Mom to Mom, NWI -- March 2015

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march 2015 | volume 4 | issue 3 | like us on facebook

march 2015 | volume 4 | issue 3 letter from the editor


ask the doctor

the ups & downs of life


fun & games

fourth annual springfest

get out and get fit hot yoga


trina’s tips

making your own cleaning products

family health

using essential oils

24 28

mom to mom education

preschool fair at bellaboo’s teaching responsibility through love & logic

mom to mom feature

moms you should know - healthy moms unique theatre shows for special audiences

mom to mom eats

mindy’s menu - cleaning out the pantry & freezer

community calendar


6 30 8 16 18


Mom to Mom NWI is a monthly publication by Mom to Mom NWI LLC. All rights reserved. Production without permission is strictly prohibited. All photographs & articles submitted become the sole property of Mom to Mom NWI Magazine. ©2015 Mom to Mom NWI LLC

PUBLISHER/MANAGING EDITOR Stephanie Vega Edwards SALES TEAM Eva Williams Nichole Odijk DeMario Ahnaliese Dunn Patricia Simms Rea Robinson CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Dr. Sandee Clark Nichole Odijk DeMario Mindy Gear Judy Miller Amber Neace Brooke Recktenwall Beth Whitaker Trina Bobrowski Rea Robinson

ADVERTISING & SUBMISSIONS Mom to Mom NWI LLC PO Box 1212 Valparaiso IN 46383 219-973-5138 LAYOUT DESIGN Mark Halliar COVER & TABLE OF CONTENTS PHOTOGRAPHY Amanda Rose Photography PRINTING Home Mountain Printing 3602 Enterprise Ave. Valparaiso, IN 46383

Offer Expires 3/31/15

letter from the editor stephanie vega edwards


As I stare out the window and see gray skies and snow on the ground, I find it hard to believe that spring is just a few weeks away. It’s funny because I remember thinking how much I enjoyed seeing the first snowfall of the season – now I just want it to all go away. Don’t get me wrong, I love going out in the snow when the kids can play in it, but what I don’t love is the subarctic temps that keep us in inside the house! And what I have the biggest issue with – the weather being warmer at the North Pole than here in Northwest Indiana. All too often, when I’m staring out the window, I find myself imagining sunny skies and green grass. If I look hard enough, I can see my girls riding their bikes, my neighbors walking the dog, and my husband washing the cars (that’s just wishful thinking!) I know that those days are close – they’ve got to be!! And with spring right around the corner, we thought we’d get our readers prepared to do a springtime favorite – spring cleaning. This month we have some great tips on making your own household cleaners, and our cooking goddess Mindy shows us how to clean out our pantry and freezers, to make some culinary masterpieces! We also want to get our readers excited for spring so we have featured some fun local events going on in our community. Mom to Mom, NWI is thrilled to be teaming up with Bellaboo’s Play and Discovery Center, to bring the region a preschool fair - you can read about all the details in this issue. And back by popular demand – the Community Calendar section of our magazine. Do you have an event you’d like to see featured in our calendar? Email me! And don’t forget to “like” us on Facebook – we are growing daily!! Take Care,


mtm: education nichole odijk demario

Nichole DeMario is married to her high school sweetheart and is enjoying her role as “mother” to two fur babies and godmother/surrogate aunt. Along with writing, she is focusing her career in communications and consulting, working to challenge herself in all aspects of her life.


preschool fair


The time has come - your “baby” is growing up and you

Bellaboo’s, it is quite frequent that life inspires work and

know you need to make the overwhelming decision on a

vice-versa. I spent a good amount of time looking for day-

preschool, the foundation for your child’s education.

cares and preschools and I didn’t have a lot of time,” she

This year, Mom to Mom, NWI has partnered with Bella-

said. “We [at Bellaboo’s] have the building and the re-

boo’s Play and Discovery Center to offer local parents a

sources. It would be irresponsible not to have a preschool

Preschool Fair on Thursday, April 23 from 5:30 pm to

fair. I needed one, the guests that attended our event last

7:30 pm. It’s the second annual event of its kind for Bella-

year needed one and they were gracious for our assis-

boo’s. The free event is open to parents and their children.

tance in making what could be a very daunting endeavor

“Parents can take advantage of this unique opportunity

a very enjoyable and informative evening.”

to meet first-hand with representatives from an array of

Fair coordinators anticipate more than 20 preschool ven-

local preschools,” said Kara Mackey, General Manager

dors, many of which have multiple locations in Lake and

of Bellaboo’s. “Really, it’s just an evening to explore the

Porter counties. Bellaboo’s has secured Workforce Devel-

options. Ask questions. It is often difficult to schedule meet-

opment Services’ Childcare Referral and Resources. WDS

ings in multiple different locations with multiple different

CCRR is responsible for “Paths to Quality” rating system

directors - this evening is dedicated to just that.”

that gauges preschools throughout the region.

Mom to Mom, NWI Publisher Stephanie Edwards added,

No pre-registration is required. The building’s play spaces

“We are equally honored and thrilled to partner with Bella-

will be open for play for all attendees along with added

boo’s Preschool Fair. This one-stop-shop event will provide

entertainment by Cinderellas and Superheroes with ap-

parents the resources needed to make the best decision

pearances by Elsa, Cinderella and Captain America.

for their young children in a welcoming, fun environment.”

“Bring a pair of adults and one can peruse the preschool

Mackey’s own concerns with choosing a preschool for her

booths while the other plays with the kids,” encouraged

children encouraged her to coordinate a preschool fair to

Mackey. “Or your child can stroll from play space to play

help other families in the same boat.

space while you stroll from booth to booth. We know it is

“As a mom of two preschool-aged boys and manager of

hard to stop and chat with little ones in tow. Hopefully, our

mom to mom nwi | march 2015 | page 6


building will work its magic while you get the information

Interested preschools who would like to have a booth

you need to help make informed decisions for your child’s

can take advantage of an early registration discount until

near future.”

March 15. Bellaboo’s will be accepting vendors as long

Mackey added, “…Even families with children enrolled

as space allows.- mtm

in preschools might benefit from exploring all the options, even if it is just for the sake of playing with princesses and superheroes at Bellaboo’s. Thursday evenings don’t get

Bellaboo’s Details:

much better than this!”

