Muse 005: The Hollywood Edition

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HOLLYWOOD EDITION MY FAVORITE CELEBRITY | 06 The gift of Roger...and who we strive to be

O PRAISE HIM ME | 14 Thoughts about Christian idolatry


Former student living dream job as Portland Trail Blazer writer




Aaron Esparza | Cornelia Seigneur |


Kristen Leach |


Gian Cook |


Tiina Mall | Gian Cook, Kristen Leach, and Tiina Mall


Brittany Kramberg, Chris Hansen, Clint Birkeland, Daryl Curryer, Miki Gao, Tim Reed, and Tyler Walsh


Aaron Esparza, Angel Rarrick, Brent Looyenga, Cornelia Seigneur, Julia Patterson, Michael Choi, and William Beatty-Tinsay


Liz Clark Gian Cook Michael Choi Liz Clark



Muse is an online student publication that is a collaborative effort between Multnomah University’s 2011-12 Journalism Department and the Student Government Communications Department. The content published in Muse does not necessarily represent the opinions of the wider Multnomah University community or administration. If you have questions, would like to contribute to Muse, or would like to publish an ad, please e-mail




05 LETTER FROM THE EDITOR | AARON ESPARZA “The Hollywood Edition” explores identity 36 FACULTY ADVISOR MUSINGS | CORNELIA SEIGNEUR Two students inspire youth to act against human trafficking


06 MY FAVORITE CELEBRITY | KRISTEN LEACH The gift of Roger...and who we strive to be 18 Q&A WITH CHRIS HAYNES | AARON ESPARZA Former student and athlete living dream job as Portland Trail Blazer writer


08 CHANGE IS COMING | GIAN COOK Residential life restructured at Multnomah 10 MINISTRY ISN’T LIKE HOLLYWOOD | CHRIS HANSEN Multnomah’s Dr. Stephen Kim explores the unpopularity of ministry 12 INCONVENIENT JUSTICE | TIM REED Feel God’s heart; hear the crimson cry of Christian family around the world



14 O PRAISE HIM ME | TYLER WALSH Thoughts about Christian idolatry 23 THE ARTS’ SPICE ROAD | TIINA MALL A column and article series about a journey to explore the variety of arts 28 REMEMBER ME IV | BRITTANY KRAMBERG The story of Achima continues as she remains steadfast to the King 30 LEARN TO DO GOOD AND SEEK JUSTICE | MICHAEL CHOI Photo reflection on 2012 Isaiah Project 32 A FUNERAL OVERDUE | MIKI GAO Are you chained to the past or moving forward in Christ’s grace? 33 WHAT YOU SEE | DARYL CURRYER A poem by Multnomah alumni 34 DEAR WORMWOOD | CLINT BIRKELAND A response to C.S. Lewis’ The Screwtape Letters









MUSE STAFF & CONTRIBUTORS Photos by Brent Looyenga Contributing authors not pictured: Clint Birkeland, Daryl Curryer, Miki Gao, and Tyler Walsh










FROM THE EDITOR sense, investing love towards whatever it is. On our money it says “In God We Trust” for a reason. So when it comes to Hollywood, Dear Readers, when it comes to who we look up to or To trust means to who we admire, at the end of the day, we become dependent by can look back and see how much trust (or investing love towards lack of trust) we put towards something or something or someone. someone. This means you are also vulnerable. And no matter who you are and Here at Multnomah, I’m sure you’ve experienced grace from your professors. who you associate with, trust is huge. When they give you take home exams and To get your degree at a university means trust you not to cheat, it’s a big deal. It’s like mutual exchanges of trust has been shown. they are telling us, “We are trusting you to You entrust your money, and they trust you keep your word and to be in love with God. For God hates liars.” When I went to a junior to learn and become more responsible. college, I never had that level of grace. If someone tells you something private, then Perhaps, because it’s Bible we want, and to they trust you to keep that confidential in go against the Word of God would make order to protect their vulnerability against cheating on a Bible exam pretty bleak. those who may use that for abuse. If not, We chose “The Hollywood Edition” because then trust is lost. we wanted to look at identity. Too often we Every time we buy something, we are, in a see the things of this world and we seek to BY AARON ESPARZA

contextualize ourselves rather than stand apart. Sometimes we “celebratize” others that are far away instead of looking to those who are near. At least, I’ve been known to do that often. My eyes wander to the imagery and symbolism and can “worship the creature rather than the Creator.” I hope that in these articles, you can get a glimpse of the world around us. Behind all our busy schedules in this final stretch here at Multnomah, know what really matters. Think back in your life to all the times you worried, and now look at what lasted. As we are in the present, my friend, cast your cares upon the Lord, and He will sustain you. He will not permit the righteous to stumble. –Aaron Esparza is a senior Communication Studies major.





BY KRISTEN LEACH PHOTOS BY BRENT LOOYENGA Standing in front of him, with his sweet crooked grin and rainbow striped overalls, I beheld one of the most joy-filled people I have ever known. How can someone so seemingly simple bring so much hope into a moment? How can one person touch so many lives and change my heart for the better? Roger Porret has been volunteering in Multnomah’s cafeteria for more than 30 years. He has never been paid, yet he comes to Multnomah more than happy to serve each day. You will find him daily filling the napkin holders, wiping off tables, or talking and laughing with students and faculty as they eat their meals. “I like making you laugh,” “You have a good smile,” “You keepin’ her out of trouble?” and “You’ll be all right” are just some of the phrases you hear from Roger as he interacts with students and staff each day. His joy is often found in bringing joy to others. And he does, each and every day. Once in a long while, he can’t make it into work - due to sickness or a personal injury to himself or his mother, Charlotte. It’s on those days that something huge is missing from Multnomah’s campus.


Roger’s smile is contagious, his positivity rare, his joy radiant, and his heart is that of a servant. I’ve never known anyone with such

a heart – one who serves with all his ability without expecting anything in return. Perhaps that’s because, as humans, we all come to each other with our own selfishness and pride. But Roger is different.

he’s always asking people questions; how he consistently makes the effort to get to know people. Though he is unable to retain all of the information, it doesn’t stop him from taking an interest in others’ lives.

“There is no guile in him,” says Professor Dave Jongeward about Roger, whom he calls his friend. Jongeward has never found any trace of bitterness, selfishness, pride or contempt in Roger, who has been at Multnomah since before Jongeward arrived in 1985.

“He has the kind of faith I want to have. He’s an angel,” Chloe said.

“He’s a positive guy and never says anything negative,” Jongeward continued. “I have never known Roger to be down. I definitely think Multnomah is a better place because of Roger”. Jongeward has told his psychology classes as well as Roger directly about something he is looking forward to in heaven. He has said, “Roger, when we get to heaven, I want to come over to your mansion, because it’s going to be bigger than mine.” Chloe Gillock, a freshman at MU, quickly became Roger’s friend when she first came to Multnomah in the fall of 2011. She and her fellow MU friend, junior Briana Rieth, offered to pick Roger up from his home to take him to Multnomah basketball games. ”People should be fighting to pick him up...they should be fighting to sit with him,” said Chloe. Roger is and does so much of what we should aspire to be and do: his heart of gold, and how

With Roger being such a great example to me of a heart that truly serves, I can’t help but wonder why I have admired well-known people in Hollywood in the past.

