Summer/Fall 2012 | Vol. 88 | No. 4
USPS 354-520
MSU researcher helping unlock secrets of Heliconius Years after sleeping in hammocks in the wilds of Peru and Panama, collecting hundreds of thousands of samples of colorful insects, Mississippi State assistant professor Brian Counterman continues trying to unlock a very difficult puzzle.
Raised-bed garden promotes sustainability Landscape architecture students got a hands-on lesson in sustainability when they constructed raised vegetable beds as part of a collaborative project between departments at Mississippi State University.
Terreson foresees bright futures ahead When Douglas Terreson makes bold predictions, investors listen intently and take action because he knows what the numbers really mean in the oil and gas industry. Terreson, a Mississippi State graduate, has enjoyed a highly successful and gratifying career as an energy analyst.
For the love of horses A lifelong love and respect for horses led Mississippi State alumna Cindy Meehl on a continuing journey as an award-winning filmmaker. Meehl directed and produced the documentary film “Buck,” about renowned horseman and clinician Buck Brannaman.
Initiative works to expand Mississippi’s broadband connectivity In the digital age, having high speed access to information and contacts is a vital tool for businesses, communities, and individuals. But for many Mississippians, broadband connectivity is still miles away–both literally and figuratively.
MSU alum is BAMA’S BISHOP of the Episcopal Diocese He might be occasionally spotted without his clerical collar and in a t-shirt that’s a shade of red. However, that red won’t be crimson. MSU alumnus Kee Sloan, the new bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Alabama, is true maroon.
This is Our State. President Mark E. Keenum (’83, ’84, ’88) Vice President for Development and Alumni John P. Rush (’94, ’02) Alumni Association Executive Director and Associate Vice President, Development and Alumni Jimmy W. Abraham (’75, ’77) twitter.com/drjimmyabraham Editorial offices: 102 George Hall, P.O. Box 5325, Mississippi State, MS 39762-5325 Telephone, 662-325-3442 Fax, 662-325-7455 E-mail, snowa@ur.msstate.edu www.msstate.edu Advertising: Contact Libba Andrews at 662-325-3479 or landrews@alumni.msstate.edu. Editor Allen Snow (’76) Associate Editor Harriet Laird Designer Matt Watson (’05) Photographers Russ Houston (’85) Megan Bean Beth Newman Wynn Mississippi State University Alumni Association National Officers Camille Scales Young, ’94, ’96, national president Tommy R. Roberson, ’67, national first vice president Ron E. Black, ’80 national second vice president Jodi White Turner, ’97, ’99, national treasurer Jerry L. Toney, ’96, immediate former national president
26 Campus news 36 Alumni news 45 Foundation news 49 Class news 52 In memoriam
Cover photo by Megan Bean Courtesy of the Entomology Museum
Mississippi State Alumnus is published three times a year by the Office of University Relations and the
Mississippi State University Alumni Association at Mississippi State, Miss. Send address changes to Alumni Director, P.O. Box AA, Mississippi State, MS 39762-5526; telephone 662-325-7000; or e-mail fcarr@advservices.msstate.edu. alumni.msstate.edu // twitter.com/msstatealumni // facebook.com/msstatealumni mississippi state A lumnus
MSU researcher helping unlock
secrets of Heliconius Assistant professor Brian Counterman continues trying to unlock a very difficult puzzle.
By Robbie s. ward | Photos By Megan Bean
ears after sleeping in hammocks in the wilds of Peru and Panama, collecting hundreds of thousands of samples of colorful insects, Mississippi State assistant professor Brian Counterman continues trying to unlock a very difficult puzzle.
The more-than-century-long challenge has involved a secret of the
Heliconius butterfly, the orange, black, yellow, and red insect that hasn’t easily communicated how all its radiant colors came to be. For evolutionary biologists, and especially geneticists like Counterman, the butterflies—commonly called passion vine butterflies—make perfect research subjects for better understanding a fundamental scientific
mississippi state A lumnus
A few of the butterfly species Counterman studies in his research (Courtesy of the Entomology Museum)
question: How do organisms
to live throughout South and
said, adding that he and a team of
change to survive?
Central America. Through the
researchers recently uncovered the
years, scientists have noticed
gene responsible for the different
researcher in the university’s
that Heliconius with certain red
red wing patterns.
biological sciences department has
patterns survived in certain areas,
been part of an international team
while others didn’t. For these
using field experiments, genetic
butterflies, the appearance of red
mapping, population genetics,
on their wings is literally a matter
in which we’ve found the genetic
and phylogenetics to study the
of life or death.
change that allowed (an organism)
Over the past decade, the
butterflies’ biology and history.
Counterman said the butterflies
Their findings have been featured in Science magazine. “This is one of the first examples
to live or die in nature,” he said,
use red as a warning signal to
adding that finding the red
graduate in biology and evolutionary
birds and other predators that they
gene was just the first step in
genetics, Counterman studied
are poisonous and should not be
understanding how the butterflies
genetics of adaptation as part of
have survived.
A Duke University doctoral
his post-doctoral research at North
“There are very few cases where
Counterman and colleagues
Carolina State University, and later
we understand the genetics that
further analyzed the red gene to
joined the MSU faculty in 2010.
determine if an organism will
reconstruct when the different
survive in nature,” Counterman
red patterns evolved, providing
Passion vine butterflies continue
“This is one of the first examples in which we’ve found the genetic change that allowed (an organism) to live or die in nature.” — Brian Counterman,
assistant professor, biological sciences
important clues into how rapidly
genomes—that has generated
new adaptations can arise and
a new understanding of how
spread in populations that nearly
hybridization between species may
encompass entire continents.
have caused the striking visual
This research was showcased on
differences in one of the most
the cover of the 2011 December
charismatic groups of organisms on
issue of the Proceedings of the
earth. This work can be found in a
National Academy of Sciences of the
recent issue of Nature magazine.
United States. For scientists like Counterman,
While these studies involve one of nature’s most delicate and
finding answers to these questions
enchanting creatures, they are part
may give insight about how and
of a larger, serious inquiry that
why the diversity in the world
most humans consider at some
evolved. And their work continues.
point in their lives: If Counterman has his way, his
Counterman now is part
“How did the world get to
of a team that has completed
where it is?” Counterman said,
research will help the scientific
sequencing the entire Heliconius
discussing his fascination with
community get closer to answering
genome—one of the first butterfly
genetics and biology.
that question. •
mississippi state A lumnus
garden promotes sustainability By Keri Collins Lewis | Photos By Megan Bean
andscape architecture
their family’s vegetables and fruit on
students got a
their own quarter acre and in their
hands-on lesson
larger home landscape,” Melby said.
in sustainability
“Our project here on campus shows
when they
that sustainable living is more than
constructed raised vegetable beds as part of a collaborative project
Melby’s class of juniors and seniors built four 3-foot by 40-foot
State University.
raised beds out of 2-inch by 6-inch
department of landscape architecture,
pine boards. “We didn’t use pressure-treated
and Sylvia Byrd, associate professor
boards because the nutritionists told
in the department of food science,
us that the copper, chrome and other
nutrition and health promotion, are
chemicals will get into the soil and the
working with Melby’s sustainable
plants will absorb them,” Melby said.
communities class to grow enough
“The nutritionists are the chemistry
fruits and vegetables to feed a family of
minds in this. We’re planting what they
four—an idea that could revolutionize
calculate would feed a family of four
the home landscape.
the recommended amounts of fruits
“Numerous faculty in plant and soil sciences, landscape architecture,
and vegetables, and they will quantify the harvest’s nutritional value.”
and nutrition are interested in
Melby thought the hands-on
sustainability and have a huge
project would teach his students
passion for teaching students where
practical skills for themselves and
food comes from,” Byrd said. “Pete
their clients.
zealously teaches his landscape
— Pete Melby professor, department of landscape architecture
possible: it’s tasty, too.”
between departments at Mississippi Pete Melby, a professor in the
“Our project here on campus shows that sustainable living is more than possible: it’s tasty, too.”
“Southerners can grow all of
“People resist gardening because
architecture students how to make
they think it’s too much work and
our communities both functional
there are too many weeds to contend
and beautiful, while also helping
with. Our community garden has
them understand cost and profit
raised beds—when you’re only
concerns. This project ties together
reaching across a 3-foot-wide bed,
many important lessons.”
weeding isn’t a problem. But the only
With three growing seasons, Mississippi has an ideal climate for showcasing small-scale sustainable
way to prove this to my students was for them to do it,” he said. After the landscape architecture
living using raised beds for food
students finished the spring garden,
the nutrition faculty and students
mississippi state A lumnus
“If parents give their children more flavors to experience—from pregnancy through early childhood— children will accept a greater variety of foods and have a broader palate.” — Sylvia Byrd associate professor, department of food science
planted a summer garden in
and how they can help their
this long-term installation at the
clients increase their nutritional
landscape architecture building.
intake through gardening.
When the landscape architecture
“If parents give their children
their clients to do the same.” For many students, sharing in the garden’s bounty was the highlight of the project.
students return in the fall, they
more flavors to experience—
“We got to eat some of the
will plant a fall garden.
from pregnancy through early
food ourselves, and we learned
childhood—children will accept
which plants will be efficient in
a greater variety of foods and
delivering nutrients, like broccoli,
have a broader palate,” Byrd said.
cauliflower and kale,” said Skyler
yielded fresh lettuces, Byrd
“If these students understand
Wade, a junior from Nashville,
held a cooking demonstration
how to prepare and use fresh
Tenn. “The idea is feeding a
and tasting to talk with Melby’s
foods, they’ll be more likely to
family, and not everyone likes
students about taste perceptions
grow it, use it, and encourage
everything we plant, but a garden
“We’ll switch it back and forth between disciplines,” Melby said. When the spring planting
Students preparing materials for the beds
needs to be diverse so we don’t eat the same
interdisciplinary teaching strategies, and
it, Melby created a Home Food Production
things for four months.
this is a step in that direction. With help
Garden poster and Food Servings
from experts in other departments, we
Calculator that can be found at www.
notice our fruits and vegetables and
plan to create an Extension publication for
energyusereduction.com. The resource
become curious. The project could impact a
homeowners and teachers,” she said. “We
explains how to build raised beds, create
lot of people. As research like this becomes
hope to obtain grants to bring in school
the best soil from leaves, pine straw, and
publicly available, I see a bright future for
teachers and show them how they can
grass clippings, and which vegetables to
home gardens,” he said.
teach science, math and reading by planting
plant in each of the three growing seasons
a school garden. Gardening can be a useful
in the Southeast U.S.
“We hope people who drive by will
For Byrd, the value of the project is the educational impact and the service
way to teach many subjects and increase
provided to the students, the campus, and
healthful eating.”
the community. “We’ve all been talking about
To share information about how to garden, what to plant, and when to plant
The raised beds are visible from MSU’s sorority row on Bully Boulevard and from the back of the landscape architecture building on Stone Boulevard. •
mississippi state A lumnus
BRIGHT FUTURES AHEAD By Amy D. Cagle | Photos By Russ Houston
Terreson said. “The quality of the education I received at MSU was very competitive, in my opinion, and positioned me well in a variety of roles,” he added. Terreson earns his living as an integrated oil analyst. He is currently a senior managing director and head of the energy research team of International Strategy & Investment Group Inc. Founded in 1991, ISI is a full service broker-dealer offering macro research, fundamental research,
When Douglas Terreson makes bold predictions, investors listen intently and take action because he knows what the numbers really mean in the oil and gas industry.
trading and sales. The company is headquartered in New York and employs more than 200 individuals who work with institutional investors around the world, which include some of the biggest names in the business. The firm has offices across the globe from Dubai, Hong Kong, London, and Shanghai to the U.S. cities of Boston, Houston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Washington, D.C, and Fairhope, Ala. The Fairhope, Ala., location for ISI was ushered in as Terreson joined the firm. He and his wife, Edie, live in nearby Point Clear with their three
Terreson, a Mississippi State graduate who earned
“When I studied at Mississippi State, the university was on the cuttingedge of teaching and research, and I’m proud to say the institution continues to meet the increasing challenges of educating each new generation.” — Douglas Terreson, MSU Alumnus
children—Catherine, Virginia and Todd. Edie holds
his bachelor’s degree in petroleum engineering, has
degrees from Florida State University and New York
enjoyed a highly successful and gratifying career as
University. She was a money manager for Van Camp,
an energy analyst for more than 25 years.
where she co-managed $37 billion dollars in holdings,
During that time, Terreson has amassed a reputation as one of the best oil and gas executives in
before trading in the role for that of full-time mom. Enjoying small town life and serving as a role
the United States. He has been ranked by Institutional
model for others, particularly his children, is
Investor magazine as one of the top two analysts for
important to Terreson.
over a decade and has been selected 15 times as a member of the All-America Research Team. Terreson is at the top of his game and knows
The Mississippi native followed in his family’s footsteps by pursuing his fascination of engineering and the energy business. His dad, Harold, is an MSU
his Mississippi State education has been a driving
industrial engineering graduate who worked for
force behind his success. He exudes confidence in
Ingalls Shipbuilding in Pascagoula. His maternal
himself and his abilities, in part because of the solid
grandfather, Aubrey Lewis, also graduated from
engineering education he received. He also holds an
MSU with an electrical engineering degree.
