Ovation Volume 30, Number 1 (October/November 2022)

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vol 30 • no 1 oct/nov 2022
Adapted for the stage by Lee Hall Based on the Paddy Chayefsky film

To be truly human has to be learned, and learned over and over again. And one of the places where we learn about being human is in the theatre.

This year we celebrate our 65th anniversary, and that legacy is powerful. While not intentional, it’s interesting that the two plays opening our season are both set in the 1970s. And while they are immersed in the fashion, politics and worldview of their era, they are also messengers from the past speaking to us in the here and now.

Network , adapted from the 1976 Oscar-winning film, is a harbinger signalling how the world of media would erode into a frenzied pursuit of ratings. This show’s prescient message seems to ask us today: at what cost are we willing to continue this pursuit? If Hirsch’s message of theatre is as a place to learn how to be human, then this play cuts through the noise to remind us, as Beale says, “The only total commitment any of us can have – is to other people…”

In New, this theme burns brightly. The sense of community found by a group of friends in a new country, and their responsibility to each other even in the toughest moments, is a promise that sustains them. This commitment to each other, and to reshaping the world they want to live in, is again a beacon from the past speaking to us now. Laden with the scars of Partition, a line that literally tore a nation of people apart, this group overcomes the burden of difference to rebuild community rooted in love and the common good.

This most sacred space of the theatre reminds us who we are, and helps us become who we want to be.

It is my deepest pleasure to welcome you back,

The Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre is proud to call Manitoba home. Royal MTC is located in Winnipeg on Treaty 1 territory, the lands of the Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota and Dene peoples, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis. We are thankful for the benefits sharing this land has afforded us, acknowledge the responsibilities of the Treaties, and embrace the opportunity to partner with Indigenous communities in the spirit of reconciliation and collaboration.

Kelly Thornton
october/november 2022 Ovation 3

A.C.T. American Conservatory Theater • San Francisco, CA Arts Club Arts Club Theatre Company • Vancouver, BC

ATF Atlantic Theatre Festival • Wolfville, NS

ATP Alberta Theatre Projects • Calgary, AB

BAM Brooklyn Academy of Music • NYC

Bard on the Beach Bard on the Beach Shakespeare Festival • Vancouver, BC

Belfry The Belfry Theatre • Victoria, BC

Blyth Blyth Theatre Festival • Blyth, ON Broadway Theatre district • New York, NY

CBC Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Centaur Centaur Theatre Company • Montreal, QC

Citadel The Citadel Theatre • Edmonton, AB

COC Canadian Opera Company • Toronto, ON CS Canadian Stage • Toronto, ON Dora Dora Mavor Moore Award • Toronto, ON Drayton Drayton Entertainment • Ontario

Dry Cold Dry Cold Productions • Winnipeg, MB

Factory Factory Theatre • Toronto, ON

GCTC The Great Canadian Theatre Company • Ottawa, ON Grand The Grand Theatre • London, ON

HGJT Harold Green Jewish Theatre Company • Toronto, ON Mirvish Mirvish Productions • Toronto, ON Moving Target Moving Target Theatre Company • Winnipeg, MB

MTYP Manitoba Theatre for Young People • Winnipeg, MB

NAC National Arts Centre • Ottawa, ON Necessary Angel Necessary Angel Theatre Company • Toronto, ON Neptune Neptune Theatre • Halifax, NS

NFB National Film Board of Canada

NTS National Theatre School of Canada • Montreal, QC Persephone Persephone Theatre • Saskatoon, SK

PTAM Popular Theatre Alliance of Manitoba • Winnipeg, MB

PTE Prairie Theatre Exchange • Winnipeg, MB



Ovation is published six times per theatre season and has an approximate yearly circulation of 100,000. printing: Premier Printing Ltd.


Savannah Lillies telephone: 204 934 0309 email: slillies@royalmtc.ca

Rainbow Rainbow Stage • Winnipeg, MB

RNT Royal National Theatre • London, England

Royal Alex The Royal Alexandra Theatre • Toronto, ON

RSC Royal Shakespeare Company • Stratford-upon-Avon, England

RWB Royal Winnipeg Ballet • Winnipeg, MB

Sarasvàti Sarasvàti Productions • Winnipeg, MB

Segal The Segal Centre for Performing Arts • Montreal, QC

Shaw Shaw Festival • Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON

SIR Shakespeare in the Ruins • Winnipeg, MB

Soulpepper Soulpepper Theatre Company • Toronto, ON Stratford Stratford Festival • Stratford, ON

SummerWorks SummerWorks Theatre Festival • Toronto, ON

TA Theatre Aquarius • Hamilton, ON

Tarragon Tarragon Theatre • Toronto, ON

TBTR Theatre by the River • Winnipeg, MB

TC Theatre Calgary • Calgary, AB

TiFT Talk is Free Theatre • Barrie, ON

TNB Theatre New Brunswick • Fredericton, NB

Toronto Free Toronto Free Theatre • Toronto, ON

TPM Theatre Projects Manitoba • Winnipeg, MB

TSO Toronto Symphony Orchestra

U of M University of Manitoba

U of T University of Toronto

U of W University of Winnipeg

ViC The Village Conservatory for Music Theatre • Winnipeg, MB

VP Vancouver Playhouse Theatre Company • Vancouver, BC

West End Theatre district • London, England

WCT Western Canada Theatre • Kamloops, BC

WJT Winnipeg Jewish Theatre

WSO Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra

WST Winnipeg Studio Theatre

YPT Young People’s Theatre • Toronto, ON zone41 zone41 theatre • Winnipeg, MB

Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre 174 Market Avenue Winnipeg, MB r3b 0p8 Canada


box office: 204 942 6537 administration: 204 956 1340 fax: 204 947 3741

Ushers • Royal MTC’s loyal volunteer ushers are available at every performance to assist patrons.

Latecomers • Latecomers will be seated at the discretion of the House Manager.

Courtesy to others • Talking, candy wrappers and coughing are distracting to fellow patrons and actors. We ask each patron to please keep noise to a minimum during a performance. Thank you for your cooperation.

Scents and Allergies • A number of Royal MTC patrons have expressed concerns regarding medical reactions caused by scented products, so much so that they can’t enjoy the show. Please consider others before using items such as colognes, perfumes and hairspray. Your thoughtfulness is appreciated.

Royal MTC is a member of the Professional Association of Canadian Theatres and engages, under the terms of the Canadian Theatre Agreement, professional artists who are members of the Canadian Actors’ Equity Association.

Scenery, Carpentry and Show Running Crew at the John Hirsch Mainstage and the Tom Hendry Warehouse are members of IATSE Local 63.

Hearing enhancement • Sennheiser Infrared Listening Devices are available free of charge in the lobby at the John Hirsch Mainstage and Tom Hendry Warehouse, supplied by the Royal MTC Volunteer Corps of Ushers Capital Campaign donation. Please see the House Manager for details.

Prohibited • The use of cameras and recording devices is strictly prohibited. Mobile devices must be turned off. To be contacted in an emergency, leave your name and seat number with the House Manager.

Warnings • On occasion, Royal MTC’s productions may contain script-specific smoking of non-tobacco products, special effects and language/content warnings. For more information on specific productions, please visit royalmtc.ca.

THEATRE ABBREVIATION LEGEND 4 Ovation october/november 2022


Don’t touch that

Royal MTC


Manitoba’s Arts

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dial! Network promises to
performance! Break a leg to all those involved in

The more things change, the more they stay the same

A major television network decides to fire its experienced news anchor.

The network, controlled by a big corporation, is concerned about ratings and future business prospects. The anchor responds to the firing in an unexpected and very public way, causing great consternation inside the network and for the news show’s audience.

Does all of this sound familiar?

No, it has nothing to do with recent events in Canada. Instead, it’s the premise of a devastatingly prophetic story created more than 45 years ago by American play wright and screenwriter Paddy Chayefsky.

But like everything else in the 1976 movie Network and its modern-day stage adaptation, it has much to say about how television has evolved over

the last half-century. What was seen as a dark comedy and sharp critique of TV in the 1970s is now painfully familiar to anyone trying to distinguish between news and entertainment in the current media landscape.

The fictional Howard Beale, facing the end of his career, begins ranting on air and denouncing what he sees as society’s hypocrisy. Turbulent economic times, an energy crisis and international tensions have everyone on edge. He calls on the viewers to stick their heads out of their windows and shout: “I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take it anymore.”

The overnight ratings shoot up, and network bigwigs seize this opportu nity to gain a bigger audience. “The audience out there obviously wants a prophet, even a manufactured one,”

NETWORK 6 Ovation october/november 2022
Jim Mezon in Network

proclaims a network executive. So the news show is moved into the programming division, where entertainment and features rule the day.

Trying to stir up outrage and anger is now standard fare on cable news and talk shows. The line between news reporting and opinion has been erased on many programs, and stoking controversy has become an end in itself. Just as in Howard Beale’s world, the angrier the audience gets, the higher the ratings go.

The ugliest side of this phenomenon has produced troubling and dangerous consequences. Conspiracy theories are elevated to serious national debates, with any semblance of evidence and truth as measures of honest reporting flying out the window. In extreme cases, as we have seen during the COVID-19 pandemic, people have died after following the advice of some self-proclaimed prophets.

It’s fair to ask the question: do the wannabe Howard Beales today really believe the nonsense they are spewing?

Some insight was revealed when conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, who commands a massive audience, was involved in a custody battle a few years ago. His lawyer told the court Jones was a “performance artist” playing a character on his talk show.

The desire to increase ratings leads the producers in Network to adopt some extreme measures. But are they so far removed from the antics that were common on the Jerry Springer or Maury Povich shows? And when a television personality and businessman who built his profile by firing people on the air became president of the United States, the line between entertainment and reality became blurrier still.

Chayefsky also explores issues of sexism and ageism in his script, and recent events have once again confirmed that these problems have not gone away. Media organizations in the United States and Canada remain primarily in private hands, and the desire to increase market share and return on equity is paramount. There are countless examples of the human cost this priority can exact.

“This tube can make or break presidents, popes and prime ministers,” Beale proclaims to his viewers. While that might have been true in 1976, there has been a shift in the industry. The wealth of choices afforded by the Internet, social media, podcasts and streaming services means fewer and fewer people are tuning in to conventional network television.

If network executives were intent on increasing ratings half a century ago, their aim today is to desperately hang onto the viewers they already have. But none of that makes Network ’s message any less relevant today. The same shenanigans Howard Beale’s producers cooked up can now be seen in all the content we consume on our phones, social media feeds and the endless variety of screens we have in our homes. The next time you consider hitting that “share” or “like” button, stop and think about who is trying to get you to be mad as hell, and why.

Cecil Rosner has been a professional journalist in Canada for more than four decades, concentrating for most of that time on reporting and supervising investigative journalism projects. He is currently an adjunct professor at the University of Winnipeg.

NETWORK october/november 2022 Ovation 7


Adapted for the Stage by Lee Hall Based on the Paddy Chayefsky film

20 –

12, 2022


Daryl Cloran

Lorenzo Savoini

Carmen Alatorre

Dave Clarke

Hugh Conacher



Janine Waddell

Amanda Goldberg


Samantha Desiree

Henry Assistant Stage Manager Zahra Larche Apprentice Stage Manager


Camera Operator Bailey Chin Louise Schumacher / Floor Manager

Nadien Chu Schlesinger / Make-Up Artist

Sarah Constible Jack Snowden / Warm-Up Guy

Braydon Dowler-Coltman Diana Christiansen

Alana Hawley Purvis Sheila / Secretary Reena Jolly Nelson Chaney / Director Kevin Klassen Howard Beale

Glenn Nelson

Mezon† Edward Ruddy / Continuity Announcer

Camera Operator / ELA Member

Bernardo Pacheco Arthur Jensen / Technician Michael Peng Max Schumacher Alex Poch-Goldin

Leon Willey

Harry Hunter

Premiere by David Binder, National Theatre,

was first presented by

Richard Young

Williams Frank Hackett

Myles, David Luff, Ros Povey and Lee Menzies.

Royal National Theatre and Patrick Myles, David Luff, Ros Povey and Lee Menzies

November 4, 2017.

photography by Nanc Price.

*Position funded through the Jean Murray - Moray Sinclair Theatre Apprenticeship Program †Past Jean Murray - Moray Sinclair apprenticeship or scholarship recipient Kelly Thornton, Artistic Director • Camilla Holland, Executive Director PRESENTS 8 Ovation october/november 2022 A CO-PRODUCTION WITH CITADEL THEATRE
preview October
Director .......................................................................................
Set & Lighting Designer
Costume Designer
Sound Designer .........................................................................
Video Designer ...................................................................
/ Intimacy Director.................................
Technican ......................................................................................




time of their appearance.

Sheila / Secretary & Schlesinger

Make-Up Artist

Louise Schumacher / Floor Manager




Arthur Jensen


Hunter & Jack Snowden


Warm-Up Guy

Bailey Chin




Kevin Klassen




Edward Ruddy / Continuity Announcer & Nelson Chaney / Director & Camera Operator Leon Willey

is performed with


Network was released in 1976 as a film. At that time in the US and Canada, Anti-Arab and Anti-Muslim sentiment was beginning to build, especially around fears of Arab control of US petroleum, oil and other commodities. In the original screenplay, and this new play adaptation, Howard Beale expresses these sentiments in a speech near the end of the play. While these are the sentiments of a fictional character, and reflect beliefs and prejudices of that time, we wish to acknowledge that these ideas can be hard to hear even in a historical context, and that these racist stereotypes have caused real harm to Arab and Muslim people. Sadly, many of these sentiments endure, and continue to cause harm to this day. As a team, we discussed this scene in rehearsal, supported team members as we worked through it, and consulted with individuals from the wider Middle Eastern community.

