Moorhead Magazine Summer 2013

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MOORHEAD minnesota state university moorhead



The magazine for alumni, friends and community.


Actual Size Artworks artists Gail Simpson and Aris Georgiades, along with architect Dean Proctor, created “Sown” as a clever lighting and gathering space. They were inspired by MSUM as a place where students grow and thrive under the guidance of a dedicated faculty, and the campus as a welcoming, meaningful place in the community. Located in the center of campus, “Sown” is a metaphor for human aspirations and endeavors. It features a focal seating area and customized “acorn” lighting fixtures that appear to be growing on the quad.

MOORHEAD minnesota state university moorhead





Philosophy of Brewing


Collective Friends


Check out MSUM’s 125th Anniversary Website

Alumnus finds passion in beer

Film alumni collaborate after graduation




MnSCU freezes tuition


New business programs


125 faces of MSUM


Learn about MSUM’s strategic plan


Class Notes



President: Edna Mora Szymanski

Executive Editor: David Wahlberg ’81

Provost/Senior VP, Academic Affairs: Anne Blackhurst

Editor: Kristi Monson ’84, ’96

VP, Alumni Foundation: Laura Huth VP, Finance & Administration: Janet Mahoney VP, Enrollment Management/ Student Affairs: Yvette Underdue Murph Executive Director, Marketing & Communications: David Wahlberg Chief Human Resources Officer: Mark Yuran

Art Director: Derek Lien Photographers: Darel Paulson Ande Sailer ’13 Editorial Team: Courtney Weatherhead ’11 Meghan Feir ’13 Ashley Jonas ’11 Katie Berning ’12 Jody Bendel

Minnesota State University Moorhead Magazine is published by the Marketing & Communications Office for the MSUM community of alumni, employees, students, supporters, friends and neighbors. Contact us: or 218.477.2110. Minnesota State University Moorhead is an equal opportunity educator and employer and is a member of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System.



ast May, I announced I will retire at the end of June 2014. This was a difficult decision because I love this university and treasure its faculty, staff, students, alumni and friends. However, I would like to spend more time with my husband, do some serious traveling, exercise more regularly, spend time in my garden, and winter in a warmer climate. To that end, I made the decision to retire while my husband and I can hopefully enjoy many years of these pursuits. This is a good time for a presidential transition. The university is in sound fiscal shape. Our realignment and strategic plan position us well in terms of focus, excellence, and alignment with regional workforce needs. The concentration on student learning outcomes and high impact teaching furthers our already high quality academic programs. Our increased emphasis on student success, both in admissions and in support of our current students, bodes well for both the university and our students. Finally, we have adopted business principles that put us on the path to fiscal sustainability. Although challenges remain, I am confident that the university is on course for a bright future. The university’s 125th anniversary celebration also makes this year a good transition time with the events of the celebration providing momentum throughout the year. Chancellor Steven Rosenstone will come to campus in the fall to conduct listening sessions on the desired qualities of the next president, and a national search process will be underway. Please know that I will always love this university. It is a great privilege to work with you. During the coming year, I will continue to serve the university and lay the groundwork for the next president. I thank you for the opportunity to work with you. Best wishes,







EDITOR’S NOTE e gave birth this month. It was painful and exhilarating at the same time. We prepared for the arrival like new parents do—researching, thinking, planning, talking. You’re holding our baby in your hands.

125th Anniversary Celebration Under Way If you missed the kickoff of MSUM’s 125th anniversary celebration during the annual Fourth of July community party, don’t worry, you will have plenty of opportunities to attend 125th anniversary activities throughout the year, many of which are linked with existing events. During homecoming, special quasquicentennial events will be incorporated throughout the week, including Delta Zeta, all football and graduates of the ’60s reunions. This year’s homecoming theme is “Once a Dragon, Always a Dragon.” Read all about this year’s activities in the homecoming insert.

Watch for details about our signature celebratory event in Spring 2014.

Alumnews, first as a tabloid and later as a magazine, has always tried to deliver compelling stories. Our newly redesigned magazine will continue to do so. As a university magazine we will strive to remain of interest to our core alumni audience as well as expand our audience to include industry partners and the greater community. The project team included MSUM marketing professionals and representatives from alumni, athletics and arts and humanities (many of whom are alumni). While newborns’ personalities may not fully emerge for months, we defined the personality of our magazine. We hope you’ll agree that it’s contemporary, relevant, informative and maybe even a little fun! While discussing the name, our concern was that the title Alumnews sends a message that the publication is limited to an alumni audience. We engaged in lively discussion about it. It reminded me of my second born, whose name we didn’t decide until the 11th hour. Nothing seemed to fit. We chose Aaron—the first boy name to appear in the baby name book! The name suits him—mountain of strength. But in the end, he’s not defined by his name, but rather the amazing young man he is. I share this story because some of you may not understand why we changed our name, but I encourage you to let us grow on you. Because in the end what really matters is what’s on the inside. I hope you find the new magazine worthy of being read and shared for many years to come. Enjoy, and tell us what you think. Kristi Monson, Editor

Tell a prospective student…

No Tuition Increase for Two Years That’s right. Tuition will remain the same for the next two years, making an MSUM student’s degree even more affordable. In fact, all Minnesota State Colleges and Universities are freezing tuition to provide students and alumni with the continued opportunity to earn an affordable degree.

Compare the savings We are doing a future story

MSU Moorhead

about Dragon alumni who left

University of MN

the area after graduation and who later returned. Are you

$6,898 $12,881

Private colleges & universities


one of those people? If so, please tell us about it at

If you know a prospective student who would benefit from the same great university education you enjoyed, let them know they can learn more at (undergraduate) or (graduate and certificates). SUMMER 2013





We Were Pretty Darn Good Author and MSUM education Professor Steve Grineski has written We Were Pretty Darn Good: A History of Rural Education in America. The book details how normal schools and state teacher colleges created Departments of Rural Education and Affiliated Rural School student teaching sites. Moorhead State Teachers College (MSTC) earned a national reputation for excellence in preparing rural teachers. About 1,800 students learned the craft of rural teaching in one- and two-room rural schools affiliated with MSTC. He interviewed 50 MSTC student teachers and supervising teachers ages 75 to 95 to better understand their experiences. The book, available at Barnes & Noble and Amazon, includes many photographs. About two-thirds of the book is a case study of the Moorhead campus story.

> Pictured is Marion Gee who student taught at Oak Mound School in 1947 and served as supervising teacher from 1949-51.

Steve Grineski also authored Baby Dragons: The Story of Moorhead’s Campus School, 1888-1972.

Learn more:

Founders Scholarship Gala More than 300 guests attended the 2013 Founders Scholarship Gala held Feb.

Four Presidents Together Friday, September 27

scholarship fundraiser. Guests

1 to 2:30 p.m., Roland Dille Center for the Arts

enjoyed music, a silent

Streaming live, check the website as date nears

and dessert. Actor, alum and

A special highlight during homecoming and as part of the 125th celebration will be a panel discussion with the university’s four living presidents: John Neumaier, Roland Dille, Roland Barden and Edna Szymanski. They will share the history of MSUM from their perspectives, spanning a period from 1958 to the present. A calendar of events is located on the 125th anniversary website at In addition, Archivist Terry Shoptaugh and President Emeritus Roland Dille are working on a photo history book. And look for a special edition of the MSU Moorhead Magazine in February featuring the 125 things we love about MSUM! It’s going to be an exciting year. If you have ideas, suggestions or thoughts to share, please contact David Wahlberg at 218.477.2175 or


15. It's MSUM’s largest



auction, dinner, mystery wine special guest speaker Kevin Sorbo entertained the crowd with stories from his time at MSUM and his years as an actor. More than $45,000 was > Standing left to right: Roland Dille, John Neumaier, Roland Barden. Seated: Edna Szymanski

raised, which will be given in the form of scholarships to

What do you love about MSUM? Our next magazine will feature 125 things we love about MSUM. Tell us what you love about MSUM or Moorhead at or

12 deserving students for the 2013-14 academic year. Please join us at the 2014 Founders Scholarship Gala Feb. 14!


WE ARE SOCIAL We want to hear from you, and we hope you want to hear from us. Help us stay connected!

Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Twitter for the latest campus updates on events, students, faculty and all things MSUM.

Like us on Facebook Like us on Facebook and connect with friends old and new.

Follow us on Pinterest Follow us on Pinterest to discover historical tidbits about MSUM, find the best places to eat when you’re back in Moorhead, or uncover a little Pinspiration.

Look for Minnesota State University Moorhead Group

coming soon Next year we expect to launch our new online Moorhead Magazine. It will feature extended content not able to be included in the magazine, photo galleries, video interviews, timely university and alumni news, connections to university communication resources, and a place for you to offer feedback.


