Muchmor Magazine Issue 49

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follow your passion, live your dream... ✓ Reaching from the Bay of Quinte to ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Algonquin Provincial Park OntarioĘźs Artisan Cheese Region Double the national average of artists & artisans One of the top 15 places visited in Ontario (Statcan) WeĘźre “Rurbanâ€? - rural with an urban flair 90 minutes to Toronto, 2 hours to Ottawa

For more information about Hastings County please contact: Andrew Redden, Economic Development Manager:


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From the Editor Welcome to the first issue of 2011. Can you believe we are already a month into the new year? Once again we have plenty to offer you in this edition including the second part of our feature on Multiple Sclerosis and its connection to CCSVI which has resulted in many people seeking treatment abroad. We speak with eleven MS’ers who tell their story of suffering and “Liberation.” We also start a new series called “Meet the Mayor” in which we ask Mayors across Canada for their answers to our in-depth questions such as their favorite movie or their most memorable holiday. Our aim is to get to know the person behind the politics the feedback from the Mayors who have taken part so far is good. They have found our questions to be fun and they have enjoyed the experience. We also catch up with Toronto singer/songwriter Moonlyn who we first spoke to back in early 2009. We find out all about her latest album and video as well as her plans for the future which include a possible move to LA. When she makes it big, remember where you first saw her! Other articles in this issue include taking a look at Ottawa’s culture and visiting Niagara Falls during the winter. Mark Atkinson our resident car expert test drives the Dodge Minivan and we spend a day with a local Realtor to find out what the job entails. We also learn where best to invest our money curtesy of Investors Group. Our immigration section includes a real life story from a family who moved from Argentina to Canada a few years ago as well as details of a Chinese Club in Smiths Falls. We also explore Greater Sudbury to see what it can offer potential newcomers. Well I won’t keep you here, instead I will let you read. All the best and Happy New Year Jane Toombes, Editor Muchmor Media 17 Woody Woodward Lane Corbyville RR1 Ontario K0K 1V0 Canada Tel: 1 613 396 5531 Fax: 1 613 396 3463 Advertising: Editorial:

Muchmor Magazine is a publication of Muchmor Media. All rights reserved in all media. No parts of this publication can be reproduced in any form, copied of stored electronically for commercial use without prior permission in writing from the publisher. Storing for personal use is acceptable. Muchmor Media relies on information supplied by external sources and this publication is supplied on the basis that it believes this to be correct and accurate at the time of publication. Muchmor Media does not however warrant its accuracy or completeness and to the full extent of the allowed by law excludes liability for any loss or damage sustained by readers arising from or in connection with the supply or use of this information. If errors occur and are brought to our attention it is our policy to correct any errors of fact whenever we can. Muchmor Media does not endorse any advertisers or content providers. The opinions of readers and contributors are not necessarily the opinions of Muchmor Media, and we cannot be held responsible for their comments.



Out & About 06! 07! 09! 09! 10! 12!

Valentine始s Day, 5 Canadian hot spots to keep the romance burning Niagara Falls has lots to offer the winter tourist Nova Scotia Eagle Watch Stanley Park, Vancouver, BC Ottawa, Canada始s capital of culture Time to choose summer camp kids

Lifestyle 14! 15! 16! 18! 21!

Careers: 11 job search tips for 2011 Careers: Foreign military service in Canadian career search documents Money: Should you contribute to your RRSP, your TFSA, or both? Motoring: Test drive: Dodge minivans Environment: When is green really green?

People 22! 24! 27! 28! 30! 4

Meet the Mayor of Mississauga: Hazel McCallion An interview with Toronto singer/songwriter Moonlyn Meet the Mayor of Peterborough: Daryl Bennett Meet the Mayor of Halifax, NS: Peter Kelly A day in the life of a Realtor

Immigration 32! 34! 38! 40! ! 42! ! 47! !

Immigration news Life in the City of Greater Sudbury Real Life: Canada calls Argentinian family Meet the Mayor of Lunenburg, NS: Laurence Mawhinney Smiths Falls: A lesson in cultural awareness Meet the Mayor of Smiths Falls: Dennis Staples

Health & Wellness 48! ! 49! 50!

Part 2: Could a cure for Multiple Scleoris be just around the corner? Dr Zamboni始s findings Eleven Real life stories from MS sufferers


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out & about

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Heather Greenwood Davis is a freelance writer and travel columnist based in Toronto, ON. Always on the =@@<@FE 7@C 2 ?6H 25G6?EFC6 D96PD @7E6? :? 2? 2:CA@CE H:E9 ?@E63@@< :? 92?5 42>6C2 @G6C 96C D9@F=56C 2?5 children in tow. Her twice-monthly ,@C@?E@ +E2C 4@=F>? N =E6C?2E6 CC2?86>6?ED O 762EFC6D :?E6C6DE:?8 A6@A=6 A=246D 2?5 E9:?8D 24C@DD E96 A=2?6E %62C? >@C6 2E HHH 8C66?H@@552G:D 4@>

Niagara Falls has a lot to offer the winter tourist By Jane Toombes

Journey Behind the Falls Niagara Falls is one of the best known attractions in Canada but of course the name doesn’t just refer to the majestic waterfall, but to the city itself. The city of Niagara Falls is located right on the border with the United States and indeed its twin city, also named Niagara Falls sits on the US side. The actual falls is divided into two: The Horseshoe Falls located on the Canadian side and the American Falls, yes you’ve guessed it, on the American side. Together these two falls make up one of the greatest natural wonders of the world. We have all seen the stunning photos of the falls in the summer with the sun beating down, but is this a place worth visiting in the cold winter months? The answer is, most definitely yes. Because you see, there is far more to Niagara Falls than just the waterfalls. The area surrounding the falls has been a tourist mecca for many years, but in the last few years many more attractions have opened their doors making it a great place to spend a few days. Even if you can only spend a day here you can still enjoy many of the things Niagara has to offer. You will find that the majority of the attractions are open year round and a lot are inside, so no need to worry too much about the weather. So what exactly can you do in Niagara in the winter? Well, the first and most obvious thing to do here is view the falls of course. Fortunately Canadians get the best deal out of the falls. From the Canadian side we can see the full extent of the falls including magnificent views of both the Horseshoe and American Falls, along with the smaller Bridal Veil Falls located between the two. There is a large observation deck known as Table Rock located above the Horseshoe Falls where you are so close to the rushing water you can almost touch it. Be prepared to get wet here though, so wrap up warm. You can view the falls all along

the Canadian side of the river, so make sure you pack your camera. The one attraction you will not be able to experience in the winter is a ride on the famous Maid of the Mist. These boat rides which take you under the falls themselves can only operate when the river is free of ice and snow, so unfortunately you will have to visit again in the summer months to appreciate this great experience. One attraction you will be able to take advantage of is the Journey Behind the Falls. This is open year round and allows you to actually walk behind and below the Horseshoe Falls. You will travel down in an elevator to get to the base of the falls and walk along tunnels behind the water. Observation areas allow you to literally stand behind the falls and watch the water flowing, the noise alone makes this worth doing. One observation area which allows you to view the falls from the bottom and side may be closed during a winter visit. This is because the platform can get very icy and slippery and no one wants you to fall in! You will still be able to see the side view of the falls from this vantage point, but without walking out onto the platform itself. Niagara’s Fury is one of the newest attractions which allows you to experience the falls first-hand. Located on Table Rock at this indoor attraction you stand on a specially constructed platform that tilts and trembles allowing you to experience the fury of Niagara yourself. You will be surrounded by incredible 4D imagery and fantastic sound in the 360 degree theatre. The show lasts six minutes, but is preceded with another show explaining how Niagara Falls was formed millions of years ago. If you want a really good view of the falls then you will want to experience the Skylon Tower. There is an observation deck located at 233 metres (775 feet). To get to the deck you ride the Yellow Bug elevators which travel


externally up the tower, like little bugs running up a flower stem. From the deck you can see over 8,000 square miles of both Canada and the USA. The tower is also home to the Revolving Dining Room where again at a height of 233 metres you can enjoy award-winning continental cuisine for lunch or dinner with spectacular views. If you prefer more casual dining then you should consider the Summit Suite Buffet which is more catered to families and slightly smaller budgets. There are other things to experience at the Skylon apart from the food and the views. You can also watch the 3D/4D movie "Legends of Niagara Falls" with amazing special effects. If you are visiting with children then you might want to visit Niagara Falls largest indoor entertainment centre offering rides for all ages. If you want to leave the kids there and catch up on some retail therapy then the shopping concourse is the place to be. You will find everything from souvenirs to discount shopping as well as several speciality shops. If you love wildlife, especially birds, then one place you must visit whilst at Niagara is Bird Kingdom. This is located close to Rainbow Bridge and is great for bird lovers all year, but offers a tropical escape during the winter months. You will be able to walk amongst the birds, yes most are free to fly and wander round so you never know what will be swooping above your head or walking across your path. You will see everything from the smallest finches to large macaws and everything in between. There is also a nocturnal section where you can see owls and other creatures such as bats and insects.

Bird Kingdom

Another great wildlife attraction is the Butterfly Conservatory. Because this is located about ten minutes north of Niagara Falls you will have to either drive or catch one of the buses which travel between the two locations. You will go on a self-guided tour where over 2,000 butterflies are free to fly around the tropical rainforest setting. You can also watch butterflies emerging from their pupae and flying for the first time. Be aware that they may


Butterfly Conservatory land on you and you need to be careful where you tread. You absolutely must have your camera here, but be warned that tripods are not allowed, only monopods. Clifton Hill is another location you will want to visit. This is the main tourist and shopping area at Niagara Falls. Here you will find places such as Ripley’s Museum and 4D Ride, wax museums, haunted houses, Niagara SkyWheel, arcades, restaurants, hotels and lots more. If gambling is for you then you will not be disappointed in Niagara. Places such as Casino Niagara, Fallsview Casino and the Ontario Casino Hotel will allow you to indulge in your passion. The Winter Festival of Lights is another good reason to visit Niagara in the winter. Between November and the end of January the whole of Niagara Falls is festooned with lights, attracting thousands of visitors every year. Most Fridays, weather pending, there are firework displays over the falls during the festival as well as the illumination of the falls themselves. So as you can see, there is no good reason why you should not visit Niagara Falls during the winter, in fact there are lots of good reasons why you should.

American Falls

In winter, the deciduous trees of the Annapolis Valley lose their leaves, odd pieces of fruit still frozen on the trees; the harvest festivals are over and the bulk of tourists are gone. Most, but not all.!!For two weekends in winter some thousand visitors come to line the fields around the farming village or hamlet of Sheffield Mills to join in a festival unlike any other. As the site of the largest colony of wintering eagles in eastern North America, Sheffield Mills is the perfect location to host Eagle Watch when visitors are invited to see these extraordinary birds in their natural hibernal habitat. And what a sight: some 500 eagles soar above the snow-covered fields and settle, looming white-headed sentinels, on the branches of leafless elms and apple trees.!! Nova Scotians are hospitable by nature. The 20th Annual Sheffield Mills Eagle Watch (January 29-30 and February 5-6, 2011) welcomes visitors to the Community Hall for a pancake and sausage breakfast or cinnamon bun alternative, plus homemade bread and baked beans afterwards. !There’s live music too. This year, the “polymetric folk-jazz” duo of Arianne and Andy, country singer Laura Roy,!harpist Johanne McInnis and Celtic musician, Dusty Keleher, are among Eagle Watch’s several performers.

Photo by Richard

Nova Scotia Eagle Watch

Noah Richler is a CBC radio documentary maker and the prize-winning author of This is My Country, What’s Yours? A Literary Atlas of Canada. He is a regular contributor to the Globe and Mail, the National Post, The Walrus magazine and the BBC World Service.

