Muchmor Magazine Issue 40

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muchmor Discover Your Canada

Canada Magazine

issue 40 mar 09

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Follow One Family’s Journey Across Canada: Part 1 Is now the time to buy an RV? Researching and finding jobs in Canada

Photo by paulo.barcellos

Relocation Q&A’s Have you claimed all the tax relief you’re entitled to? Earn tax credits for your home renovations. Business Finder

The secret gardens of Quebec Travel: Prince William Sound Alaska Test Drive: The Nissan Murano subscribe free online at

2 Editorial

Muchmor Media 17 Woody Woodward Lane Corbyville RR1 Ontario K0K 1V0 Canada Tel: 1 613 396 5531 Fax: 1 613 396 3463 Advertising: Editorial: Muchmor Magazine is a publication of Muchmor Media. All rights reserved in all media. No parts of this publication can be reproduced in any form, copied of stored electronically for commercial use without prior permission in writing from the publisher. Storing for personal use is acceptable. Muchmor Media relies on information supplied by external sources and this publication is supplied on the basis that it believes the to be correct and accurate at the time of publication. Muchmor Media does not however warrant its accuracy or completeness and to the full extent of the allowed by law excludes liability for any loss or damage sustained by readers arising from or in connection with the supply or use of this information. If errors occur and are brought to our attention it is our policy to correct any errors of fact whenever we can. The opinions of readers and contributors are not necessarily the opinions of Muchmor Media, and we cannot be held responsible for their comments.

From the Editor Have you ever dreamt of traveling across Canada to see all this wonderful country has to offer? Well, one lucky family got to do just that and we will be serializing their story over the coming months starting today on page 4. If you are looking a little further afield for your travel plans then how about Alaska? We take a look at the stunningly beautiful Prince William Sound area on page 16. In our working life section you will not want to miss our slightly unusual story. When we say unusual, we really mean it this time! In this section we also profile the up and coming Power of Women Conference which will take place in April. Our guest writer Mark Atkinson takes us on a test drive of the new Nissan Murano - is this the car for you? If not, perhaps you are considering buying an RV. You may be thinking that this is not the right time to buy one of these luxury vehicles due to the current economic situation, but maybe it is exactly the right time. Find out on page 33. We also take a look at whether a planned home renovation could earn you tax credits - yes the tax man might pay you to renovate your home - sounds good doesn’t it? Well, there is lots more to this months issue so happy reading. Just one thing before I go - next months magazine will be published at the slightly later date of April 13th, so don’t forget to subscribe free to get your issue. Jane Toombes Editor

Contents 3

Contents Motoring Test Drive: 2009 Nissan Murano Is now the right time to buy and RV?

30 33

Relocation Discover Canada Journey across Canada Brandon, the heart of North America The secret gardens of Quebec Canada: Did you know?

4 10 12 15

Travel Alaska: Kenai Fjords & Prince William Sound


Could it be fibromyalgia Home remedies for a yeast infection Checklist:four natural sweeteners

20 22 23

Home & Garden

Working Life The slightly unusual Power of Women conference

24 26

Money You’ve earned it, claim it

Earn tax credits for a home reno Springs top home decor trends Increase home value through smart renovation



46 46 47

48 52 53

Muchmor Muchmor Business Finder

34 38 40 41 42

Health & Wellness

Lifestyle The cookie crumbles Photographers: Go snap it Top Canadian

The right price Relocation news Newcomers set record high in 2008 Clarification of implied status Relocation Q & A Researching and finding a job in Canada


4 Discover Canada

Follow Marie-Julie and her family on their journey across Canada.

Marie-Julie Gagnon, Joseph Sarr and their daughter Maya aged 20 months embark on a journey across Canada.

Discover Canada 5

free paradise. Swans come out to greet us. People are picnicking on the shores of Lake Ontario. Farther After months of planning, dozens of along, we see ducks and barnacle emails, phone calls, headaches and geese. It feels as though we are light jars of Nutella (our favourite fuel), years away from the city that’s just a we’re finally on our way to the half-hour boat ride away. airport. I haven’t sorted out all the One of the highlights of this outing details of our grand tour before for the whole family is the Centreville leaving, so I’ll be spending the first Amusement Park. Admission is free, few days close to my cell phone but you have to pay for the rides and keyboard. Ready or not, here (various passes are available). Unlike we go! La Ronde in Montreal, which is We’re on the plane. Maya is geared towards teenagers, this little antsy. Jo tries to calm her down, amusement park, built in 1833 (when while I can’t help but slip into a Toronto was still called York), is deep slumber. My catnap is soon designed for the very young. This is interrupted by our seatmate, who is where Maya experiences her first sniffling and coughing up a storm. rides! Although it doesn’t have many You can almost see the germs animals (a few horses, chickens and festering around his bright red sheep), the nearby Far Enough Farm The Toronto Zoo or the islands? nostrils. If this goes on any longer, is also a big hit with Maya. Three The CN Tower or the beaches? We the whole plane will soon be hours after arriving, we board the will be faced with similar dilemmas swimming in a slimy sea of germs. boat back to the mainland (there are every day for the next month, so we Judging from his sidelong glances, departures every hour). might as well get used to it. We opt he is not too pleased about being Upon landing, we come across a for the democratic route: I decide seated next to a baby. But that fabulous Cantonese restaurant: the that we should visit the islands first. doesn’t stop Maya, who makes her Pearl Harbourfront, which could Jo locates the Harbour Tour booth, presence felt loud and clear. After easily hold its own against Hong where we buy tickets ($25.95 per scrolling through the entire Kong’s finest eateries. Most of the adult) for a sightseeing cruise of entertainment system and tapping customers are Asian, which leads on the touch screen (commenting as Toronto’s islands, home to only 250 me to believe that this is one of families. Maya starts running as she goes), she is now busily those rare spots combining soon as we board - her way of plugging and unplugging Mommy’s authenticity and popularity (given its putting in her two cents’ worth (and headset. Even after replaying the waterfront location). We enjoy some keeping us in shape). scene, I will never know what poor, delicious dim sum (a variety of small We’re impressed. The cruise offers pig-nose-bearing Christina Ricci dishes) and lemon chicken that is a totally different view of Toronto. We says to her suitor in Penelope, but making my mouth water just to think my daughter will have improved her pass several boats, including a about it. The Pearl Harbourfront sailboat. Once on terra firma, we try manual dexterity (travel is website tells me that it has made to avoid the duck and other bird educational indeed). enRoute magazine’s list of Canada’s droppings scattered on the ground (I Fortunately, just an hour after top 100 restaurants for the last ten dare anyone to keep their soles leaving Montreal, we touch down in years. A real find! clean, not to mention stroller the Queen City. As soon as we get into the taxi, Maya falls asleep (sigh). wheels), and start exploring this car-


We get some shuteye too, after checking into our room at the Sheraton Centre Toronto, where our old, worn-out backpacks “somewhat” clash with the décor (this makes me feel kind of rebellious, and I like it!).

“The cruise offers a totally different view of Toronto”

6 Discover Canada

As we leave the restaurant, a torrential rain drenches us to the bone (and also cleans the stroller’s mucky wheels). We decide to dry out 340 metres above ground, and head for the observation deck of the CN Tower while Maya takes her nap. Despite the clouds, the visibility is good enough for us to fully appreciate the city. Several photos later and a few storeys down, Jo and I attempt to overcome our fear of heights as we gingerly approach the glass floor. Imagine looking down at the ground 342 meters below you. This would give Superman vertigo. Jo actually stands on the floor for several minutes (my superman!), but a quick glance through these thick glass “windows” is more than enough for me. After all, we still have another 29 days of excitement ahead of us.

From Toronto to Whitehorse via Vancouver We manage to fit in the Toronto Zoo and a quick look at the Darwin exhibition at the Royal Ontario Museum before heading to the airport. Two and a half days are not

enough for a trip to the Queen City. There are so many family activities and wonderful restaurants (so much for my preconceptions!). Had I been more self-indulgent, I would have loved to hang out in Queen West, a hip neighbourhood full of little boutiques, bars and terraces (like the one at the Drake Hotel). I guess I’ll have to take a rain check.

“Did you know that traces of human life dating to 500 B.C. have been discovered here?” Flight AC115. Our flight leaves Toronto at 5 p.m. and arrives in Vancouver at 4:57… the miracle of

time zones. On the plane, Maya has turned into a little menace. The aisles are her racetracks and the other passengers are her “friends,” or rather her captives. Fortunately, many of them happily accept her sudden spurt of sociability. Air Canada has given us access to its Maple Leaf Lounges (even though we’re traveling Economy), so when we arrive at the Vancouver Airport, we relax in the super comfy armchairs while enjoying the wireless internet connection. In a few hours, we’ll be in the Yukon! Flight AC8449. A few drinks and we’re off again. Having exhausted her stores of energy zigzagging through the travellers before boarding, Maya is soon fast asleep, and so are her parents. We have no recollection whatsoever of the twohour flight to Whitehorse. Imagine a territory about the size of California with a population of some 31,000 souls, 25,000 of whom live in the capital. The Yukon embodies all the clichés that foreigners dream about: wide open spaces, an impressive Native presence (close to 7,000 people), and…bears. Lots of bears. Although we might not be “lucky” enough to

Discover Canada 7

encounter one, I quietly slip a “What to do if you run into Yogi” brochure into my bag at the tourist information office. “That was incredible!” Joseph is grinning ear-to-ear in his wet t-shirt. He has just returned from a canoe excursion to Miles Canyon. His Whitehorse-bred, Up North Adventures guide Tyler gave him a history lesson as they paddled. Now it’s my turn to learn something new. “Did you know that traces of human life dating to 500 B.C. have been discovered here?” Jo asks me, all abuzz with excitement. Miles Canyon once marked the start of the rapids which, due to their resemblance to white horses, gave the city its name. Today, these rapids have practically disappeared. While Joseph was paddling, Maya, Jim (the PR agent from the tourism office) and I followed the river by road, stopping from time to time to take pictures. Between my ooh’s and ah’s, Jim told me a few stories about the region… just enough to whet my appetite. Back at the hotel, I peruse my travel guide for more information. “Whitehorse is located at the natural upstream terminus of the Yukon River, which is why people settled

here in the first place,” I learn from Ulysses Canada. “Gold prospectors traveling to the Klondike by way of Alaska had a hard time crossing the Whitehorse and Miles Canyon Rapids with loaded canoes. The most prudent way to proceed was to reach the shore and then portage the gear.” A short tramway line had been built to carry passengers from the foot of the rapids to Whitehorse. In 1942, the city became one of the main staging points for the construction of the Alaska Highway, a project commissioned by the U.S. government. The expanding city overshadowed Dawson, long deserted by gold prospectors. Eight years later, Whitehorse took over as the territorial capital. “History is all around you here,” Joseph observes, on our way to Shipyards Park for the Solstice Festival, a few hours after our return from Miles Canyon. Equally fascinated by the landscape and Tyler’s stories, he can already see himself camping on the shores of the Yukon River and paddling all the way to Dawson, 700 kilometres downstream. We count at least six banks between our hotel and the park. On a

building reminiscent of the Old West, a Starbuck’s sign reminds us that the city has entered the modern world. I’m still wearing my sunglasses when we get to the Festival after 10 p.m., not for protection from the sun, which is shining less brightly, but as a barrier against the swarms of mosquitoes. (Have you ever had an unidentified flying insect in your eye?) The Park is filled with the music of Gristlestick, a band from Maine. Some young people have gathered on a small mound where they can enjoy the concert without paying the $10 admission fee. In the distance, the Tim Horton’s, Pizza Hut and A&W signs contrast with the nearly pristine landscape. Mountains surround the city on every side. And enormous white clouds are suspended in a Prismacolor-blue sky. We are spellbound. Later that night, at midnight, while Jo and Maya are sleeping peacefully, I stand at the window of our room at the Edgewater Hotel to see if the sun is still out and about. Although it has shown signs of fatigue, I can confirm that the sun did manage to pull an all-nighter.

