BMM- July 19 - Anxious Children, Holidays and Apps for Busy Mums

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Busy Mums Mag

Volume 25 July 2019

Helping Children with Anxiety

Apps for Busy Mums

Winter Getaways

Editors Note Thank you for reading the Busy Mums Magazine! I write this Editor’s note with Bittersweet feelings. This will be my last edition as editor for the Busy Mums Magazine and as such, there are feelings of sadness. The happiness comes from knowing that there are two new owners looking after MumsDelivery and the Busy Mums Magazine, who will continue to help find and provide you with Solutions for Busy Families. Within this edition we look at ways of helping children who suffer anxiety issues. There are many reasons behind it and many parents worrying how to help their child, so we look at what parents can do to help. Find upcoming school holiday activities along with Winter Getaway ideas and tips for those going winter camping. As always, we would love to hear from you with suggestions and feedback. Best wishes,


Get in touch: Editor: Lorraine Salvi Advertising Enquiries: Office: (02) 9940 3097 2

Would you like to become a contributor for Busy Mums Magazine? We are always on the look out for stories and mums wanting to share their experiences & tips Stay Connected

Table of Contents



Dealing with Anxiety in Children Real life: 6yo suffers severe seperation anxiety after mother dies Being bigger, stronger, wiser and kind to beat anxiety Toy Corner July School Holiday Activities

Apps for Busy Mums Reviewed


Dijon Chicken Casserole Lentil & Coconut Curry Sweet Chilli Pork Rice Paper Rolls Baked Bacon and Egg Quick, Easy Tabouli


A Cheat’s Guide to Winter Camping with Baby Winter Camping tips and tricks Winter getaway in Brisbane City Winter Getaways


Dealing with Anxiety in Children As a parent, your instinct is to do whatever you need to protect your child from feeling distressed. For the most part it’s a good parenting philosophy to follow…except when it comes to anxiety. Whether it’s a school test, a class speech, going somewhere new and unfamiliar, a visit to the dentist, or being away from mum and dad – anxious kids (like anxious adults) will prefer to avoid situations that make them feel anxious. It’s an instinct so strong that any attempts by you to encourage your child to face their fears will probably be met with forceful refusals, tears, and tantrums. The level of distress your child shows at just the idea of entering a feared situation is so high that it goes against the parenting grain to persevere with your encouragement. Encouraging your child to do something that makes them so upset can’t be helpful right? Wrong. Avoidance will resolve your child’s distress in the short-term, but over the longer-term it will make their anxiety worse. Worse still, if your child never faces their fears they’ll never have the opportunity to learn that they can cope, and there’s the potential for them to develop anxiety in other areas as well. Avoid avoidance. Use these tips to help your child manage their anxiety instead.

Help Your Child to Understand their Worries

Take the time to listen to your child’s concerns and show you’re listening by giving your child your undivided attention. As you listen try to help your child pinpoint their worry (e.g. “It sounds like you’re really upset and don’t want to go to school tomorrow. Is there something different on tomorrow at school?)

Help Your Child Solve Their Worry

Try to avoid jumping in with solutions or reassurance. Solutions and reassurance will help your child to feel better in the short-term, but they won’t help your child to develop skills to manage anxiety in the longer-term. Instead, help your child to identify whether there’s anything they can do to make the situation better, and then brainstorm. For example, if your child is worried about a spelling test at school, one solution might be to set aside 15 minutes each afternoon to practice spelling. Try to sit back and encourage your child to come up with their own solutions. If your child can come up with their own plan of action it will help them to feel more in control and more able to cope next time they’re anxious.



Avoid Avoidance

When your child feels anxious they’ll want to avoid whatever it is that’s making them feel this way. While avoidance will help your child to feel better in the short-term, longer-term it will actually worsen their anxiety. Identify what it is that your child’s trying to avoid and list all the situations related to this. For example, if your child wants to avoid being separated from you this might mean that they: try to avoid leaving you to go to school, delay going to bed to avoid being away from you, follow you from room to room around the house, always come with you when you leave the house to run errands, or avoid sleepovers to avoid being away from you for an extended period of time. Rank situations from most anxiety provoking to least anxiety provoking, then help your child to gradually face their fear with regular practice. Practice will initially cause your child some distress, but with repeated practice your child’s anxiety should lessen because they’ll learn a) that the situation isn’t as scary as they thought, and b) they can cope. Start with the least anxiety provoking step first, and practice this step once or twice per week until it’s almost boring. When you’ve practiced enough, move on to the next step and repeat.

Develop a List of Rewards

Facing fears can be hard and while you as a parent might be able to see the future benefits of not relying on avoidance to cope, your child will probably see things differently. Ask your child to come up with a list of rewards that would help them to feel good about practicing facing their fears. For rewards to be effective they have to be meaningful (i.e. something your child actually wants) and awarded as soon as possible after the step is completed. If the reward can’t be given immediately (e.g. a movie with a friend on the weekend) give your child a voucher that they can “cash in”. Rewards should reflect the degree of difficulty of the task – smaller rewards should be given for smaller steps, and larger rewards for later more challenging steps. Rewards might include: picking what’s for dinner, going to the movies, having a friend over, special time with mum/dad, extra TV time, staying up 15 minutes later than usual, etc.