Did you know about “Roger’s Office”? As you walk into what is now Roger’s cafe and turn right, you will be standing in the area that used to be called “Roger’s Office.” Before the cafe existed, Roger washed dishes in this area and students hung a sign above his work area that read “Roger’s Office.” How fitting that now, Roger has the entire cafe named after him. Why is it that I have held people with reputation, status, money and fame on a pedestal? Why do I look up to such people just because they’ve won an Oscar, sung at the Country Music Awards, or taken vacations that are worth more than the tuition of my entire five-year college education? Why is it that we

crave and desire their lives and perhaps even long to be them? I have spent far too much of my life dreaming of being the next Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen (in their good years) or having a dream home like Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey (when they were still married). But isn’t that just it? Fame, wealth and beauty do not last. Why is it that my desires are too often for things that prove to not last? What will last? I think the honor of standing before and knowing such a person such as Roger has finally started to sink in. It brings tears to my eyes when I think of this joy-filled simple man who has served tirelessly with unending smiles the past 30 years at Multnomah. The true gift it is to know such a beautiful person. And the opportunities I have every day to receive and return a gift myself. The question is: Will I return the gift? The pure joy, the positive influence, the servant’s heart. Have you ever known someone who changes your world? Who inspires you to love and to live? Who brings joy and beauty to the simplicity of every moment? I have. And he’s my favorite celebrity. –Kristen Leach is a senior Communication Studies major.




Change is at hand in Multnomah University’s residential life program. David Groom, the Dean of Campus Life, is helping spearhead the new living situation for students. Earlier this year, Groom, along with women’s Resident Director Amanda Allquist, formulated a plan to improve MU’s residential life program to make it a more intentional and efficient community. The current 2011-2012 school year was thoroughly examined by Groom and the resident directors to see what parts of the residential life program needed fine-tuning.


They felt that the way students are currently divided for Multnomah’s housing situation – freshmen through seniors in the same

residence halls – was not helping students connect with others in comparable stages of life and school. To help improve the situation, they decided to place students in similar collegiate contexts. Beginning in the fall of 2012, North Aldrich, formerly an all-men’s residence hall, will be an all-women’s residence hall for freshman and sophomore students. South Aldrich will remain an all-men’s residence hall, but will only have freshmen and sophomores. Junior and senior upperclassmen, both men and women, will live in Memorial Hall. Yes, that means, men and women will share the same building, but it’s not co-ed residence halls in the traditional sense of the word. Men

and women juniors and seniors will reside in separate wings of Memorial Hall. Male junior and senior students will live on one end of Memorial while junior and senior female students will reside on the other end. Gender specific, key-card doors and a lounge will divide the two sections. To be clear, men and women in Memorial Hall will have separate bathrooms; the only things they’ll be sharing are the kitchens and lounges. “We wanted to think more programmatically, more intentionally about development,” Groom explained, adding, “but also not lose the uniqueness of MU’s residential life. [With this new residential life system,] we are intentionally and purposefully meeting

“This new style of dorm life allows for more social growth to occur for the various stages students are in.” students where they’re at.” This new style of residence hall life allows for more social growth to occur for the various stages students are in. Freshmen will all be together, allowing them to get to know each other more easily, establish relationships, and explore this new episode of life together. Sophomores, already somewhat established within MU, will be able to continue discovering college life, while also being able to help incoming freshmen

acclimate to the college lifestyle. Junior and senior level students, well-established in college, will be able to cultivate existing relationships in their own living quarters. “We are seeking to meet specific needs of students,” Groom said. “But even with this change, the heart of the MU community is not going to change. We aren’t losing something that we had that was great, but we are [now] going to be more intentional.” The purpose of the new residence hall situation is to bring about stronger community. Though there have been concerns about the changes, the student body overall is optimistic about the change.

“I’m excited for it,” said junior Jonathan Mulder. “I think it will help break down some bothersome social barriers here at MU. I’ve seen this idea used at other schools, and I think it will definitely help improve the community here at MU.” The new Memorial residence hall will not be the first time that men and women have lived in the same building on campus. White Hall, the MU residence hall prior to the Aldrich and Memorial Halls, housed undergraduate men and women on separate floors. It was demolished in 2007 due to weak structural issues. –Gian Cook is a junior Journalism major.




MINISTRY ISN’T LIKE Multnomah’s Dr. Stephen Kim explores the unpopularity of ministry BY CHRIS HANSEN PHOTO BY MICHAEL CHOI This is not Hollywood. And the call to professional ministry is no side-show photo booth either with nothing but good times and candy cane lanes. Professional ministry is very tough and concludes for many people with realizations of humanity that end up being the straw that breaks the camel/ minister’s back. Last semester, while teaching a prophets class at Multnomah, Dr. Stephen Kim conveyed this truth that I, as one aspiring to go into ministry, will never forget. Dr. Kim shared his experience at Dallas Seminary, illustrating the point that being called to professional ministry is nothing like being called to the stage on Hollywood Boulevard. This is the story that he related to me: “I got a chance to plant a church,” Dr. Kim said. “It was a very young fledgeling church made of a couple dozen people. The church was growing under a very core group of leaders of whom about a half dozen wanted to be elders.” Yet, Dr. Kim was convinced that they were too spiritually immature to be elders. “It is one thing to be a key part of the leadership, and another to be in charge of the spiritual direction of the lives of other people.” He felt that it was best for the leadership of the church leadership to remain with the pastoral team. “From that point on, I became an enemy in their eyes,” he said.


In another case at the same church plant a man

came to Dr. Kim having claimed that he had found his soulmate. The problem was the man was married. “Church is like this all the time in our culture, where even evangelical Bible believing Christians will have a sense of disconnect in their moral reality,” said Dr. Kim. He now relates how he handled the situation, and the price he paid for staying true the Bible. “After I told him what the scripture says, [that divorce is not biblical] from that point on, [because I wouldn’t permit the divorce and remarriage] he became my enemy.” Eventually, he made the decision to leave the church and to pursue another calling. This came at a huge cost for him and his wife, explained Dr. Kim. It was painful to have the people they had been pouring their lives into turn on them. “But looking back, it is what really gave me a perspective of what ministry is about. It is about what God thinks,” he said. Standing firmly upon the Word of God is most likely a guarantee that people will not like you. Putting yourself in the position of Christian leadership is not like being a Hollywood star. Points are only awarded to those who please God in what they do. Through the circumstances related to starting a church Dr. Kim began to realize that he had been gifted for teaching rather than for being a minister. Being called to Christian ministry “is not about having a popular calling, or the approval of people,” Dr. Kim said. “Ultimately, your goal has to be Jesus Christ. I don’t need people to tell me what a good teacher I am because I am convinced that I have the gift of teaching. People’s opinion of me doesn’t lead me.” Ministry is not a play or a social gathering. Staying focused on pleasing Christ is the only way to

survive the “anti-Hollywoodness” of ministry. According to Dr. Kim, “If you’re emotionally vulnerable and constantly dependent on people’s approval, [ministry] is just not for you. As spiritual leaders, there are a lot of times when you make decisions that people may not like. The mark of a leader is that they are able to do what is right in the face of opposition. Doing what is pleasing to God can be the only motive, otherwise, ‘you will burn out and be miserable.’”

