14 minute read
Beauty Istanbul
from Export Magazine 3-20
by mte edizioni
Welcome to a new era of blonde by Elgon. I|Blonde, a range of next-generation bleaching products, with upgraded formulas and ingredients. For Insta-worthy blondes!
Extra-powerful bleach. Boosted lightening actives. Lifts up to 9 levels on natural hair. Time-Speed effect: up to 5 levels in 30 minutes.

Ultra-compact clay bleaching powder. Maximum creativity for all free-hand techniques. Lifts up to 7 tones.
Create ultra-light, platinum blondes or more natural, dynamic looks, whilst respecting the hair thanks to the exclusive AC Oil Complex and algae extracts with protective and restorative action.
Discover the I|Blonde techniques with Elg Educi and offer new services for beautiful, perfect blondes in your salon.
Elgon is the premium brand of Pidielle SpA, the company founded in Milan in 1970 by Domenico Caimano, that since the very beginning has always worked with professional hairdressers from all over the world to help them deliver uniqueness to their clients. In its 50 th year of activity, thanks to the dedication of the Caimano family over three generations, Elgon stays true to its original aim: to make a personalised and premium

quality professional hairdressing service available to everyone. Despite a worldwide presence in over 90 countries, Elgon remains 100% made in Italy and is proud to leverage its strong R&D expertise and international education program.
Excellence , at all ti mes
Elgon is a brand that strives to achieve excellence at all levels. Elgon has always been committed to the highest quality standards, throughout the whole innovation and production process. Sealing its commitment to quality, Elgon holds a number of independent certifications, including UNI EN ISO 2015. Quality Management System; 22716:2008 GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) and Halal certification for all Imagea Elgon Green products. Moreover, the brand can boast longstanding engagement in Corporate Social Responsibility activities. From small gestures to key decisions, Elgon is committed to providing a serene working environment to all employees, with plenty of training and development opportunities, as well as promoting sustainability practices throughout its supply chain. As of May 2020, for example, the Head Office and productive units in the province on Milan will be entirely powered through solar energy provided by over 600 photovoltaic panels. Last but not least, Elgon has been actively collaborating with COOPI over the past 10 years. COOPI is a secular and independent humanitarian organisation that runs development projects through the valorisation of women, work and local communities, of which Elgon has been a loyal sponsor.
Over the l oc kdown and ont o the re opening
COVID-19 has hit Italy particularly hard, as well as many countries where Elgon has a strong trading presence. Serena Caimano, CEO of Pidielle, has immediately reacted to the outbreak with rationality, optimism, and empathy. ‘First of all, as soon as the initial news started and as soon as the authorities communicated the first safety measures, the company reacted to put the health of employees and clients to the forefront.’ declares Serena Caimano. The company immediately suspended all the events, education courses, business meetings that it had planned – but only temporarily. ‘I am an optimist, and I am confident that we will go back to our work, and our clients will go back to their salons picking up from where they left off. I am convinced that feeling beautiful and taking care of oneself, are priorities that we will never give up on.” continues Serena Caimano. Expressing genuine sympathy to the numerous people that are currently undergoing a moment of distress, private or professional, the company has not been standing still. Elgon has continued to operate promoting smart working practices, where possible, and has implemented from the very start the strictest safety policies for all the employees operating from the Head Office and the productive units, in compliance with the most severe government guidelines. In this way, and in spite of all difficulties, Elgon has managed to continue offering its partners and clients a number of innovative solutions: from the new CONNECT by Elgon online education program, which was planned for 2021 but was brought forward to immediately allow easy access to educational contents from remote, to the production of the highly effective Elgon Sanitizing Gel for hands, to the launch of new products and services which will allow salons to maximize their working time through express color services and haircare rituals.

Safety and speed : the keys f or the re opening
At the reopening, salons will need to meet their clients with new welcoming rituals focused on hygiene and safety.