Stanley Park, Vancouver, BC Long recognized as one of the great parks of the world, Stanley Park is one of the crown jewels of Vancouver. Stanley Park is Vancouver's first park and one of the city's main tourist attractions and is an evergreen oasis of 400 hectares (1,000 acres) close to the downtown core. Its natural west coast and First Nations atmosphere offers a back drop of majestic cedar, hemlock and fir trees which greets visitors from all over the globe and transports them to an environment rich in tranquility. The park also is home to various wildlife and its features appeal to the naturalist, the plant lover or one who would do nothing more than relax in beautiful surroundings. Stanley Park was opened in 1888 by the British Lord Stanley of Preston who later became the Earl of Derby. The largest city-owned park in Canada and the third largest in North America, Stanley Park is more than ten percent larger than New York City's Central Park and almost half the size of London's Richmond Park. Each year the park attracts an estimated eight million visitors, locals and tourists alike, who come for its recreational facilities, gardens, seawall and ocean views. The famous seawall path which circles the park is used by more than 2.5 million pedestrians, sight-seers, cyclists, and inline skaters every year. Most of the park is forested with old growth forest and an estimated half million trees that can be as tall as 76 metres (250 ft) and hundreds of years old. There are also approximately 125 miles of trails and roads throughout the park, which are patrolled by the Vancouver City Police horse mounted squad. The Project for Public Spaces has ranked Stanley Park as the sixteenth best park in the world and sixth best in North America. A great number of quality recreational facilities are also available in Stanley Park, including a pitch and putt golf course bordered by the spring-blooming Ted and Mary Greig Rhododendron Garden. At the Park's heart is the formal Rose Garden surrounded by mass perennial plantings looking their very best from April through September. If you are planning a trip to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, beautiful Stanley Park is a must see destination. With its beautiful rose gardens, scenery and world class facilities and restaurants, Stanley Park will be a memorable experience. Vancouver, BC, Canada tourist information


Ottawa: Canada’s Capital of Culture When thinking of somewhere to visit in Canada, what better place to start than the capital city, Ottawa. Located in eastern Ontario, close to the border with Quebec, Ottawa offers a little bit of everything and so should meet the needs of all kinds of tourists. Don’t think that because Ottawa is Canada’s capital city that it is going to be a large, built-up, unfriendly city, it is not. In fact Ottawa is more rural than any other city in Canada and has some stunning architecture to explore. This along with fine dining, shopping, parks, museums and galleries makes it a great place to spend some time at any time of the year. Ottawa has some major landmarks you will want to explore. One of the most visited locations is Parliament Hill which can be found along Wellington Street overlooking the Ottawa River. There are three main buildings you will want to see, the first is known as the centre block and this is where you will see the familiar clock tower and stunning architecture dating back to the mid 1800’s. There are two other blocks known as east and west which have equally stunning architecture. You can take tours of the buildings which are free of charge. Booking in advance is not required for groups of ten or less and the tours last between 20 and 60 minutes. Tour times vary depending on the day and time of year so you should visit the following website for full details: Whilst in this area you should look for the “Cat Man of Parliament Hill.” This gentleman has build a cat shelter to the west of the centre block where he looks after and feeds feral cats. Close by you can also visit the Supreme Court, a unique Art-Deco

By Jane Toombes


style building which has a huge front lawn often used in the summer months by Ultimate Frisbee players. You can take guided tours of the court itself or simply enjoy the entertainment outside. Within walking distance of Parliament Hill is the Notre Damn Basilica which is a stunning gothic cathedral dating back to 1841. Between May and October you can take tours of the cathedral which last approximately 45 minutes, fees are applicable. As you are wandering around this area you cannot fail to notice the other great landmark of Ottawa, the Rideau Canal. At the point where it meets the Ottawa River, next to Parliament Hill you will see the 8 locks which allow boats to navigate the different heights of the canal and river. During the winter months the canal is turned into the world’s longest ice skating rink. Although not open to the public you might also want to visit 24 Sussex Drive which is the home of the Prime Minister of Canada. You can park in neighbouring streets and may be able to get a quick photo opportunity but be aware the area is patrolled by security so you may be asked to move on. As you are in Sussex Drive you should also take a look at Rideau Hall, opposite 24 Sussex which is the home of the Governor General. The gardens to this home are open to the public and are well worth a visit. There are 79 acres of beautiful landscaping including trees planted by visiting dignitaries including Nelson Mandela and Diana, Princess of Wales. One of the most vibrant neighbourhoods in Ottawa is ByWard Market. Here you will find a variety of restaurants from fine dining to fast food outlets. There is also ample shopping opportunity with lots of eclectic shops as well as the market square which offers everything from fruit and vegetables to arts and crafts. There are also horse-drawn carriages and rickshaws offering tours and buskers to entertain you. Adjacent to ByWard Market you will also find ample shopping opportunities at the Rideau Centre. This is a large mall, with parking and over 180 stores and restaurants. If you like museums and galleries you will not be disappointed. Located just off Sussex Drive you will find the National Gallery of Canada. This impressive glass structure is a work of art in itself and definitely worth photographing. Also worth a photo is the huge 9.25 meter high bronze spider located in the plaza. Photo opportunities inside the building are limited. The Canadian War Museum opened in 2005, not only contains a fascinating insight into Canadian military history but is also a building of great architectural interest. The floors and walls are built on slight angles making you feel slightly disorientated. Another place worth visiting is the Canadian Museum of Civilization. This is Canada’s most visited museum and is home to the world’s largest collection of totem poles amongst many other exhibits. From outside the museum don’t miss the wonderful views of Parliament Hill, Rideau Canal and Ottawa River. Ottawa also offers many parks and recreational areas where you can relax and have a picnic. If you plan you visit during May 2011, be sure to check out the Canadian Tulip

Notre Damn Basilica Festival. Over one million tulips of over 50 varieties are on display throughout the city during this time. Make sure you bring your camera for this one. If you like cycling you can take one of the many cycle paths found throughout the city including those along the banks of the Rideau Canal or Ottawa River. Bicycles can be rented at various locations across the city. Ottawa is a picturesque and relaxed city to visit and has something for just about everyone. You can visit the main Ottawa Tourism website at

Library Building Parliament Hill


Time to choose

kids! In Canada many children attend summer camps during the long summer holidays. Every province in Canada has summer camps and there are literally hundreds to choose from and they are very popular. In fact they are so popular many are fully booked even before the year starts, so it is best to do lots of research to find the camp you want to go to to make sure you book your place in time, so start now! Children of all ages can take part in summer camps as some are just day events whilst others can be a week or even a month or more. Each one offers different activities so you should be able to find one which caters to your interests. There are groups just for boys, or just for girls, but many are mixed. There are also camps for people with special needs, so no one has to miss out on the opportunity. You do have to pay for camps so you will need to do the research with your parents to make sure they can afford the ones you pick!

How to choose a summer camp Sit down with your parents and write a list of things that you want from the camp, be it fun stuff, learning skills, your hobbies etc. Your parents should also write a list of what they want you to get from the camp. This might be different to yours but you will probably find that the things you want and the things your parents want can be found at more than one camp. For example you might want to learn to skateboard and your parents want you to gain more self confidence. By selecting the right camp there is no reason why both these things cannot be achieved at the same time. Once you have decided what you and your parents want from the camp you will need to decide which type of camp you want to attend. Location: Although you might be restricted by the location, some camps do offer transportation, so look into this if distance could be a problem for you. Facilities: Your parents might be more concerned about facilities than you, but you need to know what things you


expect at the camp. What is the security like, what medical facilities are there, what are the qualifications of the camp supervisors, what type of sleeping arrangements are there, can the camp cater to special needs if required. What type of accommodation is provided i.e. cabins, tents etc? Some camps are operated by religious bodies, so if this is important to you make sure you are able to practice your religion whilst at camp. Size: Camps vary in size from tens of people to over 500. Do you want to be part of a large camp or prefer a smaller camp environment? Even the largest camps tend to split children into smaller groups so you still get the individual support you would receive at a smaller camp. Cost: Of course cost can be a major issue especially if you want to attend several camps or you have brothers and sisters who also need to attend camp. This can mean that your parents are spending a lot of money so you need to be aware of this and not be too selfish in your needs, after all there will still be next year to try something different. You also need to be aware of what is included in the cost such as equipment, trips, transport as these items can add considerably to the overall cost if not included. Costs vary greatly from camp to camp from around $200 for a day camp to several thousand dollars for a month long camp. Fortunately there are lots to choose from so hopefully you will find one in your parents budget. Duration: Camps can last anything from a few hours to several weeks. You and your parents need to be sure that you are prepared to be away from home for the length of your trip. Some children love being away from home and enjoy the freedom, but others may get very homesick and want to go back home after a day or two. Check to see if there is an option available to cut the duration short if you find you want to go home early. Is there a refund policy in this case? Activities: This is the most important decision as far as the children are concerned because it is what you will be doing whilst away at camp. Some camps specialize in certain areas such as horse riding, mountain climbing, sports, crafts etc, whilst others offer a wide variety of activities. Do you want to take part in team sports or more singular activities such as tennis? Do you want the whole camp to revolve around water sports or would you prefer something more sedate such as craft activities or performing arts? Do you need to learn a particular skill from scratch or are you more advanced? Check the skill levels of each camp to make sure it meets your skill needs. One for the parents - check it out first: Once you choose a camp make sure it is everything you expect it to be. Can you get references from people who have used it before? How long has it been in operation? What are the goals of the camp? How many staff are on duty to how many children? What are the qualifications of the staff? What staff training is provided? What is the food like?

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Money Should you contribute to your RRSP, your TFSA or both? As Canadians recover from their holiday spending sprees they have to open their overused cheque book one more time to contribute to their retirement fund. The February 28th Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) deadline is fast approaching, and contribution decisions need to be made. There once was a time when contributing to your RRSP was a no-brainer, but with the advent of the Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA) the RRSP contribution decision got a little complicated. The introduction of the TFSA represents the most important change to the way Canadians save money since RRSPs were launched in the late ‘50s. The big question on many people’s minds is whether they should contribute to a TFSA, the tried-and tested RRSP, or possibly even both? Before shedding some light on their question, let’s first get a firm grasp on some of the innate differences and similarities. First and foremost, both RRSPs and TFSAs provide investors with the opportunity of tax-sheltered compound growth for investments held inside each plan. Unlike an RRSP, contributions to a TFSA are not tax deductible, but amounts can be withdrawn tax free at any time and withdrawn amounts are added back into your TFSA contribution room the following year.

