SSCV's October Publications in the Sneak Peak

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This winter, get geared up right

A beginner’s guide to buying skis, boards and boots like a pro By Melanie Wong

The snow has fallen, and in the mountains, many people are turning their thoughts from bikes and climbing gear to skis, snowboards and boots. %X\LQJ ZLQWHU JHDU FDQ EH D GDXQWLQJ WDVN IRU D ÀUVW WLPH buyer, or even those looking to upgrade from beginners’

Get a deal

Ski and Snowboard Swap – Oct. 25 to 28, Dobson Arena in Vail Products include alpine, snowboard, telemark and Nordic equipment, as well as winter clothing and accessories. Come on the first day for first dibs at early-bird shopping for a small entry fee. The event benefits Ski and Snowboard Club Vail. For more info or to sell goods at the swap, go to or call 970-476-5119. Thrifty Shop – Open Monday through Friday (10 a.m. to 6 p.m.) and Saturday (10 a.m. to 4 p.m.) with locations in Eagle and Edwards. Check in for an ever-changing selection of used snow sports equipment, as well as clothes and accessories. The stores are run by Vail Valley Cares, and purchases go to different nonprofit groups in the area. See or call 970-926-7134 for more info.

JHDU 7KH UDQJH RI FKRLFHV FDQ EH GL]]\LQJ DQG Ă€QGLQJ WKH ULJKW Ă€W FDQ EH D FKDOOHQJH Getting a snow setup doesn’t have to break the bank eiWKHU HVSHFLDOO\ LI LW¡V \RXU Ă€UVW SXUFKDVH 2FWREHU SURYLGHV several great opportunities to get deals on both new and used gear – you just have to know where to look. From Oct. 25 to Oct. 28 at the Dobson Ice Arena, the 43rdannual Ski and Snowboard Swap gives shoppers the chance WR Ă€QG ERWK QHZ DQG XVHG JHDU <RX PLJKW EH RYHUZKHOPHG by the sheer quantity of goods, so it helps to know what

\RX¡UH ORRNLQJ IRU ,W¡V HDV\ WR ZDON DZD\ ZLWK LOO Ă€WWLQJ RU wrong equipment if you don’t choose carefully. For used gear, check out the Thrifty Shopp selections at ERWK WKH (GZDUGV DQG (DJOH ORFDWLRQV <RX¡OO Ă€QG HYHU\WKLQJ from skis to boots to board to snowshoes, and it’s a great place to start if you’re on a tight budget. SneakPEAK asked local gear experts what to look for when buying skis, snowboards and boots. While the advice LV JHDUHG WRZDUG EHJLQQHUV WKHVH Ă€WWLQJ JXLGHOLQHV FDQ EH helpful to intermediate skiers and riders looking to upgrade as well. Skis Demo: For anyone of any level looking at new skis, trying WKHP Ă€UVW LV WKH EHVW ZD\ WR Ă€JXUH RXW LI WKH\¡UH IRU \RX VD\V Andy McNeill of Alpine Quest Sports in Edwards. “I can’t emphasize enough demoing skis,â€? he says. “You’ll NQRZ RII WKH EDW LI \RX GRQ¡W OLNH WKH VWLIIQHVV SURĂ€OH DQG length, even if you’re a beginner.â€? How wide? In today’s world of ever-widening skis, beginners should err on the narrower side. Look for a ski that is 85 cm to 95 cm underfoot. Length: Standing in regular shoes, hold the skis next to you. The tips should be anywhere between your collarbone and eyes. Shorter skis are easier to learn on and more maneuverable, McNeill says. Weight: The only time you should be worried about the weight of your skis is if you’re planning to do some AT (alpine touring) skiing, or backcountry skiing. Otherwise, the majority of skiers will only notice the weight of their skis “carrying it to and from the car,â€? McNeill says. A word on rocker: You may have heard about reverseFDPEHUHG RU URFNHU VNLV ZKLFK UHIHUV WR KRZ Ă DW RU FXUYHG the ski is. “Rocker is essentially making the ski more banana-shaped WKDQ D Ă DW VNL Âľ 0F1HLOO VD\V There are varying degrees of rocker. The ski tips can curl XS EHJLQQLQJ IRXU RU Ă€YH LQFKHV GRZQ WKH VNL RU WKH VNLV

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Jeff Apps (r) gets some help from Emmanuel Contreras (l) at the Thrifty Shop in Edwards while trying on snowboard boots. The shops locations in Edwards and Eagle carry large selections of used ski and snowboard gear. Kent Pettit photo. can start curling nearly at the boot. Skis with more rocker allow you to roll over terrain faster and are better for powder skiing. However, extreme rocker makes it harder to grip snow and get on the ski edges, so they won’t be as responsive on groomers or while making turns. Beginners should look for something with moderate rocker. Boots: You want new boots to be snug and approaching uncomfortable, keeping in mind that the lining will pack out. If you’re walking into a shop, have a good idea of your shoe VL]H DQG IRRW W\SH :LGH" 1DUURZ" DQG NQRZ ZKDW NLQG RI skiing you want to do. McNeill also strongly suggests getting your boot liners heat-molded. Most boots come with a liner that can be EDNHG WR FXVWRP ÀW \RXU IRRW DQG HVVHQWLDOO\ SDFN WKHP RXW for you. If you splurge anywhere in your setup, boots are a good place to do it.

