Mumpreneur Movement Magazine ~ Finding Your Tribe ~ Issue 2

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it takes a tribe to create the mumpreneur movement Photographer Rebecca Dunstall Love Them Wild Photography

Accountant Emma Bowdler The Women's Accountant

Business Law Peta Gray Enterprise Legal

Graphic Design Shayna Fernanado Shayna Fernando - Artist, Creator & Magic Maker

CEO/Founder + Publisher Tammie Pike

FRONT COVER Kylie-Lee Bradford DESIGN SUPPORT Shayna Fernando COVER IMAGE & PHOTOGRAPHY: Love Them Wild Photography Rebecca Dunstall ADVERTISING SALES Tammie Pike 0409897133 EDITORIAL INQUIRES CONTRIBUTORS Emma Bowdler Peta Gray Shayna Fernando Rebecca Dunstall Tracy Tully Taryn Binstead Claire Riley Rita Riccola Rebecca Wheeler

(c)2019 Mumpreneurs Magazine (who hereby insert their copyright), part of the Mumpreneur Group Pty. Ltd. All Rights Reserved. All material with the Mumpreneur Magazine is procted by the international copyright & reproduction of any part in any format without the written permission of the Publisher is strictly prohibited. DISCLAIMER: The information contained within Mumpreneur Magazine is given in good faith and obtained from sources believed to be accurate. The views expressed are not necessarily those of the publishers. The Mumpreneur Group Pty Ltd, Toowoomba Mumpreneurs & Issuu will not be liable for any opinion or advice contained herein. The product and services mentioned within the Mumpreneurs Magazine is not endorsed by the Publisher of this service whether in articles, ads or images. Photographers are credited where possible. Some images have been provided to us and the provider has confirmed that they have the right to share these images with the Mumpreneurs Magazine for publication. All prices are correct at the time of printing and may vary over time. Any legal, tax & business advice is to Australian standards only not for international use. Any business decisions made based on the information provided is not the responsibility of Mumpreneurs Magazine or The Mumpreneur Group Pty Ltd. Due diligience is recommend before starting, paying or engaging with others services.


CONT OctoberFebruary

2 Letter from the editor

It takes a tribe to thrive as well as create success

7 Kakadu Tiny Tots

Kylie-lee Bradford shares how her indigenous culture has been the inspiration behind the success of her growing business of organic baby and children’s clothes using Aboriginal art.

13 The customer is not always right… for you!

Emma Bowlder, The Women’s Accountant shares why sometimes you have to say no!

16 TOP tips for buying and selling your next business Peta Gray from Enterprise Legal shares tips to get the next phase of your business life off on the right foot

19 5 ways to be more productive and organised

Exhausted? Stop! Take a breath…Claire Riley shares 5 ways busy Mumpreneurs can achieve organisation and productivity in their day.

23 You don't have to be pawfect

Being a mum and running a business isn’t easy. Pet stylist Taryn Bideford understands this and shares how networking, even with your local competitors, can help you grow your knowledge and skills while also finding your tribe.

25 Step out of your comfort zone & find your tribe!

Be inspired by Kaley Chu, how she went from shy mum to networking with strangers and becoming part of a ommunity of like-minded people.

27 a business born from love

Lisa-May Rossington is living her dream as an independent and resilient Mumpreneur whose motto is Just don’t give up. Hear how her dream started and where she is today.

30 Mind full or Mindful?

Rita Riccola takes us through how important it is to practice mindfulness to help us achieve our goals and re-charge. See how a small amount of time can be used effectively to rejuvenate daily.

21 Getting to Know Tracy Tully

Tracy Tully is mentor, author, speaker and two times whistleblower. Read all about this Jill-of-all-trades and how she has mastered fear and built courage.



ENTS 33 10 Tips for Juggling Business and Kids

Somedays just don’t go as planned and we wonder whether juggling business and family is worth it. Linda Black gives us ten ways to help keep on top of your day and to keep yourself fueled with energy and vitality.

35 Why Yoga is the secret ingredient

Olya Antonio takes preconceived ideas of how yoga is only for the flexible out of our minds and guides us on how it allows you to connect with your mind, body and spirit to relieve stress for the whole family.

39 time out without the guilt

As mums we are often filled with guilt when we take time for us. Hear how important it is for your mind and body to relax and to take the guilt out of finding a little ‘me time.’

45 How having kids can change your sex life for the better & help your business boom.

Can this be true? Rebecca Wheeler unravels the mystery of motherhood & the allowance of femininity to rise up into our lives and follow our flow to create a successful business and thriving sex life.

49 good knight sleep tight

Don’t waste anymore time being sleep deprived with your precious little one, get a good ‘knight’ sleep with Holly Knight.

62 Awaken your style

A’lia Collective is a bespoke boutique that seeks to curate a range of unique bohemian clothing, Jewellery and handicrafts from All over the world.

67 you don't have to be a good girl to be a good person

How finding your tribe and unlocking your real self can create a fulfilled and vibrant life.

76 Dirty Daschund Gets Clean

In Australia we have some very talented Mumpreneurs whose niche business grow and change through networking with like minded people and a lot of hard work.

78 business directory

Showcasing amazing businesses from around Australia. Support Small Business & Support their families PAGE 5 MUMPRENEUR MOVEMENT

Empowered Women Empowering the World

ARE YOU A MUM IN BUSINESS WHO WANTS TO SHARE YOUR KNOWLEDGE, EXPERIENCE & JOURNEY? If yes, you are invited to apply to be on the Mumpreneur Movement Podcast. You can be from anywhere in the world, at any stage of business. We will be talking about what you have overcome to be where you are today, what inspired you to start your business, what are your top tips for other Mumpreneurs.





From the Editor

Hey beautiful people, Welcome to our 2nd issue of the Mumpreneur Movement. We are so blessed to be able to share with you some amazing women from all around Australia. It’s hard to believe we are only a couple of months away from the end of 2019, and what a year it has been! How has it been for you? Earlier this year I shared with my tribe about some crazy upheavals for the collective. Many decided it was time to get real with their lives, and assess what they are doing? They considered who they are doing it for and is this really where they want to be at this time in their lives? It was challenging and many times throughout the year it felt wobbly. How could we possibly move through these challenges and come out flourishing? My experience is to surrender. It’s not easy and doesn’t come naturally, especially in our society where control is everything. We are being asked to step back, loosen the reins of our lives a little bit and allow the natural flow of femininity to rise within us and lead us. We need to allow ourselves to rest, seek and find support, be around like-minded women and friends, who become part of a safe and nurturing tribe that allow us to thrive. Us humans are feeling beings, and are meant to experience a range of emotions especially happiness and joy. To invest time, energy and resources in being able to discover the real you, your dreams, desires and needs is to allow yourself to begin living your best life, to follow your soul’s calling.

What are you willing to do to give yourself permission to love, embrace and find your tribe? So much love, Tam xo




A MUMPRENEUR ON A MISSION TO SUPPORT HER TRIBE TO THRIVE! Kylie-Lee’s story stuck a chord with me and I knew I had to get to know her, but circumstances meant that I was unable to speak with her at the conference. The universe intervened and my need for soup at the airport led me straight to Kylie-Lee’s table at a small cafe tucked away in a corner. I am so thankful for that sign saying soup, especially after later finding out that Kylie-Lee also stopped at the café because of the same craving. Kylie-Lee is not only a powerful, smart & beautiful woman, who is creating an empire, she is also a wife and mother to 4 beautiful children - Chloe, Denver, Lily Rose & Darby,

ylie-Lee Bradford is creating a stir with her indigenous creations that is creating opportunities for her community in kakadu


I first saw Kylie-Lee speak at the AusMumpreneur awards earlier this year and was in awe and moved by the rawness of her story. Kylie-Lee has created a beautiful life for herself, her family, and her Murrumburr tribe in Kakadu which she nearly gave it all up when her adored and much-loved mother sadly passed away earlier this year.

She was inspired by her mother Sheril Cahill to start her business. Kakadu Tiny Tots which is an Indigenous owned company that creates beautiful organic baby and children’s clothes, featuring hand painted Indigenous art and designs. Each creation comes with its own Dreamtime story. They have also just released the Kakadu Tucker and Kakadu Organics range that include chutney’s, body products, candles and more that are made from ingredients direct from Kakadu! Kylie-Lee grew up in a small aboriginal community called Patonga in the heart of Kakadu National Park, Kylie’s mum was a traditional owner of that region and a well-respected elder. Growing up in Kakadu National Park in the Northern Territory was an amazing playground where you learn quickly to always help people and not to take anything for granted.