Comparing the TFSA to the RRSP Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP)

Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA)

Contributions are fully tax-deductible

Contributions are not tax-deductible

Contributions can be made until the end of the year in which you turn 71 years of age

Contributions can be made at any time with no age limit (for those 18 years of age and over)

Withdrawals are taxed at your marginal tax rate

Withdrawals are 100% tax-free

1% monthly penalty for over contributions

1% monthly penalty for over contributions

Withdrawals could affect eligibility for incometested government benefits and credits

Withdrawals will not affect eligibility for incometested government benefits and credits

Unused contribution room is carried forward indefinitely

Unused contribution room is carried forward indefinitely

Withdrawals cannot be returned to the RRSP without using contribution room*

Withdrawals will be added to contribution room in the following year

*except for repayments of withdrawals under the home buyersʼ plan or the lifelong learning plan 16

Now that we’ve established their unique characteristics, let’s get back to our original question: Which is best? On a very basic level, looking at your pre-retirement and expected post-retirement marginal tax rates can provide you with an idea how to best allocate your investments. If you expect to be in a lower tax bracket during retirement, contributing to an RRSP is generally more beneficial. However, if in retirement you anticipate being in a tax bracket that is equal or higher than your pre-retirement tax rate, the TFSA may be more taxefficient. Although it’s tempting to settle on a simple rule-of-thumb, the decision on whether you should use a TFSA or RRSP is not that simple – your advisor needs to work with you to consider the entire spectrum of financial strategies at your disposal that could ultimately impact your approach. Even if you anticipate having a lower marginal tax rate in retirement, maximizing your RRSP contributions may not always be the most taxefficient long-term strategy. Since RRSP withdrawals (directly or through your Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF) or an annuity) increase your taxable income, those withdrawals may affect certain government incometested benefits and credits such as the Old Age Security benefit and the Age Credit. On the other hand, if your expected marginal tax rate in retirement is equal or higher than during your accumulation years, contributing to your TFSA may not be the best approach either. For example, RRSPs that are converted to a RRIF or an annuity after age 65 can produce income that is eligible for the pension income tax credit, and thus qualifies for pension income

splitting with your spouse. Other income splitting strategies such as the use of spousal RRSPs could effectively distribute a portion of your taxable income to a spouse with a lower marginal tax rate in retirement, further reducing your tax bill and reducing the claw-back effect on your income tested benefits and credits. So where does this leave us? Generally speaking, a TFSA may be better suited for shorter-term goals, such as an emergency fund or saving for a major purchase, since there is no tax on withdrawals and these plan withdrawals are added back into your TFSA contribution room the following year. However, for long-term objectives, RRSPs are generally the vehicle of choice since there are strong incentives to keep your money invested, such as taxes and lost contribution room on the withdrawals from an RRSP. The TFSA can also be a powerful retirement savings tool. However, due to the ease with which TFSA savings can be accessed (no taxes on withdrawals or loss of contribution room) only a disciplined investor who can resist the temptation to dip into their savings prior to retirement will fully benefit from its potential as a source of retirement income. Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. In fact, there is a multitude of variables that must be taken into consideration. In many cases, the TFSA should be used as a complementary product, along with your RRSPs, as they both have their own advantages. Your personal savings strategy needs to take into account your unique circumstances as well as your short and longterm objectives. To discover which approach is best for you, contact me. Andrew Filice, CFP 1-800-561-0659 Click here to see more information about Investors Group



Test Drive: Dodge Minivans

By Mark Atkinson 18

Uncool or not, minivans are still big business in Canada, despite a general decrease in demand over the last decade. Chrysler Canada is the class’ 800-lb gorilla capturing over 70 per cent of sales regularly with its Dodge Grand Caravan – and 75 percent when you add in the upscale-but-small-volume Chrysler Town & Country. Some is courtesy of picking up stragglers abandoned by manufacturers – Ford, General Motors and Hyundai – who no longer play in this league. The other reason was value – Chrysler simply prices itself lower than its competitors are willing to accept. Voila: instant volume. Never mind that the minivans were loud and slow with interior plastics so sharp you’d lose a digit if run the wrong way over an exposed injection moulding. It was the largest ride for the least money: who cares about quality, right? Plenty. Chrysler interiors have never been stellar – clever, yes, but not class-leading. But finally, with the help of development money funnelled in through new corporateparent Fiat, nearly the whole Dodge and Chrysler fleet will receive significant upgrades to make them not only more attractive, but even better values too. The revised 2011 Grand Caravan (GC) and Town & Country (T&C) are perhaps the most significant to Canada, especially with all-new versions of the Honda Odyssey and Toyota Sienna in dealers now. The changes to the ChryCo twins are significant, even though the basic box remains the same. That means no changes in overall size or carrying capacity. However, both get freshened sheet-metal to reflect their brands’ styling themes. The GC gets Dodge’s new crosshair grille, along with a sportier front fascia, while the rear gets a larger body-colour spoiler, a re-shaped tailgate with different trim,

and slick LED taillights. T&C goes a little farther with a new sculpted hood, an attractive chrome and satin-finish grille, projector-style headlights, and foglights integrated with a wide chrome strip along the front fascia. The Chrysler’s rear is nearly as dramatic, with an aluminum scuff plate on the bumper, a similarly redone tailgate, and LED lights. Both offer unique 16- and 17-inch wheels, depending on trim, but all come with roof racks whose cross-members fold away into the rails themselves, just like the Subaru Outback. However, the biggest changes come inside. The overreaching effort was to remove any chance of complaints about Chrysler interiors, and the designers and engineers have absolutely pulled it off. The dashboards are now one-piece units (vs. seven before) that cut down on the creaking and cracking that comes with age. It utilizes soft-touch plastics on the console, door panels, steering wheel, gearshift... The fit and finish is arguably better than the Japanese competition. It’s easier to use too, with a new tilt-and-telescoping steering column, a revised shift pattern, and new Super Stow ‘n Go seating that allows the secondrow seats to be flipped and folded with one hand. The third-row retains the current system, which is still intuitive and quick to operate. Customers will also appreciate new convenience options, including a huge centre console that houses extra 12V plugs, more cupholders, and an extendable storage compartment that slides partway into the second-row with Audi-like slickness. Under the hood, Chrysler ditched its ancient trio of 3.3, 3.8, and 4.0-litre engines for one single powerplant. The brand-new 3.6-litre Pentastar V6 is a real gem, using


variable-valve timing and other tricks to deliver a best-inclass 283 hp and 260 lb-ft of torque, which is up to 108 horses more than before. Joining in the party is a new sixspeed automatic transmission, which helps to increase fuel efficiency too. Both GC and T&C register 12.3/7.9 L/100 km (city/hwy), and use regular gas. Another key change is the way the vans handle. Gone are the floaty, unresponsive minivans we remember thanks to a complete overhaul of the suspension, including retuned – and larger in the rear – shocks, a 12-mm lower ride height, and new Michelin tires. These changes make challenging, narrow, twisty roads not the palm-moistening ride it could be. Both control their bulk very well, and the steering delivers real feel and adjustable weight thanks to a new electric power steering pump. The brakes are more than adequate in extreme situation, and standard ABS, traction control and stability control are there to help if needed. Other safety features include a plethora of airbags – including a knee-bag for the driver – and active front head restraints. Options include blind-spot monitoring, rear cross-path detection, which is great in busy parking lots, rear parking sensors, and a rear-mounted back-up camera. Amazingly, Chrysler promises to keep its aggressive pricing despite the extra content – the base MSRP on the GC SE Canada Value Package only rises by $550 to $22,995 despite officials claiming over $2,500 worth of added stuff. Moving up through the SXT Stow ‘n Go ($25,995), the Crew ($28,995) and range-topping Crew Plus ($36,995) follows the same pattern, as do the Touring ($34,995), Touring-L ($36,995) and Limited ($40,995) grades for the T&C.


Standard equipment is generous, including dual-zone climate control, steering-wheel mounted audio controls, power windows/locks/mirrors, and cruise control, while options range from simple things like tinted rear glass and power rear windows, to more luxurious power-folding rear seats, Bluetooth hands-free, leather upholstery, autodimming mirrors, HID headlamps, and a Garmin-based navigation unit. As for the Japanese competition, Chrysler claims that comparable Honda or Toyota minivans would be $6K-$7K more expensive and still would not offer the same level of driver involvement, fuel economy and power. Given that a base Sienna V6 starts at $28,900, and an entry-level Odyssey LX at $29,990, the figures appear accurate. And with the improvements made to the Dodge and Chrysler models, there’s now no need to spend that sort of extra cash. Until we can drive them all back-to-back, we’ll reserve final judgement, but at first blush, Chrysler’s come out swinging with a product offensive that makes sense. Those in the market for a big family hauler now can’t just dismiss the Grand Caravan and Town & Country as the bargainbasement offerings – they can’t be dismissed so simply anymore. Mark Atkinson has nearly 10 years experience as an automobile journalist working for publications like Inside Track Motorsport News, Carguide, World of Wheels, Canadian Auto World, the Hamilton Spectator Wheels section, Metro Carguide, Suburban Life and West of the City. Besides writing for Muchmor Magazine, Mark also has his own blog,, and appears in a number of other print and online publications.

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Meet the Mayor of Mississauga, ON: Hazel McCallion By Jane Toombes Hazel McCallion is probably one of the best known Mayors in Canada as she is also one of the longest serving and oldest. She has been Mayor of Mississauga, Ontario since 1978 and is known affectionately as “Hurricane Hazel.” She was re-elected in October 2010 at the age of 89 and says that this will be her last term – but we will wait and see if this turns out to be true. Who knows, perhaps she will be celebrating her 100th birthday as Mississauga Mayor! Originally from Quebec she moved to Toronto in 1942 where she met and married her husband Sam who sadly died in 1997. The couple have three children. She began her political career in Streetsville, Ontario. She began as chair of the Planning Board in the late 1960’s and then became deputy reeve and then reeve. In 1970 she became Mayor of Streetsville and when Mississauga was established in 1974, Streetsville was merged with it. She was elected Mayor of Mississauga in 1978 and the rest, as they say, is history. Mayor McCallion was one of the first Mayors to commit to pay-as-you-go philosophy which has meant the city has not had to borrow money since 1978 and is currently debt-free. In 2005 Mayor McCallion was appointed Member of the Order of Canada and received her Insignia of Member of the Order of Canada at a ceremony held at Rideau Hall on November 18, 2005.!This is the highlight of many awards and accolades she has received over the years. We hope that you will get to know Mayor McCallion a little better with our Q&A sections which she kindly agreed to take part in. Q: What was the first car you ever owned? A: A! Ford Q: If you could own any vehicle what would it be and why? A: A Bentley because of the fine craftsmanship and attention to detail. Q: What is one thing people would be surprised to find about about you? A: That I do my own grocery shopping, cleaning and cooking. Q: If you could change anything about yourself what would it be? A: I wish I were younger as there are still so many things I would like to do. Q: What do you most value in other people? A: Loyalty Q: Mac or PC? A: Mac, I use an iPad.

Q: Where has been your most memorable travel destination and why? A: Probably Dubai.!I spent the day riding a camel in the desert. Q: If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be and why? A: China. The people there are so friendly and their growth is so impressive. Q: What is your favorite movie? A: I don’t go to movies. Q: What was the last book you read, or are currently reading? A: I read “Starting Your Day Right” by Joyce Meyer everyday.! It has an inspiring quote for each day of the year and keeps me motivated.

A: Receiving the Order of Canada in 2005.!I haven’t had a worst as I consider everything that I experience, positive or negative, as an opportunity for growth. Q: If you could have any job in the world, what would it be and why? A: A gardener. Q: If you knew the world was going to end tomorrow, what would you do today? A: Spend it with my family. Q: If you had to choose a last meal, what would it be? A: Rainbow Trout. Q: If you could choose one of your personality traits to pass on to your children, what would it be? A: My work ethic and enjoying being with people. Q: If you had to evacuate you home immediately, what one item, other than family members & photos would you make sure you took with you? A: My dog Missy.

Q: What hobbies do you do to relax? A: I love to garden.

Q: If you could give a newcomer one piece of advice, what would it be? A: Work hard and never give up and be confident in your ability to accomplish things.

Q: What has been your best moment since becoming Mayor? And your worst?

Order of Canada Citation for Mayor Hazel McCallion Mississauga, Ontario Member of the Order of Canada Awarded on June 29, 2005; Invested on November 18, 2005

Courtesy of City of Mississauga

Q: What sports do you support and/or play? A: I support the value and benefits of all sports but there has always been a special place in my heart for hockey as I used to play professionally when I was a young woman.

Hazel McCallion's commitment and dedication to the people of Mississauga have made her one of Canada's best known and longest serving mayors. She Mayor McCallion with Governor General Michaelle Jean has taken on leadership roles within many municipal government organizations, such as the Greater Toronto Area Mayors' Committee. Resolute in her commitment to improving the quality of life of her fellow citizens, she has also served as chair of the World Health Organization symposia on healthy cities. In addition, her annual charity golf tournament has helped to raise funds for a myriad of local, provincial and national organizations.


