All students will have an email account registered with Muis Academy upon ARS registration and this will be their official point of contact. Communications from Muis Academy to students will be via the registered email account. As such, students are expected to check this registered email account regularly. Students are also expected to be aware of the latest announcements that may be posted on the Online Learning Management System (LMS) and the Online Student Management System (SMS), the PCICS Telegram Channels and the Muis Academy website.
Throughout their candidature, students are responsible for keeping their personal particulars (including citizenship, official/legal name*, identity card details, permanent and correspondence contact details, and next-of-kin details) updated in the Muis Academy’s records in a timely manner. This means that students must notify Muis Academy within 5 working days of the effective date of change of the affected personal particulars. Muis Academy will not be accountable for delayed or lost mail due to incorrect or obsolete students' addresses and contacts. Students may check their particulars or amend their contact details via the Online Student Management System (SMS).
*Please note that your Official Name in the SMS will be printed on your certificate and academic transcript. If you have changed your name during your course of study but failed to inform Muis Academy in a timely manner and you have already been conferred your certificate, then your name as presently reflected in our official records, will be inscribed on your certificate.
As a condition of admission, students are required to expressly declare having read, understood, and agreed to abide by the following policies stated in number 1-7 below, which form their Acceptance Record
At all times, students are also responsible for understanding and complying with all other policies and procedures which are applicable to them and established by Muis Academy
Muis Academy reserves the right to make any changes deemed necessary in the policies and administrative requirements.
Muis Academy is committed to academic excellence and professionalism. Academic policies are designed to ensure assessments are holistic, gradings are fair, and the programme requirements are met. These will be in effect for all modules delivered by Muis Academy and its international academic partners. Students will be subject to the respective policies of the two local academic partners
Muis Academy recognises the importance of the personal data you have entrusted to us. Under the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (PDPA) and the Do Not Call (DNC) framework, it is our responsibility to properly collect, manage, use, protect and process your personal data. This policy is designed to assist you in understanding how we collect, use and/or disclose the personal data you have provided to us, as well as to assist you in making an informed decision before providing us with any of your personal data.
Students are expected to maintain and uphold the highest standards of integrity and honesty at all times, as well as embrace community standards, diversity and mutual respect for one another. The Student Code of Conduct is intended to guide students' conduct in both the academic and non-academic aspects by providing an overview of the professionalism expected of them as students and members of the Asatizah fraternity.
This policy applies to the use of the IT resources owned, controlled or managed by Muis Academy, such as computer accounts, personal computers, servers, workstations, disk storage, software, administrative and academic applications, email, public folders, newsgroups, online discussion forums, dialup, network, Internet and databases, among others. All users who have been granted access to the IT resources, including students of Muis Academy, are to comply with this policy.
It is critical that Muis Academy ensures that the creation, dissemination and commercialisation of Intellectual Property is properly administered for the benefit of the public and Muis Academy. This policy shall therefore apply to all Intellectual Property developed or created by a Muis Academy member and affiliated partners, including students, in the course of Muis Academy research.
All students are required to acknowledge and agree to comply with the terms stated in the Student Confidentiality Agreement. Students should keep absolutely confidential any Confidential Information that they have accessed/received, whether belonging to Muis Academy or other third parties, be it in writing or verbally, in the course of their studies, throughout the duration of their Temporary Work Placement , capstone project and/or student life at Muis Academy.
Unless express written permission has been given by the relevant authority at Muis Academy or the third party that owns or otherwise is in control of the Confidential Information, students should not discuss, release, retain, copy or remove any document or data in any format.
Students found to have made unauthorised release of Confidential Information may be subject to immediate termination of their Temporary Work Placement , or such other disciplinary action as Muis Academy may deem appropriate.
All students are required to agree to the terms prescribed by Muis Academy in connection with such participation and use.
The PCICS programme is developed as a Continuing Education & Training (CET) programme, with the working adult in mind. Students are expected to commit themselves to at least 20 hours of study per week. Classes are held mainly on weeknights or on Saturdays. There are a limited number of classes that are held during the day. Students are expected to make necessary arrangements with their employer to attend these classes. Students should note that commitments from employment will not be accepted as valid reasons for uncompleted work, late submission of work, or poor performance.
Commencement is an annual event celebrated within 6 months after the final term of the academic year. All eligible students will be requested to register their attendance online.
The policies and regulations in this document, including the Code of Ethics for Asatizah1 , applies to all students
Violation of these policies and regulations may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of candidature by Muis Academy and/or the cancellation of the Asatizah Recognition Scheme (ARS) Provisional License by the Asatizah Recognition Board (ARB). Violations of the policies and regulations may also lead to civil and criminal penalties.
Alternatively, violation of these policies and regulations may be addressed in other nondisciplinary ways, subject to the discretion of the Muis Academy, such as engagement, counselling, training, warning not to repeat the conduct, or planning for improvement, requirement to participate in restorative practice, or to reflect on, or to write an apology.
Muis Academy reserves the right to raise non-academic matters to the ARB, where it deems necessary.
