January 2015

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january 2015 | volume 4 | issue 1


year anniversary

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letter from the editor


fun & games


year anniversary

d.i.y. ottoman


mom to mom health strikes & spares update nick foundation couch talk - child centered divorce get out & get fit - food & fitness

6 10 12 22

mom to mom education winter school blues


mom to mom feature fit spa - new year, new you rusthead designs

16 30

mom to mom eats mindy’s menu - bacon bites


mom to mom editorial ask the doc what to expect when you’re expecting

PUBLISHER/Managing Editor Stephanie Vega Edwards Stephanie@momtomomnwi.com Sales Team Eva Williams Nichole Odijk DeMario Contributing Writers Dr. Sandee Clark Nichole Odijk DeMario Mindy Gear Emma Kester Judy Miller Amber Neace Brooke Recktenwall Beth Whitaker


Advertising & Submissions Mom to Mom NWI LLC PO Box 1212 Valparaiso IN 46383 219-973-5138 Layout Design Mark Halliar designs.by.mark@gmail.com Cover & Table of Contents Photography Amanda Rose Photography Printing Home Mountain Printing 3602 Enterprise Ave. Valparaiso, IN 46383

Mom to Mom NWI is a monthly publication by Mom to Mom NWI LLC. All rights reserved. Production without permission is strictly prohibited. All photographs & articles submitted become the sole property of Mom to Mom NWI Magazine. ©2015 Mom to Mom NWI LLC

letter from the editor stephanie vega edwards

happy anniversary


Happy New Year!! It’s so hard to believe that it’s 2015 – where has the time gone? This New Year is pretty special to me because my baby, Mom to Mom, NWI, is celebrating its third anniversary. Three years – wow! When I think about how far I’ve come and how far the magazine has come, it literally brings tears to my eyes. I remember when I had the idea for the magazine and I presented it to my then partner for his thoughts. The excitement he had made me feel like I wasn’t crazy and that maybe I was actually on to something. Had it not been for his enthusiasm, mentorship and financial backing, I don’t think I could have ever brought this idea I had on paper to life. He showed me the ropes on how to have a successful publication and once I was well on my way to greatness he put the reigns in my hands. For this I will be forever grateful – thank you Roly! As I look at what’s in store for the publication this year I am beside myself with excitement!! First off – the cover!! To say I’m obsessed and in love with it, would be an understatement. It’s amazing how photographer Amanda Rose is able to capture the image I envision in my head, and then designer Mark Halliar can take the photo and turn it into the most fabulous cover I’ve ever seen. I know I may be a little bias because it’s MY magazine and those are MY kids but to me it’s the definition of what the magazine is all about– family.

I love to sing the praises of my staff and my advertisers because without them I’d have no magazine to put out. But this letter from me wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t sing the praises of my readers. It’s the readers who give me the drive, confidence, and determination I need to bring the most information possible to the region. You’ll notice the cover now reads, “by moms, for moms” and I wanted to have that message on the cover because it’s the whole reason why I wanted to start the magazine. As a mom and a journalist, my number one goal was to provide other moms with all the resources and information they would need to make their lives a little bit easier. And here I sit, three years later, with that same goal in mind. I want to thank you all for taking the time to read the magazine each and every month. I want to thank my friends and family for encouraging me all these years. I want to thank my amazing staff for being themselves and having so much faith in this magazine. And I’d like to thank all of the advertisers – past, present, and future – for taking a chance on this girls’ dream. I’m the luckiest girl in the world!! xoxo Take Care,

When I first started the magazine I had a handful of businesses sign up to advertise because they liked me and the idea of the publication. Then I had my closest friends help out on the editorial side by providing articles in subject they were the experts in. NOW I have a staff of writers, a sales team, and over 30 local businesses with us!! And I have to say, when you become part of the magazine, you truly become part of our extended family.


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Strike s & Spare s

family health brooke recktenwall



strikes & spares update


Strikes and Spares for Amber was a one-of-a

Amber was diagnosed with Stage 3, Nasopharyngeal

kind event Mom to Mom, NWI had the plea-

Cancer this past fall. At the age of 34, and with all of

sure of putting on. More than 100 people from around the region came out to show their support for my dear friend Amber Hammond and

her struggles throughout life, this diagnosis was devastating in more ways than one. Seeing Amber’s reaction of shock and sadness made me feel downright helpless. My first instinct was to cry and be angry but I knew Am-

I can’t even begin to explain how much that

ber didn’t need to see her best friend bawling her eyes

meant to me – but I sure would like to try!

out. The truth is I was terrified that she wouldn’t make it and I couldn’t imagine my life without her. The fact is neither one of us wants to leave the other to deal with life

Here’s our story: Amber and I became friends when we were five years old. I was the new kid in the neighborhood but that didn’t stop her from inviting me to play. We instantly hit it off and from that moment I knew we would be lifelong friends. During our childhood, I watched as Amber went through countless surgeries in order to correct a facial deformity she had since birth. I always looked at her many surgeries as an inconvenience to our play/gymnastics schedule – so did Amber!! We would count down the days until she was recovered enough to go back to doing back handsprings in her mom’s living room. I never truly grasped the risks that she faced each time she went

on this earth without the support we provide each other – over three decades we’ve been witness to mistakes, messes, and blessed moments of joy. So as Amber charged into radiation and chemotherapy with guns blazing, I went about trying to find ways to make the entire process as easy as possible for her. One area that I knew stressed Amber out was finances. As primary caregiver to her three year old daughter Olivia, Amber was fearful of the fact that she would be unable to earn any income to sustain her household. That is where my campaign to “Help Amber Fight Cancer” began.

under the knife. As a grown woman I find myself in awe

And the rest, as they say, is history. The first

of her. Each surgery she faced head on and with the

fundraising efforts were directed towards start-

confidence that the result would be successful. I find it

ing a Go Fund Me page. That was a hit!! To

amazing that a little girl could have so much courage to

date we have raised nearly $7,000. Then in

face such scary scenarios. In Amber’s case I truly believe she was given a special gift of courage from God to help carry her through life.

the fall months, I put on four different wine and canvas events which were also very successful!

