2008 MSSD Yearbook

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Kenneth Montanez :\il'knanlt': Kenny. Kt'n llonwtown: :\t'w York Cih. :\t•w York L' • .: . /QIIOtt': "" . '""I'\.t•t•p I'a\orllt',"1a�111µ: ,,,,t'\'t'l"/!l\t'IIJI. your lwad up!" Sl'hool \cti,itit';;: Football (2. :L -1): Ba,.kt'lhall (2. :1): Ba,.t'l,all (2. :L -1): Battlt' of tlw Bini,. (2. :{. 1): '.\1.-./'.\li,.,. Onyx Paµ:t'ant (2): \\rt';;tlinµ: ( l): Pt•t'r '.\1t•tliator (:{. -1) F11t111·1• Plan;;: Sta, and tllt'n . at '.\ISSD I m01·1• \t'ar .

Tarrah Musgrove �icknanw: Tara. Tarah. Bahygirl Honwtown: Durham. North Carolina Favoritt• Saying/Quoit': "Firn· and... '?" School Activities: Baskt>thall ( 1. 2. 3 ): Track ( 1. :{. 4) Futun· Plans: Stav at MSSD I mot·t• year and tlwn go to collegt•

Joseph Ofodile :\il'knanlt': Biµ: .lo,· ll011wt1m n: lbl1·iµ:h. :\orth Carolina Fa, orilt· Sa�inµ:/Quolt-: "If �011 olw� all tilt' nil,·,-. , 011 mi,-,- all tlw fun!" Sl'liool \t'li, iti,•;;: Foothall (2. :L 11: lb,-k,·thall (:!. II: Tr,wk (:�1: Hatti" of tilt' Bini,. ( 11: Pm"·rliftinµ: I I): P,·,·r 11,·alth \,h ,wait· (I): Sprinµ: Pia� tTt'\\ ( Il F11t111·,· Plan,-: Sta, at \ISSI> I mon· �,·ar. and tlwn µ:o lo Callaudt'I

Ryan Ong llonwtown: \\ lwat Hicl l,!:t'. Colorado Fa,01·itt• Sayinl,!:IQ11ofr: "Knowlt·dl,!:t' is powt•1·!" School .\cti, itit's: Baskt·thall ( :{. l) F11ltll't' Plans: Go to Galla11clt·t t · ni,t•1·sih

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