Radiator - December/January 2021

Page 1

Motor Trade News

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The traffic light system Will it get Auckland moving? End-of-year update on page 24

CE's farewell to members Page 6

Radiator online: mta.org.nz/radiator-magazine

December 2021 /January 2022

Product Code

New Bar Code



Length Width

9313122901645 9313122901652 9313122901669 9313122901676 9313122901683 9313122901690 9313122901706 9313122901713 9313122901720 9313122901737 9313122901744 9313122901751 9313122901768 9313122901775

12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

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12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

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242 277 232 228 233 233 236 236 236 236 196 196 196 196

175 175 171 168 173 173 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128



cts, that e and lian


carbon, Lithion-ion, Absorbed Glass Matt (AGM) separators and other paste additives are all advancements that Exide have considered and incorporated where there are proven benefits.




LM40C 175 600 LM40CP 175 700 203 630 LM40DP 203 630 LM60C 222 650 LM60D 222 650 LM60CP 221 480 221 480 LM60DP 221 LM50C 480 221 480 LM50D 219 400 LM51C 219 400 219 400 LM51D 219 LM55D23C400 LM55D23D 219 350 LMN03

RC 105 130 115 115 120 120 80 80 80 80 65 65 65 65

9313122900839 9313122900853 9313122900877 9313122900976 9313122900983 AH Vent Ledge

12 12 12 12 12 Post

9313122900525 60 TS S&EL 9313122900532 70 TS S&EL 63 TS S&EL 9313122900549 63 TS NL 9313122901782 65 TS SL 9313122901799 65 TS SL 9313122901805 50 TS NL 50 TS NL 9313122901812 50 TS NL 9313122900570 50 TS NL 9313122900587 44 TS NL 9313122900594 44 TS NL 44 TS NL 9313122900600 44 TS 9313122900617 NL 9313122900624 40 TS NL 9313122900969


196 128 60 196 128 219 350 60 40 196 128 219 350 60 40 196 128 219 350 60 40 236 128 221 370 60 40 236 128 221 370 60 40 236 128 221 370 60 40 236 128 221 370 60 40 202 173 225 400 80 50 228 168 208 580 100 60 233 171 203 580 100 60 233 171 208 580 100 60 233 171 203 580 100 60 228 168 203 580 100 60 233 173 222 600 105 60 233 173 222 600 105 60 250 182 175 540 90 50 250 182 175 540 90 50 286 189 192 780 140 75 258 171 203 760 130 70 TP Passenger_V9_FA.indd 214 N2046D 175 Exide175 430 75 50 242 175 175 550 100 55 242 175 175 550 100 55 277 175 175 650 120 66 277 175 175 650 120 66 315 175 175 750 140 80 351 175 175 810 160 90 351 175 175 810 160 90 242 175 190 460 85 55 277 176 190 600 120 70 315 175 190 700 140 80 242 175 190 570 110 65 277 175 190 720 140 80 315 175 190 780 145 85 351 175 190 820 180 100 277 175 190 735 140 80 315 175 190 865 165 95



SMF Cal/Ap9 SMF Cal/Ap9 SMF Cal/Ap9 SMF Cal/Ap9 SMF Cal/Ap9KG Assembly

277 315 351 277 315

175 175 175 175 175

190 190 190 190 190

720 780 820 735 865

140 145 180 140 165

80 85 100 80 95




C (+R) C (+R) C (+R) D (+L) D (+L)

19.7 21.4 24.2 20.5 22.5

CCal/Cal (+R) Maint 14.8 CCal/Cal (+R) Maint 17.0 CCal/Cal (+R) Maint 16.0 D (+L) 16.0 Cal/Cal Maint C (+R) 16.0 Cal/Cal D (+L) Maint 16.0 CCal/Cal (+R) Maint 13.4 D (+L) Maint 13.4 Cal/Cal CCal/Cal (+R) Maint 13.4 D (+L) 13.4 Cal/Cal Maint C (+R) 10.8 CCal/Cal (+R) Maint 10.8 D (+L) Maint 10.8 Cal/Cal D (+L) 10.8 Cal/Cal Maint

196 196 196 236 236 236 236 233 233 233 233 233 233 186

128 128 128 128 128 128 128 171 171 171 171 173 173 170

219 219 219 221 221 221 221 208 203 208 203 222 222 187

290 290 290 290 290 290 290 350 350 430 430 430 430 270

45 45 45 45 45 45 45 70 70 85 85 95 95 80

30 30 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 55 55 55 55 45




C (+R) C (+R) D (+L) C (+R) D (+L) C (+R) D (+L) C (+R) D (+L) C (+R) D (+L) C (+R) D (+L) A

9.3 9.3 9.3 11.7 11.7 11.7 11.7 13.2 13.2 14.7 14.7 15.2 15.2 10.0

Cal/Cal Maint

CCal/Cal (+R) Maint 10.3 JIS C (+R) 10.3 SAE D (+L) 10.3 JIS D (+L) 10.3 SAE C (+R) 12.0 SAE D (+L) 12.0 JIS C (+R) 12.0 JIS D (+L) 12.0 SAE C (+R) 11.0 Exide is 15.6 a power brand DFP Batteries C (+R) D (+L) MPSAEAustralia & New15.6 Zealand DFP C (+R) 15.5 SAE 15.6 811 Australia p:C (+R) 1800 800 SAE D (+L) 15.6 www.exidebatteries.com.au SAE C (+R) 16.2 SAE D (+L) 16.2 SAE C (+R) 13.1 SAE D (+L) 13.1 SAE D (+L) 18.9 DST D (+L) 17.2 SAE C (+R) 12.5 SAE C (+R) 14.8 SAE D (+L) 14.8 SAE C (+R) 17.0 SAE D (+L) 17.0 SAE C (+R) 19.8 SAE C (+R) 21.3 SAE D (+L) 21.3 SAE C (+R) 16.7 SAE C (+R) 19.7 SAE C (+R) 21.4 SAE C (+R) 16.7 SAE C (+R) 19.7 SAE C (+R) 21.4 SAE C (+R) 24.2 SAE D (+L) 20.5 SAE D (+L) 22.5




R STTO THEYNEWOAGEUOF EXIDE! BOOWELCOME are all S for Life E overSit! WITHCustomer B USWeI N Partnership Program FR E E TRAI N I NG!*

Exide have recently introduced two of these latest technologies into its range. Ap9 is a Tin alloy additive to the battery grids which delivers improved mechanical properties, lowers resistance to charge acceptance and reduces grid corrosion rates. Additionally, we have enhanced our plate active material formulation, by including seed crystals to dramatically improve plate adhesion & corrosion resistance – we call this 2xT and use it in our Extreme range of products. Both of these powerful innovations deliver greater performance and longer application life.

Exide Batteries is committed to‘powering your business’through the delivery of an exciting new range packed with new benefits: • Exide Enhanced haspackaging recently introduced two the latest technologies to their • of Extra performance and extreme life range. Ap9 is a Tin alloy additive • to New warranty innovation the battery grids New which delivers and

improved ECONOMY

mechanical properties,

This deliversresistance increased battery sales through the Ultimate Value Battery Program. lowers to charge technologically


9313122900525 9313122900532 9313122900549 9313122901782 9313122901799 9313122901805 9313122901812 9313122900570 9313122900587 9313122900594 9313122900600 9313122900617 9313122900624 9313122900969

12 12

Cal/Cal Maint Cal/Cal Maint

196 196

128 128

219 219

290 290

45 45

30 30



12 Cal/Cal Maint 128 219 290 45 30 CP NL acceptance and reduces grid 196 12 Cal/Cal Maint 236 128 221 CP NL Cal/Cal Maint 236 designed 128 221 CP NL The new next generation has been and 290290290built454545using303030 significant corrosion rates. 1212 package Cal/Cal Maint 236 128 221 CP NL 12 Cal/Cal Maint 236 128 221 290 45 30 CP NL Additionally weresearch have enhanced trade and consumer insights improved technology 12 Cal/Cal Maint and 233the latest 171 208 350 70 40 CP to S&EL 12 Cal/Cal Maint 233 171 203 350 70 40 CP S&EL our plate active material 12 Cal/Cal Maint 233 171 208 430 85 55 CP S&EL provide resellers with an1212easy-to-sell battery range that for your Cal/Cal Maint 233 171 203 delivers 430 85 results 55 CP S&EL formulation, by including seed Cal/Cal Maint 233 173 222 430 95 55 CP SL 12 Cal/Calimprove Maint 233 173 222 430 95 55 CP SL crystals to dramatically business. 6 Cal/Cal Maint 186 170 187 270 80 45 RP EL plate adhesion and corrosion resistance - we call this 2xT and use it in our extreme range of products. Exide Batteries is a power brand of

advanced products, innovative services and systems that will provide superior performance and life.



New Zealand p: 0800 651 611 www.exidebatteries.co.nz

Exide Batteries has a proud Australasian he dating back to 1935 and continues to be a leader through implementation of locally de products specifically for Australian & NZ co They continue to provide leading edge tech delivering the ultimate durability and consi performance, making Exide the right choice Australian and New Zealand automotive ind

08 Recycling 09 Product Range 10 Product Positioning

Exide has designed its range based on a three tier strategy: the good (Exide Economy), the better (Exide Endurance) and the best (Exide Extreme). This tiering strategy is applied across each of our application categories of passenger vehicles, 4WD/light commercial, heavy commercial and some specialty products. Not only does this give Exide stockists range flexibility, but it provides multi-price points for the market you operate in. Scan here

12 Warranty 13 Support 14 Branding

Product Code

15 Promotions 16 Club Rewards 17 Service & Distribution


18 Top 5 Reasons...


• for fitment guide

Modern applications place a heavier demand on the battery’s performance than ever tierinstructions reflects genuine quality, Contents •Each for fitting * Trademark of Exide Australia Pty Ltd. Utilising their specialised research centre, Batteries’ engineers at theandforefront of commissioned a 03performance and life and is backed by before.Exide Exide is at the forefront of theseare changes has recently Exide Global comprehensive carparc researchinreport into genuine OEMand specification requirements, new technology by dynamically reviewing world’s best practice the consideration Power your world 28/04/2014 2:45 am Exide’s manufacturer’s guarantee and 04 resulting in the design of Exide’s leading range, specifically designed forExide theBatteries Australian Australasia delivery of new product design. national warranty support program. Each tier has its own distinctive warranty offer, ranging and New Zealand region. 05 Key Partnerships Exide has recently introduced two newOur technologies into its range. Ap9 is longer a tin life, alloythe number one requirement of 06from 12 months to 42 months, inclusive of the new free bonus warranty gained by balanced power approach is to achieve Awards registering the purchase online. additive to the battery grids, which delivers improved mechanical lowers end users. This has been byproperties, Exide’s innovative extended system. Product Codebacked New Bar Code Volts Technology Lengthwarranty Width Height CCA RC AH Vent Ledge Post Assembly KG 07 Technology resistance to charge acceptance and reduces grid corrosion rates. Additionally, Exide has EXTREME Exide Batteries has a proud Australasian heritage 08 enhanced its plate-active material recipe by including crystals to dramatically improve Recycling HELPING YOUseedWITH dating back to 1935 and continues to be a market 09 plate adhesion and corrosion resistance. This is Exide’s 2xT technology. leader through implementation of locally designed Exide has designed its THE range based on a three tier good, better, Feature Product Range EASY SELL EXIDE APRIL SPREAD:Layout 1 10/4/14 category. 12:10 PM Each Page tier 1 reflects products specifically Australian NZ the conditions. best strategy in each application 10 Registering the customer’s warranty has a for dual benefit& for end user and Exide Both of these powerful Product Positioning Sealed maintenance free product technology Exide has designed its range on which a They continue to provide leading edge• technology Quality which reflect performance and Life,based and is backed stockists. 12 innovations deliver greater C (+R) C (+R) D (+L) C (+R) D (+L) C (+R) D (+L) C (+R) D (+L) C (+R) D (+L) C (+R) D (+L) A

9.3 9.3 9.3 11.7 11.7 11.7 11.7 13.2 13.2 14.7 14.7 15.2 15.2 10.0


9313122901645 9313122901652 9313122901669 9313122901676 9313122901683 9313122901690 9313122901706 9313122901713 9313122901720 9313122901737 9313122901744 9313122901751 9313122901768 9313122901775

12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

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242 277 232 228 233 233 236 236 236 236 196 196 196 196

three tier strategy: good (Exide by our manufacturers guarantee. Asthesuch each tier has its own Economy), the better Endurance)to 42 months, performance and longerwarranty offer distinctive ranging from(Exide 6 months and thewarranty best (Exide Extreme). ENDURANCE inclusive of our new Bonus gainedThis bytiering registering the 196 application life, exactly 40CMF 12 SMF Cal/Ap9 strategy is applied across each9313122900631 of our 40CPMF 9313122900648 12 SMF Cal/Ap9 196 what yourpurchase. customers want 40DMF 9313122900655 12 SMF Cal/Ap9 196 application categories 40DPMF of passenger 9313122900662 12 SMF Cal/Ap9 196 By completing the registration, consumers receive a longer 60CMF 9313122901041 12 FREE SMF Cal/Ap9 236 in a battery. vehicles, 4WD/light heavy 12 60DMFcommercial, 9313122901058 SMF Cal/Ap9 236 60CPMF 9313122901065 12 of life" SMF Cal/Ap9 236 warranty term. When the battery comes to the "end (based 9313122901072 SMF Cal/Ap9 236 commercial and 60DPMF some specialty products. 12 50D20LMF 9313122900693 12 SMF Cal/Ap9 202 on averages) the consumer will receive an stockists alert to avoid an 52CMF 12 SMF Cal/Ap9 228 Not only does this give Exide 9313122900709 52DMF 9313122900716 12 SMF Cal/Ap9 233 unnecessary breakdown in the future. 9313122900723 SMF Cal/Ap9 233 range flexibility, 53CMF but it provides multi-price 1212 54CMF 9313122900730 Cal/Ap9 233 The purchase information sooperate that when12 SMF 54DMF you 9313122900747 SMF Cal/Ap9 228 pointsisforcaptured the market in. 55D23CMF 9313122900754 12 SMF Cal/Ap9 233 Scan here

175 175 171 168 173 173 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128

175 175 203 203 222 222 221 221 221 221 219 219 219 219

600 700 630 630 650 650 480 480 480 480 400 400 400 400


105 60 130 70 115 63 115 63 120 65 120 65 80 50 80 50 80 50 80 50 65 44 Warranty 65 44 65 1344 65 Support44




C (+R) C (+R) C (+R) D (+L) C (+R) D (+L) C (+R) D (+L) C (+R) D (+L) C (+R) C (+R) D (+L) D (+L)

14.8 17.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 13.4 13.4 13.4 13.4 10.8 10.8 10.8 10.8

128 219 350 128 219 350 128 219 350 60 40 TS 128 219 350 60 1540 TS 128 221 370 Promotions 60 40 TS 128 221 370 60 40 TS 128 221 370 60 1640 TS Club Rewards 128 221 370 60 40 TS 173 225 400 80 50 TS 17 168 208 580 100 60 TS & Distribution 171 203Service 580 100 60 TS 171 208 580 100 60 TS 18 171 203 580 100 60 TS Top 5 Reasons... 168 203 580 100 60 TS 173 222 600 105 60 TS 222 600 105 60 TS 2173 182 175 540 90 50 TS of Australia 182Exide 175 540 Pty90Ltd. 50 TS 189 192 780 140 75 TS 171 203 760 130 70 TS 175 175 430 75 50 TS 28/04/2014 2:45 am 175 175 550 100 55 TS 175 175 550 100 55 TS 175 175 650 120 66 TS 175 175 650 120 66 TS 175 175 750 140 80 TS 175 175 810 160 90 TS 175 175 810 160 90 TS 175 190 460 85 55 TS 176 190 600 120 70 TS 175 190 700 140 80 TS 175 190 570 110 65 TS 175 190 720 140 80 TS 175 190 780 145 85 TS 175 190 820 180 100 TS 175 190 735 140 80 TS 175 190 865 165 95 TS



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10.3 10.3 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 11.0 15.6 15.6 15.5 15.6 15.6 16.2 16.2 13.1 13.1 18.9 17.2 12.5 14.8 14.8 17.0 17.0 19.8 21.3 21.3 16.7 19.7 21.4 16.7 19.7 21.4 24.2 20.5 22.5



C (+R) C (+R) D (+L) C (+R) D (+L) C (+R) D (+L) C (+R) D (+L) C (+R) D (+L) C (+R) D (+L) A

9.3 9.3 9.3 11.7 11.7 11.7 11.7 13.2 13.2 14.7 14.7 15.2 15.2 10.0

New Bar Code


EXTREME This is backed by their vast network of sale12 XDIN55MF 9313122901645 XDIN66MF 9313122901652 distribution and collection facilities providi1212 X56CMF 9313122901669 X56DMF 9313122901676 12 security to their customers. X55D23CMF 9313122901683 12

delivering the ultimate durability and•consistency in Exceeds original equipment specifications performance, making choice for the Extended warranty is easy to complete andExide you the canright either register • Ap9 Additive Australian and New Zealand automotive industry. for consumer atCC (+R) point10.3 of sale, or leave it up to them.A D V E RT O R I A L 60 14 40 your TS NL SAE (+R) 10.3 Branding 60 40 TS NL JIS • 2xT This is backed by their vast network of sales,additive