“Our ministry [oftentimes] will not be appreciated by other people.” “In our culture, [those called to ministry] are called to preach and bear a very difficult message,” Dr. Kim said. Because of this, “our ministry [oftentimes] will not be appreciated by other people. You can tailor your ministry to what the world approves, but will Jesus say, at the end of our lives when our ministry has been primarily about pleasing people, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant’?” As a minister of God’s Word, “your hopes are not set on people, but they always have to be set on our Lord and what He has called us to do.” We should not expect to be on any magazine covers, as Hollywood’s elite are, loved and admired by millions. Rather, we should expect difficulties because Christ promised we would have tribulations (Matt. 5:11-12; John 15:18-21). People are broken and the job of ministry is a job of working with broken people. We do this not so we will be praised by others, but so that when we meet Jesus face to face, He will say to us, “Well done, good and faithful servant. Well done.”

–Chris Hansen is a senior Communication Studies major.




Feeling the heart of God


and hearing the crimson cry of our family around the world


INCONVENIENTJustice BY TIM REED PHOTO BY MICHAEL CHOI Blood. The floor is bathed in it. Xianzhi shuffles around the cold floor in heavy chains after having her feet and body beaten with a bent wire cl o t h e s - h a n g e r. Pa i n shoots through her feet and courses through her mind. She refuses to sign the document from the communist government of China, which would denounce her friends and Christ. Would signing the document be so wrong? And if it was, wouldn’t God forgive me? Guards burn her with cigarettes. They scream in her face. Xianzhi lives in this environment for six years, where she is forced to make Christmas lights to send to America. The blood she walks through is her own. Blood. Communists. Coat-hangers. Blood: the blood of the martyrs screams out to us. Do you hear it? Over the din of the crashing cymbals or the three-point sermons, can you hear the crimson witness of our brothers and sisters? Over the cries against social injustice and world hunger, do you hear the cries of your mother and father? Knees. You have them for a reason. A heart. You have that for a reason too.

In the early church, the church fathers listed their seven deadly sins, the list of sins they considered to be the most endangering to a follower of Christ. One of the seven of these sins was “sloth.” The concept of sloth translates best into our language as “apathy.” In other words, taking an “I don’t care” attitude towards the persecuted church is not simply indifferent, it is sinful. Did you know that we, as followers of Christ, are told to “remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering”? (Hebrews 13:3). Wrists. Feel the cold, rough metal apprehend them in icy strength. Ankles. Pain shoots through them as the guard beats them until they bleed. How does it feel? As we are to function as the Body of Christ, are we not also to feel as the Body of Christ? For, “if one part [of the Body] suffers, every part suffers with it” (1 Cor. 12:26). There is only one cure to apathy: to know and feel the heart of God. He is passionate for the Church. Are you? The question is not so much who would you die for as who would you suffer for. Many people are willing to make a one-time decision to die, but few are willing to endure pain for their relationship with Christ. Do you value more highly your morning latte

over praying for your brothers and sisters who are in chains? Do you value more highly texting or facebooking your friends or investing in the global cause of Christ? Do you own more pairs of TOMS than minutes spent in prayer for your own family in Christ -- your own flesh and blood? They are beaten, tortured, imprisoned, raped, stolen from, all on account of their relationship with Christ. Would you be in a relationship with Christ if it cost you that much? In some Muslim countries, the followers of Christ place their hands on their necks as they sing as a sign that they are willing to lay down their lives for their relationship. Are you feeling as Christ feels? Do you value what He values? In our culture that is stir-crazy with the concept of “justice,” how can we so blissfully ignore this giant stain? But just like the man who looks in the mirror and forgets what he looks like (James 1:23-24), so we look and then “conveniently” forget about the command of Scripture to plead the cause of the persecuted. Don’t be that man or woman. Feel the heart of God. Let your heart beat in rhythm with it. Beat. Beat. Beat. And, remember. –Tim Reed is a freshman Aviation and Intercultural Studies major.



Thoughts About Christian Idolatry BY TYLER WALSH | PHOTO BY MICHAEL CHOI


y wife sometimes calls me an 80-yearold man in a 20-year-old body: I don’t like concerts because of the loud music and crowds, I eat one pickle almost every day, I hate Wal-Mart, and I like listening to hymns every once in a while. Despite all this, I work part-time as an intern in youth ministry. A little while ago I attended the Rock & Worship Roadshow in Portland. I went as a youth leader for my church, otherwise I wouldn’t have gone. I mildly enjoyed some of the bands. I really liked that they pushed for child sponsorship through a non-profit organization called Compassion International. However, a few things bugged me. During one of the concerts, they showed a promotional video for Compassion International that basically highlighted poverty-stricken kids in third-world countries. The video encouraged the audience to consider helping these kids because we are some of the world’s wealthiest people.


The band that followed the promotional video for Compassion was a rock band. At the end of their set, one of the guitarists smashed his guitar on stage and gave it to the fans. I was incensed. How ridiculous to show a video asking for our money to help people and then smash a several hundred dollar guitar! What bugged me more than the hypocrisy this guitar smashing exemplified was how the crowd reacted: the fans were screaming with excitement.

Then, another band that was showcased shared a worship song written by the lead singer of the band. The song was about how Jesus saved us, how thankful we are, and how He (Jesus) deserves all of our worship. Yet, while the lead singer was singing, he was walking along the edge of the stage with fans going crazy trying to touch him. Several people jumped up and down enthusiastically when the lead singer touched their hands. I wasn’t sure who the crowd was actually worshipping -- the song was to Jesus, but the attention was on the singer. I’m concerned many have masked idolatry by labeling it as Christian entertainment, which I’ll refer to as ‘Christian Idolatry’.

CHRISTIAN IDOLATRY HURTS US 1. It creates nominal Christians. I occasionally worry our youth groups and churches foster a culture where it’s okay to give Jesus our fake worship while our heart is given elsewhere, especially when that elsewhere is Christian culture. I’ve been interning in my youth group for almost five years now (I started interning before going to MU). A few years ago, I had a student, let’s call him Jake, who is a perfect case of what I’m talking about. His parents were Christians, or at least they attended our church; I never

knew them very well. He had been part of our church for as long as I can remember. Jake was involved; he attended church and small group regularly. He loved Relient K, Stellar Kart, and Hawk Nelson. Yet, there was something lacking in his life. I never got the sense that he really loved the Lord. Do you know what I mean? I don’t want to sound judgmental, but as far as I can tell, Jake was in love with the culture of youth ministry, not Jesus. Eventually, Jake outgrew those bands and that culture. He started experimenting with drugs and other habitual sins. Because his roots were shallow, Jake left our church. He still claims to be a Christian, but he clearly does not live like it. Maybe one day he’ll repent, I hope so. My point is this; I made it easy for him to pretend. Our youth group encouraged shallow fellowship and weak commitments all tied together by a common affinity for Christian bands and culture. I understand Jake’s issue is more complex than unhealthy Christian culture in the media, but I’m just suggesting that the idolatry of Christian celebrities hurt Jake more than it helped him. Jesus says, “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 7:21). I fear that one day some people will stand before Jesus as he condemns them and say, “But we listened to Christian music and went to the

