Stage 1 report - Dissertaion Preparation

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Future Thinking Report




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CONTENT Timeline Introduction AIm & Objectives Methodology

6-7 8-9 10 11

Trend Drivers - Individualism - Globalization

14-15 16-17

Sub - Trends - Social Media - Omnichannel Retailing

20-21 22-23

Consumer Landscape


Industry Response - Fashion - Travel - Education

30-31 32-33 34-35

Future Thinking Insights & Recommendations

36 37-39

Reference Bibliography Illustration

40-42 43-45 46-48



TIMELINE The 1970s witnessed the development of the early internet. After the innovation of origin internet made by Sam Fedida in 1971, networks were successfully connected computers. After that, people have started linking different kinds of systems to each other


"In 1973, ARPA funds the outfitting of a packet radio research van at SRI to develop standards for a Packet Radio Network (PRNET,2018)." The van was also played a significant role in 1977 as a pioneer of today's Internet industry and promoted the later development of mobile phone.




The network connected over a million users by the end of the 1980s and was growing at a rapid pace. In the 1990s, there were 0.05% of people using the internet, and the CERN's web browser software released for public use.


6 6




“3G allowed for more bandwidth when sending signals between mobile stations and masts, and that massively changed mobile phones". (Adam, 2013) The higher speed of approximately 2Mbps brought more possibilities for the early smartphones even they were not screen touched, but the overall rate of information diffusion reached a new height.


The virtual reality headset becomes FIG.33 available to consumers. Till now, the digital revolution show no sign of slowing down.

2016 - NOW



The iPhone launched, and smartphone usage was dramatically rising. The Iphone's phenomenal popularity brought a new platform to the audience which was the App store and promoting the exploitation of more software platform. Most of the existing platform at that time such as Facebook and Youtube had begun to move their direction to the mobile channel communication.

7 7

INTRODUCTION The term "digital connectivity" is used to describe good internet access which is fast and reliable. It is not about ages, races, geographies or attitude, but a "necessity" in the modern world, a "fourth utility" alongside water, gas and electricity. No one can refute hightechnology's ability to change lifestyle and connect the world. The book “The Digital Enterprise” represented that the digital infrastructure is modifying the way of commodity transaction, information sharing and social activity. (Nichoals, 2001)


On the one hand, society is doing correction all the time to adapt to the changing environment made by d i g i t a l c o n n e c t i v i t y. The Harvard Business Review points out that new technologies are altering the economic market which would shape the business to a new height and rewriting the competition rules. ( Matthew, 2011)

In recent years, the market witnessed the gradual transaction of traditional commerce to e-commerce. More and more mature business is turning to online market now "A market correction is a healthy event," Nichoals noticed that it is not only to adjust investor's expectation but also “influence them to rethink the administrative process and other parts of the business community.” (Nichoals, 2001) A l s o , p e o p l e are enjoying to communicate with the fast-changing digital world. The inventing of AI, VR and social media provides them with more unexpected ways to explore. The book “Socialnomics” reveals that "More and more products and service would find us." (Qualman, 2009, pp36) The society is becoming a bi-direction development which would interact on each other.

Collaboration vs. Competition Connection vs. Protectionism Transparency vs. Privacy On the other hand, the problem beneath the surface cannot neglect. For people, the sense of insecurity is increasing due to the digital connection has entered every aspect of lives. The words they searched, the news they read and the data they updated fully monitor by the connecting internet which makes them concern the privacy again.


For business, it is essential for all the business to understand digital consumers. Euromonitor stats that, "Technology reduce the friction between business and customers.� (Euromonitor, 2018) At the same time, the retailer has lost some opportunities to attracts and retain customers from physical things. To find a strong portfolio of technological tools to build a deeper connection and better buying experience will be their next step 9 to do.

AIM & OBJECTIVES This report is about examining the development of digital activity from the trend drivers to its sub-trends, highlighting its impact on both customers and industries. At last, assessing the future possibilities for this trend from the pros and cons.

Aim: This report will investigate the impact of digital connectivity and predict its future development. Objectives: Fig.12

1 : To t r a c e t h e o r i g i n o f d i g i t a l connectivity and analyse the revolution in different industries. 2: To review the change in consumer behaviour and assess their expectation in the future. 3: To clarify the problems of digital connectivity and define future opportunities.



METHODOLOGY To produce a robust body of content, various types of secondary research had been reviewed.

