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The future is now: ready for 2022
February 2022
Product Code
New Bar Code
Length Width
9313122901645 9313122901652 9313122901669 9313122901676 9313122901683 9313122901690 9313122901706 9313122901713 9313122901720 9313122901737 9313122901744 9313122901751 9313122901768 9313122901775
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cts, that e and lian
carbon, Lithion-ion, Absorbed Glass Matt (AGM) separators and other paste additives are all advancements that Exide have considered and incorporated where there are proven benefits.
LM40C 175 600 LM40CP 175 700 203 630 LM40DP 203 630 LM60C 222 650 LM60D 222 650 LM60CP 221 480 221 480 LM60DP 221 LM50C 480 221 480 LM50D 219 400 LM51C 219 400 219 400 LM51D 219 LM55D23C400 LM55D23D 219 350 LMN03
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12 12 12 12 12 Post
9313122900525 60 TS S&EL 9313122900532 70 TS S&EL 63 TS S&EL 9313122900549 63 TS NL 9313122901782 65 TS SL 9313122901799 65 TS SL 9313122901805 50 TS NL 50 TS NL 9313122901812 50 TS NL 9313122900570 50 TS NL 9313122900587 44 TS NL 9313122900594 44 TS NL 44 TS NL 9313122900600 44 TS 9313122900617 NL 9313122900624 40 TS NL 9313122900969
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196 196 196 236 236 236 236 233 233 233 233 233 233 186
128 128 128 128 128 128 128 171 171 171 171 173 173 170
219 219 219 221 221 221 221 208 203 208 203 222 222 187
290 290 290 290 290 290 290 350 350 430 430 430 430 270
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Cal/Cal Maint
CCal/Cal (+R) Maint 10.3 JIS C (+R) 10.3 SAE D (+L) 10.3 JIS D (+L) 10.3 SAE C (+R) 12.0 SAE D (+L) 12.0 JIS C (+R) 12.0 JIS D (+L) 12.0 SAE C (+R) 11.0 Exide is 15.6 a power brand DFP Batteries C (+R) D (+L) MPSAEAustralia & New15.6 Zealand DFP C (+R) 15.5 SAE 15.6 811 Australia p:C (+R) 1800 800 SAE D (+L) 15.6 SAE C (+R) 16.2 SAE D (+L) 16.2 SAE C (+R) 13.1 SAE D (+L) 13.1 SAE D (+L) 18.9 DST D (+L) 17.2 SAE C (+R) 12.5 SAE C (+R) 14.8 SAE D (+L) 14.8 SAE C (+R) 17.0 SAE D (+L) 17.0 SAE C (+R) 19.8 SAE C (+R) 21.3 SAE D (+L) 21.3 SAE C (+R) 16.7 SAE C (+R) 19.7 SAE C (+R) 21.4 SAE C (+R) 16.7 SAE C (+R) 19.7 SAE C (+R) 21.4 SAE C (+R) 24.2 SAE D (+L) 20.5 SAE D (+L) 22.5
R STTO THEYNEWOAGEUOF EXIDE! BOOWELCOME are all S for Life E overSit! WITHCustomer B USWeI N Partnership Program FR E E TRAI N I NG!*
Exide have recently introduced two of these latest technologies into its range. Ap9 is a Tin alloy additive to the battery grids which delivers improved mechanical properties, lowers resistance to charge acceptance and reduces grid corrosion rates. Additionally, we have enhanced our plate active material formulation, by including seed crystals to dramatically improve plate adhesion & corrosion resistance – we call this 2xT and use it in our Extreme range of products. Both of these powerful innovations deliver greater performance and longer application life.
Exide Batteries is committed to‘powering your business’through the delivery of an exciting new range packed with new benefits: • Exide Enhanced haspackaging recently introduced two the latest technologies to their • of Extra performance and extreme life range. Ap9 is a Tin alloy additive • to New warranty innovation the battery grids New which delivers and
improved ECONOMY
mechanical properties,
This deliversresistance increased battery sales through the Ultimate Value Battery Program. lowers to charge technologically
9313122900525 9313122900532 9313122900549 9313122901782 9313122901799 9313122901805 9313122901812 9313122900570 9313122900587 9313122900594 9313122900600 9313122900617 9313122900624 9313122900969
12 12
Cal/Cal Maint Cal/Cal Maint
196 196
128 128
219 219
290 290
45 45
30 30
12 Cal/Cal Maint 128 219 290 45 30 CP NL acceptance and reduces grid 196 12 Cal/Cal Maint 236 128 221 CP NL Cal/Cal Maint 236 designed 128 221 CP NL The new next generation has been and 290290290built454545using303030 significant corrosion rates. 1212 package Cal/Cal Maint 236 128 221 CP NL 12 Cal/Cal Maint 236 128 221 290 45 30 CP NL Additionally weresearch have enhanced trade and consumer insights improved technology 12 Cal/Cal Maint and 233the latest 171 208 350 70 40 CP to S&EL 12 Cal/Cal Maint 233 171 203 350 70 40 CP S&EL our plate active material 12 Cal/Cal Maint 233 171 208 430 85 55 CP S&EL provide resellers with an1212easy-to-sell battery range that for your Cal/Cal Maint 233 171 203 delivers 430 85 results 55 CP S&EL formulation, by including seed Cal/Cal Maint 233 173 222 430 95 55 CP SL 12 Cal/Calimprove Maint 233 173 222 430 95 55 CP SL crystals to dramatically business. 6 Cal/Cal Maint 186 170 187 270 80 45 RP EL plate adhesion and corrosion resistance - we call this 2xT and use it in our extreme range of products. Exide Batteries is a power brand of
advanced products, innovative services and systems that will provide superior performance and life.
New Zealand p: 0800 651 611
Exide Batteries has a proud Australasian he dating back to 1935 and continues to be a leader through implementation of locally de products specifically for Australian & NZ co They continue to provide leading edge tech delivering the ultimate durability and consi performance, making Exide the right choice Australian and New Zealand automotive ind
08 Recycling 09 Product Range 10 Product Positioning
Exide has designed its range based on a three tier strategy: the good (Exide Economy), the better (Exide Endurance) and the best (Exide Extreme). This tiering strategy is applied across each of our application categories of passenger vehicles, 4WD/light commercial, heavy commercial and some specialty products. Not only does this give Exide stockists range flexibility, but it provides multi-price points for the market you operate in. Scan here
12 Warranty 13 Support 14 Branding
Product Code
15 Promotions 16 Club Rewards 17 Service & Distribution
18 Top 5 Reasons...
• for fitment guide
Modern applications place a heavier demand on the battery’s performance than ever tierinstructions reflects genuine quality, Contents •Each for fitting * Trademark of Exide Australia Pty Ltd. Utilising their specialised research centre, Batteries’ engineers at theandforefront of commissioned a 03performance and life and is backed by before.Exide Exide is at the forefront of theseare changes has recently Exide Global comprehensive carparc researchinreport into genuine OEMand specification requirements, new technology by dynamically reviewing world’s best practice the consideration Power your world 28/04/2014 2:45 am Exide’s manufacturer’s guarantee and 04 resulting in the design of Exide’s leading range, specifically designed forExide theBatteries Australian Australasia delivery of new product design. national warranty support program. Each tier has its own distinctive warranty offer, ranging and New Zealand region. 05 Key Partnerships Exide has recently introduced two newOur technologies into its range. Ap9 is longer a tin life, alloythe number one requirement of 06from 12 months to 42 months, inclusive of the new free bonus warranty gained by balanced power approach is to achieve Awards registering the purchase online. additive to the battery grids, which delivers improved mechanical lowers end users. This has been byproperties, Exide’s innovative extended system. Product Codebacked New Bar Code Volts Technology Lengthwarranty Width Height CCA RC AH Vent Ledge Post Assembly KG 07 Technology resistance to charge acceptance and reduces grid corrosion rates. Additionally, Exide has EXTREME Exide Batteries has a proud Australasian heritage 08 enhanced its plate-active material recipe by including crystals to dramatically improve Recycling HELPING YOUseedWITH dating back to 1935 and continues to be a market 09 plate adhesion and corrosion resistance. This is Exide’s 2xT technology. leader through implementation of locally designed Exide has designed its THE range based on a three tier good, better, Feature Product Range EASY SELL EXIDE APRIL SPREAD:Layout 1 10/4/14 category. 12:10 PM Each Page tier 1 reflects products specifically Australian NZ the conditions. best strategy in each application 10 Registering the customer’s warranty has a for dual benefit& for end user and Exide Both of these powerful Product Positioning Sealed maintenance free product technology Exide has designed its range on which a They continue to provide leading edge• technology Quality which reflect performance and Life,based and is backed stockists. 12 innovations deliver greater C (+R) C (+R) D (+L) C (+R) D (+L) C (+R) D (+L) C (+R) D (+L) C (+R) D (+L) C (+R) D (+L) A
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242 277 232 228 233 233 236 236 236 236 196 196 196 196
three tier strategy: good (Exide by our manufacturers guarantee. Asthesuch each tier has its own Economy), the better Endurance)to 42 months, performance and longerwarranty offer distinctive ranging from(Exide 6 months and thewarranty best (Exide Extreme). ENDURANCE inclusive of our new Bonus gainedThis bytiering registering the 196 application life, exactly 40CMF 12 SMF Cal/Ap9 strategy is applied across each9313122900631 of our 40CPMF 9313122900648 12 SMF Cal/Ap9 196 what yourpurchase. customers want 40DMF 9313122900655 12 SMF Cal/Ap9 196 application categories 40DPMF of passenger 9313122900662 12 SMF Cal/Ap9 196 By completing the registration, consumers receive a longer 60CMF 9313122901041 12 FREE SMF Cal/Ap9 236 in a battery. vehicles, 4WD/light heavy 12 60DMFcommercial, 9313122901058 SMF Cal/Ap9 236 60CPMF 9313122901065 12 of life" SMF Cal/Ap9 236 warranty term. When the battery comes to the "end (based 9313122901072 SMF Cal/Ap9 236 commercial and 60DPMF some specialty products. 12 50D20LMF 9313122900693 12 SMF Cal/Ap9 202 on averages) the consumer will receive an stockists alert to avoid an 52CMF 12 SMF Cal/Ap9 228 Not only does this give Exide 9313122900709 52DMF 9313122900716 12 SMF Cal/Ap9 233 unnecessary breakdown in the future. 9313122900723 SMF Cal/Ap9 233 range flexibility, 53CMF but it provides multi-price 1212 54CMF 9313122900730 Cal/Ap9 233 The purchase information sooperate that when12 SMF 54DMF you 9313122900747 SMF Cal/Ap9 228 pointsisforcaptured the market in. 55D23CMF 9313122900754 12 SMF Cal/Ap9 233 Scan here
175 175 171 168 173 173 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128
175 175 203 203 222 222 221 221 221 221 219 219 219 219
600 700 630 630 650 650 480 480 480 480 400 400 400 400
105 60 130 70 115 63 115 63 120 65 120 65 80 50 80 50 80 50 80 50 65 44 Warranty 65 44 65 1344 65 Support44
C (+R) C (+R) C (+R) D (+L) C (+R) D (+L) C (+R) D (+L) C (+R) D (+L) C (+R) C (+R) D (+L) D (+L)
14.8 17.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 13.4 13.4 13.4 13.4 10.8 10.8 10.8 10.8
128 219 350 128 219 350 128 219 350 60 40 TS 128 219 350 60 1540 TS 128 221 370 Promotions 60 40 TS 128 221 370 60 40 TS 128 221 370 60 1640 TS Club Rewards 128 221 370 60 40 TS 173 225 400 80 50 TS 17 168 208 580 100 60 TS & Distribution 171 203Service 580 100 60 TS 171 208 580 100 60 TS 18 171 203 580 100 60 TS Top 5 Reasons... 168 203 580 100 60 TS 173 222 600 105 60 TS 222 600 105 60 TS 2173 182 175 540 90 50 TS of Australia 182Exide 175 540 Pty90Ltd. 50 TS 189 192 780 140 75 TS 171 203 760 130 70 TS 175 175 430 75 50 TS 28/04/2014 2:45 am 175 175 550 100 55 TS 175 175 550 100 55 TS 175 175 650 120 66 TS 175 175 650 120 66 TS 175 175 750 140 80 TS 175 175 810 160 90 TS 175 175 810 160 90 TS 175 190 460 85 55 TS 176 190 600 120 70 TS 175 190 700 140 80 TS 175 190 570 110 65 TS 175 190 720 140 80 TS 175 190 780 145 85 TS 175 190 820 180 100 TS 175 190 735 140 80 TS 175 190 865 165 95 TS
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9.3 9.3 9.3 11.7 11.7 11.7 11.7 13.2 13.2 14.7 14.7 15.2 15.2 10.0
New Bar Code
EXTREME This is backed by their vast network of sale12 XDIN55MF 9313122901645 XDIN66MF 9313122901652 distribution and collection facilities providi1212 X56CMF 9313122901669 X56DMF 9313122901676 12 security to their customers. X55D23CMF 9313122901683 12
delivering the ultimate durability and•consistency in Exceeds original equipment specifications performance, making choice for the Extended warranty is easy to complete andExide you the canright either register • Ap9 Additive Australian and New Zealand automotive industry. for consumer atCC (+R) point10.3 of sale, or leave it up to them.A D V E RT O R I A L 60 14 40 your TS NL SAE (+R) 10.3 Branding 60 40 TS NL JIS • 2xT This is backed by their vast network of sales,additive
9313122901713 9313122901720 9313122901737 9313122901744 9313122901751 9313122901768 9313122901775
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12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
12:10 PM9313122901706 Page 1 12
Exide Batteries prides itself on designing a manufacturing a comprehensive range of p built using its vast ENDURANCE knowledge 9313122900631 base and exp 40CMF 12 9313122900648 obtained with over 40CPMF 60 years of partnering 121212w 40DMF 9313122900655 40DPMF 9313122900662 60CMF 9313122901041 OEM customers both locally and overseas.1212 60DMF 9313122901058 *
50D20LMF 12 Exide Batteries is also focused9313122900693 on protectin 52CMF 9313122900709 12 52DMF 9313122900716 12 environment. Supported by their own recyc 53CMF 9313122900723 12 54CMF 9313122900730 12 54DMF materials 9313122900747 12 plant which generates from used 55D23CMF 9313122900754 12 55D23DMF 9313122900761 12 acid batteries, Mother Nature 9313122900785 is front of mi 58CMF 12 9313122900792 From the cradle on,58DMF approximately 80 perc1212 65DMF 9313122900822 78DT-60MF 9313122900860 12 9313122900884 12 Exide products are DIN44MF manufactured using rec DIN55MF 9313122900891 12 Benefit DIN55DMF 9313122900907 12 materials. DIN66MF 9313122900914 12 DIN66DMF • Safe and no maintenance required DIN77MF DIN88MF DIN88DMF 55H 66H 77H 55HMF 66HMF 77HMF 88HMF DIN70MF DIN90MF
• Better performance, better durability • Provides longer battery life
• Increased performance and life expectancy