9313122901713 9313122901720 9313122901737 9313122901744 9313122901751 9313122901768 9313122901775

12 12 12 12 12 12 12


9313122901065 9313122901072

12 12

9313122900921 9313122900938 9313122900945 9313122900952 9313122560651 9313122560675 9313122560934 9313122900778 9313122900839 9313122900853 9313122900877 9313122900976 9313122900983

12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

12:10 PM9313122901706 Page 1 12

Exide Batteries prides itself on designing a manufacturing a comprehensive range of p built using its vast ENDURANCE knowledge 9313122900631 base and exp 40CMF 12 9313122900648 obtained with over 40CPMF 60 years of partnering 121212w 40DMF 9313122900655 40DPMF 9313122900662 60CMF 9313122901041 OEM customers both locally and overseas.1212 60DMF 9313122901058 *

50D20LMF 12 Exide Batteries is also focused9313122900693 on protectin 52CMF 9313122900709 12 52DMF 9313122900716 12 environment. Supported by their own recyc 53CMF 9313122900723 12 54CMF 9313122900730 12 54DMF materials 9313122900747 12 plant which generates from used 55D23CMF 9313122900754 12 55D23DMF 9313122900761 12 acid batteries, Mother Nature 9313122900785 is front of mi 58CMF 12 9313122900792 From the cradle on,58DMF approximately 80 perc1212 65DMF 9313122900822 78DT-60MF 9313122900860 12 9313122900884 12 Exide products are DIN44MF manufactured using rec DIN55MF 9313122900891 12 Benefit DIN55DMF 9313122900907 12 materials. DIN66MF 9313122900914 12 DIN66DMF • Safe and no maintenance required DIN77MF DIN88MF DIN88DMF 55H 66H 77H 55HMF 66HMF 77HMF 88HMF DIN70MF DIN90MF

• Better performance, better durability • Provides longer battery life

• Increased performance and life expectancy

distribution and collection facilities providing Your customer receives their free warranty • Total balanced performance • Extreme durability under all conditions ECONOMY extension to their base security to their customers. LM40C of mind 9313122900525 12 • Up to 42 month warranty available • Provides increased value and peace LM40CP 9313122900532 12 LM40DP 9313122900549 12 warranty term providing • Integrated carry handle • Allows for easy installation and handling LM60C 9313122901782 12 Exide Batteries prides itself on designing and 2XT paste additive for longer life LM60D 9313122901799 12 extra peace of mind, an LM60CP 9313122901805 12 bsorbed Glass MP Australia & New Zealand manufacturing a comprehensive range of products, LM60DP 9313122901812 12 New and s and other paste additional customer LM50C 9313122900570 12 Australia p: 1800 800 811 New Zealand p: 0800 651 611 applications place a heavier demand on the battery’s performance than ever cements that Contents the "end of life" alert is• dispatched built using its vast knowledge base andModern experience, LM50D 9313122900587 12 www.exidebatteries.com.au www.exidebatteries.co.nz for fitment guide Four reasons to partner with Exide: LM51C 9313122900594 12 d and incorporated Each tier reflects genuine quality, incentive. The data record is before. Exide is at the forefront of these changes and has recently commissioned a technologically • for fitting instructions * Trademark • Best in class specifications outperforming to the customer obtained with over 60 years of partnering with our LM51D 9313122900600 12 03 Utilising their specialised research centre, Exide Batteries’ engineers are at the forefront of n benefits. LM55D23C 9313122900617 12 Exide Global performance and life and is backed by comprehensive carparc research report into genuine OEM specification requirements, then used to direct the OEM customers both locally and overseas. we refer it back LM55D23D 9313122900624 12 1 Exide credentials competitors in most instances • Competitive pricing with added value new technology by dynamically reviewing world’s best practice in the consideration and Exide Versus Competitiors: JIS Example roduced two of advanced products, 04 LMN03 9313122900969 6 Exide’s manufacturer’s guarantee and resulting in the design of Exide’s leading range, specifically designed forExide theBatteries Australian Australasia es into its range. We are all over it! you the dealer customer back to your store Consumers delivery of new productindustry design. • Technology options to suittoany business and • Club rewards program rewarding youitsand your • Sincethe1935, led the battery Exide We Batteries is also focused on it! protecting theZealand region. national warranty support program. Each tier has own distinctive warranty offer, ranging Exide Batteries is committed to‘powering your business’through deliveryExide of has tive to the battery and New are all over 05 for the opportunity innovativeapplication services mproved mechanical Key Partnerships before the battery life is due to staff environment. Supported by their own recycling receive from 12 months to 42 months, inclusive of the new free bonus warranty gained by a FREE Exide knowledge has recently introduced two new technologies into its range. Ap9 is ato tin gain alloy repeat products, programs, and an exciting new range packed with new benefits: stance to charge Our balanced power approach is to achieve longer life, the number one requirement of 06 We are all over it!with plant which generates materials from used lead registering the purchase online. expire. Stockists or customers additive to the battery grids, which delivers improved mechanical properties, lowers and systems that es grid corrosion • A comprehensive product portfolio that is Awards know-how Exid longer warranty business. carbon, Lithion-ion, Absorbed Glass has developed new and Enhanced endmind. users. This hasLithion-ion, been backed by Exide’s have enhanced Exide• Exide carbon, Absorbed Glassinnovative extended warranty system. Exide hasMother developed new is and haspackaging recently introduced two Nature front of MP resistance to charge acceptance and reducesdesigned grid corrosion Exide has and long life 4 Support that surpasses expectation 07 can easily register by acid batteries, andrates. builtAdditionally, for performance al formulation, by technologically Matt (AGM) is separators andQuality other paste advanced products, • Exide ISO9001 andPartnership ISO14001 Matt (AGM) separators and other paste technologically advanced products, of Extra the latest technologies to their Technology will provide superior • performance and extreme life Aus term providing From the cradle on, approximately 80 percent of Program enhanced its plate-active material recipe by including seed crystals to dramatically improve s to dramatically innovative additives are all advancements that innovative services and systems that additives are all advancements that services systems that range. Ap9 isand a Tin alloy additive ww Exide Batte CUSTOMER FORonline LIFEtraining PROGRAM • Industry leading system for you •ThisAishighly respected and recognised brand scanning the QR code Exide will 08 Environmental accredited n & corrosion • to New warranty products manufactured using recycled ExideYOU have considered and incorporated provideare superior performance and plate adhesion and corrosion resistance. Exide’s 2xT technology. Recycling thesuperior batteryinnovation grids New which and delivers Exide have considered and incorporated will provide performance HELPING WITH Exide has designed its range based on a three tier good, better, Feature Benefit extra peace of performance and life. and dating back s 2xT and use it in where there are proven benefits. life to our customers and Australian and your staff with certification with their smartphone or improved mechanical properties, • Essential of OEMbest design backedin by where there are foundation proven benefits. our customers and Australian materials. 09 strategy each application category. Each tier reflects Registering the customer’s warranty has a dual benefit for the end user and Exide products. Both of life toThis & New Zealand motorists. leader throu deliversresistance increased battery sales through the Ultimate Value Battery Program. Both of these powerful Product Range THE EASY to charge • Sealed technology • Safe and no maintenance required 3 Customer Program mindfree productgoing Exide SELL have recently introduced two of Zealand motorists. technologically tions deliver greater& Newlowers Quality offering which reflect performance andAssist Life, Growth and which is backed • Industry ECONOMY best fitment guide online and hard copymaintenance to the website stockists. formingintroduced a formidable ExideR&D, have recently two ofproduct acceptance and reduces grid products sp these latest technologies into its range. Our company engineers and research innovations deliver greater 10 er application life. by our manufacturers guarantee. As such each tier has its own • Exceeds original equipment specifications • Better performance,centre betterisdurability The new nextengineers generation package has been designedthese and built using significant Product Positioning latest technologies into its range. Our company research corrosion rates. and advanced products, • Striking merchandise and point-of-sale systems • Access to local laboratory, overseas Exide Batteries is committed to‘powering your business’through the delivery of at the forefront of new technology Ap9 is a Tin alloy additive to the battery address, both printed on Exide has designed its range based on a • isOverseas and localtoR&D facilities Product They contin performance andwith longer distinctive warranty offer ranging from 6 months to 42 months, Extended warranty is easy to complete and you can either register Ap9 a Tin alloy additive the battery centre is at the forefront of new technology Additionally we have enhanced grids which delivers improved mechanical and they dynamically consider, test and 12 • Ap9 Additive • Provides longer battery life trade andinnovative consumer researchservices insights and the latest improved technology to three tier strategy: the good (Exide an exciting new range packed with new benefits: to attract customers to your door manufacturing and recycling facilities delivering t inclusive of our new Bonus warranty gained by registering the application life, exactly Warranty the battery labels. A diagnostics available to resellers properties, lowers resistance to charge verify the vast range of opportunities ourdynamically plate activeconsider, materialtest and gridsAssist which delivers improved mechanical and they for your consumer at point of sale, or leave it up to them. We are all over it! • 2xT additive • Increased performance and life expectancy resellers with an easy-to-sell battery range that delivers results forresistance your in new product design. The traditional acceptance and reduces grid corrosion Economy), the better (Exide Endurance) formulation, by seed 13 performanc what yourpurchase. customers want properties, lowers to charge verifyprovide the vast range of including opportunities • Multiple quality levels of range backed by an • Regular and comprehensive customer care call 7 whole lot of value for one minute of your time. and systems that Support • Enhanced packaging Additionally, we have enhanced lead acid battery technology remains crystals dramatically improve Exide has recently introduced two Your customer receives their free warranty By completing the registration, consumers receive a FREE longer acceptance and reduces gridincorrosion in new product to design. The traditional and the bestrates. (Exide Extreme). This tiering • Total balanced performance • Extreme durability under all conditions business. Australian a a battery. 2 Exide Brand & Products our plate active material formulation, by the foundation of most batteries, and innovative warranty program cycles 14 their plate adhesion and corrosion the latest technologies to • of Extra performance and extreme life rates. Additionally, we have enhanced warranty term. When the battery comes to the "end of life" (based lead acid battery technology remains will provide superior extension to their base Branding strategy is applied each oftoour includingacross seed crystals dramatically for pound” is mind the most proven • Up to 42 month warranty available • Provides increased “pound value and peace of resistance - we call this 2xT and range. Ap9 is a Tin alloy additive This is back on averages) alert tothat avoid an the customer for our active by the foundation of most batteries, and • plate A suite ofmaterial genuineformulation, specification products tothe consumer • will Freereceive bonus an warranty alerts • Specialist channel programs that customise reliable and cost effective power source. plate 15 • to New warranty term providing use it in our extreme range oflife. application improve categories of adhesion passenger& corrosion thewarranty batteryinnovation grids New which delivers performance • Integrated carry handle • Allows for easy installation andfuture handling distribution Promotions and including seed crystals to dramaticallyunnecessary breakdown in the future. “pound for pound” is the mostand proven Power your by calling Battery innovation is fundamentally basedExide resistance – we call this 2xT and use it in products. match a massive&range of applications replacement and drives repeat business to you improved mechanical properties, extra battery peace of programs mind, an explicitly for your world vehicles, 4WD/light commercial, heavy Both of on enhancements which are the main our Extreme range of products. improve plate adhesion*Includes corrosion The reliable and cost effective power source. 16 This deliversresistance increased battery sales through the Ultimate Value Batterysecurity Program.to purchase information is captured so that when new and existing apprenticeships lowers to Club charge New and technologically Rewards these powerful innovations deliver greater focus of811 our R&D•departments around additional customer New and are over it! commercial and some specialty products. • A three-tier range that provides entry • Retail brand promotions that deliver customers to • Recycling collection scheme increasing your Battery innovation is fundamentally based resistance – we callproduct this 2xTWe and use itthe inall Australia – 1800 800 New Zealand – 0800 651 611 "end of life" alert is dispatched acceptance Radiator and reduces grid Four reasons to partner with Exide: • Radiator JUNE JUNE 2014 •built 35 the world. Additives such as Tin, Silver, performance and longer application life. 17 on enhancements which are the main our34 Extreme range of products. Both 2014 of incentive. The data record is technologically Not only does this give Exide stockists The new next generation package has been designed and using significant • Best in class specifications outperforming to the customer corrosion rates. Service level selling or up-sell opportunities advanced products, your door revenue stream & Distribution technologically focus1 of Exide our R&D departments around these powerful innovations deliver greater then used to direct the we refer it back Additionally weresearch have enhanced range flexibility, but it provides multi-price credentials competitors in most instances • Competitive pricing with added value Exide Batteries is a power brand of Versus Competitiors: JIS Example Exide trade andinnovative consumer insights18and the latest improved technologyExide to Batte advancedand products, the world. Additives such as Tin, Silver, performance longer application life. carbon, Lithion-ion, Absorbed Glass Exide has developed new and MP Australia & New Zealand Topservices 5 Reasons... our plate active material to you the dealer manufactu customer back to your store Consumers over it! • Technology options to suit any business and points for the market you operate in. • Matt Club rewards program rewarding (AGM) separators and other paste you and your technologically advanced products, • Since 1935, Exide has led the battery industry advanced products, provide resellers with an easy-to-sell battery range that delivers results for your Scan here Australia p: 1800 800 811 New Zealand p: 0800 651 611 formulation, by including seed for the innovativeapplication servicesinnovative services andopportunity systems that additives built using before the battery life is due to staff are all advancements that www.exidebatteries.com.au www.exidebatteries.co.nz systems that 2 dramatically receive a FREE • for fitment guide with products, programs, knowledge and crystalsand to improve to gain repeat innovative will provide superior performance and Exide have considered and incorporated business. Each tier reflects genuine quality, • for fitting instructions * Trademark of Exide Australia Pty Ltd. services obtained w expire. Stockists or customers and systems that product portfolio that is • A comprehensive plate adhesion and corrosion

ew and ed products, systems that rformance and nd Australian sts.


WELCOME TO THE NEW AGE OF EXIDE! N2046D Exide TP Passenger_V9_FA.indd 1-2

Customer for Life

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196 196 196 236 236 236 236 233 233 233 233 233 233 186

It’s not too late! Hire a MITO apprentice and take advantage of the Government’s Apprenticeship Boost payments. Find out about the subsidies available for first year and second year apprentices at mito.nz/apprenticeshipboost.

life to our customers and Australian where there are proven benefits. longer warranty business. 4 Support that surpasses expectation New for Zealand motorists.and long life can easily register by and&built performance Exide have recently introduced two of will providedesigned superior term providing and systems that latest technologies into training its range.system for you Our company engineers brand and research • these Industry leading online • A highly respected and recognised scanning the QR code peace Exide Batteriesextra is committed to‘powering business’through Tin alloy additive to the battery performance and life.centre is at the forefront of new technology Ap9andis ayour staff with certification withoftheiryour smartphone or the delivery of by and they dynamically consider,will test andprovide grids whichsuperior delivers improved mechanical 3 Customer Assistverify Growth Program exciting range packed with newtobenefits: • properties, Industrylowers best fitment guide online and an hard copy newmind the vast range of opportunities resistance to charge going the website formingintroduced a formidable ExideR&D, have recently two ofproduct offering

Radiator JUNE 2014

N2046D Exide TP Passenger_V9_FA.indd 1-2

2XT paste additive for longer life

290 290 290 290 290 290 290 350 350 430 430 430 430 270

45 45 45 45 45 45 45 70 70 85 85 95 95 80

30 30 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 55 55 55 55 45



w: exidebatteries.co.nz


Customer for Life Partnership Program

CALL 0800 651 611

Ap9 alloy improving corrosion resistance

219 219 219 221 221 221 221 208 203 208 203 222 222 187

Utilising their specialised research centre, Exide Batteries’ engineers are at the forefront of new technology by dynamically reviewing world’s best practice in the consideration and delivery of new product design. Ap9 alloy improving corrosion resistance

We are all over it!

performance and life.

New and technologically advanced products, innovative services and systems that will provide superior performance and life.