MBA from Rollins College in Winter Park, Fla.
Terreson honors his family legacy by giving back to
“When I studied at Mississippi State, the university
Mississippi State with his time and financial resources.
was on the cutting-edge of teaching and research, and
He serves on the MSU Foundation board of directors
I’m proud to say the institution continues to meet the
and chairs the board’s investment committee. For his
increasing challenges of educating each new generation,”
involvement with MSU as a dedicated alumnus, he has
Douglas Terreson advises some the biggest names in the oil and gas industry. mississippi state A lumnus
Terreson with wife Edie and their children
been honored as an Alumni Fellow for the James Worth
U.S. Gulf Coast provided him with valuable hands-on
Bagley College of Engineering.
experience. Next, he worked as an investment analyst for
Philanthropically, Terreson supports MSU with
Sun Bank Capital Management in Orlando, Fla. Then, it
a special scholarship known as the Terreson Family
was on to Chicago, Ill., as an energy analyst for Kemper
Loyalty Scholarship in the James Worth Bagley College
Investments and to Boston, Mass., as a portfolio manager
of Engineering. The scholarship honors his parents,
with Putman Investments, where he managed the firm’s
Virginia and Harold Terreson. Since its inception, the
energy mutual fund.
scholarship has assisted 23 recipients with their MSU
Prior to joining ISI in 2009, Terreson led the Global
studies. One day, a bequest from Terreson will also
Energy Research Group at Morgan Stanley, where he
benefit the scholarship.
covered integrated oil as well as the refining and marketing
“I want to help students explore engineering, experience
sector. He was also responsible for the firm’s global forecast
all MSU has to offer, and employ their God-given talents to
for crude oil and refined products and energy portfolio
accomplish their goals,” Terreson said.
strategy. In all, he spent 14 years with the firm.
He continued, “I believe my MSU degree has taken me
Terreson has certainly proven his value to the oil
to the heights of success I have achieved, and that a degree
and gas industry, and he has no plans to slow down
from the institution is very competitive in the real world.”
anytime soon. For now, he continues to scrutinize the
Following graduation from MSU in 1984, Terreson set
numbers and utilize the data collected to see where it
a clear course for his future, with stints working in the oil
leads him. In the spirit of competitiveness, his goal is
industry, followed by a path that eventually led to Wall Street.
to reach the pinnacle and again become the highest
Terreson began his career as a petroleum engineer with
ranked analyst in the nation. Once achieved, he hopes
Schlumberger Ltd. in New Orleans, La. His three-year
to retain the title for as long as he is willing to work
stint as a professional driller with the oil refinery on the
hard and remain focused on the future. •
“I want to help students explore engineering, experience all MSU has to offer, and employ their God-given talents to accomplish their goals.” — Douglas Terreson, MSU Alumnus
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mississippi state A lumnus
For the love of
By Margaret Kovar
lifelong love and respect for horses led Mississippi State alumna Cindy Meehl
humans, and life.
Her clothes were even featured
But Meehl didn’t start out in the
in film and television, as well as magazines and print campaigns.
grew up with horses, competing
The mother of two now lives in
in hunter-jumper classes. After
Connecticut with her husband and
documentary film “Buck,” about
receiving her bachelor’s degree in the
several pets, including horses.
renowned horseman and clinician
apparel, textiles and merchandising
Buck Brannaman. The film garnered
program at MSU in 1979, she moved
that Meehl became interested in
attention from audiences and
to New York City.
Brannaman 10 years ago. After
an award-winning filmmaker. Meehl directed and produced the
Phil, and Cindy Hughes Designs.
film industry. The Jackson native
on a continuing journey as
fashioned message about horses,
movie critics alike, in part because
For many years, Meehl ran her
of Brannaman’s inspirational, old-
own fashion labels, Sasha, Cindy and
It was because of these horses
participating in his horsemanship clinics, she realized she wanted more
Cindy Meehl
people to experience his exceptional
utilizing a total of nine cameramen
and profound horsemanship skills.
for the documentary, which took
Thus inspired, Meehl founded
“No matter the situation, Brannaman never complained. He’s tough, and he really raises the bar for those around him. He doesn’t let anyone get by with excuses.” — Cindy Meehl, MSU Alumna
nearly three years to complete from
Cedar Creek Productions LLC
start to finish. The film company
in 2008 and began to craft a
traveled to North Carolina,
documentary. Although a rookie
Washington, Wyoming, California,
filmmaker, her years of artistic
Montana, Texas, and France to film
experience helped in telling
Brannaman’s story, from his abusive
“No matter the situation,
childhood to his phenomenally
Brannaman never complained. He’s
successful approach to horses.
tough, and he really raises the bar
A real-life “horse-whisperer,”
for those around him. He doesn’t
Brannaman eschewed the violence
let anyone get by with excuses,”
of his upbringing and teaches people
Meehl said.
to communicate with their horses
Upon completion, the movie was
through leadership and sensitivity,
submitted to the Sundance Film
not punishment. The documentary
Festival, held every January in Park
follows the horseman from clinic to
City, Utah. The festival is widely
clinic, as he works with all different
considered the premier platform
kinds of horses and riders in the U.S.
for American and international
and Europe.
independent films.
Cedar Creek Productions filmed more than 300 hours of footage
While hundreds of films are submitted to Sundance every year,
mississippi state A lumnus
uck Brannaman sits atop his horse B while helping students at his clinic.
“Buck” movie poster
nominated for awards in numerous
Meehl’s “Buck” documentary
other festivals and organizations,
more than just the awards or
was one of those chosen in 2011,
and played in more than 600 select
renown. As Meehl said, the film
and it went on to win the U.S.
theaters, an unusual feat for a
was created to move people to make
Documentary Audience Award.
documentary film. Meehl’s company
changes in how they deal with horses
is currently marketing “Seven
and life’s challenges.
The film has won many other
Clinics with Buck Brannaman,” a
International Documentary
DVD series of more than 10 hours of
story. I don’t look at it like it’s
Film, Zurich Film Festival 2011;
footage taken during the filming of
something I did. I feel so strongly
Audience Choice Prize, Cinema
Brannaman’s clinics to create a set of
about this message that this was
Eye Honors; Best Documentary
affordable, instructional DVDs. They
truly a passion project,” she said.
Award, Crossroads Film Festival
were made available to the public
2011; and HBO Audience Award
this summer. Meehl also is in development on a
Meehl often receives feedback from people who say the movie has had a tremendous effect in their lives. “The film’s message resonates
Provincetown International Film
new documentary project focusing
Festival 2011.
on holistic and alternative healing
so much because people need
methods for animals.
something to feed their souls,” she
The documentary also was
“The whole thing is a Cinderella
awards, including the Best
for Best Documentary Feature,
But the “Buck” project is about
only 16 U.S. films are chosen.
Meehl on set during the filming of Buck.
More than 300 hours were filmed for the movie about the horseman.
“The way Brannaman teaches empowers you in all aspects of your life, not just with horses.” — Cindy Meehl, MSU Alumna
said. “Wisdom like this transcends all different kinds of disciplines.” The film also has impacted
“The way Brannaman teaches empowers you in all aspects of your life, not just with horses. In the
Brannaman’s life. He has
film, the horse is a metaphor for
experienced a surge in popularity
life and how to treat people,” Meehl
since the movie’s release; all of his
said. “He teaches people how to
2012 clinics have reached their
communicate with horses, but it
maximum number of participants,
also relates to communicating with
and clinic spectator numbers have
one another.”
vastly increased as well. Along with
All in all, this attitude can best
this year’s U.S. schedule, Brannaman
be summed up by the leading man
traveled to New Zealand and
Australia, where the film opened in theaters while he was there.
“Horses and life, it’s all the same to me,” Brannaman said.
He also plans to travel later in the
For more information about the
year to Japan for a horse training
film and Cedar Creek Productions,
go to www.cedarcreekmedia.com. •
mississippi state A lumnus
By Allison Matthews
summer 2012
n the digital age, having high speed
E-BEAT operates as a separate entity, but essentially acts
access to information and contacts is a
as the “boots on the ground” to accomplish some of the
vital tool for businesses, communities,
key goals set forth by the MBCC. E-BEAT consists of
and individuals.
state and regional Extension personnel with six regional
But for many Mississippians, broadband connectivity is still miles
Beaulieu explained that while expanding
away–both literally and figuratively.
broadband infrastructure is important, it is not
An initiative based at the Southern Rural
to inform, educate, and expand the effective
pursuing this asset on behalf of all Mississippians.
use of broadband by Mississippi residents and
The Extension Broadband Education and
communities, doing so in partnership with
Adoption Team, or e-BEAT, is helping rural
municipalities and other local governments, small
areas connect through broadband technology
businesses, workforce development specialists, public
as a tool for economic growth, a medium to
libraries, and other appropriate agencies.
provide and receive services, and as an avenue for
Broadband is a term that commonly refers to high-
educational activities. The MSU Extension Service
speed Internet access. A fast connection to the Internet,
is partnering in the effort.
broadband allows users to send emails, surf the web,
yet available, and even in areas where it is, many
download images and music, watch videos, join web conferences, and much more.
people do not realize how implementing broadband
Beaulieu said some very valuable uses include
usage can benefit them,” said Lionel “Bo” Beaulieu,
e-business (the marketing of products and services
SRDC director and e-BEAT project director.
on the web), online educational courses offered
“Our initiative is working not only to guide the
— Lionel “Bo” Beaulieu, SRDC director
the primary goal of e-BEAT. Rather, it is designed
Development Center at Mississippi State is actively
“In many communities broadband access is not
“In many communities broadband access is not yet available, and even in areas where it is, many people do not realize how implementing broadband usage can benefit them.”
broadband coordinators stationed across the state.
by universities and community colleges, and even
implementation of broadband connectivity in
“telemedicine”—a term that refers to the remote
underserved areas of the state, but also to provide
diagnosis and treatment of patients by means of
information and assistance that can spur the
telecommunications technology—which is especially
adoption and application of this helpful technology
important for rural residents who may have limited
in ways that result in real benefits to Mississippians
access to medical specialists.
and their communities.”
Chip Templeton, a regional broadband coordinator
Former Governor Haley Barbour spearheaded
also based at MSU’s Starkville campus, explained that he
the creation of the Mississippi Broadband Connect
and his counterparts in five other regions, are delivering
Coalition in 2009. The coalition seeks to increase
information, education, and assistance activities to
broadband access and expand broadband adoption
meet needs in their respective regions. Key audiences
throughout the state to help Mississippi maximize the
include underserved communities and households,
opportunity to participate in a digital economy.
local governments, small and home-based businesses,
The e-BEAT initiative, funded through the National Telecommunications and Information Administration
entrepreneurs, and the self-employed. Collecting data and mapping broadband availability
of the U.S. Department of Commerce, began in July
across the state have been core activities of the broadband
2011 and is expected to continue through 2014.
initiative. From surveys of the state’s municipalities and
mississippi state A lumnus
small businesses, to assessments of
contact for reaching out within
require online application submissions,
community anchor institutions and
communities are local public libraries,
and many job announcements are
identification of Wi-Fi hotspots, the
which also make ideal locations for
published online, making Internet
regional coordinators have made
training and workshops.
access critical for those seeking
concerted efforts to gather relevant
“Access to computers is a real issue,
information and then take a “feet on the
and we have found that the computers
The Mississippi Department of
ground” approach to actively engaging
available for use at public libraries are
Employment Security worked with
with organizations and individuals to
in use 90 to 100 percent of the time.
the MSU-based National Strategic
further the e-BEAT goals.
The public is relying heavily on library
Planning and Analysis Research Center
staff members for Internet assistance.
to produce the Workforce Investment
We are working side-by-side with
Network Global Services, or WINGS,
library staff to provide support and
to create “a real-time, integrated web
training for the public. At the same
solution providing workforce services
time, we are employing a ‘train the
to anyone, anywhere, anytime.” The
trainer’ approach to help strengthen
web-based interface will generate
the knowledge and skills of the library
real-time updates. Job seekers can
staff who are experiencing expanded
find available jobs, apply, check their
demands by patrons for help with new
application status, get job search
technology–related tools and social
and interview tips, and more via the
media activities,” Templeton explained.