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Then last, but certainly not least, Mom to Mom,

shrink. She has begun to regain some of the

NWI partnered up with me to host Strikes and

senses that were starting to deteriorate be-

Spares for Amber. Strikes and Spares for Am-

cause the tumor had grown so large. The radi-

ber turned out to be a great event – nearly

ation treatments are complete and the doctors

doubling the amount that had already been

are giving her a little break before they start

raised! This event was so special because the

more chemotherapy.

people in attendance were a mixture of family,

Amber still has a long road of treatment ahead

friends, and those who had never met Amber.

of her.

Those attending had a blast bowling the night

provide her with nutrition and she is still very

away, eating some great food, enjoying live

weak. Please continue your well wishes, good

entertainment, and participating in auctions

thoughts and prayers.

and giveaways. It was a wonderful and suc-

many people out there fighting this same fight

cessful event - Stephanie and the rest of the

at this same moment. Each story I read touch-

Mom to Mom, NWI staff took this cause under

es me in a different way. On behalf of Amber

their wing and treated the event as if they too

and her family and friends I cannot even begin

had been lifelong friends with Amber. It has

to express the gratitude we feel for all of the

truly touched my heart how generous people

support and love that has been put forth. We

can be with their limited time and money.

thank you and look forward to Amber’s full re-

Now – here’s the even better news!! Amber’s

covery and remission in 2015! - mtm

She is still using a feeding tube to

lime sized tumor in her sinuses has begun to

mom to mom nwi | january 2015 | page 8

I know there are so

Thank you to everyone who came out to our event and supported Amber Hammond. We would like to thank everyone who helped make our benefit such a huge success.

Diamond Sponsors - Pyro Industrial | Smoothie King Platinum Sponsor - AmeriClean Inc. Gold Sponsors - Growing Smiles | Pediatric Dental Care Realty Executives | Thorn Heating

silent auction and raffle donors Accents by Design

Horizon Bank

Rachel Dawn Photographer


It works!, by Nikki Roe


Amanda Rose Photography

Kernels and Kones

Aqua Spa Nails

Leaps and Bounce

Rodan Fields by Debra Kreig-Lewis


Locks of Fun

Bella Rosa Studio Ashley Well

Memorial Opera House

Bleu Lotus Yoga

Mirror Image Dance Academy

Bluebird Tattoo

Molly Bea’s

Center of Attention

Omni Health and Fitness, Chesterton

Di La Bella Salon

Salon Swank Scentsy by Amanda Cook and Kristin Waters Serenity Salon and Spa Shoreline Brewery Silcott’s Stardust Bowl

Origami Owl by Jill Ramian

Direct Buy

Pepperidge Farm

El Salto Gold Canyon by Boja Cejkov Green Housewives

Premiere Designs Jewelry Pumps Fitness

Tastefully Simple The Waxi Taxi Gift Wrapped up with Beth

food sponsors Brennan Builders | Family Express | Bam Pizza | Town and Country Cakes by Mitzi | Cake Pops by Dan | Stacy Hoefflicker

We’d also to thank Memories in Minutes, the Rebecca Anne Band, Rusthead Designs, and Stardust Bowl in Merrillville. momtomomnwi.com | like us on facebook | page 9

family health nichole odijk demario


nick foundation

Nearly six years ago, a local family who

The foundation is part of a national coali-

had experienced the emotional upheaval of

tion that fights for better research dollars

a child diagnosed with cancer felt there was

and support for children with cancer. Since

a great need for an overall support system

it began, the foundation has connected with

for families going through similar circum-

nearly 70 families.

stances in Northwest Indiana.

“We want families to know there is always

In 2009, the Northwest Indiana Cancer Kids

hope. We will help make this journey as

Foundation (NICK Foundation) was officially

easy as possible. We understand what

incorporated and set out to fulfill its mission,

you’re going through,” Executive Director

“providing hope and help to Northwest In-

and Co-Founder Donna Criner says.

diana families affected by childhood cancer

Criner explains today’s families are more

and supporting promising research so that

often than not a double income household.

all children with cancer can be healed.”

Unlike a situation involving an adult cancer

According to the NICK Foundation an esti-

patient, most parents are not willing to leave

mated 13,500 children are diagnosed with

their children, in many cases babies or tod-

cancer in the United States alone and is the

dlers, at a hospital for days and often weeks

number one disease killer in children. In one

at a time. Treatment and tests that they en-

day, 36 children will be diagnosed seven of

dure can be dangerous, painful and most of

whom will die.

all, she says, frightening for a young child. mom to mom nwi | january 2015 | page 10

Along with being emotionally devastated,

entertainment featuring ArtBeat Live and

they may soon be financially devastated.

Wolf Pack.