Rock & Worship Roadshow!” I’m not saying everyone who listens to Christian music is a faker. I’m just saying maybe the celebrity worship in Christian music makes it easier for some people to say ‘Lord, Lord’ and not really be practicing Christians. 2. It can steal the heart’s affections and leave them parched for genuine faith. In Jeremiah 2:13, God says, “My people have committed two sins: they have forsaken me, the spring of living water and dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water.” Our hearts have an unquenchable thirst for worship. They must worship. When God himself is not the center of our affections, it’s as if we’ve forsaken a glass of water for a bucket of sand. Ultimately, we will be left thirsty and unfulfilled. Christian culture will not save us. When the people we love die, when our friends betray us, and when life just plain sucks, Jesus will be the only hope we have. The life lived in faith is like a house built on stone, rather than sand. When the storms of life hit, it won’t be 104.1 ‘The Fish’ that saves us. If all you have is the Chris Tomlin and David Crowder and MercyMe, you will be utterly disappointed. No matter what our musical preferences are, if we haven’t been developing in our personal relationship with Christ, we’re hopeless. 3. It can distract the Church from Christ. If my wife fell in love with another man, I’d be infuriated. How much worse would it be if that man claimed to be my friend. God is jealous. He doesn’t want to share his bride with anyone –- and I don’t blame him. The second commandment warns us against idolatry: “For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God” (Exodus 20:5).

“Jesus’ resurrection ought to ignite a flame of passion in our hearts. Jesus defeated death. He put death to death.” God desperately loves us. He has given everything for the church to be the bride of Christ. What a wonderful gift, and how sad when we start to worship someone or something else. It enrages God, and rightfully

so. In Isaiah he says, “I am the LORD; that is my name! I will not give my glory to another or my praise to idols” (Isa 42:8). The simple truth is that we have been bought with the blood of Christ to be the bride of Christ, and to take away from that by worshipping anything else is sinful and wrong. Rather, we should strive for holiness and purity. As a bride, we ought to fight for true devotion to our God, not simply the mere appearance of it. Let us not become distracted from our Lord. I believe Christian idolatry presents a challenge because it does not overtly seek to divert our eyes away from Christ. On the contrary, many of the musicians and lyrics honor Christ. However, I do believe Satan can use it to distract us from our Lord.

GOD DESERVES ALL OUR WORSHIP Rather than spend all my time discussing why worshipping Christian bands can lead to idolatry for some, I’d like to spend some time reflecting on why God deserves all our worship. So here are just three reasons. 1. He Saved Us. So here’s the gospel; we were dead, lifeless, and hopelessly separated from God our Father. We earned an eternal damnation for ourselves and we were unable to do anything about it. “But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved” (Eph 2:4). God, for reasons we cannot fully comprehend, saved us from wrath. The crucifixion of Jesus Christ is the most significant event in human history. It is God’s salvation for any who would call on him. It saves us from hell, and saves us to heaven. He makes us a new person and creates a new nature inside of us. God, through Jesus, is redefining each and every Christian to be conformed into the likeness of his son. This salvation requires a response. I maintain that the healthiest and most appropriate response is a life lived in total devotion and worship of Jesus Christ. Every aspect of our being needs to submit to his lordship and deity. No musician or Christian celebrity deserves the affection and worship that Jesus does. The best they

can do is helping us worship Jesus. Let us not become distracted by the messenger that we lose the message of salvation altogether. 2. He died, but then He rose again People don’t normally come back to life after being dead for three days. Jesus is the only person who raised himself back to life. A miracle like that demands a response. You cannot ignore it. As Christians, we see the resurrection as paramount to our faith, and it is something that Christians celebrated this month with Easter services around the world. In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul says that without the resurrection, our faith is useless. In rising from the dead, Jesus defeated sin, Satan, and death. He defeated the curse of Genesis 3 and restored us back to relationship with the Father. Jesus’ resurrection ought to ignite a flame of passion in our hearts. Jesus defeated death. He put death to death. He is the great conqueror. As the crowds sang for David when he entered Jerusalem, so we should sing to our great conquering king, Jesus Christ. We are the spoils of his victory and we are freed because he is raised. It’s like the song says: “On Friday a thief On Sunday a King Laid down in grief But awoke with keys Of Hell on that day The first born of the slain The Man Jesus Christ Laid death in his grave So three days in darkness slept The Morning Sun of righteousness But rose to shame the throes of death And over turn his rule Now daughters and the sons of men Would pay not their dues again The debt of blood they owed was rent When the day rolled a new” (I told you I didn’t hate all Christian music). 3. He is the only satisfaction for our souls. If our souls are thirsty to worship, then the only object of worship that will satisfy that thirst is Jesus Christ. Jesus refers to himself as the spring of living water. When we worship Jesus, our souls find satisfaction because they



“When we worship Jesus, our souls find satisfaction because they are finally doing what they were designed to do.”

are finally doing what they were designed to do. Adam and Eve were created in the Garden enjoying raw, unhindered relationship with God. That’s the way he created life to work. He created us to know him and be known by him. When we become Christians, this relationship begins to be restored. Worship is how we relate to God. We worship him by praying, singing, reading his word, and living a life that pleases him. When we work on our relationship with God, we worship him and this pleases him and finally satisfies our thirsty souls. No, I am not anti-music nor anti-concerts. I’m just advocating that we be anti-idolatry and pro-Jesus. I propose that we make extra efforts to ensure the worship we have for Jesus is authentic, genuine, and real. In our churches and youth groups, let’s encourage believers to live a life that honors Jesus, and let’s do our best to foster a culture of love and adoration of our Savior, which entails a lot more than music preference. -Tyler Walsh is a senior Educational Ministries major.

“No matter what our musical preferences are, if we haven’t been developing our personal relationship with Christ, we’re hopeless.”



Former MU student and athlete living dream job as Portland Trail Blazer writer



publications, he had never been paid a dime for it.

I looked into the life of a beat reporter for the Portland Trail Blazers, who has ties to Multnomah. Chris Haynes graduated at age 27 with a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology with an emphasis in physical education with honors from Fresno State University, before deciding he wanted to study Journalism at Multnomah University.

But God had bigger plans.

He moved his wife and kids to Portland a year and a half ago, a move which was an act of faith, he said. Chris spent the 2010-2011 school year taking journalism classes here, playing basketball on the MU team, and writing for The Voice student newspaper before it shut down in the Spring of 2011. At the same time he was covering Blazer games for Slam Magazine, but was not getting paid. Then, just last December 2011, Chris was offered his dream job as a beat writer for the Portland Trail Blazers and the National Basketball Association at large for Comcast SportsNet Northwest (


Though he loved writing and spent two years penning stories for a variety of small

Muse: How did you get your current job as a sports writer for the Portland Trail Blazers without prior professional experience as a writer? Haynes: Well, it’s uncommon for me to be in this position. That’s how I know it’s God. I used to talk to professionals and ask them ,’How can I become an NBA news writer?’ They would say to me things like ‘You need to first be a high school sports writer for about five years and then a college sports writer for about six years...’ and then I would be qualified. But they were telling me the normal path. They were giving me their experience, but that’s not God. And it’s been real emotional too. It’s nothing but the Lord and the favor upon me. I’ve only been here about one and a half years (and only four months in a paid position) and I know there are way more qualified individuals out here that have been doing it longer and probably have a bigger name than myself, but God worked it out. After being a final candidate for the hiring process, I went in for the interview


FEATURE | UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT and was offered the job on the spot. Comcast Sports took a chance on me, and now I’m here breaking stories. Muse: So what is your job? Do you do PR?