Open daily from 10 am to 6 pm

Bellaboo’s was built in 2006 by local contractors and

Available for general admission, birthday parties, private

craftsmen through the Lake County Parks and Recreation

events, field trips, classes, camps & more

Department in an effort to create recreational opportuni-

Infants under age 1, free

ties for what was deemed an underserved market, young

Toddlers 12 to 23 months, weekday, $5.95

children under the age of nine-years-old.

Toddlers 12 to 23 months, weekend, $6.95

“Our mission is play and our unique recreational facility

Children 2-years-old to 9-years-old, weekday $7.95

encourages our customers, children, to do just that,” said

Children 2-years-old to 9-years-old, weekend $9.95

Mackey. “Play activities are essential to the healthy de-

Adults (age 10+), weekday, $3.95

velopment of children and adolescents. It our privilege to

Adults (age 10+), weekend, $4.95

provide carefree, stress free, unplugged play. As educa-

$2 per person discount after 3:30 pm weekday discount.

tors, recreation professionals and caregivers, we recog-

Annual Play Passes available.

nize the importance of play.”

if you go April 23 from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm Bellaboo’s | 2800 Colorado Street Lake Station, IN Cost: Free | | 219.963.2070 • Meet first-hand with local preschool representatives • Learn how to start the application process

• Determine preference of play-based, high-scope or Montessori program • Added resources with Childcare Resource and Referral Representatives • Entertainment by Cinderellas and Superheroes characters | like us on facebook | page 7


Nichole DeMario is married to her high school sweetheart and is enjoying her role as “mother” to two fur babies and godmother/surrogate aunt. Along with writing, she is focusing her career in communications and consulting, working to challenge herself in all aspects of her life.

nichole odijk demario

moms you should know:

tabatha creasbaum & jennie majka


Starting on a path of healthy eating and fitness habits is

es she felt guilty. She says she

a lifestyle change difficult for anyone. When you couple

knows it’s all for the better when

that with the strain of every day life, children and more it

she comes home from her work

may appear to be impossible. Two local moms recently

out time to find her husband and

embarked on this journey in an effort to not only posi-

three children doing things like sit

tively impact their health, but the health of their family

ups and push ups together or her

- determined to never look back.

children playfully challenging her

Here are their stories:

to see how strong she is compared to them. “Now my family knows that Mon-

TABATHA CREASBAUM For 32-year-old mother of three Ta-

day and Wednesday nights I will

batha Creasbaum, her lifestyle change

be leaving after dinner and on

was more than a decade in the mak-

Saturday mornings I will be gone

ing, “I kept making excuses for not do-

in the morning to work out. It was

ing anything to change it. After I had

hard for my kids to adjust at first,

my last child I weighed the same as I

but they have started to understand

did when I was pregnant with my first

that this is ‘mommy time,’ just like I

child. That was the moment I was like,

make time to take them to practic-

‘Wow, this isn’t normal or healthy.’”

es, tournaments, tutoring, birthday

Creasbaum of Dyer, Ind. found a Beta

parties and everywhere else they

group at a local gym in St. John, Ind.

and need and want to go…I want

She will be starting up her second, six

my kids to continue to see my re-

week program that includes work outs

sults so they know and remember that being healthy and

three to four days a week and eating

taking care of ourselves is important,” she explains.

a Paleo diet, which focuses on high protein and fiber. “The hardest part was mentally going through changes in my diet, withdrawing from sugar and unhealthy foods and emotionally dealing with the changes in my routine and schedule, like not being home every night for my kids because I was going to workout.” Creasbaum says for years she had grown accustomed to deprioritizing herself and her needs; although she knew she was physically ready to make the necessary chang-

mom to mom nwi | march 2015 | page 8

JENNIE MAJKA Jennie Majka, 25, had been an active person her entire life until her second pregnancy when she was placed on doctor-ordered activity restriction, which stipulated lifting no more than ten pounds and short walks. The change in activity level and poor eating caused her to put on 40 pounds in nine months. “I hated the way I felt, I hated the way I looked in everything and I hated knowing I was the heaviest I’d every been. I just wanted to feel good about myself again,” Majka of Lowell, Ind. says. After giving birth last October and received the all-clear from her doctor she started simple activities such as playing the video game Just Dance with her seven-year-old, pushing the baby stroller a couple miles in her neighborhood or trying free online workouts on Youtube. By December, she had plateaued and was looking for new ideas to continue to challenge her body along with something that would fit into a schedule that included caring for an infant and school-aged child with a husband who works overtime hours and her own career when she was invited to be part of a Team Beachbody challenge

group. She says the program not only gave her a new regimen of workouts that could all be done at home, but a whole new approach to her diet. “In eight weeks, I’ve completely changed my eating habits from eating whatever was convenient to eating clean and healthy. I learned how to prep and plan my meals ahead of time… Just the other day my daughter asked for a snack, I asked what she had in mind and she responded with carrots. Now that is progress,” she says. “…in my family we all eat the same thing. I make the same meal or snack for everyone. I’m not just making time for my health, I’m making time for my family’s health and there’s no excuse for me to not do that.” And both mothers say a positive support system is crucial to success. “We can preach to our children all day what they need to do to be healthy and make good choices, but we teach them by showing them. Take care of you, find balance and embrace yourself. There are so many things we as moms have in common and sometimes you have to seek out support and motivation to get moving…I have learned that I don’t need to be in a rush to do this, I have to be patient with myself and remember I didn’t get this way overnight, so I won’t get back to where I want to be overnight either,” Creasbaum says. - mtm | like us on facebook | page 9

ask the doc. dr. sandee clark



the ups & downs of life

I remember that day so well. November 2nd 6:30a.m.

worst. Those rhythmic contractions were not so com-

I awoke to the glorious pains of labor. They came on

fortable anymore in fact they became quite violent.

slow at first but I knew it was time to call the midwife.