NICK Foundation provides initial financial

Tickets may be purchased at thewinnersare.

help. After that, each family’s needs are

eventbrite.com. They are currently in need of

addressed according to their individual sit-

event sponsors as well. For more information

uations. If there is a great financial need,

on the event please contact B & B Custom

they then connect with friends or other family

Events at 219.689.2162.

members to coach them through organizing

“We continue to be humbled and honored

a successful private benefit. They also work

by the support of our community. It is how

to connect families with various resources

we built and have grown this foundation,”

through the hospitals their children are be-

Criner, mother of three and grandmother to

ing treated at.

five says. “We do what we do because no

One of NICK Foundation’s major fundraisers

else was and someone has to. There is a

is being held next month. The Oscar-themed

need in our community and every communi-

event, “The Winners Are…Kids Fighting

ty for a support system for families who have

Cancer” will be February 28, 2015 at Halls

a child battling cancer.”

of St. George in Schererville, Ind. from 6 pm

To learn more about the NICK Foundation

to 11 pm. Tickets are $75 per person and

nwicancerkids.org or visit them on Face-

includes dinner, open bar, silent auction and

book. - mtm


couch talk judy miller


child-centered divorce

January is Child-Centered Divorce Aware-

sad, frightened, and confused. Our family

ness Month. Historically more divorces are

foundation was breaking apart. We walked

filed in January than in any other month. For

on proverbial eggs...

this reason, January was selected to grow

As an adult reflecting back I know it was not

awareness about putting the needs of the

our job to get our parents to prioritize our

children of divorce “first.”

needs; it was our parents’ job. But they did

I am a child of divorce. My parents di-

not know how.

vorced when I was away attending college.

My brothers and I tried to fix our parents’

Although I was sad I also felt immense re-

relationship. We stepped up into and em-

lief. The years of contempt, criticism, ongo-

braced blame. We believed that it was our

ing arguments, slamming doors, and cold

collective faults that our parents’ marriage

pervasive silence would no longer happen

was dissolving. I once promised my mother

within the walls of the home I grew up in.

I would quit being so snotty to my brothers,

Perhaps when home on break I would never

sure that my behavior affected her rela-

again hear my mother’s wracking sobs late

tionship with my father. My mother smiled

at night on the other side of her closed bed-

warmly sharing that my snottiness was not

room door-when she thought my three broth-

the issue, but she would like me to stop it

ers and I were long asleep and she could


safely shed the emotions that filled her and

My brothers and I gathered in the house

not affect us.

far from my mother and talked of what we

My brothers and I knew most of what was

could do to find the middle, how we could

going on, but as children and then teens

keep the peace when both parents were

moving into adulthood, we had no idea

home-things like doing our chores without

how to resolve the turmoil and hurt that en-

being asked and being kind to each other,

veloped all of us. Instead we sucked it up.

all of the time. Our gatherings took on ur-

We did not talk to any of our friends about

gency before my father returned from one

our parents and we kept them out of the

of his many “business trips.”

house when our father was home. We were

My mother disclosed that she stayed with

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my father because of us. At the time I was

I wish my parents had split earlier and had

thankful that we meant so much to her, but

agreed to a child-centered divorce. Parents

looking back I wish she had not. I fully un-

who set out to make it difficult for their soon-

derstand that staying married to him cost all

to-be ex and ex only end up hurting their

of us; this baggage has accompanied my

kids or their relationships with them. I know.

brothers and I into our marriages and rela-

I’m a child of divorce. - mtm

tionships. A Few Thoughts from a Marriage and Family Therapist: I interviewed Kathy G. Slaughter, MSW, LCSW, Individual, Marriage and Family Therapist about child-centered divorce. She shared, “During a divorce, parents often get distracted by their own fear and anger as their marriage is dissolving. By intentionally choosing to commit to being good co-parents first, parents prioritize meeting their children’s needs during and after the divorce.” “Children need stability and consistency in their lives. One of the simplest ways divorced parents can put their child first is by following the parenting time schedule as consistently as they possibly can. Communicating with each other directly and without involving the children is another simple way parents can put their child’s needs first. Being honest with the kids about what is happening is important.” “Parents should keep the details of disagreements or arguments between them as much as possible, instead of involving the children directly (i.e. telling them about it or using the child as a go between) or indirectly (arguing in front of the children or complaining to others in front of the children.” “Research has shown children of divorced parents actually do better than children in families that stay together for ‘the sake of the children.’ In the shortterm, divorce will upset a child’s sense that the world is a safe and predictable place. In the long-term, a stable, divorced, co-parenting arrangement is better for a child’s well being than a chaotic and argumentative two-parent household.”

Tell your kids as soon as you are sure you are divorcing. Assure your kids that what is happening between you in no way their fault. Get out of the past. Staying mired in the past sucks you back into the memories and connected emotions. Let go. Live in the moment. Be the united front for your kids. Put them first. It is not about you, or you and your ex. It is about your kids. Stick to your and your kids’ routines, rules, and discipline as consistent as possible. Doing so will help them understand what to expect as well as provide them with security. Make sure both you and your ex continue to be engaged in your kids’ lives. Kids need assurances that they are valued and loved. Keep your feelings to yourself. Keep your arguments and conflicts away from the kids’ hearing. Do not use your kids as messengers. Make sure your support systems understand that you expect them to refrain from saying anything negative or disparaging about your ex around the kids. Watch the negative comments about and blame; your ex is your children’s other parent and they love and are loyal to them.