Muse: Describe your journey from MU to Portland, especially you being married with kids?

Haynes: I don’t do PR. I’m a beat reporter. I do previews for games. I recap feature stories and breaking news stories. And in this short amount of time, I feel like I’ve got one of the best pulses on this locker room. I mean, the players are a good group of guys to cover. They all like to call me “C,” which is short for my first name. It’s cool and it’s one benefit.

Haynes: We picked Portland because my wife is doing her Masters in Marriage and Family Counseling here at MU, and I wanted to cover the NBA. But I was scared as heck! I had no family here. We questioned if we made the right decision or not...I mean, Portland’s weird! Coming here was hard, but I think it’s the best decision we’ve made.

Muse: When were you a student here at Multnomah?

When I first took the job and they told me about travel, I did think about my wife. I didn’t want to interrupt her. Getting her Masters is a big deal. We don’t have family here, and it’s hard to trust people with our kids. I mean babysitting was a big issue. There’s times when she had to miss her classes or people cancelled on us. The hardest part for us is when I’m gone weeks at a time. It’s tough. But thanks to things like Skype, we can talk and see each other. And there’s one thing I’ve noticed about this job: The people that do this are either single or divorced, and I don’t want to be either.

Haynes: I was at MU from 2010-2011, and I played basketball there on the side. I already had my B.S. in Kinesiology from Fresno State University, but I came here to join the Journalism major. But then, after a year of being in the major, the program shut down. The journalism experience was good and expanded my writing from just writing about sports. It certainly made me stretch out of my comfort zone. During this time, I was also writing for Slam Magazine and covering the Blazers for free. I tried to make it to the Blazers game when I could, yet I wasn’t traveling or getting paid. But it got my name out there, which was important for launching this career. Muse: What did you do after the Journalism program closed? Haynes: After I left MU, I started working at Molalla High School as a security guard. I was driving 45 minutes every day to get to work. I appreciated the opportunity since the economy was tough, but it wasn’t what I wanted to do. And I prayed that something would come up.


situation even if you have a family.

After three months, the career writing for the Blazers came and took me out of the security job in Molalla. I had a limited vision, but God had a bigger plan. I know a lot of people who are doing jobs that they don’t want to do. You hear the phrase all the time, ‘You gotta do what you gotta do,’ and so often people work jobs because they feel like they have to. But listen. If you have a dream and vision and you go for it and pray, God can take you out of any

Muse: In your profession, how important is trust? Haynes: In this profession, about the only way to really have a relationship trust you is to be on the road with them. They see you go through the same struggles. You have a lot of writers who just cover home games. They may write something critical, but they don’t have to face who they write about the next day. Whatever I write, if it’s critical, I have to face them. And they respect that you are a professional. But it’s big when you have that relationship. They’ll relax and talk to you, and that’s what you want. So often you see too many players and they say the same old cliches like, ‘I just take it one day at a time’ to reporters, but when players are relaxed, they are open. But if you break their confidentiality, just like with any relationship, they’ll ‘blackball’ you from the society because you don’t keep your word. Breaking one of the guy’s confidentiality on the team just to make headline news just isn’t worth it. Trust is more important. Muse: Do you have future career goals or a future beyond sports writing?

Haynes: Before I got the job, this was my ultimate dream job. I haven’t been too many places before, and now I’ve grown so much here. I told myself before, ‘When my life is over, I know it’s not a very big dream, but I want to be in every NBA arena.’ And now in this job, I’m knocking that out in just one season. I know I’m not the best writer, but I learn to be the best everyday. I’ve been around cousins and uncles who are hustlers from where I’ve come from, and if they wanted something, they could get it. All I did was take that and put it into my profession. From my background and childhood, I took the bad and made it for something good.

“BREAKING ONE OF THE GUY’S CONFIDENTIALITY ON THE TEAM JUST TO MAKE HEADLINE NEWS ISN’T WORTH IT.” I want people to see that I’m different, especially around the players and other writers. When I became a Christian as a child, I thought I had to be unrelatable. But I’m supposed to be myself to bring others to Christ. And when you plant seeds, the players know that you’re different. Whatever I ultimately do, I want to help people. I want an impact on people’s lives. I don’t know how I’m going to do that in my writing exactly. Because a columnist speaks his mind, but I don’t. I report. And I can’t just be that guy tearing people down with my writing to be popular. I’m not that type of guy. A lot of people took time to help me, and I want to turn around and do the same thing. –Aaron Esparza is a senior Communication Studies major.





A column and article series about a journey to explore the variety of arts The art palette is such an assortment of colors shapes and sizes. There are paints, pens and inks, pencils of every variety, a keyboard, cameras of all sorts, charcoal, clay for potters wheels and hands, and stages for dancing and acting alike. There are instruments- internal and external, paper, canvas, doors or windows, glass, fabric, culinary devices and spices, and also mixed media where many of these meet. What is art? Who is an artist? Where does the artist end and the art begin? What is discipline and what is gift? Where does the audience fit in? These are just a few of some very big questions that come up when talking or philosophizing about art and creating. I can’t promise to answer any of these questions or others you may have, but I would like to start a path to travel and learn on. Embark with me on The Arts’ spice road. In this and in subsequent issues of Muse, I will explore and share a column about the diversity of art and its contributors. I would also like to explore their similarities. What idea of art and artist have we made famous in our minds? I would like to expand that idea into a broader perspective, and offer more stories to enjoy.


Now, without putting any particular art spice first, let’s start with three for this issue.



ANTHONY: VIDEOGRAPHY A bit of Anthony’s story

In the sixth grade Anthony, aka William Anthony Beatty-Tinsay, thought computers were cool. So, he enrolled in a class about computers and video at a nearby community center...and he is still learning, making and editing videos today. He kept doing video related art and learning as a hobby throughout his school days. Now Anthony has made his art into his career. Videography is an expensive art form so Anthony has to charge a certain amount for making and editing videos for people. Still, the money is not the most important part for him. He enjoys the process and generally has a lot of fun making his films.


Anthony’s promotional video for Washington Family Ranch is one example of his niche in the video world. It had been a dream of his to make a video for the Young Life ranch, a place he loves, and the experience was impactful in his art career.

Anthony loves video because it is a very effective way of communication, and he hopes to use his artistic passion and skills for the Church and for God.

Now that he’s fulfilled his first dream he will be dreaming up more art.