Students should familarise themselves with the Code of Ethics for Asatizah and the Student Code of Conduct, which are intended to guide students’ conduct in both the academic
1 Code of Ethics for Asatizahs can be viewed at http://go.gov.sg/engguide
and non-academic aspects, by providing an overview of the behaviour generally expected of them.
Student centred learning and module assessments may adopt varying modes, such as presentations, reports, research proposals, projects, reflections and essays, as well as final examinations. As such, assessments may be on an individual and/or group-work basis.
Grade moderation may be necessary for bigger student cohorts and take into account a student’s performance vis-à-vis other students taking the same module. Moderation is necessary as certain modules may have more than one examiner and the practice would allow for fair assessment, taking into account different academic backgrounds and marking regimes of the different examiners.
A marking and assessment rubric shall also be designed to ensure fairness and parity by the assessors.
The grading scheme will be as follows:
“Resubmission” requires a student to resubmit relevant assignments or retake examination to meet the grades. “Unsuccessful” means a student has failed to meet 2
the module requirement and therefore did not pass and is required to re-sit the module
Muis Academy has in place standard operating procedures to ensure that assessments and examinations are administered with utmost care and attention. Multiple checks are conducted to ensure appropriate handling of assessments and examination answer scripts, marking and processing of marks and grades.
Students are responsible to check and keep to the assessment modes and timelines, which include project and assignment timelines, as well as examination. Failure to adhere to deadlines may result in reasonable penalties. Students are expected to be familiar with the Assessment and Examination Rules which will be stipulated on the syllabus and examination documents, and any breach will render the student liable to disciplinary action, which may result in the student being expelled from the programme with the possible penalty for full fees repayment.
Lecturers, tutors and examiners are encouraged to provide qualitative feedback to the students for continual assessments in order to facilitate learning and improvement in their work. Examiners and Muis Academy are not obliged to return examination scripts to students.
Upon the release of results, students may submit a review request through the Online Student Management System (SMS) This review will verify if the exam scripts have been marked completely and all marks, including continual assessment marks have been correctly transmitted to Muis Academy. The review will not include a re-marking of exam scripts unless it has been found that certain parts of the exam scripts were not taken into account in the original assessment.
In the case of continuous assessments, students may request for further feedback or a second reviewer to look into the outcome of the results only if valid reasons have been submitted, subject to agreement after negotiations between student and lecturer.
This review is applicable for all modules except for the SUSS modules. For the latter, students will be subjected to SUSS’ academic policies as stipulated by the University.
All assignments are to be submitted via the Online Learning Management System (LMS). Deadlines for submissions for tutor-marked assignments will be made known to the students at the beginning of every term. Students who fail to submit finished work on time will be automatically be given zero (0) marks for the assignment. Students should appeal for an extension of deadline before the initial stipulated date and will be granted an extension only under mitigating circumstances.
For assignments under SUSS modules, students will be subject to SUSS’ academic policies as stipulated by the University. Submission of SUSS modules are subject to the academic policies as stipulated by the University and more details are available on their official website.
The successful completion of the programme and the award of the postgraduate certificate minimally requires:
(a) 5 Core Modules and 2 Elective Modules to be graded “Successful”
(b) Completion of 4 workshops and all its requirements; and
(c) The completion of the capstone component and all its requirements.
Students may be issued with an academic warning during the term should they fail to meet any of the module requirements and assessments, based on the discretion of the lecturer and the Muis Academy, guided by the internal performance tracking mechanism. A meeting will be arranged with the student in order to discuss alternative or additional assessments where necessary, in order to meet the learning objectives of the module.
Students who fail modules due to incomplete assignments or failed assessments may be asked to resubmit the assignment or resit for the examinations based on the respective universities’ policies.
Students who fail modules/workshops due to incomplete assignments, failed assessments with a score of less than 30 marks or failed to meet the minimum attendance requirement, may be asked to retake the module and incur an administrative fee of $100 per module.
Failure to meet the requirements of any module or workshop, even after due diligence by all parties have been undertaken to provide further support to the student, may result in the student being dismissed from the programme, with no refund of the programme fees.
Muis Academy and its partners adopt a strict view of academic offences in any form, including plagiarism, cheating in any form, copying work, acquiring work and reusing of own work, colluding, and violating any intellectual property or copyright laws, among others. Violation of academic integrity may result in disciplinary action against the student, including but not limited to, being imposed a failed grade, suspension, and/or termination. A student may not knowingly intend to plagiarise but that shall not be used as an excuse for plagiarism. Students should seek clarification from their lecturers if they are unsure whether they are plagiarising the work of another person. This includes the use of generative AI (artificial intelligence) tools in PCICS assignment submissions.
In order to graduate from the programme, students must have satisfied the requirements of all core and elective modules necessary, as well as successfully completed the compulsory capstone and workshop components of the programme as stipulated above (see para 3).
Students will be informed in an official letter from Muis Academy regarding their conferment date. The conferment date is also recorded in the official academic transcript.
Where relevant, students will be subject to the academic policies of the partner universities offering the core and elective modules. This includes but not restricted to, the stackability of SUSS elective modules for the completion of other academic programmes under SUSS.