Commit to cooperating with your ex-spouse. Stay child-focused. Keep this in mind: love your child more than you dislike your ex.

mom to mom nwi | january 2015 | page 14

Handy Resources for Your and Your Kids Books: A Smart Girls’ Guide to Her Parents’ Divorce, Nancy Holyoke (American Girl book, grades 3-5) Dinosaurs Divorce, Laurene Krasny Brown and Marc Brown (preschool through grade 1) The Divorce Helpbook for Teens, Cynthia MacGregor (teens) Divorce is Not the End of the World, Zoe Stern, Evan Stern, Evan Stern, Ellen Sue Stern (ages tweens through teens) Divorce Workbook for Children: Help for Kids to Overcome Difficult Family Changes and Grow up Happy, Lisa M. Schab (ages 6-12) Flora and Ulysses, Kate DiCamillo (grades 3-6) Horton Hatches the Egg, Dr. Seuss (K through grade 4) It’s Not Your Fault, Koko Bear, Vicki Lansky (ages 3-7) Kissing Hand, Audrey Penn, Ruth E. Harper (ages 6-12) Living with Mom and Living with Dad, Melanie Walsh (preschool though grade 2) Mom’s House, Dad’s House for Kids: Feeling at Home in One Home or Two, Isolina Ricci Ph.D. (ages tweens through teens) The Family Book, Todd Parr (ages 3-6) Two Homes, Claire Masurel (ages 3-7) What in the World Do You Do when Your Parents Divorce?: A Survival Guide for Kids, Kent Winchester, Roberta Beyer (ages 6-12) When My Parents Forgot How to Be Friends, Jennifer Moore-Malinos, Marta Fabrega (ages 4-7) Movies: Hope Floats (PG13) Mrs. Doubtfire (PG13) Stepmom (PG13)

Judy M. Miller works with pre- and adoptive parents, equipping them with new techniques and information and encouraging and empowering adoptive families through difficult times. She is a Certified Gotten Educator and the author of the internationally known parent guide, What to expect From Your Adopted Tween, and a workbook for adopted adults, Writing to Heal Adoption Grief: Making Connections & Moving Forward.

feature nichole odijk demario Nichole DeMario is married to her high school sweetheart and is enjoying her role as “mother” to two fur babies and godmother/surrogate aunt. Along with writing, she is focusing her career in communications and consulting, working to challenge herself in all aspects of her life.



new year, new you

The New Year brings on a bevy of resolu-

Maniar explains the treatment results last

tions, many of which are centered on health,

48 hours and are meant to jump start some-

fitness and weight loss. 7E FitSpa located in

one’s path to wellness, “You see the results

Highland, Ind. offers a variety of services to

and are motivated to keep going with other

help their clientele on their journey to a bet-

healthy choices…We get your muscles to a

ter a quality of life.

conditioned stated and then you can contin-

The franchise spa’s mission is to “inspire

ue to maintain.”

a healthy and mindful lifestyle, along with

Torcing stimulates the muscles in a way Ma-

unique combinations of natural and scientif-

niar says is 100 times more effective than

ic therapies – one person and one neigh-

working out and can be described as in-

borhood at a time.” The spa’s services are


focused on technology, which is what orig-

7E’s Myolift microcurrent treatment is their

inally drew owner Renuka Maniar to the

noninvasive face lift solution. They also of-

company just over two years ago.

fer microdermabrasion and chemical peels.

For those interested in toning, tightening and

Their infrared sauna is often coupled with

contouring muscles in their arms, thighs, abs

their other services to help warm the muscles

and glutes 7E FitSpa uses stimulation called

and improve results.

torcing. The bio-electrical stimulation is non-

She says she has clients who have recently

invasive and has no downtime, side effects

given birth to those suffering from the dis-

or pain.

eases such as Multiple Sclerosis and stroke mom to mom nwi | january 2015 | page 16

What’s in a name: The “7” developed from the universal number such as seven musical notes, seven colors of the rainbow and seven body chakras. The “e” is for the 7 essential elements of wellness. Exercise and optimize energy of the muscles, and proper posture for a healthy body Healthy Lifestyle – Balanced Diet Healthy lifestyle implies a balanced and healthy diet because 67% of our being is what we eat. This nourishment gives vitality and energy for a full life. Kriya – Cleansing practices

victims. Clients are weighed and measured to track progress. Staff regularly inquires into whether clients are also incorporating healthy eating, proper hydration and exercise to maximize results. She stresses, as with any new health-related regimen, a doctor’s clearance is advised. Maniar recommends anyone opting to use their services should try at least six treatments. “Six seems to be the magic number for when people really start to see a noticeable difference,” she says. All of their treatment plans are personalized for each person and address an individual’s concerns. Devices and technology used at the spa is FDA cleared. Spa hours are by appointment only from 10 am to 8 pm Monday through Friday and 10 am to 5 pm on Saturdays. They are located at 206445th Street in Highland, Ind. Contact them by phone at 219.922.7337, visit them at 7efitspa. com or on Facebook. - mtm

Commit to becoming clear in body and mind through movement and other various methods offered at 7E to clear toxicity in body and mind. Positive energy – Breathing techniques Improve your breathing. Remember to breathe deeply, because that is a vital source of life we have. It gives nourishment and self connection. Flexibility – Neuro-muscular relief techniques Through various means neuro-muscular relief can be achieved, which gives the body flexibility and strength. Deep Relaxation Inner Peace 7E Supports all means to achieve inner peace and helps the community to grow in a healthy way.


fun games beth whitaker Beth Whitaker is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and married mother of two boys – with a baby girl on the way! When Beth has free time, she enjoys crafting and sewing.


d.i.y. ottoman

This month, I am changing gears a bit and channeling my inner DIY goddess and sharing with you a recent project my husband and I took on. This could be an article on interpersonal relationships because working on projects together can be a little tense, but I will focus on the ottoman.