I asked Anthony to share his thoughts on art. I think that when we start to explore art and try

and formulate a philosophy of art and artists – perhaps creative souls in general – we often come up with more questions than answers. Talking to the three artists in focus for this issue of the Muse I heard some similar opinions and thoughts. I also heard some differences. All input emboldened me to walk the Arts’ spice road farther.


myself as a creative person mainly through dance as well. Coming to identity as an artist is often a complicated process, but when it’s in an area that requires so much physical disciple, coming to identity as a dancer can be an even more difficult process. I asked Julia to expand on how she came to understand her identity as an artist, and even more specifically as a dancer. I asked her to also expound on the shaky balance between discipline and gift. I knew that as a dancer she would have some similarities with the other artists I’ve talked with, but also add a component that many of us may not think of if our art does not include our physicality.

“Art is in the person. Just because you can do art, doesn’t mean you are an artist.” This is a sentiment I heard from Anthony and other artists.

“...the more discipline, the more the gift comes out.” Anthony explained that artists have a different value and way of seeing. Artists, at least in Anthony’s experience, see and feel deeper details. For Anthony’s path, it’s taken him a while to come to terms with accepting part of his identity as an artist, mostly because he didn’t want the stereotype to label him. But art has been in his life since day one. His father is an architect, his mother an interior designer, and his grandmother a painter. The way he sees it, he was kind of brought up in art. He only came to acceptance of himself as an artist this last summer. It was a process. His mentor helped him a lot; not by telling Anthony that he’s an artist but by asking lots of questions and helping him process. He realized that he truly needs art in his whole life. In regards to art as a discipline and art as a gift Anthony explains, “the more discipline, the more the gift comes out.” To be an artist one must invest a lot into the process. For Anthony, being able to build a video in his head is an example of the gift, but without discipline, he has no tools to make the gift come to life. Anthony did leave me with a concern to think

“I’m more me when I am dancing.” about that I would like to share with the readers. I hope you will take it and use it to learn how to better respect the artistic souls God brings into your own life journeys. Anthony explained that in a way, many “artists prostitute themselves” because they are under appreciated and many of those around them don’t see it as work but instead just view art as something they come up with, instantaneously, without discipline. Growing up in a family of artists and art lovers myself, I would have to agree with Anthony for the most part. I hope we can learn to better respect and value the artists in our community and beyond.


Julia said that it is hard to define how she came to understand that an integral part of her identity is being an artist. She explained that dance, unlike some other kinds of art forms, is a gift you must keep doing because if you stop then you’re all over the place when you come back. Dance is an art where discipline must be utilized on a consistent and regular basis. Julia came to understand herself as a dancer when she was in high school. After she started to choreograph, she realized that the gift came naturally, and with discipline, even the technical components were coming naturally.

A bit of Julia’s story

Starting at about age three, Julia’s father would take her to see the Nutcracker each year. That is where her love for dance started. When Julia was 5-years-old she attended her first dance class. The studio taught and performed all kinds of dance but Julia was in love with ballet and pursued that love. For 15½ years Julia danced primarily ballet. She took a single class here or a week there in other dance forms, but she focused on ballet. In high school she started to do more than just take dance classes or perform in shows. Julia started to live it more. She began to choreograph pieces. Dance felt more seamless, it relieved stress, helped her process and live more fully. Talking to Julia about dance hit home for me in a very personal way. I came to understanding



ARTS & CULTURE | UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT She realized that dance, as a creative outlet, relieved stress. In regards to dance specifically, Julia said that, not everyone has the gift, nor can everyone dance. But those who love dance and are gifted with the art of dance, must combine it with discipline and strength. Julia further clarified that with dance art, strength is both physical strength and strength of passion. “If you don’t love it, why do it?” she asked. Julia loves ballet and said she “knew it would always be a part of who I am.” When asked about dance as art, Julia explained, “The freedom that I know: that I can turn on a piece of music, drown out the outside world, and just be myself. I’m more me when I’m dancing.” This is another idea I keep hearing – An artist feels more complete when they make their art. This too causes me to wonder if we truly value them and their art enough. Or are we stifling them? I would pray that we don’t. I would hope that we encourage others to help stand with the artists we know so that they can truly be themselves. Let’s not conform them to our likeness, but rather let them be increasingly who God has created them to be.



ANGEL: PAINT/PENCIL A bit of Angel’s story

In the third grade, Mr. Meronk – an artist himself – helped Angel discover that she could do art. Mr. Meronk had art days for his class, and he was the only teacher in the whole school who did this with his students. Mr. Meronk had Angel draw a woman upside down. That was her first drawing. Since then, she’s “been free to draw” and has been able to draw what she wants to – sometimes it’s what she sees around her and sometimes it’s what she sees inside her head. She is an artistic soul, but she didn’t identify herself as such until she came to MU. “No longer was drawing just drawing, but I would draw in my prayer time...visions... hymns.... Generally, [the piece] comes out with more than I thought it would,” Angel shared. At MU, God made art much more meaningful and personal to her. She often would receive a vision in her head, but explained that usually “God shows me more later…” after she’s finished her piece. For Angel, art is a necessary part of her life. It is an emotional process for her. She uses acrylic, pencil, and writing in her art. She usually gives away her paintings and pencil pieces and she can count three out of many that she has actually kept herself. Angel expounded, “I think there is more to being an artist than just being able to paint or draw – it’s digging deep within your emotions and putting it out there for people to see. [It is] pouring yourself out in something.” It is a “gift” to share and touch others’ hearts.

“Anybody can do art… but not everyone is an artist. An artist sees in and is used in a different way by God.”

Sometimes, she explained, a sermon just isn’t enough because it doesn’t always connect, but art itself can be like a sermon and can connect where the preacher may not have, in order to touch and change someone.

Something I keep hearing from artists around me, including Angel, is that many people can make art but not everyone can be an artist. In Angel’s words, “Anybody can do art… but not everyone is an artist. An artist sees in and is used in a different way by God.” I would have to agree. I think we need God’s artists in the world to share their unique perspective. I hope we can encourage artists around us to use their gift and practice discipline to increase their talent and spread whatever it is that God wants to share through them.

Angel’s writing, on the other hand, is art she generally doesn’t share because with writing she expresses her deepest feelings, raw, and real with God. She has stacks of poems and letters for God. She hopes God will eventually give her the courage to share her writing. Angel wants to someday write a book for teen girls struggling with abuse.

–Tiina Mall is a senior Communication Studies major.

QUOTES THAT INSPIRE THEM Anthony’s quote comes from a movie called The Art of Flight by Curt Morgan: “Experiencing the world through endless secondhand information isn’t enough, if we want authenticity, we need to initiate it.” Julia’s favorite quote about art: “To dance is to express oneself, to dance ballet is to use oneself to express something beyond oneself.” –Martha Graham A few more art quotes selected by Arts & Culture Editor Tiina Mall: ”Movement never lies. It is a barometer telling the state of the soul’s weather to all who can read it.” –Martha Graham “Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. ” –Pablo Picasso “An artist needn’t be a clergyman or a churchwarden, but he certainly must have a warm heart for his fellow men.” –Vincent van Gogh “A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.” –Maya Angelou “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson




R emember Me PAR T IV

Read Remember Me, parts I, II, and III

The story of Achima continues as she remains steadfast to the King



BY BRITTANY KRAMBERG PHOTO BY MICHAEL CHOI Keeping her face covered, Achima felt her feet moving towards the dreaded palace. Pausing, she let her eyes drift over the smooth stones. The sight was indeed impressive, but to Achima it was a reminder of the blood of her people. The sweat of the King’s people were poured into every stone of this dark place. Feeling a hand steadying hand on her elbow, she gave a smile at Sachairi, her mother. “We will both live to see the day when the King redeems his people.” Her wrinkled face lighting up with a hopeful smile.