8 Discover Canada

and then came back for good. Married to a helicopter pilot who is equally passionate about the Far There seems to be more sky in the North, she spares no details in her Yukon. How else can you explain the attempt to convince us to love the endless clouds, the sense of Yukon, too. And she is succeeding. immensity, even where the towns are Close to nature, she is humbled by enclosed by mountains? How else the beauty that surrounds her. “The can you account for the ever-present Yukon belongs to the animals, not to midnight sun, lord and master of us,” she says. “There are more summer, embracing treetops and moose than people here! We’re just mountain peaks, day and night? visitors.” We’re on the road, somewhere Atop the Midnight Dome (a between Whitehorse and Dawson. mountain) in Dawson, we finally Between two scenic stops, Maureen understand the meaning of Conway, a transplanted Montrealer “breathtaking”. In this town of barely who has lived in the Yukon for a 1,500 inhabitants, where, night after dozen years and now works for the night, the musical cabaret at tourist bureau, regales us with tales Diamond Tooth Gertie’s Casino of her adopted home. “Lots of dazzles greying heads from the four people with a murky past come here corners of the globe (tour groups to start over,” she tells us. mainly American and Canadian, but That’s another aspect of the also German and Japanese stop at Yukon: the gallery of heterogeneous Dawson en route to Alaska), words characters whose lives are as fail us in our attempt to describe the intriguing as the land that welcomes wild nature. For that’s what it is. The them. Although not aware of it, Yukon is one of those nearly pristine Maureen is one of them. After doing regions, despite the presence of the odd jobs for several summers in big American chains in the capital Dawson while getting her B.A. in and a few visible scars on the anthropology at Concordia mountains of the Klondike, where University, she decided to move to people once tried to extract gold this corner of the world, so beloved without considering the environment. by the Guggenheim family (the Wild, but with a rich history… founders of the famous New York museum that bears their name). She taught in Japan for a few months

The Gold Rush

Kneeling by the stream, I see the landscape reflected in sepia. It takes me back 100 years. Rabbit Creek, 1896. While scrubbing clothes on my washboard, my mind starts to wander. Suddenly, I’m blinded by a flash of light reflected off a stone. I set aside my task, lift the edges of my long skirt and wade into the creek. I bend over and pick up what must be a mirage. Gold. I’ve discovered gold! This reverie is pure fabrication on my part, although the washboard anecdote is featured in many of Maureen’s tales about the discovery of gold in the Klondike, stories that transport me into the past and into the skin of Kate Carmack. In the official version, it is her husband George who discovered the first nugget at this very spot. Other sources maintain that it was, in fact, the Amerindian Skookum Jim Mason, a guide for Kate Carmack’s brother and his travelling companions in search of the young woman and her husband. As a confirmed feminist, Maureen prefers to cast Kate Carmack in the starring role, and I, too, have a weakness for that version of the story. After gold was discovered here, Rabbit Creek was renamed Bonanza Creek, and the area was soon combed by other prospectors. A few

Discover Canada 9

months later (news travelled slowly in those days), the Klondike Gold Rush began. In Dawson, we feel as if we are turning a page of history on every street corner. This former capital of the Yukon (where 30,000 people once packed into the town of 1,500) saw a stream of ambitious young men, some of whom lost their lives, while others hit the jackpot. The market value of the gold found here over the years is estimated at 500 million dollars. “There are still millionaires living in Dawson,” Maureen tells us. “But you wouldn’t know it. They don’t flaunt it. I received a few nuggets as a tip when I worked at the casino. That’s what’s so great about this place. It’s a person’s character that counts. There is no class structure.” The homes of poet Robert Service and novelist Jack London (actually, half his home, as the other half is in the U.S. through a bizarre agreement with Canada), both of whom were prospectors in the region, have been transformed into tourist attractions. Joseph and I each symbolically “extract” a stone from the stream before we hit the road. Later on, we have our family portrait taken in period costume at Peabody’s Photo Parlour. Joe is a disgruntled, downand-out prospector, I am a cancan

“The Yukon belongs to the animals, not to us,” dancer, and Maya is a Laura Ingalls character. Welcome to the Little House in the Valley! The high point of my day is a lesson in panning for gold from an old pro, Jerry McBride. He’s another real character: a gap-toothed, straight-talking former prospector now in the tourist trade. His verdict: despite my total lack of rhythm, I probably would have made a better cancan dancer.

Marie-Julie has worked in the communications field since 1994. She is a freelance journalist, a columnist, a researcher and a reporter for print, broadcast, and online media. She is also the author of a travelogue, Cartes postales d’Asie ( published in 2007 by Mémoire d’encrier, and a book for young travellers, Embarquement immédiat (Stanké, 2004, ShowGuidePage.asp? CodeProduit=295687). She has set down her backpack in twenty or so countries and has been keeping a blog, Taxi-brousse (, since spring 2008. She admits to knowing Asia better than her own country. But that is about to change!

Next month we continue to follow the family, this time through British Columbia when they visit Whistler, Vancouver Island and many other interesting locations. Courtesy of the Canadian Tourism Commission

Visit to read all our back issues and find muchmor.

10 Discover Canada


Discover Canada 11

Brandon, the heart of North America At the very heart of North America lies Brandon, Manitoba, a city that has built its reputation on providing the atmosphere in which business can succeed without artificial incentives. Brandon continues to consistently be ranked in the top percentile of over 100 cities in 11 countries with regards to overall cost competitiveness. Brandon was destined to become the hub and service centre for Western Manitoba from its inception when it was selected as the divisional point for the Canadian Pacific Railway, a role that Brandon not only embraced but has excelled at. During its first year of existence, Brandon was often referred to as the wonder city of the northwest because of the rapidness of its development. Virtually every name associated with traditional consumer retail can be found in Brandon. The city offers shopping choices that range from large retail power centres to unique boutique style shops and everything in between. Brandon consistently records retail sales well above the national average. Today, Brandon continues to be known as a city of opportunity that capitalizes on its unique strengths. With innovation and foresight driving the economy forward, Brandon has evolved from the early days as a service centre to a diversified and important contributor to the Manitoba economy. Significant economic generators within the local economy include: farm fertilizer production, manufacturing, pork processing, metal fabrication, trucking as well as Federal, Provincial and Municipal government and higher education including a university, community college, emergency services college and private vocational colleges. Brandon is fortunate to have a varied manufacturing base. While the agriculture community has a strong impact on manufacturing, products and services are diversified sufficiently to allow the economy to remain stable despite peaks and valleys in the farm economy. Brandon始s largest manufacturing employers are Maple Leaf Pork, Koch Fertilizer Canada, A.E. McKenzie Seed Company, Behlen Industries, Inventronics, Canexus, and Wyeth Organics. With ready access to a university, community college and an industry valued regional secondary school; Brandon has a small but burgeoning New Media and Information Technology sector. Companies such as ResQ, 360 Replays and a variety of highly regarded home based businesses have demonstrated that Brandon offers the infrastructure and skills necessary to successfully operate an information technology business. Brandon始s location near the geographical centre of North America positions it in the midst of a very strong transportation network including rail and road. This strong transportation network coupled with low energy costs has enabled the metal fabrication sector to flourish. Companies like Behlen Industries, Atom Jet Industries and Sperling Industries have demonstrated that Brandon offers a business environment that enables their companies to successfully compete in the global marketplace. With a growing population and economy, employment opportunities abound. In 2008, Brandon始s average unemployment rate was 3%. The past four years, local businesses have cited the shortage of labour as their greatest hurdle to reaching their full potential. Increases in immigration to the area have been extremely well received by the community as a whole and businesses are benefiting from the expanded labour force. As the community continues to grow and become more culturally diverse, individuals who are fluent in English as well as other languages are highly regarded. At the end of the day, one of Brandon始s greatest assets is the balance between profit and personal reward. Imagine taking no more than 15 minutes to get to and from work, no matter what time of day, or where you live in the city. Come for a visit, and you may decide that you belong in Brandon.

12 Discover Canada

By Noah Richler

Photo by otfrom

The secret gardens of Quebec

Discover Canada 13

© Michel Laverdire, Jardins de Métis/Reford Gardens

Sequoia Club

Lodge—a salmon fishing lodge built by Sir George Stephen, “baronet of spectacular array of gardens is Montreal and Grand-Métis” (one of situated outside the picturesque the original CP Railway barons and village of Métis-sur-Mer, north of Rimouski and below the Gaspé. It’s the first president)—started not just the labyrinth of streams and cultivating them in 1926. Out of the Gaspé Peninsula on the south shore English-style flowerbeds, romantic and overflowing, or the fields of rare of the Bas Saint Laurent, Elsie blue poppies shimmering under the Reford fashioned a marvelously fleeting summer sun. At the Jardins English set of rock gardens and flower beds into which she also de Métis, where an historic lodge successfully introduced thousands and garden is combined with an of unusual species—including, most annual competition of landscape famously, the Himalayan blue artists, much of the joy in visiting poppy. lies in the gaiety and laughter the Now the gardens are managed by International Festival of Gardens Reford’s great-grandson Alexander evokes. who cleverly introduced the Imagine hundreds of potatoes International Festival of Gardens— lined up on pine shelves within a now in its 10th year—in a previously wooden subterranean root cellar. unused part of the villa’s extensive The festival entry called Pomme de grounds. (The Festival was the parterre is as intriguing as a science inspiration for the recently mounted experiment: the potatoes are City, connected by wired electrodes to a Ephemeral Gardens in Québec th QC, celebrating its 400 set of speakers that—without any anniversary.) other source of energy—emit tiny Gardens are beloved in la belle screaming sounds prompted by the province and throughout the Bas proliferation of sugars in the Saint Laurent and the Gaspé, on the growing spuds. There’s no way south shore, and the Charlevoix around it. The wooden shed— region on the Saint Lawrence’s resembling, in its subtle way, a northern side. They celebrate concentration camp dormitory—is a memory and belonging, but also the vegan’s tragicomic nightmare. task of actually living in a territory The Jardins de Métis, outside the that is by nature only reluctantly historic summer resort of Métis-sursettled. Quebeckers’ gardens bloom Mer, an area also known as the Reford Gardens. Their founder, Elsie in a riot of colour during the short Reford, who was the heir to Estevan season in which they are possible, and there is nearly always a

My favorite of Québec’s

vegetable patch or an organic farm nearby. These now supply not just Quebeckers’ kitchens, but the proliferation of gourmet restaurants of the region—from Québec City to Métis-sur-Mer and Tadoussac, where chefs make a point of making their imaginative best of local ingredients. A simple, circular route—from Québec City through the Kamouraska region as far as Métis, and then, taking the ferry across the river at Rimouski, back along the North Shore through the Charlevoix and into Québec City again— reveals Quebec gardens in their astonishing variety. And no more so than in this year of the provincial capital’s 400th birthday celebrations. The traveller who makes Québec’s horticulture his raison d’être can visit a plethora of that evoke the Old World (French and English), as well as others that amuse and even surprise with their imaginative variety of contemporary messages, for great gardens have always invoked their designers’ visions of paradise, but it is a modern turn of the landscaper’s art that now their messages are political, too. The classic gardens of Québec City—the Botanical Gardens of the University of Laval, the Joan of Arc Garden within the Plains of Abraham (the park of profound historical contemplation that was a

14 Discover Canada

gift to the city on the occasion of its 300th anniversary, a century ago) and the Saint Roch Gardens within the old town—present the horticultural city in its more formal, handsome and civically oriented aspect. Theirs is the sensibility of a place that, having to govern, sees paradise in order. But as part of the city’s ongoing celebrations of its 400th birthday another, more contemporary kind of garden is sprouting in unanticipated corners. The Visionaries Garden—the creation of Franco Dragone (a previous Cirque du Soleil director and creator)—is a mounting series of vegetable planters boxed in concrete and acrylic blue, illuminated at night, that dress the steps of the Musée de la civilisation in the lower part of the city. A short walk away, across the busy Rue Dalhousie (the street that separates the old town from what had been the river’s edge three centuries ago), the 11 themed plots of the Ephemeral Gardens—selected from several hundred international entries—are planted on a site that had previously a parking lot. One, called L’autre rive (“The Other Shore”), uses stone paths winding through the whispering greenery of high willow saplings to rejoice in nature’s shape-shifting; the sort of immersion in the plant world that pioneers, 400 years ago, would have experienced. Today’s urbanite, likely to be deprived of such an encounter, will relate to Plage (“Beach”), a humourous take on an inner city garden, comprised of a series of sandlots and brightly pastel-coloured painted low benches cut in ergonomic shapes kind to those wanting to take a nap in the sun.

Another, Rouages (“Cogs”), invites you to turn a crank on a gear system that pulls a plow seeder tilling the ground below in a marvelously evocative recollection of the province’s settler beginnings. Downriver from the city, the lines of the old seigneurial fields, hearkening back to the earliest days of la Nouvelle France, are still evident in the long and narrow fields that stretch from farmhouses a kilometer inland to the very border of the river (repeated, as if the great Saint Lawrence was a blue mirror, on the hills of the far shore). These strips of land that, so beautiful to behold, were distributed to French-Canadian seigneurs in such a way that vital access to the highway of the water was guaranteed to all. Francis H. Cabot is descended of one such family. He the owner and designer of Les Jardins de Quatre-Vents—20 acres of gardens on what used to be the family seigneurie overlooking the Saint Lawrence from La Malbaie, in the Charlevoix region, on the north shore. The gardens are considered by many to be the finest in Canada. They are certainly among the most eccentric, filled with exuberant folly and recalling not just the Versailleslike gardens of 18th century Europe, or England’s Capability Brown, but the lush and fantastical vegetation of New Zealand—where Cabot lives for part of the year—the comedy of Alice in Wonderland (human-sized bronze statues of frogs with musical instruments that play Dixieland and another quartet that plays chamber music as you approach) and the intriguing mysteries of Freemasonry. On a secret door in the atrium of the Pigeonnier, a three-storey wooden

pigeon house, Cabot has inscribed an Alexander Pope poem promising that: He Gains All Points, Who Pleasingly Confounds,/ Surprises, Varies and Conceals the Bounds.The gardens do just that—baffling and entertaining those who visit on one of four permitted days a season. But despite such delights, the playful Jardins de Métis’ are still the ones that capture my fancy like no other. In one entry, retained from an earlier year, sheets of tinted Perspex in a patch of birch have an Orson Welles-like effect in the redoubled glade. In another, amusingly titled Passe-moi un sapin, Rita (“Pass the pine tree, Rita”), visitors are encouraged to take oversized plastic cutouts of green trees—ones that mimic the pine air fresheners that hang from car mirrors—and to “plant” them in slots in an area of authentic forest. Afterwards, have a fine meal in the airy dining room of the magnificent lodge. Visit Elsie’s rooms, upstairs, or take a walk along the garden paths she made and try and imagine what she thought she was building. It is this exhilarating mix of the traditional and the very modern, Québec in both its envious aspects, that make the Jardins de Métis the perfect place to conclude—or begin —your wonderful Saint Lawrence horticultural journey. Noah Richler is a CBC radio documentary maker and the prizewinning author of This is My Country, What’s Yours? A Literary Atlas of Canada. He is a regular contributor to the Globe and Mail, the National Post, The Walrus magazine and the BBC World Service.

Discover Canada 15

Sequoia Club

Canada: Did you know? In the town of St.Paul, Alberta you will find a flying saucer landing pad. It was built to celebrate Canada’s centennial in 1967.

Although hockey is known

The covered bridge over the Saint John River in New

Brunswick is considered the longest covered bridge in the world at 391 m (1,282 ft).

Churchill, Manitoba is home to the world’s largest

population of polar bears. The bears can be seen between October and November.

as Canada’s national sport, it actually shares the title with lacrosse which is the official summer sport.