An interview with Toronto singer/songwriter Moonlyn "

Interview by Jane Toombes Back in early 2009 we spoke to Moonlyn, an independent singer/songwriter from Toronto who was in the process of writing her second album. We caught up with her to find out what she had been doing since we last spoke and what she has planned for the future. We asked her a number of questions and I think you will agree she is a very interesting person. When we last spoke in early 2009, you were working on your second album. Now that it has been released what can you tell us about it? My latest album titled “Blondes Prefer Gentlemen” was released in July of 2010. I wrote and produced all the songs myself except for the one cover song “I Wanna Be Loved By You” first made famous by Betty Boop and later Marilyn Monroe. Marilyn Monroe was a bit of a theme behind this album. The title itself is a play on one of her famous films “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes”. And of course the image of me on the cover of my new album was very inspired by the famous shot of Marilyn in her white dress, but instead I chose magenta for my dress – my favourite colour. I actually first released my cover of “I Wanna Be Loved By You” on Myspace on August 5th, the 48th anniversary of her death. I’m very proud and excited about my new material. I’ve had only amazing feedback about it so far and I’m still in the process of promoting it. What else have you been doing since we last spoke? I’ve been super busy dealing with lawyers and contracts and possible management deals. Also a couple of months after the release of my second album I released a music video to

support one of my new songs. I produced and wrote the video myself. I also did most of the behind the scenes work for the video such as designing & building the sets and putting together my wardrobe. It was a lot of work and a very stressful experience. I had to go through many animators and editors to find the right ones to collaborate with. In the end I’m very satisfied with the results. Are you planning a third album? I still have hundreds of songs in my soul that have yet to be recorded & produced… so most definitely. Who would you describe as your musical influences and why? Well since my first love of music is in Classical and Opera, I would have to say the core of my music is influenced by Mozart and Puccini. Any other influences would have to be subconscious because I don’t purposely try to sound like anyone or be like anyone else. What do you consider are the best and worst things about the music industry?! The music industry on the whole is very volatile. I’m not sure whether I love it or hate it. The internet has been the main cause for the drastic changes we’ve seen over the years in this industry and can be the best and the worst thing for an indie artist such as myself. I do know that I love making music, it is the fuel of my soul. What is your favorite song of all time? Madama Butterfly by Puccini Who would you choose to collaborate writing a song with if you could chose anyone? That’s a tough one. I love many artists and all sorts of genres of music. I might want to work with a style that’s very different than my own, so that there is a cool and unique merging of worlds like with Eminem. Or, I might want to collaborate with someone who I admire like Madonna. I think it might be fun to work with Marilyn Manson or even the Beastie Boys to create a bizarre concoction. But hands down, it would’ve been awesome to meld musical minds with John Lennon. It is clear that music means everything to you, but if you weren't a musician what would you be? Dead! I watched the video that accompanies your song “X’d My Mind.” How long did it take to make? It took about 6 months from the start of the idea to when it was up and playing on YouTube. It took me about a month and a half months to prepare the sets and collect all the wardrobe and props, some of which I made myself. I

also kept running into bad luck with some incompetent animators and editors, who wasted a couple of months of my time as well. The actual shooting took only 4 days and when the work actually began for the editing that only took one and a half weeks. The animation took about 2 weeks. The rest of the time was just other people screwing me around. What song or artist would someone be surprised to find on your MP3 player? I just quickly looked through my digital library of songs and couldn’t help but laugh. There are many songs and artists that I am very sure that everyone would be shocked about. I have everything from the expected electronica, alternative, gothic and punk rock, to the unexpected classical, country, hip hop, jazz and folk. Tibetan Buddhism Ritual Orchestra & Chants - that’s the one I’m picking to be the least expected in my collection. Lets move away from music for a moment and talk about you. What one word would you use to describe yourself? Enigma


What is the one thing that people would be most surprised to find out about you?

If your home was on fire, what one item (excluding family, pets and photos) would you grab as you left?

Haha there are many things about me that I’m sure would surprise people. I was an honour student for all my high school years. I was accepted into every University I applied for but turned them all down and decided to focus on the arts. Music was something I never studied in school; everything I learned was self-taught. I am a loner and don’t have many friends, but I prefer it that way I love being by myself.

My external hard drives which contain all my music and video files.... and writings and poetry and song ideas... my soul basically.

What is the worst job you have had? I guess every job has had their good and bad moments. I usually tended towards fields that I enjoyed, so there was always something that I liked, especially whatever I learned. When I was a teenager I worked in a kitchen preparing Tex/Mex cuisine, it was non-stop work and hot and dirty and the sous chef yelled at me all the time. He even threw a knife at me once because I refused to handle any meat. However, I did learn a lot of great things about cooking and now make one of the best vegan Caesar dressings ever. Are you a Mac or PC? I wrote & produced my songs on a PC but mixed and mastered them on a Mac.

What was the name of the last book you read or are currently reading? I finished “Conversations with the Devil” by Jeff Rovin a couple months ago. It was a good read for fiction. I am currently reading “A War of Witches” By Timothy J.Knab, which is actually non-fictional writings on the research and travels of the author. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? Right now, it would be my location. I want to live in L.A. The music industry there is better suited for me. Toronto's music scene is too conservative. What are your plans for 2011 and going forward? This year I plan on orchestrating a great live act and doing some live shows. I will also devote some effort into moving to L.A. That sounds really interesting. Where are you planning on doing your shows? I haven’t really thought all that through as yet since I do wish to move to L.A. but as I am still in Toronto at the moment, I guess I would have some shows here and maybe some neighboring cities. And finally, if you had to be remembered for one thing. What would it be? My words Thank you Moonlyn, we really appreciate your candid answers and wish you lots of luck with your current album and future plans. Thank you so much for your interest in me and for taking the time to interview me. Moonlyn has her own website at, or you can check her out at: Facebook: moonlynmusic MySpace: moonlynmusic Twitter:

Meet the Mayor of Peterborough ON: Daryl Bennett By Jane Toombes Daryl Bennett (62) is the new Mayor of Peterborough, Ontario. He was born in Peterborough and graduated from Peterborough Collegiate and Vocational School and is currently a principal in The Liftlock Group of Companies which he founded in 1974. He comes from a political background as his father was a city councillor in the 1970’s. Mayor Bennet is a big advocate of voluntary work having volunteered himself for causes such as the Market Hall Fund Raising Committee, campaigning for a new hospital and the flood relief efforts of 2004. He also served on the board of governors at Trent University between 2000 and 2004. He was honored by the Peterborough Chamber of Commerce and named Citizen of the Year in 2004. In the municipal elections in October 2010, Bennett was elected Mayor receiving 58.46% of the votes against incumbent Paul Ayotte and was sworn in on December 1st. We wanted to get a quick insight into the real man behind the politics, so asked him a series of light-hearted questions which we hope will allow you to know him a little better. Q: What was the first car you ever owned? A: 1968 Dodge Charger Q: If you could own any vehicle what would it be and why? A: A Bentley because they are well built Q: What is one thing people would be surprised to find about about you? A: I’m a true Gemini as I have a twin sister Q: If you could change anything about yourself what would it be? A: My age Q: What do you most value in other people? A: Loyalty Q: Mac or PC? A: PC


Q: Where has been your most memorable travel destination and why? A: East Coast Canada, it’s like going back to our routes Q: If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be and why? A: I can and I do - Peterborough, the best place in the world! Q: What was the last book you read, or are currently reading? A: Switch Q: What sports do you support and/or play? A: Long walks Q: What pastime do you do to relax? A: Work Q: If you could have any job in the world, what would it be and why? A: Politics: to make a difference Q: If you knew the world was going to end tomorrow, what would you do today? A: I live every day like it is my last

Meet the Mayor of Halifax, NS Peter Kelly By Jane Toombes


Peter Kelly has been Mayor of Halifax, Nova Scotia for ten years and before that he was a Councillor and Mayor of the Town of Bedford, NS. He has been in politics for 25 years. He was born in Halifax 54 years ago and is the fourth of nine children. Mayor Kelly has received numerous awards for his service and contributions to the community, including the Commemorative Medal for the 125th Anniversary of the Confederation of Canada, the Gold Scroll of Recognition from the Union of Nova Scotia Municipalities, the Outstanding Leadership Award from the Metro Food Bank, the Queen’s Golden Jubilee Medal and the Aliant Telecom Pioneers Partner Excellence Award.

Q: If you had to choose a last meal, what would it be? A: Italian Q: If you could choose one of your personality traits to pass on to your children, what would it be? A: I have, strong work ethic Q: If you had to evacuate you home immediately, what one item, other than family members & photos would you make sure you took with you? A: Credit card Q: If you could give a newcomer one piece of advice, what would it be? ! A: Pay attention and keep learning all your life

He was the founder of of the Atlantic Mayors’ Congress (AMC) in 2001 and has served as its chair since that date. The AMC allows the Atlantic municipalities to explore common ground and form partnerships where appropriate. Mayor Kelly is an active participant in the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ Big City Mayors’ Caucus (BCMC) and is involved with several of the Caucus’s working groups, including Transit, Revenue Sharing, and Immigration. So now lets put politics aside and find out about the man behind the Mayoral chain. Q: What was the first car you ever owned? A: A blue Ford Pinto Q: If you could own any vehicle what would it be and why? A: A fire-engine red BMW Z4 convertible, because it’s such a beautiful car. Q: What has been your most embarrassing moment and why? A: It was when I was a student living in residence at university. One morning, I went into the men’s washroom and came across a woman, taking a shower. Q: What is one thing people would be surprised to find about about you? A: That I like to prepare and cook food. Actually, I’m not a bad cook. Q: If you could change anything about yourself what would it be? A: I’d like to be more outgoing because I’m still rather a shy person. Q: What do you most value in other people? A: Respect and honesty. Q: Mac or PC? A: Mac but I can only afford a PC. Q: Where has been your most memorable travel destination and why? A: A family vacation to Orlando, Florida. It was wonderful to see Disney World through the eyes of my two sons, both of whom were quite young at the time.

Q: What sports do you support and/or play? A: Hockey and soccer. Q: What pastime do you do to relax? A: Reading and cooking. Q: What has been your best moment since becoming Mayor? And your worst? A: My best and worst moments both involved Harbour Solutions, the largest capital project in our history. Harbour Solutions was a $333-million clean-up of Halifax Harbour involving miles of new underground pipes and three stateof-the-art wastewater treatment plants, the largest of which is in Halifax. My best moment was in February, 2008. That’s when the Halifax plant became operational and continued to operate flawlessly until the following winter. Then came my worst moment. In January, 2009, an extended local power failure damaged the equipment so severely it was not until May, 2010, that we could bring the plant back on stream. I’m happy to say that everything is now working fully and Halifax Harbour is the cleanest it has been in more than 260 years. Q: If you could have any job in the world, what would it be and why? A: I already have it! Q: If you knew the world was going to end tomorrow, what would you do today? A: I would make peace with myself, my family and my Maker. Q: If you had to choose a last meal, what would it be? A: An old-fashioned turkey dinner. Q: If you could choose one of your personality traits to pass on to your children, what would it be? A: Compassion. Q: If you had to evacuate you home immediately, what one item, other than family members & photos would you make sure you took with you? A: The various Christmas ornaments that my mother gave me over the years. They have great sentimental value. Q: If you could give a newcomer one piece of advice, what would it be? A: Enjoy life and get involved in the community.

Q: If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be and why? A: There’s no place I’d rather live than right here. Seriously! Q: What is your favorite movie? A: The Star Wars Trilogy. Q: What was the last book you read, or are currently reading? A: “Margin: Restoring Emotional, Physical, Financial, and Time Reserves to Overloaded Lives” by author Richard A. Swenson.


