1997 MSSD Yearbook

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Gtl!Jnon, Steven

Gantt, All!Jefina

Garcia, Jose

Gersten, Ari


Gunaerson, Jennifer

Moore, Sean

Normatov, Irina

O'Dofterty, Patrick


Powers, Mattftew

Putnam, Davia






HowarcC, Jeffrey

Joliruon, Jamar

Joliruton, Brian

Kamara, Musa

Kelley, Kaman

Ramsey, Rf9ina

, Rathburn, Stepfuutie

Ro6inson, Antoine

Schmitt, April

Sfienotufa, Fouad

Lyndi, Af=uufer

Mack, Mary

Magic, Katrice

Martin, Catherine

Martin, Patti

Sie6ert, Pamda

Siegert, Mefissa

Souza, Renato

Suiter, Tamara

Terry, Jerome

McCrum, Peter

McCree, Talia

Merritt, Cfuistopfter

Miifon!, Tyler

Torres, Gfeiufallz

Vita, Nidiofas

Wi.Cins, Teafislia

Wofest, Michacl

Woosfey, Jeese


Mo[y Efrffm9e PC19e "The Crow/' "Movie Girl/' "Tum tfie PC19e" Bom on January 5, 1978...Lives in Northampton, Massacfiusetts..."It can't min a[[ tfte time," "Life is &ut a cCrea.m on a way to cfeatli" ...Passions are watcfiing movies, renting videos, recicCing &ooks ancC cCoing fim-cC worli, to earn rewarcCs ...Most memom&fe event at MSSD was spencCing time witfi cfose Jrwufs ancC lier rove, slie wiff rove tftem always...Pfans to 9et invo[vecC in tfte movie 6usiness...StucCy Ha[(, THN, Computer Cfu.li, Worli, Eryerieru:e.

Sliarra Tramaine Paige "S.T.P." Was &om on Decem&er 18, 1977 ....fi.ves inSafucCa, Vir9inia......"Most of tfte 9oocC news ancC foe( news in tlie wfiofe worfcC own fi.fe/ 11 ... roves lier motlier, family ancC frienas, as weff as working witfi computers ...Wi[ remem&er lier teacliers for /ie[ping lier out of situatlons...Pfans to 90 to WWRC for VR support ancC &ring lier �erience to work... Computer Cfu.li (l,2,3,4) , Year&ooli. (2), Movie Cfu.li (3,4), Birtfufay Cfu.li (1,2),StucCy Ha[ (2), Senior Actlviiy (4).

Thomas Andrew Parker "Tommy" 3/14/79 is fiis 6irtficCate ... Home6ci s e is WoocC&ricC9e, Vir9i11r fiarcC...favorite memory atMSSD was cutting Geor9e Tayfor s cfass ancC 9etting 6ustecC. ..Drea.ms of 9oing to NTID/RIT, ancC otfier coCfe9es ancC majoring in Aerospace/EfectricaL engineering..JV foot&aff (3), Homecoming Committee (3,4), Weigfitllfting (4), Spring Pray (3), Winter CfieerfeacCing (3), Jr. NacC mem&er (3,4), Jr. NacC president (4), Computer Cfu.li (4), Vafentine Co-Cfiairperson (3), Peer AcCvisor (4), Siu Cfu.li (4). ia..."Respect'' ...Loves sluing

Tania Ann Patterson "Sunnie," "Pangea," "TAP" BrigfitenecC tfte worfcC on August 12, 1979...Haifs from Hersliey, Penn­ sy[vania..."Mak.e rove, not war," "Sunny &rigfitens your cCay/ 11 ...Crazy a&out DanieCfe SteeC novels ...Best memories at MSSD were tlie War Zone, Socia[ StucCies witli Micliae[ ancC Jeremy, Homecoming '95, Prom '96, RH-B 6afco11:}', cutting Geor9e Tayror's crass, ancC tfte KMFSS certificate ceremony, VoCfey&aff '96...Ga[[aucCet-&owu:l. ..VoCfey&aff (l,2,3,4), ClieerfeacCing (1,3), Soft&aff (1),Soft&a[ statistician (2), Jr. NacC mem&er (1,2), crass Office.r (1), Homecoming Committee (2,3,4), Prom Committee{3), 3H Co-Cfiai.rperson (4), GracCuatlon Song Cfiairperson (4), Ho&&s (l,2,3,4),Year&ooli. (4), Work. .. Eryerience at KDES (4), EagfeSong (4.3), KMFSS (3,4).


On 9roum(: Steffa Lee, Me(i.ssa Ko­ nonenko, LisaFisfwein. Sitting: JilIBiaru:o, Michelle Jonruton, Ro6erta Eaton, Stacy Nowak, Rayni Pfaster, Jiffum Donnelfy, Natafie Gyori. Statu:Cing: Cliarfotte Lewis, Raymotufa Azrdyant, Darfene Tropp, Ty Kovacs (lucuf coach), Kri.sry Nowak, Tamara Suiter, Mefissa Sif!lert, Kitty Bot­ toms.

Tiu caufter aCways liu.ps fur eyes on tlie 6a[(

Stacy am( Jiffum paC aroUM after a 9arne.

Tlure' s tlie pitch! WilI s/u miss it??

Tamara smadis tlie 6afil

• * *� ¥ *�

Stacy Ann Nowak It is so liarc:C to 6efie.ve tliat you /iave readied a mifestone in your

[lfe-your high sclwo[ gra.c:fua.tlon! You /iave worfied liarc:C to reach your goa.C a.nc[ you can 6e proud of y�ur a.ccomp[ishments-6otli in ac­ ademics and athletics. It is a joy watching you grow into a fine, young frufy and we are confo[ent you wi[[ continue to suc­ ceed as you 6egin to search for cfiaffenges on your way to a new and different [lfe. Good fudt to you at Gaffaudet. Our Cove to you a.Cways, Mom, I)a.d and Sis


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