Students are required to complete at least 75% of module lecture attendance, and to meet the requirements for scheduled tutorials and contact times where relevant and when required. Attendance will be taken at all sessions and it is the responsibility of the students to ensure that their attendance has been taken.
Students may be granted short-term leave of absence for the following reasons:
a) Students who need to be excused for medical reasons
a) Students who are required to attend to urgent work exigencies
b) Students who require time off for urgent personal matters
Application for short-term LOA can be made via the Online Student Management System (SMS). Appropriate documentation needs to be submitted in the application form, including one of the following: a medical report by a certified physician; or note from an employer; or records of personal circumstances where applicable.
Students who are absent for more than 2 times without valid reasons may be subjected to appropriate disciplinary measures.
All applications are subject to approval on a case-to-case basis.
Students may be granted long-term leave of absence for the following reasons:
b) Students who need to be excused for medical reasons for more than 30 days (including major emergencies, accidents, hospitalisation and maternity leave)
c) Students who need to be excused to attend to demanding work commitment for more than 30 days.
d) Students who need to attend to personal matters for more than 30 days (care-giving duties).
Application for long-term LOA can be made via the Online Student Management System (SMS). In the event, students are unable to make an online application, students or their guardians are required to inform Muis Academy and provide the necessary documentations via the various available communication channels. The necessary documentation could include one of the following: a medical report by a certified physician; or note from an employer; or records of personal circumstances where applicable.
Failure to inform Muis Academy of their absence and circumstances, for more than 3 weeks, may subject the student to appropriate disciplinary action.
All applications will be negotiated and approvals will be determined on a case-tocase basis. Note that all approved long-term LOA would have a standard duration of 1-year period, that can not be subject to an extension, as this will affect students’ ARS provisional license.
Students on long-term leave would be advised on the schedule of their resumption of their studies. Based on a term-placement model, students will be required to resume participation in the PCICS classes no later than one year from the term where they commenced their long-term LOA.
Students or guardians may update Muis Academy on the status of their long-term LOA should there be any changes to their circumstances.
Students who request for deferment from the PCICS programme must submit a detailed justification with the necessary supporting documents through email to Muis Academy. Possible acceptable reasons for deferment include pursuing higher education, prolonged medical conditions, mental health conditions, residing overseas, family problems, or financial hardships. Students who submit a request for deferment for other reasons may not eligible for Muis Bursary and/or the option
to pursue the Temporary Work Placement (TWP) module, subject to the discretion of Muis Academy Students are advised to complete the PCICS programme within 3 years from the year they are granted their first ARS Provisional License by ARB
Students who request to withdraw from the PCICS programme must submit a detailed justification with the necessary supporting documents through email to Muis Academy. Students who submit the request to withdraw from the PCICS programme after the 2nd instructional week of the first term will be required to pay programme fees of $800. There will be no refund of programme fees.
In addition, students who have been awarded Muis Bursary subsidy will be required to repay the full programme fees if they withdraw from the programme after the 2nd instructional week. The withdrawn candidate will be required to make the payment before the end of the end of their initial candidature period Such students will not be eligible for any fee subsidies if they re-apply to the PCICS programme after 3 years, starting from the date of the first ARS Provisional License granted to them
Upon withdrawal from the PCICS programme, the ARS Provisional License of the student will be revoked with immediate effect The student can re-apply for an ARS Licence in the future, ideally within 3 years of date of the first ARS Provisional License. They will be required to attend the PCICS Programme.
Students are covered under an insurance policy, arranged by Muis, throughout their course of study:
Compensation to the Insured Person for bodily injuries caused solely and directly by an Accident which results in death or Permanent Total Disablement, are subject
to insurance provider’s standard Group SmartCare Assure policy terms, conditions, provisions and exclusions.
1. At all times in Singapore, whilst participating in activities organised and supervised by the Policyholder.
2. Whilst travelling directly and continuously from the Insured Person's home to the Policyholder's premises for activities, and vice versa.
Policy extends to cover the following:
1. Accidental injuries sustained during supervised CCAs including TWP;
2. Accidental injuries sustained while riding pillion on a motorcycle to and from school with a parent or legal guardian; and
3. Accidental injuries arising from dog bites and bee stings
1 War, declared or undeclared, revolution or warlike operations
2 Engaging in naval, military or airforce service or operations except peacetime reservist training under Section 14 of the Enlistment Act, Cap.93 of the Republic of Singapore.
3 Any willful or unlawful act, participation in riot, self-inflicted injury, suicide or any attempts thereat, while sane or insane
4 Pregnancy, childbirth, abortion, miscarriage and all complications arising from such conditions, except where such treatment is rendered necessary by Injury
5 Whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs that are not prescribed by a qualified medical practitioner
6 Insured Person engaging in racing on wheels.
7 Any nuclear reaction or contamination, ionising rays or radioactivity.
Muis Academy complies with the Singapore Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (PDPA) relating to the collection, use, disclosure and security of our students’ personal data. The PDPA recognises their rights to access and correct their personal data held by Muis Academy as well as the needs of Muis Academy to collect, use and disclose your personal data for the legitimate purposes of Muis Academy.
