3 minute read
from Export Magazine 3-20
by mte edizioni
Interview with Gilberto Fava, CEO, Tecnoelettra
EXPORT MAGAZINE: Tecnoelettra is a
company that is very attentive to the environment. How is this attention shown through your articles?
GILBERTO FAVA: In the field of hairdryers, as in any other technological sector, innovation is at the basis of progress. For our type of product, progress is developed along three lines: weight, power and design. We cannot speak of progress if we do not obtain the maximum if each of these three factors. These objectives always underlie any activity in the R & D sector of our company. Tecnoelettra continues its innovation at the service of the hairdresser always with the maximum respect for the environment, presenting at Cosmoprof 2020 a new product with a patented accessory with the capacity of increasing performances without minimally impacting the energy consumption. Therefore, low consumption, maximum performance and therefore an economic saving for the hairdresser. We are proud of having created a hairdryer that is the ally both of the hairdresser and of the environment. Therefore, a reduction of the consumption of time working and of energy without any impact at all on the performances, with a consequent and obvious economic saving by the final user. Tecnoelettra has always been committed to respecting the environment, doing its best by investing in research into evolved technologies and advanced solutions aimed at saving and limiting resources, energy, the reduction of waste as much as possible in every phase of the production process.
professional hairdryers allow you to offer products that are really innovative?
GF: We like to repeat, because in our company the tangible result is the wide range of solutions that we offer, made up of increasingly innovative products both from the point of view of components and style. Each product perfectly reflects our philosophy oriented to innovation, beauty care and the love for our work which has lasted for over 30 years. The demand and need for quality of the product that is necessary and suitable for an increasingly competitive market are growing all the time and it is for this reason that our production system is continually updated. At Tecnoelettra, innovation is not limited to the technical and production field, but exists in every sector of the company, obviously with particular attention for the sector of prototypes and testing. For us, sensitivity and attention to innovation are the key of competitiveness.
EM: Does your specialization in creating
EM: Which new products will
you be presenting at the next Cosmoprof in Bologna?
GF: We will be presenting a hairdryer for the professional segment with a patented accessory that allows obtaining a product with performances that definitely give improvements in terms of economic and time saving, while keeping the consumption of energy unchanged. The innovation of this product consists precisely of the ability to increase performances without minimally impacting on the consumption of energy. Therefore, low consumption, maximum performance and therefore economic saving for the hairdresser. We are proud of having created a hairdryer that is an ally for the hairdresser and for the environment.
We as ked Tecn oelettra Daniele
Focante , of the trend , HEAD OF SALES, on ex port mar kets
EM: How important is your presence on foreign
markets and what are the aspects that are particularly appreciated?
Da niele Foca nte : I would say fundamental. The strong connotation of Italianness linked to the country of origin and the drive of innovation by the new management have led and are leading Tecnoelettra towards a process of globalization, increasingly spreading our brand internationally. The aspects that make our product appreciated are the reliability and safety of what we create and make. These characteristics are translated into a very long life cycle of the product and putting on to the market only and exclusively products which have obtained all the certifications necessary to be considered reliable and safe. Tecnoelettra is a company that has lasted more than 30 years.