SYNOPSIS – TV anchor Howard Beale has broken the first rule of news. You do not become the news.

Following a serious incident during a live broadcast, UBS ratings soar – and with it the opportunity to pull the whole network out of a financial hole. As Howard’s voice grows more and more powerful, the lines blur between fact and fiction. The question that remains – at what cost?

Based on the 1976 Academy Award-winning film, Network examines the effects of a TV anchor-turned-prophet and a network that sells its soul for ratings.

Understudies never substitute for listed performers unless
specific announcement is made at the
........................ Sarah
................................................. Braydon
.................................................................... Reena
................................................ Glenn
.... Bernardo
one intermission.
october/november 2022 Ovation 9

Bailey Chin Camera Operator

Understudy: Sheila / Secretary & Schlesinger / Make-Up Artist

ROYAL MTC First appearance. Upcoming: Sexual Misconduct of the Middle Classes.

OTHER THEATRE Artist (Winnipeg Fringe Theatre Festival); Peer Gynt, Hughie and Macbeth (U of M).

TRAINING University of Manitoba – Black Hole Theatre.

ET CETERA Special thanks to my family for always supporting me, my friends Em, Jonathan, Hayley, Cali and Jacqui for always believing I can do the impossible, and to my partner Stan for always keeping my heart soft and my wits sharp.

and one for her performance as Laura in Pretty Goblins. Special thanks to KS, LC and NC for their enduring support and love.

Sarah Constible Schlesinger / Make-Up Artist

Understudy: Louise Schumacher / Floor Manager

ROYAL MTC Selected: As You Like It, Di and Viv and Rose, Shakespeare in Love (with Citadel), Sarah Ballenden, The Fighting Days, The Penelopiad, The 39 Steps, Bleeding Hearts, After Miss Julie.

OTHER THEATRE Selected: Much Ado About Nothing, Timon of Athens, Richard III, Henry V (SIR); Dragonfly, Reservations, Beautiful Man (TPM); A Doll’s House, Part 2 (Segal); Strawberries in January, The Swearing Jar, Godspell (PTE); Am I Not King? (zone41). As Director: The Winter’s Tale, Julius Caesar, Stripped Down Hamlet (SIR); Mary’s Wedding (TPM); Hamlet (Snakeskin Jacket); Edward II (TBTR).

ROYAL MTC First appearance.

OTHER THEATRE Pretty Goblins (Workshop West); The Roomate (Shadow Theatre); The Thin Man (Vertigo Theatre); All the Little Animals I Have Eaten (One Yellow Rabbit); Vanya, Sonia, Masha and Spike (ATP); Space // Space (Northern Light Theatre); A Midsummer Night’s Dream / Measure for Measure, The Winter’s Tale / The Comedy of Errors, Macbeth, Titus Andronicus –Sterling Award (Freewill Shakespeare Festival); The Garneau Block, Jane Eyre, The Tempest, The Penelopiad (Citadel); Pig Girl, Palace of the End (Theatre Network).

TRAINING Graduate of the University of Alberta’s BFA Acting Program.

ET CETERA Nadien has received two Sterling Awards for acting: one for her performance of Lavinia in Titus Andronicus

FILM/TV The Stone Angel, High Life, Todd and the Book of Pure Evil, Less Than Kind, Flag Day.

ET CETERA Sarah is a member of the Fu Fu Chi Chi Choir. Sarah’s pandemic projects included adapting Macbeth into a feature film for SIR – hopefully premiering in 2023!

Braydon Dowler-Coltman

Jack Snowden / Warm-Up Guy

Understudy: Frank Hackett

ROYAL MTC First appearance.

OTHER THEATRE Jane Eyre, A Christmas Carol, The Tempest, The Pillowman (Citadel); Burning Bluebeard (Edmonton Actor’s Theatre); Shakespeare’s R&J (Kill Your Television); To Be Moved, A Quiet Place, Scaramouche Jones, Subway Circus

For a complete list of theatre abbreviations, please refer to legend on page 4 NETWORK 10 Ovation october/november 2022


(Blarney Productions); The Salon of the Talking Turk (Teatro La Quindicina); Fortune Falls (Catalyst Theatre/ATP); Passion Play (Wild Side Productions).

TRAINING The Citadel/Banff Centre Professional Theatre Program; University of Alberta, Bachelor of Fine Arts – Acting; Simon Fraser University, Contemporary Arts.

Caesar (Stratford); Blow Wind High Water (TC); A Picasso (Shadow Theatre); Drama: A Pilot Episode (ATP). FILM/TV Select: Charmed (CW); Supergirl (Warner Bros./DC Entertainment); Range Roads (North Country Cinemas – 2022 Canadian Screen Awards Nomination for Best Actress in a Leading Role).

TRAINING/TEACHING American Academy for Classical Acting (MFA), Birmingham Conservatory. U of A – Acting (BFA). Vocal Coach at Bard on the Beach. Acting/Voice Instructor with Douglas College Theatre Department. Creator of the Your Voice program at the LGBTQ+ Wellness Centre. ET CETERA A heartfelt thanks to Daryl and to my family.

ROYAL MTC First appearance. OTHER THEATRE The Humans (CS/ Citadel); Venus in Fur, The Garneau Block (Citadel); Coriolanus (Shakespeare Theatre Company’s ACA); The Winter’s Tale, Bartholomew Fair, Love’s Labour’s Lost, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Julius

The Citadel Theatre is proud to partner with the Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre on this production of Network.

The Citadel is an important contributor to the national theatre landscape, creating work and training artists seen on stages around the country and internationally. We grew from audacious beginnings over 50 years ago, and plan to honour that spirit with an inclusive, innovative, and international approach to our future.


We celebrate, welcome, and share stories with the many different communities that make up Edmonton. Our stages come alive with different voices and cultures. We strive to make our productions and our facilities inclusive and accessible; we believe the Citadel is a place where everyone belongs.


Our programming will celebrate new work, new performance styles, and productions that experiment with dramatic form. We will develop large-scale new work by Edmontonian, Canadian and international playwrights. We will create collisions between different art forms, and present work that includes dance, music, and digital storytelling.


We will present and collaborate with exciting theatre-makers from around the world, as well as taking the fantastic work of the Citadel to audiences everywhere.

Reena Jolly Sheila / Secretary

ROYAL MTC First appearance. Upcoming: Trouble in Mind (with Citadel).

OTHER THEATRE Perfect Wedding (Thousand Islands Playhouse); Cabaret, Venus, Assistance, A Midsummer Night’s Dream (NTS); Hamlet (SIR); Torn Through Time (MTYP); Home 2.0, New Beginnings, Shattered (Sarasvàti); Marat/Sade, Nothing Sacred, After Magritte, Titus Andronicus (Black Hole Theatre).

FILM/TV Love in Design, Journey Back to Christmas (Hallmark); Channel Zero (Syfy). TRAINING Graduate of the National Theatre School of Canada Acting Program 2022. University of Manitoba – Black Hole Theatre Graduate of 2018.

ET CETERA It’s a dream come true to be performing on this stage. I’m truly blessed to have such a loving, caring and supportive family, who have cheered me on every step of the way. It has been quite the journey. Mum, Dad, Nicole, Joel, Jude, all of my Aunties, Uncles and Cousins – you’re all my favourite people and I'm thankful for each and every one of you. I love you!

ROYAL MTC Selected: A Doll’s House, It’s a Wonderful Life: The Radio Play, A Christmas Carol, Shakespeare in Love (with Citadel), The Audience (with Mirvish), Chimerica (with CS), Alice Through the Looking-Glass, Romeo and Juliet, The Shunning, White Christmas, Bleeding Hearts, Our Town, The

Tempest, Feelgood (with GCTC), King Lear.

OTHER THEATRE Selected: Beauty and the Beast (Rainbow); HAMLET (the rest is silence) (Echo); Gentleman’s Guide To Love & Murder (Dry Cold); Edward II (TBTR); Antony and Cleopatra (SIR).

FILM/TV Selected: Little Bird, Burden of Truth, Percy, The Pinkertons, Niagara Motel. ET CETERA Kevin is Artistic Associate with Echo Theatre, as well as husband to its Artistic Producer Charlene Van Buekenhout, and father to their daughter Phoebe. Choose love.

Jim Mezon Howard Beale

ROYAL MTC Actor: Robin in The Adventures of Robin Hood , Demetrius in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Le Gentil in Transit of Venus, Brack in Hedda Gabler, Flan Kitteridge in Six Degrees of Separation (with CS), Bohun in You Never Can Tell (with Shaw), Paul in Misery. Director: B-Movie.

OTHER THEATRE Spent 33 years at the Shaw Festival, having acted in over 60 productions and directed over 15. Appeared at the Stratford Festival, Vancouver Playhouse, Theatre Calgary, Citadel Theatre, Persephone Theatre, Canadian Stage, Tarragon Theatre, Centaur Theatre, Neptune Theatre, Chicago Shakespeare, Studio Arena and Pittsburgh Irish Classical Theatre.

TEACHING Taught at University of Alberta, University of Toronto, National Theatre School of Canada, Bishop’s University, Queen’s University, Brock University and University of Northern Colorado.

ET CETERA Nice to be home.

For a complete list of theatre abbreviations, please refer to legend on page 4 NETWORK 12 Ovation october/november 2022

Your seat

Will you consider a gift to Royal MTC in your will? Is Royal MTC already named in your will? We’d love to honour you as a member of the Royal MTC Founders’ Circle For more information on Legacy Giving contact: Brendan McKeen 204 954 6412 or bmckeen@royalmtc.ca Scan here for more info L e gacy gi v i n g

Glenn Nelson

Edward Ruddy / Continuity Announcer

Understudy: Arthur Jensen / Technician

ROYAL MTC To Kill A Mockingbird (with Citadel).

OTHER THEATRE A Christmas Carol, The Candidate, The Party, Peter and the Starcatcher, Death of a Salesman, One Man, Two Guvnors, The Wizard of Oz, Beauty and the Beast (Citadel); Outside Mullingar, Mistakes Were Made, Art, Sexy Laundry, The Fly Fisher’s Companion, Heisenberg (Shadow Theatre).

Bernardo Pacheco

Camera Operator / ELA Member

Understudy: Harry Hunter & Jack Snowden / Warm-Up Guy

ROYAL MTC First appearance.

OTHER THEATRE The Humans (San Diego Repertory); King Lear (Harold Clurman Laboratory); Bright Daybreak (Lunchbox Theatre).

TRAINING Art of Acting Studio’s Professional Conservatory, Graduate of University of Calgary’s BFA.

Michael Peng

Arthur Jensen / Technician

Understudy: Howard Beale

ROYAL MTC First appearance.

OTHER THEATRE Measure for Measure (Freewill Shakespeare); Brontë, The Lady from the Sea, Eurydice (Studio Theatre); Julius Caesar (Citadel); The Kite Runner (TC/Citadel); Red, Shimmer, Bashir Lazhar (wishbone theatre); Apple (Sage); Paradise

(MT Space/Gwaandak); Freud’s Last Session, Falling: A Wake (Chemainus); Race (Workshop West); Outside Mullingar (Theatre Baddeck).

TRAINING MFA in Directing, University of Alberta; Ghost River Theatre Devised Intensive; Soulpepper Director’s Lab; National Voice Intensive.

TEACHING Drama & Speech instructor, Concordia University of Edmonton. ET CETERA Mike is thrilled to visit Winnipeg for the first time, and humbled to create with so many intelligent and fearless theatre makers. Thanks to Daryl, the entire Network team, and family, friends and Concordia colleagues for support and encouragement.

ROYAL MTC Selected: Bang Bang (Evie Award), Scorched, King Lear, My Name is Asher Lev (Meta Award), Quills, Six Degrees of Separation. Upcoming: Trouble in Mind (with Citadel).

OTHER THEATRE Selected: Oslo, Disgraced (Mirvish); Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom, The Dybbuk, Incident at Vichy (Soulpepper – Dora Award); Harper Regan, Intimate Apparel, Comedy of Errors, Angels in America, The Tempest, Wit (Canadian Stage); Criminal Genius, Belle (Factory/ NAC); Amadeus, Vigil, Romeo and Juliet, Possible Worlds (TiFT/Munich); Superior Donuts (Coal Mine). Playwriting: The Trial of William Shakespeare, Cringeworthy (Siminovitch Nomination); This Hotel, Yahrzeit (German tour).

FILM/TV Selected: Little Bird, The Porter, Suits, Burden of Truth, Missing and Alone, Cardinal, The Calling, Nero Wolfe, The Kennedys, Flashpoint.

ET CETERA Coaching at alexpochgoldin.com. Love to Chloe Babette!