More than half of Canada’s 209 mammals (a whopping

The Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia is home to the highest

The highest town in Canada is

tides in the world reaching mean heights of 16 m (52 ft).

Quebec City is the only walled city in North America and is a UNESCO World heritage Site.

Every year in Quebec City an ice

119 species) and a full 362 of the 462 species of birds resident in Canada are found in British Columbia. Rossland in British Columbia. It is located 1,023 m (3,356 ft) above sea level in the crater of an ancient volcano between the Monashee and Selkirk Mountain ranges.

hotel is built using over 500 tons of ice. It is open January The badlands in southern to April and has 36 rooms, cinema, chapel and a bar - all Alberta are home to the made of ice. greatest concentration of dinosaur fossils found anywhere in the world. The Confederation Bridge The largest national park in Canada is Wood Buffalo which connects New Brunswick with Prince Edward which spans the borders of Alberta and the Northwest Island is the longest continuous Territories. It covers an area of 44,807 bridge over sea in the world. sq km (17,300 sq ft).

Algonquin Provincial park in Ontario is one of the best

Canada is home to 14 World

places to spot moose in North America. It is home to around 3,500 of them.

Heritage Sites. In 2007, the Rideau Canal, which flows through Ottawa, Ontario, became the latest Canadian site to earn the designation.

Toronto in Ontario is the only city in Canada to still operate electric street cars.

On March 29,1848 both

sides of Niagara Falls ran dry. An ice jam had formed on Lake Erie, blocking the water that normally flowed along the Niagara River and over the falls. Thirty hours later, weather and winds uncorked the ice and a sudden surge of water swept down over the falls.

Baffin Island in Nunavut is Canada’s largest island. It

Canada is the second largest country in the world after Russia. Canada’s total area is 9,984,670 sq km. The border between Canada and the United States is 8,890 kilometres long.

The largest non-polar ice field in the world can be found

in the St. Elias Mountains, Yukon Territory. It covers an area of 40,570 square kilometres of which 16,900 square kilometres are located in Canada, the remainder being in Alaska.

covers an area of 507,451 sq km and has a population of 11,000 people. The longest highway in the world is the Trans-Canada Highway which is 7,604 km and stretches from one side The Mackenzie River is the longest river in Canada. It of Canada to the other. runs from Lake Athabasca in Alberta to the Beaufort Sea. The highest waterfall in Canada is Della Falls in British Columbia which is 44 metres high.

16 Travel


Photo by Sillysocks

Kenai Fjords and Prince William Sound

Travel 17

Photo by Alaskan Dude

Glaciers in Prince William Sound

of Alaska, the waters are mostly protected by a series of islands. wonders of Alaska's Prince William Sound and the Kenai Fjords National Calm bays, a plethora of islands and Park is on a boat with someone who so many glaciers that they aren't all named provide unparalleled knows them well. opportunities to explore one of Tour boats that ply the glacierAlaska's most impressive and lined waters of Southcentral Alaska accessible bodies of water. are floating classrooms. National Most tours from Anchorage begin park rangers stand by the railings, in Whittier, a 40-minute drive from ready to answer any question about Anchorage that connects to a short, the birds and sea mammals nearby. 11-mile train ride through a tunnel Captains, as familiar with the pristine carved into a mountain. You can waters as they are with their crafts, drive your vehicle onto a flatbed car, offer rich narratives and often alter or just hop on the train. their routes to make sure passengers Once in Whittier, a small enclave don't miss breaching whales or originally built to be a self-contained calving glaciers. army community, travelers can throw The two bodies of water are easily sea kayaks into the sound or catch within the reach of travelers to an Alaska Marine Highway ferry, or Alaska. Although the stunning buy a ticket on one of the numerous settings offer many of the same opportunities - sightseeing tours, sea half- or full-day tours provided by tour companies. kayaking, calving glaciers, whales, Like the captains who ply the astounding fishing opportunities and waters of the Kenai Fjords National miles of pristine shoreline - they are Park, Prince William Sound captains very different. and crew members provide information and insight into the Prince William Sound wildlife and glaciers along the way. You'll gaze at huge, sheer walls of Prince William Sound, with 3,500 prehistoric ice, watch other chunks miles of coastline and 150 glaciers, of glacial ice - some call them lies within the boundaries of icebergs - float, freshly calved away Chugach National Forest, the second from the sound's spectacular largest in the country. The sound is Columbia Glacier, a 40-mile-long and home to one of the world's largest four-mile-wide tidewater glacier. collection of tidewater glaciers. There is another option to get to Although it's in the far northern Gulf see the sound. You can do what the

One of the best ways to see the

locals do - something an Anchorage newspaper reporter once called "The Valdovier Loop" - that is, a trip encompassing Valdez, Cordova and Whittier. It involves a six- to eighthour drive to Valdez, a ferry to Cordova and onto Whittier, then a train ride (with your car onboard) to Portage for the return drive to Anchorage. The drive to Valdez, spectacular to even the most seasoned Alaskan, peaks at Thompson Pass, where the Worthington Glacier is accessible by car. Valdez, a lively little berg famous for the World Extreme Skiing Competition usually held around the end of March, wild rafting, unsurpassed fishing and the termination of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline. It's also home to internationally acclaimed Prince William Sound Theater Conference, an August event that draws playwrights and actors from all over the country. Cordova is an amazing spot, a quaint fishing town of about 2,500 set in the Copper River Delta, where six glacial rivers meet. The docks are lined with weathered canneries and the harbor filled with commercial fishing vessels. About 50 miles outside of Cordova, along the old Cordova River Road, is Childs Glacier. A 300foot-wall of ice sits across the Copper River. When the mighty

Club 18Sequoia Travel

Prince William Sound

Sea lions

glacier calves, a steel bridge - still unfinished but open to pedestrians reverberates with the thunderous sound. Tours or taxi rides to the glacier are available from Cordova. Birders love Cordova, as do anglers. Camping and fishing tips are best gotten from the U.S. Forest Service and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. In May, Cordova fills with birders to catch some of the 240 species of birds that live here or stop on various migration routes. The Copper River Delta Shorebird Festival marking the event provides opportunities to share birding information and enjoy the small-town charm of the town.

The Kenai Fjords When local Alaskans have visitors,

Alaskan ferry

Kenai Fjords

chances are you'll find them driving three hours south along the Seward Highway, a National Forest Scenic Byway, to Resurrection Bay and the Kenai Fjords National Park. Here, it's almost embarrassingly easy to impress visitors who have traveled north to learn first-hand about Alaska's natural wonders. And travelers who arrive on their own find opportunities to study the sea life and surrounding glaciers from national park rangers. Rangers who work on many of the daily commercial tours, staff the ranger station and sometimes can be found walking along the docks of Seward, enjoying a sunny day. After a drive through the nation's best salmon-fishing country, the road trip ends in Seward, a small, friendly community of about 3,000 that lies nestled where turquoise waters meet with the timbered Kenai Mountains. The town is a mix of working fishermen, young cannery workers and people in the tourist trade. It's lively and a tribute to its somewhat rocky history. The city is named after William H. Seward, U.S. Secretary of State in 1867 when Russia agreed to sell Alaska to the United States for $7.2 million. Seward drew widespread criticism for fostering the purchase, hence the state's early monikers of "Seward's Folly" and "Seward's Icebox." Fourth of July weekend is one of the busiest in Seward. Over 30,000 people gather to enjoy a parade and street fair filled with food and craft

booths. But the big attraction that weekend is the Mount Marathon Race, when some 3,000 men, women and youth race up the steep 4,603-foot peak. If you can't make it in July, plenty of other activities that mix spectacular Alaska wilderness with the hometown fun of Seward go on all summer. The town hosts a silver salmon derby every August and is home to an active yachting club, which stages regattas and races throughout the summer, filling the harbor with colorful sails. The harbor area is lined with charter boat offices, gift shops, a small grocery/sandwich shop, a couple of restaurants and the public boat launch.

“The cruises offer a rare chance to have the beauty of Alaska interpreted by experts� One of the area's premiere attractions is 690,000-acre Kenai Fjords National Park. Dominated by the immense Harding Icefield, the area surrounding the fjords feeds dozens of deep-blue glaciers that tumble down into the waters of the bay. Out on the water, it's not hard to find communities of Steller sea lions, otters, puffins, bald eagles and calving glaciers. Whales sometimes make it deep into the fjords, but the odds of seeing one increase as you boat further into Resurrection Bay. To get out on the water, take one of several tour boats or smaller charter boats that provide tours from the small boat harbor. Tours range from 2.5-hour cruises across Resurrection Bay to the edge of the national park, to 9.5-hour cruises deep into the fjords. The sizes of the commercial tour boats vary, holding from less than 10 to 200 passengers.

Travel 19

Sequoia Club

Photo by Alaskan Dude

Seaward harbour

The cruises offer a rare chance to have the beauty of Alaska interpreted by experts. National park rangers staff many of the cruises and tours. Captains also provide ongoing narratives during the tours, often altering their route to give travelers closer viewing to whales and sea lions. Maps and other printed guides allow for even more study of the glaciers and wildlife along the way. Personalized sightseeing tours and fishing charters are also available out of Seward, with operators offering trips to catch ling cod, halibut and salmon or to simply cruise the bay. If you're not inclined to head out onto the water to see glaciers, downtown Seward is a short drive from the foot of Exit Glacier. Part of the national park, this glacier empties out at a trailhead nine miles off the Seward Highway just outside of Seward. Energetic hikers can scramble up the three-mile trail alongside the glacier to overlook the Harding Icefield. Or you can simply walk to the face of the glacier. A nearby ranger station offers maps, literature on glaciers and, as always, helpful rangers who love to talk about the region. Much of the best of the Fjords' wildlife can be seen at the new Alaska SeaLife Center. This $52 million state-of-the-art marine research, rehabilitation and educational facility has three main

exhibits including Stellar sea lions, harbor seals and a variety of seabirds. The research center was designed and built as an outgrowth of the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Its

“You'll gaze at huge, sheer walls of prehistoric ice� mission is to rehabilitate marine birds, mammals and fish while allowing the public to observe. The displays are top-drawer. Huge glass tanks make visitors feel as if they are standing under the bay's waters. In the "Discovery Zone," you can get up-close looks at sea stars, sea urchins and a passel of other marine invertebrates. Descending into the display, "Denizens of the Deep," you'll watch sea lions and other marine species in their natural elements while another underwater viewing area boasts of wolf eels, giant octopus and various species of crabs.

A variety of organized packages can get travelers to Seward by rail, bus or plane. The independent traveler can also arrange transportation on those modes, or drive. Ambitious hikers can walk from Anchorage to Seward, having to walk along only 40 miles of highway in the course of the 125-mile journey. For information about Prince William Sound, the Kenai Fjords, and travel and lodging information, contact the Valdez Convention and Visitors Bureau, P.O. Box 1603, Valdez, AK 99686, 800-770-5954, Cordova Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 99, Cordova, AK 99574, 907-424-7260 or the Seward Chamber of Commerce and Convention and Visitors Bureau, P.O. Box 749, Seward, AK 99664, 907-224-8051. For more Alaska visitor information, write to Dept. 712, P. O. Box 196710, Anchorage, AK 99519-6710, call 800-862-5275 or visit the web site Alaska Travel Industry Association 2600 Cordova St. Ste. 201 Anchorage, AK 99503-2745 P. (800) 327-9372 F. (800) 276-1042 E.

20 Lifestyle

The cookie crumbles Chocolate Chip Cookies Ingredients: 205 g butter flavored shortening 150 g white sugar 110 g brown sugar 2 eggs 10 ml Mexican vanilla extract 280 g all-purpose flour 5 g baking soda 6 g salt 335 g milk chocolate chips Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease cookie sheets. In a large bowl, cream together the butter flavored shortening, brown sugar and white sugar until light and fluffy. Add the eggs one at a time, beating well with each addition, then stir in the vanilla. Combine the flour, baking soda and salt; gradually stir into the creamed mixture. Finally, fold in the chocolate chips. Drop by rounded spoonfuls onto the prepared cookie sheets. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes in the preheated oven, until light brown. Allow cookies to cool on baking sheet for 5 minutes before removing to a wire rack to cool completely.

Oatmeal Cookies Ingredients: 115 g butter, softened 60 ml applesauce 145 g brown sugar 65 g white sugar 2 eggs 5 ml vanilla extract 190 g all-purpose flour 6 g salt 5 g baking soda 245 g rolled oats 80 g raisins 60 g chopped walnuts 85 g semisweet chocolate chips Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease cookie sheets. In a large bowl, cream together the butter, applesauce, brown sugar and white sugar until light and fluffy. Add the eggs one at a time, beating well with each addition, then stir in the vanilla. Combine the flour, salt, and baking soda, then gradually stir into the creamed mixture. Finally, stir in the oats, raisins, nuts and chocolate chips. Drop by rounded spoonfuls onto the prepared cookie sheet. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes in the preheated oven. Allow cookies to cool on baking sheet for 5 minutes before removing to a wire rack to cool.

Lifestyle 21

Almond Biscotti Ingredients: 115 g butter or margarine, softened 250 g sugar, divided 3 eggs 5 ml anise or vanilla extract 250 g all-purpose flour 9 g baking powder Dash salt 50 g chopped almonds 10 ml milk In a mixing bowl, cream butter and 1 cup sugar. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Stir in anise or vanilla. Combine dry ingredients; add to creamed mixture. Stir in almonds. Line a baking sheet with foil and grease foil. Divide dough in half; spread into two 12 x 3-in. rectangles on foil. Brush with milk and sprinkle with remaining sugar. Bake at 375 degrees F for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown and firm to the touch. Remove from oven and reduce heat to 300 degrees F. Lift rectangles with foil onto wire rack; cool for 15 minutes. Place on a cutting board; slice diagonally 1/2 in. thick. Place slices with cut side down on un-greased baking sheet. Bake for 10 minutes. Turn cookies over; bake 10 minutes more. Cool.