Internet. Employers also can post jobs,
Because e-BEAT is rooted in the
find qualified applicants, and manage
MSU Extension Service, educating the public is a key goal, as well as equipping
“This is going to be an outstanding resource for employers and potential
many cases of having the broadband
Templeton said creating additional
employees alike. It is a truly remarkable
connections available, one thing we are
computers for public access is one
asset, and it is another example of why
working heavily on is digital literacy,”
avenue e-BEAT is exploring.
it is critical that people have the ability
Templeton said. “That is helping people
“Public access is important because
to connect through Internet access,” Templeton said.
who have never interfaced with the
there is a need and a demand. We want
web, to introduce them to the Internet,
people to have access to the Internet,
and often to computers in general.”
and if they don’t have computer access
gain access to the Internet, Region 1
at home, the library is very important,
coordinator Chance McDavid said
had computer experience, Templeton
and we are trying to establish other
working with Mississippi’s small
said basic training and orientation to
public computer access points,”
business owners also is an e-BEAT
computers and the Internet is often
Templeton said.
priority. Recent research found that of
For those who have not previously
the first critical step in breaking the digital divide. Among the primary points of
job applications.
them to apply what they learn.
“In addition to limitations in
employment, Templeton said.
In addition to helping job seekers
Coordinators also are working
Mississippi businesses, more than 60
with WIN Job Centers to facilitate
percent do not market their products
access for job seekers. Many jobs now
or services online. Many businesses
“In addition to limitations in many cases of having the broadband connections available, one thing we are working heavily on is digital literacy.” — Chip Templeton
that were operating for years before
of commerce and other economic
the Internet existed have not yet found
development organizations to
how they can tap into e-commerce
introduce broadband connectivity
opportunities in addition to focusing
and e-commerce topics to small
on the traditional aspects of their
business owners in communities
business models.
across the state.
“We want to see our local businesses
Beaulieu said many issues relate to
thrive, and in the digital age, more
access, availability, and adoption of
consumers are shopping or making
broadband connectivity in the state.
decisions based on information
Regional coordinators are serving as
and products available online. We
resources on a broad span of topics,
want to help Mississippi businesses
from using social media to avoiding
market on the Internet and engage in
cyber bullying.
e-commerce so they can avoid missing
Information about upcoming
an opportunity that may pay great
workshops is offered online at www.
benefits,” McDavid said.
srdc.msstate.edu/ebeat. Other
E-BEAT coordinators can offer
resources regarding digital literacy,
training and assistance, and among
local government, and small business
their goals is to partner with chambers
also are available. •
mississippi state A lumnus
MSU Alum is
BAMA’S BISHOP of the Episcopal Diocese
By Harriet Laird | Photos By The Birmingham News e might be occasionally
sister at Mississippi State and
majored in sociology, receiving his
his clerical
degree in 1976. After short stints in
collar and
counseling and special education-
in a T-shirt that’s a shade of red.
related positions throughout
However, that red won’t be crimson.
Mississippi, he entered seminary in
MSU alumnus Kee Sloan is true
the fall of 1978 and graduated with
The bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Alabama has definitely embraced the Yellowhammer State
a master of divinity degree from the University of the South in Sewanee, Tenn., in 1981. While his passion for MSU had
and its Episcopal flock, but his
never faltered, he did begin to
roots run deep in Mississippi and in
rekindle the flame when he came
Bulldog Country.
to the Church of the Incarnation in
Sloan became head of the
West Point. It was one of his early
Alabama diocese in January,
appointments as a young priest after
after spending four years as the
serving churches in Olive Branch
suffragan or assistant bishop.
and Horn Lake.
“I grew up in a house full of
“I happened to be in West Point
Episcopalians. I’m very grateful
at the same time Will Clark, Rafael
for that and for being active in
Palmeiro and Jeff Brantley were on
the church most of my life,” the
the baseball team. I loved baseball,
Vicksburg native said.
and it was nice to go over and set up
Even though he wanted to be
— Bishop Kee Sloan
Sloan joined his brother and
“I didn’t really know anybody in Alabama, but every time they narrowed the field of candidates I was still in the running.”
people instead of animals.”
a place for myself in left center field,”
a priest from the time he turned
he recalled of the team that went
13, Sloan found it difficult telling
on to compete in the 1985 College
people he was headed in that
World Series.
direction. He talked himself into
During his three and a half
trying the field of marine biology
years in West Point, he also
after graduating from high school
continued his passion for helping
and enrolled at the University of
people with disabilities, having
Southern Mississippi.
been a counselor since the age of
“But after that first year,” he said,
15 at Camp Bratton-Green, the
“I clearly realized I didn’t have an
summer camp for the Episcopal
aptitude for the hard sciences and
Diocese of Mississippi. In 1983, he
that I wanted to concentrate on
became special session director,
mississippi state A lumnus
Kee Sloan was installed in January as the 11th bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Alabama.
spearheading 11 years of summer work with those in need.
“Everyone learns from mistakes, and I’ve learned a lot. I wouldn’t sanitize my life so much that I didn’t have those opportunities.” — Bishop Kee Sloan
For 14 years, Sloan served the St. Thomas parish as rector, starting the church’s medical
As his heart swelled with compassion for
mission to Honduras and beginning the
those less fortunate, so did the membership at
Alabama diocese’s special sessions for the
the churches he served. He moved from West
disabled at its own Camp McDowell. The two
Point to the larger All Saints Episcopal Church
projects continue to this day.
in Grenada, where in 1987 he married Tina
“There were many people who did a lot
Brown of Leland, who also had been on the
of work to get these sessions started, and it’s
special session staff at Camp Bratton-Green.
become an important part of our summer
He continued his ministry three years later at
camping program and the fabric of the
the University of Mississippi, where he became
diocese. These sessions are about treating
the college chaplain and was assistant priest at
people, who have a range of disabilities, with
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church.
dignity and respect, and I’m so honored
It was in the spring of 1993 that the state
to be a part of it,” he said of the specialized
line between Mississippi and Alabama began
programming that each summer serves more
to blur for Sloan, when a friend suggested he
than 100 participants of all ages.
put his name in consideration as priest for St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Huntsville, Ala. He explained, “I didn’t really know anybody
Zachary Woolley, a wheelchair-bound camper who is also an MSU student, said of Sloan, “I can’t even say all of the ways that he has helped
in Alabama, but every time they narrowed the
me. During my second summer at camp, just
field of candidates I was still in the running.”
after I graduated from high school, I was not in a
very good place in terms of why I had
providing them with meaningful
cerebral palsy. Kee and I had a lengthy
employment. Also, he said
conversation about why things
improvements to the environmental
happen to certain people, and the
center would give young campers
conversation changed my life.”
more opportunities to learn about
Focused on what he calls “creating opportunities for others,” Sloan
natural surroundings, while the
confesses he thought the diocese
folk school would broaden its range
would elect someone more “bishopy”
of offerings in everything from
when he was being considered in
quilting to pottery.
2011 to lead the more than 30,000 Episcopalians in the state. “I thought they’d want someone
undertaking, and Sloan doesn’t
administration, and knew how to
his new job comes with many
read spreadsheets,” he said of being
challenges. He said, however, that
elected on the first ballot by church
“everyone learns from mistakes,
members in July of last year.
and I’ve learned a lot. “I wouldn’t sanitize my life so
position as head of the church does
much that I didn’t have those
give him more opportunities to
opportunities,” he said.
that are near and dear to him. His newest project is a plan to
— Zachary Woolley, MSU student
become reality is a significant hesitate to acknowledge that
continue and expand on projects
“He displays an antique cowbell in his office at the Cathedral of the Advent in downtown Birmingham. He definitely loves his Dawgs.”
Seeing a project like this one
who kept a neat desk, was better at
Admittedly, he said the new
ee Sloan knocked on the door of the Cathedral of the K Advent to begin the service of investiture.
the richness and diverseness of their
And to someone like Woolley who’s been influenced by a man he calls a “big dude and a bishop,”
build what he calls “Bethany Village,”
the 22-year-old has had a very
an expansion of facilities and
positive, first-hand experience
programming at Camp McDowell.
with a spiritual leader whose
An enriched ministry for the
soft-spoken voice and gentle
disabled is part of the vision, along
personality reflect many years of
with an enhanced environmental
challenges–and joy.
center and folk school. “All buildings will be designed
The two have even shared the good times as MSU sports fans.
a little too large,” he said, “and the
“He displays an antique cowbell
dining hall will have round tables
in his office at the Cathedral of the
instead of rectangular.”
Advent in downtown Birmingham.
With new facilities, Sloan hopes to hire the disabled to work,
He definitely loves his Dawgs,” Woolley said. •
mississippi state A lumnus
MSU exhibits prove popular in D.C. at Smithsonian Folklife Festival onths of preparation
proved to be worth every ounce of effort
when Mississippi State enjoyed a presence on the National Mall during the Smithsonian Folklife Festival in Washington, D.C. The venue gave the university valuable exposure in the nation’s capital over a nearly two-week period that included Independence Day. It was an opportunity for students, faculty and staff representing the university to interact with people from around the country and all over the world. Held annually since 1967, the festival this year celebrated the 150th anniversary of the Morrill Act, the congressional legislation passed during the Civil War that created land-grant institutions such as MSU. This year’s theme, “Campus and Community,” also commemorated the 150th
Mobile Veterinary Clinic, “Maggie,”
anniversary of the U.S. Department
a mechanical milking cow and part
of Agriculture, with which MSU has a
of the thermography exhibit, proved
long working relationship.
to be among the most popular
A total of 18 institutions of higher learning participated this year, each
“These were wonderful interactive
with exhibits to demonstrate their
displays,” said George Hopper, dean
respective contributions to the
of MSU’s colleges of Agriculture and
modern land-grant system.
Life Sciences and Forest Resources.
Designed to be interactive, each
draws for festival visitors.
“Once you’re able to get people
MSU exhibit engaged the public
involved, they start asking questions,
with hands-on activities. Along
and when they ask questions, then
with the university’s nationally
you’ve really got an opportunity to
award winning EcoCAR and the
do some teaching.” •
Top: MSU EcoCAR2 team members visited with the Elkin family of Arlington, Mass., at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival. Sons Elliot, 6, and Daniel, 4, got a simple lesson in energy. Carl and Sheryl Elkin learned how the team is developing an energy-efficient automobile that also delivers high performance. Bottom: Parked near the U.S. Department of Agriculture building named for former Mississippi congressman Jamie Whitten, Mississippi State’s Mobile Veterinary Clinic enjoyed a prominent position on the National Mall.
Team Xipiter among top
finishers in international competition ississippi State’s
The aircraft also would need to capture
unmanned aerial
aerial images and relay the files back to
systems team landed
the ground station for team members
in the top 10 during a recent international competition. The university’s Team Xipiter
to identify specific targets. “The most impressive thing for us was that we were able to fly exactly
finished 10th overall out of 26 student
where we wanted despite the high
groups that were able to fly during the
wind,” said team leader Jared Gates of
two-day Association for Unmanned
Vehicle Systems International’s
“A lot of teams either weren’t able
student challenge in Maryland. The
to fly or actually crashed,” the senior
major and team surveillance leader,
24-member team also finished sixth in
aerospace engineering major added.
said that, with high-resolution,
flight and 10th in the journal paper and
“The biggest advance from last year’s
wide-field-of-view images, the MSU
aircraft to this year’s is our imagery
students were able to identify targets
subsystem,” explained Jeffrey Morris of
they might not have seen with the
required to design and build a UAS
Gulfport. “We switched from recording
previous system. Among them was
that could be piloted to an unattended
aerial video to taking high resolution
a one-by-two-foot target spotted in
ground station and connect to an
an image taken from 750 feet above
readiness review presentation. This year’s participants were
antenna to retrieve a data transmission.
Morris, a junior computer science
ground level, he added. •
Civil rights organization gives MSU ‘green light’ rating
community can engage in an exchange
ississippi State is joining
Based in Philadelphia, Pa., FIRE is
just 16 other universities
a nonprofit educational organization
of ideas grounded with all the
nationwide as holder of a
of civil rights and civil liberties leaders,
protections provided to it by the first
green light rating from the Foundation
scholars, journalists, and public
for Individual Rights in Education.
intellectuals from across the political
Bourgeois said MSU worked with
and ideological spectrum. Protections
FIRE to address its speech codes and
organization’s highest award
of individual rights, freedom of
no longer maintains any policies
recognizes free speech protection
expression, academic freedom, due
restricting student speech protected by
and a commitment to giving students
process, and rights of conscience at the
the First Amendment.
the best possible education and
nation’s colleges and universities are its
learning environment.
primary mission.
The national civil rights
“The entire Mississippi State
“This rating brings recognition to
MSU’s Team Xipiter members include, kneeling, Jared Gates, Caledonia, team lead; and standing, left to right, Jeffrey Morris, Gulfport; Melanie Shumock, Suwanee, Ga.; Nick Jones, Gulfport; Randolph Follett, assistant professor, electrical and computer engineering; Brett Fore, Saucier; Anthony Favaloro, airframe lead, Collierville, Tenn.; Benjamin Nesbit, Memphis, Tenn.; Alex Hoing, Randolph; Joseph Brown, Amory; Austin Powell, Ocean Springs; William Delcambre, avionics lead, McKinney, Texas; and Calvin Walker, senior flight test engineer for MSU’s Raspet Flight Research Laboratory.