125 FACES OF MSUM You may have seen them as you walked through campus years ago. But how well do you really know them? In celebration of the university’s 125th year anniversary, we are profiling 125 of MSUM’s most recognizable faculty and staff members. Whether we’re finding out their celebrity crush or their favorite travel adventure, we are asking the questions you may have never wondered, but will definitely enjoy knowing about the 125 faces of MSUM. Like us on Facebook ( or and follow us on Twitter (@MSUMoorhead) for the latest 125 faces of MSUM profiles. You never know who will be featured next!










1 Andrew Conteh 2 Becky Boyle Jones 3 Ellen Brisch 4 Greg Toutges 5 Jeremy Carney 6 Kenyon Williams 7 Kirsti Fleming 8 Ludmi Herath 9 Wade Eddy

MBAs, Entrepreneurship, Analytics & More… New business programs for working professionals


Area business leaders and MSUM’s School of Business have identified the workforce needs of the region’s business community. The result: Innovative and flexible educational programs for people with a variety of backgrounds and experiences. “It is critical for business schools to offer cutting-edge programs to provide students with the skills they need to be successful,” said Marsha Weber, dean of the College of Business & Innovation. “We appreciate the input and advice we have received from local and regional business professionals that has led us to some very exciting curriculum changes.”

▸ MBA (General-pending final approval) ▸ MBA (Health Care Management) ▸ M.S. in Accounting and Finance ▸ Business Analytics certificate

▸ Entrepreneurship minor or certificate ▸ Doing Business in China certificate ▸ Online Business completer degree

The School of Business is accredited by AACSB (Association for the Advancement of Collegiate Schools of Business), the premier accrediting agency for business schools worldwide. Approximately five percent of all business schools are AACSB accredited.

Read more at SUMMER 2013






House Party Promotes Healthy Choices As another school year begins, a new batch of students will test the freedom of living away from home for the first time. To encourage students to make decisions that decrease highrisk behavior, MSUM’s AfterDark program, recognized by higher education peers, offers evening and weekend programming and opportunities for conversation about risky behaviors.

“House Party is comprised of six scenarios, such as showing the dangers of playing drinking games or identifying high-risk situations,” said Ashley Atteberry, director of Student Conduct & Resolution. “Then students have the opportunity to go through the experience of learning about public and community safety, such as the campus blue lights, the Rape Aggression Defense program and understanding crimes of opportunity.”

“We hold several events each month to include games, entertainment, free food and prizes,” said Mitch Johnson, assistant director of First Year Programs.

Director of Health and Wellness Carol Grimm said these late-night activities provide positive entertainment options for students. To proactively support our neighborhood, MSUM collaborates with M State, Concordia College and the Moorhead Police Department to provide extra officers during high-traffic nights, such as homecoming and Dragons After Dark, to curb excessive noise and merrymaking around the campuses.

The annual Alcohol and Other Drug education program will bring back House Party 101, which encourages students to make positive and healthy lifestyle choices while educating them on personal and public safety. This year community agencies and campus organizations are collaborating to promote positive choices.

Two MSUM student-athletes earned Capital One Academic All-American honors from the College Sports Information Directors of America (CoSIDA) during the 2012-13 year. > Rachel Walsh

Senior men’s basketball player Alex Novak was named to the Men’s Basketball First Team, becoming the first MSUM athlete to earn the prestigious award, which is one of the top academic honors in all of college athletics. Novak, a biochemistry major with a 3.85 GPA, was the first MSUM athlete to earn firstteam honors since 2009 and the 15th to earn Academic All-American honors. Sophomore swimmer Rachel Walsh was named to the Division II Women’s At-Large


Third Team. Walsh is a biochemistry major with a GPA of 3.98. She was a key contributor for the Dragons in 2012-13, finishing third on the team in points scored with 447.25. She had seven runner-up finishes and 10 third-place finishes and was also part of two relays that set school records, the 200 freestyle (1:36.50) and 400 freestyle (3:32.13).

Read more Dragon sports news at

Senior Derek Bredy finished second in the long jump at the NCAA Division II Outdoor Track and Field Championships May 23-25 in Pueblo, Colo. all-american honors

Dragons Earn Academic All-American Honors > Alex Novak

Bredy National Runner-Up in Long Jump

Learn more about AfterDark programming at

Bredy’s runner-up finish at the nationals– which earned him All-American honors– was the best of his storied Dragon career, including 12 school records and 16 conference championships. The senior unleashed a jump of 24-11–beating the school record of 24-7 1/2 he set at the Northern Sun Intercollegiate Conference Outdoor Championships earlier in May–to finish second. That jump came on his fifth attempt. He trailed only Jeffery Henderson of Stillman College, who won the event at 25-7 1/2. The finish gave MSUM eight team points at the meet. Bredy learned of his placing while he was in the blocks to compete preliminaries in the 400-meter dash. Bredy also earned All-American honors in the 400-meter dash placing seventh. PHOTO CREDIT: Eric Zahn



New Enrollment, Admissions Leaders Named

> Dr. Yvette Underdue Murph

> Rance Larsen

Dr. Yvette Underdue Murph Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs Dr. Yvette Underdue Murph joins MSUM as vice president for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs Aug. 26. She will lead the Admissions and Student Services offices to enroll students and ensure current students have access to campus services. Underdue Murph previously was the associate vice president for Student Affairs, Enrollment Management and Diversity at Mississippi Valley State University, where she also served as the interim dean for the Center for Excellence in Student Learning. She’s held senior leadership positions at North Carolina A&T State University and Texas A&M University-Commerce.

Q & A with Provost Blackhurst MSUM's new strategic plan and academic realignment reaffirms our commitment to our mission and articulates the core values inherent in that mission while conveying a clear vision for the university. Provost Anne Blackhurst led the planning process for these efforts and discusses why the strategic plan and academic realignment are important to you. Why is this strategic plan important to alumni and friends? The more vibrant and relevant the university is—and the greater our reputation for producing high-quality graduates—the more valuable an MSUM degree becomes. The strategic plan commits the university to providing an education of lifelong relevance, committing us to stay connected to our alumni in ways that continue to add value.

What’s new in the updated strategic plan and what is its impact? The most notable change is greater emphasis on partnering with business and community leaders to ensure we prepare graduates for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century, and to ensure we are engaged and relevant in the communities we serve.

What are the main features of the strategic plan?

Rance Larsen

Our strategic vision lays the foundation for four ambitious but attainable goals: 1) To be a leader in student success; 2) To reflect the world in which our graduates live and work; 3) To provide an education of life-long relevance; and 4) To help transform students to become leaders in their professions and communities.

Director of Admissions

Why did MSUM change its academic realignment?

Rance Larsen is MSUM’s new director of Admissions, where he will lead the Office of Admissions, oversee admissions operations and enroll students. Larsen has nearly 30 years of experience, including experience in public, private, two-year and university settings. Previously he was manager of Enrollment Development and director of Admissions at Missouri University of Science and Technology.

The new structure is a strategic effort to align the university with economic and community development needs. It’s a clear signal that we aim to respond to the needs of our external community and business partners.

How will students benefit from these changes? Student success is at the heart of both the strategic plan and academic realignment. The organizational structure clusters academic programs in a way that mirrors the occupational clusters our graduates pursue. The strategic plan commits the university to

ensuring that students have both the broadbased education and field-specific preparation necessary to succeed in their chosen careers, as well as opportunities to demonstrate their competence and gain practical experience.

How will the strategic plan improve the university’s efficiency and effectiveness? One of the strategic priorities that will guide our efforts is achieving excellence in all we do. We will be more focused and more strategic about the programs we offer, the programs we invest in and how we assess their effectiveness. This is essential to increasing our quality, reputation and relevance.

Does the emphasis on workforce needs mean that MSUM is no longer providing a liberal arts education? No, it’s just the opposite: We recognize that a broad-based, liberal education is more important than ever. MSUM is uniquely situated to meet the demand for graduates who are not only skilled in their fields but also possess the critical thinking, communication, problem solving and creative skills highly valued by employers. Integrating professional preparation and liberal education will prepare our graduates to be leaders in their communities and professions.

What are the cost savings gained from realigning academic departments? The greatest efficiencies will come when departments collaborate to improve program quality by sharing existing resources. This will require innovation that literally transforms the way we think about program delivery.

Learn more about MSUM’s strategic plan and academic realignment at SUMMER 2013



brewing BREWING PHILOSOPHY of Philosophy alum makes his mark on region through Fargo Brewing Company BY COURTNEY WEATHERHEAD


n a sunny, summer afternoon a layer of dust clings to the impressive equipment being installed. The noise of drilling and sparks from the welders fill the open space. A makeshift office made up of a leather couch, loveseat and wooden desks looks out of place in this industrial building full of working men, concrete floors and beams. The excitement in the air is undeniable as opening day draws near.










I’d rather be happy and work for myself and potentially fail, than get a job and find out I hate it. This way I’m free to do what I want. Create something I want.