No one could push hard enough on my back to give

We planned for a home birth. We were a little nervous

me any relief. My calm husband became concerned

but more excited about being at home in a peaceful

and told me whatever I needed, he will do. The mid-

atmosphere bringing our new baby boy into this world.

wife comforted me reminding me to breathe, repeating

The mid-afternoon came and the contractions got hard-

“you can do this” but I knew something wasn’t right. I

er and faster. The warmth of the pool brought relief to

stepped out of the pool to move into another position

my body and I leaned on the side of it for comfort for

but every contraction felt like a sharp knife stabbing

my aching back. My husband rubbed my head and

inside my uterus and twisting things around. I told my-

applied counter pressure as I worked through anoth-

self “you’ve been through worse, you can do this” as

er contraction. Our midwife checked on us regularly

the next piercing pain overtook my body. I couldn’t

making sure I was staying hydrated but mostly left us

stand, sit, squat or walk. I knew I had a choice to

alone to be in our candle lit room with the sounds of

make. Either suck it up and push through this or go to

gentle meditative music playing in the background.

the hospital. Being that I was only 5 cm dilated and

Soon that quiet and tranquil setting took a turn for the

been in labor for over 10 hours I didn’t want to wimp

mom to mom nwi | march 2015 | page 10

out but I felt if I didn’t go something bad was going to

one year old he had the hole repaired and recovered

happen. I decided to listen to my gut and head to the

like a champ.

ER. Things got even worse. We ended up going to

Over the years I have come to realize what a gift

the wrong hospital and had to be transported by am-

Mitchell has been to us and that is the reason why

bulance to get to the right hospital. Being strapped

we have evolved a large portion of our Chiropractic

to the gurney not being able to move made me think

practice to treat mostly children and especially kids

“did I make the right choice?” So much confusion,

with special needs.

chaos and uncertainty happened. I prayed my baby

tice and the tree is growing every day. Every week I

was going to be ok. Bright lights, strange voices and

see more kids, those with special needs and without

unfamiliar faces and no one there to rub my head I felt

and every day I am more grateful that I was chosen to

so alone and helpless. Finally after about 10 more

raise a son with Down Syndrome.

Mitchell is the root of our prac-

unbearable contractions I heard “count backwards from 10” and my eyes slowly closed.


I awoke to my husband and the recovery nurse and


asked “where is our son?” The nurse said “he’s in the

Humans normally have 46 chromosomes in each cell,

NICU”. Puzzled I asked “why? What happened?”

divided into 23 pairs. Two copies of chromosome

My husband then showed me a picture of him on his

21, one inherited from each parent, form one of the

phone. It was hard to but I saw his cute puffy cheeks

pairs. An extra chromosome, making three of a kind,

and his poor little head hooked up to all these tubes

is called trisomy. The most common trisomy in a new-

and wires. I was confused. Just then my husband

born is trisomy 21 (three copies of chromosome 21).

took my hand and with a tear in his eye said, “Sand-

Trisomy 21 causes about 95% of the cases of Down

ee, he has Down Syndrome.” I didn’t know what to


say other than “it’s ok! He’s our son and we’ll love him just the same.”


We didn’t have the genetic testing done because I


didn’t want to know ahead of time and my husband

Physical and mental development delay. Infants tend

always felt he was not capable of taking care of a

to be good-natured and passive and do not cry as

child with Down Syndrome. In fact neither of us had

often as expected. When Mitchell was a baby I felt

been around kids with DS before. All we thought

so lucky he wasn’t whinny. I wondered if he even

was these kids needed a specially trained adult tak-

knew how to cry. That ended about 9 months later.

ing care of their every need. We soon discovered

He does cry when he is hurt or not getting what he

that Mitchells’ needs were not far from what any other

wants but now I think it’s the “terrible 3” stage he is

child needs and found out we were quite capable of

in. Mitchell scooted and army crawled from about

taking care of him. He was our GIFT, not our burden.

9 month til 24 months. He started walking with a

Mitchell was born full term weighing in at a whop-

gate trainer until his legs got stronger and by 2 ½ he

ping 9lbs 10 ½ oz. He stayed in the NICU for 1

took off. He is still learning the speech thing although

week going through a battery of tests, ultrasounds,

we have ‘signed’ with him since he could understand

echocardiograms and blood work. He was born with

signing. He is up to about 50 words in sign and 20

Atrial Septal Defect which is a hole in the top portion

spoken words and every day we learn a new sign

of his heart. About 40-60% of kids with Down Syn-

for a word.

drome have some sort of congenital heart defect. At

Heart and gastrointestinal defects. Infants have some-

Dr. Clark is a whole family practitioner specializing in Pediatrics, Pregnancy and Special Needs kids. A Palmer graduate, Clark offers traditional hands-on chiropractic care together with acupuncture and massage. | like us on facebook | page 11

what limp muscles. But boy is he flexible. Constipation

fold was gone.

is a big issue if you don’t get a handle on it quickly.

Ears are small, rounded, and set low in the head. Ear

The low tone abdominal and back muscles along with

canals and sinus‘s are smaller.

sluggish bowels make pooping hard.

Hands are often short and broad, with a single crease

Small heads and a face that is broad and flat with

across the palm.

slanting eyes and a short nose. Some newborns ap-

Fingers are short, and the fifth finger, which often has

pear normal at birth and then develop characteristic

two instead of three sections, curves inward.

facial features during infancy. Mitchell’s eyes are not

A space between the first and second toe may also

slanted and his nose is a bit smaller. Everyone that

be widened.

sees Mitchell has to do a double take because he is so

Tend to be shorter and are at increased risk of be-

mild. I believe all the early interventions of chiropractic

coming obese. Because of this Mitchell eats a clean,

care, physical, occupational and speech therapy since

healthy diet.

birth played a huge role in his development. There is

switched to Almond milk.

also a condition called Atlantoaxial Instability (AAI)

Hearing loss and are prone to recurring ear infections.

10-30% of children with DS have (AAI) which is the

Mitchell has never had an ear infection. He did go

area where the occiput (base of the head) and the 1st

to an ear specialist at the request of his Pediatrician.

and 2nd cervical vertebrae make an articulation and

They did a tympanogram test which checks the fluid

when in the flexed position if there is a displacement

in the ears which came back positive. The doctor first

it can cause the bone structures to put pressure on the

wanted me to give him Nasonex for 2 weeks to see

spinal cord, producing clinical symptoms. A simple

if that cleared it up, if not discussed putting tubes in.

neck x-ray can tell if your child has AAI.

I read every word on the drug insert and two side

Tongue is sometimes large. Low tone facial muscles

effects worried me. “this medication may slow down

can cause the child to hold their mouths open when in

a child’s growth if used for a long time. Avoid contact

a relaxed setting. A gentle squeezing of the cheeks

with people who have infections that may spread to

reminds him to pull that little tongue in.

others (such as chickenpox)”.