“Over the past few years, we have been happy to see increasing numbers of schools eliminate their speech
community should feel extremely
something the university has been
codes, but much work remains to be
proud today,” said Greg Lukianoff,
committed to for the past decade,”
done,” said Samantha Harris, FIRE’s
FIRE president. “The university’s
said Thomas Bourgeois, MSU dean of
director of speech code research. “We
exemplary commitment to free
students. “As an institution of higher
are thrilled to have MSU join the
speech now rings out as loudly and
learning, it is our job to provide an
green light ranks and hope that more
clearly as its famous cowbells.”
environment in which the university
universities will follow suit this year.” •
mississippi state A lumnus
MSU leads the way with unique mentoring program for blind new nationwide research project at Mississippi
“Many students who are blind may have little to no work
State seeks to help students who are legally blind
experience, making it hard for them to find a job in an
find employment through a unique mentoring
already competitive job market,” said Jamie O’Mally, NRTC assistant research professor.
The project by the university’s National Research and
The students currently participating in the program
Training Center on Blindness and Low Vision is designed
work with a career mentor who is blind, receiving
to match students who are legally blind with successful
assistance in career goal development, job placement
mentors in their career fields who also are blind.
and job shadowing opportunities.
Now in its third decade of service on the Starkville
“Both mentors and students are in an amazing mix of
campus, the center is the sole U.S. Department of
fields, which shows the variety of options individuals who
Education-funded program focused on employment
are blind are pursuing for careers,” O’Mally observed.
outcomes of persons with blindness or low vision. Funded by a five-year National Institute on
Participants are divided into either an intervention group, in which they receive a mentor, or a comparison
Disability and Rehabilitation Research grant, the goal
group, whose members receive traditional career
of this latest project and several others is to improve
resources. Each group participates for a year.
competitive employment outcomes and other success
Each month, those in the intervention group are
indicators for individuals who are legally blind.
required to complete three hours of face-to-face time
Specifically, center researchers will be working to
and a written report. They also receive a stipend that
develop and evaluate new and existing employment
may go toward expenses incurred when meeting with
interventions and practices.
the mentor. •
Grad student gets top U.S. honor for science teaching Mississippi State graduate student completing her degree by distance learning is receiving the
educator has more than two decades of classroom experience.
Presidential Award for Excellence in
She leads beginning and advanced chemistry classes, along
Mathematics and Science Teaching. Anna Cole of Raceland, La., a master’s degree major in
Certified to teach chemistry and biology, the veteran
with laboratory sections, at Central Lafourche High School. Cole said she enrolled in MSU’s interdisciplinary
interdisciplinary sciences, is among nearly 100 across the
sciences graduate program to elevate her skills as a high
United States being honored with the highest recognition
school chemistry teacher in her hometown. She learned
for teachers of mathematics and science. She also is receiving
of the program through a colleague who successfully had
a $10,000 cash award.
completed the program with an emphasis is geosciences.
Additionally, the award includes travel to Washington,
During the coming school year, Cole also will teach
D.C., where she and the other honorees will be recognized
advanced placement and dual enrollment sections. This
formally, participate in various professional development
will be the first year that A.P. classes are available at her
sessions, and meet with government policymakers.
school. •
Institute, Yazoo County school share education partner honor he Mississippi Writing/Thinking Institute and Yazoo
involvement, and
County High School are being recognized for their
many other areas that
collaborative work with students and teachers.
are vital to academic
The Mississippi Association of Partners in Education recently
honored a record 18 school-community partnership programs
enrichment. During a three-year partnership, the institute’s reading and
during its 2012 Governor’s Awards luncheon. The institute and
writing instruction specialists trained Yazoo County High English
high school received one of nine Partnership Excellence Awards.
and language arts teachers, as well as instructed nearly 400 students annually. A parent literacy night and career fair also were
The institute is a division of the Center for Educational
part of the program.
Partnerships at Mississippi State University.
“Yazoo County School District believes that highly
Since 1984, MAPE has served as a statewide network of educators and community partners working to provide
trained, highly skilled teachers are at the heart of
training and materials to help build local support for the
student achievement,” said Superintendent Rebecca
success of all students.
Fisher. “During our partnership, MWTI has provided a
The Governor’s Award program recognizes creative, results-
comprehensive, multilayered professional development
oriented partnerships that emphasize student achievement in
plan for improving reading and writing, and we are
reading, science and math, the arts, fitness and health, community
seeing stronger readers and writers each year.” •
Yazoo County High School and the MSU-based Mississippi Writing/Thinking Institute received a 2012 MAPE Board of Directors Partnership Excellence Award. At the ceremony were (l-r) Debbie Anglin, MAPE president; MWTI director Kim Patterson and associate director Cheryl Foster; and Angela Hudson, federal programs director, and superintendent Rebecca Fisher, both of the Yazoo County School District. Former governor William Winter presented the honor.
Workshop helps officials with community development bout 20 municipalities around the
Participants typically include
Magnolia State stand to benefit from
elected officials, chamber of
an economic development workshop
commerce representatives,
presented by a Mississippi State institute. YourTown, Mississippi, an interactive
and business and other community leaders interested
educational workshop, is administered by
in maximizing economic
the university’s John C. Stennis Institute of
development opportunities.
Government and Community Development.
Now in its third year, the workshop recently
The program is designed to teach community
was held at Lake Tiak O’Khata in Louisville.
development methods using basic design and
Sessions covered topics such as arts and
planning principles.
culture, tourism, marketing and branding,
Vicki Rigby (from left) of Plantersville, Karen Ott-Mayer of Como, Gary Phillips of Iuka, and Bill Lyle of Amory consider community development issues impacting the fictitious YourTown, Mississippi during a group exercise.
historic preservation, as well as design.
groups that can help facilitate planning
the training is a collaboration among
Participants also were given opportunities
strategies and communicate with other local
the Appalachian Regional Commission,
to apply concepts to development plans for a
leaders about concepts they learned.
Mississippi Development Authority,
fictitious town called Your Town, Mississippi.
In addition to the Stennis Institute,
Mississippi Main Street, and Mississippi Arts Commission. Through the program, local leaders engage in efforts to better their respective towns.
Joe Fratesi, the Stennis Institute’s community
“This year, we spent a lot of time discussing how various topics such as planning, design,
development director, said participating
historic preservation, arts and culture, and others
communities are encouraged to send more
help communities create a unique sense of place,”
than one person. Doing so helps form core
Fratesi said. •
mississippi state A lumnus
ecocar 2 team earns first place finish in competition M ississippi State’s
Best Facilities Inspection, Best Final
and the quality of the instruction in
alternative vehicle
Technical Report, Best Project
our Bagley College of Engineering.
design team returns to
Initiation Approval Presentation,
We are excited for our team and for
the Magnolia State as champions
Best Trade Show Evaluation, and
the message this top finish sends
after being named year-one
Best Controls Presentation. Team
about the role Mississippi State
winners of EcoCAR2: Plugging
member Rachel Wheeler won the
University is playing in developing
Into the Future.
Women in Engineering Award.
fuel-efficient, clean-energy technology for the vehicles of the
The results were announced
“I spoke to our team members in
during a ceremony in Los Angeles,
Los Angeles and congratulated them
Calif., following six days of judged
on behalf of the entire Mississippi
A three-year competition,
competitions. In addition to the
State family,” MSU President Mark
EcoCAR2 asks 15 competitively
overall first place finish, the team
E. Keenum said. “This national
selected collegiate teams to
brings home $13,000 in prize money
recognition speaks volumes about
re-engineer a 2013 Chevrolet
and five individual category awards:
the capabilities of our students
Malibu to improve its efficiency
while maintaining safety and consumer appeal. The first year of
More than $1 million awarded to university for rural job creation ississippi State will administer
Economic development partnerships and
competition focuses on computerbased modeling and simulations, which test the teams’ design ideas.
existing small businesses,” said Clayton
more than $1 million in federal
initiatives in 12 states are receiving awards
Walden, director of MSU’s Center for
grant monies as part of a
from the U.S. Department of Commerce’s
Advanced Vehicular Systems Extension
national effort to bolster job creation in
Economic Development Administration, the
Office based in Canton and the university’s
rural areas.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Delta
principal leader for the grant. He noted
Regional Authority, and the Appalachian
that the project especially will focus on
Regional Commission.
increasing entrepreneurship with minority
The White House announced in August that Mississippi State will receive the maximum award of $1,065,000 as part of
“The focus is to create jobs in rural areas
the multi-agency Rural Jobs and Innovation
of the country, so there is a strong focus
Accelerator Challenge.
on support for entrepreneurs and growing
and underrepresented groups. Walden explained that MSU’s project will focus on 61 counties that define the combined
Mississippi State’s design features a series-parallel vehicle architecture. This type of system allows the vehicle’s engine to power the wheels in a traditional sense, or to generate battery power for all-electric operation. “Series-parallel architecture is more efficient than traditional plugin hybrids,” explained Matthew Doude, the team leader. “It will be
its vehicle to meet consumer
and won multiple awards during the
more challenging to implement than
expectations and present it as a
three-year EcoCAR competition.
our past designs, but we enjoy being
production-ready prototype. EcoCAR2 is the latest in a series
This year’s Mississippi State team consists of more than 80
of automotive vehicle technology
undergraduate and graduate
that the team’s design will earn 81.4
competitions sponsored by General
students from 16 different majors.
mpg with a 57-mile all-electric range.
Motors and the Department of
It is led by faculty adviser Marshall
Energy. The Mississippi State team
Molen. For more information about
donated Malibu this summer
was formed eight years ago for
Mississippi State’s EcoCAR2 team,
and will spend the next year
ChallengeX, a four-year competition
visit its website at www.msuecocar2.
implementing its designs. During
that MSU ultimately won. Most
com, follow MSStateEcoCAR2 on
the third and final year of the
recently the team re-engineered an
Twitter or “like” Mississippi State
competition, the team will refine
SUV that earns more than 118 mpg
EcoCAR2 Team on Facebook. •
Doude said simulations indicate
The team received its GM-
Delta and Appalachian regions of the Magnolia
The program targets the creation and
EcoCAR2: Plugging Into the Future has named Mississippi State University the competition’s year-one winner. The challenge included 15 universities across North America to reduce the environmental impact of a 2013 Chevrolet Malibu by minimizing the vehicle’s fuel consumption and reducing its emissions while retaining the vehicle’s performance, safety, and consumer appeal.
David Shaw, Mississippi State’s vice president for research and economic development.
State. Along with the CAVS Extension Office, the
retention of more than 500 jobs, with an
university-based Southern Rural Development
accompanying economic development impact
Center, the National Strategic Planning and
of more than $30 million including private
example of how major research universities can
Analysis Research Center, the Franklin Furniture
investment, and cost savings.
positively impact rural economic development
Institute, the Office of Entrepreneurship and
“We have taken purposeful steps to make
“We believe that this work is the perfect
in their states,” said Melvin Ray, associate
Technology Transfer, as well as the Department
innovation, entrepreneurship and community
vice president for economic development at
of Agricultural Economics will support the
engagement priorities on our campus. We
Mississippi State. “We are working every day to
initiative. Mississippi Development Authority is
have been building that culture with students,
enhance opportunities in the local community,
an additional partner.
faculty and staff for a number of years,” said
our state and region-wide.” •
mississippi state A lumnus
NOAA exploration command center opens at MSU at Stennis hat mysteries lie in
capable of utilizing
the depths of the
has revealed the hidden world live
and in high definition, thanks to a
Collaboratory and
long-standing partnership between
NOAA’s National
Mississippi State and National Oceanic
Coastal Data
and Atmospheric Administration.
Gulf of Mexico?
The John C. Stennis Space Center
The university’s new Science and
Center, a division of the agency’s National
County test facility is home to the
Oceanographic Data
country’s now-seventh NOAA
Center, provided
Exploration Command Center. A
technical support
state-of-the-art communication hub,
for the team effort that made the
aboard vessels to be in constant
it enables research scientists at sea and
command center possible.
contact with others ashore
“The MSU Science and Technology
through a combination of high-
view live video streams of the secret
Center at Stennis is the perfect place
definition cameras and remotely
undersea life.
to house the new NOAA Exploration
operated underwater vehicles.
Command Center,” said Steve Ashby,
The network includes an Internet-
Institute--a NOAA cooperative--
NGI associate director. “Stennis is
enabled intercom system for voice
and the agency’s Office of Ocean
known for innovative research and
communication as the ship’s remotely
Exploration and Research are
collaboration among its agencies.”
operated vehicles send a continuous
The MSU-led Northern Gulf
coordinating the first use at Stennis
The idea behind NOAA Exploration
stream of live video and data. “The key is that this method of
of this highly advanced technology.