Spicy Banana Cookies Ingredients: 100 g shortening 220 g packed brown sugar 2 eggs 150 g mashed ripe bananas 250 g all-purpose flour 9 g baking powder 1 g ground cinnamon 1 g baking soda 0.5 g ground cloves 2 g salt 60 g chopped walnuts 70 g raisins In a mixing bowl, cream shortening and brown sugar. Add eggs and bananas; mix well. Combine dry ingredients; add to creamed mixture and mix well. Stir in nuts and raisins. Chill (dough will be very soft). Drop by rounded teaspoonfuls onto greased baking sheets. Bake at 350 degrees F for 8-10 minutes or until lightly browned.

22 Lifestyle

Lifestyle 23

Top Canadian… TV shows 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

House - 2.88 American Idol (Wed) - 2.41 Grey’s Anatomy - 2.30 American Idol (Tue) - 2.29 C.S.I. Miami - 1.86

6. Two and a Half Men - 1.83 7. Bones - 1.59 8. Grammy Awards - 1.59 9. Desperate Housewives - 1.58 10. ER - 1.53

CD’s 1. Working on a Dream, Bruce Springsteen 2. Frey, The Frey 3. Dark Hourse, Nickelback 4. The Fame, Lady Gaga 5. 2009 Grammy Nominees, Various

6. We Sing We Dance We Steal, Jason Mraz 7. Fearless, Taylor Swift 8. Only by the Night, Kings of Leon 9. I am Sasha Fierce, Beyonce 10. Tonight, Franz Ferdinand

DVD’s 1. Zack and Mira Make a Porno (18A) 2. Pride and Glory (18A) 3. Passchendaele (14A) 4. Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist (PG) 5. Lakeview Terrace (14A)

6. Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa (G) 7. Max Payne (PG13) 8. Vicky Cristina Barcelona (14A) 9. The Secret Life of Bees (PG13) 10. RocknRolla (14A)

Fiction paperbacks 1. The Shack, William P Young 2. The Book of Negroes, Lawrence Hill 3. Three Day Road, Joseph Boyden 4. Water for Elephants, Sara Gruen

5. Thousand Splendid Suns, Khaked Hosseini 6. Outlander, Gil Adamson 7. Slumdog Millionaire, Vikas Swarup 8. The White Tiger, Aravind Adiga 9. The Appeal, John Grisham 10. World Without End, Ken Follett

Fiction hardbacks 1. Through Black Spruce, Joseph Boyden 2. The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, Barrows & Shaffer 3. The Host, Stephanie Meyer 4. The Associate, John Grisham 5. The Story of Edgar Sawtelle, David Wroblewski

6. The Hour I First Believed, Wally Lamb 7. The Flying Troutmans, Miriam Toews 8. The Origin of Species, Nino Ricci 9. A Most Wanted Man, John le Carre 10. Just After Sunset, Stephen King

24 Working Life Sequoia Club

The Slightly Unusual In the past, our unusual jobs profiles have been just that, however this month we talk to Wolf Wartenberg who definitely fits the criteria of unusual. He is an barrel organ grinder, and for those of you who have no idea what that is - read on. Before we talk to Wolf, lets first

understand what a barrel organ is. According to the Oxford Canadian dictionary a barrel organ is: a mechanical musical instrument that plays a tune when a handle is turned. So Wolf is the grinder who turns the handle - with us so far?

Wolf, give us a bit of background and when and why you started this unusual job.

fulfill my childhood dream by doing some entertaining. As a lot of people play a barrel organ in Germany why not start this in Canada and entertain people here? I did some research on the internet, flew to Berlin, Germany and bought a wonderful handcrafted instrument. While still in Germany I advertised in Toronto and got my first engagements.

Was it hard getting started? Strangely, no. Once back in Canada

I bought my “outfit” and in the first year I played for a big restaurant from Germany to Canada I thought I opening for the German Chamber of would retire here. My wife and I Commerce at the Royal York Hotel bought a 50 acre farm and renovated in Toronto, a wedding and a 60th the buildings and wanted to open a birthday party. B&B. It turned out that we became a very well known yoga retreat center. What is the general response After these successful years I thought I should try again to retire, to your organ grinding? but didn’t know what to do in my free time, so my wife suggested why not Wherever I go, people start smiling,

Twelve years ago when we moved

no matter their age. I really enjoy my new career as a busker and the nice conversations I have with people.

What is the funniest part of your job? People always ask me “where is

your monkey?” The background to the monkey is: in the old days the barrel organ grinder walked through the streets and the backyards of the houses and they had a monkey who would collect the money the women were throwing out of the windows. As I do not trust the monkey and my wife will not agree to have one in the house (we already have 3 dogs & 3 cats) I have to pick up the money myself!

However, I do have a toy monkey who sits on top of my organ.

What type of events do you perform at? These days people or groups hire

me to play at events such as exhibitions, fairs, weddings, anniversaries, retirement homes, garden parties, street events (BIA’s) etc. I even played 2 days in Oil Spring City (near Sarnia) for the 150th anniversary of the Oil Museum. I travel all over the place with my barrel organ.

Do you busk on the streets? Unfortunately Canada differs to

Germany in that local communities do not allow me to play on public streets, if they do, they ask for a permit which can be expensive. For that reason I only play if privately hired.

Sequoia Club

Tell us about your barrel organ. My instrument continues the tradition of the world

famous Berlin street organ, preserving the old concepts tonally and mechanically. The instrument, played by means of the traditional perforated paper rolls operating the old pneumatic system which has stood the test of time for more than 100 years. This year I will fly to Germany to attend a barrel organ grinder festival where about 300 barrel organ grinders will come together and play. I’m really looking forward to this event!!!

So, when are you planning to retire now? Who knows? I love what I do and as long as I am

physically and mentally able to continue, I will do. I have no plans to retire anytime soon!

If you want to know more about Wolf

and his barrel organ grinding why not check out his website at or contact him by email

Working Life 25

Club 26Sequoia Working Life


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Sequoia Club Advertorial

Working Life 27

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28 Money

You've earned it. Claim it. Working Income Tax Benefit (WITB) – When filing their has introduced a wide range of income tax returns, individuals income tax relief measures to and families with low incomes help you save on your taxes. may be able to claim the WITB, Also, find out about our quick, which includes a supplement easy, and secure electronic for individuals who are entitled services. to the disability tax credit. Eligible individuals and families Lowest tax rate – The can also apply for advance lowest tax rate for 2008 is payment of up to one half of 15%. This rate also applies their estimated 2009 WITB when calculating federal using Form RC201, Working non‑refundable tax credits. Income Tax Benefit Advance Amount for children born Payments Application for 2009. in 1991 or later – You may be To ensure the best service able to claim $2,038 for each of cost of shorter duration passes can possible, it is very important for the your or your spouse's or commonalso be claimed if each pass entitles Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) to law partner's children if they lived the user to unlimited travel for an have, on file, your current mailing with you throughout 2008 and were uninterrupted period of at least five address and financial account under the age of 18 at the end of the days and the user purchases enough information. year. of these passes so that the user is The Government has also Children's fitness amount – You entitled to unlimited travel for at least introduced the following measures to may be able to claim up to $500 in 20 days in any 28-day period. help Canadians: eligible fees paid in 2008 to register Individuals can also claim the cost of Apprenticeship Incentive Grant – each of your or your spouse's or electronic payment cards when used For information, go to common-law partner's children in a to make at least 32 one-way trips prescribed program of physical during an uninterrupted period not apprenticeship. activity. exceeding 31 days. Registered disability savings Northern residents deductions – Registered Retirement Income plan (RDSP) – The deadline for For 2008, the residency deduction Funds (RRIF) withdrawals – Under opening an RDSP, making has increased to $8.25 per day if you proposed changes, the required contributions and applying for the are entitled to only the basic minimum RRIF withdrawal amount matching grant and the incomeresidency amount, or $16.50 per day was reduced by 25 per cent for 2008. tested bond for the 2008 contribution if you are entitled to both the basic This measure applies to all RRIF year has been extended to March 2, and the additional residency holders, regardless of age. RRIF 2009 from December 31, 2008. The amounts. holders who withdraw more than the 2009 RDSP contribution year will Pension income splitting – reduced 2008 minimum amount will begin March 3, 2009. Individuals who received eligible be permitted to re-contribute the pension income in the year may be excess to their RRIFs (up to the Remember to file your income tax able to allocate up to half of that amount of the reduction provided by return before the deadline at income to their spouse or commonthis measure), until March 1, 2009 at midnight on April 30, 2009. Tax law partner. To make this election, the latest. Re-contributions are returns can be submitted to the CRA individuals must complete Form deductible for the 2008 tax year. electronically using NETFILE or T1032, Joint Election to Split Pension Tradesperson's tool deduction – EFILE, or by phone using TELEFILE, Income. On their 2008 income tax returns, your return will be processed faster Public transit amount – employed tradespersons (including and if you are entitled to a refund, Individuals can claim the cost of apprentice mechanics) may be able you will receive it earlier. If you are monthly or longer duration public to claim a deduction of up to $500 filing a paper return, mail it to the transit passes for travel within based on the cost of eligible tools in CRA using the envelope included in Canada. The passes must permit excess of $1,019 that they acquired your tax package. unlimited travel on local buses, during 2008. For more information on tax streetcars, subways, commuter topics, go to trains or buses, and local ferries. The taxinfo.

The Government of Canada

Money 29

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Club 30Sequoia Motoring

Test Drive: 2009 Nissan Murano

Story and photos by Mark Atkinson

Motoring 31

to figure out where its corners are. The rear follows the general themes appeared in the early noughties, it from its smaller sibling, the Rogue, was the most futuristic design available, especially since most of its and doesn't match the front's drama. The de rigeur rising beltline, competitors were trying to ape the thick A-pillars and small rear window still-upright-and-boxy traditional mean plenty of blind spots, although SUVs. Based on the front-wheelthe large side mirrors do a decent drive Altima's platform, the Murano job of filling in the blanks. offered decent levels of equipment, All Muranos feature Nissan's trieda healthy V6 engine, optional alland-true 3.5-litre V6 with 265 hp and wheel drive and a reasonable ride. 248 lb-ft of torque, matched with a Fast forward to 2009, and the continually variable transmission Murano's up for its first makeover. In (CVT), which also allows you to the grand scheme of things, not manually select from six preset much has changed in terms of its brief - meaning a car-based five-seat ratios if desired. New for '09 is standard all-wheel drive on every crossover - but the competition in this segment is much fiercer than in model. Safety features include six '03. Just about every major airbags, ABS with emergency brake manufacturer has at least one such force distribution and brake assist, vehicle in its lineup - and sometimes stability and traction control, and two or three. The big question is active head restraints for the front whether Nissan's evolutionary row. makeover is enough to keep it Although the Murano S starts at a relevant. reasonable $37,648, my tester was Size-wise, the new Murano is in loaded $47,498 LE trim, meaning within a couple millimetres of its standard HID headlights, fog lights, predecessor, although the new 20-inch wheels and all-season tires, design is even more controversial. heated mirrors, power-adjustable Its snout feels significantly pointier heated leather seats front and rear, than previously, and the sculptured front fenders mean it's more difficult climate control, auto-sensing

When the Nissan Murano first

windshield wipers, power tilt/ telescoping steering, keyless entry and ignition, a dual-panel moonroof, rearview camera with 7-in display, 11-speaker Bose audio system, Bluetooth connectivity and secondary audio and cruise controls on the steering wheel. Metallic 'Deep Sapphire' paint was an extra $135, while the excellent hard-drive-based navigation system and 9.3GB 'music server' (onto which you can copy your MP3 files) with appropriate voice controls was a pricey $2,950 option. All that luxury is thrown into one of Nissan's better cabin designs to date. The gauges are bright and legible no matter what time of day, major controls fall right to hand, and the materials are better than average. It's very easy to find a comfortable seating position, and there's a decent amount of room in the second row, even behind my 6foot-three-inch frame. Cargo space is reasonably generous, and the rear seats power fold flat to increase usable room. On the road, however, the Murano's habits are merely OK. It's not an overly sporty vehicle, thanks

Club 32Sequoia Motoring

to too much lean and vague steering, but the suspension bumps and thumps over the smallest imperfections. It's probably the setup trying to deal with the extra weight of the 20-inch wheels, but there's a lot Nissan could do to improve things for future releases. Performance-wise, acceleration is strong and the CVT works well enough that you never notice it. While the Murano offers a huge number of features and look-at-me styling, the only problem is its pricing. My 'LE' tester's sticker totaled $50,583 before freight, PDI and taxes. A similarly equipped Ford Edge Limited AWD runs a touch over $46,000, while a loaded - and much more attractive - Mazda CX-7 can't get much higher than $42,000. Even Infiniti's own EX35, although smaller and less practical, would only total about $48,600 for all the bells and whistles. And that's only counting dedicated five-seaters. Excellent vehicles like the seven-seat Toyota Highlander and Ford Flex either beat or match Nissan's pricing. That means, other than perhaps styling and brand loyalty, there isn't anything the Murano does outstanding enough to make it worthy of recommendation. It seems Nissan stood still these past six years while the market is moving much, much faster.

The vehicle and insurance were provided by the manufacturer for this test. All prices in Canadian dollars. Mark Atkinson has nearly 10 years experience as an automobile journalist working for publications like Inside Track Motorsport News, Carguide, World of Wheels, Canadian Auto World, the Hamilton Spectator Wheels section, Metro Carguide, Suburban Life and West of the City. Besides writing for Muchmor Canada Magazine, Mark also has his own blog,, and appears in a number of other print and online publications. He has driven nearly a thousand different vehicles in his career, including notables like the latest Chevrolet Corvette Z06, Audi R8 and Nissan GT-R, but his current favourite is MercedesBenz’ C63 AMG… at least until something else comes along. As a freelance automotive journalist, Mark enjoys working from home with his two dogs and kitten as his office staff. He’ll soon be adding another member to the family as his wife Rebecca is expecting their first child in July. Mark’s love of cars came at a young age thanks to his grandfather, who had a trio of antique Chevrolets and attended races at Watkins Glen in the 1950s.