A day in the life of a Realtor

Astrid attaching her For Sale sign to a tree outside her listing

Interview by Jane Toombes I recently had the pleasure of spending a few hours with Realtor® Astrid Hood who works out of the Remax Eastern Realty Inc office in Campbellford, Ontario. I was planning on meeting up with her for the full day but she suggested that as she was only going to be working on her computer in the morning I would be better to meet her at lunchtime, which I did. She explained that a lot of her working day is spent on the computer updating property details, researching new listings and general real estate business. She felt I would find it boring just watching her do that and so had arranged that I accompany her on a new listing visit. So, I arrived at the Remax office at 12 noon and spent half an hour or so chatting with Astrid about various aspects of the realty industry before we set off to the house she was going to list. I took the opportunity to ask her a few questions about herself and her work and how she got into real estate. “I have been a Realtor for four years,” explains Astrid, “I was named Top Sales Representative in our office in 2010 and have been in the top 20 sales team for the entire company.” So what did she do before embarking on a real estate career? “I have a degree in landscape architecture and was self employed in this field for many years. My husband and I used to live west of Toronto, but when we moved to the Campbellford area I decided to change my career.” By now it was time to visit the property Astrid was going to list which was located just a few minutes from Campbellford. It was a corner lot surrounded by trees


which although deep in snow and bare of leaves when we visited would actually give the property lots of privacy during the summer months. We were greeted at the door by the property owner, a retired lady who having lost her husband some years before was looking to downsize. She explained that she had spoken to other Realtors® but that she had decided to list with Astrid as she felt her valuation was more realistic than others she had received and she felt she could trust her more. Astrid and the seller agreed on a listing price, now it was time for the paperwork. As with all legal things there was quite a lot of paperwork and lots of questions to ask. Fortunately the seller was very organized and was able to produce her property details, such as title, plans, property taxes etc that Astrid required. Most of the questions were easily answered but a few were confusing but Astrid soon explained them and they were then answered. She also explained all the legal jargon that was included so that the seller had a clear understanding of what she was agreeing to. Then it was time to go round the house measuring room sizes and taking photos. Most of the upstairs rooms were empty as the seller mainly lived in the basement. This made it easy to measure, but is apparently not so good for photos as buyers like to be able to see how furniture fits in to a room. A good case for staging I say. All in all we were at the sellers property for a couple of hours finishing up with external photos. This bit wasn’t so nice as it was very cold with lots of snow on the ground. Astrid finished the visit by nailing her For Sale sign to a tree at the front of the property. On the way back to the office Astrid explained that she would now hand the details and photos over to the office

administrator who would enter the information onto the Multiple Listing Service (MLS). Once there it would be there for other Realtors to see as well as the general public. Once back at the office, I set about asking some more questions. How many properties do you list per year on average? “That varies, but during 2010 I probably listed around 25 properties in total. Of those about 15 sold and the remainder are still for sale.” What is you highest selling property? “Last year I sold a commercial property consisting of 15 cottages on Pigeon Lake. It sold for $1.3 million.” What would you say to someone who thought that Realtors were not worth the money? “I would say that they need to look at exactly what a Realtor can offer. We offer a full-service which includes everything from our expert knowledge of the business, the value of properties, advertising services, MLS listing, personal service, confidentiality and of course we are all covered by a strict Code of Ethics. These are not things that the general public and sale by owner websites can offer.” What would you say is the biggest mistake buyers and sellers make?

upsetting when I know I have done nothing wrong, and can see exactly where the problems lie but the client cannot.” If you weren't a Realtor, what would you be? “I would love to invest in properties and flip them. Or perhaps be a mortgage advisor. If I were to retire from being a Realtor, I think I would spend more time in the garden and get back to my original career choice designing landscapes, but!as a hobby.” If your house were on fire, what items would you rescue before leaving, excluding family, pets and photos? “If it was winter, my coat and boots, then my handbag.” What are your hobbies and pastimes? “I love yoga and also spend a lot of time in my hot tub. My husband and I also like to go camping, so when we have free time we can often be found by a lake or in the back country. “I also love to play piano and I play at Warkworth Nursing Home once a month for the people there. I also play for the local church when the regular player is unavailable.’ If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? “I would be more extrovert.”

“For sellers it is definitely overestimating the value of their home. Often people sell with their hearts and think just because they have put ‘x’ number of dollars into the property they should get that much, plus more back, but it doesn’t always work like that. They also tend to get offended by low offers, but I have to explain that there is always room for negotiation and that an initial offer is only the starting point. “For buyers the biggest mistake is not getting preapproved by a mortgage lender. This can lead to people thinking they can afford more than they actually can. Also, a lot of buyers set their sights on a ‘champagne’ property but only have a ‘beer’ budget. They have unrealistic expectations of what they can get for their money.” What are the best and worst aspect of your job? “The best is definitely helping people fulfill their dreams. It is very satisfying when you have a happy buyer or seller. One of the best things is when you get a thank you note from someone who appreciates what you have done for them and they are happy. “The worst is obviously when things go wrong. Unfortunately not all transactions go to plan and it is very upsetting not just for the client but for myself as well. Sometimes a property will not sell as the client has insisted it be listed at a higher price than I recommend. Then they get angry and blame me for its failure to sell. That can be

After I had finished barraging Astrid with questions and she had taken a couple of phone calls it was time for me to leave. I really enjoyed my time with her and found the property visit very interesting. I would love to be able to spend another day with her, perhaps when the weather is warmer and we can visit some of her lakeside listings. Not sure if this is for the benefit of Muchmor or me, but let’s pencil something in for May....

If you have any questions about locating properties in Ontario please feel free to contact our realty expert Astrid Hood of Remax Eastern Realty Inc., Brokerage at or by toll free at 1-800-567-4546 or visit her website at


Study shows immigrants One in three Brits wants more likely to get to leave the UK degrees The United Kingdom is one of the most A recent study by Statistics Canada found that children who arrive in Canada prior to their teens were far more likely to achieve university degrees than their Canadian-born counterparts. The study defined immigrant children as those born abroad and landed as immigrants in Canada at the age of 12 or younger. The data was sourced from six of the past censuses between 1971 and 2006. Of the male immigrants who arrived in the 1980’s nearly 32% held university degrees by the time they were 35. This compares to Canadian-born males of which only 20% had degrees. The number of women attaining degrees was similar but the share of those with degrees increased faster than men.

New mentorship program for newcomers to Vancouver A pilot project has been launched in Vancouver, BC to help skilled newcomers become more familiar with how Canadian business works. The Newcomer’s Mentorship Program is designed to help newcomers find employment in professions such as finance, technology and engineering. By connecting professional city employees with newcomers they can mentor that person allowing them to gain practical experience and knowledge. “The lack of Canadian work experience and understanding of!the local employment culture are often cited as the main hurdles for skilled immigrants to get jobs for which they are well qualified,” said Mayor Gregor Robertson. “The mentoring program is a practical and cost-effective tool that uses the power of professional networking to optimize the skills and talent of newcomers. The City is proud to provide a leadership role and contribute positively to the development of a successful model for other municipalities to follow.” It is hoped that this program will not only benefit newcomers, but will also allow city employees to gain valuable cultural knowledge.

desired locations for people to migrate to, but it seems that for many Brits it is the last place they want to be. A recent study found that one in three Brits would leave the country permanently if they could. This is the highest number in the whole of the European Union. Those most likely to want to leave the country are young Britons with secondary or higher education (33%). Of those with a degree 36% said they would leave if they could. So where would they go? Well Australia tops the list of desired locations with Spain, United States and Canada not far behind.

Immigration fraud being investigated Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney offered his appreciation to the Toronto West (Milton) detachment of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) for their ongoing efforts to investigate citizenship and immigration fraud. “On January 6, 2011, an investigation by the Immigration and Passport and Commercial Crime sections of the!RCMP resulted in criminal charges against three individuals who created the appearance that hundreds of individuals living overseas had met the residence obligation required to retain permanent resident status or to obtain Canadian citizenship. “Residence fraud in the immigration and citizenship programs is a matter of increasing concern. In this investigation alone, 260 files were implicated and five people have obtained Canadian citizenship. Consequences for citizenship fraud may include criminal prosecution, revocation of citizenship and removal from Canada. “I am greatly concerned with this situation. This is why I have tabled amendments to the!Citizenship Act to strengthen the penalties for both applicants and third parties who assist them in completing a fraudulent application. The proposed new penalty for fraud would be a fine of up to a maximum of $100,000 or five years in prison or both.”

Onaping Falls Sliding Hill

Life in the City of Greater Sudbury The City of Greater Sudbury is an urban jewel nestled amidst the natural beauty of lakes and forests in the heart of Northeastern Ontario. Offering a unique mix of urban amenities and natural surroundings, Greater Sudbury is a thriving landscape that covers an area of 3,627 square kilometres. With 330 freshwater lakes and hundreds of kilometres of trails, Greater Sudbury’s 158,000 plus residents enjoy an abundance of recreational activities, a rich colourful heritage, several business sectors, and excellent educational opportunities. Imagine a lifestyle with work-life balance, with a ten minute commute to work and a short distance to your weekend escape. Considered by many as the Regional Centre of Northeastern Ontario, Sudbury’s early roots can be traced back to 1883 and the development of the transnational railway. Its vast mineral resources have resulted in unparalleled growth. Today, Greater Sudbury is a diversified regional centre for mining, technology, education, government and health services with great connections to neighbouring communities and beyond. Greater Sudbury prides itself on a strong network of industrial, commercial, financial and government support services. The city is located 390 km north of Toronto and 483 km west of Ottawa, where the Trans Canada Highway 17 and Highway 69 converge. Greater Sudbury is a city for the creative, curious and adventuresome! Our city features four seasons and with the changing weather conditions, Sudburians enjoy a vast array of festivals, events and recreational activities that vary


as the seasons do. Enjoy the outdoors in the winter on the Ramsey Lake Skating Path or one of several downhill and cross country skiing facilities. Our city boasts many shopping malls, plazas and restaurants to suit every appetite. A host to tourist destinations like Science North and Dynamic Earth, Greater Sudbury has something for everyone. A bilingual community with a rich francophone and aboriginal heritage, Greater Sudbury is a multicultural mosaic with a platform for welcoming and embracing diversity that Sudburians are proud to share with the world. Greater Sudbury’s commitment to cultural diversity is evident in all areas of the city, from restaurants, schools, and places of worship, to festivals and events. Our city’s cultural festivals such as the Canada Day, Italian, La Nuit sur l’étang, Greek, Aboriginal, Irish, Celtic, Finnish and Ukrainian festivals celebrate the cultural diversity of our citizens. The city’s diversity is most evident with the Bridge of Nations and its many flags. The flags on the Bridge of Nations were originally raised during a Canada Day celebration on July 1, 2007 to honour Greater Sudbury's multinational and multicultural heritage. Today, it continues to be a reflection of how much Greater Sudbury embraces multiculturalism.

Education Take one look at Greater Sudbury’s educational system and you’ll see that Greater Sudbury has invested heavily in its future by developing outstanding schools from Kindergarten through grade 12 and beyond. As the regional centre for learning and applied research in Northeastern Ontario, Greater Sudbury is home to four school boards, private schools and several postsecondary institutions such as the Northern Ontario School of Medicine, Laurentian University, Cambrian College, and Collège Boréal, one of only two francophone colleges in Ontario. Greater Sudbury educational opportunities offer comprehensive and challenging curriculums. Canada's first new school of architecture in 40 years, Laurentian Architecture is expected to open in September 2012 as a downtown satellite campus of Laurentian University, and will offer a 4-year undergraduate program and a 2-year graduate program in architecture. Also in development, is a Francophone graduate program, which will be the first of its kind in North America. The school will feature a co-operative work program, thus allowing students to explore the world through international employment placements. A design-build senior class requirement will partner students and Laurentian Architecture with various Northern communities. Students will benefit from working in collaboration with members of the community to develop specific design solutions to the challenges faced within Northern Ontario.

Real Estate and Housing Greater Sudbury offers a wide variety of affordable real estate options whether you want to rent or purchase a home in urban, rural and suburban settings. Greater Sudbury offers housing options to fit every budget and lifestyle. Enjoy a work-life balance with a 10 minute commute from your home to work. Take a drive through our city and you will get a glimpse of friendly neighbourhoods, thriving business sectors and a vibrant downtown filled with shops, boutiques,

restaurants and entertainment. In comparison to other large communities, Greater Sudbury has the lowest average housing prices. The average sale price for a single family home in 2010 was $223,016. If renting an apartment or home, Greater Sudbury renters spend less of their income on housing than the national average.

