Embracing Religious Difference

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June | 2018

Nuruljannah Hisham Project Officer, Muis Academy BA, Psychology, IIUM. President, ASSIIUM. Participant, CITC

Attitudes to Non-Muslims Society has become more diverse today with the presence of many nationalities, ethnicities, religions, cultures and beliefs due to globalisation. These differences should be embraced rather than shunned. However, often times, people feel that their identity is threatened by the presence of those who are different from them and because of this there is a tendency to “outcast” them and be exclusive. Exclusivism and alienating those who do not belong to one’s community happens in many places, between Whites and Blacks; between Muslim Immigrants and non-Muslim citizens and between refugees and local communities. Hate crimes and incidents of racism are often reported in the media. There seems to be a similar phenomenon here among some segments of the Singaporean Muslim community who seem to feel the need to ostracise and negatively label those who may have different beliefs or subscribe to different practices. This orientation creates a chasm between one group and another, made worse by an unwillingness to understand differences and an attitude of damning those who do not belong to the same group. Such exclusive individuals claim that their vision or ideology are correct and all others are in error. This is detrimental and can be harmful towards the harmony of the diverse society in Singapore. The mentality to outcast those who are different needs to be avoided and, to do that, our Muslim community needs to be educated to be open and be more accepting of the surrounding communities in order to create mutual understanding and respect. “Us against Them” Mentality The mind set of negative labelling and ostracising those who do not belong to a certain group leads to an “Us against Them” mentality, where the latter group cannot, or will not, be identified with one’s own group, due to their differences. In the case of Muslims, this mentality means that non-Muslims are usually seen as “Them” and needs to be outcast. Some refuse to eat with them due to different dietary needs, and concerns about their different lifestyle choices. However, there are a few in our community that have taken it as far as viewing them as infidels who are guaranteed damnation. This mind-set can lead one down the slippery slope of treating non-Muslims as the enemies of Muslims as well as God, and because of this it can lead one to justify the use of force on them. This is precisely the agenda of ISIS and therefore the above mentioned mentality may be considered as favourable to their objective. The term ‘Kafir’ which literally means “one who covers [the truth]” is often used to refer to those who do not believe in God according to the teachings of Prophet Muhammad. It is always translated as “infidel” or disbeliever”. The word




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It is important to embrace differences instead of 'other'-ing those that are different.

The divisive dangers of the ingroup/outgroup mentality are real.

It is important to focus on similarities, deepen understanding and expand the common space to maintain the harmony in our community.

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Embracing Religious Difference by Muis Academy - Issuu