Export Magazine 9-22

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INTERNET exportmagazine.net THE INTERNET GUIDE TO THE BEAUTY INDUSTRY WORLDWIDEexport.magazine@mteedizioni.it N. 9/2022mte e dizioni s.r.l.Via R. Gessi 2820146 m ilanot ariffa R.O.C.: Poste Italiane s.p.a.Spedizione in abbonamento PostaleD.L. 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27/02/2004 n. 46) art. 1, comma 1, DCBm odena€ 7In caso di mancato recapito inviare al CPO m OD e NA per la restituzione previo pagamento resi

N. 9 - ANNo XLII december 2022 - jANuAry 2023 dIcembre 2022 - geNNAIo 2023


VIA R. GESSI, 28 - 20146 MILANO TEL. 02 / FAX 02 / 41.23.405 export.magazine@mteedizioni.it www.exportmagazine.net

Autorizzazione del Tribunale di Milano n. 85 del 16 / 02 / 1991

Direttore responsabile: Giuseppe Tirabasso

Direttore editoriale: Claudia Stagno

Collaboratori: Annalisa Aita, Judy Bloom, Francesca Bonelli, Valérie Kaminov, Rebecca Lazzari, Joan Rundo, Simona Verga

Correspondent for France: Catherine du Villard

P.R. & PRomotion: +39 / 02 4239443

Sped. in abbonamento postale D.L. 353 / 2003 (conv. in L. 27 / 02 / 2004 n. 46) art. 1, comma 1, DCB - Modena

Abbonamento annuale Italia € 50 (5 numeri) versamento su c.c.p. n° 21104203 intestato alla MTE Edizioni Via R. Gessi, 28 - Milano

Foreign subscription $ 55 (5 issues) + air mail fare (if requested).

Editrice: MTE Edizioni s.r.l. Via R. Gessi, 28 - Milano

Stampa: Faenza Group SpA

Grafica: Roberto Cimarosa per MTE Edizioni - Milano

Materiale fotografico e redazionale di proprietà della rivista Export Magazine, tutti i diritti riservati.

On the cover: Tecno Dry, higly performing professional hair-dryers made in Italy

A d V er TIS er S’

AGF88 23

Beauty Asia 28 Beauty Eurasia 53

Beauty Istanbul 39 Cosmetica Algeria 24

Cosmoprof North America 22 CTL 54-55

Cotril IV-56-III DCM 12-13 Dielle 47 Ga-Ma II-1

Global Beauty Expo 50

Go International 51

Helen Seward 19

Inebrya 29

Lisap 8-9

Lumson 31

Make-up-In 49

Paris Packaging Week 30

Parisienne 14-15

Parlux 37

Sensus 34-35

Sinesia 25

Tecno Dry Cover

Vitality’s 3 Vivaness


de X


Heart is the Vitality’s colour range that strengthens as it colours, improving hair compactness and increasing its resistance by *

35% vitalitys.it

* Live test for resistance of hair to breakage after Heart colour treatment (with Heart activator) performed by an independent external laboratory, comparing hair treated with Heart and non-treated hair.


T ec N o dry A com PL e T e Ly N e W

SHA re H o L d IN g ST rucT ure

Always in step with the needs of hair professionals

As every company that is renewed, investments have been made both in the area of human resources and product innovation and it is, as usual, at Cosmoprof that the company will be presenting the expansion of their product range.

Over the last year, they have experimented and enriched their most powerful line, with hairdryers that can reach up to 2650W.

2022 has been a year for the company characterized by experimentation and listening to the market, which is why they have decided to continue developing hairdryers with a digital motor, to be in step with the needs and demands of the hair’s professionals.

The fundamental characteristic of Tecno Dry products is quality, which has always distinguished it and which will continue to be improved and perfected.

On 1st April 2022, Tecno Elettra became Tecno Dry, with a completely new shareholding structure, headed by Dr. Daniele Focante, formerly Commercial Director of Tecno Elettra. daniele Focante says, “We have a great history behind us and are certain of a long road ahead to cover in our future and this is why we have already made some investments.”

In its products there is never a finishing line, but always a starting line to give ideas to grow, improve and protect the health of the final consumer. Their hairdryers are designed to offer professionals the

maximum at the level of performances, duration, usability and saving without limiting in any way the creativity of the hairdresser, because they believe that hairdryers have to help professionals express all their qualities and not limit their work.

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co S mo P ro F Wor L d WI de bo Log NA 2023

The bologna Worldwide event promises a line-up of everything new and excellent

Cosmoprof Worldwide will be held in Bologna from 16th to 20th March 2023. It will be a journey in time, between the present and the future of the cosmetics industry, a unique experience for professionals and companies from all over the world who meet in the Italian city for the event.

All the most innovative products and excellences of the sector will be on display, focusing on the current trends of the market and outlining the future evolution of beauty. Alongside the rich and unrivalled offer on display, Cosmoprof is confirmed as the global observatory of the evolution of the cosmetic sector, thanks to its consolidated projects and initiatives aimed at offering updates and new inspiration for all the sector’s professionals.

Known as the “Oscars of Beauty”, the excellence and quality of the beauty industry are rewarded by the Cosmoprof and Cosmopack Awards, which have become one of the most prestigious celebrations and acknowledgements for brands and suppliers. Curated by the international trend agency Beautystreams, the awards celebrate the results of research and investments by the sector’s companies, rewarding the most innovative products, formulations, packaging, design, technology, materials and ingredients, which are meeting the needs of an increasingly sustainable industry and at the same time anticipating consumer needs.

Open to all exhibiting companies, the Cosmoprof Awards reward the most avant-garde finished product brands, and the Cosmopack Awards celebrate the most futuristic supply chain solutions. In 2023, there will now be seven categories for finished product brands: skin care products, make-up products, hair products, nail products, personal care & body care products, home and professional devices and tools, and green and organic. The companies in the supply chain can enter their products in the categories

of skin care formula, make-up formula, hair care formula, nail formula, packaging: design and materials, innovation technology: raw materials, machinery, solutions and Sustainability: ingredients, formula, packaging and production process. Three finalists for each category will be chosen by Beautystreams, which will publish the results on their Premium platform, to be judged by an international jury of industry experts, entrepreneurs, the trade press and buyers from international and multinational brands.

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The announcement of the winners will be made at the Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna gala evening, The One and Only Event, on Friday March 17th at Palazzo Re Enzo in the city centre. The Life Achievement Award will also be presented on the same occasions to a highly representative figure of the creativity and entrepreneurial spirit of the cosmetics industry.

Thanks to the Cosmotrend reports, in collaboration with Beautystreams, Cosmoprof presents the main trends of the beauty market.

Sunday 19th and March 20th are the dates for On Hair by Cosmoprof, with 18 teams performing in the arena in

pavilion 37. The best international talents will present the most soughtafter new colours, the most original cuts and the most amazing hairstyles.

The Beautystreams staff will highlight current purchasing habits, offering visitors a tour through the pavilions of the show to discover the most influential themes for the market today. Beautystreams will also present Cosmovision, a vision of the values and elements that will influence the future of the cosmetics industry. Through a multi-sensory installation, visitors will be able to preview the transformations and the new needs of tomorrow’s consumers.


A regular feature at Cosmoprof, CosmoTalks is the in-depth programme which is particularly appreciated by companies and operators as a moment of connection and interaction. From 16th to 18th March, market analysis agencies, companies and prestigious speakers will share their experiences and studies.

coSmo oNSTAge ANd WorLd mASSAge meeTINg Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna is also an important rendezvous

for owners of beauty and wellness centres, professionals and nail artists. Trends, new products and new ways of interaction between brands, beauty professionals and consumers will be just some of the topics of Cosmo Onstage. The second World Massage Meeting is also on the calendar, with a path of higher professional training focused on innovation, change and excellence for the massage world. This meeting will allow participants to understand the challenges and the opportunities of this sector.

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oN HAIr by coSmoProF

The new Halo collection draws inspiration from the fascinating meanings of the word “halo”: light, aura, circle, ring. And the shots and images perfectly express this contemporary mood.

Can’t you see All love’s luxuries Are here for you and me

And when our worlds they fall apart When the walls come tumbling in Though we may deserve it It will be worth it

Bring your chains (Depeche Mode)

Halo is a pop in nature. An elegant collection of hairstyles and colors that combines luxury, lightness, and sustainability. A collection that expresses the multiple facets of a woman through a color palette that merges calmness and comfort with energy and vitality. For women who want to celebrate their optimism and glowing femininity, giving a contemporary twist to vintage looks.


In a time of contrasting trends, women can now combine relaxing and regenerating colors with bold, vibrant shades to show their true personalities. This season’s colors perfectly express two opposites –calmness and chaos – through light infused pastel shades and more vibrant and energetic ones.

This way, they meet the need for tranquility and wellbeing and highlight our commitment to nature and the environment.

A message of joy, optimism, and hope for the future.

The Halo collection’s color palette reveals the need for peace and harmony while bringing out one’s personality in a bold, light-hearted way.

A celebration of contrasts, where elegant styles alternate with textured ones, merging past trends with innovative hair cutting and coloring techniques.

Artistic Director & Concept: Luigi Martini Photo: Mauro Mancioppi

LISAPL e X T m bo N d SAV er LA me LLA r WAT er

An instant action to restore beauty to the tips and eliminate frizz

Finally, a light, ultra-fast treatment, suitable for all hair types and textures. It gives intense shine and repairs all hair types in just 9 seconds. Without weighing it down. The Vegetal Protein Complex contained in it preserves the integrity of he hair’s lamellar structures.

LAmeLLAr TecHNoLogy: LeT’S dIScoVer IT

This lamellar conditioner is an ultra-light liquid treatment; its technology exploits the power of lamellae, particles able to penetrate the hair cuticle and repair damaged areas on each lock more easily than traditional hair creams and masks.