For a complete list of theatre abbreviations, please refer to legend on page 4 NETWORK 14 Ovation october/november 2022


100-283 Bannatyne 204.989.7700 At Peasant Cookery we have a passion for transforming fresh ingredients into original and trend-forward cuisines. Our rustic, seasonally inspired menu, famous housemade charcuterie, combined ]with exceptional service and inviting bistro atmosphere are an experience not to be missed. from the Real food land ... PeasantAd_Ovation2014.indd 1 9/2/14 1:27:59 PM 100-283 Bannatyne 204.989.7700 At Peasant Cookery we have a passion for transforming fresh ingredients into original and trend-forward cuisines. Our rustic, seasonally inspired menu, famous housemade charcuterie, combined ]with exceptional service and inviting bistro atmosphere are an experience not to be missed. from the Real food land ... PeasantAd_Ovation2014.indd 1 9/2/14 1:27:59 PM 100-283 Bannatyne 204.989.7700 At Peasant Cookery we have a passion for transforming fresh ingredients into original and trend-forward cuisines. Our rustic, seasonally inspired menu, famous housemade charcuterie, combined ]with exceptional service and inviting bistro atmosphere are an experience to be missed. from the Real food land ... PeasantAd_Ovation2014.indd 1 9/2/14 1:27:59 PM The Spicy Anchorman — COCKTAIL RECIPE INGREDIENTS • 1.5 oz Scotch whiskey • 1 oz pomegranate juice • 3 oz ginger beer
• 1 oz pomegranate juice • 3 oz ginger beer DIRECTIONS Build ingredients over ice in a lowball glass. Garnish with a candied ginger slice.

Leon Willey Technican

Understudy: Edward Ruddy / Continuity Announcer & Nelson Chaney / Director & Camera Operator

ROYAL MTC First appearance.

OTHER THEATRE Leon Willey is a Regina-based theatre artist. Select credits include: Mamma Mia! (Citadel); It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play (Persephone); Million Dollar Quartet (Mayfield Dinner Theatre); Cabaret (Arts Club); A Christmas Carol (WCT); Singin’ in the Rain, Noises Off (Chemainus Theatre Festival); Closer Than Ever (Thousand Islands Playhouse/WCT); Winter’s Tale (Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan).

FILM/TV Various VO work across Saskatchewan and Vancouver. Various commercial work across Saskatchewan and BC. Finding Al – A Documentary film.

TRAINING/TEACHING Vancouver Film School; Teach at Prairie Sky School, as well as Live Out Loud Theatre.

ET CETERA Just want to say a special I love you to my daughter Sawyer.

Tenaj Williams Harry Hunter

Earp (Sci-Fyi); Big Sky (NBC); Meet me at Christmas (Hallmark).

ET CETERA Recipient of the Lieutenant Governor General Award 2022.

Richard Young Frank Hackett

ROYAL MTC The Color Purple (with Citadel).

OTHER THEATRE Ragtime: A Concert Performance, A Christmas Carol (TC); Clue, Cipher (Vertigo Theatre); The Fianceé (Citadel); Sweat (TA); The Color Purple (Neptune); Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, Charlotte’s Web (ATP); King Lear, Macbeth (Shakespeare Company); Naughty But Nice (Forte); Sextet (Verb).

FILM/TV JANN (CTV/Hulu); Wynonna

a complete list

ROYAL MTC First appearance.

OTHER THEATRE Men Express Their Feelings (Downstage); The New Canadian Curling Club (WCT, Thousand Islands Playhouse, ATP – Betty Mitchell Award Nominee); The Grass is Greenest at the Houston Astrodome (Toronto Fringe: My Entertainment World Critics Pick Award Nominee).

FILM/TV Transplant (NBC); Jett (Cinemax); Kim’s Convenience (CBC); Odd Squad (PBS/TVO).

ET CETERA Richard is also a screenwriter, with writing credits on Overlord and the Underwoods (CBC/Hulu); Dino Ranch (CBC/Disney+); 16 Hudson (TVO); and writ ing accolades such as ScreenCraft Sci-Fi & Fantasy Screenwriting Competition Finalist, JFL ComedyPRO Pitch Finalist and Coverfly’s RED list. Instagram/Twitter: @RichardYoungRY.

Lee Hall Stage Adaptation

Lee Hall was born in Newcastle Upon Tyne in 1966 and studied English Literature at Cambridge University. He has worked as a writer in theatre, TV, radio and film. He has been writer in residence at the Royal Shakespeare Company and Live Theatre, Newcastle Upon Tyne. Theatre: Wittgenstein on Tyne (Live Theatre 1996); Bollocks (RSC Fringe, 1998); Genie (Paines



abbreviations, please refer to legend on page
NETWORK 16 Ovation october/november 2022


McNally Robinson Booksellers 1120 Grant Avenue ∙ The Forks ∙ mcnallyrobinson.com WHEN YOU SUPPORT US, YOU SUPPORT OUR COMMUNITY Big Men Fear Me by Mark Bourrie Merchants of Truth: The Business of News and the Fight for Facts by Jill Abramson Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil Postman News and How to Use It: What to Believe in a Fake News World by Alan Rusbridger
Reading inspired by Network

Plough, 1998); Cooking With Elvis (Live Theatre/West End 1999 – nominated for an Olivier Award for Best Comedy); Spoonface Steinberg (Ambassadors Theatre, London 2000); Two’s Company (Live Theatre/Bristol Old Vic, 2001); Billy Elliot the Musical , 2004 – Olivier Award Best Musical; The Pitmen Painters (Live Theatre, Newcastle/Royal National Theatre/National tour/Broadway, 2007–2010). Theatre adaptations: Leonce and Lena (Buchner) (The Gate Theatre, 1997); Mr Puntila and his man Matti (Brecht) (Almedia Theatre, 1998); A Servant to Two Masters (Goldoni) (RSC/Young Vic 1999); The Adventures of Pinocchio (Collodi) (Lyric Theatre, Hammersmith, 2000); Mother Courage (Brecht) (Shared Experience/ Ambassadors Theatre); The Good Hope (Heijermans) (Royal National Theatre, 2001); The Barber of Seville (Beaumarchais) (Bristol Old Vic, 2003). Opera: Adaptation of Il Pagliacci/The Comedians (English National Opera, 2008).

Paddy Chayefsky

Original Screenwriter

Paddy Chayefsky was an American play wright and screenwriter. He is the only individual to have garnered three solo Academy Awards for penning both origi nal and adapted screenplays. Recognized as one of the most popular dramatists of the Golden Age of Television, he was known for providing realistic scripts for television. A Bronx native, Chayefsky grew up alongside two elder brothers. He studied at DeWitt Clinton High School where he edited his school’s magazine. Following his graduation from Clinton at the age of 16, he studied social sciences from City College of New York. In 1943, Chayefsky joined the United States Army and studied languages at Fordham University during his service. He went to Hollywood in 1947

with the dream of becoming a screenwriter and soon became a noted playwright.

As a screenwriter, Chayefsky garnered three Academy Awards for The Hospital, Marty and Network.

ROYAL MTC As You Like It (with Citadel), Made in Italy (a WCT production), Roald Dahl’s Matilda The Musical (with Arts Club/Citadel), Shakespeare in Love (with Citadel), The Last Five Years.

OTHER THEATRE Artistic Director of the Citadel Theatre. Former Artistic Director of Western Canada Theatre (Kamloops) and Theatrefront (Toronto). Directing includes: UBUNTU: The Cape Town Project (Citadel/PTE); As You Like It (Bard on the Beach); Liberation Days (TC/WCT); Mary Poppins (Persephone/WCT); Tribes (CS); And All For Love (NAC); Generous (Tarragon); Afterplay (Shaw); and RETURN: The Sarajevo Project (Theatrefront).

ET CETERA Daryl has been awarded the Canada Council’s John Hirsch Prize for Outstanding Emerging Theatre Director and a Robert Merritt Award for Outstanding Director (Halifax).

Lorenzo Savoini

Set & Lighting Designer

ROYAL MTC Kim’s Convenience.

OTHER THEATRE The Miser, A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Stratford); Of Mice and Men (Joffrey Ballet); Pipeline (Soulpepper); Orphans for the Czar, Julius Caesar (Crow’s Theatre); Mother’s Daughter (Stratford/

For a complete list of theatre abbreviations, please refer to legend on page 4 NETWORK 18 Ovation october/november 2022

Soulpepper); Lady Chatterley’s Lover (Les Grand Ballet Canadiens).

(Northern Light Theatre); The Mountaintop, Bloomsday (Shadow Theatre).


Graduate of University of British Columbia (MFA) and inaugural Soulpepper Academy. Design instructor for Soulpepper Academy. Member of Associated Designers of Canada.

ET CETERA Lorenzo is the recipient of four Dora Mavor Awards for outstanding design. lorenzosavoini.com

Carmen Alatorre Costume Designer

FILM/TV Dave has created sound designs and original music for numerous film and television projects, including the feature films Pleasant Street and The Pharmacist, and the television documentary Will The Real Alberta Stand Up?

ET CETERA Dave is a child of Deaf adults –a CODA. His family musical about growing up with a Deaf mother, Songs My Mother Never Sung Me – premiered in Edmonton in 2019, and a Canadian tour is planned.

Hugh Conacher Video Designer

ROYAL MTC As You Like It (with Citadel). OTHER THEATRE Some of her recent design credits were seen in companies such as: Arts Club Theatre Company, Bard on the Beach, Globe Theatre Regina, Citadel Theatre, Electric Company, Milwaukee Rep Theater and Chicago Shakespeare Theater.

TRAINING/TEACHING MFA degree in Theatre Design at UBC (2010); Assistant Professor at University of Victoria.

ET CETERA Originally from Mexico, Carmen is a Latinx artist based in l ək ̓ʷ əŋə n and WSÁNEĆ Territories (Victoria, BC). She is also a recipient of four Jessie Richardson Theatre Awards. For more information visit carmenalatorre.com.

Dave Clarke Sound Designer

ROYAL MTC (selected) Lighting & Video Designer: The Mountaintop, Vietgone, Venus in Fur. Lighting Designer: Calpurnia, Orlando, All is Bright, Women of the Fur Trade, Fun Home, The Color Purple (with Citadel), Kill Me Now (with NAC), Seminar (with Mirvish), Dry Lips Oughta Move to Kapuskasing and many other productions since the ‘80s.

OTHER THEATRE Hugh has collaborated with choreographers, visual artists and dance and theatre companies worldwide.

ET CETERA Hugh enjoys working beyond the constraints of traditional lighting design using various forms of interactive media, video and photography. His photographic work resides in private collections and has been published worldwide. Hugh is a member of the Associated Designers of Canada and L’Association des professionnels des arts de la scène du Québec. www.pellucid.me.

ROYAL MTC Cyrano de Bergerac, Henceforward (with TC).

OTHER THEATRE The Tempest, A Brimful of Asha, Mary’s Wedding (Citadel); The Cardiac Shadow, We Had A Girl Before You

For a complete list of theatre abbreviations, please refer to legend on page 4

NETWORK october/november 2022 Ovation 19

Janine Waddell Fight Director / Intimacy Director

ROYAL MTC The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time (with Citadel).

OTHER THEATRE Janine is an Edmontonbased Intimacy and Sterling-nominated Fight Director, as well as an Intimacy Coordinator and Stunt Performer. Other recent credits include: Jane Eyre, Peter Pan Goes Wrong, A Christmas Carol, The Fiancée (Citadel); Art (L’uni theatre); Così fan tutte; La Bohème (Edmonton Opera).

FILM Recent credits include: Under the Banner of Heaven (FX); Billy the Kid (MGM); Black Summer (Netflix).

ET CETERA She is the lucky mother of four. Big thanks to Murray Farnell for your support and the infinite supply of kindness and chocolate.

Amanda Goldberg Assistant Director

Dawson College’s Professional Theatre program.

ET CETERA Amanda Goldberg (she/her/ elle) is a bilingual director and dramaturg from Tiohtià:ke/Montréal. She is currently based in Amiskwacîwâskahikan/Edmonton where she works as Shadow Theatre’s Artistic Director Fellow.

Madison Henry Stage Manager

ROYAL MTC First engagement.

OTHER THEATRE Recent directing: Brontë, Phaedra’s Love, Belleville (University of Alberta); Yerma (Concordia University); City Boy (Mainline Theatre); and threetime META-nominated production Smackhead (We Are One). Latest assistant directing: The Fiancée (Citadel); Madame Catherine prépare sa classe de troisième à l’irrémédiable (Surreal SoReal Theatre); Indecent (Segal).

TRAINING Amanda is an honors gradu ate from the University of Alberta’s MFA Directing program, Concordia University’s Theatre and Development program, and

ROYAL MTC First engagement.

OTHER THEATRE Selected: Hey Viola! (The Charlottetown Festival); The Wizard of Oz, Chelsea Hotel, The Sound of Music, Meet My Sister, A Christmas Carol, Million Dollar Quartet, Armstrong’s War (WCT); Jane Eyre (Citadel); Hey Viola!, The New Canadian Curling Club, Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story (Thousand Islands Playhouse); Silent Light (Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity); Kamloopa (WCT/The Cultch/ Persephone/GTNT).

ET CETERA Maddy (she/her) is a multidiscipline Stage Manager based on the unceded Secwepemc territory colonially known as Kamloops, BC, and is a graduate of the Thompson Rivers University Theatre Program. Many thanks to Daryl for allowing her to lead this team, the incredible ASMs for all of their work, and to Royal MTC for having her. As always – Greg, I couldn't do this without you. Enjoy the show.

For a complete list of theatre abbreviations, please refer to legend on page 4 NETWORK 20 Ovation october/november 2022

ROYAL MTC Assistant Stage Manager: Calpurnia (with NAC/BTW), Bang Bang (with Belfry). Apprentice Stage Manager: Buying the Farm (tour), Roald Dahl’s Matilda The Musical, Vietgone (with fu-GEN/Hope and Hell), The Humans. Assistant Production Manager (2017/18, 2020/21, 2021/22 seasons).

OTHER THEATRE (selected) Stage Manager: The Hockey Sweater (Rainbow). Various credits with Hudson Village Theatre, Cart Before the Horse, Manitoba Opera, Geordie Productions and A Company of Fools.