1: Books which discuss the phenomenon of the socialised world helped to understand the long-term impact of digital connectivity in the macro environment. They also reflect customer's reaction to this trend in a general aspect.

2: Other academic resources including reports from Mintel, E u r o m o n i t o r, PA S S P O RT; a d d journals and market trend websites to provide more comprehensive social feedback on digital connectivity. The reasons behind the trend and change in consumer behavior have collected through different resources there which would support the work to be more detailed and critically.

However, the report relies solely on secondary research would lead to some problems such as the timeliness and conflict viewpoint. The ever-changing information and environment lead an unstable state on consumer and business. Human’s activities are constantly changing by the external environment, so it is hard to investigate how the digital trend impact on them in a long-term way. 11




- Individualism - Globalization




Most countries are moving towards greater individualism in the recent time, more and more developing nations are being open and embracing it as well. In this individualistic culture, people seen as independent and autonomous. (Kendra, 2018) Therefore, the raising concern of individuality are encouraging people to continually seek for things that "enabling selfexpression" (Kelly, 2018)


The digital industry prompted by the rising need for social

diversity which can be found at various social channels now. The connected network communication provides a p l a t f o r m t o r e f l e c t d i ff e r e n t cultures, self-concepts, trends and so on. Although the individualism has always led to higher demands on a person and can make people feel barren and selfish from it, it still benefits humanity to being generous, happiness and dependable. (Richard, 2014)

15 Fig.17




Toyota has 53 manufacturing companies in 28 countries and regions outside Japan. (Toyota

Over the last decades, globalization has unleashed more opportunities and forces to the technology improving. (Paul, 2018) Innovation has created a new digital lifestyle along with new business models. The sharing of global science and technology has made a more significant development of the digital world. Mckinsey Global Institute found that “86% of the tech-based enterprise was born global and contains cross-border a c t i v i t y � . ( M c K i n s e y, 2018) The manufacture of iPhone was a production of great globalisation: The core technology from

the United States adds the productive process in China has finally created a classic product to the whole world. H o w e v e r, s o c i e t y h a s to gradually perfect the existing policy system to catch up the fast-moving development because markets, countries and people are connecting in the digital world than b e fo r e . It wo u ld b r in g more friction in tax, e-commerce, individual income and so on. Paul Rawlinson, the global chair of World Economic Form debated. (Paul, 2018)








"Today, half of the world's population are using the online network every day, a third of them are using the social platform. (Forbes, 2016)

Social media is the channel that allows users to interact with others and share opinions and content. As the name implies, social media involves the “building of communities and encouraging participation and engagement�. (CIPR,2011).


The rapid growth of digital connectivity has brought a wider choice of communication platforms to people. In Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Study, he indicates that "After the basic needs of survival a n d s e c u r i t y, h u m a n s greatest need is to feel accepted." As a result, it is more receptive when social media came to daily

l i f e a n d tu r n e d p e o p le to the social animal. (Socialnomics, 2008) Mintel report showed that in 2018, half of the social platform users using the platform several times daily. They take photos and videos to capture any particular moment of their daily lives as quicker communication to transform the message. (Mintel, 2018) The sharing of information on social platforms is also bond relationship between each other. People can feel connected with friends and family who are geographically separated.




For society, the world has shifted from "information and news was held by a few and distributed to millions, to a world where millions held the information and distributed to a few."(Qualman, 2009) It means people now are not only the role that receives the message from the distributor, but also own the status to creating one. Besides that, people can choose the way to gather information on their preference and not limited by channels. Nonetheless, there are still some issues. Despite the impact on traditional magazines and newspapers, the high speed and strong ability of propagation speed made it easier to create fake news and wrong data to the public. It is difficult to make all channels fully monitored, so it is easier to make a mistake but harder to stop it in time. 21

Omni-Channel Retailing


Euromonitor states that "Economic and technological shifts are rewiring shopper journey".(Euromonitor, 2017) They have provided more full channels for buying and connected them well, such as mobile apps and online shopping page, even brand's social account. They had led better interactivity between the brands and customers. Meanwhile, the buying experience has shown a gradual rising through this process.


The surprising buying methods had shown a new generation of shopping due to digital connectivity. For example, the "click-and-collect" service is

one of the most classic examples of omnichannel retailing. 72% of UK shoppers use Click-and-collect in the recent time. (Cybertill & Forbes, March 2016) and by 2025, 10% of all sales will be completed by click and collect. (Post and Parcel, 2016) It has changed the traditional impression of online buying by shortening transportation in some ways and give the rights of choice for customers themselves. Through this process, customers would have their individual preference of delivery method.