Now construction is complete, the equipment is installed and glistens silver and the beer is flowing. The Fargo Brewing Company, located near downtown Fargo, is a fully functional brew house. John Anderson, 2009 philosophy alum, is one of the four owners of the Fargo Brewing Company, known for their signature craft beer. The connection between philosophy and brewing is a blurry one, but Anderson says his education in philosophy changed his perspective and influenced his career choice. “I’d rather be happy and work for myself and potentially fail, than get a job and find out I hate it. This way I’m free to do what I want. Create something I want,” Anderson said. Anderson and his older brother, Chris, knew they wanted to own a brewery years before they started what is now the Fargo Brewing Company. Chris has a biology background and experience with home and commercial brewing, and John learned the ins and outs of the food service industry working as a busser, server, bartender and bar backer. “I gained most of my knowledge of beer from Chris. He is the brew master,” Anderson said. “I don’t know how many random calls or texts at two in the morning I’ve gotten from him saying ‘We should do this’ or ‘We should try this.’ He focuses on the science of it, which is great because then I can gain a much deeper understanding of it through his research.”

CALL IT FATE It must have been fate the day Anderson was serving at the HoDo in Fargo and recognized an old friend from high school. He started talking about his plans to build a brewery

only to discover Jared Hardy, who was sitting at the same table, and his friend Aaron Hill had a similar agenda. “When [Hardy and Hill] first called us, Chris and I were in Washington writing a business plan. We were kind of surprised these guys called out of the blue. I came back and met them and discussed starting a brewery together and figured it would be a good mix. We had skills they didn’t have and they had skills we didn’t have,” Anderson said. Hardy and Hill have marketing, sales and accounting experience and the Anderson brothers know how to brew craft beer. It was the perfect match. “Chris moved back and we were able to show our beer was good and the market was ready for it,” Anderson said. As with many small businesses, the Fargo Brewing Company didn’t start out how they planned. Starting in September 2011 they did contract brewing in Wisconsin. “We started it the way we needed to. Now that it will be more in our hands, we’ll be able to create more styles and do more fun things,” Anderson said. The Fargo Brewing Company will have a taproom at their brew house and they’re considering serving food once they’re more established. As for the beer, they plan on keeping five to seven standard year-round beers with four seasonal beers, while trying out others in between. “We’re purchasing a small one-barrel system, which will allow us to experiment. We’re not doing it on the big system and throwing five to ten thousand dollars away on a beer nobody wants to drink. We can do it on a smaller system and try it out,” Anderson said.




LOOKS ARE DECEIVING Anderson often hears people say they don’t like beer. His advice is to keep trying different styles. “There’s beer made with fruits, sour beer, smoked beers. Don’t be afraid to try a beer that looks like something you won’t like.” He said looks are deceiving. “We have a lot of people who don’t like dark beers and then they try the Scottish Ale, which is dark, but not heavy. It’s really light and easy to drink,” Anderson said. “Just because it’s dark, doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s heavy. And just because it’s light doesn’t mean it’s a light beer. You can have something like a Belgian Golden Strong, which is straw color, and it has 10 or 12 percent alcohol. It will knock you on your butt if you’re not careful.” The Fargo Brewing Company’s Northbound Porter is Anderson’s favorite beer they brew, although the Stone’s Throw Scottish Ale is their best seller. The people of Fargo-Moorhead have shown overwhelming support for the local brewery. Anderson said, “Fargo and Moorhead and the surrounding areas have been really passionate and generous. The restaurants, the beer reviewers, everyone’s been great to work with.” The Fargo Brewing Company’s mission is to bring a wider variety of beer to Fargo-Moorhead, and eventually the tristate area, while staying true to their philosophy—quality over quantity. Cheers! ■ For the latest information on the Fargo Brewing Company, visit

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Pilgrims lan use the Plymouth Rock beca g low. in nn ru beer supplies were

1757 George Washington’s personal notes reveal his personal recipe “To Make Small Beer.”

The American Budweiser brewing company is founded by Adolphus Busch, son-in-law of Eberhard Anheuser, in St. Louis, Missouri.

Louis Pasteur unraveled the secrets of yeast in the fermentation process, and he also developed pasteurization to stabilize beers 22 years before the process was applied to milk.




Lagers have a smoother, crisper and mellower taste.

American Light Lager



A lower calorie version of the American Lager with a bit less flavor and less alcohol. This is the most popular type of beer in the U.S.

Pilsners have a light flavor with a crisp, bitter finish and floral notes from the hops varieties.

Bocks are a stronger and sweeter lager than other styles because it is brewed using more grains.


Indian Pale Ale

Brown Ale

Wheat Beers


IPAs are highly hopped, favoring citrus and piney varieties for a big nose and high bitterness.

Brown Ales are dark amber and light- to medium-brown in color. They are typically maltier and sweeter than pale ales, with nutty and caramel flavors.

American Wheat beers are pale with a light wheat bread character.

These are the darkest beers, with dark roasted malt flavors and aromas emphasizing chocolate, coffee and sometimes even molasses.

1909 During an African safari, Teddy Roosevelt buys 500 gallons of beer.

Ales have a stronger, more complex taste, and have been around for thousands of years.



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Elise Miller John runs Miller Brewing. She is the first woman to ever operate a major brewery.


The U.S. produces 20% of the world beer volume (world ’s largest).

Collective Friends BY KRISTI MONSON


ilmmaking can be a challenging and unpredictable career path. However, MSUM alumni separated by nearly 2,000 miles are making it easier for film grads to pursue their craft. Cinema arts and digital technologies (CADT) alumni from Fargo-Moorhead, Minneapolis and Los Angeles shared their successes, failures and words of wisdom to MSUM’s newest job seekers last March. Their inspirational words may have eased the trepidation of graduation, but clearly the message heard was that of a famous Beatles tune, “(I get by) With a Little Help From My Friends.” Amber Johnson, ’09, film studies, says it’s simply impossible to create a film on your own. “The most valuable thing for filmmakers is connecting with others,” Johnson said. “Without the ability to communicate and collaborate, you will make your way out of filmmaking pretty quickly.”

Collecti Our group gets together to make films the way we know how to make them—independently and often. – Kate Enge, ’10

As a senior, Johnson worked on a half dozen films in one semester, wondering if there was a better way to get it all done. “It was important for our small program to share resources and collaborate so everyone could complete their projects well,” she said. She tried to organize a student cooperative within the department, but the idea didn’t catch on. The thought resonated with her upon her move to Minneapolis-St. Paul.

“I was blessed to have a treasure trove of talent to work with and learn from at MSUM,” Johnson said. “And now I was living in Minneapolis, and a lot of those people I worked with at MSUM were here, too. It was great to have that base of people nearby, and a handful of us decided to get together to make movies again.”

Are you collaborating professionally with fellow Dragon alumni? If so, tell us about it. We may include in a future issue of the magazine. (






1 Amber Johnson helped spearhead Persistence

of Vision, but says intentional collaboration is 2 making it work. She does freelance work for local commercial and feature productions and is a producer/director for Circa Productions.



Hollywood Buzz

That’s how Persistence of Vision: A Filmmaking Collective was born. Springboard for the Arts is the nonprofit’s fiscal sponsor, and the collective’s members are interested and active in the craft of filmmaking. Many are MSUM alumni, but the reach extends beyond Dragons. They meet monthly to share projects, screen work, brainstorm ideas and talk about film.

Kate Enge, ’10, film studies, loved the sense of camaraderie—nurturing faculty members and collaborative peers—she experienced at MSUM’s growing film program. She wanted to reinvent that community after moving to Los Angeles in 2011.

“It is what everyone needs it to be—whether to workshop a script, recruit crew members, or get help casting. We are a pool of resources,” Johnson said. “Beyond that, the sense of community, professionally and personally, is important on so many levels.” Last year the group sponsored a scriptwriting contest and used their collective resources and skills to produce the winning short, Ralph, which is still in post production. This spring’s scriptwriting contest produced the winning entry Rule 17 with production underway by the film collective.

ranging LA alumni connected. She is a

4 freelance director and editor currently working on the films Efficiency and Giants, and is a production assistant at B2 Creative Studios.


Persistence Pays Off

“At MSUM we learned a little about all the various roles in filmmaking, but most everyone finds their focus and really works on that aspect. In doing so, you inevitably end up needing to work with others whose focus is in other areas,” said Dustin Solmonson, ’09, film studies, an editor and co-owner of Circa Productions. “The collective makes it easier to find those people. Personally, the collective is great because it keeps you accountable for your own projects.”