By working in thin layers, the formula deposits small active ingredients such as moisturisers, amino acids (for strength and shine) and conditioning agents into

the damaged areas of the each lock of hair, and immediately penetrates the hair shaft for an enhanced nourishing effect. In brief, the water on the surface of the hair activates the smoothing power of lamellar technology. The conditioning agents are organised into a fine lamellar structure that covers the fibre, smoothing out any irregularities in seconds. The hair becomes shiny, smooth and perfectly manageable during styling, ensuring impeccable lightness.

A ProducT THAT guArANTeeS reSuLTS WITH No doubT

Thanks to the active ingredients contained in the formula, LisaplexTM preserves the integrity of the hair’s lamellar structures on elastic properties, on flexion and on cuticle abrasion. It has two functions. It acts at an intracortical level – on the inside –strengthening and lubricating the

surface of the hair: it reduces damages caused by aggressive chemical treatments, environmental stress and styling practices. The second function acts at surface level in the cuticle- on the outside – tripling the strength of damaged hair by replenishing the natural anti-breakage elements; it strenghtens hair, helping it withstand damage caused by combs, brushes and hair dryers: it protects the hair even in extremely humid environments.


The product is characterized by an interesting fragrance consisting of a base note of vanilla, amber and white musk expressing sweetness, a heart note also linked to vanilla and to fruity fragrances. It ends with candid and velvety top notes with rose, jasmine and coconut.

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HALo / co LL ecTI o N 22/23

Halo is a pop in nature. An elegant collection of hairstyles and colors that combines luxury, lightness, and sustainability. A collection that expresses the multiple facets of a woman through a color palette that merges calmness and comfort with energy and vitality. For women who want to celebrate their optimism and glowing femininity, giving a contemporary twist to vintage looks.

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Artistic Director & Concept Luigi Martini Photo Mauro Mancioppi

DCM presents a complete range of colouring and toning masks formulated to brighten and intensify the color of your hair. Enriched with Macadamia Oil, our masks revitalize the natural or cosmetic color of your hair by giving intensity and shine, with a nourishing and restorative effect.

Piazza Emilia, 1 - 20129 Milano (Italy) www.diapasoncosmetics.com


Detangles, smoothes and leaves hair looking visibly healthier and shinier in just 8 seconds!

en.blackprofessional.it @black_professional_line @blackprofessionallineofficial soft - elastic - defined

co S mo P ro F ASIA SP ec IAL ed ITI o N 2022: A S ucce SSF u L e V e NT IN SIN g AP ore

Singapore was the venue from 16th to 18th November 2022 for a highly successful 2022

cosmoprof Asia

More than 20,000 attendees (21,612 to be precise) from 103 countries and regions came together in Singapore to focus on the future of beauty in the Asia Pacific region. After three years of closure due to the Covid pandemic, this was the first event to bring the industry together, with the top ten countries of origin being Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Hong Kong, India and Australia.

PIoNeerINg ProducTS

Cosmoprof Asia Special Edition presented pioneering products and services from 1202 exhibitors from 46 countries and regions to retailers,

distributors, wholesalers, finished product manufacturers and suppliers, owners of beauty salons and hairdressing salons. The exhibition area covered bout 50,000 sq.m.. Mainland China, Korea and Italy were the most represented countries. The event also offered a wide global perspective on the main beauty trends, thanks to 18 national and group pavilions, from Australia, California, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mainland China, Malaysia, Poland, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, UK and Global Shea Alliance (from the 5 West African

countries of Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Mali and Togo). The central element of success of the event is undoubtedly the support given by the institutions to Cosmoprof Asia 2022 – Special Edition. The welcoming offer of accommodation of Singapore for foreign visitors was incentivized by the activity of the Singapore Tourism Board and the Singapore Exhibition and Convention Bureau. The other organizations that contributed to the organization of the event included Business France (France), California Trade Alliance (USA), Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (Malaysia), Global Shea Alliance), the

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Department of Trade of Guangdong (China), ICEX Trade and Investment (Spain), IKMIB (Turkey), the Italian Trade Agency (Italy), Landesmesse Stuttgart (Germany), Overseas Fair Division (United Kingdom), Polcharm (Poland). Specialists in Wellness Association Singapore (Singapore), Switzerland Global Enterprise (Switzerland), Taiwan Cosmetics Industry Association (Taiwan), Taiwan Packaging Association (Taiwan), the Japan External Trade Organization – JETRO (Japan) and the Korea Investment Promotion Agency – KOTRA (Korea). In the words of Enrico Zannini, General Manager of BolognaFiere Cosmoprof, “Cosmoprof Asia Special Edition in Singapore, the first appointment for the trade of the Asia-Pacific region after almost two years, is the best occasion for the cosmetics industry to analyse the new business conditions of the area and rethink the future strategies. As the organizer of Cosmoprof events all over the world. Out objective is to continue offering support to operators interested in evaluating the trends and the needs of the market to better adapt to the current scenario.”

David Bondi, Senior Vice President – Informa Markets Asia and Director of Cosmoprof Asia Ltd. Said that, “Cosmoprof and Cosmopack Asia are finally back to the in-person format of the event, offering exhibitors and operators from all over the world a safe place where to meet suppliers, test out new products in person and learn about the most interesting trends in the region.” 230 selected buyers, mainly from Australia, the ASEAN countries, India, Korea, Japan, Europe, the Middle East and the USA, made up the Cosmoprof Asia 2022 Buyer Programme. More than 2200 scheduled meetings between suppliers and companies with common interests were arranged through the AI-driven Match & Meet platform, which once again proved to be one of the most appreciated services for buyers ad exhibitors, increasing chances for the development of new commercial partnerships.

eVeNTS AT coSmoProF ASIA 2022

AS well as innovative products and services, prime networking opportunities and high-achieving business tools, the Singapore event also offered special initiatives and projects enriching the experience of visitors and exhibitors. Over 1300 attendees took part in CosmoTalks , the educational programme. With 14 sessions, experts and analysts discussed sustainability, digital evolution and market strategies. The partners present include APSWC (Asia Pacific Spa & Wellness Coalition), Asia Cosme Lab, Beautystreams, Biorius, Business France, Cosmetics Design, CTFAS (The Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association of Singapore), Ecovia Intelligence, Global Shea Alliance, Mintel, Rech24, Republic Polytechnic and re-sources. co, The CosmoTrends Report, an overview of trends among Asia-Pacific consumers, featured five prevalent trends spotted amongst the exhibitors; Biome Mania, Hair M-D, Skin Reset, Plump up the volume and Illuminators and highlighted notable brands and products anticipated to have the

strongest impact on consumes’ habits in the region. The Cosmo Onstage demos showcased the successful N.A.I.L.S Beauty Masters Championship Asia 2022 on 18th November, organized by the Nailist Association for International Licenses (Singapore). More than 150 local and overseas nailists and beauty therapy professionals demonstrated their creativity and skills in nail art, make-up, SPMU and beauty services.


Cosmopack Asia: 14th- 16th November 2023 (AsiaWorld-Expo)

Cosmoprof Asia: 15th – 17th November 2023 (Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre).

17 www.exportmagazine.net EVENTS
Asia 2023 will return to its home venue of Hong Kong on the following dates:


Paving the path

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REHUB+ SPECIALIST LAMINO MULTILEVEL TECHNOLOGY is a powerful professional lamination treatment for sensitised and dull hair fibre aimed at regenerating the surface of the hair for added brightness with a mirror-effect. Discover more on www.helenseward.it VEG

re H ub + SP ec IALIST LA m IN o mu LTIL e V e L T ec HN o Logy

bio-active lamination glassy shine effect

Frizzy, dull and sensitised hair?

REHUB+ SPECIALIST LAMINO MULTILEVEL TECHNOLOGy is the powerful professional lamination treatment for sensitised and dull hair fibre aimed at regenerating the surface of the hair for added brightness with a mirror-effect. It acts by regenerating the hair fibre, improving its long-term quality while enhancing the technical and cosmetic result of the professional services.

N°6 S e ALIN g LA m INATIN g ge L

N°7 P er F ec Tor LA m INATIN g FLu I d

N°0 regeNerATINg SHAmPoo

Sulphate free regenerating shampoo. Cleanses the hair fibre thoroughly by removing any residue or impurities, thus promoting the strengthening and anti-breakage action in the Rehub+ Specialist phases.

N°2 regeNerATINg TreATmeNT

Split ends sealer regenerating treatment. Seals the cuticle and split ends with a long-lasting smoothing action. Offers buoyancy and extreme softness without weighing down the hair, restoring the damaged hair fibre to its healthy condition.


Sealing laminating gel with thermo-activated action. Perfectly seals and smoothes the cuticles with a long- lasting effect, for a long-term and shampoo-resistant cosmetic result, preparing the hair for the glossing action of REHUB + N ° 7.

N°7 PerFecTor LAmINATINg FLuId

Perfector laminating fluid with instant polishing action. Finishes and perfects the Rehub+ Specialist lamination treatment, adding a mirror shine to the hair surface making the hair soft, light and flowing.

20 www.exportmagazine.net
N°0 N°2 N°6 N°7 WAT c H THE VIDEO

SeALINg AcTIoN THe greeN HeArT oF reHub+ SPecIALIST LAmINATIoN The high-performance action of REHUB+ Specialist lamination treatment formulas is based on powerful active ingredients which work in combination with hyperfermented plantbased extracts and biomimetic keratins.