distribution and collection facilities providing Your customer receives their free warranty • Total balanced performance • Extreme durability under all conditions ECONOMY extension to their base security to their customers. LM40C of mind 9313122900525 12 • Up to 42 month warranty available • Provides increased value and peace LM40CP 9313122900532 12 LM40DP 9313122900549 12 warranty term providing • Integrated carry handle • Allows for easy installation and handling LM60C 9313122901782 12 Exide Batteries prides itself on designing and 2XT paste additive for longer life LM60D 9313122901799 12 extra peace of mind, an LM60CP 9313122901805 12 bsorbed Glass MP Australia & New Zealand manufacturing a comprehensive range of products, LM60DP 9313122901812 12 New and s and other paste additional customer LM50C 9313122900570 12 Australia p: 1800 800 811 New Zealand p: 0800 651 611 applications place a heavier demand on the battery’s performance than ever cements that Contents the "end of life" alert is• dispatched built using its vast knowledge base andModern experience, LM50D 9313122900587 12 for fitment guide Four reasons to partner with Exide: LM51C 9313122900594 12 d and incorporated Each tier reflects genuine quality, incentive. The data record is before. Exide is at the forefront of these changes and has recently commissioned a technologically • for fitting instructions * Trademark • Best in class specifications outperforming to the customer obtained with over 60 years of partnering with our LM51D 9313122900600 12 03 Utilising their specialised research centre, Exide Batteries’ engineers are at the forefront of n benefits. LM55D23C 9313122900617 12 Exide Global performance and life and is backed by comprehensive carparc research report into genuine OEM specification requirements, then used to direct the OEM customers both locally and overseas. we refer it back LM55D23D 9313122900624 12 1 Exide credentials competitors in most instances • Competitive pricing with added value new technology by dynamically reviewing world’s best practice in the consideration and Exide Versus Competitiors: JIS Example roduced two of advanced products, 04 LMN03 9313122900969 6 Exide’s manufacturer’s guarantee and resulting in the design of Exide’s leading range, specifically designed forExide theBatteries Australian Australasia es into its range. We are all over it! you the dealer customer back to your store Consumers delivery of new productindustry design. • Technology options to suittoany business and • Club rewards program rewarding youitsand your • Sincethe1935, led the battery Exide We Batteries is also focused on it! protecting theZealand region. national warranty support program. Each tier has own distinctive warranty offer, ranging Exide Batteries is committed to‘powering your business’through deliveryExide of has tive to the battery and New are all over 05 for the opportunity innovativeapplication services mproved mechanical Key Partnerships before the battery life is due to staff environment. Supported by their own recycling receive from 12 months to 42 months, inclusive of the new free bonus warranty gained by a FREE Exide knowledge has recently introduced two new technologies into its range. Ap9 is ato tin gain alloy repeat products, programs, and an exciting new range packed with new benefits: stance to charge Our balanced power approach is to achieve longer life, the number one requirement of 06 We are all over it!with plant which generates materials from used lead registering the purchase online. expire. Stockists or customers additive to the battery grids, which delivers improved mechanical properties, lowers and systems that es grid corrosion • A comprehensive product portfolio that is Awards know-how Exid longer warranty business. carbon, Lithion-ion, Absorbed Glass has developed new and Enhanced endmind. users. This hasLithion-ion, been backed by Exide’s have enhanced Exide• Exide carbon, Absorbed Glassinnovative extended warranty system. Exide hasMother developed new is and haspackaging recently introduced two Nature front of MP resistance to charge acceptance and reducesdesigned grid corrosion Exide has and long life 4 Support that surpasses expectation 07 can easily register by acid batteries, andrates. builtAdditionally, for performance al formulation, by technologically Matt (AGM) is separators andQuality other paste advanced products, • Exide ISO9001 andPartnership ISO14001 Matt (AGM) separators and other paste technologically advanced products, of Extra the latest technologies to their Technology will provide superior • performance and extreme life Aus term providing From the cradle on, approximately 80 percent of Program enhanced its plate-active material recipe by including seed crystals to dramatically improve s to dramatically innovative additives are all advancements that innovative services and systems that additives are all advancements that services systems that range. Ap9 isand a Tin alloy additive ww Exide Batte CUSTOMER FORonline LIFEtraining PROGRAM • Industry leading system for you •ThisAishighly respected and recognised brand scanning the QR code Exide will 08 Environmental accredited n & corrosion • to New warranty products manufactured using recycled ExideYOU have considered and incorporated provideare superior performance and plate adhesion and corrosion resistance. Exide’s 2xT technology. Recycling thesuperior batteryinnovation grids New which and delivers Exide have considered and incorporated will provide performance HELPING WITH Exide has designed its range based on a three tier good, better, Feature Benefit extra peace of performance and life. and dating back s 2xT and use it in where there are proven benefits. life to our customers and Australian and your staff with certification with their smartphone or improved mechanical properties, • Essential of OEMbest design backedin by where there are foundation proven benefits. our customers and Australian materials. 09 strategy each application category. Each tier reflects Registering the customer’s warranty has a dual benefit for the end user and Exide products. Both of life toThis & New Zealand motorists. leader throu deliversresistance increased battery sales through the Ultimate Value Battery Program. Both of these powerful Product Range THE EASY to charge • Sealed technology • Safe and no maintenance required 3 Customer Program mindfree productgoing Exide SELL have recently introduced two of Zealand motorists. technologically tions deliver greater& Newlowers Quality offering which reflect performance andAssist Life, Growth and which is backed • Industry ECONOMY best fitment guide online and hard copymaintenance to the website stockists. formingintroduced a formidable ExideR&D, have recently two ofproduct acceptance and reduces grid products sp these latest technologies into its range. Our company engineers and research innovations deliver greater 10 er application life. by our manufacturers guarantee. As such each tier has its own • Exceeds original equipment specifications • Better performance,centre betterisdurability The new nextengineers generation package has been designedthese and built using significant Product Positioning latest technologies into its range. Our company research corrosion rates. and advanced products, • Striking merchandise and point-of-sale systems • Access to local laboratory, overseas Exide Batteries is committed to‘powering your business’through the delivery of at the forefront of new technology Ap9 is a Tin alloy additive to the battery address, both printed on Exide has designed its range based on a • isOverseas and localtoR&D facilities Product They contin performance andwith longer distinctive warranty offer ranging from 6 months to 42 months, Extended warranty is easy to complete and you can either register Ap9 a Tin alloy additive the battery centre is at the forefront of new technology Additionally we have enhanced grids which delivers improved mechanical and they dynamically consider, test and 12 • Ap9 Additive • Provides longer battery life trade andinnovative consumer researchservices insights and the latest improved technology to three tier strategy: the good (Exide an exciting new range packed with new benefits: to attract customers to your door manufacturing and recycling facilities delivering t inclusive of our new Bonus warranty gained by registering the application life, exactly Warranty the battery labels. A diagnostics available to resellers properties, lowers resistance to charge verify the vast range of opportunities ourdynamically plate activeconsider, materialtest and gridsAssist which delivers improved mechanical and they for your consumer at point of sale, or leave it up to them. We are all over it! • 2xT additive • Increased performance and life expectancy resellers with an easy-to-sell battery range that delivers results forresistance your in new product design. The traditional acceptance and reduces grid corrosion Economy), the better (Exide Endurance) formulation, by seed 13 performanc what yourpurchase. customers want properties, lowers to charge verifyprovide the vast range of including opportunities • Multiple quality levels of range backed by an • Regular and comprehensive customer care call 7 whole lot of value for one minute of your time. and systems that Support • Enhanced packaging Additionally, we have enhanced lead acid battery technology remains crystals dramatically improve Exide has recently introduced two Your customer receives their free warranty By completing the registration, consumers receive a FREE longer acceptance and reduces gridincorrosion in new product to design. The traditional and the bestrates. (Exide Extreme). This tiering • Total balanced performance • Extreme durability under all conditions business. Australian a a battery. 2 Exide Brand & Products our plate active material formulation, by the foundation of most batteries, and innovative warranty program cycles 14 their plate adhesion and corrosion the latest technologies to • of Extra performance and extreme life rates. Additionally, we have enhanced warranty term. When the battery comes to the "end of life" (based lead acid battery technology remains will provide superior extension to their base Branding strategy is applied each oftoour includingacross seed crystals dramatically for pound” is mind the most proven • Up to 42 month warranty available • Provides increased “pound value and peace of resistance - we call this 2xT and range. Ap9 is a Tin alloy additive This is back on averages) alert tothat avoid an the customer for our active by the foundation of most batteries, and • plate A suite ofmaterial genuineformulation, specification products tothe consumer • will Freereceive bonus an warranty alerts • Specialist channel programs that customise reliable and cost effective power source. plate 15 • to New warranty term providing use it in our extreme range oflife. application improve categories of adhesion passenger& corrosion thewarranty batteryinnovation grids New which delivers performance • Integrated carry handle • Allows for easy installation andfuture handling distribution Promotions and including seed crystals to dramaticallyunnecessary breakdown in the future. “pound for pound” is the mostand proven Power your by calling Battery innovation is fundamentally basedExide resistance – we call this 2xT and use it in products. match a massive&range of applications replacement and drives repeat business to you improved mechanical properties, extra battery peace of programs mind, an explicitly for your world vehicles, 4WD/light commercial, heavy Both of on enhancements which are the main our Extreme range of products. improve plate adhesion corrosion The reliable and cost effective power source. 16 This deliversresistance increased battery sales through the Ultimate Value Batterysecurity purchase information is apprenticeships captured so that when *Includes new and existing lowers to Club charge New and technologically Rewards these powerful innovations deliver greater focus of811 our R&D•departments around additional customer New and are over it! commercial and some specialty products. • A three-tier range that provides entry • Retail brand promotions that deliver customers to • Recycling collection scheme increasing your Battery innovation is fundamentally based resistance – we callproduct this 2xTWe and use itthe inall Australia – 1800 800 New Zealand – 0800 651 611 "end of life" alert is dispatched acceptance Radiator and reduces grid Four reasons to partner with Exide: • Radiator JUNE JUNE 2014 •built 35 the world. Additives such as Tin, Silver, performance and longer application life. 17 on enhancements which are the main our34 Extreme range of products. Both 2014 of incentive. The data record is technologically Not only does this give Exide stockists The new next generation package has been designed and using significant • Best in class specifications outperforming to the customer corrosion rates. Service level selling or up-sell opportunities advanced products, your door revenue stream & Distribution technologically focus1 of Exide our R&D departments around these powerful innovations deliver greater then used to direct the we refer it back Additionally weresearch have enhanced range flexibility, but it provides multi-price credentials competitors in most instances • Competitive pricing with added value Exide Batteries is a power brand of Versus Competitiors: JIS Example Exide trade andinnovative consumer insights18and the latest improved technologyExide to Batte advancedand products, the world. Additives such as Tin, Silver, performance longer application life. carbon, Lithion-ion, Absorbed Glass Exide has developed new and MP Australia & New Zealand Topservices 5 Reasons... our plate active material to you the dealer manufactu customer back to your store Consumers over it! • Technology options to suit any business and points for the market you operate in. • Matt Club rewards program rewarding (AGM) separators and other paste you and your technologically advanced products, • Since 1935, Exide has led the battery industry advanced products, provide resellers with an easy-to-sell battery range that delivers results for your Scan here Australia p: 1800 800 811 New Zealand p: 0800 651 611 formulation, by including seed for the innovativeapplication servicesinnovative services andopportunity systems that additives built using before the battery life is due to staff are all advancements that systems that 2 dramatically receive a FREE • for fitment guide with products, programs, knowledge and crystalsand to improve to gain repeat innovative will provide superior performance and Exide have considered and incorporated business. Each tier reflects genuine quality, • for fitting instructions * Trademark of Exide Australia Pty Ltd. services obtained w expire. Stockists or customers and systems that product portfolio that is • A comprehensive plate adhesion and corrosion
ew and ed products, systems that rformance and nd Australian sts.
WELCOME TO THE NEW AGE OF EXIDE! N2046D Exide TP Passenger_V9_FA.indd 1-2
Customer for Life
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It’s not too late! Hire a MITO apprentice and take advantage of the Government’s Apprenticeship Boost payments. Find out about the subsidies available for first year and second year apprentices at
life to our customers and Australian where there are proven benefits. longer warranty business. 4 Support that surpasses expectation New for Zealand motorists.and long life can easily register by and&built performance Exide have recently introduced two of will providedesigned superior term providing and systems that latest technologies into training its range.system for you Our company engineers brand and research • these Industry leading online • A highly respected and recognised scanning the QR code peace Exide Batteriesextra is committed to‘powering business’through Tin alloy additive to the battery performance and life.centre is at the forefront of new technology Ap9andis ayour staff with certification withoftheiryour smartphone or the delivery of by and they dynamically consider,will test andprovide grids whichsuperior delivers improved mechanical 3 Customer Assistverify Growth Program exciting range packed with newtobenefits: • properties, Industrylowers best fitment guide online and an hard copy newmind the vast range of opportunities resistance to charge going the website formingintroduced a formidable ExideR&D, have recently two ofproduct offering
Radiator JUNE 2014
N2046D Exide TP Passenger_V9_FA.indd 1-2
2XT paste additive for longer life
290 290 290 290 290 290 290 350 350 430 430 430 430 270
45 45 45 45 45 45 45 70 70 85 85 95 95 80
30 30 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 55 55 55 55 45
Customer for Life Partnership Program
CALL 0800 651 611
Ap9 alloy improving corrosion resistance
219 219 219 221 221 221 221 208 203 208 203 222 222 187
Utilising their specialised research centre, Exide Batteries’ engineers are at the forefront of new technology by dynamically reviewing world’s best practice in the consideration and delivery of new product design. Ap9 alloy improving corrosion resistance
We are all over it!
performance and life.
New and technologically advanced products, innovative services and systems that will provide superior performance and life.