TRAINING Graduate of the National Theatre School of Canada – Production Program (2017).

ET CETERA A very special thanks to my Royal MTC family, my parents, my family and friends from Gatineau to Tasmania, Ilana Modulevsky, Patrick Michalishyn, my graduating class at NTS, and all the wonderful folks who made this show possible!

Samantha Desiree

Apprentice Stage Manager

ROYAL MTC The Rez Sisters, Orlando.

OTHER THEATRE Apprentice Stage Manager: The Wizard of Oz (Rainbow). Production and Tour Coordinator: Seven Visions digital school tour (Sarasvàti).

Associate Producer/Sound Design: Othello (MPF/Echo Theatre). Stage Manager/ Production Assistant: FemFest 2019 and 2020 (Sarasvàti). Stage Manager: People, Places, and Things (U of W). Designer: Seascape with Sharks and Dancer (Beau Theatre). Director/Designer: Wait, So Do I… (Buried Seeds); Animosity (DownsideUp); The Student Body Project, Tuesdays & Sundays, Women of Manhattan (Beau Theatre). Associate Company Member of Winnipeg Independent Theatre (WIT). Artistic Founder of Beau Theatre Co.

TRAINING University of Winnipeg Bachelor of Arts Honours, Stage Management, Production, and Design. Creative Manitoba Mentorship with Melissa Novecosky.


As always, couldn’t do it without my partner, Matt, and cat, Zella.

ASHLEY COOK & JERA WOLFE IN THE REZ SISTERS. PHOTO BY DYLAN HEWLETT. Looking for a great night out that’s easy on your wallet? Theatre Under 30 members, aged 18 – 29, have exclusive access to world-class theatre for just $20 a seat! SIGN UP TODAY AT ROYALMTC.CA/UNDER30 FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT KSENIA BRODA-MILIAN AT UNDER30 � ROYALMTC.CA THEATRE FOR FANS UNDER 30

Visions for the Future

In perhaps the most famous scene from Network , Howard Beale compels the audience to rally. With the iconic cri du coeur ‘I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take it anymore’ Howard is tapping into the power of collective action. After everything our community has gone through in the last few years, the emotional catharsis of this moment is compelling. What Howard doesn’t tell us is what happens next.

For that, we need visionaries. People who think and dream and plan for a better future. People who dare to imagine a different path for the world.

Over 100 years ago, the Winnipeg Foundation was founded by such visionaries. The collective power of everyday Winnipeggers has resulted in hundreds of millions of dollars invested in local charitable projects. Our own group of visionaries created the Royal MTC Endowment – Steven Schipper Fund. The income we receive, funds incredible shows like Network and helps us envision a future for the theatre.

You too can be a visionary.

Today, your gift to the Steven Schipper Fund will be invested and will continue to grow forever. Tomorrow, the revenue generated by that gift allows us to dream big and bring grand stories to life on stage. With your help, we can fulfill our vision of theatres teeming with artists and audiences sharing in the act of imagining.

Thanks to the Canada Cultural Investment Fund, your donation to the Endowment Fund will be matched, meaning every dollar you give has an even bigger impact.

For information about donating to the Royal MTC Endowment – Steven Schipper Fund, please contact Brendan McKeen, Individual Giving Manager, at 204 954 6412 or bmckeen@royalmtc.ca.

22 Ovation october/november 2022 INDIVIDUAL GIVING
“The only total commitment any of us can have – is to other people...”
Scan here to donate today!
The cast of Network. PHOTO BY NANC PRICE

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Playwright’s Notes

My parents emigrated to Canada in the mid ‘60s: my mother was a dancer in Uday Shankar’s troupe, and my father was recruited from the London School of Economics by the Universities of Hawaii, McGill and Manitoba; he chose Manitoba because he was excited about the snow! They built a family from a small group of bachelors and married couples: Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian – it didn’t matter – they celebrated everything together. My cousins are my cousins not by blood but the love that came of those life-long friendships.

If I am honest, the desire to write this play came from a place of rage and sadness. When I hear of an old Indian- or Chineseborn person being yelled at, go back to your own country! I want to scream back – this is their country. They came of age here, gave all they had, and we are all beneficiaries of those gifts of knowledge and love. They were young here once. But how would people know when there’s a gap in the cultural narrative? How are they to know that Indian- or Chineseborn elder helped change that small college into the respected university your children now attend? Or helped build the hospital where you were born?

My Uncle Biswas was one of those bachelors who became my parents’ first ‘family’ here. He called my mother Bodhi, sister-in-law, and my father, Dada, big brother. When he died, it felt like I lost Daddy all over again. As I looked through my aunt’s old albums of them in their early days in Winnipeg, I saw photos of vibrant, cigarette-holding, scotch-drinking couples in filmy chiffon saris and skinny ties that looked way cooler than the depictions of “brown” immigrants that inundate present

popular culture. So, with a commission from Soulpepper Theatre, armed with my mother’s stories as an ‘entry point’ (sorry Mummy!), I interviewed those aunties and uncles about marriage and loneliness and home. Though the specifics were different, they were a generation like our own; negotiating sex and love and personal identities the best they could, while helping to shape the political and social ideals of their adop tive country thousands of miles from the country in which they were born.

I have tried to capture some of the things they told me mattered to them; the complex nature of love and sacrifice, joyful togetherness and piercing lone liness, and what it means to be thought of as ‘new’ – because of how you look – in a country where you are not new, a country that is your home. With thanks to them, instead of rage and sadness, I offer you the story of NEW with my love, and my gratitude.

To Rubena and Sapan, Shib and Sumita, Kalpana and Prabir, Hem and Maya, Ranen and Louella, Shashi and Gyan, Asha and Ramesh, and finally, Maitreyi: you are my childhood. If anything here offends, I know you’ll forgive me. If there is something here you find remotely beautiful, you are the reason.

NEW 24 Ovation october/november 2022
“Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers, but to be fearless in facing them. Let me not beg for the stilling of my pain, but for the heart to conquer it.”


or delivery


Ruby’s Story

I was seven years old when Kelu Nayar, a famous dancer, came to our town. I wanted to take his class, but my family was against it; they thought dancing was for prostitutes. But my mother believed in Gandhi’s philosophy: that everyone has a right to be what they wanted. She was a brave woman. I became a dancer. I danced all over India, working with the great Uday Shankar who was creating different interpretations of classical dance with his brother Ravi Shankar’s music.

After three years of touring, I had to join my husband in Winnipeg. It was February and I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I was so shocked by the snow I couldn’t move for a month. One day there was storm – so heavy I sat at the window and thought my husband will surely drown in the snow. I wanted

to go back. We didn’t know each other very well, and we worked very hard on our relationship. I soon realized I would have to embrace this country as my own.

Language was a barrier for me, and it took a long time to learn English. But then I discovered ballet – dance could go beyond any language. I walked into the Winnipeg ballet school, pointed at myself and said “I – dance.” And they understood me! They asked me to dance for them and I did. But I was too old for ‘real’ ballet. And I was an Indian dancer, so my tradition moves towards the earth as opposed to ballet, which goes “up and away”! But because I knew my art so well, I started to communicate with the other dancers and slowly, I found my community.

A group from the University of Winnipeg called Cubiculo Theatre found me. It was very exciting because they were not just dancers, they were theatre people! I met my best friend, Brian Richardson, there. I learned about theatre as well as a ‘Western’ way of looking at things. And they embraced me as an Indian dancer. Kay Unruh Des Roches directed my first show with them: Mahadevi Akka

In my life as an artist, I’ve met some wonderful people. But two that stand out are Daphne Korol and her husband, the designer Ted Korol. Daphne’s Children’s Dance Theatre became a part of me. She gave me a free hand to use my imagination with children: to exper iment with different interpretations of movement and create dance dramas. I also became involved with the Indian community’s newly formed School of Dance around which time I met Eugene Kostyra, Minister of Culture. When he invited me to take over as chairperson of

NEW 26 Ovation october/november 2022
Rubena on tour with Uday Shankar’s troupe.

the Centennial Corporation, I resisted at first (I was an artist) but I realized this was an opportunity to help make meaningful change that would benefit our artistic community. I was there five years.

I decided to create my own company –Fusion Dance Theatre. One of the thoughts behind creating the company was “what does Canada look like?” Canada is multicultural – we had (and have) access to so many cultures in the city. We all talk to each other; about our way of life and our ways of making art. But Canada has her own story and I wanted to know it. When the Artist in the Schools program sent me to northern reserve schools, my eyes opened to the injustices suffered by First Nations people. An elder asked me some very hard questions one visit. He must have been pleased with my answers because he invited me to come back and learn from him. From that point, the relationships I developed with Manitoban Indigenous elders and artists became a strong thread in my work and my understanding of what it means to be ‘Canadian’. With their support and collaboration, I mounted my

next show Quest: a dance drama told by Indigenous dancers and musicians with Indian Classical dancers and musicians. Rehearsals for Quest were almost more important than what happened on stage; understanding each other’s point of view and unique artistic process was intense and beautiful. We learned from each other, creating a single story that had space for everyone.

A commission from the Winnipeg Art Gallery followed. I choregraphed a multi-media dance drama based on the painting The Rape of Lucrece. The last show I performed under Fusion was called Patterns in Snow. It was created with my friends; a quartet of immigrant artists that included musician Phoebe Man and actor/writer Brian Richardson. It was about how ‘snow’ impacted us all, and the story of how we each found a sense of home in our new country.

Winnipeg gave me the chance to express myself as an artist. It embraced all that I had to offer, and I have had a very deep and fulfilling life here. It is so lovely to come back in this way with my daughter.

NEW october/november 2022 Ovation 27
Rubena with son Debashis and husband Sapan. Rubena, Pâmela and Debashis. First Bhai Phonta.



19, 2022

Alan Dilworth

Lorenzo Savoini


Hugh Conacher

John Gzowski

Sharon Bajer†

Rubena Sinha

Jodi Kristjanson*


Tori Popp†


Sachin Fuad Ahmed Ash Shelly Antony Aisha Dalal Badr Abby / Emcee Alicia Johnston†

Qasim Omar Alex Khan Sita Pamela Mala Sinha Nuzha Mirabella Sundar Singh

is performed with one intermission.

is presented through special arrangement with Great North Artists Management, Inc, 350 Dupont Street, Toronto, ON, M5R 1V9, Canada.

New was originally commissioned by Soulpepper Theatre. Pamela Mala Sinha is a member of the Playwrights Guild of Canada. Production photography by Dylan Hewlett.

funded through the

Murray - Moray


Jean Murray - Moray

Levin Theatre

Kelly Thornton, Artistic Director • Camilla Holland, Executive Director PRESENTS 28 Ovation october/november 2022 IN ASSOCIATION WITH NECESSARY ANGEL THEATRE COMPANY
preview November 2 Director
Set Designer ........................................................................
Costume Designer................................................................Michelle
Lighting Designer ..............................................................
Sound Designer ......................................................................
Intimacy Director ......................................................................
Cultural Consultant ..............................................................
Apprentice Director .........................................................
Stage Manager................................................................Michael
Apprentice Stage Manager .......................................................
Apprenticeship Program †Past
Sinclair apprenticeship or scholarship recipient ‡Past Naomi
Scholarship award winner

Fuad Ahmed Sachin

ROYAL MTC Shakespeare in Love (with Citadel).

OTHER THEATRE Small Mouth Sounds (Segal); After Wrestling (Factory); Disgraced (Citadel); Uncovered: Queen & Bowie (The Musical Stage Co); Glengarry Glen Ross (Lower Ossington Theatre).

FILM/TV TV: Painkiller (Netflix); Hudson & Rex (Citytv); Kids in the Hall – Reboot! (Amazon), Strays (CBC); Coroner, Bomb Girls (Global). Film: 14 Love Letters (Hallmark); Stealing Vows (Feature); It Takes a Christmas Village (Lifetime).

TRAINING Canadian Film Centre Actors’ Conservatory.

Shelly Antony Ash

Dalal Badr Aisha

ROYAL MTC First appearance.

OTHER THEATRE The Garneau Block (Citadel); Henry VIII, Nathan the Wise (Stratford); A Thousand Splendid Suns (Grand); Acha Bacha (Theatre Passe Muraille); Othello (Driftwood Theatre); Little Pretty and the Exceptional (Factory); Disgraced (Magnus Theatre); Scarberia (YPT).

FILM/TV Jett (HBO/Cinemax); Reach (Valence Films); A Gun & A Ring (Eye Catch Multimedia).

ROYAL MTC First appearance.

OTHER THEATRE Selected: Coriolanus (Bard on the Beach); Kiss (CS/ARC/ Theatre Smash); Habib’s House Party (RCA/WCT); The Comedy of Errors, Julius Caesar (CS); The Wanderers (Cahoots); You are Very Star (Electric Company); The Kite Runner (TC/Citadel); The Never Ending Story (YPT/NY Skirball); As You Like It, The Winter’s Tale, Three Sisters, Bartholomew Fair, Love’s Labour’s Lost, Romeo & Juliet (Stratford).

FILM/TV Selected: The Lost Symbol, Grandma Dearest, Bluff City Law, Slasher, Cardinal, In Contempt, Newborn, The Beaverton, The Bold Type, Lost Girl, Cracked, Combat Hospital, Flashpoint, King, Z.O.S.

TRAINING UVIC (BFA), National Theatre School of Canada and The Birmingham Conservatory.

ET CETERA Dalal is a first generation Lebanese-Canadian. She lives between Los Angeles and Toronto and is thrilled to be working alongside such open-hearted artists at Royal MTC.