Personal data that is collected about our students and their families, may be collected, used, disclosed or processed for the following purposes:
1. To determine eligibility for enrolment in PCICS;
2. To assess, monitor and report on student progress;
3. To monitor students’ use of resources and technological systems to ensure compliance with Muis Academys’ acceptable use policy;
4. To respond to students’ questions and feedback;
5. To apply to the relevant Singapore authorities for relevant approvals or student passes for enrolment at PCICS;
6. To teach or for activities through field trips, concerts and performances and other co-curricular activities;
7. To provide academic references or educational history to any third party;
8. To submit for billing and finance purposes;
9. To supply goods and services to students which Muis Academy or third parties on behalf of Muis Academy may offer including but not limited to transport services, food services, medical services, or travel related services;
10. To supply administrative, computer data storage or processing services by Muis Academy or a third party service provider either in Singapore or overseas;
11. To conduct surveys with parents and students either by Muis Academy or a third party on behalf of Muis Academy to assess the performance of Muis Academy as a whole;
12. To safeguard and promote the welfare of students, parents and staff;
13. To ensure all relevant legal obligations of Muis Academy, parents, students and staff are complied with;
14. To make use of photographs, videos or sound recordings of students in Muis Academy publications, website or other external media; and
15. For all other matters relating to our students’ enrolment and education at Muis Academy or operation of Muis Academy that Muis Academy deems necessary or reasonable.
Students have the right to request to access and/or correct the personal data held about them by Muis Academy and Muis Academy shall respond to such request as soon as reasonably possible. Students may contact Muis Academy in writing (together with proof of student identity) to confirm whether and how Muis Academy has used or disclosed our students personal data (up to the last 1 year before the date of our students request), request that any errors or omissions in our students personal data be rectified, request access to the PDPA policies of Muis Academy or request that Muis Academy make available information relating to complaints procedures that may arise in relation to PDPA. Students may also withdraw consent to the collection, use, disclosure and processing of their personal data at any time and Muis Academy will advise them of the consequences of withdrawing consent. Muis Academy must be able to verify students’ identity before it can accept any access or correction requests from them Muis Academy reserves the right to decline access if the burden or expense of providing access would be unreasonable or disproportionate, if Muis Academy is satisfied on reasonable grounds that a correction should not be made or if any of the exemptions under the PDPA are applicable.
Muis Academy will ensure that students’ personal data is always secure by implementing appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorised access, collection, use, disclosure, copying or modification of our students personal data, in particular when the processing of data involves third parties. Muis Academy will only retain students’ personal data for so long as there is a legitimate business or legal reason for retaining the personal data or if required by any law.
1.1. This Code of Conduct is intended to guide students’ conduct in both the academic and non-academic aspects by providing an overview of the behaviour generally expected of them as students of Muis Academy. It is meant to serve as a broad framework and should not be treated as an exhaustive list.
1.2. The Code of Conduct and rules in this guide apply to all PCICS students including those on leave of absence.
1.3. The Code of Conduct may be amended from time to time and students should always refer to any bulletins and circulars issued by the Muis Academy for the latest updates and provisions.
2.1. Every student must maintain the highest standards of personal conduct. All students are expected to:
1. Strongly uphold Islamic values and principles, and maintain good conduct in all matters and at all times;
2. Observe and practice basic Islamic teachings and obligations if he is a Muslim; and
3. Sincerely and diligently carry out his duties both as an amanah (obligation) and ibadah(worship).
2.2. As future Asatizah, students are to abide by the set of desired behaviours based on Code of Ethics for Asatizah3 It is meant to guide students in their actions and relationship with others so as to maintain a productive, supportive and harmonious environment. Students are expected to maintain and uphold the highest standards of integrity and honesty at all times, as well as embrace community standards, diversity and mutual respect for one another The Asatizah Recognition Board (ARB) has the jurisdiction to take any disciplinary action against a student in respect of a violation of the Code of Ethics.
3.1. Muis Academy is committed to nurturing an environment conducive for the exchange of ideas, advancement of knowledge and intellectual development. Academic honesty and integrity are essential conditions for the pursuit and acquisition of knowledge, and the Academy expects each student to maintain and uphold the highest standards of integrity and academic honesty at all times
3.2. All students are obliged to observe and uphold the laws of Singapore as well as the policies and regulations of Muis Academy at all times.
3.3. All students share the responsibility for upholding academic standards and reputation. Academic honesty is a necessary condition in the pursuit and acquisition of knowledge, and Muis Academy expects each student to uphold academic honesty. Academic dishonesty is any misrepresentation with the intent to deceive, or failure to acknowledge the source, or falsification of information, or inaccuracy of statements, or cheating in assessments, or inappropriate use of resources This includes representing the outputs of generative AI tools and online language models, such as ChatGPT and Grammarly, as your own work Muis Academy takes a strict view of cheating in any form, deceptive fabrication, plagiarism and violation of intellectual property and copyright laws. Any student who is found to have engaged in such misconduct will be subject to disciplinary action.