128 128 128 128 128 128 128 171 171 171 171 173 173 170
will provide superior performance and life and is backed by resistance - we call this 2xT and OEM custo 28/04/2014 2:45 am Exide’s manufacturer’s guarantee and use it in our extreme range oflife. performance and 2XT paste additive for longer life products. Exide Batte national warranty support program. Each tier has its own distinctive warranty offer, ranging New an environmen from 12 months to 42 months, inclusive of the new free bonus warranty gained by Exide has recently introduced two new technologies into its range. Ap9 is a tin alloy Four reasons to partner with Exide: plant which registering the purchase online. additive to the battery grids, which delivers improved mechanical properties, lowers acceptance and reduces grid corrosion technological • Best in clas • Access to local laboratory, overseas • Enhanced packaging address, both printed on rates. Additionally, we have enhanced Exide has recently introduced two acid batter resistance to charge acceptance and reduces grid corrosion rates. Additionally, Exide has 1 Exide credentials and formulation, recycling facilities thelife ourmanufacturing plate active material by advanced competitors product of Extra the latest technologies tobattery their labels. A • performance and extreme From the c enhanced its plate-active material recipe by including seed crystals to dramatically improve to dramatically We are all over it! • including Regularseed andcrystals comprehensive customer care call Ap9 is a Tin alloy whole • Technology range. additive lot of value for one minute of your time. • Since 1935, Exide has led the battery industry improve plate adhesion & corrosion • to New Exide prod innovative service plate adhesion and corrosion resistance. This isbased Exide’son 2xTa technology. thewarranty batteryinnovation grids New which delivers Exide has designed its range three tier good, better, cycles Feature Benefit application and resistance – we call this 2xT and use it in with products, programs, knowledge and improved mechanical properties, materials. best strategy in each application category. Each tier reflects Registering the customer’s warranty has a dual benefit for the end user and Exide Extreme range of products. Both of customise • ourSpecialist channel programs that and systems tha • A comprehe This deliversresistance increased battery sales through the Ultimate Value Battery Program. Both of these powerful know-how lowers to charge • Sealed maintenance free Glass product technology • Safe and no maintenanc technologically has developed new and carbon, Lithion-ion, Absorbed these powerful innovations deliver greater Quality which reflect performance and Life, and which is backed Power your future by calling Exide stockists. Exide battery programs explicitly for your worldacceptance and reduces grid designed an innovations deliver greater technologically advanced products, Matt (AGM) is separators andQuality other paste performance and longer application life. • Exide ISO9001 and ISO14001 by our manufacturers guarantee. As such each tier has its own will provide superio • Exceeds original equipment specifications • Better performance, bet new next generation has beenAustralia designed and–built using800 significant corrosion rates. package advanced products, • Recycling collection scheme increasingThe your additives are all advancements that innovative services and systems that 1800 811 • New Zealand – 0800 651 611offer ranging from 6 months • A highly res performance and longerwarranty distinctive to 42 months, Environmental accredited Radiator JUNE 2014 • 35 Extended warranty is superior easy to complete andandyou can either register Additionally weresearch have enhanced will provide performance Exide have considered and incorporated • Ap9 Additive • Provides longer battery l trade and consumer insights and the latest improved technology to performance and lif revenue stream inclusive of our new Bonus warranty gained by registering the application life, exactly innovative services • Essential of OEM design backed by our plate active material life to our and Australian where there are foundation proven benefits. for your consumer atcustomers point of sale, or leave it up to them. • 2xT additive • Increased performance a provide resellers with an easy-to-sell battery range that delivers results for your 3 Customer Ass & New Zealand motorists. formulation, by including seed what yourpurchase. customers want formingintroduced a formidable ExideR&D, have recently two ofproduct offering systems that crystalsand to dramatically improve Your customer free warranty By completing the registration, consumers receive a FREE longer balanced • Extreme•durability business. in a battery. Our receives companytheir engineers and research these latest technologies its range. Strikingunder mer •• Total Overseas andperformance localinto R&D facilities with Product plate adhesion and corrosion centre is at the forefront of new technology Ap9 is a Tin alloy additive to the battery warranty term. When the battery comes to the "end of life" (based will provide superior extension to their base • UpAssist to 42 delivers month improved warranty available • Provides increased value to attract cu resistance - we call this 2xT and diagnostics available to resellers grids which mechanical and they dynamically consider, test and on averages) the consumer will receive an alert to avoid an warranty term providing use it in our extreme range properties, lowers resistance verify the vast range of opportunities • easy Multiple qua performance andoflife. 7 • Integrated carry handle to charge • Allows for installati unnecessary breakdown in the future. 2XT paste additive for longer life products. in new product design. The traditional acceptance and reduces grid corrosion extra peace of mind, an 2 Exide Brand & Products innovative w The purchase information is captured so that when lead acid battery technology remains rates. Additionally, we have enhanced New and additional customer the foundation of most batteries, and our active by products to • plate A suite ofmaterial genuineformulation, specification • Free bonus the "end of life" alert is dispatched Four reasons to partner with Exide: including seed crystals to dramatically “pound pound” incentive. The dataforrecord is is the most proven technologically • Best in class specifications outperforming to the customer match a massive range of applications replacement improve plate adhesion & corrosion then used toreliable directand thecost effective power source. we refer it back 1 Exide credentials in most instances • Competitive pricing with added value New Versus Competitiors: JIS Example • AExide three-tier product that • Retail branda resistance – we call this 2xT range and use it in provides entry Battery innovation is fundamentally based advanced competitors products, 34 • Radiator JUNE 2014 to you the dealer customer back to your store on enhancements which are the main our Extreme range of products. Both of Consumers We are all over7it! • Technology options to suit any business and • Club rewards program rewarding you and your • Since 1935, Exide has led the battery industry level selling or up-sell opportunities your door technologic for the opportunity these powerful innovations deliver greater focus of our R&D departments around innovativeapplication services before the battery life is due to staff receive a FREE with products, programs, knowledge and the world. Additives such as Tin, Silver, performance and longer application life. to gain repeat advanced produc expire. Stockists or customers and systems that productbusiness. • A comprehensive portfolio that is know-how longer warranty Exide has developed new and carbon, Lithion-ion, Absorbed Glass 4 Support that surpasses expectation can easily register by and built for performance and long life technologically advanced products, Matt (AGM) is separators andQuality other paste • Exide ISO9001 and ISO14001 will providedesigned superior innovative servi term providing additives are all advancements that innovative services and systems that • Industry leading online training system for you • A highly respected and recognised brand scanning the QR code Environmental accredited will provide superior performance and Exide have considered and incorporated extra peace oftheir smartphone or performance and life. and systems t and your staff with certification with • Essential of OEM design backed by life to our customers and Australian where there are foundation proven benefits. 3 Customer Assist Growth Program & New Zealand motorists. • Industry best fitment guide online and hard copy mind going to the website formingintroduced a formidable will provide supe ExideR&D, have recently two ofproduct offering Our company engineers and research these latest technologies its range. • Striking merchandise and point-of-sale systems • Access to local laboratory, overseas address, both printed on • Overseas and localinto R&D facilities with Product Ap9 is a Tin alloy additive to the battery centre is at the forefront of new technology performance and to attract customers to your door manufacturing and recycling facilities Ap9 alloy improving 2XT paste additive for longer life the battery labels. A corrosion resistance diagnostics available to resellers and they dynamically consider, test and gridsAssist which delivers improved mechanical verify the vast range of opportunities properties, lowers resistance to charge • Multiple quality levels of range backed by an • Regular and comprehensive customer care call 7 whole lot of value for one minute of your time. in new product design. The traditional acceptance and reduces grid corrosion 2 Exide Brand & Products innovative warranty program cycles
carbon, Lithion-ion, Absorbed Glass Matt (AGM) is separators andQuality other paste • Exide ISO9001 and ISO14001 additives are all advancements that Environmental accredited Exide have considered and incorporated • Essential of OEM design backed where there are foundation proven benefits.
WELCOME TO THE NEW AGE OF EXIDE! N2046D Exide TP Passenger_V9_FA.indd 1-2
CALL 0800 651 611
in new product design. The traditional these latest technologies its range. s and research • Striking merchandise and point-of-sale systems • improving Overseas and localinto R&D facilities with Product corrosion 2XT paste additive for longer life lead acid battery technology remains t of new technologyAp9 alloy Ap9 is a Tin alloyresistance additive to the battery to attract customers to yourofdoor the foundation most batteries, and diagnostics available to resellers gridsAssist which delivers improved mechanical onsider, test and “pound for of pound” the mostby proven opportunities properties, lowers resistance to charge • Multiple quality levels rangeisbacked an 7 reliable and cost effective power source. The traditional acceptance and reduces grid corrosion 2 Exide Brand & Products innovative warranty Battery program innovation is fundamentally based rates. Additionally, we have enhanced ology remains on enhancements the mainfor batteries, and our active by products to • plate A suite ofmaterial genuineformulation, specification • Free bonus warranty that alertswhich the are customer focus of our R&D departments around he most proven including seed crystals to dramatically match a massive range of applications replacement and drives repeat business to you the world. Additives such as Tin, Silver, ve power source. improve plate adhesion & corrosion • A three-tier that • Retail brand promotions that deliver customers to ndamentally based resistance – we callproduct this 2xT range and use it in provides entry • range of products. Both of our34 Extreme h are the main level selling or up-sell opportunities your door these powerful innovations deliver greater rtments around ch as Tin, Silver, performance and longer application life.
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Radiator Magazine ISSN 1179-7800
The Motor Trade Association (Inc) (MTA) is not responsible for statements, opinions or factual matters published in Radiator magazine, nor do they necessarily reflect the views of MTA, its Board of Directors or its advisory/ specialty committees, unless expressly so stated, and does not endorse advertisers. Radiator magazine is available free to all members of MTA. Information on products and services contained in the editorial and advertising pages of this magazine is published as a service and no responsibility will be taken for inaccurate information. Radiator magazine does not imply the endorsement of any product or service. The publisher reserves the right to refuse advertising and editorial at any stage. Copyright: No part of Radiator magazine may be reproduced in part or in whole without the written permission of the publisher.
EAP phone 0800 327 669 any time Confidential and free to all MTA members and their families plus your staff and their families.
Sales of motor vehicles have been further assisted by people holidaying within New Zealand rather than overseas. Economist Tony Alexander gives us his forecast for 2022 along with comments from MTA sector managers.
Select 2 (or 9 for an emergency). Tell them you are an MTA member.
Contents - February 2022 Fe a t u r e s
Interim Chief Executive appointment
Advocacy: Opening for business
Repairer sector: 2021 WoF audit failure themes
Proudly informing members for over a century Radiator online:
The future is now:
ready for 2022
Member profile: Whangamatā Service Centre
Global EV motorsport: Emma Gilmour's exciting new drive
LVVTA: Myths and misconceptions about modification thresholds
Vehicle review: Hyundai Tucson 1.6T Limited AWD
AECS: Simple battery replacement?
MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
Looking ahead in 2022: What to expect and how to prepare
Service station sector: SmokeFree Aotearoa 2025 update Market overview: 2021 in summary
C ove r p h o t o
February 2022
February 2022.indd 1
3/02/22 1:04 PM
What’s in store for our industry in 2022? Cover design:
MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
What you’re telling us
Ian Pike has been appointed interim CEO of MTA following the departure of Craig Pomare. Ian comes to MTA after seven years with the Wellington City Council as Build Wellington Manager, and nine years before that as CEO of Wellington Waterfront. “I’m looking forward to working with the MTA Executive and Board and will have a particular focus on completing projects currently underway so that benefits to members are realised as quickly as possible,” says Ian. MTA President Bob Boniface says Ian is the steady hand on the wheel that the Board wanted to make sure things run smoothly, and our services and support of members will carry on without interruption. An announcement on a permanent CEO appointment will be made in due course.
Every month we reply to members’ questions and comments drawn from conversations with the MTA team. Do you need advice or an answer on something? Radiator would love to hear from you. Email: “Finding qualified staff is impossible. If the borders were opened we wouldn’t have such an ongoing staff issue.” “Working 10-hour days six days a week because of staff shortage. No one else can do it. I’m really worn out. My family have started to notice that I am tired all the time.” “I have been trying to retire for the last few years, but no one wants to buy the business/ there’s no one to pass it on to.” We hear you loud and clear and share your concerns. Addressing the staff shortage that many members are encountering is a key MTA focus for 2022. The Apprenticeship Boost support is set to end in six months and we are pushing to keep it going. Immigration settings do not recognise the needs of industry and use very simple criteria to determine if a job is “skilled”. We will continue to press Government for action on immigration and apprenticeships. Keep an eye on the MTA website for our latest submissions.
WoF training resumed on 24 January. We are running most of our training on Zoom for the first half of the year, and intend to offer each region a face-to-face course in the second half. In addition to the Technical Update and New Inspector courses, we will bring back the QMS course for business owners and staff responsible for the administration function of an authorised WoF Inspecting Organisation. To attend the online training you will need a computer or laptop with access to a microphone, speakers and preferably a webcam. Course dates are available on our website hub.
“How do I redeem MTA Vouchers?”
EV-Hybrid Disc Brake Pads are AASA Leafmark™ Certified which means they use organic brake friction materials for minimal environmental impact. In addition, low particle emissions deliver cleaner wheels and long disc life. Featuring Bendix’s exclusive Green Titanium Stripe, EV-Hybrid pads provide instant friction (no beddingin required). Designed for quiet operation and low noise, EV-Hybrid pads are specifically engineered for EV and Hybrid Vehicles.
“When are you going to be running WoF courses again?”
Low Environmental Impact Low Dust, Low Noise Formulated for EVs and Hybrids
“What is the smallest amount we can load on a gift card? What is the most that can be loaded on a gift card?” $20 is the minimum, $500 the maximum.
Cut off and keep the top left hand corner of the voucher. Search for the Redemption form on Toolbox. Complete and courier it with the vouchers to our offices. Keep the tracking details! For any questions, please email Correct
“95 percent of staff are vaccinated, it’s just a couple who aren’t. The more I try to talk to them about it the more uptight they get.”
To find pads to suit your vehicle visit: Find solutions for every brake job at Or freecall the Bendix Brake Advice Centre on 1800 819 666 Bendix is a trademark of Garrett Advancing Motion Inc.
MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
This can be a challenge. We have a range of resources in Toolbox that answer common questions about Covid-19. Check them out or talk to our HR team. has good information too, in the Vaccines section.
Keep this portion for your records
Send this portion to MTA.
The MICR number must be left
“Lots of work – full noise all the way through till 2022.” Great to hear your 2021 ended so well! Here’s to a successful 2022 for all members. MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
What to expect in 2022 By independent economist Tony Alexander. There is a rule of thumb many of us have been running with for some while now. Shocks to our economy occur roughly every 10 years. This reflects the occurrence of the second oil price shock over 1977/78, share market crash of 1987, Asian Financial Crisis of 1997/98, Global Financial Crisis in 2008/09, then the Covid-19 pandemic from early 2020 – somewhat overdue according to the usual timetable. The current shock has pulled consumer spending patterns apart to a degree never seen before and, in particular, spending on durable goods such as couches and cars has done exactly the opposite of what has happened in every previous shock. As a rule, if people grow fearful of their jobs, they do not feel inclined to buy durables like home furniture, spas, kayaks, and motor vehicles.
The current shock has pulled consumer spending patterns apart to a degree never seen before. Yet sales of all of these ‘lumpy’ items have soared around the world after initially falling away during the first throes of lockdowns early in 2020. Our inability to keep spending on international travel, sustained employment from government support schemes, record low borrowing costs, and desire to improve our locked down living environments has generated a surge of spending on durables. Sales of motor vehicles have been further assisted by people holidaying within New Zealand rather than overseas, and perhaps also by a swathe of older people choosing to retire earlier than planned and updating their vehicles at the same time. Can this strong demand for cars and couches continue? No. It has been expected for some time that as we get towards the end of the pandemic, consumers around the world will switch their spending back
MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
towards services such as travel and entertainment and away from durables. In fact, for durable goods there is some downside risk in sales that might catch some operators out. Generally, we only need a new piece of furniture every 10 to 15 years and speaking personally, tend to upgrade my car only every 15 to 20 years. So, as we progress through 2022 into 2023, we are likely to see consumer demand for motor vehicles edge down. Assisting this easing in demand will be the high pace of increase in the cost of living as measured by the inflation rate. The latest rate is 4.9 percent, but data soon to be released are likely to show a rate close to 6 percent. With wages growing less than 4 percent on average, this decrease in real spending power will negatively impact most areas of household spending.
In fact, when our borders properly open up, we could easily see a strong outflow of Kiwis to our traditional ‘escape’ labour market of Australia where wages are a lot higher, house prices lower, and the cost of living is better.
Sales of motor vehicles have been further assisted by people holidaying within New Zealand rather than overseas.s charges and lagged delivery times ease? Eventually, yes. But that might be a story more for next year than for 2022. The Omicron variant of Covid-19 is bypassing some vaccination protection and causing the biggest surge in people calling in sick ever seen. This is disrupting the ability of businesses to function in affected countries and it looks like all countries will eventually go through this phase. That is part of the problem. Most goods, including motor vehicles, are made from parts sourced across a wide range of countries. As one group of countries passes through what looks to be about a two-month period of extreme worker absenteeism, another group will start their process. Australia, for instance, will experience declining numbers
of new infections and worker absences before our surge starts. This rolling through of production interruptions will compromise supply chains this year – particularly when China eventually abandons its continuing eradication strategy and accepts the passing through of Omicron. The upshot is that for 2022 ongoing supply chain disruptions will tend to keep raising vehicle prices at the same time as demand starts to pull back largely in the consumer market. And 2023? Hopefully by then supply chains will be much improved. But the by then much weaker housing market and even higher interest rates will further subdue consumer demand. However, that’s a story for another day.
Expect supply issues But there is a key problem with this analysis as presented so far. It concentrates on demand for motor vehicles and other durable goods. But these days the bigger issue for many businesses is availability of goods and materials. Will the supply chain problems affecting vehicle production, sharply higher shipping
OMICRON MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
Are you ready for Omicron?
Internal considerations for your business
New Zealand has learned a lot about handling a pandemic in the last two years, but much of it has been at arm's length. As the Omicron variant spreads, we are getting a dose of reality.
• Identify the key roles and tasks within your business and write down the processes they require. Train other staff to carry out the essential tasks that will ensure your business can still operate if someone is away for an extended period.
There are some practical steps you can take to make sure your business and staff are prepared for a few months of social restrictions and home isolation.
• Encourage all staff to be vaccinated against Covid-19. • Ensure you have enough face masks for all staff, if required. • Encourage staff and visitors to scan in, with a manual system also on hand. • Maintain a good supply of cleaning products. • Optimise ventilation; fresh air is vital. • Have a plan for how to communicate a case (or outbreak) associated with the business. • Plan how business could continue safely during the response, suspend activities if necessary, and resume after the response. • If you decide to work alone, do a thorough risk assessment to identify tasks that should be avoided. • Have a plan for staff to work from home, if possible.
MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
• Think about reduced opening hours if you are short-staffed. • Consider how payroll, banking, invoicing, ordering, bookings, job allocations etc will be carried out if you are short-staffed. Can a laptop be set up for these functions so your admin person can work from home if they are required to isolate? • Do you have a list of business suppliers’ contact details available to other staff? The list could include courier companies, parts suppliers, rubbish collection company, waste oil collection, plumber etc. • Who has access to business emails, web sites and social media and how these can be updated to keep customers informed?
External considerations for your business • What happens if your suppliers are operating at reduced capacity or have stock shortages due to shipping issues? (This might not be just a parts supplier it may also be the courier or postal network.) • Do you rely on one supplier, or do you have multiple options available to you? • Identify your fastest-moving or most commonly used items; these might be certain types of oil filter, oil levels, disposable gloves etc. Have you got enough stock to get you through the next couple of weeks or do you rely on a just-intime service? • It may be a good time to review your stock levels and when you reorder stock, and increase the amount you carry so you are not so reliant on external sources to operate.
Split shifts If you employ a large number of staff, you may want to consider working split shifts. This would require you to develop two evenly skilled teams working different hours. This will help if one staff member becomes sick or is exposed to an illness; they do not then expose all employees to the illness and your business can still operate, perhaps at a slightly reduced capacity. You may want to run a morning and afternoon shift, or have two shifts that work alternate days. The two shifts should never meet. One shift should be off the premises before the next shift enters the building. To help split shifts operate smoothly, you will need each one to cover the necessary tasks. For instance, in a dealership, each shift will need a manager, technicians, a vehicle inspector, parts staff, service advisors, sales, finance, administration and grooming staff. The head of each department should also be available via phone or email in case they are needed.
MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
Keep the fuel flowing MTA recommends that service station members draw up business continuity plans (BCP) for a range of scenarios so they can react quickly to reduce the impact of Omicron. There is a lot of useful information online. Check out the Government’s and websites. The Resilient Organisations ( website and MTA Toolbox also have some great practical advice for developing a BCP.
Batteries that look after your customers as well as you do
Officials believe a potential Omicron outbreak will have widespread impacts over a 6–8-week period. The initial outbreak could result in 10 to 30 percent absenteeism with people sick for around 10 days. Widespread use of the Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) system overseas has shown it can be effective in identifying Covid cases early. RAT can also be used to test staff to determine if they have recovered and can resume their normal duties. These tests were not widely available in New Zealand when we went to print, but the Government and private businesses are looking at ways to increase supply.
Ian Baggott, MTA Sector Manager – Energy and Environment
Steps to consider if you are left significantly short-staffed by isolation requirements include: • Utilise pay at the pump facilities if available. • Use your night pay facility to reduce contact with customer. • Operate reduced hours. • If too few staff are available to operate the business safely, you might need to close. If you are deemed critically important to your community, there may be some support available to you – keep checking on the Covid-19 website for developments.
International outlook International forecasters believe automotive sales will increase in 2022 by around 4 to 6 percent. Production is ramping up to deal to the backlogs caused by Covid-19 and the semiconductor computer chip shortage. Car makers are trying to secure chips and batteries by forming closer links with suppliers. However, with everincreasing demand, ongoing shortages are predicted for at least the rest of the year. Part of the demand is due to growing electrification (an EV uses roughly twice the number of chips as an ICE car) with EV sales MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
being expected to grow to 7 to 10 percent of the global market this year. However, supply chains are still fragile and with much of the world’s automotive supplies coming from China and Asia, it is likely Covid-19 outbreaks could disrupt both production and delivery. New Zealand new car distributors will need to keep in close contact with their manufacturers and customers to manage delivery expectations.
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Major suppliers braced for Omicron The two major auto aftermarket parts distribution networks reckon they’re ready to surf the Omicron wave, which is expected to wash through New Zealand over the coming weeks. Both Repco and Bapcor have invested heavily in building up their stocks and organising their delivery systems to ensure disruption is kept to a minimum should large numbers of people be forced into isolation during this next phase of the Covid-19 pandemic. GPC Asia Pacific New Zealand head Jonathon Maddren said the Repco and NAPA Autoparts branches around the country have access to record levels of stock, built up over the past year. He is not anticipating massive disruption to workshop orders. “Unlike supermarkets, our products have a stable shelf life and don’t always need replenishing daily. “The New Zealand trade doesn’t need to stockpile or be unduly concerned. We have a long-term pipeline of supply and GPC are committed and confident that they can minimise the threat of interrupted supply. We are more committed than ever to supporting the New Zealand automotive industry with more stock, available faster in 2022 and beyond,” says Jonathon. The national network of over 100 branches provides plenty of backup should large numbers of staff become ill. The company also has a range of plans in place to deal with disruptions among the couriers and freight companies, he adds.
GPC expects to complete construction on its new 28,000-square-metre distribution centre in Auckland around the middle of this year. Gradually, the current six distribution centres will shift into the new building, which has 50 percent more space. “We have built this to meet the demand we expect over the next 30 years,” says Jonathon Maddren.
Managing staff shortages
Jonathon Maddren, GPC Asia Pacific New Zealand head.
Learning from Oz
Martin Storey, Bapcor NZ.
MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
Bapcor NZ head Martin Storey says the Australian divisions of the company have experienced significant disruption caused by the sheer numbers of staff forced to stay home in isolation. “They weren’t all sick, but many were close contacts, or were looking after family members.” He says on one very large distribution site, 70 percent of the team were off work at the same time. Bapcor owns the BNT Group (incorporating BNT, Autolign and Truck and Trailer Parts) and Martin says a lot of thought has gone into preparing for the next few months. Extra stock is being held in the country, the Auckland trade distribution centre has been split into two shifts, and additional inventory has been sent out to the larger branch sites. Freight and courier operations are being closely monitored and tweaked as the situation changes. He is expecting some disruption as freight drivers and others in the supply chain become ill. “But this will be somewhat offset by all the preparation, and there will also be many customers who will be sick or in isolation – which you would think will impact on the demand for servicing and repairs.”
Martin Storey, like many employers, is expecting the rising inflation, possibly as much as six percent this year, to impact on wages and product prices. “There is such a labour shortage that people have a lot more power to negotiate for starting salaries or pay increases. I expect companies will be identifying their most critical people and putting cotton wool around them to keep them in place.” He is concerned that as the world opens up, fully vaccinated Kiwis are starting to leave on their delayed OEs or heading to Australia for work. When the borders fully open, Martin expects this trickle of departures to become a flood, but it won’t be matched by an incoming deluge of overseas workers. “Government is not listening to industries and their concerns about the restrictions on work visas and immigration – so things are just going to get worse.” He says he knows of a substantial strawberry grower who planted just half his usual crop this year because he knew he wouldn’t get pickers. “Among our 570 staff, I have 40 vacancies. Normally we’d have around 10 or 12.” BNT has two new branches opening in Cromwell and east Auckland this year. He is expecting to find it difficult, and expensive, to find team members for the Auckland site; Cromwell less so.
Responding creatively
Automotive equipment and training supplier AECS is just one of many in the industry struggling to keep and find staff. Owner and director Herbert Leijen recently sent out an email to his clients around the country asking for patience while he tries to build up his staff members to meet the growing demand for his services. In the meantime, he’s a bit short-handed and wants his customers to know there may be delays in responding to requests for diagnostic help, equipment deliveries and training spots. “I am offering staff more flexibility, and have bent over backwards to make the working conditions as good as I can, but it’s not been enough,” he says. Herbert is offering more training online and is promoting diagnostic tools as one way for workshops to increase their efficiency – taking less time to resolve and repair many jobs. He believes employers will need to get creative to make themselves attractive to new recruits. “I think part of the problem is that the lockdowns have made some people want to spend less time at work and get more work-life balance.”
Some creative work conditions in New Zealand today include: • Employers providing a free packed lunch for staff starting early shifts, or working at remote sites. • Job sharing arrangements. • More part-time roles to suit parents of young children. • Free gym memberships. • Free childcare. • Private dental and health plans.
Herbert Leijen, AECS.
MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
Our NY resolution: It’s all about you MTA Media and PR Manager Simon Bradwell shares the Radiator team’s plans for 2022 – and they involve you.
MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
We’re going to look at ways we can respond to some of the queries and feedback the team here at MTA receives. You’ll notice that on page 7 of this issue, we’re trialling a new feature called ‘What You’re Telling Us’. Talking about in with the new, we’ve also added 'Blast From The Past', a fun read where we revisit the pages of Radiator from 100 years and 50 years ago. Like you, we enjoy reading a forthright, informed and thoughtprovoking column so we’re also going to be looking for some new voices in Radiator. If you know someone who’s clued-up and never short of a word, please drop me a line. We also know that our industry is full of people going the extra mile for their customers, their colleagues and their community. They don’t do it for reward or recognition, but we think many of them deserve a little pat on the back. As the modest lot that you are, we don’t expect you to nominate yourselves but if you know someone who’s a bit of a ‘Good Sort’ we’d love to share it in Radiator. Radiator belongs to all members, and we really want to ensure members are front and centre. We know how busy you are, and rightly, we are the ones who should – and will - do all the work. We will happily follow up on every suggestion and idea. So please email, text or call any time you want to chat or make a suggestion. I’d love to hear from you, and together we all might be able to make Radiator an even better read. Not a bad New Year’s resolution eh?
GM loses top-selling title to Toyota US car giant General Motors has lost its title as America’s top car seller for the first time in 90 years.
The time for New Year’s resolutions might be slightly past. The bubbly bottle is in the recycling bin, the BBQ needs a good scrape and clean and we’ve kicked out most of the unwanted house guests. But the team at Radiator has been doing a bit of self-examination over summer and while it may be February, we have one resolution we want to share with you. It’s not that we need a bit of selfimprovement as individuals. We’ve all given up our hellraiser days and ways and have wisely and smugly embraced moderation and restraint. Where we have turned the spotlight of scrutiny is onto the publication you hold in your hands right now. Now we are rightly proud of this magazine. It’s been going more than 100 years and we happen to think that it’s got many more in the tank. But we don’t want to rest on our laurels. It’s a good read now but we want to keep improving Radiator so it’s of even more use and value to you as members. So our New Year’s resolution is to spend the start of this year having a good think about how we can do that. For a start, we want to know what’s on your minds, what matters to you - whether it’s on a national scale, such as supply chain issues or staff shortages, or something you’re seeing in your neck of the woods. We’d like to hear your stories and your successes, or if you know of other members who deserve a bit of a shout-out. If you want to share an experience or opinion, ask a question or need some info – contact us.
World news
Simon Bradwell joined MTA as Media and PR Manager late last year after a 20year career in media, mostly with TVNZ’s OneNews and with Stuff, and developing communications for charities and non-profit organisations. You can contact him at or 027 266 9975. Member support officer Jenny Foy often jots down comments made to her by members and their staff when she calls to check in on their wellbeing. She’s used a few for this poem that looks back at 2021.
“How’s it going?” High performance Chaos at the castle Flat out Ticking along The end of the world This can’t go on Understaffed Burnt out Kirsty is amazing Keith sorted it We love Annie Danny explained everything You guys really came through for us We know we can rely on you Brand power Saved me money and sanity.
Japan’s Toyota claimed the top spot, selling more than 2.3 million vehicles last year, up 10 percent. GM said sales, which fell 13 percent, were hurt by the widespread shortage of semiconductor parts that has been affecting the car industry. The Detroit company had ranked as the number one US car seller since 1931 and has vowed it would bounce back. “I wouldn’t rush out if I were (Toyota) and get a ‘We’re No. 1’ tattoo,” spokesman Jim Cain said, according to Reuters. Overall, analysts expect the number of new cars sold in the US to have increased roughly 2 percent in 2021 compared with 2020, when buyers were reeling from the onset of the coronavirus pandemic.
But purchases remain depressed compared with their pre-pandemic levels, as companies grapple with supply chain woes, problems that have also pushed prices higher for consumers.
car makers by the shortage of chips, thanks to its decision to build up a stockpile after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami. But it has also been forced to cut production amid the shortages.
“The key constraint for sales continues to be reduced inventory levels as a result of the semiconductor shortage,” GM Chief Economist Elaine Buckberg said in a statement discussing the firm’s sales and outlook for 2022.
But America’s top car companies had been ceding ground to international rivals well before the pandemicrelated snarls.
GM sold roughly 2.2 million vehicles last year, down from 2.5 million in 2020, relying on its profitable pick-up trucks and SUVs to boost its bottom line. Toyota, which saw strong sales of its hybrids and other models, has been less affected than some other
Ford, General Motors and Chrysler once accounted for as much as 90 percent of all US car sales and still claimed more than half as recently as 2008. But that has slid lower. Toyota’s Camry has been the topselling passenger car in the US for 20 years, while its RAV4 has ranked as the best-selling SUV for five years.
MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
Summer fun in the sun Whangamatā on the Coromandel Peninsula is known for its annual Beach Hop, seaside sun, fun, fishing, and surfing (as well as the occasional New Year’s Eve riot). But staff at the Whangamatā Service Centre miss much of the action; kept busy by the annual surge in demand from tens of thousands of summer visitors. Their breakdowns and urgent repairs come on top of the workshop’s usually full schedule of servicing and maintenance. Along with the usual range of vehicles, the workshop also has a significant number of customers with hot rods, classics, vintage and muscle cars.
Repco Beach Hop madness The annual town highlight, the Repco Beach Hop, brings its own special frenzy to the town, Business owner Andy Murray says, “We keep the first three days of the Beach Hop clear of all bookings because we get lots of drop-ins from people driving in from around the country who need something repaired urgently.” Over 100,000 people visit Whangamatā for the Beach Hop, many of them arriving in their latest restoration projects. Official entries for the event are limited to just 1,000 vehicles from the 1950s or 1960s. MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
The line-up of visitors outside the Whangamatā Service Centre during last year’s Beach Hop. Covid restrictions have forced organisers to move this year’s event from March to November.
Brief history Andy took over Whangamatā Service Centre in 2010 and has put energy and money into growth. “I’ve put in good quality hoists; one was such a nightmare to use that the guys wouldn’t touch it, so there was a whole bay that was basically used for storage. We also have a new oil system, which includes taps on all the workbenches – this has halved our service times. Scan tools and software like SAM and Xero have also made us much more efficient,” says Andy. “I think the best thing I did was joining Auto Super Shoppes a couple of years ago. We benefit from their national advertising, and they provide a lot of useful support and information. The help given with Covid-19 has been great – from the screens, masks and other protective gear they can supply along with lots of explanation of the latest developments and how they affect us.” He also appreciates the ‘family’ philosophy of the network, which aligns with his own way of operating. “My staff [there are seven] are my friends and I make sure we are a happy workplace. People with negative attitudes don’t last long here.”
Andy Murray.
MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
Andy is preparing for a future with more hybrid and EVs in the national fleet. “We are starting to think about finding the extra training that is needed. Picking up people like Dylan Trust, who was a Toyota apprentice and workshop foreman, was also a good move.” Dylan (on right) says, “I came here to learn more about other makes of cars. Here I can be working on plant machinery, trucks, boats as well as all the different makes and models of cars.”
Warrant of fitness time for this local 1932 Chevrolet owned by a long-time customer.
MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
Gemma te Brake (pictured) handles much of the customer service, parts ordering and invoicing along with Office Manager Jude Pratt. “Summer is madness. Most of the suppliers close and we have another 50,000 or more people in town. One of our big issues in summer is storage. We usually have about 30 cars a day coming through, but they can start to back up outside when things get really busy with the drop-ins.” She says there hasn’t been any significant dropoff in business during the pandemic. “Some people held off on their warrants for a while and there were a couple of quiet weeks through lockdown, but generally we’ve been really steady.” Gemma’s partner Daryl also works at the Whangamatā Service Centre and she says, like Andy, they have a thing for hot rods. Gemma’s own dream car is a low rider. While it’s still a dream, she’s already worked out that not all of the future car’s mechanical work could be done in-house. “There are only the two workshops in town, and we don’t do hydraulics – so I’ll have to get that part of the project done by Whangamatā Automotive.”