3 Kate Enge is the glue that keeps the wide-

“At MSUM we were small enough to know each other well and worked with professors in a special way,” Enge said. With support from faculty members Tom Brandau and Kyja Kristjansson-Nelson, she encouraged fellow LA Dragons to meet informally, similar to the Minneapolis film collective. “We want to make films and not worry about SAG (Screen Actors Guild). We live in the town known for film and entertainment, but it’s a different game because it involves money or contracts. Our group gets together to make films the way we know how to make them— independently and often.” The group of 15—half of whom are alumni—support each others’ projects and pool their resources and talents to produce short films together, “making


this a thing we do instead of saying this is a thing we do,” Enge said. “These are the people I want to work with. There is value in frequent and deliberate connecting to support, understand, push, brainstorm and listen to one another,” Enge said. One film project Dragon alumni worked on was Efficiency ( “Everyone who worked on the film we went to school with,” Enge said. “It was cool that we could access those resources. We mostly filmed in Moorhead; only five scenes were shot in LA.” Another work in progress is {The Moment After} series, which Enge started in Moorhead. The recently concluded season was on love and the next season will feature the different ways we hear, give and respond to news. Clearly, the film studies program has created a learning environment that fosters lifelong personal and professional relationships that help these alumni pursue their passion for filmmaking. ■




WHY ARE FILMS IMPORTANT? We asked three film enthusiasts familiar with MSUM’s film studies program to explain why films are important. We think you’ll enjoy their thought-provoking responses. Conor Holt, 2013, Film Studies

Intern, Marvel Studios and Psychic Bunny Why is the creation of any art form for purely aesthetic pleasure important? Could not the millions of dollars spent on a classic painting, or the billions of dollars of movie box office gross be better spent on scientific advancement or ending world hunger? Humanity’s need to create art has been present since our beginnings. Cave paintings from the dawn of mankind are the ancestors of every painting, novel, play, sculpture and film ever created. Ultimately, people need something more than everyday life. Even if we cured cancer or ended world hunger, we would feel unsatisfied with a life made up entirely of working, eating and sleeping. Humans need art, and many humans need to create art. To the artist, the ability to create is as essential as the ability to breathe. So why is film important? Since before high school, I personally felt the need to tell stories and felt drawn to the power of the camera to bring these stories to life. Film has the ability, more than any other art form, to create a fully realized vision of the world, as seen by the filmmaker. I am awed by the power of cinema to create new worlds, characters in stories more real than real life, or more fantastical than any possible life. As a filmmaker, I want to create these worlds, and as a viewer, I am desperate to experience them. Cinema is dreams brought to life, and no matter what, that will always be worth the price of admission.

Emily Beck, 2006, Film Studies

Executive Director, Fargo Theatre There is something remarkable about a good story. Since the dawn of mankind, humans have huddled together to listen to tales of courage, betrayal, greed, sacrifice and love—the best and the worst of our lot put together in three acts. These stories shape who we are and who we want to be. The way we tell our stories has evolved. Cave paintings gave way to the written word. Not so long ago, we gathered around the family radio to hear how our daring hero would produce this week's brilliant escape from impossible odds. And then...the moving image. In the last 100 years, our stories find life on the silver screen. Modern audiences still gather to experience a collective catharsis, but now for the first time




in human history, a single story can reach to every corner of the earth. With a great amount of skill (and no small amount of luck) an independent filmmaker in Nebraska can produce a film to be seen by millions of people all over the world. Although these stories may involve talking alien robots or a great deal of brightly colored spandex super-suits, at their core, they are still critical touchstones to what it means to be a human being. They make us laugh, they make us cry, they scare the ever-loving-day-lights out of us. True, we can go to the movies to escape into a world where people randomly break into perfectly choreographed dance numbers. We can also go to the movies to learn—to see the world, to see each other, with a bit more clarity and compassion.

Tom Brandau

Professor, Cinema Arts & Digital Technologies MSU Moorhead The French filmmaker, Jean Luc Godard, once said, “A photograph is death, a film is life.” With apologies to my photographer friends, I agree with Monsieur Godard. Until the invention of cinema in the late 1880s, we had to content ourselves with static representations of “life.” A drawing, painting, sculpture or photograph of a moment frozen in time was the best we could do. Motion pictures finally allowed us to capture “life” on a strip of celluloid and then re-animate that life through projected movement. It figuratively (if not literally) ended the concept of death as we knew it. Film gave us the ability to record human activity in all of its vigorous incarnations, preserve it and then resurrect it whenever and wherever we chose. That fact alone makes film important. However, the “importance” of film is more than just its ability to archive existence. Film was arguably the most important art form of the twentieth century (and still remains so in the twenty-first). Cinema has become (and will almost certainly remain well into the future) the prime delivery system for ideas, ideologies, beliefs and personal and group mythologies. We used to define ourselves (our individual world views and philosophies) by the books and literature we read and embraced. We now do so by the films we choose to watch and digest. For better or worse, the cinema we create, consume and discuss (in large part) defines who we are as human beings and who we were as a society to future generations.

Some favorite films... Our film enthusiasts selected a variety of movies to be among some of their favorites. Do you have a favorite movie that’s not included here? Tell us what it is and why it’s your favorite on our Facebook page



Conor’s Picks



Emily’s Picks



Tom’s Picks

The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)

Lawrence of Arabia (1962)

Pulp Fiction (1994)

Moulin Rouge (2001)

The General (1926)

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (2000)

Dawn of the Dead (2004)

Network (1976)

Princess Mononoke (1997)

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)

A Hard Day’s Night (1964)

Memento (2000)

To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)

Casablanca (1942)






Kate Enge

Keri Pickett

Patrick Wynne

Mike Stromenger

Dane Boedigheimer Wayne McConnell Eric Carlson

Amber Johnson

Dustin Solmonson

Washington Montana

New Hampshire

North Dakota


Vermont Minnesota



South Dakota

Wisconsin Michigan





Iowa Ohio

Utah Colorado


Illinois Kansas


New York

Rhode Island Connecticut New Jersey


Delaware West Virginia




Kentucky Arizona

North Carolina

Tennessee Oklahoma


New Mexico

South Carolina

Alabama Mississippi


Louisiana Texas Alaska

Florida Hawaii

Ryan Sailer


Zach Marion


Alex Welgraven


Steve Poitras

Ivan Clow

Laurel Hasbargen

Matthew Eckholm Aaron Lehman

Tyler Sorensen

Before MSUM had a film studies major, students majored in speech communication (film studies emphasis). These alumni work in television and film, advertising and video production, education and community theatre. Their work is often behind the scenes, but their magic brings the screen to life. Below are some working film professionals. If we missed you, please let us know what you’re up to:

NORTH DAKOTA Emily Beck ’06 Executive Director, Fargo Theatre Management Corp., Fargo Patrick Thompson, ’13 Freelance Videographer, BlindSpot Productions, Producer/Writer, Idea Machine Produtions, Fargo Meg Britt, ’12 Production Assistant, Prairie Public Broadcasting, Fargo Ben Stommes, ’08 Videographer/Editor, Prairie Public TV, Fargo Jason Bedard, ’04 Freelance Lighting/Grip/Electric/ Editor, Fargo

MINNESOTA Keri Pickett, ’82 Filmmaker/Photographer, Twin Cities Eric Carlson, ’10 Co-owner, Two Jackets Prod., Twin Cities Amber Johnson, ’09 Freelance Videographer/Editor/ Director/Producer/Co-owner, Circa Productions, Twin Cities Dustin Solmonson, ’09 Co-owner, Circa Productions & Web Design, Twin Cities Ben Efron, ’09 Co-owner, Circa Productions & Freelance Editor, Twin Cities

Dane Boedigheimer, ’03 Creator, Annoying Orange, Gagfilms, LA

Aaron Lehman, ’11 Production Assistant/Freelance, Left/Right Prods., New York

Spencer Grove, ’02 Co-writer, Annoying Orange, Gagfilms, LA

Chadwick Olson, ’93 Motion Picture Collector, George Eastman House, Fairport

Brent Rockswold, ’06 Editor, AV Squad, Commercial/ Feature Film Trailer House, LA

Tyler Sorensen, ’12 Advertising, Brooklyn

Kak Lee, ’06 Freelance Cinematographer, LA Tyler Geditz, ’07 Assitant to Executive VP, NBCUniversal International, LA

Adam Brant, ’13 Freelance Filmmaker, Fargo

Laurel Hasbargen, 06 Freelance Production Coordinator, Twin Cities

Chris Haskell, ’09 Editor, Workshop Creative, Commercial/Feature Film Trailer House, LA

Wayne McConnell, ’04 Senior Editor of Media Production., Flint Communications, Fargo

Elizabeth Pollock, ’04 Production Manager, Edelman Prod. HGTV, Twin Cities

Zach Marion, ’07 UCLA MFA Graduate Program: Directing, LA

Tony Tilton, ’94 Technical Director, KVLY & General Manager, Moorhead Community Access, Fargo