Alicia Johnston Abby / Emcee

ROYAL MTC Outside Mullingar.

OTHER THEATRE Post Democracy, Happy Place, The Flats, Butcher (PTE); Red Earth (TPM/One Trunk); Que Faire d’Albert, Le Dieu du Carnage, Boing Boeing, Deux sur la Balancoire (TCM); Romeo and Juliet,

For a complete list of theatre abbreviations, please refer to legend on page 4 NEW october/november 2022 Ovation 29

Antony and Cleopatra, The Taming of the Shrew (SIR); Essay & The Russian Play (WJT); The Winter’s Tale (Tom Tom); Toronto Noir (SummerWorks); The Amorous Servant (Pleiades).

FILM/TV Champions, El Toro, Francesca Quin: PI, Acting Good, Padre, Orphan: First Kill, The Good Father, Tales From the Loop, JT Leroy, Burden of Truth, Less Than Kind, Cinderella Man.

TRAINING Graduate of the National Theatre School of Canada.

ROYAL MTC The New Canadian Curling Club, Romeo and Juliet, The Seafarer, Glengarry Glen Ross, Black Coffee.

OTHER THEATRE Oslo (Mirvish/Theatre 180); Timon of Athens, The School for Scandal, The Komagata Maru Incident (Stratford); As You Like It, Titus Andronicus (CS); The Wars, A Thousand Splendid Suns (Grand); The Kite Runner (TC/ Citadel); Moonlight and Magnolias (PTE); Much Ado About Nothing, Richard III, The Merchant of Venice (SIR); Iceland (TPM); Three Sisters (TPM/zone41).

TV Shelved (CTV); ZARQA (CBC Gem); Frankie Drake Mysteries (CBC); Remedy (Global); The Strain (FX); Less Than Kind (HBO Canada); Todd and the Book of Pure Evil (Space).

TRAINING BA (Theatre and Film), University of Winnipeg.

ET CETERA omaralexkhan.com

Pamela Mala Sinha Sita / Playwright

Pamela Mala Sinha is an award-winning Canadian actress/writer working inter nationally in theatre, television and film. Pamela was the recipient of Canada’s prestigious Dora Mavor Moore Award for Outstanding New Play (playwright) and Outstanding Lead Actress for her solo debut play, CRASH. Published by Scirocco Drama, CRASH was also included in Bloomsbury Publishing’s (UK) Audition Speeches and Love, Loss and Longing (Playwrights Canada). Her second play, Happy Place, premiered in Toronto in 2015 at Soulpepper, followed by Vancouver’s Touchstone Theatre in October 2017 and Winnipeg’s Prairie Theatre Exchange in 2018. CRASH ’s US debut was at New York’s Signature Theatre in 2017. As one of few artists selected nationally to receive a prestigious Project Imagination commission from Soulpepper, Pamela wrote her third play, New. Following its world premiere at Royal MTC, it will have a second production at Toronto’s Canadian Stage Theatre (co-produced by Necessary Angel Theatre). Pamela’s film adaptation of Happy Place (Sienna Films, dir. Helen Shaver) premiered at VIFF in 2020. She has completed development with CBC and Sienna on her original television drama series Nirvana and production has just wrapped on the filming of CRASH (dir. Alan Dilworth) starring Pamela. Selected acting: Y, The Last Man, ER (3 seasons), HBO’s Huff and Live From Baghdad, Traders and The Newsroom Films include Happy Place and What We Have. Selected theatre: The Orchard (Shaw Festival); CRASH (Signature); Happy Place (Soulpepper); Nirbhaya (Assembly, London/NY); The Little Years (Tarragon); The Penelopiad (Nightwood).

For a complete list of theatre abbreviations, please refer to legend on page 4 NEW 30 Ovation october/november 2022

Alan Dilworth Director

ROYAL MTC First appearance.

OTHER THEATRE Fifteen Dogs (Crow’s – Feb 2023); Mamma Mia! (Drayton Entertainment); Shakespeare D&D (Driftwood Theatre); Twelfth Night the Musical, Parkdale the Musical (Musical Stage Co. & Theatre Sheridan); Concord Floral (Theatre Sheridan); Sisters (Factory); Trident Moon (Contemporary Works/Stratford).

FILM/TV Life with Luca (Family Channel/ Shaftesbury Films); Brothers in the Kitchen (Hot Docs FF); The Next Step – Season 1, 2 (Temple Street Prod.)

TRAINING Bachelor of Music Theatre Performance (Sheridan College – 2022); UC Drama (University of Toronto).

ET CETERA Thank you to everyone who have supported this journey. To my sister: So we grew together like to a double cherry, seeming parted, but yet an union in partition two lovely berries moulded on one stem. @mirabella_lydia

ROYAL MTC First engagement.

OTHER THEATRE The Events, The Great Fire (Necessary Angel); The Last Wife, The Virgin Trial, Mother’s Daughter (Stratford/ Soulpepper); Idomeneus, The Goat, or Who is Sylvia?, Incident at Vichy, Eurydice, Happy Place, Twelve Angry Men, La Ronde (Soulpepper); This Is War (Porta, Athens); Crash, The De Chardin Project (TPM); If We Were Birds, After Akhmatova (Tarragon).

TRAINING MFA Directing (York).

ET CETERA Artistic Director of Necessary Angel Theatre Company (Toronto). Alan’s work has played across Canada, the US and in Europe. Alan has premiered over 20 Canadian plays, in addition to his work on classical and established texts. He is the inaugural recipient of the Christopher Plummer Award, a seven-time Dora Award nominee for outstanding direction and five-time Dora Award nominee for outstanding production. Many thanks.

SYNOPSIS – The year is 1970. The place? Winnipeg, Manitoba. The world is rapidly changing, just like the life of Qasim, a medical doctor who reluctantly agrees to an arranged marriage, unbeknownst to his girlfriend Abby. When he ties the knot over the phone, he must face the reality of welcoming his young bride, Nuzha, to Canada. Meanwhile his friends, Sachin and Sita, struggle to find stability in their marriage following a tragic loss, as well as Aisha and Ash, whose ideas are challenged with new waves of information and liberation across the nation. Nuzha’s arrival into the community sets off a spark, and the friends find their world is much bigger than imagined with new things about themselves, their culture and their community. Will the cohort finally be people of their own making?

For a complete list of theatre abbreviations, please refer to legend on page 4

Mirabella Sundar Singh Nuzha
october/november 2022 Ovation 31

Inishmore, Kimberly Akimbo (SouthernRep); Coriolanus, Henry V (New Orleans Shakespeare Festival).

FILM/TV Save Me, For the Record (CBC Gem).

ROYAL MTC Network (with Citadel), Kim’s Convenience.

OTHER THEATRE The Miser, A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Stratford); Of Mice and Men (Joffrey Ballet); Pipeline (Soulpepper); Orphans for the Czar, Julius Caesar (Crow’s Theatre); Mother’s Daughter (Stratford/ Soulpepper); Lady Chatterley’s Lover (Les Grand Ballet Canadiens).

TRAINING/TEACHING Graduate of University of British Columbia (MFA) and inaugural Soulpepper Academy. Design instructor for Soulpepper Academy. Member of Associated Designers of Canada.

ET CETERA Lorenzo is the recipient of four Dora Mavor Awards for outstanding design. lorenzosavoini.com

TRAINING University of Missouri – Kansas City (MFA), Concordia University (BFA). ET CETERA michellebohndesign.com

Hugh Conacher Lighting Designer

ROYAL MTC First engagement.

OTHER THEATRE Off-Broadway: A FourLetter Word (Classic Stage Company); Richard III, King Lear, Macbeth (New York Classical Theatre); Orpheus (Next Wave Festival). Select regional: All’s Well That Ends Well, Hamlet, I Am William (Stratford); Jukebox Hero (Mirvish); Measure for Measure (CS); Theory (Tarragon); The Nether, Between Riverside & Crazy (Coal Mine); The New Canadian Curling Club (Blyth); Amadeus, The Gamblers (TiFT); Could I Have This Dance? (Rebecca Cohn Auditorium); The Lieutenant of

ROYAL MTC (selected) Lighting & Video Designer: The Mountaintop, Vietgone, Venus in Fur. Lighting Designer: Calpurnia, Orlando, All is Bright, Women of the Fur Trade, Fun Home, The Color Purple (with Citadel), Kill Me Now (with NAC), Seminar (with Mirvish), Dry Lips Oughta Move to Kapuskasing and many other productions since the ‘80s.

OTHER THEATRE Hugh has collaborated with choreographers, visual artists and dance and theatre companies worldwide. ET CETERA Hugh enjoys working beyond the constraints of traditional lighting design using various forms of interactive media, video and photography. His photographic work resides in private collections and has been published worldwide. Hugh is a member of the Associated Designers of Canada and L’Association des professionnels des arts de la scène du Québec. www.pellucid.me.

For a complete list of theatre abbreviations, please refer to legend on page 4 NEW 32 Ovation october/november 2022

Great theatre lives here.

We are pleased to support the Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre and the artists who have been captivating audiences with exciting, innovative, and entertaining productions.

BMO is proud to be the 2022/23 Tom Hendry Warehouse Season Sponsor.

Little Bird, Run ; Intimacy Coordinator for The Porter, Skymed, Wintertide, El Toro and Alter Boys.

ET CETERA sharonbajer.com

ROYAL MTC Selected: It’s a Wonderful Life: The Radio Play, The Blonde, the Brunette and the Vengeful Redhead, Mrs. Warren’s Profession.

OTHER THEATRE Over 200 shows at Stratford Festival, Dracula (Shaw Festival), Luminato, National Arts Centre, Arts Club, Citadel, Mirvish, Canadian Stage, Soulpepper, Tarragon, Factory Theatre, Theatre Calgary.

ET CETERA 6 Dora Mavor Moore awards. As a musician, has toured Canada and the EU.

ROYAL MTC (selected) Actor: Sense and Sensibility, Kill Me Now (with NAC), Hand to God, Late Company, The Seagull, A Christmas Story, August: Osage County, Top Girls, Steel Magnolias, Humble Boy, Of Mice and Men, Angels in America, Les Belles-Soeurs, Our Country’s Good.

OTHER THEATRE The Outside Inn (Premiere – Festival Antigonish); The Wizard of Oz (Rainbow); coming up Afterlight (Premiere – The Keep and Walk&Talk).

TRAINING Studio 58, Michael Langham Directing Program (Stratford). Certified Intimacy Director and Coordinator with Intimacy Coordinators Canada and Intimacy Directors and Coordinators (New York). FILM/TV Recent projects include Dark Harvest, Ordinary Angels, Acting Good,

ROYAL MTC First engagement.

OTHER THEATRE Actor: Whatever Happens After? (Naked Theatre); Knock Knock Ginger (One Trunk Theatre); Seasons of Love (ViC); The Country Wife, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Measure for Measure, Hedda Gabler (DSL). Musical Director: The Selfish Giant (DSL); Little Women (Genesis).

FILM Writer: Inhibition Exhibition (ViC). Actor: Canada in Focus (Coelement); Inhibition Exhibition (ViC); A Winter Getaway (Hallmark).

TRAINING/TEACHING Alumna of Drama Studio London & The Village Conservatory for Music Theatre; Bachelor of Philosophy (Carleton/Collège Universitaire Dominicain). Jodi heads up the musical theatre program at Genesis School of Dance.

ET CETERA Jodi is also a pianist, writer, choreographer, singer and dancer. Many thanks to Royal MTC and Alan, as well as to my family and friends. Shout out to Mum and Ba, who bravely immigrated to Canada in 1969. IHS

For a complete list of theatre abbreviations, please refer to legend on page 4 NEW 34 Ovation october/november 2022
Design with community in mind. Engineering | Architecture Environmental Services stantec.com James Brittain Photographer Wuskwi Sipihk First Nation School | MB Ryan Matthews, President and CEO 204-988-1518 ryan.matthews@hubinternational.com www.quotewithhub.com Ready for tomorrow. Protect what matters most. When you work with HUB, you’re at the center of a vast network of experts dedicated to helping you prepare for the unexpected, with advice and solutions tailored to protect your family, your home and more. Risk & Insurance | Employee Benefits | Retirement & Private Wealth

Tori Popp

Apprentice Stage Manager

ROYAL MTC (selected) Stage Manager: Calpurnia (with NAC/BTW), Vietgone (with fu-GEN/Hope and Hell), Hand to God . Assistant Stage Manager: The Mountaintop, The Color Purple (with Citadel), A Christmas Carol, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time (with Citadel), Chimerica.

OTHER THEATRE (selected) The Wizard of Oz (2022), Mamma Mia! (Rainbow Stage); The War Being Waged (PTE); The Winter’s Tale / Le conte d’hiver (SIR/TCM); MTYP’s Midwinter Mosey (MTYP); The Flying Lovers of Vitebsk (WJT); Meet Me at Dawn (TBTR).

TRAINING B.A. (Hons) in Theatre Production and Stage Management at the University of Winnipeg. ET CETERA Enjoy the show!

ROYAL MTC Apprentice Stage Manager: Morning After Grace. Lighting Design Apprentice: A Christmas Carol.

OTHER THEATRE Festival Manager of the Winnipeg Fringe Theatre Festival. Apprentice Stage Manager: A Short History of Crazy Bone (TPM). Stage Manager: The Hollow (Vault Projects); The Cassilis Engagement (U of W). Lighting Design: The Heidi Chronicles, Big Love (U of W); The Stock (ArtLaunch Theatre Company).