Tufted Ottoman

We recently got new fur-

very patient husband out to retrieve the table. When we

niture and I really wanted a nice ottoman to go with

got it home, it was perfect for the project I had in mind.

our set. I wanted something padded, but really could

I couldn’t believe my luck. There were two holes in the

not find the right color to match what we purchased.

top of the table that probably once held glass, but we

Within a week of getting the new couch, I drove past

filled those in with plywood so the whole surface was

a house with a coffee table up on its side by the road

very sturdy. Next, we cleaned the cobwebs off the table

waiting for trash pick up. I went home and sent my

and it was spray painted a nice cream color.

mom to mom nwi | january 2015 | page 18


Cover Buttons While the table dried, we took

between the bottom piece and the top piece with the

the time to cover the buttons with the button cover kit.

fabric before pressing them together. Our little guy has

We used a little of the excess upholstery fabric and

already taken the top off of 3 out of our 6 buttons. We

chose the larger buttons for our tufting. We only wanted

found that pressing the button top and bottoms together

6 buttons. You can choose whatever size of button and

was difficult because of the thick upholstery fabric, so

number of buttons to fit your preferences. We learned a

we used a can from the cabinet and a hammer to slam

valuable lesson about these button cover kits. They are

it down. This is not how the package recommends do-

somewhat flimsy so make sure you put some super glue

ing the button covers, but it worked for us.

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Foam and Batting

Now we can move

Create your Grid

The next step is one we

on to the fun part - this took us one afternoon to

tried to do with the fabric on the ottoman and it just

complete. First, measure the foam and lay it down

did not work. We needed a grid on the table in

on your table. Make sure you have it lined up to

order to find the perfect spot for each button. If we

the edge. We used a little spray adhesive to hold it

had thought of this ahead, we would have made

in place so it didn’t slide around while we worked.

the grid directly on the wooden table-top and drilled

Next, take the batting and lay it over your table.

the holes at that time. But, we figured it out as we

You want to make sure you have enough to wrap

went along. So, we created a grid on the foam using

around the sides. Trim it before you staple because

permanent marker and then my husband drilled a

it is difficult to get under there to cut once you have

half-inch hole through the table in each spot where

it stapled. We folded the corners neatly and then

we wanted a button. The grid took us a little while

stapled all the way around.

but we wanted to make sure our buttons were in the

Materials needed

perfect spot.

Spray Paint

Fabric We now will move on to covering the foam

1½ inch thick foam

and batting with your fabric. I looked everywhere

1 inch thick batting

for the perfect fabric for my table. I even tried a

Upholstery fabric or large curtain panel to cover the entire surface (give yourself a little extra).

few curtain panels from Target, but they weren’t the

Button cover kit

Joann’s in the upholstery section. The foam, batting

Super glue

and fabric add up, so make sure you go when things

Strong upholstery needle

are on sale and have coupons. We gently placed

Nylon thread

the fabric over the table and adjusted it so the fabric

Drill and ½ inch drill bit

lines were straight.

Staple gun Spray adhesive

right color. I found the perfect fabric for our table at


This is the step that took by far the lon-

gest to complete. This is when we tuft our ottoman. Obviously, you could make a padded ottoman without the tufting if you chose; we just thought the tufting would add a more finished look. First, I took a long piece of thread through the needle and then knotted the ends together. This will double up the thread. Next, my husband crawled under the table with the needle and fed it through the holes we had drilled earlier. I gently pressed down on the fabric so that I could see the needle coming through. Use a thimble for this or you may hurt your finger pushing the


needle through the foam. I fed the thread and nee-

trimmed around the fabric so that we had just enough

dle through the button and then pushed the needle

to staple on to the table. Be careful not to cut off too

back through the fabric, foam and batting. Getting

much fabric. We stapled all of the edges first and then

the needle back through the drilled holes was a little

went back and did the corners. I tried different meth-

tricky, which is why we ended up with half-inch holes

ods for getting the corners to look nice and this was

through the table. We tried smaller holes and could

also trial and error. I basically folded each side in,

not get it to feed through. Once you have the needle

almost like wrapping a present. So, I folded one side

through to the bottom of the table, the thread needs

in and then the other and then tucked it down and

to be stapled in place. We put a button on bottom,

stapled. My husband stapled while I pulled the fabric

slightly larger than the size of the hole, in order to

tight, making sure that no wrinkles developed around

hold the thread in place. To secure the top buttons, I

the buttons. You will want to use a lot of staples to

pushed down on the button so that it was tight while

make sure everything stays in place.

my husband stapled the thread in a zig-zag pattern underneath. (The picture will make this easier to understand). If you don’t use the zig-zag pattern, your thread will slide out of the staple. Repeat this step for each button on your ottoman.

After the tufting was finished, we

Now you have successfully created a beautiful padded ottoman out of an old coffee table. This was not a “cheap” project, but buying a new ottoman of this size would have been more expensive that what we spent on materials. Finding a free, or nearly free, table will bring your cost down significantly. Buying fabric and other items at a discount will also help. I hope you enjoy your ottoman as much as we love ours! - mtm


get out get fit


stephanie edwards

food & fitness


Kick off a healthy new year in your family with these

Resolve to Eat Good Foods

resolutions. You’ll boost the odds that you’ll keep your

Simple changes to meals can make it easy for your family to eat

resolutions by involving your family and friends.

more whole grains, fruits, and vegetables every day. Cook with canned or frozen vegetables. On busy

Resolve to Make New Moves

weeknights, pull out frozen or canned produce to make

Play active games. Whether it’s tickle monster, jump

healthy meals quickly. Look for frozen vegetables without sauce,

rope, or dancing with your kids to their favorite music,

or low-sodium canned vegetables.

you can play and exercise at the same time.