Kylie-Lee shared with me about being an indigenous woman in business:

Our family has a very strong connection with the land and our cultural beliefs, which is why I launched our children’s clothing line using our remarkable authentic aboriginal art. I believed in my product and mission, and coming from an Aboriginal community I was determined to prove to Indigenous women all over Australia that if you have a dream and believe in yourself, anything is possible. I learnt to be resilient and mastered the ability to haggle, which was the key to my success, especially when we got knocked back. I’m always open to learning new skills and networking with like-minded business people.

“I wish I knew it was ok to ask for help and that you don’t have to do absolutely everything. It took me a long time to learn this!”

kakadu tiny tots

Kakadu Tiny Tots is a wholly Australian owned company that creates authentic aboriginal clothing, accessories and artwork. All of our designs originate and are uniquely handcrafted in remote indigenous communities in the Northern Territory of Australia.

Kylie-Lee didn’t come from a family business background so everything she has learned in business has come from her own personal business development by attending workshops, networking events and investing in mentors: She shared that: "I wish I knew it was ok to ask for help and that you don’t have to do absolutely everything. It took me a long time to learn this!" Kylie-Lee’s #1 tip for Mumpreneurs is:

You have to know when to switch off, allowing for family time to be at the top of the list and not just something you fit in. Your family are your biggest ambassadors, so it’s very important to take them on the journey during the good times and the bad!

kakadu organics

Kakadu Organics are exclusively produced in Queensland, with key ingredients sourced from the kakadu national park. The combination of natural elements are carefully selected by owner, KylieLee

Kylie-Lee Bradford

kakadu tucker

Kakadu Tiny Tots

Coming from the land, Kylie wants everyone to be able to have a bush tucker experience. Versatile and full of flavour, Kakadu Tucker has a great range of fantastic chutneys that are a perfect addition to any kitchen or BBQ table. PAGE 13 MUMPRENEUR MOVEMENT








TOP TIPS FOR BUYING AND SELLING YOUR NEXT BUSINESS Buying and selling a business can be one of the most exciting experiences you will have, but unfortunately it can also quickly turn into one of the worst. Follow my top tips if you want to get the next phase of your business life (or retirement) off on the right foot:

Lawyer Up! No. this is not a blatant plug for my profession... legitimately, you need a lawyer to buy or sell your business. More particularly, a special business lawyer (surprise – not all lawyers are the same). Think you (or your family lawyer) have it covered? You don't know, what you don't know!

If you have purchasing a business and your can't afford a lawyer to assist you, then you probably can't afford to buy the business.

- if the buyer does their DD right, all your secrets will come out sooner or later!

Due Diligence

As a buyer, you don't want to part with your hand-earned dollars only to have the seller set up shop down the street next month, in direct competition with you. Restraints of trade need to be drafted correctly in order to be enforceable. You will also need the owners/directors of the seller to sign separate documents in order to bind them to the restraint. The Standard Conditions of the REIQ Contract don't cut it in this regard, so your business lawyer will need to amend them.

Buyers – undertaking through due diligence about the business that you want to purchase is essential. Having input from honest, independent advisors is also vital (your best friend Kate only thinks it's a great idea for you to buy the bakery so she can get free cookies...) Get your accountant and business lawyer (see above) involved early on in the process. Sellers, don't try to hide anything to make the business seem more appealing

Get the Restraint of Trade Right




Consider the Employees One of the most complex parts of a business sale is dealing with the current employees. It’s not as simple as the seller firing them all and the buyer re-hiring them at Settlement. For example, pursuant to employment legislation, employees who stay on with the new owner are ‘transferring employees’, which means their period of employment with the seller counts as service with the buyer for the purposes of calculating long service leave. This is just one of many nuances associated with employees. Did I mention that both parties need a lawyer to help navigate this minefield? Employee Adjustments The standard approach (as per the REIQ Business Sale Contract) is that 70% of the accrued annual, sick and long service leave for all employees (except the latter, which only applies to employees with at least five years’ service) is adjusted at Settlement, in the buyer’s favour. This means that the buyer gets to deduct this amount from the purchase price payable to the seller.

Peta Gray

Sellers, keep this in mind when working out how much money you will make from the sale – depending on the number of employees and the staff retention rate, these adjustments could easily be tens of thousands of dollars or even more. Buyers, don’t think you get a bonus deduction – you need to allow for this amount as a liability in your books.

Don’t be scared to walk away from the deal Don’t buy or sell at all costs, especially just because you feel you might have otherwise wasted time and money going to contract. Sometimes critical information about the business and the other party doesn’t come out until after the contract has been signed. Be prepared to invest time and money in the process and don’t be afraid to walk away if the deal turns out to be wrong deal for you!



BE Organised

5 ways to be a more productive & organised Mumpreneur


“Just get the kids to school by 9”, they said. “Sure. No sweat”, you said. Then Monday happened. As if making lunches, packing school-bags, dressing small people, and wiping weetbix off the dog wasn’t enough. You have to sort yourself out too and then you begin to wonder if 7am is too early for a wine. Five days of dry shampoo just isn’t going to cut it for that client session you have to rush back from school drop-off for, nor is that t-shirt (what is that green stuff on the shoulder?), and the mascara from last week probably needs to be removed at some point too. Exhausted? Stop! Take a breath...

I got all tense reading that back, too. We know how crazy life gets and the

‘Busy-Mumpreneur-TurnedWonderwoman’ badge of honour is starting to feel morelike some dreadful Hallmark card pin that your mum made you wear on Valentine’sin the 80s. Take that badge off, it doesn’t have to be this hard.

1. Organise your today, yesterday. Before you log off and switch out the light for the day do whatever you can to make tomorrow easier. From those annoying chores we put off, like emptying the dishwasher to making your To Do List for tomorrow’s priorities. It’s a game changer not having to use your pre-coffee brain power on working out what to do as well as finding the time to do it.



BE Productive

2. Gift yourself time & space to focus and set

4. Focus.

up every day.

You have a billion things to do, I get it. If

When I removed 1 hour of my availability on the 3 days I work, I almost immediately started making more money, felt way more productive, and scored a massive sense of #IGotThis juju. I have a list of things I aim to get done in this hour-habit & money tracking, pull an oracle card, journal, socials, emails, messages and check my calendar for reminders and actions -this looks different for everyone so make your own

time were no object, we would all have solved the world’s biggest problems before breakfast (and the kids’ lunches would be more extravagant than Vegemite sandwiches and sultanas for the umpteen-millionth time). But girl, you’re not helping anyone, let alone yourself, trying to do it all at once. Pick one thing to focus on-for this month, this week, today, this 25minute work session-and focus,

list and chip away.

everything else will wait.

If carving out an hour of quiet time each

5. Use your tools and find your tribe.

morning seems like something from yet another fairy tale, start with 5-10 minutes and slowly build it up.

3. Practice the art of saying ‘no’. While it is hard to say NO to people you don’t have to do all things, for all people, all the time.

There are so many apps and people (#HelloVirgos) to help you organise your busy brain. Some of my favourite apps for staying focused and on-task are Asana, Evernote and Tomato Timer. I love Pomodoro-style working sessions for massive productivity and I use the 5minute breaks to do life admin.

Newsletter from school asking for

Depending on what motivates you

volunteers? No.

having a co-working buddy, a coach

Email from a client with a list of new

or accountability ass-kicker might be

demands? No.

just what you need to keep your energy

Message from someone asking a tiny

high to perpetually move you towards

favour? No.

your goals.

Invitation to an event when you’d rather

Claire Riley

be having wine in front of the telly? No.

/clairebartoncoaching/ /claire_barton

Claire Riley



Professional Speaking

FIND YOUR UNIQUE VOICE TO FIND YOUR TRIBE Tracy Tully is a speaker, mentor, author and two times whistle-blower. Her business is Motivation and Resilience for Wealth at Travelling Australia wide and internationally, she has spoken at national, state, regional and local levels over the last 40 years. Tracy will be adding Cairo, Italy and America to her itinerary in 2020. Under the banner of her dot com brand she says:

I can show you how to find the sweet spot in everything you do! A motivation percolator, wordsmith and distiller of fear; Tracy helps people to feel confident in their conversations, by creating influential speakers all over the world by guiding people to unlock their voice to lift their Profile, Presence and Profit. She teaches people how to overcome fear of conversations with strangers and public speaking, through motivation and resilience, by funding a lifestyle working however and whenever you want!



Professional Speaking

Life is like a box of chocolates, each sweet delicacy is a goal, enticing you to keep moving forward. As a change influencer and disruptor, Tracy challenges people to step out of their comfort zone boots and build their resilience muscle! She conducts powerful and witty speaking opportunities, growing confidence, improving motivation, strengthening resilience and understanding a growth mindset to move forward. Her presentations are passionate and highly engaging and guarantees you’ll never forget her events!