Employment Greater Sudbury’s business-friendly environment is as dynamic as it is diverse. We have a highly skilled, educated, innovative and enthusiastic workforce. Once reliant on the cycles that came with mining, Greater Sudbury has grown considerably into a diverse and dynamic centre for technology, education, mining, government, and health services. A comparison to Ontario data based on the 2006 Census reveals that Greater Sudbury’s labour force profile has diversified significantly over the last three decades. Service activities, from retail to producer services, now employ 80% of Greater Sudbury's labour force, compared to 20% in the goods-producing sector. Health care, educational services and public administration all play an important role, reflecting Greater Sudbury's position as a regional service centre for Northeastern Ontario, as well as the continued development of the health care and education infrastructure.

Health Care Services Greater Sudbury has become a regional resource and referral centre for residents in Northeastern Ontario. The presence of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine, the Northeastern Ontario Regional Cancer Centre and the Adult Regional Cardiac Program, coupled with the pursuit of an Occupational Health & Safety Centre of Excellence, have all positioned Greater Sudbury as a regional health centre. Over 300 general practitioners and specialists contribute to the overall health and wellness of Greater Sudbury and to patients throughout the region. The Hôpital régional de Sudbury Regional Hospital (HRSRH) provides

Skiing at Adanac Ski Hill

Pond Hockey Festival on the Rock hospital-based acute, transitional, rehabilitation and continuing care. The HRSRH completed a major expansion to consolidate all hospital based services once offered across three sites. The new one site hospital allows for additional acute inpatient and intensive care beds, mental health, birthing facilities, emergency department, operating rooms and other diagnostic and support departments. With the world’s population aging, the need for long term care facilities is essential to any city. From retirement communities including St. Joseph’s Villa, the Elizabeth Centre, Pioneer Manor and Finlandia-Koti to name a few, to chronic care centres such as Extendicare, the City of Greater Sudbury is proud to offer a wide variety of health care accommodation options for our seniors.

Winter Climate and the Outdoors A wintery wonderland awaits you in Greater Sudbury. Our winters offer outdoor enthusiasts several fun options including cross country and downhill skiing, skating, snowshoeing, snowmobiling, winter carnivals, ice fishing and more. Pond Hockey Festival on the Rock brings the spirit of friendly competitive hockey to the outdoors on the frozen shores of Ramsey Lake. This fun filled family weekend features outdoor hockey rinks on the banks of the lake alongside the skating path. Greater Sudbury offers something for everyone and winters are a well celebrated season with plenty of indoor and outdoor activities for everyone. The temperature ranges from -25°C to -5°C during the months of February and March.

Key Websites To find out more about the City of Greater Sudbury visit the following websites and find out what makes Sudbury so great! "

Sudbury Theatre Centre


Canada calls to Argentinian family Interview by Jane Toombes Back in 2001/2002 Argentina experienced a huge economic crisis, something perhaps we can all relate to these days. But back then it led to people withdrawing money from banks and investing overseas, riots on the streets and in many cases people leaving the country to find better lives abroad. One of those people who decided to look for pastures new was Guillermo. He and his wife Pat were born and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina and had become very disillusioned with the country. This led them to look for somewhere new to live and raise their children. At the end of 2003 they had decided to apply for permanent residency via the Quebec Skilled Worker program. “At that time, Quebec seemed to offer a win-win situation,” explains Guillermo, “they needed us (a family of university graduates with small children) and we needed them (a better place to live, despite the language barrier). The whole application process took about 18 months and we finally moved to Quebec at the end of May 2005.” The couple and their two children Santiago, then aged 8 and Facundo who was not yet two, rented an apartment in Hull, Gatineau. “I still remember it: a small, two bedroom apartment in an "immigrant ready" suburb close to Gatineau Park.” he says. “We were looking for a place not as big and chaotic as a capital city, so Montreal was discarded and not so small and isolated like Sherbrooke. Gatineau seemed to be the perfect choice. It was close to


Ottawa, where we could work in English. We had studied French during our processing period but we always felt more comfortable with English.” Although they had some monitory funds behind them, they needed to find work quickly and within a month Guillermo was working in a call centre on the east side of Ottawa. “My job was providing phone support for Internet users in the USA. It was not what I was looking for, of course, but it was a job and helped to stop the money bleeding from the bank. In the meantime, my wife was doing training at an non-profit organization.” Whilst the couple worked their eldest child was attending a French school and the youngest in day care. In March 2006 the family moved to Waterloo in Ontario where Guillermo finally had a job he wanted. Pat assisted at a local LINC program (Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada) and Santiago continued his Elementary School in French at a school in Waterloo whilst Facundo was enrolled in local day care. The family then experienced a big change when in January 2007 their third son Martin was born. Around this time Santiago was moved from his French school to a Catholic school after he experienced difficulties. This was his third school in two years and meant he had to make new friends, get to know new teachers and a completely new system. “In 2008 Pat and I decided to move back to the National Capital Region.” says Guillermo. “This time, we did not move back to Gatineau, but instead decided to settle in Kanata. We decided to return as we were missing our friends in the region very much. We rented a garden home

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Meet the Mayor of Lunenburg, NS: Nova Scotia By Jane Toombes The Town of Lunenburg Nova Scotia can trace its history back hundreds of years. It was formally established in 1753 as the first British Colonial settlement in Nova Scotia outside Halifax. The town has been built around the fishing and shipbuilding industries and is a popular location for tourists with its beautiful waterfront and great architecture. Old Town Lunenburg has been designated by the Government of Canada as a place of National Historic Significance. Lunenburg is part of the family of National Historic Sites, one of more than 800 places across Canada which help define the important aspects of Canada's diverse heritage and identity. In 1979 Laurence Mawhinney was voted in as Mayor of Lunenburg and he has been so ever since, a total of 32 years. This makes him one of the longest serving Mayors in the country. He was originally born in Belfast, Northern Ireland 69 years ago and moved to Canada with his family when he was a young boy back in 1948. He lives with his wife Marion and they have four adult children and seven grandchildren. We asked Mayor Mawhinney a few questions to get to know him a little better. Q: What was the first car you ever owned? A: A 1959 Vauxhall Q: If you could own any vehicle what would it be and why? A: The latest fuel efficient car, just because. Q: What has been your most embarrassing moment and why? A: When I tapped the young lady ahead of me in the waiting line, on the shoulder, beside her long blonde tresses, and said excuse me Ms, to tell her the next wicket was open at the bank, and He turned around and gave me a look that would wither, and it did! Q: What is one thing people would be surprised to find about about you? A: I think I am a romantic at heart.


Q: If you could change anything about yourself what would it be? A: My age, I’d roll it back about 40 years just to try and get some more things right. Q: What do you most value in other people? A: Their friendship and trust. Q: Mac or PC? A: PC Q: Where has been your most memorable travel destination and why? A: Chile. I travelled to Chile in 2007 along with David Suzuki. We were invited to deliver lectures to the University Community in Santiago. Travelling in Chile for about a week with Dr. Suzuki and his wife, was in itself a marvelous experience, to visit another UNESCO site, Valparaiso, made it even more memorable. We were hosted by the Canadian Ambassador and escorted by a member of the staff at the University. Q: If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be and why? A: Right where I am, Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, a UNESCO World heritage site since 1995.

Q: What is your favorite movie? A: I have many, “The American President,” would be one. Q: What was the last book you read, or are currently reading? A: “My Passion For Design” by Barbra Streisand. Q: What sports do you support and/or play? A: I play golf, I played football, hockey and baseball and now enjoy them on TV.

Q: If you could have any job in the world, what would it be and why? A: I like the job I have, just fine. Q: If you knew the world was going to end tomorrow, what would you do today? A: Make contact with all my family. Q: If you had to choose a last meal, what would it be? A: Lobster.

Q: What hobbies do you do to relax? A: Listen to music and read. Q: What has been your best moment since becoming Mayor? And your worst? A: The best moment was the first (and so far only) visit of British Royalty to our town in its 258 years of history. On June 16, 1983 Prince Charles and Diana, The Princess of Wales, visited Lunenburg on what was a terrible day for weather. It almost didn’t happen but it did because the Royals insisted it should, despite the fog and the rain.

Q: If you could choose one of your personality traits to pass on to your children, what would it be? A: A sense of humour.

A close second would be December 9, 1995, the day on which we waited anxiously as the UNESCO World Heritage committee met in Berlin and inscribed Old Town Lunenburg on the World Heritage List. We are now one of 911 properties around the globe who are deemed to have outstanding universal value for all the people of the planet.

Q: If you could give a newcomer one piece of advice, what would it be? A: Take time to get to know us before you try to change us. You can lead us but you can’t push us.

Q: And the worst. A: The day the Royal visit was cancelled. And for three hours we were devastated.

Q: If you had to evacuate you home immediately, what one item, other than family members & photos would you make sure you took with you? A: A silver Pencil given to me when as a young boy I left Northern Ireland, inscribed with the date of my departure in 1948.


Avery McAllister is all smiles as she carries a plateful of freshly cooked dumplings to be sampled.

A lesson in cultural awareness Chinese club in Smiths Falls provides opportunity for students to learn about Chinese culture and language


Selena Lavallee and Shannon McAllister and her mom Rebecca Arsineault watch with interest as Ming Shan Gu demonstrates how to fold dumplings.

Until recently, if you were to ask Selena Lavallee, Ami Hewson and Avery McAllister what they know about the People’s Republic of China (commonly known as China), they would have responded by mentioning the Great Wall of China. In contrast to the historic Great Wall, which is quite expansive, their knowledge of China was very narrow in scope. That all changed, however, when they joined the Chimo Chinese Club in December. Through the club, the three students at Chimo Elementary School in Smiths Falls, Ont. and seven other members of the student body in Grades 4 to 8 expanded their linguistic and cultural horizons with regards to the world’s most populous country. The club was organized by Ming Shan Gu. A teacher in China for 13 years, she, her husband Chuangwei Mu and their daughter Ivy left their homeland in the fall of 2003 to begin a new life in Canada. Having made their home in Smiths Falls since 2008, Ming says she started the club to let local youth know about her native China and that it is much more than what they read on the Internet. “We moved from China, we came here, we like this place,” she states. “If we could do something to make life more interesting, we would like to share the culture (of China) and let people know more about other countries.” That is what the Chimo Chinese Club is all about. For 90 minutes on four Wednesday evenings in December, Ming, with the assistance of Chuangwei, treated club members to a taste of her homeland, culinary and otherwise. In addition to sampling pork dumplings which they helped to prepare, the students received a lesson in the traditional Chinese paper art of paper folding, paper cutting and

calligraphy. Likewise, they were introduced to the Mandarin language, learning how to say phrases likes Happy New Year, Merry Christmas, as well as how to greet someone and apologize. Given the fact that learning a new language is not an easy feat, Ming was amazed at the progress of the students in developing conversational skills in Mandarin. “They caught on just great,” she says smiling. “I was impressed. I think younger children really have the capability to learn a new language.” For Selena, Ami and Avery, the club has been a great learning opportunity, not only from a linguistic point of view. They also have enjoyed learning how to count from one to 999 in Mandarin and how to write the numbers from one to 10 using characters. “It was easy because of Ming,” Ami, a Grade 6 student at Chimo, notes. “If we didn’t understand something, she would explain it. She is really good at explaining how it works.” That included demonstrating to the students the use of the traditional Chinese brush, ink and inkstone to write words, characters and draw. The youths participating in the club were fascinated by the process. “It was really cool,” Ami remarked. “It is really fun to write with. You are painting but writing at the same time.”

