor and an array of featured vendors, stunt shows, grass drags, and a huge vintage show, this year’s Wide Open Wisconsin Snow Show at the Washington County Fair Park is set to be the most exciting in our history. Don’t miss out on this incredible event that keeps getting bigger and better each year.
wausau grass drags
et ready to experience the thrill of snowmobile racing and uncover fantastic deals at the 35th Wausau Snowmobile Grass Drags & Swap Meet held on September 27, and 28.
Hosted by the Trailmates Snowmobile Club with races presented by the Tri-County Grass Drag Association, this event will feature over forty snowmobile grass drag racing classes. Races are held on a fast-paced, 500-foot hardened, rolled grass/clay hybrid track with four lanes. There will be plenty of opportunities to get your sled on the track that will be showcasing several popular sled models in classes such as Vintage, Stock, Improved Stock, Pro, and Modified, as well as Youth/120cc sleds. Racers will be competing for the prestigious Wisconsin Cup, where the ultimate winner will etch their name into snowmobile racing history!
Another exciting highlight making a return this year is the Badger State Dirt Flingers, showcasing Mini Rods, Mini Trucks, and Outlaw pullers
tearing up the adjacent dirt pull track.
Between races, be sure to explore the largest snowmobile and ATV-UTV swap meet in Wisconsin, which will include a large selection of used sleds, ATVs, UTVs, parts, riding gear, and more. The Swap Meet offers something for every rider and
2022 Wisconsin Cup Winner, Craig Wyent, Trailmates Snowmobile Club President, Randy Thurs, and High Points Racer of the Day, Rachyl Burzinski (2023 grass drags were rained out)
motorsports fan. New this year, don’t miss your chance to SWAP UNDER THE LIGHTS until 9:00 pm on Friday night only.
You’ll also have the chance to check out the vendor displays at the trackside midway area for all your needs — from new rides, gear, equipment, tools, parts, oils, accessories, clothing, and more. Take advantage of some of the best show-only offers in central Wisconsin this season.
Enjoy two days of thrilling swapping and heart-pounding racing, all while creating unforgettable memories with your snowmobile crew! Mark your calendars for Friday, September 27, from 12:00 pm to 9:00 pm and Saturday, September 28, from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm for an action-packed weekend you won’t want to miss.
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October 6, 2024 – Boone County Fair Grounds prairieriders.com
he first Sunday in October every year is the Annual Belvidere Prairie Riders Snowmobile Club’s Grass Drags & Power Sports Swap Meet held at the Boone County Fair Grounds located at 8847 IL-76 in Belvidere Illinois. This powersports event has it all, snowmobiles, ATVs, side-bysides, dirt bikes, parts, accessories, clothing, and more. With over 225 swappers and vendors along with local dealers, it’s terrific for buyers and sellers. The event also features one of
the best four lane 500-foot racetracks in the Midwest with 1100 feet of shutdown space, and timing provided by a Race America Timing system. With racing featuring both snowmobiles and side-by-sides, and the famous not to be missed kids mini sled races. The kids mini sled race is always a big draw for the future generation and provides a ton of excitement and laughs for the thousands in attendance.
Considered by most to be the biggest powersports race and swap meet in Illinois, you’ll find great deals on new and used snowmobiles, ATVs, UTVs, clothing, helmets, and accessories. For those hard to locate items, the swap is the place to be. The swap is a powersport lover’s dream where you’ll find every kind of gadget with a motor on it plus things without, all of which could easily follow you home if your negotiation skills are on point.
Several food trucks are also on site to quench your thirst and keep your tummy full. Gates open at 7am, snowmobile race registration runs from 8-10am, side-by-side registration runs
from noon to 2:00pm, and racing starts at 11:00am which features one of the best announcers in the area.
This event is also affordable with admission just $5 and ages 11 and under free. Racing is only $20 per class (minimum age to race is 16). Vendor sites are $50 each; pit entrance fee is $15 (must be 16 to enter) and swap spaces are just $25, and the kids mini sled race is free (200cc max). Let’s not forget about the 50/50 raffle that helps support the club and keeps this event going strong. Make plans to attend the biggest show in Illinois this October.