From left: Daryl Hunter, Dylan Trust, Reef Sellars, Gemma te Brake, Andy Murray, Jude Pratt, Pete Moxsom. Reef and Daryl have both served their apprenticeships with Andy, while Pete recently notched up 12 years with the business. Dylan joined the team last year after several years with Toyota franchises. MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
Andy, like others in his team, is keen on a restoration project. The business often takes on a client project over winter. This year, the project was this Tin Woody Chev. Andy also has his own personal passions, including his beautifully restored Ford pickup, shown below.
Auto Super Shoppes is New Zealand’s largest group of Premium Automotive Repairers with over 100 members. Ever wondered why so many great workshops have chosen to band together under the same Auto Super Shoppe banner? If you think your workshop fits the title of being a Premium Automotive Repairer and would like to know more about the many benefits of belonging to Auto Super Shoppes, talk to us today. Visit or call 0800 AUTO HELP
MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
Blast from the past Every month we revisit the pages of Radiator from 100 years and 50 years ago.
MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
Emma Gilmour goes global with McLaren New Zealand rally queen Emma Gilmour reckons 2022 is her year.
This month (February) Emma flies out to Saudi Arabia to take on her first race for McLaren in the 2022 Extreme E championship - the new global EV motorsport where rallying meets environmental activism. It’s the first time McLaren Racing has ever signed a woman driver and Emma says she is “incredibly honoured”. “Growing up in New Zealand, Bruce McLaren and McLaren Racing are the pinnacles of motorsport.”
Right place, right time The MTA member and owner of Gilmour Motors Suzuki in Dunedin tells Radiator she is seizing the opportunity offered by Extreme E. “I’m in a really fortunate position. I’ve done the hard yards with the business; buying it and building it up with a great team. My manager, Karyn Costello, does an excellent job of running things while I’m away. So, I’m going for it.” Emma was able to take part in McLaren Racing’s official announcement that it was joining the series at the UN’s COP26 Climate Change Conference in Scotland in November. She was already in the UK for the inaugural 2021 Extreme E season as reserve driver for Veloce Racing’s Jamie Chadwick. In August and October she took over from Jamie in the driver’s seat to compete with teammate
Karyn Costello, Manager Gilmour Motors, with Emma.
Stéphane Sarrazin in the Arctic X-Prix in Greenland and then the Island X- Prix in Sardinia (two of the five legs of the 2021 championship). Extreme E supports gender equality as well as environmental sustainability and all teams are made up of a male and a female driver plus their reserves. Emma’s McLaren XE partner is US driver Tanner Foust.
Emma’s McLaren Racing partner is US driver Tanner Foust.
MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
Rallying to save the world
Prince Charles admires the detailed livery of the McLaren Extreme E car, which was hand-drawn during the COP26. Pictured from left: Zak Brown, Chief Executive of McLaren Racing, Prince Charles, Leena Gade, Chief Engineer, and Emma Gilmour. “The racing is more like rally cross, or circuit racing on a dirt track. There’s no co-driver, you have to learn the track on your own and the drivers swap over after each lap or race stint – which is usually about six or seven kilometres depending on the terrain and battery,” she explains. “The electric power is lovely to drive as it’s instant, very smooth and ‘easy’ in that you don’t need to change gears to get optimum torque,” she adds. The thrill of racing for McLaren this year is something she’s still adjusting to. “As a rally driver, and McLaren being known for Formula 1, it was just something I’d never even imagined - being part of the McLaren story. It still feels surreal.” Late last year, Emma got to take her first drive in the McLaren-tuned and modified SUV provided to all teams for the 2022 season. “Tanner and I worked really well together, and both felt that the car is in a great set up heading into the first event this season.”
MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
Emma’s role is not just as a driver, she also becomes an ambassador for Extreme E’s environmental programme. The five ‘X-Prix’ legs are carefully planned so there is no environmental damage and the locations are chosen for their opportunity to raise climate awareness. The all-electric SUV race cars are transported by ship, the St Helena, which also serves as a floating laboratory and public classroom. “The teams get involved in different projects in the countries they visit. So far I’ve planted seagrass in Sardinia and collected ice samples in Greenland,” she says. Last year the series supported the planting of one million mangroves in Senegal; a climate education programme in association with UNICEF in Greenland; turtle conservation along the Red Sea coastline in Saudi Arabia; reforesting of the Amazon rainforest, plus restoration of seagrass and areas hit by wildfires in Sardinia.
MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
Batteries fund better mental health
2022 and onward “I don’t know if MIQ will still play a part in how we travel over the next year or so. I don’t need to be in the UK for the whole year, just for the series events. Ideally, I want to keep returning to New Zealand to compete in this year’s New Zealand Rally Championship with my Suzuki.” If she does get stuck in the UK, Emma plans to do what she did last year: hire a fully kitted out rally car and compete wherever she can. Last year, with the help of her New Zealand sponsor Vantage Windows & Doors, she joined in the final event on the British Rally Championship calendar, the Visit Conwy Cambrian Rally. She and Scottish co-driver Claire Mole finished in a credible fifth place. She is also keen to keep using her profile to promote road safety within New Zealand.
An automotive industry fundraising drive for the Mike King 'I Am Hope' foundation has raised $215,000 – four times the amount that organiser Bapcor NZ had hoped for.
Emma Gilmour’s track record includes taking the runner-up trophy in three successive New Zealand Rally Championships (2010, 2011, 2012). She was the first woman to win the rally (2016). She also came in second at the Asia Pacific Rally Championship and won the FIA Women in Motorsport and Qatar Motor and Motorcycle Federation cross country rally event.
Emma teamed up with Claire Mole.
Photos: Geoff Ridder.
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MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
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Bapcor head Martin Storey says the money was raised from the recycling of 220 tonnes of automotive batteries collected in late October and early November 2021. The idea was the brainchild of one of Bapcor’s team, HCB Technologies Business Manager Craig Fowler. “The money will fund four full-time mental health counsellors. We had hoped to fund at least one counsellor, so we are extremely humbled by the response from our team, customers, the public and the sector.” Bapcor arranged for the batteries to be collected and shipped by container for recycling overseas. “Our wider team, led by our HCB business, worked their backsides off and as soon as we kicked the initiative off it just went viral” says Martin. “We also received $20,000 in cash donations, from our own Bapcor team members with several large contributions supporting this. Large organisations like Fonterra, Oceania Gold and Mainfreight, as well as customer groups like Battery Town and Shock Shop, also put a massive effort into the project.” Martin says Bapcor intends to maintain and enhance its relationship with Mike King and his charity for future events.
Toolbox resources Keep up with the wide range of information needed to run a business using the MTA Toolbox. The Toolbox is a one stop shop for members looking for anything from employment contract guidance, through to the latest in Covid information and advice. Go to to find resources, information and answers to your questions.
MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
CERTIFICATION Often these vehicles are fitted locally with air assist springs on the rear axle to help combat suspension sag. As this is an above-threshold modification that was not part of the Second Stage Compliance, these vehicles must then be LVV certified.
Myths and misconceptions about modification thresholds Probably the most common question asked of the LVVTA technical staff is, “If I fit this part to my car, does it need certification?”. Over the next few articles, we’ll go through the Vehicle Inspection Requirements Manual (VIRM) in-service certification thresholds and answer some frequently asked questions and explain a few of the most common misconceptions about when a vehicle requires LVV certification. Before delving too deeply into that, however, let’s run through the principles of inspecting both modified and LVV-certified vehicles. From an AVI’s perspective, the way a modified vehicle needs to be inspected is quite different between LVV-certified and uncertified vehicles. It’s a tricky business knowing what to look for when inspecting a modified vehicle: an AVI needs to be aware of which modifications require LVV certification and which don’t, what will tip a vehicle over threshold and what won’t, and which further modifications are allowed to an already LVVcertified vehicle. An uncertified and modified vehicle needs to be inspected to make sure it meets inservice requirements, and all its modifications meet the underthreshold wording. To help illuminate the path, the Modification Thresholds can be found in the VIRM, In-service certification (WoF and CoF), General vehicles, options 1-13, under the ‘Tables and Images’ tab. MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
Does a Modification Declaration exempt a vehicle from needing LVV certification?
Was this component originally fitted to the car?
When does a modification require LVV certification? It’s important to note that the modifications permitted to a LVV-certified vehicle are not the same as those permitted to a non-certified vehicle. While an uncertified vehicle is allowed any modification mentioned in the VIRM Threshold (as long as it meets threshold requirements), a vehicle previously LVV certified for other modifications may not be changed further without requiring recertification (ie, a Land Cruiser that is LVV certified for a suspension lift, body lift, and 35" tyres can’t have its wheels changed) without being recertified. This is because the new wheels and tyres may have a different width or offset that may interfere with suspension components, or a change in overall tyre diameter may negatively affect the braking system. Because of these potential effects, the vehicle needs to be inspected
by an LVV certifier to ensure it is still compliant and safe with the changed wheels. Additionally, the VIRM states that any modification that causes a vehicle to differ from the information on its LVV certification plate means the vehicle must be referred to an LVV certifier. In general, if a modification is listed in the VIRM Threshold as a “certification never required” item (such as window tints, aerials, or roof racks), then these modifications would not cause a previously LVV-certified vehicle to require recertification. For example, an under-threshold Subaru Impreza can have its wheels and tyres changed or a body kit fitted without requiring LVV certification, providing that all modifications meet in-service requirements and the wording of the VIRM Threshold. If the new overall tyre diameter is greater than 5 percent over OE, however, this will affect the vehicle’s braking performance and therefore requires LVV certification.
This can be difficult to determine sometimes, particularly with older vehicles. In many cases, Google is your friend – while the HQ Holden Belmont being presented for a WoF will not have come from the factory with a 350 Chevrolet and a Ford 9", the HQ Premier with a 253 and a Trimatic may be original. Sometimes, checking the vehicle data in Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency’s database or decoding the vehicle’s chassis plate can be a good way to work this out. Seats in the back of a van can also be tricky; while it is common for OEM seats to be fitted to many different vans, unless the vehicle left the factory with the seating positions it currently has, it will require LVV certification for the added seating positions. Sometimes, the only way to tell is to check the vehicle details with Waka Kotahi. Note, however, that OE or LVV certified seats removed from the back of a van do not require LVV- certification, but reclassification of the vehicle and a change in load rating may be required. LVV certification plate details will also need to be updated, if applicable.
Another case to watch out for is vehicles with an overseas Second Stage Compliance plate fitted, which is common with imported campervans.
Not necessarily. While a declaration is still a valid means of dating modifications to a vehicle, the vehicle must remain as stated on the declaration form. For example, if the brakes are listed as ‘standard’, then fitting a performance Wilwood disc and caliper kit would require LVV certification. In this case, the declaration could still be used to prove that any modifications listed took place before 1992, and certain relaxations to LVV requirements could be made because of this.
Was this vehicle LVV certified for this component? When looking at an LVV-certified vehicle, careful attention must be paid to the data on the LVV certification plate or electronic data plate (EDP).
For instance, while a vehicle might have 'ADJ SUSPN' written on the LVV certification plate, this generally only applies to adjustable platform-type coilover suspension. Any additional adjustable camber/toe arms will be listed separately. An inspector’s instinct about a part can be useful in this case too. For example, if a vehicle was LVV certified in 2011, it’s highly likely that the shiny-looking Hardrace adjustable toe arms now fitted to it (that aren’t mentioned on the cert plate) weren’t fitted at the time of LVV certification. The vehicle in this case must be referred to an LVV certifier. With the introduction of EDPs, checking which components a vehicle was fitted with when it was LVV certified is simple; there will be photos of all modifications loaded against the EDP and details of the car at the time it was LVV certified, which can be accessed by scanning the EDP. More information about this can be found on the LVVTA website. MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
his management role. A big believer in qualifications, Cody says, “I want to get everything under my belt that I can! I take pride in being able to tell people that I’m qualified and you can trust me with it.” Time management has been one of the most useful skills learnt during his apprenticeship. “Knowing how to get the job done, how long it will take and being able to do it on time or faster.” Cody has always needed to juggle his time between work, family and tinkering on his own cars. With a daughter on the way, this skill will be more useful than ever. The ability to work on his own cars in his spare time is another benefit. Cody now has his dream car, a Nissan C33 Laurel, but has been working on cars since he was 14. “I’ve probably had 50-plus cars and I’ve done little bits or big bits to all of them: head gaskets, motor swaps, clutches, the works really.” “I always wanted to be a mechanic, I just didn’t have the confidence to go out there and try and get a job,” says Cody. He spent time working at Repco before landing his first job. It was then that his confidence grew. “I actually had a lot more experience than I needed and jumped straight into it. I impressed everyone I worked for, then kept on going!” Cody’s advice to others is: “Get into it as early as you can and get those skills while you’re young. Knuckle down and get it done. Partying comes later.” Wise words from a man who’s been there.
Cody Struthers (left) and Graeme Key.
Man with a management plan
Boost your business with MITO’s on-the-job training programmes.
From leaving school at 16 to being fast-tracked to a management role, Cody Struthers, a mechanic at Motor Tech, has worked his way up the ladder on the strength of his own talent and hard work. Graeme Key, Director at Motor Tech, sees a bright future for Cody. “When I started here at Motor Tech I was brought in to be workshop manager, then became a shareholder and now I’m the owner. My aim is to bring Cody up through that same process. He’s got the skills to be able to do it.” Already in training to transition to workshop manager, Cody always had ambitions to become a manager. “I just didn’t think it would happen this
MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
early but it’s really good. I’m loving it!” Cody has recently completed the New Zealand Certificate in Light Automotive Engineering (Level 3 & 4) through MITO and has plans to complete the New Zealand Certificate in Electric Vehicle Automotive Engineering (Level 5). However, there’s no intention to stop upskilling after that. The New Zealand Certificate in Business (First Line Management) is next on the list to complement
MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
VEHICLE REVIEW: NZ AUTOCAR Pending their arrival some time in 2022, it’s ICE power only at present, a mix of two petrols and one diesel. That means there are oodles of them to choose from thanks to different spec levels. We’ve been sampling the Limited AWD version which sells for near to $70k, gulp, but it is really comprehensively specified, even if there’s only a 1.6L turbopetrol under the bonnet. Yes, size does matter to some. Mind you, small turbos use less gas, this one seldom registering in double figures. It has a claimed combined figure of 6.9L/100km.
Words: Peter Louisson Photos: Tom Gasnier
Hyundai Tucson 1.6T Limited AWD For its fourth coming, Tucson debuts futuristic styling that will turn heads and in Limited guise wants for little. But has it priced itself out of contention? Tucson is about as popular for Hyundai as Sportage is for Kia; it’s the company’s best seller in New Zealand, with over 24,000 finding new owners since 2004, if you include the ix35 in that tally. And on a global scale it’s also their biggest model, having sold in excess of seven million units to date. No pressure when developing the new model then. For the fourth generation of the Tucson, Hyundai has gone all out on exterior and interior design, while the rest is a bit more familiar, like the turbocharged petrol and diesel powertrains we get here. However, hybrids are coming next year, one with 169kW and 350Nm thanks to a helper motor for the petrol engine, and the other a plug-in, offering 195kW/350Nm of system power plus 50km of EV travel, thanks to a 14kWh battery pack.
MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
But hell, $68,990 for a mainstream compact SUV. Back in the day, these went for late 40s but it must be said this is absolutely chock-a-block with safety, comfort and tech items. Because there’s simply too much to list, we will just concentrate on the things of greatest interest. First off, a Krell sound system comprising eight speakers and a subwoofer. Holy smoke, you don’t hear or see that name very often in automotive circles. And to be honest it’s a rarity in home audio here too; Krell used to be amongst the most prestigious and expensive solid state American brands you could buy.