“‘We will both live to see the day when the King redeems his people.’ Her wrinkled face lit up with a hopeful smile.” Malachi stood on the other side of Achima, his face grim. His dark eyes gazed at the palace in front of them. Achima’s green eyes slowly turned from the palace of shadows to Malachi. “Be brave my friend, for the King protects us.” Though her eyes were filled with confidence, her voice shook slightly and once again Sachairi touched her elbow. “Come, we have a time to meet with Orfeo.” Instead of the young warrior leading them, the wise woman did. Memories flowed through each of the their minds. Some good, some bad, but all leading to a point of mourning for those that had permanently turned their back on the beloved King. Walking up the steps, Achima felt her heart become heavy as if the very evil surrounding her was beginning to weigh her down. How could her sister live here in a place so desolate of light and goodness? Sachairi stayed close to her daughter’s side, giving her a small nod as they continued. Guards dressed in red met them at the top of the magnificent stone stairs. Sachairi stood up tall - as tall as her bent spine would let her. With her light blue eyes almost glowing with the prospect of the future ahead of them, she

stared down the guards. They let the strange group pass and Sachairi led them through the familiar palace walls. Achima followed her mother meekly, battling her own anxieties. Music and laughter came from the throne room as they entered. Dancers in thin clothes swirled about while servers ran about pouring wine into empty glasses or mouths. With his cold, calculating green eyes taking everything in, Orfeo sat in the midst of the seeming festivities. When the visitors walked in, he raised his hand and silence reigned in the gaudy room. “Who are you, hag?” He said, standing and peering into Sachairi’s wrinkled face. Bowing slightly, Sachairi spoke in a hushed voice, “A mere servant to a great King. A woman who once knew the goodness of such a palace. A woman who bore your heir and your greatest enemy.” Orfeo drew back at her, his lips moving into a deep scowl as his eyes darkened. He raised his hand but brought it down on a muscular arm instead of the wrinkled woman’s cheek. Green eyes met his - where his were cold, hers were fiery. She had no fear or hesitation. He drew back, but then leaned forward and laughed in her face. “You bring me a woman who wishes to be a warrior? Or another pretty woman who wants to flaunt before me?” He spoke coyly and those around him laughed nervously, eyeing the fierce green-eyed woman. “She brings you nothing, Orfeo.” Malachi’s voice rang out; Orfeo’s eyebrow twitched as he saw the hated prophet. “Guards!” Screaming, he stood up once again, took a few steps, and drew his sword. Achima’s javelin appeared and the sound of panicked voices filled the room. No soldiers came and Achima relaxed, but kept her eyes on Orfeo. Malachi continued as if nothing had happened. “Yes, I’m still alive,” Malachi said. “The King is not ready for me to join him yet.” Orfeo’s glare intensified ten fold, but Malachi looked through him. “The King says that the one who you thought

would be your greatest enemy will not bring about your demise, but the one you consider your close advisor will. In one fell swoop, one of your blood will take the throne while the rest of your bloodline dies.” Falling silent, Malachi’s eyes burned into Orfeo’s. Finally, Orfeo looked away and then began to laugh. “You idiot,” Orfeo said, “You said that last time. I’m still here and my advisor is dead. My darling Amara is my only heir.” He spoke with confidence, but Achima saw his hands tremble slightly. Closing her eyes when she heard him speak of her sister, she tried to remove the pain that she felt. She still struggled with why the King would not save Amara from this soul-drying place. “Orfeo, I am the one that wished to speak to you,” Achima said. “My name is Achima. I am the one who the King has raised up to free his people. Orfeo, you must allow the Nivkhar to leave this land.” Knees shaking, Achima prayed for the King to give her strength. He would never kill Malachi, but Achima and her mother were nothing but slaves to him. Orfeo’s laughter filled the room: “Stupid woman, the King would never pick such a weak vessel. Go back to your dancing or serving. Better yet go to the slave pits.” Achima took a step forward with her eyes flashing fire, but Malachi’s arm stopped her. Sachairi’s wrinkled hands touched Achima’s shoulder. “Not now, daughter.” For a moment, Orfeo seemed uncertain about himself. The young woman had a strength in her that he hadn’t seen since Sachairi was his concubine. The defiance and confidence that met his gaze was almost terrifying. He briefly entertained the idea that she might be chosen by the King after all, but quickly dismissed the idea. Turning away and gritting her teeth, Achima strode out of the throne room. Malachi followed, but Sachari stayed behind for a brief moment. Orfeo and her eyes met. He sat heavily upon his chair, his face growing pale. Nodding, Sachari turned and walked out with her head held high. –Brittany Kramberg is a sophomore Psychology major.





31 31



BY MIKI GAO PHOTO BY MICHAEL CHOI There’s a dead body in the road. Cold, lifeless eyes stare blankly at the sky; she swears they peer directly at her. In accusation? In condemnation? A shadowy figure lurks next to it. Boney fingers extend toward her, blaming her for the death of the girl on the ground. She walks forward, clutching onto the hand of her Jesus, hoping to expunge the horrific image from her thoughts. However, it dances on her eyelids with every blink. She turns her head again. There is a dead body in the road and a finger pointed directly at her. Breath catching in her throat, heart pumping more blood to fuel the adrenaline, she prepares to run, to forget what lies on the path behind her. But He takes her hand. And stills her. “The dead girl was you before you met Me,” He says. She stares blankly at Him, understanding cascading like the tide on the shores of her mind. She turns to look at the body and figure again. The figure shows her the sins she’s committed, failings that stain her life and brand her fallen pursuits that label her a whore. Her Jesus takes her hand then, and turns her to look at Him.


“I’m trying to take you forward, but you keep looking back,” He says. He then turns His attention to what is haunting her, drawing her attention back there as well. “All that he is showing you,” He begins, eyes still on the scene behind them, “belonged to her.” He points to the lifeless girl on the road. “They died when she died.” He turns her toward Himself once more. “She died when You decided to live

and live abundantly in the life I offered you.” He gestures toward her. “This is how I see you: blameless, forgiven, whole.” He then points to the body, His eyes never leaving her own. “Would you really want to put that back on?”

“No, I don’t ever want to put that back on.” She looks up at Him then. “I can’t move forward until I cast off this past so that it can’t chain me again. Let me move forward with You, and let’s put my old self to rest in her grave.”

She follows where His finger pointed. The body reeked something foul and was decomposing before her eyes. Why would she put this on again? Yet when she continues to turn back toward it and dwell on its history, she does this. The hand holding hers gives her warmth, promises to protect her and will. The hand extended from the figure next to her old body offers cold, merciless judgment. Which hand will she choose?

He smiles at her then, a brilliant smile that lights up His eyes and warms her soul. Without any effort, He quickly dismisses the figure that seemed so bold and looming just moments ago, and they lay the dead girl and all the memories of her to rest.

Squeezing the hand in hers as though for strength, she leans her head on His shoulder.

