1 minute read
The hunters
“One day unseen to everyone. A hunter comes along the river. He knows nothing of the jungle. And doesn’t care how well the animals live”.
The hunters of the world drop their bombs, unleash their Guernicas, bring devastation, war and death, and call it progress, they say it is the future. Their most dangerous weapons are fear and its propagation. But they are the ones who are afraid. They even fear papers and printing presses, they throw books into bonfires, they fear their words, their colors, their ideas which they burn because they consider them threatening, subversive, dissident. The hunters, be they politicians or generals, want everything in black and white, they only see gain or loss. They follow the mandates of their superiors, who are the only ones who really profit. But neither the hunters nor their masters understand that the richness of the jungle is a different sort of thing. They do not understand that in the jungle there is no profit, only life.
José Gamarra (Uruguay, 1934)
Estudio para un paisaje de América Latina
Óleo sobre tela
170 x 200 cm
Colección MSSA
José Gamarra (Uruguay, Puzzle
Óleo sobre tela
150 x 150 cm
Colección MSSA
Akila Mouhoubi [Akila Goudjil] (Argelia, 1953)
Democratie [Democracia]
Técnica mixta sobre tela
32,8 x 41 cm
Colección MSSA
Rafael Canogar (España, 1935)