1 minute read
Money Mindset Advice
What are your 3 top tips are for creating wealth as a woman in today’s world? - Brooke Huggins
Money is the easiest thing in the world to get. You sell something somebody wants, in exchange for money. There is a virtually endless supply of it out there.
Here’s where it gets complicated - all our underlying beliefs about money. The very first interaction you had with money was fear. Every toddler wants to eat coins, and then we get yelled out “Don’t put that in your mouth, money is DIRTY”.
Then we’re told, “money doesn’t grow on trees!” when we express desires. We’re told it’s better to give than receive. We’re shown that rich people are greedy, selfish, and wear impractical fancy clothes.
Read the complete article in the Mumpreneur Movement Magazine: Stronger Together issue.
Denise Duffield-Thomas
Denise Duffield-Thomas is the money mentor for the new wave of online entrepreneurs who want to make money and change the world.
She helps women charge premium prices, release the fear of money and create First Class lives.
Her books Lucky Bitch, Get Rich, Lucky Bitch, and Chillpreneur give a fresh and funny roadmap to living a life of abundance without burnout.
Her Money Bootcamp has helped over 6,000 students from all around the world.
She’s a lazy introvert, a Hay House author and an unbusy mother of 3. She owns a rose farm and lives by the beach in sunny Australia.