Model Bravery

If you’re apprehensive, your child might misinterpret your anxiety to mean that (1) the situation is dangerous, and (2) you don’t believe they can cope. When you’re helping your child to practice facing their fears, try to remain calm and confident. This will show your child that you have confidence in them which will in turn help them to have confidence in themselves. Article by: Dr Sarah Hughes is a clinical psychologist, author, and media commentator. Sarah has over 10 years of clinical experience and is an authority on everything from toddler tantrums and teenage drama to body image, work/life balance, and relationships. The author of two books, ‘Skip The Drama’ and soon to be released ‘Parenting Made Simple’, Sarah offers straightforward and practical advice to help parents navigate the rabbit warren that is parenting. She completed her clinical training at the University of Sydney and holds a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology and a PhD in child and adolescent anxiety disorders and founded Think Clinical Psychologists in 2011.



Real Life Story

6yo Suffers Severe Seperation Anxiety after his Mother Dies

We got the call and our world stopped. My step son’s mum had suddenly passed away. He was at his grandparent’s house for the night and we were so thankful for this as we needed time to process what had happened and how to tell him. How do you tell your 6yo that his mum has died and he will never be able to see her again?

We called a family service hotline to ask for advice. We didn’t want to make things worse. If we said she had died in her sleep, which was the case, then he might be afraid to fall asleep or afraid if we fell asleep that he would lose us too. The next day we sat him down and told him his mum’s heart had stopped beating and she was now in the sky. He looked at us blankly. We said, “you won’t be able to see mummy again as she’s in heaven.” It still didn’t sink in. We gave him some time and then you could see his face change. He asked, “so I will never see mummy ever again?” He howled! He screamed for mummy! As a parent you just feel hopeless. There was nothing we could do or say to make the situation better. That day still remains one of the worst moments of my life. On the Monday I went in to tell his teacher what had happened. She was so supportive as were all our friends and family. Our close friends told their children so that if he brought it up they would understand. This was in September 2017. The rest of his prep year went quite well. It was like nothing had happened. The consistency of the same teacher and same class really helped him.


Parenting Then grade 1 came….. All I can say is that those first 6 months were horrendous. Getting him ready for school was hard but dropping him off was even worse. The teachers would literally have to pry him off me and I left him screaming my name, being held so he wouldn’t run after me. I felt like the worst mum. Not wanting to leave him like that but knowing if I stayed I’d be there all day. He was now having severe separation anxiety from me. He didn’t want me to leave him. He was scared that I wasn’t going to come back and pick him up. When he went to visit his nan he would be hysterical at night because she was old and he was scared she would die while he was in the house with her. The tipping point was when we went on a family holiday and he had a panic attack. At first I didn’t know what it was. He was hysterical, pushing me away and hyperventilating. My husband just held him until he calmed down. At this point I knew I had to find something to help. I studied and researched. I tried many things – deep breaths, thinking of happy thoughts, he did journaling and took his teddy bear with him everywhere. He even saw a psychologist who suggested all the things I had already done. But these things were all masks covering his pain. I wanted something that would be able to help him resolve his feelings. It was then I found EFT tapping! This without a doubt has been the BEST help to his anxiety. I completed a course so I could help him resolve his feelings of grief and anger. It was easy for him to use and all he needed to do was talk through his emotions while tapping on pressure points on his head and body. Sometimes he wanted me to do it so while he talked I tapped on the pressure points and found it calmed him down within a matter of seconds. Almost 2 years on, my son is a different child. He now enjoys going to school, even asks when do I have school next? I’m so grateful to have found something natural that empowers him to take charge of his own feelings and help himself. Author: Meagan Goodes is a holistic therapist who started her journey to help her son overcome his anxiety after his mum passed away when he was 6. She has assisted many clients improve many facets of their life through the scientifically proven method of EFT tapping. With the assistance of doctors, Meagan has been able to help clients come off medication taken for mental health by working on the underlying issues that caused their conditions. This in turn has improved clients sleeping patterns, relationships, finances, mental health and dealing with stressful situations to name a few. Website:



Being Bigger, Stronger, Wiser and Kind to beat anxiety

Kids love rules. We think they don’t, but they do – even if they don’t know it! Confused? Think for a minute about times when your kids have shown signs of anxiety (nail biting, teeth grinding, ‘meltdowns’, controlling behaviours and clinginess can sometimes indicate feelings of anxiety). What was going on environmentally at that time? Sometimes, a lack of boundaries, rules or expectations can leave kids wondering “who is really in charge here?”, which can lead to less sophisticated versions of these kinds of thoughts: “if my caregivers aren’t able to stick to rules or set consistent boundaries, how can they protect me and keep me safe?”. This can create some pretty big feelings for kiddos, often feelings they can’t label which causes further uneasiness. When we as adults feel uneasy or anxious, we often try to reduce these feelings by increasing our sense of control. The same kind of thing happens with our kiddos who might show a need to gain some control over their environment in an attempt to get rid of their “yucky” feelings. Enter tricky behaviours that are rooted in ‘control’.

to apply another consequence because this was really meaningful for her, and she understood the sequence of events that lead to her devastation thanks to the hoola-that-is-no-longer-a-hoop!

minds about the rules we value and how we are going to communicate these to our children – and what the consequences will be for when these rules are broken. Often consequences are natural and logical, like when my daughter didn’t follow the “we look after our belongings” rule and her hoola hoop broke. In these instances, I don’t need

Article by Amanda Abel. Amanda is a paediatric psychologist, mum, and founder of Northern Centre for Child Development (NCCD) & Hawthorn Centre for Child Development (HCCD) – multidisciplinary paediatric practices in Melbourne. Get more info at:

But how do we respond in the moment when we have tricky control-based behaviours? We need to welcome our children when they come to us with To steal a phrase from the Circle of Security big feelings. We need to provide support for our founders, we need to be “bigger, stronger, wiser kiddos to help them organise their feelings. What and kind” as caregivers if we are going to create secure little beings. Sometimes we need to make does that look like? It’s about labelling their feelings ‘grown-up’ decisions and be the parent even when and acknowledging that all feelings are valid and worthwhile. And while we do this, we need to show our inner-child is screaming out to join in and them how to make themselves feel better. This have a laugh with our kiddo at 3 am when they might be about working together initially to take are being funny and refusing to go back to bed. some deep breaths, or offering space, or giving a Because, chances are, tomorrow night we won’t pillow to scream into or punch, or grabbing out some be in the mood to have a laugh and what kind sensory toys if there are some biting or scratching of message are we sending if one night we are happy to engage in frivolity in the dead of night but behaviours going on. the next night we are not? Our kids can’t read our Our job as parents is to provide the scaffolding for minds. our kiddos to be able to self-regulate. The aim is not To be proactive, we need to be comfortable ‘taking for independence, but for children to come to us for help and feel comfortable expressing their emotions charge’ and being the adult while balancing this in a safe and supported way. with being kind. We need to be clear in our own



Books that may help Teaching Kids to Manage Anxiety: Superstar Practical Strategies Kids today are growing up in a fast-paced world where information and opportunity overload can be overwhelming. Based on many years of clinical experience as an Occupational Therapist, Deb Hopper has been using her Just Right Kids® Model to teach children to communicate and manage their stress and anxiety by: • Identifying their “body speed”, • Understanding their stress triggers, and • Implementing simple strategies to reduce anxiety and stress. RRP: $25 inc GST Available from:

How Big Are Your Worries Little Bear? Little Bear is a worrier. He worries about everything! But with Mama Bear’s help, he soon learns his worries are not so big after all. Through this engaging story children will learn that everyday worries and fears can be overcome. Discussion questions and extra hints to help children manage anxiety are included. Written by Jayneen Sanders and illustrated by Stephanie Fizer Coleman. Best suited for children aged 3–9 years. Available from: Educate2Empower Publishing RRP: $13.95 AUD




The greatest warriors throughout space and time have been plucked from their battlefields, miniaturized and boxed! Now on Earth, they’re grumpy, they’re dysfunctional, and they’re ready to fight! There are 13 warriors to collect. Open your box to see which warrior will rise. Unveil their weapons and reveal their secret strengths. DO NOT HANDLE WITH CARE Available from: Toy World, Toymate, Catch RRP: $19.99

MICRO MOTORZ Get ready to drift and race your friends with Micro Motorz, the hottest new collectible range for boys. Each Micro Motorz is a micro-size drifting car that comes with a cool unboxing experience. Micro Motorz are the smallest and coolest cars around, they are super-fast and super fun! Micro Motorz are available from Big W, Toyworld, Toy Mate, Kidstuff, NewsXpress and other leading independent toy stores RRP: $12.95



HAIRDOOZ New from Headstart- Hair Dooz! Get ready to meet the six lil’ cuties hoo love their dooz! Just peel off the wrapper from the cute shampoo shaped bottle, twist off the lid and discover who is inside! Remove the smock and hair dryer to reveal the outfit and hair doo! There are 24 dooztochooz. Available from: Big W, Woolworths, Kmart, Target, Toymate, Toyworld , Mr Toys RRP: $12.99


Available now at Kmart! You’re going to read some really messed up stuff on these cards, and then rank them based on how bad they really are. Is a 3rd degree sunburn better or worse than seeing your father naked? Is it worse than dropping your phone in the toilet? Rank the card, and if our Misery Index agrees with you, you get to keep it. Correctly rank 10 cards and you win. For 2 or more players. Suitable for ages13+. RRP $19

BFF DELUXE BESTIE DOLL The Bestie Dolls are bigger than ever! Collect Angelina, Cassandra and Zoe, along with their BFFs Stardust, Dash and Zara. Each pack includes: Deluxe Bestie fashion doll, articulated BFF and bag, hair accessories, fabric outfit and styleable hair. RRP: $39 Available from: Big W, Target, Mr Toys, Toymate, Toyworld


In a style reminiscent of Tickle Me Elmo, Tickle and Roll Elmo laughs so hard that he rolls on the floor! Tickle Elmo's tummy to hear him giggle and wiggle! Elmo says phrases such as "Elmo's toes are too ticklish for that!" and "Oh boy, Elmo loved that!", and then watch as his monster laughs see him roll on the floor. RRP: $39.00 Available from: Big W, Mr Toys, Toymate and Toyworld



July School Holiday Activities NSW

RIVERSIDE THEATRES - PARRAMATTA This July school holidays, Riverside Theatres is a treasure trove of delights for kids of all ages, with a spectacular program that includes the musical magic of The Toybox, Andy Griffith’s hilarious Just Romeo & Juliet! presented by Bell Shakespeare and the outrageous fun of Roald Dahl’s The Twits. Find out more by visiting:

THE JOAN - PENRITH Featuring circus, movement, colour and a heartwarming tale, Q Theatre presents The Ugliest Ducking, this winter school holidays from Thursday 11 – Saturday 13 July, 2019. A non-verbal performance, young audiences can expect a spectacle of stunts, physicality and incredible staging said Atkins “Design, lighting, sound, set design, costuming and movement all combine to make this a really engaging story filled with equal parts tender moments and laugh out loud comedy.” Tickets are $20 for children, $25 for adults and family passes for $80. Bookings online at

WAY OUT WEST CHILDREN’S FESTIVAL The 2019 WOW Festival is a five-day event held in one of Australia’s most unique arts centres, the Casula Powerhouse in July. The WOW Festival invites you to dive into the packed program of theatre, interactive installations, dance, music, literature, food, yoga, workshops and FREE family events guaranteed to inspire joy, creativity and curiosity. Most WOW events are FREE – ticketed events range from $5 - $30




MELBOURNE STAR OBSERVATION WHEEL These winter school holidays, Melbourne Star Observation Wheel will host an array of fun and free activities including free flights for kids, a Spy in the Sky challenge and a special celebration with Melbie Bear on Wednesday, July 10 for Teddy Bear Picnic Day. Every day from June 29 to July 14, 2019 Melbourne Star will keep the kids entertained and parents happy by offering FREE flights for children* and an engaging Spy in the Sky challenge. Equipped with special binoculars kids will need to listen out for clues and act fast to identify the city’s most iconic landmarks from the floating cabins of the Melbourne Star! To join the school holiday fun and book online, visit the Melbourne Star website – LUNA PARK We just couldn’t wait a million more days until Christmas, so we decided to get festive mid-winter instead. So make sure to wrap-up warm and head to the Park 29 June to 14 July and enter our magical Christmas Wonderland. Luna Park can EVEN confirm SANTA will be in the house with his Elves helping children gather around for Santa’s special ‘Storytelling Sessions’ to hear what he gets up to when it’s not Christmas time! Santa’s Storytelling Session will take place weekends of 29/30 June, 6/7 July and 13/14 July in-line with snowfalls at: 12noon, 1pm, 2pm and 3pm. Visit: for opening hours and ticket prices. THE LOST LANDS The Lost Lands is the brainchild of Simon and Mella, a husband and wife duo, who collectively founded and ran The Falls Music & Arts Festival for 20 years. After their second child six years ago, they moved on to other adventures. Inspired by long weekend campouts with their family and friends, they gave birth to a new festival - The Lost Lands! A magical experience, where families can dance, unleash their creativity and enjoy breathtaking performances together. Website - TicketsOptions/Costs -



Apps to Help Busy Mums

Time, Money, Lifestyle, Productivity; wouldn’t it be nice to be able to easily improve these areas. Imagine having a little more time, a bit of extra money, a better lifestyle and be more productive by increasing your brain power. Well now you can, and I promise it is easy. Here are my tried and tested apps to help better each of these areas. They are hassle free and they work.


Screentime: availability IOS and Android Screentime helps your track the whole digital families screen usage, limit screen time and block apps. It also allows you to manage your children’s devices, filter the web, track location, and has a locking option for bedtime and other important activities. The very clever creators of this app have considered our natural response system to ensure the apps save you time. Our brains are naturally wired to look for rewards and avoid consequence. You can reward your children with extra screen time when they complete activities such as chores and homework! Genius! If you are like most mums, you feel constantly overwhelmed and busy. You are probably also on your phone… a lot (I have my hand up in absolute ownership here). I recently had to go without a phone for two weeks and it scared me how much I missed it. I realised that I was on it ALL the time. A glance here, a Facebook scroll there. I was wasting hours every day, mindlessly scrolling, searching and saving for later. I also struggle to keep my kids away from their devices and cringe at some of the things that they occupy themselves with on their devices. Screentime allows you a basic free subscription that includes all the reports you need to monitor your families screen usage. If you need the premium controls and options, you can then upgrade for $4.99 a month (a small price to pay for receiving hours back a week and time with your family).




Raiz: availability IOS and Android Raiz is a simple savings and investment app that replaces the good old change jar (considering we don’t deal with tangible money all that often anymore). Only Raiz takes it one step further and invests your change for you. Raiz links to your bank accounts and deposits the “round ups” to the nearest dollar from your purchases and invests them into a portfolio for you. For Example; You buy a cuppa with your pay pass that totals $4.20, it rounds up to $5 and the extra 80 cents goes into your portfolio! You also have the option to deposit extra funds if you wish. For those of you who are a little wary of apps linking to your accounts, it is Government approved and your funds are insured against crime so you can put your mind at ease. You get to choose the level of risk you would like to take with your investments and you can change this at any time. The best thing is that you don’t have to know anything about investment portfolios (let’s face it, navigating that can feel like learning to fly a space rocket), it is all managed for you. You can save money and have the potential to make money in a portfolio without even looking at it. I managed to slot away and make over $400 with this handy little investment tool. My partner saved and made thousands in a few years…without even realizing it! There is also a ‘kick back’ system; So every time you talk about how great the app is to your friends, send them the link to join and you will be rewarded with $2.50 when they sign up!