Look for alternatives to red meat. Get the benefits of

Plan active family outings. Depending on your kids’

protein with limited amounts of fat by serving your fam-

ages and interests, you might plan family outings at the

ily skinless chicken or turkey breasts and other proteins such as beans, soy, and nuts.

park, ice-skating, or hiking on a nearby trail. Walk it out. Make regular walks a part of your day.

Let kids play with their healthy food. Set up a pizza bar

Plan treks around the neighborhood. Or make a habit

using whole wheat muffins as the ‘crust,’ with low-fat

of parking farther away from your destination and walking to it.

mozzarella, sliced mushrooms or bell pepper, and olives on top. Or let the kids make faces or other pictures out of carrot sticks and raisins – and then eat them. Prepare healthy snacks in advance. Bring home a melon, cut it up, and keep it in a bowl in the front of the fridge for snack time. Or slice cucumbers, celery, and carrot sticks to put in small bags. When the mood strikes, the kids can grab and go. Keep chilled water and calcium-fortified drinks in the fridge. Leave the sodas and sugary juices at the store. Kids will grab cold water if it’s handy. Serve fresh fruit as a dessert. Leave the cookies and cakes at the store. Even a dollop of whipped cream on fruit is healthier than baked goods.

mom to mom nwi | january 2015 | page 22

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mindy’s menu mindy gear Mindy Gear is a mother, wife and teacher to preschool aged children. In her spare time, she enjoys exercising and loves to bake and create in the kitchen!


bacon bites

Bacon. What more needs to be said? Let’s

a great appetizer. Bacon maple cupcakes,

face it - bacon isn’t just for breakfast any-

donuts and muffins can be found in many

more. It can be incorporated into every

bakeries. Bacon is everywhere! This month

meal of the day - even dessert! Bacon is so

I thought it would be fun to do some “Bacon

versatile; you can wrap a turkey or a steak

Bites”. They were delicious and easy to

in it. Bacon-wrapped dates give you a deli-

make. These would make a great addition

cious sweet and salty flavor combination for

to any Super Bowl Party.

Cream Cheese Poppers These are delicious and have great flavors. If you want a different flavor, try substituting a tablespoon of Dijon mustard for the chili powder. Or skip the jalapeno and cream cheese just wrapping



2-3 Chicken Breasts, cut into small pieces

Mix cream cheese, shredded cheese and

Dijon) with bacon and sprin-

4 ounces cream cheese, room temp

chili powder. Spread into the pepper

kle with brown sugar before

¾ cup shredded cheese (I used Monterey Jack)

half. Sprinkle chicken with salt/pepper.

10 jalapenos, cleaned and cut in half

Lay piece of chicken on top of pepper

10 slices bacon, raw and cut in half

(cream cheese side). Wrap in bacon and

1 Tbsp chili powder (more or less to taste)

secure with toothpick. Bake 350° for 20

Salt/pepper to taste

minutes, making sure chicken is cooked.

a piece of chicken (rolled in

baking (bake about 25 minutes). Either way is delicious!

mom to mom nwi | january 2015 | page 26


Bacon Caramel Delights This recipe is from the imagination of my friend. He is a huge foodie and we always end up talking about food. I wanted to put a dessert or sweet treat in for the month, but couldn’t decide if I wanted to do cupcakes or something similar to candied bacon. We decided a little bacon twist to a more traditional turtle. It is definitely something different.



1 ½ cups chopped pecans

In a microwave safe bowl, heat cream and butter in 30

1 recipe caramel (see below)

second segments until butter is melted and mixture is

8 slices bacon, cooked crisp

steaming. Meanwhile, using a large saucepan (mixture

and chopped

will bubble during the process, make sure your pan is

8 ounces melting chocolate

large enough to avoid a mess), add sugar, Karo and

8x8 pan lined with parchment)

water. Turn heat to high and cook (do no stir) until mixture reaches 290°. Turn heat off and slowly pour cream/


butter mixture into sugar. Gently whisk to combine. Turn

1 cup heavy cream

heat back to high and cook until it reaches approximate-

4 Tbsp unsalted butter

ly 250°. Turn off heat and add teaspoon of vanilla.

1 tsp sea salt 1 ½ cups sugar


4 Tbsp light Karo syrup

Sprinkle chopped pecans into bottom of lined pan. Pour

4 Tbsp water

warm caramel over pecans. Sprinkle with cooked ba-

1 tsp vanilla

con. Melt chocolate according to package and pour over top. Allow chocolate and caramel to harden prior to cutting.

momtomomnwi.com | like us on facebook | page 27

Bacon Avocado Rolls with Cilantro Ranch I can’t say that I used a recipe for this. The amounts are estimates. Make as many or as few as you want. You cannot make these too far in advance because avocado tends to darken quickly. However, once you serve them, they disappear quickly. Ingredients Eggroll wrappers (1 package)

16 bacon slices, cooked

2 large avocados

3 jalapeños, cut into strips (optional)

½ lime

1 Tbsp flour (mix with water to make


paste for sealing eggroll)

Cheese slices (Monterey jack & cheddar is what I used)

Cilantro Ranch sauce

Directions Slice the avocado and sprinkle with fresh lime juice and salt.