Command Centers began in 2003
Another key part of the effort is
when the agency’s Office of Ocean
communication offers a unique,
the Okeanos Explorer, the NOAA
Exploration and Research collaborated
real-time data exchange that enables
exploration flagship currently probing
with internationally known ocean
the shipboard science party to ‘reach
the gulf floor.
scientist and explorer Robert Ballard,
back’ to scientists on shore to take
who first envisioned scientists
advantage of a broader range of
region have been traveling to
participating in ocean exploration
expertise,” said Russell Beard, director
Stennis to participate aboard
through “telepresence technology.”
of NOAA’s National Coastal Data
Scientists from across the
the only ship in the NOAA fleet
Technology Center at the Hancock
colleagues on shore to simultaneously
MSU’s High
The technology enables scientists
Development Center. •
Yearbook returns in print, online
individuals who pre-ordered a copy.
along with a digitized version
Foundation, the university library
through MSU Libraries.
system also has joined with the Lyrasis
ississippi State’s yearbook, “Reveille”
Through a subsidy grant from
is returning in print,
the New York-based Alfred P. Sloan
The photograph-heavy, student-
Mass Digitization Collaborative to
produced record of university life
provide a digital version of both the
was published first in 1898 and then
latest and all previous editions.
from 1906-2008, with the exception
“The Reveille issues are being
of 1944, when the volume was
digitized in reverse order, with the
suspended to conserve paper for the
first batch mostly complete,” said
war effort.
Randall McMillen, coordinator of
Through considerable efforts of the 2011-12 Student Association, the latest edition has been printed and was mailed over the summer to
complete download. For updates on the digitization
MSU Libraries’ Digital Projects and
process, interested MSU students,
Access Unit.
staff, faculty, alumni, and others
The easily searchable volumes will be freely available for partial or
should check the library website, http://library.msstate.edu/. •
IMPACT program continues free services for children s it has for more than
skills. The IMPACT team includes
to go to multiple places,” Cirlot-
a decade, Mississippi
three teachers, along with a speech
New said.
State’s T.K. Martin
and language pathologist and
Center for Technology and
occupational therapist.
She regularly advises parents that “the earlier intervention is
Parent and caregiver training
started, the better the outcomes,”
program for young children unlike
and support, occupational therapy,
emphasizing that, “If parents see
any other in the area.
speech and language therapy, and
their children seem to fall behind
special instruction all are offered in
their peers, let someone know.”
Disability is continuing a free
Funded by the Mississippi Department of Health, Project Insuring Mississippi Parents’
the family-centered approach. Center director Janie Cirlot-New
Cirlot-New also explained that a play-based assessment is used
And Children’s Tomorrows--or
said the fact that both assessments
to tailor an individualized family
IMPACT--provides assessments
and interventions are provided in
service plan or an individualized
of children from birth to age 3 and
one place makes Project IMPACT
education plan for a family’s and
interventions for children from
unlike any other offered in the area.
child’s specific needs. Depending on
birth to age 5.
The wide range of ages and disability
the needs, classroom activities are
levels served also sets it apart from
tailored to help improve fine motor
other programs.
skills, including coloring, cutting
Each year, the university-based services are provided for more than 40 children who may have
“Project IMPACT provides a
and buttoning, as well as large
delays in cognitive, language, social/
place where children can have all of
muscle functions, such as learning
emotional, motor, and self-help
their needs met, instead of having
to walk. •
mississippi state A lumnus
MSU joins exclusive list as presidential library host ississippi State is
serving as host to a presidential library–
one of only five universities in the nation to share such a distinction. Ulysses S. Grant Association President Frank J. Williams formally announced the decision of the organization’s board of directors to designate the Ulysses S. Grant Collection at MSU’s Mitchell Memorial Library as the Ulysses S. Grant Presidential Library. The announcement came during the association’s annual meeting in May as part of the organization’s 50th anniversary observance. MSU President Mark E. Keenum recently received a letter from
University with the long-term
David S. Ferriero of the National
responsibility for managing and
late scholar and longtime USGA
Archives congratulating the
showcasing this treasure trove
executive director by recognizing
university on the presidential
of vital American history,” said
significant achievement in
library designation. The National
Keenum. “Our university feels a
advancing “historical knowledge
Archives has responsibility for 13
deep bond with this organization
about General-President Ulysses S.
presidential libraries across the
and a shared vision for what a
nation, including libraries affiliated
marvelous resource this collection
with the universities of Michigan
is and what it can and will become.”
Library has been the repository
Highlights of the USGA’s 50th
of correspondence, photographs,
Since 2008, Mitchell Memorial
(Lyndon Johnson), as well as Texas
anniversary meeting included the
books, memorabilia, and other
A & M (George H.W. Bush) and
dedication and ribbon cutting for
documents related to the military
Southern Methodist (George W.
the new Ulysses S. Grant Exhibit
career and presidency of America’s
Bush) universities.
Area on the first floor of Mitchell
18th president.
“We are extremely grateful to
The Simon Award honors the
Archivist of the United States
(Gerald R. Ford) and Texas
MSU now has the distinction of being one of only five universities nationwide to host a presidential library.
Memorial Library and presentation
The Grant Presidential
the Ulysses S. Grant Association
of the USGA’s prestigious John Y.
Collection consists of some 15,000
for entrusting Mississippi State
Simon Award.
linear feet of correspondence,
research notes, artifacts,
recognized Civil War scholar and
photographs, scrapbooks, and
MSU Giles Distinguished Professor
memorabilia and includes
Emeritus, was named its executive
information on Grant’s childhood
director and managing editor.
from his birth in 1822, his
Marszalek continued a 46-year-
later military career, Civil War
old project begun by the late John Y.
triumphs, tenure as commanding
Simon, another nationally renowned
general after the war, presidency,
scholar who died in 2008.
and his post-White House years
Marszalek said MSU now
until his death in 1885. There are
becomes one of only a few U.S.
also 4,000 published monographs
institutions to house a collection of
on various aspects of Grant’s life
presidential papers. “Mississippi State is now the
and times. Through a 2008 agreement with
premier source of materials for
the Ulysses S. Grant Association,
research about a seminal figure in
the MSU Libraries became the
the nation’s history,” he noted. “This
official host of the Grant papers.
is a remarkable accomplishment for
John Marszalek, a nationally
our institution.” •
Additional grant equips MSU to reach rural entrepreneurs ississippi State’s College
enable MSU’s College of Business
include mentoring and assisting
of Business is receiving
to have a real, measurable impact
entrepreneurs as they consider
an additional $650,000
on creating jobs and opportunities
business opportunities, make
grant to leverage university resources
for Mississippi businesses and
plans for successful business
for economic development.
communities,” said Jeffrey Rupp,
plans, and weigh risks and other
director of outreach for MSU’s
factors that may affect their
College of Business.
The award from the federal Economic Development Administration will enable the
The University Center will
Drew St. John, chief executive
university to continue housing a
partner with the Venture Incubator,
officer of New South Mats in
University Center, an entity designed
a non-profit organization in Jackson,
Madison, said his company was
as a resource for entrepreneurs in
to meet entrepreneurial needs by
fortunate to tap into a valuable
rural areas. This grant comes on the
taking training to people in rural
resource as part of the program.
heels of an additional $1,065,000
areas rather than requiring them to
Recently named by Inc. magazine
awarded to MSU and announced
come to the campus to benefit from
as one of the 500 fastest growing
by the White House last week to
university resources.
companies, New South manufactures
stimulate jobs in the rural Delta and Appalachian counties. “This EDA grant will further
Mark E. Keenum, MSU president, said the university feels a deep bond with the Ulysses S. Grant Association for entrusting the institution with this vital part of American history.
Local people will be used in
mats for heavy equipment which
each community to engage others
minimize environmental effects of
in the training programs, which
operation. •
mississippi state A lumnus
Alumni Association helps revitalize senior gift campaign his spring, the 2012 senior
class partnered with the MSU Alumni Association
to restore a time-honored landmark on campus. The Bull Ring, which once served as a gathering place for students on campus, will be reconstructed between Colvard Student Union and the YMCA building. With a lead gift of $25,000, the Alumni Association is a major sponsor of this campus beautification project. “We are so happy to partner with the senior class to bring the
The new Bull Ring will be reconstructed close to its original spot near Colvard Student Union.
historical campus landmark back to mark on their university just as we
said Jimmy Abraham, associate
were charged to do by the class of
opportunity to donate $50 and
vice president for development and
1922. We are so excited to be able to
receive a personalized engraved
alumni and executive director of the
revitalize the class gift program this
brick that will pave the surrounding
MSU Alumni Association.
year to help restore a great piece of
area of the Bull Ring structure.
Mississippi State history,” said Rhett
A smaller gift of $20.12 can be
senior gift to MSU. Students raised
Hobart, 2011-12 Student Association
made in honor of the 2012 senior
$2,000 to build two gateway arches at
class. There is no permanent gift
The class of 1922 made the first
the entrance of campus on University
It is not too late to make a gift to
recognition for this level.
Drive. One still stands today across
the Bull Ring project. Several giving
Alumni, parents, faculty and
from the Hunter Henry Center.
opportunities are available, honoring
staff are encouraged to support the
the past mascots of the university.
Bull Ring project as well. For more
to support their respective class
Gifts of $250 will be honored at the
information, contact the Student
gift projects. It affords them the
Aggie Level, $500 is the Maroon
Association at 662-325-2930 or
opportunity to leave a permanent
Level, and $1,000 is the Bulldog level.
Barbie Hampel at 662-325-5975. •
“It is vitally important for students
Students also have the
our students, alumni and friends,”
Chapters host summer picnics ummertime provides the
joined Mississippians from other
and it included live music, a catfish
perfect atmosphere for
universities and organizations for an
dinner and lots of Southern hospitality.
gathering family and friends.
afternoon of fun and excitement.
The Greater Atlanta Chapter also
Grady Champion, a native
participated in Mississippi in the Park
several of its chapters have a long
Mississippi bluesman, provided
on June 30. Held in Chastain Park
tradition of hosting summer picnics
musical entertainment for the crowd,
in Atlanta’s Buckhead district, the
that not only bring together Bulldogs of
along with The New York City
event featured live music from The
all ages, but also celebrate our beloved
Slickers, which includes two home
Shufflejunkies and Chick Willis.
home state of Mississippi.
state musicians, Faser and Annie
The MSU Alumni Association and
On June 9, the annual Mississippi in the Park was held in New York City.
Chadwick Hardin. The Mississippi Society of
For more on all of MSU’s alumni chapters and events in your area, visit alumni.msstate.edu/
The picnic took place at the Central
Washington D.C., hosted its annual
chapters. Pictures of these events
Park Bandshell on 5th Avenue and
picnic on the National Mall on June
can be found on the MSU Alumni
72nd Street. MSU alumni and friends
23. This was the 22nd year of the event,
Association Facebook page. •
classes gather for 2012 reunions he Alumni Association hosted
vice president for development and
reunions for the classes of
alumni. “We enjoy this special time
1942, 1947, 1952, 1957 and
each year reminiscing and reliving
1962 in March. Alumni from 17 states
many wonderful maroon and white
gathered on campus to fellowship with
fellow classmates and friends at an open
Next year, the association will host
house, campus tours, a group breakfast,
reunions for the classes of 1943, 1948,
as well as a grand luncheon.
1953, 1958 and 1963. For more details,
“Class reunions are a wonderful opportunity for us to welcome our alumni back “home,” said Jimmy Abraham, executive director of the Alumni Association and associate
stay tuned to alumni.msstate.edu/ reunions. View photos of the 2012 class reunions on our Facebook page. • Left to right: Claude R. "Bob" Horton, '62, Marilyn Horton, Christiane Merrell, Robert H. Merrell, '62, Gus Colvin, '62, Chris Colvin
mississippi state A lumnus
Millea and Eksioglu chosen for alumni faculty awards College of Engineering.
eghan J. Millea and
varied as the Wall Street Journal or
Sandra D. Eksioglu have
videos on YouTube. She also uses
both been chosen as
her expertise and sense of humor to
many students over the years, who
recipients of faculty awards from the
help students understand difficult
fondly refer to her as “Dr. Sandra.”
Mississippi State University Alumni
economic graphs and figures.
Her students receive the benefit of
Association for 2012.
“Dr. Millea’s fervor for teaching is
Eksioglu has been a mentor to
her personal experience in their
truly phenomenal,” said Dr. Jimmy
research work. Eksioglu’s mentorship
Excellence in Undergraduate
Abraham, associate vice president
does not stop at the classroom, as she
Teaching Award. An associate
for development and alumni and
often stays in contact with students
professor in the College of Business,
executive director of the MSU Alumni
about additional opportunities for
Millea received her bachelor’s degree
Association. “The tactics she uses to
research and funding. Her honesty
from Western Kentucky University
teach her students show how much
also helps students with their
in 1992. After earning her doctorate
she really cares about them and their
research because she helps identify
from the University of Nebraska-
opportunity to learn.”
their best skills and areas where they
Millea was honored with the
Lincoln in 1998, she joined the MSU
Eksioglu received the Outstanding
need improvement.
faculty in the Department of Finance
Graduate Student Mentor Award.
“Dr. Eksioglu’s has a special skill
and Economics.