TRAINING Bachelor of Arts Hons., with a specialization in Theatre Production and Stage Management (University of Winnipeg 2017). Stage Management and Production Assistant Practicum (Banff Centre 2018-2019).

ET CETERA Enjoy! Thank you to everyone who works so hard at Royal MTC!

Necessary Angel Theatre Company was founded in Toronto in 1978. It has earned the reputation as one of English Canada’s most vital original creation and producing organizations.

Alan Dilworth was appointed Artistic Director in June 2019, the fourth in the company’s history.

Necessary Angel has always been about the best of what theatre is: a space. A space for creation, process, collaboration, innovation and the unknown. A space

where questions can be asked and new meanings can be made by artists and audiences alike. A space for encountering and wrestling with complexity, contradiction and questions of our time. A space for diverse stories and voices. And as a venue-less theatre company, Necessary Angel is a space-less space, with artistry, creation and connection at its core.

Connect with us: necessaryangel.com

Alan Dilworth, Artistic Director

Kanika Ambrose, Associate Artistic Director

Kristina McNamee, General Manager

Leonard McHardy, Development & Communications

Katie Saunoris, PR Consultant

Damien Atkins, Playwright in Residence

For a complete list of theatre abbreviations, please refer to legend on page 4 NEW 36 Ovation october/november 2022


SUPPORTER COMMUNITIESOF OUR To subscribe call 204-697-7001 or visit winnipegfreepress.com/subscribe


Explore More Immigrant Lives

The Namesake, by Jhumpa Lahiri . This classic portrait of the immigrant experience follows the Ganguli family from their traditional life in India through their arrival in Massachusetts in the late 1960s and their difficult melding into an American way of life. Mira Nair directed a feature film adaptation released in 2007.


No One Can Pronounce My Name, by Rakesh Satyal . Lonely 40-something Harit dresses up in his dead sister’s saris to comfort his grief-stricken mother and befriends a woman worried that her husband is having an affair. A funny and insightful look into the lives of people reconciling culture and tradition with their own dreams and desires.


This Red Line Goes Straight to Your Heart , by Madhur Anand . An experimental memoir about Partition, immi gration, and generational storytelling from the perspective of a first- and second-generation Indo-Canadian family that weaves together imagined voices of the past with the vital authority of the present. B ANAND 2020

Explore More Social Change

The Archer, by Shruti Anna Swamy

As Vidya comes of age in 1960s and 70s Bombay, her pursuit of artistic escape through dance becomes the most important thing in her life, even as

she leaves home for college and falls in complicated love with her best friend. With an uncertain future looming, she must confront the tensions between romance, art, and the legacy of her own imperfect mother. FICTION SWAMY

Free Love, by Tessa Hadley. Although 1967 London may be alive with the youth revolution, the suburban Fischer family belongs to an older world of conventional stability. But when something in pretty, dutiful Phyllis catches fire, she makes a choice that defies all expectations of her as a wife and a mother.


Explore More Complicated Relationships

Little Disasters , by Randall Klein. Two couples who became friends in the delivery room of a Brooklyn hospital must deal with the fallout of the affair that split them apart as a mysterious crisis shuts down Midtown Manhattan. An engrossing story of the bonds of love and family and our unending urges to test them, even when we need them most. FICTION KLEIN

Monogamy, by Sue Miller. Derailed by the sudden passing of her husband of 30 years, photographer Annie struggles to pick up the pieces of her life. While still in mourning, she discovers a ruinous secret that will force her to question whether she ever truly knew the man who loved her.


There are 1.4 million books, movies, audiobooks, eBooks, and more at the Winnipeg Public Library, and all you need to borrow them is your library card. There are 20 locations throughout the city, and there’s an online catalogue for requesting items for pick-up at your library of convenience. An online e-Library has thousands of eBooks, eAudiobooks and more! All free to use with your library card. Visit us online at winnipeg.ca/library

LIBRARIAN-RECOMMENDED RESOURCES 38 Ovation october/november 2022



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Book your next trip with Air Canada to enjoy convenient connections to 1,300+ destinations worldwide and experience our award-winning service for yourself.

Many thanks to our donors

a gift



Gail Asper, OC, OM, LLD* & Michael Paterson Estate of David Didluck§ Susan Glass & Arni Thorsteinson June & Bob Jackson Memorial Fund for the Performing Arts – The Winnipeg Foundation


Rita Gunn & Gregory Mason Leslie John Taylor Fund – The Winnipeg Foundation


Pauline Braun – in memory of Duane Braun‡ David & Lianne Carefoot Dr. Lawrence & Ms. Brenda Ellerby Sara Gray Camilla Holland† & Colin Viebrock‡ Houston Family of Bradwardine Fund – The Winnipeg Foundation Diane & Dave Johnston Bernie & Rhonda Plett

The Jim & Janice Tennant Foundation Dr. Marcel Van Woensel Estate of Doris Wainstock§


Todd & Judy Bourcier Sheldon & Penny Bowles Dr. Lorne Bellan & Dr. Bonnie Cham David* & Barb Christie Heather Clarke* Kerry Dangerfield*‡ Sylvia Flam‡ Tony* & Jennifer Fletcher‡ Rita Gunn & Gregory Mason Linda Hamilton & Grange Morrow‡ Sharon Hamilton‡ Anonymous – in memory of Shannon Hirsch

Derek & Mary Johannson Dr. P. Kmet & Mr. B. Roslycky Donna & Dave* Lalama Katrina Lee-Kwen & Jeff Neufeld Bill & Shirley Loewen Jim* & Penny McLandress‡ Grant Mitchell & Cat Lambeth Leigh Murphy – in memory of Liam Murphy‡

Dr. Harold Nyhof & Ms. Jo-Anne Lutz

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrie & Fran Pollard Drs. Bill Pope & Elizabeth Tippett

Pope Fund – The Winnipeg Foundation

Sanford & Deborah Riley Shinewald Family

Maitland & Pat Sundmark Kelly Thornton† & Josep Seras-Gubert‡ Jeremy Trickett* & Brandon Barnes Trickett‡

Helga Van Iderstine Scott & Sonya Wright Fund


Edward* & Jaime Acuna‡ Margaret & Jim Astwood Dr. J Baluta & Ms. O. Kandia John Borger Cathie & Brian Bowerman Doneta Brotchie, CM* & Harry Brotchie‡ Chambers Family*‡ Haderra & Mark Chisick Jan* & Kevin Coates‡ Hugh Conacher‡ Ben & Shari Diamond Andrew Drinnan‡ Helene Dyck Katherine Fox*‡ Susan* & Ab Freig‡ Blair & Amanda Graham Mintie Grienke John* & Nicola Guttormson‡ Vivian Hilder-Skwark & David Skwark – in memory of Mike Skwark‡ Jeff Hirsch & Liz Murray Shawn Hughes & Bruno Koehn‡ Katie Inverarity†‡ Lisa Johnston‡ Hon. William Johnston Serena Helen Kraayeveld Fund –The Winnipeg Foundation David* & Ellen Kroft‡ Katarina Kupca‡ J. Lamothe‡

Rick Lee & Laurie Shapiro Andrea Lochhead* Dr. Douglas MacEwan Mark & Gloria Mancini‡ Kathy Menzies

Carolyn Garlich & Peter Miller Gift Fund Melissa Novecosky†‡ K. Heather Power & Harold Klause‡ Lawrence Prout* & Lisa Gardewine‡ Iris Reimer Nancy & Loren Remillard Jim & Leney Richardson Mrs. Shirley Richardson

Sudhir Sandhu*

Jeff Sisler & Cathy Rippin-Sisler‡

Logan Family Fund

Ken & Susan* Skinner‡ Kevin Hines & Shelly Smith-Hines‡ Bill & Laurie* Speers

Joan Stephens – in memory of Annice Stephens‡ Shelley† & Mark Stroski‡ Sasha & Josh Thiem*‡ Geeta* & Michael Tucker‡

Sindee & Albert Wilhelmer Rick & Claire* Workman

Dr. Dorothy Y. Young Nicole Zajac‡




Robert & Ina Abra Family Fund –

The Winnipeg Foundation

Dr. Liz Adkins

D. T. Anderson

Dianne J. Beaven

Craig McIntosh & Lorraine Beck Fund Bruce & Shelley Bertrand-Meadows Barbara Hamilton Gregg & Mary Hanson Marilyn & Helios Hernandez N. & L. Holliday

Gerald Jewers

Gerard Kennedy & Jane Hilderman Belinda Knopf Donna L. Korban & Family

The Honourable Guy J. Kroft & Hester Kroft*

Brent Kvern

Dr. G. H. Lawler§ Ian & Nicki LeGrand John & Roberta Lewis Shirley Liba

Reginald & Judy Low Pat & Jim Ludwig Brian & Christie Lysack

Mr. G. Markham

Gerard Matte & Lydia Surasky Matte Barry§ & Carol McArton

Michael McGovern

Terri & Jim McKerchar‡

Ron McKinnon & Peggy Barker‡ Tracey Novak

D. & G. Nytepchuk

Richard & Bonnie Olfert

Ivan & Cathy Oresnik‡

Cameron & Carole Osler

Wayne & Linda Paquin

Sandra Paterson-Greene & Russ Greene Ruth Pearce

SUPPORTERS 40 Ovation october/november 2022 *Current Royal MTC Board of Trustees/Advisory Board members †Current Royal MTC staff ‡Monthly donors § Fondly Remembered
who made
between Jun 1, 2021 and Sep 15, 2022

Donna Plant

David & Joan Rew

Henriette Ricou & Jure Manfreda Muriel Rowe§ Barbara Scheuneman Carol & Ron Slater Fund – Jewish Foundation of Manitoba Deborah Spracklin Georgia Taillieu Janet Taylor

Dr. Peter Triggs‡ Vicki Verville‡ Murray & Nancy Wiegand Reed & Arla Winstone Margaret Wollner‡ Anonymous


Darci Adam Pat & Darrell Adams‡ Brian Adolph Dawn Andersen

Bob & Joy Antenbring Elizabeth B. Armytage Fund – The Winnipeg Foundation Dennis & Elaine Schultz

Peter Attwood Sheena Baird†‡ Glenn & Norma Baldwin Earl & Cheryl Barish Betty Iris Bartush Larry Beeston & Anna Sikora Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Bergbusch Ryan Bernier Bruce & Joyce Berry Irene Bilan Laurie Bleeks

Lilian Bonin & Daniel P Levin John & Marilyn Bourbonnais Dr. Elizabeth Boustcha Derek Boutang

The Hon. Patricia Bovey Ron & Joan Boyd‡ Margaret Braid Kris & Ruth Breckman Billy Brodovsky & Libby Yager‡ Sheila & David Brodovsky Brian Brown

Ellen & George Bruce Cheryl Chaban Rosemary Chapman

Lawrie & Bea Cherniack Nancy Chuback Glen & Lorna Clark Kenneth Clark & Pamela Lockman Karen & Marek Corbett

The Convery Family Pam & Andrew Cooke Jim & Gwen Court Robert Coutts‡ Daniel Cowan

Elaine Black – Creative Spaces


Drs. Kristen Creek & Josh Manusow Werner & Judy Danchura Linda Daniels Chris Darazsi‡ Bob & Alison Darling J. Davidson‡ Doug De Graff Diane Degraves Andrea Hector & Kirk Dellebuur Alan Diduck Diana Dinon‡ Heather Dixon & Tony Harwood Jones Carl & Wilma Doerksen June Dutka

H. Dyck

Roberta Dyck Glen* & Joan Dyrda Greg Edmond & Irene Groot-Koerkamp Don & Elfie Elias Sheila Engel Jemara Fay‡ Kate Hodgert-Fennell Susan Fraser Anne Friesen Chad & Gina Friesen Curwin & Jill Weber Friesen Felicia & Trevor Frost Paul Daeninck & Monica Furer Colleen & Dan Furlan‡ Daniel Gagnon Basil & Judy Galarnyk Lynne & Lindsay Gauld‡ Denise & Ron George Heather Gillander Lorraine & Ian Glassford Serky & Ben Goldberg Gary Goodwin Elisabeth Gordon Karin Gordon Kayla Gordon & Art Maister M. Gray Sylvia & Doug Hannah Linda Harlos & Adrian Wildsmith Bruce & Judy Harris Barbara Harrison Kathryn & Wayne Harrison Frank & Sue Hechter Gail Hechter

Dr. Kristin Maria Heinrichs Medical Corp. Rodney Hick & Tracey Jackson Ted & Cathy Hlynsky Lenore & John Hodge Dennis & Betty-lynn Hodgkinson Michael & Crystal Hollas‡ Ken Houssin* Estate of Elsie Hughes§ Robert Hykawy

Jean Hyrich

Dan & Karen Ilchyna

Dr. James C. & Muriel Jamieson Sylvia Jansen

Neil & Herta Janzen

Robert & Karen Johnston

Maria Jones

Marilyn & Sheldon Joyal Koren Kaminski

Sam Katz Eileen Keck

Budilian Kehler & Tina Fehr Kehler Roger & Brenda Kennedy Peter Kingsley Betty Klassen

Eileen & George Klassen

Julie Ann Kniskern

Ms. Julie Koehn

Peter & Valerie Kohut Denise & David Koss Lorraine Kozub

Howard & Jane Kroeger

Randie & Jan Kushnier

Lisa & Ted Landrum Barbara Latocki

Desiree Lavallee†‡

John & Heather Lea

Tim Preston & Dave Ling Lois Litz Chris Loepp

Gail Loewen Tom Lussier Peter & Maureen Macdonald MacDonald/Cageorge Fund – The Winnipeg Foundation Shawn Madak Judith Manning Ms. Grace Martel