Cut the cooked bacon strips in half. Lay eggroll wrappers on

1 packet dry Hidden Valley Ranch dressing

1 clove garlic

work surface. Place ingredients in middle: cheese, slice of

1 cup plain greek yogurt

½ cup cilantro, washed

avocado, jalapeno, bacon, second slice of avocado. Wrap

1 large jalapeno, optional

up eggroll: fold one point over center, then fold in both

1 lime, juiced and zested

sides, spread flour mixture on final corner and edges and

½ cup milk (more or less to preferred consistency)

roll tightly to create eggroll. When finished rolling, place on

Directions Throw ingredients into blender. Blend until smooth. Use as dipping sauce!

baking sheet and brush with olive oil. Bake in a 350° oven for 10-15 minutes, turning once during baking.

Bacon Brussel Sprouts I am obsessed with roasting vegetables. This is definitely a

Ingredients 1 pound brussel sprouts, washed and halved 3 Tbsp balsamic 1 Tbsp pure maple syrup

recipe worth trying.

3 Tbsp olive oil

You can even skip

4 strips bacon, cooked crisp and crumbled

Salt/Pepper to taste

the bacon (GASP!). They are still amaz-


ing. The maple syrup

Toss with brussel sprouts and spread in pan.

adds a hint of sweetness. Delicious! mom to mom nwi | january 2015 | page 28

Mix balsamic, maple syrup and olive oil. Bake 400° for 30-35 minutes. Toss with crumbled bacon and serve. .

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rusthead designs

Rusthead Design is a Valparaiso, Ind. based

they needed to offer tangible products as well

design, print and apparel company born out

they opted for something that paired well with

of the economic downturn. Owner and found-

their graphic design prowess leading them to

er Stephen Hedges was a graphic designer

screen printing. At the time, they were run-

with a large Chicago-based firm. When the

ning their start up out of Hedges’ parents’

recession hit, his employer began making

home. His parents, both with science back-

cuts. He was the last person hired in the art

grounds, were concerned with the chemicals

department and the first to go.

that would be used in the process. Equally

Like many recent college graduate twen-

concerned and determined, Hedges and

ty-somethings he became part of the boomer-

Jones set out to find an eco-friendly solution.

ang generation, moving back home with his

“We didn’t realize how dangerous some of

parents and taking odd part-time jobs. Hedg-

the traditional screen printing processes are,”

es had been taking on freelance projects and

he says.

soon recruited former classmate Eric Jones to

In researching, Hedges said he learned of

assist him with his workload.

the phthalates used in ink, the clothing them-

When the fledgling business owners realized

selves and clean up. The products in the

mom to mom nwi | january 2015 | page 29

cleaning process release pollutants in the air

“Anybody can screen print. It’s a lot of mus-

and can affect one’s health.

cle memory. We do a lot of custom shirts that

“When I was younger I did a lot of research

are more art based,” Hedges details. “We’re

on the environment and ways to reduce my

also not afraid to tell you if your idea isn’t

impact and so the choices we’ve made with

the most effective way to get your message

the company have been about making sure

across or appeal to the demographic being

that we’re not harming ourselves, our families

targeted. The way we do things may not al-

or our community while providing superior

ways be the most profitable, but in our eyes

products and services,” Hedges says.

it’s better for the customer.”

Fast forward nearly five years later and Rus-

Hedges explains that going green won’t

thead Design now operates from their Val-

necessarily cost more green as he works

paraiso storefront located at 1459 S. State

diligently to be competitive with companies

Road 2. They have found eco-friendly options

that choose not to use green solutions. He

for their ink and clean up process. They offer

says what his clients and prospective clients

organic, fair trade and American-made prod-

soon find out is they are willing to work with

ucts because, “It’s helping to improve every-

anyone whether it’s a small start up looking

one’s existence.” He says his team focuses

for a small run of products to increase brand

on fashion and design trends and regularly

awareness to fundraising events to large cor-

attends trainings and conferences to continue

porate projects.

to be on the cusp of what’s cutting edge.

To learn more visit rusthead.com, find

Hedges says not only are they a green com-

them on Facebook and Instagram or call

pany, but offer the expertise of two graphic

219.779.7878. - mtm

designers. Did you know? Wondering how they came up with the name Rusthead? That dates back to Hedges high school days when he first began saying he would love to own his own business some day. In exchange for helping a family friend with a photo editing project the friend offered to purchase Hedges future business’s domain name. He looked to his red hair for inspiration and found rusthead.com was available. The name has since become so catchy many call him “Rusty” rather than Steve. Business Cards Custom Photo Products mugs, license plates, key chains, etc. Design Services Family Reunion Shirts Team Wear

mtm education stephanie edwards

winter school blues


Getting back into the swing of things after win-

to help keep them on task and to answer ques-

ter break can be rough on everyone. Gone are

tions when problems arise. Ask your child where

the mornings of sleeping in and goofing around

the best place is to work. Both you and your child

during the day. Now our alarms are set and we

need to discuss pros and cons of different settings

are back at it! But a new year is a great time to

to arrive at a mutually agreed upon location.

evaluate that routine, especially the routine when it comes to homework. Experts say tasks are easiest

Step 2. Set up a homework center. Once you and

to accomplish when tied to specific routines. By

your child have identified a location, fix it up as a

establishing daily routines for homework comple-

home office/homework center. Make sure there is

tion, you will not only make homework go more

a clear workspace large enough to set out all the

smoothly, but you will also be fostering a sense of

materials necessary for completing assignments.