She publishes her first children’sbook, Gordon the Goat and the Gully Kids in 2020 and her third book Queens in Sandcastles is due for release in 2020. Tracy’s held senior leadership roles in the public, private and non-profit sectors for the last four decades. She believes there is no room for assumptions, blame, conspiracies or procrastination in our lives. As a special offer for Mumpreneur Magazine readers, Tracy is offering a free 30 minute clarity 1:1 session on ‘Finding Your Sweet Spot!’ email Tracy on to book your spot! Tracy is available for speaking events and offers Pro Bono work for non-profit organisations. Topics Tracy speaks on:

Tracy releases her first non-fiction book FEARless Buckle Up … Build Resilience, as a two-times whistle blower, detailing her true-life experiences, calling out corruption, deceit and bribery in the Queensland government during 2010 to 2018.

UNLOCK Your Voice … Get out from behind the door! Who said the road is smooth? Build RESILIENCE Release the brakes … Stop resisting change! Calibrate your Mindset and find True North WHAT? Goals You need them! For more information, bookings and bulk book sale enquiries: Mobile: 0429 992 916 email:

Tracy Tully @motivationresilienceforwomen/ /motivationresilienceforwomen/ /mrwcoaching/




YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE PAWFECT BY TARYN BINSTEAD Being a mum and running a business alone is the epitome of hard, but I have found the hardest aspect is running a business that isn’t considered a professionally recognised industry - and that is when you need to find you tribe and learn from them! I’m a certified Pet stylist. When I started in the pet grooming industry 19.5 yrs ago, there was one private school to learn at but generally you learnt on the job. If you worked alone, as most pet groomers do, you had to learn from your mistakes. I learnt on the job and eventually started my own personalised mobile grooming service. I thought I was a great groomer and feedback from clients reflected this, that was until social media came into our world. A whole new side of the pet industry was opened up to me when Facebook groups and pages started to appear relating to my industry. I jumped into them and found my tribe, a sisterhood of like-minded business owners going through the daily challenge of running a business. This was life changing for me as I didn’t have a big personal tribe to support me, I have now made lifelong friendships all over the world within my industry. Change began happening for me in 2012 when I entered my first grooming competition and started going to seminars. I was amazed by this side of the industry and it pushed me to become more skilled in my vocation and built up my self-confidence. I believe to succeed in business you must continually push your skills and knowledge, and stay up to date with changes. Entering competitions, going to conferences and workshops has helped me grow as a pet stylist and my clients can see the difference.

I believe to succeed in business you must continually pushyour skills and knowledge




Each conference, seminar or workshop help me network with my tribe. In 2016, inspired by networking, another groomer and I decided to start running our own seminars on creative grooming as we realised no one else was teaching this specialised art. We have run our seminars in 4 states of Australia so far and this has led me to being accepted onto the Australian model dog team. The hardest networking opportunities are is with your local competitors but it’s also one of the most important. Generally, there is enough work for everyone and when times are tough, it is good to band together and share the work around. When I had to close one of my three salons due to the birth of my second child, I was able to confidently pass my clients onto other local groomers. My clients appreciate the fact I regard others in my industry with respect and friendship.

Running a business is hard, but when you open yourself to networking, growing your skills and knowledge in your industry, you will find your business will only grow and succeed and it is easier with your sisters by your side.

Taryn Binstead

Creative Canines: /CreativeCanines




STEP OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE & FIND YOUR TRIBE! You just have to get out of your comfort zone to find them. It’s almost a year since I completed my “100 Lunches with Strangers” journey, that led me to write my own book. It was full of ups and downs, and I feel like my life has taken a complete turnaround since I shared it with the world. Yet, as with life itself, I feel a story is never complete and things do NOT finish after “The End”, so this is my story.

We can change our destiny If I had to pick the most important lesson, I learnt from my 100 lunches with strangers journey, it would be - we all have the power to change our destiny. I have grown from the shy girl who was unable to talk to even one person, to a public speaker and people connector in a matter of months.

I have grown from the shy girl who was unable to talk to even one person, to a public speaker and people connector in a matter of months. This stated with lunch with one stranger, moving forward by talking to a group of strangers in networking events, eventually being able to speak publicly including stand-up comedy! I think it’s fair to say that I have overcame my shyness by constantly pushing myself out of my comfort zone and learning from other people. This is living proof that we can change our destiny.

The purpose of my life Why am I so keen to push myself to be a better me? Simply, I know the purpose of my life. My purpose is to love, to give, to bring joy, to impart positive energy and impact to people. I am meant to live my life to the fullest and most importantly, be a role model to my sons.

My boys, 2 and 5 years old are the world to me. Instead of telling them what to do, I’d love to show them if mammy can do it you can too. I want them to know that nothing is going to stop them achieving their dreams in the future, whatever they are. Since I became more confident my boys have grown in confidence too; this makes me very happy. By sharing my story on stages as a keynote speaker and inspiring others to get out of their comfort zone I feel a great sense of fulfillment. I believe this is what life is all about – love and contribution.

Finding Connections This entire journey started out as a way to break my limits and step out of my comfort zone, but it became something much more. Every lunch among the 100 and every connection I’ve made ever since, has carved a bit of my personality. PAGE 25 MUMPRENEUR MOVEMENT


I believe in the power of us humans being able to help each other and create stronger communities than ever. Strangers are just friends we haven’t met yet.


Learning from people I know and have only just met has opened my eyes further to the power of unity and has given me a new perspective of life. This entire experience has enabled me to create a community of like-minded and openhearted people, which I had never dreamed of before. I received extensive support from my husband and boss to pursue this venture. I was able to see other people follow my lead and expand their connections from this simple idea - “meet a stranger for lunch.” This has engaged me in feeling more connected with the world around me. These connections have helped me achieve my goal to become a “people connector”, and to bring solutions through introducing people who need help, to people who can and are willing to offer it. My social circle expanded massively and I have four amazing mentors guiding me through difficult situations and supporting my journey. I have made a lot of new friends and have a group of people I trust and rely on. I believe in the power of humans being able to help each other and create strong communities. Strangers are just friends we haven’t met yet, and all it takes is a little... “Hello! Let’s lunch!”.

Kaley Chu



Living my dream

a Business born from love I had a dream and I was determined to achieve it, and I took the leap, which is how I came to write this article. In truth, my story started thousands of years ago, routed in the tradition of gift giving. Whether you wish to celebrate a milestone or comfort someone in sadness; reward someone for a job well done or wish them bon voyage; or simply show your love, gratitude, respect or appreciation; most of the time the answer is to give a gift.

BY Lisa-May Rossington From a love of creating to a dream that Lisa-May Rossington was determined to create into reality. It is a warm February day and there are children playing, laughing and singing...Happy Birthday to you. I am a little girl wearing a basic calico dress with a green horse stamped on the front, and it is from early memories like these that, my creative dream was born. A few years later, I am drawing and colouring pictures to embroider onto shirts, another of the many ideas from my creative young mind. It is not until high school that my pillowcase dresses become a reality.

I have always loved the pleasure of giving rather than receiving, which is why Christmas is a treasured time of the year for me. The look people get on their face when they receive a well wrapped and personally selected gift is heart -warming, and is why being able to combine my love of sewing, crafting and creating into Made with Armour has been so fulfilling for me. We specialise in customisable gift hampers featuring a combination of locally sourced and handmade products where possible. Twenty-Three years on from that calico dress and I am living my dream. The path to get here has been anything but easy, with blood, sweat and tears -literally.

I forge ahead by making and selling them at markets during the school holiday.This is my creative beginning, the story of how Made with Amour: Gifts, Baskets and Bouquets came to be.



Living my dream

The path to get here has been anything but easy, with blood, sweat and tears -literally. It is my passion to build something more than just a business. I want my business to be something that my future children will be proud of and learn from, something that teaches them resilience and true grit. I don’t want them to be afraid to fail, for without failure we can never grow. I have been extremely blessed throughout my life to have a family who allowed me to dream and believed that I could achieve anything. I have also had friends around me who supported me every step of the way, and believing in me and my dream. I understand that not everyone has this, and if you don’t, I urge you to reach out and find that support from wherever you can. It is out there, there are lots of women who want to help and build you up you in getting a successful business off the ground. It can be isolating as a woman in business, and we are faced with many barriers but don’t let the fear stop you from reaching out and following your dream.