AmericInn By Wyndam
906-265-9100 - americinn.com
Chicaugon Lake Inn
906-265-9244 - chicaugonlakeinn.com
Lakeshore Motel Ice Lake
906-265-3611 - lakeshoremotelicelake.com
Pioneer Lodge
800-362-7853 - skibrule.com
Ski Brule Village
906-265-4957 - skibrule.com
Tall Pines
906-822-7713 - tallpinesamasa.com
Robert (Bob) Staehler, from Kewaskum passed away on May 2, 2024 at 93 years old. As the founder, president, and instructor of the Kewaskum Snow-Chiefs as well as a past president of the AWSC from 1978 to 1980, Bob was a very dedicated advocate for the sport of snowmobiling in Wisconsin. He also represented the sport as a member of the Wisconsin Governor’s Council and enjoyed riding ATVs and snowmobiles until he was ninety-one years old. Bob was born August 29, 1930, he was the son of the late Alois and Margaret (Karius) Staehler. After four years in the Navy, Bob held various jobs, appliance and electronics repair, bartender, heating oil delivery, and carpet layer. He was employed for over 20 years at Weasler Engineering retiring in 1992. Bob married Jeanne Ann Gill in 1953 and had four children. He will be missed by all who knew him in the snowmobile community.
The AWSC is holding a calendar raffle!
Since ACSA has discontinued their annual calendar raffle, we are stepping up to fill the gap in Wisconsin. We have several opportunities for individuals, clubs or businesses to participate. We are selling advertising for each month. All of these, of course, are on a first come first serve basis. The deadline for placing ads and or events is September 15th.
We plan to open sales of the calendar at the fall workshop. A special $100 drawing for those that purchase the calendar at the fall workshop will be held on Sunday at the Directors meeting.
Go to www.awsc.org/AWSC-Calendar to check out pricing and obtain a form.
2 Brothers Powersports
608-781-3360 2brotherspowersports.com
Airtec Sports
Rice Lake
715-234-8174 airtecsportsricelake.com
Airtec Sports Roberts
715-760-3600 airtecsportsroberts.com
Donahue Super Sports
Wisconsin Rapids
715-424-1762 donahuesupersports.com
Ecklund Motorsports
Appleton 920-734-7134 ecklundmotorsports.com
Hayward Power Sports
Hayward 715-462-3674 haywardpowersports.com
Ken’s Sports of Green Bay Suamico 920-264-0858 kenssportsgreenbay.com Land
Race Scene
It was a successful weekend of adrenaline-fueled racing on Memory Lake at Grantsburg, WI for the World Championship Snowmobile Watercross July 19-24! TThe best racers in the sport compete in the three-day event with the goal of winning a large cash payout and the title of World Champion. This year, David Fischer took first in the top three classes and secured his 6th Pro Open World Championship! There were many AWSC members in attendance to enjoy the event, as well as AWSC Secretary, Sue Smedegard, and AWSC Miss Snowflake.
Pro Open:
1st - David Fischer
2nd - James Marietta
3rd - Bradley Barrette
Pro Stock:
1st - David Fischer
2nd - Chris Erzar
3rd - Dayton Moyle
Lemans Final:
1st - David Fischer
2nd - Chris Erzar
3rd - Eric Leinbach
Sport Open:
1st - Christopher Codere
2nd - Ellis Peterson
3rd - Sam Yobbie
AWSC Miss Snowflake, Brianna, went for an unforgettable ride around memory lake with World Champion, David Fischer.
Amazing Portraits by Angie
Amazing Portraits by Angie
The excitement of having AWSC Miss Snowflake Brianna Crotteau crowned from Barron County created the idea of having a Barron County Queen Ride. The event was a success with the help of Rice Lake Tourism, Kevin Jacobson, the Chetek Snowflyers, Barron Snow Bears, Cumberland Island City Snowmobile/ATV, as well as Rice Lake Snow and Dirt.
The planning started in November with the hope of having snow like any other year, but as February came around, there was no snow. The snowmobile trail changed to road and snowmobile riding changed to car or ATV. Much like everyone in the state, we still found a way to have a great event!
AWSC Miss Snowflake, Brianna Crotteau, made her way with her AWSC trailer and sled with the company of Jim and Sue Smedegard as representatives from Burnett County. Sue also serves as the
By: Anita Horan
Yes it did happen! 100 years ago in a small town in Northern Wisconsin, named Sayner, right in the middle of Vilas County.
The man’s name was Carl Eliason, who in 1924 built the first snowmobile prototype snowmobile called a motor toboggan. Carl was honored on June 8, 2024 by dedicating the trails he rode and the Plum Creek Snowmobile Bridge. The Barnstormers of Sayner still groom and maintain these trails, 10, 9 and 15 from the Sayner Arch through TIN #205, there are parts of this trail that go into other Vilas County snowmobile clubs. The Vilas County Board has also made a resolution to acknowledge Carl’s achievements.
Many people came to the dedication, Sayner town board, Vilas County supervisors, Barnstormers officers and members, other snowmobile clubs from Vilas County, as well as locals and Eliason family members. Speakers that day included, AWSC Miss Snowflake, Brianna Crotteau, Andrew Nussbaum from Travel Wisconsin, Russ Davis, the first president of the Barnstormers and Jona Eliason granddaughter of Carl. We were also very privileged to have #1 there also. Afterwards there was a luncheon at Sayner Pub.