Motoring 33

Is now the right time to buy an RV? The recent volatile fuel prices and

the falling value of homes have impacted both RV owners and the RV Industry. In the past several months many major RV manufacturers have shut their doors permanently. Quite a few people, who recently bought new RVs at the highest monthly payments that they could qualify for, are now regretting their decision to get the RV of their dreams. In other words they over bought their RV and they are now paying the price for it. Is this all doom and gloom for RVers and potential RVers? The answer is a resounding NO! If you were ever thinking about buying an RV or upgrading to a different class of RV, now is the time to do it. Because this is where the basic concept of Supply and Demand (also known as price and demand) you learned in your economics class in high school kicks in. To put it in RV terms, when the economy is bad, the demand for RVs goes down. With less demand, the RV dealers are going to do everything they can to get rid of those new RVs (in other words they will accept less money for them). The volatile fuel prices and questionable economy have also caused panic amongst some current RV owners. These owners have hastily made the decision to sell their RVs because they believe that they will no longer be able to afford to use them. This has created a buyer’s market for RVs right now. Whether you are planning to buy a new or used RV, you will be able to get a lot more for your money. Of course you are going to have to still negotiate the best price you can for what you want, but now more than ever you are in the driver’s seat during these negotiations. Depending on what type of RV you are going to buy, the money you save on the purchase price could pay for your fuel and other travel expenses for quite a while.

In some cases you may have to finance your RV purchase. When financing, remember the finance company will give you a loan for as much as you want (based on your credit). But, just because they are going to give you that much credit does not mean that you have to use that much credit. You might believe you can afford the monthly payments. But, you need to ask yourself if you can comfortably afford the monthly RV Loan payments and still have money left over to pay for the other costs of owning an RV such as fuel, maintenance, storage and of course camping. In other words don’t overbuy. Now, let’s address the concerns of the cost of going camping in your new RV. The biggest cost, depending on the type of RV you have will be fuel. This would be a major concern if you are planning a 3,500-mile cross-country trip. Now, even for the most avid RVer is not the time to spend all of your money seeing the whole country (unless you have deep pockets). Getting away from it all and camping does not require traveling 100’s or 1000’s of kilometres. Look around within a 50, 60- or 70 km radius of where you live and you will be surprised at all of the places there are to camp. Remember, the whole

point of RVing and camping is to relax and enjoy your surroundings. I guarantee you there is no kilometre limit on relaxation. Whether you are 25 km from home or 2,500 km from home, you can and should relax: after all, that is what the RVing lifestyle is all about. Our family has been RVing for over 35 years, and we have been all over the US and Canada and have enjoyed every minute of it. Have we changed our RVing habits as a result of the economic crunch? YES, we are not planning to travel 1000’s of kilometres right now. Have we given up RVing? NO, we just go camping closer to home, visiting destinations we have not been to before. This change in our habits has not diminished our zeal for; or enjoyment of RVing. You won’t regret your decision to buy an RV. Just plan ahead and don’t put a financial strain on yourself as this will diminish your enjoyment. Author Alan Wiener says; whether you are new to RVing and camping or a veteran, has something for you. We know that Going Camping in an RV is fun and we hope that visiting our site makes it even more fun. We give you excellent information about RVs, Camping and the RV Lifestyle.

34 Relocation

34 Moving to Canada

The price is right Research prices before your move to Canada

Relocation 35 Furniture, appliances etc The Brick: The Brick is one of Canada’s largest furniture store chains. They sell furniture, appliances and electronics. and have stores in all provinces except Newfoundland and Labrador. A store is also located in the Yukon. Lastman’s Badboy Furniture: This chain of stores operates in the Golden Horseshoe area of Ontario. They sell furniture, appliances and electronics. IKEA: IKEA is a Swedish company selling furniture, textiles and home accessories. They have locations in British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario and Quebec. Leons: Leons is Canada’s largest retailer of home furnishings. They also sell home electronics and appliances. They have stores in all Canadian provinces but not the territories. Sleep Country: Sleep Country sells mattresses and beds in British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Ontario. They are the number one mattress specialists in the country.

Mattress Mart:

Home Hardware:

This company sells mattresses in Ontario , Quebec and Nova Scotia.

This Canadian company operates under three banners: Home Hardware selling tools, house wares, paints and garden supplies. Home Building Centre, which sells lumber, electrical and plumbing supplies and building materials, Home Furniture which sells furniture and major appliances. They have locations throughout Canada.

The Bay: Part of the Hudson’s Bay Company this department store sells clothing, health and beauty products, home wares, furnishings and appliances. They have stores across Canada except PEI, Newfoundland and Labrador and the territories. Winners: Winners stores offers brand name clothing, furniture and house wares. They have stores in all provinces but not the territories. Zellers: Part of the Hudson’s Bay Company, Zellers offers goods such as clothing, electrical, health and beauty, home wares, furniture and appliances. Stores located in all provinces but not the Territories. Countrywide: Countrywide stores offer a complete range of furniture, appliances and bedding. They have stores in all provinces except Quebec and PEI.

Home Improvement Home Depot:


Home Depot is the world’s largest home improvement retailer. Stores Sears is a department store selling cater to do-it-yourselfers, as well as clothing, health and beauty products, home improvement, construction furniture, appliances, electronics, and building maintenance home and garden products and professionals. They also sell tools. They have stores throughout appliances. They have locations in all Canada. provinces, but not the territories. Holt Renfrew: This high end Canadian department store has locations in Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec. They sell designer cosmetics, fragrances and fashions.

RONA: RONA is the largest Canadian distributor and retailer of hardware, home renovation and gardening products. They have stores in Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland & Labrador, Nova Scotia, Quebec, Ontario and Saskatchewan.

Lowes: This American DIY chain has recently entered the Canadian market with stores presently only in Ontario. They sell everything for home improvements including appliances.

Home Décor Home Sense: This store sells brand name and designer home décor and accessories. They operate in all provinces except Prince Edward Island and the territories. Pier 1 Imports: Pier 1 are a specialist retailer of imported home furnishings and furniture. They have stores in Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland & Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec and Saskatchewan. Home Outfitters: This store is part of the Hudson’s Bay Company with stores in Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec and Saskatchewan. They sell kitchen, bathroom and bedroom goods. JYSK: JYSK pronounced yi-sk is a Scandinavian company supplying furniture and home décor products for the bedroom, bathroom and living room. They have locations in British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Ontario and Quebec.

36 Relocation

Home Hardware:

Inc. They have over 110 stores located in all the provinces.

The Real Canadian Superstore:

This Canadian company operates under three banners: Home Hardware selling tools, house wares, paints and garden supplies. Home Building Centre, which sells lumber, electrical and plumbing supplies and building materials, Home Furniture which sells furniture and major appliances. They have locations throughout Canada.

Best Buy:

This chain of hypermarkets sells groceries as well as electronics, clothing and house wares. They have stores called Atlantic Superstore in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. Dominion in Newfoundland & Labrador and Real Canadian Superstore in Western Canada and Ontario.

Business Equipment Staples Business Depot:

Best Buy is Canada's fastestgrowing specialty retailer of consumer electronics, personal computers and entertainment software and also operates the Geek Squad, a 24 hour computer support task force. They have stores in Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Ontario and Quebec. The Source by Circuit City:

This upscale Canadian supermarket has stores in Ontario.

This store sells consumer electronics such as TV’s, computers, phones etc. They have stores in all provinces and territories.

Food Basics:

Staples Business Depot is Canada's largest supplier of office supplies, business machines, office furniture and business services to small business and home office customers. Supermarkets They have over 240 stores in all provinces and the Yukon. Loblaws: Office Depot:

Loblaws upscale supermarket has stores in Ontario and Quebec.

Office Depot supplies office furniture and machinery to both business and Extra Foods: home office customers. They have stores in all provinces and the Yukon. This supermarket has locations in Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Northwest Territories, Ontario, Electronics Saskatchewan and Yukon. Future Shop: Future Shop is a retailer of consumer electronics owned by Best Buy Co

A & P:

This budget supermarket has stores only in Ontario. Sobey’s: Sobey’s has supermarkets in all Canadian provinces. IGA is also part of Sobey’s and many of their stores are being re-branded as Sobey’s. Safeway: This is North America’s second largest supermarket chain. They have locations throughout Canada.

No Frills:

T & T:

This budget supermarket is owned by the Loblaws Company and only operates in Ontario.

T & T is Canada’s largest Asian supermarket chain. They have

Relocation 37 locations in British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario.

London Drugs:

Thrifty Foods:

London Drugs is a Canadian owned company located in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and British Columbia. They sell home wares, health and beauty products, electronics, computers, cameras and food.

Thrifty operates a number of stores in British Columbia and is the largest supermarket chain on Vancouver Island. Walmart: Primarily a supermarket, Walmart also sells electronics, clothing, entertainment products etc. They have stores all over Canada except Nunavut.

Shoppers Drug Mart:

They sell everything from CD’s to pet supplies, instruments to office equipment. Michaels: Michaels is the largest art and crafts retail chain in North America and is located throughout Canada. Toys R Us: Toy store and computer gaming centre. They have locations throughout the country except, Prince Edward Island and the territories.

Shoppers Drug Mart is Canada’s largest retail drug store group. As well as health care products they also sell cosmetics, perfume, magazines, food and drink. They also Chapters: offer pharmacy services in stores Misc Chapters, part of Indigo Books and throughout Canada. Music Inc is Canada’s largest retail Canadian Tire: book chain. They sell books and Costco Wholesale: music both in store and online. You will find Chapters and Indigo stores Costco is a wholesale company for Canadian Tire sells everything from throughout Canada members only. Annual membership car parts to fireplaces, fishing rods to costs from $50 to $100 depending toilet rolls. They are a national brand on membership level. Business and with 455 stores throughout Canada. personal membership is available.




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34 Money

38 Relocation

thewhole foreign worker program should beable revised great as it means you that get the available but wants to be to use it as during the temporary downturn. amount up-front to do with as you please, and when they need it. Currently are ascredit being but you are making payments on theover 170 occupations If you agreed to listed a line of of in short supply. These range from barbers to petroleum whole amount, even if you don’t use it all $20,000 for a ten year period, you can dip engineers. When you decide you need a little at once. By this we mean that if for into that money as and when you need it extra cash, and who doesn’t, the first example you borrow $20,000 but only use and only pay interest on the amount used. place you will probably go is your financial $10,000 initially and keep the rest in the Use $10,000 and pay interest on $10,000. institution for a loan. But is a loan the right bank for a rainy day, you are still paying If you pay back the $10,000 then you have thing to ask for? If you are a home owner, interest and repayments on the whole the $20,000 still available to you. This is O ver the last two years Alberta has doubled the number you will be borrowing against the equity in $20,000. basically a revolving credit similar to a of temporary foreign workers coming into the province. your home, essentially a second Generally a HEL is more suitable for credit card. However, due to the downturn in the economy it may be mortgage. You should discuss with your these one-off payments such as a car This type of credit is useful for forced to review current and future numbers. financial advisor the differences between purchase or major home renovation. ongoing needs such as tuition payments, As of December 2008, Alberta had 58,456 foreign loans andbut linesduring of credit. Depending on 16,000 jobs in the ongoing renovations,or perhaps a holiday workers December over province werethe shed withfora will further 5,700 gone during what you need money each year. Line of Credit January 09. This leads to the inevitable question of why L ast year Ontario launched its new Provincial Nominee determine which options will be best for continue to bring in foreigners when Canadians are out Program (PNP) as a pilot and has just announced the you. With either of these options you home A Home Equity Line of Credit of the program. of work. expansion is at risk if you default on the payments. works is Gil McGowan president of the Alberta(HELOC) Federation ofin a different The way newand Opportunities Ontario: Provincial Nominee th 2009 Bothon canFebruary be set as20 fixed rate orand flexible Loans Labour says that any jobs available in the province Program launched will much more flexible. You still havewas to agree rates of interest and interest on both types should be made available to Canadians tofirst, even if that help employers find skilled workers and foreign workers an amount you can borrow and the time means foreign workers lose their jobs and have to leave. and students find work. During 2009 Opportunities of loan are usually tax deductible. With a loan you agree to borrow a set period it is available, but you will only pay McGowan says, “bringing in even more unskilled foreign Ontario aims to have 1,000 nominations. Always consult with an advisor before amount of money which you repay by interest on the amount you borrow. This is workers during the downturn will continue to keep wages The program will nominate individuals and their taking on either type of loan to be sure fixed installments fixedjobs.” period of especially useful for someone wants down in service over and aretail familieswho based on pre-approved job offers in the you are opting for the one which suits your time. For homeowners referred to director the security the moneyThis is will allow Danielle Smith whothis is isthe Alberta of the of knowingprovince. employers in Ontario to find and circumstances. Canadian of Independent Business suggests recruit foreign workers for roles which cannot be filled by as a Home Federation Equity Loan (HEL). This is

Line of credit or Alberta may cut loan? foreign worker numbers

Ontario Provincial Nominee Program extended

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Relocation 39

Careers 33 Canadians. Approved employers can recruit foreign workers through the General Category and international students through the International Student Category. Duties of who this fast-growing profession If you want to make the case to a Individuals are recruited by an Ontario employer Market Research Analyst and meet include thewriting Opportunities and editing text, Ontario creating criteria canMarket then research analysts, whose job potential employer or your boss to let you apply graphics, to Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC)are forexpected to grow 20 percent work from home, keep a few things in converting photos and drawings numbers permanent residence after being nominated as provincial into digital images, designing page layouts by 2016, gather data on competitors and mind. If possible, provide concrete nominees. They may also apply for temporary work and developing presentations. examples of how this arrangement was analyze prices, sales, and methods of permits whilst their applications for residency are being successful in the past or how it will marketing and distribution. They often processed. succeed. Suggest that you ease into it -Dataabout Entrythe Clerk design surveys, Information program for both employers andcompile and evaluate the spending a few days to a few weeks in the administrative assistants, to their individualsLike can be found using thisjob link. data and make recommendations Citizenship and immigration Minister Jason Kenny office at the outset, meeting people and prospects should be best for those with client or employer based upon theirthat Canada announced will “substantially increase” the getting to know procedures. Then, during expertise in computer software findings. number of foreign students during the coming year. He thenumbers. first three to six months on the new applications. By typing text, entering data would not commit on job, Class make frequent visits. into a computer, and performing other The new Experience of immigration which was Paralegal launched last year allows students to apply for clerical duties, these workers ensure While lawyers assume ultimate Kate their Lorenzstudent is the article andexpire. advice permanent residence when visas companies keep up with information and responsibility for legal work, they delegate "We are not receiving editorenough for foreign students," She technology. much of their work to paralegals. Kenney said. “Universities areand pressing for the increase, researches writes about job search Paralegals not only assist in preparation he said, because foreign students, who pay the highest strategy, career management, hiring Insurance Underwriter for closings, hearings, trials, and corporate tuition fees, are "a source of revenue." trends and workplace issues.