For all its clients, Elgon has developed a new no rinse Sanitizing Gel with instant efficacy, ensured by the high percentage of alcohol contained in the formula, 75%. Moisturizing glycerin and soothing chamomile have also been added to make this product into a means of hygiene, as well as a little treat for hands that is both caring and reassuring. Elgon Sanitizing Gel is available in a practical salon format with dispenser (500ml) and a retail size (100ml). At the reopening, another big focus will be on reorganizing spaces, working patterns and practices, to maximize

the salons’ turnover, whilst implementing new protocols for the safety and comfort of both those who stand behind and in the chair. Express color and decoloration services like Elgon 10MIN color and Elgon I|Blonde Super 9 bleach provide a concrete support to hairdressers facing these new challenges. Elgon 10MIN is the permanent color range that guarantees maximum white hair coverage in the shortest time: the special polymer contained in the formula allows the color to penetrate into the hair faster, reducing the time for a full color service by 70%. Elgon I|Blonde Super 9, on the other hand, is the extra-powerful bleaching powder that lifts up to 9 levels on natural hair. Thanks to its boosted lightening actives, Super 9 provides a time-speed effect, lifting up to 5 levels in only 30 minutes.
Presents an exclusive digital format, a new way of doing business for the beauty sector in the next months

The 53 rd edition of Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna, the reference event for the global cosmetic industry, will take place in Spring 2021. “The current economic scenario and COVID19 emergency all over the world require us to postpone Cosmoprof to next year. It has been a tough decision, but our main goal now is safeguarding exhibitors and operators, allowing them to present to the market at their best and obtain the most efficient results. We will soon communicate the new dates,” - says Gianpiero Calzolari, President of BolognaFiere Group. “In the meanwhile, Cosmoprof will not stop. Our goal is the revival of the cosmetic sector and, in the coming months, we will maximize our skills to facilitate the natural connection between producers and buyers, and thus give new lifeblood to the sector.” As one of the new projects aimed at helping the recovery of business relationships,from 4 to 10 June Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna will present WeCosmoprof, a digital format, organized with the support of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and ITA - Italian Trade Agency, and in collaboration with Cosmetica Italia – Personal Care Association. “WeCosmoprof is our concrete contribution to the restart of economic activities for exhibitors and operators in our community – says Enrico Zannini, General Manager of BolognaFiere Cosmoprof. - Cosmoprof has been a connection provider for over 50 years, a business facilitator all over the world, and it has based its uniqueness on the importance of physical networking between supply and demand. In a scenario imposing limits on displacements and physical interactions, our role requires us to offer alternative opportunities for business relationships in the sector. WeCosmoprof was born in the hope of meeting again in 2021 at the 53 rd edition of Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna, to face together the new opportunities and future scenarios”. WeCosmoprofwill be available to exhibitors, buyers, distributors, and retailers from the Cosmoprof community. Thanks to the digital

technologies and services that Cosmoprof has been making available to companies and operators attending the fair for years to encourage networking and the development of new projects, WeCosmoprof will offer a three-dimensional experience that is currently unprecedented for the exhibition sector. The core will be the networking between companies and operators, with the match-making services of the Cosmoprof My Match software, a consolidated tool for business relations of Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna. Exclusive virtual rooms will be available to exhibitors and buyers, where they can have a preview of new products and services, deepen opportunities for further developments in the relevant markets, and negotiate orders and contracts. In addition to the match-making platform for B2B activities, CosmoTalks Virtual Series will offer a detailed update of the market evolution with 30 webinars. Cosmo Virtual Stage will present

training sessions, focused on new consumers habits and trends, on efficient communication strategies, and the best opportunities for hospitality tourism, SPA, and wellness. The professional channel will be provided with new suggestions and useful information thanks to #dontstopbeauty, published on Cosmoprof website and social accounts with posts and live demos for hairstylists, beauticians, and nail artists wishing to reopen their stores with a brand-new approach. Exhibitors of Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna can choose to have visibility on channels, WeCosmoprof and #dontstopbeauty, with live demos of new products and projects. During WeCosmoprof, subscribers of the Cosmoprof website will be able to access all the latest news of more than 3,000 exhibitors, as well as to an exclusive digital catalogue with over 800 Italian exhibiting companies, with particular attention to the products presented for the first time on the