128 128 128 128 128 128 128 171 171 171 171 173 173 170

will provide superior performance and life and is backed by resistance - we call this 2xT and OEM custo 28/04/2014 2:45 am Exide’s manufacturer’s guarantee and use it in our extreme range oflife. performance and 2XT paste additive for longer life products. Exide Batte national warranty support program. Each tier has its own distinctive warranty offer, ranging New an environmen from 12 months to 42 months, inclusive of the new free bonus warranty gained by Exide has recently introduced two new technologies into its range. Ap9 is a tin alloy Four reasons to partner with Exide: plant which registering the purchase online. additive to the battery grids, which delivers improved mechanical properties, lowers acceptance and reduces grid corrosion technological • Best in clas • Access to local laboratory, overseas • Enhanced packaging address, both printed on rates. Additionally, we have enhanced Exide has recently introduced two acid batter resistance to charge acceptance and reduces grid corrosion rates. Additionally, Exide has 1 Exide credentials and formulation, recycling facilities thelife ourmanufacturing plate active material by advanced competitors product of Extra the latest technologies tobattery their labels. A • performance and extreme From the c enhanced its plate-active material recipe by including seed crystals to dramatically improve to dramatically We are all over it! • including Regularseed andcrystals comprehensive customer care call Ap9 is a Tin alloy whole • Technology range. additive lot of value for one minute of your time. • Since 1935, Exide has led the battery industry improve plate adhesion & corrosion • to New Exide prod innovative service plate adhesion and corrosion resistance. This isbased Exide’son 2xTa technology. thewarranty batteryinnovation grids New which delivers Exide has designed its range three tier good, better, cycles Feature Benefit application and resistance – we call this 2xT and use it in with products, programs, knowledge and improved mechanical properties, materials. best strategy in each application category. Each tier reflects Registering the customer’s warranty has a dual benefit for the end user and Exide Extreme range of products. Both of customise • ourSpecialist channel programs that and systems tha • A comprehe This deliversresistance increased battery sales through the Ultimate Value Battery Program. Both of these powerful know-how lowers to charge • Sealed maintenance free Glass product technology • Safe and no maintenanc technologically has developed new and carbon, Lithion-ion, Absorbed these powerful innovations deliver greater Quality which reflect performance and Life, and which is backed Power your future by calling Exide stockists. Exide battery programs explicitly for your worldacceptance and reduces grid designed an innovations deliver greater technologically advanced products, Matt (AGM) is separators andQuality other paste performance and longer application life. • Exide ISO9001 and ISO14001 by our manufacturers guarantee. As such each tier has its own will provide superio • Exceeds original equipment specifications • Better performance, bet new next generation has beenAustralia designed and–built using800 significant corrosion rates. package advanced products, • Recycling collection scheme increasingThe your additives are all advancements that innovative services and systems that 1800 811 • New Zealand – 0800 651 611offer ranging from 6 months • A highly res performance and longerwarranty distinctive to 42 months, Environmental accredited Radiator JUNE 2014 • 35 Extended warranty is superior easy to complete andandyou can either register Additionally weresearch have enhanced will provide performance Exide have considered and incorporated • Ap9 Additive • Provides longer battery l trade and consumer insights and the latest improved technology to performance and lif revenue stream inclusive of our new Bonus warranty gained by registering the application life, exactly innovative services • Essential of OEM design backed by our plate active material life to our and Australian where there are foundation proven benefits. for your consumer atcustomers point of sale, or leave it up to them. • 2xT additive • Increased performance a provide resellers with an easy-to-sell battery range that delivers results for your 3 Customer Ass & New Zealand motorists. formulation, by including seed what yourpurchase. customers want formingintroduced a formidable ExideR&D, have recently two ofproduct offering systems that crystalsand to dramatically improve Your customer free warranty By completing the registration, consumers receive a FREE longer balanced • Extreme•durability business. in a battery. Our receives companytheir engineers and research these latest technologies its range. Strikingunder mer •• Total Overseas andperformance localinto R&D facilities with Product plate adhesion and corrosion centre is at the forefront of new technology Ap9 is a Tin alloy additive to the battery warranty term. When the battery comes to the "end of life" (based will provide superior extension to their base • UpAssist to 42 delivers month improved warranty available • Provides increased value to attract cu resistance - we call this 2xT and diagnostics available to resellers grids which mechanical and they dynamically consider, test and on averages) the consumer will receive an alert to avoid an warranty term providing use it in our extreme range properties, lowers resistance verify the vast range of opportunities • easy Multiple qua performance andoflife. 7 • Integrated carry handle to charge • Allows for installati unnecessary breakdown in the future. 2XT paste additive for longer life products. in new product design. The traditional acceptance and reduces grid corrosion extra peace of mind, an 2 Exide Brand & Products innovative w The purchase information is captured so that when lead acid battery technology remains rates. Additionally, we have enhanced New and additional customer the foundation of most batteries, and our active by products to • plate A suite ofmaterial genuineformulation, specification • Free bonus the "end of life" alert is dispatched Four reasons to partner with Exide: including seed crystals to dramatically “pound pound” incentive. The dataforrecord is is the most proven technologically • Best in class specifications outperforming to the customer match a massive range of applications replacement improve plate adhesion & corrosion then used toreliable directand thecost effective power source. we refer it back 1 Exide credentials in most instances • Competitive pricing with added value New Versus Competitiors: JIS Example • AExide three-tier product that • Retail branda resistance – we call this 2xT range and use it in provides entry Battery innovation is fundamentally based advanced competitors products, 34 • Radiator JUNE 2014 to you the dealer customer back to your store on enhancements which are the main our Extreme range of products. Both of Consumers We are all over7it! • Technology options to suit any business and • Club rewards program rewarding you and your • Since 1935, Exide has led the battery industry level selling or up-sell opportunities your door technologic for the opportunity these powerful innovations deliver greater focus of our R&D departments around innovativeapplication services before the battery life is due to staff receive a FREE with products, programs, knowledge and the world. Additives such as Tin, Silver, performance and longer application life. to gain repeat advanced produc expire. Stockists or customers and systems that productbusiness. • A comprehensive portfolio that is know-how longer warranty Exide has developed new and carbon, Lithion-ion, Absorbed Glass 4 Support that surpasses expectation can easily register by and built for performance and long life technologically advanced products, Matt (AGM) is separators andQuality other paste • Exide ISO9001 and ISO14001 will providedesigned superior innovative servi term providing additives are all advancements that innovative services and systems that • Industry leading online training system for you • A highly respected and recognised brand scanning the QR code Environmental accredited will provide superior performance and Exide have considered and incorporated extra peace oftheir smartphone or performance and life. and systems t and your staff with certification with • Essential of OEM design backed by life to our customers and Australian where there are foundation proven benefits. 3 Customer Assist Growth Program & New Zealand motorists. • Industry best fitment guide online and hard copy mind going to the website formingintroduced a formidable will provide supe ExideR&D, have recently two ofproduct offering Our company engineers and research these latest technologies its range. • Striking merchandise and point-of-sale systems • Access to local laboratory, overseas address, both printed on • Overseas and localinto R&D facilities with Product Ap9 is a Tin alloy additive to the battery centre is at the forefront of new technology performance and to attract customers to your door manufacturing and recycling facilities Ap9 alloy improving 2XT paste additive for longer life the battery labels. A corrosion resistance diagnostics available to resellers and they dynamically consider, test and gridsAssist which delivers improved mechanical verify the vast range of opportunities properties, lowers resistance to charge • Multiple quality levels of range backed by an • Regular and comprehensive customer care call 7 whole lot of value for one minute of your time. in new product design. The traditional acceptance and reduces grid corrosion 2 Exide Brand & Products innovative warranty program cycles



carbon, Lithion-ion, Absorbed Glass Matt (AGM) is separators andQuality other paste • Exide ISO9001 and ISO14001 additives are all advancements that Environmental accredited Exide have considered and incorporated • Essential of OEM design backed where there are foundation proven benefits.

WELCOME TO THE NEW AGE OF EXIDE! N2046D Exide TP Passenger_V9_FA.indd 1-2

CALL 0800 651 611


in new product design. The traditional these latest technologies its range. s and research • Striking merchandise and point-of-sale systems • improving Overseas and localinto R&D facilities with Product corrosion 2XT paste additive for longer life lead acid battery technology remains t of new technologyAp9 alloy Ap9 is a Tin alloyresistance additive to the battery to attract customers to yourofdoor the foundation most batteries, and diagnostics available to resellers gridsAssist which delivers improved mechanical onsider, test and “pound for of pound” the mostby proven opportunities properties, lowers resistance to charge • Multiple quality levels rangeisbacked an 7 reliable and cost effective power source. The traditional acceptance and reduces grid corrosion 2 Exide Brand & Products innovative warranty Battery program innovation is fundamentally based rates. Additionally, we have enhanced ology remains on enhancements the mainfor batteries, and our active by products to • plate A suite ofmaterial genuineformulation, specification • Free bonus warranty that alertswhich the are customer focus of our R&D departments around he most proven including seed crystals to dramatically match a massive range of applications replacement and drives repeat business to you the world. Additives such as Tin, Silver, ve power source. improve plate adhesion & corrosion • A three-tier that • Retail brand promotions that deliver customers to ndamentally based resistance – we callproduct this 2xT range and use it in provides entry • range of products. Both of our34 Extreme h are the main level selling or up-sell opportunities your door these powerful innovations deliver greater rtments around ch as Tin, Silver, performance and longer application life.




w: exidebatteries.co.nz




CALL 0800 651 611 w:exidebatteries.co.nz


5 Member Freephone 0800 00 11 44 Phone 04 385 8859 Mediation Helpline 0508 682 633 Stationery 0508 682 682

Radiator Production Editor Peter Woodcock 04 381 8805 - 021 100 2405 peter.woodcock@mta.org.nz Radiator Writer Karlum Lattimore 022 012 1089 karlum.lattimore@mta.org.nz Advertising enquiries Peter Woodcock 021 100 2405 peter.woodcock@mta.org.nz Postal address PO Box 9244, Marion Square, Wellington 6141

Gift Cards 0800 222 882

Physical address Level 12, Nokia House, 13-27 Manners Street, Wellington 6011 E: mta@mta.org.nz W: www.mta.org.nz

Radiator online mta.org.nz/radiator-magazine

Mailhouse Orange Box, Wellington

Printing Vertia, Wellington

Radiator Magazine ISSN 1179-7800

The Motor Trade Association (Inc) (MTA) is not responsible for statements, opinions or factual matters published in Radiator magazine, nor do they necessarily reflect the views of MTA, its Board of Directors or its advisory/ specialty committees, unless expressly so stated, and does not endorse advertisers. Radiator magazine is available free to all members of MTA. Information on products and services contained in the editorial and advertising pages of this magazine is published as a service and no responsibility will be taken for inaccurate information. Radiator magazine does not imply the endorsement of any product or service. The publisher reserves the right to refuse advertising and editorial at any stage. Copyright: No part of Radiator magazine may be reproduced in part or in whole without the written permission of the publisher.

EAP phone 0800 327 669 any time Confidential and free to all MTA members and their families plus your staff and their families.

Most MTA members have sailed through the Covid-19 storm, but the waters are looking pretty choppy for 2022. We have a round-up on the year on page 24.

Select 2 (or 9 for an emergency). Tell them you are an MTA member.

Contents - December 2021/January 2022 Regulars

Fe a t u r e s



Chief Executive’s comment


Advocacy: Industry comes together to clean up


HR sector: Wellbeing


Service station sector: Self-service alert


Repairer sector: Vehicle inspection volumes


Market overview: November figures

C ove r p h o t o

New MTA President: Welcome Bob Boniface





Member profile: TransAg Centre, Palmerston North





End-of-year update: Covid-19 effects on business




LVVTA: A Christmas quiz


Motorcycle review: Harley Davidson Breakout 114


AECS: Saggy Ssanyong

MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022

The traffic light system Will it get Auckland moving?

MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022




Farewell Sadly, this will be my last column for Radiator. As we told you earlier this month, I’m leaving MTA at the end of January for a role with the Police Credit Union, another great NZ member organisation. There are a few things I’d like to say to you before I go. Firstly, thank you. Thank you to you all for making my time as Chief Executive so memorable. I have met many of you over the eight years I’ve been with MTA, and I’ve always thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you for your feedback, your suggestions, your forthright comments – it has never been dull. In fact, it’s been a privilege. The motor industry is a great one. It is at the heart of the country. Literally, it keeps the country moving. That’s because of your work, commitment and passion. I’m very proud to have been a part of it. As we all know, the sector faces considerable challenges and change. As I prepare to leave, I thought I’d share my personal wishlist for the industry in 2022. First, let’s hope the Government eases off the Clean Car Standard. Instead, we’d like the focus to be firmly on influencing consumer demand using the Clean Car Discount and education. The standard has its uses but is out of touch with how the local and international markets operate. Next would be an in-service emission test for vehicles; not every year, but regularly enough to remind motorists that over time their vehicle’s performance will deteriorate. The millions of older cars on our road are a major source of transport emissions – so we need to make sure they are regularly serviced to keep them as environmentally-friendly as possible. Many Kiwi families need help paying for important vehicle maintenance. Those on limited incomes are often unable to afford critical repairs to their cars. Tyres, brakes, suspension are the big issues in a WoF and our surveys show it is the cost that stops some people from carrying out vital maintenance. Let’s see a scrappage scheme that provides real motivation for people to ditch their old cars in favour of a lower emission and safer car.

MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022

We’d also like Government to make permanent the Apprenticeship Boost programme. Employers bring the next generation into our industry and need ongoing, and better support, to do so. Like a lot of other sectors, we’re worried that the Government immigration policies are out of sync with the needs of employers. With such low unemployment, all sectors are crying out for staff of all skill levels and in a huge variety of occupations. MTA members need back-office staff as well as technicians. Current immigration settings are based on shaky policy ideals to lift wages by only allowing immigrants who will be paid high salaries. We need more flexibility on this in 2022. And one last wish – some enlightenment for teachers and school careers counsellors. University is not for everyone. Too often young people have to flunk out of uni before finding their way into a trade they love. So that’s almost it from me. It only remains to thank all the wonderful people I’ve worked with over the years. To thank the Board, for their loyalty and support. And to wish you all a very happy, safe and relaxing Christmas and New Year.

Craig Pomare

Bob Boniface, MTA President, pays tribute On behalf of the Board, I would like to express our appreciation to outgoing Chief Executive, Craig Pomare. Craig is well-known to many of you. I know he’s always enjoyed meeting members and he’s focused 100 percent on members’ behalf. Craig took over at a time when MTA needed a new direction and he can be credited with much of MTA’s success over recent years. As a modest man, he’s always given a lot of credit to his team. But every team needs a leader and Craig has led the team extremely well. It’s a measure of how successful and well-regarded Craig is that he has been head-hunted to lead a larger membership organisation. On Craig’s watch as Chief Executive, MTA created its eight region structure, and allocated staff resources to drive member events and activities, resulting in a five-fold increase in events provided to members. Along with the advocacy team, Craig’s been a strong and effective voice for the motor industry and MTA members, advocating with sector leaders and Government. I can assure members that all the MTA projects and work that is underway and planned will continue without interruption. In the meantime, I’m sure all members will join me in congratulating Craig and wishing him well. MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022




MITO to farewell Chief Executive Janet Lane After 22 years working across the vocational education sector, MITO Chief Executive Janet Lane will leave when MITO transitions to Te Pūkenga Work Based Learning on 1 January 2022. MITO Group Manager Workforce Development Verna Niao has been appointed to the new role of Director to lead MITO through the next stages of the Reform of Vocational Education. Ms Niao says, “I am thrilled to be able to lead MITO at this pivotal time in the Reform of Vocational Education that will see on-job, online and campusbased learning reimagined to further improve educational and workforce outcomes for learners, employers and industry.” Janet Lane, who was made a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit for her services to tertiary education, says she is leaving MITO in great hands. “Having worked with Verna over a number of years, I will

be leaving with the absolute assurance that our learners, employers and industry partners will continue to enjoy the high levels of service, responsiveness and innovation that our stakeholders value. I know that the talented MITO team, with Verna’s leadership, will continue to provide an exceptional contribution to the aspirations of Te Pūkenga.” MITO is the fourth industry training organisation to transition to Te Pūkenga Work Based Learning. The establishment of Te Pūkenga and the integration of New Zealand’s 16 polytechnics, wānanga and industry training organisations is part of the Government’s Reform of Vocational Education.

Moving on with Covid-19 How to manage unvaccinated staff is not something businesses have had to consider in the past. While the vast majority of Kiwis have now had their full Covid-19 vaccination there are a few who have opted not to. Vaccination is not mandatory for businesses in the motor trade. However, individual employers may choose to do a risk assessment to determine which, if any, roles are at heightened risk of infection and, if so, the potential consequences to others (ie vulnerable employees or customers). If there is a risk, you need to decide if there are ways to manage it that are practicable, reasonable and sustainable. For instance, would mask wearing, social distancing, rigorous hygiene measures, improved ventilation, or working from home be possible solutions for your business? If considering only PPE measures, keep in mind that Delta is highly transmissible and PPE is unlikely to be enough. The move into the new Covid Protection Framework (the traffic light system to signal outbreaks and necessary action) and vaccination passes come with new requirements.

MTA position MTA human resources staff are answering a lot of questions from members and we expect this to increase in December and January. The board has sought advice from Government and independent expert Dr Siouxsie Wiles and agreed the organisation endorses the mainstream science.

MTA President Bob Boniface says the board supports following the national health guidelines and has committed MTA to helping members to manage a sustainable business within those guidelines. However, it remains up to individual members to determine how to manage their staff and whether or not they will require vaccination.

My Vaccine Pass If you have determined that all your staff must be vaccinated, you can then ask for everyone coming into your premises to show their My Vaccine Pass. Service stations, like other essential services such as supermarkets, can NOT require people to show their passes. There are links to all the information you will need on the business.govt.nz website, also on WorkSafe and the Covid19. govt.nz website. These sites are continually updated as new measures and information come through.

MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022

MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022


New Zealand news Bridgestone’s new leader Kiwi Heath Barclay has been appointed as the new Managing Director of Bridgestone Australia & New Zealand. Heath started his career with the company as a part-time tyre fitter in Dannevirke in the 1990s but was quickly put on the management fast track. He is the current Sales Director at Bridgestone Australia and takes over the new role in January. "It's no secret that I'm passionate about this company having spent half my life working for Bridgestone. As a business, we have significant plans, and we have a great team to bring them to life and realise our mid/long-term strategy." He replaces current Managing Director Stephen Roche, who is retiring this month.