WitH REHUB+ n.2 It has an external regenerating action, with long-lasting smoothing and sealing of the cuticles and split ends, while restoring body and softness to the hair fibre. AFT er be F ore

The heat source, hairdryer and straightener, causes a reaction that tames frizzy hair, providing added strength while perfecting and

Seward milano mIrror eFFecT WitH REHUB+ n.7

21 www.exportmagazine.net COMPAN y
TH e re H ub + SP ec IALIST T ec HN o Logy AcTS o N TH ree L e V e LS:
more info: www.helenseward.it Helen Seward milano helenseward_official Helen HeAT-AcTIVATed LAmINATIoN WitH REHUB+ n.6
sealing it. Ultra-glossing active ingredients, which are bonded onto the hair fibre, generate a light, ultra-shiny film
resulting in an amazing mirror-effect.
package of professional hair & skin care products,
the major industrial company
We offer to
PRIVATE LABEL clients a turn-key
designing a four-handed
and fully respecting the Planet. With our 3 plants, we are one of
in Italy. We’ve achieved this because we believe in who has believed us.
the product neat on your face as a ser um and on your hair for perfecting action, or combine it with creams and masks to boost s ine s i a . c o m

VeNIce PremIere “LIFe AS A moVIe SeT”

Alter ego Italy was back in the spotlight during a show that took place yesterday, Sunday 23 October. Part of the AgF88 Holding group, the brand has been a renowned name in the professional haircare industry for more than 30 years thanks to a selection of products for contemporary women that strikes a balance between sophistication, style, personal care and a focus on sustainability. World famous hairstylists came together to present their creations and celebrate life and beauty during the event at the Hotel excelsior, which is one of the Venice Lido’s most exclusive locations. With all of her usual verve, the dazzling and dynamic host elenoire casalegno got the audience to reflect on the theme

of the event: “Life as a movie set”. After all, we can only sit in the director’s chair and take charge of our own lives if we realize what we are and what roles we are playing. Just like in the movies, we all see the world from our own perspectives. We never have a clear vision of how things really stand, because of the unconscious filters formed by our mind-sets. All of this has an impact on our decisions. We often find ourselves performing roles that others have chosen for us.

So it is only natural to wonder if we can ever successfully “step away from the movie set”. In order to find a sense of authenticity and the freedom to do what you want, you

need to be able to recognize the characters that you are playing, then make room for yourself on the other side of the movie projector and make yourself the director rather than just an actor in your own life. Hairstylists can play an essential role when women are searching for their real selves, because they can help them to take the first step by altering their outer image and enabling them to play the role that they really want. There were countless world famous hairstylists showing their skills at the event. First and foremost among them were gina rossi, jerry del duca and marco Lamberti of Zoih Team, who are Alter ego Italy’s Artistic directors. They have been taking

26 www.exportmagazine.net EVENTS
With a breathtaking show in the spellbinding surroundings of the Venice Lido, Alter e go Italy celebrates mindful relationships between what we are and the roles that we play

part in innumerable global events as guest stylists for years, showcasing their eclectic style in various capital cities worldwide. They also won the International Visionary Award in 2011. During the show, Zoih Team revealed looks based on the concept of depicting the “different identities” that people can take on with the different masks that they wear. Also appearing as guests were the members of Team Akademìa, which is associated with Alter Ego Italy. Drawing on their many years of experience, the team’s technicians and stylists strive to share and pass on their top professional hairdressing expertise, the latest trends and techniques in the field, and all of the best practices that hold the key to exceptional performance. Representing Team Akademìa on the stage were Alessandra Marzolini and Alain Corazza, who introduced the concept of the dark spiral in the most sombre roles that people are forced to perform in their lives.

Anthony galifot was welcomed as a very special guest. He has been chosen as a hairdresser to stars from

Italy and all over the world thanks to his versatility, professionalism and capacity to produce creative, original and individually tailored looks. He has worked behind the scenes on some of the most successful TV shows around and he has been shaping the looks of top names in show business for years. Galifot’s performance was inspired by film noir classics and he used black and white to encourage reflection on the contrast between men and women. The event also boasted a surprise guest, in the shape of Stefano conte: a very well-known part of the hair-styling scene who has been behind the looks of

leading figures in Italian and international show business for years. Conte’s futuristic performance gave the audience food for thought about the relationship between people and digital technology. In accordance with the company’s mission, the Alter Ego Italy show complied with international carbon Neutral standards. CO2 emissions were reduced and offset through support for an interesting project to protect more than 1,150,200 hectares of tropical rainforest in Colombia. A commitment to sustainability has always been a core part of the AGF88 Group’s ideology. The measures to reduce and offset CO2 emissions offer further proof of the concrete efforts it makes to protect the climate. Carbon neutral companies like Pettenon – around which the AGF88 Group has been built – take responsibility for their CO2 emissions and contribute to the Paris Agreement goal of keeping the rise in global temperature below 1.5°C, while also catering to the growing demand for carbon neutral products from customers and the market in general.

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A Taste for Beauty


Savour the delights of healthy, nourished, hydrated and incredibly glossy hair with Inebrya Ice Cream. The comprehensive selection for use in salons and at home features effective formulas, active ingredients of natural origin, delectable textures and stunning fragrances.

Treat your hair to a revitalizing dessert.

t @ i nebr y a. o f fi c i a l
ww w. ine b r ya. i

AcQ u ISITI o N by m ATT eo more TTI o F TH e INT ere ST IN Lum S o N S.P.A. H e L d by FSI S gr S.P.A.

of Directors, the management team and all employees of the Group.

mATT eo m ore TTI

C H ai R man of LU m S on S. P a ., H a S PURCH a SE d, t HR o U g H t HE fami Ly H o L ding Com Pany, t HE E nti RE int ERESt in LU m S on S. P a HEL d B y f S i S g R S. P a on BEH a L f of “ f S i i ” f U nd. tHE t R an S aCtion a LLo WS t HE m o RE tti fami Ly to Com PLE t E t HE SUCCESS ion Sta Rt E d in 2018 and to aCCELER at E t HE g R o W t H Pat H B y St RE ngt HE ning t HE LE ad ERSH i P P o S ition of LU m S on S. P a . in t HE Co S m E ti C PR ima Ry PaC kaging SECto R

30 November 2022. Matteo Moretti and FSI SGR S.p.A. announce the purchase by Matteo Moretti, through the family holding company, of the entire interest in Lumson S.p.A. held by FSI SGR S.p.A. on behalf of the fund “FSI I”, after four years of strong development together. Lumson is a leading company in Europe in the design, development, production and decoration of primary packaging systems for the cosmetic and makeup market. The Capergnanica-based company has exceeded 130 million euros in turnover, with a sustained margin that reflects the strong positioning in the skincare segment and the high qualitative and technological content of its products, sold all over the world to the most important groups in the cosmetic industry. In the last five years, the company’s turnover has doubled and, under the leadership of Matteo Moretti, the company strengthened significantly in the

high- end make-up segment, also thanks to the acquisition of Marino Belotti. Moreover, important and innovative projects were completed in the field of sustainability, an extremely important matter in the world of packaging and in which Lumson is now a leader with a solid pipeline and a dynamic management team. The Moretti family’s goal is to further accelerate Lumson’s growth and consolidate its leadership position in the skincare segment of the primary packaging sector, continuing under the guidance of its Chairman Matteo Moretti, the Chief Executive Officer Antonio Recinella, and the current management team.

Matteo Moretti, Chairman of Lumson Group: “I am very proud for the growth of Lumson and the value created for all shareholders and stakeholders achieved thanks to the commitment and contribution of my father Remofounder of Lumson in 1975 -, the Board

Lumson today represents a major player in the primary packaging industry with a diversified product portfolio and a focus on sustainability that makes the company an important partner for leading international cosmetic brands. FSI has supported us in achieving this goal”.

Maurizio Tamagnini, CEO of FSI: “At FSI we believe in the central role of entrepreneurs in driving major growth projects for their companies in which we are at their side, helping them also to better understand over time their future aspirations and the evolving role of family members, including in the context of business succession. This process has been successfully accomplished in an excellent company like Lumson and we wish Matteo Moretti all the best as entrepreneur and leader of the company”.

Intesa Sanpaolo and BNL BNP Paribas acted as Bookrunners and MLA in the senior financing of the acquisition. Crédit Agricole Italia and UniCredit acted as MLA. Anima Alternative and Oquendo Capital have jointly arranged and subscribed long term notes to support the investment made by Moretti family. The internal team of Lumson, led by the Chairman Matteo Moretti and assisted by the director Francesco dell’Elmo, followed the financial aspects of the transaction, while Chiomenti acted as legal advisor to the Moretti family. Pedersoli acted as legal advisor to FSI SGR S.p.A. Simmons & Simmons acted as legal advisor to the lenders. Ashurst acted as legal advisor to Anima Alternative and Oquendo Capital. ZNR notai with Stefano Rampolla and Francesca Marmo assisted the parties in relation to the notarial activities.

32 www.exportmagazine.net COMPAN y

APP 355 LIgHT IN Pcr Pe,

Lumson’s new airless system for a lower environmental impact

LUMSON, the leading Italian company in primary packaging for skincare and make-up, introduces a new eco-friendly airless that combines lightweight and PCR materials. Today more than ever, the company is aimed at shaping the future of packaging with special attention given the environment. Thanks to strong technological expertise and a well-established and effective manufacturing structure of the airless sector, Lumson once again enriches its already ample airless range with a new system that follows the well-known TAL, the aluminum airless, and the remarkable and award-winning XPaper, the brand-new paper airless system launched in 2022.

APP 355 LIGHT joins the Lumson airless range and positions itself as one of the most innovative solutions developed in full compliance with the environment without overlooking technical, aesthetic and product protection functions.