As women, we need to be courageous and to break through the glass ceilings together. My advice is this, don’t sweat the small stuff because you may be a woman in business, but you are not superwoman. Although we think we must and can do it all, in reality we are only human, some things have got to give sometimes. Who cares if there are 5000 meters of thread on the floor because it means you have created something beautiful, and if you don’t make a sale at a market, who cares you’ve built a network. Most of my business dream is still coming to fruition, but at least I have started. The reality is, some days are fantastic and other days it feels like I am running up a very slippery slope, but my determination to succeed will never let me give up. Lisa-May Rossington

Made with A'mour /MadewithAmourGifts/ /madewithamourgifts





Living our dreams, realising our potential through challenges, personal growth and self-awareness is what assists us to live a more balanced life. It’s not always easy to find the work/home balance, however, realising that quality time as opposed to quantity assists a child in their emotional and natural development.

We live in challenging times, and the demands on our attention and time can press heavily upon us while we parent, partner, work and have a social life. Fitting everything in and having quality time to be present with our children can be overwhelming. If, like most mums you are trying to break out of the mould of what a stay at home mum is seen as being by reaching for your dreams, it is important to have a good level of selfcare, balanced with providing for your child’s needs, without the guilt of being aworking mum. Reaching for financial security, independence, and connecting

The world is changing so fast and it’s hard to keep up, this is why it’s so important to have an action plan to ensure your needs as well as your children are being met. It’s doable, and with commitment and awareness can be achieved. Committing to the evidence-based strategy of self-calming, re-charging and balancing through regular mindfulness practice will not only help you achieve your goals with greater clarity and energy, but will also establish a culture of caring at home.

with tribes of like-minded women is all part of working towards long-term success. Women know their children’s needs are always most important to them, but too many women miss the signals that to be a whole, present and happy mum requires time for self-fulfilment, chasing your dreams, and living your best life! PAGE 30 MUMPRENEUR MOVEMENT



This being the foundation for your children’s safety where they know that you will always show up when they need you most. They also get the privilege of seeing mum set, work towards and achieve goals, with possibly the odd stumble along the way.

So, once you accept that the best way to juggle the ongoing demands of working and parenting is to take time to re-charge your batteries -in other words look after your mind and body, and give it a rest from the constant demands of living. This is the deepest rest apart from sleep you will experience.

"Remember, our greatest challenges are often our greatest teachers and lead to learning, growing and overcoming difficulties".

From this renewed state of wellbeing you can address your children’s needs in a state of calm presence. It’s not all about being available every minute, it’s more about being fully present when your child really needs you.

It doesn’t have to be a big deal yet almost no-one has 15-20 minutes a day time-out to de-stress, relax the mind and release tensions from the body. So, it’s a big leap to put yourself first and use those precious minutes to fine tune your mind, and take a pause from the incessant jumble of messages the mind is constantly engaged in to rejuvenate daily! When you get over feeling selfish for taking time for yourself, you slowly begin to recognise how essential taking a few minutes every day for self-care is. The benefits are limitless; calmer, clearer, energised, and showing up for the kids when they really need you to connect. You are able to come from a place of presence and attention, you sleep better, listen to others more openheartedly instead of being trapped by the incessant inner voice giving often negative commands and comment.

One of the best scientific determiners of how your child will turn out in terms of happiness, academic achievement, social and leadership skills, and meaningful relationships is whether at least one parent (or caregiver) is consistently present and available in their young life. Having that stability leads to all sorts of great life outcomes and doesn’t take a lot of money, time or energy but instead it means offering quality presence when you do share time together. A child’s emotional and psychological development and learning are all built on the knowledge there is one consistent, safe haven to return to again and again as they move out into the world exploring learning through play and challenges. PAGE 31 MUMPRENEUR MOVEMENT



When you recognise this and make space for meaningful time with your children, your connection deepens, the child grows emotionally which in turn encourages the child to take challenges, to connect with others and learn the skills to cope in the everchanging world. Every child needs to feel safe (you are there), seen (making eye-contact and not being constantly distracted with devices), soothed (empathy for life’s struggles and teaching the child PAUSE breathing strategies), and secure. When these needs are consistently met the child’s neurological development will proceed in a normal, natural way and build ongoing resilience that is hard-wired for life. Assisting your child to grow into an emotionally intelligent person requires you to be present with them, and guiding them to express their inner world of thoughts and feelings. This takes awareness on your part to always include the invitation to share feelings, expand their vocabulary for emotions and feelings, and finding ways to help them normalise the ebb and flow of human emotions. For example, use the ‘inner weather check’ periodically throughout the day train your child to acknowledge how they feel. A lack of emotional awareness and regulation can lead to difficultiesdisconnection, low-self-esteem, acting out (reactivity) self-absorption, underachieving, and aimlessness. This is easily reversed when you, the parent, model emotional control and manage your life in a calm, clear way.

As mentioned previously, one way to being present for yourself and your children is to take up mindfulness as a daily self-care, self-regulation practice. It may be a bit bumpy in the beginning, but evidence-based research shows us that once adopted (usually 8 weeks of daily practice for 15-20 mins.) practicing for inner calm and self-awareness becomes as essential as cleaning your teeth. Clearing your mind of anxious over thinking leads to an inner calm, that once experienced it’s hard not to want to establish it as a daily rejuvenation practice to cope with the incessant demands of family and working life.

Rita Riccola xo

Mindfulness Australia PAGE 32 MUMPRENEUR MOVEMENT


Priortising You

10 TIPS FOR STAYING ON TOP OF YOUR GAME AS A MUMPRENEUR By: Linda Back As a Mumpreneur, I get it, things don't always go to plan when you are trying to juggle a business, kids and a home.

We all want to get the most out of our business and be the best for our family So here are a few of my best tips for keeping yourself vital and energetic: 1.) Start your day with protein. If breakfast from the box is your go to, this can play havoc with both your energy and concentration. Try swaping for eggs or a smoothie packed with a good-quality protein powder. 2.) Look after your gut health. Not only does our gut health influence how we absorb and use the food we eat, it also plays a role in our moods and how well we are able to avoid infections such as colds & flus. Eating plenty of fresh greens and taking a refrigerated probiotic daily can help keep your gut happy. 3.) Pack a lunch...even if you are working from home! This will mean that you have something healthy to grab on-the-go and you will be less likely to reach for something that will sap your energy. 4.) Rest & recharge. Turn off your electronic devices in the late afternoon/early evening rather than checking Facebook before or when you’re in bed, as these are too stimulating to the brain and can interfere with sleep patterns. Wind down with a good book and a cup of calming chamomile tea instead. PAGE 33 MUMPRENEUR MOVEMENT


Priortising You

5.) Prioritise time out...and DON’T use it to work on your business or catch up on the washing! The trick with this is to make time-it won’t come

to you unless you carve it out! Block out time in your diary to take a walk, meet a friend, go to a yoga class or even have some quiet time for meditation. Although the tasks you need to get done will still be there, you will be able to approach them with renewed energy. 6.) Eat foods for brain power. We need our mental focus to be in tip-top

shape as Mumpreneurs! Raw nuts and seeds make excellent snacks on-the-go that will help to boost brain power, and fish contains protein, essential minerals and healthy fats that can help ward off the dreaded ‘brain fog’. 7.) Make friends with ‘adaptogens’. These are herbs that can be used as

gentle energy builders, and help your resilience to stress. I love Withania, Siberian Ginseng and Astragalus, which help me to keep pace with the demands of running my business. 8.) Go easy on the caffeine. If you find you need coffee to just get through

the day, it means that your vital energy is depleted and you are probably burnt out or heading that way. Try switching to green tea, as this contains compounds that help to keep you alert and relaxed. 9.) Resist colds & flus. Who has time for illness when you are a busy mum

and a business owner? Keep your intake of fresh fruit and veg high, to maximise immune-boosting vitamins and antioxidants. try avoiding things that weaken your immune defenses (such as too much alcohol, junk foods and sugar). 10.) Movement for blood flow. Treating exercise like an investment in your

health has positive benefits for both your business and your home life. Not only will you get that much-needed ‘time out’, your moods will lift, you will feel more alert and you will have more stamina to deal with whatever life throws at you. Linda Back

Linda Back Naturopath Zest Natural Therapies PAGE 34 MUMPRENEUR MOVEMENT

WHY YOGA IS THE SECRET INGREDIENT OLYA CHASCHIN Olya Antonio has been practising yoga for 20 years. Her classes are non-judgemental where you feel leaving calm, centred, and so connected with yourself & body. Her knowledge as a holistic physiotherapist adds another dimension to her classes. In chatting with Olya I was able to find out more about Yoga and what it means to her:

Olya, what is Yoga for you? I say I found yoga when I was 15 years old, but in truth yoga found me. I feel very blessed that yoga became my life guide and has stayed with me all these years. At times it was like a sporadic friendship and other times it was almost obsessive. Sometimes we wouldn’t speak for months, even years, but we always pick up where we left off like we were never apart. Like an old friend I now come home to my yoga mat not to push my limits like I have in the past, not to brush my ego by making the asanas look so pretty and Instagramworthy, although I’ve been there too. Yoga has been there to guide, support, and challenge me through many seasons of my life. It has been the epitome of strength and flexibility with handstands, arm balances and back bends. It has been complete surrender in child’s pose with sobbing, releasing and breathing through the challenges of motherhood. My practice has adapted with me, not always how I wanted it to but always being what I needed in order to be more present, grounded, and true to myself. Ironically, My practice now is the slowest it’s ever been, as this is what my body calls for after chasing 3 busy little people all day while running my part time Physio practice. The beauty is, I know it will keep evolving with me, wherever life takes me.