3.4. All students are to be readily contactable by the Muis Academy during their candidature. They are to be responsible for updating and advising Muis Academy should there be any changes to their contact details that they had provided to the Muis Academy. Failure to do so may result in students not receiving official communications from Muis Academy, in which event, noncompliance of deadlines or instructions will not be excused
3.5. All students are expected to monitor and retrieve their messages/emails from Muis Academy on a regular basis. Students have the responsibility to recognize that certain communications are time sensitive, and they will need to respond appropriately within the required timelines.
3.6. All students are required to act and/or respond promptly to all correspondences received from Muis Academy, including RSVPs for nonacademic programmes and activities, module registration, orientation tasks,
applications, completing surveys, and submission of requests and assignments.
3.7. All students share the responsibility of upholding the moral virtues of honesty and integrity, and this can extend beyond each student’s own conduct. It can also include reporting incidents of suspected academic dishonesty through the appropriate channels. Students who have reasonable grounds to suspect academic dishonesty should raise their concerns directly to Muis Academy.
3.8. When students undertake an attachment at one of Muis Academy’s partner institutions, they are also expected to observe and uphold the regulations of the respective partner institutions. Students on Temporary Work Placement are expected to adhere to the employer’s employment policies, practices, procedures, dress codes, and/or standards of conduct. Students are also expected to maintain the established work schedule and meet their Temporary Work Placement obligations. Students participating in academic or non-academic Muis Academy approved activities outside of campus are expected to adhere to the rules and regulations set by the external organisers or venue owners.
4.1. Muis Academy encourages students to display consideration, kindness and responsibility in their dealings with other persons. Students should not engage in disorderly or offensive behaviour towards staff members, lecturers, tutors and other PCICS candidates. This also extends to members of the general public. Such behaviour would include making threats against others, intimidation, harassment, drunkenness, lewdness, or participation in any unlawful assembly
4.2. Students are expected to treat others with respect, courtesy and consideration so as to create a positive learning and social environment at Muis Academy. Treating others with respect and sensitivity with regards to their gender, race, values, religion and disabilities, helps create experiences that are pleasant for all students, which in turn helps create lifelong bonds and support networks that enrich the students’ lives. Students must feel safe and secure at all times while at Muis Academy.
4.3. Accordingly, students should not engage in any conduct which violates another person's dignity or creates an environment which is hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive for another person. Conduct which insults, abuses, denigrates, victimizes, demeans, embarrasses, or disparages any individual is not acceptable to Muis Academy.
4.4. Students should also refrain from participating in any activity which physically or mentally harms, intimidates or humiliates other students, or which violates one’s dignity as an individual. Such practices display a lack of basic respect for other persons, imperil students’ physical and mental welfare, and may unintentionally result in an unhealthy atmosphere of fear and intimidation.
5.1. Unwanted sexual advances and inappropriate physical contact, sexually explicit remarks or innuendoes of a sexual nature, offensive body language or gestures and other forms of sexual harassment will not be tolerated by Muis Academy. Students should refrain from all acts (including threats) of sexual misconduct against any staff, student, a member of the Asatizah fraternity and the wider public, whether it takes the form of an action, be it verbal, in writing or on digital media.
6.1. Dressing well is also a sign of respect for others. Students are expected to dress appropriately to project a positive and fitting image of themselves when they attend all classes. Attire such as skimpy or revealing clothes or clothes printed with vulgar or offensive words or pictures are considered inappropriate attire. T-shirts and slippers meant for domestic use may give others a poor impression of students and Muis Academy.
6.2. Students are expected to be respectful towards the religious beliefs, customs, and sensitivities of others. They should also not impinge on or disparage other faiths. Additionally, proselytizing in campus, in any form, is not allowed.
6.3. As an educational institution, Muis Academy is committed to providing a forum for the exploration and discussion of a diversity of ideas and opinions, including political and social-political issues. Students are free to express their views and opinions in the classroom, bearing in mind the need to act in
accordance with accepted scholarly and professional standards and the laws of the country. In particular, students should avoid the following:
6.3.1. The purveying or dissemination of pejorative viewpoints along sectarian lines (including but not limited to issues on race, language, religion, gender, sexuality, age, nationality);
6.3.2. Any incitements to engage in disturbance, violence and/or criminal acts; and
6.3.3. The use of Academy grounds for partisan politics and/or political fundraising.
7.1. Muis Academy IT resources are intended to aid learning and facilitate knowledge creation and dissemination. They should not be used for the transmission of obscene or inflammatory information, for commercial purposes, or for personal monetary profit. Students should observe good computer etiquette at all times and are required to abide by any laws and regulations governing IT use.
7.2. Students should respect intellectual property rights, in line with the guidelines stated in the Acceptable Use Policy for IT Resources. Students are not allowed to download or distribute copyrighted materials over the Muis Academy network by any means or methods.
8.1. Parking space on campus is in great demand and is limited. Inconsiderate and unauthorised parking poses inconvenience and a hazard to other members of the community. Students who drive to Muis and its partners’ campuses are required to comply with parking regulations and respect traffic laws.