[See GEAR UP, page 16]

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Getting the physical and psychological edge

New resources at Vail Ski and Snowboard Academy help athletes get to the top By John O’Neill Step into the Vail Ski and Snowboard Academy’s campus in Minturn, and you won’t see what you would expect at a normal school. On a given winter morning, classrooms might be relatively empty, with students out trainLQJ Ă€UVW WKLQJ LQ WKH GD\ UDWKHU WKDQ VWXG\LQJ +RZHYHU LW¡V QRW D FDVH RI SULRULWLHV 5DWKHU the schedule was adopted after a group of performance specialists found that athletes are more physiologically sound to workout in the morning before studies rather than after, says WKH DFDGHP\¡V SHUIRUPDQFH GLUHFWRU -RKQ &ROH 7KH Ă H[LELOLW\ RI VWXG\ WLPH LV QRW WKH RQO\ UHVRXUFH EHQHĂ€WWLQJ WKH DWKOHWHV LQ WKH ZLQWHU sport academy. Cole explains that these athletes show genuine potential to become world leaders in their events, and are therefore offered every tool to achieve success. In addition to physical training and academics, and the school recently started offering its students new resources for nutrition and mental health as well. Achieving in sports and school 7KH 9DLO 6NL DQG 6QRZERDUG $FDGHP\ LV DFFODLPHG DV WKH Ă€UVW SXEOLF ZLQWHU VSRUWV DFDGemy in the United States, and athletes utilize the academy’s unique approach to academics and athletics to achieve at the highest levels on the snow and in the classroom. Public school sports programs can be well organized and competitive in most any town RU UHJLRQ KRZHYHU 9DLO FRXQWHUV WKH QRUP ZLWK VRPH VSRUWV WKDW DUH XQXVXDOO\ GLIĂ€FXOW WR accommodate in a typical public-school setting. Winter sports athletes such as downhill skiers, border-cross racers, free-ride skiers and the endurance Nordic skiers are constantly quarreling with the standard routine of daytime classes and afternoon practices. Not to mention competitions often draw them beyond the state and, at the elite level, the country, forcing prolonged scholastic absence. The Vail Ski and Snowboard Academy was created in Eagle County as branch of Ski and 6QRZERDUG &OXE 9DLO WR DFFRPPRGDWH WKHVH DWKOHWHV DQG IDFH GRZQ WKHVH LVVXHV ,Q WKH Ă€UVW year, the academy opened with a roster of about 40 students. This year there are 167 students HQUROOHG LQ Ă€IWK WKURXJK WK JUDGH In addition, the local ski club had been churning out Olympic-caliber athletes year in and \HDU RXW 6RPH RI WKRVH DWKOHWHV ZHUH \RXQJ DQG Ă€QGLQJ LW GLIĂ€FXOW WR NHHS SDFH ZLWK WKH paid professionals they often competed against. Their hindrance was school rigor. “The biggest thing is that the teachers are aware that the kids will need to miss days for FRPSHWLWLRQV DQG WKDW WKHLU WUDLQLQJ VRPHWLPHV FRQĂ LFWV ZLWK QRUPDO FODVV VFKHGXOH Âľ VD\V Michael Suleiman, a media and public relations specialist for VSSA and SSCV. “The teachers and the environment are very dynamic and are able to adapt training needs. This way the student-athletes don’t have to choose between sport and study. They can do both at their best.â€? Currently, the school is celebrating a fall break. Instead of lounging around, though, most of the VSSA student-athletes are taking the time to train. A handful of them are in New Zealand where the snow is coming down a bit thicker. Others are hopping on chairs for opening weekend of Arapahoe Basin and Loveland. All they need Students at the academy don’t have to worry about a forgotten snack by Mom in the morning - they have snacks, often organic snacks, available right there in the school, and IRRG SUHSDUHG VSHFLĂ€FDOO\ IRU WKHLU WUDLQLQJ QHHGV 7KH\ DOVR KDYH DFFHVV WR D QXWULWLRQLVW WR ensure their diet is sound. When working out at the intensity they do and studying, analyzing their caloric and protein intake is another important aspect of success. “We provide the nutrition consultation that they need,â€? Cole says. “We try to provide them with healthy foods and organic foods as often as possible.â€?

Athletes at the Vail Ski and Snowboard Academy are enjoying increased resources off the snow to ensure success on the hill, including nutrition programs, off-season training facilities and access to sports psychologists. Ski and Snowboard Club Vail photo. On an off period of class, student-athletes may consult sports psychologists as a newer resource offered at the school. Finding a mental edge while bogged down in study and athOHWLFV LV VRPHWKLQJ WKDW FDQ KHOS WKH VWXGHQW DWKOHWHV LQ ERWK Ă€HOGV “We started working with sports psychologists from the University of Denver four years ago, and it has ballooned into an advanced program,â€? Cole says. “The athletes are constantly working, and this tool gives them the mental strategy that they need to achieve their goals. We work on the performance enhancement of the athletes -- learning, listening, visualization, relaxation, information retention and mental focus.â€? The Nordic skiers got some kind of gift with a grooming machine and an area for a new Nordic training track just off from the school’s edge in Maloit Park. They can almost literally step out of their skis and into the classroom. While this year the student-athletes are seeing expanded resources, plans are already in place for future improvements, says Suleiman. One plan is to expand the Nordic track. Another plan details a summer jumping facility for the free-ride athletes that would entail faux grass that skis can slide on, a jump and a landing area. Also, an “acro-centerâ€? complete with trampolines and a foam pit are on the bill. Perhaps the greatest resource offered to the student-athletes at the academy, says Suleiman, is something more indirect than nutrition, dynamic scheduling and sports psychology. The real resource is being surrounded by other athletes that are equally motivated to achieve WRS KRQRUV LQ WKHLU VSRUW ZKR IDFH WKH VDPH GLIĂ€FXOWLHV %HLQJ FHQWHUHG LQ WKH VDPH IDFLOLW\ offers the student-athletes a crutch to success. “We wrap all those things together, and you are looking at a whole athlete,â€? Cole says. “It is a holistic-lifestyle concept. The kids are student-athletes 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.â€?


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