What are some or the preconceptions that stops people from trying yoga? The one I hear most frequently is “but I’m not flexible enough!” I smile, and reply with “That’s kind of like saying I’m too dirty to take a bath!!” Many people treat yoga as a competitive sport, but it was never intended to be performed to a certain visual standard. I can’t say it enough, being strong and flexible doesn’t automatically make you a “good” yogi. Yoga is not a destination you arrive at, tick the box or get a place, ribbon, belt or medal for. It’s a process for bringing the mind and body to a state of oneness, which looks different for everyone. We all want to know we’re doing it “right”, but if you surrender any expectations and judgement of yourself, you are much more likely to start on the right track and enjoy the process more. We all need a place to start and growing your body awareness through practising yoga postures, that utilise every muscle and mobilise every joint will deliver more than what you expect from any workout. Not only does your whole physical anatomy come to the party, but the magic lies in stimulating the energy centers and channels; better known as the chakras, nadis and marma points. When in harmony they make your body, mind and soul sing, and there’s nothing better than watching your whole class leave their practice in a state of harmonious mind body bliss! As with any vigorous exercise, check with your health care practitioner if planning to

undertake any of the stronger styles of yoga, or if you have a health condition or pregnant.

Where do I start? The best place to start is with a qualified teacher you feel at ease with, as this will bypass much confusion and making your practice more enjoyable and motivating. Essentially, there is no wrong path to yoga providing you firstly do no harm and listen to your body! Books, online memberships and apps are very useful for intermediate students, along with YouTube.

Can Yoga help me with stress & anxiety and how? Yoga is a wonderful tool for working through stress and anxiety, with some forms more beneficial than others. IRest, a form of restorative yoga known as Yoga Nidra, is currently used by the US army hospitals to treat PTSD and is endorsed as an alternative complimentary medicine. The key to finding your perfect practice is to truly get to know yourself and what you need, and with trial and error you soon learn what works for your body and mind. Some people love the physical challenge of a sweaty hot hour of Bikram or power yoga, others prefer a Vinyasa flow at various speeds, while others cherish the surrender and quiet of a Restorative or Yin class that soothes the nervous system. There is a style to suit every need, just listen quietly and let your mind, body, and soul guide you! All postures have multiple benefits and there is a lot of crossover, but here are my PAGE 36 MUMPRENEUR MOVEMENT

favourite poses I like to use therapeutically: Sun salutations - are a great place to start to mobilise the body in the mornings and burn off excess nervous energy in times of stress. Balance postures - like the tree pose help to ground and focus. Downward facing dog - is wonderful for realignment and re-distribution of energy. Child’s pose - is beautiful for recharging when physically drained, surrendering and releasing. Back bends - are amazing for igniting inspiration and firing up your will power. Pranayama - the emphasis and control of the breath is incredibly important to the practice of yoga, and without it the postures are merely empty shells. It is vital that breath work is correctly taught and practiced for optimal benefit.

Do you recommend yoga daily? Yes, for optimum results little and often is best! Take your yoga regularly, not seriously!!! 5 minutes every morning is a great way to start the day.

What are some of the things I should be aware of before starting? Hot yoga is not recommended if your blood pressure is too high or low, and is not advised in the first trimester of pregnancy Anyone with a history of vertigo is advised to go carefully with any head down postures as this can sometimes exacerbate dizziness,

however in the long run can be very beneficial in resolving that very condition. Pregnancy is a beautiful time to practice yoga, but extra care is needed and mamas are highly advised to attend specialized pregnancy classes because some postures can put too much stress on the pelvic ligaments and are not suitable for a body undergoing amazing metamorphosis

Can my children join in? Kids love to copy their parents, so yes, absolutely! There are plenty of specifically tailored classes for children online that focus on exploring what your body can do in fun ways, mimicking animal postures, and just having a great time rolling around on the floor. You can also play with fun partner balance exercises that are bound to ignite a few giggles and are a wonderful way to encourage parent-child bonding and connection.

How long should I practice for? 5 minutes in the mornings is often all busy parents can manage, and that’s perfectly ok! 20-30 minutes is great, and if I get an hour it’s a total luxury. There is no right or wrong answer here, if it feels good, do it, and always listen to your body. A regular class will help you to stay motivated, and most people find a combination of home practice and teacher guided classes works best. Olya Antonio

Holistic Physiotherapy and Yoga /holisticphysioyoga/



For Mum

Time Out without the Guilt By: Liesel Albrecht the retreat specialist If you have read any my articles before, you know my mantra Retreat Change Lives –they just do! Although, as a mum who works from home I suffer from guilt when I go away to run a Retreat, why is that? Why do women, more so than men (sorry guys) feel guilty when we step away from the home, and why can't we take the time that we need to do the things that fill us up. I ran a workshop a little while ago called Dress the Goddess within–a place for women to learn about their bodies, colour and selfimage. One evaluation resonated with me, it said Í spent the whole day thinking this would be good for my daughter and other women in my life, you need to remind us that we are here for ourselves’.

I know that sometimes it’s easy to get wrapped up in everyday life -–work, family, kids, friends, socialising, sports, and everyday tasks; that we simply forget about ourselves and our own needs. One thing that has really hit home for me is how women are tired and how much pressure there is for them to be everything on them. There is only so long this can be kept up, a friend of mine who attended one of my events shared ‘I used to think the pressures I put myself under were selfimposed until I fell in a heap and then sadly I realised no it's not completely that way others do have massive expectations of us women when I fell down sadly I copped a lot of judgement and nastiness from people around me just glad I have a few great compassionate people in my life that do understand’.

This is exactly why I am such a passionate advocate for women to take time to reconnect and take a breath from commitments and responsibilities that surround them.



For Mum

I know that taking time for yourself can

One retreat facilitator that I know says

sometimes seem like a selfish act, but it is

she feels no guilt taking two weeks every six

actually really important to make time for

months just for her, she goes to Bali and

your mind and body, and to relax.

spends time rejuvenating on a personal retreat, knowing that her family benefit from

I understand not everyone can go on

this as she is more focused and connected

a retreat, but taking time out doesn’t have

when she returns to them.

to take a long time, or a huge part of your day. It can simply be finding that one thing

It gives us time to:

that you love – taking a walk, a nice bath, time in the garden, going for a massage, or even just taking the time to sit on the couch and watch a movie.

Decompress - to release our stress and worries. Recharge our batteries.

Doing something you love will naturally make you feel happier and more relaxed, giving you a more positive outlook and

Improve relationships. Increase productivity.

enable you to thrive in your homes,

Increase clarity and vision.

communities and working lives.

Increase your happiness.

If you are finding that you are able to fit in a little ‘me time’ in your daily life, but are still feeling a little run down or overwhelmed, then maybe it’s time to think about getting away from it all. It is ok to want to plan time away from family and work by going on a retreat.

If you’re getting that feeling that it is all getting too much and overwhelming, perhaps it is time to consider whether you need a break. Perfect time for a retreat, a weekend away with friends, or even a day

out doing things just for you. Liesel Albrecht




Women's Work

How having kids can change your sex life for the better and help your business to boom! Let me get right down to business.

I'm so glad you're here because there is so much I want to tell you so let's start at the beginning. Before I had my first child I was an EPIC 'do-er'. I thrived on the rush of getting things done, ticking boxes and kicking goals. It was my happy place, where I felt worthwhile, competent, powerful.

