F O R M3 I N G vol:002

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explores I D E A S showcases S U C C E S S processes INFORMATION vomits on bad D E S I G N glorifies g r e a t D E S I G N p r o m o t e s ART IN FORM ridicules N O R M A L C Y e m b r a c e s RISK TAKING

design can be developed in many forms and vehicles from the brand items we wear, use or buy - take inventory of your designs and what design brands do you utilize and why? what made you select them, purchase them or want them? what compelling element drew you in. spoke to you and grabbed your attention? how did you become introduced? r&d? a referral? an ad? an email post? a friend? don’t know? what we don’t know may lead us elsewhere. email us your thoughts paper@m3ad.com

a designed dose







Feast or famine, horrible market, best opportunities, I have been hearing alot about how this economy is hitting everyone hard. How often we are hearing about major setbacks and marketing dollars no longer allocated? The news boasts the next layoff factor. Yet in another reality more new businesses (more home - based than not) are forming. More inventive product offerings are being explored and produced. And the authentic American spirit of rolling up the sleeves and start riveting is running at full steam ahead. While inventions are appearing, repackaging of pre-existing models are getting their fresh coat of fake bake and new color extensions to invigorate new market share. Entrepreneurs are inventing and businesses have created a new market, a Green themed place where responsibility, sustainability is banking off of wanna-be tree huggers. People can not afford soy-based ink printed pieces on 100% bamboo. But they sure love their 100% UV Coated slick cards for 1000 for $25. Kill the Earth and save a buck.


Alluring artistry? dramatic pause? being annoyed? a push...


inspiration is based on great design // capsule design understands timeless design.

Capsule looked to create “moments of engagement” that consumers would discover in its bottle design. These included the laser-engraved lid logo, custom calligraphy, 10th-century Slovakian poems, even the heavy weight of the bottle top. “People pulled the [original] cap off, and it didn’t feel luxurious,” Devin Wilson, vpmarketing and brand development for the New York-based brandsaid. “It probably took a month to get it perfect.

moment of engagement

inspired moments

Arthur Schreiber a talented Russian Vodka package designer reserved the sensitivity and elegance and created a zen masterpiece with Samurai Vodka.

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v i s u a l

Below the original sign (applause)

Chunky Blahh (tradegy)

v o

i t

I love all things Cirque Du Soleil. They transformed Las Vegas entertainment through art and motion. All of their shows are experiences of substance and entertaining value. KA is an amazing venue and show, a must see at MGM Grand. It will take your breath away. Just like their upgraded ad took mine, I absolutely loved the initial launch, the revised image is well you decide, I need to go brush my teeth. MThree will pick an example of a design tragedy to keep others spirits up enjoy the visual vomit.

You decide: orignal KA or

new KA?

email your vote at paper@m3ad.com.

DESIGN MUST BE FUN! And Richard wasn’t stuck up and pretentious at the money making game either, he emphasises over and over again, the importance of upping the fun factor in whatever one does, so business stops being a meaningless, gruelling drive for money that ends up in disillusionment, but an exciting adventure into the unknown with lots of rewarding surprises all the way. When fun becomes a lifestyle, it tells in the products you churn out. Who wants dreary clinical products anyway, when you can have all the fun in the world with outlandishly exciting designs? Designs are for people, design for lifestyles and not the other way round.


DIVERSIFY, BE A DESIGN-PRENEUR. Richard is fast on his feet, he hits the ground running, at least that’s what you gather from his author biography. As Student magazine was losing revenue, he started up a mail order music business, as a postal strike crippled that venture, he opened his first media store, from selling music, he started a record label, and ultimately an airline…now there are over 200 companies and 50,000 staff worldwide. Businesses are meant to make money, but entrepreneurs start new businesses all the time and thus have a chance at surviving failed attempts. Don’t be a dinosaur unless you have a taste for extinction. Be nimble, try out new things and be one step ahead of your peers. There is always room for a new idea. Screw it, let’s do it (published by Virgin Books 2007)

http://www.flynnlives.com/media/video/0xendgame.aspx quicktime: 640 x 268 download quicktime: 480 x 200 download windows media: 640 x 268 download windows media: 480 x 200 download high definition: 1920 x 800 download high definition: 1280 x 532 download high definition: 852 x 352 download ipod:::download :::::::end of line.

:::::::FLYNN LIVES:::::::

the rules of a designer e x p l o r e t h e 1DEA nuture the process CREATE NEW INFORMATION

opinions are wrong 5 0 % o f t h e t i m e EDUCATION Never ENDS ridicules N O R M A L C Y e m b r a c e s RISK TAKING



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