Extra skin around the back of the neck. Mitchell had

child’s growth? He has Down Syndrome; he is predis-

this when he was born and it was a little frightening

posed to being short already so why would I give him

to look at. He was also born with Torticollis which

this? Avoid contact with people who have the chicken

is a leaning to one side of the head. After weekly

pox? His sister had the virus at that time. So what do I

adjustments for 3 weeks and specific gentle traction

do? I adjusted him every week until we went back and

exercises, his neck straightened up and the extra skin

low and behold the tympanogram came back NEG-

mom to mom nwi | march 2015 | page 12

Has been nursed until age one then

Slow down a

ATIVE! The doctor was amazed. She said “oh that Nasonex works”. I smiled and said “I never gave it to him, I just adjusted him”. We spent the next several minutes discussing the benefits of chiropractic for kids. Vision problems. Many DS kids have problems in their corneas and lenses. Mitchell has an astigmatism which causes blurred vision but so far no glasses are needed. Thyroid disease (such as hypothyroidism) and diabetes. They are also at a higher risk of developing infections and leukemia. Mitchell went to a pediatric endocrinologist to check his thyroid and said he was fine. My husband and I have learned having a child with Down Syndrome is not a sentence but a life-long gift that makes you grow as a person. Just like any child there shouldn’t be any limitations to what they can do. Our life is filled with joy and laugher, because of our son, Mitchell who happens to have an extra chromosome. - mtm

Clark’s Family Chiropractic, LLC 6646 W. Johnson Rd La Porte, In

(866) 932-9630

Traditional, Hands-on Chiropractic Care Palmer Graduate – Webster Certified

Dr. Sandee Clark Specializes in:

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Affordable Individual and Family Plans

feature rea robinson


unique theatre shows for special audiences


Crown Point Community Theatre has been putting on shows for

Prior to the performance, the cast, crew, technical and house

various audiences for over a decade. There shows have capti-

staff all underwent training. Through that training, they learned

vated audiences, but it’s the way they accommodate a special

about what to expect, how to respond, and ways to adapt the

audience that may be one of the most heartwarming things

performance to make it more accessible. Jascoviak then adapt-

you’ll find in any theatre in Northwest Indiana.

ed that performance to the audience, leaving a few house lights

The group will be staging Roald Dahl’s “Willie Wonka and

on, lowering the level of the music and having space for audi-

the Chocolate Factory” this March. In addition to shows for

ence members to get up and walk around if they needed to.

the general public, there will be five performances targeting

“From that one performance and the amazing response we

special needs audiences: two shows for autism-spectrum pa-

received from that audience, we decided to make it part of

trons and three that will be ASL (American Sign Language)

our programming,” said Jascoviak. “We have since also in-


corporated ASL interpretation. We are excited to be the only

“The Special Needs Audience Program (SNAP) began in 2013

community theatre in the area that we know of that is offering

with our production of ‘You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown,’”

these kinds of experiences regularly.”

explained director Becky Jascoviak. “The brother of one of

The theatre has also taken performances into the community to

our cast members is autistic. As a way for him to enjoy the

serve special needs audiences. A performance of “The Ugly

show and allow his parents to share the experience with him,

Duckling” was performed at Innovations in Learning, an adult

a special performance was planned. The parents knew many

special needs care facility, and the Boys and Girls Club, which

other parents who have an autistic child and invited them to

serves the socio-economic special needs.

the show.”

“We are a community theatre and want to make sure we serve

mom to mom nwi | march 2015 | page 16

the community both in our location and on site,” said Matt Valukis, board president for the CPCT. “We feel it’s important for all individuals to enjoy the arts. It’s not only entertaining but can help in development in a myriad of ways.” The family focus of “Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” aligns with the values directors Becky and Jerry Jascoviak prioritize. “We wanted to produce a family friendly musical. It’s funny that this show, which showcases bratty kids allowed to be so by parents without boundaries, ultimately celebrates honesty and selflessness,” said Becky. “It was very important to us to allow the opportunity for families to perform together. So often parents drop their kids off at an activity or the parents have their own meetings and such. This show gave us the opportunity to cast family members together. It’s very exciting to us to be part of building stronger families.” The Wonka show certainly did bring at least one family together in a past production: Becky and Jerry met on the set of the show five years ago at the Chicago Street Theatre in Valparaiso, where Becky directed and Jerry played Willie Wonka. They started dating at that time and ultimately were married, with a bit of a Wonka theme to their wedding. “We affectionately like to say that the director found her leading man and the chocolatier found his chocolate maiden,” said Becky. In addition to being a special show to the directors, the Jascoviaks

are pleased to put on a show that kids enjoy but also could participate in. It is the only show this season with a large number of roles for children. They are also proud of the multicultural and very talented cast. The Wonka performances for general audiences will be March 13, 14, 15; March 20, 21, 22, and March 27, 28, 29. SNAP performances for autism-spectrum patrons will be March 14 and March 21, with tickets available through the Crown Point Park Department. ASL interpretation will be available at the performances on Marc h 20, March 22, and March 28. Tickets may be purchased online at or by calling 219-805-4255. The theatre is in its 11th season, showcasing between six and nine productions a year with various directors and actors. CPCT offers group rates for shows, acting and improv classes, theatre camp and some on site performances. For information about additional upcoming shows, volunteer and sponsor opportunities, submissions for shows and auditions, please visit the website at www. - mtm | like us on facebook | page 17

mindy’s menu

Mindy Gear is a mother, wife and teacher to preschool aged children. In her spare time, she enjoys exercising and loves to bake and create in the kitchen!

mindy gear

cleaning out the pantry and the freezer!