Carl Eliason, the man that was unable to hunt and fish in Northern Wisconsin winters due to a physical disability, went and designed a machine that travels on snow, gets a patent that started the industry we know and love, and now has a trail, bridge, and resolution in his name. We can now say Sayner is not only the Birthplace of the Snowmobile but also has had Tracks on Snow for 100 Years!!
AWSC Secretary. The 60-mile route included all four Barron County clubhouses which were open to the public to share their equipment, refreshments, raffles, and camaraderie.
In the afternoon, we ended the event with a banquet at the Rice Lake Elks Club that included raffle drawings and meals.
We are very proud of our Barron County Snowmobile trail system and hope to make this an annual event to share with everyone!
Jona Eliason with her grandpa’s first snowmobile prototype, “motor toboggan.”
AWSC Miss Snowflake, Dennis Horan, Anita Horan, Jona Eliason, and Andrew Nussbaum.
O r d e r F o r m f o r A W S C / C l u b M e m b e r s w i t h W I R e g i s t e r e d S n o w m o b i l e s
2 0 2 42 0 2 5 W I S n o w m o b i l e T r a i l P a s s ( D i s c o u n t e d$ 1 0 )
T r a i l S i d e D r . , S u i t e 2 0 0 –D e F o r e s t, W I 5 3 5 3 2 / w w w . a w s c . o r g
S e n d C h e c k t o : A W S C, 5 2 9
N O T E : Y o u r A W S C m e m b e r s h ip M U S T B E C U R R E N T w h e n y o u r o r d e r f o r m i s r e c e i v e d by t h e A W S Ci f n o t c u r r e n t, t h i s f o r m a n d m o n e y w i l l b e r e t u r n e d .
Please print clearly –N o c a s h lp e a s e and N O R E F U N D S ! Pa ss is good July 1 , 20 2 4June 30, 202 5
n d A m e r i c a n E x p r e s s ) . T r a i lp a s s e s a r e m a i l e d f r o m t h e S t a t e o f W I a
A v a i l a b l e t o o r d e r o n l i n e v i a A W S C w e b s i t e w i t h c r e d i t c a r d s ( M a s t e r C a r d, V I S A, D i s c
d t o s e l l –a l
c e D O E S N O T h a v e t r a i lp a s s e s
c a n d o i s o r d e r t h e m i n t h e o f f i c e ! A W S C M e m b e r # (Please Note : Your AWSC member number is printed on your AWSC Membership Card, WSN mag azine addre s s label, the AWSC website or your club Membership Chair can give you your number ).
a m e : (Should be the same as your AWSC m embership)
Credit card orders are placed through the AWSC website –www.awsc.org
Polaris Grant Supports the Rudolph River Rovers Snowmobile Club
Last year, the Rudolph River Rovers Snowmobile Club from Wood County was one of only fourteen clubs around the US and Canada to receive a Polaris grant. According to the Polaris Grant Program website, the grant program began in 2006 and offers support to organizations and programs that promote safe and responsible riding, facilitate trail preservation, and help to protect the environment and natural resources that are a part of the off-road trail system. The grant program focuses on keeping people riding. Rudolph was one of Polaris’ spring grant recipients. The grant is being used to help preserve and maintain a new trail that connects multiple communities.
The entire Wood County trail system will benefit from this grant. The trail between Rudolph and Vesper can be used as a smaller loop connecting the northern portion of the county to the southern section of the county. This new section of trail will be a great asset for family trail riding. It will provide a much shorter ride for the families that cannot travel a long distance or can’t spend a full day riding.
On May 20, several members of the Rudolph River Rovers, the AWSC Executive Board, and AWSC Miss Snowflake met at the local Polaris dealership, Country Sports of Wisconsin Rapids. They took pictures and said thank you to Polaris for
their grant. Without the help of the Polaris Trail Grant, this trail would not be a reality!
By: Linda Hesch, Club Secretary
River Valley Riders Celebrate 40 Years
The River Valley Riders Snowmobile Club in Buffalo County was established on June 14, 1984. On May 1, 1984, local snowmobilers joined in at a meeting at the River Road Inn, Alma, Wisconsin. The meeting was called to order by Dennis Youngbauer, President of the Ridgerunners Snowmobile Club. Guests were Jerry Lyndahl and Dale Patraw, members of the Nelson Club. Jerry told us about setting up a Buffalo County Snowmobile Association and the state trail system of the Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs (AWSC). The snowmobilers present decided to join the association. At the June 14, 1984, meeting, the members present decided to call the new club the River Valley Riders Snowmobile Club. Officers were elected: Dennis Hesch, President; Allan Jahn, Vice President; Bobby Staak, Secretary; Betty Feuling, Treasurer; Jim Staak, Club Director. The club had 56 members.