Mealime: availability IOS and Android Deciding what to cook for a family takes up so much of our mental space. If we don’t have time or don’t feel like it, we will often spend money on take out (and it isn’t always healthy). So consider Mealime as a time, money and brain power saving app that plans meals for your family. The recipes are designed to be made in about 30 minutes (I find they take up to 45 minutes). This app couldn’t be easier to use if you tried. All you have to do is: 1 Put in your food preferences, allergies and restrictions 2 Select a weeks’ worth of meals from the choices provided 3 Download the shopping list 4 Follow the instructions Many meal planning apps that I have used in the past have ingredients that may be difficult to find. The ingredients in Mealime are often simple and you will find many of them already tucked away in your fridge and pantry. Mealime is a free app with the option to upgrade for $5.99 month / $49.99 year, but you will probably find that you don’t need it. Although, once again, a small price to pay when you are rewarded with time, money and brain power! Article from: Abbey McKenna. Chaotically organised, energetically tired, beautifully dishevelled, erratically in control mother of 5 children and a rescue dog. Abbey is the Chief Editor for The Parenting Co a teacher, visible learning coach, environmental rehabilitation business owner and NLP practitioner; but her claim to fame is having the best taste in music and the hippest Mom dance moves you have ever seen.



MORE APPS Off goes the alarm, begrudgingly I roll out of the bed, into my slippers and get ready for the Monday madness to kick off. A dog-walk, toddler tantrum, missing school bag and a spilt latte later and I’m here, about to start prepping for an interview to get back into my dream role after an extended break away from the corporate world. There was a stage where doing this all single handily was getting to me. Where was my pat on the back? Where was my gold star for bringing up my babies whilst trying to get my career back-offthe-ground? When a friend told me about Daily Fix Me, a motivational app that acts as your personal cheerleader to encourage you to kick goals, I was sold. I downloaded it and fell in love immediately. Every morning, Daily Fix Me sends me a powerful quote that makes me think ‘right, stop feeling sorry for yourself, get up and go get it!’ I save my favourites as my screensaver to remind me throughout the day to keep going. Daily Fix Me lets me save and upload my favourites to my socials, although I just love sending them directly to my friends who I know need to see something empowering too. It was so simple, yet felt so good! A simple message every morning to remind me that even though I’m a single Mum, I can also be a business owner, marathon runner and total #GIRLBOSS, to name a few! Daily Fix Me is $4.49 per month, which I am happy to pay for the motivation lift I need. Written by Marielo Gomez



Reviewed V-Tech Birdie Travel Mobile We were in looking for a soothing mobile that could also entertain him a for a while when he wakes up in the morning.. See what we thought of the V-Tech Mobile in our review

V Tech Push and Spin Helicopter

The Push and Spin Helicopter is a sturdy toy which means it was able to move on the carpet not just on a flat smooth surface like a table. This feature also allows for the toy to still functional/drive if the batteries where to run out.

Read the full review

Biome Light Face Cream. The Biome Light Face Cream offers a hydrating facial cream designed to nourish while using only pure ingredients. As moisturising is a critical way of replenishing hydration levels. Find out how it goes.

Read the Review for more. Globber 18.0 by KleeperI always wanted to be a ‘fun’ mum, being involved in my children’s lives and enjoying activities with them. After breaking my wrist rollerblading with the kids; I

thought the dream was over. The Globber 18.0 by Kleefer scooter has given me new hope. A scooter for mum! Read the Review


Wriggly Toes Children’s Bedding Wriggly Toes have created a beautiful line of children’s custom designed organic bedding, which will ensure not only calm and dreamy beds for the kids, but the peace of mind that their bedding has been crafted in a way to ensure it has made a minimal impact on the environment which we are leaving behind for our children. Read the Review Springfree Trampoline A safe, fun enjoyable outdoor toy for children of almost any age. Springfree Trampolines have a name synonymous with quality, durability and safety, and I was extremely happy to review the trampoline to see why they have earnt such a great reputation.


Dijon Chicken Casserole

dijon_chicken_casserole This aromatic Chicken Casserole was a crowd pleaser. A simple, quick and easy family meal that anyone can make.

Ingredients 1 kg Chicken Thigh Fillets Olive Oil 2 onions, chopped finely 2 cloves garlic, crushed 6 bacon rashers, chopped 1 teaspoon butter 2 cups chicken stock 3 Tbsp. Dijon Mustard 1 Tbsp. Wholegrain Mustard Zest of 1 Lemon 1 tsp fennel seeds 125ml Thickened Cream Salt and Pepper (to season as desired) 1 cup Frozen Peas Parsley (optional) Method: Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius With around 2 Tbsp. Olive oil, add onions, garlic and bacon and butter to your casserole dish and fry until soft and golden in colour. Remove from dish. Add more olive oil if required and then add chicken, to casserole dish, browning on both sides. Salt chicken while browning to aid the cooking process Add stock, and mustards, lemon and fennel seeds stirring to bind together. Bring to a simmer and then place casserole dish in oven for 45minutes Add peas and cream and cook for a further 15 minutes. Season with salt and pepper to taste Add parsley and serve with steamed rice. Lorie



Lentil and coconut curry Ingredients: – – – – – – – – – – –

1 tablespoons oil 1 onion, chopped 1 teaspoon each: cumin seeds and coriander seeds 4 cloves of garlic, chopped 1 can of crushed tomatoes 1 teaspoon turmeric 1 teaspoons sea salt 2 tins lentils, drained and rinsed Optional: 1 teaspoon chilli flakes 1 can coconut milk 1/4 bunch chopped coriander