Spring is on the way! Along with this season comes the tra-

great website: It has recommendations for

ditional spring cleaning. Scrubbing walls, cleaning closets,

everything you could ever imagine!

packing up our winter bedding and opening windows to air

Now that my kitchen is tidier, it will be much easier to meal

out our houses from the stale winter air are just a few things

plan and figure out what you need to purchase in order to

most of us do. Have you ever considered spring cleaning your

make dinner. Going to the grocery is not my favorite thing and

pantry or freezer? I definitely have various products in cabinets

I try to avoid it as often as possible. Often when I am cleaning

and in my refrigerator and freezer that get shoved to the back

out my freezer I find something I need to use and save myself

for a later use. It’s always important to look at the expiration

the dreaded trip to the grocery store. It’s always a pleasant

date. Don’t see a date and not sure how longs it’s been there?

surprise to find a lost package of chicken or one last pound of

When in doubt, throw it out! Most meats can be kept in the

ground beef. Following are a few recipes that have come from

refrigerator for 1-2 days and in the freezer for 3-6 months. Ever

finding this or that in my kitchen. The lemon roasted chicken is

wonder how long you should keep items? I stumbled upon a

one of my favorite recipes! - mtm

BEEF BARLEY SOUP Soup is a great way to use vegetables before


they go bad. When making soups or stews, I al-

Heat oil in large heavy pot. Add onion and

ways use whatever I have on hand. Dig thru the

celery and cook 2-3 minutes. Add meat

partial bags of frozen vegetables in your freezer

and garlic. Cook until meat is browned

and add whatever you want. You could add a can of black or pinto beans and use vegetable broth instead of meat and beef broth to make a vegetarian-friendly soup.

1 Tbsp Olive Oil

5 cups low-sodium beef broth

1-2 pounds stew meat, ground beef or other meat

½ cup tomato puree

3 cloves garlic, minced 2 stalk celery, chopped 2-3 carrots, chopped 2 cups green beans (fresh, frozen or canned) 2 cups corn (fresh, frozen or canned) 1 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce

excess fat). Incorporate vegetables and stir. Pour Worcestershire, broth, puree and water. Stir, then add seasonings and bay leaf. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer 1 ½ hours. Stir occasionally, cooking


1 onion, chopped

(cook ground beef thoroughly and drain

until meat is cooked and vegetables are tender. Stir in cooked barley and continue cooking 20 minutes. Adjust seasonings, re-

3 cups water (or substitute 3 cups low-sodium V-8 juice for puree and water)

move bay leaf. Enjoy!

1-2 tsp ground thyme (start with 1 tsp and add more if you prefer more flavor)

This can also be made in the crockpot.

1 bay leaf, optional Salt/pepper, to taste 1 cup barley, cooked according to package (or substitute 2 potatoes, cooked with vegetables)

mom to mom nwi | march 2015 | page 18

Brown the meat with the celery, garlic and onions. Put it in the crockpot along with remaining ingredients (minus barley) and cook on low for 6-8 hours. Add the cooked barley and keep on low for about 20-30 additional minutes.


LEMON ROASTED CHICKEN This recipe calls for chicken thighs. Al-


though I don’t often buy them, there

8 bone in chicken thighs, rinsed and patted dry

1 cup chicken stock

½ tsp rosemary

1 Tbsp paprika

½ cup cream

1-2 cups spinach, chopped


¼ cup freshly shredded parmesan

1 tsp honey

2 Tbsp butter

1 lemon, juiced

2 cloves garlic, minced

½ tsp thyme

Salt/pepper to taste

was a package in my freezer. I’m sure I purchased it for a summer grilling recipe that I never tried. The recipe also works well with boneless, skinless chicken breasts. Just make sure you adjust the cooking time depending on what type of chicken you are using. My family loves this chicken with orzo pasta. I cooked the pasta according to directions and stirred into the sauce after the chicken has finished baking. The sauce is AMAZING!

1 Tbsp fresh lemon juice

DIRECTIONS Preheat oven to 400°. Wash chicken and pat dry. Season with paprika, salt and pepper. On stove: Melt the butter in an oven safe cast iron skillet (or other oven safe skillet). Place chicken skin side down, cook until golden brown (2-3 minutes per side). Remove chicken from plan. Add garlic to pan and cook about a minute, stirring constantly. Stir in chicken stock, heavy cream, parmesan, lemon juice, thyme and rosemary. Bring to a boil and reduce heat, stir in spinach and cook until spinach has wilted (about 3-5 minutes). Return chicken to skillet, skin side up. Place in oven and roast about 30 minutes. Make sure chicken is cooked thoroughly. Serve immediately. | like us on facebook | page 19

CHOCOLATE BANANA BREAD I always have a bunch or two


of bananas in various stages

3 ripe bananas, mashed

¼ tsp salt

of ripeness. Banana bread is

½ cup unsalted butter, melted

1 cup unbleached flour

great way to use up over-ripe

¾ cup brown sugar

½ cup cocoa powder

1 large egg, beaten

1 teaspoon cinnamon

2 tsp vanilla

1 cup dark chocolate chips

bananas. I have many recipes I like to use, but this is the only

1 tsp baking soda

one with chocolate!

DIRECTIONS Preheat oven to 350° and grease a 9x5 loaf pan.

Drizzle: Heat ¼ cup half & half and 2 tablespoons

Mash banana in a mixing bowl. Whisk in melted

brown sugar over medium heat until sugar is melt-

butter, add brown sugar, egg and vanilla. Mix

ed and tiny bubbles form on pan edges. Stir in 1

well. Sift remaining dry ingredients (minus choc-

teaspoon butter and 1 teaspoon vanilla until butter

olate chips) into the banana batter. Stir until just

is melted. Turn off heat and add chocolate chips.

combined. Gently stir in chocolate chips. Pour bat-

Let sit without stirring for 2 minutes. Whisk choco-

ter into loaf pan. Bake 55-65 minutes or until cake

late chips until smooth. Cool completely and driz-

tester comes out clean. Cool about 10 minutes in

zle over bread. Store in airtight container and keep

pan then remove and cool completely on a wire

at room temperature for up to 4 days…if there is

rack. Drizzle with topping (see recipe)

any left!

mom to mom nwi | march 2015 | page 20

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fun games amber neace

fourth annual springfest


The School City of Hobart is getting geared up for its

ment information and showing the parents activities that

4th Annual SpringFest, an end of winter celebration for

are targeted to their child’s development. The program

the whole community! This year’s SpringFest will be

also offers free developmental screenings, playgroups,

Friday, March 20, 2015 at the Hobart High School.

parenting seminars, family events, and a community re-

Four years ago, SpringFest was started as a commu-

source network.

nity fundraiser to support SCOH’s Parents as Teachers

This year the program changed its name to Building

Program; a program for families with young children

Brickies, still utilizing the Parents as Teachers program.