So that may in part explain the big sticker this wears, as will all the safety gear on board. This has everything you could imagine, right down to rear occupant alert, lest you’ve forgotten to evict the kids from the back. No, really. This type of system is currently being assessed by ANCAP. People leave dogs and kids in cars. Scotch that: bad parents/owners do. Anyhow, on ANCAP, the Tucson earned a five-star crash test rating. We like the BSM monitor; each time you flick the indicators, a camera shows what might be nearby on the side you’re turning towards, the images portrayed where the tacho normally is, or the speedo if turning right. There’s also a 360-degree camera. And active cruise with stop and go you’d expect for this sort of money. As to comfort and convenience, think largely everything, right down to seat heating in the front and rear, ventilation for the front seat passengers, and even a steering wheel heater. The power tailgate opens automatically if you stand there for three seconds or more – no stupid kick gesture required – and there’s full leather trim, power-operated seats, and wireless phone charging.
For the fourth generation of the Tucson, Hyundai has gone all out on exterior and interior design.
MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
Hyundai Tucson 1.6T Limited AWD
1,598cc, IL4, T, DI
Drivetrain: 7-speed twin clutch, AWD Fuel use:
C02 output: 157g/km 0-100km/h: 8.38sec Weight:
1,692kg (claimed)
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Anyhow, they’ve also done a more
What’s really impressive about the Tucson’s performance is how, finally, at long last, Hyundai has got the message that maybe their brakes weren’t quite up to it. They’ve always been fade prone, pretty much across the range, with average stopping distances. Not any more though, with Michelin Primacy 4 rubber this is now a really convincing stopper, all ABS crash stops from 100km/h completed in the 33-metre or better bracket, with a best of 32.43 metres.
Practically speaking, this is well considered. I could get my e-bike in the back after split folding, which results in a nearly flat load bay and removing the cargo cover. There’s 1,800 litres of space in there evidently, 620 litres with all seats in use. And the back seat area where you might
Essentially then, this is a really good thing that seems really expensive. We are of the view that when spending $69k these days, you’d probably want to consider electric as well, for you can get an $8k discount from the Government just like that. Well, not here you won’t, because Hyundai doesn’t offer an electric Tucson. However, the PHEV is on its way but will naturally be even more expensive than the $69k Limited we’ve been driving. Still, there are plenty of other Hyundai EVs to consider.
And the interior is not without its novelty factors, missing a binnacle to shield the digital instruments from sunstrike. We didn’t see much of the sun in our time with the vehicle – don’t you hate spring weather? – but nor did we notice any deficiencies as a result of running binnacle-less. It also features a kind of semicircular theme up the front, the dash extending seamlessly into the doors, and encompassing both front seat occupants while imparting a sense of space. Actually, it feels like that.
than reasonable job of making this go about as ornery as it looks. For it’s fitted with a dual-clutch transmission, a seven-speeder and, with 132kW of power and 265Nm of torque from 1,500rpm, the blown four potter does an impressive job of motivating Tucson. It scoots to the metric tonne in 8.4secs but would be a darn sight faster if you could build the revs up on the brakes. Being AWD you should be able to, as the power is divvied up north and south. But no, so 8.4secs is as good as it got.
otherwise have accidentally left the kids and dog cooking, had it not been for the rear occupant warning, will take adults just as handily.
Ditto for the rear lights.
Great stuff, but there’s more, for this has taken a real step forwards dynamically as well. It turns quick smart, holds a line well and doesn’t seem fazed by rough corners, despite a touch of steering kickback. With all four wheels driven, corner exit is more accomplished too. Primary ride is pretty decent, but secondary ride over shorter bumps is less so.
There’s no arguing that the design department has done a bang-up job of bringing Tucson into the third decade of the 21st century too. You sure can pick the new Tucson from its forebears. The previous generations were pretty ordinary if we’re honest, nothing to write home about in a styling sense. However, this borders on surreal and people will probably love it or find it a bit busy. For there’s an awful lot going on when you check out new Tucson. Slashes here, lines there and a real 3D sculpted look about it. Up front is pretty sci-fi too, with hidden lights that reveal themselves when illuminated.
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MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
Simple battery replacement? This diagnostic article takes you through the process our technical support team use with problematic vehicles. We look at the issues involved and share how we resolved the problem. This is an inside look, from the profound to everyday issues automotive workshops encounter.
2004 Audi A8 BFM 4.2 V8 petrol
The process
Problem presented to the technical support team.. “This vehicle had its battery replaced several weeks ago and is still having battery issues, can you please assist?” In the drive for energy efficiency most automotive systems have been optimised as much as possible to get the most range per litre of fuel that is possible under normal operating conditions. This is certainly some of the story when it comes to automotive batteries. When we have sophisticated control units running our engine for maximum efficiency, items such as alternators are controlled depending on load. Why waste fuel going flat out with the alternator all the time when our battery can handle some discharge within a certain range while still being capable of carrying out its duties? Understanding of the battery’s state of affairs (SOH and SOC) and that specific batteries are designed for different vehicles is important. The battery is closely monitored via current and temperature sensors so the engine control unit learns the charge/discharge behaviour of the battery and can run the alternator only as much as necessary, trying in general to keep the SOC between 30 and 70 percent. When it comes to replacing these batteries, it is of the upmost importance to select the correct battery for that vehicle - specifically the construction type and ratings. Failure to do so will result in expensive rework. The battery management software in, for example, the engine ECU or battery management ECU does not simply recognise the new battery as being different from the old one or simply new. MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
The BEM code has information that is required to be entered into the battery management controlling software, for the battery to be recognised and accepted. In this example, the line at the top of the BEM sticker beginning with JCB carries the 10-digit string of coding that needs entering into control module for recognition.
Battery report of a battery made with the Launch BST360. Please note the Status of charge (SOC) and Status of Health (SOH).
Registration Many of these systems will require coding or programming of the battery into the management system with a scan tool. This can be a simple process, such as registering the new battery with the controller in charge of battery so it can learn the new battery’s behaviour to correctly charge it. Some of these systems are open systems. They are free and easy, allowing any battery, genuine or aftermarket to be fitted if it’s the correct type and rating; some even allow variations on ratings. Other systems are closed. These are far more specific requiring only approved battery manufacturers and specific capacity ratings. These specific batteries will have a battery energy management (BEM) code.
The process of entering the code is guided using the Launch Auscan3 scan tool which provides easy-tofollow instructions with supporting information along the way to entering the BEM code. Once the guided process has been completed, the management system will acknowledge the new battery as a fit and proper replacement. In the above screen shot, we select ‘A’ from the menu: battery replacing and coding. On this particular Audi, the battery management control could be in either the battery regulation module or CAN gateway module. A health report scan was initially carried out to see not only if any other issues where present but also what units are installed into the vehicle. We then accessed each of the possible control units to see if they were, in fact, the unit in charge of the battery. By opening the special function menu of the energy management module, it is possible to find what functions are carried out by the control unit.
Firstly, we need to input the capacity of the battery. This particular vehicle is only accepting a very narrow range of batteries as suitable replacements.
Secondly, we need to enter what manufacturer made the battery. Notice there is a narrow range of suppliers. Only these brand batteries will have the BEM code sticker that will allow acceptance into the control module. Aftermarket batteries will not have a BEM code to allow entering into the energy management module. MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
Easy access by Launch
Thirdly, we will need to enter the coding 10-digit number. This will then be converted into a numerical string to be written into the control module.
It can take time to locate which control unit is managing the battery. Some vehicles have the function in the body control module; in others it is in the the engine control module or start/stop module. In this case, a specific module built into the battery earth cable only carries out functions related to the battery. In many cases, a good quality scan tool can auto detect where the correct unit is, but not always. Even if you see the module, you often still don’t know for sure if you are on the right track. On Launch, Auscan3 battery matching will automatically find the correct ECU that you need to access for this function.
What to do when a battery code is not available? With such delicate systems it is really unacceptable to fit a battery without the code, as in the end you do not know the battery characteristics. In a number of known cases, a standard New Zealand available battery has been fitted and coded successfully with codes of similar batteries. Once all the information has been entered, we get the opportunity to recheck our data before carrying out the final input.
With tapping button 1, the battery is integrated with the battery control module ,which will ‘learn’ the behaviour of the new battery over the proceeding charge/discharge cycles for optimum performance of the vehicle.
MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
Conclusion This relatively simple job can be a downright headache if you do not use the right tools or just “chuck a new one in, mate”. The troubles we have seen as a result of a simple battery change, jump start or battery charge process are large and painful. To fit a battery in a modern car will take towards an hour of chargeable labour. A coding fee charge is definitely also in order. Do not miss opportunities to get a return for what our industry provides its users. Use the correct tools and a little guidance from the tool and if that fails, the AECS tech help desk makes jobs like this easy!
Hamish v Lier for AECS Ltd 06 874 9077 •
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Meetings and engagement - Hui
Advocacy - Taunaki
Greig Epps, Manager Advocacy & Strategy - Nicole Chelmis, Legal & Policy Advisor -
The Advocacy & Strategy Team works with Sector Managers and members to monitor issues across the automotive industry. This column updates you on recent and proposed law changes, MTA meetings with stakeholders, and MTA Advisory Group activity.
Looking forward to opening for business Last year, the Government announced that it wanted to use the reopening of New Zealand borders post Covid-19 to perform a ‘reset’ of immigration policy. Not much more was heard of that as we went into another lockdown. The Productivity Commission also released its thoughts on how immigration settings can be reworked to focus on improving New Zealand. We think that any ‘reset’ needs to involve better engagement with industry and listening to the needs of the economy and small businesses. The flaw in the immigration system is that it focuses on an outdated concept of ‘skilled’ whereby someone who is paid a lot or who has advanced university degrees is considered to be more skilled than someone who has completed a Level 4 qualification for a technical occupation. I would rather have a Level 4 qualified automotive technician working on my car’s brakes than a doctor with seven years’ med school under their belt. But immigration policy gives preferential treatment to the MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
higher paid role than to the skillset that keeps cars safe on the road. We know from asking you that many MTA members would be happy to train homegrown apprentices, but they can't find candidates, or if they can, they want the support of the Apprenticeship Boost scheme to take a chance on training someone new. They need senior technicians to oversee the apprentice’s training - our research shows that the best minimum ratio is two qualified techs to one apprentice. We need to be able to bring in qualified staff from overseas to help train the technicians of the future. While there are more EVs
coming into the country, until they become cheaper and more available there will be at least another 20 years of ICE vehicles being the predominant vehicle on the road. These will still need to be inspected and maintained to keep our roads safe. EVs are low maintenance but they are not ‘no maintenance’ - brakes, steering, tyres, suspension, cooling systems, batteries, safety technology all these things will need to be maintained by the mechanics of the future. We need to ensure that the industry has the capacity to keep Kiwis safe on the road - we need more responsive immigration settings to help us achieve that capacity.
BusinessNZ Energy Council
Discussion on expected energy issues for 2022.
Automotive Employment NZ
Catch-up to discuss immigration issues facing our industry: • Mandatory accreditation. • MIQ. • Engage with Government to seek a class exemption for the motor industry to bring in skilled technicians.
Ministry of Transport – Te Manatū Waka
Road to Zero safety strategy and action plan.
Waka Kotahi Clean Car Programme Industry Advisory Group
Participation in the Used Import Industry working group.
Waka Kotahi
Regular catch-up with Regulatory teams.
NZ Police
Discussions on Trailer Identification programme in BoP and Waikato.
What's new - Pūrongo hou
Submissions - Tāpaetanga
Reminder: new requirements coming into force on 11 February 2022
What’s coming up - Ka tata mai
From this month, service stations must display all their fuel grades on their roadside price boards (not just their discounts) and disclose their profitability to the Commerce Commission. The Commission can seek court-imposed penalties of up to $5 million if fuel businesses do not comply with these new rules.
Clean Vehicle Programme on track for 1 April 2022 MTA members have been telling us of reports that the Clean Vehicle ‘feebate’ programme might be deferred again. We asked the Waka Kotahi team working on implementation about this and they assure us that there are “no plans to delay or defer” and that they “are on track with work and planning to be live as planned on 1 April 2022 with Clean Car Discount”. This has been confirmed by the Minister of Transport in other media publications.
The holidays are over and the Advocacy and Strategy Team is back in submission writing mode. Here is what the Government is consulting on in early 2022. Keep an eye on future editions of Radiator for more information. •
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment and Ministry of Justice: Consultation on Motor Vehicles Traders Register and Motor Vehicles Disputes Tribunal fee/levy review.
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment: Consultation on Onshore Fuel Stockholding.
Ministry of Transport: Consultation on Driving Change: Reviewing the Road User Charges System.
Reserve Bank of New Zealand: Consultation on the Future of Money – Cash System Redesign.
Talk to an MTA Sector Manager if you want to join our Advisory Groups to help influence future submissions. Contact
Road to Zero review Independent consultancy firm MartinJenkins has released a report into the Road Safety Investment and Delivery as part of the Road to Zero programme by Waka Kotahi and NZ Police. The report found that there was little accountability of road safety spending by Waka Kotahi and police and that whilst senior management of both organisations had strong alignment with the Road to Zero goals, this didn’t follow through to the operational sides of either organisation. The heads of both organisations have made commitments to improve the delivery of the Road to Zero policy. MTA will continue to be a voice for vehicle maintenance and vehicle inspections.
Dealers Ph: 04 381 8827
Graeme Swan
Repairer (General, Collision, Specialists) Ph: 04 381 8837
Ian Baggott
Energy and Environment Ph: 04 381 8843
MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
2021 WoF Audit Failure Failure Themes Themes
Repairer sector
Repairer sector
Graeme 04 381 8837 Last aathird ofofall Last year year 647 647 MTA MTA members members were were audited audited by by Waka WakaKotahi Kotahistaff. staff.This Thiswas wasjust justover over thirdSwan all-MTA MTA members members who who carry carry out out WoF WoF inspections; inspections; so so an an impressive impressivenumber numbergiven giventhe thelockdown lockdownrestrictions restrictions during the year. during the year.
Graeme Swan - 04 381 8837
2021 WoF Audit failure themes
The good news is that MTA members were found to compliant during their audits. AtAt who Last MTA were audited by Waka Kotahi staff. This was just over a third ofinitial all MTA members The year good647 news ismembers that more more MTA members were found tobe be compliant during their initial audits. carry out WoF inspections, so an impressive number given the lockdown restrictions during the year. the start of the year only a third of members were passing their initial audit. However, after some
the start of the year only a third of members were passing their initial audit. However, after some
The good news is the that more MTA members were found to be compliant during their initial audits. At the start of the adjustments adjustments to to the auditing auditing system system and and continued continued education educationfrom fromboth bothMTA MTAand andWaka WakaKotahi Kotahithis this year only a third of members were passing their initial audit. However, after some adjustments to the auditing system has grown under has continued grown to to ust ust under 60 60 percent. percent. and education from both MTA and Waka Kotahi this has grown to just under 60 percent.
Common issues found during inspections are: There are still some common issues found during the audits which a little preparation could have •prevented. Delegation records not up to date. prevented. • Conflict of Interest records out of date. • and equipment Delegationrecords records not up to date • Induction incomplete. • Delegation records not up to date • of Interest records out of date • No evidence of Conflict self-assessments. • Conflict of Interest records out of date • Inspections notInduction being entered the day ofrecord the inspection. • and on equipment incomplete • equipment Induction and equipment record incomplete • Expired• calibration dates. No evidence of self- assessments • No proof • of insurance. No evidence of self- assessments • Inspections not being entered on the day of the inspection Please set aside regular time to maintain your QMS records, which will make it much easier to pass your audit and • Inspections not being entered on the day of the inspection There some common issues foundfound duringduring the audits a little preparation could have prevented: Thereare arestill still some common issues thewhich audits which a little preparation could have
avoid the hassle of repeat visits.