order your child can apply to later life, including

Outfit the homework center with the kinds of sup-

college and work.

plies your child is most likely to need, such as pencils, pens, colored markers, rulers, scissors,

Step 1: Find a location in the house where home-

a dictionary and thesau-

work will be done. The right location will depend

rus, graph pa-

on your child and the culture of your family. Some

per, con-

children do best at a desk in their bedroom. It is a quiet location, away from the hubbub of family noise. Other children become too distracted by the things they keep in their bedroom and do better at a place removed from those distractions, like the dining room table. Some children need to work by themselves. Others need to have parents nearby


struction paper, glue and cellophane tape, lined

ual child. Some children need a break right after

paper, a calculator, spell checker, and, depending

school to get some exercise and have a snack.

on the age and needs of your child, a computer

Others need to start homework while they are still

or laptop. If the homework center is a place that

in a school mode (i.e., right after school when

will be used for other things (such as the dining

there is still some momentum left from getting

room table), then your child can keep the supplies

through the day). In general, it may be best to get

in a portable crate or bin. If possible, the home-

homework done either before dinner or as early

work center should include a bulletin board that

in the evening as the child can tolerate. The later

can hold a monthly calendar on which your child

it gets, the more tired the child becomes and the

can keep track of long-term assignments. Allow-

more slowly the homework gets done.

ing children some leeway in decorating the homework center can help them feel at home there, but

Step 4. Establish a daily homework schedule. In

you should be careful that it does not become too

general, at least into middle school, the home-

cluttered with distracting materials.

work session should begin with your sitting down with your child and drawing up a homework

Step 3. Establish a homework

schedule. You should review all the assignments

time. Your child should get

and make sure your child understands them and

in the habit of doing

has all the necessary materials. Ask your child to

homework at the

estimate how long it will take to complete each

same time every

assignment. Then ask when each assignment will

day. The time

get started. If your child needs help with any as-

may vary de-

signment, then this should be determined at the

pending on

beginning so that the start times can take into ac-

the individ-

count parent availability.- mtm

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ask the doc.

Dr. Clark is a whole family practitioner specializing in Pediatrics, Pregnancy and Special Needs kids. A Palmer graduate, Clark offers traditional hands-on chiropractic care together with acu-

dr. sandee clark

puncture and massage.

what to expect when you’re expecting I

In this month’s Ask the Doc we answer a

there is to know about every health care

question directly from one of our readers.

problem there is and while YES they should

The question asked was:

know how the body works some MD’s simply do not have a lot of knowledge in topics

“With all the information coming out about

that are considered “alternative” or have

GMO’s, environmental toxins and vaccine

different options to give you that don’t in-

ingredients, what role should my doctor

volve prescribing drugs.

play in giving me accurate information on

Keep in mind that medical doctors aren’t

these hot topics?”

the only DOCTOR to turn too when it comes to your health. There are Chiropractors,

What a great question - and one that I ad-

Naturopaths, Osteopaths and Psycholo-

dress quite frequently. First, when you have

gists just to name a few and each gives a

a question about challenging topics you

little bit different information that can be

need to be your own advocate. Look at as

very useful. I encourage you to talk with

much valid research as possible and read

several of these doctors and utilize all the

things with an open mind.

The internet

facts so you can have the best information

gives a lot of information but can be very

to make an informed decision for your fam-

one sided. I tell patients to try and make

ily’s health.

sense of it first but if something is confusing

The topic of GMO’s, environmental toxins

then contact a health care practitioner that

and what’s in a vaccine is and always will

is experienced in that topic. You wouldn’t

be debatable because solutions that don’t

go to a Dentist for eye glasses, or a Nutri-

involve medicine or surgery are simply

tionist for spinal health related questions.

not lucrative, there is not a lot money to

So why would you go to a medical doctor

be made for the practitioner if the solu-

for something other than medicine? Med-

tion is quick. For instance, I get calls from

ical doctors go to Medical School to learn

patients desperate for relief because they

medicine and what drugs to prescribe.

have gone to their MD for musculoskeletal

M.D’s are expected to know everything

pain were given a prescription for muscle

momtomomnwi.com | like us on facebook | page 39

relaxers, pain killers and anti-inflammatory

medication comes with side effects. Drug

drugs to get rid of the symptoms often be-

companies are pushing medical doctors

ing told if that doesn’t work they can come

to give patients the “newest and greatest”

back and have a cortisone shot and/or

drug with less research to back it up and

look into surgery. Now compare that expe-

because people are looking for that quick

rience to a trip to the chiropractor. It often

fix medical doctors are backed into a cor-

turns out that pain relief is felt the same day

ner to give the patient instant relief. While

and future care is to get to the root cause of

medicine was created with all the best

why it was there in the first place. Two dif-

intentions in today’s corporate-run world

ferent approaches two different outcomes,

sometimes those intentions do not have our

only you can decide which route to take.

best interest at heart. - mtm

Remember, surgery is irreversible and

Helpful links Some helpful websites that I recommend to my patients on these hot topics are: www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vac-gen/additives.htm www.centerforfoodsafety.org/issues/976/ge-food-labeling/about-ge-labeling www.nrdc.org/health/toxics.asp

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mom to mom nwi | january 2015 | page 40

What happens to your kids if something happens to you?  Will they be taken into protective custody?  Will the court decide who cares for them?  Will they know that you care?

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