– Juice of 1/2 a lemon Method: 1: Heat up a large pan on a medium heat. Add the oil and seeds. Toast them for 1 minute until lightly golden. 2: Add the onions and garlic along with the turmeric, salt and chilli (if using). Cook for 5 minutes until the onions are soft and the spices start to smell delicious. 3: Add the lentils and stir for 1 minute. Add tin of tomatoes and coconut milk. Bring to the boil then turn down and simmer for 30 minutes until the sauce is reduced and thick. 4: Taste, add lemon juice, coriander and season with more salt if necessary. 5: This curry is amazing with brown rice or flatbreads, and is perfect for freezing, portioned into sandwich bags. Recipe from Alex Morris. Alex is a beach-loving health coach working with busy women to achieve their health and fitness goals through delicious foods and sustainable methods. Having trained as a chef for 8 years in some of Sydney’s best restaurants, he is now sharing his knowledge and passion for healthy, tasty food with the world through his online videos. You can follow Alex and find out more about his coaching work here:



Sweet Chili Pork Rice Paper Rolls

These Sweet Chili Pork Rice Paper Rolls are delicious, a great way to get your children to eat healthy; perfect as a snack, school lunch or lunch for a working mum. I think the key to getting the Rice Paper not to rip, is not soaking the rice paper in the water for too long. Also if you get a rip or two, try to use it at the beggining of where you start rolling, so that you cover it with other rice paper. Ingredients: Left over Pork Roast, cut into thin strips (would also work with Chicken) 1 carrot, grated ½ cucumber grater 100g (Large handful) of vermicelli noodles (1/3 of a 250g packet) Packet Rice Paper Rolls Parsley, chopped finely (optional) ¼ cabbage, diced 3-5 Tbsp. Sweet Chili Sauce Dressing (just mix together) 2 tsps. Thai Lime & Coriander Dressing 3 tsps. Sweet Chili Sauce

Method: Chop and dice all ingredients and put into their own bowls near your work station. Place the vermicelli noodles into boiling water for 2 minutes. Place Rice Paper Rolls into warm water working with only one at a time (as per packet instructions – do not submerse for too long) then onto a tea towel. About an inch from the top of the rice paper pour a little sweet chili sauce, then add 2-3 strips of pork, a little carrot, cucumber, cabbage, vermicelli noodles and parsley. Fold the top of the rice paper roll over your ingredients, then fold each side in and roll the rice paper roll down to create your compact roll. Serve with dressing and enjoy. To make the Pork Rice Paper Rolls more flavoursome, marinate some pork fillets to give them a stronger flavour and then slice and use these instead of left over pork roast. Lorie

Click for More Recipes 20


Baked Bacon & Eggs The best thing about this version of bacon and eggs is that you don’t need to stand over the hot stove watching the bacon and eggs as you cook the toast and tend to your little ones! Simply place in the oven, set the timer and wait Ingredients: -Cooking Spray -2 Rashers Bacon -2 Eggs -Salt & Ground Pepper Method: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Preheat the oven to 200°C and spray the insides of 2 ramekins with cooking spray. Line the inside of each ramekins with a rasher of bacon. Place in the oven for 10 minutes. Remove ramekins and crack one egg in each ramekin. Season with salt & pepper and return to oven for 6-7 minutes, or until the egg whites are set. Serve as is or on toast with brekky sides such as sausages, fried mushrooms, tomatoes, etc.


Quick, Easy Tabouli We love Tabouli in our house and while the traditional recipes call for Burghul, we always have Cous Cous on hand so I find it easier to use that ingredient. Ingredients


2 bunches parsley A Handful of Mint leaves 1 red onion, diced ½ cup Cous Cous Lemon Juice 1-2 tomatoes chopped

Into a food processor, add parsley,mint and the onion. Put into the salad bowl Put the couscous into a separate bowl (ideally flat). Cover the cous cous in lemon juice and let it soak until all absorbed. Add chopped tomatoes to the salad. To dress the Tabouli, simply add lemon juice, a little olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Keep checking the taste and adding lemon/oil/seasoning until the taste is perfect. Lorie


Travel Lifestyle

A Cheats Guide to Winter Camping with a Baby Whenever people hear that we’ve taken our daughter camping since she was eight-weeks-old they either think we’re incredibly brave – or incredible crazy. I understand the reaction. There is a high chance she was conceived in a tent on the edge of a National Park so you could say she was born to be wild but, even for us, going camping for the first time with a baby was an intimidating experience – especially in winter. What if she’s uncomfortable, what if she doesn’t sleep, what if she cries? These were the concerns I repeated over and over again in the car on the way to our camp spot. But, now that we’re a family of four (with a 2.5 year old and a one year old) there is a reason we fill out spare time with mountain hikes, dewy forests and four-wheel-drive road trips. There are few things as magical as watching a baby wake up in a tent, watching the morning sunlight reflect off the canvas. Still need convincing? Here are my top tips for sleeping under the stars with tiny people even when the temperature drops.


When it comes to camping sleeping arrangements, you have to do what’s right for you, trust your instincts and be experimental. A lot of camping families co-sleep (bonus: body heat) but my toddler is very independent. Instead – and I realised this won’t work for everyone – she sleeps on her own in a swag filled with her cuddly toys and even a projector that plays nursey rhymes. Meanwhile, my husband and I sleep in a tent with the baby VERY close by. We pitched the swag in her bedroom for a practise run beforehand.