Loaded steering/suspension checks not completed.
Not checking headrests.
Not inspecting fog lamps.
Not checking seat belt sensitivity.
Checksheets not being filled out correctly.
Complaints Waka Kotahi received 281 formal vehicle certification complaints during 2021, with 120 complaints upheld, 121 not progressing and 40 still ongoing. With 6,697,909 inspections carried out in 2021, this means just 0.004 percent of inspections result in a formal complaint. While this is extremely low, members are reminded that, if there is a customer complaint, you must follow procedure and complete the complaints records in the QMS.
The outcome of vehicle inspector audits have also improved, with 1,676 inspectors audited in 2021, and 85 percent found to be compliant on the first visit. Non-MTA workshops are slightly behind at 81 percent. MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
Repairer sector
Graeme Swan - 04 381 8837
Vehicle inspection rates finish off 2021 on a strong note A late rush from Aucklanders getting their vehicles inspected in the weeks leading up to the holidays pushed the national vehicle inspection volumes (WoF and CoF) ahead of the 2020 total. In all, 6,697,000 inspections were carried out in 2021, compared with 6,667,000 inspections the year before. Auckland would see around 150,000 inspections.
Most regions finished the year on a strong note, with inspection volumes on a par with previous December volumes. However the Auckland region saw a 20 percent increase on previous Decembers, with an amazing 205,019 WoF inspections carried out during December 2021. A typical month in
The record December volumes helped offset a poor August and September for Auckland members, but many businesses are still in for a tough year, trying to recover from extended lockdowns and lost revenue.
Repairer sector It is encouraging to see so many vehicles being inspected, but with 17 road deaths during the holidays, vehicle inspections should be seen as vital to making sure our driving is as safe as possible. MTA will continue to work with Government to reinforce this message. In the lead-up to the holidays, MTA members reported seeing a range of dodgy issues, beyond the usual worn tyres. There were also severely corroded suspension components masked with filler and paint, worn and broken suspension components welded together, cracked and
Graeme Swan - 04 381 8837
corroded trailer frames, poorly fitted towbars and even drivers’ seats with large chunks of foam missing from the seat base. Perhaps the worst response came from a vehicle owner after their vehicle was failed for a damaged seatbelt: “It’s okay we don’t use that seat”. Looking ahead, the April “WoF trough” has started filling up. It won’t be as noticeable as last year, but we will still face a busy May, June and July. August will see a drop in volume before a build-up to a busy November and December.
500,000 500,000
450,000 450,000
400,000 400,000 400,000
350,000 350,000
300,000 300,000
250,000 250,000 200,000 200,000
100,000 100,000
150,000 150,000
50,000 50,000
AUCKLAND VEHICLE INSPECTIONS Auckland Vehicle Inspections 250,000 250,000
150,000 150,000
100,000 100,000
50,000 50,000
WoF inspections are worth an estimated $270 million to the New Zealand automotive industry, with the average WoF inspection fee now $61, according to a recent MTA survey of members. If we add in an average repair cost of around $200, then the WoF inspection and associated repairs are worth an estimated $652 million to the New Zealand automotive industry.
200,000 200,000
Jun 2020
MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
Service station sector
Ian Baggott - 04 381 8843
Service station sector
Ian Baggott - 04 381 8843
Smokefree Aotearoa 2025 update
Understanding fuel prices
The Government is considering regulatory options to restrict the number of places able to sell tobacco. We are happy to see that officials agree with our view that service stations are well set up to meet a tougher sales regime.
Steadily climbing fuel prices are drawing lots of online and public commentary so MTA is doing its bit to explain the cost of petrol to the public.
The Smokefree Aotearoa 2025 Action Plan and its regulatory impact report are currently being considered by Cabinet, with legislation expected to be ready around the middle of this year. Along with reducing tobacco nicotine levels and raising the purchase age, the plan is to also to regulate and restrict the number of places where tobacco can be sold. The goal is to introduce the restrictions on point of sale in 2024. Government officials have looked at restricting sales to service stations alone but felt this could disadvantage competing small businesses and make things too difficult for some customers. Instead, in their recommended option, they propose licensing limited numbers of retailers based on local demographics and their ability to meet regulatory requirements such as security and reporting.
MTA believes service stations remain wellplaced to be among the main group of approved retailers, depending on their locations and the number that will be allowed to sell tobacco products. It was heartening to see our submission reflected in the regulatory impact report: ...“petrol stations are generally well-managed with a managed retail programme model and have consistent security and compliance operations”. While the reports don’t state how many retail outlets will be allowed to sell tobacco products, MTA will continue to work with officials and make the case for service stations as responsible and compliant tobacco retailers.
Mediation sector
Keith May - 04 381 8830
MTA Mediation figures for January 2022 MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
Increases are due to rising crude oil prices and a weak NZ dollar, both of which look set to continue. As a result, members should be prepared for more agitated customers. As service station operators know only too well, motorists often direct their anger at those with the least control, the forecourt staff. In late December, we ran a Facebook competition to draw attention to the different components that make up the pump price. For a chance to win five $100 MTA Gift Cards, people were asked how they thought the price was split between the three main cost components (production, sales margins and taxes).
memberrelated cases
non-memberrelated cases
12-month average
12-month average
12-month average
resolved or closed in month
cases in total
originating from a member call
The campaign reached 5,500 people, with, 1,500 engagements, 630 reactions, comments and shares and 860 post clicks. The social media experts tell me that these statistics are impressive for the modest investment we made in this campaign. I was surprised that around 80 percent of participants were wrong – picking the tax component at just 37.5 percent. Many even said they were surprised by how high this figure was – not realising they were well short of the actual amount (51.8 percent). You can download the diagram above from MTA’s public website ‘Guide to fuel prices’ page and print it out to show to customers. MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
2021 NZ new market summary
2021 NZ new market summary
160,000 140,000 120,000 100,000 80,000
As noted earlier, 2021 was up 38 percent over 2020, which was strongly impacted by Covid-19 lockdowns. Toyota retained its customary top spot and held ground in the market. Mitsubishi stands out on the back of a very strong year - up 95 percent and nearly doubling their market volume. Many of the top 10 brands lost some ground. Brands outside the top 10 that performed well, albeit of a lower base, included: MG up 174 percent, Tesla up 455, LDV up 148, Haval up 174, Great Wall up 226, Peugeot up 78 and Jeep up 64 percent.
Ford Ranger was again the top-selling individual model by a considerable margin.
Micro Passenger
MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
Picanto 286
Arbarth 595 114
Light Pass
Swift 2,832
Jazz 1,540
Yaris 1,157
Small Pass
Corolla 4,776
Ionic 636
Mazda3 612
Medium Pass
Tesla 3 3,271
Camry 738
BMW3 series 211
Large/Upper Pass
Superb 479
Stinger 245
Taycan 93
Carnival 421
VW T6 123
Imax 116
Mustang 338
GR Yaris 118
BMW4 series 82
FCEV 1 Hyundai Nexo.
% CHANGE 2020
Mirage 518
ICE 86 percent, Hybrid 8 percent, EV 4 percent, PHEV 2 percent, FCEV 0 percent.
PHEV 2,486 including 745 Eclipse Cross, 614 Outlander and 273 MGZS.
Drive technology mix
EV 6,914 including 3,272 Tesla 3, 825 Kona and 737 MGZS.
Top three new models by segment - 2021
People Movers
Hybrid 13,799 including 4,597 Toyota RAV4, 1,987 Corolla and 942 Highlander.
Light commercials (utes and vans) maintained their share at 28 percent.
Small SUV
ASX 5,036
Stonic 2,522
Kona 2,354
Medium SUV
Outlander 6,506
RAV4 6,212
CX-5 3,128
Large/Upper SUV 15,482
Santa Fe 1,644
Highlander 1,355
Everest 1,222
Hiace 2,455
iLoad 1,008
Transit 950
Ranger 12,568
Hilux 8,430
Triton 4,963
Fuso 1,077
Isuzu 1,000
Hino 767
8,173 38,463
Heavy Commercial 5,841
The new market supplies 70 percent of commercial vans, 77 percent of SUV volumes and 97 percent of utes. Conversely, the used import market is responsible for 67 percent of sports car volumes, 73 percent of traditional passenger car volumes and 93 percent of people movers.
New vehicle fuel type The third graph provides insights on the changing nature of our new vehicle fuel mix. Petrol and diesel shares are beginning to decline as the share of ‘electrified’ vehicle a collective term covering hybrid, plug-in hybrid and pure EV increases.
30% 20% 10% 0%
The second graph highlights the differences between the new and used import markets. It also provides a better reflection of what we see on our roads. The two sectors supply very different model mixes and, of course, prices.
% Pass
Segments - detail
Top 10 New Vehicle Brands - 2021
Brand performance
The SUV segment increased slightly, taking a larger share (51 percent) of the combined new vehicle market.
Heavy commercials (trucks) were stable at a 4 percent share.
New Vehicle Market - Segment Share
Traditional passenger cars again lost ground, moving down to 17 percent of the market.
New Vehicle Market - Segment Share
New segmentation percentage market share
Overall there were 165,575 new vehicle registrations in 2021, up 38 percent on 2020. The 112,217 new passenger/SUV registrations pushed the market up 39 percent on 2020. There were 53,358 new commercial registrations, up 38 percent on 2020. Arrival volumes of 16,935 units in December were above the sales rate, resulting in a net 4,840 unit increase in stock levels. Many of those will likely be registered in January. Across a rolling 12 month-period, estimated stock levels are in positive territory, but supply remains very tight with long wait lists for some popular models.
New Vehicle Market Passenger and Commercial 2007-2021
New vehicles
Tony Everett 04 381 8827
New vs Used Import Vehicle Segmentation New v Used Import Vehicle Segmentation 2021
(Used import figures are estimates) 50000 45000
Used Import
30000 25000 20000 15000
10000 5000 0
Motive Power New - New Light Vehicle Percentage Share Light Vehicle - Electrified Technologies % Share
10.0% 9.0%
8.0% 7.0%
Amongst the ‘electrified’ vehicles, Hybrid is the largest sector with just under a 9 percent share, followed by EV with just over 4 percent and PHEV under 2 percent.
The numbers are still small but are expected to accelerate as the Government incentive and penalty schemes under the Clean Car Discount Programme come into play.
5.0% 4.0% 3.0%
1.0% 0.0%
MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
The top five models comprised four small/ medium sized cars and one SUV. Other models that performed noticeably better in 2021 included: Prius up 22 percent, X-Trail up 76, Golf up 40, CX-5 up 89, Vanguard up 60, BMW series3 up 40, MarkX up 60, BMW 1 series up 35 and Forester up 35 percent.
Top 10 Used Import Models - 2021
% Chg
Toyota Aqua
Mazda Axela
Toyota Prius
Nissan X-Trail
Honda Fit
Mitsubishi Outlander
Mazda CX-5
Subaru Impreza
Subaru Legacy
ICE 77 percent, Hybrid 19 percent, EV 2 percent and PHEV 1 percent
Hybrid 25,045 including 8,854 Aqua, 4,384 Prius and 2,589 Fit. EV 2,805 including 2,486 Leaf, 47 Tesla Model S and 29 BMW i3. PHEV 1,086 including 587 Outlander, 248 Prius and 51 BMW 330E.
Toyota Aqua.
% Chg
Drive technology mix
Top 10 Motorcycle Registrations by Brand in 2021 2021
Volkswagen Golf
MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
Honda was up 44 percent, Royal Enfield up 67 and Ducati up 68 percent - these were the standout performers.
Most of the major brands did well in the robust market, although there were some obvious exceptions due to supply shortages.
Toyota Aqua volumes were up 73 percent and took out the market leadership by a comfortable margin.
Suzuki again secured first place with an increase in market position.
Model performance
Brand performance
Across a rolling 12-month period, estimated stock levels appear to be in a strong position with arrival volumes exceeding sales numbers by almost 9,000 units.
Used import arrival volumes of 11,425 units in December were 618 units above the sales result, resulting in a small net increase in hypothetical inventory levels.
Overall, the combined new and used import road market was 12,300 units up 10 percent for the year.
Used import passenger registrations totalled 121,897, up 8 percent.
Also there were 2,039 used import motorcycle registrations, down 14 percent.
There were 128,876 used import passenger registrations in 2021, which represents a 5 percent increase on 2020.
New Motorcycle Registrations 2007-2021
There were 10,261 new motorcycle registrations in 2021, up 16 percent on 2020.
Used Import Market - Passenger and Commercial 2006-2021
Used import vehicles
2021 NZ used market summary
The Harley Davidson Softail was the top-selling new motorcycle in 2021.
429 362 359 235 204 179 160 157 152 141 137 134 134 132 125
Territory sales data can be accessed via the market information provided on the MTA website/toolbox: dealer/facts-and-statistics/
MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
Member Classifieds Situations vacant Mechanic – Kumeu, Rodney
Small busy workshop looking for a mechanic with recognised qualification in the automotive industry or acceptable time served. WoF authority a bonus. Great communication skills and ability to work under pressure essential. Email Mike:
Automotive Technician - Auckland
Giltrap Nissan (Auckland) part of the Giltrap Group is seeking a Qualified Auto Technician with fulltime WoF Inspector certificate. We offer a wellequipped workshop along with continuous and ongoing training. To apply, please email your CV to Javed at:
Motorcycle technician – Tauranga
Bayride Motorcycles is on the hunt for an experienced mechanic, WoF authority preferred. We service Aprilia, Triumph and Yamaha motorcycles. Contact 027 348 4792.
Mechanic – Tauranga
Bridgestone is looking for a qualified mechanic with WoF. Responsible for providing in-store mechanical services and recognising sales opportunities. You'll get a $2,500 sign-on bonus, full training, a competitive hourly rate, Monday- Friday work week, health benefits, and staff discount on purchases. Email: Phone: 09 589 4292.
Automotive technician – Fairlie
We are seeking a technician for McKenzie Country Motors in Fairlie. We provide oscilloscope training and fund a WoF qualification for a suitable applicant. Flexible hours available. Email Brett at,
Motorcycle technician – Auckland Takapuna
Qualified technician required for busy Service department. Great team with a new well-equipped Service department. A WoF authority is preferred but not essential. Contact Sandra –
Mechanic – Woodville
We’re looking for a qualified mechanic to join our busy country workshop. Focused on friendly service, we cover diagnostics to engineering. WoF certification beneficial but not essential. Phone: 06 376 5239.
Mechanic / WoF inspector – Kaikohe
Looking for a qualified automotive technician with WoF authority to issue WoFs, servicing and mechanical repairs. Clean New Zealand driver licence. Phone Richard 09 401 0155 or email CV to
Automotive technician – Northland
Busy workshop looking for an Automotive Technician preferably with WoF authority. Contact Luke on 021 111 5683.
Automotive technician - Otaki
We are seeking an experienced and highly motivated Automotive Technician/Mechanic to join our workshop. You will have experience in all areas of Automotive mechanical repairs, diagnostics, servicing and repairs of cars, light commercial vehicles and trailers. WoF and trade certified is an advantage. Forward your CV to:
Automotive technician – Mount Roskill
Talented technician wanted to join our team. Purpose built workshop, great environment and team culture. Call Danica - 0274 746 598.
Automotive technician – Whitianga
Qualified with current WoF authority. We service all makes and models. Please email Chris - with your CV.
Diesel mechanic – Wyndham
Enthusiastic diesel injection technician with common rail experience to join a thriving rural garage. The business boasts a fully equipped diesel fuel injection facility. Generous package to reflect the experience of the applicant, with a possibility for future investment into the business. Email: or phone 0272 417614
Automotive technician/WoF Inspector – Te Aroha Immediate start. Qualified or equivalent experience and WoF authority required. Excellent working conditions. Please email CV to: or call Garth on 021 511 911.
