Easter Hat with Ears
This Easter hat is sure to get an honourable mention in your Easter hat parade. With the cute features you can dress it up or down to suit your child. 1. Using the white bonnets available from Cleverpatch.com.au, begin by giving your bonnet a coat of brightly coloured paint. 2 Assemble your bonnet and secure with glue. Allow to dry. 3 For a hat band, cut a length of crepe streamer and wrap it around your bonnet. Attach with glue. 4 You may also like to add a bow, if so, simply cut another length of streamer, tie a bow and attach to your bonnet with glue. 5 Cut two large ear shapes from foam. Cut two smaller pieces of foam for the inside of your ears. Attach with glue. Allow to dry. 6 To decorate your bonnet with tissue paper flower, stack six tissue paper squares neatly together. Fold the squares like an accordion until you reach the end of the square. 7 Twist one end of a chenille stem around the middle of the folded tissue paper squares. This will hold the flower together. 8 Round off both ends with a pair of scissors. Now, carefully spread out the pleats and separate each layer of tissue paper by pulling them towards the middle. Alternate each side, pulling one layer up at a time. 9 Scrunch up some green tissue paper or cut out some leaves from felt to accompany the flowers you have made. Attach with glue. 10 Add some chocolate Easter eggs or little chicks around your bonnet by attaching them with glue. 11 Measure a length of elastic under your chin so that it is tight enough to create a strap for your bonnet. Cut the elastic and staple it onto your bonnet brim to ensure your bonnet stays securely on your head.