Liz Martin‡

Jim & Lynne McClelland Campbell & Lorraine McIntyre Marlene & Ian McKay Greg & Gloria McLaren

John & Carolynne McLure Fund –The Winnipeg Foundation Donald G. McNabb

Constantina Metaxas

Albert & Judith Metcalfe‡ Susie Miclash

Janine Milani

Marc Monnin & Donna Miller

Vera Moroz

Sagan Morrow‡

Suzanne & Kenneth Munroe

Brad Nance

R. Frank Obrigewitsch Kris Olafson‡

Joanne Olchowecki

John Osler

Terry Panych

Jean-Pierre Parenty

SUPPORTERS october/november 2022 Ovation 41 *Current Royal MTC Board of Trustees/Advisory Board members †Current Royal MTC staff ‡Monthly donors § Fondly Remembered

Judith Parker

Dr. Philip Pass

Peter & Anita Pelech

Maryam & Izzy Peltz Fund – Jewish Foundation of Manitoba

Jo-Anne & Harvey Peltz

Bonnie Penno‡

Rick Pinchin

Leonard & Ruth Podheiser & The Podheiser Family Foundation

Calvin & Jen Polet

Beth Pollard

Carolyn Porhownik

Maureen Prendiville & Paul Jensen Tammy Rabkin

Vivian E. Rachlis

Linda & Michael Radcliffe Carole Rankin‡ Elizabeth Ready

Dr. Martin Reed & Joy Cooper Brad Regehr & Nalini Reddy*

Lorraine & Ernest Reinfort

Joan Richardson

Jean Riggall‡

Tony Robbins Andrea & Michael Robertson‡ Jay & Andria Ross Tamara Rossie

Deborah & Neil Rostkowski Michael T. Ruta Carolyn Schellenberg

Faye Scott

Darcia & Gary Senft

Jewish Fdn of Manito –in memory of Sybil Shack for the benefiit of MTC Bill Shepherd & Beverley Vane Blake Shiaro

Jan Shute & Doug Harvey Elinor Simons

Eva Smith

Mrs. Lorraine Smith

Mark C. Smith & Sabrina Smith Irene & Jim Snell – in honour of Jim Pappas

Mrs. S. Sobey

Peter & Geri Spencer Eleanor Suderman

Lorne Sunley

Mary Ann Supleve Ray & Fenella Temmerman Karen Tereck – Welcome to Winnipeg Inc. Leah R. Janzen & Ian R. Thomson Malcolm & Shirley Tinsley Jen & Kevin Tomanek Greg Tottle Gord & Lorena Trann B. Baydock & W. Tretiak Elizabeth Turnock Irvin & Toby Vinsky Sheera Waisman – in memory of Mrs. Frances Settler

Stirling Walkes

Jesse Wente

Norma & Ron Westcott

Lionel & Lorraine Wiens Kathy Gough & Tim Wildman Catherine Wilkie

Klaus & Elsa Wolf Deborah A. Wolfe

Margaret & Paul Wright Ms. Landice Yestrau & Mr. Kyle Reeves

A Young Olga & Roman Zubach 18 Anonymous


Sherry Allard-Harber‡

R.E. Allison‡ Tatiana Arcand Jennifer & Scott Ash Elizabeth Atkinson Nadine Audet‡

Zaz Bajon & Patricia Hunter Richard & Nancy Ball Dr. Corinne Barrett DeWiele Richard Bartlinski Karen & John Bate

Lorna Beaudry James & Dawn-Lynne Bedford Trish Bergal Trust Beta Edwin M. Bethune Carole Bhakar Kelly Black & Sheila Curry Marjorie Blankstein CM, OM, LLD Joan Blight Helga & Gerhard Bock Marnie Bolland Jackie & Steve Broda-Milian France Adams & Stephen Brodovsky Debby & Bob Brown Gerald R. Brown Terry Bruneau Carol Budnick John Burrows

Enid Butler

L. K. Butler Diane & Gus* Campbell Arlene Carr

Jody Chalmers & Monique Perro‡ Hy & Pat Cohen Fund Agnes & John K. Collins Sarah Corley

Larry & Christine Cowan Janet Cutler

Matthew Cutler & Dr. Avery Miller Susan Cuvelier Georges Damphousse Kenneth DeLisle Stan Diachun Margaret & Sylvia Docker Sheila Domke & Stephen Ross

Rob Dryden

John & Ada Ducas

Heather Goulden & Jay Duncan Craig & Claudette Dunn Pamela Dykstra

David & Barbara Ediger‡ John Edwards & Wendy Stelko Gloria Emslie

Ken & Lesley Enns Anthony Esposito Marion Fellinger

Nelma Fetterman Doug & Pat Finkbeiner

Elvira & Harry Finnigan

Gayle Fischer

Beverley & Ronald John Fitzpatrick

Lawrence Foster‡ Christine Freeman Gloria & Rick Gallant

Frank Filbert & Linda Garwood-Filbert Jane Park & Blair Geisel

Trish Gibson

Patti & Rick Gilhuly Bill & Sharon Glanville Darlene Golinoski

Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Gomori

Jan Gordon‡ John & Marcia Gordon Dr. Darrell Grymonpre Rodger & Marion Guinn Rhonda & Glen Haight Jackie Halliburton

Ahava Halpern & Frank Lavitt‡ Don Hardy Carol Harvey Ken & Ruth Hayes Kyle Hendin

David & Mary Hickling Rob & Jen Hochkievich‡ Mary Hodge Ann Hodges

G. C. Irwin-Kilfoyle Jacki & Sheldon Koven Elizabeth Janzen

Margaret Jeffries

Dave & Lesia Johns Tannis & Owen Johnston Michael Joyal, esq.‡ Joanne & Rod Kamins

Sherry Kaniuga‡ Sheryl Kapitz & Aaron London John King & Rochelle Yanofsky Paula Klan

Melvin & Margaret Klassen John & Kathryn Knowles

Marvin Koop Jennifer & Andrew Kosie Mykola & Michelle Kowalchuk‡ Lorraine Kraichy‡

Sarah Kredentser & David Lowen Carol Campbell & Andy Krentz Paula Kristjanson Hasiuk

SUPPORTERS 42 Ovation october/november 2022 *Current Royal MTC Board of Trustees/Advisory Board members †Current Royal MTC staff ‡Monthly donors § Fondly Remembered

Jonathan & Cara Kroft

Teena Laird

Ms. Cynthia Lau

Bryen Lebar & Patricia Sauder‡

Helen Leeds

Saul & Kathy Leibl

Tim & Kate Letkemann‡

Jay Lev

Stan & Susan Lipnowski

Judy & Eric Lister

Teresa Lopata & Bruce Wagg

Sarah Luby

Janis Lumsden

Carole Lupkowski

Kathleen Malone

John & Helen Marakovits

Elaine & Neil Margolis

Ilse Marotta

Agatha Massey Cheryl & Eric Matheson

Roxana Mazur‡

Barbara McCandless Melanie McCannell‡ Jim McLaren

Linda Meckling

Catarina Mello Schultz‡ Barb Melnychuk Mario Mendizabal

Loretta Merriam Heather Mian Jim & Karren Middagh

Cressida Mills

Darwin Monita

Rodney Moorhead

Kelly Murray

Charlotte Murrell Sharon & Mel Myers

B. Nagamori

Tom Nowicki

Irene Onuch

Doris Mae Oulton & Cam Mackie Theresa Oye – in memory of Diane Stefanson

Kristen H. Pachet

Pak-Wai Chan

Marlene & Richard Paterson

Donald & Elaine Peters

Linda & Rob Pettit

Jocelyn Pitsch

Virginia Platt

Carla Plummer

David Poggemiller

M. Lois Powne

Heather Pullan & Tom Frohlinger

Dr. R. & Audrey Ramchandar

Jim & Kathy Ranick‡ Linda Ratynski

Dr. Martin Reed & Joy Cooper Cheryl Reid

Arnold & Shirley Reimer Shelley Rennie Brian & Laurel Repski

Mr. & Mrs. William Reynolds

Ron Richert – in memory of Gail Richert

Estate of Margaret Ritchie§ Jan Roberts Roslyn Roberts‡ Nicole Robidoux Linda Robinson

Gail MacAulay & Kevin Rollason

Pat & Michelle Rowan

Debbie Roy

Olga A. Runnalls‡ Barbara Ryan

Maria A. Sabourin

Jonas & Susan Sammons

Cheryl Samson-Siemens & Gordon Siemens

Rodrigo Sanches Cunha‡ Terry Sargeant & Margaret Haney Onnolee Scharf

Colleen & Bertram Schneider

Hans & Gabriele Schneider

Harald & Vicki Schulz

Greg Sexsmith & Joni Lavender Sexsmith‡ Jim & Susan Shaw

Lynn Shead Pietra Shirley Linda Simpson

Mr. & Mrs T. Simoes‡ Michelle Smith

Act Like a Star!

Everyone at the theatre is part of the show. Yes, even you.

You want to be a star, don’t you?

These tips will make you a stand-out performer (in a good way)!

Scents and Sensibility

Many theatre lovers experience adverse medical reactions from scented products. Please consider others before using scented products.

Park Your Mobile Device

We know something interesting is happening on social media. It always is. But your neighbours want to watch the play. Please turn off all mobile devices.

The Sound of Silence

Our theatre has great acoustics. So when you’re talking during the show, everyone can hear you. Your neighbours, the ushers and even the actors. We want you to talk about the show but at intermission or after the final bows.

We’re always happy to see you at the theatre. Thank you for coming!


Steve Stephanson

Kim Stephens

Lisa & Daniel Stiver

Heidi Struck‡

Pam Sveinson & Brad Oswald

Heather & Donald Talocka

Sharon Timson‡

Cindy Tolpa

Elaine Tolpa

W. Torch

Marilyn Trepel

Eric Turner‡

Chris Turyk & Bryce Weedmark‡

United Way

Arlene Van Ruiten

Helmut & Gwen Waedt

Jane & Don Walters‡

Paul & Laura Walton‡

Robert & Sherilyn Ward

Peter & Joan Washchyshyn

Colleen Webb

Mary Agnes Welch‡

Michael & Lydia West

Al & Pat Wherrett‡

Theresa Wiktorski

Deanna Wilks Leslie Wilson

Dennis & Gustine Wilton

Evelyn Witwicki

Jason Woywada

26 Anonymous


300 Main Air Canada

The Asper Foundation

The Gail Asper Family Foundation

Bell MTS

Birchwood Lexus

BMO Financial Group

Bonaventure Travel Inc.

Calm Air Canada Life Collective Event Rentals

Culligan Water Dycom Direct Mail Services

East India Company

Esdale Printing Co. Ltd.

The Fairmont Hotel

Fillmore Riley LLP

Friesens Corporation

HUB International

IG Wealth Management

Janzen Wealth Management Group

Jones & Co Wine Merchants Lawton Partners

Liquor Mart

Manitoba Bar Association

Manitoba Public Insurance

McDiarmid Flowers

McNally Robinson Booksellers

MTC Foundation

POS Systems

RBC Foundation


Red River Co-operative Ltd.

Relish New Brand Experience Richardson Foundation

Sleeman Breweries Ltd.

Soiree Event Planning

Stantec Consulting Ltd.

Tanchak Wealth Management Group

Taylor McCaffrey LLP

TD Bank Group

Torque Brewing

University of Manitoba – Faculty of Law

Wawanesa Insurance

The Winnipeg Free Press Wuchien Michael Than Foundation



Johnston Group Inc. Richardson Foundation


Cambrian Credit Union


Terracon Development Ltd. $1,200-2,999

Arthur J. Gallagher Insurance and Risk Management Domo Gasoline Corporation Ltd., Kate M. Everett, President Gendis Inc.

Manitoba’s Credit Unions Maple Leaf Construction Ltd., Blake Fitzpatrick Maxim Truck & Trailer – Doug Harvey & Jan Shute Pollard Banknote Limited PRA Inc.




Astroid Management Ltd.

Mid West Packaging Limited Premier Printing Ltd.

*Current Royal MTC Board of Trustees/Advisory Board members


MCW/AGE Consulting Professional Engineers

Winnipeg Building & Decorating Ltd. $150-299

Diva Lingerie and Swim Wear

FWS Group of Companies

Patill/St. James Insurance


Wayne & Lee Anderson

Gail Asper, OC, OM, LLD*

Zdzislaw (Zaz) Bajon & Patricia Hunter

Marjorie & Morley§ Blankstein

Duane§ & Pauline Braun

Doneta Brotchie, CM* & Harry Brotchie

Ken & Denise Brown

David & Lianne Carefoot

Len & Heather Cariou

Terri Cherniack & Steven Schipper, CM, OM Jennifer Cheslock & George Buri David Christianson & Vera Steinberger

David* & Barb Christie Gerry & Chris Couture Hugh B. Cowan Kerry Dangerfield*

Laurie Lam & Larry Desrochers Glen* & Joan Dyrda Robert & Florence Eastwood Don & Elfie Elias Bill§ & Gayle Fischer Anthony* & Jennifer Fletcher Jack Fraser James Gibbs§ Rita Gunn & Greg Mason John* & Nicola Guttormson

Ahava Halpern & Frank Lavitt

Linda Hamilton & Grange Morrow Gary Hannaford* & Cathy Rushton Ted§ & Gail Hechter Elaine Heinicke§

Shawn Hughes & Bruno Koehn June§ & Bob Jackson Fund for the Performing Arts

Maureen E. Jay Andrew & Wendy Jensen

David & Diane Johnston

Dr. Leonard & Hope§ Kahane Janis Kaminsky

Jason Kasper John Kearsey

Gordon & Anne Keatch§ Rob Kennedy & Claudette Leclerc Serena Helen Kraayeveld

Royal MTC staff ‡Monthly donors § Fondly Remembered If you have remembered Royal MTC in your will, please let us know.