Auto Super Shoppes is New Zealand’s largest group of Premium Automotive Repairers with over 100 members. Ever wondered why so many great workshops have chosen to band together under the same Auto Super Shoppe banner? The Bendix Ultimate 4WD Brake Upgrade Kit with advanced brake pads and rotors, braided lines and a host of ancillary items is the ultimate brake upgrade for popular 4WD wagons and dual cab utes.

If you think your workshop fits the title of being a Premium Automotive Repairer and would like to know more about the many benefits of belonging to Auto Super Shoppes, talk to us today.

This comprehensive kit includes specially compounded high performance CERAMIC material brake pads for increased stopping power in extreme conditions plus the latest Bendix Ultimate Rotors designed and developed specifically for Australia’s demanding conditions.

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Find solutions for every brake job at www.bendix.co.nz Or freecall the Bendix Brake Advice Centre on 1800 819 666 Bendix is a trademark of Garrett Advancing Motion Inc.

MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022



Welcome, haere mai,

new MTA President Bob Boniface Business guru, guitarist, petrol head: Bob Boniface has many passions. The new MTA President was elected to the Board in 2012 and has served as vice president from 2018 until now. He was appointed chair of both the Finance and Risk, and Investment committees – drawing on his lifetime of corporate leadership to bolster and refocus MTAs investment portfolio. During the 1980s and 1990s, Bob steered dozens of companies to success. “I would go in as CEO or managing director for a year or so and overhaul companies that had lost their way – or needed to be made more efficient or prepared for sale.” His list includes manufacturing, contracting, distribution, service, machinery, construction, heavy plant rental and IT distribution companies. In the mid 1990s he was appointed to James Hardie Building Services to turnaround its $50m in losses. “I changed the nature of the business. The company had 500 engineers with skills in heating, mechanical systems and so on used to working on construction sites. The Building Warrant of Fitness scheme had just been introduced so I turned all those contract engineers into service engineers – retraining them to go into commercial buildings to carry out servicing. They were rough and ready trades people and needed to become more customer focused: to take their shoes off before walking across the carpet and to talk to clients rather than hide from them. After a prolonged negotiation with the Engineers Union, the newly focused group was turned around, moved into the black and sold to Chubb. A good example of maintaining the same technical skills but reinventing a business to meet a changed landscape. This has parallels with the changes and challenges the motor industry is facing for the future.” His next gig was to take the helm of Caspex Corporation, a group of 12 companies including the former NZ Motor Corporation. “We were the MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022

Motorsports Bob reckons he’s owned about 230 cars since he got his driver’s license at 15. He’s been racing in one form or another since his varsity days in Manawatu with his hotted-up Mini, XU1 and a 2002ti. From the mid 1990s he’s been part of the Targa rally circuit and active in the Porsche Club. He’s had some success. “I’ve got about 50 plates on the wall; in horse racing terms, I go all right, ‘weight for age’.” When he was younger, Bob also played the music circuit in Hawke's Bay and Manawatu – but gave that up when he got his first real job at 27. He still pulls his guitar out to play the occasional gig – most recently a guest appearance at the Pig and Whistle in Rotorua. Bob's away!

importers and distributors for Honda motorcycles and outboards, Yanmar marine diesels, Komatsu heavy equipment, Mitsubishi fork trucks, Cessna planes, MD and Schweitzer helicopters, and in Australia, Kymco motorcycles. We retailed through about 40 Honda motorcycle franchise dealerships. Interesting work for a petrol head.” During his 13 years with Caspex, Bob bought his two Auckland Panel and Paint workshops. “Basically, I bought them to be closer to my car and motorsport passion. I always have seven or eight cars rotating around and being fettled I have no favourite brands, types or countries, they are all interesting.”

Dave Harris transferring the presidency to Bob, who had beamed into the AGM from lockdown in Auckland.

MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022


Governance In recent years Bob’s professional interests have become more ‘directorial’. He first became involved with the CRA because he wanted to have some influence on the collision repair industry and moved on to focus on MTA as a broader industry association. He has also been a recent director with the John Deere dealer group (Agroquip) and is currently a director of gas company Rinnai. “Like the motor trade, this is also an industry wrestling with climate change and sustainability.”

MTA role The motor trade has entered a fast-changing era and Bob believes MTA members will have to take a close and strategic look at their future. “Climate change, Covid-19 and technology have reset market dynamics. Things will be fundamentally different in the future. Towies will have to handle EVs and hydrogen, repairers will face increasingly sophisticated

MTA Gift Voucher Redemption Timetable and Updates software, there will be alternative fuels to cope with, increased compliance issues, repairers also need to decide whether their business will be ‘all things to all men’ or specialise and segment.” He says over half the the cars on New Zealand roads are more than 12 years old so the majority can be easily repaired with current technical skills. “But if repairers take on vehicles with all the new technology, they will be incredibly stretched and face a huge shortage of staff with the right skills. Repairers may have to specialise and adjust to a focused business model to suit their resources rather than being ‘all things to all men’. Collision repairers face many of the same issues, with exotic materials we have never handled, new repair techniques, advanced electronics, more demanding insurance company requirements.” Franchises are also facing a major shake-up with the clean car requirements likely to force a reset of the market as brands and dealerships try to adapt supply

to exploit the rapidly-growing opportunity for low or zero emission cars. “The fuel industry may perversely be the slowest to evolve and shift from diesel and petrol to EV and alternate fuels. It will take a long time to lose the older cars in the fleet.” Bob believes MTA’s role is to help members survive, and even thrive, during these shifts in the industry dynamics. It will also be to help members plan their exits, where necessary. “At the sector level, MTA needs to understand all these influences, assemble global knowledge, and point out the impacts. We don’t need to reinvent knowledge; we need tentacles into the sectors and globally, to understand what is happening. We’ve started to do that in the last few years and need to accelerate this work. We are well resourced and can shift resources to where they are most needed, when they are needed – Covid-19 has taught us that.”

Christmas and New Year period timetable.

It is important that you note the following dates for MTA Gift Voucher redemptions. • Vouchers received by 12.00pm Wednesday 15 December paid Monday 20 December. MTA will be closed from 3.00pm Friday 24 December 2021 and will reopen on Wednesday 5 January 2022.

• Vouchers received by 12.00pm Wednesday 22 December paid Friday 24 December • Vouchers received by 12.00pm Friday 7 January paid Wednesday 12 January 2022. • Vouchers received up to Wednesday 12 January paid Monday 17 January 2022.

Normal service resumes from Wednesday, 12 January 2022

HOW TO REDEEM YOUR MTA VOUCHERS 1. Cut off the top left-hand corner of the voucher, as shown below. Those cut incorrectly are unable to be read by our machine. Keep the corner of the voucher as proof you have sent us the vouchers.

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Bob Boniface is a keen boatie. An early yachting claim to fame was the time he got to take over the helm from Sir Peter Blake. Back in 1988 Bob was marketing director at PanelCorp Industries, which helped sponsor Blake and his yacht in the Round Australia Yacht Race. An outing on the water was part of the deal. MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022

3. It is very important the forms are correct as your payment may be delayed while details are checked and confirmed.





4. Send your voucher redemptions via a courier so the parcel can be tracked. Please send to: MTA, Level 12, 13-27 Manners Street, Te Aro, Wellington 6011. 5. Vouchers received at MTA by 12pm on a Wednesday will be paid out the following Monday.

If you have any questions or need to request more redemption forms please email finance@mta.org.nz




Merv and Euan Avery

A friend to farmers Selling tractors is getting trickier – with a 12-month (or more) wait on delivery. So companies like TransAg Centre in Palmerston North are having to order millions of dollars' worth of stock well in advance. Director Euan Avery says he’s trebled their usual spending so that he can get 90 percent of what the company sells onto the site. “But the real elephant in the room is inflation. There are predictions inflation will run as high as 15 percent over the next few years – partly because of the increasing cost of steel, and the shortage of components.” On the bright side, agriculture is doing well so farmers have money to spend on maintaining and buying new equipment. “Last year we actually did about 10 percent

better than the previous year. The shortages this year though, may have an impact,” says Euan.

TransAg staff sell and service

$23 million. Much of the growth has happened within the Palmerston North operation, and after 2014 when TransAg took over another general farm machinery business in Taranaki.

Over the last 35 years, under the leadership of owner Merv Avery (joined in 2004 by his son Euan) the company has grown from a $2 million-dollar turnover to

TransAg holds the Case New Holland tractor franchise for the Wairarapa, Manawatu and Taranaki regions and the father and son have always had to keep one eye on the future. “If you don’t grow, you just get gobbled up by bigger outfits. And as a dealer, if you don’t perform, you will lose your franchise,” says Merv.


tractors and other farm machinery. They also assess fire-damaged machinery for insurance companies and listen sympathetically to stressed-out farmers needing to vent.

MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022

The pressure has recently been compounded by the announcement that Case New Holland Industrial Australia will start selling its tractors directly to New Zealand dealers from July next year – ending its arrangement with its current New Zealand distributor, CB Norwood. “It’s a big capital investment for us,” said Merv. TransAag now needs to build an extension to their Palmerston North premises to hold their own stock of new tractors and about $2 million in spare parts.

lockdowns. “Farmers can’t stop so we can’t stop. We have to service and their equipment as and when it’s required.”

Insurance side income During the GFC (Global Financial Crisis 2008-13), farmers tightened their purse strings, and sales of tractors and other agriculture machinery plummeted. The usual

spring tractor fires during this period inspired TransAg Service Manager Brian Lett to turn disaster into an opportunity. “Birds, particularly starlings, build their nests under tractor bonnets and in other machinery, and can make something quite substantial within an hour or two. The farmer then goes to start up the tractor and it catches fire.”

Covid-19 impact The biggest challenge for 2021

has been keeping up with the demand for parts. While urgent mechanical parts can generally be brought in by air freight within a week or 10 days, glass windscreens or body parts must come by sea. This can take months. Luckily, the rural sector is taking a pragmatic view on the delays. TransAg has five ‘loan’ tractors available for contractors and farmers who are stuck waiting for parts. Euan says TransAg provides an essential service so many of the staff have worked through all the MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022





Merv Avery started out as a heavy diesel mechanic and joined truck and tractor operation Dommet in Palmerston North back in the early 1970s. He, two of his work mates, and a silent partner took over Dommet in 1986 and changed its name to TransAg Ltd. He bought out his remaining partner in 2002 and in 2014 expanded into Taranaki with the purchase of AMT Taranaki. “We used to sell trucks, cars and construction equipment as well as tractors, but for the past 20 years we have just dealt with agricultural machinery.” Life on a farm can be isolated and stressful – particularly in busy seasons. If a tractor breaks down, it can add to the pressure. Merv says he often spends time on the phone listening to farmers who need to vent. “There have been one or two times when I’ve mentioned a particular situation to the Rural Trust people if I’ve been concerned.” The Rural Support Trust is a nationwide support system provided by the farming community for farmers.

Euan started out as a butcher, then turned engineer. He joined his father’s business 16 years ago and is now its Dealer Principal.

Below: Some of the TransAg team in Palmerston North (L-R): Merv Avery, Euan Avery, Lucas Hey, Murray Ireland, Kyle Rowe, Brian Lett, Ronald Cresswell, Amy Cranston, Peter Manderson, Jack Cavanagh, Blair McKay, Bruce Irwin.

Many agriculture contractors and farmers install GPS systems like this one onto their heavy machinery (headers, tractors, trucks). Brian Lett says it's becoming more important to have a precise map of a farm and be able to record and report on exact fertiliser applications. “This will become more important once nitrate levels are more strictly regulated.” The GPS also keeps the driver on a straight line, so there is no overlap when drilling in seed or cultivating.

Insurance Brian says TransAg began building up its insurance work during the GFC – offering free storage for charred farm machinery, carrying out the appraisal, arranging repairs or transport. “We’ve built it into a steady income stream,” he adds. They also regularly run a prevention campaign 'Stop and Pop' (the bonnet) – to remind farmers to check for nests – particularly in spring.

Bring the VIRM up to date Brian has also initiated a group to advise Waka Kotahi NZTA on updating its in-service WoF and CoF certification for tractors. As part of this, a few months ago he brought together Waka Kotahi officials, police, heavy vehicle technicians and various rural operators to see the inspection process, and discuss some of the issues and the rules around driving these heavy vehicles on the roads.

MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022

“It’s the first working group in many years that has come together to advise on heavy vehicles and Waka Kotahi is interested in our advice.” He says some of the big steps forward in technology are not reflected in the current inspection process. “For example, there is no odometer on most tractors, instead it's their hours of use that is recorded. Modern braking, glazing, seat belts, and suspensions are also all different from what is required in the VIRM.”

MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022



Fuel economy testing standard is changing New Zealand is joining a global shift to a newer international vehicle fuel economy testing standard – the Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicles Testing Procedure (WLTP). WLTP replaces the longstanding NEDC (New European Driving Cycle) and similar testing standards which are widely considered to be out of date and inconsistent with real-life driving. The WLTP is a worldwide standard for testing fuel economy, CO2 emissions and electric vehicle (EV) range of passenger and light commercial vehicles. It is a standardised laboratory test based on real driving data and a modified test cycle with stricter specifications to provide a more robust basis for calculating vehicle fuel consumption and EV range.

The company employs 34 people in its main branch in Palmerston North and its smaller operations in Hawera and New Plymouth. The technicians operate in two field teams (one in Manawatu and one in Taranaki) to maintain and service machinery out on the farm and also staff the workshops that repair everything from tractors to lawnmowers and chainsaws. Service Technician Richard McKay (above) is one of the team who enjoys travelling the Manawatu back roads to reach farmers whose machinery needs anything from an oil change to a replacement part.

WLTP testing better reflects actual driving conditions to allow consumers to directly compare the emissions and fuel consumption of different vehicle makes and models. While WLTP provides more realistic data, it does not necessarily represent the actual fuel economy an individual driver will achieve.

What motor vehicle traders need to know: From 1 December 2021, when you generate a new Vehicle Fuel Economy label (VFEL) or information for online listings, the fuel economy shown will have been standardised to WLTP. There will be no change to the VFEL except for the addition of a text box at the top of the label to identify that the data has been standardised to WLTP (WLTP Values standardised to Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicles Test Procedure).

You must display the fuel economy label on vehicles for sale or as written text alongside vehicle listings for online sales if the information is available. On some online sales websites the fuel economy information is automatically generated. But you need to make sure you enter the correct details of the vehicle you are listing. The EECA website has more information about the change to WLTP and the Vehicle Fuel Economy Labelling programme at eeca.govt.nz/vfel.

What consumers need to know:

Administration Manager Lyn Morrison has been with TransAg since it was formed in 1986 – transferring over with ownership. “When I started here, I had never used a computer.” Now she is the SAM and Orion software go-to expert and is the business’s only administration support staff. “I reconcile all the accounts and manage all the paperwork.” While she does expect to retire “one day”, Lyn says she enjoys the job and her colleagues. “It’s a family business and I know everyone’s wives and daughters; it’s a bit like home.”

MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022

Because the WLTP laboratory testing better represents real-life driving conditions, fuel consumption may appear higher, and EV range lower, than under the old standard which typically overstated figures. The vehicle’s performance hasn’t changed, just the way fuel economy is measured is more realistic. Actual fuel economy may vary due many factors including individual driving styles, traffic and weather conditions, vehicle loading, vehicle maintenance and tyre pressures.

How do you display vehicle fuel economy labels on the yard and information online?

Service Technician ‘Possum’ McLean works on an engine held on the portable transmission stand.

It’s easy. To get fuel economy information for the vehicle you are selling, just go to the label generator on EECA’s website (https://resources. fuelsaver.govt.nz/label-generator/) and follow the instructions. MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022



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The pandemic - two years in Karlum Lattimore

Most MTA members are weathering the Covid-19 storm, sailing through with little or no damage. The new car market has been spectacularly buoyant – up almost 40 percent on last year and ahead of pre-pandemic 2019 sales. However, there are some businesses that barely have their heads above water, and a few have pulled the plug. MTA Chief Executive Craig Pomare says, “For Auckland and many Waikato members, the recent months of quarantine restrictions have been tough mentally as well as financially. We have been lucky that the New Zealand economy has remained relatively resilient - thanks largely to our strong agriculture sector and the unprecedented billions of dollars the Government has paid out to keep businesses afloat.” He says economic forecasts for next year suggest the waters will be choppy. “We are expecting inflation, less discretionary spending as mortgages increase, and the introduction of the penalty fee for high CO2 emitting vehicles. All this is likely to have a noticeable effect on the new car market particularly. But all members are likely to face rising costs. We also expect many employers will need to increase the wages of staff they value the most as the skill shortage is likely to worsen once the borders open and people start heading off on their delayed OEs.”

Craig Pomare, MTA Chief Executive.

MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022

to agree on a ‘fair proportion’ of rent reduction to reflect the commercial tenant’s drop in revenue. “In our case that’s 30 percent.” He says he’ll be first in the queue to use the new law which is backdated to 28 September. There’s been good support from his banks. “At the start of lockdown, we prepared for the worst and drew up a detailed cash flow projection for the next 12 weeks, which we update weekly. This helps the banks to understand our position and they have been helpful. I think that if you keep communicating with your banks, then they are likely to be more supportive.” His advice is for businesses to make sure they have good systems in place and seek help early. “And if you don’t end up needing all the overdraft facility then return it – that will help develop your relationship with the bank.” Dipak is hopeful next year will be relatively ‘normal’. “We are assuming that what Government is doing will work. So, we are still going ahead with planned capital expenditure, like car wash upgrades, on some sites.”

Collision repair Dipak Bagia.

Auckland doing it tough Having recently spent over three months in lockdown, and more weeks under very restricted trading conditions, Auckland members are understandably a bit cranky. Dipak Bagia’s Petrochem Group owns 16 Caltex service stations in the North Island, most in Auckland. He says it’s been tough sticking to his bubble and seeing only a limited number of people day in and day out. Business has also been tough. Overall, his takings are down by 20 to 25 percent. “It’s very area-specific. Our sites in Central Auckland and North Share are particularly hard hit.” He’s cut costs where he can and approached all his landlords to ask for rent relief. “We’ve had a mixed response; some have agreed to reduce their rents by 30 percent. But there have been multiple sites where assistance was not given.” Dipak says he wrote to his local MPs, including Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, to flag the issue and ask for their help. The Prime Minister’s response was favourable and the Government has announced a new law that requires both parties

Six weeks of not doing any repair work gave Auckland member Thomas Hohaia a good long run of family time – which he loved. But it was pretty tough on his business, Hugh Munro Panelbeaters. “Overall, we will be about

18-20 percent down on turnover for the year.” He’s counting his blessings. “We are really busy now and booked up almost to the end of the year and I have avenues for other work, not just insurance jobs. We also expanded earlier this year, so the site now has room for tow-ins.”

Parts supply Many businesses, like All Euro Parts - which has branches in Snells Beach, North Shore and Christchurch - were prompted to improve some of their business processes during last year’s lockdowns. They were able to reap the rewards of that during this year’s restrictions. Director Auric Mirfin says, “We did a lot of different things: cleaned up our database, looked at new product ranges, and made changes to our supply lines to keep up with demand and build up stock.” Opening a new branch in Sydenham, Christchurch in July this year also provided an opportunity to install new technology – like sophisticated bar coding. He says last year the company was able to grow and he’s sure this year will pick up and work out the same as it did last year. “We have seen good gains over the past few weeks and as soon as we get into the new traffic light system things will get even better. It seems some garages have been hit harder than others and it’s difficult to say why.”

All Euro Parts' new warehouse in Sydenham, Christchurch.

MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022





Car market changing Tony Everett

Over the past two years, new vehicle sales have been strong, and used imports solid but not spectacular. However, we’re heading into turbulent times.

Ahead of the game Brent Buckmaster’s Mt Roskill Collision Repair Centre and his newly formed company Roskill Auto Mechanical are working well together, which he says has helped keep his numbers up. “The last year has been very dynamic with work flows very up and down. I am not losing as much money as expected, but the figures have dropped significantly.” He’s working with contactless processes, his staff are vaccinated, and he laminated everyone’s vaccine cards, so they were able to provide proof until the Government’s certificate rolled out. “I started with just laminating my family’s cards, but it quickly grew to friends and their families then the team at the workshop.”

New car sales rocketing up New car sales are up for the year by around 40 percent and used imports up by around 4 percent. It’s been a boom year, even for the Auckland and Waikato dealers hit by the

lockdown and Level 3 restrictions. Waiting lists are now being run by many dealers – Toyota reports a six-month wait for clients wanting a new ICE car, and 12 months for a hybrid. Even under lockdown, cars were being sold, albeit at about half the usual number. Under level 3 restrictions, the showrooms opened up to an onslaught of customers. As one dealer said, “We are selling cars faster than we can get them and once people know about the delays, they are quick to get their order down and get in the queue.” The Government’s decision to push out the start of the next stage of the Clean Car Programme and its resulting feebates/penalties has had only a slight impact on forward orders. “Some people are going ahead with their orders for a January delivery, which means they will now miss out on a feebate, which isn’t set to come into effect until April now. Others have asked for delivery after April in order to gain the feebate.”

The world’s production lines have been disrupted by Covid-19 and component shortages. Computer chip supply has affected most vehicle manufacturers this year. Some brands have had to change their vehicle features and specifications on the fly to keep production lines running. Now we hear magnesium supplies are low. This will hit the supply of castings for engines, transmissions, wheels and many other components. These supply issues also affect the used import market. Japan’s new vehicle market is down and this has led to fewer trade-in vehicles available for used import buyers. Worldwide shipping capacity is constrained and prices are climbing. In New Zealand inflation is growing - an issue we haven’t had to contend with for almost a decade. We are also in the early stages of the Government’s roll out of its Clean Car Programme (with it’s ‘feebate’ and CO2 emission standards) – despite industry opposition. At the risk of oversimplifying the issue, the industry believes the annual reduction in CO2 target levels is way too aggressive and will be unachievable because of limited global production of low and zero emission vehicles. This will mean ICE vehicles will continue to be imported and sold, despite the new significant financial penalties. Without the ability to accrue ‘credits’ earned by bringing in low carbon alternatives, importers will have no option but to pass on the net penalties. So ICE vehicles will progressively become more expensive. Importers will have to decide how to modify their mix of high and low emitting vehicles to ‘assign’ those additional costs. Gradually, the price differences between EV and ICE will reduce, both naturally and artificially. But opportunity will rely on supply being able to meet the demand, which is unlikely.

Financing The new finance laws came into effect on 1 December. This particularly affects those buyers who can’t prove adequate financial surplus to MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022

Tony Everett, MTA Dealer Sector Manager.

meet the payment obligations. And of course, those with poor credit profiles are even more likely to be shut out of the market. If it lands like similar legislation did in Australia a few years ago, it will be harder for those people to upgrade their vehicles. Australia has seen the outcomes and is now winding back those new finance laws, while we are now bringing them into play. Hmmm. In short, over the next year replacement vehicle options will be more expensive and finance will be more difficult to secure for those people who really need it. From an observer’s perspective, it looks like government policies are working against each other in this space. Private motoring increasingly looks like an unachievable option for some people. But the alternative transport options contemplated under the Emissions Reduction Plan (better and more comprehensive public transport services) are unlikely to be in place for many years. It looks like the winds of change are descending upon the vehicle dealer sector. The industry has always faced challenges and I am sure it will adapt and survive. But it might not look the same as it does today. MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022





2021 - the same but different Graeme Swan

We had great hopes that 2021 would be a lot better than 2020, and for the most part it was, until another round of lockdowns. January through to March saw good workflows in the workshops and a steady start to the year. With our international borders still closed, there was no hope of attracting skilled technicians from overseas. Many businesses have gone back to traditional apprenticeship training to foster new talent. This is something the industry has needed to do for a while now. Hopefully these apprentices stay around once international travel is on the cards again. Parts ordering became a little problematic if you needed anything other than routine servicing parts. International shipping delays and electronic chip shortages caused lengthy delays for some. Unfortunately, these delays are something we are going to have to live with for the foreseeable future and may even get worse before they get better. April saw the predicted ‘WoF trough’ hit the vehicle inspection sector. Although the trough wasn’t as deep as first feared, it still had a noticeable impact on the bottom line of businesses as it coincided with the Easter

and ANZAC public holidays and school holidays. May, June and July flew by as everyone got back to work; however, for members in Canterbury there were floods to deal with as well, something that would repeat itself in August for West Auckland members and November for Gisborne. August saw the country plunge back into lockdown, hitting many small businesses hard as they simply hadn’t had time to build up their cash reserves since the previous lockdowns. For Auckland the situation was much worse as the lockdown stretched well into November. Many businesses that were able to pay staff at 100 percent during the 2020 lockdown simply couldn’t afford it in 2021 and had to drop down to 80 percent pay rates. Coming out of the 2021 lockdown was a little different with many customers cutting back on their discretionary spending. While most customers were happy to get their vehicles inspected, serviced or repaired there was no demand for extras

MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022

Graeme Swan, MTA Repairer Sector Manager.

like mag wheels and more lights. Perhaps increases in mortgage interest rates have had an influence.

What is there to look forward to in 2022? 2022 is going to be another hard slog. Barring any further lockdowns, we will only see a slight dip in vehicle inspection numbers in April with another dip in August, but there should be a busy build up to the year end. The new Matariki public holiday on 24 June and an additional five days’ sick leave for many employees will have to be included in budgets and planning. The 2021 MTA Charge-out Rate and WoF Fee survey showed there were a number of members who haven’t reviewed their rates in the last 12 months. If this includes you, please take time over the holiday break to review your charge-out rates and inspection fees. A little pre-planning could save your business in the long term.

Confidence boost needed Changes in the timing of the Government’s Covid-19 payments to businesses this year impacted on cashflow and business confidence, says motor trade accountant Peter Morton. “Last year, the wage payments were made in one three-month installment, giving people the comfort of having a lump sum in the bank. This time round, the payment was made about every two weeks.” “This change, combined with a poor bounce-back after the Level 4 lockdown, affected industry confidence. But people were grateful to be getting the payments so there weren’t too many complaints.” Peter, who is a director of Herbert Morton Chartered Accountants, has clients in the motor trade across New Zealand, including many in Auckland. “It’s been brutal in Auckland. Businesses were not making any money and living off their savings in a lot of cases.”

Peter Morton.

"Make savings where you can, but don’t turn it off if you can’t turn it back on. Decide if you need something before you buy it or use it.” Many saw their incomes drop to about 60 percent of normal but are now clawing back their losses. South of Auckland, most businesses are doing well – apart from those in Queenstown and tourist centres, he said. Overall, he is confident the motor trade will continue to do much better than most through Covid and through the predicted inflation of 2022. “In the past, during a recession, our sector has done well - people still need to get around and need to keep their cars serviced and repaired.” His advice for 2022 is for members to keep investing in

equipment, tools, and systems that will improve their business. “You also need to keep cash flow liquid. If you can do both, you can survive the hard times. Make savings where you can, but don’t turn it off if you can’t turn it back on. Decide if you need something before you buy it or use it.” He is unconcerned about any immediate impact as a result of moves to phase out fossil fuel reliance. “In New Zealand 98 percent of cars have combustion engines, so they will still need to be filled up and fixed for a few years to come.

MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022


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Manawatu member Chris Dittmer and his wife Edwina were officially thanked for their many years of support to the association at the recent MTA Annual General Meeting. Chris has been chair of the Central West Region since 2016 and before this served twice as Manawatu Branch President, its Vice President, and as an Executive Committee member. Chris and Edwina took over the Mobil service station in Feilding in 1993 and joined MTA shortly after. Chris has been an active and highly valued member ever since, supported by Edwina, who managed operations while Chris was attending to MTA business, says MTA Chief Executive Craig Pomare. “I first met Chris in 2014 and have known him since then as a natural leader who has always fought for what was important to our membership. He has proudly waved the MTA banner at all the events he attends and continuously strives to lift our standards and do better for his fellow members. His passion for training will be particularly missed in the region.” Chris began his working life as an apprentice in the New Zealand Army in 1979 and worked his way up to instructor

t f i g a r Buy o f n o i t p i r c subs member a staff


at its School for Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. He has served in Singapore and Angola. In later life, his business grew to become Gull Feilding, Rockgas

Manawatu and Manfeild Autocentre. The couple are selling most of their business interests to spend more time with their family and take it easier in their working lives.


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MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022

Terms & conditions: Competitons are open to New Zealand residents only. Prizes cannot be exhanged or transfered. Employees of Autocar 2016 Limited associate sponsor(s) and their immediate families and agencies are excluded from all prize draws. If we are unable to contact a draw winner within 7 days, another winner will be drawn. The decision of the general manager at Autocar 2016 Limited is final. Winners will be notified by email. Competition entries close at midnight Thursday 2 January 2020. Prize drawn midday on Saturday 11 January 2020.

MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022

ANSWERS Question 1 All extended spring shackles require LVV certification – there isn’t a tolerance height over OE.

Question 2 Both the adjustable platform suspension struts and the ball joint spacer will require LVV certification, as will the gusseting and strengthening added to the upper control arm.

Question 3 As long as the OE door handles and opening mechanism are unaltered, removal of the door locks does not require LVV certification

Let us know what you’d like to see in an upcoming LVVTA column at info@lvvta. org.nz Got a question that needs answering? Have a topic you’d like LVVTA to cover? The wheels fitted to an LVV-certified vehicle are different from the ones fitted in the photos on the electronic data plate. They are the same size as what is recorded on the plate, and the tyres match the details recorded. Should the vehicle pass a WoF?

Question 8:

Question 4

MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022

A four-berth 2006 Ford Transit campervan has seatbelts in both front seating positions. How many other seatbelts does it need?

Question 4:

Because this vehicle was manufactured after October 2003, it requires at least two more seatbelts (in the rear seating positions). According to the VIRM, there must be “as many or more lap or lap-and-diagonal seatbelts as there are sleeping berths, minus the number of front seating positions”. This could also include the addition of a centre seating position in the front of the vehicle.

An AVI is presented with a vehicle where the exterior door locks have been removed and shaved. The door handles are still fitted and work as normal. Should they refer the vehicle to an LVV certifier?

Question 3: In the picture above, there are a few modifications that require LVV certification. What are they?

Question 2:

An AVI is presented with a Nissan Safari, which has 35x12.5R16 tyres on it. The original tyre size is 265/70R16. Assuming the tyres have sufficient tread and are not damaged, should they pass a WoF?

Question 6:

Question 5 Not necessarily – the wording from the VIRM states that play in a wheel bearing is a reason for rejection only if it exhibits play beyond the manufacturer’s specifications. For example, a tapered-roller type wheel bearing is designed to have a small amount of end play to allow for heat expansion in the bearing.

Question 6 These are over the 5 percent increase in outer circumference threshold, which means the vehicle requires LVV certification.

Question 7 No. The wording of the plate would indicate this vehicle had fixed-height lowering springs fitted to the rear at the time of certification, and the vehicle should thus be referred back to an LVV certifier for the additional modifications present.

A vehicle with tapered-roller type front wheel bearings exhibits a small amount of play in the front wheels. Is this a reason for rejection?

Question 8

How long do leaf spring shackles have to be over OE before they require LVV certification?

The modifications do not match what is recorded on the LVV lookup database, so the vehicle must be referred to an LVV certifier. This is not a new requirement – it is a commonly held misconception that any wheels of the size specified on the LVV plate can be used after certification.

Question 5: The 'Suspension' field of an LVV certification plate states “ADJ SUSPN F 245MM / LWRD R 240MM”. The vehicle is fitted with adjustable platform suspension at all four corners. Do these modifications match what is written on the certification plate?

The vehicle is certified for the modifications present at the time of inspection, and wheels fitted afterwards are not guaranteed to have the same offset or clearance with other components as the LVV-certified wheels have. With the advent of electronic data plates this can now be easily inspected.

Question 1:

It’s the end of the year, which means that it’s time for another LVVTA quiz. Here are some more brain teasers from the LVVTA Technical Team.

A Christmas quiz

Question 7:









Brendon Noonan and Lee Marriott.

Turning lifelong hobbies into careers Brendon Noonan and Lee Marriott love the work they do at Independent Motorcycles, Wellington. Their days are filled with working on some of the best bikes Wellington has to offer, and they’re both completing the New Zealand Certificate in Motorcycle Engineering (Level 3 and 4) through MITO, well on their way to being fully qualified motorcycle technicians. But these two haven’t always been hands-on in the workshop. In fact, both Brendon and Lee decided to pursue their passion for motorcycles after many years in the corporate world. After 15 years in the public sector, Brendon was eager for a change of pace. Motorcycles weren’t new to him – he’d been working on his own bikes for decades. “I’ve been friends with Garth - the owner of

MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022

Independent Motorcycles – since I was in high school,” he explains. “I’d always be working on my bikes with Garth and get advice from him on them.” “I’d been trying to persuade him to join the industry for years!” Garth admits. “He’s always been really practical and hands on, so it made sense.” “One of the things that really helped me get into my apprenticeship was the Government’s Targeted Training and Apprenticeship Fund,” says Brendon.

The fund covers the training fees for learners enrolled in eligible training programmes and was a huge draw card for Brendon. “Switching careers is a big change, so not having to worry about covering the cost of training fees on top of that really helped.” While the tradie life is a far cry from his publicsector past, Brendon has no regrets about his change in career. “In this job I get to stay active, work on a wide variety of bikes, and my hours allow me to be able to spend more time with my daughter – I can pick her up from school every day, which is a big bonus for me.” Similarly, Lee began his time in the industry after working for most of his career as a team leader in corporate environments. He’d had a lifelong passion for motorcycles, spending his childhood zooming round paddocks, and his teenage years working on his own bikes. “I was in the workshop one day getting my bike fixed and I explained to Garth that I’d just left my job,” says Lee. “He asked if I wanted a job here and of course I said yes! The stars aligned – it was spot-on timing.” Lee’s passion for the industry is clear, and he’s rapt that he’s been able to turn his lifelong hobby into a full-time job. When asked if he’ll ever get sick of working on bikes, Lee laughs. “I honestly don’t think I will,” he says. “Every day I get out of bed and get to do something that I actually love doing, which is pretty cool!” Garth totally understands the transition from office to workshop – he worked for six years as an architectural and engineering draughtsman before beginning his motorcycle training. He encourages other employers to not discount the idea of taking on older apprentices. “Older apprentices with careers in different industries can bring maturity, reliability, and a range of other skills into the workplace, so I would actively encourage people to consider them - they could end up being an incredibly good employee, and an asset to your business.” As for Brendon and Lee, Garth can’t fault them: “Their work ethic is outstanding – I couldn’t ask for better staff.”