–Miki Gao is a senior English major.

The dead body is no longer in the road. It is in the grave where it belongs, and the girl and her Jesus continue their walk.



BY DARYL CURRYER What you see is Daniel surrounded by angels, the lions meekly subdued. A narrow shaft of light illuminates his calm, radiant face. What you try to forget are the countless, unnamed others ushered into a coliseum and devoured by lions, this time not so subdued. (And the angels…where? Doing what?) What remains hidden though, is the smile. The warm embrace. The recognition, face to face at last, of Father, daughter and son. What you can’t possibly imagine is this: Heaven. The beginning of eternity spent with God. Starting now. –Daryl Curryer is a Multnomah Biblical Seminary alumni (‘98) and current Assistant Chief of Security at Multnomah University.



Dear Worm



My dear Wormwood,

My dear Wormwood,

Your disappointment at learning your patient’s required involvement in ministry is pitiful. It only serves to highlight your inexperience as a junior tempter. Don’t you realize what a golden opportunity this is? True, in another place and time this could be disastrous, but you are in America! It is the home of the free. The idea of being forced to do something, even something they would otherwise enjoy, is unimaginable to them. If properly nurtured, his dislike for being ordered around will mature into outright disdain for his ministry. According to reports from your fellow workers, your task should not be difficult. Apparently this feeling is widespread among students at that institution.

So your patient has entered into Multnomah, that confounded bastion of the Enemy? This is very troubling news indeed, but do not despair, all is not lost. You may yet win him away despite his being intrenched in this heavily fortified training camp. Start first with this humility he hears so much about. If tended properly, the seeds of humility may be grafted with shoots of self contempt. Let him become disgusted with his failings. Make him angry with himself over his unfitness for service in the Enemy’s armies. He will train harder, working himself to fatigue, attempting to sweat the sin out. Let him think this is the true meaning of “mortification of sin” and “putting to death what is fleshly.” As he tires he will be embittered. His contempt will be turned towards others who seem to “have it all together.” We know they do not, but it is his perception that matters. Eventually this will fester into a bitterness against the Institution and the Enemy. If cultivated properly this bitterness will lead to desertion, and we shall have gained yet another defector to Our Father.

If at all possible get him around other people already greatly embittered against the system who can encourage him in his rebellion. Even if he enters into ministry enthusiastically, their influence will soon wane his exuberance for adding ministry to work, school, friends, and family. If you were more experienced you might be able to add to your accomplishment by similarly dissolving relationships or his schoolwork, but such lofty goals are probably above you. Your affectionate uncle, Screwtape

Your affectionate uncle, Screwtape




Muse staff member and friend envision Isaiah Project

BY CORNELIA SEIGNEUR PHOTOS BY CORNELIA SEIGNEUR Portland is known for a lot of things: roasting coffee beans, indie music bands, bicycle lanes, green living, and an entrepreneurial spirit.


But, fused like oil and water, is a dark side of the City of Roses that put Portland on the national map for a different reason a few years ago. And not one it wants to win an Academy Award for – the human trafficking of children.

And some of it is happening just steps from Multnomah University. Senior Kristen Leach and junior Natalie Tidswell decided to do something about it. They determined to take a stand against this dark side of Portland, while also aiming at inspiring the next generation to reject apathy on the injustices occurring just steps from their university.

would become an event to educate high schoolers about the reality of sex trafficking in Portland and beyond. The small seed of a vision was just sprouting and beginning to be planted and watered.

“God impressed on both of our hearts the same vision for this issue,” said Kristen.

“It was July 2011 when the idea came to our minds,” Kristen, who is also a Muse staff member, told me. “Sex trafficking was something that become so real to both of our hearts, and we just didn’t want to stand by and do nothing.”

Last fall, during the newspaper workshop I teach at MU, I remember Kristen first sharing her heart with me about what she hoped

“I have lived here [at MU] for three years and live two blocks away from one of the highest prostitution areas in Portland,” Kristen


t to inspire youth to action against human trafficking said. “We are going to a Bible school with a mission minded heart, and we asked God (and ourselves) what have we done about it?” After some prayer and envisioning, the Isaiah Project was born. “We wanted to create an event to invite youth groups from the Portland area to unite together for the purpose of seeking the Lord’s heart in this matter, to empower the students to action, to feel empowered to do something,” Kristen said. They based the name of their event on Isaiah 1:17: “Learn to do good, seek justice, correct oppression, defend the cause of the fatherless,

and plead the case of the widows.” And, they deliberately called the gathering a “project” rather than just an event so that it would be ongoing rather than just one evening. “We wanted to lead people to ministries and organizations that are already working on this issue, and to spark creativity in the call that the Lord lays on their heart,” Kristen said. As I watched Kristen and her committee of 12 envision and plan and work on and labor and blog about the Isaiah Project for months, I was so thrilled to see it in its final form. The event! When I walked into Central Bible Church the

night of March 14, there was a buzz as buses and vans arrived filled with high school students and their leaders. And in the foyer of the church, tables were set up for registration and people were mulling by the tables set up with information and there were bright red t-shirts available. And the high school students and leaders – about 300 – as well as college students and others in ministry and “random people that just heard about it” began filing into the dimly lit church auditorium with the words “Justice” on a cross near the stage. The attendees were treated to worship by the band from Abundant Life church, led by Scott



KRISTEN LEACH (LEFT) AND NATALIE TIDSWELL INTRODUCE THE ISAIAH PROJECT. Miller, and were then able to hear two speakers: Linda Smith, a former congresswoman from the state of Washington, and a girl named Breanna, who was rescued from the possibility of a life of human trafficking. I felt so proud of Kristen and Natalie for their determination to see this event through from seed to large event. So many people just talk about doing something – these girls and their team did something. They envisioned an event; they prayed about an event; they planned an event; they ignited passion in others to get excited about an event; and they held an event. An event that was about helping the least of these! To see the Isaiah Project finally here, after months of hearing about it being planned for, what a joy!


And, though I had told Kristen back in the fall, that the month of March 2012 was jam-packed for me due to my own planning of a large event – the marriage ceremony and reception of my

daughter on March 31 – I just couldn’t miss the Isaiah Project on March 14. I just had to come support my student and Muse staff member Kristen and her team. I am so glad I did. When the worship band sang “One Thing Remains,” I felt like this Jesus Culture song was the perfect anthem for the Isaiah Project: Higher than the mountains that I face Stronger than the power of the grave Constant through the trial and the change One thing remains One thing remains Your love never fails it never gives up It never runs out on me As entrepreneurial-minded Kristen and Natalie and their team reflect on their work of bringing the Isaiah Project to Portland last month, may they know that their diligence in following through with the vision God gave them must have inspired many youth – and adults – in the

“We are going to a Bible school with a mission minded heart, and we asked God (and ourselves) what have we done about it?” Portland area. It sure inspired me. And, it inevitably will put a dent in this dark side of Portland, as another verse in Isaiah reads: “God’s Word never comes back void, without accomplishing what it set out to do” (Isaiah 55:11). Maybe, one day, the City of Portland will be known only for our coffee shops, bicycle lanes, green living, indie bands, and entrepreneurial spirit. –Cornelia Seigneur is editorial director and faculty advisor of Muse.

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