9.1 Concerns and Incidents Covered by This Policy
The Policy covers, but is not limited, to the following wrongdoings:
• Academic, research or other professional misconduct;
• Aiding or abetting any breach of, or misconduct connected with, Muis Academy’s policies, applicable rules, regulations or laws;
• An offence or breach of applicable law or regulation;
• Breach or failure to comply with Muis Academy's policies, rules or regulations;
• Concealing or suppressing information about any malpractice or misconduct;
• Conduct that may cause financial or non-financial loss to Muis Academy’s or damage its reputation;
• Conflict of interest without due disclosure;
• Corruption or bribery;
• Falsifying documents including contracts, invoices, academic documents etc.;
• Fraud, theft, misappropriation or misuse of Muis Academy's properties, assets or resources;
• Harassment, including bullying, stalking and sexual harassment
• Providing fraudulent statements or misleading information to public authorities;
• Unauthorised access or disclosure of Muis Academy's or third party's confidential information; and
• Unsafe work practices that could endanger the health or safety of persons or environment.
The Whistleblower should ensure that all claims of wrongdoings are made in good faith. Details of the alleged event, matter or issue that is the subject of concern, including where, when and how it occurred:
• The name(s) of the person(s) and/or the module/University/employer involved.
• Any additional information to substantiate the event, matter or issue reported;
• Contact details to facilitate follow up queries.
We encourage whistleblowers to identify themselves and provide their contact particulars to allow Muis Academy to investigate and resolve such matters effectively.
Anonymous reports will still be given due consideration but investigated on their own merits.
All reports will be treated with the strictest confidentiality.
Muis Academy is committed to protect, against harassment or retaliation, whistleblowers who report, in good faith, a legitimate incident or concern
Muis Academy does not however condone false, frivolous or malicious allegations and reserves its rights to take appropriate action against perpetrators, including disciplinary or legal action.
Any staff/faculty or student who notices or is aware of any wrongdoings can lodge a report. The report can be made via email or in person or in writing in sealed envelope, signed and marked “Confidential” to:
Ms Amira Abdul Rahim
Ms Farah Mahamood Aljunied Head, Higher Education and Research Director, Higher Education and Research (Admin & Operations)
Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (Muis)
Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (Muis) 273 Braddell Road
Singapore 579702
Email: Amira_Abdul_Rahim@muis.gov.sg
273 Braddell Road
Singapore 579702
Email: Farah_Aljunied@muis.gov.sg
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) refer to legal rights such as patents, trademarks, registered industrial design rights and copyright. These legal rights subsist in new products and services that are the result of innovation and creative efforts.
As PCICS students use copyrighted materials frequently, all students are reminded to abide by the requirements set out in Singapore's Copyright Law.
1. The main purposes of the Policies set out in this document are:
(a) To clarify and regulate the protection, management and commercialisation of Academy Intellectual Property;
(b) To delineate the rights and obligations of Muis Academy and its Members with respect to the Intellectual Property created or developed in the course of curriculum development; and
(c) To motivate the creation, development and dissemination of Intellectual Property by providing appropriate financial rewards to the creators.
1. In these policies, unless the context otherwise requires, the following expressions shall have the following meanings: -
(a) “Authored Work” means an original work of authorship produced including:
(i) Student theses and dissertations;
(ii) Books, journal articles, texts, glossaries, bibliographies, study guides, syllabi, tests, proposals;
(iii) Teaching materials including lectures recorded on audio and/or visual recordings and lecture notes;
(iv) Examination scripts, project reports submitted by a Student;
(v) Musical or dramatic compositions and unpublished scripts;
(vi) Films, film strips;
(vii) Charts, transparencies and other visual aids;
(viii) audio-visual material, live video or audio broadcasts and programmed instruction materials and sound recordings;
(ix) Choreographic works; and
(x) Pictorial, graphic and sculptural works.
(b) "Copyrighted Work" means an original work of authorship, which has been fixed in any tangible medium of expression, now known or later developed, from which it can be perceived, reproduced or otherwise communicated either directly or with the aid of a machine or device. Copyrighted Works include, but are not limited to, Authored Works, Software, technical designs, formulas and codes, designs and mask works and research data.
(c) "Electronic Medium" shall include but not be limited to digital optical and magnetic information storage and retrieval platforms or systems (including but not limited to videos floppy disk-based software CDROM CD-I DVDROM DVD-RAM interactive software compact discs, ROM-card silicon chip and any other similar or dissimilar offline platforms or systems) on-line electronic or other transmission (including but not limited to satellite or microwave transmission video on-demand and/or near near-video-ondemand and the Internet) and the Digital Library (or any such digital online collection developed and maintained by the Academy) whether now known or subsequently developed.
(d) "Integrated Circuit Design" means the layout design of an integrated circuit protected under the Layout-Design of Integrated Circuits Act 1998.
(e) "Intellectual Property" means any new and useful invention (whether patentable or not), discovery, process, machine, composition of matter, life form, article of manufacture, patents, Copyrighted Work, Integrated Circuit Design, design rights, Software, Trade Mark, Tangible Research Property, know-how, Trade Secrets, new or improved devices, circuits, chemical
compounds, drugs, genetically engineered material (including but not limited to plasmids, virus, bacteria and cell lines), data sets, musical processes, unique and innovative uses of existing inventions and any other intellectual property right.