This airless stands out for its extremely light weight thanks to the materials it is made of (80% PCR HDPE + 20% HDPE). The bottle thicknesses were reduced in order to make it 25% lighter than the equivalent standard LUMSON APP355. Moreover, from a SPICE* analysis where a comparison was made between the App 355 Light and App Start (another one of Lumson’s airless in Pe), results showed that Co2 emissions are 19% lower with the App 355 Light.

To complete the design, the bottle can be combined with the Lumson AA355 pump in PCR PP therefore allowing for appropriate recycling of the plastic components.

APP 355 Light is not just a sustainable solution but it also preserves its technical functions thanks to a multi-layered pouch studied to act


Lumson’s new site is now live. It’s not a simple “restyling” but a completely new portal with an underlying theme of userfriendliness. The new site reflects the Group’s brand identity and marks an important step in the company’s digital transformation journey. Some of the new features of the new portal that stand out include the configurator, an application that allows the customer to simulate their product, the area dedicated to sustainability with the goals that have been reached and upcoming objectives, and the section dedicated to brands, with some customer examples, both Italian and international, that have chosen Lumson as a partner thanks to its immense expertise and know-how.


Our goal is to offer an innovative customer experience to users that access the site lumson.com.- explains Fabio Manzoni, Group Marketing Manager Lumson -. More and more each day, business users appreciate finding the same communication experience that they have as consumers in the B2B world as well. We’ve accomplished this by combining user-friendliness and comprehensiveness and giving present and future customers a taste of our technical, technological, and manufacturing expertise.

as a barrier against external agents and to protect the formula from any possible contamination. This eco-friendly airless is customizable with different decorations and finishes without giving up the aesthetics, and is now available in 50 ml.

*To better measure the sustainability of a product, uniting the concepts of eco-design and sustainable development, in September 2021, Lumson joined SPICE, the eco-design tool that measures and reduces the environmental footprint of any cosmetic throughout its life cycle. From a comparison with LUMSON APP START results showed an aggregate single score of -16% and fossil resource use of -21%.

For this purpose - explains the Manager - in the Product Area, an interactive configurator has been implemented which allows the user to create an exact replica of their article by selecting the bottle and combining it with various pumps and available accessories. Once the product has been determined, the user can print off all the information and send it directly to the sales department to finalize the project.

THe coNFIgurATor, To “creATe” your ProducT oNLINe


M3K is the history of Sens.ùs and spans more than 20 years. M3K is tradition, safety and trust... it is femininity!

M3K is now named after a woman who is the essence of the history of beauty, Sens.ùs wants every woman to feel beautiful, like a princess.

Feeling important and unique, even with the passing of time, is the very best we can wish for our customers and future generations.

The name Grace embodies deep meanings of beauty and charm. Grace is also an icon of style and elegance, loved by women of all generations.

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Mixing ratio 1: 1.5

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PA r Lu X d I g ITALyo N®

The most powerful and lightweight hairdryer yet

The most modern Parlux hairdryer, the first with a professional digital motor, now comes in a new colour: blue! This new colour, joining Silver and Anthracite which are already available, offers the same digital and technological features.

Already highly appreciated thanks to its efficient and innovative technical features, including digital technology, power and light weight, the Parlux DIGITALYON® makes the hairdresser’s job quicker and easier, ensuring the best performances.

The Parlux DIGITALYON® contains a new concept digital motor, is very lightweight, has a longer life and avoids power drops even during the busiest times in hair salons.

To be able to dry hair very quickly and with good energy savings, it has a new “wave” resistance with a superior variable geometry that can increase the hairdryer’s power with a consequent increase in temperature and constant heat distribution.

This hairdryer has the “Air Ionizer Tech” system, optimizing the negative ion emission, eliminating static electricity and making hair softer and shinier, as well as the “HFS Free System” (Patented), the hair catching system placed on the hairdryer intake, which allows for a clean tool, offering greater efficiency over time, newly designed and patented filter gives the hairdryer an elegant and attractive look while catching dirt that could damage it, ensuring unchanged power. It is also supplied with the new SLIM nozzle, offering a “plate effect” and allowing for perfect straightening and shine of the hair in a short time with simple movements. Practically: lightweight, power, silence are the three main, basic features of this professional digital Parlux hairdryer for those using it for many hours a day.

Parlux DIGITALYON® is available in three different colours (Silver, Anthracite and Blue) and two versions: “Standard” with two nozzles (Standard e Slim) and “Pack” Parlux DIGITALyON®+ the MagicSense® diffuser , the revolutionary diffuser which allows curly hair to dry naturally.

36 www.exportmagazine.net
And you still haven’t tried it?
YOU HAVEN’T TRIED IT YET? NEW PARLUX DIGITALYON ® LIGHTEST AND MOST POWERFUL EVER * Are you a professional? Try it! More powerful Lighter PARLUX, of course Made in Italy Quieter * Comparing to other Parlux models. Probably the best hairdryer in the world. Until the next Parlux!

THe reNdeZVouS NoT To be mISSed

The 3rd edition of the BEAUTyISTANBUL Exhibition took place on 13-15 October 2022 in Taksim-Istanbul-Turkey. It connected 680 exhibitors from 59 countries with 14017 trade visitors from 157 countries, making

BEAUTyISTANBUL the most international event by visiting countries and joining the Top 5 biggest cosmetics exhibitions worldwide in just the 3rd edition. The 2022 edition added 2 new halls and 320 more exhibitors vs. the 2021 edition with a record 86% growth in 1 year, proving that BEAUTyISTANBUL is the fastest-growing event in the industry. The event not only featured buyers from regional markets like the Middle East, Eastern Europe and CIS but also had the most buyers visiting from Africa in any cosmetics event in the world. Moreover, sponsoring buyers from Latin America and the Far East with the Hosted Buyer Program and creating a truly international event. As a result, BEAUTyISTANBUL Exhibition is becoming the key event to reach global buyers in a single event.

Trade visitors of BEAUTyISTANBUL include buyers, importers, distributors, wholesalers, cosmetics chain stores, retailers, pharmacy chains, supermarkets, online stores, brands and manufacturers interested in personal care, skin care, make-up, hair care, perfume, natural & organic, home care & cleaning products, dermocosmetics, OTC & Pharmaceuticals, baby care, beauty accessories, professional beauty, private label, ingredients, packaging and machinery categories. BEAUTyISTANBUL 2023, the 4th International Exhibition for Cosmetics, Beauty, Hair, Home Care, Private Label, Packaging and Ingredients will be held on 27-29 September 2023 at Istanbul Congress Center and Lutfi Kirdar Congress Center in Taksim-Istanbul-Turkey.

beAuTyISTANbuL 2022

• Exhibitors: 680 Total, 363 International and 317 Local Exhibitors (54% International) from 59 countries.

• Country Pavilions: Italy (105 Exhibitors), Brazil, South Korea, Poland, South Africa, Pakistan, Ukraine, Morocco, China, Russia

• Visitors: 14107 Total, 6709 International and 7398 Local Trade Visitors (48% International) from 157 countries – a 51% increase in total visitors vs. 2021 edition.

• VIP Hosted Buyers: 606 top buyers from 113 countries are sponsored for travel expenses, including the biggest importers, distributors and retail chains to guarantee business opportunities for exhibitors, with a special focus on Africa, Latin America and the Far East, as part of the biggest Hosted Buyer Program in the industry.

• Online Business Platform and Mobile App: Exhibitors access 29.384 buyers from 189 countries and showcase products, access the complete list of buyers and contact visitors directly with messaging and live video meetings or set up meetings before the exhibition.

38 www.exportmagazine.net EVENTS
beAuTyISTANbuL 2023
be Au Ty ISTAN bu L j oins the Top 5 m ajor cosmetics e xhibitions in the World!
www.beauty-istanbul.com th International Exhibition for Cosmetics, Beauty, Hair Home Care, Private Label, Packaging and Ingredients September 27-29 2023 Istanbul Congress Center - Lutfi Kirdar Congress Center Taksim - Istanbul - Turkey , Tel: +90 212 2229060 | +90 533 4843030 | info@beauty-istanbul.com


Valérie Kaminov is Founder and Managing Director of the highly successful International Luxury Brand Consultancy. For over 25 years Valérie has been at the forefront of the global cosmetics industry and has worked with a vast array of luxury, premium and niche beauty brands and fragrances. With her extensive expertise, commercial acumen and practical experience IL Brand Consultancy has become one of the most sought after management and distribution agencies specialising in global beauty. Recognised for the breadth of business sectors and extensive distribution channels it works with, ILBC’s international client portfolio spans both well-established names and newly-emerging brands in hair care, make-up, skincare, fragrance, devices and top-to-toe brands. Valérie’s wealth of knowledge in international growth strategies and business development is combined with an inspirational and forward-thinking approach.

Through her exceptional insight and understanding of the industry Valérie has helped brands amplify their market reach, elevate their brand presence, improve their business performance and achieve commercial success globally.

A further aspect of her business is her skill in brand evaluation, acquisition due diligence, risk assessment and commercial growth which has led Valérie to regularly advise Private Equity Funds, multi-national organizations and financial investors. This capability in combination with her advanced qualifications and proficiency in corporate governance have made her a much-desired Board Advisor and Non-Executive Director. From her CEW mentoring, organisation of the International Manufacturers & Distributors Forum (IMF) and guest lecture programmes, Valérie is a passionate and dynamic advocate of the global beauty industry. Valérie splits her time between her London HQ and her central Paris office as well as managing a satellite network in Russia & China.



There are many compelling reasons to invest in India. India’s benchmark Nifty 50 (the weighted average of 50 of the largest listed Indian companies), posted a return of almost 44% in 2021 (to October 5, 2021). On top of that, analysts are forecasting a further earnings growth of 35 % for the big companies in the Nifty 50 Index. In addition to company earnings, India’s economic indicators, such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP) are also bouncing back from historic lows after the coronavirus pandemic. Interest rates are at their lowest levels in two decades. And, estimates for GDP growth are 8-10% for 2022– the highest of any emerging markets country. India’s $850 billion retail market is the fourth largest market in the world.