Now don't get me wrong, I still love the feeling of making things happen, but back

Here is what I discovered:

then something was missing and I couldn't quite

"There are 2 forces that make up this universe. Yin and Yang. Masculine and Feminine"

put my finger on it. When I wasn't riding on the rush of achievement, I felt empty, disconnected from myself. I had trouble slowing down and really enjoying life, and I felt like I was constantly in my head. It was also a time when I was frustrated by my relationship with my soon-to-be husband, particularly in the bedroom. Some part of me ached to not be the strong or in charge one, I wanted to receive and let go but I had no idea where to begin. I found myself on a journey that, over time,

We each have both aspects within us, and how safe we feel in these parts of ourselves is determined by our upbringing, core nature and social conditioning. The masculine energy is like the river-bed. it's the container that holds all of life. It's the witness, the objective and the structure. The feminine energy is the life force, the river, the flow, the abundance, the immersive, and ever-changing experience

skyrocketed my sexual experience into a whole new realm. I also discovered and awakened an incredible force within me that has allowed me to harness the law of attraction, supercharge my intuition, create a thriving and aligned life and business. PAGE 45 MUMPRENEUR MOVEMENT


Women's Work

NWe live in a society where the 'masculine' qualities - goal orientation, 'doing', giving, logical thinking, strategy, and focus are infinitely more rewarded and celebrated than the 'feminine' qualities of process orientation, being, receiving, intuitive sensing, connection, and surrender. What happens when women enter the workforce or business space?

We tend to harness our masculine energy, which there is nothing wrong with. Let me make this clear. I LOVE my masculine energy, it's wonderful, powerful and freaking unstoppable. However, if we neglect to nurture our feminine energy we rob ourselves of so much bliss, pleasure, and personal power. What does this have to do with having kids and supercharging your business?

01 They create a brilliant business model, set up great structures, develop a great marketing strategy that (in theory) should bring them all the abundance they crave. Yet for some reason, so many of these women feel like they are constantly behind the eight ball. They are unfulfilled. Their business may be successful to an extent, but they don't feel like they are THRIVING.

I'll get to that in a minute, I want to share something super important with you first. Are you ready? Let me tell you what happens when women become 'masculine-energy dominant'.

Now, what does this have to do with becoming a mother? Yep, you guessed it.

The invitation into the deep feminineresource energy that presents name here itself when we become mothers shows up differently for every they end up fatigued. Cut off woman. For some, it comes during pregnancy and for others it fromthis deep flow of life and isn't for many years later. feminine power, they feel dried up, emptied out andexhausted, When I fell pregnant with my son, Iand began to connect with they don't know why. So my full feminine essence for the first time in my life. Prior to this, I they hustle even more and end was intensely masculine which meant I was Incredibly careerupresentful and frustrated.

driven, ambitious, focused and direct. I was the dominant, penetrative energy in almost all of my relationships, and I had MAJOR issues with trust and vulnerability. Pregnancy and birth were a gateway for me to feel this feminine energy. It helped me connect for the first time with deep sensuality, embodiment and powerful intuition. For some, it is more subtle but motherhood changes us. Science knows this and so do we at a deep intuitive level. I'm sure you've seen that friend who has a baby and afterwards she looks and FEELS different. It's not just that's she's tired or maybe wearing tiger stripes.

02 They end up fatigued. Cut off from this deep flow of life and feminine power, they feel dried up, emptied out and exhausted, and they don't know why. So they hustle even more and end up resentful and frustrated.

03 If they have a partner who is also dominant in their masculine energy, the sexual chemistry bombs out. What most people don't know is that the sexual 'spark' is actually a reaction between the masculine and feminine polarities. So, when a woman becomes masculine dominant and doesn't know how to switch out of that when she needs to, her sex life ends up feeling less-thanfulfilling. PAGE 46 MUMPRENEUR MOVEMENT


There is a glow and she becomes somehow deeper. A part of us is carved out when we give birth to a child, and we can never return to who we were before. Motherhood begins to teach us how to nurture and attune ourselves, how to read and respond to a tiny human who can't yet speak for themselves. Motherhood teaches us to surrender, to be present, and if we are courageous enough, to ask for help when we need it. For some, the postpartum space is a deeply painful filled ball of anxiety and self-doubt. I want to take a moment to acknowledge those of you who have survived this immensely challenging space. For others, perhaps this phase ended all too soon, and you might not yet have experienced some of the things I'm describing.

Women's Work

I want to let you know though, that it's not too late. You can still choose to begin to access your feminine energy. Not only will your sex life and your business benefit - but your relationship with your kids will too. When I began cultivating my feminine energy with intention and power, several things happened. 1. I was able to do less and

achieve more. By connecting deeply with myself and following

I traded in a false sense of independence for connection and community, and my experience of life became far deeper and more meaningful.

my intuition I was able to replace The trials of motherhood may draw us away from ourselves for a tasks'. I let go of overwhelm. time, but remember we CREATE OUR REALITY. If our bodies can I tuned into my inner guidance. create a new life,we can most Then, over time, this connection certainly create a life of our with myself became my compass. choosing by coming into a deep connection with our feminine Work became blissful, because power. Not only do we gain now it feels balanced and access to more bliss and flow, but aligned. we can co-create with the forces of life and access the true 2. I finally ARRIVED. All my life I’d abundance of the Universe. been chasing a destination. 'busywork' with what I call 'power

Telling myself the story of 'i'll be happy when...'. Now, I realised, that I already had everything I needed. That HERE, and NOW were the only places I would ever find true fulfilment. 3. I began to prioritise my

relationships. I learned how to LOVE in a whole new way, and this also rippled through my

May this journey be filled with the greatest joy, your life and your breath be filled with Love. From my heart to yours. Rebecca xo

If you want to learn more about Rebecca's work, or discover the magic of Awakening the Feminine Within click below

business life.

Rebecca Wheeler Awakening PAGE 47 MUMPRENEUR MOVEMENT


Baby Wellness

Good Knight Sleep tight Time to rest easy!


olly Knight, the Mum behind Good Knight Sleep. Helping parents grow their confidence by empowering them with awesome sleep skills and being their number one cheerleader. I think I was destined to become a Sleep Consultant. My Mum has always told me about how much I loved sleep, she even ‘lost’ me a couple of times when I was younger as I had fallen asleep under the house and in the sandpit. I also fell asleep at the altar when they were married. There are jokes about our husbands sitting on the couch and falling asleep within 5 minutes, but I am that person in my marriage!

Before having my own two beautiful boys, I had no idea what being a parent would really be like and thought I was super prepared to welcome our babies into the world. My first came after becoming unwell with preeclampsia at 38 weeks via emergency caesarian so we were quite exhausted from the beginning. I thought I knew what to expect as I grew up in a large blended family with many nieces and nephews.

It was such a dramatic change to have my own precious, cute but demanding little babies and I struggled at times to cope with such a huge adjustment to our lives. As a wife and new Mum we expect so much of ourselves and we need to know when to ask for help. Sleep deprivation can affect so many aspects of our day to day lives and this is where I found my passion to become a Sleep Consultant.

With the support of my family and wonderful husband, I got back on track so that I could enjoy our precious little Levi. Two years on and another unwell pregnancy later, via VBAC at 38 weeks we welcomed our little Seth into the world. Yes, I said VBAC because I am extremely proud of that achievement!



Baby Wellness

If you feel tired, chances are your little one does as well. I aim to provide realistic, nurture based sleep training focusing on your little one’s needs just as much as your own. If you feel tired, chances are your little one does as well. I provide a range of personalised consultation options for little ones aged 6 weeks to 5 years. My most popular package is an In Home Consultation which I love because I often get cuddles! I also love my chosen field of expertise because I can provide online services and that gives me the potential to help families across the world. I’m often asked how I manage to work, be a Mum, wife and run my own business; it is the amazing support system that is my family. I attended an information session when this Magazine was being launched and I was so empowered by their speech that I gained the confidence to put myself out there. I have met some amazing women and mums in business, and encourage you to get out of your comfort zone a little and interact with some of these incredibly positive women. There are many possibilities for your business that are just a conversation away.Don’t waste another day feeling uncertain and sleep deprived, together we can provide your little one with the very precious gift of a Good Knight’s Sleep.

Contact Holly to start working towards a Good Knight Sleep





Find Your Tribe

We live in a technological society where we connect with anyone instantly from anywhere in the world. Despite this instant connectivity people are feeling more alone & more isolated then ever. It is important to find your tribe whether is person or online, for a tribe can help you to thrive in life, family & business.

have always craved community but have never felt that I fit in. Even when I started my own business in the holistic, energetical and well-being sector, no one around me understood and I felt a disconnect. For many years I felt isolated, until I realised that I needed to find my people, my tribe.


First, I had to lean into the loneliness and the discomfort of my hurtful past, and come to understand that I needed to let go of my old way of thinking, and work on my mindset in order to attract the type of friendships my soul was yearning for. To get to a place of comfort and openness to be part of the tribe I am today, I worked through 8 key steps:

1. Get to know thyself Before you look outside of yourself for connection you first need to connect with and learn to love yourself. Get to know more about who you are, think about what is missing, what you flourish in, and what helps you love the person that makes up you. 2. What is blocking you from finding your tribe? This step is about getting curious and compassionate with yourself, seeing what past experiences or beliefs might be stopping you from creating the life & relationships you want.