Club highlights Doing the ink painting and drawing was so much fun for Ami that it was her favourite activity of the club. The same was true for Avery who is in Grade 5 at Chimo. Of course, making the dumplings was also popular with her.


“Making dumplings was really fun,” she said. “It was a hands-on activity....We got creative and folded them in all different ways.” Preparing the dumplings and getting to eat them after they were cooked was likewise a highlight for Selena, a Grade 6 student. “I have never really tried or made dumplings,” she commented. “It was really new to me. They tasted good.” In organizing the club for the students, Ming says she just wanted “to tell them the real China.” Based on the response from those who participated, she obviously had a captive audience. “It was amazing,” she says of the response. “I am impressed with the kids’ progress – their ability to absorb a different culture’s information. Every class, when I finish, they don’t want to go home.” The club, which was free other than the cost of supplies, was an educational experience that Ami, Selena and Avery would like to repeat. That’s why they are thrilled by the news that Ming is considering starting up a second club in February at the school. She has indicated that, if there is sufficient interest, she would like to continue the club at Chimo, with students from other area schools being invited to participate as well. “If they are doing it at the school, I would definitely sign up,” says Avery. “Just to see Ming again and have another wonderful experience with her.” And she, Ami and Selena would certainly recommend the club to others. “I would tell them to sign up,” says Selena. “It is a lot of fun. You get to learn stuff and make more origami things. Avery agrees. “You get to know a whole bunch of stuff about China,” she remarked. “Later on in life, if you go there, you will get to use your knowledge.” In May 2010, a delegation of Chinese educators visited Chimo. School principal Daryl Kelly views the club as “a nice opportunity to continue the cultural focus with our Chinese community and for the children to have an opportunity to learn more about another culture.” “It is always wonderful to have additional opportunities for different kinds of learning happening in our school,” Daryl says. The feedback Ming has received from the recent club has been so positive that she has had several inquiries asking her to hold a class on Chinese cooking for adults. She is seriously considering doing so, perhaps as early as February. If she does proceed and the class is held at Chimo, she plans to donate any proceeds back to the school. “I really appreciate the school’s support,” she says, noting that the school has offered the facility free of charge for the club and Daryl and teacher Karen Donovan have been very supportive of the initiative. “I would like to support the school as well.”

Other cultural endeavours Ming is passionate about sharing the culture and language of her homeland with others. As principal of


the Eastern Ontario Wenbo Language School, which is affiliated with the International Language Program of the Ottawa French Catholic School Board, she is currently offering a Chinese Mandarin Language and Culture Program on Saturday mornings at Académie catholique Ange-Gabriel in Brockville. Currently 75 students from throughout the Brockville area, including Mallorytown, Lyn and Gananoque, are enrolled in the classes, which are open to children ages four to 14. There is an adult class as well. From March to June 2010, a similar program was offered on Saturdays at Sainte Marguerite Bourgeoys School in Merrickville to children in the same age group. Likewise, Ming held a Chinese summer camp at Académie catholique Ange-Gabriel in July 2010. The camp was so successful she plans to repeat it this summer. If it is feasible, she would also like to have a summer camp in Smiths Falls. “I try to deliver the message that every kid can have the opportunity to experience other cultures, even for small town kids,” she says as she talks about her motivation for these endeavours. In the fall of 2010, Ming’s husband Chuangwei was part of an education delegation that travelled to Zhengzhou,

Eleina Lucas tries her hand at picking up a wonton with chopsticks.



China. The trip culminated in the signing on Oct. 22 of a sister school board agreement between the Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) and Zhengzhou Municipal Education Bureau (MEB). As part of the agreement to enhance the educational and cultural exchange between the two and share education resources, the UCDSB will organize summer and winter camps for students of Zhengzhou MEB and, accordingly, students from the UCDSB will be invited to Zhengzhou for a cultural exchange. Likewise, under the agreement, students from Zhengzhou No. 9 High School will have the opportunity to complete their secondary school education with the UCDSB. Smiths Falls District Collegiate Institute (SFDCI) is one of seven high schools within the UCDSB that can accept international students. Currently more than 70 students from Zhengzhou are attending classes at SFDCI and in Brockville. Upon graduating, they will be granted an Ontario Secondary School Diploma, as well as one from their homeland. Already, 31 students have been recruited by the Chinese school to come to Canada. Chuangwei will be among those going to China in March to recruit additional students. Having students from China attend SFDCI is “just another connection” between the two countries, says Daryl Kelly. And the Chimo principal believes the Chimo Chinese Club helps to further that connection. “It’s another opportunity for awareness of how students in different countries grow up and live their lives,” she states. Highlighting how Ming “certainly brings a real passion to sharing her culture, Daryl thinks that passion is infectious, in terms of the students in the club. “I think she instills a feeling of pride in our children as they share their Canadian culture and family culture,” she commented. Further information on the Chimo Chinese Club and other cultural initiatives in which Ming is involved can be obtained by contacting her by phone at 613-283-5044 or by email at

Sister Cities The Town of Smiths Falls has a close relationship with one of China largest urban centres, Xiangfan City (recently renamed Xiangyang). The two became “Sister Cities” on Oct. 18, 2009 in Smiths Falls with the signing of an agreement by Smiths Falls Mayor Dennis Staples and Zhi Liang Tang, Chairman of Standing Committees of the


Ami Hewson and her dad Greg take their turn folding dumplings People’s Congress of Xiangfan City, Hubei Province, China. The proclamation stated that, “as sister cities, the council and the city assembly pledge that they will encourage regular, ongoing communication and cooperation on economic/business trade; culture; education; science and technology; health and well being; tourism and will promote collaborative development in both cities.” A historical and cultural city in the southwest region of Hubei Province, Xiangyang has a population of 5.8 million people and is considered a major industrial hub. “The Town of Smiths Falls has a Sister-City Agreement with the City of Xiangyang, China and has signed two formal agreements and six additional MOU's that will see collaboration on tourism, arts and culture, commerce, investment, education and external affairs,” says Bob Cheetham, the Economic Development Manager for Smiths Falls. Anyone interested in learning more about Smiths Falls and what the town has to offer newcomers to Canada is encouraged to visit the website

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health & wellness

Could a Cure for Multiple Sclerosis be just around the corner? Part 2 Dr Zamboni of Italy was the first doctor to suggest a possible link and therefore a possible cure “liberation” for this terrible illness. You will find details of his discovery on the next page. We featured several stories from people who had received the treatment and for most of them the treatment was successful. There are cases however, where treatment is not successful, or symptoms return after weeks or months of remission. Since this issue was published we have had lots of phone calls and emails from other MS’ers who have been liberated and we therefore have many new stories to share with you. Unfortunately we simply do not have the space to publish all stories we received, but we will continue to highlight this issue and feature it on our website We now talk to people who have had the treatment or are considering the treatment to get their reaction to this medical breakthrough. All interviews by Jane Toombes. All views and opinions are those of the contributor and not necessarily those of Muchmor Media.

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Later, as my husband and I left the clinic I realized I was walking a straight line and not leaning on his arm at all.!I almost told him right then, but!decided to wait and see if he noticed.!As we waited for our cab he said ‘did you notice walking out you hardly needed me?!You did not lean on me at all and walked a straight line.’ I almost cried because he had noticed what I had. “Since my treatment I have not even once lost the use of my right hand.!It had clawed up on me and I could not use it often.!I was as shaky looking as if I had Parkinson's and that is gone. I often choked and that does not happen anymore.!My pain is a lot less and I use my medicine weekly versus several times a day!” Recently Cheryl has noticed that her balance is getting bad again and her fatigue is back. This happens to about 40% of patients and the answer is to have a stent put in to keep the veins open. Cheryl is planning to have this done as soon as possible. She continues to be perplexed as to why the Canadian government and the medical establishment are so reluctant to accept the procedure. She has heard that some consider it just a placebo effect. “CCSVI had dramatic effects for me and!it was!not placebo!!Placebo does not make a hand work that used to quit!”

CCSVI Foundation of Canada CCSVI Foundation We are a national, nonprofit organization, committed to the treatment of patients with Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency (CCSVI) While governments and the MS Society dither and endlessly discuss studies of this treatment, we have decided to act on the behalf of patients. The CCSVI Foundation of Canada will raise awareness and funds, while working with patients in a patnership to obtain access to treatment. We are working in partnership with international specialists in the treatment of CCSVI with proven results to ensure the best outcome for treatments. Email us at:

Typical Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis Eyes: blurred vision, eye pain, blindness, loss of colour perception, pain and light flashes after sudden eye movement, jerky eye movement, light sensitivity Motor: muscle weakness, paralysis, stiffness, pain, loss of muscle tone, involuntary contraction of muscles, jerking and twitching, drop foot, muscle weakness, cramping, muscle spasms, spasticity, extreme fatigue, toe curling, inability to yawn, cough or take deep breaths. Sensory: partial or complete numbness, pain, burning sensation, electric shock sensations when moving head, facial pain, dry mouth, cold feet and hands, intense itching, intolerance to heat and cold, clammy hands, pins and needles, Balance: loss of coordination, vertigo, loss of limb control, shaking, excessive travel sickness, tremors, nausea. Cognitive: memory problems, both long and short term, forgetfulness, not being able to find the right words to say, lack of concentration. Bowel and bladder: incontinence, urinary retention, constipation, bowel urgency, diarrhea, frequent urination. Sexual: male and female impotence, inability to achieve orgasm, inability to become aroused, worsening or aggravation of menstrual cycle symptoms Other: depression, mod swings, bipolar syndrome, dementia, anxiety, night sweats,

Definitions: L’hermitte's: electric shock like sensation down the back often extending to arms and legs. Uhthoff's phenomena: Increased sensitivity to heat. Dysphagia: difficulty swallowing, resulting in choking Dysarthria: difficulty speaking - slurred, slow, delayed. MS hug: constricting of the muscles around the waist area resulting in tightness, pain and pins and needles. Drop foot: inability to lift the toes of the foot resulting in dragging and slapping of feet. Brain fog/ cog fog: inability to think clearly Tinnitus: ringing in the ears


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Halifax, Nova Scotia to accompany her to the clinic and so there was also this cost to add to the overall figure. Immediately after the treatment Jeanine noticed improvements. She had more dexterity in her hands and could push down on her foot which she couldn’t do before. She could walk and turn around without falling over and could yawn for the first time in years. The day after her treatment Jeanine posted a video on Youtube and her happiness just shines through. You can view this video yourself using this link: http:// CWGHkklnF-E. Unfortunately three weeks after treatment her mother suffered a stroke and Jeanine became her primary care

Judy Filipkowski from Ottawa, Ontario was finally diagnosed with MS in 2001 at the age of 56 after many years of tell-tale symptoms. Her first symptom was fatigue which she put down to flu bugs!at the time. She visited her doctor who told her she did not have the flu!but was tired and to take a week off work. Unfortunately due to pressures of work she was unable to do this. Then later in 1998 she experienced numbness and tingling in her right leg, then the fatigue got worse. In 2000 she was referred to a neurologist after the right side of her face went numb. She had a lumbar puncture to determine the cause but nothing was detected. By November that year she was so unwell she was on sick leave for two months and this time underwent an MRI in Kingston, Ontario. Unfortunately the results were never sent to her neurologist. In January 2001 a second MRI was carried out and this time lesions were found on her brain and spinal cord. This led to Judy taking early retirement in March 2001 and she had to apply for CPP Disability to supplement her income. “I was very worried when I was finally diagnosed as were my family. My boyfriend at the time wanted to nail the lid on my coffin instantly. His reaction filled me with fight.” says Judy. “I was prescribed several medications and was fortunately covered by the Trillium Drug Program, but still had to pay around $3,000 per year out of my own pocket. Because of the way Trillium works you pay a portion of the cost based on your income. At that time I had drawn money from my RRSP to do some repairs to my house and so my income was artificially inflated making it appear greater than it was. This means my own contribution to the medication was higher than perhaps it should have been.” At the end of 2009, Judy got word that W5 was airing a program about MS and eagerly watched it. “My first thought was an overwhelming feeling of hope for the

giver. The stress of this has, Jeanine feels, hampered her progress slightly. “I am so happy that I received the treatment, I no longer have to use my walker and I can help my mother in a way I'd never have been able to do before.” LIke many other CCSVI patients she doesn’t have a lot of good things to say about the Canadian government. “It makes me sick,” she says, ”They're playing with people's lives. People have died. This is such an easy and safe procedure that there's no reason they shouldn't be allowing it without study. We are the study. Time is brain! Allow this now.”