Foreign student numbers to increase

Settlement services extended in Ontario

Insurance underwriters serve as the meetings, they also perform a number of main link between the insurance carrier other vital functions including draft and the insurance agent. Underwriters contracts, mortgages, separation analyze insurance applications, calculate agreements, trust instruments and may the risk of loss from policyholders, decide assist in preparing tax returns and whether to issue the policy and establish planning estates. With employers Visit reducing Theappropriate federal government recently announced the premium rates. costs by replacing duties once tended totoread all our back issues expansion of its newcomer assistance programs intowith paralegals, growth of this by lawyers and find muchmor. fourteen more libraries in southern Ontario.profession is expected.

The original pilot program started in Toronto, Ottawa and Hamilton and will be expanded to include Brampton, Kitchener, Richmond Hill, Windsor and London. “Our Government is helping make settlement services more accessible to immigrants,” said Minister Kenney. “This investment will give newcomers in our community access to settlement services to help ease their transition to life in Canada. Their success will strengthen this community and Canada.” The workers located at the libraries will offer newcomers help andto advice relating Magazine to housing, and Subscribe Muchmor employment transport and other opportunities. not only will be reminded “The library serves as ayou gathering place for when newcomers,” said Ahmed Iqbal, Executive Director of the every new issue is published butare you Brampton Multicultural Community Centre. “We very pleased to work more closely with the Brampton Library. will also be placed into a draw to win This dynamic partnership, funded by Citizenship and $50 will TimCard™ Immigration Canadaa(CIC), enable us to integrate our services and coordinate efforts to reach more newcomers, thereby improving their access to much needed services in our growing community.” The federal government is spending $1.9 million to fund the service organizations taking part, these are: • Brampton Multicultural Community Centre: $373,059 • Catholic Community Services of York Region: $414,131 read muchmor for the latest winner Multicultural Centre: $398,324 • Kitchener-Waterloo and to subscribe at New Canadians’ Centre of Excellence, Windsor: • $543,840 • Centre for Lifelong Learning and LUSO Community Services, London : $130,463 • South London Neighbourhood Resource Centre: $95,808

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40 Relocation

Newcomers set record high in 2008 According to preliminary figures issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) in February, Canada welcomed a record number of newcomers. “While other countries are talking about taking fewer immigrants, today, I am pleased to announce that in 2008, we increased the number of new permanent residents to Canada,” said Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney. In total Canada saw a total of 247,702 permanent residents enter the country during 2008. In addition to these numbers 193,061 temporary workers and 79,459 foreign students also arrived during the same year. This brings the total combined number of newcomers to 519,722. “Our government will not follow the advice of those who believe that Canada should take steps to reduce immigration levels. In fact, we are maintaining our planned immigration levels for 2009,” said Minister Kenney. “As minister responsible for multiculturalism, I am particularly concerned by short-sighted, divisive rhetoric that pits immigrants against Canadians in our economy.” So, lets look at the numbers and take a close look at who used what route and where they settled.

Permanent resident routes used

Destination of immigrants Destination in Canada


Newfoundland and Labrador


Prince Edward Island


Nova Scotia


New Brunswick












British Columbia




Northwest Territories






Family class










Skilled worker


Provincial nominee


Live-in caregivers








At the end of March Mr Kenny will meet with federal, provincial and territorial officials to review the economic impact on the workforce and immigration. This may lead to modification in the immigration system. “We don’t want people coming to Canada and facing unemployment. We need to be sensitive to the changing labour market, and if we need to make modifications, we will,” stated Minister Kenney.

Visit to read all our back issues and find muchmor.

Relocation 41

Clarification on ‘implied status’ is not so clear By Guidy Mamann Sometimes I feel like our

immigration department makes things complicated just to baffle the public and keep immigration lawyers employed. A case in point. When a foreigner in Canada is about to run out of status they must submit an application to the Case Processing Centre in Vegreville, Alberta to extend their stay if they are to remain here legally. Vegreville is currently taking 74 days to issue a study permit, 97 days to extend the status of a visitor, and 73 days to extend a work permit. The frequent question that arises is: What happens if your work permit expires before you receive an extension? Can you still work in the meantime? The answer to this is pretty simple. You may still do so under the terms of the expired work permit until a decision is communicated to you. This is so because you are granted “implied status” from the time you applied until the time that a decision is communicated to you. However, what happens if the worker leaves the country briefly while awaiting a decision on an extension? When he returns to Canada, can he return to work while he continues to wait for the extension application to be processed? The relevant section of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act states that “if a temporary resident has applied for an extension…the period is extended… until a decision is made”. This seems to apply to temporary workers since they are classified as “temporary residents”. It contains no limitations for brief departures. However, in an unrelated part of IRPA, i.e. the part which deals with those foreigners who are allowed to

work in Canada without a work permit, the Act includes a provision which clouds the issue. It says that a person can work in Canada without a permit if they made a timely application for an extension and “if they have remained in Canada after the expiry of their work permit”. Needless to say these two provisions suggest different answers and have caused quite a bit of confusion. The first provision suggests that the worker who briefly departs Canada continues to have implied status while the second suggests that they can’t return to work in Canada after a brief absence while awaiting processing. As a result, port-of-entry officers have been dealing with this scenario inconsistently. On January 15th, the immigration department issued a bulletin ostensibly clarifying this situation. Indeed, a foreign worker who leaves Canada in these circumstances can re-enter Canada as a temporary resident but only if they are from a visitor visa exempt country or if they have a multiple entry visa. However, they will lose their right to work here “until their application for renewal has been granted”. This result makes little sense from a public policy point of view. Wasn’t

the whole point of “implied status” to avoid disrupting Canadian employers and their businesses while their lawful foreign workers wait for Vegreville to process an extension request? The answer to our question is now “clear”. However, the rationale for allowing the re-entry of a worker who left Canada with “implied status” but denying him the right to return to work while his work permit is being renewed is far from it. Guidy Mamann practices law in Toronto at Mamann, Sandaluk and is certified by the Law Society of Upper Canada as an immigration specialist. Reach him confidentially at 416-862-0000 or at

42 Relocation

Relocation Q & A

We get asked lots of questions and usually we try to answer each one personally. However, recently we have had a lot which have addressed very similar concerns, so we thought we would answer them here. We have adapted the questions to reflect a number of queries. We have just received our visa and can now move to If you have no address in Canada you have six months Canada, however we have a problem. We live in the UK and the current economic situation means our property is worth far less than it used to be and we are having trouble selling it. Can we postpone our landing to perhaps next year when hopefully things will be looking better?

Angel The rules about landing as permanent residents are very

clear. You must “land” within a year of your immigration medical. If you do not do so your visa will expire and you will have to reapply and start the process over again. This applies to all applicants. There is a little leeway however. You may land and activate your residency anytime within a year of your medical. You can then leave Canada and return at a later date either permanently or again temporarily. As a permanent resident you have certain requirements to adhere to which include the stipulation that you must be resident in Canada for at least two years within a five year period. So, you can land, return to the UK and as long as you return to Canada and fulfill at least two years residency in the first five years you will be okay. There is one sticking point. When you land you need to give an address to which your PR card can be mailed.

to provide one. This address can be your own or a friend or relative who you trust to receive your PR cards. The address must be in Canada. If you leave Canada before receiving your PR cards, you must be in possession of them before you are readmitted into the country again. If you have had them sent to a friend or relative they will need to get them to you before you can reenter Canada.

When I applied for residency I had savings which more than covered the proof of funds requirement. Since then I lost my job and have had to use my savings to live on. I have now secured a new job but it does not pay as well and I fear that I will not have the required funds when I land, hopefully later this year. Do you have any suggestions?

Under the rules of applying for permanent residency you

must have the required funds at the time of application. You may also need to prove these funds nearer the time of your file processing. Also, when you land the admitting officer can ask for proof of funds. If you cannot show proof of these funds it is within the rights of the officer to refuse you admittance. However, your main concern should be about survival once in Canada. As a single person you are required to have a minimum of $10,833 CND in funds. This is really a bare minimum and you should expect to have well in excess of this figure in order to maintain a decent lifestyle once relocation landed.


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My family and I want to emigrate to Canada and I qualify under the new occupation rules - I am an electrician. However I am confused about the points. Do I still need to get the 67 points to qualify even though my job is on this

Visit to read all our back issues and find muchmor.

Relocation 43 equity in your and would it sustain you in the list? Does my original apprenticeship taken nearly Charlotte, Debra & property Carl hiking in Arnica Lake UK if you could not find employment straight away? twenty years ago count? Make sure you are running to something, not running away from something. Readdress the reasons why you Yes and yes. You do still need to qualify under the chose to move to Canada in the first place, what has points system even if your job is on the occupation list. changed and can you do anything to improve matters? An apprenticeship will allow you points in the education Do you want to? part of the points system. The number of points If you do decide to return to the UK, you can still allocated will depend on the type and duration of the move back to Canada in the future. As a permanent apprenticeship. For example, a three year resident you have to be resident for two of every five apprenticeship (full time) will gain you 22 points whilst a years, so as long as you comply with this you will be two year one 20 points. okay. If you apply and gain Canadian citizenship before You will need to have documented proof of your you leave then you would be free to come and go as apprenticeship which you will need to submit to CIC you please. upon their request.

I am a temporary foreign worker currently working in My husband and I have recently received our PR Canada. I am also applying for residency at the same time. I am very worried about the current job losses reported in Ontario where I live and although my job is not currently in danger, my fear is it will be. If I am laid-off can I remain in Canada and look for alternative work, or will I have to leave and will this affect my permanent residency application?

Any change to your employment conditions means you

have to extend or change the conditions of your work permit. If you change jobs you will need to apply for a new work permit before your current one expires. If you are not given a new work permit you are required to leave Canada. This will not affect your permanent residency application. As a temporary foreign worker you may be able to apply for permanent residency via the new Canadian Experience Class. You can use this link to see full details about this scheme.

visa and are looking forward to our new life in Canada where my sister currently lives. We are however very concerned about the job situation there. At the moment we are both employed, myself in marketing and my husband as a chef in a hotel. We earn decent money and so far, touch wood, there are no signs that our jobs are in jeopardy and we have not told our employers of our move. Would the sensible thing be to stay In the UK whilst employed and earning, save our money and then move to Canada once the economy starts to pick up?

This perhaps would be the sensible thing to to if you are

happy to stay in the UK for a while longer. You must be aware of the need to land before your visa expires. You will need to do this within a year of your immigration medical. When you land you can still return to the UK and continue your life there until you decide to move to Canada permanently. You must however spend at least two years of a five year period in Canada to retain We have been in Canada for three years now and residency status. have failed to settle. My wife had her own small The only thing you need to be aware of is that upon business which gave us some holiday money but landing you will need to give an address to which your since the downturn in the economy she earns very PR card can be mailed. You mentioned your sister lives little. My job looks as if it might be in jeopardy as it is in Canada so it would make sense to give her address loosely linked to the auto industry in Ontario which is and then she can send the PR cards to you in the UK. suffering big time. You will need these cards in order to reenter Canada at We are seriously thinking of moving back to the a later date. UK but don’t want to jump from the frying pan into the fire. Have house prices gone down in Canada as they We have never really settled here and still miss our have in the UK? Will I get a better bargain now? friends and family in the UK. Should we give up and return to the UK and if we did and regretted the Yes, house prices have dropped over the past year. decision can we come back to Canada? Nationally the Canadian Real Estate Board has said that prices dropped around 11%. In Toronto the average We are sorry to hear things are not working out for you. house price in Jan 2008 was $374,499 and January Unfortunately the economic situation is world wide and 2009 saw that price fall to $343,632. This means that you will find you pay less for the you might be in the same boat or worse if you returned same house this year as you would have done last year, to the UK. however inventory is lower. Many people are not putting Only the two of you can decide what to do. Perhaps their houses up for sale which means you may not have you should write a list of things you love and hate about as many to choose from as you would normally expect. each country and see which one has the edge. Also, look at job options back in the UK as things are pretty bad there too. Can you afford to move? Do you have

Monty the cat

44 Relocation


Researching and finding a job in Canada By Louise Green, The Expat Coach In times of economic

uncertainty, with daily bulletins announcing more job losses by the thousand, it can be a gloomy prospect looking for work. If you are emigrating, need to get a job offer to move to Canada, or are looking for a new career, there are more opportunities than ever these days. You can reach out to contacts around the globe from the comfort of your living room and vastly increase your chances of success. Gone are the days when finding a job was just a case of scanning the local classifieds and sending off a few CV’s. In fact these days even submitting your resume/CV to job websites is not enough. You have to be more proactive, think laterally and pursue new ways to secure the right job. There are a few key steps that will help to position yourself in the right place at the right time. The time is NOW and the place is EVERYWHERE.