(f) "Invention Disclosure Form" means the Invention Disclosure Form substantially in the form attached to these Policies as amended from time to time.
(g) “Inventor” means a person who has conceptualized the invention or has made intellectual contributions to the conception of a piece of Intellectual Property or has made creative contributions leading to the said piece of Intellectual Property.
(h) any printed book, periodical, newspaper, pamphlet, musical score, map, chart, plan, picture, photograph, print and any other printed matter; and
(i) any film (including a microfilm and a microfiche), negative, tape, disc, sound track and any other device in which one or more visual images, sounds or other data are embodied so as to be capable (with or without the aid of some other equipment) of being reproduced from it;
(j) “Library Materials” means:
(i) any printed book, periodical, newspaper, pamphlet, musical score, map, chart, plan, picture, photograph, print and any other printed matter; and
(ii) any film (including a microfilm and a microfiche), negative, tape, disc, sound track and any other device in which one or more visual images, sounds or other data are embodied so as to be capable (with or without the aid of some other equipment) of being reproduced from it.
(k) “Public Disclosure” means a disclosure to the general public including, but not limited to, journal publication, magazines libraries, internet, student theses, e-mail, published grant proposals, poster presentation, oral presentations at the Academy, at conferences, and at companies, advertisement, sale, demonstration or use in public, that is in sufficient detail to allow your scientific peers, or someone that is “skilled in the art,” to understand and recreate the Intellectual Property. It can also mean disclosure
of the Intellectual Property to any other person not bound by express confidentiality obligations under a written Non-Disclosure Agreement.
(l) "Revenue" means all consideration received pursuant to the commercialisation of the Intellectual Property including:
(i) license fees, including upfront fees, running royalty, license maintenance fee, commissions and sublicensing fees arising from the license of the Intellectual Property; and/or
(ii) proceeds arising from the sale of the Intellectual Property, to a Third Party, whether in the form of cash or Shares but does not include any reimbursement of expenses (including patent costs, patent maintenance fees received under any license agreement), or research funds.
(m) "Policies" means these Policies Relating to Muis Academy Intellectual Property as the same may be amended from time to time.
(n) "Software" means any computer software or program whether in source or object code and other technologies used to support the electronic capture, storage, retrieval, transformation and presentation of digital data and information or to interface between digital forms and other communications and information media.
(o) "Student" means any registered student.
(p) "Third Party Contract" means any contract or agreement between Muis Academy and a Third Party for the conduct of research, teaching or student Temporary Work Placement, license agreements, contracts of assignment or contracts of sale, etc.
(q) "Third Party" means any person other than Muis Academy and includes funding agencies, another research institution or a commercial company.
(r) "Trade Mark" means a trade or service mark as defined as such under the Trade Marks Act 1998.
(s) “Staff” means any employee who is under a contract of employment with the Academy including academic research and administrative staff, adjunct and part time staff.
(t) “Academy Resources” means Muis Academy's facilities, personnel, equipment or confidential information and Intellectual Property owned by or licensed to the Academy;
(u) “Faculty Member” means Muis staff and Faculty members.
(v) "Visitor" means any person other than a Faculty Member who takes part in any research project or scholarly activity which is conducted by a Faculty Member as a visitor of Muis Academy or who visits any part of Muis Academy in which research or scholarship, or any related activity, is conducted at the time they create Intellectual Property.
2. In these policies words importing the singular shall include the plural and vice versa and words importing the masculine shall include the feminine and neuter and vice-versa.
3. References to person shall include bodies corporate and incorporated associations and partnership.
1. If a Faculty Member becomes aware of Intellectual Property first conceived or reduced to practice in the course or furtherance of Academy Research which the Faculty Member:
(a) is of the opinion can be commercialised; and
(b) wishes to commercialise, then the Faculty Member shall promptly report the Intellectual Property to Muis Academy
All reports to Muis Academy shall be made on the Invention Disclosure Form which must be accompanied with all relevant details of the Intellectual Property. Signed copies of the Invention Disclosure Form should be
concurrently submitted to the Faculty Member's project supervisor and/or Head of Programme
2. As any public disclosure of information can potentially jeopardize the patenting rights of Muis Academy, the Faculty Member is prohibited from making any form of public disclosure (including verbal disclosures) of Muis Academy’s Intellectual Property until such time as Muis Academy has:
(a) filed a protection for the Intellectual Property in question; or
(b) made the determination not to file for protection for the Intellectual Property in question.
1. General Rule:
Unless otherwise expressly specified in the Policies, all rights, title and interest in Intellectual Property discovered, created or developed in the course or furtherance of Academy’s Research shall vest in and belong to Muis Academy
2. Grant Funding and Third Party Funding Rules:
(a) If research leading to any Intellectual Property has been funded by or through the Academy by way of a grant or by a Third Party, whether government or private, or has been conducted in some other form of association with such Third Party, the terms of grant or the Third Party Contract shall override any of these Policies which are to the contrary.