For business, the situation has shifted from a single purchase transaction to focus more on building a relationship. Consumer Industry Insights Survey said, “improving the customer journey and shipping experience will be the most important things.� (CIIS, 2018) So, the connected digital platforms and higher technology method would provide business with more chances of gathering feedback in time and use it as a tool to upgrade their products and service. Besides that, the physical stores are still relevant to brands. The handling of new technology such as VR or digital screen could be a highlight to make a deeper connection with customers. Meanwhile, the omnichannel retailing is also facing the severe problems which are supervision and management. The market would require a larger group of human resource to operate the entire chain, such as different shopping platform's administration, after-sale services upgrade and product source control. There will be a more considerable demand for people who both own the knowledge of business and basic digital skills.









“Today's digital consumer expects business to react to all their needs instantly”. (The Deloitte Consumer Review, 2018) 25 Fig.29

CONSUMER LANDSCAPE Euromonitor data shows that E-commerce has been the “fastest growing channel since 2008 and is expected to be the largest channel in 2020.� (Euromonitor, 2018) Consumers are motivated to venture online for shopping and do social contact. So, understanding online customers are fundamental to successful marketing now, but it is harder because of the differences in the geographic and cultural spread. Therefore, to analyse consumer's changing expectation is a key for a company.

Empowered by technology, consumers now are disrupted by broader information online which lead them to have different attitudes on acquiring message and do buying. The online activities bring them more chances to connect with people who have the same tastes and interest with them. People are using social media for inspirations for shopping, (Mintel, 2018) and these consumers could form "new global niches and segments" online. (Nichoals, 2001) Consumers now are more willing to listen to peer's voice than Google, and social networks provide them with a place to share real user experience (Qualman, 2009) There is 92 per cent of consumers trusts user-generated content more than the brand's traditional advertising. (Nielsen Consumer Trust,2017)



However, it may lead to more extensive spreading of the negative word of mouth. Individual's opinion adds the quicker speed of diffusion would bring the opposite impact to the brand and society based on different consumer's expectations. Fig.31

Furthermore, the time-saving buying process leads consumers to be more impatient and less forgiving because of the higher expectation on the online experience. Digital Marketing Excellence noticed that "The internet and everything associated with it suggest speed". Online customers want more fast service and delivery, as well as knowing the key information more quickly.(Nicholas, 2009) Other research suggests that "one second's delay in page-load can cause seven per cent loss in customer conversions" (Tagman,2012) Shoppers now are in the disruptive circumstance that they have to accept various information from different channels all the time. As a result, consumers would gladly move to brand's competitors if there contains a higher standard of service, the speed of delivery or competitive price and choice.


In this process, consumers want to choose when and where they receive an advertisement, and the connected channels may raise their sense of insecurity on their privacy. As PR Smith says, "trust is increasingly important as the dangerous environment of privacy invasion and identity theft." (Digital Marketing Excellence, 2001, pp159) People want personalised service from brands, at the same time, they desire companies to protect their data.



Maision Margiela SS / 19 28 Fig.34



“Mintel estimates that online sales of clothing, fashion accessories and footwear rose 17.2% to reach £16.2 billion in 2017.” (Mintel, 2017)


E-Commerce in the fashion industry was the most significant impact made by digital connectivity. Mintel forecasts that the online selling of fashion will rise as much as 79% and reach £29.0 billion in 2022. (Mintel, 2017) The omnichannel retailing, as mentioned before, has been a mature part in this industry. Even every brand have owned their online shopping platform and they all being connected through online to offline store as well. The website such as ASOS or MR PORTER is good examples of omnichannel retailing due to their efficient information classification for customers. These shopping platforms owned some competences as well especially in personalization aspect, including click-andcollect service and clear identification of products by brands and style.

Meanwhile, social platforms inspire customers more niche trends of fashion based on different personal styles online. People are not satisfied by the luxury brands or mature local brands only, but also more distinctive and curated brands to express their individualities. As a result, the number of multibrand fashion boutiques is raising.


"The number of new multi-brand stores opened between 2010 and 2013 is four times the sum of the past 14 years." (JASMINE 2014) ("I.T", the leader of multi-brand store in China)




However, retailers should still strengthen the digital fashion shopping in their physical stores as well. Mintel shows that 50% of online fashion consumers have returned items because of the limitation of try before you buy through online shopping. Turn to the physical stores, the using of touchscreen engage customers in exploring the product information by themselves. Also, the AI screen allows users to apply make-up virtually and change clothing which would enhance their shopping experience.