In my past I had a cherished friendship that slowly fell apart, it was challenging for me as I felt lost without her love and support. I felt unworthy, and distanced myself from others until I was able to forgive myself and the other person before I was able to move forward. PAGE 56 MUMPRENEUR MOVEMENT


Find Your Tribe

This process isn’t easy or comfortable, but it will help you be brave enough to accept and work through your actions and feelings

Try something new by introducing yourself,

whether they are good or bad. I was able to move forward by doing a lot of self-help courses, talking to mentors and getting

event you’re undecided about, and be the one

myself coaches to help me transform my life.

5. Get intentional with who you are calling

I found that personal development helped me get to a place where I felt I am enough just as I am. 3. Get rid of Judgement, competition and comparing

engage with like minded people both online and in person, get out of the house, go to that to start a conversation.


Ask yourself what type of community you want to be in, and who you want to spend time with? Are they Spiritual? Mothers? What are their likes and dislikes? Set the intention and then surrender to it but don’t try to force it.

When you love yourself, you will find that you don’t judge or compare yourself to others

6. Find an online group

because you feel like you’re enough.

There are thousands of groups online, plenty

Journaling, expressing and seeking the

to suit everyone’s needs. I have created the

support of others is great way to become self-

Mumpreneur Movement Group for women who

aware and to navigate a negative mindset.

do life, motherhood and business differently.

By judging others, you are potentially stopping It’s a safe space to explore conversation, talk about to issues we face each day and to be what could be meaningful friendships, but supported to be the best version of yourself. looking beyond the surface and into the heart of a person will unlock healthy relationships and a respect of yourself. 4. Step out of your comfort zone

Being outside of your comfort zone gives you the chance to grow and experience unique opportunities.

7. Create your own community Do you have something to say or share? Do you want to create your own safe space to engage with like-minded people?

Create an online or in person group where you can support your clients as well as growing a community.



7. Create your own community Do you have something to say or share? Do you want to create your own safe space to engage with like-minded people? Create an online or in person group where you can support your clients as well as growing a community. 8. Your vibe attracts your tribe What you put out into the world is how people will see you and is what they engage with. Make sure you are authentic rather than trying to be something or someone you are not. Being yourself will help you find your tribe while maintaining a healthy respect for yourself. You don't need to change who you are in order to fit in because real friendships start from natural chemistry. Value the connections with friends that developed easily and where you safe to be yourself. Being the real you will help you discover friendships that feel comfortable and natural, where there is a balance of giving and receiving, grow easily together because they are aligned and meant to be.

Find Your Tribe

Trust yourself and be brave enough to continue being open and vulnerable enough to let people in & see the real you! Life, motherhood & business wasn’t meant to be done alone.

Tammie Pike xo Tammie's first book that she was a co-author of, Change Makers, 20 transformational making an impact in the lives of others ~ is released 6th December. She shares her rise out of low self-worth & dis-empowerement to now working with women all over the world to help them believe in themselves, break through the fear & what know what they are capable of. To sign up for more information go here:



Model Claudia French wears A'lia




Dress to express

The only thing higher for a young girl or more sacred for a woman than her freedom is to make her life poetry, surrendering everything she has to create a life as beautiful as the dreams In her heart.


Left to right: Model Claudia French, Katarina Matuszczak & Katey Crowther all wear A'lia Children wear Three Little Monkeys

A’lia Collective is a bespoke boutique that seeks to curate a range of unique bohemian clothing, Jewellery and handicrafts from All over the world. They bring the eclectic patterns and colours of the world to the pretty city of Toowoomba , Australia Much more than a boutique , they offer a rich eclectic experience that leaves each customer feeling inspired , cared for and loved. They pride themselves on their attention to detail, and the unique level of customer care they offer. From humble beginnings, our Founder Moyalia (a Toowoomba local) wanted to bring something special to her community in the way of a gorgeous , ethnic ,bohemian gypsy inspired boutique.

3 Little Monkey's speciality is quality yet affordable special occasion, formal wear clothing and accessories for babies and children, newborn to tweens, boys and girls. They offer a range of hand selected clothing and accessories that you don't get in the big department stores or other large children's clothing stores. They are committed to offering good oldfashioned customer service by listening to their customers' needs and updating their product range to meet those needs. 3 Little Monkeys provided the clothing for the little girls and the dresses are designs from Designer Kidz, Melbourne and R Divine, handmade designs from Brisbane

“It is every woman’s Divine birthright to feel beautiful “

3 Little Monkeys A'lia Collective


Left to right: Model Katarina Matuszczak, Katey Crowther & Claudia French all wear A'lia

"My vision is to awaken the adventurous spirit that resides within all of us because we believe that everyone has a right to experience freedom and feel joy. We embrace all walks of life, as we believe it is everyone’s right to feel beautiful no matter their age, shape or race."

@aliacollective | PAGE 65 MUMPRENEUR MOVEMENT




what's in her bag?



What's in your handbag?

KYLIE-LEE BRADFORD Founder Kakadu Tiny Tots & Kakadu Organics Iphone Kakadu Kunred Tea Kakadu Organics Hydrating Native Toning Mist Merrika Skin Sanity & Soothe Balm Kakadu Organics Repair Hydrating Serum Sunglasses Maybelline Superstay Matte Ink

REBECCA DUNSTALL Love Them Wild Photography Italian leather handmade bag that my Mum got in Italy. I’m obsessed with it. Manna art stainless water bottle to keep hydrated Country Road leather pouch, I love how it ages. iPhone for keeping in touch on the run Hair coil for the perfect Mum Bun SunBum lip balm because I can’t go anywhere without a good lip balm Sony Camera for all the photos Wet ones because kid’s Notebook/calendar & pen

TAMMIE PIKE CEO Mumpreneur Movement Earth Radiance Note book & Pen - I can't go anywhere without one! My Toyota Landcruiser Prado Keys ~ I love my Prado, such a great family car. Earth Radiance , these are part of my affirmational product range that I love to use. Earth Radiance I am nourishing lip balm Earth Radiance I am healing balm Rose Quartz, Amethyst & Citrine Crystals Zuii Masacra - Organic & it works great PAGE 71 MUMPRENEUR MOVEMENT


Find Your Tribe


Orange and Poppy Seed Cake BY KAT LYNN

Decadent Deserts that Delight Kat Lynn from Foodie Shots shares two desserts that are easy to make yet are delightfully delicious. We here at the Mumpreneur Movement believe in delighting the senses without the overwhelm of being a masterchef!



Find Your Tribe

Ingredients 1 1/2 cups (185g) self raising flour 1/3 cup (60g) ground almonds 1/4 cup (40g) poppy seeds 185g unsalted butter 2/3 cup (160g) caster sugar 1/4 cup (80g) apricot jam or marmalade 2 - 3 teaspoons finely grated orange rind 1/3 cup (80g) orange juice 3 eggs lightly beaten Orange rind optional to decorate

Cream Cheese Icing 100g unsalted butter softened 100g cream cheese softened 1 cup icing sugar sifted 1 teaspoon lemon juice

I love the buttery and tangy taste of this cake. It is quite dense and the pops of the poppyseed are a nice surprise.

Directions 1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees celsius. Lightly grease and line 20cm cake tin with baking paper. 2. Sift flour into a bowl and add the almonds and poppy seeds. Make a well in the centre. 3. Place the butter, sugar, jam, orange rind and juice in a pan. Stir over low heat until the butter has melted and the mixture is smooth. 4. Gradually add the butter mixture to the dry ingredients, and whisk until combined. 5. Pour into the tin and bake for 50-60 minutes or until a skewer comes out clean. Leave in the tin for 15 minutes on a cooling rack before turning out to cool completely. Icing 1. Beat the butter and cream cheese until smooth . 2. Add the icing sugar and lemon juice gradually and beat until thick and creamy. 3. Spread the icing over the cooled cake and sprinkle with extra orange rind if desired. PAGE 73 MUMPRENEUR MOVEMENT


Blueberry & Lemon Curd Puff Pastries BY KAT LYNN



Find Your Tribe

I often use Donny Hay's Lemon Curd Recipe when I have a lot of eggs and lemons in my garden. This is a delicious way to whip up a last minute dessert or afternoon tea when unexpected guests arrive as you can store this lemon curd in an airtight container or sterilised jar in the refrigerator for up to one week.