• What skills and qualities you need to be able to do each job • Where there is demand • That it will support your lifestyle. You can also consider alternative careers, without being committed to the change. By having the facts about each job you can decide if it’s a viable option and save time by only pursuing opportunities that will support what you want. Use government and provincial immigration websites to get this information. Job websites have useful tools and resources to help you find this information.

Planning A well planned and organized job search is going to get you the results you want. You will need to be consistent, focused and determined in your approach. It’s no good spending 20 hours one week and then nothing for the next 2 weeks. Decide what you are going to do, allocate time for each activity, set out what you want to achieve and record what you are doing. Keep good records of all your new contacts, and where you found them. List all potential employers, new opportunities and what actions you take.

Networking There are many ways to network, in person and online.

When you are searching for work outside your local area, online can be much more practical. It is quite you want from your career? Financially, and personally. amazing the number of people you can communicate Make a list of what your job needs to provide, the salary with online. Literally thousands of people you could you need, the hours, the terms and conditions. Get never have dreamt of coming into contact with before. clear about what you enjoy about your job right now, It has a huge potential to increase your job search what you don’t like and what needs to change. List a success. You don’t have to be a computer expert or a few alternative careers to research; this is your professional networker to do it. Online networking is not opportunity to look in new directions. Collect all your just for business people and high flying careers work history, education, qualifications, references, skills anymore. You can use many of the social networking and any other information into one reference file, it sites such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Linked In, makes research and job search easier later on. When Muchmor Business Network and Mymuchmor to you know what you want it is much easier to search actively meet and make new friends who can help you and find the right job. in your job search. Networking takes time, you need to get to know people, think about what you can do for Research them, what you know that may help them, and in turn they will do the same for you. Get as much information as you can about the current Follow up job market before you start looking for work. Don’t waste time looking for jobs that do not pay enough or you are not qualified to do. At a minimum you must find Your time is valuable; spend it on activities that are out: working most effectively. Because there are so many

Get specific about what you are looking for. What do


Relocation 45

places you can be active you will have to be selective, you can do this by reviewing and modifying your plan. Keep good records about what activities are producing results. • Which website has given you the most contacts? • How many of those contacts have given you a useful lead? • How many responses did you have from posting your CV on each website? • Which version of your CV gave the best results? If you spend 8 hours on a particular website and get no responses or replies, is it worth continuing with that site, or moving on to another. You are going to have fun interacting and making new friends, which is good but to get that job you will also need to stay focused on your overall goal.

The next step is to take action. Whilst it’s exciting

thinking about the opportunities and new career waiting for you it can be quite daunting, wondering where to start. Everyone who emigrates has been there too; every journey starts with the first step. Contact Louise to get more information about the new Guide to Researching and Finding a Job in Canada. Listen to these FREE interviews with families who took the first step and kept going to successfully emigrate to Canada. We talk with two families who used very different approaches in their determination to create the life they wanted in Canada. Written and submitted by Louise Green of The Expat Coach – helping emigrants get the answers they need to research, move to and succeed in Canada.

Club 32Sequoia Working Life






mymuchmor - social networking brought to you by muchmor - connecting canada

46 Health & Wellness I was diagnosed with FMS in 1992 by a chiropractor. Not a lot was known about FMS at the time but I was willing to try most anything. I went for massage, physical therapy, acupressure, acupuncture, By Linda Batey chiropractic adjustments, a nutritionist, a rheumatologist, changed my diet, went to the There is not a feeling like knowing help. Eventually, I even you feel rotten but all the tests are negative, the doctor has no answers changed jobs. More interesting, but not helpful. After three years I and your family and friends think stopped working completely. My you're crazy. You begin to think doctor, an O.D., put me on Cymbalta they're right because no one can for FMS, Ambien for sleep and find anything wrong and you know Darvocet for acute pain. This is there is. You're achy all over, you're where my fibromyalgia and I are at exhausted but can't sleep, and can today. hardly move a muscle without pain. I am one of the fortunate ones. Nothing seems to help you feel Just finding a doctor who better and everyone says "you don't understands FMS is a huge step, look sick". and thankfully, I have a really good There are several views on one. To find a doctor familiar with whether Fibromyalgia Syndrome FMS, you might call a physician's (FMS) is related to arthritis, a virus, referral office, or if there is a FMS an immune system disorder or toxic support group, contact them (or buildup so there are several views on better yet-go to a meeting) for how to treat it. Unfortunately, for many people, it seems as though not names of good doctors who know and understand fibromyalgia. any one treatment works. Through trial and error, the doctor will try you on different medications

to see what works for you. Generally, three common denominators seem to come into play: sleep problems, depression and pain. Fortunately, there are medications that work well in keeping the symptoms at a level you can live with. Even though you may not feel like it, stretching and gentle yoga work well in warding off pain and stiffness. Probably the biggest obstacle in having fibromyalgia is making your family and friends aware of what you are feeling. This can be very difficult. You might try gathering supporting information in the library or online and giving them copies to read, or possibly bringing them along to a support group meeting. The better your support system, the easier it is to deal with your own symptoms. Although FMS is not curable, it isn't fatal either. Learn your limits and stay within them and you can enjoy a reasonably full life. Keep a positive attitude and take very good care of yourself. Count your blessings, not your symptoms!

Omega-3 and Omega 6 – this is stuff everybody needs as an essential part of any healthy diet. They are also a great anti-fungal agent, which means they go to work killing off the yeast.

paste. Then rub this on the infected areas. Chickweed works great on the itching that may be tormenting you as part of your infection.

Slippery Elm Bark

described are great home remedies for a yeast infection. While they are very effective in treating the symptoms, they cannot kill the yeast spores – the root cause of your problem. Not even store bought medications can kill them. This is why your yeast infections keep coming back. For a job like this, you’ll need a more powerful method of treatment.

Could it be fibromyalgia?

Home remedies for a yeast infection By Josie McEachern

Slippery elm bark helps with all 3

major symptoms of a yeast infection - burning, itching, and swelling. To remedies for a yeast infection that put this to work, just purchase the actually do what they say? There are powder, add a little water, and grind plenty of remedies that promise a it into a paste. Then you can either fast and easy cure, but which apply it to the external areas of the actually deliver the goods. Here are a vaginal, or the inside as well. few time-tested remedies that work every time:

Are you still searching for home


Flaxseed Oil This is definitely one of the better

home remedies for a yeast infection. Chock full of the essential fatty acids

Found at your local health food

store, this is found in the form of an ointment or the actual chickweed leaves. If you decide to purchase the leaves, just grind them down into a

All three of the methods just

Health & Wellness 47

Checklist - four natural sweeteners healthy alternatives to sugar When it comes to making it sweet,

one of the first things that people grab for is the sugar or, if they are trying to lose weight, an artificial sweetener. However, neither of those options are the healthiest ones to choose. There are healthier options. 1. Stevia: Stevia is a wonderful alternative for sweetening. Stevia is a herb that is a part of the sunflower family and is commonly known as sweetleaf, sweet leaf, sugarleaf, or simply stevia. It is widely grown for its sweet leaves. Its extracts have up to 300 times the sweetness of sugar and because it has a negligible effect on blood glucose and is known to enhance glucose tolerance, it is a much better choice than artificial sugars like Aspartame, Nutrasweet, Equal, Splenda, Sucralose, for people who are diabetic. Stevia in most forms, other than the white powered forms, gives a long even energy and works in the body like a complex carb. It is important to note that many of the

extracts, are processed with alcohol and do not keep the plant properties intact; therefore it is important to pay close attention to how the stevia you may use is processed. If you are a baker and wonder what you can use as a sweetener that is a healthier alternative, then Rapadura or Sucanat are good choices. They are both natural sugars which have many of the minerals, vitamins and nutritional value still intact.

Agave Nectar is remarkable in that its Glycemic Index (GI) and glycemic load are lower than most, if not all natural sweeteners on the market. This makes it a good alternative to honey as honey has a high GI. Agave Nectar also naturally contains quantities of Iron, Calcium, Potassium & Magnesium which why it has the color it does. There are other alternatives such as molasses, honey and maple syrup. However, due to some negative properties such as the fact 2. Rapadura: Rapadura is a dried that they can raise blood sugar quickly, they are not the best sugarcane juice that is common in choices for a healthy sweetener; Latin American countries, that comes in the form of a brick. It is the although they are still healthier alternatives to refined white sugar. perfect unbleached, unrefined Refined white sugar, and let me sweetener to use in place of refined add, most brown sugars, are sugars. And the unique processing unhealthy options for cooking, of Rapadura gives it a mild, baking, drinking, and all sweetening caramel-like flavor which is superb for baking and sweetening food and needs. In order to find the natural sweetener that is best for you, do a drinks. taste test and choose the one that fits your needs. You may find it 3. Sucanut: Sucanut is a nonrefined cane sugar that, unlike white necessary to have two or three of these sweeteners in your home for sugar, is a pure dried cane sugar, whatever your food preparation retains its molasses content. Of all the major sugars derived from sugar needs are. cane, Sucanut ranks highest in Diana Walker, Sunrider Leader, nutritional value; although, as with Cravings Coach and CEO of Diana’s most sugars, it is not a significant Healthy Lifestyles source of any nutrient apart from provides natural, safe options for carbohydrate. 4. Agave Nectar: Finally there is Agave Nectar, a sweetener that acts as a complex carb instead of a simple one. It is derived from a plant and due to its fructose content,

(BMB -VODIFPO Fairmont Royal York, 100 Front Street West Thursday, May 28, 2009 12:00 - 2:00p.m. ?dZ_l_ZkWb J_Ya[ji0 '+&$&&

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creating vibrant health. Free education at

Club& Garden 48Sequoia Home

Can you earn tax credits for your home reno?

Photo by Joe Shlabotnik

Understanding how the new Home Renovation tax Credit can benefit you.

Home & Garden 49

Sequoia Club

• the date the goods were delivered (keep your delivery slip renovations on your home this year based. A family will generally be as proof) and/or when the work or you could benefit from a tax credit? considered to consist of an individual services were performed; The government of Canada or an individual and his or her spouse • a description of the work implemented a temporary Home or common-law partner, including (including the address of where Renovation Tax Credit (HRTC) this children who will be under 18 years the work was performed); year which will enable many home of age, at the end of 2009. A family • the amount of the invoice; and owners to claim back some of the will be allowed a single credit that • proof of payment. costs associated with home may be shared within the family. To verify whether someone is renovations. If two or more families share the registered for GST/HST, please The HRTC covers projects carried ownership of an eligible dwelling, consult the GST/HST Registry. th out between January 27 2009 and each family will be eligible for their st February 1 2010. The HRTC can be own separate credit (i.e. each up to 8. I am planning to replace claimed for renovations and enduring $1,350) that will be calculated on alterations to a dwelling, or the land their respective eligible expenditures. my windows in 2009: can I on which it sits. hire my brother-in-law to help Here is a Q & A supplied by the 5. How will the credit be me out and still be eligible? Canada Revenue Agency

Did you know that if you undertake

Eligibility for the HRTC will be family


1. What is the Home Renovation Tax Credit (HRTC)? The proposed HRTC is a non-

refundable tax credit for work performed or goods acquired in respect of an eligible dwelling.

2. What is meant by eligible dwelling? An eligible dwelling is a housing unit

that is eligible to be an individual's principal residence or that of one or more of their family members, at any time between January 27, 2009 and February 1, 2010. In general, a housing unit is considered eligible to be an individual's principal residence where it is owned by the individual and ordinarily inhabited by the individual, the individual's spouse or common-law partner, or their children.

3. What is the eligibility period? The credit will be based on eligible

expenditures for work performed or goods acquired after January 27, 2009, and before February 1, 2010. Expenditures incurred pursuant to an agreement that was entered into before January 28, 2009, will not be eligible for the credit.

4. Who will be eligible for the credit?

The credit will only be available for

the 2009 tax year and applies to eligible expenditures of more than $1,000, but not more than $10,000, resulting in a maximum credit of $1,350 ($9,000 x 15%).

6. What are eligible expenditures? To be eligible, expenditures incurred

in relation to a renovation or alteration to an eligible dwelling (or the land that forms part of the eligible dwelling) must be of an enduring nature and integral to the dwelling, and includes the cost of labour and professional services, building materials, fixtures, rentals, and permits. Eligible expenditures must be supported by acceptable documentation.

7. What does the CRA consider to be acceptable documentation? Documentation, such as

agreements, invoices, and receipts, must clearly identify the type and quantity of goods purchased or services provided, including, but not limited to, the following information: information that clearly identifies the vendor/contractor, their business address and, if applicable, the GST/ HST registration number; • a description of the goods and the date when the goods were purchased;

It depends. Expenditures will not be

eligible if the related goods or services are provided by a person not dealing at arm's length with the individual, unless that person is registered for the Goods and Services Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax under the Excise Tax Act. So, in your case, if your brother-in-law is registered for GST/HST and if all other conditions are met, the expenditure will be eligible for the credit.

9. Will expenditures for the common areas of condominiums and cooperative housing corporations qualify for the credit? In the case of condominiums and

co-operative housing corporations, the individual's share of the cost of eligible expenditures for common areas will qualify.

10. I rent out my basement. If I renovate the basement for my tenant, will I be allowed to claim the credit? No. Individuals who earn business or rental income from part of their principal residence will be allowed to claim the credit only for expenditures made for the personal-use areas of the residence. For expenditures made for common areas or that benefit the housing unit as a whole (such as re-

50 Home & Garden

shingling a roof), you must divide the expense between personal use and income-earning use. For further information, please consult the Business and Professional Income Guide or the Rental Income Guide, as applicable.