This snowmobile season (2023–24) was not kind to the River Valley Riders Snowmobile Club and the seven other clubs in Buffalo County, but for the last 40 years, present and past landowners have given us the privilege to ride on their land.
The 2024-2025 officers are:
President - Ben Kafer
Vice President - Curt Passow
Club Director - Bill Bruegger Sr.
Secretary & Membership ChairLinda Hesch
Treasurer - Bill Bruegger Jr.
Our club currently has 21 family members and 10 commercial sponsors.
As of June 4, 2024, we STILL have a few landowners that were with us 40 years ago. The club members of the River Valley Riders Snowmobile Club and myself, the Buffalo County
2: Spooner, WI. Rolling Hills Snowmobile & ATV Club 50th Anniversary, Spooner Railroad Pavilion, 475 Roundhouse Rd, Spooner, 11am to 3pm. Cash raffle, prizes and food. Info: Gwen Welter / 715-520-3567 / FB rollinghillssnowmobile&ATV.com
7: Cashton, WI. 3rd Annual Cashton Snowmobile Show, Cashton Elementary School Parking Lot, 436 Front St., HWY. 33, Cashton. Registration 9am-11am, Awards 1:30pm. $5 per sled with a max of $20. Food and beverages available a short walk away at the Cashton Fall Festival.
21: Conover, WI. Conover Sno-Buddies Fall Kick-Off Party & Swap Meet, Conover Town Park, 4697 Park Circle Dr, Conover, 9am-5:30pm. Swap it! Sell it! Buy it! At the Swap Meet and Kick Off. Party at Conover Town Park. Food, beverages, music, raffles & fun happening all day. Priority Spots available on a first-reserved basis beginning at 7am. Sales begin at 9am 15’X20’ space $20 15’X40’ $40. Info: Randy Remblake / 715-337-5807/ conoversnobuddies@gmail.com
21: Waupaca, WI. County Line Trail Blazers Annual Chicken BBQ, N536 East Road, Waupaca, 11:00am Annual Chicken BBQ, great food and drinks. Vintage Snowmobile Show, multiple raffles, live music from 2-5pm.
5: Friendship, WI. Adams County Snowmobile Association ACSA Power Sports & Swap Meet & Vintage Show. Adams County Fairgrounds, 502 W Lake St, Friendship, 9am-4-pm. Powersports and Swap Meet and vintage show. Local Dealers and snowmobile clubs, anything powersports related. Info: Bryan Meyer / 414-617-9467 / bamsservices@gmail.com
12: Hayward, WI. Northwest Relic Riders Vintage Snowmobile Club 16th Annual Vintage and Antique Snowmobile Show & Swap Meet, Flat Creek Lodge, 10290 WI 27, Hayward, 9:00am-2:00pm Bring your vintage sled(s) and join the fun! Registration begins at 9:00am Judging begins at noon. Trophy presentation at 1:30pm. Info: Craig Bell / 715634-8377 / relicriders.com / FB relic riders club.
19: Phillips, WI. Elk River Pioneers Kick Off Event/50th Anniversary. Soo Lake Bar & Grill, W100300 CTH-W, Phillips, 10am-4pm. History, vintage snowmobile and groomer displays, Games including a scavenger hunt 11am-3pm, drive belt toss, face painting, bucket raffles and silent auctions. Demonstrations on changing drive belts and spark plugs. Membership table and current Price County trail maps available. Food available for purchase. Info: Arlyne Frane / elkriverpioneers@ gmail.com / 715-332-5628.
22: Conover, WI. Conover Sno-Buddies Annual Poker Run, Pit stops Along Conover Sno-Buddies Snowmobile Trails.
Sno-Buddies start the Annual Poker Run. Poker Run 12/22/24 thru 3/1/25. Get your game card at a local area business. Ride the incredible trails and collect your stamps. Draw party will be on March 1, 2025 at Twin Lake Pub. Proceeds benefit the Conover Snowmobile trail system. Info: Randy Remblake / 715-337-5807 / conoversnobuddies@gmail. com
11: Conover, WI. Conover Sno-Buddies & Phelps Snowmobile Club Trailside Roast, Intersection of Trails 8 & 6 near Blong Rd, Vilas County Intersection #500. Conover Sno-Buddies and Phelps Snowmobile Club team up for a nostalgic trip down memory lane. Vintage snowmobile enthusiasts are invited to participate in group rides from each club’s groomer barn and arrive at the trailside roast featuring hot dogs, brats, s’mores, hot cocoa and more. Info: Randy Remblake / 715-337-5807 / conoversnobuddies@gmail.com