(b) If the terms of the Third Party Contract or grant state that Muis Academy shall own the Intellectual Property created by the research funded by the Third Party or grant, then Muis Academy shall apply these Policies to the Intellectual Property owned by Muis Academy
(c) If the issue of ownership of the Intellectual Property was not established in advance as part of the terms of the grant or Third Party Contract Muis Academy shall negotiate the ownership ratio of such
Intellectual Property with the Third Party or funding agency taking into account (but not necessarily compliant with) these Policies.
3. Student theses and/or dissertations:
(a) The Academy acknowledges the Student’s ownership of copyright to his/her theses and/or dissertations. However, where the Student’s theses and/or dissertations were submitted to the Academy to meet course requirements, the following provisions shall apply:-
(i) If the Student’s theses and/or dissertations contain patentable ideas or other Intellectual Property the Academy deems useful, then the Academy shall be the owner of such ideas or Intellectual Property.
(ii) If the Student’s theses and/or dissertations contain research data arising from Academy Research, then the Student’s copyright will only extend to the form of expression of the data in the theses. Ownership of the research data and the data base itself remains with the Academy pursuant to Policy E.
(b) The physical document and/or device on which the Student’s Authored Work was recorded or stored or printed, which was submitted to the Academy (for example, the thesis document, the examination scripts, term papers, CDs, DVDs, tapes, etc.) will become the property of Muis Academy unless returned to the Student by Muis Academy
These Policies or any part of them may be amended by the Academy in its absolute discretion from time to time and the Policies as amended shall apply to all Intellectual Property disclosed by Academy Member after the effective date of such amendment. All Intellectual Property disclosed prior to the amendment shall be governed by the Policies prior to such amendment provided that the provisions shall apply to all Intellectual Property licensed or otherwise commercialised on or after the effective date of any such amendment regardless of when the Intellectual Property is disclosed.
The Chief Executive, Muis shall have the discretion to waive any or all of the provisions of these Policies in a particular case.
Muis Academy is a subdivision within Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura (Muis) (hereinafter referred to as “the Agency”) which has invested extensively in Info-Communications Technology (ICT) resources, including desktop computer systems, E-mail, Internet/Intranet and network (addressed as the “System”) for its staff (the “Users”) that is strictly for official use only. Any User who has been assigned a System – which may also refer to Government Furnished Personal Computer – is to comply with this Policy. Users shall familiarise themselves with the Agency's IT Security Policies and Guidelines posted on the Intranet.
In the event of any conflict or confusion, the established policies in Instruction Manual 8 (IM8) and standards (such as those in SG-TRM and Operational Policies, Standards and Guidelines Handbook for Central ICT Infrastructure) shall take precedence over any of clauses in this Acceptable Use Policy.
This policy aims to establish the basic practices and procedures governing the proper use of ICT resources, including desktop computer systems, e-mail, Internet/Intranet and network. This document also defines the staff’s roles and responsibilities in protecting government information and ICT resources in the course of their official duties.
3.1 Security of the student learner account is the students’ responsibility.
3.2 Students are liable for all activities conducted through their account.
3.3 Students may not share their account or password with anyone.
3.4 Students shall be accountable for the passwords and the Students shall not disclose the passwords to others. Student is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their username and password.
3.5 Students are recommended to create passwords that are minimally 8 alphanumeric characters in length.
3.7 Students are required to change the default password on their first login.
4 1 Students shall not engage or attempt to engage in any of the following activities:
▪ Unauthorized access, disclosure, modification and destruction of the Student and Learning Management Systems;
▪ Masquerade as another account-holder;
▪ Circumvent any security system(s);
▪ Exploit or probe for security vulnerabilities on the student and learning management systems;
▪ Attack or degrade the performance of the system; and
▪ Cause damage to the system
4.2 Students shall report to Muis Academy on any incident upon the detection of any security incident.
5.1 Students shall not install and use diagnostic and/or vulnerability scanning tools on Muis Academy’s student and learning management systems under any circumstances; as such tools may be used to compromise the security of the systems.
5.2 Students shall not cause damage or otherwise attack or degrade the performance of the systems.
5.3 Students shall not attempt to monitor another student’s data communications nor access, read, copy, change or delete another student’s files or software without authorisation.
5.4 Users shall not harass or intentionally deny or degrade another student’s legitimate access to the system.
5.5 Upon graduation students shall promptly return their matriculation card to Muis Academy. Their account will be deleted from the student and learning management systems.
6.1 Students shall not obtain data or IT services without authorisation or through fraudulent means.
6.2 Students shall use all data obtained, including personal data, for the purpose which they were collected from individuals or obtained from other organisations. Personal data collected may not be reused for a different purpose without first seeking consent from the individuals. Users shall not pass on the data to another organisation without explicit approval from the data owner.
6.3 Students shall exercise due diligence to protect the confidentiality of data, as well as data obtained from other organisations. End.
Should you require any assistance, please do not hesitate to email the PCICS team at pcics@muis.gov.sg