Boost your business with MITO’s on-the-job training programmes. Visit mito.nz.

MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022




Words: Peter Louisson Photos: Tom Gasnier

It’s not only raked out but really low, the seat height of 668mm making it surprisingly easy to manoeuvre out of the garage, despite it weighing the wrong side of 300kg. That’s less than before though, thanks to the lighter, stronger Softail frame introduced a couple of years ago. Finishing items include drag bars on chromed risers, a beautiful eensyweensy digital instrument pod atop said risers, a stepped seat with pegs for the pillion, staggered pipes finished in gloss black paint, cast wheels, and a vertical array of LEDs in the rounded headlight, to add a modern touch. There’s not much in the way of electronics, aside from the mandatory ABS brakes, so no engine modes, no TC (not really needed with a tyre that size) and just the single disc up front, though it’s gripped by a four-piston caliper. And this actually stops surprisingly well. You’d not expect a great performance from such a skinny

front tyre but we achieved a best emergency stop from 100 of 36.32m. As for acceleration, this isn’t quite a drag bike, but it’s certainly quick for a cruiser. It gets off the line well, the clutch resolute, and you don’t need a whole lot of revs to

make for a clean launch. One upshift later, and an elapsed time of 3.83sec was the best we achieved as it clicked off 100. All other attempts were just over 4sec; the difference is essentially down to how quickly you get from first to second gear and back on the power.

Harley Davidson Breakout 114 Named after a prison escape rather than a skin condition, the Breakout is drag car inspired and arguably the best looking of the Softails yet. Harley-Davidson certainly isn’t short on models, even after the recent line-up rationalisation. One of them, the Softail Breakout, we’ve never tested. It was originally powered by a 103-cubic-inch air-cooled engine good for 133Nm at 2750rpm. However, in 2018 it got an upgrade to the MilwaukeeEight 114 mill, an 1,868cc engine that we’ve encountered in

numerous other Harleys, and been well impressed by. It offers considerable grunt (155Nm at 3,000rpm) across a reasonable spread of revs, pulling without complaint in top from 1,500rpm (around 60km/h) through to 5,500rpm. And there’s little of the traditional vibration at idle that used to rock the bike around like you were at the epicentre of an earthquake.

MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022

The twin balancer shafts see to that. Not that the mirrors are much chop, showing blurred elbows, but they do look good. The Breakout was originally inspired by classic drag cars of the ’50s and ’60s, jacked up things with skinny front wheels. So Breakout is raked out (34 degrees of fork angle, 115mm of trail) with an enormous 240/40 rear tyre and a tall, thin 21-inch

MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022




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MAY 2021



MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022

Weight: 306kg

MARCH 2021

As to the clunky gearbox, I think maybe that’s user error. This shifts much better and smoother if you apply upward lever pressure before selecting a higher gear. And upshifting early tends to make the changes smoother. Downshifting, you need to blip the throttle for best results. But clunky? Only when selecting first and the engine isn’t properly warm. What about those 26.8 degrees of lean? We did the cornering for the camera on a reasonably tight turn and sure the pegs made contact now and again, but a ride over our normal test route was no hardship. So corners that turn back on themselves aren’t ideal for the Breakout – it’s no mountain lion tamer. And that fat rear tyre doesn’t make direction changes any easier, mainly at town speeds.

Model: Harley Davidson Breakout 114 Price: $35,990 Engine: 1,868cc, air-cooled, fuel injected, V2 Power: 69kW/155Nm Transmission: 6-speed, belt final drive 0-100km/h: 3.83sec 80-120km/h: 2.53sec



This bike is all about surfing the tsunami of torque on tap.

And finally, we should just mention that the relatively tiny fuel tank, 13.2 litre, you’d expect to drain in double-quick time, but once refilled, the range to empty meter suggests almost 300km, and we easily managed 200km with roughly a quarter of a tank left. While there’s no fuel use indicator, this seems easy on gas if you’re predominantly using the relaxing end of the rev range. At just a hair under $36k for the black example ($37,920 for custom two-tone), you’re paying a fair wedge for the blingy drag bike vibe, but it has genuine presence, performs well, rides easily once you’re familiar with its idiosyncrasies, and no doubt with some muffler mods will sound as mean as it looks. Break out the drinks then.


As mentioned, this bike is all about surfing the tsunami of torque on tap and that’s mainly how you ride it. Unless you’ve done the Screaming Eagle exhaust mods and then you’ll just want to be wringing it out in all the gears. We weren’t expecting great things from the Breakout, after a British review complained about the clunky gearbox, its lack of cornering prowess (maximum lean angle is 26.8 degrees either side), and a horrid riding position. But we’d argue the point on all three. If you’re shy of inseam measurement, the forward controls might make the riding position a bit of a stretch, but at 183cm it fitted me well enough, or vice versa. I often find cruisers uncomfortable, either because of the contorted body position you’re expected to adopt or the lack of rear shock travel, or both. But the Breakout isn’t like that, especially after backing off rear shock preload – it’s adjusted by merely unwinding the knob (or firming it up if you’re taking a friend for a spin). And the extended wheelbase helps with ride quality. Over rougher terrain it’s not quite so great, but nor is this a machine you’d only take on expressways or boulevards.


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MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022





Saggy Ssanyong

Herbert Leijen, AECS Ltd www.aecs.net Email: hpleijen@aecs.net Phone: 06 874 9077

This diagnostic article takes you through the process our technical support team uses with problematic vehicles. We look at the issues involved and share how we resolved the problem. This is an inside look, from the profound to everyday issues automotive workshops encounter.

2011 Ssanyong Actyon Q100 2.0L Turbo Diesel


What is going on?

By far the quickest way to get to the bottom of any misfire is to record the crankshaft sensor and convert this into a DeltaN (speed difference) recording. The crankshaft signal has been transformed into the DeltaN pattern, after which the actual crankshaft signal was removed to unclutter the screen. Technicians like this diesel specialist, who have been to AECS training seminars, know what the offset and differential measurements are, and some will also know how to switch each individual channel on the ATS scope from one measurement method to the other. Any scope recording becomes pointless if you do not know how to measure correctly.

All sorts of solutions have been tried by the previous garage, such as EGR blocking off, exhaust removal, injectors servicing, turbo removal, and other typical tricks. They gave up. In the scope recording below we can see a beautiful transition from no misfire to two misfiring cylinders back to only one misfire. To get a better picture we need to zoom in and deal with the detail… Yes, DETAIL is boring, everyone likes to get the picture from a quick look. No such thing in modern diagnostics.


Problem presented to the Technical Support Team This vehicle was presented to a diesel specialist workshop with an intermittent misfire when under load. Injectors were replaced before it got to the specialist. It was in for a replacement turbo as this was diagnosed by the other shop. “Before we replaced the turbo, we decided to measure and diagnose. The engine was misfiring on cylinder 3 and 4 when things went wrong. It

seemed to be affected by boost pressure. “When the VNT turbo vacuum hose to the actuator was disconnected the misfire appeared at 3,000 RPM. With the vacuum hose connected we could accelerate up to 1,300 RPM before it started to misfire. “I have attached some of the scope recordings we made with the ATS 4 channel scope we bought from AECS. Could you please assist with diagnosis?”

ATS 6004XM 4 channel scope recording of the rail pressure (offset), Cyl #1 and #3 injector (differential), and the crankshaft sensor signal (also offset). MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022

During idle the engine was not misfiring; that was clearly visible in the DeltaN trace, with even RPM fluctuations from compression and expansion. When the engine accelerated it was still running on all four, until it hit approximately 1,300 RPM. This was the point where two cylinders drop out and the engine RPM drops due to a lack of power. In the latter part of the recording the misfire was reduced to only one cylinder instead of two cylinders misfiring.

Reading the patterns In the section where the engine was idling correctly, the DeltaN slope time was -9.24 RPM/ms. This value was the slowing down of the crankshaft as a result of the compression in cylinder 3. Under normal circumstances, with a good engine, the compression slope time hardly changes. As a result of boost pressure, the compression and therefore the slope time alter a bit. When we measure the slope time on the DeltaN line (representing the compression and expansion of cylinder 4) we can see very similar values.

Zoomed-in ATS 4 channel 6004XM scope recording on the idling section - focus on Cyl #3.

MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022





Zoomed-in ATS 4 channel 6004XM scope recording on the idling section - focus on Cyl #4.

If we scroll to the section where the misfire takes place, we can see something very interesting!

Same recording but with calculated crank angle added to the screen, to make sure we were measuring on the same spot (compression stroke Cyl #4) on the crankshaft.

The compression on cylinder 4 seems also to have almost disappeared at -3.43RPM/ms. Not as bad as cylinder 3, but a full misfire.

How does compression disappear?

Zoomed-in and scrolled to the section where the misfire takes place.

That is weird. How can the compression under full boost suddenly disappear? The compression slope time drops from a healthy -9.24RPM/ms

MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022

to a properly sick -1.03RPM/ms. Let’s see what cylinder 4 is doing.

How was this even possible? Under load, when there was boost pressure in the manifold, the amount of air in the combustion chamber had increased, which should increase, not decrease, the effort required for the crankshaft to push the piston up. If we quickly look at the Slope time during the compression in healthy cylinder 1 right next to the misfiring cylinder 3 measurement, we measure -10.19RPM/ms. That's more like it! Let’s run a few scenarios for the compression to disappear, no matter how ridiculous: - Big end bearing free play, the scales rotating around under pressure due to lack of oil (really?). - Piston rings broken and intermittently sealing and not sealing (nah?). - Head gasket leaking (intermittently?). - Valve seat bad, (intermittent?). - Valve clearance, heat in the engine expands the exhaust valve leaving the valve open under load. - Weak or broken valve springs being pushed open by the boost pressure. - Broken intake swirl flaps closing the intake ports in the cylinder head intermittently taking away air to compress.

We could not dream up anymore potential causes. Get to work. So we asked the diagnostician to inspect for broken swirl flaps. He responded that this engine does not have swirl flaps in the intake manifold. That leaves valve clearance and valve springs, so the rocker cover needed to come off. All valve springs were present and did not look broken.

Screwdriver However, while checking valve clearance, a quick push on each valve dish with a screwdriver revealed that on cylinder 3 and 4 the valves were depressed (opened) with virtually no effort at all. The customer was contacted, and permission was sought to replace the valve springs in situ. The diagnostician was so kind to send us pictures of the old and new springs.

Picture of the old and new intake valve spring.

MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022



Picture of intake and exhaust valve springs of Cyl #3 and #4, flanked by one new spring and an intake spring of Cyl #1.

Perfect The engine is running perfect with a set of new intake valve springs. How could this have happened? Maybe something was wrong with the hardening process of the springs, or (unlikely) severe engine overheating? (High-carbon steel needs more than 1100ºC to reform). We will never know, but this vehicle is on the road again.

Conclusion Beat that! How would you diagnose weakened valve springs in this short period of time without the aid of an ATS scope? How many parts would you have replaced to get rid of the misfire before you considered the valve springs? Remember, the springs looked fine in situ. What dollar figure is a job like this worth?

There are lots of scopes on the market, some really cheap and some very expensive (many times more expensive than the ATS scope). None of them are capable of what the ATS series scopes can do. We used only a very small portion of the diagnostic capabilities of the ATS scope (DeltaN and crank angle). In the field, and during technical support, we use many more ATS scope ability tricks to assist our customers with fast and accurate diagnosis. It is easy to earn good money with diagnostics. But make sure you purchase quality equipment that is supported by AECS engineers who understand your work; engineers who face New Zealand and Australian automotive technicians almost daily during training seminars and technical support. We are here to make diagnostics easy!

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MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022




Greig Epps, Manager Advocacy & Strategy - greig.epps@mta.org.nz Nicole Chelmis, Legal & Policy Advisor - nicole.chelmis@mta.org.nz

Virtual meetings and engagement The continuing Covid-19 restrictions have made engagement difficult the past few months. Nonetheless, we have taken every opportunity to represent MTA member interests with stakeholders.


The Advocacy & Strategy Team works with Sector Managers and members to monitor issues across the automotive industry. This column updates you on recent and proposed law changes, MTA meetings with stakeholders, and MTA Advisory Group activity.

Clean Car Programme Industry Advisory Group (Used Car)

PURPOSE OF ENGAGEMENT Regular meeting with key participants in the used car import, certification, and distribution industry.

BusinessNZ Energy Council, Emissions Reduction Plan workshop. Sustainable Business Council, Ministry of Business, Innovation COVID protection framework. and Employment (MBIE), Ministry for the Environment Climate action webinars on waste and F-gases and regulated product stewardship. NZ Automotive Safety Forum

Discussed vehicle inspection and driver licencing extensions and vaccine mandates for industry and the different roles where it may be required.

MTA Scrappage Workshop

MTA hosted several industry experts at a workshop in Wellington to start designing an efficient and practical scrappage scheme that works for New Zealand and for our industry.

Industry comes together to clean up

Clean Vehicle Sector Leadership Group

MTA presented ideas on scrappage to this Ministerial Group (established by the Minister of Transport). This closely followed the MTA Scrappage Workshop. Leadership Group.

We’ve mentioned a few times recently that MTA has recommended to the Government that it introduce a scrappage scheme. This has caused some concern among MTA members who think we want to remove classic cars or reduce the vehicles that make up the bulk of work for repairers.

Z Energy

Discussion about an expected report from MBIE on its consultation over the use of a Biofuels Mandate (from July 2021). MTA can help raise awareness of any decisions and how they might impact vehicles on the road.

Also, we met to discuss ways to clearly explain fuel prices.

To be clear, we want to target the worst vehicles on the roads. MTA has long voiced concerns about the safety of the vehicle fleet due to its age, the ongoing rise on WoF failure rates, and the contribution of vehicle factors to fatal crashes (mainly in older vehicles). We also know that older, unmaintained vehicles have worse emissions than when they were built. With the world focused on CO2 emissions, the spotlight is on ways carbon emissions can be cut from the vehicle fleet. MTA has said that EVs are only part of the solution. We believe a nationwide, coordinated scrappage scheme is necessary to help clean up the fleet and incentivise owners into cleaner and safer vehicles. This would not be a mandatory scheme and we believe there must be continued exceptions for classic and vintage vehicles (they remind us of the long history that MTA has in keeping vehicles safe on New Zealand roads). In November MTA brought together a range of stakeholders with knowledge and experience in dealing with end-of-life vehicles. Our aim was to capture how the system worked now, and what we would need to do to create a simple, convenient scheme that met the needs of consumers, businesses, and the Government. MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022

The workshop participants discussed the phases of a scrappage process and what a successful scrappage scheme might look like. They identified these phases: • Consumer wants to scrap their eligible vehicle. • Vehicle is taken to collection site to be scrapped. • Consumer receives credit to be used for a lowemission transport option. • The vehicle is dismantled. • Dismantled vehicle components are recycled, repurposed, or reused. There is a lot more detail to be thrashed out, such as how vehicles might be collected (or dropped off), how much credit a consumer should receive, and what sort of replacement car is acceptable (should it be limited to EVs or hybrids, or simply something more fuel efficient than the vehicle being scrapped?). Government also wants to help low-income families transition into cleaner and safer cars. We think it is critical the initial focus is on designing a scheme that works for businesses and all New Zealanders. Once that is in place, work can be done to see how best to use the scheme to support people to find a better vehicle. MTA will continue to lead this work so that Government plans remain linked to reality.

Transport and Infrastructure Appearance at the Committee to discuss our submission on the Land Transport Select Committee (Parliament) (Clean Vehicles) Amendment Bill. MTA highlighted the main issues and offered practical solutions. Collision Repair Information ICNZ has formed a working group to discuss access to technical data and Working Group repair information, especially for collision repairers undertaking insurance work Waka Kotahi NZTA MTA strongly opposed any further extension of vehicle inspection expiry and Ministry of Transport periods. Waka Kotahi NZTA

Regular catch ups with different teams. Discussion around repair shop categories for repair certification.

NZ Police

Trailer identification trial for Tauranga.

Submissions Vaccine mandate and Covid protection framework feedback to MBIE MTA received two urgent requests from MBIE to provide feedback on proposed implementation of key policies to manage cross-border travel during the old alert level restrictions as well as the new ‘traffic light’ Covid-19 protection framework. Both these requests allowed only 24 hours to provide feedback, which just shows how rapidly

Government agencies were reacting to the changing situation of the recent Covid-19 outbreak. While this short turnaround time prevented us from asking members for direct input, we were able to provide meaningful feedback based on a range of issues that members had raised with us.

MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022




Greig Epps, Manager Advocacy & Strategy - greig.epps@mta.org.nz Nicole Chelmis, Legal & Policy Advisor - nicole.chelmis@mta.org.nz

Taking responsibility of our waste to Ministry for the Environment The Ministry is seeking feedback on a range of issues relating to the management of waste material, including: the use of the waste levy, introduction of more product stewardship schemes and what enforcement regimes need to be put in place.