Finally, the COVID-19 lockdown transformed consumer purchasing patterns in India, with the majority of consumers shifting to online platforms, even for their essentials and daily needs. Indeed, in India, the e-commerce industry is expected to grow to US$ 200 billion by 2026 (it was US$ 38.5 billion in 2017) and is slated to become the second-largest in the world by 2034. Furthermore, the e-retail industry in India is primed to reach nearly 300 to 350 million shoppers in the next five years – propelling online Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) from $100 to 120 billion by 2026. This incredible growth is fueled by the increasing base of first-time internet and smartphone users –an outcome of ‘Digital India’ campaign.

40 www.exportmagazine.net REPORT
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As of August 2020, India had 760 million internet connections. According to Euromonitor’s International’s Economies and Consumers data, in 2021, the percentage of the Indian population using the internet in India increased to 48%, in comparison with just 29% in 2016. In fact, India’s online retail sales are forecast to jump from last year’s $42.8 billion to $51.52 billion, and is projected to reach almost $120 billion by 2024. Last year, the Indian online sector was the secondfastest-growing market, despite the global pandemic. In addition to low interest rates, high liquidity and fiscal incentives have helped India claim a “hot emerging market” position. But within that “hot emerging market,” the largest potential for growth stands to come from e-commerce. In regards to beauty e-commerce/ e-tailer players, the ecosystem has seen a paradigm shift, with e-commerce as the distribution channel providing big gains. E-commerce gains have even spurred new brick-and-morter shops, as physical entities of on-line only brands & businesses.

A closer look at this landscape is now, more-than-ever, important if a company is to capitalize on the opportunity India currently offers.





To gLobAL brANdS

A healthy share of purchases in premium beauty and personal care categories such as fragrances, skin care and colour cosmetics have traditionally been made via duty-free shops at airports. However, the pandemic necessitated bans on travel, to and from India. Businesses adapted by using teleconference technology. Both the opportunity and need for international travel dropped off, almost entirely. This resulted in the demand for premium products being redirected to Indian retailers such as: Nykaa, Purplle, Parcos, Sephora, etc.

Nykaa Others Purple MyntraGoodGlamm AmazonandFlipkart

Nykaa launched The Global Store (TGS) in July 2021, which imports and offers international beauty brands to consumers in India under one roof. The platform, accessed by consumers exclusively through the Nykaa mobile application, provides prices inclusive of customs, duties and taxes. TGS offers brands from countries such as the US, South Korea and Finland, which were not previously available in India. To compete with Nykaa, Reliance and Tata also announced their plans to launch online platforms that cater to beauty and skin care demands.

Reliance will be fully integrated with Reliance’s AJIO platform, which currently sells products such as apparel and personal accessories. In the long term, the retailer has announced soon opening Sephora-style retail stores to cater to the needs of offline shoppers. Tata plans to launch several private label lines through its platform, which will also be distributed through its Westside stores nationwide, offering an omnichannel experience to consumers.

41 www.exportmagazine.net REPORT
40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 38% 20% 16% 10% 9% 7%
SHAre oF oNLINe beAuTy ANd PerSoNAL cAre mAkeT IN INdIA 2021

Myntra is another major online retailer that has announced its expansion plans in the industry. Its competitive advantage (in selling fashion products such as apparel online) puts it in a strong position to expand and succeed in the beauty and personal care space. Another premium beauty and personal care retailer, Parcos, announced the launch of its online platform in 2021, but also opened stores in tier-2 and tier-3 cities, such as Lucknow. Expansion, like that of Parcos (of online presence in smaller cities), is making premium offerings more accessible to consumers outside of major metroploes.

Not only are offline retailers entering the online channel, but online retailers are also expanding in the offline space. Online retailer Nykaa, which led the online channel in December 2021, announced that it would open 300 stores nationwide and would expand its offline presence. Similarly, even D2C brand Mamaearth announced that it would focus on its offline presence by expanding to 100 cities from its current 70 cities. Analysts project that omnichannel retailing will remain the key priority for all major brands in beauty and personal care, but the question of online vs offline sales (which poses a greater demand) remains to be seen in the future. What’s certain is, with so many large retailers announcing their entry online, and online shops going taking foot offline, the competition is expected to intensify, making an already competitive industry even more heated.

cAS e ST ud I e S

Baccarose has been a leader in the distribution of international luxury beauty brands for 40 years with a 60% market share. From establishing the very first fragrance counter in a department store in India in 1984, it is now present in 5,000+ points of sale in the country. The retail brand Parcos has recently launched Parcos.com, its online shopping destination for luxury fragrances and beauty products. With 55 stores and slated to grow to 100 by the end of 2023, the Parcos omnichannel ecosystem is the largest fragrance player in the

retail front as well in India. Biju Anthony, CEO of Baccarose Perfumes and Beauty Products Pvt ltd. Says that, “My greatest learning over these decades has been that India is an execution market and not a strategy market and having the right partner in India is critical for any luxury brand to succeed. The biggest have failed or have limited presence because of going on their own, or not having the right partner in India. Hence investing in right teams, processes and bringing international experiences.” Baccarose has created a robust digital ecosystem to propagate and deliver seamless and efficient service via Parcos.com, and aggressively building its own brand Chambor to spearhead the massive segment in the colour segment and re-establish dominance are on the cards. Licensee brands are also planned as well as launching more owned brands. From 22 brands, Baccarose now has approximately 70 brands and hence expansion is of key importance. Baccarose used the time during the recent pandemic to rethink its business strategy, to transform itself into a more lean and efficient organization. Parcos.com was launched in this period. Consumers have moved away from department stores to purchase beauty products either from speciality formats or from ecommerce. There is a considerable shift in the distribution formats for the Luxury Beauty industry. From Beauty Assistants driving advocacy now, it’s the beauty influencers who are fuelling demand and driving purchase decisions and trials via social media. Baccarose aims to deliver an omnichannel consumer experience. Community engagement through curated content IPs with influencers, educational content, social media, and more, is in the roadmap ahead.

Beauté Luxe, a leader in the distribution of perfumes and cosmetics in travel-retail and domestic markets in Africa, has announced a partnership with Beauty Concepts, a giant in the distribution of perfumes and cosmetics in India. These companies will work to open travel-retail outlets which will bear the name Beauté Luxe.

42 www.exportmagazine.net
biju Antony - ceo & ed, baccarose Perfumes and beauty Products Pvt Ltd. david dayan, ceo of b eauté Luxe India

Beauty Concepts is the largest distributor in India with nearly 140 brands in its portfolio and many outlets across India. They now cover the entire spectrum of distribution, from mass market to niche, and have even opened their own stores to be able to ensure that luxury brand standards are met at all times. Rajiv Bahety, current President of Beauty Concepts, describes the company: “When we talk about Beauty Concepts, we tell the story of pioneers who envisioned the idea of offering Indian consumers the ability to easily find and purchase beauty products from all over the world, all over India.” Bahety’s words describe well the ethos behind much of what’s happening in the e-retail/ e-commerce industry in India today—the key objective being, to bring the world’s products to the Indian consumer in small and big cities, alike. Looking ahead, Beauty Concepts plans to expand and increase the number of Beauté Luxe duty-paid stores in domestic airports, increasing their existing presence in some domestic airports in India. After opening the first Beauté Luxe store in Kolkata, three more stores will open between 2022 and 2023 in Cochin, Amritsar, and Indore. These stores will offer a travel-retail type of service with a unique concept: retail with experiential engagements & upscale services tailored to travelers with timeconstraints,” explains David Danyan, the founder of Beaute Luxe.

However, several others have since entered the industry, such as Masaba Gupta. This trend continued in 2021, with Indian Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone announcing that she would be launching her own lifestyle brand in 2022, with beauty products, including skin care. Along similar lines, in October 2021, South Indian film actress Keerthy Suresh announced the launch of the organic skin care brand Bhoomitra. The brand targets consumers who are seeking natural skin care products.

To P T re N d S: S k IN cA re , me N’S cA r , P er S o NALISATI o N, c HIL d -SP

ec IFI c P roducTS & N u T r Aceu


To co NSI der : rur AL A re AS u N der -P e N e T r AT ed

65% of the total Indian population still resided in rural areas in 2021, as per Economies and Consumers data. Although D2C brands increased, allowing nationwide access to products for both urban and rural consumers alike, there still needs to be a lot of work done on the part of companies wanting to reach customers in rural areas. Internet penetration and the adoption of online shopping is still not as high in India as in some other markets. Though it is expected to change, for now, companies are still limited to markets in less rural areas.

To P T re N d : ce L ebr ITI e S LAu N c H TH e I r o WN br AN d S

India has a large youth population that looks up to film stars and wants to purchase products that are celebrated or created by them. Celebrities launching their own product lines, especially in the fashion industry, has, therefore, always been commonplace in India. However, these celebrities are now also focusing on beauty and personal care. Katrina Kaif was amongst the first, launching the brand Kay Beauty in 2019 by collaborating with Nykaa.

The pandemic had a positive impact on sales of skin care products, globally. Home isolation shifted consumer priorities. As a result, more time and money is now spent on skin care routines and less on make-up. Around 50% of India’s female population falls in the age group of 30-year-olds and above, (according to Euromonitor International’s Economies and Consumers data). The opportunity for skin care companies to tap into this market is ripe. The per capita disposable income levels for females in India has increased by a 5% CAGR between 2016 and 2021, making the opportunity even more interesting for companies.