In addition, the popularization of social media provides brands with more chances to communicate with customers, add the cost and time efficiency; it has been a core for the fashion business. They posts their newest collection, catwalk show, story after design and even everything of their brands on social platforms to add more brand value. Use Victoria's secret as an example; they use the hashtag of "VSfashionshow2018" and "Train like an angel" to spread the news of its annual catwalk show. Customers could know every detail from the model casting, daily training to the back-stage. The whole publicity process online would be longer than the traditional advertising, and the richer information can directly deliver to people who have interested in it.



Tr a v e l t e c h n o l o g y w i l l continue to effect on many parts of the tourism industry, “from the rationalisation of operations through to the way that tourism suppliers communicate with and sell to customers." (Mintel, 2017) Statista anticipated that the digital “travel sold a total $629.8 billion in 2017 and will increase to from $629.8 in 2020.� (Statista, 2017)

Online travel technology will continue to shape tourists' expectation and meet their demands by adding more value to the user experience. People are increasingly looking for more dynamic and individualised content online. So it is more critical for the business to consider more on personal preference.



The existing technology has satisfied the basic needs for tourism such as the online booking of flight, hotel and personalised tourist plan. The highlight such as Airbnb reflects the success of sharing economy. Also, other travelling app is providing the "comment" page for tourist to read feedback and advice on hotel and tourist which give them a greater pre-exploration before the trip. Fig.41


In the future, travel suppliers need to explore the using of new technologies such as VR and AI to connect with their existing digital platforms. For example, the 3-D views technique could enhance by VR and utilised in hotel booking a n d d e s t i n a t i o n v i e w. Tr a v e l industry needs to keep an eye on innovative marketing to engage the needs of customers.


"Education technology is one of the fastest growing sectors in the UK which account for four per cent of all digital companies." (Government's Digital Strategy, 2017)




The education industry is benefiting from the diverse digital devices now. The government has started to invest in digital technology to deliver a better quality of education. In 2014, more than three million Chromebooks used in educational institutions, and the number was still growing. Technology's interactivity and flexible would provide "anywhere, anytime" approach to both teachers and students which would lead to better engagement in class. (Forbes, 2017)



Furthermore, the proportion of electronic-only journal has risen sharply, and the digital connectivity has open the door for both the academic publishing industry and user-generated content. It is easier to reach the scholarly production online, and the "users" could be the role of "publisher" now. However, there is a debate that "It could be a problem and more so an opportunity." (HighWire Press, 2015) The metrics of academic resources would influence by the data of downloading or social media mentions. The scholarly market needs to manage the uploading process and upgrade the review procedure around the online resources, as well as protecting the copyright issue all the time.





Overall, the digital connectivity brings more pros than cons based on the current research. People's daily life is improving by the high technology in every way. On the other side, the push to innovate and digitise are connecting the world like never before, so some problems would come along with convenience. At the end of this report, three key insights highlighted which deserve a more in-depth understanding in the next stage's research.

- Social addiction to Gen Z - Unstable digital customer's tastes - Disrupted careers. 37

INSIGHT: Social addiction to Gen Z The issue of social media addicted is serious among people, especially the Gen Z. Is it possible that the too frequent online activity would weaken their ability to do socialising in reality? Will the society take action to monitor their online business? Recommendation: Researching the problem among Gen Z's online activity, track the average usage time of social platforms. Find the existing government policy on network supervision to find opportunities to improve.


I N S I G H T: U n s t a b l e d i g i t a l customer's tastes. The research showed the e-commerce avoid friction between business and customers. However, it means a loss of communication at the same time. For business, how to always keep sensitive with the market needs and customer's taste is harder through online shopping. Recommendation: Finding different brand's personalised service through the online shopping and research their adjustment after receiving previous user's feedback. 38 Fig.48


INSIGHT: Disrupted careers. The imprvoing science and technology upgrade people's lifestyles by more automatic things. However, may lead to a low need for the human employee in the future. Meanwhile, the existing jobbers need to master the digital skills to operate the business activity. Will the business pay more attention to train digital skills among workers? What factors would be the key for the future human resource? Recommendation: To contrast employment status in last decades and find factors which influence it would be the next stage research. Also to the rank of knowledge about digital skills mastered by workers in several industries. 39

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