Billy Straub, ’12 Cinematographer, Pyromaniac Studios, Twin Cities

Kate Enge ’10 Executive Assistant to Brian Briskman- B2 Creative Studios, LA

Matthew Eckholm, ’13 Independent Filmmaker and Freelancer, Twin Cities

Quinn Callens, ’06 Producer, LA

Mike Stromenger, ’06 Writer/Videographer, Swanson Health Products, Fargo Greg Carlson, ’94 Professor of Communication Studies & Theatre Arts Program, Concordia College, Fargo John Beaudine, ’09 Production Assistant, KVRR Fox TV, Fargo Timothy Jorud, ’96 Videographer, Cable One Adertising, Fargo Doug Hamilton, ’71 Radio Host, “Hear it Now,” North Dakota Public Radio, Fargo Steve Poitras, ’67 Broadcaster, KFGO, Fargo

SOUTH DAKOTA Timothy Jorud, ’96 Production, Worthington Industries, Watertown

Gregory Miller, ’83 Artistic Director, Rochester Civic Theatre, Rochester Travis Mattick, ’08 Director of Video Production,, Mankato Douglas Dally, ’76 Director/Choreographer/Actor, Twin Cities Charles Bonin, ’04 Writer/Producer/Director, Orange Apple Productions, Inc., Andover

ARIZONA Alex Welgraven, ’10 Video and Motion Designer, Radiant Church, Surprise Patrick McGrane, ’06 Editor/Producer/Animator, Spyfu. com, Phoenix



Patrick Joyner, ’09 Freelance Sound & Assistant Editor, LA Bill Hultstrom, ’73 Art Director, “The Young and the Restless,” CBS, LA Jeffrey Debing, ’94 Film Preservationist/Film Art Archivist Kodak, LA Patrick Wynne, ’10 Co-owner, A La Carte Productions, LA

Daniel Bird, ’87 DVD Producer, Broadness, Harrison

CONNECTICUT Kristen Conaty, ’11 Freelance Cinematographer

TENNESSEE Ivan Clow, ’11 Video Coordinator/Creative Assistant, Big Machine Label Group, Nashville

OHIO Dave Filipi Director, Film/Video, Wexner Center for the Arts, Ohio State University, Columbus

FLORIDA Joel Haley, ’83 Audio Engineer/Computer Technician, Campus Crusade for Christ, Orlando

COLORADO Shane Andreason, ’05 Production Assistant/Video Editor, Exposure Productions, Durango

Tara Kramer, ’12 Production Assistant, LA Conor Holt, ’13 Intern, Psychic Bunny Media Co. and Marvel Film Studios, LA Christopher Breitling, ’87 Producer, Transvideo Studios, Fremont


OREGON Ryan Sailer, ’08 Previous Editor at Video Arts Studios in Fargo, Portland

CANADA Jesse Balzer, ’11 Graduate School, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec

Gabe Wimmer, ’08 Freelance Scenic Sculptor, Film/TV/ Commercial, New Orleans SUMMER 2013



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EARLY FM AREA BEFORE Jan 1800 - Jan 1900


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Jan 1888 - Dec 1899

January 1890

President Livingston Lord.

The first graduating class of 1890: standing, left to right, Julia Bergland, Gertrude Bell, Henry Dickey,... More







Jan 1888 - Dec 1900 Collection of images from 1888 to 1900.


January 1894






Share your Dragon workplace photos and stories at magazine@


hen Sadie (Anderson) Rudolph (’04, mass communications), a media relations specialist at Flint Communications in Fargo, sent over another news release about a batch of recently hired MSUM graduates—the second in four months—we grew curious about the number of Dragon alumni working for the Fargo-based fullservice marketing and communications agency. “I had no idea we had so many Dragons,” Rudolph said. Nearly one-third (39) of Flint’s 125 employees are Dragon alumni, representing mostly (17) mass communications, although other majors are also represented. Recent Dragon hires include BFA graphic design alumni Alex Ehlen (’10), interactive designer; Kaitlyn O’Malley (’12), graphic designer; Nikki (Calvin) Rostad (’10), production coordinator; mass communications graduates Chris Lubarski (’11), account coordinator and Lacey Nygard (’12), public relations coordinator; and marketing alumna Amy Dubois (’96), lead project manager.




Chris (Sauder) Hagen (’77, visual communications), director of public relations, has grown her department from two to five with Dragon alumni. “Students get real-world experience and internships from most institutions, but at MSUM it’s like they’re more meaningful; their portfolios are very rich and deep,” Hagen said. As an invited judge to assess PR/advertising presentations, Hagen says MSUM students’ integration of the mass communications disciplines is impressive. “That experience is reflected in their confidence, presentation and passion when they apply for jobs.” “Today’s graduates have a solid idea of what they’d like to be doing,” said Lee Massey (’72, mass communications), president and executive producer of Media Productions, a division of Flint Group. “The coursework and opportunities students have to specialize help them to make those decisions earlier.”

MSUM’s mass communications curriculum continually evolves to meet the workforce needs of the communications industry. Recent additions: ▸ Integrated advertising and public relations, multimedia journalism and a certificate in publishing ▸ B.S. degrees are now offered for each discipline instead of emphases, e.g., a B.S. in advertising ▸ New minors in sports communications and media analysis ▸ New courses in crisis communications, media metrics and producing sports audio and video “MSUM students graduate with solid, baseline knowledge of the many different aspects of the advertising, PR, production, interactive and journalism disciplines,” Massey said. “Our success is because we have a lot of really good people.”

And a lot of great Dragons!


Class Notes Share your news here—new job, volunteer experience, interesting hobby, recent travel, move or addition to your family. If we don’t get it in this issue, we’ll save it for next time!

Fred Dahnke inducted into NSIC Hall of Fame Fred Dahnke, ’71 (health/physical education), was inducted into the Northern Sun Intercollegiate Conference Hall of Fame in July 2012. A four-year track letterman, Dahnke was a longtime assistant track coach under Ron Masanz and spent nearly 20 years with the Dragon cross-country family. He served as assistant crosscountry coach (1976-85) and head coach from 1981-85 and 198992. During Dahnke’s reign the Dragons captured nine straight NSIC championships, eight NAIA District 13 titles and three top 10 finishes at the NAIA National Cross-Country Championships. He was named NAIA Region IV Cross-Country Coach of the Year, and was also saluted as NAIA District 13 Cross-Country Coach of the Year six times and NSIC CrossCountry Coach of the Year five times. Dahnke was inducted into the Dragon Hall of Fame in 1999.


All towns are in Minnesota, and Fargo and West Fargo are in North Dakota, unless otherwise noted.


Kendall Nygard ’69 (mathematics), professor of computer science and operations research at North Dakota State University, has been selected as a Jefferson Science Fellow for 2013-14. Appointees spend one year at the State Department or the U.S. Agency for International Development in Washington and may have extended stays at U.S. foreign embassies or missions. Nygard joined the NDSU faculty in 1977. He previously was a visiting scientist at the Air Force Logistics Command at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio and was a research fellow at the Air Vehicle Directorate of the Air Force Research Lab. His research interests include combinatorial optimization methods involving management of networks and sensor networks, cooperative mission control for unmanned air vehicles and bioinformatics. Paula (Coalwell) Okeson ’71 (finance) joined Jack Chivers Realty, Detroit Lakes, as a real estate agent.


Doug Hamilton ’71 (speech), the longtime TV and radio anchor, will take over as host for the daily North Dakota Public Radio show, “Hear it Now” airing weekdays at 3 p.m. on 91.9 FM in Fargo-Moorhead. Hamilton was recently the executive director of foundation/ advancement at Minnesota State University Moorhead and served as the school’s assistant to the president for media and community relations. S.D. Nelson ’72 (art), author and illustrator, has received high marks from Kirkus Review on his two new children’s books, “Greet the Dawn – The Lakota Way” and “Buffalo Bird Girl – A Hidatsu Story.” Nelson is a member of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in the Dakotas and draws his stories from his heritage and creativity. His work is

enhanced by his acrylic illustrations, each of which is accompanied by the artist’s own commentary. William (Bill) Hultstrom ’73 (speech) received a daytime Emmy in the category of “Outstanding Achievement in Art Direction/Set Decoration/ Scenic Design for a Drama Series” for his work with CBS’ “The Young and the Restless” as the production designer.


Janell Cole ’75 (mass communications) has been a reservist for the Federal Emergency Management Agency since 2011, with her most recent disaster deployment being to New York after Hurricane/Superstorm Sandy. When not on a FEMA deployment, she is a self-employed carpenter in Bismarck and assistant construction manager for Lutheran Social Services Disaster Response’s home-rebuilding campaign in Minot, which suffered flooding in 2011. Glenn Gullickson ’76 (mass communications), of Phoenix, won the Arizona Press Club’s Community Journalist of the Year Award for work done in 2012. Since 2009, Gullickson has been managing editor of Echo Magazine, Arizona’s leading publication serving the LGBT community. Chris (Sauder) Hagen ’77 (visual communications), director of public relations, has grown her department from two to five with Dragon alumni.