birth to 5 years that supports parents as their child’s first

It is the beginning step in a continuum of Early Child-

teacher. The event has become a true community effort

hood programs that the School City of Hobart offers to

from beginning to end. Teachers, administrators, stu-

families in the community. In September 2014, School

dents, and other community members all help to bring

City of Hobart also expanded its PreK program, Brick-

the event together and join in on the fun.

ie Kidz, opening an additional classroom at the Early

The Parents as Teachers Program was brought to Hobart

Learning Center at George Earle.

in 2009 as a way to support families with young chil-

Building Brickies looks at the changing needs of Ho-

dren. A key component to the program is working with

bart’s families to offer relevant programs. This year an

the families at their home, taking them child develop-

Outreach Educator position was added to connect with

Amber Neace is a married, stay-at-home-mom of two boys. She enjoys all things DIY and looks forward to working on the next project! mom to mom nwi | march 2015 | page 22

started in January to help parents and children with transitioning to both Preschool and Kindergarten. Dr. Peggy Buffington, School City of Hobart’s Superintendent is a strong supporter of Early Childhood Education and brought in the idea of SpringFest to support Early Education through Building Brickies. “Spring Fest is quite a celebration! Families in Hobart come and have fun together at a district wide fun fair/silent auction/entertainment venue at Hobart High School,” she explained. “It is sponsored by volunteers of whom the families of infants and with local preschools to provide

majority is high school students doing service to help

services to all families. After seeing a need for more

fundraise for Building Brickies. Early education is vital

active play and gross motor development for young

to a healthy start on the road to learning!”

children, Building Brickies, with grants from Legacy

SpringFest has something for everyone! There are

Foundation and the Hobart Community Foundation, in-

games, activities and bounce houses for the kids with

creased its emphasis on gross motor activities in home

a special Preschool/toddler area for the younger chil-

visits, in playgroups, and is working with the SCOH to

dren. Entertainment, face painting and raffle baskets

bring a Minds in Motion Maze for preschoolers and

are also available as well as a fish dinner and other

Kindergarteners to the Early Learning Center. New tod-

concessions. Early Bird times are offered for seniors for

dler/preschooler music and arts classes were added to

the fish dinner and entertainment. - - mtm

spotlight learning through play and Jumpstart classes


trina’s tips trina bobrowski


making your own cleaning products

Becoming a mom made me rethink the way I cleaned my home.

Second Step - Squeeze in the dish soap, using a little at a time

I didn’t want to use a harsh chemical cleaner in the bathtub and

- about a quarter of a cup. Third Step - Mix the two ingredients

then put my children in there with possible residue floating in the

together to form a paste. If the mix is still too crumbly, add more

water. This concern began my journey of finding homemade

soap until you get a really smooth paste consistency.

and safe cleaning products I could use that were not harmful to my family. Not only are homemade cleaning products much

And that’s it – easy as 1,2,3! I like to pair this cleaner with a

safer than what you would buy at the store, they are less ex-

non-scratch scrub sponge to add to the abrasive properties of

pensive too.

the mix. When I clean my tubs I use about a half a tablespoon size, scrub all around and then rinse. The cleaner is also great

Want to stretch that dollar a bit more? What if I told you that you could save a ton by cutting down the use of your paper towels? Most households go through several paper towels on a daily basis - would you believe me if I told a paper towel roll lasts us over two months. A long time ago I bought a great product - the microfiber dishcloth. These clothes are super absorbent, shine metal and dry quickly so they don’t get that musty smell. A company called Solutions sells them for three or more at $12.98. Another great cloth is sold at your local grocery store and it’s a ribbed rag that is specifically made to clean glass. They work great with your vinegar combination spray and don’t leave a fuzzy residue like a paper towel would.

for the tile too. I repeat with about half a teaspoon for my sinks. If I don’t rinse all of the mix from the tub there is no worry of harming my children with baking soda or soap residues, they are perfectly safe. Now let’s talk about cleaning our surfaces like countertops. There are so many different surface cleaners sold today but I choose to not use them and make my own instead. It’s pretty simple - all you need is a spray bottle filled with one quarter water and three quarters white vinegar. I know what you’re thinking, white vinegar smells SO BAD! Actually, the smell dissipates shortly after you spray. I use this mix to clean my counter tops, windows and mirrors. You can also clean your hardwood and tile floors with about half a cup of white vinegar to a half

Let’s start with my go to bathtub and sink cleaner. Making this

a gallon of water. Vinegar has an antibacterial property, that’s

product is so simple and will last for months. All you need is

what makes it such a great surface cleaner.

some baking soda and dish soap – it’s that easy!! What I like to do is store mine in a Tupperware container with an air tight lid.

Making your own cleaning products is extremely easy and will cost you a fraction of the variety of products you’ll find out on

First Step - Pour in your baking soda. I use a smaller container

the market. Remember - using your own products is not only safe

that holds about four cups and I fill the container about half

for your family but they are safe for you too. - mtm

way up. mom to mom nwi | march 2015 | page 24


get out get fit brooke recktenwall



hot yoga

Last month I found myself back out and at it again - trying to find

running eleven miles that morning.

the readers of Mom to Mom, NWI the best fitness experiences in

The hour long, hot yoga class consists of traditional yoga poses

the region. I have to be honest, I can hardly contain my excite-

fused with core exercises and light weights to add that extra

ment as I write about my latest “get out and get fit” adventure

muscle burn. Gina’s cuing, modifications and aura are flawless -

– it’s one of my favorites!!

hands down one of the best yoga instructors I have encountered

I love when I start to hear through the grapevine about how great


a new local fitness class is - that is exactly how I ended up at

After a relaxing savasana I chatted with Gina and found out that

Hybrid Athletics in Portage. The rave reviews had me sniffing

she is somewhat new to teaching yoga. She has been practicing

out their hot yoga class schedule, specifically with an instructor

yoga for 6 years and teaching for 2 years. She turned to yoga

named Gina. I want to be up front in mentioning that Hybrid is a

as a way to re-center herself while studying abroad and became

“no frills” sort of gym – there’s no online scheduling and no front

hooked! I also had the pleasure of meeting Hybrid Athletics own-

desk attendant to check you in. Your best bet is to show up ready

er, Nick Wayne. Nick is a Portage native, who has an extensive

to work out - and be prepared to have your socks knocked off by

background in boxing. He opened Hybrid Athletics in January of

the amazing fitness instructors that Hybrid has to offer.