DIRECTIONS Place the eggs, egg yolks, sugar, lemon rind and lemon juice in a bowl and whisk to combine. Pour the mixture into a large saucepan over medium heat and cook, stirring for 2 minutes or until the sugar has dissolved. Reduce the heat to low and gradually add the butter, 3 pieces at a time, stirring continuously until melted. Continue to cook, stirring continuously, for 4–6 minutes or until the mixture is thickened and coats the back of a spoon. Strain immediately into a medium bowl, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 1 hour or until cold. Makes 1½ cups. Using Puff Pastry, cut the shape you desire and cook as per the instructions until golden brown. Once it is ready I place the sheets on the cooling racks and gentle press out some of the air. Allow the pastry to cool Generously spread the cooled lemon curd onto the pastry sheets and sprinkle with berries. Lastly finely chop up the mint and mix with 1 table spoon of white sugar and sprinkle on top of your Lemon Curd and Berry tart for a little added sweetness. REFERENCES: WWW.DONNAHAY.COM.AU/RECIPES/LEMON-CURD




Creative Canines Australia

I honestly couldn’t believe that our little town of Pittsworth Queensland has one of the most well respected and highly trained Pet Groomers in Australia. I booked Frank in immediately, and soon learnt that Taryn and her husband Derek were as skilled as what their wall of accomplishments said they were and that people travel from all over Australia to have their dogs groomed by them. When it was time for Frank's pamper session, I was able to stay and ask Taryn questions about what she does and why she does it. Taryn is also a Mumpreneur, having two

dirty daschund comes clean

children, one 8 and the other just 12


Taryn is down to earth and ready to share

You might be wondering what the heck this article is about, a Daschund in a Mumpreneur Magazine? Well, you see the cute & dirty daschund in question is my baby, Frank.

months. Taryn isn’t only running a thriving business she is also juggling motherhood and life as well.

her love and passion of animals as well as her undying support for the industry that she is in. Taryn has been working with animals for nearly 20 years; first working with a mobile animal farm, then training her own dogs. Her love of animals, set her

Frankie has been such a life saver for me especially in times of stress, and in the chaos that can be my life, Frankie just hangs out with me, asks for pats and play time so I take a much-needed break and come back refreshed.

up in the direction of her career - pet

So, when my beautiful boy behaves like most dogs and rolls in something, gets a bit hairy or his toenails get long, I looked for somewhere to take him to be pampered and beautified.

training as well as gaining experience on

grooming. The grooming industry is largely unregulated and although people think it’s a simple job, it requires years of technical handling different breeds and what their needs are.



After travelling all over Australia, Taryn decided to start her own business in Sydney 20 years ago catering to the needs of dog owners including walking, dog sitting, grooming, training and taking care of their daily requirements. Wanting to escape the city life, Taryn moved to QLD and trained to be a vet nurse which she loved.

Creative Canines Australia

After having her first child, she saw an opportunity in Toowoomba to create a business that would work around her, and 6 years on she is experiencing great success with 3 flourishing salons + a mobile groomer, with the help of her husband. Last year Taryn’s world changed when she unexpectedly found out she was pregnant with her daughter, Jazmine. The busyness of family, a new baby and running a business saw Taryn chose to close her salons and move to Pittsworth where she could have a better work/life balance and open a business where she could provide her highly sort after grooming. Being able to have time to focus on one business and her family Taryn is passionate about providing her clients high end grooming as well as specialist services if required. She also travels around the world learning the latest techniques, competing as well as training other groomers to high standards. Booking regular grooming appointments for your dog doesn’t just keep them pretty or smelling nice, it also keeps them healthy and happy. I am so very thankful for this as Taryn was able to detect a minor health issue with Frank that i was able to get on top of straight away. It really is worth investing in your animals well being. You can find Taryn and her husband Derek at Creative Canines Australia on Yandilla Street Pittsworth. PAGE 77 MUMPRENEUR MOVEMENT

B u s i n e s s


S e r v i c e s

Emma Bowdler - The Women's Accountant After acquiring and successfully growing several businesses in diverse industries in the last 13 years, Emma has found her true passion in assisting women in business, reaffirming their belief in themselves that they can have a productive and rewarding work-life balance.

Business Lawyer

Enterprise Legal - Peta Gray Offering a range of commercial legal services to Toowoomba and the surrounding regions – We don’t just say that we are different to other lawyers; we actually are. We want to be on your Christmas card list, so if you invite us to be part of your business, we promise you that our fixed fee, capped and retainer services ensure that you can relax and know that you are not being charged every time that you want to ask a question.


Do you run a business? Would you like to claim back your weekends? At Accountability BAS and Bookkeeping Services (ABBS) – Toowoomba, Deb specialises in small business bookkeeping, freeing her clients up to do what they are passionate about, no matter where they are located. Her high-quality bookkeeping will bring a level of organisation to your business that can be difficult to achieve when trying to do it all yourself. Contact Deb today and claim back your weekends!


Bookkeeping and BAS Agent Services – ABBS Toowoomba Accountability BAS and Bookkeeping Services





Serial entrepreneur, mother of two and a cat, late night creative and hair dye addict. Alex Stalling is about connecting you with your creative side.


Alex Stalling



B u s i n e s s

Shayna Fernando - Artist, Creator & Magic Maker


At Canvas Coworking Inc we are passionate about building the startup ecosystem in the region... connecting entrepreneurs, designers, developers, hackers, makers, hipsters, creatives, mentors and investors! We are a not-for-profit incorporated association, our goal is to support those who want to turn their ideas into reality!


Canvas CoWorking


Business Support & Development


Do you have an idea that you can’t quite actualise – an image in your head that you want to share with the world? Whether you need a logo or a complete branding package, I’m your girl. I can work with you to create a brand that reflects the heart and soul of your business.


Graphic Design Artist

S e r v i c e s

Oh Tilly Brand Photographer - Tilly Mykat When it comes to business branding photography for women, Tilly is the industry leader. With over 15 years in the industry, Tilly began to specialise is women's business in 2016 after realising that there was a serious lack of expertise in this area. Tilly's passion is seeing women in business have the tools and support to succeed in achieving their goals and true freedom. With a solution at every price point, Oh Tilly is your go-to for luxury business photography.



Rebecca from Love Them Wild Photography captures visual snippets from your own autobiography, preserving a moment in time on this journey we call life.


Love Them Wild Photography - Rebecca Dunstall



B u s i n e s s

Picket Fence Properties


Picket Fence Properties is Toowoomba’s newest and most innovative Real Estate Agency, offering affordable real estate services for buyers and sellers. Selling - Picket Fence Properties offers affordable options for those looking to sell, with commission rates from just 2% and great value-for-money marketing options. Buying - Offering Toowoomba’s only dedicated Buyer’s Agent service, PFP offers services to suit all buyers and budgets, from just $220.


Real Estate

S e r v i c e s

S e r v i c e s


P r o d u c t s

Bellies & Bubs - Yoga & Massage Toowoomba and the Darling Downs specialist Pre and Postnatal Massage and Yoga Studio. With over 18 years clinical experence as a Remedial Massage Therapist, Reflexologist, Yoga Teacher and Doula. Specialising in body balancing and aligning treatments and yoga classes for pregnancy, birth and new mums; as well as pampering and rejuvenating treatments for Womens’ Wellness.


Mind, Body Wellbeing


Tyneale is a Professional Makeup Artist with a decade of experience in both traditional and airbrush applications, she is renowned for her classic and natural style and caring professional nature.


Tyneale Hahn Makeup Artist



P e r s o n a l

C h i l d r e n

S e r v i c e s


P r o d u c t s

Music Classes

Maggie Moo Music Toowoomba


Good Knight Sleep provides families with empowerment and individual support in establishing healthy sleep habits for their infants and toddlers aged 6 weeks to 5 years old. Holly helps to educate parents to ensure they have the skills and knowledge to meet the sleep needs of their little ones. Contact Holly today to start working towards a Good Knight Sleep.


Your Local Sleep Consultant - Holly Knight


Sleep Consultant


Maggie Moo Music is a fun and interactive regular music, movement, Multi-sensory and literacy session for 0 to 5 year old where the children sing, dance, explore and play. Music is an essential part of every child's development and the 125 original Moo Music songs used at the sessions are positive, uplifting, fun and educational. Come join the fun! Check out the website for days and times.

H o m e


T r a d e

S e r v i c e s

Home Maintenance

Pike's Waste Water Services


Let us save you money on your energy bill by removing the sun blocking film that builds up over time & stops the sun rays from penetrating the panels. We are fully licensed & insured Technicians performing highrisk tasks using non-toxic products.


Pike's Waste Solar Cleaning


Quality Installation and Servicing of all types of domestic waste water treatment systems since 2013. 20% off your first 12 month contract for new customers. Refer a friend & recieve a further 20% off (save up to $112 or more in your first year with us) *Refer a friend discount also applies to existing customers.


Doing life, motherhood & business differently


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