Mike Seminary ’78 (business administration) joined Houston Engineering Inc. as their new business development manager. Seminary is a Fargo native, and has more than 30 years of business development and client relations experience.







Sandra Skallerud ’79 (individualized studies) and ’90 (MBA) was promoted to vice president of Medicare Operations-Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Jurisdiction D (JD) at Noridian Administrative Services (Noridian). In this role, Skallerud leads and is accountable for all JD contractual responsibilities. The JD DME Medicare Administrative Contractor is accountable for processing DME claims for beneficiaries in 16 states and three territories. Emy Stenerson ’80 (business administration) was promoted to senior vice president of Medicare Operations–Jurisdiction F (JF) at Noridian Administrative Services (Noridian). She will lead and be accountable for all JF contractual responsibilities. Stenerson previously was vice president of Durable Medicare Equipment (DME) Jurisdiction D at Noridian and served as project manager. She has 28 years of Medicare experience and 21 years of experience in managing complex systems and workflows. Al Anderson ’81 (business administration) joined Konrad Olson Commercial Real Estate in Fargo. He will specialize in retail and office sales/leasing and business brokerage. He was previously a district manager of retail operations for 32 pharmacy stores in the region and was also a broker associate at Park Co. Realtors where he was a top sales associate in multiple categories in 2012.


Dr. Gregory Lof ’81 (speech-language pathology) was elected a Fellow of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). Lof is a professor at MGH Institute of Health Professions and Chair of the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders. The Fellowship is one of the highest forms of recognition given by ASHA for an individual’s accomplishments, and is public declaration of outstanding professional achievements. “I am very humbled to be honored this way,” said Dr. Lof, who will formally be inducted at ASHA’s annual convention in November. “To be recognized by my national professional organization is so meaningful to me, and I am glad that I have been able to positively contribute to the field of speech-language pathology.” Robert Jensen ’81 (social studies) is a professor at the University of Texas and published a new book titled, “Arguing for Our Lives: A User’s Guide to Constructive Dialog.”

In this lively primer on critical thinking, Robert Jensen attacks the problems head-on and delivers an accessible and engaging book that explains how we can work collectively to enrich our intellectual lives. Drawing on more than two decades of classroom experience and community organizing, Jensen shares strategies on how to challenge “conventional wisdom” in order to courageously confront the crises of our times, and offers a framework for channeling our fears and frustrations into productive analysis that can inform constructive action. Tammy Miller ’82 (accounting) and ’96 (MBA) is the chief executive officer of Border States Electric and is the 2012 L.B. Hartz Professional Achievement Award recipient. She has received two distinguished alumni awards and led MSUM’s Major Gifts Initiative to fund scholarships and the new Wellness Center on campus.


Kimberly Peterson ’83 (medical technology) was named the community center director for United Blood Services’ Bismarck location. Peterson is responsible for the management of all operational and regulatory activities of the community blood center including compliance with policies, programs and services, and the directives set forth by the regional blood center, district and headquarters in Scottsdale, Ariz. She has been with United Blood Services for seven years and has over 17 years of leadership experience managing multiple departments and cross-functional teams. Dave Barge ’84 (mass communications, advertising) joined 702 Communications, Moorhead, as a sales associate. He previously worked in sales for 17 years at Cable One, most recently as the sales manager. Steven Jesme ’84 (finance) joined Choice Financial in Fargo as senior vice president of ag lending. He has more than 30 years of banking experience, including commercial and agribusiness banking. He is a graduate of the Midwest Banking Institute, Institute of Certified Bankers Commercial Lending School and most recently the Colorado Graduate School of Banking.


Dr. Lori Neprud-Ardovino ’84 (music) was chosen the 2013 University of Montevallo University Scholar. The University Scholar is a faculty member who has excelled in scholarship/creative endeavors through national peer-review publications, grants, performances, shows, etc.

behind -the-scenes

With their Oscar and Emmy statues next to them, former MSUM student Jim Erickson (1968-70), left, and Bill Hultstrom, ’73 speech, talk about behind-thescenes experiences of movies and television at the Straw Hat Player’s 50th anniversary celebration July 20. Hulstrom has won 13 Emmys for scenic design for The Young and the Restless. Erickson has received four Oscar nominations and this year won for best production design for the film Lincoln.




Ostendorf 1 of 39 Recognized out of 92,000 CPA Candidates Bradley Ostendorf, ’12, accounting, was one of 39 winners of the 2012 Elijah Watt Sells Award, announced by the American Institute of CPAs, for obtaining a cumulative average score above 95.50 across all four sections of the Uniform CPA Examination. More than 92,000 candidates sat for the examination. Twenty-four of the 39 winners had earned master’s degrees in professional accountancy or financial planning and represented schools such as University of Illinois, Texas A&M University and University of Michigan. Ostendorf credits the rigorous accounting curriculum for preparing him for the CPA exam. “We had to do the homework and really understand the material before a test,” he said. “Because the classes are small, it’s easy to get questions answered and to build relationships with the professors and other students.” Ostendorf interned with McGladrey LLP during spring semester 2011 and joined the company as an international tax associate after graduation.


> Kenneth Skjegstad circa late 1960s.

Faculty Making a Difference Professor of Biology Emeritus Kenneth Skjegstad, who taught at MSUM from 1966 until retiring in 1994, has provided scholarship dollars for the Biosciences for more than 30 years. His scholarship has now been endowed so his legacy of assisting students will continue into perpetuity. Not only will he help future students, but Skjegstad had a history of quietly helping students throughout his teaching career. Hiroaki “Rocky” Onda, ’87, biology, said Dr. Skjegstad taught his freshman biology class. Originally from Japan, Rocky had some language challenges, and Skjegstad always gave him extra time to answer questions and take tests. Rocky eventually earned a master’s degree in molecular biology and a Ph.D. in molecular, cellular and developmental biology, both from The Ohio State University. However, during his junior year at MSUM, he experienced serious financial problems and was unable to pay his tuition. “I asked Dr. Skjegstad for advice as to what possible solution can be found,” Rocky said.

Skjegstad took him to the business office and helped him find an answer. “I was pretty desperate at that point and may have had to drop out and go home for a while, which would have made it extremely difficult to carry on. That personal experience was a lifesaver and a turning point for my academic career.” Apparently Rocky wasn’t the first, or the last, student to benefit from Skjegstad’s assistance. “Helping students succeed and get through college was always important to Dr. Skjegstad,” Rocky said. “His priority was always the student’s welfare.” Rocky is a senior scientist at The Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor, Maine. It’s a leading genetics research lab whose mission is to discover precise genomic solutions for disease. Rocky’s current research focus is on mouse genome informatics (MGI) for the curation of the mouse genome database, which helps the scientific community by profiling information for geneticists, biologists and clinicians to use as a model system to study genetic disease.

Is there a faculty or staff member who greatly impacted your life? If so, let us know by emailing and we may follow up with you for consideration in a future issue of the magazine. SUMMER 2013





Michelle Aarsvold ’86 (management and marketing) joined Park Co. Realtors in Fargo as a sales associate. Aarsvold previously worked as an account manager with Proctor & Gamble and in retail management with Daytons.

teacher is or how great the lesson is or how much they’re learning, when I know darn good and well when they go home they probably tell their parents that nothing happened.”


Jordheim has worked in education for 42 years. As assistant superintendant of human resources for the Fargo Public Schools, Jordheim’s responsibilities involve recruitment, mentoring new teachers, helping administrators work with teachers, looking for grants and brainstorming ways to make procedures better for students, teachers, and support staff.

Patti Cosgriff ’86 (business administration) was promoted to vice president/credit analyst II. Cosgriff has been with Northwestern Bank for more than two years. William Ferris ’86 (political science) was promoted to career coordinator at the Farmers Insurance Group’s district office of Tyson Terhark, Fargo. Ferris previously worked as a marketing specialist for 3M in New York, and was a staff member for former U.S. Congressman Arlan Stangeland of Minnesota. Tomas Hannasch ’86 (special education) and ’12 (special education) joined Early Intervention Partners as an evaluator. He provides education and support for daily living to families and children under the age of 4 with special needs. He is certified in early childhood special education, intellectual disabilities K-12 and also has an autism certificate and director of special education certificate. He has 26 years of experience in early childhood special education in North Dakota and Minnesota. Barb Stenberg ’87 (accounting) joined Heritage Homes in Fargo as director of human resources. Duane Kautzman ’89 (management) joined True North Equipment as corporate sales manager and shareholder. Kautzman has nearly 25 years of banking and John Deere Company field experience.