43 www.exportmagazine.net REPORT
PurcHASe PreFereNceS For oNLINe beAuTy ANd PerSoNAL cAre ProducTS IN INdIA Effects on the skin Fragrance Effects on hair Usage Price 7.4 5.5 4.1 3.1 2.6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 c ategory delighter’s score
o ne of the highest-paid actresses in India, k atrina kaif attends the Nykaa b eauty awards 2020 in m umbai, India

Hence, during the coming years, it is projected that anti-agers will experience solid growth due to the rise in demand and the expansion of the category, as more young women use these products.

The Gen Z and Gen Alpha populations (groups of people that are born between 1995-2009 and 2010-2024, respectively) also represent a growth opportunity for brands. According to Euromonitor International’s Economies and Consumers Data, these age groups accounted for 47% of the total population in India as of 2021. This population base is known to be active on social media platforms, outgoing, and ready to spend on beauty. There are several brands that are emerging that are focused on these age groups. For example, in early 2022, a new skin care brand, Fabbeu, was launched that has a strong focus on the Gen Z population.

me N’S cA re

According to Euromonitor International’s Economies and Consumers data, as of 2021, 52% of the entire Indian population is male, offering companies a consumer base rooted in largest population segment in the country. This has resulted in several direct-to-consumer (D2C) brands entering the market in the last few years, such as The Bombay Shaving Company, Ustraa and Beardo. In addition, to offering traditional shaving products, these companies also offer products such as beard oils, body wash/shower gel, hair growth products, hair oil, fragrances and face serums, empowering men with skin care ranges suited to their varying needs. During the coming years, new beauty and personal care companies are projected to enter the category, especially those offering premium men’s grooming products for the modern man.


AyurV ed I c S k IN cA re

Globally, skincare brands that combine wellness, clean ingredients, and ethics of sustainability are in demand. In India, Ayurveda which brings together these elements are rising in demand and are projected to continue to be sought out. Consumers feel safe using products with Ayurvedic ingredients or processes, as they are natural, and hence have (what is perceived to be) no side-effects. Taking note of this, in 2022, Honasa Consumer Private Limited (HCPL) (which operates Mamaearth) and The Derma Co. together have launched Ayuga, a skin care brand based on Ayurvedic recipes. Collaborating with Bollywood actress, and yoga and wellness ambassador, Shilpa Shetty Kundra, the brand aims to tap into demand from millennials, who complain of hectic lifestyles. Shahnaz Husain Group expanded its portfolio of herbal and Ayurvedic skin care products and launched new products using Ayurvedic oils, as well as extracts of sandalwood, jasmine, rose, vetiver, aloe vera, wheatgerm, and almond. Lastly, in October 2021, Vedix, which focuses on Ayurveda-based beauty products, expanded its portfolio by launching skin care products for men, which include moisturizers and face serums.

Personalisation has become evident in categories such as fragrances and colour cosmetics. For example, Givaudan Fragrances, Scentmatic, Firmenich and Ninu Perfume are a few of the companies that are leveraging AI technology in some capacity to enhance the consumer experience. Analysts project that more companies will work on offering recommendations and products driven by artificial intelligence, as this category becomes increasingly popular and in-demand globally, as well as more trusted by younger generations.

44 www.exportmagazine.net

c HIL d SP ec IFI c P roducTS

Parents have become concerned about exposing their newborns and their sensitive skin to harmful chemicals. Hence, there has been a rise in companies offering safe babyrelated products. For example, D2C company The Ayurveda Company recently launched a baby care range by the name of T.A.C Junior, that offers 100% Ayurvedic products. Along similar lines, Godrej Consumer Products also launched its own brand goodnessme in October 2021, offering baby care products that are manufactured using organic ingredients. Also, it must be noted that when it comes to baby-related products, parents are open to making slightly more premium purchases than what their pockets may actually allow. India was the country with the second largest population globally in 2021, after China. The country has a high baby population. As of 2021, 7% of the Indian population was in the age group 0-3 years (according to Euromonitor International’s Economies and Consumers data). Here again, India offers up another consumer base with a strong potential (to tap into), for those companies willing to meet the demand for natural baby products. Additionally, it must be noted that online & D2C brands gained momentum in regards to sales of baby products


due to the pandemic. Traditionally, baby and child-specific products experienced solid sales through the offline channel, as young mothers preferred to look at products before making a purchase for their little ones. However, during the pandemic, parents made online purchases as they didn’t want to risk going out, and consequently, have themselves and their new-born contract the COVID-19 virus. With internet penetration increasing and mothers becoming more comfortable making online purchases, these brands are projected to see an additional push during the years to come.

N u T r Aceu TI cALS

The Indian nutraceuticals industry is now dominated by functional foods, followed by dietary supplements. The market for fortified foods and probiotics will be driven by this trend. Supplements of vitamins and minerals will see high demand in the forthcoming years. Herbal supplements and protein/amino acid supplements are expected to have similar market revenues in the future and collectively hold half of the market revenue. As per Future Market Insights analysis, the market for nutraceutical gummies, a preferred product format, is predicted to grow at a 15% CAGR between 2021 and 2031. Demand for nutraceutical excipients is predicted to increase at a CAGR of 7.10% between 2021 and 2031. In the future, the industry will benefit from rising sales of nutritional supplements and multi-functional excipients. Dry nutraceutical excipients account for more than 3/5 of all nutraceutical excipients consumed.

semi-urban areas.

For more information on how IL Brand Consultancy can help you successfully expand your brand into different markets, please contact us on info@ilbc.co.uk or visit our website at www.ilbc.co.uk .

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an emerging market, India offers a wealth of opportunities for beauty brands ready to invest in an e-commerce omnichannel approach and a celebrity brand ambassador. Brands that incorporate top trends and meet consumer demands are most likely to succeed. The time to get in is now, as competition will only grow in the near future, and growth is still limited to urban or

SeLecT mecHeS


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A NeW SHoW IN LoS ANgeLeS, dedIcATed To cLeAN


conscious b eauty, Science and c lean b eauty, g reen c hemistry, regulation, e thical ingredient sourcing, eco-conception, Transparency, climate & environnement, blue beauty, cruelty-free beauty, Vegan beauty, Sustainability, organic beauty, Waterless beauty

There are as many ways to consider Clean Beauty as there are to define its boundaries. A major event is being held in the country where Clean Beauty was born: after the success of the Clean Beauty show in London in 2022, the very first edition of Clean Beauty in Los Angeles will take place on October 24th and 25th 2023. Our unique professional event aims to inspire and connect beauty brands with suppliers and beauty experts to answer the issues and needs of a market that is still in the making.

A more favorable environment than ever

The United States is the key market for Clean Beauty. With 330 million consumers, the country represents a powerful growth lever in the Clean Beauty sector, with an annual growth forecast of 12.5% until 2030. A market that should weigh 18021.6 million USD in 2030*. The American Gen Z, particularly involved in the current societal transformations, and which advocates Clean Beauty, will represent more than 68 million consumers in 2022.

“As organizers of the MakeUp in trade shows, the development of this concept entirely dedicated to Clean Beauty was an obvious extension of our know-how, a business approach always creative and innovative”. Aurélie de BoisvilliersMarketing and Communication Director

The uSA, forerunners of clean beauty

It is in the United States that Clean Beauty was born about ten years ago, following the wave of Clean Food and the choice of a healthier lifestyle. Skin care, body care, hair care, toiletries and makeup, all dimensions of beauty are concerned. In a market that does not shy away from information - 86% of Americans say they read the ingredient lists of their products - many indie brands have launched and grown in this segment, like Tata Harper or Drunk Elephant. Propelled in the 2010s by retailers Credo and Follain (recently acquired by Credo), Clean Beauty has become an issue for other retailers: creation of “Clean at Sephora” in 2018, “Target Clean” in 2019, “Conscious Beauty” at Ulta in 2020, or the “Built for Better” program at Walmart in 2021.

The key players, meanwhile, have entered the game with the acquisition of clean brands (Farmacy Beauty by Procter & Gamble, youth to the people by L’Oréal). And there are also dozens of independent brands that are boosting a booming market.

Since then, the concept has spread worldwide: health scandals, ecological crisis and pandemic have encouraged a fundamental need for transparency and a return to thoughtful consumption. We listen to the essential needs of the skin, we look for healthy, natural ingredients that respect health and the environment, and responsible packaging. But the shape of Clean Beauty is still unclear.

Two days to shape the future of clean beauty

While Clean Beauty is becoming a standard, it still raises many questions, in the absence of a precise and global definition of the concept. What defines it? What regulations apply? Can we only use organic, natural or vegan ingredients? Is sustainability essential? Clean Beauty in Los Angeles aims to try to answer all the questions, trying also to lay down the fundamentals of this beauty segment. Over two days, Clean Beauty in Los Angeles will bring together a wide range of experts to help skincare, makeup, haircare and bodycare brands understand what it means to be clean, and to find the right suppliers for their market. Contract manufacturers/formulators, turnkey solution providers, accessories, packaging and ingredients but also expert speakers of Clean Beauty will be present on the show to inform, offer their advice, products and clean innovations.