2014 and happened to be celebrating their one year anniversa-

The overall vibe at Hybrid Athletics is welcoming and comfort-

ry on the day that I attended class. As I watched the comradery

able. This was evident by the fact that one of their fitness clients

of his clients as they started their celebration, it was easy to see

that just happened to walk in the door in front of me was the one

why Nick has such a large following of fitness clients. He is gen-

to greet me, help me settle in and show me where the hot yoga

uinely affected by each person that walks through his gym doors

studio was located. I found the yoga studio to be clean, relaxing

and makes it his priority to help them attain their fitness goals.

and inviting so I unrolled my yoga mat and took a few deep

If you are looking to shake up your fitness regime, pay a visit to

breaths. Regina Whetstone, the yoga instructor I have heard

Hybrid Athletics in Portage - I promise you will be glad you did.

such rave reviews about popped into the studio looking energetic

To find more information on scheduling and pricing, visit www.

and ready to lead us through an hour of hot yoga. Her energy or call 219.841.9089.

was quite impressive as I had just heard the person next to me

Your first class is just $5 and drop ins are always welcome! And

whisper that Gina is marathon training and she had just finished

don’t forget to tell them Mom to Mom, NWI sent you! - mtm

mom to mom nwi | march 2015 | page 26

family health amber neace

using essential oils


I was first introduced to essential oils in the summer of 2014. I

stomach ache. This is not something that happened very often.

was taking my boys to the park to meet up with a friend from

I was hooked. After that, she guided me on which oils can be

school. We began talking about by son’s digestive issues and

used for different ailments, and she was more than happy to

she was telling me how essentials oils could help. At first, I

share her knowledge with me. Now I want to do the same

wondered how oils could help my son, but by this point I had

with our readers.

tried just about everything I could to help him and nothing

Essential oils have been around for thousands of years but are

seemed to work, except daily medication. She told me about an oil blend by do-TERRA called Digest Zen, so I told her I’d

just now making their way back into our homes. With differ-

give it a try - what did I have to lose? I was shocked at how

of how well they worked. Now, with more and more par-

well it worked for him. I put a couple drops on his belly before

ents around the world looking for “all natural” and “organic”

he went to bed and he woke up the next morning without a

products the oil business is rapidly growing.



ent breakthroughs in medicine oils were forgotten - regardless



By definition, essential oils are a natural oil typically obtained

1 cup coconut oil

by distillation and having the characteristic fragrance of the

½ oz. bee’s wax 10 drops of do-TERRA lavender oil 10 drops of do-TERRA melaleuca oil

plant or other source from which it is extracted. Essential oils are used for a wide range of emotional and physical wellness



applications. They can be used a single oil at a time or in complex blends in one of three methods, topically, internally

Place the coconut oil and bees wax in a double boiler, stirring

or aromatically.

often, until melted. Remove from heat and allow to cool until it

Essential oils can also be used to DIY a wide range of every

is warm enough to touch. Add your essential oils and stir well.

day household products –everything from diaper rash cream,

Transfer to a glass jar and allow it to cool completely.

baby wipes and soothing bath salts to kitchen disinfectant and garbage disposal refreshers. You can make them all and skip


the chemical additives used when producing them commer-

16 oz. glass spray bottle

cially - not to mention making these items yourself can end up

1/4 cup white vinegar

saving you money in the long run. People have different reasons for using essential oils. I am find-

1 3/4 cups water 30 drops do-TERRA essential oil (see suggestions below)

ing the more I use them, the less I am going to over the counter

1 teaspoon borax


medications to help the problems my family may have. Let me also add – while I am a firm believer in the magic of these

Use one of the following oil combinations

oils, I don’t think they are a cure all. I do believe however that on a consistent basis, these oils can help our bodies naturally.

15 drops each of Lavender and Lemon

Here are some great ways to use your oils!

10 drops each of Eucalyptus, Peppermint, and Wild Orange 30 drops On Guard


15 drops each of Grapefruit and On Guard

2 cups baking soda 1 cup salt

Add all ingredients to glass spray bottle. Shake thoroughly

1/2 cup water 1/3 cup Castile soap (any scent)

For more information on the company or to purchase do-TER-

30 drops Lemon essential oil

RA products you can visit my website®

berNeace. You can also message me directly from that site to Combine baking soda and salt into bowl.

answer any questions you may have by clicking on my name

Add castile soap and essential oil into mixture.

in the top left hand corner of the web page. - mtm

Add water 1 tablespoon at a time while stirring with hands until it forms into the consistency of “damp sand”. It should stay together when you press it together. If you add too much water just add some more baking soda and salt until the consistency is right. Grab a tablespoon measurement device and scoop packed spoonfuls onto parchment paper. Once the mixture has been scooped, let dry for 24 hours or until they are hard. One batch should make about 36 garbage disposal refreshers. Put into glass jar and use the next time you do dishes! Just put 1-3 refreshers into the garbage disposal and turn it on. You will immediately smell the refreshing Lemon essential oil. | like us on facebook | page 29


mtm: education provided by: forest ridge academy


teaching responsibility through love & logic


The world of a preschooler is full of excitement and wonder; they

Mrs. Susan Bach, the Director of the Young Scholars preschool pro-

explore, observe, discover and test their surroundings. Preschoolers

gram at Forest Ridge Academy, believes that appropriate socializa-

need a loving, nurturing and safe environment where they can learn

tion experiences are the prelude to a successful academic journey.

social graces and mutual respect. At the ages of three and four,

The value of learning responsibility at a young age ties hand-in-hand

socialization is a priority as the journey towards independence and

with the Love and Logic program incorporated throughout the school.

responsibility begins. Everyday life skills such as problem solving,

Mrs. Bach is an expert at using and teaching Love and Logic tech-

finding a voice, sharing toys and respecting each other’s space are

niques. These techniques aid children in finding solutions to their

often difficult lessons to learn. While children at this age absorb

problems and accepting responsibility for their own actions.

information very quickly, they need assistance in understanding what

Parenting with Love and Logic can put an end to arguing, bedtime

they are learning.