David Lawrence ’89 (physical education) is the assistant principal at Moorhead High School. Lawrence has worked for Moorhead Public Schools since 2000. Before that, he was a middle school assistant principal for the district. He was named Minnesota’s Assistant Principal of the Year by the Minnesota Association of Secondary School Principals during the 2010-11 school year. Nancy Jordheim ’90 (counseling and human development) is the first recipient of the Fargo Kiwanis Community Champion for Kids Award. The award will honor people and organizations that have significantly enhanced the lives of area children and families. “On a really lucky day it’s being in a classroom, kneeling beside a kid and asking what’s happening,” she said. “There’s nothing better than a student who wants to tell you how awesome their





Sheila Dewey ’90 (elementary education) has been promoted to loan specialist III at Northwestern Banks’ Moorhead location. Dewey is a Moorhead native, and has more than 17 years of banking experience. Carmen McCullough ’90 (marketing), a Detroit Lakes artist and marketing consultant, has written a book titled, “When She Turned 40-ish,” which was released last September through the independent publishing platform CreateSpace. The book is available online, via, or locally at Precision Printing. To create her debut book, McCullough turned to her first love, art, and also found inspiration from the stories of some of her friends who were turning 40. “When She Turned 40-ish” is an alphabetical narrative of 26 women’s stories as they approached their milestone birthday. The book starts with A (Annette) and ends with Z (Zelda). Each story is matched with a photo of a different piece of collage art created by McCullough herself. McCullough is working on a sequel based on the lives of 50-somethings. Bruce Zeller ’90 (business education), along with his wife, Jodi, are the owners of, a web-based real estate company, located downstairs from Curves in Detroit Lakes, which Jodi manages. Jim Reed ’91 (elementary education) is a teacher at Forestview Middle School in Baxter and runs a club called the FMS High Altitude Club at the middle school. The club recently submitted a project for the SAMSUNG “Solve for Tomorrow” competition. There were over 1,500 projects submitted. Reed’s group project was chosen as one of the top five projects in the nation, and because of this, they won $110,000 for their school. Reed’s wife, Ann Bowden Reed ’89 (speech language hearing science) and ’91 (speech pathology) is a speech pathologist for the same school district.

2013 Moorhead Teacher of the Year Karen Taylor ’93 (English) is in her eighth year of teaching in the Moorhead district and is the 2013 Moorhead Teacher of the Year. She started teaching in 1995 in the West Fargo School District. Taylor is working on a master’s degree in K-12 reading at Minnesota State University Mankato. She loves teaching at the middle school level.

1998 Ryan Jacobson ’98 (English) created an animated comic book titled, “MONSTER NINJAS,” which was released May 15, 2013. The project soon became an online webcomic, free to read at MonsterNinjas. com. The all-ages story is free to watch on YouTube in two, three-and-a-half-minute segments. Jacobson prides himself on writing stories with a positive message for children. For more information about Jacobson, visit

monster ninjas


Beth Slette ’91 (elementary education) was named assistant superintendent of elementary curriculum and instruction as part of West Fargo School District’s restructuring of toplevel administration. Wendy Tabor-Buth ’91 (social work) was promoted to bereavement supervisor at Hospice of the Red River Valley. She’s been a bereavement specialist and patient care social worker since 1994. Don Berg ’92 (accounting) joined U.S. Bank as a relationship manager in the Business Banking Department. Todd Johnson ’92 (international business) was named project manager and consultant by Implementation Specialists in Hawley. He has more than 10 years of human resources management systems analyst experience. Christopher Potter ’92 (recreation management) joined the North Dakota State University Police Department as an officer. He served the past 19 years with the Fargo Police and was named the Fargo Police Department’s Officer of the Year in 2011. Patricia Schrom ’92 (business administration) was hired by North Dakota State College of Science, Wahpeton, as dean of extended learning. Todd Wahlund ’92 (accounting) was named vice president, finance and planning for Varistar Corp., the diversified businesses of Otter Tail Corp. Michelle Winkis Lawson ’93 (political science) Governor Mark Dayton appointed Michelle Winkis Lawson as District Court Judge in Minnesota’s Seventh Judicial District. She was selected from six finalists vying for the position. Lawson earned a law degree from the University of North Dakota. Christopher Carlberg ’94 (psychology) was promoted to sales manager at Bill Hicks & Co., Ltd., where he manages the company’s sales and support teams and facilitates ongoing training to expand the company’s national reach. Carlberg is on the board of directors for the Minnesota Sportsman’s Club and is active in the shooting sports.


Kari Dew ’94 (social work) was promoted to assistant director of clinical operations at Hospice of the Red River Valley. David Dietz ’95 (accounting) was named president and chief executive officer of family-owned Preference Personnel, Fargo.

Carolyn Gaarder ’95 (liberal arts), Fargo, was named the 2013 Distinguished Member by the Minnesota Health Information Management Association. Gaarder has been an active member of American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) since 1971. She is the health information technology program director at Minnesota State Community and Technical College, Moorhead.


Eric Martinez ’96 (social studies) was chosen to be the principal of grades 5-12 in Waubun and will begin his new position this fall. Mike Kutzke ’97 (criminal justice) of Lake Lillian is the dean of instruction for technical programs at Ridgewater College. He’s been a faculty member there in the areas of law enforcement and sociology since 2004. Amy Nelson ’99 (political science), assumed the position of the city manager of Yankton, S.D. Magan Bartholomay-Berreth ’00 (English) joined Absolute Marketing Group, Moorhead, as a web project manager. She also is a candidate in the master of fine arts creative writing program at MSUM. Bryan Brenden ’01 (economics) was named personal banker at American Federal in East Grand Forks. Tracy Lyson ’02 (paralegal) was named a partner in the Kennelly O’Keeffe law firm in Fargo. She started her legal career as a legal secretary in a law practice in South Dakota and she earned a law degree from the University of North Dakota School of Law. Sharlene Patnaude ’02 (social work education) joined the inner focus staff at Elements Diet and Fitness for Women, Fargo. She received yoga training at the Jois Yoga Center, Encinitas, Calif., and has taught yoga for 14 years.


Benjamin Rheault ’02 (art) joined S&S Promotional Group, Fargo, as a screen printer. Rheault is also a working artist. Angie Scoville ’02 (business administration) was promoted to personal banking/real estate officer at Western State Bank, Fargo. Cassie Skalicky ’02 (psychology) joined The North Dakota Chapter of the March of Dimes as its NICU family support specialist. Skalicky will be based at the Essentia Health Hospital in Fargo, which offers the only March of Dimes NICU family support program in the state. SUMMER 2013






Christine Soukup ’02 (special education) has been an early interventionist for the Anne Carlsen Center’s KIDS Program for almost 13 years. The program provides home-based services for children from birth to age 3, with a special focus on the family. A mother and client nominated Soukup for The Forum’s “Person of Your Year” series. Soukup’s history of helping children with autism dates back to her high school years. Matthew Hanson ’03 (speech communication) joined Ulteig in Fargo as a senior recruiter in human resources. Denielle Leland ’03 (graphic communication) joined S&S Promotional Group, Fargo, as an embroiderer. Marie Moeckel ’03 (psychology) opened Moeckel Family Dentistry, Fargo. The practice was previously known as Cornerstone Dental South and was owned by Dr. Byrum Cartwright, who has retired. She is a graduate of the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry.


Mary Beth Skunberg ’03 (accounting) joined Christianson’s Business Furniture as an accountant. Skunberg has more than 20 years of experience in the accounting field. Veronica Carlson ’04 (graphic communication) joined the New York Life Insurance office in Fargo as an agent. Natalie Davy ’04 (elementary education) was promoted to assistant vice president at Gate City Bank, Bismarck, N.D. Amber Kienenberger ’04 (graphic communication) was promoted to manager of communications projects in Communications at Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota in Fargo. She'll partner with divisions across the enterprise to develop communications strategies for both external and internal initiatives. Ryan Kleven ’04 (business administration) joined Stoneridge Software as a senior consultant, specializing in financials and supply chain management.




Carrie Leopold ’04 (biology), the North Dakota State College of Science-Fargo STEM outreach coordinator, was selected as a solar system ambassador in NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory public outreach program for 2013. She was one of five women chosen from North Dakota to participate in the program. Ambassadors are volunteers who organize community events about space science and NASA missions. Leopold is also part of NASA’s professional development network, which provides resources and training to area teachers.

dragon babies

Sarah Nissen ’04 (mass communications) joined Sundog Inc., Fargo, as a project manager. Nissen has nine years of marketing experience.


Lori Schmidt ’04 (nursing) joined Independent Family Doctors, Fargo. She most recently was employed at the MSUM Student Health Center.