48 www.exportmagazine.net EVENTS
Your next beauty stops! 16 - 17 February 2023 LA Convention Center 16 - 17 February 2023 LA Convention Center 16 - 17 February 2023 LA Convention Center 16 - 17 February 2023 LA Convention Center Experience our professional shows and dive into cosmetics innovation! www.makeup-in.com www.cleanbeautyinlondon.com @MakeUpinWorld @CleanbeautyInLondon @MakeUpinWorld @makeupin_world @cleanbeautyin_london @MakeUp in @CleanBeautyinLondon 12 - 13 April 2023 Shanghai Exhibition Center 17 - 18 April 2023 The Brewery 14 - 15 June 2023 Carrousel du Louvre 20 - 21 September 2023 Javits Center
Organizers: MILAN-ITALY Via G attamelata Registered companies OCT 2023 11 12 Organized workshops Go International, organized by Trade Events and Aice (Italian Association of Foreign Trade), is the reference exhibition event for export services to be held from 11 to 12 October 2023 in Italy, in Milan. The fair aims to connect demand and the offer of services to support exports and internationalization. Go I N T E R N A T I O N A L The export services fair Contact us: 39/3454049979 | info@go-international.it | www-go-international.it


Via Contarella, 17 - I-42019 Scandiano (RE) tel. +39/0522-856185 - fax +39/0522-983197


Green Side 1B – 400, avenue Roumanille - B.P. 20235

F-06904 Sophia Antipolis Cedex tel. +33 (0) 493 643333 – fax +33(0) 493 648508 contact@babylisspro.com - www.babylisspro.com


Via Grazia, 11 - I-40069 Zola Predosa (BO) tel. +39/051-751554 - fax +39/051-752757

Contact: Mr. C. Bajesi


Via Savona, 97 - I-20144 – Milano tel. +39/0331-311399 - fax +39/311529 www.beautynovaelite.it - info@beautynova.com


Via Romolo Gessi, 14

I-25135 Fraz. S. Eufemia Brescia tel. +39/030-3363045 - fax +39/030-3363812

Contact: Mr. Giannantonio Negretti

B e C NATURA s.r.l.

I-47122 Forlì – Via Monteverdi, 49 Tel. +39/0543-725802 www.bec-natura.com


I-36050 Cartigliano (VI) - V.le A. De Gasperi, 16 tel. +39/0424-827347 www.nevitaly.com - e-mail: info@biocosmethics.it


V.le Europa, 10 - I-26855 Lodi Vecchio Lodi Tel. +39/0371-4611 - fax +39/0371-460331 www.brelil.com - e-mail: brelil@brelil.com


Via C. Colombo, 12/14 - I-20090 Trezzano (MI) tel. +39/02-484361 – fax +39/02-484361 www.bruniglass.com – mail@BruniGlass.cm

CA-MI s.r.l.

Via Ugo La Malfa, 13 - I-43010 Pilastro (PR) - Italy tel. +39/0521-637133 - 631138 fax +39/0521-639041 export@ca-mi.it - www.ca-mi.eu


Via Moscova, 21 - I-20017 Rho (Mi) tel. +39/02-93561413 - fax +39/02-93561646 e.mail: info@ceriotti.it - www.ceriotti.it


Via Silvio Pellico, 10 - I-25086 Rezzato (BS) tel +39/030-2190568 - fax +39/030-2198771 info@colordesign.bs.it - www.colordesign.bs.it

Contact: Mr. G. Mogni - Ms. S. Mogni


1 Cummings Point Road - USA - Stamford CT 06904 tel. 1-203-3519000 - fax 1-203-3519180


Via al Piano (Zona Industriale) I-23020 Gordona (SO) tel. +39/0343-42011 - fax +39/0343-42000

Contact: Daniela Battistessa Cosm.o s.r.l.

Via Braguti - I-25020 Pralboino (BS) tel. +39/030-9176360 - fax +39/030-9547229 commerciale@cosmohairproduct.it

Contact: Ferdinando Odorici

COSVAL S.p.A. V.le delle Industrie, 10/5 - I-20020 Arese (MI) tel. +39/02-93580479 – fax +39/02-93581022 www.cosvality.com

CUMBO s.r.l.

Via Michelangelo Buonarroti, 10 I-20090 Cesano Boscone (Milano) tel. +39/02-4501581 - fax +39/02-4582623

Contact: Mr. R. Cumbo

CTL S.p.A.

Via Trento, 69 I-20021 Ospiate di Bollate (MI) tel. +39/02-3834321 - fax +39/02-38343231 info@ctlspa.it - www.ctlspa.it


Via Boscofangone, zona industriale ASI I-80035 Nola (NA) tel. +39/081-8210296 - fax +39/081-19735752 giovanni.festa@dagaleno.com

Contact: G. Festa

dIELLE s.r.l.

I-20044 Arese (MI) Viale delle Industrie, 15/7 tel. + 39/02-93581075 www.dielle.net - info@diellesrl.net


Via Galileo Galilei, 80 I-63811 Sant’Elpidio a Mare (FM) tel. +39/0733 280228 - fax +39/0733 285843 www.jeanpaulmyne.com

dott. Solari Cosmetics – Vertigo s.r.l. Via Po, 2 - I-26867 Somaglia (LO) tel. +39/0377-57613 – fax +39/0377-447210 export@dottsolari.com - www.dottsolari.com


Unit 2406, South Tower, World Trade Center No. 371-375, Huanshi Dong Road Guangzhou, Guangdong, China Zip Code 510095 Fax +86/20-8760-3991 tel. +86/20-8760-3992 - Fax +86/20-8760-1568 www.chinadzd.com - dzdh@chinadzd.com


Via del Tecchione, 4 - I-20098 San Giuliano Milanese (MI) tel. +39/02-5511144 - fax +39/02-55185141 www.elchim.it - export@elchim.it

Contact: Luca Sabbatini


Via Bergamina, 7 - I-20014 Nerviano (MI) tel. +39/0331-580166 www.elgoncosmetic.it - elgon@elgoncosmetic.it

Contact: Mr. Andrea Laudando


Via Bard, 52 - I-10142 Torino www-elizabethfay2@yahoo.it elizabethfay2@yahoo.it

EMSIBETh S.p.A. Via Giovanni Murari Brà, 35/G - I-37136 Verona tel. +39/045-503044 - fax +39/045-502773

ETI S.p.A.

Via della Scienza, 49 - I-25039 Travagliato (BS) tel. +39/030-6863964 - fax +39/030-6863944 www.eti-italy.com - info@eti-italy.com

Contact: Ms. Sara Civitelli

FABY LINE s.r.l.

I-13100 Vercelli - Via Meucci Int. Chatillon tel. +39/0161-215333 - fax +39/0161-250523


Via Clemente Prudenzio, 13 I-20138 Milano Tel. +39/02-58721 – fax +39/02-58072358 www.ciccarelli.it - maurizio.bignotti@ciccarelli.it


Via Fosso del Canneto, 34 - Galazzano 47891 - Rep. di San Marino tel. +378-0549/905852 www.farmagan.com - info@farmagan.com


Via Leinì, 150 - I-10036 Settimo T.se (TO) tel. +39/011-8023411 (sel. pass.) - fax +39/011-8023447

Contact: Mr. G. Manzetti - Mr. G. Bassignana info@farmenspa.com

FORFEX PRO Münsterstrasse, 100 - D-40476 Düsseldorf - Germany tel. 49 (0) 211-97036-0 - fax 49 (0) 211-97036-49

GA.MA® Italy s.r.l. Via Sant’Alberto, 1714 - I-40018 San Pietro in Casale (BO) tel: +39/051-6668811 - fax: +39/051-6668822 info@gama.eu - Contact: Mr. L. Facchini

GAMMA PIÙ s.r.l. Via Caduti del Lavoro, 22 - I-25046 Cazzago S. Martino (BS) tel. +39/030-7751011 www.gammapiu.it - info@gammapiu.it Contact: W. Sartori


V.le dell’Industria, 43 - I-20037 Paderno Dugnano (MI) tel. +39/02-9106131 - fax +39/02-99041361

Contact: Mr. S. Inguaggiato GM KOSMETIK s.r.l. Sede Operativa: Via Romolo Gessi, 18 I-25135 Brescia tel. +39/030-3363011 - fax +39/030-3362602 www.gmkosmetik.com - info@gmkosmetik.com


Via Romolo Gessi, 14/16/18 I-25135 Brescia tel. +39/030-3363045 - fax +39/030-3363812 www.greenlight.it - info@greenlight.it G.V.F. s.p.a. IteLy hair Fashion Via Falcone, 8 - I-20080 Vernate (MI) tel. +39/02-90093743 - fax +39/02-90093740

Contact: Mr. I. Fusaro

hACO Gmbh & Co. KG Fasanerstr. 42 - D-10719 Berlin tel. +49/30-57700438 www.keen-hair.com – annegret.ewald@friseurhaus.berlin


Via Marie Curie, 5 I-40064 Ozzano dell’Emilia tel. +39/051-795100 - fax +39/051-796479 www.harboritalia.it - export@harboritalia.it


Via Padre Antonio Casamassa, 87 - I-00119 Roma tel. +39/06-5652045/6 - fax +39/06-5652150 www.jalyd.com - pzarrella@hbssrl.com


Via De Gasperi, 8/A - I-20020 Lainate (MI) tel. +39-02-93570057 - fax +39-02-93571418 www.helenseward.it - helen.seward@helenseward.it

Contact: G. Arteritano

hSA S.p.A.