battles, power struggles, and allows parents to get children to be-

Students in the preschool programs at Forest Ridge Academy are

have without raising their voice. This parenting tool can help raise

guided to understanding the world around them as they learn to

respectful, responsible, and happy children while making parenting

express themselves in a group setting with consistent rules and activ-

fun and rewarding. Parents learn to maintain control by providing


Whether it’s the Young Scholars program (3-4 year olds) or

their children with acceptable choices and use phrases like, “I will

the Junior Kindergarten Program (4-5 year olds), preschool students

listen to you when your voice sounds like mine.” Love and Logic

learn through “active learning,” and direct hands-on experiences

parents recognize the importance of mistakes because the road to

with people, objects, events, and ideas. Beginning learning skills

wisdom is paved with them. Making affordable mistakes at a young

are introduced through phonics, math and science, social studies,

age can be very beneficial to future choices.

language arts, reading, and dramatic play. The children are also

Evening classes on Love and Logic Parenting are offered by Mrs.

fortunate enough to receive instruction from specialized teachers in

Bach at Forest Ridge Academy. The techniques she so effectively

Spanish, Sign Language, computers, art, music, woodshop, drama,

uses in her classroom have been found to be very effective to both

and physical education.

parents and grandparents. Any interested families are invited to

Attending preschool in an elementary school setting gives children

contact Mrs. Bach for more information at (219) 756-7300 or visit

the opportunity to interact with older students in controlled settings.

the Forest Ridge Academy website at

The Reading Buddies program offered at Forest Ridge Academy

Forest Ridge Academy is located at 7300 Forest Ridge Drive in

pairs each preschool child with a third or fifth grader. Once a week,

Schererville, Indiana 46375. To see the school in action, personal

the children meet and books are checked out of the classroom or the

tours can be arranged through the Admissions office. Applications

library. Finding a quiet place within the classroom, they sit together

are now being accepted for the 2015-2016 school year for students

and read aloud. The children become engaged and begin to devel-

in preschool through eighth grade.- mtm

op a love for reading to last a lifetime. mom to mom nwi | march 2015 | page 30

What happens to your kids if something happens to you?  Will they be taken into protective custody?  Will the court decide who cares for them?  Will they know that you care?

Let’s make a plan.

Call 219-743-2525 Request “OFFER 53” for a FREE Planning Session (regularly $750) Law Office of Kevin T. McNamara 10210 Wicker Avenue, Suite 3, Saint John, IN

community calendar




Saturday, March 28th | 1pm to 4pm

Saturday, March 7th | 1pm to 2pm Come on out to downtown Michigan City for their annual St. Patrick’s Day parade. With around 70-100 entries, 3 bag piping bands, mascots and more, this event promises to entertain. The parade runs from 10th-4th streets down Franklin.

ter Egg Hunt at their 5895 Evergreen Avenue location in Portage. Kids of all ages are invited to come out and hunt for eggs filled with candy and prizes. Find the golden eggs and win a $100 bill or a new bike! Pictures with the Easter Bunny and your other favorite characters will also be avail-


able. For more information, call 888-459-2349.

Monday, March 9th A Community Hospital physical therapist presents “Get Your Body Back...The Perfect Postpartum Workout Solution” on March 9 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. at the Community Hospital Fitness Pointe located at 9950 Calumet Avenue, Munster, Ind. This program is FREE, but registration is required by calling 219-836-3477 or toll free 866-836-3477. For information on other programs offered by Community Healthcare System visit their website at WORLD DOWN SYNDROME DAY

2015 JAYCEES ANNUAL EASTER EGG HUNT Saturday, April 4th | 9am to 10am Children ages 12 and under are invited to come out to the annual Jaycee’s Easter Egg Hunt at LaPorte County Fairgrounds. The hunt will go on rain or snow! Come early and get your photo taken with the Easter Bunny. Photos can be found on the LaPorte Jaycees Facebook.


Saturday, March 21st | 9am to 1pm Come to Clark’s Family Chiropractic on Saturday, March 21 from 9:00am to 1:00pm and have either a 15 min Sinus Massage or Trigger Point session for only $21. All proceeds for this event will go to the Michiana Down Syndrome Association. Appointments are required. Reserve your spot by calling 866-932-9630 by March 19. All kids with Down Syndrome will receive a FREE Spinal Check up with Dr. Sandee Clark.

NorthShore Health Centers is hosting their 2nd Annual Eas-

Wednesday, April 8th | 7:30pm to 9:39pm Mothers & More is a national non-profit organization whose mission is to provide programming and national community for moms through all stages, phases and transitions of motherhood. This chapter offers you the opportunity to connect with other moms in Porter County through a variety of activities, such as monthly meetings, children’s outings, playgroups, Mom’s night out, book club, meals for new moms and charitable projects. We want every mother to feel connected, noticed and welcome! Learn more at our open house at El Salto in Valparaiso, located at 3304 Calumet Avenue.

mom to mom nwi | march 2015 | page 32


MOTHER & MORE KIDS CLOSET SALE Saturday, April 25th | 8am Come out to the David A. Butterfield Pavilion, located on the corner of Calumet and Evans in Valparaiso for an one-of-akind, semi-annual, baby item sale. Fantastic items for baby, toddler, child, and mother-to-be will be on hand. From clothes to toys to high chairs, things you need for prices you love! Gently used items for sale by individual vendors. There’s a bake sale too! Admission will be $2 from 8:00am – 10:00am and $1 from 10:00am – 12:00pm.

FUNDRAISERS: 18TH ANNUAL SPIRIT RUN Saturday, March 7th | 9am It’s a health and fun way to kick off a Saturday, all while supporting a great cause – education! Saint Paul Catholic School is hosting their 18th Annual Spirit Run. The race starts at 1755 West Harrison Street in Valparaiso. For more information, go to TRI KAPPA EGGS Tri Kappa Eggs are back! Beginning on March 2, 2015, Crown Point Tri Kappa will be selling their scrumptious, 4 oz. chocolate Easter eggs for $4.00 each in over 25 local retailers. This year, the flavors include caramel, coconut cream, crunch, mint cream, peanut butter, vanilla cream and a brand new flavor, amaretto. To order, for retailer names and locations or for further information about Tri Kappa Eggs, please call the Tri Kappa Egg hotline at 219-440-4865, email or find Tri Kappa Eggs on Facebook. Do you have an event you’d like to add to our community calendar? Send an email to by the 15 of the month.

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