market. The digital inventory will be available in Italian, English, French, Chinese, Arabic, and Portuguese, thanks to the “Beauty Made in Italy” project, supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and ITA - Agency. “In recent months, many entrepreneurial realities in our country are experiencing serious difficulties due to the spread all over the world of COVID19 – says Gianpiero Calzolari. - With the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, with ITA and with Cosmetica Italia, we are at the forefront to make our contribution to the rebirth of the Made in Italy beauty industry”. “Helping our country for its recovery means interpreting the evolution of post-COVID consumption trends. We will probably face a “new normal” phase, with a growing digital transformation - says Carlo Ferro, President of ITA – Italian Trade Agency. - As ITA, we are committed to strengthening our activities and support to the national trade shows focusing on key international markets. Among the emergency measures, I can mention the free export services for companies with up to 100 employees, compensation for companies not participating in trade shows around the world, the financing of participation in Italian missions in events abroad for the next 18 months. Furthermore, we aim to create virtual exhibitions, as a support to real events, which can last 365 days a year. Meanwhile, we continue the collaboration with Cosmoprof and Cosmetica Italia, through a series of initiatives involving our offices, such as the study of international digital marketing campaigns for the promotion of WeCosmoprof. Our aim is facilitating the revamping of Made in Italy: everyone in the world loves Italy, aspires to its style and appreciate its charming combination of history, culture, and geographical territory.” “The evolution of COVID19 not only in Italy, but throughout the world, will be decisive for assessing the economic repercussions of this emergency, and it will surely have an impact on all industrial sectors, including cosmetics. What we are facing - says Renato Ancorotti, President of Cosmetica Italia - is a challenge, but it is also an opportunity to show how strong and brave we can be. WeCosmoprof is our answer to this circumstance. BolognaFiere Group, institutions, and trade associations are even more united, with a sense of responsibility, to give companies concrete resources and tools for the development of their business”. WeCosmoprof will be promoted in key markets in Europe, Asia, and the Americas, with specific campaigns on Cosmoprof communication channels, as well as with exclusive content created by media partners and trend agencies. Furthermore, webinars will be scheduled in Angola, Brazil, Chile, France, India, Great Britain, Korea, Morocco, Russia, Turkey, and United States, with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and ITA - Italian Trade Agency, as a reaction to the COVID19 emergency.
For further information, www.cosmoprof.com


Carla is the new
Artistic Berga maschi Inebrya Gl obal Tea m Direct or
The brand specialized in professional haircare products entrusts the new corporate image and collections to the skilled hands of an undisputed professional
Inebrya has a new Artistic Director whose name is Carla Bergamaschi. For the hair stylists, this name is synonymous with experience and talent, as Ms. Bergamaschi has an international career in professional haircare and has collaborated with the great names of the Italian fashion system, from Giorgio Armani and Valentino to Ferrè and Antonio Marras. She started in the 1960s with a hair salon in Modena and it was curiosity that took her first to London to the Vidal Sassoon Academy and then on to the international catwalks. The endeavour to bring something new and fashionable to the demanding customers of the Emilian city pushed the stylist to keep on training. Her overwhelming passion for this job led her to achieve increasingly higher goals. Vidal Sassoon, the creator of the Bauhaus-inspired geometric style, provided her with a solid rigorous base that Carla never abandoned, so much so that it still defines her style - a cut by Carla is unique, her golden hands transform all heads into a masterpiece. After consolidating her basic training,

she focused on fashion in the 1980s and attended the catwalks of the most famous designers in Europe and overseas as far as Japan with a tour where she represented the Italian fashion abroad. In the 1990s, she founded and guided work groups tirelessly training young new professionals. At the same time, she worked with major haircare companies and, in her own town – where she became a point of reference for the industry -, she collaborated with the Pavarotti International association for “Pavarotti & Friends”, an international event organized by the Maestro to collect funds for charitable causes. She is now joining the Inebrya Artistic Team as Global Artistic Team Director: the late 2019 new corporate image and Blondesse collection already bear her signature. In addition to the collections, this year the artist will also supervise the Inebrya training activities and events. After celebrating its 20th anniversary, in 2020 Inebrya is ready to introduce new products in line with its philosophy and to promote the Italian style on the international market. “We are ready. Inebrya is not just a range of highlyperforming products, it is also a brand strongly loved by clients from over 60 markets worldwide,” explains Marketing Manager Elisa Zanca. “This is why our partners are asking for more: more fashion, inspiration, knowledge and training. They see our potential and want to have more tools available to grow and innovate. This year, we have decided to invest highly in training and in the collection by setting up a new team headed by an internationally-renowned professional - Carla Bergamaschi.” “I am very proud of being part of this young, positive brand that is strongly determined to grow – explains Carla Bergamaschi. I believe in continuous training as ours is not just a job, but a craft that must be stimulated day after day with practice, creativity and training. My greatest passion now is that of passing on this craft. Together with the technical and style team and with the Global Brand Ambassadors, we are already working on the new collections by studying new cutting and colouring techniques to share with those from all over the world who choose Inebrya on a daily basis.”