State of Charge to EECA EECA are looking for views on what the EV charging infrastructure network should look like. Discussions with a small working group of members who may seek EECA funding to trial EV chargers at their service station, were used to support the MTA submission. We believe existing sites in the service stations sector are well placed to provide an accessible EV charging network where customers have access to a range of complimentary services while they wait for their EV to charge. We have suggested the Government offers financial support to incentivise early adoption of EV charging within this sector while the EV fleet grows.

Vehicle inspection extension period MTA advised Waka Kotahi and MOT that no further extension period should be granted to vehicles with WoF or CoF labels that expired during the latest lockdowns. This is in line with the views of the key inspection companies. We were pleased to see that this advice was followed, no further extension was put in place when the exemption period ended on 30 November. With summer holidays fast approaching, we didn’t want to see unwarranted vehicles loaded to the gunwales heading off on vacation. Based on inspection volumes for October, the industry had plenty of capacity to inspect vehicles and the motoring public were doing a good job of getting vehicles inspected.

Proposed product stewardship regulations: Tyres and large batteries to Ministry for the Environment This consultation covers the proposed regulations required to implement the advanced disposal fees that will go to each Product Stewardship Organisation to facilitate the management of these products once they reach the end of their useful life. MTA has been pushing for the Tyrewise programme for nearly 10 years and the introduction of these regulations will finally see it start in the next 12–18 months.

Vehicle lift (hoist) certification WorkSafe is considering including vehicle lifts (hoists) in the new Plant and Structures Regulations. This would mean that vehicle lifts must be registered with WorkSafe and require specific periodic in-service inspections and the associated certificates to be uploaded into a central database. MTA submitted that vehicle lift certification is largely taken care of via WoF site regulations and any addition regulation should work in with current industry requirements and not be onerous for industry.

MTA Repairer Sector Manager Graeme Swan was interviewed by TVNZ regarding MTA's stance over WoF extensions. Talk to an MTA Sector Manager if you want to join our Advisory Groups to help influence future submissions. Contact advisorygroups@mta.org.nz.

HR sector

Kirsty Dickson - 04 381 8819

Wellbeing It’s been a long, hard, stressful year for many people. The holiday period will be a welcome break for some, but for others the holidays can add other stresses: financial, family pressure, increasing workload and emotional expectations. We have been asked to be kind to each other, but this can be hard when the year’s stress combines with holiday stress. Your patience and tolerance may be low. Tempers may start to fray, and there may be more disagreements amongst employees and more angry customers. Keep an eye on your employees and don’t be afraid to step in if you see someone is struggling. They may just be having a bad day and might just need a walk around the block, or a chat. If someone is showing signs of mental distress, they may benefit from talking to a counsellor. MTA members and their employees and families have free access to EAP, which is a nationwide counselling service. It is completely confidential. EAP does not share information with the employer or the MTA.

If you have serious concerns about someone’s wellbeing, always seek professional help.

Remember that you can’t run a car on an empty tank. Look after your own wellbeing first.

Here are some tips to help get through the holiday period:

Taking a break over Christmas is not a cure-all. Stress and wellbeing issues could continue into next year. Some of you may not even get a break over Christmas.

If you are planning a work function that includes serving alcohol, consider your host responsibilities and what your employment agreements and policies say about alcohol. Remember that alcohol can sometimes trigger flare ups related to underlying work tensions, so be prepared for this. Don’t over-commit yourself, in either work or personal space. This will only add to your stress levels. Take a moment to step aside and take a few deep breaths if it’s getting too much. It doesn’t take much time and scientific evidence shows that taking a few deep breaths calms your nervous system.

MTA knows that wellbeing is top of mind for many of our members and we continue to develop our Wellbeing programme - you may have already seen the WHO wellbeing index we sent out this year. A member working group is currently developing a physical wellbeing toolkit for the workplace. Other future initiatives include providing access to a range of online wellbeing tools and resources, and we will continue to provide webinars with experts.



tony.everett@mta.org.nz Ph: 04 381 8827

Graeme Swan

Repairer (General, Collision, Specialists)

graeme.swan@mta.org.nz Ph: 04 381 8837

Ian Baggott

Energy and Environment

ian.baggott@mta.org.nz Ph: 04 381 8843

If you have serious concerns about your own, or another person’s, wellbeing, seek professional help: • Call EAP 0800 327 669 (select Option 2 and say you are an MTA member): This is a free and confidential counselling service for all MTA members and families, plus employees and their families. • Free call or text 1737 to talk to a trained counsellor (government-funded). • Make an appointment to see your doctor.

MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022

MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022



Service station sector

Ian Baggott - 04 381 8843

Service station sector

Ian Baggott - 04 381 8843

Watch out: Thieves about Christmas is the season for increased drive-off fuel theft and unable-to-pay fuel incidents. So, it might be a good time to remind staff of your policies and procedures for dealing with these situations. After another disruptive year of Covid-19 lockdowns and dramatically reduced fuel volume sales, the last thing businesses need is more lost revenue from driveoffs. A quick step is to make sure you know the blind spots on your forecourt where staff can’t see customers. If you also know when your busiest periods are, you can make sure your staff are more alert during these times. Remind them of the type of suspicious behaviour on the forecourt that can signal a drive-off to raise their situational awareness. Plan your use of the option to switch your pumps to prepay and make sure your staff are consistent about what triggers the action. Your use of the prepay option can also act as a deterrent to others.

State of charge

The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA) has released a consultation document asking for views on what a fast EV public charging network should look like.

While some unable-to-pay incidents are genuine, the majority are premeditated attempts to defraud your business. Our advice is to take a hard line on recovering the debt before the customer leaves the station. Once the customer has given you their details to pay the debt later, it becomes a civil matter and Police cannot intervene. Customers can use internet bank transfer systems to pay, or they can phone a friend or family member to do it for them. Each situation will need to be managed diplomatically to avoid any physical confrontation. However, if things start to get out of hand, you are within your rights to call 111 and ask for Police support. Consider a staff training refresh ahead of the busy season.

MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022

The current network now has fast direct current (DC) charging stations about every 75 km across the state highway network. While a lot of these charging stations are standalone remote sites or at supermarket car parks, the consultation document is asking where the gaps are and what additional coverage is needed. MTA is working with a small group of members exploring the viability of installing an EV charger at their business. Our discussions and research as part of this working group have been used to support

our submission to EECA. Our view is that EV chargers need to be closer (about 50km apart) and locations should offer a range of services to EV owners while they charge. The sites also need to cater for a range of vehicle connections and configurations. We believe EV owners will make frequent top-up charging stops when driving long distances – choosing to spend just 10 to 15 minutes on site where possible. They will also want a range of payment options such as credit or debit card, EV charging network

card, gift card – maybe even cash. The existing service station network is well positioned to take on EV charging. They are already accessible to all motorists and have a range of complimentary services EV owners can use. The biggest barrier is the potential financial risk and poor return on investment that comes with being in at the start of the predicted growth in our EV fleet. We have suggested to the Government that it provide some sort of incentive to encourage service stations to take on the cost of installing chargers.

MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022



Repairer sector

Repairer sector

Graeme Swan - 04 381 8837


November inspection volumes November saw a marked increase in inspection volumes around the country as people in Northland, Auckland and Waikato came out of tightened lockdowns and the rest of the country started preparing for the holiday season. 690,000 inspections were carried out, surpassing the volumes we saw post April 2020 lockdown. In fact we haven’t seen monthly volumes like this since the pre-2014 days with WoF’s issued for six months.

250,000 250,000

200,000 200,000

150,000 150,000

This is, of course, good news for MTA members as it means people are thinking of their vehicles and spending money in order to get them inspected, serviced and repaired. The resurgence in inspection volumes was largely led by Auckland returning to their normal volumes, almost all regions were showing good volumes, but in particular Bay of Plenty, Wellington and Canterbury regions which continued to show strong positive inspection volumes. Several parts suppliers also reported to MTA that sales to the industry and trade were good during the month of November. Over the next five months, the April ‘WoF trough’ will fill up nicely. We know that there are 260,842 inspections due in April 2022, and on top of this we can add another 100,000 inspections for used vehicles that have been sold, and reinspections.




January 563,817 568,286 547,444

100,000 100,000

February 525,921 530,985 529,046 March

569,163 470,758 589,523


514,484 84,232


630,332 648,624 558,248


527,791 669,932 605,227


615,452 670,027 628,544


592,704 565,008 339,366

September 567,339 615,335


October 615,724 580,628 602,438 November









50,000 50,000






700,000 600,000 500,000 400,000


MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022

















Jun 2020








Volumes for May next year and onward still need the six-month inspections added, so will improve as the months go by. There will be a small dip in August 2022, but nothing too bad.


December 2021


January 2022



February 2022



March 2022



April 2022



May 2022



June 2022



July 2022



August 2022



September 2022



October 2022



November 2022



2019 2020





Graeme Swan - 04 381 8837

WoF component failure rates have remained largely the same across the year with lights, tyres, steering and suspension filling the top three spots, followed by brakes.


Dec 21

Jan 22


Feb 22

Mar 22


Apr 22

May 22

Jun 22

Jul 22

Aug 22

Sep 22

Oct 22

Nov 22

to 9/2021

LIGHTS 26.9% 27.4% TYRES 15.3% 15.5% STEERING/SUSPENSION 14.2% 14.2% BRAKES 12.5% 12.5% OTHER 10.9% 10.8% GLAZING/WIPERS 10.4% 10.8% SEATBELTS 3.8% 3.3% STRUCTURE/RUST 3.3% 3.2% EXHAUST 2.0% 1.8% INTERIOR 0.2% 0.1%

27.3% 14.9% 14.2% 12.7% 11.0% 11.2% 3.1% 3.4% 1.7% 0.3%

MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022



Repairer sector

Graeme Swan - 04 381 8837

Why we have guidance on snorkel attachments On 1 April 2021 new LVV threshold requirements were introduced, including one covering the mounting of snorkels Hokitika Collision Centre was recently presented with a vehicle that had failed its WoF due to corrosion on the A-pillar. Upon further investigation it became apparent that the corrosion was most likely due to the poor fitment of an aftermarket snorkel attachment. Failure to adequately seal the fitting allowed water to enter the A-pillar. The mounting holes for the snorkel attachment were also a little over-zealous. There was no additional reinforcing in the A-pillar of this particular vehicle, so the mounting holes would probably have weakened the pillar in the event of a rollover. Below are the snorkel fitting requirements from section 3 of the in-service VIRM.

Table 3-1-1. Modifications that do not require LVV certification. Snorkels

· the snorkel is fitted only to the outer skin of the A-pillar (not into the central structure), and

· the fixings are of an appropriate size, and · the fixings are sealed to prevent water ingress into the A-pillar, and · appropriate rust treatment is applied to prevent corrosion. Note: it is recommended that snorkels are fitted with high strength adhesives rather than screws.

Repairer sector

Graeme Swan - 04 381 8837

Be careful with old brake hoses Invercargill MTA member Daniel Bain (Autoplex) is warning other repairers to look out for a potential issue with the brake hoses on BA Ford Falcons manufactured in the early 2000s. He has noticed a trend where the front brake hoses burst a couple of days after brake work was carried out. This is despite there being no obvious signs of damage prior to the work, in fact, some vehicles had recently passed WoF inspections, including the pressurised brake test. After talking with the local Ford dealer, Macaulay Ford, it was established that some BA and early BF models of the Ford Falcon (produced between 2002 and 2005) suffered from brake hose issues. In 2007 the brand carried out a service campaign to replace the rear brake hoses (this has now expired). If you are carrying out any brake work on a 2002–2005 BA or BF Ford Falcon, be careful when removing calipers and remember to support the weight of the caliper when it is removed from its mount, and never let it hang on the brake hose. If you are working on one of these vehicles, warn the customer that the brake hoses may be prone to failure. They may want to replace the hoses as a preventative measure. Burst brake hose from a BA Ford Falcon.

Mediation sector

Keith May - 04 381 8830


MTA Mediation figures for November 2021 MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022

memberrelated cases

non-memberrelated cases



12-month average

12-month average

12-month average



resolved or closed in month


cases in total



originating from a member call

MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022



ALL EURO PARTS CHRISTCHURCH IS NOW OPEN! 40 Brisbane Street Sydenham Christchurch Monday - Friday 8:am - 5:30pm

NZ market overview

Getting quality European car parts in the South Island just got a whole lot easier! The new All Euro Parts branch in Christchurch is now open at 40 Brisbane Street, Sydenham - Monday to Friday 8:00am - 5:30pm. The large warehouse is fully stocked with a wide variety of OE and aftermarket parts. Premium brands include Meyle, Luk, INA, FAG, Bosch, Elring, Hella Pagid, Mahle, Arnott Air Suspension and many more. Stock is arriving constantly with regular orders arriving from Germany. It was a difficult process to find a building in the city fringe that was the right size but it was really important to All Euro Parts to find the right one.

New vehicles

The market of 16,365 was up 40 percent on the same month last year. The market YTD is up 39 percent and is the strongest new vehicle market on record so far. Arrival volumes of 11,182 units were substantially below the sales rate, resulting in a net drawdown on stock levels.

A big bonus of having a branch in Christchurch is that it helps to reduce freight charges for all South Island workshops. It also means faster deliveries in the South Island with most parcels arriving overnight. 1, 2 and 3 hour express courier options are also available within the Christchurch area. The branch has opened with three staff - Jaco Gouws, the new branch manager, Jaime King a parts salesman and Jared Pilgrim a Warehouse Storeperson.

Achievement of an annual sales record in 2021 will rely heavily on the timing of shipping arrivals in December.

Tony Everett 04 381 8827

New Vehicle Market Passenger and Commercial - November 2021 18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000


10,000 2020

8,000 6,000


4,000 2,000

Across a rolling 12-month period estimated stock levels are in positive territory, but supply remains very tight.



Feb Mar


May Jun



Sep Oct Nov


Top 10 New Vehicle Brands - Nov 2021 BRAND

Nov 2021


TOYOTA 3,127




FORD 1,947 41.7% KIA

Refitting the branch was a large project including painting, building, signage & a full shelving fitout. All Euro Parts worked with local businesses including Wright Construction, Identity Signs and NC Electrical. “It made it so much easier to work with local tradies who knew what they were doing.” said Auric. “We want to say a big thank you to them all for doing such a great job in a tight timeframe.




Tesla 3



Another shipment landed, leading the EV segment. It was the eighth top-selling vehicle in November and second top-selling car.


Best month in the year so far for Mitsubishi, Hyundai, Nissan, MG, and Fiat. Despite some big numbers the market remains subject to supply constraints, and long lead times for some models.

www.alleuroparts.co.nz 0800 ALL EURO MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022


Brand performance

All Euro Parts have been quick to react to the challenges presented by Covid 19, especially when it comes to importing. “We work with multiple freight carriers and are in weekly contact with all of our suppliers. We can still get a huge range of parts, and special orders still arrive quickly.” says Auric. We have been busy and have taken on more staff across the three branches to ensure quick deliveries. We are looking forward to building our relationships with existing customers and forming new partnerships with workshops in the South Island.

1,146 27.9%

Almost all brands are well ahead YTD, in particular Mitsubishi, MG, Tesla, LDV, Haval, and Great Wall.Top 15 models included 10 SUV, two cars, two utes and one van.

Drive technology mix:

ICE 83 percent, hybrid 9 percent, EV 6 percent, PHEV 3 percent. 918 EV - including: 408 Tesla 3, 121 MG ZS, 100 Ioniq 5, 64 Hyundai Kona and 29 Lexus UX300E. 433 PHEV - including 172 Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross, 100 Mitsubushi Outlander, 40 MG HS, 35 Ford Escape and 29 Hyundai Ioniq. 1,462 hybrid - top models including 553 Toyota RAV4, 182 Corolla, 133 Honda Jazz, 121 Highlander and 101 CH-R .

465 192.3%





Top 15 New Models - November 2021 Brand



% Chg YTD
















416 408

61% 171% 80% 15% 45% 122% 50% 520%


363 -18%










304 2794%







61% 361%

MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022



Market overview - November 2021 Used import vehicles

With 12,080 units, November was a good month, up 18 percent on November 2020, and well ahead of preceding Covid-19 impacted months. YTD the used import market is up 5 percent. Used import arrival volumes of 10,271 units in November were 1,089 units below the sales count, resulting in a net reduction in inventory levels Across a rolling 12-month period estimated stock levels appear to be in a strong position

Used Import Vehicle Registrations Passenger and Commercial 18,000 16,000 14,000 2019

12,000 10,000





New Road Registered Motorcycles and Scooters - Nov 2021

There were 1,078 new motorcycle registrations in November, up 16 percent on November 2020. There were 210 used import motorcycle registrations in October. Overall, the combined new and used import road market was 1,288 units, up 16 percent for the month. YTD the combined market is up 9 percent.

Brand performance


Suzuki led again in November with 216 units, well above usual levels. Most brands are doing substantially better across the first 11 months of the year. There are exceptions as supply shortages have an impact.

2,000 0


Jan Feb Mar

Apr May Jun Jul


Sep Oct Nov


Top 10 Motorcycle registrations by brand

Nissan NV350 Van - a rapidly growing van entrant.