She received her doctoral degree in
for working with students that is not
industrial and systems engineering
often seen in professors,” Abraham
students and colleagues for her innate
from the University of Florida in 2002.
said. “The fact that she has positively
ability to teach. She uses a variety of
She started working at Mississippi
affected so many students is excellent
techniques to benefit her students,
State in 2005, and is an assistant
proof of her great ability to be a
such as using in-class resources as
professor in the James Worth Bagley
mentor.” •
Millea is loved and revered by her
Dr. Jimmy Abraham presents Drs. Meghan Millea (right) and Sandra Eksioglu (left) with a 2012 faculty award.
University celebrates
graduating Bulldogs he MSU Alumni
Senior Celebration for our students,”
Association welcomed the
stated Jimmy Abraham, associate
newest members to the
vice president for development and
Bulldog alumni family at a special
alumni and executive director of the
event in April. Adding to the more
MSU Alumni Association. “Despite
124,000 living alumni, nearly 1,000
a rainy day, we had a good turnout
students attended the event held in
and everyone seemed to enjoy the
the Hunter Henry Center.
event.” Commencement for the 2012
The annual Senior Celebration, cosponsored by the Division of Student
class was held on May 11 and 12 at
Affairs and the Student Association,
Humphrey Coliseum. The university
included crawfish, MSU ice cream,
graduated nearly 2,500 individuals. For photos of the Senior
and lots of fun. “Each year we look forward to celebrating graduation by hosting
Celebration, visit our album on Facebook. •
New ‘Our State Tour’ a success n May, Bulldog faithful visited with
the MSU Alumni Association. “We have had a great
members from Mississippi State University
turnout for each of our events, and our alumni and
Athletics and the Alumni Association
friends continue to show overwhelming support
during the 2012 Our State Tour presented by
for MSU.”
BancorpSouth. The tour made its first stop in
Continuing in June, the tour made its way to
Hattiesburg on May 21, and continued on to
Birmingham, Ala., Tupelo and Houston, Texas.
Biloxi, Meridian, Olive Branch and Greenwood
The tour culminated July 19 in Jackson at the
later that week.
Central Mississippi Summer Extravaganza. Fans
Director of athletics Scott Stricklin, head
were able to meet with coaches and players for
football coach Dan Mullen, men’s basketball
autograph sessions, and visit with vendors from
coach Rick Ray, and women’s basketball coach
the university and local businesses.
Vic Schaefer attended each event, along with
The 2012 Our State Tour, a revamped
other university representatives from alumni
version of the Road Dawgs tour, included
and athletics.
videos highlighting the university and athletic
“The Our State Tour was a tremendous success,”
department. Photos of the event can be seen on
said Jimmy Abraham, associate vice president for
the alumni Facebook page at www.facebook.
development and alumni and executive director of
com/msstatealumni. •
Top: Alumni and friends packed the Biloxi Yacht Club to hear from MSU representatives on the first day of the Our State Tour. Bottom: Over 280 people attended the tour stop in Greenwood, held at the Leflore County Civic Center.
mississippi state A lumnus
MSU Staff honored at event M ississippi State University
live entertainment. The
has more than 3,000
Office of the President,
individuals who provide
university vice
professional and support staff services
presidents, the Alumni
alumni and executive director of
within the various departments,
Association and the Professional
the MSU Alumni Association. “The
colleges and administrative offices.
and Support Staff Advisory Council
Alumni Association is proud to be
In May, the university honored these
sponsored the annual event.
one of the sponsors for this event
hard working individuals at the Staff Appreciation Day in the Junction.
“The hard-working and dedicated staff members at Mississippi State
each year.” Mississippi State is grateful for
The “Luncheon in the Junction”
do so much for our university”
the service of all of its dedicated staff
provided all university staff members
said Jimmy Abraham, associate
members who make it such a great
with lunch, games, a photo booth and
vice president for development and
university. •
Former national presidents
reunite in March said Jimmy Abraham, associate
addition, MSU President Mark E.
vice president for development and
Keenum hosted a reception for all
alumni and executive director of the
attendees at his home. All former national presidents were
a day when we could come together
honored before the baseball game versus
and celebrate the friendships forged
Lipscomb. Representing the group as
through the years, and honor these
the former president with the earliest
n March, the Alumni Association
men and women for their tireless
tenure, Tommy Everett, 1973 national
hosted a special reunion day for
efforts for the Bulldog family.”
president, threw out the first pitch.
Twenty-five alumni past leaders, along
speakers from the university and
each of our former national presidents
with guests and spouses, attended this
a luncheon at the Hunter Henry
and all of our board members and
special event.
Center. Speakers included Student
chapter officers for the invaluable
Association President Rhett Hobart,
service they offer to Mississippi State
athletic department representatives
University. •
“Our national presidents, past and present, do so much of our
and university vice presidents. In
MSU Alumni Association. “This was
all former national presidents.
Alumni Association and university,”
The group enjoyed guest
The Alumni Association thanks
A letter from your 2011-2012 national alumni president erry L. Toney, 2011-12
with a local chapter, I challenge you
national president of the MSU
to consider becoming involved.
Alumni Association, shares
Our chapters now cover 13 states,
his thoughts on his year of service.
and we have an international chapter in South Korea. Chapter
Dear fellow alumni, As I write this letter, my year of
involvement is not only a great way to meet and visit other Bulldogs
service as your national alumni
in your area, but it’s also another
president has drawn to an end. I
way you can give back to your
want to say what an honor and
university. I also challenge you to
privilege it was to serve as your
support the Alumni Association
92nd president and to represent this
by becoming an active member.
great institution. It has been such
You can do this by making
that is guiding Mississippi State
a rewarding opportunity to attend
a contribution to the MSU
University going forward.
numerous alumni and university
Foundation or the Bulldog Club.
I am very pleased that Camille
events and to experience the passion
This past year, your Alumni
Scales Young succeeded me as your
and excitement that is shared by our
Association partnered with the
93rd national alumni president.
alumni and friends.
Student Association to bring the
Camille is “true maroon,” and her
Bull Ring back to campus. This
dedication and love of MSU has been
Abraham and the staff of the
integral piece of MSU history will be
evident during her years of service in
Alumni Association, not only for
placed in front of Colvard Student
the Central Mississippi Chapter and
their support, but also for their hard
Union for future generations of
the national alumni board. Camille
work and dedication. As I’ve said
MSU students, alumni and friends
will do an outstanding job.
on so many occasions, we could
to enjoy. We are proud of the strong
not have a better executive director
relationship that exists between our
opportunity to serve our university
of the Alumni Association than we
Student Association and the Alumni
in this capacity. We can be very
do in Dr. Abraham. During this
optimistic about the future of
I would like to thank Dr. Jimmy
past year, under the direction of Dr.
I have been encouraged to
I thank you again for the
our university and our Alumni
Abraham, the Alumni Association
see firsthand the strength of
Association. We have excellent
hosted 643 events. We not only saw
the relationship that also exists
university administrators, students,
our membership grow to a record
between the university and the
faculty, staff, and especially alumni.
number, but we also welcomed
Alumni Association. I would like
Tuscaloosa, Ala., as our 93rd chapter.
to thank Dr. Keenum and his staff
I am excited about the growth of the
for recognizing the importance of a
Alumni Association and the direction
strong Alumni Association and its
Jerry L. Toney, ’96
that it is headed.
impact on our university. We can
2011-2012 National President
all be proud of the leadership team
MSU Alumni Association •
If you are not currently involved
Go Dawgs!
mississippi state A lumnus
MSYOU survey results released n fall 2011, the MSU Alumni
gender, highest degree earned, and
Association conducted an
state of residency, among others.
online survey to gauge the
Of the topics covered, the value
attitude, opinions and perception
of an MSU degree ranked as a
of its 124,000 alumni worldwide.
top priority. Ninety percent of
Titled MSYOU, the survey covered
respondents stated that the value and
topics in the areas of the overall
respect for their degree earned in the
student experience, alumni relations
marketplace greatly affected their
and university communications.
opinion of the university. Communication from the
attend MSU as a “great decision.”
to 84 universities and colleges
university to alumni is another
The survey showed that the vast
around the nation for an overall
priority area derived. Most
majority of alumni have a positive
school average. Similar institutions
respondents agreed that university
view of both their academic and
such as Auburn, Clemson, Florida,
communications meet expectations,
alumni experiences. They also feel
Georgia, and Southern Mississippi
and feel that more information
that MSU adequately prepared them
were also selected as comparable
about alumni services, benefits and
for a career in their field of study.
universities for a more detailed
events is welcomed.
Survey results were compared
result. Responses were also evaluated by demographics on the basis of age,
Nearly 80 percent of all respondents rated their choice to
Complete results from the MSYOU survey can be viewed online at www. alumni.msstate.edu/msyou. •
New national alumni officers named N ew members of the
treasurer. Jerry L. Toney, of Starkville,
management graduate who also
Mississippi State University
continues on the board as immediate
earned a masters degree in agriculture
Alumni Association’s
former national president.
and extension education in 1996, is vice
national board of directors are
Alumni Association have worked
Affairs in Jackson. She was a member
appointed in February.
tirelessly to promote and help
of the Central Mississippi Chapter
Mississippi State University in whatever
board of directors, and has served
team includes Camille Scales Young
way possible,” said Jimmy Abraham,
on various committees including the
of Madison, president; Tommy
the association’s executive director.
Evening in Maroon, Young Alumni
R. Roberson of Memphis, Tenn.,
“These newly elected officers will
and Central Mississippi Tennis
first vice president; Ron E. Black of
continue that tradition and will do an
Tournament. She has served as
Meridian, second vice president; and
outstanding job leading our association
national first and second vice president.
Jodi White Turner of Montgomery,
and representing our alumni.”
Ala., will continue her role as
president of Cornerstone Government
beginning one-year terms after being Officially taking office July 1, the
“For 127 years, the leaders of our
Young, a 1994 communication
“I am looking forward to meeting MSU alumni from around the
world and sharing our love of MSU,”
National officers of the Mississippi State University Alumni Association include (l-r) Jerry L. Toney, immediate former national president, Jodi White Turner, treasurer, Camille Scales Young, president, Tommy R. Roberson, first vice president, and Ron E. Black, second vice president.
stated Young. “I hope to encourage younger alumni to support our Alumni Association and the university’s continued efforts to produce graduates who are making a positive difference in our state, country and world.” Joining Young are four fellow alumni. Roberson, a 1967 political science and history graduate, is retired from Kraft Foods after 34 years of service. He has
has served on the executive committee
Certified Financial Planner and vice
served the Memphis Maroon Club as
for two years. He has been active
president of Cadence Bank in Starkville.
the former president, vice president and
in the Lauderdale County Alumni
He has served as president of the
membership officer, and has served on
Oktibbeha County alumni chapter.
the executive committee of the board of
Turner received a bachelor’s degree
The Alumni Association was
directors for three years, most recently in
in accounting in 1997 and a master’s
founded June 17, 1885, by the first
the role of national second vice president.
degree in business administration
three graduating classes of what then
in 1999, both from Mississippi State.
was Mississippi Agricultural and
is director of human resources for
She serves as chief financial officer for
Mechanical College. A full-service
Southern Pipe & Supply Company
PrimeSouth Bank in Tallassee.