Via Ugo Foscolo, 27 - I-21050 Bisuschio (VA) tel. +39/0332-474654 - fax +39/0332-850307 hsa@hsacosmetics.com - www.hsacosmetics.com

Contact: Mr. Stefano Zanzi


Via Europa, 34 - I-24060 Bolgare (BG) tel. +39/035-8354011 - fax +39/035-8354120 www.induplastgroup.com - info@induplast.it


Via Spallanzani, 24/26 - I-24061 Albano Sant’Alessandro (Bg) tel. +39/035-501116 - fax +39/035-500894 www.industriepagoda.it - info@industriepagoda.it Contact: Vittoria Condemi

IN ITALY hAIRCOLOR s.r.l. Via Gianni Agnelli, 5 - I-25086 Rezzato Bs tel +39/030-2793574 - fax +39/030-2793442 info@initalyhaircolor.it - info@initalyhaircolor.com www.initalyhaircolor.com Contact: Mr. G. Mogni - Ms. S. Mogni

INTERNATIONAL hAIR KULTURE s.r.l. Sede Operativa: Via Romolo Gessi, 16 I-25135 Brescia tel. +39/030-2352011 - fax +39/030-3363959 info@internationalhairkulture.com www.internationalhairkulture.com

ITALCAPSULA G. Rotta s.r.l. Via Mestre, 9 - I-20063 Cernusco Sul Naviglio (MI) tel. +39/02-92101788 - fax +39/02-92102671 Contact: Mr. M. Ghiandoni

ITALIAN GROUP s.r.l. Via Aldo Moro, 13 - I-25124 Brescia tel. +39/030-3762669 - fax +39/030-3361077 info@italiangroup.it - www.italiangroup.it

JAGUAR STAhLWARENFABRIK Gmbh & Co. Kg Ketzberger Str. 22 - D-42653 Solingen tel. +49/212-25207/0 - fax +49/212-2520777

JAAS – Nuova Fapam S.p.A. Via Aterno, 42 - I-66020 San Giovanni Teatino (CH) tel. +39/085-4464776 www.jaas.it – info@jaas.it

KAARAL s.r.l.

Zona Industriale - C.da Piana Sant’Angelo I-66050 San Salvo (CH) tel. +39/0873-343127 - fax +39/0873-548151 www.kaaral.com - info@kaaral.com


Via Chiese, 13 - I-25015 Desenzano (BS) tel. + 39/030-9150555 www.kepro.it - e-mail: export@kepro.it

LAB37 s.r.l.

Via del Lavoro, 37 - Loc.CappellazzoI-12060 Cherasco (CN) tel. +39/0172-495277 - fax +39/0172-499566 www.lab37group.com - info@lab37group.com

LA dISPENSA s.r.l. Via Circonvallazione, 67 - I-20882 Bellusco (MB) www.ladispensacosmesinaturale.it ladispensa@tin.it

LAdY BURd Manhattan office - 130 West 42nd Street, Suite 801 New York, NY-10036, USA 1.212.679.4941 - 1.800.533.0749 (TOLL FREE) 1.212.679.6415 (FAX)


Via Milano, 18/B - I-26016 Spino d’Adda (CR) tel. + 39/0194-89829 - fax +39/0194-8135 www.lamande.it – e-mail: lamande@lamande.it


Via Soncino, 15 - I-26010 Ricengo (CR) tel. +39/0373-267757 - fax +39/0373/267973 e-mail: info@landoll.it - www.landoll.it Contact: Mr. Fabrizio Luca Ascoli

LISAP S.p.A. - hq holding I-20027 Rescaldina (MI) Via Monte Lungo, 59 www.lisapitalia.com


Via Terenzin, 13 - I-42100 Reggio Emilia tel. +39/0522-553482 - fax +39/0522 553474 www.3me.it - info@3me.it - Contac: Mr. Maestri

MAXIMA COSMETICS s.r.l. Via Staffali, 7 - I-37062 Dossobuono (VR) tel. +39/045-8601074 - fax +39/045-986651 info@maximacosmetics.com - www.maximacosmetics.com


Via Emilio Betti, 2 I-62020 Belforte del Chienti (MC) tel. +39/0733-904373 - fax. +39/0733-903464 info@maxxelle.com - www.maxxelle.com

MEdITERRANEA – FRATELLI CARLI S.p.A. Via Paressi, 11 I-18100 Imperia tel. +39/0183-7080 www.mediterranea.net - Contact: L. Carli


Via XX Settembre, 9 I-37129 Verona (VR) tel. +39/045-502798 - fax +39/045-8207770 Contact: Mr. M. Mattiello www.orising.com

NAK 14 Smallwood Place, Murrarie 4172 Australia tel. + 617/38999133 - info@nakkair.com.au


Via C. Cantù, 1 I-20123 Milano tel. +39/039-5300517 info@naturaliatantum.com - www.naturaliatantum.com

NIKA - IBECOSMETICA s.r.l. Via Ponte a Piglieri, 8 Int 11 - I-56122 Pisa tel. +39/050-24461 - fax +39/050-24461 info@ibecosmetica.com - info@nika.it www.ibecosmetica.com - www.nika.it

OYSTER COSMETICS S.p.A. Via Barzizza, 37/A I-46043 Castiglione delle Stiviere (MN) tel. +39/0376 636290 - fax +39/0376 631911 www.oystercosmetics.it alessandro.gnaccarini@oystercosmetics.it


Largo Pianosa 3 – Loc. Antiche Saline I-57037 Portoferraio (LI) tel. +39/0565-915954 info@ozono-hb.it – www.ozono-hb.it

PARLUX S.p.A. Via Goldoni, 12 I-20090 Trezzano S/N (MI) tel. +39/02-48402600 - fax +39/02-48402606 Contact: Mr Parodi

PdT COSMETICI s.r.l. V.le Cavalieri del Lavoro - I-70017 Putignano – BA tel. + 39/080-4931509 - fax + 39/080/4055581 export@pdtcosmetici.it - www.pdtcosmetici.it

Contact: Dott. Paolo Contri


17/218 Vasan Udyog Bhavan, 2nd Floor, Off S.B. Marg. Opp Phoenix Mills, Lower Parel, Mumbai – 40003 – India tel. +91/2243151400 tanvi.kulkarni@prestocombs.com – www.prestocombs.com

PETTENON COSMETICS S.p.A. – Agf88 holding Via del Palù, 7/D I-35018 San Martino di Lupari (PD) tel. +39/049/9988800 www.pettenon.it

POLYdROS, S.A. C/ La Granja 23. P.I. Alcobendas - E-28108 – Madrid tel. +34/916610042 info@polydros.es - www.polydros.es


Via Massimo D’Antona, 9/bis - I-10028 Trofarello (TO) tel. +39/011-9624787 – fax +39/011-9624794 info@previa.it - www.previa.it


Via Spagnuolo, (Prov. Caivano - Aversa) s.n.c. I-80020 Frattaminore (NA) tel. +39/081-8362039 - 081-8354556 fax +39/081-8352800 www.puntidivista.it - puntidivista@puntidivista.it


Via Repubblica, 36/B - I-26043 Persico Dosimo (CR) tel. +39/0372-54396 - fax +39/0372-493181 info@rebisnatural.com - www.rebisnatural.com

RENÉE BLANChE I-84050 Lustra (SA) - C/da Corticelle tel. +39/0974-839286 www.reneeblanche.it

REVI PhARMA s.r.l.

Via G.Falcone, 35 I-20080 Vernate tel. +39/025062730 – fax + 39/02-5062802 www.revipharma.it – info@revipharma.it


Via Vallina Orticella, 34 I-31030 Borso del Grappa (TV) www.revivre.com

RUdY PROFUMI s.r.l. I-20090 Assago (MI) - Via Einstein, 2/4 tel. +39/02-48844436 www.rudyprofumi.com – info@rudyprofumi.com

SANI-FIX P.zza Ferrari, 22/B - I-47921 Rimini tel. +378/0549-901167 www.sani-fix.com – viliyan@sani-fix.com

SARANTIS Group S.A. 26 Amaroussiou-Halandriou Str. - GR-151 25 Athens-Greece tel. +30/210 6173635 - fax +30/210 6197081 www.sarantisgroup.com - info@sarantisgroup.com Contact: Mr. Takis Petrou

SENSUS – G & P Cosmetics s.r.l.

Via A. De Gasperi, 8 - I-52037 Sansepolcro (AR) tel. +39/0575-720682 - Fax +39/0575-749 923 info@gpcosmetics.it - www.gpcosmetics.it

SKYCOM s.r.l.

Via Bovi Campeggi 6 – I-40131 Bologna tel. +39/051-524834 info@skycomgroup.it – www-skycomgroup.it


Via Palladio, 5 - I-35019 Onara di Tombolo (PD) tel. +39/049-5993122 - fax +39/049-5993528 info@piave.com - www.piave.com Contact: F. Gobbo

TECNO dRY s.r.l.

Via Puglie, 10/12 - I-60030 Monsano (AN) tel. +39/0731-60 54 35 - fax +39/0731-60 54 36


#401, 4F, 8, Gukhoe-daero, 38-gil, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea tel. +82 2. 2679. 8857 - fax +82. 2. 2679. 8859 www.mk-corp.co.kr/en - export@mk-corp.co.kr

TURATI Idrofilo S.p.A.

Via I maggio, 242 - I-10062 Luserna San Giovanni (TO) tel. + 39/0121-955501 - fax + 39/0121-955519 www.turati-idrofilo.com - www.cottonplus.it info@cottonplus.it

VAGhEGGI S.p.A. Via F. Pigafetta, 6 - I-36024 Nanto (VI) tel. +39/0444-639600 – fax +39/0444-639656 export@vagheggi.com – www-vagheggi.com

VITALFARCO s.r.l. Via Antonio Canova, 8-10 I-20094 Corsico (Milano) tel. +39/02-36526956 www.vitalfarco.com – info@vitalfarco.com

52 www.exportmagazine.net
15-17 June 2023

CTL is a fully independent italian company specialized in the manufacturing of professional haircare products since over forty years.

CTL color factory is the ideal partner for study, development and production of hair coloring solutions directed to private label. The laboratory is the heart of the company.

CTL is able to control all phases in the production cycle, from the formula to materials choice, from graphics to packaging, from manufacturing to finished products delivery, guaranteeing the maximum safety, as well as extremely high quality standards in all stages of production.


Via Trento, 59 - 20021 Ospiate di Bollate (MI) - Italy Tel. +39.02.3834321 - Fax +39.02.38343231

info@ctlspa.it - www.ctlspa.it


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