future.!I had come to the conclusion that very autumn that I would have to downsize and sell my property and find some sort of accommodation that was easier to maintain. The thought that this procedure could give me back so much of my life was overwhelming. I guess my aunts were a bit concerned about my enthusiasm. “The first thing I did after watching the show was go to a meeting on Tuesday 24th November at the Ottawa Multiple Sclerosis Society. Dr Mark Freedman was giving an update about all the new drugs and other procedures that were in the pipeline or coming on line in the next year. He finally spoke about Dr Zamboni's W5 presentation by showing a zamboni machine. He proceeded to call Dr Zamboni a fraud and the results a hoax. He claimed that there had been no "mouse work" done and that there had


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When Christopher Alkenbrack, was just 24 years old and living in Montreal, a colleague at worked noticed that he was dragging his foot and pointed it out to him. He didn’t think much of it. He then experienced numbness slowly creeping up his entire right side and thought he had pinched a nerve somewhere. “Then on Easter weekend I went on a visit to Kingston, Ontario with my girlfriend.” continues Christopher, “After coming out of my sister’s hot tub, I discovered that I had double vision. I was tested for a brain tumour at the Kingston General Hospital, then went back to Montreal where I was admitted to the Montreal Neurological Institute and after having an MRI and a lumbar puncture, I was diagnosed with MS. “My girlfriend at the time was very supportive. When I told her that I had MS and that she was ‘free to leave,’ she laughed at me and reacted like, ‘You’re not getting away that easily’.” That was nearly twenty years ago and now 43 year old Christopher and his family live in Forest Hill (Wolfville), Nova Scotia. He and his “now” wife have been married 18 and a half years, and have two wonderful children. Since his diagnosis Christopher has suffered many MS symptoms which he admits not only affect him but his whole family. “MS not only affects the individual diagnosed, but everyone in his/her entourage.” He explains, “My kids were both born post diagnosis, so they have never known anything else. The disappointments they have to live with are numerous. Always having to change plans because of fatigue, and inability to concentrate, they become very helpful and are forced to grow up more quickly beyond their years. “My symptoms varied from different attacks over the years. I’ve almost always had vision problems – either double vision, or nystagmus (little jerky uncontrollable eye movements.) I had periods of numbness ranging from mild transitory numbness, to almost paralysis depending on the limb. My fingers and hands have often gone numb. The fatigue levels experienced are almost inexplicable, which leads to intolerance to sounds, impatience, and mood swings. My walking has been greatly affected and I had periods where I would walk with a single cane, other periods where I would use a wheelchair, but since 2003 I’ve walked almost permanently with two forearm crutches. As the MS progressed, my dependency on my family and my loss of autonomy became more and more obvious. In 2007 I was unable to drive for almost the entire year due to visual disturbances and lack of control in my lower limbs. Some days, I chose not to operate a motor vehicle for my own safety and the safety of others. On top


of the numbness and reduced capacity to walk, I also experienced long-term bladder dysfunction, a symptom that is very common for people with MS. The vertigo that comes with balance problems can be debilitating as well.” Christopher has also had his working life dictated to him by MS. Between 1992 and 2001 he continued his career as a teacher then a pedagogical consultant for a School Board in Québec, and as of 1998 a Vice Principal in a secondary school. In 2001 his MS flared up again when he had a series of attacks. “Wanting to lower my stress levels, I requested a transfer to the elementary school level,” says Christopher, “and before I left work, acted as a School Principal in two different schools. Upon recommendation of my neurologist, and because my health was in decline, I had to leave my job as School Principal in October of 2003. I left on permanent disability two years after this in 2005.” The cost of medication for MS can be huge. Christopher has always been lucky enough to have good medical insurance from his employer and therefore his co-pay was minimal compared to the $25,000 - $35,000 per year that it was costing his insurance company. We asked Christopher when and how he first heard about CCSVI treatment. “My sister sent me the link to the W5 presentation, and I watched it once, thinking something like, ‘Yeah, yeah. Another theory on MS.’ he laughs, “It was only as I watched the show the second time that my 13 year-old daughter, with tears in her eyes, said something like, ‘Hey Dad.....we’re going to Italy, and you’re going to get better’. As I continued to watch the show, I was impressed by the fact that there seemed to be an answer to the unanswered question as to why MS patients have large deposits of iron

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A Unique Southern California Medical Team Combines Diagnostic and Therapeutic Care for CCSVI Patients Treating patients with Chronic Cerebro-Spinal Venous Insufficiency (CCSVI), Pacific Interventionalists, Inc. is comprised of physicians that are fellowship trained in image guided and endovascular procedures with board certification in General Surgery, Vascular Surgery or Phlebology. Led by Dr. Michael Arata and Dr. J. Joseph Hewett, Pacific Interventionalists has expertise with venous disorders based on more than 60 years of combined experience in the treatment of venous stenoses and other venous abnormalities. Dr. Joseph Hewett, is the only Interventionalist in the world who has personally trained with Dr. Haacke at his facilities in Detroit. This medical team is one of the few in the world to have a seamless integration of the diagnostic Haacke MRI/MRV and the intervention used to treat the disease. This can result in better care for CCSVI patients. Located in Southern California, the physicians of Pacific Interventionalists perform over 1,000 venous procedures each year, approximately 30 venous procedures a day including central venograms, central venous angioplasties, venous stent placements, and CCSVI procedures making them one of the highest volume centers in the world. Their expertise and knowledge with respect to the treatment of the venous stenoses associated with CCSVI is unmatched when compared The majority of CCSVI procedures are performed in a to other centers performing this procedure. Pacific Interventionalists brand new surgical center with amenities and medical team has understanding and experience with the venous technology that exceeds the standards of most system and related disorders making them a leader in the treatment of hospitals and other facilities. patients with CCSVI. By combining complete diagnostic and therapeutic care of patients with a diagnosis of CCSVI, Pacific Interventionalists physicians perform a full and complete Haacke protocol MRI/MRV on one of two 3 Tesla MRI's. Every patient who receives an MRI can receive a full written Haacke report as well as a diagnostic radiology interpretation by a US Board Certified Radiologist at no extra cost. The patient also receives a copy of the MRI for his or her records. Treatment of central venous disease involves a variety of techniques. In the majority of cases a large IV is placed into a larger vein in the groin area. From this location small catheters are navigated into the neck and chest veins using fluoroscopy or x-ray guidance. The catheters are used to take pictures by injecting a dye into the veins to help identify any narrowing or blockage of the veins. Sometimes these venograms do not adequately show the blockages. In these cases, the Pacific Interventionalists physicians use an ultrasound attached to the end of the small catheter to create ultrasound pictures from the inside of the veins. This technique increases the accuracy of the overall evaluation of the venous system and allows for more precise measurements of the veins themselves. If a narrowing within the vein is seen, a small balloon can be placed across the narrowing and inflated. Angioplasty of the blockage can help open the narrowing and restore normal blood flow through the vein. Sometimes balloon angioplasty does not improve the size of the vein and placement of a small stent is required. Placement of a stent can help open the vein back to its normal size. Although this is an outpatient procedure, patients are typically asked to remain in the immediate area of Southern California for their safety. The majority of CCSVI procedures are performed in a brand new surgical center with amenities and technology that exceeds the standards of most hospitals and other facilities. This surgical center is at the leading edge of patient care and safety and is being considered for an award as the best new surgical center in the United States. The expertise of the dynamic team at Pacific Interventionalists combined with state-of-the-art facilities and equipment are unmatched in the diagnosis and treatment of CCSVI. You may contact Dr. Arata, Dr. Hewett, Dr. Harris and Dr. Grewal and their dedicated staff at Pacific Interventionalists, Inc. to answer any questions you may have regarding their practice and CCSVI. Pacific Interventionalists, Inc. is comprised of physicians that are fellowship trained in image guided and endovascular procedures with board certification in General Surgery, Vascular Surgery or Phlebology. Toll free 877.RX.CCSVI Direct 949.221.0129


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neighbour drives her to work and her boss, father or colleague drive her home. On 15 September 2010 she went to Toronto for an ultra sound Doppler scan to see if there were any blockages in her veins. This test confirmed she did indeed have CCSVI and there was hope at last. Sharon ended up getting her treatment in Tampa, Florida at a cost of $8,000 USD plus travel, hotel, car, food costs etc. But the results have been overwhelming. She no longer has brain fog or fatigue. Also her balance is much improved. The muscle spasms she experienced before treatment were now just tremors and only at night. “I am ecstatic about my improvements so far and would not hesitate to do it all again if I had to. It breaks my heart

Stacy Saman lives in Ancaster, Ontario with her husband of eight years and two young children. She is 38 years old and although only recently diagnosed with MS, she, like many others believes her symptoms started many years ago, even into her childhood. “Back when I was nine years old I experienced depression, ringing in my ears and vertigo amongst other weird symptoms. My parents took me to a neurologist but nothing was found. The professionals decided it was ‘all in my head.’ My parents on the other hand always believed there was something very wrong that had nothing to do with my imagination” When she was 16 she got numbness in her toes but this was put down to wearing tight fashionable shoes. At 19 she had a series of ear infections, vertigo, tinnitus and numbness in her toes again. She also experienced bladder infections lasting months, loss of concentration and extreme weight loss. At this time she was diagnosed with a cyst in her bladder, asthma and bronchitis. Throughout her university years she battled constant ill health which in turn led to depression. “My GP would give me note after note so I could get through school.” says Stacy, “I started thinking it was all in my head, after all. I went to a psychiatrist and started antidepressants but they didn’t do much of anything. I mean, it was like I was sick with a cold every day. And, every time I got the cold or flu, which was all the time, it turned into bronchitis, sinusitis, pneumonia…I was on antibiotics all the time, which didn’t help.” Stacy then went to Teacher’s College and started a promising career teaching at a series of schools. The trouble was she was constantly having to take time off when she was sick. Her GP put it all down to stress or a virus and prescribed antibiotics, which again didn’t work. Over the years her symptoms became worse with weakness in her legs causing her to have to hold onto walls to get around. Eventually her father had to look after her whilst her husband was at work. “I was hospitalized for vertigo and some inflammation in my sinuses. I couldn’t move my legs, couldn’t see, didn’t know what the heck was going on around me, they asked me if I was on drugs! Because they had no idea what was wrong they released me from the hospital and I returned home. I was stuck in bed with no energy to do anything

that the Canadian government is not behind this treatment. It is frustrating and disappointing to think that they seem to believe they need to keep people sick in order to make money. It should open up its eyes and see that by providing this type of treatment to people in Canada it will free up massive amounts of money to help and treat people with other conditions. “The amount of money and resources that could be put back into the communities by allowing people with MS to be treated for CCSVI and get them off the expensive drugs and get them back into the workforce can only improve our country.”

and eventually went to see my GP again and was referred to specialists. “I saw two auto-immune specialists (for lupus, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia), one infectious disease guy to rule out lyme, new respiratory therapist, allergist, ENT, neurosurgeon (have scoliosis, apparently common with MS), neurologist, psychiatrist. GP started thinking it was neuro-based, since the pain and weakness was just in my legs.” Then Stacy had a fall and couldn’t walk any more. Her leg pain was unbearable and she demanded that tests be done to finally find the problem. She had a bone scan, MRI, EVP, blood work then started different medications such as baclofen, hydromorphone subQ and prednisone


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