organization, it now includes 93
Black, a 1980 marketing graduate,
Inc. Ron has served as South 1 Region
Toney is a 1996 business graduate
chapters and has more than 124,000
director on the national board of
with a degree in real estate, mortgage
alumni worldwide. For more, visit
directors for the past three years, and
finance and economics. He is a
alumni.msstate.edu. •
mississippi state A lumnus
MSU Alumni Association National Board of Directors July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013 National President *Camille Scales Young, ’94, ’96 National First Vice President *Thomas R. “Tommy” Roberson, ’67 National Second Vice President *Ronald E. “Ron” Black, ’80 National Treasurer *Jodi White Turner, ’97, ’99 Immediate Former National President *Jerry L. Toney, ’96 North 1 Region Director David Randall “Randy” Allen, ’87
Leflore-Carroll Chapter Director Paige H. Hunt, ’00, ’06
Out-Of-State Directors Courtney A. Jones, ’02, ’06 Edward A. Sanders, ’06 *Daniel E. “Danny” Hossley, ’65
Lowndes County Chapter Director William T. “Will” Cooper, ’90
At-Large Directors David T. Cozart, ’86 Jonathan J. Lee, ’00, ’02 Kieu-Anh Tran, ’96 Atlanta, GA Chapter Director Susan B. Yeosock, ’89 Birmingham, AL Chapter Director Matthew B. “Matt” Frederiksen, ’00
Memphis, TN Chapter Directors Paul R. Hopkins, ’91 Stephen R. Woo, ’94, ’95 Nashville, TN Chapter Director Sarah R. McDonnell, ’03 Oktibbeha County Chapter Directors Donna B. Rupp, ’93 Daniel J. “Jason” Ryder, ’00 Southeast Mississippi Chapter Director Lori B. Perkins, ’93
North 3 Region Director Trina M. Dendy, ’93, ’00
Central Mississippi Chapter Directors Thomas R. “Tommy” Byrd, ’81 Steven A. “Steve” Corbitt, ’76 Angela W. Dallas, ’82 John K. Pitts, ’04 *Bradley M. “Brad” Reeves, ’02
Young Director Northern Region Audrey T. “Taneka” Milliner, ’07
Desoto County Chapter Director Hillary Phillips Jordan, ’03
President, Student Association Shelby C. Balius
Central 1 Region Director Lea Margaret M. Hamilton, ’90
Harrison-Stone Chapter Director Janice R. Nichols, ’88
President, Holland Faculty Senate Meghan J. Millea
Central 2 Region Director Andrew C. Frank, ’91
Houston, TX Chapter Director Jon D. Sanders, ’93, ’94
Chair, Staff Council Marshall C. “Cade” Smith, ’02
Central 3 Region Director H. Riley Nelson, ’99, ’01
Huntsville-Decatur, AL Chapter Director James D. “Jim” Pepper, Jr., ’69, ’91
President, MSU Foundation James J. “Jim” Rouse, ’62
Young Director Central Region John Paul “J.P.” Walker, ’05
Jackson County Chapter Director John “Carl” Weihing, ’70
President, Bulldog Club Beth C. Clay, ’67
South 2 Region Director *Christie D. Walters, ’98
Lauderdale County Chapter Director William T. “Will” Carpenter, Iii, ’00, ’02
South 3 Region Director Christine E. Cuicchi, ’94, ’99
Lee County Chapter Directors Kimberly C. “Kim” Fandel, ’87, ’94 William H. “Beau” Lacey, ’69, ’72
Associate Vice President, Development and Alumni, and Executive Director, MSU Alumni Association (Ex Officio) *Jimmy W. Abraham, ’75, ’77 •
North 2 Region Director Cheryl W. Thurmond, ’81
Young Director Southern Region Mr. Jeffery M. “Jeff” Ellis, ’06
Warren County Chapter Director Thomas P. “Tom” Kendall, ’89 Washington County Chapter Director Charles “Parker” England, ’01, ’02
* Indicates members of the executive committee for 2012-13
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avis K. Mortensen believes trees and wildlife are among Earth’s
greatest natural resources. He also understands the importance of responsible timber management and conservation efforts, and the
necessity of educating the students of Mississippi State University to be good stewards of their environment. Mortensen, a longtime MSU contributor and Mississippi native, has decided to further his investment in the university’s students by enabling MSU to acquire a 352-acre tract of timberland near Camp Shelby military base as one of its Bulldog Forest properties. Mortensen retired in 1997 as executive vice president for building products with Georgia-Pacific Corp., which included responsibility
Davis K. Mortensen is furthering his investment in the university's students by enabling MSU to acquire a tract of timberland as one of its Bulldog Forest properties.
for 5.6 million acres of company-owned timberland. A 1956 industrial
buffers around military installations. These buffers proactively limit
management graduate, he served 35 years with the company and credits his DSC_9180.tif
encroachment while allowing Camp Shelby to maximize the land DSC_9183.tif
MSU degree with much of his success.
inside the installation to support its mission.
“I attended MSU on the G.I. Bill and had it not been for that, I would
“This effort is a partnership between Davis Mortensen, The Nature
have been unable to attend college due to the cost. Giving back so that
Conservancy, the National Guard Bureau, Camp Shelby and MSU,” said
students have a means to pursue a college education is very important to
George Hopper, dean of the College of Forest Resources. “It is a unique
me,” said Mortensen who resides in Greensboro, Ga.
property to have in the Bulldog Forest, and we are delighted to have this
Through the years, Mortensen and his wife, Ann, have supported MSU in a number of ways including establishing scholarships in the academic disciplines of business and forest resources. The couple’s most recent gift establishes The Davis and Ann Mortensen
opportunity to work with these organizations in restoring longleaf pine.” The Nature Conservancy will hold a working conservation easement on the Mortensen Forest, which allows for agricultural uses such as timber production and harvest. Under the terms of the easement, much of the
Forest, which will be managed by the university’s College of Forest
timber will be managed according to a plan that promotes native longleaf
Resources. The college will utilize it for teaching, research and timber sales.
pine savanna and habitat suitable for threatened or endangered wildlife
When the property adjoining Camp Shelby became available, Mortensen
species dependent on this type of ecosystem. These include the gopher
realized that he could provide an asset to the university while helping restore
tortoise, red-cockaded woodpecker, and black pine snake. Other species,
the pristine longleaf pine forest of long ago at a familiar and special location.
including bobwhite quail, ground-nesting birds, turkey and white-tailed
Mortensen has fond memories of the time he spent on the Camp Shelby base. He completed basic training there as a member
deer, also inhabit the longleaf pine ecosystem. Over time, portions of the land will be restored to the longleaf pine
of the Mississippi National Guard 631st Field Artillery Battalion
native to the area. Future proceeds from the harvest of the timber and other
headquartered in Hattiesburg. A native of nearby Moss Point, he served DSC_9184.tif
revenue from the property will fund MSU scholarships.
two years in the Army prior to attending community college and later enrolling at Mississippi State. The property will be a unique acquisition for Mississippi State because of its classification as an Army Compatible Use Buffer.
Mississippi State currently has over 18,000 acres in the Bulldog Forest program. Proceeds generated from Bulldog Forest properties may be used to assist any college or area on campus. Individuals interested in MSU’s Bulldog Forest program should contact
Under the ACUB program, the U.S. Department of Defense partners
Jeff Little, director of development for the College of Forest Resources, at
with non-federal programs or private organizations to establish
jlittle@foundation.msstate.edu or 662-325-8151. •
mississippi state A lumnus
StatePride approaches goal, continues to impact MSU hen Mississippi
State launched StatePride: An
Initiative for Students and Faculty more than three years ago, the university began necessary steps to prepare for anticipated record enrollment growth. With gifts through the initiative, MSU has been able to provide many students with much-needed scholarships and also fund vital development opportunities for faculty. Since the start of the initiative, launched with MSU President Mark E. Keenum’s investiture in 2009, university enrollment has increased at a steady rate from 18,600 students to more than 20,400 students. This fall’s expected headcount should see that
The university’s most recent six-year
scholarships, and many new annual
number further climb.
graduate rate is 60 percent. Another
scholarships are now in place university-
impressive statistic is the freshman-
wide. Another result of StatePride
MSU to help address the need in
to-sophomore retention rate,
has been the creation of 17 endowed
Mississippi for more college graduates
which at 83 percent is the highest
positions in the form of chairs and
in our work force, and for the need
rate among Institutions of Higher
professorships. This brings the total of
to better train faculty to instruct
Learning universities.
endowed positions at the university to
The StatePride initiative is allowing
those students as they move toward graduation, Keenum said.
Fundraising efforts for StatePride remain in full swing, and alumni and
strides as the state’s leading university.
needs of StatePride continue to
friends may contribute or increase
Over the past three years, MSU has
revolve around scholarships and
an existing commitment. For more
proudly awarded almost 11,500
endowed positions.
on the initiative, visit the MSU
bachelor’s and graduate degrees– more than any other state university.
more than $98 million as it moves
53, with an additional 12 committed.
toward its $100 million goal. Primary
Mississippi State is making great
As of July, StatePride had attracted
Thus far in the initiative, nearly 200 endowments have been established for
Foundation online at www.msufoundation.com. •
Scholarship honors Holder’s desire for lifelong learning T he best advice alumnus
Charles B. Holder Jr. can
Holder with his inaugural scholarship recipient Steven Morgan
give future recipients of a
Mississippi State scholarship named in his honor is to select a career you believe you can enjoy and excel in for the rest of your life. Growing up in the small Mississippi town of Louin, Holder was always building castles in the air and daydreaming about what he wanted to do with his life. The dreams he had of becoming an engineer, and his fascination with
the industry, is as strong today as it was then. Seventy-three year-old Holder
Holder graduated from Louin
her husband through MSU by
is an MSU graduate with an
High School and continued his
working at the campus laundry until
inspirational success story. During
education at Jones County Junior
he earned a degree in mechanical
his younger days, he faced great
College in Ellisville by way of a
engineering in 1961.
financial hardship. The son of a
basketball scholarship. He married
The couple was married for 54
homemaker and a railroad worker,
his lifelong sweetheart, the former
years until her death in 2011. They
he lost his mother at age 12, and his
Joyce “Jo” Warren, during his
had four boys, Charles III, Jamie,
father the following year.
sophomore year at Jones while she
Jeffrey and Rory, who are all active in
was attending cosmetology school.
the family business.
Since Holder’s dad worked for Gulf, Mobile and Ohio Railroad as
The couple made their way
As a father and an
a depot agent, he and his younger
to Mississippi State University,
entrepreneur, Holder relies on his
sister, Charlene, received $50 each in
where he enrolled as a liberal arts
faith, promotes lifelong learning,
monthly survivor benefits. Holder
student because he lacked certain
and believes a solid college
took on odd jobs and hauled lumber
coursework. To compensate for this,
education enriches lives. He has
for a groundhog saw mill to earn his
he attended a night class at Starkville
lived his life by making sound
way, while his sister went to live with
High School and obtained entry into
decisions, both personally and
relatives in Laurel.
MSU’s engineering college. Jo helped
mississippi state A lumnus
and devoted his energies to the
When Holder speaks with
the scholarship named for him.
students, he shares his personal
A sophomore from Laurel,
partnership business, which became
testimony and encourages them to
Morgan will receive the Charles
Southern Welding and Machine Co.
follow career paths that will allow
Holder Endowed Scholarship
He purchased his partner’s interest,
them to achieve their ambitions, not
for the 2012-13 academic year.
and formed Hol-Mac Corp. in 1969.
just their financial goals.
Recipients of the scholarship must
Today the successful Hol-Mac
be full-time students enrolled in
Corp. employs over 600 people
he entered the workforce following
either the James Worth Bagley
throughout central Mississippi.
graduation from MSU. He was
College of Engineering, majoring
Hol-Mac has four manufacturing
offered 10 positions with well-
in mechanical engineering, or the
facilities with three in Bay Springs,
known companies from Boeing
College of Education, majoring in
and one in Winona. The company
Aircraft to Gulf Oil. He settled on
industrial technology.
has over 40 years in steel fabrication
Holder enjoys recounting how
one in particular – a position with
“I feel very honored to receive
and value added services.
“I have a desire to help students obtain the tools necessary for them to have a good life and become stable, sound citizens. The right kind of spiritual life is also important.” – Charles B. Holder Jr. the Charles Holder Scholarship.
“Although the position with
Mr. Holder is a great example of
numerous awards, including
the pulp and paper company paid
dedication and hard work, and
recognition as one of Mississippi’s
the least and was probably less
his passion for excellence is an
Fastest Growing Companies by
exciting than the others, I knew
inspiration to all,” said Morgan.
the Mississippi Business Journal in
it was the perfect fit for me and
of how to succeed in the engineering
position,” he said.
business with Morgan, and also
decision, and takes every opportunity to stress the lessons he learned.
2005 and as one of the Best Places to Work in Mississippi in 2011. Holder, who believes the
about the benefits of remaining in
learning process never ends,
remains active in Hol-Mac’s day-
After working with Tennessee
to-day operations. He spends
River Pulp and Paper Co., Holder
the majority of his time training
obtain the tools necessary for them
returned to Mississippi and worked
machinists at the company’s
to have a good life and become
for Neco Eletrical Products Corp. in
research and development facility.
stable, sound citizens. The right kind
Bay Springs. While employed with
of spiritual life is also important,”
Neco, he opened a small machine
castles in the air anytime soon.
Holder said.
and welding shop with partner
Thanks to the scholarship that bears
A.T. Land in 1963. They began the
his name, future MSU students will
venture in a livestock sale barn.
also have the opportunity to pursue
“I have a desire to help students
One student Holder looks forward to inspiring is Steven Morgan, the inaugural recipient of
Holder can definitely share advice
that is why I was successful in that Holder has never regretted the
Hol-Mac has been cited with
Tennessee River Pulp and Paper Co.
Six years later, Holder left Neco
He has no plans to stop building
their dreams. •
NEWS ’50 Jean Garretson
figures that still hang in university
buildings today. The Captain and
Julian H. Wright
’79 Carl Pennington,
of Leakesville, an artist and retired
his Lady is available online at
(M.S. ’72), director of recreational
a resource conservationist with the
school teacher, has illustrated a
Amazon.com and through Barnes
sports at the State University
Natural Resources Conservation
children’s book entitled Mutton
& Noble.
of New York at Cortland,
Service in Grove Hill, Ala., has
has received a prestigious
received the NRCS Jerry L.
State University of New York
Johnson Award for Excellence in
Chancellor’s Award for Excellence.
Public Service.