Diesel mechanics – Taranaki
We require qualified diesel mechanics at our New Plymouth, Hawera and Bell Block dealerships. Email:
MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
Automotive technician – Palmerston North
Robertson Prestige has a proud, long-standing history here in the Manawatu and we strive to deliver exceptional customer experiences. We are currently looking for another qualified technician to join our great team. Competitive rates apply. For more information contact.
Automotive technician – Whanganui
We require a full time qualified automotive technician.The successful applicant needs to hold a full driver’s licence, have excellent diagnostic skills, time management and be a team player. A full job description is available upon emailing:
Mechanic – Taupo area
Qualified mechanic required for busy workshop. Must be able to work unsupervised. A WoF authority is preferred but not essential. Great team with new, well-equipped workshop. Contact Heather on 027 244 2331.
Motorcycle technician– Nelson
We require a qualified technician to work us in our well-established Honda dealership. The successful applicant will need to be honest and hardworking, have a clean driver’s licence, attention to detail and the ability to work with our existing staff of nine. Contact Ian on 027 221 9162.
Mechanic – West Auckland
Looking for a knowledgeable and experienced mechanic, punctual and reliable. Must have FULL NZDL, recognised qualification in the automotive industry or acceptable time served. Phone Sam on 021 055 3899.
Email classifieds to: Automotive Technician - Thames
Includes a variety of work as we are an authorised Nissan Service/ Parts centre and AA licenced repairer. We pride ourselves on top quality work and customer service, performing repairs, servicing, diagnostic’s, tuning and WoF’s on all makes and models. Must be well presented with excellent communication skills. A full NZ drivers licence and an AVI to do WoF's an advantage. Email: or phone Shane: 027 6874001
Automotive mechanic/technician – Manukau City We are a busy workshop who prides themselves on quality workmanship and customer service. Needs to be able to work unsupervised, have good diagnostic skills and be able to work on a wide range of vehicles and a good command of English and a full driver licence with NZ residency or a valid work visa. Email: or phone: 09 262 1271.
Automotive technician – Motueka, Nelson
Seeking an experienced person to carry out vehicle repairs and servicing on all makes and models. Ideally will have: • WoF ticket (or able to get one) • NZ or equivalent automotive qualifications or proven experience. • Full drivers licence. Accommodation and vehicle can be offered short-term if needing assistance with relocation. Send your C.V to: New Zealand residency required or a valid New Zealand work visa.
Automotive technician – Waipukurau
Automotive technician – Kaiapoi
Ideally the applicant will be a qualified diesel or petrol mechanic with the ability to work on a wide range of heavy vehicles from general servicing to diagnostics and repairs. Must be able to work within a small team. Please apply with CV to Vaughan on 0274 219800 or 06 858 9935. email:
Service department coordinator – Hamilton
Mechanic – Wellington
A busy general repair workshop looking for an experienced technician, with a current WoF certificate. Contact Jason on 027 918 8685. Road and Sport Motorcycles are seeking a highly motivated person who has an interest in serving Harley-Davidson customers. You must have the ability to co-lead, motivate and support a team of trained HarleyDavidson technicians. Monday-Friday and every second Saturday. Email CV to:
We are seeking a qualified mechanic with WoF authority, that can complete service's WoF's and WoF repairs. Needs to have a New Zealand Licence. Please call Ben on 04 384 3168 or 027 451 9893 or Email CV to -
Auto Electrician - Gisborne
We are the South Canterbury Honda service centre, after hours AA roadside contractor and carry out salvaging throughout the district. The successful applicant needs to hold a full driver’s licence, have excellent diagnostic skills, time management and be a team player. Call Alan on 027 228 9584 or email
Gisborne Autoelectrics currently have an exciting opportunity for a qualified auto electrician or apprentice. We specialise in commercial and private motor vehicles. APPLY NOW. We're keen to meet you. Email or Ph 06 868 8012.
WoF Inspector - Fairlie
McKenzie Country Motors is seeking a WoF Inspector to join our busy workshop in Fairlie. We pay competitive rates and can discuss flexible hours if this suits the applicant. To apply, email Brett at
Automotive technician – Havelock North
We require a mechanic with WoF authority, not frightened of being busy and can work on a variety of vehicles. Must be reliable and trustworthy. Email: if interested along with your c.v.
Qualified Motorcycle Mechanic - Whakatane
We are long established Suzuki, Kawasaki and Can Am agents servicing most makes and models. WoF certified and experience with HarleyDavidson’s an advantage but not essential. A full time position with immediate start is available. Monday to Friday 8.00am to 5.00pm and includes rostered Saturday (9am to 12pm), typically 1 in 4 weekends. Applicants should have NZ residency or a valid NZ work visa. A full drivers license is required as well as a motorcycle license or the willingness to sit one. Please email your CV or Post to: Motorcycle Mechanic Vacancy, PO Box 439, Whakatane 3158.
Automotive technician – New Plymouth
We have a great opportunity for a motivated, qualified technician to join our growing team. You will have a full drivers license, be trade and WoF certified or have the ability to obtain. No weekend work is required. Phone: 06 758 3535.
Automotive Technician/Mechanic - Hastings
DC Autocare requires an experienced technician/mechanic to join our team. We operate a small, busy workshop in Hastings working on all makes and models We are Hastings’ VTNZ Certified Repairer. Full NZ drivers licence. NZ or equivalent automotive qualifications (3rd year apprentices will be considered) Ability to work unsupervised. Email CV to or contact Dylan 06 878 8138.
Automotive technician – South Canterbury
Panelbeaters - Auckland
Busy Auckland (Otahuhu) based auto repair specialist is looking to hire: 2 x Experienced Panelbeaters. Successful candidates should demonstrate: solid experience in Automotive Panelbeating, NZQA Level 3 or higher, i-Car Welding Certificate, experience in operating Car-O-Liner chassis machine. We offer: employee discounts, training, tool allowance, career progression, very competitive pay rates. Email:
Automotive technician – Auckland
Busy auto centre is looking for an experienced and qualified mechanic. General service, maintenance and repairs. Diagnose mechanical and electrical faults in passenger and light commercial vehicles. We offer: employee discounts, training, tool allowance, career progression, competitive pay rate and benefits. Email:
Automotive technician – Greymouth
We are the Ford franchise dealer for the West Coast and also the Mazda and Kia service and parts dealer. We require a qualified and experienced tech to join our team. Excellent working conditions, varied work and above-market pay for the right candidate. Please contact Dillan the Service Manager, or 027 900 0064.
Automotive Technician - Hunterville
We are seeking a qualified, motivated person to join our small yet busy workshop at BP2go Hunterville. Must be WoF certified. This is a full-time role, however we will consider applications from part-time WoF inspectors. Remuneration will be reflective of qualifications and experience. We will consider leasing the fully facilitated large workshop space with tools and compliance to start operating. Email:
Automotive technician/WoF – Kirwee
Mechanic with WoF authority wanted. Are you looking for flexible hours? Full-time or Part-time. Busy workshop situated in rural country area 45km west of Christchurch. Phone Vanessa 027 326 3083 or email workshop@
Automotive Technician - Dunedin
Opportunity for a qualified/experienced Automotive Technician/Mechanic to join our friendly team in our busy Dunedin workshop. We work on a wide variety of domestic vehicles. WoF Certified preferred but we would be happy to help you get qualified. Competitive remuneration offered for the right applicant. Contact Garry 0274 545 040 or email
Automotive Technician - Dunedin
Dj Auto is looking for an experienced technician to work along side three young men. The ideal candidate would be adaptable and have a passion for cars or engineering. Position would be 25-40hrs per week. Contact Thomas Laue on 03 4730 068
Parts Assistant - Christchurch
We require an enthusiastic parts assistant for our busy dealership. Preferably you'd need current industry experience or motorcycle knowledge. You will also have a good level of computer savvy too. Email: Phone: 021 872 251.
Businesses for sale Panel Repair Shop - Palmerston North
Well-equipped panel repair shop. Established over 55 years Owner retiring. Chassis machine, measuring system and hoist etc. Loyal customer base. Close to town centre. Phone: Terry 0274 844758.
Automotive Workshop – Auckland Mt Eden
Established 1980. Located Mine Road, Mt Eden Road. 2 x 2 post hoists 1 x 4 post hoist. Tyre bay with tyre and balance machine. WoF site. Just bring your own staff. High quality client base. For more information Email:
Automotive and Mechanical Cable business Wellington Long running, well equipped and stocked business, supplying, manufacturing and repairing a wide variety of mechanical cables. Nationwide client base. For more information please email:
Businesses for lease
Hunterville workspace available
We have a fully facilitated large workshop space available for lease with all necessary tools and compliance to start operating. For further information, email your application to
Garage in Central Hawke’s Bay for lease
Garage Central Cars is a fully equipped 3 bay garage for lease. Comes with a 2 and 4-poster hoist, separate reception office, large tyre bay with tyre machine and balance machine, Mechanics office, storeroom, washroom, and WC. The site has WoF inspection authority. $9,000 worth of stock. With an existing client base. Please call 021 0257 9751.
Services VIRM In-Service Certification Questionnaire pack Training resource for prospective and current VIs. 14 questionnaires, marking and certificate of completion. Contact Fliss, Business Systems Sorted. Phone: 022 151 1243. Email:
QMS and PRS Manual (Administration)
Help and guidance for those working in the WoF Inspecting Organisation space. I provide a pre-assessment check, to get your QMS up-to-date before your next NZTA visit. Happy to take calls from anywhere in the South Island. Acceler8 Automotive Solutions - Phone: Chris Lambie 027 442 0899.
Need some help?
Simple, personalised H&S system, documented policies & procedures, hazsub inventories & office optimisation service - clearing the clutter! Contact Fliss, Business Systems Sorted - 022 151 1243
MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
MTA Auto Exchange
Andrea Andrew WoF Consultant National Service available • PRS, QMS and EVIRM Training Stress-free annual performance assessments• On-site AVI competency assessments (specific areas)
Phone: 021-2777-228
Product Range
Service, brakes, mechanical, suspension & electrical parts for BMW & Mini
quality parts for quality cars
Approved Distributors of:
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All of our parts are of genuine or OEM quality you can trust. We know they work because we fit them in our own workshop. Our staff are committed, experienced & flexible to your needs.
Delivery & Distribution
With branches in Auckland & Christchurch we can offer several cost effective & reliable courier services.
Efficiency Technologies Friction Parts Drive Solutons for Cars
Audi, BMW Mini & VW
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New & Used Parts
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MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
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MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
Region coordinators and chairs
MTA Directors 2021/22
We encourage all members to attend the training courses, professional development opportunities or networking events taking place in their areas. Our region coordinators will let you know what’s on and when. They are also keen to hear your ideas for other training or get-togethers that you’d like to take part in. The region executive committees meet every six weeks or so and all MTA members are more than welcome to attend. The more you get involved, the more you can benefit from membership. Just contact your coordinator or region chair to check the dates of the meetings in your region.
Kaimai Bob Boniface, President
Sturrock Saunders
Tony Allen
Samantha Sharif
Northern region
Jessica Josephson
Rob Wilson
Region Coordinator 022 277 6275
Region Chair 021 268 1781
Eastland Kim Preston
Region Coordinator 027 280 0707
Dan Taylor
Region Chair 022 014 7802
Central West
Annie Van Wyk
Andrew Holtham
Region Coordinator 021 072 6790
Region Chair 027 588 8079
Andrea Andrew
Grant Woolford
Tom Ruddenklau
MTA Regions: assigned MTA Directors
Cook Strait Annie Van Wyk
Chris Dittmer
Region Coordinator 021 072 6790
Region Chair 06 323 4252
Northern: Bob Boniface. Kaimai and Eastland: Tony Allen. Central West and Aoraki East Coast: Andrea Andrew. Jordan Thompson
Cook Strait: Samantha Sharif. Coast to Coast and Southern Mainland: Sturrock Saunders.
Region Coordinator 027 252 8435
Alex Bilton
Region Chair 027 261 6487
Coast to Coast
Welcome new members AA Autocentre Whakatane Automotive Brake & Clutch Centre NP Ltd Carz & Vanz Limited CE Spray Collision Repairs Drive & Go Dealership Hunterville Service Centre MAGG Automotive Ltd Nistech Automobile Solutions Ltd NPD Yaldhurst Pit Stop Tauranga SK Auomotive Service Centre Limited
MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
Whakatane New Plymouth Tauranga Masterton Hamilton Hunterville Auckland Auckland Christchurch Tauranga New Plymouth
Mel Tukapua
Joris Sanders
Region Coordinator 027 682 4191
Southern Mainland
Katrina Garrett
Leslie Baxter
Region Coordinator 021 225 5528
Region Chair 03 208 1234
Region Chair 03 366 3384
Aoraki East Coast
Mel Tukapua
Hamish Miller
Region Coordinator 027 682 4191
Region Chair 021 706 503
MTA Radiator Magazine February 2022
some things are better together Become a VTNZ Certified Repairer
Features • Fast and easy operation with intuitive layout • Compact yet very rugged industrial tablet • Smart online software updates directly on the tablet • 12 and 24 Volt system coverage • Quick system search automatically scans all the vehicles systems • Module programming and coding • Key programming, adas calibration and injector coding • Service indicator reset, pre/post scan reporting • Adaptations, recording and DPF regeneration • J2534 pass-thru supporting J2534 programming and diagnostics • Data log and feedback system • Wired vehicle connection for ultimate reliability • Made in Korea • 2 Yr. free software updates
Specifications • Powerful Octa-core processor with Android 9 OS • 8” Full HD LCD display (1920 x 1200) • Touch screen with 3 hard keys (Power, Volume + & -) • 8 Megapixel auto-focus camera with led flash • Loud speaker, microphone and standard audio jack • Rechargeable 3200 mAh Li-Ion battery • Operating voltage 9 – 30v • Ambient lift, proximity, gyroscope and accelerometer sensors • 3 USB ports (1 x USB 2.0 and 2 x USB 3.0) • RJ45 Ethernet, Wi-Fi 802.11 A/B/G/N and Bluetooth 4.2
Doreen Gibbs
Mayne Automotive, Onehunga
Z5 with OBD-II Adaptor Only
Z5 with Premium Adaptor Kit
Equipment Specialist Contacts: National Sales Manager National Technical & Training Manager
0800 237 726
"Customers are so time-poor these days that if they can come for a local and independent VTNZ WoF, they can then get their repairs done at the same time while they wait in the comfort of our waiting room."
Kevin Odgers
027 279 1204
Bruce Francis
027 494 2802
National Diagnostics Sales Manager
Dean Guilford
027 643 1608
Equipment Spares
Scott Townsend
027 246 3640
Auckland North & Northland
Cameron Pausina
027 475 2224
Auckland East & South
Dave Miller
027 492 8962
Waikato & Bay of Plenty
Tim Marshall
027 282 3966
Lower North Island
Justin Mills
027 494 7186
South Island
Brent Grindley
027 216 9173
Find out more about becoming a VTNZ Certified Repairer. Email
Valid 1-28 February 2022.
Talk to your Rep or Branch Manager today.
*$3,000 (ex GST) and over for Capricorn and $5,000 (ex GST) and over for MARAC and CrediFlex. Offer valid 1-28 February 2022. Excludes clearance and prior quotations, not available in conjunction with any other offer. While stocks last. No rainchecks. Terms and conditions apply.
National Sales Manager
Kevin Odgers
027 279 1204
National Technical & Training Manager
Bruce Francis
027 494 2802
National Diagnostics Sales Manager
Dean Guilford
027 643 1608
Equipment Spares
Scott Townsend
027 246 3640
Auckland North & Northland
Cameron Pausina
027 475 2224
Auckland East & South
Dave Miller
027 492 8962
Waikato & Bay of Plenty
Tim Marshall
027 282 3966
Lower North Island
Justin Mills
027 494 7186
South Island
Brent Grindley
027 216 9173 Contact us today for a competitive quote
0800 237 726
1800 224 581