July 2017 newsletter

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766 Sandringham Rd Ext, Mt Roskill mtroskill.toylibrary@gmail.com | Ph 09 629 3500 Opening Hours: Friday 10am – 12pm 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month 9:30-11am

July 2017

MtRoskill ToyLibrary Member of The Toy Library Federation of NZ

Key Topics Trial Memberships $5 for 3 Months Toy Poll– Help Us Choose New Toys Librarians Choice Easter Play Day Reviews

Our Toy Library is offering a 3 month Trial Membership for only $5. This Trial Membership offer is only valid between the 17th of July to

We want to know what toys you and your

the 21st of October 2017; terms and

kids would like to see more of here, at our

conditions apply.

Mount Roskill Toy Library.

If you know someone who may be We promise this will only take a minute,

interested, bring them along to

please help us in choosing the right toy

your next visit and we’ll give them a

by filling up our quick toy poll. Have toy suggestions? Email us at mtroskill.toylibrary@gmail.com or leave a comment on our Toy Poll Facebook post.

Thank you Lotto Community Grants for generously giving the Toy Library $925 include GST for toy purchases

quick tour of our toy library.

On 25th March, we were pleased to have 10 families with 16 kids attended our Easter Play Day. We all had a wonderful time by hunting eggs, playing games, dancing, and making new friends. Click here to see more pictures of the day.

During the first week of the July school holidays the Toy Librarians were challenged by a very clever young visitor to play the Disney Doc McStuffins Memory Game. We thought it would be easy so we accepted the challenge. Although the instructions were simple: flip two matching cards, and the objective was clear: the victor is determined by the one who obtains the most pairs, it honestly took the librarians a long time to finish the game. We were reminded by an old adage that day: never judge a book (in this case a game) by its cover (literally). Don’t be fooled by the cute pictures of the darling Doc McStuffins and her adorable animal pals. This 37 piece memory card game was not what it seemed. So if you want to play a fun and mentally engaging game for both you and your child, we highly recommend checking out the Disney Doc McStuffins Memory Card Game.

Supported by: Albert-Eden Local Board, TODD, COGS, and Lottery Grants Board

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