44 Ovation october/november 2022

Leona J. MacDonald

Cheryl Johannson§ & Michael


Mark & Gloria Mancini

Virginia Martin

Peggy Barker & Ron McKinnon

Jim* & Penny McLandress

Barb Melnychuk

Bob & Pat Migliore

Jeffrey Morton*

Ken & Sharon Mould

Dr. Liam Murphy§

Robb & Heather Paterson

Chris Pearce

Scott Penner

Gina & John* C. Petersmeyer

Drs. Bill Pope & Elizabeth Tippett-Pope

K. Heather Power & Harold Klause

Margaret Redmond* & Greg Gillis

Edward Fisher & Lyse Rémillard

Joan D. Richardson

Michelle Rowan

Michael T. Ruta

Sharon Ryman Susan Skinner* Kevin Hines & Shelly Smith-Hines

Bill & Laurie* Speers

Deborah Spracklin

Joan Stephens Joanne Tait

Suzanne Ullyot

Lionel & Lorraine Wiens

Margaret§ & Alfred Wikjord

Richard L. Yaffe* & John A. Statham§ Brenda Zaporzan§

2 Anonymous


Many thanks to the generosity of our Endowment Fund donors who gave a gift or fulfilled a pledge payment between Jun 1, 2021 and Sep 15, 2022. Amounts listed are cumulative.


Government of Canada/ Gouvernement du Canada Canadian Heritage/Patrimoine canadien


Gail Asper, OC, OM, LLD* & Michael Paterson


Susan Glass & Arni Thorsteinson

J.K. May Investments Ltd. Cam & Carole Osler Terracon Development Ltd.


The Bowles Family Susan & Keith Knox Norma Anne Padilla

L. Blair Philpott & Tom Kynman

Dr. Bill Pope & Dr. Elizabeth Tippett-Pope George Sigurdson Faye Warren

Margaret & Alfred Wikjord


Margaret Caie Pam & Andrew Cooke Gail Hechter

Irene Miller & the late Claire Miller Gina O’Connor & John C. Petersmeyer* Barbara Scheuneman Terry & Les Wiens Anonymous


Don & Cheryl Breakey Rita & Don Campbell Ron & Carol Chapman Michael & Lynn Evans David & Ewhenia Gnutel John & Margaret Graham Jean & Lisa Neron Iris Reimer Anonymous


Joan & Edward Alexander

The Bohm Family David & Pamela Bolton Carol Budnick Art & Donna Chow Bob & Alison Darling DGH Engineering Ltd. Christine Fleetwood Christine Freeman Dr. Jeremy & Maureen Gordon Teresa A. Hay Marilyn & Helios Hernandez Jordan Janisse & Teresa Cooper Carol Campbell & Andy Krentz Donna & Dave* Lalama Barbara Main Marlene Milne Myron Pawlowsky & Susan Boulter Edna Poulter

W. & N. Rennie

Howie & Sue Simpson

Deborah Spracklin

3 Anonymous


Marge & Ted Avent

Peggy Bainard Acheson – in memory of Judy Acheson Nan Carson

Katherine Cobor & Gordon Steindel Valerie Dunsmore – in memory of Beverly Muzyk Evelyn Hecht Lynne Jentsch

Mr. & Mrs. Fred Kisil Barbara Latocki

Anthony & Joyce McWha Lorraine & Ernest Reinfort Sandra Sadler

Bryce & Jenna Simes

Peter & Sharon Taylor

Gabor Vamos & Brenda Silver Erin, Bryan, Brooklyn & Jameson Wills – in memory of Beverly Muzyk

UP TO $499

Helen M. Arkos

James Barrie & Sarah Anne Cranston Ingrid Bolbecher

Mr. & Mrs. Gary W. E. Firth Abigail Grieder Allan & Evelyn Hardy Nancy Latocki Dr. Shelley Mahoney Barry§ & Carol McArton Bob & Pat Migliore Charlotte Murrell Theresa Oye

Henry & Sheila Riendeau Linda L. Wiebe 4 Anonymous



MTC Board of Trustees/Advisory Board members †Current Royal MTC staff ‡Monthly donors § Fondly Remembered If you have remembered Royal MTC in your will, please let us know. october/november 2022 Ovation 45









SUPPORTING PARTNERS 46 Ovation october/november 2022


Honorary Members

Her Honour, Lt. Governor Janice C. Filmon

The Honourable Heather Stefanson, Premier of Manitoba

His Worship, Mayor Brian Bowman Executive Officers

Laurie Speers, Chair

John Guttormson, Past-Chair

Ed Acuna, Nominating Committee Chair

Heather Clarke, Treasurer & Organizational Performance Committee Chair

David Kroft, Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Accessibility Committee Chair

Sudhir Sandhu, Secretary

Jeremy Trickett, Governance & Strategic Planning Committee Chair

Claire Workman, Resource Development Committee Chair


Markus Chambers

Jan Coates

Katherine Fox

Susan Freig

David Lalama

Andrea Lochhead

Advisory Council

David Christie, Chair

Gail Asper

Doneta Brotchie, CM Angus Campbell Gerry Couture

Kerry Dangerfield Hy Dashevsky

Glen Dyrda, FCA

Anthony C. Fletcher Jean Giguere

Charron Hamilton Gary Hannaford, FCA

Yude Henteleff

Ken Houssin



Kim Friesen, Payroll Administrator

Linda McGarva Cohen

Nalini Reddy

Loren Remillard Jennifer Tesoro

Josh Thiem Geeta Tucker

Colin R. MacArthur, QC

Patrick J. Matthews

Jim McLandress

Jeffrey Morton, FCA Hon. Jack Murta Lillian Neaman John Petersmeyer Lawrence Prout Jeff Quinton Patricia Rabson Margaret Redmond Susan Skinner Al Snyder Maureen Watchorn


Patrick Hanan, Development Database Specialist

Brendan McKeen, Individual Giving Manager

Melissa Novecosky, Director of Development

Stephanie Porrior, Event Coordinator

Front of House

Samantha Harrison, Front of House Manager, John Hirsch Mainstage

Ntara Curry, Front of House Manager, Tom Hendry Warehouse

Front of House Staff: Jennifer Brisson, Reid Boultbee, Shay Cote, Bee Dasuki, Rylen De Vries, Christopher Douglas, Laurel Fife, Melanie Fowler, Joanna Houston, Kimmy Martin, Graeme Olson, Keira Rondeau, Cobi Winston


Chris Fletcher, Building Manager

Marketing & Communications Ksenia Broda-Milian, Education and Enrichment Manager

Sue Caughlin, Marketing & Communications Manager

Katie Inverarity, Director of Marketing & Communications

Desiree La Vallee, Ticketing Application Specialist

Savannah Lillies, Marketing & Communications Coordinator

Lauren Wagn, Communications & Social Media Manager


Carla Schroeder, Head Scenic Artist


Christine Corthey, Production Associate Ian Kirk, Production Driver Jaxun Maron, Assistant Production Manager

Russell Martin, Director of Production Don Osler, Technical Director Jacqueline Robertson, Assistant Technical Director


Yvonne O’Connor, Accounts Payable Administrator

Shelley Stroski, Controller Administration

Kurt Brown, HR Generalist

Camilla Holland, Executive Director

Kathrin Moncaster, IT Manager


Audrey Dwyer, Associate Artistic Director

Katie German, Assistant Program Director, Pimootayowin Creators Circle

Melissa Langdon, Apprentice Artistic Director Isabelle Ly, Producer Ian Ross, Program Director, Pimootayowin Creators Circle Kelly Thornton, Artistic Director Leslie Watson, Company Manager

Box Office

Sheena Baird, Director of Patron Services

Meaghan Fletcher, Box Office Manager

Alexandra Gerow, Patron Services Coordinator

Box Office Representatives: Melissa Langdon, Danielle Sinclair, Jordan Skelly, Katie Spring

Carpentry (John Hirsch Mainstage)

Louis Gagné, Layout Carpenter

Brent Letain, Master Carpenter Chris Seida, Scenic Carpenter

Khaeler Bautista, Props Builder Zoë Leclerc-Kennedy, Props Builder/Buyer Jamie Plummer, Head of Props Stage Crew Chris Coyne, Head of Sound Kayla McSwain, Head of Wardrobe Gary Plouffe, House Stage Hand Claude Robert, Head Electrician Chris Thomson, Head Carpenter Tom Hendry Warehouse Tim Clark, Head of Sound Ryan Spracklin, Master Carpenter Fisher Wohlgemut, Head Electrician Wardrobe Thora Lamont, Head of Wardrobe Jackie Van Winkle, Head Buyer & Accessories Coordinator


Beverley Covert, Head of Wigs/Make-Up

Winnipeg Fringe Theatre Festival Chuck McEwen, Executive Producer Tori Popp, Festival Manager

Honorary Staff

Zaz Bajon, General Manager Emeritus Steven Schipper, CM, OM, Artistic Director Emeritus



Additional crew provided by IATSE 63

New Kate George, Dresser/Stagehand Penny Hanford, Seamstress Karen Luchak, Seamstress Barb Mackenzie, Seamstress Joy Willis, Seamstress

Additional crew provided by IATSE 63

BEHIND THE SCENES 48 Ovation october/november 2022


Citadel Theatre Production Staff

Cheryl L. Hoover, Director of Production

Patrick Fraser, Technical Director

Jacinda Grummett, Assistant Technical Director

Matthew Koyata, Assistant Technical Director

Kyla Maki, Administrative Assistant

Michelle Chan, Resident Stage Manager/Production Supervisor

Nick Rose, Head of Audio

Peter Locock, Head of Scenic Carpentry

Greg Cardinal, Assistant Head of Scenic Carpentry

Doug Field, Scenic Carpenter

Jeff Howe, Scenic Carpenter

Serge Menard, Scenic Carpenter

Brendan Nearey, Scenic Carpenter

Tegan Herron, Head of Electrics

Ben Eastep, Assistant Head of Electrics

Alana Rice, Electrics

Nicole Deibert, Head of Scenic Paint

Andrée Simard, Assistant Head of Scenic Paint

Doug Field, Scenic Painter

Emily Randall, Scenic Painter

Sarah Karpyshin, Head of Props

Angie Sotiropoulis, Assistant Head of Props

Charlotte Hunt, Props

Connor MacDonald, Props

Marc Anderson, Head of Stage Carpentry

Kris Aasen, Assistant Head of Stage Carpentry

Patsy Thomas, Head of Wardrobe

Judith Darough, Cutter

Barb Becker, Fabricator

Emma Allarie, Stitcher

Tammy Barry, Stitcher

Brenda Inglis, Stitcher

Nancy Malott, Stitcher

Olivia Derksen, Head of Wardrobe Running Adam Blocka, Dresser Erin Hayes, Dresser

Mandy Mattson, Wardrobe Maintenance Katie Patton, Head of Wigs

Christa Hoefling, Assistant Head of Wigs

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BEHIND THE SCENES october/november 2022 Ovation 49
Royal MTC Board of Trustees. PHOTO BY DYLAN HEWLETT Photo/UnsplashJoshua Stannard

The cast of The World Goes ‘Round.

Big Thanks All ‘Round!

After two years away, life certainly is a cabaret as members of the Manitoba Bar Association took to the stage to deliver a stunning revue from the songbook of Kander and Ebb in The World Goes ‘Round. Performing at the Tom Hendry Warehouse from May 10 to 14, the cast showcased their incredible talents. Filled not only with fabulous singing, the evening also contained many surprising twists from the lawyers – including tap dancing, roller-skating and picking up instruments to join the band!

Cast entirely with Manitoba Bar Association members, the Lawyers Play is one of Royal MTC’s largest fundraisers. Since its inception, this gala event has raised over $1.1 million to support the Winnipeg Fringe Theatre Festival.

Our deepest gratitude to patrons, donors, advertisers and sponsors for supporting our efforts. We’d also like to extend sincere thanks to the talented cast and hardworking crew, as well as our many volunteers and committee members.


Kathrine Basarab

Jennifer Bird Jessica Cogan Paul Cooper Phillip Cramer


300 Main

Tashia Dreger

Alicia Dueck-Read Caleigh Glawson

Benji Greenberg Deanna Hiebert

Zilla Jones Ashley Kaufmann David Kroft Melanie Labossiere Joel Lebois

Catherine Litinsky Hayley Main Leo Palay Sandi Phillips

Jodi Plenert

Nalini Reddy Jaime Rosin Darcia Senft

Director / Choreographer: Jillian Willems*, Music Director: Danny Carroll




Safeway & Sobey’s


Lawton Partners

University of Manitoba – Faculty of Law WINE SPONSOR

Jones & Company Wine Merchants


Melissa Hazelton – Chair

Michelle Falk

Jason Gisser

Jessica L.M. Isaak

Shawn Hughes Jamie Jurczak

Jeff Palamar

Nalini Reddy Stéphanie Tétreault

*The participation of this Artist was arranged by permission of Canadian Actors’ Equity Association under the provisions of the Dance • Opera • Theatre Policy (DOT).

50 Ovation october/november 2022

Empowering creative young minds

supporting Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre

Canada Life and design

are trademarks of The Canada Life Assurance Company.

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