11. If an eligible expenditure also qualifies for the Medical Expense Tax Credit (METC), will I be allowed to claim both the HRTC and METC? Yes. Where an eligible expenditure

qualifies for the METC the individual will be permitted to claim both the METC and the HRTC for that expenditure.

12. Will the credit be reduced by other government grants or credits that I may receive for the same expenditures? No. Eligible expenditures will not be reduced by other government tax credits or grants that the individual may be entitled to.

13. Could you provide me with some examples of eligible and ineligible expenditures? Yes, some examples are: Eligible: Renovating a kitchen, bathroom or basement New carpet or hardwood floors Building an addition, deck, fence Purchasing a new furnace A new driveway Painting of interior or exterior of a house Ineligible: Furniture, appliances, and audio and visual electronics Curtains and draperies Purchasing of tools Cleaning carpets House cleaning

on an annual or more frequent basis; • expenditures that are not integral to the dwelling, and other indirect expenditures that retain a value independent of the renovation; • expenditures for appliances and audio-visual electronics; and • financing costs.

15. Do I have to submit any supporting documents with my income tax return? No. However, you must ensure that

this information is available, should it be requested by the CRA.

16. How will I claim the HRTC? A new line will be incorporated in the 2009 personal income tax return to allow you to claim the credit.

14. What types of expenditures will not qualify? For more details on the HRTC please The following expenditures will not

be eligible for the HRTC: • the cost of routine repairs and maintenance normally performed

visit the following websites: Canada Revenue Agency

Department of Finance Canada

Home & Garden 51

Sequoia Club

Helen Parnell Tel: 403-932-8888 Price: $549,900 City: Cochrane

Province: Alberta Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 3

Corner lot but so private with tall mature trees, mountain view, inlaid brick patio and flowering landscaped plants in the raised beds. Formal dining room, large office, master bedroom with walk in closet and ensuite. Kitchen with white units, pantry, island, breakfast nook and vaulted ceilings. The open concept leads you to a great room with floor to ceiling oak surround gas fireplace in the corner.Lower level has large games room, future media room, two bedrooms, bathroom and wet bar.

Price:$259,9000 City: Chaparral

Province: Alberta Bedrooms: 2 Bathrooms: 2

Beautiful brand new 2 bedroom 2 bath condo in 45+ unit. Maximum upgrades and warm colours. Unit located a few doors from the open 2 story social area with catering kitchen, media room, library, fireplace and Exercise facility. Elevator from titled underground parking. Black granite, breakfast bar,upgraded cabinet hardware, lighting & plumbing package. Under mount sink, soaker tub, curved shower rods, stainless steel appliances microwave hood fan and front load washer & dryer. Full lake privileges.

Price: $449,900 City: Bow ridge

Province: Alberta Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 3

The LR has a block glass feature window, formal Diningroom, 2 bedrms and 2 full baths. The kitchen has dark maple cabinets,bar style counter,built in wall unit for more storage and pantry,new Bosch dishwasher, nook,door to deck with duradeck and metal rails and inlaid patio below in the mature and creative landscaped and fenced yard. The lower level has large family room with sunshine windows and corner gas fireplace with stone front, 2 more bedrooms, 4pc bathrm.

Price: $544,900 City: Parkdale

Province: Alberta Bedrooms: 3

Bathrooms: 2

A fantastic 1.5 Storey 3 bedroom home.This home features a recently renovated large eat-in kitchen as well as a formal dining room, exposed hardwood floors as well as carpet over more hardwoods. Also offering a 1 bedroom suite down with large windows, a wood stove, a 4pce bath and a separate entrance. Other upgrades include newer furnace, hot water tank and 100 amp electrical panel plus some newer windows. Spacious park like lot and gorgeous patio area on a quiet street.

Price: $330,000 Province: Alberta City: Sunset Ridge Bedrooms: 3

Bathrooms: 2.5

A quiet street and a family yard. A great 2 storey layout - Recently built in 2007. The hardwood, tile and nice carpets compliment the modern colors. The custom gas fireplace and built-ins gives your home that cozy warm feeling. A practical kitchen that comes with a Island, Nook, Bright windows and even a built in desk. Enjoy the deck out back for those famous sunsets or for your family BBQs and entertaining. The Master bedroom features a useable walkin closet and a 4 piece ensuite with a one piece tub and shower.

52 Home & Garden

Spring’s top home decor trends draw inspiration from nature It is time to pay tribute to the joy and jubilance of

nature as the welcoming signs of spring arrive. The familiar will appear refreshingly new as we take in its splendor. This spring, the hottest trends in home decor reflect this breathtaking beauty as Mother Nature awakes from her slumber. "Spring is such an exciting time of year," says Susan Atchison, manager of trend development for Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Stores. "Nature inspires decorating trends that are simple, yet grand. What you might see on a stroll through your local park has become the backdrop for interior designers and do-it-yourself home decorators across the country." Here are the top home decor trends for spring 2009:

1. Emulate outdoor serenity. "Lush leaves and exquisite florals convey outdoor

serenity," says Atchison. She notes that creating a peaceful element within your home might be as simple as adding a flower or greenery arrangement. "It's amazing what plant life can do to liven a room. A vase of flowers in the bathroom can make your morning routine more cheery, or a green centerpiece on the kitchen table might make dinner a mini-retreat from the long day at work." Whether fresh or silk, use leaves and flowers to bring a touch of classic nature into your home. Bright colors have pick-me-up appeal, while earthy tones convey calmness. Match complementary options with the current color scheme of your home, or combine to celebrate the harmony of the season.

the end of the season, you can fold for easy storage and use next year.

3. Refresh what you already have. With the tight economy, many people have limited

budgets for updating their home decor. Taking note from springtime renewal, an affordable, smart idea is to update what you already have in your home. Atchison suggests using polymer clay to add springinspired designs to different glass items you have around your house. For example, take a set of wine glasses and use different shades of green clay to create leaves on the 2. Make practical pretty. outside of the glass. Bake the glass with the new clay design for 30 minutes at 230 F and you'll have an entirely The things you use on a regular basis in your home are new glass set to toast the spring sunset. Consider often the things that don't have a lot of flair. But this updating other items in your home such as old vases, spring, practical items are getting a stylistic boost with candy dishes and hand and lotion dispensers. According new designs and fresh ideas that make them stand out. to Atchison, pretty much anything made of plain glass is Take a flowerpot for example. You don't have to spend a potential subject. a lot of money to get a unique, beautiful pot. "Flowerpots "As you walk though the woods or sit on a park bench made of fabric are undoubtedly one of the freshest ideas in the city, note the sights and sounds of springtime," for spring," says Atchison. She suggests creating your says Atchison. "This will inspire fresh home decor that is own by using durable yet breathable Sun N Shade sure to make your home beautiful and leave a lasting outdoor fabrics to create fun yet functional pots. From impression on guests." bright, eye-catching colors, to earthy, subtle tones, choose fabrics that mimic your favorite theme, whether For more ideas on spring home decorating trends, visit you plan to use these planters indoors or out. Plus, at Courtesy of ARAcontent.

Home & Garden 53

Increase home value through smart renovation

The practice of increasing home value through proper

close to the price of your un-renovated home, then there is no point in renovating your home. Make sure that you only compare your home with homes that are similar to yours and are located a short distance from your home. There is no point comparing your home that is on a 30 x 90 parcel of land to a home built on a 10 acre land or a home that is located in different areas as real estate prices vary from area to area. II) Contact your local real estate office or a qualified appraiser to find out which renovations in your area add value and which renovations do not. You then need to look further at the renovations that add value and ask your appraiser or your real estate agent to determine how much value each of these renovations bring to your home Comparable Market Analysis (CMA) is the method used by real estate salespersons and appraisers to determine home value. Appraisers look at large quantity of sold properties near your home and then adjust the price for your home based on the condition of various parts of your home as well as any new additions or extensions that you may have build to your home. As an example the appraiser knows that a second additional bathroom in your area is very desirable and the sold price of homes with a second bathroom show an increase of $4,000 in comparison to those that did not have the second bathroom. In the same way the appraiser may note that a finished basement increase value by $6,000 or fireplace has no impact on the value and etc. III) Now that you know the value of each renovation, you need to find out your cost for carrying out each of these renovations. This step is needed to find out if you are able to make a profit from a particular renovation. To determine your cost for each renovation, you should obtain at least three price estimates from qualified contractors. IV) After completing step three you are in the position to determine which particular renovation maximizes your profit. You can accomplish this by subtracting the added value each renovation brings as detailed in step three from the cost of that renovation determined in step four. This is especially useful when you have a limited budget and need to know which renovation will give you the maximum profit.

renovation techniques has never been more important than it is today. We constantly hear on the news about poor economy and poor real estate market. Homeowners who plan to increase their home value through renovations should be reminded that the margin for error is slim and a small mistake could easily wipe off their profit or worse result in a total loss. Slow economy should not scare away homeowners from remodeling their home in order to increase their home value. However, homeowners should only follow smart renovation techniques and be careful not to overrenovate their home. Over-renovation could be a total financial disaster. Prudent homeowners must learn about value engineering in respect to home remodeling if they are serious about profiting from renovation. The methods and analysis that enable you to determine what specific renovations allow you to benefit most from renovation is referred to as value engineering. In the next paragraphs we are going to briefly point out the steps one needs to follow in order to maximize one's profit and increase his/her home value. I) Step one is to contact your local real estate office or a qualified appraiser to obtain the current market value of your home as well as the value of renovated homes To learn more about remodeling your bathroom, click that are similar to yours within your area. The purpose of Bathroom Remodeling Ideas To find other helpful remodeling this research is to ensure that there is room to profit. If ideas, advices and resources, click Home Remodeling you find that the value of renovated homes nearby is

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value healthy balance between business and pleasure. Here you can build your career while enjoying a highly satisfying and relaxed lifestyle.

Education Lansbridge University - Only accredited eLearning institution in Canada for in MBA and eMBA Degree Programs 412 Queen Street, Fredericton NB, E3B 1B6 Tel: 506-443-0780 Fax: 506-459-2909 Email:

Health & Wellness Forces of Nature - Naturopathic, chiropractic, massage therapy and psychotherapy 2443 ½ Yonge St, Toronto Ontario, Canada M4P 2E7 Tel: 416-481-0222 Email:

MaxGXL - is a complex nutritional supplement that uses an ideal combination of nutrients to facilitate glutathione replenishment. Sherry Turner Independent Associate, Campbellford Ontario, K0L 1L0 Tel: 705-653-5117 Email:

Home Services Staging For Success - Let certified Canadian Staging Professional™ Birgit Wartenberg help you to transform your home. Serving the Quinte area of Ontario. Tel: 613-771-0075 Email:

56 Muchmor Business Finder

Jewellery & Clothing Jewelry by T - Jewelry for the woman who dares to be admired. Custom handcrafted designs by Canadian Designer Tina Dezsi. Tel: 905-668-2352 Email:

Money & Finance Cedarlane Financial- Independent financial services advisor servicing Quinte Region, Eastern Ontario RR#2, Shannonville, Ontario K0K 3A0 Tel: 613-922-6699 Fax: 613-962-6736 Email:

Hemlock Investments - Investors who specialize in residential real estate in Ontario, and Alberta. Quinte, Ontario Tel: 613-921-2535 Fax: 613-473-0014

HiFX Currency Specialists - HiFX helps over 30,000

Stagecoach GMAC - Helen Parnell - Sales

Representative covering the Cochrane and Calgary area of Alberta Tel: 403-92-5670 Email:

Relocation Best Place Immigration - Immigration advice by

authorized representative Ron Liberman, Full Member of the Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants (CSIC). 1500 West Georgia Street, Suite 1400, Vancouver BC, V6G 2Z6 Tel: 604-970-0629 Fax: 604-608-4723 Email: - LoonLounge is your Canadian

immigration and settlement community; a place to meet your future Canadian neighbours, employers and employees while learning about life in Canada. Email:

Moving 2 Alberta - Real estate, relocation and

settlement services by Helen Parnell for people moving people buy and sell currency every year for personal and to the Calgary & Southern Alberta area business needs. Tel: 403-92-5670 Worldwide locations Email:

Sciore & Associates Inc - Certified Financial Planner, Insurance Specialist, Retirement Income Specialist 102 King St E, Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C 1N5 Tel: 905-697-2262 Email:

Photography Go-Snapit - The aim of this project is to capture

everyday life in Canada as seen by ordinary Canadians. The goal is to select the best photos from those sent in and produce a book that captures the real essence of how Canadians see life around them.

Put Your Business Here You can put your business in front of thousands of readers for just $85 per year. Listings feature in Muchmor Canada Magazine and the MBN Magazine and include links to website and email addresses. Just $85 per year for listings in two online magazines. Click here for details.

Mymuchmor - This Canadian online social network

enables people to meet, blog, post photos, chat and promote local events in a friendly and safe environment. Tel: 613-396-5531 Fax: 613-396-3463

The Expat Coach - Our services ensure you collect the research information you need, choose the right place to live, know the lifestyle you can expect, and to be certain your emigration is worth the time, effort and money. 136 Cougar Point Road, Canmore, Alberta, T1W 1A1 Tel: 403-675-2039 Email:

Shopping Buy Canadian First - Our website's mission is to

showcase products that are made in Canada, but more importantly, it tells consumers where to buy them! We also offer content celebrating these products and Canada as a whole through our blog. Check us out! Tel: 1-888-633-6319, Email: Blog:

Real Estate

Web Services

Century 21 Lanthorn - Claudia Hancott - Sales

poloDesign - Whether you need a custom-designed

Representative covering the Quinte area of Ontario. Earn AIR MILES when using my services. 264 Front Street, Belleville, ON K8N 2Z2 Email:

website you can update yourself, a retractable banner or pop-up display, or a whole new look for your company, poloDesign will help you communicate your message. Tel: 613-392-2011 Email:


Club 58 32Sequoia Working Life






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