On our first camping trip It was summer, yet I still underestimated the temperature at night. Now, I come prepared for arctic temperatures. It’s helpful to buy baby gear from colder countries such as Next’s snowsuits which are designed for Northern Hemisphere winters. We also use Phil and Ted’s pram sleeping bag to keep our baby warm when sitting around the camp fire in the evening (it’s not for sleeping in). During the daytime, Kathmandu’s bambino kid’s fleece jumpsuit is a musthave for misty hikes, as it’s warm but not bulky.




I have always been a no-frills camper who believed packing a camping chair was indulgent. But if you’re breastfeeding a ‘real’ seat is essential, and your baby can have their own throne too. We were given an OzTrail Junior High Chair as a gift and it’s now one of my top recommendations. It was a blessing when we went camping in an ant-ridden area. Plus, the tray is covered in wipe-clean plastic which reflects the light and seems to mesmerise babies. A positive of winter camping is you don’t have to worry about mosquitos.


There is a high chance little campers will wake before sunrise in winter (ours always do!) so be prepared for the dark and the temperature. The night before make sure you have enough wood for the camp fire, water to make hot chocolate (for cold babies) and enough caffeine to appease the parents. Also remember your children are mirrors of your mindset: if you wake up moaning and groaning about the cold / how early it is / how badly you slept they’ll do the same.


Be realistic about your limits. It’s possible to do multi-day trips with a baby but a one or two night camping expedition is long enough for us at the moment. I like to know that, even if my baby’s routine goes out the window in the wilderness, it will only be for a maximum of 72 hours before we’re back to home base. In fact, our daughter always sleeps better when we’re camping, after a day of fresh air and wild water swimming! It seems like it’s a tonic for stressed out parents AND the little ones too. Article By: Amy Molloy is a journalist, editor and author of the sell-out book The World is a Nice Place: How to Overcome Adversity Joyfully. You can follow her family’s wild adventures on their Instagram account @Fox.and.Reef.


Winter Camping Tips

There are only one question that requires a yes answer if you are planning a winter camping trip “Can we have a fire?”

Where can I go?

Our top three campsites close to Sydney are - Del Rio Caravan Park - Glenworth Valley - Patonga Campground All three of these campgrounds offer cabin, powered sites for the caravan and tent campers. The best bit- they all allow campfires during the winter months. Our favorite pick is the campground at Del Rio because its great for the whole family regardless of age. There is a large undercover area in case you do get a sudden deluge of rain plus there is a small local bar with an open fire and some great comfort food.

What should I bring?

It really is all about the preparation. When it comes to winter camping whether you are a hardened snow camper or maybe you prefer the chilly winter nights rugged up with the warmth of an actual bed nearby, the right gear and some preparation make all the difference.

These boots were made for walking (and keeping dry!!)

Invest in a good quality pair of boots is a must for winter camping. Nothing ruins a great day more than cold, wet feet. If you are not hampered by weight restrictions, then a daytime pair of boots plus some nighttime (dry) footwear ensures you will have toasty toes all day and night! Gloves, socks and extra layers Same goes here for any extra layers you can bring without weighing yourself down too much. Slipping into warm, dry socks at the end of the day is close to heaven on a cold wintery night. Warm inside layers for when the barometer drops while you are cozied up next to a campfire with a hot chocolate (or something stronger!) is just about as good as it gets. Don’t forget the marshmallows! Article from Nadia Clayton of Campsmart a family owned and operated camping business. Campsmart’s mission is to support Australia’s love of adventure. Nadia is an avid camper and is often found planning the next weekend getaway around New South Wales. Nadia believes that the best smell in the world is a campfire and won’t be convinced otherwise.


Winter camping tips and tricks for the family Get prepared for your winter family camping adventure with these easy tips and tricks from the team at Anaconda! • • • • • •

If you’ve got new gear, set up all your equipment in your backyard before you leave as a trial run. Take photos on your phone so you have a handy reference. Make sure you arrive at your camping spot while it’s still light out. Get in early so you can get the best spot and to ensure you aren’t setting up in the dark. During the night wildlife can come and raid rubbish bags left around the campsite. Pack yours away in the car overnight to avoid waking up to a horror movie. Plan activities ahead! Pack some fishing rods, walking shoes or binoculars to make sure you make the most of your surroundings. Pack ‘emergency’ meals such as non-perishable meals. To simplify your outdoor cooking experience, make sure to cut and freeze ingredients ahead to save time. This way, all your meat, vegetables, soups and more will reheat easily! Using a heavy duty tarp such as the OZtrail Ultrarig Tarp under your tent will help prevent getting holes from twigs and stones under your tent, ensuring sure it will last camping trips for years to come!

Enjoy your family camping trip with these convenient tips and tricks. Don’t forget to stay warm! These tips brought to you by Anaconda.


Travel Lifestyle

Winter Getaway in Brisbane City Looking for a winter getaway? Brisbane City is the perfect place to take the family! While the beaches of the great South East become an icy exclusion zone for holiday makers, why not take the family and enjoy a city escape minus the crowds (and the peak holiday season tariffs)? Brisbane holds a treasure trove of things to do, see and eat, places to stay and offers activities for the whole family! Firstly, let’s talk about the weather. Brisbane’s subtropical climate offers a dry and mild winter weather compared to summer’s hot and sweaty days dotted with unpredictable storms and torrential downpours. This means your family has more opportunity to enjoy time outdoors without constantly reaching for the bug spray! The natural beauty of Queensland’s national parks are arguably at their peak in the middle of the year – despite the ‘winter’ label. You’ll also rarely see the overnight temperature in Brisbane drop below 10 degrees in the winter months - so whether you’re camping, caravanning, staying in a hotel, motel or resort, your comfort level won’t be too far removed from summer months. To make your planning easier, we have pulled together a list of must-dos for the kids! There are so many great kid friendly things to do in Brisbane including: bowling, ice skating and Sky Zone trampolining. The Museum of Brisbane, Queensland Museum, Sciencentre and Queensland Rail Museum all offer fun-filled days of learning and activities, offering interactive exhibits on natural history, science, art and more. If the kids are into animals, the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary, Paradise Country and Australia Zoo are all located nearby.