’65 Dennis S. Nordin
Leon Standifer,
(Ph.D. ’69) of Starkville, a former
a World War II veteran of the
adjunct faculty member at
European Theater, recently
Mississippi State, is the author of
’73 Terry S. Smith
received the French Legion of
From Edward Brooke to Barack
(M.Ed. ’74) of Austin, Texas,
Paul Vinson and Peggy Smith Vinson
Honor Medal aboard the French
Obama, a history of biracial
executive assistant to the president
have been honored by Rotary
frigate FS Germinal during Navy
elections in the United States. He
at Huston-Tillotson University,
International as Paul Harris
Week in New Orleans, La.
also is the author of five other
has received an honorary doctor
Fellows for their years of service.
of humane letters degree from the
’59 Edwin Scott Barland
’81 James C. Nelson,
of Marietta, Ga., has received the
’67 Jerry Wilson
Federal Aviation Administration’s
of Columbus, former president
’74 Jim Koerber,
highest recognition for pilots, the
of BankFirst Financial Services in
a certified public accountant
Warren Fuller Award from the
FAA Wright Brothers Master Pilot
Macon, has been chosen by Gov.
with The Koerber Co., recently
Alabama-Mississippi Section
Phil Bryant to become the state’s
presented a program to CPAs
of the American Water Works
next banking commissioner.
at the National Association of
’60 Dave Moreau was honored by the North
’70 Leonard B. Cobb
Carolina Environmental
of Meridian, an attorney, has been
Management Commission and
elected a Fellow of the Mississippi
the North Carolina Department
Bar Foundation.
of Environment and Natural
Certified Valuators and Analysts’
vice president of Allen & Hoshall, has received the 2012 George
2012 annual Consultant’s
’83 David Dillard
Conference in Dallas, Texas.
of New Orleans, La., a preservation
’77 Leonard C. Martin
architect, has painted what he considers 14 of the most beautiful
of Jackson, of Baker, Donelson,
churches in the Archdiocese of
Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz
New Orleans. He is selling signed
Resources by creating the Dr.
Roger McLeod
David H. Moreau Environmental
of Lucedale has been named
PC, has been appointed state chair
and numbered prints, with 10
Stewardship Award.
assistant principal at George
of Mississippi for the American
percent of the proceeds benefitting
County High School.
College of Trust and Estate
the churches depicted.
Ellen Weatherly
(M.S. ’63) of Starkville has written
’71 Fred Burke
a book, The Captain and his Lady,
(M.S. ’72), CEO and co-founder of
Glenn McCullough Jr.,
owner and president of Herbi-
’84 Kenny D. Crenshaw,
about the lives of her parents,
Guardian Pharmacy, has received
former chairman of the Tennessee
Systems Inc., has been named
George N. Randolph and Ruth
the regional Ernst & Young
Valley Authority, has been
Entrepreneur of the Year by the
Morrison Randolph. George
Entrepreneur of the Year award
appointed to the board of directors
Bartlett (Tenn.) Area Chamber of
Randolph was an instructor at
for 2012.
of K2 Holdings Inc.
MSU in the 1950s who painted portraits of prominent MSU mississippi state A lumnus
’85 Henry A. Dulaney
Ervin R. Fox
’94 Michael F. Smith
’97 Keesha Middleton
(M.S. ’93), chief of the
of Jackson, professor of cardiology
of Columbus, a Pushcart Prize
of Utica has received Mississippi
Engineering and Construction
and researcher at the University
nominee, has entered into a
College School of Law’s Betty B.
Division for the Corps of
of Mississippi Medical Center, has
publishing agreement with
Tucker Award for a female law
Engineers, Vicksburg District, has
received a Presidential Early Career
Simon & Schuster for the 2013
student who shows academic
received the 2012 Black Engineer
Award for Scientists and Engineers,
publication of his novel, RIVERS.
of the Year award for career
the highest honor bestowed by the
The novel follows the acclaimed
achievement in government.
U.S. government on science and
publication of his novella, The
’98 Michael E. Richardson
engineering professionals in the
Hands of Strangers.
(M.P.P.A. ’00) has been promoted
’95 Matthew Gray,
to vice president and commercial
associate professor of forestry,
Bank in McLean, Va.
Aubrey Jackson, a Sturgis native, has been named president of the Steel Structures Division of Thomas & Betts Inc.
early stages of their independent research careers.
Eric Neil Zacharias
wildlife and fisheries at the
banking officer at Chain Bridge
of Boulder, Colo., a physician and
University of Tennessee-
’00 Richard D. Russo II
assistant clinical professor at the
Knoxville has received the
has received a master’s degree
of Leland, an engineer for the
University of Colorado Health
Chancellor’s Award for
in educational leadership from
Mississippi Department of
Sciences Center, has written a
Professional Promise in Research
Arkansas State University.
Transportation and a key engineer
book entitled The Mediterranean
and Creative Achievements.
on the new U.S. Highway 82
Diet: A Guide for Healthcare
Mississippi River Bridge, has been
Providers. He frequently makes
’96 Vincent J. Allen
of Gulfport passed the CPA
recognized for his work on the
presentations on the subject to
of Dallas, Texas, has been named
exam in December 2011 and is
project by the American Council of
Baylor Law School Young Baylor
a certified public accountant in
Lawyer of the Year by the Baylor Law
’87 kevin magee
Engineering Companies.
James E. Prince III
’91 Chris Marszalek of Memphis, Tenn., has graduated
Alumni Association. He is a partner with Carstens & Cahoon LLP.
’01 Quinn Rigby
Timothy B. Smith
of Philadelphia, president of
from Leadership Memphis, a
Prince Newspaper Holdings
program that shapes community
Jamie Mahne
Inc., is 2012-13 Mississippi Press
leaders in the Memphis area.
(M.B.A. ’98) of Jacksonville, Fla.,
Tennessee at Martin, is the author
has been named vice president-
of James Z. George: Mississippi’s
client services and CCO for The
Great Commoner, published by
Energy Authority.
University Press of Mississippi.
Association president.
’89 Greta Carlene
Crawford-Chandler has retired as a teacher in the
’92 Angela D. Simmons (M.S. ’94) has been named director of student conduct at Virginia Tech.
’02 Jennifer B. Kimble
a government relations representative
has been recognized in the 2012
for Capitol Resources LLC, has
“Rising Stars” listing, published
Batesville, Mississippi Chapter of
been named executive director for
in Alabama Super Lawyers
Rotary International.
Gulfport-Biloxi International Airport
magazine. She is an attorney
by the Gulfport-Biloxi Regional
with Haskell Slaughter Young &
Airport Authority.
Rediker LLC.
’93 Judd Gentry
District. She has been an
has been elected president of the
elementary school teacher for more than 30 years.
of history at the University of
Clay Williams,
West Point (Miss.) City School
of Adamsville, Tenn., lecturer
Leslie Penn Petro of Madison is publishing a book, Cowbell Tales, in November. The publisher is Mascot Books.
Heath Steede of Lucedale has been named George County extension director for the MSU Extension Service.
’03 Jared Darby has been named director of planning
BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Brody Cannon Green, March 28, 2012, to Brandon Green (’05) and wife Lauren.
Annabella Ruth Moore, March 25, 2011, to Ian Moore (’07) and wife Lauren of Lucedale.
for the city of Hernando by the
Margaret Grace Muncie,
Hernando Board of Aldermen.
March 28, 2012, to Jim Muncie (’05)
and Mary Beth Nanney Muncie
Jessica M. Dupont
(’04) of New Albany. •
of Pascagoula, an attorney with Heidelberg, Steinberger, Colmer Burrow, has been selected to serve on the Merit Selection Panel to consider the reappointment of U.S. Magistrate Judge Robert H. Walker Jr., whose term is due to expire in November.
’05 Adam B. Harris has joined the law firm of Phelps Dunbar LLP as an associate in its Gulfport office.
’09 Drew Hollinghead is an assistant junior varsity/varsity baseball coach at George County High School.
Photos by Megan Bean
mississippi state A lumnus
summer / FALL
Hildred Stanley Amsler (’33)—102, Ridgeland; retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel and World War II veteran, May 23, 2011.
Arthur William Tait (’51)—83, Shreveport, La.; owner of Tait Shreveport Dodge and former professional football player, Feb. 14, 2012.
Charles W. Dedmon Jr. (’69)—Monroe, La.; controller for Southeast Foods Inc., December 2011.
Alva L. Brothers Jr. (’39)—Dayton, Ohio; retired from United States Air Force, May 11, 2012.
Glenn Long McCullough (’53)—83, Tupelo; lifelong farmer and businessman and Korean War veteran, April 18, 2012.
Thomas C. Blount (’72)—62, Jackson; Trustmark National Bank employee, June 17, 2012.
Norman Moore (’54, M.S. ’59)—Dalton, Ga.; retired teacher and counselor, April 28, 2012.
Douglas P. Buchanan (’74)—59, Flowood; dentist, June 14, 2012.
Fred J. Dolan (’58)—Huntsville, Ala.; retired engineering manager for NASA, Nov. 18, 2010.
Donald L. Ray (’74)—60, Columbus; retired hospital administrator, July 2, 2012.
Mary Elaine Jenkins McIntire (’58)—87, Ackerman; retired teacher, March 10, 2011.
Thomas R. Runnels (’74)—60, Middletown, Ky.; retired banker and entrepreneur, June 28, 2012.
Jane Smith Weaver (’39)—92, Ackerman; retired insurance agent, former co-owner of Weaver Insurance Agency, May 18, 2012. William Bruce P’Pool (’42)—90, Baton Rouge, La.; retired chemical engineer for Copolymer Corp. and World War II veteran, July 7, 2011. Thomas Zeno Singley (’42)—91, Columbia; retired businessman and World War II veteran, Aug. 6, 2010. Ralph Lee Hicks (’47)—88, Cashiers, N.C.; U.S. Air Force and NASA employee, attorney, and World War II veteran, Dec. 2, 2011. Mike P. Sturdivant (’47)—84, Glendora; lifelong farmer and businessman, former member of the Mississippi Board of Trustees of Institutions of Higher Learning, and Korean War veteran, May 1, 2012. William C. Trotter Jr. (’47)—89, Greenville; retired insurance agent and World War II veteran, June 17, 2012. Coy Hailey Watkins (’48, M.S. ’54, M.Ed. ’61)—87, Carthage; retired biology, chemistry, and vocational agriculture teacher and World War II veteran, Dec. 27, 2011. Ralph S. Wofford (’48)—88, Starkville; retired professor of accounting at MSU and World War II veteran, Feb. 5, 2012. George Cecil McLeod Jr. (’49)—84, Leakesville; former state senator, farmer, dairyman, and World War II veteran, Sept. 5, 2011. Robert O. Beisel (’50)—86, Salado, Texas; retired chemical engineer and World War II veteran, June 2, 2012. C.W. Riley Jr. (’50)—89, Florence, Ala.; retired plant manager for Reynolds Aluminum and World War II veteran, Jan. 13, 2011. Ben W. Ruscoe (’51, M.S. ’54)—86, Leland; retired school teacher and coach and World War II and Korean War veteran, March 17, 2012.
Charlie Fortson McKellar Jr. (’58)—76, Ocean Springs; political consultant, author, and entrepreneur, June 7, 2012. Noble D. Teal (’58)—Warner Robins, Ga.; March 20, 2012. John W. Rial (’60)—78, Saltillo; retired bank vice president, former national president of the MSU Alumni Association, and Korean War veteran, June 12, 2012. Earl Glade Woods (’60)—75, Picayune; retired Stennis Space Center and NOAA employee and former director of the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources, May 25, 2012. Malcolm Jordan (’61)—Selma, Ala.; retired U.S. Air Force pilot and small business owner, April 6, 2012.
John Sherman Havard (’75)—63, Leakesville; electrical engineer for Northrop Grumman, June 18, 2011. Sandra Kaye Behel (’80, Ph.D. ’89)—56, Gardendale, Ala.; department manager for Energen Corp. and editor of Energen Corporation (Images of America Series), March 12, 2012. Michael Gregory Cranston (’92)—47, Tanner, Ala.; International Paper Co. employee, March 29, 2012. Casey Cameron Dunagan (’02)—34, Fairfax, Va.; program analyst for the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement in the Department of the Interior, Nov. 30, 2011.
Julius Mark Merritt (’62)—Starkville; retired mechanical engineer, April 13, 2012. Larry H. Graves Sr. (’64, M.Ed. ’67)—69, Starkville; head of government technology and community development for the MSU Extension Service, June 14, 2012. Michael J. Diggins (’66)—69, South Buffalo, N.Y.; retired health and physical education teacher and high school track coach, May 11, 2012. Helen Pauline Booth Shumaker (Ed.S. ’72)— 90, Batesville; retired school teacher, Oct. 31, 2011. David Charles Mize (’67)—69, Bradenton, Fla.; retired engineer for Manatee County Port Authority and Kimley-Horn, July 12, 2012.
Robert Clark Parker (former employee)—69, Starkville; professor emeritus of forestry, May 28, 2012. Mohamed El-Attar (former professor)—80, Starkville; professor emeritus of sociology, Feb. 28, 2012. Dempsey Merritt (friend)—46, Lucedale; retired road construction worker, April 11, 2011. James Rackley (friend)—68, Pontotoc; Presbyterian minister, April 13, 2011. •
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