Adeline, Jaxson, Brooke Lindsey & Barry Sniezek ’05

Ayla Robyn (Larson) ’06 & Brian Roth

Emerson Megan & Kurtis Kleidon ’02

Grace April ’11 & Andrew Matson ’05

Scarlett Heidi Jo & Kye Anderson ’10

Macalester Jessica ’08 & Dan Devine ’08

Amanda Kuchar ’05 (physical education) was promoted as TNT’s new outreach program coordinator. She has coached gymnastics for 15 years and has been a USAG judge for five years. Chad Ogdahl ’05 (accounting) joined Swanston Equipment, Fargo, as a controller and information technology manager. Ogdahl is a certified public accountant and certified information technology professional. Maria Reinhiller ’05 (business management) joined Dawson Insurance, Fargo, as a receptionist and administrative assistant. Katie Kotte ’06 (mass communications) sells and services small businesses and personal lines, including home, auto, health and life insurance. Dustin Monke ’06 (mass communications) was named managing editor at The Dickinson Press. Monke won multiple awards for his work as a sports clerk and sports reporting intern at The Forum.


Erik Hougen ’06 (art) was selected as one of the 48 finalists in the Outwin Boochever Portrait Competition out of roughly 3,000 applicants. His portrait is a snapshot of his father, created using watercolor as his primary medium on a large paper canvas. The portrait, “John H.,” now hangs in the National Portrait Gallery in Washington, D.C., and will be on display until February 2014 at the Smithsonian. He works as the master printer at The Lower East Side Print Shop in New York City and showcases his art in galleries while also teaching classes at Pratt Institute.

Natalia Kristine (Loge) ’10 & Tallen Wald

Dear Alumni and Friends,


It is my privilege to present the FY12 audited financials for the Alumni Foundation. We have great news—our 2012 total assets grew by more than $3.4 million, and our endowed funds grew by 26 percent over the previous year’s assets. These funds will continue to support programs and provide scholarships for students at the university.



We thank all of the donors for contributing to the success of the Alumni Foundation and its continued support to students. Corey Elmer, President | MSUM Alumni Foundation

Growth of Endowed Funds 3


$12,000,000 $10,000,000 $8,000,000



$6,000,000 $4,000,000 7










Lesley Richard ’04 & David McNeil April 21, 2012


Endowed Funds






Alan Fowler ’99 & Anne Keating April 28, 2012

MSUM Alumni Foundation Financial Position

How MSUM Alumni Foundation Money Was Spent

Jennifer Helm ’05 & Jerod Tengesdal May 5, 2012

as of June 30, 2012

for the year ending June 30, 2012

Jamie Lubitz ’10 & Jonathan Wepking ’09, ’11 June 9, 2012 Kaeley Troyer ’11 & Aaron Redenius July 6, 2012 Michelle Roers ’06 & Joshua Brunken July 7, 2012 Rachel Baker ’06 & Kade Mitchell July 14, 2012 Katie Mae Paczkowski ’10 & Joshua Nolan Hill July 27, 2012

Assets Total Current Assets Investments Pledges Receivable Property and Equipment Other Assets

Total Assets

2012 2011 $1,900,665 $1,811,877 $11,172,184 $9,164,075 $2,536,300 $1,605,200 $3,417,820 $3,552,905 $2,123,106 $1,614,299



Liabilities and Net Assets Total Current Liabilities $234,353 Planned Giving Liabilities $715,363 Long term Debt $3,119,711 Total Net Assets $17,080,648

Total Liabilities and Net Assets


Fund Raising

Planned Giving Payments





$243,315 $719,880 $3,224,710 $13,560,451

MSUM Support/ Scholarships



View the MSUM Alumni Foundation annual report at SUMMER 2013





Marv Bossart Long-time journalism instructor Marv Bossart, 79, Fargo, died April 23. An alumnus of both UND and Northwestern University, he moved to Fargo in 1958 to begin his career in broadcast journalism at WDAY television and radio, first as a reporter and later as nighttime news anchor. He anchored the news until retiring in 2000. In 1968 he started teaching journalism classes at Moorhead State College. His teaching style was vibrant and his classes were some of the most popular on campus. In 2006, Bossart retired from an accomplished teaching career, having inspired many students who went on to become successful journalists. He is survived by his wife, Betty, four daughters, seven grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Donations in Marv’s memory may be sent to The Marv Bossart Scholarship Fund, c/o MSUM Alumni Foundation, 1104 7th Avenue S., Moorhead, MN 56563.

Betty Feder Lifelong volunteer and community leader Betty E. Feder, 92, Fargo, died November 18. A graduate of Northwestern University, she and her husband, Paul, raised their family in Fargo. Feder served on numerous boards and committees, including president of the Minnesota State University Moorhead Foundation and chair of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Foundation. The YWCA recognized her as Woman of the Year for her work in the community. The Feders were original supporters of the Regional Science Center and major contributors for the Paul F. Feder Observatory named after her husband, who preceded her in death. She is survived by three children, nine grandchildren and three grandchildren.




In Memoriam (October 2012-June 18, 2013) Alumni & Friends Ruth Amundson ’40 ’71 Andrew Anderson ’63 Bernice Anderson ’31 ’56 Mildred Arneson ’35 Gregg Bale ’62 Marvin Bossart Mabel Braton ’33 Edwin Clapp Frederick Colby ’78 Russel Dahl Pamela Dew ’79 Dorothy Dodds ’45 Connie Elkin ’79 Shane Everett ’00 Betty Feder Jerome Fuchs Dolores Gregor Patricia Hansen Harriet Helland ’45 Terrence Hotten ’70 Michael Jacobson ’70 Patricia Johnson ’87 Richard Krauth ’03 Mona Labonte ’48 Regina Larson ’76 Blanche Leonard ’40 Christopher Loe ’00 Myrtle Lomsdalen ’38 ’66 William Lopez ’88 ’92

David Lund ’53 Waldo McDougall ’61 Richard Mickelson ’50 Donovan Moe ’59 Nona Montague ’65 Jo Moritz Daniel Mueller ’71 Joan Nelson ’74 ’90 William Nelson ’54 ’67 Ronald Olson ’66 Robert Osborne Janet Paulsen ’58 Timothy Ray Richard Rein ’69 Delbert Reitmeier Richard Ryan ’48 Steve Saum ’96 Maxine Schultz ’44 Charles Skoda ’65 Terrance Staiger ’72 Jessie Struble ’51 Nancy Sullivan ’77 Laverne Swenson ’67 ’71 Warren Thomsen Glenio Trindade ’88 James Walline ’62 Nicholas Wieme ’10 Allen Willert ’50 Shirley Windloss ’81

Tim Ray Influential artist and Professor of Art Emeritus Tim Ray, 72, Fargo, died February 9. He studied fine arts at the University of Manitoba, taught high school and earned his MFA at the University of Arkansas. In 1970 he joined Minnesota State University Moorhead, where he taught until his retirement in 1996. A mentor and an inspiration, Ray taught through the classroom and his art. He had a fulfilling career as a painter, printmaker, sculptor, curator and educator. He died a week before the opening of A Raytrospective: 40 years of Tim Ray Art at The North Dakota Museum of Art. The show served as a memoir of Ray’s career and a celebration of his life. He is survived by his partner, Ann Braaten, and one daughter. Sadly, his son, Sean Ray (Judy Reid), died on the way to attend his father’s funeral.

Donations in Tim’s memory may be sent to The Timothy Ray Scholarship Fund, c/o MSUM Alumni Foundation, 1104 7th Avenue S., Moorhead, MN 56563.

Timothy L.M. Ray Book of Days, 2003 Acrylic paper collage 26 x 36 inches Collection of Carol Schlossman

Dr. Tim Borchers, Dean | College of Arts, Media & Communication |

Alumni and Friends: A new feature of this magazine is artwork created by MSUM alumni, faculty or students. Our first selection is the work of former Art professor Tim Ray who died in February. I hope you enjoy it and I look forward to showcasing the work of our talented artists in the years to come!

If you'd like to have your work featured, please send a high-resolution (300 dpi) digital image and short description to Tim Borchers, Dean, College of Arts and Humanities, We’ll select one piece from those submitted for each upcoming issue.

featured artwork

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1104 7th Avenue South Moorhead, Minnesota 56563




n May 31, 1890, the Moorhead Daily News published a long article under the headline “Class of 1890.” The article began, “Moorhead’s greatest event of the year has come and passed into history—the first commencement exercises of the State Normal School. In all their features and relations they were creditable and satisfactory…”

The first graduating class of 1890: standing, left to right, Julia Bergland, Gertrude Bell, Henry Dickey, Juna Eddy, and Clara Watson; seated Louise Merritt, Anna Magner and Anna Hancock.

The term “baccalaureate” was not used in the 1890s, but the Class Sermon was a prominent part of graduation week ceremonies, as was field day events and several years later, alumni dinners with elaborate programs and menus. The first graduating class—all eight of them—read essays at the commencement ceremony, each of them summarized in the article that said their efforts, “Exhibit to an Admiring World How They Have Been Taught, and What They Can Do in Essays, Orations, Recitations, etc.” We’ve come a long way.

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