Brisbane also has a number of parks and public gardens around including the lush Botanical Gardens - so why not pack a picnic and have some quality time in the great outdoors with your family? Speaking of outdoors, why not take the kids to Mt Coottha and enjoy a walk to JC Slaughter Falls? You can see art work by local Aboriginal artists along the way. You can also head up to the lookout for one of the most amazing views of Brisbane city. Brisbane also offers a number of exciting markets. Located at South Bank, Riverside, Fortitude Valley, New Farm Park and West End – there are plenty of activities to keep the kids entertained and you might be able to pick up some local treasures as well. South Bank is a must see while in Brisbane, offering playgrounds, plenty of food and shopping options for you and the kids. Of course, if your kids want even more excitement, theme parks are one of the best places to take the kids whilst on holidays and Brisbane is conveniently located near some of the best. Movieworld, Dreamworld, Seaworld Aussie World and Underwater World and all located within 30 minutes from the Brisbane City centre. The options for a fun-filled winter escape are endless – so come and explore Brisbane with the family! Article from Brisbane Holiday Village, a family owned and run holiday park specialising in holiday cabins, camp sites and caravan site accommodation options and offering a huge range of resort-style facilities for the whole family. Our website is:


Winter Getaway Spots to Enjoy Mt Field National Park

World heritage listed Mt Field National Park is Tasmania's best kept secret. Australia's second oldest National Park, the jewel in the crown is a breathtaking cascading 3 tier Russell Falls that roars to life through winter. Fed by snow melt and lots of rain, it is pretty through summer but winter is awe inspiring. While in the Park kids will be kept very busy with spotlighting uncovering the many endangered species that live here, and hunting for the various fungi that will have even the adults believing in fairies! Lets face it though, snow wins every time, and winter in Mt Field is a true winner. Australia's only natural ski field with three ski tows and plenty of toboggan trails with stunning alpine views. A visit to the Information centre will leave you ready to explore further, with a stunning locally made souvenir, and warm back up with amazing coffee and homemade soup... real Tasmania at it's best. Address: Lake Dobson Road, Mt Field TAS 7140 (1 hour NW of Hobart) Costs: Tasmanian Parks Passes apply - $24 per day (other options also available) Camping year round from $22 for a family. location provided by Rachel Power, Rachel Power, Tourism Ambassador & Owner of Waterfalls Café & Gallery in Tasmania’s stunning Mount Field National Park

TarraWarra Estate

Yarra Valley’s internationally renowned winery TarraWarra Estate continues to draw locals and beyond to its superbly situated 65-seat restaurant, nestled within a 400-hectare property amongst peppercorn trees and the rolling vineyard hills. Guests can visit the architecturally designed cellar door for wine tastings before heading to the restaurant to enjoy the seasonally driven menu curated by Head Chef Mark Ebbels. Address: 311 Healesville-Yarra Glen Rd, Yarra Glen VIC 3775 Costs: Prices vary based on an everchanging seasonal menu in the restaurant and for different group sizes visiting the cellar door. Website:

ensure you haven’t forgotten anything by downloading our Packing Checklists! 27

CocoBare Baby has released a new 300ml range that uses only carefully selected and natural ingredients. Loaded with coconut oil, CocoBare Baby’s formulations will keep baby’s sensitive skin hydrated, moisturised and also help to kill of harmful pathogens during the important first years of their life. CocoBare Baby is MIT, paraben and palm oil free, and uses only the purest organic essential oils and the healing effects of Coconut oil that will care for a babies skin in the most natural way.

Funkita Pink Panda Eco Go Jump Suit Australian swimwear brand Funkita has launched a new range of swimwear manufactured from used plastic bottles. As well as giving new life to waste and reducing their environmental impact, the swimwear fabric retains the superior quality, exceptional colours and chlorine resistance that Funkita is known for. The process used to create this revolutionary swimwear emits fewer greenhouse gases and conserves water and energy compared to the process of creating new virgin fibres. Available from: RRP: $64.95

Yowie Wild Water Series Yowie is launching a brand-new series of collectibles all based on marine conservation - the Yowie Wild Water Series. Encouraging children to become an ‘Aqua Guardian’ to help save the earth’s waterways and the animals that live in and around them. The Wild Water Series introduces 24 new water-related animals to collect, replicating endangered or threatened ocean animals from across the globe. Available from: Woolworths, Big W, Kmart, Coles Express, IGA RRP: $3.50

Ella and Mrs Gooseberry by Penelope Pratley & Vikki Conley. Grumpy old Mrs Gooseberry from next door has lost her love. ‘I didn’t know you could lose love,’ says Ella. So she begins her quest to find out what love looks like and how she can help Mrs Gooseberry to rediscover it. Ella and Mrs Gooseberry is a heart-warming picture book about a child’s understanding of love, selfless giving and how it makes you feel. Available from and wherever good books are sold. RRP$24.99


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