Top 10 Used Import Models - November 2021


216 33%


130 41%


93 -11%



900 800 700 2019

600 500


400 2021

300 200 100


Feb Mar Apr May

Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


70 26%


68 31%




49 6%


36 65%


33 33%



% Chg YTD

Toyota Aqua



Drive technology mix:

Mazda Axela



Top-Selling Models - Nov 2021

ICE 76 percent, hybrid 21 percent, EV 2 percent, PHEV 1 percent.

Toyota Prius





Nissan X-Trail











PHEV 124 units - included 76 Outlander, 25 Prius, 6 BMW 330E 4 Golf and 3 BMW i3.


Nov 2021 % Chg YTD

Oct 2021

EV 266 units - included 236 Leaf, 13 Tesla Model S, 5 MG 5. and 2 Audi E-Tron



Hybrid 2,479 units - top sellers included: 912 Aqua, 369 Prius, 214 Fit, 138 Corolla and 72 SAI.


Volkswagen Golf



Mitsubishi Outlander



Honda Fit




Mazda CX-5





Subaru Legacy







Subaru Impreza





Suzuki UZ50 Scooter Number 2 seller in November. A great wee commuter or a trip to the dairy for an ice cream!

Territory sales data can be accessed via the market information provided on the MTA website/toolbox: https://toolbox.mta.org.nz/sector-specific-advice/dealer/facts-and-statistics/ MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022

MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022



Member Classifieds Situations vacant Mechanic – Kumeu, Rodney

Small busy workshop looking for a mechanic with recognised qualification in the automotive industry or acceptable time served. WoF authority a bonus. Great communication skills and ability to work under pressure essential. Email Mike: admin@manukaautomotive.co.nz.

Automotive technician/WoF – Kirwee

Mechanic with WoF authority wanted. Are you looking for flexible hours? Full-time or Part-time. Busy workshop situated in rural country area 45km west of Christchurch. Phone Vanessa 027 326 3083 or email workshop@ kirweechallenge.co.nz

Workshop Foreman – Akaroa, Canterbury

Leading a team of four you have: Trade qualification, WoF authority, a customer centred approach, experience working on a variety of vehicles, and a sense of humour! Offering an attractive salary, monthly bonuses and other benefits negotiable. Relocation assistance also available. Ph: 03 304 7055 or email: akaroamotorgarage@xtra.co.nz.

Automotive technician – Whanganui

Motorcycle technician – Tauranga

We require a full time qualified automotive technician.The successful applicant needs to hold a full driver’s licence, have excellent diagnostic skills, time management and be a team player. A full job description is available upon emailing: contactautofix@xtra.co.nz

Mechanic – Tauranga

Qualified mechanic required for busy workshop. Must be able to work unsupervised. A WoF authority is preferred but not essential. Great team with new, well-equipped workshop. Contact Heather on 027 244 2331.

Bayride Motorcycles is on the hunt for an experienced mechanic, WoF authority preferred. We service Aprilia, Triumph and Yamaha motorcycles. Contact Catherine@bayride.co.nz 027 348 4792. Bridgestone is looking for a qualified mechanic with WoF. Responsible for providing in-store mechanical services and recognising sales opportunities. You'll get a $2,500 sign-on bonus, full training, a competitive hourly rate, Monday- Friday work week, health benefits, and staff discount on purchases. Email: recruitment@bridgestone.co.nz. Phone: 09 589 4292.

Automotive technician – Fairlie

We are seeking a technician for McKenzie Country Motors in Fairlie. We provide oscilloscope training and fund a WoF qualification for a suitable applicant. Flexible hours available. Email Brett at, office@mcml.nz.

Motorcycle technician – Auckland Takapuna

Qualified technician required for busy Service department. Great team with a new well-equipped Service department. A WoF authority is preferred but not essential. Contact Sandra – sandra@cyclespot.co.nz.

Mechanic – Woodville

We’re looking for a qualified mechanic to join our busy country workshop. Focused on friendly service, we cover diagnostics to engineering. WoF certification beneficial but not essential. Phone: 06 376 5239.

Mechanic / WoF inspector – Kaikohe

Looking for a qualified automotive technician with WoF authority to issue WoFs, servicing and mechanical repairs. Clean New Zealand driver licence. Phone Richard 09 401 0155 or email CV to office@kaikohepanelbeaters.co.nz.

Automotive technician – Northland

Busy workshop looking for an Automotive Technician preferably with WoF authority. Contact Luke on 021 111 5683.

Automotive technician - Otaki

We are seeking an experienced and highly motivated Automotive Technician/Mechanic to join our workshop. You will have experience in all areas of Automotive mechanical repairs, diagnostics, servicing and repairs of cars, light commercial vehicles and trailers. WoF and trade certified is an advantage. Forward your CV to: otakitow@gmail.com

Mechanic – Taupo area

Motorcycle technician– Nelson

We require a qualified technician to work us in our well-established Honda dealership. The successful applicant will need to be honest and hardworking, have a clean driver’s licence, attention to detail and the ability to work with our existing staff of nine. Contact Ian on 027 221 9162.

Mechanic – West Auckland

Looking for a knowledgeable and experienced mechanic, punctual and reliable. Must have FULL NZDL, recognised qualification in the automotive industry or acceptable time served. Phone Sam on 021 055 3899.

Automotive technician – Kaiapoi

A busy general repair workshop looking for an experienced technician, with a current WoF certificate. Contact Jason on 027 918 8685.

Service department coordinator – Hamilton

Road and Sport Motorcycles are seeking a highly motivated person who has an interest in serving Harley-Davidson customers. You must have the ability to co-lead, motivate and support a team of trained HarleyDavidson technicians. Monday-Friday and every second Saturday. Email CV to: employment@roadandsport.co.nz.

Auto Electrician - Gisborne

Gisborne Autoelectrics currently have an exciting opportunity for a qualified auto electrician or apprentice. We specialise in commercial and private motor vehicles. APPLY NOW. We're keen to meet you. Email dani@gisborneautoelectrics.co.nz or Ph 06 868 8012.

WoF Inspector - Fairlie

McKenzie Country Motors is seeking a WoF Inspector to join our busy workshop in Fairlie. We pay competitive rates and can discuss flexible hours if this suits the applicant. To apply, email Brett at office@mcml.nz.

Automotive technician – Havelock North

We require a mechanic with WoF authority, not frightened of being busy and can work on a variety of vehicles. Must be reliable and trustworthy. Email: mcclintockmotors2014@gmail.com if interested along with your c.v.

Automotive technician – Mount Roskill

Diesel mechanics – Taranaki

Automotive technician – Whitianga

Qualified Motorcycle Mechanic - Whakatane

Talented technician wanted to join our team. Purpose built workshop, great environment and team culture. Call Danica - 0274 746 598. Qualified with current WoF authority. We service all makes and models. Please email Chris - admin@pencars.co.nz with your CV.

Diesel mechanic – Wyndham

Enthusiastic diesel injection technician with common rail experience to join a thriving rural garage. The business boasts a fully equipped diesel fuel injection facility. Generous package to reflect the experience of the applicant, with a possibility for future investment into the business. Email: redbarron222@gmail.com or phone 0272 417614

Automotive technician/WoF Inspector – Te Aroha Immediate start. Qualified or equivalent experience and WoF authority required. Excellent working conditions. Please email CV to: service@summitmotors.co.nz or call Garth on 021 511 911.

MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022

We require qualified diesel mechanics at our New Plymouth, Hawera and Bell Block dealerships. Email: holly@mccurdy.co.nz. We are a busy and long established company (49 plus years) Suzuki Kawasaki and Can Am agents. We service most popular makes and models, mostly farm motorcycles, ATV and Side by Sides as well as road, commuter and off-road. WoF certified and experience with Harley-Davidson’s an advantage but not essential. A full time position with immediate start is available. Monday to Friday 8.00am to 5.00pm and includes rostered Saturday (9am to 12pm), typically 1 in 4 weekends. Applicants should have NZ residency or a valid NZ work visa. A full drivers license is required as well as a motorcycle license or the willingness to sit one. Please email your CV to:admin@underwoodandwilkins.co.nz or Post to: Motorcycle Mechanic Vacancy, P O Box 439, Whakatane 3158

Email classifieds to: radiator@mta.org.nz

Automotive Technician - Thames

Includes a variety of work as we are an authorised Nissan Service/ Parts centre and AA licenced repairer. We pride ourselves on top quality work and customer service, performing repairs, servicing, diagnostic’s, tuning and WoF’s on all makes and models. Must be well presented with excellent communication skills. Work to a high standard, and customer focused. A full NZ drivers licence and an AVI to do WoF's an advantage. Email: wenzlick.automotive@xtra.co.nz or phone Shane: 027 6874001

Automotive mechanic/technician – Manukau City We are a busy workshop who prides themselves on quality workmanship and customer service. Needs to be able to work unsupervised, have good diagnostic skills and be able to work on a wide range of vehicles and a good command of English and a full driver licence with NZ residency or a valid work visa. Email: workshop@autoking.co.nz or phone: 09 262 1271.

Automotive technician – Motueka, Nelson

Seeking an experienced person to carry out vehicle repairs and servicing on all makes and models. Ideally will have: • WoF ticket (or able to get one) • NZ or equivalent automotive qualifications or proven experience. • Full drivers licence. Accommodation and vehicle can be offered short-term if needing assistance with relocation. Send your C.V to: marketingautossmot@xtra.co.nz. New Zealand residency required or a valid New Zealand work visa.

Automotive technician – Waipukurau

Ideally the applicant will be a qualified diesel or petrol mechanic with the ability to work on a wide range of heavy vehicles from general servicing to diagnostics and repairs. Must be able to work within a small team. Please apply with CV to Vaughan on 0274 219800 or 06 858 9935. email: vcmotors@xtra.co.nz.

Mechanic – Wellington

We are seeking a qualified mechanic with WoF authority, that can complete service's WoF's and WoF repairs. Needs to have a New Zealand Licence. Please call Ben on - 04 384 3168 or 027 451 9893 or Email CV to - torrens@brendonmotors.co.nz.

Automotive technician – South Canterbury

We are the South Canterbury Honda service centre, after hours AA roadside contractor and carry out salvaging throughout the district. The successful applicant needs to hold a full driver’s licence, have excellent diagnostic skills, time management and be a team player. Call Alan on 027 228 9584 or email alan@vaughanmotors.co.nz.

Panelbeaters - Auckland

Busy Auckland (Otahuhu) based auto repair specialist is looking to hire: 2 x Experienced Panelbeaters. Successful candidates should demonstrate: solid experience in Automotive Panelbeating, NZQA Level 3 or higher, i-Car Welding Certificate, experience in operating Car-O-Liner chassis machine. We offer: employee discounts, training, tool allowance, career progression, very competitive pay rates. Email: vasya@smartautoshop.co.nz.

Automotive technician – Auckland

Busy auto centre is looking for an experienced and qualified mechanic. General service, maintenance and repairs. Diagnose mechanical and electrical faults in passenger and light commercial vehicles. We offer: employee discounts, training, tool allowance, career progression, competitive pay rate and benefits. Email: vasya@smartautoshop.co.nz.

Automotive technician – Greymouth

We are the Ford franchise dealer for the West Coast and also the Mazda and Kia service and parts dealer. We require a qualified and experienced tech to join our team. Excellent working conditions, varied work and above-market pay for the right candidate. Please contact Dillan the Service Manager, service@greyford.co.nz or 027 900 0064.

Automotive Technician - Hunterville

We are seeking a qualified, motivated person to join our small yet busy workshop at BP2go Hunterville. Must be WoF certified. This is a full-time role, however we will consider applications from part-time WoF inspectors. In exchange for good communication and time management skills, we offer a great workplace environment. Remuneration will be reflective of qualifications and experience. We will consider leasing the fully facilitated large workshop space with tools and compliance to start operating. Email: ahmad@bp2gohunterville.co.nz.

Automotive Technician - Dunedin

Opportunity for a qualified/experienced Automotive Technician/ Mechanic to join our friendly team in our busy Dunedin workshop. We work on a wide variety of domestic vehicles. WoF Certified preferred but we would be happy to help you get qualified. Competitive remuneration offered for the right applicant. Contact Garry 0274 545 040 or email bgapplegarth@xtra.co.nz.

Automotive Technician - Dunedin

Dj Auto is looking for an experienced technician to work along side three young men. The ideal candidate would be adaptable and have a passion for cars or engineering. Position would be 25-40hrs per week. Contact Thomas Laue on 03 4730 068

Businesses for sale Panel Repair Shop - Palmerston North

Well-equipped panel repair shop. Established over 55 years Owner retiring. Chassis machine, measuring system and hoist etc. Loyal customer base. Close to town centre. Phone: Terry 0274 844758.

Automotive Workshop – Auckland Mt Eden

Established 1980. Located Mine Road, Mt Eden Road. 2 x 2 post hoists 1 x 4 post hoist. Tyre bay with tyre and balance machine. WoF site. Just bring your own staff. High quality client base. For more information Email: johnbiparva@yahoo.com.

Automotive and Mechanical Cable business Wellington

Long running, well equipped and stocked business, supplying, manufacturing and repairing a wide variety of mechanical cables. Nationwide client base. For more information please email: info@melbarcables.co.nz.

Businesses for lease Hunterville workspace available

We have a fully facilitated large workshop space available for lease with all necessary tools and compliance to start operating. For further information, email your application to ahmad@bp2gohunterville.co.nz.

Garage in Central Hawke’s Bay for lease

Garage Central Cars is a fully equipped 3 bay garage for lease. Comes with a 2 and 4-poster hoist, separate reception office, large tyre bay with tyre machine and balance machine, Mechanics office, storeroom, washroom, and WC. The site has WoF inspection authority. $9,000 worth of stock. With an existing client base. Please call 021 0257 9751.

Services VIRM In-Service Certification Questionnaire pack Training resource for prospective and current VIs. 14 questionnaires, marking and certificate of completion. Contact Fliss, Business Systems Sorted. Phone: 022 151 1243. Email: fliss@businesssystemssorted.co.nz www.businesssystemssorted.co.nz.

QMS and PRS Manual (Administration)

Help and guidance for those working in the WoF Inspecting Organisation space. I provide a pre-assessment check, to get your QMS up-to-date before your next NZTA visit. Happy to take calls from anywhere in the South Island. Acceler8 Automotive Solutions - www.acceler8.co.nz. Phone: Chris Lambie 027 442 0899.

Need some help?

Simple, personalised H&S system, documented policies & procedures, hazsub inventories & office optimisation service - clearing the clutter! Contact Fliss, Business Systems Sorted - 022 151 1243 www.businesssystemssorted.co.nz.

MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022



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MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022

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MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022



Region coordinators and chairs

MTA Directors 2021/22

We encourage all members to attend the training courses, professional development opportunities or networking events taking place in their areas. Our region coordinators will let you know what’s on and when. They are also keen to hear your ideas for other training or get-togethers that you’d like to take part in. The region executive committees meet every six weeks or so and all MTA members are more than welcome to attend. The more you get involved, the more you can benefit from membership. Just contact your coordinator or region chair to check the dates of the meetings in your region.

Northern region

Kaimai Bob Boniface, President

Sturrock Saunders

Tony Allen

Samantha Sharif





Jessica Josephson

Rob Wilson



Region Coordinator 022 277 6275

Region Chair 021 268 1781

Eastland Kim Preston

Region Coordinator 027 280 0707


Dan Taylor

Region Chair 022 014 7802


Central West

Annie Van Wyk

Andrew Holtham

Region Coordinator 021 072 6790

Region Chair 027 588 8079

annie.vanwyk@mta.org.nz andrewh@easterntruck.co.nz

Andrea Andrew

Grant Woolford

Tom Ruddenklau




MTA Regions: assigned MTA Directors

Cook Strait Annie Van Wyk

Chris Dittmer



Region Coordinator 021 072 6790

Region Chair 06 323 4252

Northern: Bob Boniface. Kaimai and Eastland: Tony Allen. Central West and Aoraki East Coast: Andrea Andrew. Jordan Thompson

Cook Strait: Samantha Sharif. Coast to Coast and Southern Mainland: Sturrock Saunders.

Region Coordinator 027 252 8435


Alex Bilton

Region Chair 027 261 6487

manager@ motorworksmasterton.co.nz

Coast to Coast

Welcome new members Aksal Motors Newlands Caltex Kerikeri Challenge Waiheke Garage 10 Automotive Get Cars Mobil Lakeview Motormekanix Motueka Vehicle Testing Station Ltd Shorland Peugeot and Citroen St Kilda Automotive Stewart Motors Trentham Mechanical & Tyres

Wellington Kerikeri Waiheke Island Auckland Nelson Taupo Hamilton Motueka Tauranga Dunedin Whakatane Upper Hutt

MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022

Mel Tukapua

Joris Sanders



Region Coordinator 027 682 4191

Southern Mainland

Katrina Garrett

Leslie Baxter



Region Coordinator 021 225 5528

Region Chair 03 208 1234

Region Chair 03 366 3384

Aoraki East Coast

Mel Tukapua

Hamish Miller



Region Coordinator 027 682 4191

Region Chair 021 706 503

MTA Radiator Magazine December 2021/January 2022

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